Efficiencies without economists: the early years of resale price maintenance.
Kleit, Andrew N.
4. See, for example, Seligman and Love |29, 143-61~. In Canada, the
desire to avoid loss-leading is an exception to the per se rule against
RPM. See Restrictive Trade Practises Commission |26~ and R. v. H.D. Lee,
57 C.P.R. 60 (1981).
5. Using this analysis, Klein and Murphy |19~ argue that by reducing
vertical externalities RPM can promote various forms of sales efforts,
which are generally thought of as horizontal externalities. Discerning whether the provision of sales efforts is deterred by horizontal or
vertical externalities is a debate this author does not wish to enter.
Arbitrarily, for I. Introduction
Resale price maintenance (RPM) continues to be a contentious topic,
both in economics and in antitrust. During the 1980s economists derived
new efficiency motivations for RPM while the Supreme Court reaffirmed
the decades-old per se ban on its use and Congress threatened to extend
that ban. In the 1990s, after several years of federal inactivity during
the Reagan Administration, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has once
again begun bringing RPM cases.(1)
While economists have proposed a number of different efficiency
explanations for RPM, such theorizing has been performed largely without
the help of businesses that actually use RPM. With little practical
evidence, such hypotheses have been subject to substantial criticism. Of
course, since RPM has been per se illegal, businesses may be reluctant
to admit that they are engaged in the practice, which would appear to be
a necessary condition for generating an efficiency defense. This article
seeks to find out why businesses may believe that they benefit from RPM.
It does so by examining which efficiency rationales were advanced by
firms during a critical time for RPM in the United States, 1915 to 1917.
These rationales, drawn largely from previously unexplored materials,
are then examined in the light of current economic theory. There are two
basic sources for these rationales. The first is three hearings on RPM
held in 1915, 1916, and 1917 in the U.S. House of Representatives on a
bill to legalize certain forms of RPM. The second is the transcript of
seven days of hearings the FTC held in 1917 to discuss efficiency
motivations for RPM.
Section II explains several economic theories that have been posited
for RPM and briefly discusses the critiques of these theories that have
arisen in the legal and economic communities. Section III examines
federal RPM case law prior to 1918 and posits efficiency rationales from
section II to match the products involved in the case law. Section III
also discusses the uncertainty in the case law during the period 1908 to
1917 and the concepts behind the various judicial decisions. Section IV
presents the efficiency arguments made during this period of legal
uncertainty for RPM. Section IV also shows that RPM had support from
diverse sources, including Thomas Edison, Louis Brandeis, and apparently
Henry Ford, as well as the president of the National Housewives League
and the Consulting Home Editor of the Ladies' Home Journal.
The hearings, despite being held over 70 years ago, disclose the same
motivations for RPM that scholars use today. These motivations were
presented largely without the assistance of economists. Yet in many
circumstances the efficiency arguments were presented, while not with
technical rigor, accurately and in a manner consistent with the current
economic learning.
II. The Efficiency Theories for RPM--and Their Critics
Several efficiency rationales for RPM and other vertical restraints have emerged in the last thirty years in the economic literature. They
compose a wide variety of efficiencies for a large number of goods.(2)
Horizontal Externalities: Special Services, Shelf Space and
The oldest efficiency story in the economic literature, presented by
Tesler |32~ may be put in the following way. A manufacturer places a new
product, like a videocassette recorder (VCR), on the market. Before many
or most sales take place, consumers have to be educated in how to use
this product. If retailers incur costs teaching consumers how to work
the VCR, the retailer must be compensated for its expenses by higher
margins on its sales. Unfortunately for both manufacturers and
full-service retailers, a customer may be able to take that training and
go across the street and buy the VCR from a discount dealer who does not
offer these services and thus does not incur the relevant costs,
eliminating the retailer's incentive to provide such information.
Without the protection of RPM or another similar instrument,
manufacturers cannot prevent the existence of a "horizontal
externality", with one retailer gaining benefit from the actions of
another. Retailers will thus be reluctant to invest in educating
customers, and therefore insufficient product information will be
supplied to consumers.
The horizontal free-riding(3) argument, however, is not confined solely to complex goods. For instance, in the model of Marvel and
McCafferty |20~, some retailers are assumed to have gained
consumers' confidence. Consumers view these retailers as their
agents in "certifying" which goods are of high quality.
RPM-induced margins are thus the manufacturer's payments to the
retailer for the costly quality certification of that retailers'
goods. This certification is expected to be especially important for
manufacturers who are attempting to create a brand name reputation for
their own products, and for goods that have uncertain quality.
In addition, as Goldberg |12~ and Bittlingmayer |3~ point out,
retailers' costly conveyance of information can take other forms.
For instance, a manufacturer may want to buy high profile shelf space as
a form of advertising. The RPM-induced higher margins through RPM, in
effect, buy the more expensive shelf-space. Without RPM, consumers could
gain this information at a high-priced store and use it to buy goods at
a discount house.
One issue that has consistently arisen in the RPM debate is the
desire of manufacturers to prevent their goods from being used as
"loss leaders."(4) The only direct reference to this in the
current economic literature, however, is a brief discussion by Marvel
and McCafferty |21, 375~. Marvel and McCafferty suggest that the desire
to free-ride on shelf space partially explains this phenomena. They
further argue that goods will be used as loss leaders when "the
value of a well-known product line to a new entrant store is greater
than to an established retail firm." In other words, manufacturers
will use RPM to deter new entrant retailers from using their products as
loss-leaders in order to "free-ride" off the shelf-space of
established retailers.
Vertical Externalities and the Importance of Performance Bonds
Klein and Murphy |19~, extending the model of Klein and Leffler |18~,
present a vertical efficiency rationale for the use of RPM. In the
Klein-Leffler model, firms use implicit and explicit contracts to create
"performance bonds" for good behavior. For instance, a firm
with a good whose quality is difficult to evaluate may invest in
advertising to create a branded reputation for itself. This reputation
creates for the firm a stream of quasi-rents that it receives as long as
it continues to produce high-quality product. If it offers a lower
quality product, it will receive short-run profits from selling a low
quality at a high quality price. Such "cheating", however,
would cause the firm to lose the profits from its future stream of
quasi-rents and would therefore be unprofitable. Thus, the performance
bond of advertising insures product quality.
