Economists and Higher Learning in the Nineteenth Century.
Colander, David
In the 1980s a group of economists organized a research project on
the institutionalization of political economy in the United States,
Japan, Britain, and continental Europe. Economists and Higher Learning in the Nineteenth Century, edited by William Barber, is the U.S.
contribution to that project. It is a slightly revised paperback edition
of Barber's edited Breaking the Academic Mold (Wesleyan University
Press, 1988). Economists and Higher Learning consists of twelve essays
recounting the beginnings of most of the top U.S. academic economics
departments, and two broader essays - one an introduction by Barber and
the other a general essay by Bob Coats on the professionalization of
American economics. All are well written, informative, and insightful.
The stories of the individual departments are fun reading for any
economist, but especially for those associated with the schools that are
discussed: the University of Virginia, South Carolina College, Brown,
Harvard, Yale, Columbia, Johns Hopkins, Penn, Chicago, The University of
California and Stanford, MIT, and Wisconsin. The stories the
contributors tell are based on archival documents and give one a sense
of what interesting people economists were (and are). Each department
has a slightly different, fascinating, story. These are stories of
intrigue, of bias, of personalities, and of money. We see raids by
departments, such as that by the University of Chicago on Clark's
economic department; we see strategic bargaining gone wrong, such as
Richard Ely's attempt to squeeze an extra $1,000 out of the
University of Chicago (the result: the appointment of Lawrence Laughlin
to head the new Chicago department and the subsequent creation of the
Chicago economics tradition in Laughlin's image). We see political
persecution - economists vilified for their unorthodox views. The whole
thing is a veritable soap opera.
Reading these essays made me realize how Anglicized our history of
thought presentations (including mine) have become. Before reading this
book, I had somehow always pictured studying economics in the 19th
century, even in the United States, as studying well known British
books. The collective story told by the contributors to this volume is
one of students studying Americanized "textbooks" in which the
views of the master were presented and contrasted with those of well
known British writers. This American economics differed substantially
from British economics. For example, a number of contributors point out
that in the United States, Ricardo's theory of rent received short
shrift from the beginning since availability of land in the west meant
that Ricardo's theory did not fit the American reality. Similarly
with the British view of services and unproductive labor. This view was
little taught in the U.S. church-related universities since it led to
questions about the value of the clergy. (This was pre-tenure, and
academic freedom was much in dispute.) In short, it is not only women
who have been marginalized by historians of thought; it is also American
economists, and I suspect many other non-British economists.
In his introduction, Barber nicely sums up the general lessons that
come out of the collection. He clearly summarizes how the economics
profession as we know it developed around the turn of the time of the
U.S. Civil War as part of a broader change in educational practices.
Before that time, students learned the Bible, ancient languages,
mathematics, and some science and moral science. With the new wealth
flowing into the universities in the 1870s and 1880s, and with the new
problems caused for society by the industrial revolution which created
that wealth, it was inevitable that there would be a change in what was
taught. It is clear from these stories that the profession did not
develop solely from the interaction of objective scholars but, rather,
was heavily directed by an interaction of rent-seeking scholars whose
advancement depended on their ability to play the game as well as on
their intellectual additions to the economics field. The branches of
economics that succeeded had to succeed not only within the field of
economics, but also within the academic institutions of which economics
was a part.
As is often the case after reading an interesting book, one is left
with many questions. For example, while the stories are told in relation
to economics, it is clear that it was not economics as we know it; it
was political economy, which included much of what we now consider
sociology, political science, anthropology, and moral philosophy. To
understand the economics profession today I think we need a Part II of
the story which would detail the division of political economy into
component parts. I suspect that the fights and intrigue of the
building-up stage presented here will be pale in regard to the
fragmenting stage. An initial inkling of the difficulties that breaking
up will involve can be seen in the fight between Ely's social
activism, Veblen's cosmological vision, and Sumners and
Laughlin's conservatism. These differences led to bitter fights
which helped shape our profession. In the book's concluding essay,
Coats summarizes what has gone before and also makes some important
points of his own. One is to remind us of the absolute numbers of people
the story is about. In 1880 only three academics at leading schools
devoted most of their time to political economy and between then and
1900 only another 59 Ph.D.'s were added. It's no wonder that
individual personalities played an important role.
The book nicely complements the Kadish and Tribe edited volume, The
Market for Political Economy (Routledge, 1993) on the development of
British economic institutions in the late 19th century. I have not seen
the continental European and Japanese companion volumes but, if they
measure up to this standard, I look forward to reading them.
David Colander Middlebury College