The composition of public expenditure in a dynamic macro model of monopolistic competition.
Balvers, Ronald J.
I. Introduction
It is well known that market power causes firms to underproduce from
a social welfare perspective. Widespread existence of monopolistic
elements, as documented for example by Hall [14; 15] and Lebow [16], may
provide an argument for government policy designed to increase
production at the aggregate level. The literature on macro models of
monopolistic competition, e.g., Rotemberg [26], Blanchard and Kiyotaki
[10], and others finds that changes in the money stock in principle do
not affect aggregate production; a further source of market imperfection in the form of a nominal rigidity is necessary to allow changes in the
money stock to generate production effects.
Another branch of literature considers public expenditure policy
rather than monetary policy. Aiyagari, Christiano, and Eichenbaum [1]
most recently, and others, such as Barro [6], examine a perfectly
competitive economy where public expenditure stimulates output, possibly
with a multiplier effect, via its effect on the marginal utility of
wealth and labor supply. Starting from Pareto optimality such policy,
however, will lower rather than increase welfare. Rotemberg and Woodford
[27; 28] study the effect of public expenditure in an imperfectly competitive economy. An increase in current expenditure entices
individual firms to deviate from a collusive equilibrium so that
mark-ups fall and aggregate production and welfare are enhanced.
In these papers public expenditure provides a pure stabilization good
that has neither a direct utility benefit nor a productivity benefit.
Recent work by Aschauer [2; 3], Morrison and Schwartz [20], and others,
see the survey by Munnell [21], reveals however that public expenditure
apart from providing a spending stimulus may be important in providing a
productivity stimulus. In this vein, Barro [7] considers a publicly
provided good that serves as an input in the private production
processes of a perfectly competitive economy. He concludes that such a
good should be provided in the same quantity as would be produced in a
perfectly competitive industry. Glomm and Ravikumar [13] similarly
consider a publicly provided good that enhances private sector
productivity in a perfectly competitive economy. They, however, allow
for different degrees of non-rivalry (congestion) in this good and
demonstrate that the optimal proportional tax is independent of the
degree of nonrivalry.
My paper intends to examine the consumptive and productive benefits
of a publicly provided good within a dynamic macro model of monopolistic
competition. To this end, I introduce monopolistic competition in the
neoclassical growth model of Long and Plosser [18]. This model is chosen
for several reasons. First, it is generally known and presents a simple
closed-form solution. Second, it incorporates a diversity of sectors
that allows, for instance, a distinction between investment and
consumption-oriented production. Differences in the degree of monopoly
power between sectors with a different investment content may affect how
optimal expenditure policy should be conducted. Third, the different
sectors enable examination of different types of government expenditure
programs, including those in which the government provides an input to
the production process. It thus becomes possible to examine in addition
to the effect of the level of government expenditure, also the effect of
the composition of government expenditure on aggregate activity. The
composition issue was first addressed in the context of a traditional
macro model by Barth and Cordes [9] and Ramirez [22] and is here
re-examined in the context of a dynamic general equilibrium model.(1)
Section II generalizes the Long and Plosser model to allow for
monopoly power, which requires not only the introduction of monopolistic
competition in some subset of the sectors, but also requires a
disaggregative approach different from Long and Plosser's, who may
rely on a social planner due to the equivalence of the perfectly
competitive outcome and the social planning outcome. The solution in
section III demonstrates that overconsumption (relative to the Pareto
optimal outcome) is inherent, even if investment-oriented sectors
exhibit the lower degree of monopoly power. Section IV first points out
that a micro-management approach to government policy in the sense of an
industrial policy may lead to a social welfare optimum. Such a policy
imposes tremendous information requirements on the government and would
seem to be impracticable.
Section IV thus continues by discussing a smaller class of policies -
macro-based policies - and, in particular, those based on government
expenditure. It is found that expenditure on infrastructure and other
types of government investment can improve welfare and should be
provided in higher quantity than would be produced under privatization in a perfectly competitive industry. In contrast, government consumptive
expenditure should be less than would be provided in a perfectly
competitive industry. Such policies would help to offset part of the
aggregate consequences of market power. Section V concludes.
II. The Long and Plosser Model with Monopolistically Competitive
The purpose of this section is to present a version of a neoclassical
growth model that can be amended to incorporate elements of monopolistic
competition. The model of Long and Plosser [18] is chosen here because
it is tractable, known to most macroeconomists, and general enough to
allow incorporation of a variety of different sectors. Note that the
intent is not to develop a real business cycle model and obtain positive
implications; rather the emphasis is on generating normative results
concerning the optimal size and composition of government expenditure,
for which the Long and Plosser model seems an appropriate vehicle.
In adapting the Long and Plosser Model (henceforth LP) two basic
changes must be implemented. First, since in monopolistic competition
the outcome is not generally Pareto optimal, the social planner approach
cannot be used and a decentralized approach is employed in formulating
and solving the model. Second, monopolistically competitive firms are
embedded by assuming that some or all sectors consist of firms with
monopoly power derived from the production of imperfect substitutes.
The layout of this section is to first describe the model from the
representative household's perspective and subsequently consider
the decision problem for the different firms and the ensuing outcome at
the sectoral level and lastly identify the equations relevant for
solving the model. In this pursuit the original LP notation is
maintained wherever possible.
