Dynamic competition and price adjustments.
Feinberg, Robert M.
I. Introduction
The link between price rigidity and market structure has long been a
topic of interest to researchers in both macroeconomics and industrial
organization. Research on this subject, with its antecedents in the
widely debated topic of administered inflation, has gone through several
stages. In recent years the focus of research has been on explaining the
speed of price adjustment [8; 7; 11; 4; 2; 3]. A parallel line of
research has been on the role of entry in disciplining the price
behavior of incumbent firms [15; 14; 5].
The current study extends previous work on price adjustment in
several important ways. Most importantly, we introduce dynamic elements
of competition as measured by several disaggregated measures of domestic
and import entry. We are able to evaluate the extent to which price
effects of entry into U.S. manufacturing are due to changes in desired
prices or to changes in the speed of adjustment to desired prices. We
depart from previous studies in that we use pooled data to estimate, by
nonlinear regression methods, both the desired (target) price change and
the speed of adjustment across industries.
II. Theoretical Considerations and Previous Results
While there is a growing body of evidence to confirm the phenomenon
of sticky prices, there is no consensus on a theory to explain why
prices in some industries are inflexible. Means [16] argued that market
power enabled firms to circumvent the normal workings of the market and
to control prices and as a result prices tend to be changed less often
in administered markets. Since Means' study, many alternative
theories have been proposed.(1) These theories include the kinked demand curve, intertemporal substitution, the ability to store inventory,
differences between produce-to-stock and produce-to-order industries,
differences in the transaction costs of price changes, asymmetries in
information between buyers and sellers, flexibility of production [17],
and contractual relationships arising from transactions cost factors
Despite different theoretical underpinnings, previous empirical tests
have for the most part been similar in terms of both explanatory variables and econometric modeling. The typical model used is a partial
adjustment equation which has the following form:
[Mathematical Expression Omitted]
[P.sub.t] = price in period t
[Mathematical Expression Omitted] = target price in period t
[Lambda] = the partial adjustment coefficient.
Price is adjusted to a target price (or equilibrium) level in each
period, and it is a weighted average of the target price and the
previous period's price.
The target price is usually described as a function of cost, demand
and the degree of competition or market structure. With the introduction
of the adjustment factor to price studies, the focus of research has
shifted from examinations of concentration's impact on price
changes [1] to tests of its effect on the speed of adjustment, where
concentration is the conventional proxy for market structure.
In the present study we adopt an alternative approach, used recently
in several studies,(2) based on taking first differences in equation (1)
and examining [Delta][P.sup.*] rather than [P.sup.*]:
[Mathematical Expression Omitted]
We start out with a supply and demand framework where the supply
equation includes a variable for the number of firms in the industry.
After taking first differences the latter variable is transformed into
domestic entry and, similarly, changes in import levels represent import
entry. Given that our focus is on the effects of entry, equation (2)
which is in terms of changes is the appropriate model.(3) Additionally,
differencing has the advantage that it results in the removal of
industry specific effects.
III. Empirical Model
The primary focus of the current study is on the impact of dynamic
competitive factors on price changes. We can determine the extent to
which price discipline from entry is reflected in smaller desired price
changes or a slower adjustment to mostly higher prices.
Following the discussion in the previous section the relevant
explanatory variables for [Delta][P.sup.*] are cost and demand changes
and changes in actual and potential competition.(4)
[Delta][P.sup.*] = g([Delta]cost; [Delta]demand; domestic entry;
[Delta]imports) (3)
The expectation is for a positive relationship between cost and
demand changes and [Delta][P.sup.*], while domestic and import entry
should generally have a restraining effect on [Delta][P.sup.*].
The partial adjustment coefficient, [Lambda], is assumed to be
affected by factors reflecting static and dynamic competitive
conditions.(5) Specifically, we include concentration as an indicator of
internal competitive conditions, while domestic entry and changes in
imports are indicators of dynamic factors and external shocks.
