Are judges leading economic theory? Sunk costs, the threat of entry and the competitive process.
Coate, Malcolm B.
I. Introduction
Since 1984, antitrust law has shown a growing respect for the
threat of entry as a condition to immunize from legal challenge a merger
that otherwise would be believed to significantly increase the
probability of collusion. Yet the economics literature, strictly
interpreted, would imply that a collusive agreement should not fear
entry in the presence of positive sunk costs. This suggests that either
the judiciary is leading economic theory or that the importance of entry
conditions in merger analysis is likely to decline in the future as
courts incorporate the latest economic learning into the case law.
In this paper, we attempt to bring theoretical form to a particular
entry argument that has found favor in the courts. We suggest that sunk
costs may not be a major impediment to entry when a group of customers
can commit to an entry enhancing strategy. Buyers have strong incentives
to adopt such strategies, because they benefit directly from the
resulting lower prices. The simplest example involves a large buyer that
is able to guarantee an entrant a market for its product. Long term
contracts or even informal purchase commitments (backed by customer
reputation) may also allow the entrant to obtain a guarantee of
sufficient business to make the entry profitable. Once entry is thought
likely to occur, the existing competitors may be unwilling to attempt a
price increase of any magnitude. Thus, the threat of entry can maintain
competitive prices even in the presence of sunk costs.
In section II, we motivate the analysis by discussing the current
controversy over the role entry conditions play in an antitrust merger
review. Then we discuss the necessary assumptions for a model of how the
threat of entry can deter any price increase in the presence of sunk
costs. We note that these conditions are different from those commonly
used in the economic literature. Section III contains the details of our
general sunk cost model. We illustrate how large buyers, uncertainty,
the cost of collusion and market growth can interact to maintain
competitive pricing. We also discuss how economies of scale can affect
the threat of entry. The general applicability of the model is discussed
in section IV with empirical evidence from recent federal court
antitrust litigation.
II. Entry in Antitrust - And Economics
Starting with U.S. v. Waste Management, 743 F.2d 976 (2d Cir.
1984), courts have consistently found against the government in highly
concentrated industries with few or no apparent barriers to entry.(1) In
a recent merger case, the Department of Justice (DOJ) attempted to
reverse this trend by advancing a restrictive legal approach to entry.
The DOJ argued that the only way to defeat a presumption of an
anticompetitive effect based on high concentration is "by a clear
showing that entry into the market by competitors would be quick and
effective." Judge (now Supreme Court Justice) Clarence Thomas,
writing for the Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit,
rejected the government's approach, concluding that it is
unrealistic to expect such strong proof in the context of a merger case
and even if a firm never enters a market, the threat of entry can
stimulate competition.(2) Thus, one could conclude that some showing of
entry barriers is now a necessary condition for a merger to violate the
antitrust laws.
During the 1980s, the official government policy on entry, written
into the DOJ Guidelines [25, 12], was somewhat unclear, stating both
If entry into a market is so easy that existing competitors could
not succeed in raising price for a significant period of time, the
Department is unlikely to challenge mergers in that market.
In assessing the ease of entry into a market, the Department will
consider the likelihood and probable magnitude of entry in response to a
"small but significant and nontransitory" increase in price.
The Guidelines then defined the magnitude of "small but
significant" as a five percent price increase (although this figure
was to be adjusted for special industry conditions) and interpreted the
time frame for "nontransitory" as generally two years.
The first quote suggested that the DOJ would focus on how entry
conditions affected the expected profitability of a nontransitory price
increase. The threat of entry within a two year time period could render
a price increase unprofitable, if the expected expansion of output
lowered the long run price sufficiently to reduce the profits of the
colluding firms below the level associated with competitive behavior.
This point was implicitly recognized in a footnote to the Guidelines
that posited that the prospect of entry may have a deterrent effect on
the exercise of market power.
The second quote highlighted the more tangible effects of entry. By
focusing on the likelihood and magnitude of entry, the Guidelines
suggested that it is the magnitude of entry that would occur during a
two year period that should be considered. As entry became more likely
to prevent or eliminate an anticompetitive price increase within two
years, the government indicated that it was less likely to challenge the
The two analyses illustrated different approaches to the entry
question. The first approach relied on information that suggests that
the threat of entry would deter a price increase, while the second
suggested sufficient entry should occur in two years to return the
market to competitive equilibrium. The first method was compatible with
the classical microeconomic theory of markets in which profits attract
entry. In contrast, the second approach appeared to consider the idea
that sunk costs may prevent entrants from investing in a market in
response to supracompetitive prices, because entry could depress the
price below the competitive level.
The government appears to have made an attempt to integrate the two
approaches in the 1992 revision of the Guidelines. Although the direct
focus of the 1992 Guidelines [26] is on the likelihood (in combination
with the timeliness and sufficiency) of entry, the discussion is general
enough such that the threat of entry could be addressed in the
analysis.(3) In particular, the 1992 Guidelines attempt to determine if
the profitability of entry is undermined by the scale necessary for
efficient entry. In determining if the minimum viable scale of entry
would depress price below the competitive level, the Guidelines require
consideration of market growth, vertical integration or forward
contracting (large buyers) and anticipated accommodation by the
incumbents.(4) To the extent that the ease of forward contracting
impacts on the threat of entry, the Guidelines appear to recognize a
defense based on the threat of entry defeating an anticompetitive price
One theoretical justification for the court's (and potentially
the 1992 Guidelines') position can be found in the contestability
literature. Baumol, Panzar, and Willig [3] show how the threat of entry
into a perfectly contestable market can be sufficient to deter price
from rising above competitive levels, regardless of the level of
concentration in the market. As Schmalensee [22, 42] observes, however,
the contestable market result may describe an "empty box". In
practice, the zero (or extremely small) sunk cost requirement for
contestability appears unlikely to be met. Without this condition,
contestability theory seems to have little to tell us about the threat
of entry for antitrust policy.
