Inverse demand systems and welfare measurement in quantity space.
Kim, H. Youn
I. Introduction
Most studies of welfare or cost-benefit analyses are concerned with
the welfare effects of price changes [11; 19; 27; 33; 50]. There are,
however, many situations in which policy options are directly related to
quantity changes. The welfare effects of price changes are analyzed with
the traditional demand system in which commodity quantities are
determined as functions of their prices. The welfare effects of quantity
changes, on the other hand, are associated with the inverse demand
system in which commodity prices are dependent on their quantities. In
conventional welfare analysis of price change, prices are taken to be
exogenous or predetermined, while quantities are endogenous. In
contrast, in welfare analysis of quantity changes, quantities are
exogenous, while prices are endogenous. Price-based or dual welfare
measures are relevant when there are well-functioning competitive
markets and quantities are fully adjusted to changes in prices; on the
other hand, quantity-based or primal welfare measures are useful in
situations where there are constraints on commodity quantities, or when
transaction costs impede consumers from fully adjusting to changes in
The choice between price- and quantity-based welfare measures is
empirical, and proper measurement of welfare effects requires the
knowledge as to which variable - price or quantity - is the exogenous
one. For individual consumers, it may be reasonable to assume that the
supply of commodities is perfectly elastic, and therefore prices can be
taken as exogenous. But this assumption may not be tenable for consumers
in the aggregate or if highly aggregated economy-wide data are used to
estimate demand relations. At the aggregate level, quantities are more
properly viewed as exogenous than are prices. Although individual
consumers make their consumption decisions based on given prices, the
quantities of commodities are predetermined by production at the market
level and prices must adjust so that the available quantities are
consumed [28].(1,2) This implies that although price-based measures are
useful for analyzing the welfare of individual consumers, quantity-based
measures may be more appropriate at the aggregate level.(3) Given the
fact that most of the consumer demand studies based on time-series data
involve the estimation of aggregate demand functions, there is a clear
need for the inverse demand system and hence welfare analysis of
quantity changes in empirical analysis. Moreover, while these results
hinge on competitive behavior, quantity-based measures are essential for
analyzing the welfare effects for non-competitive firm or industry
behavior. For example, a monopoly is a price-maker and the relevant
demand is an inverse, rather than direct, demand function, and welfare
is analyzed in terms of the quantity of output [10; 48]. Furthermore,
many (indivisible) investment projects entail direct changes in
quantities (price changes occur indirectly); thus cost-benefit analysis of investment or public projects requires the use of quantity-based
welfare measures [29].
Quantity-based welfare measures are not totally new. Indeed, consumer
surplus is often discussed for changes in price or quantity for a single
commodity, and the Marshallian surplus measure (together with producer
surplus) for quantity changes is used to analyze social welfare (or
deadweight loss) or the welfare properties of market equilibrium [29;
48]. There are some limited empirical studies on consumer welfare for
quantity changes using the Marshallian surplus. Rucker, Thurman, and
Sumner [42] estimate the inverse demand function for tobacco which is
subject to quantity restrictions (quotas) and investigate the welfare
effect associated with changes in quotas. Bailey and Liu [2] estimate an
inverse demand for airline services in which air fares are specified as
a function of network scale and examine consumer welfare for changes in
network scale. However, the Marshallian surplus is an approximate
welfare measure for quantity changes, and there is no formal analysis of
exact welfare measures pertinent to the inverse demand system for
quantity changes.(4) This is in stark contrast to the literature on
price-based welfare measures which provides well-established welfare
measures for price changes [11; 13; 19; 27; 48].
This paper seeks to fill this gap in the literature and presents
exact measures of welfare change for the inverse demand system where the
changes in welfare arise more reasonably from changes in quantity than
in price. Welfare measures are characterized in terms of the distance
function where quantities are specified as independent variables with
the utility level held constant. The distance function yields the
compensated inverse demand system in contrast to the direct utility
function which underlies the uncompensated inverse demand system.(5) The
distance function is dual to the expenditure function and can be
considered a normalized "money metric" utility function; hence
it is a natural tool to analyze the welfare effects of quantity changes.
The distance function has been used in demand analysis [1; 21; 23; 49],
in index numbers [14; 18], and in tax analysis [14; 15; 32; 47]; but it
has not been used in welfare analysis. Using the distance function,
exact welfare measures for quantity changes are developed by adapting
Hicksian compensating and equivalent variations associated with price
changes and are related to the compensated inverse demand system. These
welfare measures are contrasted to the Marshallian (approximate) surplus
measure derived from the uncompensated inverse demand system. The
connection between price-based and quantity-based welfare measures is
derived, and it is shown that when there are well-functioning
competitive markets, quantity-based measures can be used to measure the
welfare effects of price changes. Moreover, alternative measures of
deadweight loss of monopoly and taxation are presented using the
distance function instead of the expenditure function employed in
earlier studies [27; 35]. An illustration is given to show the
applicability of the proposed welfare measures and the quantitative
magnitude of bias arising from the use of the Marshallian surplus
instead of exact measures.