Increased market concentration is expected to prompt a slower price
response to changing market conditions. This prediction was initially
proposed by Means [16]; more recently, the argument has been made that
concentrated industries can afford a long run perspective and hence feel
less compulsion to respond to every change in supply and demand with a
price change [6, 713]. The impact of entry and import changes on the
speed of adjustment is subject to conflicting hypotheses. Entry and
import changes act as shocks that may serve to disrupt the transmission
process and delay the attainment of the desired price change.(6)
Alternatively, intensified competition resulting from entry may lead to
an emphasis on short run profitability and quick price adjustments as
opposed to a long run view that would suggest less frequent changes
consistent with long run objectives.(7)
[Lambda] = h (concentration; domestic entry; import changes) (4)
The empirical model follows from equation (2) which contains two
unobservable variables, [Lambda] and [Delta][P.sup.*]; consequently,
equations (3) and (4) have to be identified and estimated indirectly.(8)
Because of overidentification and nonlinear restrictions present in
equation (2) we adopt nonlinear least squares (Gauss-Newton)
estimation.(9) We model [Delta][P.sup.*] and [Lambda] in the following
[Delta][P.sup.*] = [[Alpha].sub.0] + [[Alpha].sub.1] COSTCHG +
[[Alpha].sub.2]DEMCHG + [[alpha].sub.3]ENTRY1 + [[Alpha].sub.4]ENTRY2 +
[[Alpha].sub.5]ENTRY3 + [[Alpha].sub.6]CHOECD + [[Alpha].sub.7]CHNOECD
[Lambda] = [[Beta].sub.0] + [[Beta].sub.1]CONC + [[Beta].sub.2]ENTRY1
+ [[Beta].sub.3]ENTRY2 + [[Beta].sub.4]ENTRY3 + [[Beta].sub.5]CHOECD +
[[Beta].sub.6]CHNOECD. (6)
The sample consists of 31 4-digit industries over 2 time periods. The
variable definitions and sources are the following (descriptive
statistics are reported in Table I):
PPCHG = percentage change in 4-digit SIC level producer price index
(1972 = 100), between 1972 and 1977, and 1977 and 1982, and for the
lagged price change ([Delta][P.sub.t-1]) we also use 1967 to 1972 data
[24; 23];
COSTCHG = percentage change in average variable cost, measured by
payroll plus materials cost as a share of value of shipments multiplied by the appropriate GNP price deflator, calculated at the 2-digit SIC
level and assigned to all included 4-digit industries [19; 21];
DEMCHG = percentage change in apparent domestic consumption (value of
shipments + imports - exports) deflated by the appropriate GNP deflator,
calculated at the 2-digit SIC level and assigned to all included 4-digit
industries(11) [20];
CONC = the 4-firm seller concentration ratio, as adjusted by Weiss
and Pascoe [25] for 1977;
ENTRY1 = number of new entrants diversifying from another industry by
changing production mix from an existing plant, as a percentage of
incumbent firms in the previous time period;
ENTRY2 = number of new entrants diversifying from another industry by
building a new plant, as a percentage of incumbent firms in the previous
time period;
ENTRY3 = number of new entrants not previously in manufacturing
entering by building a new plant, as a percentage of incumbent firms in
the previous time period; (ENTRY1, ENTRY2, and ENTRY3 are available for
1972-77 and 1977-82 from Dunne, Roberts, and Samuelson [10]);
CHOECD = 5-year change in OECD-imports as a percentage of U.S.
apparent domestic consumption;
CHNOECD = 5-year change in non-OECD imports as a percentage of U.S.
apparent domestic consumption; (CHOECD and CHNOECD are for 1972-77 and
1977-82 [22]).
