LeChatelier Effects for the Competitive Firm under Price Uncertainty.
Snow, Arthur
Arthur Snow [*]
The intuition that constrained choices are less elastic as well as
suboptimal is confirmed by LeChatelier's principle in economic
models of optimizing behavior for environments with no uncertainty. For
a competitive entrepreneurial firm facing output price uncertainty, risk
preferences interact with possibilities for substituting between capital
and labor in production to determine the presence or absence of
LeChatelier effects for labor demanded. LeChatelier's principle
holds without qualification for output supplied in the neighborhood of
any long-run equilibrium with respect to both monotone likelihood ratio
improvements in the price distribution and increases in risk aversion.
Global LeChatelier predictions, however, are unattainable.
1. Introduction
LeChatelier effects confirm the intuition that constrained
decisions are not only suboptimal but also restrained in the sense of
being less elastic. Samuelson (1947) introduced this idea into economics
and showed that it blends neatly with economic models of decision making
under certainty, being particularly well suited to the competitive firm.
As emphasized by Silberberg (1971), linearity of the objective function
combines with convexity in the constraint, imposed by the production
technology, to yield envelope results at the first order, and
LeChatelier effects at the second, as powerful consequences of the
maximization hypothesis.
The envelope results of primary interest in producer theory,
Shephard's Lemma for cost functions and Hotelling's Lemma for
profit functions, are equality relations reflecting the first-order
stationarity of an optimum. LeChatelier effects, in contrast, are
inequality relations reflecting the restrained nature of short-run
responses compared with long-run, less constrained responses. Thus, the
quantities of labor demanded and output supplied are more elastic with
respect to wage rate and output price changes in the long run than in
the short run.
These LeChatelier predictions pertain to a firm that has fully
adjusted to an exogenous set of factor and output prices and thus apply
only in the neighborhood of a long-run equilibrium configuration for the
firm. However, they apply equally well whether capital and labor are
substitute or complementary factors of production. Milgrom and Roberts
(1996) have established a global LeChatelier principle under the
assumption that capital and labor are always substitutes, or always
complements, in production, a stipulation that is necessarily true for
the infinitesimal changes contemplated in the local LeChatelier
When the firm makes decisions while facing uncertainty about output
price, risk preferences influence behavior if the uncertainty cannot be
fully diversified through futures contracts or the sale of ownership
shares, as in the case of closely held family businesses, such as some
of those engaged in farming, fishing, and independent retailing. [1] As
shown in the seminal papers by Sandmo (1971) and Batra and Ullah (1974),
for a risk-averse entrepreneurial firm, decreasing absolute risk
aversion plays a critical role in establishing unambiguous comparative
statics predictions for changes in uncertainty. Batra and Ullah (1974)
find that responses to factor price changes are also influenced by
substitutability between capital and labor in production.
In this paper, local LeChatelier effects are demonstrated for a
competitive entrepreneurial firm's labor demanded and output
supplied under output price uncertainty for own-price comparative
statics effects and increases in risk aversion. The own-price
LeChatelier prediction for output supplied is problematic under
uncertainty with risk aversion, since the concept of a price rise must
be extended to the case in which price is stochastic. Ormiston and
Schlee (1993), reviewing previous literature, conclude that first-order
stochastic dominance improvements are too general to yield intuitive
predictions but show that the subfamily of monotone likelihood ratio
improvements fits exactly with intuition. In particular, because the
supply curve of a competitive firm is upward sloping under certainty,
the firm's supply increases with monotone likelihood ratio
improvements in the output price distribution under uncertainty, without
regard to risk preferences.
In this paper, the LeChatelier prediction is established for
changes in output supplied in response to monotone likelihood ratio
improvements without imposing special restrictions on either technology
or preferences for bearing risk. Thus, the parallel between behavioral responses to price rises under certainty and to monotone likelihood
ratio improvements under uncertainty extends from first-order
comparative statics to second-order LeChatelier effects. Similarly, the
LeChatelier effect for output supplied applies without qualification to
increases in risk aversion.
The enterpreneur's demand for labor, however, does not
necessarily display LeChatelier's principle in response to
increases in the wage rate. When changes in wealth influence the
entrepreneur's willingness to bear risk, a rise in the wage rate
induces wealth effects that tend to oppose the direct effect on labor
demanded. At long-run equilibrium configurations, capital and labor tend
to be substititutes in expected utility, since their marginal profits
are subject to perfectly correlated risks. Thus, wealth effects
influencing the demand for capital feed back on the demand for labor
and, with decreasing absolute risk aversion, oppose the direct effect of
an increase in the wage rate, creating the possibility that demand for
labor is less elastic in the long run than in the short run. With
increasing absolute risk aversion, wealth effects can lead to a rising
demand curve for labor in the long run, even though the short-run demand
curve is downward sloping. Thus, the LeChatelier prediction for labor
demanded carries over to the environment with output price uncertainty
only with constant absolute risk aversion, when wealth effects are
In contrast with these local LeChatelier effects, global effects
that hold away from longrun equilibria are not predicted for a
competitive firm facing a stochastic output price. The uniform
modularity shown to be crucial in the global context by Milgrom and
Roberts (1996) is not exhibited by the expected utility criterion
function. Thus, away from long-run equilibria, competitive
entrepreneurial firms may not evince LeChatelier's principle.