II. Uncompensated and Compensated Inverse Demand Systems and Duality Results
Suppose that there exists a direct utility function u = F(X), which
is assumed to be twice-continuously differentiable, increasing, and
quasi-concave in X, a vector of commodities whose elements are [X.sub.i]
(i = 1, . . ., n). Assuming that consumers are price-takers, consider
the following optimization problem:
[Mathematical Expression Omitted], (1)
where [Mathematical Expression Omitted] is a vector of normalized
prices whose elements are [Mathematical Expression Omitted] ([P.sub.i]
is the price of the ith commodity and Y = [[Sigma].sub.i]
[P.sub.i][X.sub.i] is income or expenditure on commodities). Its
solution, summarized by the Hotelling-Wold identity [6; 13; 49], gives
the (normalized) uncompensated inverse demand system [b.sub.i](X) (i =
1, . . ., n):
[Mathematical Expression Omitted]. (2)
Inverse demands measure shadow (or virtual) prices, or marginal
valuation, or marginal willingness to pay for commodities by consumers.
In equilibrium, marginal willingness to pay for a commodity equals its
market price.
Solving (2) for X implicitly gives the uncompensated direct demand
system: [Mathematical Expression Omitted]. Equivalently, it can be
obtained explicitly from the (normalized) indirect utility function [Mathematical Expression Omitted]:
[Mathematical Expression Omitted] (3)
by using Roy's identity [6; 13; 48]:
[Mathematical Expression Omitted]. (4)
The indirect utility function is continuous, decreasing, linearly
homogeneous, and quasi-convex in [Mathematical Expression Omitted].
Equations (2) and (4) show that the uncompensated inverse and direct
demand systems have similar structures. However, while the inverse
demand system takes quantities as exogenous, the direct demand system
treats prices as exogenous. The duality between the direct and indirect
utility functions suggests that the direct utility function can be
recovered from the indirect utility function. That is,
[Mathematical Expression Omitted]. (5)
Given the direct utility function, the distance function D(u, x) is
defined as
[Mathematical Expression Omitted], (6)
which gives the maximum amount by which commodity quantities must be
deflated or inflated to reach the indifference surface [46]. The utility
function exists if and only if D(u, X) = F(X)/u = 1. The distance
function is continuous, increasing, linearly homogeneous, and concave with respect to X, and decreasing in u. Given the distance function (6),
the expenditure function [Mathematical Expression Omitted]) can be
described as
[Mathematical Expression Omitted] (7)
if and only if the distance function is expressed as
[Mathematical Expression Omitted] (8)
[6; 46; 49]. The expenditure function is continuous, increasing,
linearly homogeneous, and concave with respect to [Mathematical
Expression Omitted], and increasing in u. These results imply that the
distance function can be interpreted as a (normalized) expenditure
function and that the two functions are dual to each other.
Application of Shephard's lemma [6; 13; 31; 46] to the distance
function yields the (normalized) compensated inverse demand system
[a.sub.i](u, X) (i = 1, . . ., n):
[Mathematical Expression Omitted]. (9)
Unlike uncompensated inverse demands, compensated inverse demands are
defined with the level of utility held constant. Linear homogeneity of
D(u, X) implies that [a.sub.i](u, X) is homogeneous of degree zero in X,
and the concavity implies that [a.sub.i](u, X) is negative and
symmetric, i.e., [Delta][a.sub.i](u, X)/[Delta][X.sub.i] [less than] 0
and [Delta][a.sub.i](u, X)/[Delta][X.sub.j] = [Delta][a.sub.j](u,
X)/[Delta][X.sub.i] (i [not equal to] j). Zero homogeneity of (9)
[Mathematical Expression Omitted], (10)
where [Mathematical Expression Omitted], compensated price
flexibility, with [Mathematical Expression Omitted] and sign
[Mathematical Expression Omitted]. Two goods i and j are net
q-complements if [Mathematical Expression Omitted] and net q-substitutes
if [Mathematical Expression Omitted].
