Rent shrinking.
Leitzel, Jim
I. Introduction
Economic models of such diverse activities as rent seeking, patent
races, wars, and election campaign spending often employ the assumption
that the competitors are chasing a prize of a fixed size.(1) In many
circumstances, however, the size of the prize that goes to the winner is
a decreasing function of the competitive expenditures of the losers. In
a patent race, for example, the value of the patent to the winning firm
will often be lower if other firms have been actively competing. The
research expenditures of the close substitutes provided by the losing
firms makes the patent less valuable to the winning firm. Anticipating
this behavior, firms may have less incentive to engage in research and
development when the actions of their competitors lower the value of the
patent. A second example involves the market for corporate control. A
takeover competition can lower the value of the firm that is the prize
if the firm's current management responds to the takeover threat
with a poison pill. The value of the firm may be lowered even if the
takeover attempt is unsuccessful, i.e., if the current management wins
the contest.
This article examines situations where the size of a prize to the
winner falls as the expenditures of competing firms increase, a
phenomenon we call "rent shrinking." A commonly used model of
rent seeking is modified to incorporate rent shrinking. Rent shrinking
lowers the rent seeking expenditures of the competing firms.(2)
Collusive behavior, which acts to reduce the number of competitors, is
more likely to be profitable with rent shrinking. By reducing the number
of competitors, collusion increases the prize available to the colluding
firms, ceteris paribus. This represents an additional benefit to
collusion available in a rent shrinking environment.
In some circumstances, the shrinking of the rent to the winning firm
that arises from opponents' expenditures is mirrored by the
consideration that the losing firms' expenditures were not pure
losses. For example, losers in a patent race may still be positioned to
capture some rent, if they can successfully innovate around the patent.
Such effects can be incorporated into the rent shrinking model, by
assuming that losing firms are reimbursed for some percentage of their
expenditures. This approach also serves to unify the standard rent
seeking game with the rent shrinking game. If none of the expenditures
of losing firms are reimbursed, the game is one of pure rent shrinking.
If the entire expenditures of losers are reimbursed, the standard rent
seeking game emerges. As the share of losers' expenditures that are
returned goes from 0 to 1, the game moves from pure rent shrinking to
one of pure rent seeking, and an individual firm's expenditures
monotonically increase.
The basic rent seeking and rent shrinking models are presented in
section II, where it is shown that rent shrinking reduces the
expenditures of firms relative to rent seeking. Section III examines the
potential for collusive behavior by firms. Section IV includes the
possibility that a fraction of the expenditures of losing firms may be
returned, an approach that generalizes the rent seeking and rent
shrinking games; collusive behavior is also examined in this more
general framework. Section V presents conclusions.
II. The Model
The standard rent seeking game consists of n risk neutral firms
competing for a fixed rent of size [Pi].(3) Let [x.sub.i] [greater than
or equal to] 0 represent the rent seeking expenditures of firm i, i = l,
. . ., n. The probability that firm i wins the prize, [p.sub.i], is
given by firm i's share of total rent seeking expenditures:
[p.sub.i] = [x.sub.i]/([x.sub.i] + [summation of][x.sub.j]where j[not
equal to]i). Firm i chooses expenditures [x.sub.i] to maximize its
expected utility [U.sub.i] = ([p.sub.i] [center dot] [Pi]) - [x.sub.i].
