Wire electric discharge machining of metal matrix composite materials.
Shandilya, P. ; Jain, P.K. ; Jain, N.K. 等
1. Introduction
With progress in science and technology, many-advanced materials
have been developed. Composite material is one of them. Composite
materials have conferred new dimensions to engineering. They can be
designed to assure broad combinations of properties, able to fit the
functional and ecological requirements of a given application, being the
only way of the designed multifunctional materials producing. A
composite material is a material's system composed of a mixture or
combination of two or more micro or macro constituents that differ in
form and chemical composition and which are essentially insoluble to
each other.
Composite materials are being used increasingly in all facets of
life. The ever-increasing need for lightweight, strong, and inexpensive
materials is driving this increased use. These materials are filling
niches in the automotive industry by providing light weight, strong
alternative to steels and aluminums in an effort to increase fuel
efficiency. Additionally, these materials can be designed to be highly
corrosion resistant, thus increasing the average life of automobiles.
Composites are being used in military applications ranging from
lightweight weaponry and body armor to shipboard superstructure applications. The aerospace industry use composite not only for the
strength to weight properties to increased payload capacity but also for
it thermal and mechanical properties in extreme environments. An example
is the shielding tiles used to protect the space shuttle upon atmosphere
reentry. on the basis of matrix constituent composite materials are
classified as organic matrix composites (OMCs), metal matrix composites
(MMCs) and ceramic matrix composites (CMCs).
One of the most widely used composite materials is metal matrix
composite. Metal matrix composites are engineered materials composed of
an elemental or alloy matrix in which an insoluble second phase
reinforce is embedded and distributed to achieve some property
MMCs differ from other composite materials in several ways. Some of
these general distinctions are as follows
1. In MMCs, the matrix phase is either a pure or alloy metal as
opposes to a polymer or ceramic.
2. MMCs evidence higher ductility and toughness than ceramics or
3. The role of the reinforcement in MMCs is to increase strength
and modulus as is the case with PMCs. Reinforcement in CMCs is generally
to provide improved damage tolerance.
4. MMCs have a temperature capability generally higher than
polymers and PMCs less than ceramics and CMCs.
Particulate reinforced metal matrix composites constitute a major
portion of these advanced materials due to its costly reinforcement
particles and low costing processing techniques like casting or liquid
metallurgy (Hashim et al., 1999). Aluminum-silicon metal matrix
composites (MMCs) have received attention all over the world because of
their attractive properties, relative ease in fabrication technology and
their potential to be available at low cost (Hung et al., 1999). MMCs
offer a unique balance of physical and mechanical properties. MMCs have
found many successful industrial applications in recent past as
high-technology materials due to their properties such as high
strength-to-weight ratio, high toughness, lower value of coefficient of
thermal expansion, good wear resistance, and capability of operating at
elevated temperatures (Lindroos & Talvitie, 1995; Rosso, 2006).
MMCs are fabricated using several processes such as casting,
forging and extrusion. However, cutting and finishing operation of MMCs
are not well understood. Applications of the MMCs are restricted by
their poor machinability because the non conductive particles are
inserted into the matrix material. So machining of the MMCs is the main
issue. Machining of MMCs has been done by conventional processes as well
as non-conventional processes.
Conventional machining of these materials causes serious tool wear
due to the presence of abrasive reinforcing particles and thus reduced
tool life (Yan & Wang, 1993; Monaghan & Reilly, 1992). Although,
nontraditional machining techniques such as water jet machining (WJM)
and laser beam machining (LBM) can be used but the machining equipment
is expensive, height of the workpiece is a constraint, and surface
finish obtained is not good (Muller & Monaghan, 2000; Lau & Lee,
1991). on the other hand, some techniques such as electric discharge
machining (EDM) and wire electric discharge machining (WEDM) are quite
successful for machining of MMCs. EDM has limited applications as it can
be used only for drilling purpose. WEDM seems to be a better choice as
it conforms to easy control and can machine intricate and complex
shapes. The setting for the various process parameters required in WEDM
process play crucial role in achieving optimal performance. According to Patil & Brahmankar, 2010 during WEDM an accurate and efficient
machining operation without compromising machining performance is
achievable. Effective and economical WEDM of MMCs will open new areas of
applications for MMCs. The most important performance measures in WEDM
are MRR and kerf. In WEDM, the material removal is by melting and/or
evaporation of electrically conductive phase of MMC. Among other
performance measures, the kerf that determines the dimensional accuracy
of the finishing part is of extreme importance, has not been given due
importance during development model in case of WEDM of MMC. Extensive
experimental work is therefore needed to analyze and optimize the
process parameters to understand their effect on product quality.