Solving (9) for X implicitly gives the compensated direct demand
system [Mathematical Expression Omitted], which is equivalently obtained
explicitly by applying Shephard lemma [6; 13; 46] to the expenditure
[Mathematical Expression Omitted]. (11)
Thus the compensated inverse and direct demand systems have similar
structures, the difference being whether prices or quantities are
To derive the relationship between compensated and uncompensated
inverse demands, equate (2) and (9) and substitute u = F(X) into (9) to
[b.sub.i](X) [equivalent to] [a.sub.i](F(X),X). (12)
Partial differentiation of (12) with respect to [X.sub.j] yields the
Antonelli decomposition of the price effect of a quantity change into
the substitution and scale effects:
[Delta][b.sub.i](X)/[Delta][X.sub.j] = [Delta][a.sub.i](u,
X)/[Delta][X.sub.j] + ([Delta][a.sub.i](u,
X)/[Delta]u)([Delta]F(X)/[Delta][X.sub.j]). (13)
In elasticity form, (13) becomes
[Mathematical Expression Omitted], (14)
where [[Eta].sub.ij] [equivalent to] [Delta] ln [b.sub.i] (X)/[Delta]
ln [X.sub.j], uncompensated price flexibility, and [[Mu].sub.i]
[equivalent to] ([Delta]ln[a.sub.i](u, X)/[Delta]ln u) ([[Sigma].sub.i]
[Delta] ln F(X)/[Delta] ln [X.sub.i]), scale flexibility,(6) with
[S.sub.i] (expenditure share of the ith commodity) [Mathematical
Expression Omitted], derived from (2). Two goods i and j are gross
q-complements if [[Eta].sub.ij] [greater than] 0 and gross q-substitutes
if [[Eta].sub.ij] [less than] 0.(7) For a normal good, a change in
quantities has a negative scale effect, i.e., [[Mu].sub.i] [less than]
0, with [[Mu].sub.i] = -1 for homothetic preferences. This implies that
the uncompensated inverse demand is more quantity-elastic than the
compensated inverse demand.
Since [Mathematical Expression Omitted], this implies the restriction
on [[Eta].sub.ij]:
[summation over i] [[Eta].sub.ij][S.sub.i] = -[S.sub.j]. (15)
Summing (14) over j to satisfy (10) and noting that
[[Sigma].sub.j][S.sub.j] = 1, we obtain the restriction on [[Mu].sub.i]:
[[Mu].sub.i] - [summation over j] [[Eta].sub.ij], (16)
which shows that the scale flexibility is obtained as the sum of the
uncompensated price flexibilities. Moreover, summing (15) over j, we
obtain the restriction on (16):
[summation over i][S.sub.i][[Mu].sub.i] = -1, (17)
which says that the weighted sum of the scale flexibilities (with the
weights given by the expenditure shines) is equal to -1.
Equation (14) shows that when the expenditure share of a good is
small or when a change in quantities has no scale effects, i.e.,
[[Mu].sub.i] = 0, the uncompensated and compensated inverse demands
coincide. An issue of great concern is under what condition a change in
quantities has no scale effects. This occurs when the indirect utility
function is quasi-linear. In the case of two goods, the quasi-linear
indirect utility function is of the form:
[Mathematical Expression Omitted], (18)
where indirect utility is linear in [Mathematical Expression Omitted]
but nonlinear with respect to [Mathematical Expression Omitted], which
implies that the (price) indifference curves are vertical translates of
each other with respect to the [Mathematical Expression Omitted]
axis.(8) Following (5), minimization of (18) with respect to
[Mathematical Expression Omitted] and [Mathematical Expression Omitted]
subject to [Mathematical Expression Omitted] yields [Mathematical
Expression Omitted]. This implies that the inverse demand for [X.sub.1]
is independent of the scale of the quantities of [X.sub.1] and
[X.sub.2], in which case the uncompensated and compensated inverse
demands for [X.sub.1] coincide.
III. Exact versus Approximate Measures of Welfare Change in Quantity
Consider parametric changes in commodity quantities to examine how
they affect the welfare of consumers. Many circumstances in which
quantity changes are relevant in welfare analysis are discussed in the
Introduction. The distance function is a natural tool to define welfare
measures for quantity changes; it is a normalized money metric utility
function because [Mathematical Expression Omitted], which is a monotonic transformation of the direct utility function for fixed quantities X and
is itself a utility function. Further, it is dual and symmetric to the
expenditure function used to investigate the welfare effects of price
changes. As such, it can be used to examine the welfare effects of
quantity changes by adapting Hicksian measures of compensating and
equivalent variations for price changes [11; 13; 19; 27; 48].
The compensating variation (CV) associated with a change in
quantities from [X.sup.0] to [X.sup.1] is defined as
CV [equivalent] D([u.sup.0], [X.sup.1]) - D([u.sup.0], [X.sup.0]),
which, upon using the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus and
Shephard's 1emma (9), reduces to
[Mathematical Expression Omitted], (20)
where [u.sup.0] [equivalent to] F([X.sup.0]).(9,10) CV is the amount
of additional (normalized) expenditure required for the consumer to
reach the utility level [u.sup.0] while facing the quantity vector
[X.sup.1]. When [X.sup.1] [less than] ([greater than])[X.sup.0], CV
measures willingness to pay (accept). The consumer is clearly worse
(better) off while facing quantities [X.sup.1] if CV is greater (less)
than 0.
