The Macroeconomics of Populism in Latin America.
Li, Jane-Yu Ho
The papers collected in this volume are research products from a
project organized by the National Bureau of Economic Research. The
papers note that macroeconomic instability has dominated the economic
history of Latin America in the past century. Some of this instability
has been exacerbated by the repeated adoption of the populist policies
defined in this volume. The project attempts to answer the question of
whether the repetition of these policies is due to ignorance about the
mechanics (and hence the consequences) of deficit financing or to a
deliberate policy choice pressured by the general prevalence of a highly
skewed income distribution in this region.
The first part of the book contains three chapters that deal with the
central themes. In chapter 1 the editors describe the economic populist
paradigm in four phases of economic conditions characterized by
strategies emphasizing demand expansion, wage increase, price control,
and import substitution. Various populist policies aimed at income
redistribution all ended with similar results: domestic shortages,
hyperinflation, budget and balance-of-payment deficits, currency
overvaluation, and capital flight. These problems made the economy
unsustainable and eventually hurt the poor more.
It is particularly useful for the editors to point out some of the
overly optimistic (and sometimes erroneous) economic beliefs behind
these policies. The beliefs are that (1) inflation can be halted by
price control and overvaluation of the currency, counting on the
utilization of the existing idle capacity and benefits from the
economies of scale; (2) deficit financing of government is useful to
boost the general demand level while disregarding the associated
problems; and (3) foreign exchange constraint and capital flight do not
In chapter two, Robert R. Kaufman and Barbara Stallings addressed the
political aspect of Latin America populism. They note that the
historical existence of commodity export oligarchies and related income
inequality help to explain part of the pressure for implementing
populist policies. (According to one measurement, this region's
income inequality is 1.5 times greater than that in some Asian
countries.) Kaufman and Stallings define populism with a set of economic
policies designed to achieve some political goals. Their definition
emphasizes the building of a coalition of labor and lower middle class
business sectors having a domestic orientation, while excluding the
rural oligarchy and multinational enterprises. This definition therefore
excludes "right-wing" populism and populism with a rural
focus. The authors also examine various regimes in the region and find
some correlation between the type of regime and the choice of economic
policies. Further, they note that there is a relationship between the
repetition of populist cycles and the insecurity of the political
Chapter 3, by Eliana Cardoso and Ann Helwege, addresses the
heterogeneity of various populist regimes in economic strategy and
motivation. They distinguish economic populism, which stresses the
repeated willingness to push demand beyond economic bonds, from the
classical definition of "populist regime" used by political
scientists. They also defend the usefulness of some populist policies
(such as import substitution) in earlier decades and point out that some
of these poor economic policies were not necessarily the result of a
populist regime. Some conservative regimes also encountered similar
problems. And, policies other than populist ones (i.e., left-wing
policies regarding private property rights) also exacerbated the
problems. These discussions serve as important qualifiers for the
general conclusions made in chapter 1. In his commentator's
remarks, William Cline reminds readers that there is extensive
literature on income distribution and economic growth. He notes that a
list of successful strategies for growth with equity would include
restraints on budget and wage, more targeted antipoverty programs, and
outward economic orientation.
The second part of the book deals with populist experiences in six
countries--Argentina, Chile, Brazil, Mexico, Peru, and Nicaragua--and
the exceptional case of Colombia, which did not adopt populist policies.
These chapters were mostly written by economists and supplemented with
commentator's remarks. Each chapter examines the details of a
country's experiences on economic and political conditions as well
as the policies themselves and the consequences of those policies. The
authors also review various circumstances that might explain the policy
choices. Some authors or commentators mention reasons other than income
inequality that also help to explain these mistaken policy choices.
These reasons include inadequate understanding of economic mechanisms.
Lack of credibility--i.e., general doubts regarding the
government's capability to continuously provide stable economic
environment--also made economic collapse almost inevitable. It led to
behaviors such as hoarding that fueled inflation. In the case of
Colombia, the chapter's authors stress the contribution of
technocrats in setting economic policies that avoided the
populists' mistakes. A more stable two-party democracy and a free
press are also cited as reasons why Colombia rejected populist policies.
The editors urge further research on how to better tackle the
problems of redistributing income while avoiding macroeconomic
mismanagement. This book would be useful reading for policy analysts who
monitor the development of Latin American economies, and for those
economists who are interested in helping the newly independent Eastern
European economies to avoid some unnecessary economic pain. However, the
book lacks comparisons with Asian countries detailing why they managed
to resist the pressure to adopt populist policies. Was it due to better
initial income distribution or a slower development of political
democracy? How did Asian countries improve their income distribution
over time? Were these policies similar to those adopted in Colombia?
Perhaps these questions deserve another NBER project funding.
Jane-yu Ho Li U.S. General Accounting Office