Response surface methodology (RSM) is one emerging technique, which
helps in carrying out the analysis of experiments with the least
experimental effort (Montgomery, 1997). In the present work, the
mathematical models were developed and also verification test for the
developed models were carried out, to obtain the optimal setting of
process parameters and to achieve optimum MRR and kerf on the component
made of Si[C.sub.p]/6061 Al MMC processed by WEDM process.
The present chapter contains the seven sections. Section 1 focuses
on: why WEDM is important for machining of MMCs. Section 2 gives the
brief introduction of WEDM and its working principle. Section 3 contains
the critical review on past research work on WEDM of MMCs. Section 4
contains the details of materials and methods used during the
experiments. Section 5 focuses on response surface methodology that have
been used for designing the experiments. Section 6 describes the results
of machinability of Si[C.sub.p]/6061 Al MMC during WEDM. A detailed
study on the effect of process parameters on response characteristics
are presented in this section. Section 7 provides the conclusions from
the present research work and recommendations for future work.
2. Wire electric discharge machining (WEDM)
Wire electric discharge machining was first introduced to the
manufacturing industry in the late 1960s. The development of the WEDM
process was the result of seeking a technique to machine the electrodes
used in EDM. In 1974, D.H. Dulebohn applied the optical-line follower
system to automatically control the shape of the component to be
machined by the WEDM process (Jameson et al., 2001). By 1975, its
popularity rapidly increased, as the process and its capabilities were
better understood by the industry (Benedict, 1987). It was only towards
the end of the 1970s, when computer numerical control (CNC) system was
integrated with WEDM that brought about a major evolution of the
machining process. As a result, the broad capabilities of the WEDM
process were extensively exploited for any through-hole machining owing
to the wire, which has to pass through the part to be machined.
2.1 Basic principle of WEDM
WEDM, also known as electric discharge wire cutting (EDWC), is a
thermoelectric process in which material is eroded from the workpiece by
a series of discrete sparks between the workpiece and a wire electrode
(tool) separated by a thin film of dielectric fluid (generally deionized
water) that is continuously fed to the machining zone to flush away the
eroded particles. The movement of the wire is controlled numerically to
achieve the desired three-dimensional shapes and accuracy of the
workpiece (as shown in Fig. 1).
The wire is guided by sapphire or diamond guide and kept straight
by a high value of wire tension, which is important to avoid tapering of
the cut surface (Saha et al., 2005). High frequency DC pulses are
delivered between the wire and workpiece, causing spark discharges in
the narrow gap between the two. A stream of dielectric fluid is
directed, usually coaxially with the wire, to flood the gap between the
wire and workpiece. The power supply for the WEDM is essentially same as
that for conventional EDM. Except that the current carrying capacity of
the wire i.e. limited up to less than 20 A. In addition, spark
frequencies used are up to 1 MHz, to give a fine surface finish on the
workpiece (Linkbeck et al., 1990). There is no mechanical contact
between the wire and workpiece in WEDM as shown in Fig. 1, the workpiece
is moved under computer numerical control (CNC) relative to the wire,
and this enables complex shaped profile to be cut through sheet and
plate materials. Many machines incorporate further angular positioning
of the wire, thus allowing varying degrees of taper on the cut surface
to be obtained. Adaptive control based on gap voltage sensing is
necessary to avoid contact between the wire and the work material.
Short-circuit must be sensed and the wire is backed off along the
programmed path to establish the correct gap for the efficient cutting
(Ramasawmy & Blunt, 2003; Krar et al., 2005).
