Unionization and the pattern of nonunion wage supplements.
Heywood, John S.
I. Introduction
Negotiated standard wage policies reduce dispersion in the log
earnings of union members when compared to those of otherwise equal
nonunion members |5; 6~. As large as these dispersion differences are,
they may underestimate the true influence of union wage policy. Kahn and
Curme |14~ have suggested that high degrees of unionization actually
result in reduced nonunion wage dispersion. This follows from a
particular model of the union threat effect in which nonunion employers
tilt induced wage increases toward low-wage workers. Such tilting makes
sense because lower paid workers are assumed to be more likely to
support unions, ceteris paribus. This assumption fails to emphasize that
low wage workers may be the least likely to be retained by a newly
unionized employer and that this also influences their ultimate decision
to support unionization. In the face of union avoidance strategies that
routinely imply the possibility of job loss, low wage employees may
recognize that the employer faces greater costs of bringing them up to a
standard union wage and thus their chances for retention are lower.(1)
Including this realization results in ambiguous predictions about the
influence of unionization on nonunion dispersion.
Not only should the ambiguity of the proper theoretical prediction be
highlighted, but it should be recognized that the relevant prediction
from theoretical models has not yet been tested. Previous tests are
inappropriate because the threat induced wage increases could be tilted toward low-wage workers without a necessary reduction in the typical
measures of wage dispersion. Similarly, those measures of wage
dispersion may actually decline without a general tilt of wages toward
low-wage workers. This possibility exists because of the sensitivity of
the usual variance measures to outliers and because of aggregation and
endogeneity problems affecting previous methodologies.
This paper uses 1983 and 1988 Current Population Survey (CPS) data to
directly estimate the impact of unionization on the earnings of low- and
high-wage nonunion workers. After controlling for traditional human
capital, locational, and occupational variables, unionization increases
the log-earnings of low-wage nonunion workers significantly more than
those of high-wage nonunion workers. This result is found with the very
data Belman and Heywood |2~ used to demonstrate that inionization may
not reduce nonunion wage dispersion suggesting the importance of
separating the pattern of threat-induced wage increases from specific
measures of wage dispersion.
A variety of alternative specifications initially confirm the
consistency of this empirical result. Yet, once managers, and then
professionals, are removed from the sample, the results vanish. The
ultimate conclusion is that evidence on the pattern of nonunion wage
supplements is extremely sensitive to the sample composition. The
workers least likely to be receiving supplements for institutional
reasons (managers) are also disproportionately in the upper half of the
nonunion wage distribution. Removing these workers from the sample shows
that wage supplements are not tilted toward either side of the
distribution and reinforces the theoretical insight that threat effects
need not disproportionately increase the earnings of low wage workers.
II. Threat Effects and Nonunion Wages
Economists have previously identified a variety of specific and
contradictory influences of unionization on nonunion earnings. If
increased union wages cause displaced union workers to increase the
supply of nonunion labor, the equilibrium nonunion wage will fall.
Alternatively, if the turnover of unionized positions is high enough,
the nonunion wage might actually increase as nonunion workers quit to
stand in a queue waiting for a union job. Perhaps the most controversial
predicted consequence of unionization dates from Rosen |21~ and is that
the threat of becoming unionized will appear so costly to nonunion
employers that they will increase wages. Such wage increases are
conceived as minimizing expected labor costs by reducing the probability
of unionization.
Past empirical evidence provides support for a positive correlation between the extent of unionization and nonunion wages. Podgursky |20~,
Moore, Newman and Cunningham |17~ and Hirsh and Neufeld |11~ each
confirm that nonunion workers in more unionized markets earn higher
wages.(2) Such evidence has been taken to indicate that the threat
effect, perhaps combined with the queuing effect, dominates any tendency
for previously unionized workers to crowd the nonunion labor market.(3)
The tendency of unions to narrow wage dispersion for its own members
argues that an optimizing nonunion firm may respond to a union threat by
not giving equal wage increases to each of its employees. Within
occupations, union standard rate policies raise the wages of low-wage
union workers more than those of high-wage workers when compared to
typical nonunion pay systems |6~. Similarly, typical union
across-the-board raises and cost of living adjustments also have a
tendency to increase earnings of low-wage workers more than would be
expected in a nonunion workplace. The consequence is that otherwise
equal low-wage workers receive the largest wage premium from union
membership. As a result, low-wage nonunion workers are often thought to
be the most likely to desire unionization. In response, a cost
minimizing firm might tilt any wage increases toward these low-wage
workers in order to reduce the probability of becoming unionized in the
cheapest possible fashion.