Klein and Murphy apply the Klein-Leffler model to vertical
restraints. Retailers invest in the sale of a product. In exchange, the
manufacturer gives the retailer a stream of quasi-rents in the form of
RPM-induced margins. These margins are only available to the retailer,
however, should it offer the manufacturer's product in a manner
that the manufacturer desires. If the retailer "misbehaves"
the manufacturer cuts off its supply of goods, thus denying the retailer
the stream of RPM-induced quasi-rents. Klein and Murphy posit that
vertical restraints can have one or more of four goals. First, they
allow the manufacturer to induce non-price competition among its
retailers, such as the provision of pre-sale information about complex
goods. Second, they allow the manufacturer to purchase retailer
promotional services. Third, they prevent dealers from being
overcompensated for promotional services by manufacturers. Finally, they
allow the manufacturer to control the type or number of dealers that
sell its product.(5) In all these circumstances, vertical restraints
prevent retailers from taking advantage of manufacturers by benefitting
from vertical externalities.
Consider, for example, a franchisee of a nationally recognized
fast-food chain. If the franchisee reduces the quality of its product
below that desired by the national chain, it, in effect,
"vertically free rides" on the national chain's
reputation. By using RPM, the chain can punish the retailer for such
behavior by cancelling its franchise contract and thus denying it a
stream of RPM-induced quasi-rents. More broadly, the Klein and Murphy
theory implies that RPM can be used to prevent retailers from using a
manufacturer's reputation against the manufacturer's best
interests. One of the important differences between Klein and Murphy and
Telser is that while Telser's theory implies that RPM will be most
useful for new products, Klein-Murphy implies that RPM will be of
greatest use in protecting the reputation of established goods.
In an article that precedes the Klein-Murphy article but uses a
similar form of analysis, Springer and Frech |30~ present a variant of
the Klein-Leffler theory to explain RPM. They discuss how retailers have
incentives to free-ride on brand names and deceive consumers.(6) Brand
names are used to draw customers into the store. Once in the store,
retailers then direct the customers to lower-quality unbranded products
that offer larger returns to the retailer. Consumers thus believe that
they are receiving high-quality branded products, or close substitutes,
when in fact they are receiving low-quality products. Again, the threat
of eliminating the supply of the manufacturer's good, and thus
losing RPM-induced margins, can deter such behavior. This is similar to
Klein and Murphy's |19, 286-87~ argument that without RPM,
"dealers will have the incentive to use their |manufacturers'~
promotional efforts to switch marginal customers to other relatively
unknown (unadvertised) brands that sell for a lower retail price, but
which possess higher retail margins."
The Critics
The recent economic theories of RPM efficiencies have not been met
with large favor by the Supreme Court or other parts of the legal
community. While the per se prohibition on non-price vertical restraints
laid down in United States v. Arnold, Schwinn & Co., 388 U.S. 365
(1967) was overruled in Continental T.V. Inc. v. GTE Sylvania Inc., 433
U.S. 36 (1977), the Court, while narrowing the definition of RPM along
the lines of U.S. v. Colgate, 250 U.S. 300 (1919), expressly refused a
Department of Justice invitation to overrule the RPM per se illegal
standard in Monsanto v. Spray-Rite Service Corp., 465 U.S. 752 (1984).
In Business Electronics v. Sharp Electronics, 485 U.S. 717 (1988), the
Court, while reinforcing the "Colgate rule", reiterated its
argument in Sylvania that "there was support for the proposition
that vertical price restraints reduce interbrand competition because
they facilitate cartelization."(7) The Court implicitly rejected
the efficiency arguments for RPM, stating, "|i~n order to meet that
interbrand competition, a manufacturer's dominant strategy is to
lower resale prices."
Since Sharp, several bills have been reported out of the Senate
Judiciary Committee to strengthen the per se ban on RPM.(8) In support
of one of these bills former FTC Commissioner Robert Pitofsky stated
|39, 228~ that "the 'free rider' explanation for vertical
price-fixing is a totally theoretical matter. No study has ever
demonstrated that manufacturers regularly or frequently engage in
minimum resale price-fixing to ensure provision of services, and many
products as to which minimum price-fixing has been tried . . . involve
few if any services." In his opening statement to the Senate
subcommittee |39, 220~, Pitofsky referred to the free-rider theory as
"nonsense." Similarly, in a House hearing five years earlier,
then-FTC Commissioner Patricia Bailey |38, 43~ stated, "|a~s a
practical matter, the 'free-rider' might be characterized as
the Loch Ness Monster of Antitrust--everyone's heard of it, but
except for an occasional shadowy outline, nobody's ever seen
it." (For a further discussion, see Kelly |17~.) In effect, both
Pitofsky and Bailey have expressed their opinion that
"free-riding" is largely the creation of theoretical
In the economics profession itself, there is also doubt as to the
validity and robustness of the free-rider arguments. For instance, in a
leading industrial organization textbook Scherer and Ross |28, 554~
state that, "the free-rider justication of resale price maintenance
has severe limitations. Its plausibility is palpably low in many product
areas where RPM is used." Similarly, Adams and Brock |1, 227~
assert that, "the 'free rider' menace on which resale
price maintenance defenders rely to rationalize vertical price-fixing
turns out, on sober examination, to be more a figment of imagination
than an empirical reality."(9)
Critics of the free-rider rationale usually focus on the traditional
explanation given by Telser--free riding on pre-sale information for
complex goods. They note that many or most RPM court cases involve
products that are relatively simple. Thus, the criticisms have yet to
deal with the less direct informational services provided by
"shelf-space," as well as the relatively new Klein-Murphy
rationale of vertical free-riding.