Own-price LeChatelier effects for labor demanded and output
supplied under price uncertainty are demonstrated in the following two
sections. The absence of global LeChatelier predictions for environments
with output price uncertainty is discussed in the subsequent section,
and conclusions are presented in the final section.
2. LeChatelier Effects for Labor Demanded in Response to Changes in
the Wage Rate
Under conditions of certainty or uncertainty, the competitive firm
is concerned only with profit, given by the relation
z(K, L, w, r, p) = pF(K, L) - rK - wL, (1)
where K and L denote the use of capital and labor inputs to a
technology represented by a strictly concave production function F, with
corresponding factor prices r and w, and output price p. Beginning with
the case of certainty as a benchmark, let [K.sup.0](w, r, p) and
[L.sup.0](w, r, p) denote the firm's capital and labor demand
functions implied by maximizing long-run profit, and let [L.sup.0](K, w,
r, p) denote the short-run labor demand function obtained when
capital's use is fixed. The identity
[L.sup.0](w, r, p) [equivalent to] [L.sup.0]([K.sup.0](w, r, p), w,
r, p) (2)
implies the following two relations:
[delta][L.sup.0]/[delta]w [equivalent to]
([delta][L.sup.0]/[delta]w) +
([delta][L.sup.0]/[delta]K)([delta][K.sup.0]/[delta]w) (3)
[delta][L.sup.0]/[delta]r [equivalent to]
([delta][L.sup.0]/[delta]K)([delta][K.sup.0]/[delta]r [equivalent to]
[delta][K.sup.0]/[delta]w, (4)
where the left-hand side of Identity 4 follows from the fact that
[delta][L.sup.0]/[delta]r = 0 and the right-hand side of Identity 4
expresses the reciprocity condition implied by the envelope results for
the long-run profit function. Substituting for [delta][K.sup.0]/[delta]w
from Identity 4 into Identity 3 yields the LeChatelier prediction for
labor demanded,
[delta][L.sup.0]/[delta]w = ([delta][L.sup.0]/[delta]w) +
[([delta][L.sup.0]/[delta]K).sup.2]([delta][K.sup.0]/[delta]r) [less
than] [delta][L.sup.0]/[delta]w [less than] 0, (5)
where the inequalities follow from the downward slope of factor
demand curves in the long run and in the short run.
Thus, the own-price LeChatelier prediction for labor demanded,
which holds in the neighborhood of a long-run equilibrium configuration
for the firm, is a consequence solely of optimizing behavior and does
not depend on the sign of the cross-quantity effect,
[delta][L.sup.0]/[delta]K = -[F.sub.KL]/[F.sub.LL] (where subscripts
indicate partial derivatives). Indeed, whether capital and labor are
substitutes ([F.sub.KL] [less than] 0) or complements ([F.sub.KL]
[greater than] 0), the LeChatelier prediction holds because feedback
from the optimal adjustment of capital always reinforces the short-run
change in labor demanded.
The same reasoning does not apply under price uncertainty when the
firm is risk averse. Not only must risk preferences be taken into
account, but the duality relations for the profit function, including
the reciprocity conditions, are unavailable when a risk averter
maximizes the expected utility of profit. Indeed, as noted by Batra and
Ullah (1974), long-run factor demands need not be decreasing in own
prices, leading to the possibility of short-run and long-run demands
having different slopes, rendering the question of comparing magnitudes
of elasticities meaningless.
To derive restrictions ensuring that LeChatelier effects carry over
to environments with price uncertainty, let the firm's criterion be
the expected utility function
V(K, L, w, r, [delta]) = [[[integral of].sup.p].sub.p] U(z(K, L, w,
r, p)) dH(p; [delta]), (6)
where U is an increasing, strictly concave function, thus
exhibiting risk aversion, and H is a cumulative distribution function
for the random output price p, indexed by a parameter [delta], with a
support contained in the interval [p, p]. The parameter [delta] is
discussed in the next section. A long-run expected utility maximum is
assumed to exist with positive profit for every realization of p.
The LeChatelier effect for output-conditional labor demand with
respect to the wage rate, analogous to Equation 5, carries over to an
environment with uncertainty, since the firm exhibits cost-minimizing
behavior even when facing a stochastic output price. However, the output
supply decision is influenced by preferences for risk bearing, as shown
by Sandmo (1971), and as a result, the presence of a LeChatelier effect
for unconditional labor demand depends on the firm's willingness to
bear risk.
Consider first the comparative statics of an increase in the wage
rate. In the short run under certainty, marginal cost rises when the
wage rate increases, leading to a reduction in output and demand for
labor, whereas in the long run, marginal cost rises (falls) and output
falls (rises) if labor is normal (inferior), so that demand for labor
always declines in the long run as the wage rate rises. These
predictions remain valid when the price of output is uncertain if the
firm is risk neutral, since then, only the expected price is relevant,
as if there were no uncertainty. However, a risk-averse firm may exhibit
an additional wealth effect arising from the decline in expected profit
occasioned by an increase in the wage rate. For a firm with constant
absolute risk aversion (CARA), there is no wealth effect, as the
firm's willingness to bear risk is unaffected by changes in wealth,
so there is only the price effect, which is always negative. In
contrast, a firm characterized by decreasing (increasing) absolu te risk
aversion (DARA [IARA]) is less (more) willing to bear risk as wealth
declines, so that the wealth effect of an increase in the wage rate
reinforces (opposes) the negative short-run price effect and reinforces
the negative long-run price effect if labor is normal (inferior). [2]
The following Lemma summarizes these comparative statics
predictions, using [L.sup.*](K, w, r, [delta]) to denote the short-run
demand for labor when output price is stochastic and [L.sup.*](w, r,
[delta]) to denote the corresponding long-run demand. [3]
LEMMA 1. Under price uncertainty, the short-run demand for labor
decreases whenever the wage rate increases; that is,
[delta][L.sup.*]/[delta]w [less than] 0, if U exhibits CARA or DARA,
whereas the long-run demand for labor decreases; that is,
[delta][L.sup.*]/[delta]w [less than] 0, if U exhibits CARA or if U
exhibits DARA and labor is noninferior (nonnormal) in production.