Consider, for example, a competitive market with a few competing
firms facing potential entrants with small but significant sunk costs.
Should the firms in that market decide to collude and raise price, they
have no apparent reason to fear entry. While a prospective entrant may
observe prices that would make entry profitable, those prices are, from
the point of view of the entrant, merely a mirage. As soon as a new firm
enters the market, the collusive agreement dissolves and prices will be
driven below the pre-entry competitive level. Thus, the entrant will not
capture profits from supra-competitive prices, instead the entrant will
lose money on its sunk costs, even though it has a cost structure
identical to its entrenched competitors. Entry in such circumstances
would appear illogical. Knowing this, incumbent firms would appear able
to raise their prices collusively without the worry of entry. [24, 886,
890; 12, 386-9].
Our purpose here is to present a model that shows circumstances
when the threat of entry can deter such a price rise in the presence of
sunk costs.(5) We note that a model of entry in this context should have
several features. First, it should have positive sunk costs. Second, it
is desirable that the model have a marginal cost pricing equilibrium
with more than one firm. Previous models in the literature, such as
Gelman and Salop [11] and Scheffman and Spiller [20] have assumed an
industry with constant (horizontal) marginal cost curves and positive
sunk costs. In such an industry, Bertrand competition generates marginal
cost pricing and firms are unable to recoup their sunk costs. Thus, the
first firm in the market may expect to retain a monopoly position,
because entry is unprofitable. If entry should occur, Bertrand
competition should continue until only one firm remains in the market.
Either case may be of limited interest to antitrust policy, which
implicitly adopts the preservation of marginal cost pricing as a policy
Third, entry should threaten to lower the long run returns to the
colluding firms. If entry only reduces incumbents' returns back to
their previous level of zero economic profits, they will have little to
lose by colluding. They will choose to collude, taking the chance of
gaining positive profits and the "risk" of zero profits,
rather than face the certitude of gaining zero profits. Thus, entry must
pose a risk to incumbents' quasi-rents to have a possibility to
deter a price increase.
Fourth, it is important to model buyers as strategic players. As
Sexton and Sexton [23] and Scheffman and Spiller [20] point out, buyers
can take actions to protect themselves from anticompetitive prices above
a certain limit price.(6) In particular, as Demsetz [10] and Yu [29]
suggest, they can use long-term contracts (of various forms, including
complete vertical integration, the ultimate long-term contract) to
either enter the market themselves or induce another firm to enter. What
we are presenting here can thus be thought of as a generalization of
Demsetz's original model.
Fifth, a model of entry should take account of uncertainty in the
market, as has become common in the industrial organization literature
over the past decade. The collusive firms are unlikely to know how high
they can price without inducing entry. One thing, however, is known for
certain: that the potential entrant has not yet entered. This will be
shown to put a floor on the costs of entry.
Finally, a model of entry should focus on the threat, rather than
the probability, of entry. This is contrary to the general focus of the
economics literature (starting with Bain [1]) which evaluates what
deters entry, given that a price increase has already taken place. Our
model considers the decision one step earlier in the economic game, the
decision to raise price above competitive levels. As the discussion in
section III will show, this approach can change the interpretation of
scale economies as a barrier to entry.
Before we proceed further, we note that it is theoretically
possible for a monopolist to deter entry by offering a large buyer lower
prices than its other customers [14].(7) There are, however, several
problems with this argument. First, antitrust merger cases often involve
hypothetical analysis of tacitly collusive agreement, not dominant
firms. In this context, firms could have serious difficulties in
deciding how to supply the potential entrant with low-cost product.
Second, there may be a number of potential entrant buyers in the market
such that offering all of them discount prices would dissipate the
available supracompetitive profit. Finally, were such price
discrimination to occur, it could constitute a violation of the
Robinson-Patman act.
Rules of the Game
We present a simple one period entry game where the threat of entry
can deter, at least under some conditions, any collusive price increase.
There are N identically sized producers in this industry, each producing
with the same commonly available technology with a known marginal cost
structure. Each of the incumbent producers has already paid the sunk
costs necessary to enter the industry. To create the required
quasi-rents, we assume that the available technology generates for each
firm an upward sloping supply curve. This allows for a competitive
equilibrium in the presence of sunk costs, and places some of these
firms' quasi-rents at risk in the event of entry.
For ease of presentation, following on Scheffman and Spiller [20],
buyers have a perfectly inelastic demand for the industry's
product. Buyers, however, are allowed to enter the upstream market
themselves. Entry can take the form of one firm vertically integrating,
a group of firms entering into a joint venture, or buyers using long
term contracts to induce entry. The lowest cost potential entrant faces
some sunk costs [S.sup.E], the distribution of which we will discuss
below. Once the entrant has incurred the necessary sunk costs, it
produces with the same marginal cost schedule as incumbents.
In the first stage of this game, producers decide what price they
will charge. We assume that they are able to effectively agree on some
price to be charged, absent entry, at some cost C. We initially assume C
= 0.