RPM's critics generally appear to believe that its primary usage
is to generate collusive outcomes. There are two scenarios where this is
projected to take place. In the first, a group of manufacturers use RPM
as a device to facilitate their collusive scheme. RPM aids in collusion because retail prices are more observable than wholesale prices. In the
second scenario, retailers collude and force manufacturers to use RPM to
give retailers RPM-protected margins. Both scenarios have a number of
theoretical difficulties. In particular, both scenarios require that the
group of manufacturers and/or retailers who use RPM jointly possess
market power. The empirical evidence from litigation, generated by
Ornstein |23~ and Ippolito |15, 281-82~, indicates that this condition
is not usually met.(10)
III. The Early Case Law
The Changing Rule of Law
The case law in the English-speaking world on restraint of trade is
quite old. (For example, Peppin |24, 310~ cites a case dating back to
1298.) In this context, RPM cases are relatively new. Seligman and Love
|29, 22~ report an undefined 1775 RPM "incident" involving an
English bookseller. The 1917 FTC Hearings |9, 511~ discuss an 1852
English Commission, with Charles Dickens as a member, that reviewed RPM
in the bookselling industry. Bowman |4, 826~ states that the first use
of RPM in the U.S., by drug wholesalers, occurred in 1875. The first
reported American RPM litigation is Clark v. Frank, 17 Mo. Appeal 602
(1885), a Missouri case involving a thread company's imposition of
RPM. Given the long history of antitrust jurisprudence, it seems odd
that RPM arose as a legal matter in the English-speaking world only in
the late 19th century.(11)
Table I lists the pre-1918 federal case law.(12) Prior to 1907
"vertical" RPM (defined here as RPM imposed without an
agreement between competing manufacturers) appears to have been
virtually per se legal, at least at the federal level. For instance,
Judge Acheson wrote in Edison v. Kaufman (105 F. at 960), "I cannot
doubt that the complainants have the right to sell their patented
phonograph with . . . |price~ restrictions." While striking down a
RPM plan involving an agreement by horizontal rivals in Jayne v. Loder
(149 F. at 27), Judge Archibald stated, "Undoubtedly the originator and compounder of a proprietary medicine may shape his own policy, and
sell or withhold from selling, as he pleases, according to supposed
self-interest or whim; fixing the prices and naming the terms at and
upon which alone he will do so, refusing to those who will not comply.
And so far as this is confined to his own goods, and pursued by
independent and individual action, it cannot be challenged."
RPM was struck down in only three of the 19 pre-1907 cases. In
Bobbs-Merrill v. Snellenberg (1904) the District Court ruled that RPM
notices in the copyrights of books did not create binding contracts with
retailers. In Jayne v. Loder (1906) the District and Appellate Courts ruled against a horizontal conspiracy among home remedy companies in the
Philadelphia region that imposed RPM on all retailers and wholesalers in
the area. Jayne v. Loder would appear to be the classic RPM
rule-of-reason case, as it seems that the relevant manufacturers
together may have had market power and could have been using RPM to
facilitate collusion.(13) In Ingersoll v. Snellenberg (1906) the
District Court ruled that, while a contract could impose RPM on the
immediate recipient of a good, it could not force that recipient to
impose RPM on subsequent buyers.(14)
The legal turning point for RPM was Park v. Hartman (1907). In this
decision then-Appellate Court Judge Lurton wrote that RPM was an illegal
restraint-of-trade because it eliminated what is now referred to as
"intra-brand competition." Lurton stated in his ruling that
while the owner of a copyright could not engage in RPM, an owner of a
patent could due to the monopoly rights that the patent granted.
Between 1908 and 1917 RPM law was in a state of flux.(15) In 1908 the
Supreme Court in Bobbs-Merrill v. Straus and its companion case Scribner
v. Straus ruled that copyrights notices did not constitute valid RPM
contracts in fact situations similar to that in Bobbs-Merrill v.
Snellenberg. In 1910 Lurton joined the Supreme Court. While Lurton did
not participate in the famous 1911 Dr. Miles decision, Justice
Hughes's decision largely echoes Lurton's previous Appellate
Court ruling. (Dr. Miles was decided on a 7-1 vote, with Holmes
dissenting.) Yet the next year in A.B. Dick, consistent with his Park v.
Hartman decision, Lurton switched sides, writing for the plurality in a
4-3 decision upholding RPM on patented goods.(16) In the 1913 case Bauer
v. O'Donnell, Justice Day wrote the 5-4 majority opinion striking
down vertical RPM on patented goods. (The majority included newly seated
Justice Pitney). The four justices who made up the plurality in A.B.
Dick voted against the Bauer decision without writing a dissent.
In 1914 Lurton died and was replaced by Attorney General McReynolds.
In 1916 Justice Lamar, part of the Bauer majority, died and Justice
Hughes resigned from the court to accept the Republican nomination for
President. Lamar and Hughes were replaced by Brandeis, an RPM
supporter,(17) and Clarke, who appears not to have had any previous
position on the issue. Thus, by 1917 the court apparently consisted of
three strong opponents of RPM (Day, White, and Pitney), two justices who
had taken contrary positions (McKenna and Van Devanter, who were in the
anti-RPM majority in Dr. Miles, the pro-RPM plurality in A.B. Dick, and
the pro-RPM minority in Bauer), two strong RPM supporters (Brandeis and
Holmes), and two justices who had not yet taken a position on the issue
(McReynolds(18) and Clarke). In April 1917 the court decided against
vertical RPM on patented goods 6-3 in Straus v. Victor, with Day writing
the opinion, Brandeis, Clarke and McReynolds joining the majority, and
McKenna, Holmes, and Van Devanter dissenting once more. During the
period between 1911 and 1918 five appellate court decisions ruled in
favor of vertical RPM, three passed the decision on to the Supreme
Court,(19) while only one appellate court decision found against
vertical RPM.
Judicial hopes for RPM were finally dashed in 1918, when, responding
to questions from a 7th Circuit Court that passed on a District court
decision upholding an RPM contract, the Supreme Court struck down a
vertical RPM plan by a 7-2 vote in Boston Store v. American Gramophone.
In Boston Store McKenna switched sides and Brandeis issued a concurring
opinion stating that while he believed RPM should be legal, its
illegality was now a matter of settled law. Given this judicial turmoil,
it seems that during the years 1915 to 1917 it was unclear exactly what
the next Supreme Court decision on RPM would generate.
The period 1908 to 1917 was therefore a crucial period for RPM.
Before 1908 RPM was not an issue, as it appears to have been legal.
Thus, there was no reason for RPM advocates to make the case for the
efficiency of the practice. After 1917 RPM was clearly per se illegal.
As Easterbrook |8, 6-7~ points out, "|o~nce a practice has been
declared unlawful, a business is likely to defend a lawsuit by denying
that it engaged in that practice. Rarely will it say 'Yes, we did
that, and here is why it is economically beneficial that we
did.'" Thus, at least in a legal context, firms would find it
difficult to argue the efficiency aspects of RPM. Indeed, in her study
of 203 RPM cases brought between 1976 and 1982, Ippolito |15, 68-9~
found no evidence of any attempts by defendants to mount an efficiency
defense. Further, once the practice was declared illegal, firms would be
unlikely to go into public forums and argue the efficiencies of existing
RPM arrangements, because to do so would be to invite government and
private lawsuits. Thus, TABULAR DATA OMITTED these ten years represent a
period where private parties who actually engaged in RPM would have the
incentives to articulate RPM's efficiency properties.
