Safety regulation and the risk of workplace accidents in Quebec.
Lanoie, Paul
I. Introduction
This paper examines the effectiveness of policies adopted by
Quebec's occupational safety and health (OSH) authority, the
Commission de la Sante et Securite du Travail (CSST), in reducing the
incidence of workplace accidents(1) after its creation in 1980. More
specifically, data at the industry level (30 industries), and covering
the period preceding the creation of the CSST (the "pre-CSST"
period 1974-1980) and the period following its creation (the
"post-CSST" period 1981-1987), will be used to ascertain,
through dummy variable shift effects, whether or not there was a
downward trend in accidents after the creation of the CSST in 1980. The
analysis follows the methodology proposed be Curington [12] to examine
the effect of OSHA (Occupational Safety and and health Administration)
regulation on workplace safety in New York State.
First, it is useful to describe the institutional context.
Government intervention in occupational safety and health has gained
more and more attention in North America during the last two decades. In
the United States, safety regulation is under the responsibility of
OSHA, created in 1970 to promote workplace safety by setting numerous
new safety standards and implementing measures for the enforcement of
standards (inspections of firms, fines ad prosecutions). Canadian
provinces followed a similar strategy in the 1970s, while adopting
additional safety-enhancing measures not present in the United States.
These include the right to refuse hazardous tasks, the creation of joint
worksite safety committees, the requirement of a prevention program and
the right to protective reassignment. The right to refuse hazardous
tasks means that a worker can refuse to execute a certain task if he or
she believes it to be "abnormally" dangerous. The immediate
supervisor is then asked to remedy the situation and has the onus of
proving that safety has been established. Joint worksite safety
committees assume the following responsibilities: obtaining and
disseminating information on OSHA, identifying the sources of hazard and
making recommendations on means of eliminating hazards to the employer.
The size of the committees varies from province to province, but equal
representation of management and workers is compulsory. A prevention
program must meet the approval of the OSHA board and address the
training and supervision of workers, inspections, accident
investigations, personal protective equipment as well as the maintenance
and disclosure of records. In Quebec, prevention programs (as well as
the safety committees which implement the programs) are imposed on firms
with more than 20 employees in only fifteen high risk industries.
Protective reassignment gives a worker the right to be transferred to
another job within the same firm if he or she can provide a medical
certificate that attests the potential harm his or her job could cause.
So far, this right can only be used by pregnant women. The last two
measures (prevention programs and protective reassignments) have been
adopted only in the province of Quebec where the OSH board has put
particular emphasis on accident prevention during recent years. As an
illustration, in 1989, the CSST [7] spent $7.88 (U.S.) per worker in
prevention activities, while OSHA spent approximately $1.80 (U.S.) per
worker in New York State.(2)
It should also be noted that, in Canada, the government plays the
role of an insurer through the presence of provincial public
Workers' Compensation Boards (WCBs). In most provinces, including
Quebec, workers' compensation and direct regulatory controls are
under the responsibility of the same agency. Firms are considered liable
for workplace accidents and pay insurance premia to the agency which, in
turn, compensates accident victims. Via an experience-rating mechanism,
these premia are partially adjusted to reflect the firm's own claim
experience. In the United States, workers' compensation services
are essentially of the same nature(3), but they are mainly provided by
private insurance carriers subject to government regulation.
So far, American econometric studies using aggregate data have
found that OSHA regulation has had little or no impact on workplace
safety [11;12;28;29]. No existing analysis, however, has considered the
performance of any Canadian OSH board in improving workplace safety.
Given that Canadian province have adopted safety-enhancing policies that
differ from those of American states, it is of interest to determine
whether or not the influence of these innovative policies on Canadian
workplace safety has been more substantial than the apparently
negligible effect OSHA regulation has had on American workplace safety.
The exercise is particularly relevant in the province of Quebec where
the CSST has adopted two policies unique in North America.
The empirical approach suggested by Curington, and adopted here to
scrutinize the effect of CSST safety policies, is useful since it allows
one to identify the specific industries in which the regulation has had
a discernible impact. This is an interesting exercise for policy
targeting. Furthermore, it is plausible that there are
"industry-specific" effects since the level of CSST
enforcement varies from one industry to another (7).