In Appendix A, the following expression is derived relating the
slopes of the long-run and short-run demands for labor at a long-run
equilibrium configuration,
[delta][L.sup.*]/[delta]w = [theta][delta][L.sup.*]/[delta]w -
[theta]([V.sub.KL]/[V.sub.LL][V.sub.KK])L [integral of]
U"([pF.sub.K] - r) dH(p; [delta]), (7)
where [theta] = [V.sub.KK][V.sub.LL]/([V.sub.KK][V.sub.LL] -
[[V.sup.2].sub.KL]) [greater than] 1 given the second-order sufficient
conditions. For a firm exhibiting IARA, no sign-definite prediction is
possible concerning [delta][L.sup.*]/[delta]w, whereas
[delta][L.sup.*]/[delta]w is unambiguously negative if labor is
nonnormal, but of indeterminate sign otherwise. As a consequence, labor
demand may not exhibit the LeChatelier effect when the firm's risk
preferences are characterized by IARA.
For a firm exhibiting CARA, there are no wealth effects so that
both [delta][L.sup.*]/[delta]w and [delta][L.sup.*]/[delta]w are
unambiguously negative, and the integral on the right-hand side of
Equation 7 vanishes. Because [theta] exceeds one, a firm with CARA
exhibits the LeChatelier effect for labor demanded.
Finally, with DARA, the wealth effect entering through the integral
in Equation 7 is positive, whereas both [delta][L.sup.*]/[delta]w and
[delta][L.sup.*]/[delta]w are negative if labor is normal. In this case,
the firm's labor demand exhibits the LeChatelier effect if the
cross-partial derivative
[V.sub.KL] = (w/r) [integral of] U"[([pF.sub.K] - r).sup.2]
dH(p; [delta]) + [F.sub.KL] [integral of] U'p dH(p; [delta]) (8)
is nonnegative; that is, if the expected utility function is
supermodular with respect to capital and labor at long-run equilibrium
configurations. For this to be true, labor and capital must be
complements in production ([F.sub.KL] [greater than] 0). Moreover, this
complementarity must be stong enough to offset the effect of risk
aversion, which tends to make the factors substitutes in generating
expected utility in a long-run equilibrium, since marginal profits from
labor and capital are subject to perfectly correlated risks.
On the other hand, if capital and labor prove to be substitutes in
expected utility ([V.sub.KL] [less than] 0), either because they are
substitutes in production or insufficiently complementary to offset the
effect of risk aversion, then the second term on the right-hand side of
Equation 7 is positive for a firm with DARA. Hence, when capital and
labor are substitutes in an expected utility function with DARA, the
wealth effect of an increase in the wage rate feeds back through the
long-run adjustment of capital to oppose the short-run change in labor
demanded, and as a consequence, the firm's demand for labor may not
exhibit the LeCatelier effect. An example is presented in Appendix B
wherein a firm with constant relative risk aversion, and hence DARA,
violates the LeChatelier prediction for labor demanded given a
symmetric, decreasing returns to scale production function of the
Cobb-Douglas form.
Thus, a definite prediction concerning the LeChatelier effect for
labor demanded with respect to changes in the wage rate emerges only in
the case of a firm characterized by CARA.
PROPOSITION 1. In long-run equilibrium under price uncertainty,
labor demanded decreases by more in the long run than in the short run
when the wage rate increases; that is, [delta][L.sup.*]/[delta]w [less
than] [delta][L.sup.*]/[delta]w [less than] 0, if U exhibits CARA.
3. LeChatelier Effects for Output Supplied in Response to Changes
in Uncertainty and in Risk Aversion
LeChatelier predictions can also be established with respect to
changes in the probability distribution for the stochastic output price
by generalizing the concept of an increase in price to account for
uncertainty in the manner suggested by Ormiston and Schlee (1993). They
demonstrate that the behavioral response to an increase in price under
certainty is qualitatively the same as the response to a monotone
likelihood ratio (MLR) improvement in the probability distribution when
price is stochastic. They also note that these changes in uncertainty
are behaviorally identical to reductions in risk aversion. In this
section, LeChatelier predictions are established for output supplied
with respect to both MLR improvements and reductions in risk aversion,
thereby extending the behavioral link between improvements under
certainty, MLR improvements under uncertainty, and changes in risk
aversion from the first order to the second.
MLR Improvements
Formally, an MLR improvement is a first-order stochastic dominance
shift from an initial cumulative probability distribution [H.sup.0](p)
to a final distribution [H.sup.1](p) that satisfies the following
[H.sup.0](p) = 1 over a nondegenerate interval ([p.sub.2], p]
[H.sup.1](p) = 0 over a nondegenerate interval [p, [p.sub.1])
[H.sup.1](p) = [[[integral of].sup.p].sub.[p.sub.i]]
Thus, MLR improvements increase, or leave unchanged, both the
maximum and minimum realized values for the random price p, while
ensuring that, over the common interval of support, the ratio of
likelihoods is increasing with respect to p; that is,
[h.sup.1](p)/[h.sup.0](p) = k(p) with [k.sup.1] [greater than] 0 for the
probability densities [h.sup.1] and [h.sup.0]. As a consequence, the
expected value of p increases.