The Representative Household
Given the information available at time t the household maximizes a
standard time-additive utility function:
[E.sub.t] [summation of] [[Beta].sup.s] u([C.sub.s], [Z.sub.s]) where
s = t to [infinity], (1)
with one-period utility a function of the consumption index [C.sub.t]
and leisure [Z.sub.t]. Employing the same example as LP, further
u([C.sub.t], [Z.sub.t]) = [[Theta].sub.0] ln [Z.sub.t] + [summation
of] [[Theta].sub.i] ln [] where i = 1 to n, (2)
where [[Sigma].sub.i][[Theta].sub.i] = 1 (sum from 1 to n) by
normalization. All [[Theta].sub.i] [greater than or equal to] 0 and n
represents the number of different sectors (or industries) in the
As in Lucas [19], the representative household holds shares that
represent claims to the dividends of the firms. Additionally the
household receives labor income, implying the following budget
[C.sub.t] + [summation of] [][ + 1] where i = 1 to n
= [W.sub.t] [summation of] [] where i = 1 to n + [summation
of]([] + [])[] where i = 1 to n. (3)
The [] indicates the proportion of the shares in sector i
held by the household and [] denotes the household's labor
supply to sector i. All prices (here the wage [W.sub.t] and share prices
[], as well as dividends [], are presented in real
terms, that is, units of the consumption basket [C.sub.t]). The same
applies to the output prices in the various industries [] so
[C.sub.t] = [summation of][][] where i = 1 to n. (4)
An additional constraint sets leisure plus the sum of all labor
inputs equal to H the number of hours available to the household,(2)
[Z.sub.t] + [summation of][] where i = 1 to n = H. (5)
The household chooses the [ + 1], [], and [Z.sub.t]
to maximize (1) subject to (3) and (5), yielding, respectively, for all
[Beta][E.sub.t]([ + 1][C.sub.t]/[C.sub.t + 1]) = 1, (6)
with [ + 1] [approximately equal to]([ + 1] +
[ + 1])/[] denoting the realized shareholder return for
holdings in sector i, and:
[][]/[[Theta].sub.i] = [C.sub.t], (7)
[W.sub.t] = [[Theta].sub.0][C.sub.t]/[Z.sub.t]. (8)
In solving the model, equations (5) through (8) will represent the
consumer side of the economy. First, however, the production side will
be considered.
The Monopolistic Firms and Sectoral Equilibrium
In each sector a given fixed number of firms produces to maximize the
expected present value of profits (dividends).(3) Firms are identical
within each sector except that they produce different varieties of the
sectoral good. These firms derive monopoly power from the fact that
consumers and other firms value variety in their use of the sectoral
output, as in the static models of Ethier [12], Weitzman [31], and
Woglom [32]. Appendix A derives the market outcomes under the assumption
of Cobb-Douglas production functions and CES sub-production and
sub-utility functions (the latter two producing constant-elasticity
demand functions). Given that in equilibrium all firms in a sector
produce the same quantities, using the same inputs, output in sector i
at time t + 1, [ + 1], is just the sum of the output of all
firms in this sector, yielding:
[Mathematical Expression Omitted]. (9)
Here [[Lambda] + 1] represents a stochastic parameter with the
Markov property. In contrast to LP, production need not exhibit constant
returns to scale, instead returns to scale vary between sectors and are
given by [s.sub.i] = [[Sigma].sub.j][a.sub.ij] (sum from 0 to n), where
all [a.sub.ij] [greater than or equal to] 0. The capital inputs
[X.sub.ijt] denote the inputs of sector j used by the firms in sector i
at time t.
Appendix A also derives the first-order conditions for the input
decisions in sector i as
[Mathematical Expression Omitted]. (10)
[Mathematical Expression Omitted], (11)
where [[Eta].sub.i] is a parameter of the CES subutility function
such that 0 [less than] [[Eta].sub.i] [less than or equal to] 1. This
parameter characterizes the degree of monopoly power in each sector,
with lower [[Eta].sub.i] revealing more monopoly power. In equations
(10) and (11) the expected marginal revenue product is set equal to the
marginal resource cost for each input and in each sector.
The household budget equation (3), given that in equilibrium all
shares are held so that [ + 1] = [] = 1 together with
the fact that sectoral dividends equal [] = []
[] - [W.sub.t][] -
[[Sigma].sub.j]([P.sub.jt][X.sub.ijt]) yields the accounting condition
for each sector j:
[Y.sub.jt] = [C.sub.jt] + [summation of][X.sub.ijt] where i = 1 to n.
Equation numbers (5) through (8) summarizing the consumer side and
equation numbers (9) through (12) summarizing the production side
provide [n.sup.2] + 5n + 2 equations that can be used to obtain the
quantities [X.sub.ijt], [], [], and [Z.sub.t] as will be
presented in the next section (the remaining 3n + 1 equations solve for
quantities [ + 1] and prices [ + 1], [ + 1] and
[W.sub.t] as presented in Appendix B).