Such reasoning is laid out in a formal model by Kahn and Curme |14~
but exhibits a serious limitation. The limitation stems from the insight
that the probability of retaining a union job may vary positively with
the level of nonunion earnings. That is, while low paid nonunion workers
would be most likely to want a union job, they are also the least likely
to be given one. This fact has been confined by union queue and
selection equations and makes good sense |1~. Those workers whose
current wage is well below the union wage are those whom the unionized
employer will not select because of the costly gap between their
marginal productivity and the union wage. Thus, nearly every
characteristic which correlates positively with being in the union
queue, correlates negatively with being selected from it. The
consequence is that it is sensible to think about two probabilities, the
probability of a worker voting for unionization if continued employment
is certain, and the probability of retaining employment once unionized.
If unemployment has positive costs, the rational nonunion employee will
ultimately base support for the union on the product of these two
probabilities, a probability of support not conditioned on continued
Thought of this way, the firm might tilt nonunion wage supplements
toward high wage workers if those workers have a higher unconditional probability of supporting the union. Such a higher probability could
result if high wage workers knew their productivity advantage made them
more likely to be retained in the face of a common union wage. Thus, the
relative size of the optimal nonunion wage supplements cannot be
predicted when there are productivity differences which influence the
probability of worker retention after unionization. This point is made
explicitly in a theoretical model that modifies that of Kahn and Curme
and it leaves the issue of the relative sizes of supplements to be
settled by empirical estimation, the task turned to now.(4)
The logic just discussed would seem to suggest a straightforward
strategy: divide a sample of nonunion workers into low- and high-wage
groups and compare the union effect. This rather obvious strategy has
not been applied. Instead, the focus has been on the influence of unions
on measures of nonunion wage dispersion. Kahn and Curme computed the
nonunion log earnings variance for each occupation/industry cell and
used this as the dependent variable in a regression which included
percent of the industry unionized as an independent variable.
This approach, while closely related to the issue of which workers
receive larger supplements suffers from several problems. First, a
strong union presence may reduce wage variance within industries without
a general pattern of wages being tilted. For example, a slight increase
in the earnings of all high wage workers and a large increase in the
earnings of the single lowest paid worker might generate a reduced
variance and so a negative correlation. The point is not that such an
outcome is necessarily likely, but rather that a variance measure is
very sensitive to outliers because large deviations are squared.
Second, any examination of wage dispersion is subject to difficulties
of endogeneity. The dependent variable of dispersion has typically been
explained by controls which include the wage level as well as the
percent of the industry organized. Yet, dispersion might well explain
the percent unionized rather than the other way around. Both Hirsch |10~
and Farber and Saks |4~ suggest that workers demand unions in response
to earnings inequality. Alternatively, as suggested by Hirsch |10~ more
nearly equal earnings may be the result of worker homogeneity which
could also be positively associated with the demand for unionization.
Further, the wage level, an explanatory variable, is obviously
influenced itself by the presence of unionization. The point remains
that such simultaneity makes the influence of percent organized on
dispersion difficult to distill.(5)
Table I. Selected Descriptive Statistics
Upper = 1 Upper = 0
LnWage 2.195 1.514
(0.426) (0.396)
Education 13.40 12.15
(2.658) (2.469)
Experience 17.79 15.48
(12.71) (14.37)
Craft .1159 .0695
(0.320) (0.254)
Service .0926 .1761
(0.290) (0.381)
Clerical .1470 .2529
(0.354) (0.427)
Sales .1503 .1419
(0.357) (0.349)
Professional .1551 .0537
(0.362) (0.225)
Manager .1805 .0525
(0.385) (0.223)
Technical .0480 .0293
(0.213) (0.168)
Union Coverage 15.23 15.22
(14.17) (14.16)
Note: The numbers presented are the means and those in parentheses are the
standard deviations for nonunion workers from the 1983 CPS.