MLR improvements in the output price distribution correspond to
increases in the "strength" of industry demand as indicated by
the parameter [delta]. A higher price, then, represents, ex post, more
favorable news about the strength of demand in the sense discussed by
Milgrom (198 la, b), that for any nondegenerate prior beliefs about 8,
posterior beliefs conditional on a particular price stochastically dominate at the first-order posterior beliefs conditional on any lower
As shown by Sandmo (1971), Batra and Ullah (1974), and Epstein
(1978), an additive shift in the price distribution does not necessarily
lead to an increase in output supplied. Indeed, as shown by Hadar and
Russell (1978) and Ormiston and Schlee (1992, 1993), the same is true of
first-order stochastic dominance improvements. However, MLR improvments
always lead to an increase in output supplied, as shown in the following
result. [4]
LEMMA 2. Let an increase in [delta] cause a monotone likelihood
ratio improvement in the probability distribution for output price, H(p;
[delta]). Then output increases with increases in [delta] in both the
short run and the long run; that is, [delta][y.sup.*]/[delta][delta]
[greater than] 0 and [delta][y.sup.*]/[delta][delta] [greater than] 0.
The long-run demand for capital increases (decreases) if capital is
normal (inferior) in production.
The statement concerning short-run changes in supply represents an
application of Ormiston and Schlee's (1993) Theorem 2.
Specifically, since output increases whenever p increases under
certainty, output increases with MLR improvements in price uncertainty.
The statement concerning output supplied in the long run extends this
result to the case of two decision variables in the theory of the
competitive firm.
Lemma 2 contrasts with the conclusions reached by Sandmo (1971)
that either CARA or DARA is sufficient for the quantity supplied by a
competitive firm to increase with an additive shift of the random output
price, but that with IARA, the firm's supply could decrease. In the
case of MLR improvements in the random output price, no restrictions on
risk preferences are needed to predict that quantity supplied increases.
By exploiting Lemma 2, the next result establishes the LeChatelier
prediction for output supplied in response to MLR improvements.
PROPOSITION 2. Let an increase in [delta] cause a monotone
likelihood ratio improvement in the probability distribution H(p;
[delta]). Then in long-run equilibrium under price uncertainty, output
supplied increases by more in the long run than in the short run when
[delta] increases; that is, [[delta][y.sup.*]/[delta][delta] [greater
than] [[delta][y.sup.*]/[delta][delta] [greater than] 0.
Note that restrictions on risk preferences are not needed to ensure
that the LeChatelier prediction for output supplied carries over from
the case of price increases under certainty to MLR improvements under
uncertainty. This conclusion extends to the second order the result
obtained by Ormiston and Schlee (1993) linking first-order behavioral
responses to improvements under certainty and MLR improvements under
In contrast, whereas labor demanded obeys the LeChatelier
prediction with respect to output price under certainty when capital and
labor are normal and complementary in production, no such prediction
emerges when output price is stochastic. In place of complementarity in
production, the factors must be complementary in expected utility, but
tend instead to be substitutes, causing wealth effects, as they feed
back through the long-run adjustment of capital, to oppose the short-run
change in labor demanded in response to an MLR improvement in the price
Changes in Risk Aversion
LeChatelier predictions can also be established with respect to
changes in risk aversion by applying the fundamental Theorem 4 of
Diamond and Sitglitz (1974). They show that, for the case of one choice
variable, an increase in risk aversion causes the optimal choice to fall
(rise) if the marginal value of the choice variable changes sign once
from positive to negative as the random variable decreases (increases)
over its domain of support.
An increase in risk aversion is represented by replacing the
utility function U with the transformed function [psi](U; p), where an
increase in the preference parameter p indicates that the transformation
function [psi] is more concave, thereby increasing the degree of risk
aversion. As an application of Diamond and Stiglitz's Theorem 4,
the following Lemma establishes comparative statics predictions for
output supplied with respect to increases in risk aversion that parallel
those stated in Lemma 2 concerning MLR improvements.
LEMMA 3. Let an increase in p cause an increase in risk aversion.
Then output supplied under price uncertainty decreases when p increases
in both the long run and the short run; that is,
[delta][y.sup.*]/[delta]p [less than] 0 and [delta][y.sup.*]/[delta]p
[less than] 0. The long-run demand for capital decreases (increases) if
capital is normal (inferior) in production.
By exploiting Lemma 3, Proposition 3 demonstrates the LeChatelier
prediction for output supplied with respect to increases in risk
aversion under price uncertainty.
PROPOSITION 3. Let an increase in [rho] cause an increase in risk
aversion. Then in long-run equilibrium under price uncertainty, output
supplied decreases by more in the long run than in the short run when
[rho] increases; that is, [delta][y.sup.*]/[delta][rho] [greater than]
[delta][y.sup.*]/[delta][rho] [greater than] 0.