3. Past research work on WEDM of MMCs
Very few studies have been undertaken in WEDM of MMCs. Further,
most of these studies have been done by using one-parameter-at-a-time
approach, which may not explain the effects of interaction among various
parameters. Some of past studies on WEDM of MMCs are presented as
Gatto and Luliano (1997) performed the WEDM tests under one
roughing and two finishing conditions on two composites i.e. 15%
Si[C.sub.w]/2009Al and 20% Si[C.sub.w]/2009Al. Results show that the
WEDM rates (mm/min) of both composites are equal. Rozenek et al. (2001)
investigated the effect of machining parameters (discharge current,
pulse-on time, pulse-off time, voltage) on the machining feed rate and
surface roughness during WEDM of AlSi7Mg/SiC and
AlSi7Mg/[Al.sub.2][O.sub.3] MMCs. Generally machining characteristic of
metal matrix composites machined by WEDM is similar to those that occur
in the base material (AlSi7Mg aluminium alloy). The machining rate of
composites significantly depends on the kind of reinforcement. The
maximum cutting speed of AlSi7Mg/SiC and AlSi7Mg/[Al.sub.2][O.sub.3]
composites are approximately 3 times and 6.5 times lower than the
cutting speed of aluminum alloy, respectively. Guo et al. (2002) studied
the machineability of [Al.sub.2][O.sub.3] particle-reinforced 6061
Al-alloy by WEDM process. A method of orthogonal design has been used to
determine the main factors that affect the machining process. The
results show that the electrical discharge energy is closely related to
machining stability. A good machining effect can be attained when the
electrical parameters are properly selected; otherwise, the machining
may be unstable resulting in wire breakage. Yan et al. (2005) used a
WEDM in machining of [Al.sub.2][O.sub.3p]/6061Al composite. The results
show that the cutting speed, the surface roughness and the width of slit
of cutting test material significantly depend on volume fraction of
reinforcement ([Al.sub.2][O.sub.3] particles). Test result reveals that
in machining [Al.sub.2][O.sub.3p]/6061Al composites a very low wire
tension, a high flushing rate and a high wire speed are required to
prevent wire breakage: an appropriate servo voltage, a short pulse-on
time, and a short pulse-off time, which are normally associated with a
high current speed, have a little effect on the surface roughness.
Sarkar et al. (2006) studied the WEDM of [gamma] titanium aluminide.
They also attempted to develop an appropriate machining strategy for a
maximum process yield criteria. A feed forward back propagation neural
network was used to model the machining process. The three most
important parameters the cutting speed, surface roughness, and wire
offset--have been considered as measures of the process performance. The
model is capable of predicting the response parameters as a function of
six different control parameters, i.e. pulse-on time, pulseoff time,
peak current, wire tension, dielectric flow rate and servo reference
voltage. Ali (2006) investigated on the effect and optimization of
machining parameters on the material removal rate (MRR) and surface
roughness in the WEDM process of Al-Cu-TiC-Si P/M composite. The
settings of machining parameters were determined by using Taguchi
experimental design method. The variation of MRR and surface roughness
with machining parameters is mathematically modeled by using non-linear
regression analysis method. The optimal machining parameters for the
objective of maximizing MRR and minimizing surface roughness are
performed. Patil and Brahmankar (2006) investigated the effect of
various control parameters such as pulse-on time, pulse-off time,
ignition pulse current, wire speed, wire tension and flushing pressure
on cutting speed and surface finish of Al/Si[C.sub.p] by using Taguchi
methods. Mathematical models relating the machining performance and
machining parameters have been formulated. optimal settings for each
performance measure have also been obtained, a comparative study on
unreinforced alloy revealed the effect of reinforcement on the machining
process. It was found that the cutting speed for unreinforced alloy was
higher compared to MMC. Wire breakage was found to pose limitation on
the cutting speed of MMC. Saha et al. (2009) studied the machinability
of 5% vol TiC/Fe in-situ metal matrix composite. Modeling of WEDM
process by normalized radial base function network (NRBFN) with enhanced
K-means clustering technique have been done which yields better results
than NRBFN with traditional K-means clustering technique. Results show
that an increase in the average gap voltage leads to the decrease of the
cutting speed. An increase in pulse-on time increases the cutting speed.
Shandilya et al. (2010, a) concluded that to achieve higher value of the
average cutting speed, lower value of voltage and higher value of
pulse-off time should be used during WEDC of Si[C.sub.p]/6061 Al MMC. In
the most recent work, Shandilya et al. (2011, a) studied the effect of
input process parameters on surface surface roughness during WEDM of
Si[C.sub.p]/6061 Al MMC. Results show that, voltage is the most
significant parameter on surface roughness, where as pulse-on time and
pulse-off time has less significant effect.