The equivalent variation (EV) of a change in quantities from
[X.sup.0] to [X.sup.1] is defined as
EV [equivalent to] D([u.sup.1], [X.sup.1]) - D([u.sup.1], [X.sup.0]),
which reduces to
[Mathematical Expression Omitted], (22)
where [u.sup.1] [equivalent to] F([X.sup.1]).(11,12) EV is the amount
of additional (normalized) expenditure that would enable the consumer to
maintain the new utility level [u.sup.1] while facing the initial
quantities [X.sup.0]. When [X.sup.1] [less than] ([greater
than])[X.sup.0], EV measures willingness to accept (pay). As in the case
of the CV, a positive (negative) value of EV implies that the consumer
is clearly worse (better) off under [X.sup.1] than under [X.sup.0].
These results show that the CV and EV of a quantity change are exact
(normalized) measures of welfare change. Figure 1 illustrates the CV and
EV associated with an increase in the quantity of one good [X.sub.1].
The indifference curve is defined over price space characterized by the
indirect utility function (3). The slope of the budget line is the ratio
of the commodity quantities - [X.sub.1]/[X.sub.2]. From Roy's
identity (4), in equilibrium the slope of the (price) indifference curve
is equal to the ratio of the quantities. The initial equilibrium is at
A. With an increase in [X.sub.1], the new equilibrium occurs at B. Note
that CV is conditional upon the utility level [u.sup.0], while EV is
associated with the utility level [u.sup.1]. In general, the
relationship between CV and EV cannot be ascertained.(13) However, when
a change in quantities has no scale effects, the two welfare measures
coincide. Moreover, (20) and (22) suggest that CV and EV can be measured
by the area under the compensated inverse demand curve from [X.sup.0] to
[X.sup.1] with the old and new utility levels, respectively. For an
increase in the quantity of one good, the compensated inverse demand
curve [a.sub.i]([u.sup.1], X) lies below the compensated inverse demand
curve [a.sub.i]([u.sup.0], X) because of the negative scale effect when
the good in question is a normal good. This implies that EV is smaller
than CV for an increase in the quantity of one good. (This is
illustrated in Figure 2 and will be discussed later.)
In contrast to CV and EV which can be described by the compensated
inverse demand functions (9), the Marshallian surplus is expressed in
terms of the uncompensated inverse demand functions (2). Formally, the
Marshallian surplus (MS) associated with a change in quantities from
[X.sup.0] to [X.sup.1] is defined as
[Mathematical Expression Omitted], (23)
which is the area below the uncompensated demand curve from [X.sup.0]
to [X.sup.1]. When the scale flexibility is zero (see (13) or (14)), MS
coincides with CV and EV, i.e., MS = CV = EV. When a change in quantity
has a scale effect, however, MS will bias the true welfare change. For a
normal good, the uncompensated inverse demand curve is steeper than the
compensated curve - note that for the direct demand curve, the
compensated demand curve is steeper than the uncompensated demand curve
- implying that the MS associated with a quantity increase is bounded
from below by the EV and from above by the CV(EV [less than] MS [less
than] CV).
Figure 2 portrays MS in relation to CV and EV, using the inverse
demand curves, for the case of a single quantity increase. The price
axis pertains to a range of implicit prices corresponding to the domain
of quantities being considered. [a.sub.i]([u.sup.0], X) and
[a.sub.i]([u.sup.1], X) are the two compensated inverse demand curves
corresponding to initial and new utility levels [u.sup.0] and [u.sup.1],
while [b.sub.i](X) is the uncompensated inverse demand curve. The
initial situation is at A, given by [Mathematical Expression Omitted]
and [Mathematical Expression Omitted]. The final situation is at B,
given by [Mathematical Expression Omitted] and [Mathematical Expression
Omitted]. CV is shown by the area [Mathematical Expression Omitted]
under the compensated inverse demand curve [a.sub.i]([u.sup.0], X). MS
is the area [Mathematical Expression Omitted] under the uncompensated
inverse demand curve [b.sub.i](X), which is bounded by CV and EV.
There is no previous analysis using the distance function to define
CV or EV as a welfare change measure for quantity changes; instead MS is
used as the relevant welfare measure. The issue is whether MS is a
theoretically valid measure of welfare change. The result is well known
for price-based welfare measures, which basically can be extended to
quantity-based measures. The MS is a relevant welfare measure for
quantity changes when preferences are homothetic or when a quantity
change has no scale effects. Homothetic preferences are, however,
unrealistic, and commodity demands are found to have pronounced scale
effects [4; 21; 30]. Moreover, when many goods are considered, MS is not
independent of the path of quantities chosen for integration since the
associated uncompensated inverse demands are not symmetric in contrast
to the compensated inverse demand functions associated with CV or EV.