This Proposition complements Proposition 2 concerning MLR
improvements, and shows that no assumptions on risk preferences are
required to ensure the LeChatelier prediction for output supplied with
respect to increases in risk aversion. In addition, just as in the case
of MLR improvements, so in the case of changes in risk aversion, no
parallel LeChatelier prediction for labor demanded is possible.
4. Absence of Global LeChatelier Predictions
Thus far, only local LeChatelier predictions have been established.
The global LeChatelier principle set forth by Milgrom and Roberts (1996)
requires that the criterion function be supermodular; that is, the
cross-partial derivatives involving capital, labor, and the wage rate
must be nonnegative. Unfortunately, the cross derivative between capital
and labor for the expected utility function V(K, L, w, r, [delta]) in
the general case is given by
[V.sub.KL] = [integral of] U"(p[F.sub.k] - w) dH + [F.sub.KL]
[integral of] U'p dH. (9)
In a long-run equilibrium, [F.sub.L]/[F.sub.K] = w/r and the first
integral is unambiguously negative, as shown in Equation 8. Nonetheless,
the expected utility function is supermodular at long-run equilibria if
capital and labor are sufficiently complementary in production. However,
outside the neighborhood of a long-run equilibrium, the first term in
Equation 9 could dominate the second, reversing the modularity of
expected utility. Because the expected utility criterion is not
necessarily uniformly modular away from long-run equilibria, global
LeChatelier effects cannot be predicted for labor demand.
Similarly, uniform modularity fails when the firm's criterion
is formulated with output and capital as the decision variables, as in
the proof of Lemma 2 in Appendix A. The sign of the cross-partial
derivative for capital with respect to the probability distribution
parameter [delta] depends on whether capital is above or below its
long-run equilibrium level, [K.sup.*](w, r, [delta]. Hence, a global
LeChatelier prediction for supply is not possible for a risk-averse
competitive firm facing output price uncertainty.
5. Conclusions
LeChatelier effects involve behavioral responses at the second
order, reflecting, for example, the greater local concavity of profit as
a function of output price in the short run, as a consequence of
maximizing behavior in the face of an additional constraint limiting the
adjustment of capital. The response of a competitive firm ceteris
paribus to changes in an exogenous variable under certainty are less
elastic in the short run, when the use of capital is fixed, than in the
long run, since feedback from the optimal adjustment of capital always
reinforces short-run responses, whether capital and labor are
complements or substitutes. Milgrom and Roberts (1996) show that uniform
complementarity or substitutability between capital and labor ensures
that feedback from optimal capital adjustments is reinforcing globally,
not merely in the neighborhood of a long-run equilibrium for the firm.
Such a global LeChatelier prediction is not available for a
risk-averse competitive firm facing a stochastic price for output. Risk
preferences interact with technology to generate feedback effects that
may, in some instances, oppose he short-run, more constrained responses
to increases in the wage rate or monotone likelihood ratio improvements
in the output price distribution. Local LeChatelier predictions,
however, are possible at long-run equilibrium configurations for the
firm. Indeed, constant absolute risk aversion is sufficient for
own-price LeChatelier effects for labor demanded, since in the absence
of wealth effects, risk preferences have no direct bearing on factor
demands. Moreover, the LeChatelier effect for output supplied holds
without qualification for monotone likelihood ratio improvements in the
price distribution and increases in risk aversion. Thus, the perfect
behavioral link between monotone likelihood ratio improvements and
reductions in risk aversion established by Ormiston and Schlee (1993)
for first-order comparative statics effects applies as well to the
second-order LeChatelier effects.
(*.) Department of Economics, University of Georgia, Athens, GA
30602, USA; E-mail
[email protected]. The helpful comments and
suggestions of two anonymous referees are gratefully acknowledged.
Received June 1998; accepted April 1999.
(1.) An additional situation that may fit the mold of the
risk-averse firm arises when a risk-averse manager's compensation
is linked to profit, as in a moral hazard setting where ownership is
separated from managerial control. As emphasized by Sandmo (1971), when
an entrepreneurial firm has more than one owner making decisions, it
must be assumed that their preferences are sufficiently similar to
justify representing the firm's objective by an expected utility
function. Leland (1974) and Feder, Just, and Schmitz (1980) analyzed the
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diversifying risks faced by a competitive firm.
(2.) Batra and Ullah (1974) observed that with DARA, the demand for
labor is a decreasing function of the wage rate if capital and labor are
complementary in production, which is sufficient, but not necessary, for
labor to be a normal factor.
(3.) Proofs of results are presented in Appendix A.
(4.) Ormiston and Schlee (1993) note that an additive shift does
correspond to an MLR improvement if the density function is log-concave
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Appendix A
In this Appendix proofs are provided for the results stated in the
text. The first two Lemmas and Propositions apply to any strictly
concave utility function U regardless of the degree of risk aversion.
PROOF OF LEMMA 1. The proof makes use of the following well-known
fact established by Arrow (1965) and Sandmo (1971) and stated here for a
general criterion function U(Z[alpha] p)) with decision variable [alpha]
and random variable p. "Primes" on U denote derivatives, and
subscripts denote partial derivatives for functions with multiple
Fact: If U exhibits DARA [CARA] (IARA), then
[integral of] U"(Z([alpha], p))[Z.sub.[alpha]] dH(p) [greater
than] [=] ([less than] 0
[integral of] U'[Z.sub.[alpha]] dH = 0 for a function
Z([alpha], p)
such that
[Z.sub.p] [greater than or equal to] 0, and [Z.sub.ap] [greater
than] 0 whenever [Z.sub.[alpha]] = 0.