According to the literature survey it observed that very little
work has been reported on WEDM of MMCs. As the Si[C.sub.p]/ Al MMCs have
many industrial applications but their machining by WEDM is still not
well understood. There is lack of published literature, to determine the
effect of input process parameters on machining of the Si[C.sub.p]/6061
Al MMC by WEDM. Very few optimization and modeling techniques have been
presented for WEDM of Si[C.sub.p]/6061 Al MMC. In the present work
effect of servo voltage, pulse-on time, pulse-off time and wire feed
rate on the quality of cut in terms of MRR and kerf has been evaluated
during WEDM of Si[C.sub.p]/6061 aluminum MMC through RSM. This study
gives the optimal values of input process parameters in which WEDM of
Si[C.sub.p]/6061 Al MMC is possible with maximum MRR and minimum kerf.
4. Experimentation
The experiments were conducted at ECOCUT WEDM Machine (supplied by
Electronica India Pvt Ltd.). A schematic diagram of WEDM system is shown
in Fig. 2.
In the present study Si[C.sub.p]/6061 Al metal matrix composite was
used as the workpiece material made by stir casting technique at FENFEE
Metallurgical research lab, India. Al 6061 was used as the matrix
material and SiC particles were used as reinforcement. Al 6061 alloy has
many superior mechanical properties such as low density, low melting
point, high strength to weight ratio, good ductility and low cost. Al
6061 alloy is also a heat treatable, weldable and corrosion resistant
material (Anon, 1990). The chemical composition of Al 6061 is shown in
Table 1. The weight percentage of SiC was used as 10% having size of 10
[micro]m as reinforcement phase in Si[C.sub.p]/6061 Al MMC. WEDM process
parameters that have been fixed during the experiments are listed in
Table 2. The four input parameters namely servo voltage (SV), pulse-on
time ([T.sub.ON]), pulse-off time ([T.sub.OFF]) and wire feed rate (WF)
were chosen as variables to study their effects on the quality of cut in
Si[C.sub.p]/6061 aluminum MMC using MRR and kerf as response parameters.
Table 3 gives the levels of various parameters that have been selected
on the basis of preliminary experimental investigation and machining
constants (Shandilya et al., 2011, b). The following equation is used to
determine the MRR value (Nito et al., 2006):
MRR = [[M.sub.f] - [M.sub.i]]/[rho]t (1)
Where [M.sub.i], [M.sub.f] are masses (in gm) of the work material
before and after machining respectively, [rho] is the density of work
piece material and t is the time of machining in minutes. An electronic
weighing machine with an accuracy of 0.1 mg was used to measure the
initial and final weight of the workpice.
kerf is expressed as sum of wire diameter and twice of wire-work
piece gap as given in following equation.
kerf = (d + 2 Wg) (2)
Where d is the wire diameter and Wg is the wire workpiece gap in
which spark is produced during the machining.
5. Response surface methodology
Response surface methodology approach is the procedure for
determining the relationship between various process parameters with
various machining criteria and exploring the effects of these process
parameters on the coupled responses (Myers and Montgomery, 2002). In
order to study the effect of WEDM process parameters of Si[C.sub.p]/6061
Al MMC on MRR and kerf, a second order polynomial response can be fitted
into the following equation:
Where Y is the response and [x.sub.1], [x.sub.2], [x.sub.3],
[x.sub.4] are the quantitative variables. [b.sub.j], [b.sub.2],
[b.sub.3] and [b.sub.4] represent the linear effects of [x.sub.1],
[x.sub.2], [x.sup.3] and [x.sup.4] respectively, [b.sub.11], [b.sub.22],
[b.sub.33] and [b.sub.44] represent the quadratic effects of [x.sub.1],
[x.sub.2], [x.sub.3] and [x.sub.4.] [b.sub.12], [b.sub.13], [b.sub.14],
[b.sub.23], [b.sub.24] and [b.sub.34] represent linear-by-linear
interaction between [x.sub.1] and [x.sub.2], [x.sub.1] and [x.sub.3],
[x.sub.1] and [x.sub.4], [x.sub.2] and [x.sub.3], [x.sub.2] and
[x.sub.4], [x.sub.3] and [x.sub.4], respectively. These quadratic models
work quite well over the entire factor space and regression coefficients
were computed according to the least-squares procedure (Shabgard and
Shotorbani, 2009).
