Economic effects of immigrants on native and foreign-born workers: complementarity, substitutability, and other channels of influence.
Hunt, Gary L.
13. Greenwood, Michael J., and John M. McDowell, "The
Factor-Market Consequences of U.S. Immigration." Journal of
Economic Literature, December 1986, 1738-72.
14. Greenwood, Michael J., Gary L. Hunt, Dan S. Rickman, and George
I. Treyz, "Migration, Regional Equilibrium, and the Estimation of
Compensating Differentials." American Economic Review, December
1991, 1382-90.
15. Grossman, Jean B., "The Substitutability of Natives and
Immigrants in Production." Review of Economics and Statistics,
November 1982, 596-603.
I. Introduction
Do immigrant workers cause the reduction of domestic wage rates and
displace domestic workers from jobs? This question is central to the
current debate regarding the economic consequences of U.S. immigration.
Moreover, it has been a key issue in the U.S. for over 100 years. As
discussed in Greenwood and McDowell [13], the economic consequences of
U.S. immigration are highly debatable. On one side of the debate are
those who argue that immigrants take jobs that would otherwise be filled
by other U.S. workers, depress domestic wages, and worsen working
conditions. To the extent that the immigrants are poorly trained and
lack education, they have negative impacts on those Americans with whom
they compete in the labor market, such as blacks, Hispanics, youths, and
others (including prior immigrants) whose incomes tend to be low and
whose unemployment rates tend to be high.
On the other side of the debate are those who argue that immigration
has positive impacts on other workers. Such effects supposedly are due
primarily to the innovative and entrepreneurial abilities of the
immigrants and to the increased rate of capital accumulation they
foster. Others argue that less-skilled immigrants fill jobs that
domestic workers find undesirable and thus do not directly decrease the
employment opportunities and wages of native labor.
Empirical findings to date reflect this uncertainty regarding the
effects of immigrants on native workers. For example, Grossman concludes
that both second-generation and foreign workers are substitutes for
native workers, but the relevant elasticities are sufficiently small that "large inflows of immigrants . . . do not pose serious
economic threats to natives" [15, 602]. These findings are
consistent with Borjas's [3] conclusion that during the 1970s male
immigrants had a small negative influence on the earnings of native
white men. More recent research reaches similar conclusions [7; 20; 21].
Work reported by Altonji and Card [1] is qualitatively comparable, but
the estimated impacts on less-skilled natives under their preferred
estimation method is somewhat higher than other estimates.
On the contrary, focusing on the effect of first-generation Hispanics
on the earnings of second- and third-generation Hispanic workers, King,
Lowell, and Bean [18] find little support for the substitutability
hypothesis. Only for the subsample of workers classified as laborers
does their evidence suggest a competitive influence of immigrants on
native wages, and even then the influence is slight.
Although the results of the various studies are somewhat sensitive to
the country of origin of the immigrants, to the specific groups of
native workers studied, to whether the immigrants are legal or illegal,
and to other factors, in general they suggest that if immigrants are
substitutes for native workers, the degree of substitution is small.
However, a major problem with existing studies is that they focus on a
single channel of immigrant influence, namely, the production structure
channel. That is, they are concerned with whether immigrants and natives
are substitutes or complements in production. However, immigrants may
also influence native workers through a number of other channels, and
these additional influences may offset or reinforce those exerted
through the production structure channel. In this paper, we develop a
structural model of immigrant/native labor demand and labor supply that
allows us to distinguish the effects of immigrants in such a way as to
identify the channels through which wages and employment are influenced.
We show that although immigrants and natives are substitutes in
production, when other channels of influence are taken into account,
immigrants can positively affect the employment and wages of native
workers. However, they cause somewhat lower wages among other
II. Channels of Influence and the Model
Channels of Influence
Several distinct channels are evident through which the location of
immigrants can influence the employment and wages of other U.S.
residents. The approach that we implement incorporates several main
channels. It is useful first to give a qualitative description of the
various channels of influence that the approach will treat before we
introduce the equations required by our approach.
Production Structure Channel. An increase in the number of immigrants
in an area increases the supply of immigrant labor, which will decrease
immigrant wage rates, ceteris paribus. If immigrants and natives are
substitutes in production, immigrant employment will increase and native
employment will fall, ceteris paribus. The magnitudes will depend on the
relevant own-and cross-price elasticities. If immigrants and natives are
complements in production, then this implies substitutability with
respect to capital (given three input factors). Under conditions of
native-immigrant complementarity, a fall in immigrant wage rates will
lead to the substitution of immigrant labor for capital and an increase
in immigrant employment. An induced increase in native employment will
also occur.
Local Demand Channel. The production structure effect can lead to
either a decrease or an increase in aggregate labor income depending on
whether immigrants and natives are complements or substitutes and the
size of the elasticities. Consequently, this effect can lead to higher
or lower levels of local final demand in an area. Moreover, the larger
the per capita wealth of the immigrants, the larger their sources of
non-labor income, and therefore the greater will be the stimulation of
local final demand in the area due to their entry. Many attempts to
model the effects of immigrants on native workers assume that if the
immigrants own capital, they leave it behind. This seems like an
unrealistic assumption, but the relative magnitude of the effect of the
assumption is an empirical question. Given the area's propensity to
import goods to satisfy local final demand, the enhanced local final
demand will result in additional local output and therefore in
additional labor demand. The net effect of this channel of influence
will depend on whether the change in aggregate labor income and
non-labor income is positive or negative.
Net Export$Demand Channel. An increased supply of immigrants and the
resulting fall in immigrant wage rates will lead to reduced unit
production costs, ceteris paribus. This reduction should make the area
more competitive in national and international markets, which should in
turn lead to an increase in the quantity of area net exports demanded
and to increases in area labor demand.
Labor Force Participation Channel. If labor force participation rates
are sensitive to real wage rates, and if increased immigration causes
wage rates to fall (rise), then part of the adjustment will occur
through employment reductions (increases) in contrast to wage changes
bearing all of the adjustment.
Migration Channel. If lower (higher) real wage rates induce net
out-migration (in-migration), then this channel also transfers some of
the adjustment from wage rates to employment. The net export demand
channel is labor demand enhancing. The local demand channel is as well
in areas that have aggregate real labor income gains. The labor force
participation and migration channels shift part of the adjustment of
more immigrants from wage rates to employment. The basic idea that
underlies the model developed below is to assess the relative importance
of each channel of influence discussed above. Whether immigration
represents a net cost or a net benefit to the original U.S. workers is
then determined in light of the various channels through which
immigrants might affect others.