At the symmetric Nash equilibrium, firm i's rent seeking
expenditures are [Mathematical Expression Omitted], and its expected
utility is [Mathematical Expression Omitted]. Total rent seeking
expenditures are (n - 1)[Pi]/n. As the number of competing firms n gets
large, total rent seeking expenditures approach the size of the rent
[Pi], though an individual firm's rent seeking expenditures fall as
n rises.(4)
The standard rent seeking game can be modified to incorporate rent
shrinking. Let the original prize remain fixed at size [Pi]. If firm i,
i = 1, . . ., n, is the winner, however, firm i only gets to enjoy a
prize of size [Pi][prime] = [Pi] - [summation of][x.sub.j] where j[not
equal to]i. The prize that the winning firm receives is lowered by the
combined expenditures of the other firms.(5)
The problem for firm i is to maximize expected profits [U.sub.i] =
([p.sub.i] [multiplied by] [Pi][prime]) - [x.sub.i]. Solving from the
first-order conditions, the symmetric Nash equilibrium expenditures for
firm i in the rent shrinking game are [x[prime].sub.i] = (n -
1)[Pi]/(2[n.sup.2] - 2n + 1). For n [greater than] 1, [Mathematical
Expression Omitted]: a firm's expenditures in a rent shrinking
contest are less than a firm's expenditures in a rent seeking game,
holding the number of firms constant. An individual firm's
expenditures in a rent shrinking game fall as the number of firms
increases, as in the rent seeking case. Firm i's expected utility
in the rent shrinking game is [U[prime].sub.i] = [Pi]/(2[n.sup.2] - 2n +
1), which is below its expected utility in the standard rent seeking
game for n [greater than] 1. Total rent shrinking expenditures are n
[center dot] [x[prime].sub.i] = n(n - 1)[Pi]/(2[n.sup.2] - 2n + 1). A
central result in the rent seeking model is that total rent seeking
expenditures approach the size of the rent as the number of competitors
gets large, i.e., the rent is totally dissipated as n [approaches]
[infinity] [9; 13]. In the rent shrinking game, as n gets large, total
expenditures approach one half of the original rent, [Pi]. The amount
[Pi]/2 is also the limit as n gets large of the size of the rent
[Pi][prime] that is available to the winner: [Pi][prime] = [Pi] - (n -
1)[x[prime].sub.i] = [n.sup.2][Pi]/(2[n.sup.2] - 2n + 1). As in rent
seeking, with a large number of firms the combined expenditures
dissipate nearly the entire rent available to the winner of a rent
shrinking contest. These results are illustrated in Figure 1.
III. Collusion
Rent shrinking has interesting implications for the incentives for
collusive behavior among the firms. In addition to the factors
influencing collusion in a rent seeking framework, the size of the rent
available to the winning coalition may increase as firms collude in a
rent shrinking environment.
When k firms collude, they behave as a single firm. The number of
effective competitors therefore falls to (n - k + 1) when a coalition of
size k forms. The profitability of collusion (which may be negative) in
the rent seeking game increases monotonically with coalition size k and
decreases monotonically with the total number of firms n. In the
standard rent seeking contest, profitable collusion by k firms is only
possible for relatively comprehensive coalitions. Specifically, k-firm
collusion is profitable in the rent seeking game iff n [less than or
equal to] [k + [square root of k]], where [[center dot]] is the greatest
integer function [1].(6) The gain to a colluding coalition arises from
the coalition's ability to lower the aggregate rent seeking
expenditures of its members. Firms that are not members of the k-firm
coalition also gain from the collusion, therefore, as the aggregate
expenditures of their competitors go down.
Collusion in a rent shrinking contest allows the colluding firms to
reduce their collective expenditures, as the rent seeking game. But even
if a colluding coalition does not change its total expenditures, the
prize available to the coalition rises (holding the expenditures of
non-colluding firms constant). There are fewer competitors, so the
shrinking of the prize that results from the expenditures of competitors
is attenuated.