In the second stage, buyers have a choice. They can either accept
the industry price or induce entry. Entry is induced by payments from a
coalition of buyers. This coalition may take the form of the largest
buyer in the industry. Or the coalition may consist of two or more
buyers creating a joint venture that produces the relevant product. Or
it can take the form of any number of firms entering into contracts with
the entrant that compensate the entrant for its losses in a post-entry
competitive market. For simplicity, we assume that the transaction costs of forming the relevant coalition are zero.(8) We also assume that entry
is induced when there is an arrangement available that is pareto optimal
for all members of the buyers' coalition as well as for the
potential entrant. The buyer coalition has market share [lambda]. Once
entry occurs, the collusive agreement is assumed to dissolve and firms
price at marginal cost.(9)
The Base Case Solution
In the mathematical model, demand is perfectly inelastic at Q.(10)
P equals price. Incumbent firms price at marginal cost and have
aggregate supply curve
[Q.sup.I](P) = (P - A)/B A,B > 0. (1)
Let N equal the number of equally-sized minimum efficient scale firms in the industry. (Thus N = 1/MES, where MES is interpreted as a
measure of minimum efficient scale.) A potential new entrant is willing,
after paying its sunk costs, to supply the market with
[q.sup.E](P) = (1/N)(P - A)/B. (2)
Let K = N/(N + 1), 0 < K < 1. The total supply curve after
entry is
[Q.sup.E](P) = (P - A)/KB. (3)
A graphical representation of the model is presented in Figure 1.
The two industry supply curves ([S.sup.I] and [S.sup.E]) both originate at point A and determine the market price by their intersection with the
(perfectly inelastic) demand curve. Given the additional capacity, the
post-entry price [P.sup.E] is below the pre-entry price [P.sup.I].
Industry profits, both before and after entry, are defined by the area
between the supply curve and the relevant market price.
Returning to the model, price and industry profits after sunk costs
(quasi-rents) before and after entry are
[P.sup.I] = BQ + A (4a)
[pi.sup.I] = [Q.sup.2]B/2 (4b)
[P.sup.E] = KBQ + A (5a)
[pi.sup.E] = [Q.sup.2]BK/2. (5b)
We assume that industry profits at least cover sunk costs in the
pre-entry equilibrium. The existence of sunk costs insures lumpy entry,
which in tum creates the possibility that the existing firms will earn
supranormal rents as long as the available returns do not trigger entry.
To examine the entry question, we focus on profits after entry for the
new entrant and all previous incumbents.
[pi.sup.E] = [Q.sup.2]KB/2(N + 1) (6)
[pi.sup.E.sub.i] = [Q.sup.2][K.sup.2]B/2. (7)
We know that the potential entrant has not yet entered. We also
know from (6) what profits (quasirents) it would make, and what the
buyer coalition with market share [lambda] would be willing to pay it to
enter, [lambda]([P.sup.I] - [P.sup.E])Q.(11) For this situation to be an
equilibrium the amount of sunk costs facing the new entrant cannot be
less than the sum of the post-entry quasi-rents and the available buyer
payments. Thus, the minimum amount of sunk costs SL the entrant can face
[Mathematical Expression Omitted] (8)
Since (1 - K) = 1/(1 + N) = K/N
[Mathematical Expression Omitted] (8a)
[S.sub.m], the maximum possible amount of sunk costs that the
entrant may be facing, remains unknown. Without loss of generality, let
[S.sub.m] = (1 + R)[S.sub.L], R > 0, and [S.sub.m] - [S.sub.L] =
[RS.sub.L], where R is unknown.
Assume that the cartel raises price above the competitive level by
[P.sub.m]. It will be worth an additional [p.sun.m][lambda]Q to the
buyer coalition to induce entry. Similar to Crawford and Sobel [9, 1440]
and McAfee and McMillan [17, 109], we assume that the actual sunk costs
of the most favorable entrant [S.sub.E] are distributed uniformly in the
range [S.sub.L, S.sub.M ].(12) This implies the probability of entry in
response to a price rise [p.sub.m] is equal to the probability that
[S.sub.L] + [p.sub.m lambda]Q > [S.sub.E], or
[Mathematical Expression Omitted] (9)
If the cartel raises price without inducing entry it gains profits
[Mathematical Expression Omitted] (10)
The cartel thus maximizes profits over [p.sub.m], given the
probability of entry
[Mathematical Expression Omitted] (11)
Taking derivatives and setting equal to zero yields
[Mathematical Expression Omitted] (12)
Dividing (12) by Q and rearranging generates
[Mathematical Expression Omitted] (13)
Equation (13) implies that the cartel will either raise price, with
[p.sub.m*] > 0 and face the threat of entry, or it will not raise
price at all. If it chooses not to raise price, it does so because the
expected profits from [p.sub.m*] > 0 are less than expected losses
from a decline in price due to new entry. We now assume no price rise
([p..sub.m*][less than or equal to] 0, which imphesp.[p.sub.m*] = 0
because in this circumstance a cartel will have no reason to set price
below the equilibrium competitive level). Since [RS.sub.L]/2,[lambda]Q
> 0, (13) implies
[Mathematical Expression Omitted] (14)
[Mathematical Expression Omitted] (15)
[Mathematical Expression Omitted] (16)
Let N = 5(13) (MES = 0.2 and K = 5/6), [lambda] = 0.2 and let
[R.sup.c] denote the critical level of R, above which supracompetitive
pricing will occur. Equation (16) can then be evaluated as R [less than
or equal to] 11/37 = 0.2973. Thus, if the sunk costs to enter will not
be greater than ([R.sup.c] + 1 =) 1.2973 times the minimum sunk cost to
enter, no price rise will occur. On the other hand, if R > 1.2973, a
cartel will find it ex ante profitable to risk the threat of new entry
and will engage in a form of limit pricing.