The Model
Depending on the relative strengths of these various channels of
influence, the location of immigrants in an area could result in better
or worse economic conditions for existing residents of the area. To get
at the relative strengths of the various influences, we estimated an
empirical model comprised of the following equations:
Unit cost function:
c = c([w.sub.1], [w.sub.2], [w.sub.3]) (1)
Input demand functions:
[Mathematical Expression Omitted]
[Mathematical Expression Omitted]
[Mathematical Expression Omitted]
Output demand function:
[q.sup.d] = [q.sup.d](p, Y/Np, N) (5)
Local price:
p = [Phi]c (6)
Input supply functions:
[Mathematical Expression Omitted]
[Mathematical Expression Omitted]
Capital supply function (exogenous):
[w.sub.3] = [W.sub.3] (rcok) (9)
Income identity:
Y [equivalent] [w.sub.1][x.sub.1] + [w.sub.2][x.sub.2] +
[YNL.sub.1][N.sub.1] + [YNL.sub.2][N.sub.2] (10)
Factor market equilibrium:
[Mathematical Expression Omitted]
[Mathematical Expression Omitted]
[Mathematical Expression Omitted]
Output market equilibrium:
[q.sup.s] = [q.sup.d] = q. (14)
Equation (1) is the unit cost function. Unit cost and the input
demand functions are derived from a three-input cost function
incorporating native labor, foreign-born labor, and capital. Constant
returns-to-scale (CRTS) is imposed as a maintained hypothesis. Unit
costs depend positively on the three factor prices: [w.sub.1],
[w.sub.2], [w.sub.3]. Additional regularity conditions theoretically
required for equation (1) to be a true unit cost function are discussed
in the Model Estimation section.
Input demand functions are derived via Shephard's lemma from the
cost function. Equations (2)-(4) are the factor demand equations. Labor
demand for each class of labor (i.e., foreign-born and native) and for
capital is specified to be a function of own (-) and other factor prices
(+, -) and output (+).
Aggregate demand for local output, which is a function of real per
capita income (+), population (+), and local prices (-), is given in
equation (5). Local prices are assumed to be proportional ([Phi]) to
unit costs in equation (6). The aggregate demand curve slopes downward
for several reasons. First, as local prices fall, area residents
substitute locally-produced goods for imports. Also, as local prices
fall, real income rises. Finally, lower local prices increase
inter-regional and international export sales. Given transport costs,
lower production costs lead to lower free-on-board prices, and therefore
to a larger trade area and higher demand for area exports. Additional
properties of this equation are discussed in the Model Estimation
Labor supply functions given in equations (7) and (8) are written as
the product of the respective labor force participation rates (defined
as the employment-to-population ratios) and populations. Participation
rate functions are required because the measure of labor force that we
use is number of persons and not number of hours. Sign expectations are:
wage rates (+), local prices (-), and non-labor income (-).
The supply of capital in equation (9) is assumed to be perfectly
elastic at the nationally or internationally determined price of capital
services, [W.sub.3], adjusted for relative regional capital taxation
differences. The price of capital goods is assumed to be determined
outside the region. Tax structure differences are therefore reflected in
regional variations in the cost of capital (i.e., supply price of
capital services).(1)
Equation (10) is the identity for aggregate income.
We assume input factor and goods market equilibrium in our model, and
the equilibrium conditions are given in equations (11)-(14). The
assumption of labor market equilibrium permits us to use equations (2),
(3), (7), and (8) to solve for native and immigrant equilibrium wage
rates and employment. The assumption of output market equilibrium and
proportionality between price and unit costs permits us to solve for
output and prices. We have done this in equations (1), (5), (6), and
(14). Once prices are determined, output is determined from the output
demand equation. Because we have assumed constant returns in the
aggregate technology, output does not appear in equation (1). This
appears to imply that output supply is perfectly elastic. However, if
factor inputs are not supplied perfectly elastically, then as area
output increases factor prices will rise causing unit costs to rise and
therefore output price to rise.
We have assumed that the supply price of capital services is fixed at
a level reflecting both international capital market conditions and the
regional structure of capital taxation. Both are assumed to be exogenous
to the region. Consequently, [w.sub.3] is exogenously given to the local
area economy. Capital is therefore supplied perfectly elastically to an
area at the regional supply price, which will be higher (lower) than the
international supply price if regional capital taxation is higher
(lower) than that existing internationally. Regions with above (below)
average capital taxation will have above (below) average cost of
capital. The quantity of capital services used in production is
determined by the demand equation for capital services given the
exogenously determined regional supply price of capital services.
Due to data constraints, we have not explicitly specified a native
migration equation. To handle migration, we assume that in the long run
any real wage rate differentials across space will be arbitraged by
migration if they differ from compensating differentials. We further
assume that the real wage rate differentials that existed in 1980 are
approximately equilibrium compensating differentials following the
findings of Greenwood, Hunt, Rickman, and Treyz [14]. If immigration
causes a change in native real wage rates from 1980 baseline levels, we
compute migration as the change in native population required in an area
to put real wage levels back to baseline levels.
The model explicitly contains nine endogenous variables: c,
[x.sub.1], [x.sub.2], [x.sub.3], [w.sub.1], [w.sub.2], q, p, and Y.
Implicitly, net migration flows and population for natives are also
endogenous and therefore total population as well. Performing the
appropriate substitutions implied by the factor and output market
equilibrium conditions and the exogenous capital supply function, we
obtain exactly nine equations corresponding to the nine endogenous
variables in our model. Altogether, the model contains seven exogenous
variables: [w.sub.3], A (four amenities), [YNL.sub.1], [YNL.sub.2]. The
four amenity variables are arguments in the implicit migration
III. The Data
The wide variation that exists in immigrant concentrations across the
U.S. provides the rationale for using cross-sectional data on Standard
Metropolitan Statistical Areas to estimate the model described above.
For 24 selected SMSAs, Table I gives the percent foreign-born employment
in 1980 and the percent of 1980 foreign-born who immigrated between 1970
and 1980. Miami had almost 41 percent of its employment accounted for by
the foreign-born. About 65 percent of Houston's 1980 foreign-born
population had immigrated since 1970. While these are extreme values,
note that the data range widely even in those areas with relatively high
concentrations of immigrants.