In a rent shrinking game, k-firm collusion is profitable when the
expected utility to a firm (the coalition) in a game with n - k + 1
competitors exceeds k times the expected utility to a single firm in a
game with n competitors. The k-firm collusive profitability condition is
therefore {[Pi]/(2[(n - k + 1).sup.2] - 2(n - k + 1) + 1)} -
{k[Pi]/(2[n.sup.2] - 2n + 1)} [greater than or equal to] 0. The gains
(or losses) from k-firm collusion, represented by the left hand side of
the above inequality, are no longer monotonically increasing in k and
monotonically decreasing in n.(7) Algebraic manipulation indicates,
however, that k-firm collusion pays more often in the rent shrinking
game than in the rent seeking game: k-firm rent shrinking collusion is
profitable whenever n [less than or equal to] [k + [square root of (k -
1/4)] + 1/2].(8) For example, a 3-firm coalition can profitably form
when n = 5 in the rent shrinking game, but is not profitable in the rent
seeking game. Nevertheless, the coalition profitability condition is
quite similar in rent shrinking and rent seeking contests. As the number
of firms gets large, only coalitions that approach the size of the grand
coalition find collusion profitable.
As with rent seeking, collusion in a rent shrinking environment
benefits non-colluding firms, since the expenditures of their
competitors decrease. Indeed, the external collusive gain to a
non-colluding firm exceeds the collusive gain to any colluding firm,
assuming that the colluding coalition splits equally its gain from
collusion. Holding fixed their own expenditures, non-colluding firms
gain with collusion both from a higher probability of winning and from
the larger prize available to the winner.(9)
Collusion in a rent shrinking setting (as well as in the standard
rent seeking framework) therefore displays some characteristics
associated with public goods. As with other forms of public goods
provision, firms may try to free ride in rent shrinking situations, by
abstaining from collusion while encouraging others to collude.
Incentives to free ride may be particularly difficult to overcome in
rent seeking or rent shrinking contests, since nearly all firms must
collude before there are positive gains to the collusive coalition.
There is likely to be an "underinvestment" in collusion.
Table I presents some comparisons between the standard rent seeking
game and the rent shrinking game, for the case when [Pi] = 1 and n = 3.
Collusive gains to colluding firms are illustrated in Figure 2, and the
collusive gains to non-colluding firms are depicted in Figure 3, for the
case of n = 10 and with various sizes of the collusive coalition.
IV. A Generalization
In some circumstances, the factors that reduce the rant going to a
winning firm may simultaneously indicate that the expenditures of losing
firms are not pure losses. It was argued in the Introduction, for
example, that the winner of a patent race will get a prize that shrinks
with its opponents' expenditures, since the opponents can innovate
around the patent. These losing firms, therefore, are not out the entire
amount of their expenditures, as they can still capture some rents.
A generalization of the rent seeking and rent shrinking games that
captures the possibility of valuable expenditures by losing firms can be
developed. Assume that a fraction of the expenditures of losing firms
are recovered by the firms.(10) Let the fraction of expenditures
recouped by a losing firm be denoted by (1 - t), with 0 [less than or
equal to] t [less than or equal to] 1. In all other respects, the game
is one of rent shrinking. Firm i then receives a payoff of ([Pi] -
[summation of] [x.sub.j] where j[not equal to]i - [x.sub.i]) if it wins
the rent shrinking contest, and receives a payoff of (-t[x.sub.i]) when
it loses a contest. Firm i's problem is to choose expenditures
[x.sub.i] to maximize [U.sub.i] = [p.sub.i] ([Pi] - [summation of]
[x.sub.j] where j[not equal to]i - [x.sub.i]) - (1 -
[p.sub.i])t[x.sub.i], where [p.sub.i] = [x.sub.i]/([summation
of][x.sub.j] where j[not equal to]i + [x.sub.i]).
When t = 1, the losing firms get nothing for their expenditures,
i.e., the game is a standard rent shrinking contest. As t decreases, a
growing percentage of the losing firms' expenditures are returned.
When t = 0, losing firms get all of their expenditures returned.