One issue that often arises in antitrust is whether economies of
scale constitute an entry barrier [21, 424]. In the model here N
represents the inverse of economies of scale. If economies of scale are
a barrier, [dR.sup.c]/dN < 0. Differentiating (16) yields
[Mathematical Expression Omitted] (17)
A priori, (17) indicates that it is ambiguous whether economies of
scale reduce the threat of entry. Thus, contrary to the conclusion of
Bain [1] and others, it is uncertain whether economies of scale
represent a barrier to entry from a merger enforcement perspective.
Evaluating (17) given N = 5 implies that increasing economies of scale
act to reduce the threat of entry if [lambda] < 0. 5.
The intuition behind this result is straightforward. Large
economies of scale increase the costs of entering, because such entry
will have a larger impact on price. This larger impact on price,
however, constitutes a greater threat to incumbents.(14) Further, it
increases the available level of payments from a buyer coalition. Thus,
increased economies of scale decrease the probability of entry, but
increase the costs to incumbents of that entry should it occur.
Growing Markets, Entry and "Predation"
We can adjust our model slightly to accommodate the dynamics of
growing markets. Assume that before the game starts, but after
incumbents have sunk their costs, the market grows by some factor g >
0.(15) Demand for the industry's product now equals (1 + g)Q. In
this circumstance
[P.sup.G.sup.I] = (1 + g)BQ + A (18a)
[[pi].sup.G.sup.I] = (1 + g) [Q.sup.2.sup.2]B/2 (18b)
[P.sup.G.sup.E] = (1 + g)KBQ + A (19a)
[[pi].sup.G.sup.E] = (1 + g)[Q.sup.2.sup.2] BK/2 (19b)
[[pi].sup.G.sup.E.sub.e] = (1 + g)[Q.sup.2.sup.2]KB/2(N + 1) (20)
[[pi].sup.G.sup.E.sub.i] = (1 + g)[Q.sup.2.sup.2][K.sup.2]B/2. (21)
An entering firm will capture ([(1 + g).sup.2)] - 1)[Q.sup.2]KB/2(N
+ 1) additional profits in inframarginal rents. Further, the buyer
coalition is now willing to pay an additional A [lambda] ([(1 +
g).sup.2)] - 1) (1 - K)[Q.sup.2]B to induce entry. Thus, entry becomes
more profitable to the entrant and the buyer coalition in this scenario
by ([(1 + g).sup.2] - 1)S.sub.L and even without a price increase, entry
will occur with probability ([(1 + g).sup.2] - 1)/R. (We assume that R
> [(1 + g).sup.2] - 1.)
If entry does not occur absent conclusion, the actual sunk costs of
the most favorable entrant [S.sup.E] are distributed uniformly in the
range [[(1 + g).sup.2][S.sub.L], (R + I)[S.sub.L]]. Thus, the
probability of entry in response to a price rise is [[sigma].sup.G]
([p.sub.m]) = ([p.sub.m.][lambda](1 + g)Q/[(R + 1 - [(1 +
g).sup.2])[S.sub.L]] for [p.sub.m] in the relevant ranges. The cartel
thus maximizes profits over [p.sub.m], given the probability of entry
Max [pi] = [[sigma].sup.G][(p.sub.m).sup.G][[pi].sub.i.sup.E] + ([1
- .sup.G][sigma]
[(p.sub.m).sup.G)][[pi].sup.C] ([p.sub.m]) (22) where
[[pi].sup.G.sup.C] ([p.sub.m]) = .sup.G [pi].sup.I + [p.sub.m] + (1 +
g)Q. Taking derivatives and setting equal to zero yields
[lambda][(1 + g).sup.3][Q.sup.3][K.sup.2]B/2(R - [(1 + g).sup.2] +
1)[S.sub.L] + [(1 + g).sup.2]
+ 1)[S.sub.L] + (1 + g)Q
- 2([lambda]).p.sub.m (1 +g).G.sup.2/(R - (1 + g).sup.2) +
- [lambda] [(1 + g).sup.3][Q.sup.3]B/2)R - [(1 + g).sup.2] +
1)[S.sub.L] = 0
Dividing (23) by (1 + g)Q and rearranging terms yields
[p.sup.*.sub.m] = [(R - [(1 + g).sup.2] + 1)[S.sub.L]/2[lambda]Q]
[1 - [lambda](1 - [K.sup.2])[(1 + g).sup.2][Q.sup.2]B/2(R - [(1 +
g).sup.2] + [S.sub.L]. (24)
No price rise implies
2(R - [(1 + g).sup.2] + 1)[S.sub.L] [less than or equal
to][lambda]([1 - K.sup.2])
[(1 + g).sup.2] [Q.sup.2]B
2(R - [(1 + g).sup.2] + 1)[Q.sup.2] BKH [less than or equal to]
[lambda] (1 - [K.sup.2])
[(1 + g).sup.2][Q.sup.2]B.
(R - [(1 + g).sup.2] + 1) [less than or equal to][(1 +
g).sup.2][[lambda](2N + 1)/[N
+ 2[lambda]N + 2[lambda]]
(R [less than or equal to] [(1 + g).sup.2][[lambda](2N + 1)/[N +
2[lambda]N + 2[lambda]]
+ [(1 + g).sup.2] - 1. (25)
Letting N = 5, [lambda] = 0.2, and g = 0.05 implies R [less than or
equal to] 0.4304. Thus, in this example an increase in the market demand
by 5 percent yields a 44.7 percent increase in the range of entry costs
that deters an anticompetitive price rise.(16)
We note that in the case of a growing market, the equilibrium
number of firms (absent strategic action by incumbents) may not yet be
achieved. In this case, incumbent firms may actually seek to collude to
lower price, engaging in a form of predatory pricing. Such collusion,
while dropping price below marginal cost (but above average cost) may be
profitable, because it serve to protect incumbent firms'
quasi-rents by detering entry.