The primary source of data employed in this study is the 1980 Census
Public Use Microdata files. The 1980 microdata have been drawn from the
B Sample. Every SMSA for which 1970 data were available was included in
the sample. The total number of areas is 123; this number includes every
major metropolitan area in the country.(3)
Nominal Output
We use a value-added output concept in our model. Nominal output data
on a value-added basis have been compiled by the Bureau of Economic
Analysis in the form of gross regional product data at the state level,
but not at the SMSA level. Our strategy is to estimate SMSA level
nominal output by stepping down state level nominal output to the area
level using SMSA and state personal income data by major industry
Table I. Selected Characteristics of Selected SMSAs, 1980
Percent Foreign- Percent 1980 Foreign-Born
SMSA Born Employment Who Immigrated 1970-80
Boston 9.3% 32.0%
New York 23.2 39.1
Jersey City 26.9 40.7
Paterson 17.1 38.6
Washington, D.C. 8.6 53.6
Miami 40.9 36.1
Detroit 6.0 22.0
Chicago 11.8 41.8
Houston 8.8 65.1
San Antonio 7.3 35.1
El Paso 22.4 39.1
Denver 4.7 44.9
Las Vegas 9.0 45.5
Tucson 6.0 31.7
San Diego 12.8 46.1
Los Angeles 23.9 58.2
Anaheim 14.4 52.7
Fresno 11.5 42.9
Riverside 8.6 36.3
Santa Barbara 11.3 37.1
Salinas 20.8 45.0
San Francisco 16.4 42.9
San Jose 14.0 47.6
Honolulu 15.4 52.1
Real Output
Nominal output for each area was deflated by a local price index to
obtain an aggregate quantity (or real output) index. The local price
index used is the fitted unit cost for each area based on an estimated
CRTS translog cost function. Estimation is presented in the next
section. Unit costs can be estimated up to a factor of proportionality with a CRTS translog cost function and factor price and quantity data as
discussed in detail by Hunt [17].
Price (User Cost) of Capital Services ([w.sub.3])
The user cost of capital is given by
[w.sub.3] = [W.sub.3](rcok) (15)
where [W.sub.3] is the 1980 nominal value of the Jorgensonian user
cost of capital for the U.S. as a whole and rcok is a 123 x 1 vector of
SMSA user costs of capital relative to the U.S. value incorporating
local tax structure features. The area's relative user cost of
capital is the value for the state in which the area is located;
[w.sub.3] is a 123 x 1 vector. The source of the rcok vector is Regional
Economic Models, Inc. The methodology is described in Treyz and Stevens
[24]. The U.S. value of the user cost of capital was computed by the
Jorgensonian formula:
[W.sub.3] = {[1 - k - uz][(1 - u)i + [Delta]][p.sub.k]}/(1 - u), (16)
where k is the investment tax credit, u is the combined federal and
state marginal tax rate on capital income (inclusive of local
deductibility), z is the present value of one dollar's worth of
depreciation allowances, i is the financial cost of capital, [Delta] is
the economic depreciation rate, and [p.sub.k] is the implicit deflator for investment output. All data are weighted averages of structures and
By definition, capital income ([C.sup.*]) is equal to the quantity of
capital ([x.sub.3]) times its rental price ([w.sub.3]):
[C.sup.*] = [x.sub.3][w.sub.3]. (17)
Given our assumption of CRTS, capital income from each area is equal
to nominal output less labor income. An index of the quantity of capital
is therefore given by:
[x.sub.3] = [C.sup.*]/[w.sub.3]. (18)
Other Required Data
A number of other variables are required to estimate the structural
model presented in section II. For the most part, these variables were
drawn from the census microdata files. Data for the cost variable are
the sum of nominal values of labor income and capital income. This is
consistent with our assumption of CRTS and our definition of output as
value added in production. A glossary of variable terms is given in
Table II and summary statistics appear in Table III.
IV. Model Estimation
Given the aggregate nature of the model, simultaneous equations
estimators are employed to estimate the parameters of the model. Where
theoretical restrictions on the parameter space exist, these are
explicitly accounted for in the estimation. The seven exogenous
variables plus natural logarithms of the two exogenous non-labor income
variables and a constant term are used as instrumental variables. The
three additional instruments arise from the specification of the
functional forms for the empirical model.
Table III. Summary Statistics
Variable Mean Standard Deviation
p 0.9797443 0.0585867
[w.sub.1] 16074.372 1197.4677
[w.sub.2] 12554.844 2779.6873
[w.sub.3] 0.1414186 0.0059987
[x.sub.1] 478.88537 546.96026
[x.sub.2] 45.700813 125.49274
[x.sub.3] 55616818 82579021
q 14389099 19490523
[N.sub.1] 996.46017 1150.7698
[N.sub.2] 93.353659 250.45325
N 1089.8138 1363.6103
HUMID 64.658537 8.5763966
ED1 11.965854 0.4816006
ED2 11.028862 1.3199461
CD 0.2357724 0.4262167
[YNL.sub.1] 2292.9399 464.27629
[YNL.sub.2] 2532.7407 979.39237
Y 9285148.9 12408038
Cost Function and Input Demand Equations
The three inputs are native labor ([x.sub.1]), foreign-born labor
([x.sub.2]), and capital ([x.sub.3]). Corresponding factor prices are
[w.sub.1], [w.sub.2], and [w.sub.3]. The translog functional form is
used to specify the cost function. The translog was selected because it
is a flexible functional form and does not constrain the Allen elasticities a priori. This is important given our interest in the
degree of substitutability or complementarity among natives and
immigrants. Moreover, a CRTS translog specification permits us to
compute a unit cost index based only on a knowledge of factor prices,
factor quantities, and total cost (i.e., nominal output) - all of which
are observable. In turn, we were able to compute a consistent index of
aggregate real output.
Table IV. Unit Cost Function and Share Equations: Iterative
Three-Stage Least Squares Estimates
Parameter Estimates Parameter Estimates
[[Beta].sub.10] 0.4478691 [[Beta].sub.22] -0.1126502
(0.0062865) (0.0194350)
[[Beta].sub.11] -0.1126502 [[Beta].sub.23] 0.0
(0.0194350) (set)
[[Beta].sub.12] 0.1126502 [[Beta].sub.30] 0.5232807
(0.0194350) (0.0065241)
[[Beta].sub.13] 0.0 [[Beta].sub.33] 0.0
(set) (set)
[[Beta].sub.20] 0.0288502
Notes: Asymptotic standard errors appear in parentheses. Number of
observations is 123. The parameters [[Beta].sub.13],
[[Beta].sub.23], and [[Beta].sub.33] were all restricted to a value
of zero.
Linear homogeneity in factor prices, symmetry in cross-price effects,
and CRTS are imposed a priori. The monotonicity and concavity regularity
conditions are checked ex post with the estimated cost function.
Applying Shephard's lemma to the cost function, we obtain the
share equations. The share equations are each identified and are
estimated by iterative three-stage least squares (I3SLS), which is
equivalent to maximum likelihood [9]. The equations are estimated
jointly to exploit the cross-equation parameter restrictions present.