III. Solution and Interpretation
The Solution
The procedure for obtaining the solution is similar to LP and
provided in Appendix B. The results for all sectors are as follows:
[X.sub.ijt] = ([Beta][a.sub.ij][[Eta].sub.i][[Gamma].sub.i]/[[Gamma].sub.j])[Y.sub.jt], [for every]i, j [element of] {1, n}, (13)
[] = ([[Theta].sub.i]/[[Gamma].sub.i])[], [for
every]i [element of] {1, n}, (14)
Z = ([[Theta].sub.0]/[[Gamma].sub.0])H, (15)
[L.sub.i] = ([Beta][[Eta].sub.i][a.sub.i0][[Gamma].sub.i]/[[Gamma].sub.0])H, [for every]i [element of] {0, n}. (16)
[[Gamma].sub.j] = [[Theta].sub.j] + [Beta][summation
of][a.sub.ij][[Eta].sub.i][[Gamma].sub.i] where i = 1 to n, [for every]i
[element of] {0, n}. (17)
The [[Gamma].sub.j] may be viewed as representing an index of the
value of good j.
Interpretation of the Results: Overconsumption
The crucial distinction in the solution compared to LP is related to
the [[Eta].sub.i] parameters. These parameters are related to the demand
elasticities which, themselves, relate to the taste for diversity in
equations (A4) and (A5). Further, the [[Eta].sub.i] equal the inverse of
the mark-up so that as [[Eta].sub.i] falls the monopoly power in sector
i increases. In the perfect competition case one may set [[Eta].sub.i] =
1 so that for the firms in sector i the expected value of the marginal
product equals marginal input cost in equations (10) and (11). If all
industries are perfectly competitive ([[Eta].sub.i] = 1 for all i) the
results are equivalent to those in LP. Since the [[Eta].sub.i] can take
any value between zero and one this model generalizes LP.
From the first welfare theorem it is clear that the perfectly
competitive solution is Pareto optimal. Further, due to the assumption
of a representative household, this Pareto optimal outcome is unique.
The outcome for any [[Eta].sub.i] [less than] 1 thus is Pareto
inefficient as is typical in the presence of monopolistic elements.
Equation (15) together with the definition of [[Gamma].sub.0] in
equation (17) shows immediately that aggregate employment decreases with
the monopoly power in any industry ([[Eta].sub.i] [less than] 1 for any
i). This is consistent with the static literature on macro models of
monopolistic competition, for instance Blanchard and Kiyotaki [10]. For
[[Theta].sub.0] [greater than] 0, the incentive to work decreases as
products are sold at higher relative prices; or, equivalently, as real
wages decrease. When [[Theta].sub.0] = 0 labor supply is perfectly
inelastic and employment remains constant at H. Interestingly,
employment may still increase in some sectors. In the case of
[[Theta].sub.0] = 0, for instance, the decrease of employment in one
sector must mean that another sector employs more.
A more surprising result emerges for consumption. Increased monopoly
power in any sector unambiguously increases consumption of all goods.
That is, monopoly power leads to overconsumption compared to the
perfectly competitive or Pareto optimal outcome. More precisely,
PROPOSITION 1 (Overconsumption). Given the current state of the
economy, in particular the set [Mathematical Expression Omitted],
current consumption does not decrease (and increases for at least one
good) in the monopoly power of any particular sector.
Proof. Immediate from equations (14) and (17) since [C.sub.j] falls
in [[Gamma].sub.j] and [[Gamma].sub.j] rises in [[Eta].sub.i].
The result is akin to the underinvestment result in Shleifer and
Vishny [29] arising from demand externalities. The intuition here,
however, is of a different nature. Consider a firm's incentive to
invest. To raise value to the shareholders, firms will attempt to keep
price high by keeping production low; the latter calls for low
investment. For a given level of production in any sector, low demand
from the firms means that more is left to the consumers. One might
expect that high product prices discourage consumption but, this is
equally true for investment. On the whole, monopoly power thus distorts
economic decisions to favor current consumption over investment and
future consumption. This is most clearly demonstrated setting, by means
of illustration, [[Eta].sub.i] = [Eta] for all i - all sectors have
identical monopoly power. The solution here is then equivalent to the LP
solution with [Beta] replaced by [Beta][Eta]. In other words, monopoly
power has the effect of raising the economy's effective rate of
time preference. One crucial distinction, however, is that the increased
time preference is undesirable from the perspective of the
representative household and that government policy may be desirable to
reduce overconsumption.
It follows directly from equations (13) and (17) that monopoly power
in sector i decreases capital investment in that sector itself. The same
proviso applies as for employment, however, that the introduction of
differing degrees of monopoly power may in particular sectors raise
investment (even though, from equation (14), aggregate investment
decreases), when the value of the sector's good (measured by
[[Gamma].sub.i]) rises relative to that of the sectors from which it
buys its capital goods.
A final interpretation relates monopoly power to decreased
productivity. Equations (13)-(17) reveal that [[Eta].sub.i] is always
coupled with [a.sub.ij]. The production function, equation (9) and the
comparison of the solution here to LP, implies therefore that
monopolistic competition with [Mathematical Expression Omitted] is
equivalent to perfect competition with [a.sub.ij][[Eta].sub.i] as
productivity parameters instead of [a.sub.ij], implying returns to scale
with scale parameter [s.sub.i][[Eta].sub.i] in each sector. This
interpretation may explain a decline in productivity as caused by
increased monopoly power over time.
IV. Government Policy
Industrial Policy and Pareto Optimality
In examining the types of government policies that may improve
welfare assume first that the government's information about an
individual firm is as good as that of the firm itself. The Pareto
optimal outcome can then be obtained straightforwardly:
PROPOSITION 2 (Pareto Optimal Policy). An industrial policy,
subsidizing all inputs purchased in sector i at rate [v.sub.i] = 1 -
[[Eta].sub.i], and financing these subsidies through lump-sum taxes, is
Pareto optimal in the monopolistic LP model.