Costs of Collusion and Entry
The model can also be generalized to allow for positive costs of
collusion. Along these lines, we assume that cartel coordination
requires firms to incur both fixed and price-related costs.
C([p.sub.m]) = Z + [p.sup.d.sub.m]Q Z > 0, 1 > d > 0.
The initial expenditure (Z) proxies the costs necessary to organize
the cartel and the variable expenditure (d) represents the costs of
policing the agreement which are a function of the supra-competitive
profits at risk.(17)
Given these costs must be incurred to increase price regardless of
whether entry occurs, the cartel's profit maximizing problem over
[p.sub.m] becomes
Max [pi] = [sigma]([p.sub.m])[[pi].sub.i.sup.E] + (1 -
([p.sub.m]) - (Z + [p.sup.d.sub.m.Q). (27)
Again taking derivatives and equating to zero
[lambda][Q.sup.3][K.sup.2]B/[2RS.sub.L] + Q -
2[lambda][p.sub.m.][Q.sup.2]/[RS.sub.L] - [lambda]
[Q.sup.3]B/[2RS.sub.L] - dQ = 0. (28)
Rearranging (28) generates a new equation for price
[p.sub.m.sup.*] = [RS.sub.L]/2[lambda]Q][(1 - d) - [lambda](1 -
[Q.sup.2]B/[2RS.sub.L]]. (29)
The only difference between (29) and (13) is the use of the term (1
- d) instead of 1. Thus, the remaining analysis is identical except for
the additional of (1 - d) on the left-hand side of the analysis. This
implies that (16) can be written in the more general form of
R [less than or equal to] [[lambda](2N + 1)/[(N + 2[lambda](N
Integrating both the costs of collusion and the growth model yields
R [less than or equal to][(1 + g).sup.2] [[lambda](2N + 1)/)N +
2[lambda])(N +1)) (1 - d)]
+ [(1 + g).sup.2] -1. (31)
Retaining the assumptions that N = 5, [lambda] = 0. 2, and defining
d = 0.2 generates a value of R of 0.372. If growth is considered (i.e.
as in equation (31) with a value of 0.05) the value is 0.512. This value
is 72 percent higher than the initial value for a stagnant market with
no costs of collusion.
Even if the threat of entry by itself will not deter a price
increase, it is possible that the optimal price increase will be so
small that the cartel will be unable to cover the fixed costs of
collusion. Thus, collusive activity will not occur, unless the firms can
impose a sufficient price increase to cover the fixed costs of
cartelization. Thus, as the fixed costs of collusion increase from zero,
small price changes optimal under (28) generate a loss for the cartel,
so no price change will occur.
IV. The Judicial Response to Large Buyers
Large Buyer Arguments in the Case Law
Empirical evidence on the threat of buyer-induced entry is
inherently difficult to obtain, because it is the threat of entry, not
entry itself, that defeats an anticompetitive price increase. It is
possible, however, to gather evidence on the ability of buyer coalitions
to induce entry by reviewing litigated cases where actual or potential
buyer coalitions played a role. Perhaps the best example of a buyer
coalition actually defeating anticompetitive pricing is described in
Sewell Plastics Inc. v. Coca Cola Co. 720 F. Supp. 1186 (W.D.N.C. 1988),
aff'd 912 F.2d 463 (1990), cert. denied III S. Ct. 1019 (1991).
Sewell Plastics, one of the innovators of plastic soft drink bottles,
attempted to maintain high prices into the 1980's. In 1981, a group
of Coca Cola bottlers approached Sewell and tried to negotiate lower
prices by threatening entry. When Sewell failed to offer a sufficient
discount, the bottlers created a joint venture to enter the market. (The
District Court decision at 1208 indicates that such cooperatives are
common in this industry.) The entrant, SouthEastern Container, grew to
obtain a 33.5 percent share of the plastic bottle market and prices fell
from $220 per thousand in 1982 to $146 in 1986. Thus, when induced by
Sewell to actually enter, the bottlers succeeded at pushing price down
Additional support for the concept of buyer-induced entry can be
gleaned from examining the merger challenges litigated by the government
between 1982 and 1991 listed in Table I.(19) A review of litigated cases
presents examples of when courts believed that the threat of entry was
sufficient to maintain competition or when parties induced actual entry
to create competition at vertically-related levels of production.(20)
One of the first observations from reviewing the list of recent
merger cases in Table I is that it is relatively rare to have a merger
litigated in federal court involving direct sales to atomistic consumers. Even consumer goods can be sold through retailers that are
large enough to create new entry. Other consumer goods are sold through
mixed systems with some consumers purchasing directly and others through
large buyer groups. Finally, when atomistic consumers face monopolistic
sellers in retailing, buyer coalition strategies can easily be inverted and applied to input suppliers. Thus, for almost any class of mergers,
buyer strategy arguments, or their equivalent, can be entertained.