The singularity of the complete system of three share equations requires
that we estimate only two of the equations. Given that we use a maximum
likelihood estimator, our estimates are invariant to the equation
The translog cost function with CRTS imposed is as follows:
[Mathematical Expression Omitted],
where the [[Beta].sub.ij]'s are elements of a square symmetric
matrix of parameters (i.e., [[Beta].sub.ij] = [[Beta].sub.ji], i [not
equal to] j). The share equations derived via Shephard's lemma are:
[s.sub.i] = [[Beta]] + [summation of] [[Beta].sub.ij]
ln[w.sub.j] where j=1 to 3 + [[Epsilon].sub.i], i = 1,2,3 (20)
where the [[Epsilon].sub.i]'s are stochastic disturbance terms.
Unit costs are derived by subtracting ln q from both sides of
equation (19) and then exponentiating. Final estimates of the parameters
are reported in Table IV.
Initial estimates suggested that [[Beta].sub.13] = [[Beta].sub.23] =
0. A Wald test for these restrictions yielded a [[Chi].sup.2] value of
0.73 with a corresponding probability of 0.69. Therefore, the
restrictions are not rejected. Given adding-up, linear homogeneity in
factor prices, and symmetry in cross-price effects, the restriction that
[[Beta].sub.13] = [[Beta].sub.23] = 0 also implies that [[Beta].sub.11]
= [[Beta].sub.12], [[Beta].sub.11] = [[Beta].sub.22], and
[[Beta].sub.33] = 0. All of these restrictions are reflected in Table
Table V. Matrix of Price Elasticities of Factor Demand
Native Labor Foreign-Born Labor Capital
Native Labor -.80 0.28 0.52
(0.04) (0.04) (0.04)
Foreign-Born Labor 4.71 -5.23 0.52
(0.63) (0.63) (0.63)
Capital 0.45 0.03 -0.48
(0.03) (0.03) (0.03)
Note: Asymptotic standard errors appear in parentheses and are based
on the assumption of nonstochastic shares. Elasticities derived at
the sample means.
Based on the estimated parameter values and the fitted share values,
the monotonicity and concavity regularity conditions are met at the
overwhelming majority of sample data points. The monotonicity condition
is violated for only the foreign-born share equation at 15 sample
observations out of 123 total.(5) The concavity condition is met at all
sample data points.(6) These results are quite supportive of our
estimated specification in light of the vexing problems represented by
the serious failure of many estimated structural relationships based on
flexible functional forms to meet the regularity conditions [10].
The estimated parameters in Table IV generally are not of great
direct interest. However, we can derive estimates of factor
substitutability or complementarity from them. One intuitive set of
measures is the matrix of price elasticities of factor demand. This
square non-symmetric matrix of elasticities is given by:
[E.sub.ij] = [s.sub.j][[Sigma].sub.ij],i,j = 1,2,3; (21)
where [E.sub.ij] is the i,j element of the elasticity matrix,
[s.sub.j] is the jth factor share and [[Sigma].sub.ij] is the i,j
element of the matrix of Allen-Uzawa elasticities. Table V shows the
estimated matrix of price elasticities of factor demands.
All own-price elasticities are negative as required by theory.
Moreover, the row sums are zero as required by the zero homogeneity of
factor demands with respect to factor prices [8, 65]. Native labor is a
substitute with both foreign-born labor and capital, Foreign-born labor
is a substitute with native labor. Based on the size of the estimated
standard errors, we cannot conclude that foreign-born labor and capital
are either substitutes or complements.(7)
Labor Supply Equations
Estimation is done with two-stage least squares (2SLS) and
three-stage least squares (3SLS and I3SLS). Each equation is identified
and estimation is done with zero homogeneity imposed in wages, prices,
and non-labor income. Wald tests of the restrictions fail to reject them
at conventional levels. Table VI presents the results. For all
estimation techniques undertaken, the native equation is well-behaved
and meets a priori expectations, although the estimated real wage
elasticity appears to be high. The structure of our simulation
experiments, however, allows us to avoid drawing any unreasonable
conclusions based on such estimates.
The foreign-born equation has the incorrect sign on the real wage;
but the estimated value is never significant at conventional levels. For
simulation purposes, the foreign-born labor force participation rate is
exogenized. Changes in immigration therefore produce proportional
changes in labor supply. This has the effect of imposing a perfectly
inelastic foreign-born labor supply function for a given population.
Aggregate Demand for Local Output Equation
Aggregate demand for local output derives from three sources: (1)
local demand, which is related to the size of the local population and
its per capita real income, (2) the propensity to import, which depends
on local output prices relative to those elsewhere, and (3) the
interregional and international demand for area exports, which also
depends on relative local output prices and the scale of real income in
the rest of the world.
Table VII. Aggregate Demand for Local Output Equation: Two-Stage
Least Squares Estimates
Variable Unrestricted Restricted
ln p -1.3481 -1.1466
(0.4802) (0.3264)
ln N 1.0396 1.0
(0.0559) (set)
ln(Y/Np) 1.0533 1.0
(0.3145) (set)
Constant 4.3276 4.3724
(1.8357) (1.1270)
[R.sup.2] 0.97 0.96
Wald Test [[Chi].sup.2] -- -1.09
P-value -- 0.58
Notes: Asymptotic standard errors in parentheses. Number of
observations is 123. Parameters on ln N and ln(Y/Np) variables are
restricted to equal unity in restricted estimates.
Because we are using a cross-section to estimate this equation, the
area's output price is the relative price and the scale factor for
exports is constant. Therefore, we specify the aggregate demand for
locally-produced output as a function of local output prices (proxied
here by local unit costs generated by equation (19)), population, and
nominal local income. All variables are specified as natural logarithms.
The equation used is:
ln q = [[Alpha].sub.0] + [[Alpha].sub.1] ln p + [[Alpha].sub.2] ln N
+ [[Alpha].sub.3] ln(Y/Np) (22)
where q is real aggregate demand for locally-produced output, p is
local price, N is population, and (Y/Np) is real per capita income. We
expect [[Alpha].sub.2] and [[Alpha].sub.3] to be positive and close to
unity in value. We expect [[Alpha].sub.1] to be negative and
significantly different than zero.(8)
Table VII presents two-stage least squares estimates of Equation
(22). The unrestricted estimated parameters for the log population and
log real per capita income variables are close to unity, and the
estimated parameter on log price term is of reasonable magnitude for the
price elasticity.(9) All parameter estimates are highly significant. A
Wald test fails to reject the restrictions that the parameters on the
log population and log real per capita income terms are unity. This
implies that the equation can be simplified by replacing the real per
capita income and population terms with a real income term. This is done
in the simulations.