The choice variable a depends on the context. Intuitively, with a
satisfying the first-order condition, an increase in wealth leads to an
increase (decrease) in the willingness to bear risk when utility
exhibits DARA (IARA) implying that the choice of [alpha] rises (falls),
while the second-order sufficient condition implies that the direction
of change in [alpha] has the same sign as [integral of] U"
[Z.sub.[alpha]] dH.
To prove this fact, assume [Z.sub.[alpha]]([alpha], p+) = 0. With
[Z.sub.p] [greater than or equal to] 0, whenever p [greater than] ([less
than]) p+ one has Z [greater than] ([less than]) Z+ = Z([alpha], p+);
-U"(Z)/U'(Z) [less than] ([greater than]) -
if and only if U exhibits DARA. The single crossing property
assumed for [z.sub.[alpha]] ensures [Z.sub.[alpha]] [greater than]
([less than]) 0 as p [greater than] ([less than]) p+. Hence, multiplying by U' [Z.sub.[alpha]] yields
- U"(Z)[Z.sub.[alpha]] [less than] [-
for all p. Multiplying by - 1 and taking the expectation of both
sides yields the desired inequality,
[integral of] U"(Z([alpha], p))[Z.sub.[alpha]] dH(p) [greater
than] [- U"([Z.sup.+])/U'([Z.sup.+])] [integral of]
U'[Z.sub.[alpha]] dH = 0
The same proof applies mutatis mutandis to the cases of CARA and
To prove [delta][L.sup.*]/[delta]w [less than] 0 if U exhibits CARA
or DARA, observe that the first-order necessary conditions for
maximizing expected utility V given in Equation 6 can be written
[V.sub.L] = [integral of] U'([pF.sub.L] - w) dH = 0 (A1)
[V.sub.K] = [integral of] U'([pF.sub.K] - r) dH = 0, (A2)
implying that [F.sub.L]/[F.sub.K] = w/r in long-run equilibrium.
Short-run comparative statics are determined by Equation A1 alone, so
the change in labor demanded when the wage rate increases,
[delta][L.sup.*]/[delta]w, has the same sign as
[V.sub.Lw] = -L [integral of] U"([pF.sub.L] - w) dH -
[integral of] U' dH, (A3)
given the second-order sufficient condition. The second integral is
positive, and when U exhibits CARA or DARA, the first integral is
nonnegative, in which event the entire expression is negative. Hence,
either CARA or DARA is sufficient for [delta][L.sup.*]/[delta]w [less
than] 0.
Regarding the own-price comparative statics effects for long-run
factor demands, the first-order conditions in Equations A1 and A2 imply
the comparative statics relation
[delta][L.sup.*]/[delta]w = (-[V.sub.Lw][V.sub.KK] +
[V.sub.Kw][V.sub.KL])/ ([V.sub.KK][V.sub.LL] - [[V.sup.2].sub.KL]). (A4)
Hence, the second-order sufficient conditions imply that demand for
labor decreases (increases) as the wage rate increases,
[delta][L.sup.*]/[delta]w [less than] ([greater than]) 0, if
-[V.sub.Lw][V.sub.KK] + [V.sub.Kw][V.sub.KL] (A5)
is negative (positive). Equation A2 implies
[V.sub.Kw] = -L [integral of] U"([pF.sub.k] - r) dH, (A6)
so that [V.sub.Kw] [equivalent to] 0 with CARA. In this case,
[delta][L.sup.*]/[delta]w has the same sign as [V.sub.Lw], which is
Finally, consider the case of DARA (IARA). Because
[F.sub.L]/[F.sub.K] = w/r in long-run equilibrium, Equations A3 and A6
[V.sub.Lw] = [V.sub.Kw]([F.sub.L]/[F.sub.K]) - [integral of]
U' dH, (A7)
which with Equation A5 implies that the sign of
[delta][L.sup.*]/[delta]w is the same as the sign of the following
[V.sub.Kw][[V.sub.KL] - ([F.sub.L]/[F.sub.K])[V.sub.KK]] +
[V.sub.KK] [integral of] U' dH. (A8)
Observe that
[V.sub.KK] = [integral of] U"[([pF.sub.k] - r).sup.2]dH +
[F.sub.KK] [integral of] U'p dH
is negative, so the second term in Expression A8 is negative,
whereas [V.sub.Kw] is negative (positive) given DARA (IARA). Hence, the
proof is complete if the bracketed expression is nonnegative
(nonpositive) when labor is noninferior (nonnormal). Substituting for
[V.sub.KK] and for [V.sub.KL] from Equation 8 yields
[V.sub.KL] - ([F.sub.L]/[F.sub.K])[V.sub.KK] = [[F.sub.KL] -
([F.sub.L]/[F.sub.K])[F.sub.KK]] [integral of] U'p dH, (A9)
as the second-order effects involving U" are eliminated. Thus,
the expression is nonnegative (nonpositive) when labor is noninferior
(nonnormal). QED.
PROOF OF PROPOSITION 1. Differentiating the identity
[L.sup.*](w, r, [delta]) [equivalent to] [L.sup.*]([K.sup.*](w, r,
[delta]), w, r, [delta])
with respect to the wage rate w yields
[delta][L.sup.*]/[delta]w [equivalent to] [delta][L.sup.*]/[delta]w
+ ([delta][L.sup.*]/[delta]K)([delta]/[K.sup.*]/[delta]w). (A10)
Let [K.sup.*](L, w, r, [delta]) denote the demand function for
capital when labor's use is artificially held constant.