Apart from the data set, the present analysis differs from
Curington's in three respects. First, the empirical work is based
on a theoretical principal-agent framework in which the determination of
the wage is considered and in which both firms and workers can influence
the risk of a work-related accident. These important features are not
considered by Curington whose model is based on the firm's side of
the problem. The principal-agent framework is justified since it is
plausible that the firm cannot observe the risk-related behavior of its
workers. For instance, an employer cannot easily monitor whether a
worker takes drugs or alcohol. It is also important, in a policy
analysis, that both firms and workers be able to influence the risk of
accident since their respective risk-related behavior could
counterbalance each other (e.g.,workers becoming negligent when the firm
increases its investment in safety) and thereby undermine any
safety-enhancing policy. As a result, theoretical findings analogous to
Curington's are obtained, but from a more general model. Second, in
the empirical analysis, a more appropriate measure of
workers'compensation benefits defined as the wage replacement ratio
(in which the wage is determined endogeneously) is adopted, whereas
Curington uses a simpler measure, not directly linked to his theoretical
model, based on the maximum insurable income. Finally, this analysis
examines the overall impact of CSST policies not only on the frequency
of all accidents (the conventional measure of the incidence of workplace
accidents), but also on the rate of accidents that have resulted in
permanent disabilities. This is motivated by a potential problem of
accident reporting. Indeed, as argued by other authors (25), it seems
reasonable that the reporting of accidents increased over the period
1974-1987. For instance, since its creation, the CSST has opened eleven
regional offices so that accident compensation can be handled locally.
It is plausible that such a measure has facilitated the reporting of
accidents (7). The fact that the relation between certain illnesses and
certain types of jobs has become better known through time can also
explain an increase in accident reporting (8). If this is the case, any
ameliorating effect of the CSST on the incidence of accidents could be
counterbalance be better reporting. However, it is arguable that
accidents that generate a permanent disability (such as the loss of a
limb) are more likely to have been reported in the same manner through
time, attenuating any reporting bias. No researcher has previously
examined the effect of safety-enforcing measures on a category of
workplace accidents presumably non-biased with respect to accident
reporting. Curington, for instance, has a different focus, concentrating
on categories of accidents that have a better chance of being prevented
through safety regulation (such as "struck by" or eye
The test of the paper is organized as follows: Section II presents
the theoretical model underlying the empirical analysis. Section III
discusses the estimation technique, the data and the specification of
the equations to be estimated. Section IV presents the instrumental
variable estimates of the risk equations that suggest that CSST
safety-enhancing measures have been successful in reducing the risk of
accidents in certain industries. However, there seems to be no evidence
that better reporting could have counterbalance any ameliorating of the
CSST policies on accidents. Section V provides concluding remarks.
II. The Theoretical Model
The theoretical model adopted here differs from previous work in
that it uses a principal-agent framework in which a firm and a worker
play a Stackelberg game. As will become apparent, this setting seems to
be an appropriate representation of a situation in which workplace
accidents can occur (modified version of the model have been discussed
and presented elsewhere [19;20]).
To focus on the "market of workplace accidents", the
economy is simplified in some respects. Consider a representative
risk-neutral firm operating in a competitive industry "i" at
time "t" in which there is a risk of an accident. The firm,
which has no capital, hires a fixed number of identical risk-averse
employees each working a fixed number of hours during the period and
making one unit of product. The risk of an accident depends upon the
level of risk-preventing activity by the firm and the worker.
It is important to specify the timing of the problem. The events in
this static model occur within one period, but their timing is not the
same. The worker receives a wage, w, per period and chooses an
accident-prevention effort, e, per period over a continuum of
non-negative effort levels. This effort can be interpreted in terms of
time spent in risk-preventing activities or the unpleasantness of these
activities (e.g., wearing safety glasses). The firm selects a
non-negative safety expenditure per worker of q. Examples of this kind
of expenditure would be safety equipment distributed to workers or
investment in safer technology.(5) These variables should be thought of
a occurring continuously through the period (discounting is ignored).