Table I. Products in Merger Challenges: Government Cases in
Federal Court, 1982-1991 (Number of Cases in
Banking Services (2) Gasoline Distribution
Carbon Black for Tires Rigid Wall Containers
Pre-recorded Music Industrial Dry Corn
Commercial Trash Collection Automatic Railroad Tampers
Carburetor Kits Supermarkets
Corrugating Medium Night Vision Tubes
Sprayers and Dispensers First Run Movie Releases
Milling of Paddy Rice Fluid Milk
Plastic Feed Stocks (3) Hardrock Hydraulic Mining Equipment
Carbonated Soft Drinks Printing Services
Aircraft Transparencies Schmidt-Cassegrain Telescopes
Hospital Services (5) Movie Laboratory Service Agreements
Race Track Equipment Gas Cabinets
Source: Various Federal Court Merger Decisions
The simplest buyer coalition argument involves large buyers
purchasing from a concentrated group of sellers. Examples from litigated
cases include carbon black (a key input into tires), aircraft
transparencies (a vital component for aircraft), and 25 mm second
generation night vision tubes (the crucial input for a class of night
vision devices used for military purposes). Although the potential for
buyer-induced entry in these examples appears clear, the relevant
decisions imply that a buyer coalition would have had difficulty
inducing entry, because entry was technically a long and difficult
process. In other cases, entry appeared to be much easier. For example,
in U.S. v. County Lake et al. at 117, District Court Judge Renner found
that the large milk distributors, who accounted for over 90 percent of
the customers in the relevant market, could and would seek suppliers
outside the local area or vertically integrate in response to
anticompetitive pricing by local milk processors. This was considered
sufficient to maintain competition. Similarly, in U.S. v. Calmar at
1304, District Court Judge Debevoise found that buyers of pump
dispensers and sprayers would react to an anticompetitive price
increases by either vertically integrating or entering into joint
ventures to make the products.
Another example of the potential for buyer strategies can be found
in the 1990 Baker Hughes decision. District Court Judge Gesell noted
that the major customers for hardrock hydraulic mining equipment would
insist on receiving competitive bids and were likely to have contacts
with mining equipment manufacturers in Canada. Thus, Judge Gesell found
that buyer strategies would facilitate successful entry into the U.S.
market were the merger to induce collusion. A key point in the decision
appears to relate to the sophistication of buyers rather than their
absolute size. Thus, even when the buyers do not have large market
shares, it has been concluded that they may be able to contribute to
maintaining competition. Similarly in Echlin Manufacturing Co., 105
F.T.C. 410 (1985), the FTC observed that resellers which purchased
carburetor kits from assemblers had some power to maintain competitive
prices. Moreover, the Commission noted that resellers could either have
another firm package the carburetor kits for them or do it themselves.
Thus, buyers were considered potential entrants whose existence was
believed to keep the market competitive. While buyer-induced entry has
had significant success as a defense tactic in merger litigations, it by
no means represents a panacea for defendants. For instance, buyer
strategy arguments have been given little weight in hospital merger
decisions where third party payers (Blue Cross and the government)
appear to be very large buyers. In Hospital Corp. of Am. v. F.T.C., 106
F.T.C. 361, 509 (1985), 807 F.2d 1381 (7th Cir. 1986), cert. denied 107
S.Ct. 1975 (1987), the Commission rejected the buyer strategy argument,
observing Blue Cross could not switch its business to hospitals outside
the geographic market. In reviewing the case, Judge Posner developed
this idea further by noting third party payers are not completely
analogous to large buyers. Insurance companies are obligated to pay the
contracted portion of the medical charges for their customers as opposed
to large buyers that could strategically reduce purchases of product. It
is not clear how the third party payer could threaten to move large
amounts of business away from the oligopolists, although conceivably they could help to develop HMOs. Similarly, in U.S. v. Rockford Memorial
Corp., 898 F.2d 1278 1285 (7th Cir. 1990), Judge Posner observed that
the overall effect on competition of buyer threats was unclear.
We note that both hospital cases involved relatively large barriers
to entry (such as certificate of need regulation), with no potential
entrant apparently being "close" to entering. Thus, the third
party payers were unlikely to defeat the price increase by motivating
new entrants to come into the market. In U.S. v. Carillon Health
Systems, 707 F. Supp 840, 849 (W.D. Vir. 1989), however, Judge Turk held
that the ability of other hospitals to expand was sufficient to outweigh the concerns caused by the increased concentration level. Although the
concept of buyer induced-entry was not explicitly mentioned in this
decision, it could have easily been integrated into the analysis.
Overall, buyer strategy arguments may be applied to hospital mergers,
but only in limited fact situations.
Finally, the idea of buyer-induced entry can easily be inverted
into supplier strategy arguments. If a retailer attempts to monopolize a
geographic area, both suppliers and consumers may suffer injury. The
supplier can respond by inducing entry to defeat the anticompetitive
overcharge. An example of this behavior comes from the movie theater
industry. In U.S. v. Syufy Enterprises, 712 F. Supp. (N.D. Cal. 1989),
aff'd 903 F.2d 659 (9th Cir. 1990), the court decisions report that
Orion Releasing Group shifted its business to a small second run theater
after a contract dispute with defendant Syufy. This action meant that a
new competitor entered the first run market in Las Vegas where
businessman Raymond Syufy had acquired a (short-run) market share of
over 90 percent. District Court Judge Orrick and Judge Kozinski for the
Appeals Court chronicled the success of the entrant and both concluded
that Syufy's various movie theater mergers in Las Vegas had no
anticompetitive effect.
Empirical Estimate of the Effect of Large Buyers on the
To test our hypothesis that the presence of large buyers affects
judicial decisions on entry, we use the litigated mergers cases where
either the Department of Justice of the Federal Trade Commission was a
plaintiff after the publication of the 1982 Merger Guidelines. After
excluding three cases where barriers were not relevant to the decision,
there remains a sample of 30 observations, 20 with court opinions
reporting some form of entry barriers and 10 without.(21) Our dependent
variable (Barriers) was equal to one if the court found barriers and
zero if no barriers were identified. We measured the first independent
variable, buyer power (BUYER), with a binary variable taking on the
value of one if the court decision recognized some from of buyer power
and zero otherwise. A second independent variable (ECON) represents the
economic sophistication of the court as illustrated by the number of
structural variables identified as affecting competition. If the court
wrote a detailed opinion that explained how various structural factors
affected competition, it may be more likely for the court to search for
sophisticated economic arguments to justify barriers to entry.(22) To
define this variable we summed the number of factors mentioned in the
decision as either compatible or incompatible with noncompetitive
behavior. Finally, there may be differences between the two antitrust
agencies in the cases chosen to be litigated or in each agency's
litigation incentives or abilities. To capture this, a dummy variable (DOJ) was included for the DOJ cases.