Table I. Summary Statistics (N = 62)
PPCHG 50.2 23.4 -9.4 111.9
COSTCHG 50.0 14.2 28.7 87.5
DEMCHG 2.7 13.0 -27.0 22.9
ENTRY1 0.1 0.09 0 0.4
ENTRY2 0.03 0.03 0 0.1
ENTRY3 0.15 0.1 0 0.4
CHOECD 0.4 1.7 -3.7 7.8
CHNOECD 1.5 3.6 -5.0 14.8
CONC 50.4 19.6 17.0 91.0
Because the focus is on the impact of entry on price changes, and
given that entry data are available only for periods of five years, we
have to use a corresponding period for price changes. With these rather
lengthy time intervals we are, in a sense, estimating average
tendencies, involving a mix of short-run and longer-run adjustments.(12)
It should also be noted that for 95 percent of the observations,
[Delta]P represents increases.
With respect to [Delta][P.sup.*], we expect positive coefficients for
COSTCHG and DEMCHG and negative coefficients for new capacity entry
(ENTRY2 and ENTRY3) and the two import change variables. The sign for
ENTRY1 is less clear. The added output should have a moderating
influence on [Delta][P.sup.*] but as ENTRY1 does not involve new
capacity, a weak impact may be expected. In fact, a potentially
offsetting influence, applicable to ENTRY2 as well, is that the removal
of the entering firms as potential competitors may have a positive
effect on the desired target price. With respect to the variables in the
[Lambda] equation, concentration is expected to have a negative effect,
whereas the impact of dynamic competitive factors, as explained before,
is subject to alternative hypotheses.
IV. Empirical Results
In Table II we present results of nonlinear estimation
(Gauss-Newton). In the [Delta][P.sup.*] equation, cost changes display a
significantly positive effect. A one percentage point increase in costs
results in a 0.74 percentage point increase in the desired price change.
Demand change has the expected positive sign, however its effect is
statistically insignificant.(13)
The results obtained for the dynamic competitive factors are
particularly interesting. With regard to domestic entry's effect on
the desired price change we see that domestic entry's impact varies
by type of entry. The adding of new capacity by firms new to the
manufacturing sector (ENTRY3) results in a significantly negative impact
on desired price changes. At the mean rate of entry of this type, 0.15,
the regression results imply an 11.0 percentage point decline in the
desired price change, consistent with the procompetitive effect usually
associated with entry.
Surprisingly, entry of established firms via change in production mix
(ENTRY1) seems to lead to a larger desired price change. Given that this
is not a particularly robust result it is risky to read too much into
it; however, as noted above, a possible explanatory factor could be the
fact that potential competition is removed. The use of an alternative
estimation technique, nonlinear three stage least squares, where ENTRY1
and the import change variables are treated as endogenous variables,
also points to a positive coefficient for ENTRY1. Diversification through the construction of new plants appears to have little impact on
the desired price change. Turning to the effects of import changes we
find that both OECD and non-OECD import changes have a strong
procompetitive effect.
With respect to [Lambda],(14) concentration is found to have the
hypothesized negative effect on the speed of adjustment, with the
coefficient significant at the 10 percent level. However, domestic
entry, regardless of whether it merely involves a change in production
mix, the construction of new capacity by a diversifying firm or by a
brand-new firm, does not seem to have any discernible impact on
[Lambda]. Changes in imports, though, from both OECD and non-OECD
countries do appear to have a disruptive influence on the adjustment
process and delay the move to the target price. Apparently, industries
subject to large changes in import-entry cannot change prices as fast as
industries that are not subject to such entry. Changes in imports from
OECD nations display an effect that is larger than the effect of import
changes from non-OECD sources. A one percentage point increase in the
OECD import-share results in a 14 percent decline in [Lambda].
Given the 5-year periods it is not surprising that, on average, we
find actual prices converging to desired prices. However, we do note
that there are some large differences among individual industries in the
speed of adjustment.
Table II. Price Changes and Speed of Adjustment (N = 62)
ENTRY1 66.26
ENTRY2 40.65
ENTRY3 -73.26
CHOECD -3.62
CONC -0.0088
ENTRY1 0.01
ENTRY2 3.50
ENTRY3 0.83
CHOECD -0.14
The numbers in parentheses are asymptotic standard errors.
* = significant at the 10 percent level for a 2 tail test.