Third, generating measures of dispersion by industry or occupation
changes the fundamental weighting of the data. Aggregation can bring
with it difficulties of interpretation that would seem unwarranted given
that the fundamental hypothesis is not about dispersion but the size of
In light of these difficulties we execute the more immediate test of
examining supplements for high and low wage workers. A sample of
nonunion, private employees is taken from the May 1983 Current
Population Survey. This sample is then bifurcated using the median wage
of each industry. Each worker is assigned to either the upper or lower
half of his or her nonunion industry wage distribution. Table I presents
selected descriptive statistics for the two halves of the distribution.
Nearly every variable traditionally associated with higher wages takes
on a larger value in the upper half. Of particular importance for the
ultimate conclusion of this paper is the high concentration of managers
and professionals in the upper half.
Several variants on traditional log earnings equations are estimated
and following convention, the coefficient on the percent of the industry
unionized indicates the size of the threat supplement. The percent
unionized comes from a several year moving average as computed by Curme,
Hirsch and Macpherson |3~. At issue is whether the coefficient for the
percentage measure takes different sizes for workers in the separate
halves of the wage distribution. The first series of tests includes the
full sample and uses as regressors human capital and personal
characteristics known to determine wages. A second set of tests,
reported in the subsequent section, excludes those workers least likely
to have unionization as a realistic alternative.
The research reported here and in related work, is subject to several
important caveats. First, actual wage supplements are not observed but
inferred from the correlation between the percent of an industry
unionized and the pattern of wages. To the extent that this correlation
reflects factors other than supplements, the results from this paper are
subject to alternative interpretations. Second, at no point is the
behavior of the union ever detailed. The objectives of the union and
resulting pattern of compensation could influence both the pattern of
supplements and support for unionization. Instead, it is simply assumed
that unions follow the general pattern of wage compression. Despite
these concerns, the testing of previous theory is improved by
recognizing that the association between low earnings and support for
unions is ambiguous and by providing a more direct examination of
whether low wage nonunion workers receive larger/supplements than their
high wage counterparts.
III. The First Series of Tests
The results of the first series of tests indicate that workers in the
lower half of their industry's distribution receive larger
supplements. Initially it was assumed that workers in each half of the
distribution have identical returns to each characteristic. The only
differences are returns to the dummy "Upper" and to a variable
which interacts the percent union with this dummy. The controls include
a constant, education, potential experience, potential experience
squared, regional dummies, occupational dummies, marital status,
residency in an SMSA, years of tenure, gender, race, plant size and the
percent of each worker's industry which is unionized. The
coefficients on these controls exhibit very typical signs and sizes. As
column one of Table II shows, the dummy "Upper" has an
enormous positive sign and is highly significant as one would expect
given that it is a specific bifurcation of the underlying dependent
variable. Of more immediate interest are the coefficients on the
coverage variables. In the lower part of the distribution the
coefficient is that on the coverage variable alone, .0061, while for the
upper part of the distribution it is the sum of the two coefficients,
.0047. Thus, a ten point increase in union coverage yields a predicted
supplement of 4.81 percent for high wage workers and a supplement of
6.29 percent for low wage workers.(6)
The first modification of the testing equation separates the
estimation regimes for those above and those below their industry
medians. In order to retain standard errors for testing, a full
interaction model was chosen in which each of the independent variables
is interacted with the "upper" variable. The highlights of the
estimations are shown in the second column of Table II. Many of the new
interactions are significant and an F-test rejects the restricted form
in which coefficients are assumed to be identical in the two halves of
the distribution. Despite the expanded estimation, those nonunion
members in the upper half still receive significantly smaller induced
wage supplements.