The estimated parameter value of unity on the population and real per
capita income terms seems high. Since the aggregate demand for
locally-produced output depends on local demand as well as imports and
exports, a change in local real income should induce less than a
proportionate change in aggregate demand. Our estimates probably reflect
the fact that we do not have a scale factor for exports in our equation.
This situation reflects the cross-sectional data constraints that we
face. Our concern with the magnitude of these parameter estimates leads
us to undertake tests of the sensitivity of our simulation results to a
smaller real income elasticity of aggregate demand.
V. Simulations
In order to assess the impacts of immigrants on both natives and the
foreign-born, we simulate our estimated model for an exogenous 10
percent increase in foreign-born population stock. A 10 percent increase
is selected so that our results can be compared with previously
published ones, such as those of Grossman [15; 16].
In a nonlinear model such as ours, the simulation results can vary
substantially depending on the baseline chosen as a starting point [22].
To get accurate results, we start our simulations from the actual 1980
values in each metropolitan area. The baseline must therefore represent
the actual 1980 values of all endogenous and exogenous variables in the
model. To be sure that this condition is met, we compute our simulations
in two steps.
First, we compute an add-factored baseline solution for each of the
123 metropolitan areas. These solutions produce add-factors for each
structural endogenous variable. These add-factors represent the
discrepancy between the non-add-factored baseline solutions and the
actual 1980 values. Therefore, the add-factored simulation replicates
the actual structural endogenous variable values exactly in each of the
123 areas. Given that the structural endogenous values are replicated,
any endogenous values computed by identity are also exactly replicated.
We refer to these simulations as add-factored baseline simulations.
The second step in simulating the effects of 10 percent more
immigrants is to resolve the model with a 10 percent increase in the
foreign-born population and incorporating the add factors. This use of
the add factors ensures that our alternative simulations start from a
baseline that accurately reflects the values of the endogenous variables
in each area. The simulation results that we report below are changes
from baseline values that represent the actual 1980 values of all
variables. To isolate the effects of the various channels of influence,
15 alternative simulations are done for each of the 123 areas. These
results are reported in Tables VIII and IX and represent the unweighted
average effects for all areas under alternative parameter assumptions.
Table X reports the unweighted average effects for areas grouped by
census region and for those areas with relatively large flows of
immigrants during 1970-1980.
All Areas
The alternative simulations presented in Table VIII are separated
into four sets distinguished by whether native labor supply is fixed or
flexible and whether the pattern of immigration is spatially
concentrated or dispersed. If native labor supply is fixed, then the
full burden of adjustment is carried by wage rates. If native labor
supply is flexible, then changes in labor force participation rates and
migration can shift some of the adjustment to employment. If the spatial
pattern of immigration is concentrated in a subset of all metropolitan
areas, then any induced reductions in local production costs can result
in interregional relative price changes and stimulate additional
interregional net exports. If immigration is dispersed throughout the
metropolitan system, then any induced production cost reductions may not
result in changes in interregional prices and net exports. International
net export demand would be affected in either case. Finally, the
divergence [TABULAR DATA FOR TABLE VIII OMITTED] in native real wage
rates across metropolitan areas should be greater in the spatially
concentrated case. Consequently, native migration is more likely to be a
component of the adjustment process in this case.(10)
Fixed Native Labor Supply/Spatially Concentrated Immigration Pattern:
Production Structure Only. In this simulation only the production
structure channel is allowed to operate. All other channels are blocked.
This is accomplished by exogenizing price, population, output, labor
supply, and income. The labor demand equations are rewritten in inverse form so that wage rates appear on the lefthand side and factor
quantities on the righthand side. The quantity of foreign-born labor is
increased 10 percent and the model is solved for new equilibrium wage
Our production structure simulation is comparable to the approach
used by Grossman [15]. She finds that a 10 percent increase in
foreign-born stock leads to a -0.8% to -1.0% change in real wages of
natives, and to a -2.3% change for the foreign-born. Our results
indicate a similar effect on natives (-0.88%) and on the foreign-born
(-2.46%). Our results are consistent with Grossman's in direction
and in absolute and relative impact.
Fixed Native Labor Supply/Spatially Concentrated Immigration Pattern:
Production Structure and Demand Channels. As a result of absorbing 10
percent more immigrants, foreign-born wage rates fall by 2.5 percent.
Consequently, nominal earnings of the foreign-born as a group rise given
that their employment rises by 10 percent. However, nominal earnings of
natives as a group fall by approximately 0.9 percent. In addition to
these changes in earnings due to the production structure effects on
wage rates, local prices fall and this boosts real earnings and the
purchasing power of non-labor income. The price decline in this
spatially concentrated case also stimulates net export demand. In total,
these effects are sufficient to increase the demand for locally-produced
output enough to bring native real wage rates back to essentially
baseline levels (+0.02%). Foreign-born real wage rate losses are cut
back to -1.58 percent. These results are conservative in that they
ignore any non-labor income sources that the immigrants may have. This
is denoted in Table VIII with a "0%" indicating that the
immigrants are assumed to have non-labor earnings equal to zero percent
of the average of non-labor earnings among the area's existing
foreign-born population.
When we assume that the immigrants have non-labor income equal to 50
percent or 100 percent of the average for the area's existing
foreign-born population, then the real wage rate impacts become more
positive for natives (+0.08% and +0.14%, respectively) and less negative
for the foreign-born (-1.52% and -1.46%, respectively).
The most significant and interesting results derived from this set of
simulations are that (1) our production structure results corroborate the findings of Grossman [15], and (2) adding demand-side effects
(including net export demand) completely offsets any negative impacts on
native real wage rates even if we assume that new immigrants have no
sources of non-labor income.
Fixed Native Labor Supply/Spatially Dispersed Immigration Pattern:
Production Structure Channel. This replicates the previous result and is
reported to provide a benchmark against which subsequent changes can be
Fixed Native Labor Supply Spatially/Dispersed Immigration Pattern:
Production Structure and Demand Channels. These simulations differ from
the analogous ones for the spatially concentrated case because net
export demand effects are suppressed. This somewhat understates the
demand effects in this case because international net export effects
would still be operative. We have no way, given our data, of separately
identifying such effects. Consequently, we must treat them as zero.