By plotting the expected response of Y, a surface, known as the
response surface is obtained. The WEDM process was studied according to
the box behnken design (BBD). Levels and values for four factors have
been given in Table 3. In this investigation, total 29 experiments were
conducted. The 'Design Expert 6.0' software was used for
regression and graphical analysis of the data obtained. The optimum
values of the selected variables were obtained by solving the regression
equations and by analyzing, the response surface contour plots. Analysis
of variance was used to analyze the experimental data and the relative
importance of the machining parameters with respect to the measure of
performance was investigated.
6. Experimental results and discussions
Table 4 illustrates the order, combination and design of
experiments based on the coded surfaces and results of the desired
response surface.
6.1 Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)
ANOVA was used to analyze the experimental data using model summary
statistics and lack of fit tests and to determine the relative
importance of the machining parameters with respect to the measure of
performance. It also shows the value of [R.sup.2]-statistic and adjusted
[R.sup.2]-statistic. The [R.sup.2]-statistic is defined as the ratio of
variability explained by the model to the total variability in the
actual data and is used as a measure of the goodness of fit. The more
[R.sup.2] approaches unity, the better model fits the experimental data.
The adjusted [R.sup.2]-statistic is a statistic which is adjusted for
the 'size' of the model; i.e. number of factors (terms). ANOVA
tables for Si[C.sub.p]/6061 Al MMC of MRR and kerf are presented in
Table 5 and Table 6 respectively. According to the analysis done by the
Design Expert software, if the values of probability (Prob>F) are
less than 0.05, it indicated that the factors is significant to the
response parameters.
Table 5 shows that voltage (V), pulse-off time ([T.sub.OFF]), wire
feed rate (WF), quadratic effect of voltage (V x V), quadratic effect of
pulse-off time ([T.sub.OFF] x [T.sub.OFF]), quadratic effect of wire
feed rate (WF x WF), interaction effect of voltage with pulse-off time
(V x [T.sub.OFF]) and interaction effect of voltage with wire feed rate
(V x WF) have significant effects on MRR. The lack of fit was not
significant which satisfy the model to be fitted. The obtained value of
0.8695 for [R.sup.2] implies that the model explains approximately
86.95% of the variability in MRR. The value of adjusted
[R.sup.2]-statistic is equal to 0.8173 for MRR indicates that 81.73% of
the total variability is explained by the model after considering the
significant factors.
For kerf result of ANOVA analysis as given in Table 6 shows that
voltage (V), pulse-off time ([T.sub.OFF]), wire feed rate (WF),
quadratic effect of voltage (V x V), quadratic effect of pulse-off time
([T.sub.OFF] x [T.sub.OFF]), quadratic effect of wire feed rate (WF x
WF), interaction effect of voltage with wire feed rate (V x WF) and
interaction effect of pulse-off time with wire feed rate ([T.sub.OFF] x
WF) have significant effects. The lack of fit was not significant which
satisfy the model to be fitted. The obtained value of 0.8827 for
[R.sup.2] implies that the model explains approximately 88.27% of the
variability in kerf. The value of adjusted [R.sup.2]-statistic is equal
to 0.7655 for kerf indicates that 76.55% of the total variability is
explained by the model after considering the significant factors.