A second modification is motivated by concern that industry effects
not captured in the existing variables might generate biased measures of
statistical significance. A random industry effect model in which the
error is thought of as the sum of an individual and an industry
component is reported in column 3 of Table II. Mundlak's |18~ GLS estimation provides consistent estimation of the complete interaction
model correcting for the possibility of biased statistical tests. The
Lagrange Multiplier test rejects the hypothesis of no random industry
effects and suggests that the results in column 3 are superior to those
in 2. Despite the existence of industry effects, the basic results
remain. The standard errors seem somewhat larger but the point estimates
for the unionization coefficients change only modestly.
Table II. Examining the Size of Wage Supplements
1 2 3 4 5 6
Coverage .0061 .0061 .0076 .0054
(17.44) (17.45) (13.87) (8.558)
Upper .5143 -.0716 .0741 -.0719
(49.61) (1.372) (1.455) (1.381)
Upper x -.0014 -.0017 -.0013 -.0016
Coverage (2.969) (3.306) (2.518) (3.277)
Lambda .0832
Coverage .0069
(.25) (14.42)
Coverage .0093
(.50) (12.31)
Coverage -.0029
x Upper(.25) (4.368)
Coverage -.0066
x Upper(.50) (6.397)
R-squared .6198 .6354 .5966 .6521 .7207
Chi-squared 9733.2
n 9645 9645 9645 9645 5198 2329
Notes: t-statistics are placed in parentheses and all variables mentioned in
the text were included in the estimation but have been suppressed to save
space. The full results are available from the author.
We next recognize that union status is not randomly allocated.
Workers who ultimately support unionization and are, indeed, hired by a
union employer may differ systematically from others. Moreover, the
excluded (and potentially very hard to measure) characteristics which
result in union status may be correlated with the independent variables
in the wage regression. To correct for the resulting bias the standard
selection criteria variable, the inverse Mills ratio, is generated from
a union probit equation on the full underlying sample, union and
nonunion (n = 12050). The estimation used the full set of variables
without the interactions and without the inclusion of experience squared
but with a slightly finer occupational breakdown.(7) The full
interaction specification of the nonunion wage regression is then
estimated including the selection variable, lambda. This estimation is
summarized in column 4 and despite the evidence of selection, the
results are unchanged. The significant difference in the coverage effect
Dividing the range into those above and below the median puts a large
number of workers near the median into the separate halves based on
differences of only a few pennies in earnings. A more dramatic test
might be provided by excluding those workers who have very similar wages
and are located near the median. In the first of such tests, the full
interaction formulation is estimated on a reduced sample which excluded
any worker within twenty-five cents of their industry's median. In
this way, those with earnings at least twenty-five cents above their
industry's median are compared to those with earnings at least
twenty-five cents below their industry's median. A second test
replicates this methodology but compares those with earnings more than
fifty cents above their industry's median to those with earnings
more than fifty cents below their industry's median.
The results presented in Columns 5 and 6 highlight that excluding
those near the median results in somewhat larger coefficients for the
coverage variables. While retaining only a fraction of the original
sample, the fundamental results emerge in even sharper relief.(8) Those
in the lowest portion of the distribution receive supplements larger
than any indicated so far while the negative interaction for those in
the upper portion is also larger than any of the others presented. This
pattern is replicated in analogous GLS estimations available from the
author. In short, it appears to this point that union induced
supplements are far more strongly directed toward lower paid nonunion
IV. The Second Series of Tests: The Sample Composition
It might be argued that using a representative sample of nonunion
workers is inappropriate because many of the workers are professionals
and managers who are unlikely to be unionized regardless of their
industry and hence should receive no supplements. In particular, if
these workers are disproportionately in the upper half of their
industry's distribution, the results so far might be spurious.
Instead of reflecting the strategic use of wage supplements in response
to a threat of unionization, the results may simply reflect that those
workers with the highest earnings are unlikely to organize given current
industrial relations law and practice.