There may or may not be an accident. For simplicity, it is postulated that only one type of accident of fixed severity exists (Curington
explains the severity of accidents in his model). The accident, if it
occurs, takes place on the last day(6) of the period and does not,
therefore, affect a worker's output. The worker receives an
exogenously given compensation benefit [Alpha] on that day from a
WCB(7). This treatment differs from that of other authors [23; 6], who
implicitly assume that an accident can happen only on the first day of
the period.(8) The treatment adopted here is no more extreme than
theirs, and it is in intended to present, within a one-period model, the
fact that receipt of wages is continuous, while accidents are rare and
The probability of an accident, [], is a decreasing
function of e and q (i and t are suppressed where there is no
ambiguity): (1) P = P (q, e); [P.sub.q], [P.sub.e] < O; [P.sub.qq]
[] > O. The sign of [P.sub.qe] may be positive or negative.
As explained in previous s work [23], some expenditures by the firm may
inform employees (signs, for example) and act as complements to their
efforts ([P.sub.eq] < O). However, other precautions taken by the
firm, such as safety devices on a machine, are likely to be perceived as
substitutes for workers' efforts ([P.sub.eq] > 0).
The worker's expected utility, EU, depends on consumption if
there is no accident (consumption is assumed to equal income),
compensation in the event of an accident, effort and the probability of
an accident. With appropriate simplifying assumptions, EU becomes: (2)
[] = P(q, e) [U.sup.a] + (1 - P(q, e)) [U.sup.n] - e. It is an
event-dependent utility function where [U.sup.a] is the worker's
utility function if there is an accident and [U.sup.n] is the utility
function if there is none. Since w and [Alpha] are perceived at
different time in the period, it is not unreasonable to postulate that
[U.sup.a] is additively separable in w and [Alpha]. Therefore, the
function [U.sup.a] is assumed be the sum of the worker's utility
during the period (or before the realization of the uncertainty), U (w),
which depends only on w, and the utility on the last day, [Z.sup.a]
([Alpha]), which depends only on [Alpha]; i.e., [U.sup.a] (w, [Alpha]) =
U(w) + [Z.sup.a] [Alpha]. Similarly, [U.sup.n] (w) = U (w) + [Z.sup.n],
where [Z.sup.n] is a constant representing the utility on the the last
day if there is no accident . Furthermore, [U.sup.j] (*) for j = a,n is
a function from R + into R with [Mathematical Expression Omitted] > 0
and [Mathematical Expression Omitted] < 0 for y = w, [Alpha].
Obviously, the focus is put on situations in which a worker is not
better off because of an accident; i.e., it is assumed that [Z.sup.n]
> [Z.sup.a] in equilibrium (which implies that [U.sup.n] <
[U.sup.a]. Finally, since the effort is undertaken before it is known
whether or not the accident occurs, the disutility of effort is assumed
to be event-independent [1]. For brevity, P, [U.sup.a] and [U.sup.n] are
often used without their arguments in the text.
A representative firm in industry i at time t has an expected
profit function per worker: (3) [Mathematical Expression Omitted]
This function indicates, that, for each worker, the firm receives
the prices of his or her output, f, while it pays a wage, w and spends
an amount of safety expenditures per workers, q. Furthermore, the firm
faces an expected cost for not complying with safety-enhancing policies
promulgated by the OSH authorities. These policies can be modelled by
considering a term G times (q [bar] - q) in the expected profit function
where G is the expected cost to the firm for not complying with safety
regulations requiring an amount of safety expenditure q [bar] (9).
Furthermore, firms pay an insurance premium to a WCB and, for
simplicity, it is assumed that experience rating is perfect.(10) When
the WCB makes no profit(11) and provides fair insurance, firms pay an
insurance premium per worker equal to P [Alpha].
As argued in the [17; 19], the Stackelberg equilibrium, in which
one party takes the other's reaction into account, is of interest.
The interaction between firm and workers is modelled as a two-stage game
where the safety expenditure, q, and the wage, w, are determined by the
firm in the first stage of the game, while workers choose their effort,
e, in the second stage given q and w. When the firm decides upon q and
w, it has to take the workers' interest into account by providing
them with a level of utility U [bar] comparable to what could be
obtained in other industries. In other words, the modeling assumptions
imply that q and w are enforceable in a contract between firms and
workers, while e is left out. These assumptions seem realistic because,
in many circumstances, a firm's expenditures on safety precede
employment (e.g., the design of a machine) and can be considered as
"visible" capital. A worker's effort, however, is at best
imperfectly observable. Indeed, a firm may have difficulties monitoring
a worker's risk-related behavior, such as running on a wet floor,
although it can certainly influence this behavior. Hence, it is natural
to think of the firm as committing itself by being the first actor (the
Stackelberg leader) and to think of the workers as reacting (for
instance, workers use the safety equipment put at their disposal).