6.2 Regression model equations for response parameters
The regression equations for response functions i.e. MRR and kerf
in terms of input process parameters are given below. These model
equations indicate the individual, interaction and second order effect
of input process parameters and can be used for predicting the optimal
values of input process parameters. To fit the quadratic model for MRR
and kerf, the non-significant terms are eleminated by backward
elemination process. After eleminating the non-significant terms, the
final response equations for MRR and kerf are found as follow:
MRR = +239.04266 - 3.65079 x V - 12.11592 x [T.sub.OFF] - 9.42771 x
WF + 0.013427 x [V.sup.2] + 0.24855 x [T.sup.2.sub.OFF] + 0.22835 x
W[F.sup.2] + 0.098025 x V x [T.sub.OFF] + 0.077900 x V x WF (4)
kerf = -6.01628 + 0.097591 x V + 0.27264 x [T.sub.OFF] + 0.32573 x
WF - 4.42028E - 004 x [V.sup.2] - 6.41944E - 003 x [T.sup.2.sub.OFF] -
8.16944E - 003 x W[F.sup.2] - 1.22083E - 003 x V x [T.sub.OFF] -
1.86667E - 003 x V x WF (5)
6.3 Optimization of response parameters
Optimization of responses were performed to determine the optimal
values of input process parameters for the desired MRR and kerf based on
the developed mathematical models (i.e. equations 4 and 5). The
'Design Expert 6.0' software was used to optimize the
responses during WEDM of Si[C.sub.p]/6061 Al MMC. The target values for
the MRR were set as maximum and for kerf as minimum. The optimal values
of input process parameters as obtained are listed in Table 7. The
process inputs need some modification for machine constraints. The value
of composite desirability D, was taken as 1 (Montgomery, 1997).
An experiment was carried out at the optimal parametric settings
for MRR and kerf so that targeted value of response parameter can be
obtained. Table 8 shows the predicted value of MRR and kerf obatined
from the mathematical relationships as given in equations 4 and 5
respectively and experimental results with the parameteric optimal
setting as obtained from RSM model. The predicted values of responses
were compared with the respective experimental values and the absolute
percentage error was computed as follows:
% Absolute error = [absolute value of ([Yj,expt -
Yj,pred]/Yj,expt)] x 100 (6)
Where Yj,expt is the experimental value and Yj,pred is the
predictive value of the response for the jth trail by the RSM model.
Prediction are in good agreement with the experimental results for MRR
as compared to kerf because the percentage error of the predicted value
with respect to the experimentally observed value for MRR is 4.26%
whereas for kerf is 10.52%.
6.4Effect of input process parameters on MRR
Fig. 3 depicts the effect of voltage, pulse-on time, pulse-off time
and wire feed rate on MRR during WEDM of Si[C.sub.p]/6061 Al MMC.
According to the trend, the value of MRR decreases with increase in
voltage because at higher voltage, the dielectric strength of the medium
increases and discharge current during machining decreases, resulting to
lower melting and evaporation of the workpiece material, as a result the
MRR decreases. Increase in pulse-on time, resulting the lower MRR. This
figure also shows that pulse-off time and wire feed rate have less
significant effect on MRR.
6.5Effect of input process parameters on kerf
Fig. 4 shows the effect of voltage, pulse-on time, pulse-off time
and wire feed rate on kerf during WEDM of Si[C.sub.p]/6061 Al MMC. It
can be seen that the value of kerf increases with increase in voltage
because as the voltage increases the gap between the wire and workpiece
also increases. At the same time when gap between the workpiece and wire
electrode increases, the electrode wire tries to maintain the same gap
surrounding the wire. This gap corresponds to the set value of voltage,
and as a consequence the kerf also increases. The value of kerf
increases with increase in pulse-on time.
The pulse-off time has less significant effect on kerf. The kerf
increases continuously with increase in wire feed rate upto midium level
of wire feed rate and than start decreasing with increase in wire feed
7. Conclusions
The main objective of the WEDM process is to achieve an accurate
and efficient machining operation without affecting the performance of
machine. In this work, an attempt was made to consider the effect of
voltage, pulse-on time, pulse-off time and wire feed rate on MRR and
kerf in WEDM of Si[C.sub.p]/6061 Al MMC. According to the ANOVA results,
voltage is the most significant parameter on MRR and kerf where as
pulse-off time and wire feed rate are less significant. Pulse-on time
has insignificant effect on MRR and kerf. Based on the optimization
results, it has been found that 71.01 V as voltage, 1.00 [mu]s as
pulse-on time, 6.04 [mu]s as pulse off time and 5.17 m/min wire feed
rate are optimum for the present study. The predicted value of MRR and
kerf found close to the experimental value at optimum level of input
process parameters. Predictions are in good agreement with the
experimental results for MRR as compared to kerf because the percentage
error of the predicted value with respect to the experimentally observed
value for kerf is higher.
Effect of input process parameters show that maximum value of MRR
and minimum value of kerf are obtained at lower level of voltage, lower
level of pulse-on time.