Proof. Multiply the input prices on the right-hand sides of equations
(10) and (11) by their after-subsidy cost of 1 - [v.sub.i] =
[[Eta].sub.i] so that the [[Eta].sub.i] drop from the model and the
solution becomes equivalent to the Pareto optimal outcome in LP. (More
detailed proof available from the author).
Interestingly, the optimal rate of subsidy, 1 - [[Eta].sub.i], equals
exactly Lerner's [17] measure of monopoly power, so that the
optimal policy subsidizes firms proportionately to their degree of
monopoly power. The reason, of course, is that firms with higher
monopoly power underproduce more and need more enticement to hire the
competitive quantity of inputs.
One major problem (not modeled) with this type of policy is the micro
management it implies - for the policy to be effective the government
needs precise information about individual firms and industries to avoid
firms imitating high-monopoly-power firms to increase subsidies. I.e.,
the policy may not be implementable in the absence of symmetric information.
Government Expenditure Policy
Optimal policies rely on micro management as was demonstrated in the
previous section. Such policies are bound to become less desirable,
however, when informational considerations enter the model explicitly. A
practically more interesting class of policies concerns macro-based
policies - those policies that do not require sector-specific
allowances. Examples of such "second-best" policies may be
uniform price controls or a general investment tax credit, but I will
focus on government expenditure policy. In particular, I will consider
whether the existence of monopoly power provides a motivation for the
government to spend "excessively" and to what extent optimal
spending depends on the investment aspect of the publicly provided
goods. For instance, should the government spend more on infrastructure
than a competitive firm would under a privatization arrangement? How
does the answer depend on what fraction of infrastructure spending must
be considered consumptive?
To focus on the issue at hand - the underproduction resulting from
monopoly power - it is convenient to abstract from the traditional
arguments for public expenditure, nonexclusion and nonrivalry. See Barro
and Sala i Martin [8], for a macroeconomic discussion of these aspects
of public expenditure.
Instead I will assume that the government provides a regular good
that could as well be provided by private firms. The question becomes
however how much to produce (or, equivalently, procure) of this
particular good. I will presume that the cost of the publicly provided
good can be financed through a nondistortionary lump-sum tax.(4) I aim
to compare private production in sector g as presented in equations
(13)-(17) to the quantity of good g optimally provided by the
government. To this end consider the social planner problem in setting
production for this sector while taking private sector decisions as
The most convenient way to derive the socially optimal quantity
produced of good g is to act as if [[Eta].sub.g] is the choice variable
(it is monotonically related to the inputs needed to produce good g but
further implies that all inputs are used in their most efficient
proportions), allowing it to take values higher than 1 when the optimal
quantity is above the level supplied in a perfectly competitive
In the private sectors decisions are made in accordance with
equations (13)-(17), which the government takes as given. The dynamic
programming formulation of the government's decision problem -
choosing production of the publicly provided good (by choice of
[[Eta].sub.g]) to maximize the expected utility of the representative
consumer subject to private sector decisions - is presented and solved
in Appendix C and produces
[Mathematical Expression Omitted], (18)
where [[Gamma].sub.j] represents the market value of sector j's
good (the set of j includes g) as given in equation (17);
[[Gamma][prime].sub.j] [equivalent]
[Delta][[Gamma].sub.j]/[Delta][[Eta].sub.g] so that
[[Gamma][prime].sub.j] = [Beta][a.sub.nj][[Gamma].sub.n] + [Beta]
[summation of] [a.sub.ij][[Eta].sub.i][[Gamma][prime].sub.i] where i=1
to n from (17); and [Mathematical Expression Omitted], with
[Mathematical Expression Omitted] representing the value of good j to
society. Equation (18) presents the level of public provision as related
to the ratio of the supply stimulus due to the publicly provided good
and the net cost of the input absorption by the public sector.
It is easy to check that the [[Gamma][prime].sub.j] must be positive.
One result then follows directly from equation (18): if the
"average" of the returns to scale in each sector, [s.sub.i],
rises towards 1/[Beta], the optimal size of the government sector g
becomes unbounded. The reason lies in the strategic complementarities
inherent in economies of scale; see Romer [23; 25] for other policy
implications in the presence of economies of scale, arising there from
knowledge externalities.
A further result, that [[Eta].sub.g] = 1 for the economy without
monopoly power, i.e., [[Eta].sub.i] = 1 for all i, is easily verified
since it follows from equation (17) and the definition of [Mathematical
Expression Omitted] that in this case [Mathematical Expression Omitted]
for all i. Summing over all j in equation (18) using the expression for
[[Gamma][prime].sub.j] and the fact that [[Sigma].sub.j][a.sub.ij] =
[s.sub.i] then implies [[Eta].sub.g] = 1, reproducing the result in
Barro [7] that, in a perfectly competitive economy, the publicly
provided good should be produced in the same quantity as would occur if
the good were produced in the private sector.
It is difficult to ascertain in general under which conditions
[[Eta].sub.g] will exceed 1 implying that the government produces more
than a perfectly competitive stand-in. The difficulties lie in the fact
that the public sector could potentially be hiring some inputs away from
sectors that have better scale economies and a low degree of monopoly
power. Results then readily become difficult to sign when outliers are
possible. To avoid such ambiguity two simplifying assumptions will be
introduced at this point.