If immigrants have no non-labor income, our simulation predicts a
relatively small decline in native real wage rates (-0.17%). This
negative impact is reversed and native real wage rates rise if
immigrants are assumed to have non-labor income equal to 50 percent or
100 percent of the average non-labor income of the area's existing
foreign-born (0.01% and 0.18%, respectively). Foreign-born real wage
rates are negatively affected, but to a progressively lesser extent as
more of the demand channel is permitted to operate. The impacts range
from -1.76 percent when immigrants have no non-labor income to -1.42
percent when immigrants have non-labor income equal to that of the
area's existing foreign-born population.
Flexible Native Labor Supply/Spatially Concentrated Immigration
Pattern: Production Structure Channel. This replicates the previous
result and is reported to provide a benchmark against which subsequent
changes can be compared.
Flexible Native Labor Supply/Spatially Concentrated Immigration:
Production Structure and Labor Force Participation Rate (LFPR) Channels.
In this simulation, wage rate changes are permitted to spillover to
native LFPR changes. The native adjustment to immigration now can occur
in terms of wage rates and employment. As expected, native wage rates
fall less (-0.17% versus -0.88%) when they share the adjustment burden
with employment. The fall in native employment due to changes in the
native LFPR is -0.41%. Because native wage rates fall less when
employment changes are permitted, foreign-born wage rates also fall less
given that native and foreign-born labor are substitutes in production.
Flexible Native Labor Supply/Spatially Concentrated Immigration:
Production Structure, LFPR, and Demand Channels. In the spatially
concentrated case, the demand channel includes changes in net export
demand as well as local demand. Even if we assume that the immigrants
have no non-labor income, native real wages and employment are
essentially unaffected (+0.01% and +0.01%, respectively). Assuming that
the immigrants have non-labor income equal to 50 percent and 100 percent
of that of existing area foreign-born produces positive impacts on
native real wage rates (+0.05% and +0.09%, respectively) and employment
(+0.11% and +0.22%, respectively). Progressively higher demand levels
also reduce the negative impacts on foreign-born real wages (-1.59%,
-1.54%, and -1.46%, respectively).
Flexible Native Labor Supply/Spatially Concentrated Immigration:
Production Structure, LFPR, Demand, and Native Migration Channels. This
simulation starts with the impacts produced by assuming that the
non-labor income of immigrants is 100 percent of that of the existing
area foreign-born. Given that native real wage rates are above baseline
values, net in-migration will occur. To compute the amount, we exogenize
the native real wage rate at the baseline level under the assumption
that area real wage rates in 1980 reflect equilibrium compensating
differentials. We then permit the model to increase native population
and labor supply enough so that supply and demand are equated at the
exogenously set native real wage rate, which will produce a maximum flow
of native migrants in the model because we assume that migration is
costless. Taking such costs into account would reduce the simulated
native employment increase of +1.99 percent possibly to zero given that
the native real wage rates are only 0.09 percent above baseline values
before the migration.
The most interesting and important aspect of this set of simulation
results is that 10 percent more immigrants does not make natives worse
off in terms of real wage rates or employment. Depending on the demand
assumptions, natives may in fact be better off although the computed
positive impacts are small.
Flexible Native Labor Supply/Spatially Dispersed Immigration
Patterns: Production Structure Channel. This replicates the previous
result and is reported to provide a benchmark against which subsequent
changes can be compared.
Flexible Native Labor Supply/Spatially Dispersed Immigration
Patterns: Production Structure and LFPR Channels. This replicates the
previous result and is reported to provide a benchmark against which
subsequent changes can be computed.
Flexible Native Labor Supply/Spatially Dispersed Immigration
Patterns: Production Structure, LFPR, and Demand Channels. These results
for both natives and immigrants are more negative (or less positive)
than the analogous set in the spatially concentrated case. The reason is
that net export effects are blocked in the spatially dispersed case. If
we assume that the immigrants have no non-labor income, the impacts on
native real wages and employment are negative (-0.07% and -0.20%,
respectively) but relatively small. As we increase the amount of
non-labor income possessed by immigrants, the impacts are reduced. At
the 50 percent level, we estimate that natives are unaffected. At the
100 percent level, native real wage rates and employment are above
baseline levels (0.08% and 0.20%, respectively).
Because this set of simulations is based on a dispersed pattern of
immigration, native real wage gains occur throughout the metropolitan
system and consequently do not represent differentials across space that
migration can arbitrage. Therefore, a native migration simulation is not
applicable in this case.
All Areas: Sensitivity Analysis
The estimated elasticities of native labor supply to the real wage
and aggregate demand to real income are high, as previously noted. The
sensitivity of the results to lower real wage elasticities can be
bracketed by comparing the fixed labor supply results to those for
flexible labor supply. In the fixed supply case, the real wage
elasticity is zero. This comparison shows that in either case the
impacts on natives are small and can be positive.
To gauge the sensitivity of the results to the elasticity of
aggregate demand for local output, we resolved the model with the
elasticity reduced from unity to 0.7. These additional simulations
assume a fixed native labor supply. The results are reported in Table
IX. Although the impacts are more negative (or less positive), as
expected, they are still small in absolute terms for natives.
Relatively, the foreign-born are more adversely affected, as before.
Areas by Region and with Large Relative Immigration
The results for four of the alternative simulations are presented in
Table X for areas grouped by census region and for that set of areas
that had the relatively largest immigration during 19701980. For each
group of areas, the reported results are unweighted averages. They are
based on 27 areas in the Northeast region, 31 areas in the Midwest
region, 40 areas in the South region, 24 areas in the West region, and
24 areas that experienced relatively large recent immigration as
indicated in Table I. To facilitate comparison, the corresponding
results for all areas are also reported.
Fixed Native Labor Supply: Production Structure Only. The results for
all groups of areas are qualitatively similar to the unweighted results
for all areas. Ten percent more immigrants reduce the wages of both
native and foreign-born workers with the impacts greater for the
foreign-born. However, the magnitude of the negative effects is larger
in the Northeast and West regions and in the areas with relatively large
recent immigration. The unweighted average decline in native [TABULAR
DATA FOR TABLE X OMITTED] wages in the West, for example, is -1.40%
which is double the impact on natives in the South (-0.70%) and more
than double the impact in the Midwest (-0.58%). The impact in the areas
incurring relatively large recent immigration is the largest of all with
native wages falling -1.84%.
The pattern of impact on foreign-born worker wages is similar to the
effects in the Northeast (-2.99%), West (-3.66%), and in areas with
relatively large recent immigration (-4.58%) being more negative than
those in the Midwest (-1.78%) and South (-1.90%).
Fixed Native Labor Supply: Production Structure and Local and Export
Demand. These results are based on the simulations that include demand
and assume that immigrants have no sources of non-labor income. They are
consistent qualitatively with those for all areas. In the case of each
census region and for the group of areas experiencing relatively large
recent immigration, opening the local and export demand channels
mitigates the adverse consequences on natives and foreign-born workers.