Differentiating the identity
[K.sup.*](w, r, [delta]) [equivalent to] [K.sup.*]([L.sup.*](w, r,
[delta]),w, r, [delta])
with respect to w yields
[delta][K.sup.*]/[delta]w [equivalent to]
([delta][K.sup.*]/[delta]L)([delta][L.sup.*]/[delta]w) +
[delta][K.sup.*]/[delta]w. (A11)
Substituting this expression into Identity (A10) and rearranging
terms yields
([delta][L.sup.*]/[delta]w)[l -
([delta][L.sup.*]/[delta]K)([delta][K.sup.*]/[delta]L)] [equivalent to]
[delta][L.sup.*]/[delta]w +
Substituting for [delta][L.sup.*]/[delta]K =
-[V.sub.KL]/[V.sub.LL], [delta][K.sup.*]/[delta]L =
-[V.sub.KL]/[V.sub.KK], [delta][K.sub.*]/[delta]w =
-[V.sub.Kw]/[V.sub.KK], and [V.sub.Kw] from Equation A6 and solving for
[delta][L.sup.*]/[delta]w yields the expression given in the text at
Equation 7, and the subsequent discussion there completes the proof.
PROOF OF LEMMA. 2. Let c(K, y) denote the short-run cost function,
with factor prices notationally suppressed. The firm's short-run
supply decision and its long-run decisions concerning output supplied
and demand for capital can be characterized by maximizing the criterion
v(K, y, [delta]) [equivalent to] [integral of] U(py - o(K, y))
dH(p; [delta]).
The first-order necessary conditions
[v.sub.K] = - [integral of] U'[dHc.sub.k] = 0 [v.sub.y] =
[integral of] U'(p - [c.sub.y]) dH = 0
imply that [c.sub.k] = 0 at a long-run profit maximum for the firm.
Observe that the second-order sufficient condition implies that the sign
of the short-run supply response to MLR improvements,
[delta][y.sup.*]/[delta][delta], is the same as the sign of
[v.sub.y[delta]]. Similarly, the long-run response,
[delta][y.sup.*]/[delta][delta], has the same sign as
-[v.sub.y[delta]][v.sub.KK] + [v.sub.K[delta]][v.sub.Ky] =
since [v.sub.K[delta]] = 0 in the long run. Hence, the long-run and
short-run output responses have the same sign as [v.sub.y[delta]]. The
long-run change in demand for capital, [delta][K.sub.*]/[delta][delta],
has the same sign as
-[v.sub.x[delta]][v.sub.yy] + [v.sub.y[delta]][v.sub.ky] =
-[v.sub.y[delta]][C.sub.Ky] [integral of] U'dH.
Thus, the change in capital demand has the same (opposite) sign as
[v.sub.y[delta]] if [c.sub.Ky] [less than] ([greater than]) 0. It
follows that the proof is complete once [c.sub.Ky] [less than] 0 is
linked with the normality of capital and [v.sub.y[delta]] is shown to be
The first-order conditions for minimizing short-run cost, w -
[[lambda]F.sub.L] = 0 = y - F, where the Lagrange multiplier is the
marginal cost [lambda] = [c.sub.y], imply
[delta][lambda]/[delta]K =
([[lambda]F.sub.K]/[[F.sup.2].sub.L])[[F.sub.LL] -
Hence, [c.sub.Ky] is negative (positive) when capital is normal
(inferior), as indicated by the sign of the term in brackets.
The proof is completed by showing that [v.sub.y[delta]] is positive
in the manner of Ormiston and Schlee's (1993) proof of their
theorem 2. Let [pi](K, y, p) = py - c(K, y). Note that for [p.sup.*] =
[c.sub.y]([K.sub.*], [y.sub.*]), one has [delta][pi]([K.sub.*],
[y.sub.*], [p.sub.*])/[delta]y = 0 and [delta][pi]([K.sub.*], [y.sub.*],
p)/[delta]y [less than] ([greater than]) 0 as p [less than] ([greater
than]) [p.sub.*]. Assume that H(p; [[delta].sup.1]) represents an MLR
improvement of H(p; [[delta].sup.0]). The definition for MLR improvement
[v.sub.y]([K.sup.*], [y.sup.*], [[delta].sup.1) = [[[integral
of].sup.p].sub.p] U'[[pi].sub.y] dH(p;[[delta].sup.1] = [[[integral
of].sup.p2].sub.p1] U'[[pi].sub.y]K(p) dH(p; [[delta].sup.0]) +
[[[integral of].sup.p].sub.p2] U'[[pi].sub.y]dH(p; [[delta].sup.1])
[greater than or equal to] [[[integral of].sup.p2].sub.p1]
U'[[pi].sub.y]k(p) dH(p; [[delta].sup.0]).