The first assumption, of "proportionality", is that inputs
are optimally used in the same proportions by all sectors. Technically
this implies that the [a.sub.ij], the productivity of the input from
sector j in the production of sector i, can be factored as [a.sub.ij] =
[s.sub.i][a.sub.j] with the [s.sub.i] representing the general
productivity specific to sector i and the [a.sub.j] interpreted as the
productivity enhancement specific to sector j. To normalize set
[[Sigma].sub.j][a.sub.j] = 1 so that the [s.sub.i] equal the returns to
scale in sector i as previously defined.
The second simplifying assumption posits "polarity": each
sector i produces either a pure capital good, [[Theta].sub.i] = 0, or a
pure consumption good, [a.sub.i] = 0. For labor, sector 0, polarity
implies either a vertical labor supply curve ([[Theta].sub.0] = 0) or
that labor is unproductive ([a.sub.0] = 0). For publicly provided goods
it is possible to think of two different government sectors, [g.sub.c]
and [g.sub.k], each producing one of the polar goods, a consumption good
and a capital good, respectively.
The optimal production level for both polar types of publicly
provided goods is characterized in the following proposition:
PROPOSITION 3 (Public Expenditure). Given the assumption of
proportionality that [a.sub.ij] = [s.sub.i][a.sub.j] for all i and j,
with [[Sigma].sub.j][a.sub.j] = 1, and the assumption of polarity that
[[Theta].sub.i] = 0 or [a.sub.i] = 0 for all i:
(a) optimal provision of the public consumption good is determined by
[[Eta].sub.gc] = ([summation of]
[s.sub.i][[Theta].sub.i][[Eta].sub.i] where i=0 to n) / [summation of]
[s.sub.i][[Theta].sub.i] where i=0 to n. (19)
(b) optimal provision of the public investment good is determined by
[[Eta].sub.gk] = (1 - [Beta] [summation of]
[s.sub.i][a.sub.i][[Eta].sub.i] where i=0 to n) / (1 - [Beta] [summation
of] [s.sub.i][a.sub.i] where i=0 to n). (20)
Proof. Polarity implies that [[Gamma].sub.i] = [[Theta].sub.i] for
all consumption goods and together with proportionality implies that
[[Gamma].sub.i]/[a.sub.i] = [[Gamma].sub.j]/[a.sub.j] for all capital
goods. Substituting these relations into equation (18) and employing
equation (17) for [[Gamma].sub.i] and the definitions of
[[Gamma][prime].sub.i] and [Mathematical Expression Omitted] below
equation (18) produces equations (19) and (20) for the cases of the
publicly provided consumption good and the publicly provided capital
good, respectively.
The intuition for Proposition 3 is the following. In the pure
consumption good case the optimal spending amount is related to the
weighted average degree of monopoly power in all sectors, where the
weights are given by [[Theta].sub.i][s.sub.i] - the usefulness of each
sector's good as a consumption good multiplied by that
sector's returns to scale. Since [[Theta].sub.i] = 0 for all
capital goods this implies that the government should produce the good
as though it had the average degree of monopoly power in the consumption
goods sector. One might have naively thought that the optimal policy
would be to simply correct for monopoly power in this sector itself and
supply the competitive quantity, [[Eta].sub.gc] = 1. Proposition 3a
shows that this intuition is false. The reason is that, for this good,
the true value, [Mathematical Expression Omitted], equals the market
value, [[Gamma].sub.gc]; even though the good is underproduced at this
level, all goods are (on average) and to take more than the
proportionate quantity of inputs would lower welfare.
In the pure capital good case the true value exceeds the market value
so that additional production helps decrease the economy-wide investment
shortfall. Accordingly, [[Eta].sub.gk] [greater than] 1 as follows from
equation (20). Straightforward differentiation implies that an increase
in monopoly power in any sector i ([[Eta].sub.i] falls) raises the
optimal quantity produced of the public capital good. Similarly, an
increase in [s.sub.i] (or [Beta]) in any sector raises the optimal
quantity produced of the public capital good. Note, however, that
increasing or constant returns to scale in no way is necessary for
public investment to exceed the competitive level; all that is necessary
is monopoly power in at least one capital goods sector. The degree of
monopoly power is in equation (20) weighted by the [s.sub.i][a.sub.i]
which account for both the productivity (returns to scale) in sector i
itself as well as the degree to which sector i enhances productivity in
the other sectors. An increase in [a.sub.i] (and equivalent decrease in
some [a.sub.j], as the [a.sub.i] must add to one), implying that sector
i contributes more to productivity and sector j less, raises public
investment depending on the sign of (1 - [Eta].sub.i])[s.sub.i] - (1 -
[[Eta].sub.j])[s.sub.j] as follows from equation (20): if the extent to
which marginal output value exceeds marginal cost in sector i, 1 -
[Eta].sub.i], weighted by productivity, outweighs that of sector j then
an increase in the productivity enhancement value of sector i relative
to sector j raises optimal public investment.