This implies that MS is an approximate welfare measure for quantity
changes relative to CV or EV. Nevertheless, MS is employed as the
relevant measure for quantity changes, especially in analysis of social
welfare or welfare properties of market equilibrium.(14)
IV. Relationship between Welfare Measures in Price and Quantity Space
Quantity-based welfare measures are relevant when dealing with
situations where there are constraints on quantities. Since the distance
function is defined without regard to market conditions (see (6)), this
implies that associated CV and EV measures do not intrinsically rely on
competitive behavior. Price-based welfare measures, in contrast, are
useful where there are well-functioning competitive markets such that
quantities are fully adjusted to changes in prices. An issue of
importance is whether quantity-based welfare measures can be used to
investigate the welfare effects associated with price changes when
consumers can freely adjust quantities in response to changes in prices.
This section examines the relationship between quantity-based and
price-based welfare measures.
Price-based welfare measures are well known [11; 19; 27; 50].
Briefly, the compensating variation ([CV.sub.P]) associated with a
change in prices from [Mathematical Expression Omitted] to [Mathematical
Expression Omitted] is defined as
[Mathematical Expression Omitted], (24)
which, upon using the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus and
Shephard's lemma (11), reduces to
[Mathematical Expression Omitted], (25)
where [Mathematical Expression Omitted]. The equivalent variation
([EV.sub.P]) of a change in prices from [Mathematical Expression
Omitted] to [Mathematical Expression Omitted] is defined as
[Mathematical Expression Omitted], (26)
which reduces to
[Mathematical Expression Omitted], (27)
where [Mathematical Expression Omitted].
Equations (25) and (27) suggest that the [CV.sub.P] and [EV.sub.P]
are the areas to the left of the compensated direct demand curve for a
change in prices from [Mathematical Expression Omitted] to [Mathematical
Expression Omitted] associated with the utility levels [u.sup.0] and
[u.sup.1], respectively. The Marshallian surplus ([MS.sub.P]) of a
change in prices from [Mathematical Expression Omitted] to [Mathematical
Expression Omitted], in contrast, is defined as
[Mathematical Expression Omitted], (28)
which is the area to the left of the uncompensated demand curve from
[Mathematical Expression Omitted] to [Mathematical Expression
Consider now the CV of a price change (25) and integrate by parts to
[Mathematical Expression Omitted], (29)
so that
[Mathematical Expression Omitted], (30)
where [Mathematical Expression Omitted] and [Mathematical Expression
Omitted]. This relationship shows that the CV of price changes can be
obtained from the CV of quantity changes by allowing for some changes in
expenditure. The same result holds for EV and the MS as well. These
results suggest that when there are well-functioning competitive
markets, the welfare effects of price changes can be estimated from
quantity-based measures when an adjustment is made for changes in
An important application of this analysis is the measurement of
welfare or deadweight loss due to monopoly or taxation. Harberger [26]
did pioneering work on measuring the welfare loss of monopoly, and many
studies have found that the welfare loss is inconsequential (see
references in Bergson [5] and Kay [35]). Bergson [5], however, argues
that the compensated demand curve is the appropriate one for welfare
loss measurement and that the use of the ordinary demand curve in
general biases the welfare loss estimates. In Figure 3, which rests on
constant costs, monopoly equilibrium is at [Mathematical Expression
Omitted] and [X.sup.M], while competitive equilibrium is at
[Mathematical Expression Omitted] and [X.sup.C]. The deadweight loss of
monopoly based on the ordinary demand schedule, [Mathematical Expression
Omitted] or [b.sub.i](X), is given by the area QST. In contrast, the
deadweight loss based on the compensated demand schedule, [Mathematical
Expression Omitted] or [a.sub.i](u, X), is given by the area QRU.
Clearly the use of the ordinary demand schedule will bias the true
welfare loss derived from the compensated demand schedule. Hausman [27]
has shown that while the Marshallian approximation by the ordinary
demand schedule may be adequate for consumer welfare measurement in
certain situations, it is often not accurate for measurement of the
deadweight loss.
Following Bergson's [5] idea, Kay [35] proposes the use of the
expenditure function to measure the true welfare loss of monopoly DWL.
For many monopolized products, Kay's measure is given by
[Mathematical Expression Omitted], (31)
which reduces to
[Mathematical Expression Omitted], (32)
where [Mathematical Expression Omitted].