As in dynamic programming, one first examines the second stage of
the game for arbitrary levels of w and q. In this second stage, workers
maximize their expected utility (2) with respect to e. The first-order
condition is given by: (4) [P.sub.e] ([U.sup.a] - [U.sup.n]) - 1 = 0. In
the first stage, the employer maximizes his expected profit subject to
two constraints: (i) the worker's expected utility is fixed at U
[bar], and (ii) equation (4) is satisfied (i.e., the solution is on the
worker's reaction function).(12) The Lagrangian is: (5)
[Mathematical Expression Omitted] The first-order conditions are: (6)
[Mathematical Expression Omitted] (7) [Mathematical Expression Omitted]
(8) [Mathematical Expression Omitted] (9) [Mathematical Expression
Omitted] (10) [Mathematical Expression Omitted]
Total differentiation of equation (6) to (10), combined with P = P
(e,q), leads to the following comparative-static results describing the
"total" effect of a change in predetermined variables (government policies) on the incidence of workplace accidents, P:(13)
(11) [Mathematical Expression Omitted]
The first result indicates that, as expected, a policy shift which
increases the firm's expected cost of not respecting safety
regulation, such as increasing fines for non-compliance with standards,
leads to an unambiguous reduction in the incidence of workplace
accidents. The second result, also not surprising, shows that an
increase in compensation benefits [Alpha] has an ambiguous impact on P.
Indeed, a rise in [Alpha] reduces the opportunity cost of an accident
for workers, inducing them to be less careful; whereas it raises the
opportunity cost of an accident for the employer (given perfect rating),
inducing the firm to devote more resources to safety. Therefore,
[] / [d [[Alpha]]] < 0 if employee responses
responses, whereas [] / [d [[Alpha]]] > 0 if the
converse occurs. Overall, this model generates a theoretical prediction
concerning the impact of regulation that is similar to Curington's.
However, the present model is more general than Curington's since
it takes into account, in a realistic fashion, the behavior of the
worker. Furthermore, the effect of a change in compensation benefits is
considered explicit in this model, while it is not introduced in
The sample of data covers both the period in which there was little
or no government intervention, and the period following the creation of
the CSST in which extensive safety-enhancing policies were
implemented.(14) With such a sample, it is not possible to
include-enhancing measures as independent variables in a regression
analysis to verify explicitly whether the comparative-static result,
[] / [] < 0, holds. Given these circumstances, the
overall negative impact of CSST policies on the incidence of accidents
should be captured as a significant downward trend or shift occurring
after the creation of the CSST.(15) The downward trend could be
perceptible in each industry through the appropriate use of industry
dummy variables as in Curington[12].
III. Data, Specification of the Frequency Equation and
Estimation Technique
For the estimations, pooled cross-section and time-series data from
Quebec is used. The data are on a yearly basis from 1974 to 1987 (14
years) and at the two and three-digit industry level (30 industries
covering most sectors of the economic activity, see Table I for the list
of industries). The nature of this sample is similar to Curington's
which includes 18 manufacturing industries from New York State for the
period 1964-1976 (13 years). In particular, in both samples, the periods
preceding and following the policy change have approximately the same
length (OSHA was created in 1970). Table I provides the exact definition
of all the variables used in the analysis, their mean, standard
deviation and statistical source. [Tabular Data I Omitted]
In the empirical work below, the function P is assumed to be linear
and an equation of the following form is estimated (this formulation is
inspired by Viscusi [29]): (12) [Mathematical Expression Omitted] It is
assumed that the equation explaining the rate of accidents with
permanent disabilities ([]) has the same specification.
[] is the frequency of workplace accidents in
industry i at time t defined, as [], under its log-odds
form so that the transformed frequency rate is not constrained to the
(0, 1) interval. DUMCSST and [INDUSPOST.sub.i] will be described below
in the estimation technique used by Curington. As in Curington, as set
of industry dummies ([INDUSTRY.sub.i]) for the whole sample is included
to control for the fact that the level of inherent risk may vary from
one industry to another. [X.sub.kit] is a vector of control variables
and [] is the error term. As argued elsewhere [30], the
generosity of compensation benefits ([Alpha]) is measured by a variable
([]) expressed in logs (In) based on the net wage replacement
ratio obtained by a disabled worker in the case of a temporary total
disability (taking into account the maximum insurable income, see Table
I). Furthermore, following previous analyses [28;29], a lagged dependent
variable is included to serve as a proxy for the safety conditions that
prevailed during the previous period. Therefore, the current of
accidents adjust to changes in dependent variables with a geometrically
decreasing lag structure.