The Goods and the Issues in the Early Litigation
The cases themselves involved a variety of products. As discussed
above, the Telser special services argument applies best to new and
complicated products, like VCRs in the 1980s. Of course, VCRs did not
exist prior to 1918. But what may be considered the VCR's linear
antecedent, the gramophone, did. Gramophones were involved in eight of
the 49 pre-1918 cases. Two of the cases involved Ford automobiles, also
a new and complicated good in the pre-1918 era. Other complicated goods
in Table I are cameras, mimeographs, sewing machines, and threshing machines. Armaments (two cases), irons, and agricultural implements(20)
may have been complicated goods during this time period.
Over-the-counter medicines were represented in 12 cases. The Marvel and
McCafferty |20~ story seems most appropriate for medicines, with
consumers looking to retailers for certification of quality for very
uncertain home remedies. Book-sellers, whose efficiency motivations for
RPM are discussed in Bittlingmayer |3~, represent four cases. Three
cases dealt with apparently highly branded goods (Kellogg's Corn
Flakes, Cream of Wheat cereal and Welch's grape juice). Four cases
involved watches. Other cases involving apparently simple goods dealt
with automobile horns, automobile tires, dress stays, iron ware, liquor,
pencil sharpeners, and pens.
In general, RPM opponents in the judiciary presented two arguments.
The first, made originally by Lurton in 1907 and echoed by Hughes in Dr.
Miles, was that RPM reduced intra-brand competition. The second,
presented by Hughes in Dr. Miles, asserted that once a firm sold a
particular good, it had no further legitimate interest in that good.
Only two of these cases, Jayne v. Loder and Standard Sanitary v. U.S.
(1912), discuss any type of interbrand collusive arrangement that
appears to be the current rationale for the legal opposition to RPM.(21)
Most of the plaintiffs in these cases were manufacturers or patent
holders attempting to enforce RPM contracts with their distributors,
retailers, or licensees. Of the 28 cases up to and including Dr. Miles,
26 were brought by parties desiring to enforce RPM restrictions. Even
after Dr. Miles, from 1911 to 1917, 16 of the 21 cases were brought by
manufacturers seeking to uphold RPM contracts. Unlike Ippolito |15,
269~, who examined cases from a later period, I did not find any cases
that dealt with maximum RPM, though courts during this period may not
have noted the differences in types of RPM.
IV. Efficiencies Articulated
Early supporters of RPM had two different national forums to present
reasons why the Supreme Court decisions in Dr. Miles and Bauer should
have been overturned, either by the courts or by Congress. The first
occurred in hearings held by the Committee on Interstate and Foreign
Commerce of the House of Representatives in 1915, 1916, and 1917 |35;
36; 37~ on Representative Dan V. Stephens's (Nebraska) bill to
permit RPM on trademarked goods. These hearings produced a mixed
selection of pro- and anti-RPM statements. While Stephens and other
representatives clearly supported RPM, the committee chairman, William
C. Adamson (Georgia) was opposed. Adamson's position was supported
in the committee by two then-rising stars of the Democratic party,
future Speaker of the House Sam Rayburn (Texas) and future Senator and
Vice-President Albert Barkley (Kentucky).
The second forum was seven days of hearings the FTC held in October
and November of 1917. The commission had brought its first series of RPM
complaints in 1917. It then invited its respondents to a conference to
explain their efficiency rationales for RPM. The FTC hearings largely,
though not entirely, involved RPM proponents.(22) The purpose of the
hearing, according to Commissioner Fort |9, 1009~ was "simply to
allow the respondents in these twenty-eight cases to appear and to talk
generally on the general subject."(23)
National Advertising
As noted above, with the exception of the book trade, RPM does not
appear to have been used prior to 1875. The hearings offered an answer
to that puzzle. It appears that the factor that instigated the use of
RPM was the rise of national advertising.(24) For instance, Edmund E.
Wise, Counsel for Straus(25) stated |37, 5~:
Now, price maintenance, so called, is a matter of comparatively
recent origin. It is the offspring of national advertising, as
distinguished from local advertising. The parties who developed national
advertising were the druggists, to a large extent the proprietors of
pharmaceutical preparations.
Wise had an opportunity to press his point, when, sitting in the
audience at the FTC hearing |9, 70~, he asked William H. Ingersoll of
Ingersoll Watch Company (an RPM proponent and the plaintiff in two of
the RPM cases in Table I) why this system had arisen only in the
previous 40 years. According to Ingersoll
|Prior to that time~ the old craftsman . . . had a very local and
small trade . . . We are talking of conditions today.
Wise: By which you mean national advertising being the basis of the
new system.
Ingersoll: I would not say it is the basis. It is an element of it.
A similar opinion was voiced by Colonel Ned A. Flood of Cluett,
Peabody & Co., manufacturers of Arrow Collars |9, 186~:
Twenty-five or thirty years ago them was not in the collar industry
in the United States anything resembling in the remotest degree the
branded or trade-marked collar which we recognize today as one of the
potential factors in the industry. The branded article, the trade-marked
article came into being precisely, almost concurrently, with the art of
advertising. There is no question about that. The trade-marked, the
branded article is the article that today has a nation-wide, if you
please, in some instances a world-wide reputation known generally
everywhere. How is it made known? Through the agency of publicity.
Perhaps the best evidence that RPM was largely a function of national
advertising comes from parties who suffered at the hands of national
advertising, local newspapers dependant on local advertising. According
to Harry B. Haines, the publisher of the Paterson (N.J.) Evening News
|37, 90-91~(26)
. . . in my opinion, this bill |the Stephens bill~, as it now stands,
if passed, would result within a very few months after its passage in a
more serious loss to the newspaper publishers of the smaller cities of
the United States than any measure of its kind that could possibly be
conceived. It is a matter of record in our newspaper, and the newspapers
of other cities of like size, . . . that about 80 per cent of our
advertising is local advertising. . . . I am of the firm conviction that
this bill, had it been entitled instead . . . a bill to discourage and
eliminate local advertising in newspapers, it might have perhaps been
better named.
The participants appeared united in their belief that such
publications as the Saturday Evening Post and the Ladies' Home
Journal, which had attained large national distributions in the 1880s,
had opened up new opportunities for the creation of nationally
recognized brand names.