In an attempt to examine this possibility, a series of subsamples
were examined. The first subsample excluded managers and professionals
and the second subsample examined only blue collar workers. Within each
sample the median nonunion wage was again computed and workers were
again assigned to either the upper or lower half of the distribution. In
the smaller subsamples the relevant occupational dummies and
interactions were obviously excluded but otherwise the estimations were
The entire tenor of the results switches dramatically, as column 1 of
Table III highlights. Excluding managers and professionals causes the
coefficient on the coverage interaction to lose half its size and
statistical significance. No evidence remains that workers in the upper
half receive smaller supplements. This result persists in the GLS
estimation and the sample selection estimate. It also persists if the
original median wage is used to divide the sample. The coverage variable
itself, however, retains both size and significance.
As shown in column 2, the coefficient on the interaction actually
takes a positive sign but continues to lack statistical significance
when examining the highly unionized blue collar workforce. Among this
group, where the threat of unionization could be expected to be the
greatest, there is no evidence that wage supplements are tilted toward
the lower half of the nonunion distribution.
Table III. Results for Subsamples
1983 1983 1988 1988 1988
W/O Managers Blue Full W/O Managers Blue
or Prof. Collar Sample or Prof. Collar
Coverage .0077 .0065 .0070 .0068 .0063
(11.97) (7.155) (19.52) (18.87) (12.65)
Coverage -.0006 .0007 -.0007 -.0001 -.0001
x Upper (1.136) (1.029) (5.311) (0.036) (0.335)
r-squared .6000 .5866 .6469 .5935 .6107
N 7519 2884 112745 82078 30510
Notes: t-statistics are placed in parentheses and all variables mentioned in
the text were included in the estimation but have been suppressed to save
space. The full results are available from the author.
It might be argued that these results are to be expected because the
sample size shrinks as increasingly narrow subsamples are examined. This
contention is without merit. The other variables, including coverage
retain significance despite the smaller sample size and an examination
of the outgoing rotation 1988 CPS reveals a similar pattern. Using this
alternative data required sacrificing some variables, specifically
tenure and plant size, but provides a nonunion sample of over one
hundred thousand observations. Thus, even when examining subsamples,
small sample size cannot explain the results.
Columns 3-5 replicate the original interaction specification on the
full sample and each of the two subsamples just examined using the
alternative data set. Other than those variables not available in the
new survey, the estimation is identical. New median wage figures were
computed in order to assign workers and new union density figures were
taken from Curme, Hirsch and Kahn |3~. The full sample equation shows a
large and highly significant coefficient on coverage and a negative and
highly significant coefficient on the interaction variable. This larger
sample mirrors the results shown earlier. When managers and
professionals are excluded the interaction coefficient loses
significance despite the very large number of observations. This lack of
significance persists in the blue collar sample as well.
Several notes are in order. First, removing the managers alone is
sufficient for the pattern of tilting to lose statistical significance
although the change in the size of the coefficients is larger removing
professionals as well. Second, once the two occupations are removed,
attempts to recover evidence of tilting were unsuccessful. In addition
to those already mentioned, a squared unionization measure was entered
to try to capture nonlinearities and narrower ranges of union coverage
were examined.
It is of interest that Kahn and Curme |4~ examined a fully
representative nonunion sample that retained the range of white collar
occupations. Their findings together with the earlier full sample
results indicate that the finding that supplements are tilted toward
lower paid workers depends crucially on the composition of the sample.
In those samples which focus more closely on workers for whom
unionization is a more genuine possibility, there is no such evidence.
Instead, the evidence in favor of such tilting would seem to be somewhat
of a statistical artifact. Those workers least likely to be unionized
for institutional reasons (managers and professionals) are
disproportionately in the upper half of the distribution and receive
little or no supplements. Thus, one should be more circumspect in
claiming a general conclusion that tilting of wage supplements occurs.
It may be the case that managers do deserve to be in the sample and
are subject to threat effects. The argument could be that occupational
differentials within establishments are reasonably stable so when wages
of nonmanagerial workers rise, so do those of managers. If so, managers
could receive higher wages when the nonmanagerial workers are unionized
or when they receive nonunion supplements. Whether or not this is true,
remains an empirical question. To the extent it is true, the full sample
results may be more meaningful than previously indicated. Yet, even then
tilting would have more to do with the nature of internal labor markets than with threat induced supplements.