Simultaneously, however, the rent available to the winning firm
continues to shrink with losing firms' expenditures. Plugging t = 0
into the firm's objective function yields [U.sub.i] =
[[x.sub.i]/([summation of][x.sub.j] where j[not equal to]i +
[x.sub.i])][[Pi] - [summation of][x.sub.j] where j[not equal to]i -
[x.sub.i]] = [p.sub.i][Pi] - [[x.sub.i]([summation of][x.sub.j] where
j[not equal to]i + [x.sub.i])/([summation of][x.sub.j] where j[not equal
to]i + [x.sub.i])] = [p.sub.i][Pi] - [x.sub.i]. So, when all
expenditures are returned to losing firms, the rent shrinking game
reduces to the standard rent seeking game. As t moves from 0 to 1, the
contest moves from one of pure rent seeking to pure rent shrinking.
The symmetric Nash equilibrium in the generalized rent game is
[x.sup.*] = (n - 1)[Pi]/[(1 + t)[n.sup.2] - 2tn + t]. The equilibrium
expected utility for firm i is [Mathematical Expression Omitted]. As t
increases, or as the contest approaches a pure rent shrinking game,
equilibrium expenditures fall ([Delta][x.sup.*]/[Delta]t [less than] 0),
and equilibrium expected payoffs also fall
([Delta][U.sub.i]([x.sup.*])/[Delta]t [less than] 0). The gains to a
colluding coalition, however, are not monotonic in t. As t increases,
there is more rent shrinkage, some of which can be saved by collusion.
Simultaneously, however, the non-collusive expenditures are smaller, so
there is less room to decrease expenditures via collusion.
The generalization of rent shrinking presented in this section may be
of more than theoretical interest. Some real world situations appear to
have elements of rent shrinking, as well as the refunding of
expenditures. United States Department of Defense procurement of major
weapons systems has some of the characteristics of a rent seeking game
[8]. Furthermore, the research and development costs of the competing
firms are at least partly reimbursed by the Department of Defense. The
possibility of second sourcing indicates that the expenditures of losing
firms may reduce the rent available to the firm that wins the initial
production contract.
V. Conclusions
Rent shrinking occurs in many situations that previously have been
modeled with a fixed prize. For example, in patent races or in contests
for corporate control, it is likely that the expenditures of competitors
reduce the value of the prize to the winner. This article has
demonstrated that the phenomenon of rent shrinking lowers a firm's
expenditures in seeking a prize and makes collusion profitable in more
circumstances than in a standard rent seeking game. The rent seeking
game and the rent shrinking game are both special cases of a game where
the available rent shrinks with the expenditures of competitors, but
losing firms are returned some fraction of their expenditures. If the
fraction returned is 0, the game is pure rent shrinking; if all
expenditures of losing firms are returned, the game is one of pure rent
seeking. As the fraction of returned expenditures rises, a firm's
expenditures and expected payoff also rise.
The idea to examine situations that involve shrinking prizes arose in
a discussion at a seminar at Duke given by Barry O'Neill,
particularly in the comments of Herve Moulin. Helpful comments were
provided by Phil Cook, anonymous referees, and seminar participants at
the Indiana University microeconomics workshop and the Southeastern
Microeconomic Theory and International Trade Conference, Durham, NC,
October 1993.
1. An example in the rent seeking literature is Rogerson [9]; in the
patent race literature, Harris and Vickers [3]; in warfare, O'Neill
[7]; and in campaign financing, Snyder [11].
2. Rent shrinking thus complements the analysis of [2], in which
dead-weight losses tend to mute the political competition among interest
groups for rents.
3. See Alexeev and Leitzel [1], Rogerson [9], and Tullock [13]. Other
authors have examined situations where the value of the prize varies
among contestants [4; 6]. Risk averse firms could behave substantially
differently from risk neutral firms in rent seeking [10] or
self-protection (negative "rents") [12] situations.
4. These results on the standard rent seeking model are contained in
Rogerson [9]. It is assumed that the probability that any firm i wins
equals 0 if all firms choose a zero level of expenditures.