Advertising generated brand names, which were a new phenomenon in the
economy. Both Congressmen and FTC Commissioners asked questions about
the economic value of brand names. These questions led to several fairly
sophisticated discussions of the economic effects of these marketing
tools. Consider, for example, the following exchange between Sol Westerfeld (unidentified, but apparently a businessman) and Congressman
Samuel Winslow (Massachusetts) |36, 129~:
Winslow: What value do you put on the reputation |of a
trade-mark~--its value in connection with the article?
Westerfeld: All that the article merits--no more nor less.
Winslow: Then you think it is valuable to some one?
Westerfeld: Yes, sir.
Winslow: But not to the consumer?
Westerfeld: It is, because it helps the consumer to select certain
merchandise which otherwise would cause him to grope in the dark, but he
does not pay any special price for it.
Winslow: Does it not mean that it is an insurance of quality?
Westerfeld: Yes, sir.
Mrs. Julian Heath, National President of the National Housewives
League |36, 187~, stated it more concisely: "|t~he label is the
housewife's only identification of quality, purity, sanitation,
quantity, |and~ standardization." Future Supreme Court Justice
Louis Brandeis, in a piece entitled, "Cutthroat Prices--The
Competition That Kills" in Harper's Weekly for Nov. 15, 1913
|36, 244~ discussing the establishment of stores that sold goods at
market prices, articulated the bonding characteristics of reputation:
Under such conditions the purchaser had still to rely for protection
on his own acumen, or on the character and judgment of the retailer, and
the individual. The unscrupulous or unskillful dealer might be led to
abandon his goods for cheaper and inferior substitutes. This
ever-present danger led to an ever-widening use of trademarks. Thereby
the producer secured the reward for well doing and the consumer the
desired guarantee of quality.
Using this type of analysis, proponents of RPM refuted Justice
Hughes' assertion in Dr. Miles that a manufacturer has no interest
in a good once it has been sold. For instance William Ingersoll argued
|9, 47~
When a grocer buys his Ivory soap he buys the physical commodity and
that he owns and it belongs to him and he can do whatever he pleases
with that, just as the Supreme Court said he could. But who would
contend that the Ivory brand, worth millions of dollars, belongs to him
when he buys a dozen bars of soap. It does not, of course. That
good-will belongs to the Ivory people. They create it, they own it; it
is theirs and on the same doctrine that the man can do what he pleases
with what he owns why cannot the Ivory soap people do what they please
with what they own?
J. George Frederick, Editor, Advertising/Selling Magazine |9, 549~
expressed a similar opinion.
It appears to me, as a matter of fact, that advertising has a very
remarkable relation to this entire subject of price maintenance, in the
first place, by reason of the fact that the part of the commodity which
is not merely material, but which is intangible, the good will, in other
words, which is developed wholly and only by advertising and reputation
making devices and experiences which are really advertising constitute
the central point and pivot of the entire subject.
These arguments are all components of the Klein-Leffler story of
advertising acting as a bonding mechanism for product quality, which was
written more than 60 years later.
The origins of RPM may also describe something about its purpose. The
roots of horizontal restraints would appear to be the desire for
collusive outcomes. Since the root of RPM in the United States was
national advertising, it may imply that something to do with national
advertising, not collusion, was the source of the desire to implement
Inducing Sales Efforts
One of the horizontal externality explanations for vertical
restraints was to increase cooperation and "sales effort" from
retailers. In effect, RPM encourages retailers to devote more of their
resources (both salesmen's time and shelf space) to selling a
particular good. This story was articulated quite well by RPM
supporters. For instance, according to a letter from A.L. Fry of St.
Louis, Missouri |35, 115~:
The price cutting which is practiced on our goods throughout the
country is causing us endless inconveniences and trouble and, most
important of all, losses of sales, as the prices are cut to such an
extent by the department stores and some of the large drug stores that
the small dealer is very reluctant to handle our product, and he is only
too glad, when a customer asks for Kolynos Dental Cream, to substitute
something else if he can possibly do it.
During the month of August we sent to the retail drug trade a card
offering a counter display stand and samples of Kolynos Dental Cream.
Quite a large number of these cards were returned to us with the
following remarks: "We don't display 25 cent preparations that
are cut to 16 cents."
Congressman Perl Decker (Missouri) gave an account of his personal
experience along these lines |36, 38~:
As a retail salesman I was trained by my employer on how to
substitute goods we preferred to sell when customers asked for something
we did not want to carry. We kept the disliked articles under the
counter, out of sight, and kept the other things in sight, well
displayed. When a customer came in and asked for, we will say, corn
flakes, if we did not care to sell him Blank' s Corn Flakes, we
would immediately get out a package of some other corn flakes. If the
customer asked for Blank's Corn Flakes, we would go and get him the
package, place it on the counter and begin to wrap it up and then say to
the customer, "Madam, have you ever tried So-and-So's Corn
Flakes!" And the customer might say, "No." Our reply
would be, "Well, we find them very satisfactory and shall be very
glad if you will try them at some time." In most cases the customer
says, "Well if you say they are good, I'll try them now."
In this way we succeeded in shifting the customer from the disliked
article to the article we desired to sell, and all the advertising done
by Blank's Corn Flakes wouldn't help him unless we let it help
him. Without the dealer's good will, the manufacturer's
advertising is wasted.
Note that the last sentence of Decker's statement implies that
advertising and "shelf space" are complements. This may help
explain why RPM arose after the advent of national advertising.
A letter to the FTC from the President and Chairman of the
Legislative Committee of the Wholesale Grocers of Ohio |9, 84-5~
supported RPM for a combination of reasons concerning horizontal
free-riding on shelf space and vertical free-riding on brands:
Under any other condition the consumer is liable to be deprived of
the opportunity to obtain many desired commodities which are used by
certain unscrupulous dealers only for the purpose of drawing trade at
the expense of the advertising of the manufacturer. When this takes
place legitimate dealers are compelled to push the sales of competing
goods, sometimes refusing to handle the advertised goods which may be of
better value to the consumer. Also, the manufacturer of the specially
advertised article has invested capital in the goods and the advertising
which he cannot protect unless he is permitted to dictate the minimum
price to consumers.