While Kay's measure is useful and is an improvement over earlier
measures, it implicitly rests on the assumption that prices are
exogenous, and direct demand functions are used. For a monopoly, inverse
demand functions are more appropriate, which naturally requires the use
of the distance function. The welfare loss measure based on the distance
function is given by
[Mathematical Expression Omitted], (33)
which reduces to
[Mathematical Expression Omitted], (34)
where [Mathematical Expression Omitted].
These results can be directly applied to measure the deadweight loss
of taxation. Diamond and McFadden [17] and Hausman [27] propose the use
of the expenditure function; however, the distance function can yield an
alternative measure of the deadweight loss of taxation.
V. An Illustration
This section discusses the applicability of the exact welfare
measures, CV and EV, and illustrates the quantitative magnitude of bias
arising from the use of the MS.
Consider an adaptation of Deaton and Muellbauer's [16] AIDS
(Almost Ideal Demand System) form for the distance function [21]:
[Mathematical Expression Omitted], (35)
where [[Gamma].sub.ij] = [[Gamma].sub.ji] (i [not equal to] j) due to
symmetry. Linear homogeneity implies the parametric restrictions:
[[Sigma].sub.i] [[Alpha].sub.i] = 1, [[Sigma].sub.j] [[Gamma].sub.ij] =
0, and [[Sigma].sub.i] [[Beta].sub.i] = 0. Applying Shephard's
lemma (9) to (35), we obtain the expenditure share equations:
[Mathematical Expression Omitted]. (36)
These equations are not in estimable form because utility is
unobservable. To derive an estimable form, set D(u, X) = 1 in (35) and
solve it for u to yield
[Mathematical Expression Omitted]. (37)
Substituting (37) into (36) for u gives
[S.sub.i] = [a.sub.i] + [[Gamma].sub.ij] ln [X.sub.j] +
[[Beta].sub.i] ln Q, (38)
[Mathematical Expression Omitted]. (39)
In equation (38), the parameter can be estimated using observed
quantities and expenditure shares.
With the expenditure share equation (38), the uncompensated price
flexibilities are obtained as
[[Eta].sub.ii] = 1 + {[[Gamma].sub.ii] + [[Beta].sub.i]([S.sub.i] -
[[Beta].sub.i] ln Q)}/[S.sub.i] (40)
[[Eta].sub.ij] = {[[Gamma].sub.ij] + [[Beta].sub.i]([S.sub.j] -
[[Beta].sub.j] ln Q)}/[S.sub.i] (i [not equal to] j). (41)
The scale flexibilities are given by
[u.sub.i] = 1 + [[Beta].sub.i]/[S.sub.i]. (42)
From these uncompensated price and scale flexibilities, the
compensated price flexibilities can be derived using the relation (14).
Thus the AIDS distance function (35) is flexible and does not impose any
restriction on price and scale flexibilities.
Once the parameters of the expenditure share equations (38) are
estimated, they can be used to recover the distance function (35) and to
derive CV and EV to analyze the welfare effects of parametric changes in
commodity quantities.
To illustrate how the use of the MS biases the exact welfare
measures, CV and EV, consider the consumer's preferences
represented by the Cobb-Douglas utility function:
[Mathematical Expression Omitted], (43)
which gives the uncompensated inverse demands of the form:
[Mathematical Expression Omitted], (44)
where [Alpha] [equivalent to] [[Sigma].sub.i] [[Alpha].sub.i], the
degree of homogeneity.
The distance function associated with (43) is
[Mathematical Expression Omitted], (45)
with compensated inverse demands:
[Mathematical Expression Omitted], (46)
which, upon substituting for u in (43), yield the uncompensated
inverse demands (44). The uncompensated price flexibilities are given by
[[Eta].sub.ii] = -1 and [[Eta].sub.ij] = 0 (i [not equal to] j), and the
scale flexibility is [[Mu].sub.i] = -1, which implies the unitary (negative) scale flexibility, signifying homothetic preferences. The
compensated price flexibilities are [Mathematical Expression Omitted]
and [Mathematical Expression Omitted], which implies that all goods are
net q-complements.
Table I. Comparison of CV, EV, and MS for Quantity Changes
[X.sub.1] EV MS CV
1 0.00 0.00 0.00
2 6.69 6.93 7.18
3 10.40 10.99 11.61
4 12.94 13.86 14.87
5 14.86 16.09 17.46
The CV and EV associated with a change in [X.sub.1] are given by
[Mathematical Expression Omitted] (47)
[Mathematical Expression Omitted]. (48)
On the other hand, the MS of a change in [X.sub.1] is obtained as
[Mathematical Expression Omitted]. (49)
These welfare measures are fairly simple and do not depend on
variables other than that which effects a change.
