Economics and the Historian.
McCandless, Amy Thompson
Economics and the Historian "seeks to bridge the gap that
separates historical researchers from the insights of economics"
[p. 4] by introducing historians to the ideas and methods of economists.
Thomas G. Rawski, Professor of Economics and History at the University
of Pittsburgh and the organizing force behind the cooperative venture,
introduces the volume's seven essays with a discussion of the ways
economics can contribute to historical research. Rawski, whose own
research examines economic growth in China, argues that the study of
economic trends is an important part of any historical analysis of
change. Thus, historians need to be familiar with definitions of basic
economic terms and to understand the nature of categories such as
national income and product accounts. Using tables on the estimates of
Chinese rice output, he explains how to scrutinize quantitative evidence
and to employ it to support assumptions derived from qualitative
Jon Cohen, a Professor of Economics at the University of Toronto,
stresses the importance of institutions (e.g., households, farms, and
firms) in economic analysis and historical development. "To the
economist, institutions represent efficient ways of organizing human
activity where markets alone will not suffice" [p. 60]. People turn
to institutions because they find that they perform the tasks of
allocating and/or distributing better than markets. Cohen contends that
a knowledge of economic institutions can help explain such historical
questions as why sharecropping and not wage labor-contracts
characterized the economy of the U.S. South after the Civil War and why
nineteenth-century French peasants preferred small family farms to
larger, agribusinesses. Agrarian institutions "which many dismiss
as economically inefficient or irrational, may represent perfectly
rational attempts by farm folk to resolve problems that markets
cannot" [p. 71]. In other words, there are often very good economic
reasons to explain historical patterns of behavior.
Using the form of a dialogue between Clio, the muse of history, and
Hades, the Greek god of the underworld and dispenser of "earthly
riches" [p. 85n], Susan B. Carter, Professor of Economics, and
Stephen Cullenberg, Associate Professor of Economics, both at the
University of California, Riverside, discuss the relative merits of
historical and economic approaches to the labor market. Although their
dialogue is rather strained (it is hard to imagine this conversation
taking place over coffee as envisioned), it enables them to cover a
myriad of economic terms and models dealing with the labor market. Hades
asserts that an understanding of the laws of supply and demand, the
labor demand and supply curves, price elasticity, and rational economic
behavior will help Clio analyze historical developments such as the
gender wage gap, regional differences in the spread of slavery, and the
westward migration of labor.
Hugh Rockoff, a Professor of Economics at Rutgers University,
similarly employs the story of a mythical kingdom to familiarize
historians with basic monetary terminology and theory. Seigniorage,
debasement, the quantity theory of money, the Fisher effect,
hyperinflation, the Phillips curve, etc., are all discussed in the
context of their impact on this fictitious polity. Mercifully, Rockoff
does not expect his neophytes to employ monetary theory in their
historical analyses; rather, he encourages historians to begin a
dialogue with economists about the "why and when" of monetary
In an essay extolling the value of a macroeconomic rather than a
microeconomic approach, Richard Sutch, Professor of Economics and
History at the University of California, Berkeley, examines historical
explanations for the slow growth of the Southern U.S. economy in the
century after 1870. Whereas a micro-economic analysis based on diaries
and personal accounts might concentrate on the devastation caused by
Sherman's army, a macroeconomic one would consider wider
developments such as "flawed institutions, racism, and factor
immobilities" [p. 175] as more important.
Neoclassical economics can also provide useful explanatory models
according to Donald N. McCloskey, Professor of History and Economics at
the University of Iowa. McCloskey contends that the consideration of
"choice under constraint" [p. 123] would not only expand the
historical narrative but would also change the language of the account.
The historian "would tell stories of failure by recourse to
unprofitability more than to cultural flaws; she would replace metaphors
of 'growth' with metaphors of 'profitability' and
'entry' . . . she would make use of the fruitful if
deterministic myth of efficiency to explain how institutions arose"
[p. 138].
The final essay by Peter H. Lindert, Professor of Economics and
Director of the Agricultural History Center at the University of
California, Davis, focuses on the mutual benefit historians and
economists can derive from combining the perspectives and methods of
their disciplines. In his own work on international economics, Lindert
finds that "economists do a poorer job of charting the cause of
policies (and institutions) than in charting their economic
consequences" [p. 237], and historical approaches may provide
economists with a better understanding of the former while economic
approaches may provide historians with a clearer explanation of the
The volume's use of illustrations from various eras and regions
is both a strength and a weakness. On the one hand, it is difficult to
use generalist works as this in a history curriculum characterized by
geographical and chronological divisions. On the other hand, the
diversity of regions and time periods examined make the book attractive
for use in a historiography and/or methodology course. The fact that
several authors have joint appointments in history and economics means
they are aware of disciplinary prejudices and suspicions, and, as a
consequence, they confront these directly in their narratives. There are
a few minor factual errors such as the statement that the "chief
tenets of economics are . . . rooted in the writings of practical
Englishmen [my emphasis]" such as "Adam Smith" [p. 245].
Historians with their sensitivity to national boundaries and ethnic
differences know that Scots are British but never English!
In order to encourage historians at all levels to employ economic
theory and methodology, the authors include eight pages of "Some
Advice to the Reader," five pages of "Suggestions for Readings
and How to Approach Them," and twenty-five pages of
"References." Despite these efforts, Economics and the
Historian remains a "hard read." Most undergraduates, and
perhaps even some professional historians, will be turned off by the
disciplinary lexicon: as one student told me, "If I wanted jargon,
I would have gone into political science." Contributors'
efforts to incorporate a wide variety of economic concepts and
approaches have resulted in essays which come perilously close to
textbook chapters. Ironically, in their attempt to appeal to historians,
the authors have failed to do what historians do best - tell a good
story. Economics and the Historian is a good source book for the newly
converted; on its own, the work will inspire few conversions.
Amy Thompson McCandless College of Charleston