The previous analysis has relied on some bold simplifications
concerning the nature of the public good provision that will now briefly
be discussed. First, the absence of elements of nonrivalry and
nonexclusion that form the traditional arguments for public goods
provision. The reason for ignoring these issues is that the here
developed argument for public goods provision is completely independent
of these public good characteristics; the presence of nonexclusion or
nonrivalry will only add a complementary reason for increasing the size
of the public sector. Second, the allocation of the government good
occurs at market prices. This assumption can be viewed in two ways;
either the government sells the good in the market like any firm, or
allocation is free, based on the projected value to each firm. The
latter case comes again close to micro management and may be undesirable
for that reason. Third, the input mix employed in the public sector was
chosen at market prices; selecting inputs based on their
"true" values would likely result in an even larger optimal
size of the public sector. Fourth, taxes were assumed to be
nondistortionary. Explicit consideration of the first three issues may
be interesting but is not likely to alter the qualitative results of the
model. The incorporation of nondistortionary taxes likely will reduce
optimal government expenditure, possibly below the competitive level in
the case of government investment.
Quantitative Significance
Quantitatively, the optimal level of government investment implied by
Proposition 3b may be substantially above the level otherwise produced
in a perfectly competitive sector. Assume for the sake of obtaining a
rough numerical impression that the [s.sub.i], [a.sub.i], and
[[Eta].sub.i] are not systematically correlated. Then the variables in
equation (20) can be replaced by their averages, producing
[[Eta].sub.gk] = (1 - [Beta]s[Eta])/(1 - [Beta]s), (20[prime])
with s representing the average returns to scale and [Eta] the
average degree of monopoly power.(6)
Consider some typical estimates for [Eta], s, and [Beta]: for U.S.
data the work of Hall [14; 15], and Morrison and Schwartz [20] implies a
value for [Eta] of around 0.6, which is also consistent with the numbers
used in Rotemberg and Woodford [27]. Morrison and Schwartz also finds
average returns to scale of around 1.1, which is consistent with Romer
[24]. In this paper the average returns to scale include the production
of labor which, of course, has zero returns to scale. Thus, a better
measure of average returns to scale here should weigh in the zero scale
returns of labor. Romer [24] finds that the exponent on labor (excluding
human capital) in a Cobb-Douglas production function, measuring
labor's contribution to productivity, should be around 0.2. Thus
our average returns to scale measure is approximately 0.9. Taking [Beta]
conventionally as 0.95 the value of [[Eta].sub.gk] in equation
(20[prime]) equals about 3.3.
Hence, from equations (13) and (16), the governments input demand
would be more than three times as high as under perfect competition.
Given Munnell's [21] estimate that in the U.S. the stock of public
capital is approximately half the size of the private capital stock, the
additional input demand implied by optimal - as compared to perfectly
competitive - production of the publicly provided capital good appears
to be sizeable.
V. Conclusion
It is tempting to advocate government investment on the premise that
individuals invest too little and that the public sector must
compensate. The danger is that even when growth is stimulated
individuals may be forced into an intertemporal consumption pattern that
puts too much weight on the future and does not respect individual
tastes. The above model provides a very different perspective.
Individuals save and invest too little, not out of their own volition,
but as a result of socially suboptimal behavior by monopolistic firms.
Government investment is now warranted as a way of improving not only
growth but also social welfare.
The intuition is that, given the standard production function, an
increase in government output (infrastructure) raises productivity in
the private sector, making investment goods bought in the private sector
cheaper and providing further incentives for government output. This
strategic complementarity issue is correctly ignored by private firms
within a sector who do not internalize the benefits to the sector and
society as a whole.
In a perfectly competitive economy such complementarity does not
occur. A marginal increase in productivity may stimulate input demands
but this indirect effect has no benefit to profit and welfare as follows
from application of the envelope theorem - the value of the marginal
product of the inputs equals the marginal cost of providing these
inputs. In a monopolistically competitive economy, on the other hand,
the value of the marginal product of the inputs always exceeds the
marginal cost so that the indirect input stimulus does raise welfare and
provides the government with a motive for providing such stimulus.
The positive impact of government expenditure thus derives from a
pecuniary externality; as such this paper is consistent with modern
macroeconomic theory which views some form of externality as an
essential condition for expenditure policy. A very fundamental issue
arises, however, which is broached in the paper. When externalities are
present it becomes important to explain why certain price correcting
policies are not necessarily superior to expenditure policy. In
principle, this paper provides a framework for doing so by allowing
inefficiencies in a large number of heterogeneous sectors. In the
presence of informational acquisition costs or asymmetries in
information between firms and the government, sector-specific price
correcting policies may become unworkable.
Appendix A: Derivation of Sectoral Input Demands and Production
Consider a firm k in sector i. Its production [Y.sub.ikt] is given by
the standard Cobb-Douglas technology as
[Mathematical Expression Omitted]. (A1)
[[Lambda]] represents a stochastic parameter with the Markov
property. Returns to scale vary between sectors and are given by
[s.sub.i] = [[Sigma].sub.j][a.sub.ij] (sum from 0 to n). The capital
inputs [X.sub.ijkt] denote the inputs of sector j used by firm k in
sector i at time t; the number of firms in sector i is given by a
constant [k.sub.i].