The control variables included in the vector [X.sub.kit] are
socio-economic variables that were shown to be relevant in the
literature. It is postulated that, ceteris paribus, industries with a
higher percentage of female workers ([]), older workers
([]) and relatively well-educated workers ([])
will fewer accidents. Indeed, it is expected that jobs with a higher
fraction of educated and female workers should involves less physical
effort and pose lower risk [17; 29]. Older workers, because they are
usually more experienced, should have fewer accidents [12].
Alternatively, the higher the percentage of younger workers
([]), less educated workers ([]) and workers
belonging to ethnic minorities ([]),(16) the greater the
incidence of accidents should be. The coefficient of the percentage of
unionized workers ([]) may take either sign. If unionized
workers have a greater propensity to report accidents than others,
[] can take a positive sign [5]. However, if unionized
workers are more informed and conscious of accident prevention, one
might expect a negative sign on [] [12]. The proportion of
married workers ([]) may also take either sign. Married
workers may have an incentive to be more careful due to their additional
responsibilities, although any revenue from a spouse can be considered
as an additional form of insurance that could lead married workers to be
less careful. The ratio of machinery and equipment and equipment to
labor ([]) is likely to take a positive sign because a
worker's risk usually increases according to his or her contact
with machinery [12]. The unemployment rate per industry ([])
is included to capture business cycle effects and is expected to take a
negative sign [29]. Indeed, during a cyclical upswing, the price of
foregone output increases and therefore, the cost of devoting inputs to
prevention rather than output rises. This should induce firms to reduce
their safety expenditures which should lead to more accidents. Moreover,
if the work pace accelerates during a cyclical upswing, the risk of
accidents increases.
Estimation Technique
Since the CSST was created in 1980, the dummy variable DUMCSST is
used, which is equal to one for each observation in the years 1981-1987
and zero otherwise. [INDUSPOST.sub.i] is a vector of industry dummies
equal to one for each industry i for the years 1981 to 1987 inclusively,
and zero otherwise. In this context, DUMCSST represents the pre-post
difference in the accident rate for the reference group (the default
industry), and each variable in the vector [INDUSPOST.sub.i] represents
the difference between the change in the accident rate in the reference
group and the change in the accident rate for industry i. Therefore, the
sum of the coefficient of DUMCSST and the coefficient of the variable in
the vector [INDUSPOST.sub.i] that corresponds to industry i is an
estimate of the post-CSST change in the accident rate for industry i.
One can determine whether that change is statistically different from
zero in industry i. The standard error used to estimate the required
t-ratio is the square root of the estimated variance. (17)
In the econometric analysis, the instrumental variance (IV)
technique is used since the net wage replacement ratio from the CSST
(COMP) is a function of the wage, w, which is an endogenous variable in
the theoretical model. To obtain an instrumental variable for COMP,
predicted values are computed for this variable. The latter are obtained
by first regressing the wage rate on all the exogenous variables (including the wage at time t -- 1 which serves as an instrument) and
then replacing the wage rate by its predicted value in the definition of
COMP.[18] Curington uses a simpler measure of compensation benefits,
defined as the maximum insurable income divided by the industry wage.
Furthermore, since the sample consists of observations on
industries that vary greatly in size, there is a reason to suspect
conditional heteroscedasticity. A series of Breusch-Pagan [4] test were
performed by regressing the square-residuals of the estimated equations
on the total employment of each industry; the sample size times the
[R.sup.2] of these regressions asymptotically follows a chi-square
distribution with one degree of freedom. The results of these tests
(available on request) showed no evidence of conditional
heteroscedasticity for the FREQUENCY equation. However, there are some
evidence for the PERMRATE equation and the IV analogs of the weighted
least-squares technique are used for that equation [3,90-96].