The results of the present study based on RSM approach can be used
for effective and economical machining of Si[C.sub.p]/6061 Al MMC by
WEDM. The present work is focused on the WEDM of Si[C.sub.p]/6061 Al
MMCs having SiC particles upto 10%. In future the study can be extended
by using different percentage of SiC particles in MMC and different work
material. Levels of various process parameters like wire tension, table
feed rate etc. that have been fixed during this study may be varied for
further investigations to determine the machinability of MMCs during
WEDM. Similarly, effect of process parameters on other performance
measures such as surface integrity aspects and surface texture of
machined surface may be investigated.
DOI: 10.2507/daaam.scibook.2011.30
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Authors data: Shandilya, P[ragya]; Jain, P[ramod] K[umar]; Jain,
N[eelesh] K[umar] Mechanical & Industrial Engineering Department,
Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, India
[email protected]
Tab. 1. Chemical composition of Al 6061 MMC
Element Al Si Mg Cu Mn Cr Fe Ti
Composition 95.83 0.68 1.20 0.61 0.45 0.50 0.27 0.46
Tab. 2. Machining parameters set up (constant parameters)
S.No Parameter Level
1 Wire material Diffused brass wire
2 Wire size (mm) [empty set] 0.25
3 Wire tension (gm) 1600
4 Dielectric Deionised water
5 Table feed rate (mm/min) 1
6 Workpiece Al/Si[C.sub.p]
7 Workpiece thickness (mm) 10
8 Room Temperature ([degrees]C) 20
Tab. 3. Levels of process parameters
Process parameters Levels
-1 0 +1
Voltage (V) 70 80 90
Pulse-on time ([mu]s) 1 2 3
Pulse-off time ([mu]s) 6 8 10
Wire feed (m/min) 5 7 9
Tab. 4. BBD with four parameters and experimental, MRR and kerf
Exp. Voltage, Pulse-on Pulse-off Wire MRR Kerf
No. A (V) time, time, Feed ([mm.sub.3] (mm)
B ([mu]s) C ([mu]s) rate, D /min)
1 0 1 0 -1 4.200 0.381
2 -1 0 0 -1 9.965 0.266
3 0 0 1 1 4.931 0.328
4 -1 0 1 0 5.188 0.287
5 0 -1 -1 0 4.586 0.359
6 1 0 0 -1 3.679 0.415
7 1 0 -1 0 3.026 0.438
8 0 0 0 0 3.243 0.424
9 0 0 0 0 3.943 0.387
10 1 0 0 1 5.072 0.308
11 0 0 1 -1 3.897 0.407
12 0 0 0 0 3.939 0.394
13 0 -1 0 1 4.740 0.342
14 0 0 0 0 3.170 0.426
15 0 1 0 1 5.075 0.302
16 0 0 0 0 3.293 0.422
17 1 0 1 -1 4.702 0.352
18 0 1 -1 -1 4.974 0.322
19 0 0 -1 1 4.340 0.368
20 0 -1 0 -1 4.251 0.372
21 0 0 -1 -1 4.851 0.334
22 0 -1 1 0 3.901 0.401
23 1 1 0 0 2.590 0.446
24 -1 0 -1 0 11.354 0.261
25 -1 1 0 0 5.991 0.274
26 -1 0 0 1 5.126 0.294
27 -1 -1 0 0 5.325 0.282
28 1 -1 0 0 3.132 0.432
29 0 1 1 0 4.997 0.316
Tab. 5. The effect of voltage, pulse-on time, pulse-off time and wire
feed rate on MRR
Parameters Sum of Squares DF
Voltage (V) 26.86 1
Pulse-on time ([T.sub.ON]) 0.15 1
Pulse-off time ([T.sub.OFF]) 19.99 1
Wire feed rate (WF) 12.08 1
Quad. V (V x V) 11.49 1
Quad. [T.sub.ON] ([T.sub.ON] x [T.sub.ON]) 0.065 1