V. Conclusions
This work began by questioning the claim that lower paid nonunion
workers would receive larger union driven wage supplements. Once it is
recognized that those workers with lower nonunion pay are less
productive and less likely to be retained by a newly unionized employer,
no clear theoretical prediction emerges. The empirical section of this
paper devised a more direct test of the relative size of nonunion
supplements. The initial results indicated that workers in the lower
half of the distribution seemed to receive larger supplements. This
finding was robust in the face of changes in specification but, was
highly sensitive to the sample examined.
When managers and professionals were eliminated from the sample, or
when blue collar workers were examined, the initial results could not be
recovered under any specification. When the sample eliminated those
workers least likely for institutional reasons to be unionized, there
was no evidence that those in the lower half of the distribution
received any greater union induced supplements. The supplements
continued, however, to be large and statistically significant in all
subsamples and across all specifications.
The absence of any tilting in the supplements fits with the ambiguous
theoretical prediction. To the extent that wages contain information
about productivity not captured elsewhere in the explanatory variables,
they provide information on the probability of retaining a job following
unionization. As a consequence, it is unclear whether low wage workers
should receive a disproportionate share of nonunion wage supplements.
The evidence is that they do not.
1. For a description and analysis of union avoidance strategies see
Lawler and West |15~.
2. Earlier studies that used industry rather than individual data
tended to be somewhat more ambiguous. See Kahn |13~ and Holzer |12~.
3. Lewis |16~ is quick to point out that correlations between wages
and percent organized could be spurious and be driven by industry
specific effects which are, in turn, correlated with union organization.
Neumark and Wachter |19~ argue previous tests are incomplete and that a
full test of die threat effect must examine the influence of increasing
union wages on both nonunion wages and nonunion employment.
4. The theoretical model mentioned is in Heywood |7~ and will be
provided to the interested reader.
5. It remains likely that wage levels and percent organized are
similarly simultaneous in the estimations in this paper. Yet, examining
dispersion does not eliminate this problem as wage levels have been
included as a control by both Kahn and Curme |14~ and Belman and Heywood
|2~. Moreover, this issue will be partially addressed in a sample
selection estimation to be presented.
6. These percentage increases, g, are generated from the net
coefficients, b : g = |e.sup.(b x 10)~ - 1.
7. There is no particularly strong justification for this set of
exclusions but the resulting wage regression did not prove particularly
sensitive to modest variations.
8. It is worth emphasizing that the median measure is within each
worker's industry. If the measure were inappropriately taken to be
the overall median, fewer workers would be excluded by the fifty cent
1. Abowd, John and Henry S. Farber, "Job Queues and the Union
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2. Belman, Dale and John S. Heywood, "Union Membership, Union
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Statistics, February 1990, 148-53.
3. Curme, Michael, Barn Hirsch, and David Macpherson, "Union
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7. Heywood, John S. "Unionization and the Pattern of Nonunion
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11. ----- and Jon Neufeld, "Nominal and Real Union Wage
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Journal of Human Resources, Winter 1987, 138-48.
12. Holzer, Harry J. "Unions and the Labor Market Status of
White and Minority Youth." Industrial and Labor Relations Review,
October 1982, 22-39.
13. Kahn, Lawrence M., "The Effects of Unions on the Earnings of
Nonunion Workers," Industrial and Labor Relations Review, January
1978, 205-16.
14. ----- and Michael Curme, "Unions and Nonunion Wage
Dispersion." Review of Economics and Statistics, November 1987,
15. Lawler, John and Robin West, "Impact of Union-avoidance
Strategy in Representation Elections." Industrial Relations, Fall
1985, 412-33.
16. Lewis, H. Gregg. Union Relative Wage Effects. Chicago: University
of Chicago Press, 1986.
17. Moore, William, Robert Newman, and James Cunningham, "The
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Journal of Labor Research, Winter 1985, 21-44.
18. Mundlak, Yair, "On Pooling of Time Series and Cross Section
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19. Neumark, David and Michael Wachter. "Union Threat Effects
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20. Podgursky, Michael, "Unions, Establishment Size, and
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21. Rosen, Sherwin, "Trade Union Power, Threat Effects and the
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