The model was estimated with a probit methodology to account for
the binary dependent variable and the results are presented below (with
t-statistics in parentheses).
Barriers = 0.589 - 4.09 BUYER + 0.909 ECON - 1.64 DOJ (32)
(0.88) (-2.50) (2.38) (-1.93)
Likelihood Ratio test: 22.53; Pseudo R-square: 0.590.
The coefficients of the independent variables are significantly
different from zero and the overall model clearly passes the Chi-square
at the one percent level. Using a fifty percent predition criteria, the
model predicts the entry finding correctly for 95 percent of the twenty
high barrier cases and 70 percent of the ten low barriers cases. Overall
prediction success is achieved in 26 of the 30 cases (86.7 percent).(23)
The model confirms the basic hypothesis concerning the
judiciary's use of the concept of buyer power to support a finding
of low barriers. In addition, both the dummy variable for the litigating
antitrust agency and the number of structural conditions found to affect
competition also affected the likelihood of a barrier finding. Assuming
the sophistication variable (ECON) is fixed at its mean of 2.37, a
finding of buyer power lowers the probability of finding barriers from
almost 100 percent to 9 percent in FTC cases and from 86 percent to less
than 1 percent in DOJ cases.(24)
V. Conclusion
This paper attempts to bridge the gap between judicial decisions
and economic theory relating to entry. Our model shows how buyer
strategies can be used, at least in some circumstances, to overcome the
presence of sunk costs such that the threat of entry is able to deter
price increases. Such threats are likely to be most effective when
sophisticated buyers (sellers) make up a large portion of the relevant
output (input) market and when the lowest cost potential entrant is
relatively "close" to entering the market absent an
anticompetitive price increase. One, though not the only, way of
thinking of this concept is asking how near to contestability a
particular market is.
Our model also has other implications. We suggest analyzing the
threat of entry at the time incumbents consider raising prices, rather
than the probability of entry once a price increase occurs. We show how
such a change could affect the definition of economies of scale as an
entry barrier. Our model also implies that antitrust law should be more
lenient towards joint ventures in vertically related markets to allow a
wider array of buyer strategies. Recent court decisions clearly show
that the judiciary recognizes many of these concepts. This paper is an
attempt to formally present this phenomena to economists, as well as to
allow jurists to give more structure to their decisions.
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(1.) Other examples include U.S. v. Calmar Inc., 612 F. Supp. 1298
(D.N.J. 1985), F.T.C. v. Promodes, 1989-2 Trade Cas. (CCH)
[paragraph]68,688 (N.D. Ga. April 14, 1989) and U.S. v. Country Lake
Foods, Inc., 1990-2 Trade Cas. (CCH) [paragraph]69,113 (D. Minn. June 1,
1990). (2.) U.S. v. Baker Hughes, 731 F. Supp. 3 (D.D.C. 1990),
aff'd. 908 F.2d 981 (D.C. Cir., 1990). In his decision, Judge
Thomas pointed out that "[s]ection 7 [of the Clayton Act] involves
probabilities, not certainties or possibilities" (emphasis
original). (3.) Coate and Langenfeld [6] provide a more detailed
discussion of entry under the 1992 Guidelines. (4.) Salop [19] and
Willig [28] provide a more detailed discussion of the minimum viable
scale concept. (5.) Although we explicitly model the ability of entry to
deter a post-merger price increase, the same analysis would apply to
situations of price fixing dealt with under a legal rule of reason.
Explicit price fixing, however, is per se illegal in the United States and therefore the threat of entry is not a relevant legal issue in such
contexts. (6.) Sexton and Sexton [23] model a cooperative under
certainty and conclude limit pricing is a possible outcome, while
Scheffman and Spiller [20] model a market with a large buyer where the
supplier must invest in customer-specific sunk costs. They also find
limit pricing can occur. (7.) As section IV discusses, there have been
situations in which noncompetitive pricing has induced entry. Thus, the
argument clearly does not apply to all cases. (8.) This will be most
applicable when the buyer coalition consists solely of the largest
relevant buyer. Should there be costs to forming the coalition, those
costs should be subtracted from the right hand side of equation (8)
below. This simplifying assumption does not affect the conclusions of
the model. We also assume away the free rider problem for both a
supplier cartel and a buyer coalition. While a more general model would
find buyers less likely to induce entry, it would also find oligopolists
less likely to be able to raise prices. We note that buyers could use
strategies other than inducing entry to defeat a price increase.
Moreover, a buyers' coalition could also conceptually serve to
facilitate of monopsony power [13]. (9.) Given that collusive schemes
are inherently unstable, we assume that the disruption resulting from
entry breaks up the collusion. The additional output of the new entrant
will then drive prices below the pre-cartel level. Theoretically, entry
increases the returns to cheating on collusion, because it is uncertain
to members of the cartel whether they are losing sales to the new
entrant or to an incumbent who is cutting price [5; 2]. (10.) This is
done for the sake of simplicity. The inelastic demand curve assumption
overestimates the return to supracompetitive pricing, the harm to buyers
from such pricing, the loss in profits to incumbents due to entry, and
the cost to buyers of inducing entry. (11.) Note that the larger the
market share of the buyer group, the closer the market equilibrium moves
to the contestability result even in the presence of sunk costs. (12.)