Quad. [T.sub.OFF] ([T.sub.OFF] x [T.sub.OFF]) 5.73 1
Quad. WF (WF x WF) 4.90 1
Interaction (V x [T.sub.ON]) 0.36 1
Interaction (V x [T.sub.OFF]) 15.37 1
Interaction (V x WF) 9.71 1
Interaction ([T.sub.ON] x [T.sub.OFF]) 0.13 1
Interaction ([T.sub.ON] x WF) 0.037 1
Interaction ([T.sub.OFF] x WF) 3.915E-003 1
Parameters F Value P value
Voltage (V) 32.63 <0.0001
Pulse-on time ([T.sub.ON]) 0.18 0.6809
Pulse-off time ([T.sub.OFF]) 24.28 0.0002
Wire feed rate (WF) 14.67 0.0018
Quad. V (V x V) 13.96 0.0022
Quad. [T.sub.ON] ([T.sub.ON] x [T.sub.ON]) 0.079 0.7823
Quad. [T.sub.OFF] ([T.sub.OFF] x [T.sub.OFF]) 6.96 0.0195
Quad. WF (WF x WF) 5.95 0.0286
Interaction (V x [T.sub.ON]) 0.44 0.5164
Interaction (V x [T.sub.OFF]) 18.67 0.0007
Interaction (V x WF) 11.79 0.0040
Interaction ([T.sub.ON] x [T.sub.OFF]) 0.15 0.7023
Interaction ([T.sub.ON] x WF) 0.045 0.8346
Interaction ([T.sub.OFF] x WF) 4.755E-003 0.9460
Standard deviation = 0.79
Mean = 10.34
Predicted residual error of sum of squares = 12.42
R-Squared = 0.8695
Adjusted R-Squared = 0.8173
Tab. 6. The effect of voltage, pulse-on time, pulse-off time and
wire feed rate on kerf
Parameters Sum of Squares DF
Voltage (V) 0.020 1
Pulse-on time ([T.sub.ON]) 3.207E-004 1
Pulse-off time ([T.sub.OFF]) 9.960E-003 1
Wire feed rate (WF) 0.015 1
Quad. V (V x V) 0.013 1
Quad. [T.sub.ON] ([T.sub.ON] x [T.sub.ON]) 3.243E-003 1
Quad. [T.sub.OFF] ([T.sub.OFF] x [T.sub.OFF]) 4.223E-003 1
Quad. WF (WF x WF) 6.840E-003 1
Interaction (V x [T.sub.ON]) 2.797E-004 1
Interaction (V x [T.sub.OFF]) 2.553E-003 1
Interaction (V x WF) 5.968E-003 1
Interaction ([T.sub.ON] x [T.sub.OFF]) 1.040E-003 1
Interaction ([T.sub.ON] x WF) 3.216E-004 1
Interaction ([T.sub.OFF] x WF) 4.339E-003 1
Parameters F Value P value
Voltage (V) 25.89 0.0002
Pulse-on time ([T.sub.ON]) 0.41 0.5324
Pulse-off time ([T.sub.OFF]) 12.73 0.0031
Wire feed rate (WF) 19.37 0.0038
Quad. V (V x V) 16.07 0.0013
Quad. [T.sub.ON] ([T.sub.ON] x [T.sub.ON]) 4.15 0.0611
Quad. [T.sub.OFF] ([T.sub.OFF] x [T.sub.OFF]) 5.40 0.0357
Quad. WF (WF x WF) 8.74 0.0104
Interaction (V x [T.sub.ON]) 0.36 0.5594
Interaction (V x [T.sub.OFF]) 3.26 0.0924
Interaction (V x WF) 7.63 0.0153
Interaction ([T.sub.ON] x [T.sub.OFF]) 1.33 0.2683
Interaction ([T.sub.ON] x WF) 0.41 0.5318
Interaction ([T.sub.OFF] x WF) 5.55 0.0336
Standard deviation = 0.028
Mean = 0.0558
Predicted residual error of sum of squares = 0.011
R-Squared = 0.8827
Adjusted R-Squared = 0.7655
Tab. 7. optimized input process parameters
Optimize value of input parameters
SV [T.sub.ON] [T.sub.OFF] WF
(V) ([mu]s) ([mu]s) (m/min)
71.01 1.00 6.04 5.17
Modified value of inputs parameters
SV [T.sub.ON] [T.sub.OFF] WF
(V) ([mu]s) ([mu]s) (m/min)
70.00 1.00 6.00 5.00
Tab. 8. Optimum values of response parameters
Response Predicted value Experimental value % error
([mu]m) ([mu]m)
RR 11.354 11.86 4.26%