For natives, wages are now either at baseline levels or slightly above
them. It is interesting that in the West and the areas of relatively
large recent immigration, the largest positive percentage gains from
baseline occur for native wages. These were the areas that exhibited the
most substantial decline in native wages when only production structure
effects were considered. The reason for this is that these areas have
the largest shares of immigrant labor income in total output. They also
have the largest negative impacts from production structure effects on
foreign-born wages. Consequently, unit costs decline relatively more and
the competitive net export effect is larger, leading to relatively
stronger labor market outcomes for natives in these areas.
The impacts on foreign-born worker wages are still negative, but the
extent of the declines is mitigated substantially by the partially
offsetting effects of increases in demand. The largest negative effects
occur as in the previous simulation in the Northeast (-1.98%), West
(-2.23%), and the areas with relatively large recent immigration
Flexible Labor Supply: Production Structure Only. In these
simulations, adjustments can occur in both wages and employment. The
results for each of the five groups of areas are qualitatively similar
to the results for all areas. As in the case of the simulations that
have only the production structure channel open, these results indicate
that the impacts on native wages and employment are larger in the
Northeast and West regions and in the areas that experienced relatively
large recent immigration. This pattern holds for the impacts on
foreign-born wages as well.
Flexible Native Labor Supply: Production Structure and Local and
Export Demand. As before, we assume that immigrants have no sources of
non-labor income. The demand effects mitigate the production structure
impacts. For natives, wages and employment return to or exceed baseline
values except in the cases of wages in the Midwest (-0.01%) and
employment in the Midwest (-0.02%) and South (-0.01%). These departures
from baseline are extremely small, however. As in the fixed native labor
supply case with demand channels open, native wages and employment are
most favorably affected in the West (0.05%, 0.09%, respectively) and in
those areas experiencing relatively large recent immigration (0.04%,
0.08%, respectively).
The impacts on foreign-born worker wages are reduced as well when
demand effects are permitted to play a role. The largest impacts on
wages are in the Northeast (-1.98%), West (-2.22%), and areas with
relatively large recent immigration (-2.73%). The impacts in the South
(-1.22%) and the Midwest (-1.22%) are less.
VI. Summary and Conclusions
In this study we use SMSA data constructed from 1980 census microdata
files and other sources to estimate a structural model of
native/foreign-born labor demand and labor supply that distinguishes the
effects on real wages of each type of labor and on employment of
natives. What especially sets our model apart from others is that we
specify, econometrically estimate, and simulate a structural model that
incorporates not only a production structure channel through which
immigrants influence area real wages and employment, but also demand and
native labor supply channels. These are not the only channels through
which immigrants might affect native workers. Among other potentially
important channels are technological change, agglomeration economies,
inflation, balance of payments, remittances, tax and transfer payments,
use of public services, and externalities. However, our model
constitutes a step in the direction of a general equilibrium approach.
In the production structure channel, immigrants and natives are found
to be substitutes in production. Immigration lowers foreign-born wage
rates and leads to lower wages for natives. The negative effects of the
production channel usually are ameliorated through the demand channel.
Immigrants add to local demand through their earnings and potentially
through non-labor income. Immigrants induce lower unit costs and local
prices. This enhances real incomes and potentially net exports, and
therefore the demands for local output and area labor.
Several interesting findings emerge from our simulation results based
on an analysis of all areas. First, production structure results are
consistent with those of Grossman [15], who finds that immigrants and
natives are substitutes in production. Second, the maximum negative
impact on natives is a -0.88 percent decline in real wage rates, or a
-0.17 percent decline in real wage rates accompanied by a -0.41 percent
drop in employment. These impacts are based on an absence of demand
effects and native migration adjustments. Third, opening the demand
channel almost always eliminates the negative effects on natives. The
exception is in the case of a spatially dispersed immigration pattern
combined with immigrants who have no non-labor income. In all other
cases, the impacts on natives are zero or slightly positive. Fourth, the
impacts on the foreign-born are always negative. The maximum impact is a
-2.46 percent change in real wages (about two-and-one-half times the
magnitude for natives). The smallest impact is a -1.13 change in real
Moreover, when our simulation results are grouped by region, we find
that the impacts are generally consistent qualitatively with the results
for all areas. These results show that the impacts on natives and
foreign-born workers through the production structure channel are larger
in magnitude in the Northeast and West regions and in those areas that
had relatively large recent immigration. Finally, in these regions we
find more positive impacts on natives when demand effects are
Whether past studies claim to show that immigrants are substitutes or
complements for native labor, virtually all of them conclude that the
effects on the wages and employment opportunities of native workers are
quantitatively small. The greatest negative impacts appear to be on the
foreign born. The present study attempts to account for channels of
immigrant influence other than those that directly relate to production
structure, which has been the focus of most previous attention. It too
shows that the effects of immigrants are small. When demand and native
labor supply channels of influence are taken into account, the effects
on natives are almost always negligible or slightly positive. Moreover,
foreign-born workers have the greatest negative influence on other
foreign-born workers. These results hold on average across all areas in
our sample and for areas grouped by region of the U.S. and for those
experiencing relatively large immigration during 1970-1980.
Finally, Filer [12] argues that areas with high concentrations of
immigrants were less attractive to natives as evidenced by internal
migration patterns. However, Butcher and Card [7] report that native
migration and immigration are positively correlated. Our results provide
an explanation for this latter finding. We see at least two reasons for
the finding that involve the inducement of improved native labor market
outcomes. If natives and immigrants are complements in production, then
additional immigrants raise native wages and attract native migrants.
The problem with this explanation is that the literature consistently
reports the finding that natives and immigrants are substitutes in
production. A second explanation is that the negative effects on natives
resulting from their substitutability with immigrants is more than
offset by the demand effects of immigration. Our research provides
empirical support for this more coherent explanation.
1. Ignoring taxes, the cost of capital ([W.sub.3]) is determined as
[W.sub.3] = ([Rho] + [Delta])[p.sub.k]
where [Rho] is the opportunity cost of capital, [Delta] is the
depreciation rate of capital, and [p.sub.k] is the price of a unit of
capital stock. This price is assumed to be determined outside the
region. It is assumed that [Rho] and [Delta] are regionally invariant.
Let [Phi] represent tax provisions applicable to the stock of capital
and T represents those applicable to the income from capital. The
national or international supply price for capital services ([W.sub.3])
is determined by the following relationship
(1 - T)[W.sub.3] = [Phi]([Rho] + [Delta])[p.sub.k]
[W.sub.3] = [[Phi]/(1 - T)]([Rho] + [Delta])[p.sub.k].