A Lagrange Multiplier test [14] was also performed to detect
first-order serial correlation for each industry. For this purpose,
different autocorrelation coefficients (p) were allowed across
industries. The tests showed no evidence of first-order serial
Overall, one has to keep in mind the limitations of the exercise
since a post-CSST change in the accident rate could be due to factors
other than safety-enhancing policies that are not captured in the
analysis. For instance, it is noteworthy that the period immediately
following the creation of the CSST (1981-1983) was characterized by an
important recession the effect of which, however, should be captured by
the variable UNEMP which reflects cyclical variations in economic
IV. Empirical Results
Table III reports statistically significant post-CSST changes in
the accident and permanent disability rates. These results were shown to
be robust to the exclusion of the lagged dependent variable or the use
of the variable COMP under its linear rather than logarithmic form
(complete results are available upon request). Table III shows that
there was a significant decline in the frequency of all accidents in
four industries: construction (-4.7%), manufacturing of transportation
equipment (-5%), manufacturing of electrical products (-1.1%) and
miscellaneous manufacturing industries (-3.9%). However, there was a
significant decline in the permanent disability rate in only two
industries: miscellaneous manufacturing industries (-1.5%) and trade
(-1.6%), while there was a significant increase in the rate of permanent
disabilities in the hosiery and apparel industry (+1.4%). Therefore,
there is no clear evidence that ameliorating effects of the CSST on the
incidence of all accidents were counterbalanced by better reporting.
Were this the case, one would have observed greater declines in the rate
of permanent disabilities (presumably non-biased with respect to
accident reporting)(21) than in the overall accident rates after the
creation of the CSST. However, it is not entirely certain that better
reporting not counterbalance any ameliorating impact of the CSST.
Indeed, these results could simply mean that there is better reporting,
but CSST safety-enhancing policies are more efficient in preventing
minor injuries than more severe ones. Safety-enhancing policies may have
no effect on severe accidents if they occur because of unpredictable
circumstances, or if they occur when workers temporarily do not comply
with the regulation. Given the available data, it is not possible
distinguish between reporting and prevention effects.
Furthermore, it is noteworthy that in Curington's Table III,
many industries are shown to have experienced an increase in the
frequency of all injuries after the creation of OSHA, while only one
experienced a significant decline in its overall accident rate (6.5% in
the fabricated metal products). Therefore, the results of this study,
which shows a better performance in terms of accident prevention, may
suggest that the innovative policies adopted by the CSST to promote
safety (such as the right of refusal or safety committees) are more
efficient in reducing the incidence of accidents than those prevailing
in New York State. However, these results could also mean that
conventional safety policies (inspections, fines) are more strictly
implemented in Quebec than in New York State. [Tabular Data III Omitted]
Concerning the other variables in the equations, Table II shows
that the coefficient of the variable reflecting the generosity of
compensation benefits (ln COMP) is negative in both the FREQUENCY and
the PERMRATE equations, although it is non-significant. This result is
different from what is observed in Curington (Table I, first column),
and this could be due to the definition of the compensation variable
used in this text. Furthermore, as in Curington, the coefficient of the
ration of machinery to labor ( MACHLAB) and of the proportion of workers
to ethnic minorities (MINOR) is shown to be positively associated with
the frequency of all accidents, the percentage of married workers (MARR)
is negatively associated with the permanent disability rate, while the
coefficient of the percentage of younger workers (AGE24) is negative and
significant in the PERMRATE equation. This last result indicates that,
although younger (less experienced) workers may have more minor
accidents than other workers (as suggested in the rest of the
literature), they are better able to avoid major accidents (a similar
result is presented in another paper [13]). Finally, the lagged
dependent variable is positive and significant in both equations.
V. Conclusion
Following a methodology proposed by Curington [12], this paper has
examined the "overall" effectiveness of policies adopted by
Quebec's OSH authority (CSST) in 1980 to promote safety in the
workplace. In particular, the analysis is innovative in that it refers
to a principal-agent theoretical framework, it uses a more precise
definition of compensation benefits and it considers the impact of
safety-enhancing policies on a category of accidents presumably
non-biased with respect to accident reporting: the permanent disability
cases. The results suggested that CSST safety-enforcing measures were
able to reduce the incidence of all accidents and of permanent
disability cases in certain industries. However, there seems to be no
evidence that better reporting could have counterbalanced any
ameliorating impact of CSST policies on accidents. (1)Throughout the
text, an accident may be interpreted as an injury or a disease. (2)The
American figure was provided by an official of the OSHA Regional Office
for Region 2 (this Region covers New York, New Jersey, and Puerto Rico).