Table I gives the welfare estimates for [[Alpha].sub.1] = 1/10 and
[[Alpha].sub.2] = 9/10. Since the welfare measures defined in this study
are normalized measures, for ease of understanding they are converted
into "non-normalized" estimates by multiplying them by the
expenditure level ($100). As is clear from the table, MS is not the same
as EV and CV. Further, the change in MS always lies between EV and CV,
which is the bounding relationship between the three welfare measures
associated with a single quantity increase.
In contrast to the Cobb-Douglas utility function, other utility
functions do not yield easily manipulable solutions for welfare
measures. For instance, for the CES utility function the distance
function and inverse (uncompensated and compensated) demand functions
can be easily obtained. However, while CV and EV can be analytically
derived, the MS measure is not analytically integrable. This suggests
that the use of direct utility functions has a limited value in welfare
analysis of quantity changes. Instead, a more appropriate procedure is
to specify and estimate the distance function and derive welfare
measures, as is shown with the AID distance function in this section.
This procedure gives exact welfare measures, and thus no approximation
is needed. In fact, it is the procedure exploited in welfare analysis of
price changes in which the indirect utility function rather than the
direct utility function is specified and exact welfare measures are
derived [33; 37].(17)
VI. Summary and Conclusion
This paper has examined the measurement of welfare changes for the
inverse demand system and provided exact welfare measures associated
with quantity changes. There are many circumstances that warrant the use
of quantity-based welfare measures, in contrast to the conventional
price-based measures. The distance function is employed to develop
compensating and equivalent variations for quantity changes, which are
contrasted to the Marshallian surplus. Many results derived for quantity
changes are parallel to those of welfare measures for price changes. In
view of the increasing use of the inverse demand system and the distance
function, welfare measures of quantity changes are of great importance
in policy analysis. Moreover, quantity-based welfare measures can also
deal with the welfare effects of price changes when there are
well-functioning competitive markets.(18)
This research was supported by a Summer Faculty Research Fellowship
from Western Kentucky University. The author wishes to thank the
referee, John Wassom, and Dennis Hanseman for helpful comments and
1. According to Hicks, "When we are studying the behavior of the
individual consumer, it is natural to regard the former ('price
into quantity,' i.e., direct demand) approach as primary, for the
consumer is concerned with given prices on the market, and he chooses
how much to purchase at a given price. But when we are studying market
demand, the demand from the whole group of consumers of the commodity,
the latter ('quantity into price,' i.e., inverse demand)
approach becomes at least as important. For we then very commonly begin
with a given supply, and what we require to know is the price at which
that supply can be sold" [28, 83]. Katzner [34] argues that the
inverse demand system may be useful to the economic planner since he may
be interested in the prices required to clear the market of planned
commodities. See Huang [30], Barten and Betterdoff [4], and Eales and
Unnevehr [21] for the rationale of the use of the inverse demand system
in food demands.
2. Bronsard and Salvas-Bronsard [9] examine whether a direct or
inverse demand system is appropriate in empirical analysis and find that
the level of commodity aggregation is important. In particular, their
test rejects the exogeneity of prices in three-commodity models, but
prices are often considered as exogenous at a more disaggregate level.
3. This is true in a general equilibrium view of the economy where
total supply is fixed for the economy, while it is not fixed for
individual consumers.
4. There is a growing literature on quantity-based welfare measures
for the restricted or partial demand system in which some subset of
commodities are subject to quantity restrictions. Hicks [28] originally
introduced so-called compensating and equivalent surplus measures for
this situation. Maler [40] shows that Hicksian compensating and
equivalent variations defined for price changes can be readily adapted
to welfare measures of quantity changes for a partial demand system.
Randall and Stoll [42] demonstrate that with appropriate modifications,
Willig's [50] formulas for bounds on compensating and equivalent
variations for price changes carry over to welfare measures of quantity
changes (see also Haneman [25]). Several studies have appeared to
analyze quantity-constrained welfare effects arising from changes in the
availability of nonmarket goods or environmental amenities, or changes
in the fixed quantities of rationed goods or quotas [7; 8; 39]. However,
the partial and inverse demand systems have different properties and
also different welfare measures.
5. There has been an increasing use of the inverse demand system in
applied demand analysis [4; 12; 21; 30; 41; 45], in noncompetitive firm
analysis [3; 10; 20; 24; 48] and in hedonic price model [22; 43], all of
which involve quantity (or quality) changes for welfare analysis.
6. For a good diagrammatical discussion of the scale flexibility and
the Antonelli decomposition, see Anderson [1] and Cornes [13]. It may be
noted that for the inverse demand system the income flexibility has no
significance because it is equal to unity. This is in contrast to the
partial demand system in which the income flexibility can take on any
value [25; 42].
7. For a detailed discussion of gross and net substitutability or
complementarity associated with inverse demand systems, see Kim [38].
8. A quasi-linear indirect utility function does not imply, nor is it
implied by, the quasi-linear direct utility function [48, 164] which
produces a zero income effect for the direct demand function.