5. Formulations of rent shrinking where the rent is reduced by
alternative increasing functions of the aggregate expenditures of
competitors produce similar qualitative results as the simple
formulation used here. Similarly, typical variations on the standard
rent seeking game produce no new insights. For instance, following
Tullock [13], the probability that firm i wins could be given by
[Mathematical Expression Omitted], where [Alpha] [greater than] 0. The
optimal rent shrinking expenditures for firm i are then [Mathematical
Expression Omitted]. (For [Alpha] [greater than] 1, there may be no
solution, since depending on the exact value of [Alpha] and n, the
second order conditions for a maximum may not be satisfied.) The
"difference models" of Hirshleifer [5], alternatively, yield
complex mixed strategy equilibria in symmetrical settings.
6. The formula applies to the case of "perfectly anticipated
collusion," the only type of collusion considered here.
7. For example, when k = 2, the collusive gains are smaller (or
rather, the collusive losses are greater) for n = 5 than for n = 6.
Likewise, with n = 6, collusive losses increase as k goes from 2 to 3.
8. For every combination of n and k such that collusion by k firms is
profitable in the rent seeking game (n [less than or equal to] [k +
[square root of k]]), k-firm collusion is also profitable in a rent
shrinking contest. Furthermore, collusion pays in some rent shrinking
environments when it is unprofitable in the analogous rent seeking
9. In optimally responding to the existence of collusion, the
non-colluding finns will increase their rent shrinking expenditures.
10. The recoverability of bids is a more general issue in auction
theory. In standard English auctions, there is "full
recoverability," in the sense that losing bidders do not make any
payment. Pay-all auctions such as the famous "dollar auction"
are at the opposite end of the spectrum, with no recovery of bids [7].
The analysis in this section combines a rent shrinking setting with
partial recovery of bids.
1. Alexeev, Michael and Jim Leitzel, "Collusion and Rent
Seeking." Public Choice, March 1991, 241-52.
2. Becker, Gary S., "A Theory of Competition Among Pressure
Groups for Political Influence." Quarterly Journal of Economics,
August 1983, 371-400.
3. Harris, Christopher and John Vickers, "Perfect Equilibrium in
a Model of a Race." Review of Economic Studies, April 1985,
4. Hillman, Arye L. and John G. Riley, "Politically Contestable
Rents and Transfers." Economics and Politics, Spring 1989, 17-39.
5. Hirshleifer, Jack, "Conflict and Rent-Seeking Success
Functions: Ratio vs. Difference Models of Relative Success." Public
Choice, November 1989, 101-12.
6. Leininger, Wolfgang, "More Efficient Rent-Seeking - A
Munchhausen Solution." Public Choice, January 1993, 43-62.
7. O'Neill, Barry, "International Escalation and the Dollar
Auction." Journal of Conflict Resolution, March 1986, 33-50.
8. Rogerson, William P., "Profit Regulation of Defense
Contractors and Prizes for Innovation." Journal of Political
Economy, December 1989, 1284-305.
9. -----, "The Social Costs of Monopoly and Regulation: A
Game-Theoretic Analysis." Bell Journal of Economics, Autumn 1982,
10. Schlesinger, Harris and Kai K. Konrad. "Risk Aversion in
Rent-Seeking and Rent-Augmenting Games." Discussion Paper FS IV 93
- 23, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin, 1993.
11. Snyder, James M., "Election Goals and the Allocation of
Campaign Resources." Econometrica, May 1989, 637-60.
12. Sweeney, George and T. Randolph Beard, "Self-Protection in
the Expected-Utility-of-Wealth Model: An Impossibility Theorem."
The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance Theory, Number 2, 1992, 147-58.
13. Tullock, Gordon. "Efficient Rent-Seeking," in Toward a
Theory of the Rent-Seeking Society, edited by James M. Buchanan, Robert
D. Tollison, and Gordon Tullock. College Station: Texas A&M
University Press, 1980, pp. 97-112.