A firm is assumed to choose its inputs [L.sub.ikt] and [X.sub.ijkt]
to maximize the expected present value of dividends, i.e.,(7)
[Mathematical Expression Omitted], (A2)
[D.sub.ikt] = [P.sub.ikt][Y.sub.ikt] - [W.sub.t][L.sub.ikt] -
[summation of] [P.sub.jt][X.sub.ijkt] where j=1 to n. (A3)
In its decisions the firm is constrained by the demand curve which
will be derived subsequently. Firms can derive monopoly power from a
variety of sources. Here one such source will be assumed. Consumers are
considered to derive utility from a composite of the imperfect
substitutes produced in a particular sector, i.e., consumers like
diversity. The consumption index (or subutility function) for the good
produced in sector i is given by
[Mathematical Expression Omitted]. (A4)
The symbol [k.sub.i] denotes the number of firms in sector i and
[[Eta].sub.i] is a parameter of the CES subutility function such that 0
[less than] [[Eta].sub.i] [less than or equal to] 1.
Firms, similarly, use a composite of the inputs from a particular
sector, as in the formulation of Ethier [12]:
[Mathematical Expression Omitted] (A5)
for all i and j. For simplicity, set [[Eta].sub.ij] = [[Eta].sub.j]
[less than] 1 for all i and j. Notice that all firms within a particular
sector are treated symmetrically and face equivalent constraints. The
firm's decision problem can now easily be solved for the symmetric
Consider the firm's demand coming from the households and the
other sectors. The household in the two-stage budgeting process
appropriate for these preferences maximizes [C.sub.jt] in equation (12)
for a particular budget, yielding [C.sub.jkt] =
(1/[k.sub.j])[([P.sub.jkt]/[P.sub.jt]).sup.1/([[Eta].sub.j]-1)][C.sub.jt]. A similar relation holds for the demand coming from firms so that
total demand to firm k in industry j is given by:
[Y.sub.jkt] = (1/[k.sub.j])[([P.sub.jkt]/[P.sub.jt]).sup.1/([[Eta].sub.j]-1)]([C.sub.jt] + [summation of] [X.sub.ijt] where i=1 to n). (A6)
As is common in models of monopolistic competition it will be assumed
that the individual firm takes variables at the sector level as given.
Given the accounting condition for sectoral output it follows then that
the individual firm in sector i faces a constant elasticity demand
[Y.sub.ikt] = (1/[k.sub.i])[([P.sub.ikt]/[]).sup.1/([[Eta].sub.i]-1)][]. (A7)
Similar demand curves where obtained in the static monopolistic macro
models of Weitzman [31] and Woglom [32]. Now choose inputs to maximize
equation (A2) given equation (A3) and subject to equation (A7). This
produces for the choice of labor inputs:
[Mathematical Expression Omitted].
Use symmetry to set [P.sub.ikt] = [] then equations (A1) and
(A7) and updating can be employed in the above equation to obtain for
all i equations (10) and (11) in the text.
Equation (9) in the text follows from (A1) due to symmetry since
[X.sub.ijt] = [k.sub.i][X.sub.ijkt], [] = [k.sub.i][L.sub.ikt]
in that case as follows from (A5) and the homogeneity of labor, and
since [] = [k.sub.i][Y.sub.ikt] from (A7).
Appendix B: Solution of the Model
As in LP the "guess and verify" method is used to find a
solution. Here, instead of guessing a value function, it is checked that
the candidate solution satisfies all relevant equations. Suppose that
for all i and j:
[X.sub.ijt] = [F.sub.ij][Y.sub.jt], (B1)
[] = [V.sub.i][], (B2)
[] = [L.sub.i], (B3)
[Z.sub.t] = Z, (B4)
[] = (1/[Beta])[][]/[][], (B5)
where [F.sub.ij], [V.sub.i], [L.sub.i] and Z are constants to be
First verify that the guess for [] is correct. Substitute
equations (7) and (B2) into equation (6) to see that it holds as an
identity. (Note that it can furthermore be checked, using equation (A3)
for dividends that, from (10), (11), and (B5), [] = (1 -
[Beta][s.sub.i][[Eta].sub.i])[][]. This implies from the
definition of return and equations (6), (7) and (B2) that [] =
[[Beta](1 - [Beta][s.sub.i][[Eta].sub.i])/(1 -
Eliminate the real wage [W.sub.t] by substituting equation (8) into
equation (10). Given equation (B5) for return, equations (10) and (11)
now become for all i and j (j not equal to 0):
[Beta][[Eta].sub.i][a.sub.i0]Z[[Theta].sub.i] =
[[Theta].sub.0][V.sub.i][L.sub.i], (B6)
[Beta][[Eta].sub.i][a.sub.ij]([[Gamma].sub.i]/[[Gamma].sub.j]) =
([V.sub.i]/[V.sub.j])[F.sub.ij], (B7)
where equation (7) was used in the derivation of equation (B7).
Analogously to LP define:
[[Gamma].sub.j] = [[Theta].sub.j] + [Beta] [summation of]
[a.sub.ij][[Eta].sub.i][[Gamma].sub.i] where i=1 to n. (B8)
Equation (12) implies that [V.sub.j] = 1 - [[Sigma].sub.i][F.sub.ij]
(sum from 1 to n) given the assumed solution. It then follows from
equations (B7) and (B8) that
[V.sub.i] = [[Theta].sub.i]/[[Gamma].sub.i]. (B9)
Hence, equation (B7) implies that for all i and j:
[F.sub.ij] = [Beta][a.sub.ij][[Eta].sub.i][[Gamma].sub.i]/[[Gamma].sub.j]. (B10)
From equations (B6) and (B9),
[L.sub.i] = [Beta][[Eta].sub.i][a.sub.i0][[Gamma].sub.i]Z/[[Theta].sub.0].