At least one participant felt that buying marketing effort was the
impetus behind RPM in the home remedy industry. Discussing such
products, Dr. William C. Anderson, representing the Conference of
Independent Retail Druggists of New York |37, 506~ stated:
Prior to the introduction of cut prices on these articles they were
subject to general distribution in the drug stores. The druggist received a legitimate profit on the sale of these things. They were put
on his counters and his shelves, window displays were made of them, and
they were placed before the public in such a way as to benefit the
manufacturer in the sale of those things. The druggist was interested in
their sale. But when those things were cut to such an extent that it was
a matter of handing the article over the counter and losing money on
every package sold, those packages were placed in a cupboard or in a
back shelf, and where formerly dozens were kept on hand there were one
or two bottles kept, and they were sold only on demand and pressure.
Thus, consistent with Goldberg |12~ and Bittlingmayer |3~, these
actors saw RPM as a method of manufacturers buying "shelf
space" and promotional activity for their products, increasing the
marketing activities that retailers engaged in. Further, if national
advertising and shelf space were complements (which appears to be the
case today), it would help explain why the desire for RPM was generated
by national advertising.(27)
Free-Riding on Direct Information
RPM is also postulated to be used to prevent free-riding on direct
information provided by retailers. This theory was also well articulated
in the hearings. According to RPM supporter Christine Frederick,
Consulting Home Editor of the Ladies' Home Journal |36, 160~,
the retailer stands in relation to the consumer as an information
bureau as to what she is going to buy. . . . I go to my retailer who is
specializing in one line and consider him an information bureau who is
going to, with his fuller knowledge and length of practice in the
industry, give me the benefit of his experience.
Two very similar exchanges took place on this point, the first in the
1916 Hearings |36, 91~ between Congressman Barkley and Charles Dushkind
of the Tobacco Merchant's Association:
Congressman Barkley: How is there to be competition between the
retailers if they do not compete as to prices? What other elements will
Dushkind: Simply the personal element--the personal treatment you
receive. You go to the nearest cigar store, to the man who is your
friend or neighbour.
The next year in the FTC hearings |9, 263-4~ Commissioner Murdock had
the following dialogue with Keen H. Addington of the Benjamin Electric
Manufacturing Company
Murdock: There had been a great deal of eloquence expended here as to
the selling facilities of national advertising. No one had spoken a
single word with reference to the facility with which the retail clerk
enjoys as a good salesman. Suppose your proposition is carried out in
its entirety and price maintenance is permitted, and everything that a
retailer has in his store--and this is a retailer who carries a variety
of articles--the price of everything in his store is fixed for him:
precisely what is his function in the community?
Addington: He is an agent or distributor of what he has on his
Murdock: His quality of salesmanship is completely eliminated?
Addington: No, because he will have many competing articles on his
shelves. He is a man who has dealt in all of them; he is well versed on
the merits of each of them; he is a local man who deals with his
friends; he will be very frank and honest in explaining the good points
of one and the bad points of another.
Finally, there were book-sellers, from apparently the first industry
to use RPM, speaking at the hearings. Charles E. Butler of
Brentano's (a book publisher) |9, 1030-31~ argued that RPM was
needed so that booksellers could give advice to their customers on which
books to buy:
Now gentlemen, here is where a great injury comes, caused by the
predatory price cutters; of books so cut, the dealer tries to avoid
keeping. If he does so he keeps a copy or so under his counter to supply
some particular customer. To others he has not got it. Carefully note
the following fact. It is proved that fully 75 per cent of a
bookseller|'~s sales of new books are sold on his recommendation
and suggestion to the public, not more than 25 per cent being asked for
by the public. Thus, the public entering the store to buy would not he
shown or solicited to buy the cut book, but some other would be
substituted if possible that would yield profit. And so it was,
throughout the entire stock.
The public suffered greatly from the poor service given, the small
and dwindling stock, sold stock was replaced as little as possible.
Proprietors, clerks, and all classes of employees suffered. Efficient
and expensive help were dispensed with, their places being filled by the
most inefficient and cheapest. The utmost economy was practised, in
fact, the entire booktrade was virtually dead.
Thus, these participants saw RPM as generating rewards for retailers
acting as "information bureaus," advising customers on which
products to purchase.
Free-Riding on Special Services for Complex Goods
Section III discusses how much of the early RPM litigation dealt with
the new products of gramophones and automobiles. The inventor Thomas
Edison, who also operated a gramophone company that was the plaintiff in
three of the cases in Table I, sent representatives to the House and FTC
hearings. An article by Edison, which appeared in Leslie's Weekly,
was inserted into the 1915 House record |35, 196~
When the inventor |of a product~ approaches these jobbers and dealers
he is told that if he wants them to sell his goods he must not only
protect the price; he must set a price which will afford a profit
consistent with the labor required to introduce and sell new things
since they (the jobbers and the dealers) must invest in something the
demand for which is unknown, and which, in any event, it will take a
long time to create a large demand for, because the public must be
educated to its advantages; If the inventor is not allowed to maintain
the price at which the public is to obtain the invention, the jobbers
and dealers will not handle his goods.
Thus, Edison argued that innovators needed their products to have the
retail margins RPM provided in order for retailers to bear the cost of
educating consumers on how to use its products. This is no different
than the desire of a modern manufacturer to use RPM to teach consumers
how to use its VCRs. One of Edison's competitors, Henry C. Brown of
the Victor Talking Machine Company (plaintiff in two of the Table I
cases and the loser earlier in the year in the Supreme Court decision
Victor v. Straus), explained to the FTC |9, 805-6~ the in-store
amenities that RPM (together with the use of exclusive dealing) allowed:
But today you can go into probably 75 to 125 different stores
scattered throughout the City of Chicago and its environs and make your
choice of Victor records in the most beautiful environments. There are a
number of the most beautiful and exclusive stores who are specializing
in presenting them, and which offer an opportunity for the various
customers to hear them under the most advantageous conditions, etc. If,
as has been contended here, the prices of our goods cannot be
maintained, I say to you frankly, gentlemen, that every one of the
individual stores that make a living out of Victor Talking Machines
exclusively would have to close.
A wholesaler and retailer of Victor gramophones, J. Newcomb Blackman,
President of Blackman Talking Machine Company, supported RPM in his
market by arguing
The talking machine business should be referred to as a specialty
line, and, particularly in the case of the Victor, the product, both as
the instruments and records must be absolutely uniform. It calls for
specialists to distribute the product--those who, by musical training
and equipment or facilities are competent to offer the public an
artistic product in an intelligent manner |37, 488-9~.
I claim we represent a specialty product and that it requires an
organization of specialists for distribution. The employees must be
educated and trained. . . . There is no question in my mind as to the
necessity of marketing a product, such as the Victor, as well as many
others, under a uniform system, the most important part of which
provides for uniform prices |37, 492~.