(3)As an illustration, in 1991, a worker in Quebec who suffers a
temporary total disability (these cases represent approximately 85% of
all the compensable accidents in Quebec) receives 90% of his or her net
wage (non-taxable) subject to a maximum insurable income of $702
U.S./week. In New York State, a worker with the same type of disability
receives 2/3 of his or her gross income (non-taxable) subject to a
maximum insurable income of $540 U.S./week. (4)Data on specific types of
injury is not available in Quebec before 1980. (5)It is plausible that
precautions could affect productivity. Nevertheless, this possibility is
ruled out since, as the reader can verify, this would add complexity to
the model without introducing any new basic insights. (6)The formulation
adopted here obviously involves collapsing a multi-period problem into a
single-period analysis; given the purpose of the text, there is no loss
in doing so [2, 4]. (7)For reasons not specifically modelled here, such
as adverse selection, it is assumed that workers cannot insure
themselves in a private market. (8)Another author [18] adopts a similar
accident timing in his two-period model in which an accident can happen
only in the second period, and the disabled workers produce no output in
the second period. (9)G is actually the product of the probability of
the firm being caught in non-compliance and the infraction penalty.
There is no reward from the government for q > q [Bar] [28] and this
case is ignored. (10)Perfect experience rating implies that the
insurance premium paid by the firm is equal to the cost compensating
disabled workers within the firm. The reader can verify that the nature
of the results is not altered if experience rating is assured to be
imperfect. (11)WCBs are public enterprises in Canada and regulated firms
in the United States and, therefore, are assumed to be non-profit.
(12)See Jewitt [16] and Rogerson [24] for a discussion on the validity
of this approach. (13)The computation of these results (which hold
whether [Mathematical Expression Omitted] and with the assumption that
third-order terms are equal to zero) involves straightforward algebra and can be found in a previous discussion paper [21], Appendix I. (14)In
the period preceding 1980, there was a board in Quebec--the
"Commission des Accidents du Travail"--which played the role
of insurer now played by the CSST. There were also safety inspections
performed by three Ministries (Labor, Mining and Environment), and by a
board related to the construction industry (Office de la Construction du
Quebec or OCQ). However, it was not possible to obtain reliable
information on these inspections. For instances, OCQ inspectors also
checked the quality of the buildings constructed, so that it is not
clear which proportion of the inspections reported by the office was
aimed at ensuring workers' safety. (15)Data concerning the
compensation [Alpha] is available for her whole sample, so that it will
be possible to determine directly whether [Mathematical Expression
Omitted]. It is noteworthy that, in 1979, there was a change in the
Quebec compensation regime. The change was intended to provide greater
compensation for accident victims with gross annual income less than
$9000.00 (Can.) at the expensive of those whose gross annual income
exceeded this limit. This change will be captured in the available COMP
(to be defined below). (16)A plausible explanation for the higher rate
of accidents among ethnic minority is potential language problem at the
level of understanding safety orders. (17)The exact formulation of the
standard error is: [Mathematical Expression Omitted] where
S= estimated standard error. [B [caret].sub.1] =
estimated coefficient of DUMSCSST. [B [caret].sub.i] = estimated
coefficient of the variable in the vector [INDUPOST.sub.i] that
corresponds to industry i.
EST. COV = estimated covariance.
(18)Strictly speaking, this means that a "semi
reduced-form" equation is estimated. (19)Tests were also performed
to detect second-order serial correlation, but no evidence of this was
found either. (20)One should also note that there are no time dummies in
the model so that the results can easily be compared with
Curington's. The implicit assumption behind this specification is
that the most important time-specific effect is the introduction of the
regulatory board, which is captured through DUMCSST. However,
time-specific effects other than the introduction of regulation and
cyclical variations are plausible. For instance, one could argue for a
trend in the accident rate (not considered by Curington) due to changes
in technology [25]. To investigate this potential effect, a linear trend
was introduced (the variable TREND equal to 1 for each observation in
the first year, 2 for the second year etc.). The results (available on
request) were very similar to those presented here. In particular, the
variable TREND was not significant in either the FREQUENCY or the
PERMRATE equation. (21)As suggested by a referee, it is possible that,
given the income replacement effect, permanent disabilities may be
viewed as more elastic.
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