Using equation (5) together with the above equation produces
Z = ([[Theta].sub.0]/[[Gamma].sub.0])H. (B11)
Here [[Gamma].sub.0] is defined in equation (B8) for j = 0. From the
above two equations,
[L.sub.i] = ([Beta][[Eta].sub.i][b.sub.i][[Gamma].sub.i]/[[Gamma].sub.0])H. (B12)
Equations (B8) through (B12) together with the assumed solution,
equations (B1) through (B5), provide the solution to the model as
presented in the text. It is easily checked that the solution satisfies
all relevant equations.
Appendix C: Derivation of Equation (18).
[Mathematical Expression Omitted], (C1)
where ln [Y.sub.t] (and [[Lambda].sub.t]) are n-element vectors with,
ln [] = ln [[Lambda]] + [a.sub.i0]
ln([Beta][[Eta].sub.i][a.sub.i0][[Gamma].sub.i]/[[Gamma].sub.0])H +
[summation of] [a.sub.ij]
ln([Beta][[Eta].sub.i][a.sub.ij][[Gamma].sub.i]/[[Gamma].sub.j])[Y.sub.jt] where j=1 to n, [for every]i [element of] {1, n} (C2)
As before,
[[Gamma].sub.j] = [[Theta].sub.j] + [Beta] [summation of]
[a.sub.ij][[Eta].sub.i][[Gamma].sub.i] where i=1 to n, [for every]j
[element of] {0, n}. (C3)
Now consider the envelope conditions for all In [Y.sub.jt] and define
[Mathematical Expression Omitted], then
[Mathematical Expression Omitted]. (C4)
Further define [Delta][[Gamma].sub.j]/[Delta][[Eta].sub.n]
[equivalent to] [[Gamma][prime].sub.j], so that the first-order
condition can be presented as:
[Mathematical Expression Omitted]. (C5)
In words, the left-hand side of (C5) represents the decrease in
consumption caused by the price increases from the increased input
demand by the public sector; the right-hand side represents the
next-period benefit from increased public good provision, plus the
next-period benefit from increased production (stimulated by higher
prices) of the goods used as inputs in the public sector, minus the cost
of the overall decreased production incentive effected by higher prices
for the inputs used in the public sector.
Rewriting (C5) with the help of (C4) yields equation (18) in the
The author thanks Rafael Tenorio, an anonymous referee, and seminar
participants at West Virginia University for helpful comments.
1. Barth and Cordes [9] allow government investment to complement (or
substitute for) private investment in a traditional Keynesian macro
model so that government expenditure can affect aggregate activity
directly rather than solely through changes in interest rates. Ramirez
[22] subsequently has explained in the same context the significance of
considering government expenditure composition as an additional policy
2. All labor inputs are perfect substitutes from the household's
perspective. Accordingly, it will follow that there is no monopsony power in the labor market. It is possible to reformulate preferences and
allow monopsony power, but this is avoided for simplicity.
3. The number of firms in each sector is taken as given. This
assumption is common in most macro models of imperfect competition; see
for instance Blanchard and Kiyotaki [10], Rotemberg and Woodford [28],
and Balvers and Cosimano [5]. An exception is Balvers [4] who shows that
results are not substantially affected when the number of firms is made
endogenous. Essentially, expected profits are pushed to zero by free
entry but this does not change the fact that in equilibrium marginal
revenue must exceed marginal cost for each firm, as in Dixit and
Stiglitz [11]. In Startz [30] entry and exit by firms fundamentally
alters the outcome. This occurs because aggregate demand externalities
derived from the effect of demand increases on profit income (which
fuels further demand increases) disappear as profits are competed to
zero. In the case of aggregate supply externalities, however, the flow
of profit income is irrelevant.
4. The nondistortionary tax policy allows me to isolate the effects
of the distortion due to monopolistic elements. Note that the basic
solution of the model in equations (13)-(17) is therefore only affected
by the inputs in and output of the publicly provided good and not by its
financing. For the effects of a distortionary proportional tax in the
context of a publicly provided good see Glomm and Ravikumar [13].
5. [[Eta].sub.g] also serves as an actual utility and productivity
parameter (see equations A4 and A5) which of course cannot be altered by
the government. However, as all subsectoral quantities are equal in
equilibrium, the value of [[Eta].sub.g] has no direct effect on
equilibrium utility other than via the indirect effect of the quantities
produced, which can be altered by the government.
6. The "uncorrelatedness" assumption used to derive
(20[prime]) can also be employed without using the polarity and
proportionality assumptions needed to derive (20). In this case the
expression for [[Eta].sub.gk] in (20[prime]) can be derived as a lower
bound. Employing polarity together with uncorrelatedness produces the
expression for [[Eta].sub.gk] in (20[prime]) with equality. Derivations
of these results are available from the author upon request.
7. This objective is appropriate as long as the firm may ignore its
impact on aggregate variables. The typical assumption in models of
monopolistic competition is that there are many firms so that the firm
may be considered small. The same assumption is made here; however an
additional assumption must be made in the context of the share economy
in this model. If all households were represented as shareholders in the
firm it might be rational for the firm to internalize its impact on the
overall economy. This issue is avoided by assuming an [Epsilon] cost to
diversification. As firms within a sector are subject to the same random
shocks, consumers may diversify across sectors but will not diversify
within a sector, thus forsaking positive externalities and causing
individual firms to ignore the greater good.
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