Representatives of the automobile industry also spoke at the
hearings. Henry E. Bodman of Packard Motors explained both the services
that Packard required from its dealers and how it arranged for those
dealers to be reimbursed for such services:
Now take the service principles . . . of the Packard Company . . .
They require of the dealer that he have a location in a convenient and
in a conspicuous place in the city; They require him to have a repair
shop of certain dimensions; they require him to have a force of a
certain size, and a certain number of these men must be factory-trained,
expert men. The size of this repair |shop~ must bear a relation to the
number of cars in use in the territory. There must be given to the
purchaser what is known as free service, which means that for the first
thirty days all adjustments that car may need shall be given free . . .
|9, 670-71~.
It is absolutely essential . . . that this service should be kept up,
that its excellence should be maintained, and that the goodwill that
goes with the car should be protected. Experience has shown . . . that
they |dealers~ cannot insure the excellence of this service without
allowing to the dealer and seeing that he gets a margin which . . . is
20 percent above the wholesale price |9, 673~.(28)
As discussed in section III, the Ford Motor Company also used RPM.
Ford's representative, Alfred Lucking, told a similar story of how
Ford used RPM to induce provision of a number of services, including
having dealers teach their customers how to drive |35, 222~:
The Ford Company recognized early the fact that in order to build up
a successful business it would be necessary to establish a system in
which each purchaser or user of a Ford automobile should receive prompt
and loyal service; that is, his car should be kept in good condition, in
order that he might have first-class service and uninterrupted service.
The relation between the Ford Motor Co. and its product is not completed
when it has received the price paid by the dealer. This relation
continues on during the entire life of the machine sold, and the success
of that machine is regarded as of vital consequence to the company.
The company's business has been built up to its present
proportions by maintaining an organization consisting of dealers in
every part of the country--I think about 6,000--who were under contract
obligations not only to maintain a garage and a stock of parts for quick
repairs, but also to show purchasers how to use and handle and conserve
the car, instructing them how to run it, and following and watching
every car, remedying the defects, and making it please and satisfy the
customer. None of these things is done by the cut-price cutthroat, who
has no interest in the car or the business. When by his tricky practices
he succeeds in taking customers away from their regular dealer the Ford
Co. loses its best dealers and salesmen, and the company loses its
reputation. The purchasers have troubles with the car that could easily
and simply be corrected by any person having knowledge, but there is no
one in the vicinity to instruct them. Hence follow dissatisfied customers, loss of the best advertisers-satisfied customers-loss of
reputation, loss of sales and loss of business.
Thus, the Telser |32~ special services efficiency rationale was
stated clearly by the manufacturers of gramophones and automobiles. They
needed RPM to insure dealers' services for their new products,
services that took many forms for these complex goods.
It is not immediately clear why advertising would be an important
rationale for the use of RPM on complex goods. With the exception of the
book selling industry, however, the complicated goods that used RPM
appear to have come onto the market after the first wave of RPM around
Vertical Free-Riding on Brand Names
Participants in the hearings also made presentations indicating that
they used RPM to alleviate concerns with vertical externalities, along
the lines of Klein and Murphy |19~. In particular, one recurrent theme
was that retailers reduced the price on branded articles and used them
as loss leaders. Such discounting would signal to customers that other
bargains were available in their stores. According to Brandeis |35, 14~:
The manufacturer creates by his efforts and expenditure of money a
reputation; . . . They |the price-cutters~ know that if people are
brought into the store and if shredded wheat, which can be had at 2
cents below standard price, is up in the fourth floor they will sell
besides other things. On the route through the store until the shredded
wheat is reached are spread a series of baits of just the kind of things
the woman who wants shredded wheat will probably be tempted to buy . . .
Samuel Bloomingdale of Bloomingdale's Department Store stated
|9, 811-12~ that "|t~he cutting of fixed prices is done for the
purpose of luring purchasers into the store in the hope that other goods
of a similar character may be obtained at cut prices." George J.
Schulte, representing the St. Louis Retail Grocers' Association,
the St. Louis Master Butchers' Association, and the Missouri Retail
Merchants' Association |36, 182-83~ stated "|Price cutters~ do
not cut the profit because the profit is too large, but rather to fool
the public into believing that their store is the most economical at
which to trade or because they want to foist their own brands, the value
of which the consuming public does not know." Similarly, according
to J. George Frederick of Advetising/Selling Magazine |9, 549~:
The fact of price maintenance may be defined to a large degree as
purchasing advertising. I mean not purchasing, but stealing advertising
from someone who has paid for it, and securing it at a very much lower
rate of expenditure than that concern from whom it was stolen paid for
it. In other words, . . . an entire advertisement of an entire page,
mainly composed of unbranded articles, is sweetened up or made lively,
so to speak, by a single small insertion in the middle of the ad,
advertising at a tremendously cut price, at a loss, some article which
has a reputation, that in essence and almost by . . . |here the carbon
printing fades~.
A submission from a piece by Charles Thaddeus Terry (unidentified)
|35, 131~ made essentially the same point:
When manufacturers 25 years ago began to determine that they would
fix the resale price at which their goods were to be offered to the
public for sale, . . . |t~hey did this as a matter of self-preservation.
. . . They did it because they had advertised their goods, put large
sums of money into the advertising, and made their brands valuable, and
they felt as a matter of right to prevent another man from using these
brands and the costly advertisement that went with them, not for the
purpose of selling these brands, but for the purpose of selling other
goods unbranded at a greater profit. Manufacturers became convinced that
this was a method of stealing their advertising, as it undoubtedly was,
and that it not only was stealing advertising, but destructive of their
As discussed above in section II, while the desire to deter
loss-leading has been a constant theme in the history of RPM, little
economic analysis has been done on this phenomena. It may be possible,
however, to place the concepts in these quotations in the framework of
the current economic literature. Consistent with Klein and Murphy, by
engaging in loss-leading, retailers were vertically free-riding on
manufacturer's name brands. In the terms of the Klein-Murphy
analysis, retailers were being overcompensated for manufacturers'
promotional efforts. In terms of Klein and Leffler, retailers used loss
leading to capture part of the signal (or performance bond) being
generated by the national advertising. Indeed, Professor Lee Galloway of
New York University |35, 76~ described loss leading as "a pretty
cute scheme devised by big department stores to get free advertising at
the expense of the advertising of the nationally distributed
product."(29) In the terms of Marvel and McCafferty |21~ analysis,
loss-leading is likely to occur with established, branded products
because these are the products for which vertical free-riding is more
valuable for a new entrant store than an established retail firm. In
effect, retailers engaged in vertical free-riding to obtain
certification for their own enterprises by associating themselves with
well-known brands, the reverse of the earlier Marvel-McCafferty |20~
story, which posits that manufacturers look to retailers for
certification. Thus, when a leading brand engaged in national
advertising, it may have been acting to advertise (and certify) all
those retailers who were using that brand as a loss leader.