The region-specific cost of capital is therefore
[w.sub.3] = [[Phi]/(1- [Tau])]([Rho] + [Delta])[p.sub.k].
The corresponding relative cost of capital for a region (rcok) is
obtained by dividing the region-specific cost of capital by national
cost of capital. Because the opportunity cost, depreciation rate, and
price of capital terms have the same value in the region as in the
nation, by assumption, rcok reduces to
rcok = [w.sub.3]/[W.sub.3] = ([Phi]/[Phi])/[(1 - [Tau])/(1-T)]
2. The estimates are not significantly affected when the foreign-born
share of the 1970 area population is included as an instrument. An
argument for the inclusion of such a variable could be based on
Bartel's [2] finding that location choices of new immigrants are
significantly influenced by the spatial distribution of previous
immigrants from the same country of birth. Our instruments are
apparently picking up any such effect.
3. Certain aspects of the broader study of which this was part
required both 1970 and 1980 PUMS data. The 1980 B Sample contains 282
distinct SMSAs and 36 paired SMSAs. However, the 1970 County Group PUMS
contains information on only 125 distinct SMSAs. Thus, the availability
of 1970 data ultimately determined the number of SMSAs that could be
used as the observation base in this study. Two (1970) SMSAs were lost
due to their being combined in 1980. Dallas and Fort Worth were combined
to form the Dallas-Fort Worth SMSA, which is included in the data base
as a single SMSA. Wilkes-Barre-Hazelton and Scranton were combined to
form the Northeast Pennsylvania SMSA. However, since Scranton was not
included in the 1970 file, this SMSA was not incorporated into the data
4. Nominal output for the 123 SMSAs was formed in the following way.
Let nominal output (thousands of dollars) for each of the areas be
stacked in a 123 x 1 vector Z. The following steps were undertaken to
create Z:
Z = diag(C)
C = AB[prime]
A = [A.sub.1]/[A.sub.2] (where "/" indicates Hadamard, or
element-by-element, division)
[A.sub.1] [equivalent] 123 x 10 matrix of 1980 Gross State Product
(thousands of dollars) - 123 areas, 10 major industry divisions [5].
[A.sub.2] [equivalent] 123 x 10 matrix of 1980 state earnings
(thousands of dollars) - 123 areas, 10 major industry divisions [5].
B [equivalent] 123 x 10 matrix of 1980 earnings (thousands of
dollars) - 123 areas, 10 major industry divisions [6].
Data in [A.sub.1] and [A.sub.2] are the data for the states in which
the 123 areas are located (e.g., data for Boston are Massachusetts data).
5. The monotonicity condition is checked by confirming that the
factor shares (and therefore factor demands) predicted at each
observation in the data are positive. Negative fitted foreign-born labor
cost shares occur for the following areas: Utica-Rome, N.Y.; Buffalo,
N.Y.; Binghamton, N.Y.; York, Pa.; Charlotte, N.C.; Chattanooga, Tenn.;
Knoxville, Tenn.; Huntington, Ken.; Cincinnatti, Oh.; Pittsburgh, Pa.;
South Bend, Ind.; Peoria. Ill.; Appleton-Oshkosh, Wisc.; Kansas City,
Mo.; and St. Louis, Mo.
6. The concavity condition is checked by evaluating the definiteness
of the Hessian. At each observation the estimated Hessian matrix has two
negative and one zero eigenvalues, which implies that it is negative
semi-definite as required at all sample observations.
7. The estimation of a cost function naturally yields the direct
price elasticities based on the Allen-Uzawa elasticities of
substitution. However, the fact that the stock of foreign-born labor is
being increased indicates that the inverse price elasticities of factor
demand derived from the Hicksian elasticities of complementarity are
important. These Hicksian elasticities naturally are obtained from
production function estimates. However, following the procedures
outlined in Kohli [19], we compute the inverse price elasticities from
our direct price elasticity estimates. At the average of the data for
all areas, a one percent increase in foreign-born labor results in a
-0.02 percent change in native wages, a -0.20 percent change in
foreign-born wages, and a 0.03 percent change in the rental price of
capital services. These estimates are qualitatively and quantitatively
consistent with those based on the Allen-Uzawa elasticities of
substitution as reported in Table V.
8. Our constant markup of price over unit cost (equation (6)) is
consistent with our specification of a constant elasticity form for the
demand equation. The value of the markup parameter [Phi] is implicitly
incorporated in the constant term of equation (22).
9. Our estimated elasticity of 1.1 is within the range reported by
Engle [11] in his study of the Boston area. It is lower than the
estimate of 1.8 obtained by Treyz, Rickman, and Shao [13].
10. The spatially concentrated case is more consistent with observed
immigrant location patterns [2].
1. Altonji, Joseph G. and David Card. "The Effects of
Immigration on the Labor Market Outcomes of Less-skilled Natives,"
in Immigration, Trade, and the Labor Market, edited by John M. Abowd and
Richard B. Freeman. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1991, 201-34.
2. Bartel, Ann P., "Where Do the New U.S. Immigrants Live?"
Journal of Labor Economics, October 1989, 371-91.
3. Borjas, George, J., "The Sensitivity of Labor Demand
Functions to Choice of Dependent Variables." Review of Economics
and Statistics, February 1986, 58-66.
4. -----, "Immigration, Minorities, and Labor Market
Competition." Industrial and Labor Relations Review, April 1987,
5. Bureau of Economic Analysis. Local Area Personal Income, Volume 1,
Summary, 1979-84. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office,
August 1986.
6. -----. Local Area Personal Income, Volume 1, Summary, 1976-81.
Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, June 1983.
7. Butcher, Kristin F. and David Card, "Immigration and Wages:
Evidence from the 1980's." American Economic Review, Papers
and Proceedings, May 1991, 292-96.
8. Chambers, R. G. Applied Production Analysis: A Dual Approach.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1988.
9. Dhrymes, Phoebus. J., "Small Sample and Asymptotic Relations
Between Maximum Likelihood and Three Stages Least Squares
Estimators." Econometrica, March 1973, 357-64.
10. Diewert, W. E. and T. J. Wales, "Flexible Functional Forms
and Global Curvature Conditions." Econometrica, January 1987,
11. Engle, Robert F., "Estimation of the Price Elasticity of
Demand Facing Metropolitan Producers." Journal of Urban Economics,
January 1979, 42-64.
12. Filer, Randall K. "The Effect of Immigrant Arrivals on
Migratory Patterns of Native Workers," in Immigration and the Work
Force, edited by George J. Borjas. Chicago: University of Chicago Press,
1992, 245-69.