** = significant at the 5 percent level for a 2 tail test.
V. Summary
The current study examines the role of dynamic competitive factors
and thus provides a new perspective on price rigidity. The results
indicate that new competition from imports tends to delay the adjustment
process and not unexpectedly has a procompetitive effect on the
magnitude of the desired price changes.
Perhaps most interestingly the effects of disaggregated domestic
entry vary considerably by type of entry. New firm entry consistently
reduces the desired price change, whereas capacity entry of existing
firms from other industries has no discernible effect. Entry involving a
change in production mix but no new capacity has a more ambiguous
impact, suggesting a weak positive effect on desired prices. With regard
to [Lambda], none of the three measures of disaggregated domestic entry
appear to have any impact. It is clear that import-entry has a more
clearly pronounced negative effect on the speed of adjustment than do
measures of domestic entry.
Concentration has the expected negative effect on the speed of price
adjustment, but its coefficient is just barely significant. This result,
combined with the results for the entry and import competition
variables, suggests that in analyzing price flexibility, the inherently
static notion of concentration does not capture all dimensions of
competition. Dynamic competitive factors are important determinants of
the price adjustment mechanism.
We are grateful to an anonymous referee for helpful comments.
1. For a survey see Carlton and Perloff [6].
2. Encaoua and Geroski [11] and Domowitz, Hubbard and Petersen [9]
use this approach. Encaoua and Geroski pay particular attention to
static competitive factors, such as market concentration, import ratios
and the degree of foreign ownership, as explanatory factors for
3. After differencing the supply and demand equations and following
some manipulation we obtain an equation with [Delta]P on the left hand
side. See also Feinberg and Shaanan [12].
4. For example Stiglitz [18] notes that in recessions the threat of
entry is diminished and this permits firms to charge higher prices.
5. For additional factors that may affect the speed of adjustment,
see Carlton and Perloff [6].
6. One suspects that a certain amount of asymmetry may exist with
respect to entry's effect on [Lambda] for positive and negative
[Delta][P.sup.*]. However, given that 95 percent of our data consists of
increases in [Delta]P it becomes a somewhat moot point.
7. For a discussion on price responsiveness and time horizon, in the
context of a price smoothing strategy, see Encaoua and Geroski [11].
8. For a similar formulation, applied to a study on the dynamics of
concentration, see Geroski, Masson and Shaanan [13].
9. We also examine specifications where domestic entry and import
entry are endogenous.
10. Both linear and nonlinear versions of [Lambda] are tested.
11. Both cost and demand are measured at the 2-digit level to avoid
any simultaneity bias which might result from measurement at the 4-digit
level. Both variables involve a price term in their calculation, demand
in deflating nominal consumption, and cost in converting the ratio of
cost to revenue to an average cost index.
12. For example, the price change from 1977 to 1982 is in part a
short-run response to the cost and demand changes occurring between 1980
and 1982, and in part a longer-response to changes experienced in the
1977 to 1979 period.
13. Tests with changes in excess capacity as an additional variable
to account for cyclical factors in [Delta][P.sup.*] did not improve the
explanatory power of the equation.
14. A nonlinear specification for [Lambda] was also tested but the
results are largely unaffected by this choice of specification.
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12. Feinberg, Robert M. and Joseph Shaanan, "The Relative Price
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13. Geroski, Paul A., Robert T. Masson, and Joseph Shaanan, "The
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14. Harris, Maury N., "Entry and Long-Term Trends In Industry
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18. Stiglitz, Joseph E., "Price Rigidities and Market
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19. U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, U.S. Census of
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20. -----, Bureau of Economic Analysis, (unpublished data).
21. -----, Bureau of Economic Analysis. Survey of Current Business,
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22. -----. Trade Statistics, (unpublished data).
23. U.S. Department of Labor. Handbook of Labor Statistics various
issues. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office.
24. -----, Bureau of Labor Statistics. Labstat Database (unpublished
25. Weiss, Leonard W. and George A. Pascoe, Jr. Adjusted
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