[S.sub.L] can be interpreted as the minimum possible sunk costs in an
industry and [S.sub.m] as the maximum possible sunk costs. If the actual
sunk costs for the most likely potential entrant were less than
[S.sub.L] then entry will occur and generate a new equilibrium. Then one
could continue the analysis with one more incumbent and the next lowest
cost potential entrant. (13.) We choose N = 5 to proxy the competitive
conditions associated with the marginal antitrust case. The DOJ
Guidelines view markets as "highly concentrated" if the
relevant Herfindahl-Hirschman Index (HHI) is greater than 1800, which
can be interpreted as 10000/1800 = 5.56 equal sized firms. This implies
that a market with five equally sized firms (HHI=2000) creates a highly
concentrated market structure, which if not offset by other market
characteristics (such as the threat of entry or market characteristics
that discourage collusion) may generate an anticompetitive effect. As
Uri and Coate [27] point out, however, there is no empirical reason to
believe that any particular cutoff level of market concentration such as
an HHI of 1800 is related to the likelihood of anticompetitive behavior.
(14.) The derivative of the right hand term of equation (9) with respect
to N is positive, implying that increased economies of scale decrease
the probability of entry. The derivative of the loss to the incumbent
producers as a result of entry (which can be calculated by subtracting
equation (7) from equation (4a)) with respect to N is negative, implying
that should entry occur, the increased economies of scale will lead to
greater losses to incumbent producers. (15.) Note that growth in this
context can mean either a positive shock to demand or a decrease in
available supply due to depreciation of existing capacity. (16.) This
model does not imply that "entry" cannot happen in a declining
industry. In a declining industry, collusion may be defeated if fringe
firms see a higher price and choose not to exit. In effect, "not
exiting" becomes entry. See Coate and Kleit [8, 489]. The threat of
"not exiting" played an important role in a recent Canadian
merger decision, DIR v. Hillsdowne Holdings Ltd. (1992) 41 C. P. R. [30]
289. (17.) Lanning [16, 167] points out that the higher the collusive
price, the higher the gains from cheating, therefore requiring higher
expenditures by the cartel for enforcement purposes. (18.) Sewell's
response to the successful entry was to sue in federal court alleging a
litany of antitrust violations. After three years of pre-trial arguments
and analysis, the defendants prevailed on a motion for summary judgement as Judge McMillan concluded that the plaintiff had raised no issue of
material fact for a jury to decide even though 13 feet of paper (over
three million pages of documents) was filed with the court. The court
observed that "the volume of paper which a modern law firm can
produce is often greater than a busy district judge can read and
evaluate with care." (19.) For merger policy, June 14, 1982 is a
watershed date, marking the revision of the merger guidelines. Further
revisions followed in 1984 and 1992, but most of the changes only
clarified the 1982 guidelines. By limiting the merger sample to cases
after June 14, 1982, we maximize the chances of finding decisions based
on the improved economic model of competition in the 1982 Guidelines.
(20.) We note that our model implies that in some circumstances the
threat of entry will deter a price increase, in others a price rise will
be ex ante profitable but not ex post as it induces entry, and in others
entry occurs solely due to market growth. (21.) Given barriers to entry
are an important input into the overall evaluation of the merger, all
cases were clear as to whether the court considered barriers to exist.
We note that the courts found for the defendant in all cases where no
entry barrier was found. Almost identical results exist if the model
focuses on the 24 Federal court decisions in the sample. More details
about the data are available in Coate [7]. (22.) Sophisticated jurists
are not necessarily more likely to find for the government, because the
detailed economic analysis could be used to explain why collusion is
unlikely even in a concentrated market with barriers to entry. One could
claim these sophisticated economic findings are only made when barriers
are high (otherwise the case is dismissed). Courts, however, generally
make alternative findings to support their decision in the event of one
finding (i.e., that entry barriers are low) being reversed on appeal.
(23.) Exclusion of the economic sophistication variable does not
markedly affect the magnitude or significance of the buyer power or DOJ
variables. The new model (with t-statistics in parentheses) is
1.56(3.14) - 1.69(-2.41)BUYER - 1.47(-2.43) DOJ with a Chi-square
statistic of 12.65. While the limited model predicts 90 percent of the
high barrier outcomes, it is only able to identify half of the no
barrier findings. Thus, the economic sophistication variable appears to
add to the power of the model. (24.) Although it has previously been
recognized that the DOJ has a worse record than the FTC [4], our sample
of merger cases over the 1980's highlights the difference. The DOJ
won only 29 percent of its cases (4 of 14), while the FTC won 69 percent
(9 of 13) of its Federal court cases. The FTC has won slightly less than
50 percent of its completed administrative complaint cases, with a
number of others currently on review. Calkins [4, 874] hypothesizes that
the DOJ's failure may have been due to its litigation tactics,
particularly with respect to market definition. Although Coate [7]
presents some evidence that the Commission is more successful at
establishing relevant markets than the DOJ, our results suggest a
difference also exists with respect to barriers to entry. See,
Baker-Hughes, supra note 2 for the most obvious example. Kovacic [15]
hypothesizes that judicial ideology drives many antitrust decisions. To
test this theory, we estimated another model that included a variable
equal to the percentage of judges nominated by either President Reagan
or Bush on the deciding court. The judge's variable had a
coefficient with a positive sign (the opposite of that predicted by
Kovacic's theory), but it was statistically insignificant. All the
other variables retained some statistical significance.