9. CV is related to the Laspeyres-Malmquist quantity index [16; 18].
The Laspeyres-Malmquist quantity index [Q.sub.L]([X.sup.0], [X.sup.1];
[u.sup.0]) is defined as
[Q.sub.L]([X.sup.0], [X.sup.1]; [u.sup.0]) [equivalent to]
D([u.sup.0], [X.sup.1])/D([u.sup.0], [X.sup.0]).
The relationship between CV and the Laspeyres-Malmquist quantity
index is given by
CV - {D([u.sup.0], [X.sup.1])/D([u.sup.0],
[X.sup.0])}D([u.sup.0],[X.sup.0]) - D([u.sup.0], [X.sup.0]) =
[[Q.sub.L]([X.sup.0], [X.sup.1]; [u.sup.0]) - 1]D([u.sup.0],[X.sup.0]).
10. All welfare measures in this analysis are expressed in a
normalized form. They can be convened into "non-normalized"
measures by multiplying them by income or expenditure. For example, a
non-normalized CV is given by
CV [equivalent to] Y[D([u.sup.0], [X.sup.1]) - D([u.sup.0],
where [Y.sup.0] is income before a change in quantities.
11. EV is related to the Paasche-Malmquist quantity index [16; 18].
The Paasche-Malmquist quantity index [Q.sub.P]([X.sup.0], [X.sup.1];
[u.sup.1]) is defined as
[Q.sub.P]([X.sup.0], [X.sup.1]; [u.sup.1]) [equivalent to]
D([u.sup.1], [X.sup.1])/D([u.sup.1], [X.sup.0]).
The relationship between EV and the Paasche-Malmquist quantity index
is given by
EV = D([u.sup.1], [X.sup.1]) - {D([u.sup.1], [X.sup.0])/D([u.sup.1],
[X.sup.1])}D([u.sup.1], [X.sup.1]) = [1 - {1/[Q.sub.P]([X.sup.0],
[X.sup.1]; [u.sup.1])}]D([u.sup.1], [X.sup.1]).
12. For all welfare measures in this analysis, it is assumed that
income remains unchanged when quantities of commodities change. However,
when income changes, an adjustment must be made. For example, when
income changes, CV and EV are defined by
CV [equivalent to] [Y.sup.0][D([u.sup.0], [X.sup.1]) - D([u.sup.0],
[X.sup.0])] - [Y.sup.1] - [Y.sup.0]),
EV [equivalent to] [Y.sup.1][D([u.sup.1], [X.sup.1]) - D([u.sup.1],
[X.sup.0])] - [Y.sup.1] - [Y.sup.0]),
where [Y.sup.0] and [Y.sup.1] are income before and after a change in
13. When preferences are homothetic (such that [Q.sub.L]([X.sup.0],
[X.sup.1]; [u.sup.0]) = [Q.sub.p]([X.sup.0], [X.sup.1]; [u.sup.1]) =
Q([X.sup.0], [X.sup.1])) and D([u.sup.0], [X.sup.0]) = D([u.sup.1],
[X.sup.1]), CV and EV are related to each other by
CV = EV x Q([X.sup.0], [X.sup.1]).
14. Hotelling [29], in his pioneering study on welfare, addresses the
relevance of total surplus defined as the sum of consumer and producer
surpluses as a social welfare measure, and shows that the required
condition is that the inverse demand and supply functions be integrable.
The inverse supply or marginal cost functions are integrable because
they are symmetric. In the case of demand, the integrability conditions
hold only for the compensated inverse demand functions because they are
symmetric. Hotelling, however, does not consider the compensated inverse
demand functions. An implication of this discussion is that the
conventional measure of total surplus based on the Marshallian consumer
surplus derived from the uncompensated inverse demand function is biased
in relation to the exact measure derived from the compensated inverse
demand function.
15. While Figure 2 can be used to describe CV and EV for price
changes, it cannot be used to describe the MS for price changes because
the uncompensated direct demand curve has a steeper slope than the
compensated direct demand curve, whereas the uncompensated inverse
demand curve has a steeper slope than the compensated inverse demand
16. Equation (30) also suggests that when there are well-functioning
markets, the welfare effects of quantity changes can be estimated from
price-based measures by allowing for some changes in expenditures.
17. An alternative procedure is to specify and estimate the
uncompensated inverse demand system and derive the distance function,
which gives the CV and EV. This procedure is employed by Hausman [27] to
evaluate the welfare effects of price changes. The problem with this
approach is that unless a simple demand function is specified, the
distance function cannot be analytically derived.
18. While the analysis in this paper is conducted in a static
framework, its extension to a dynamic or intertemporal framework is
possible, adapting the line of inquiry for price-based welfare measures
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