From the presentations in the hearing, however, it is not clear why
known brands would object to being used to certify retailers. Nor does
the current economic theory speak directly to this question. It may be,
however, that primarily low-quality retailers used loss-leading on known
brands to certify themselves. If so, the poor view customers gained of
such retailers may have rubbed off on the brands used as loss
leaders.(30) In terms of Klein and Leffler |18~, loss leading may permit
low-quality retailers to take away from producers and capture for
themselves part of the performance bond attached to high-quality branded
Supporters of RPM also directly spoke on concepts similar to Springer
and Frech's |30~ theory that RPM was needed to deter fraud. Indeed,
the 1916 and 1917 versions of the Stephens bill was entitled "To
Protect the Public Against Dishonest Advertising and False Pretenses in
Merchandising." Charles Dushkind, counsel for the Tobacco
Merchant's Association, argued |36, 112~:
. . . |L~et us consider the consumer, who is apparently the only
gainer by price-cutting. While the jobbers and dealers are busily
engaged in trade war, and in their efforts to throw one another out of
business, the consumer is getting the benefit. He buys his goods so much
cheaper, and why should any legislation be passed that will make the
wealthy merchant still wealthier at the expense of the customer? But
this question can readily be answered. The consumer is not benefited by
price cutting on standard and trade-marked goods. On the contrary, the
standard goods are commonly used as a means to defraud the consumer. The
standard goods are invariably employed to advertise fake sales and
fraudulent bargain counters to attract the consumer's attention and
to thus lure him into a store where after he purchases the advertised
standard article at a loss of a few cents, they always succeed in
selling him some unknown article at an exorbitant price.
Similarly, according to George L. Record |9, 1256-7~ (representing
both the Ingersoll Watch company and the Fair Trade League, but
apparently speaking for the B.V.D. underwear company):
|P~rice cutting breeds substitution, and deception. We use every
honorable effort to sustain our brand and to prevent anyone from using
it improperly, and my opinion is that if our prices to retailers had not
been cut, some of the substitution would never have taken place, as a
fair price and a fair profit to the seller removes the temptation to be
Congressman Stephens |37, 430~ compared the effects of his bill to
that of a consumer protection statute of the same era:
The pure-food law |of 1906~ compelled the producer to sell goods
which were not deleterious, and next it made him brand exactly what they
were and not sell fraudulent substitutes, and next it compels him to
state exactly how much his package contains. You see, he is compelled to
tell the truth within certain limits. This is accomplished by a
prohibition against certain wrongful acts. This bill seeks to obtain the
same general result but by the opposite method. Instead of prohibitions
against evils, it allows a course of dealing which will encourage the
good dealing and thus eliminate the evils.... This bill would take away
the opportunity to use standard goods, which the people know about as of
a certain price and value, from being used as a bait and lure for the
sale of unknown goods, because the public would be led to think that the
unknown goods were being sold at the same relative value as the standard
goods, when the latter are sold at cut prices.
Thus, proponents of RPM argued that it was needed to deter "bait
and switch" tactics, similar to what Springer and Frech |30~
describe. While retailers used manufacturers' brand names to draw
customers into their stores, manufacturers received no income from this
practice, as their goods were not the ones being sold. Thus, RPM
prevented dealers from being overcompensated for promotional services by
manufacturers, as Klein and Murphy hypothesized. In effect, as the
Klein-Leffler theory implies, RPM was needed to keep retailers honest.
V. Conclusion
The numerous efficiency explanations for RPM generated by modern
economists are not new. Indeed, all of the prominent theories are
replicated in various forms by early advocates of RPM, acting almost
entirely without the help of economists. In particular, some of the
economic discussions of the efficiency aspects of branding are quite
elegant, anticipating the relevant economic literature by almost 70
years. While today's economic theories may appear to be "pie
in the sky" to their critics, they were certainly real enough to
businessmen over 70 years ago.
An examination of the hearings reveal that RPM was used to protect
investments in shelf space and product promotions at the retail level,
promotions which may have been complements of national advertising.
These conclusions also explain why there were no RPM cases prior to 1885
and why participants in the hearings believed that national advertising
was the catalyst for RPM. The famous Telser |32~ story of free-riding on
special services fits well with the examples of gramophones and
automobiles. Hearing participants also expressed concern that
price-curing and "loss-leading" led to vertical free-riding on
brands and reputation in order to capture manufacturer's
performance bonds or generate certification of retailers, which may
represent a combination of the efficiency rationales described by Klein
and Murphy |19~ and Marvel and McCafferty |21~. They also argued that
RPM was used to alleviate consumer deception, along the lines of
Springer and Frech |30~.
A review of the hearings generates two other insights. First, the
hearings reveal that the current economic literature has failed to
properly address the interrelationship between loss leading and RPM.
Second, the rise of RPM in the 1880s can be directly attributed to the
rise in importance of advertised branded goods. Given this, and the fact
that horizontal restraints predate RPM by at least several centuries, it
seems unlikely that the primary motivation for RPM is cartel
1. See Kreepy Krauly, USA, 56 Federal Register 1813, January 17,
1991, and Nintendo of America, Inc., 56 Federal Register 15883, April
18, 1991. Prior to these cases, the last RPM case brought by the FTC was
Germaine Monteil Cosmetiques Corp., 100 F.T.C. 543 (1982).
2. The economics literature is not very clear on which vertical
restraints are most efficient in particular circumstances. In the time
period of this study, however, non-price vertical restraints such as
exclusive dealerships and exclusive territories may have been rare
because of the lack of chain stores and high transportation costs. This
paper will not review all of the efficiency theories for the use of RPM
and other vertical restraints. See Ippolito |14, 59-73; 15, 282-291~ for
a more extensive discussion and literature review.
3. As Breit |5, 86~ notes, one can consider the consumer rather than
the discount dealer to be the free-rider.