where the inequality follows from [delta][pi]([K.sup.*], [y.sup.*],
p)/[delta]p [greater than] 0 for p [epsilon] ([p.sub.2], p], since
[p.sup.*] [less than or equal to] [p.sub.2]. If [p.sup.*] [epsilon] [p,
[p.sub.1]], than
[[[integral of].sup.p2].sub.p1] U'[[pi].sub.y]k(p)
dH(p)[[delta].sup.0] [greater than or equal to] 0,
since k(p) is nonnegative. It follows that
[v.sub.y[delta]]([K.sub.*], [y.sub.*], [[delta].sup.0]) is positive in
this case. If [p.sup.*] [epsilon] ([p.sub.1], [p.sub.2]), then
[[[integral].sup.p2].sub.p1] U'[[pi].sub.y]k(p) dH(p;
[[delta].sup.0] [greater than or equal to] k([p.sub.*]){[[[integral
of].sup.[p.sup.*]].sub.p1] U'[[pi].sub.y]dH(p; [[delta].sup.0]) +
[[[integral of].sup.p2].sub.[p.sup.*]] U'[[pi].sub.y] dH(p;
since k is increasing. The right-hand side is equal to
K([p.sup.*]) [[integral of].sup.p2].sub.p1]]
U'[[pi].sub.y]dH(p;[[delta].sup.0]) = -k([p.sup.*]) [[integral
of].sup.p1].sub.p] U'[[pi].sub.y] dH(p;[[delta].sup.0]) [greater
than or equal to] 0,
where the equality follows from the first-order condition
[v.sub.y]([K.sup.*], [y.sup.*], [[delta].sup.0]) = 0, and the inequality
follows from the assumption that [p.sup.*] exceeds [p.sub.t]. Thus,
[v.sub.y[delta]]([K.sup.*], [y.sup.*], [[delta].sup.0]) is again
positive. QED.
PROOF OF PROPOSITION 2. Differentiating the identity
[y.sup.*] (w, r, [delta]) [equivalent to] [y.sup.*]([K.sup.*](w, r,
[delta]), w, r, [delta])
with respect to the shift parameter [delta] for MLR improvements
[delta][y.sup.*]/[delta][delta] [equivalent to]
[delta][y.sup.*]/[delta][delta] +
Lemma 2 indicates that [delta][y.sup.*]/[delta][delta] and
[delta][y.sup.*]/[delta][delta] are both positive. Hence, the own-price
LeChatelier prediction for output is established by showing that the
product in the second term is positive.
Observe that [y.sup.*] = F(K, [L.sup.*]) implies
[delta][y.sup.*]/[delta]K = [F.sub.k] +
([delta][L.sup.*]/[delta]K)[F.sub.L] = [F.sub.K] -
([V.sub.KL]/[V.sub.LL])[F.sub.L] = - [F.sub.L]/[V.sub.LL][[V.sub.KL] -
([F.sub.K]/[F.sub.L])[V.sub.LL]] = - [F.sub.L]/[V.sub.LL][[F.sub.KL] -
([F.sub.K]/[F.sub.L])[F.sub.LL]] [integral of] U'p dH.
The last term in brackets is positive (negative) when capital is
normal (inferior), implying that [delta][y.sup.*]/[delta]K and
[delta][K.sup.*]/[delta][delta] have the same sign, since
[delta][y.sup.*]/[delta][delta] is unambiguously positive, as
established in Lemma 2. It follows that the product in the second term
is positive, completing the proof. QED.
The final Lemma and Proposition concern increases in the degree of
risk aversion, and so exploit the transformation function [psi](U;
PROOF OF LEMMA 3. The proof of Lemma 2 mutatis mutandis based on
the criterion v(K, y, p) = [integral of] [psi](U(py - [delta](K, y));
[rho]) dH(p) with short-run cost function c(K, y), applies here with
[rho] replacing [delta] to show that [delta][y.sup.*]/[delta][rho] and
[delta][y.sup.*]/[delta][rho] have the same sign as [v.sub.yp], and that
[delta][K.sup.*]/[delta][rho] also has the same (opposite) sign as
[v.sub.yp] if capital is normal (inferior) in production.
To establish [v.sub.yp] [less than] 0 and complete the proof,
differentiate the first-order necessary condition
[v.sub.y] = [integral of] [[psi].sub.U]U'(p - [c.sub.y]) dH =
with respect to the risk-aversion index [rho] to obtain
[v.sub.yp] = [integral of]
([[psi].sub.Up]/[[psi].sub.U])[[psi].sub.U]U'(p - [c.sub.y]) dH =
[integral of] [([[psi].sub.Up]/[[psi].sub.U]) -
([[[psi].sup.+].sub.Up]/[[[psi].sup.+].sub.U])][[psi].sub.U]U'(p -
[c.sub.y]) dH,
where [[[psi].sup.+].sub.Up]/[[[psi].sup.+].sub.U])is evaluated at
the price p+ such that U'(p - [c.sub.y]) is positive (negative)
when p is above (below) p+. Because increases in [rho] induce increases
in risk aversion, [[delta].sup.2] In [[psi].sub.U]/[[delta]p[delta]U is
negative, as discussed by Diamond and Stiglitz (1974), implying that the
term in brackets is negative (positive) when p is above (below) p+. It
follows that [v.sub.yp] is negative. QED.
PROOF OF PROPOSITION 3. The proof of this Proposition follows that
of Proposition 2, with [rho] replacing [delta] and Lemma 3 replacing
Lemma 2. QED.
Appendix B
In this Appendix, an example is presented in which a competitive
firm facing output price uncertainty does not exhibit the LeChatelier
effect for labor demanded. It follows from Equation A10 that the
LeChatelier effect is absent if the inequality
([delta][L.sup.*]/[delta]K)([delta][K.sup.*]/[delta]w) [greater
than] 0
holds at a long-run equilibrium. After substituting for
[delta][L.sup.*]/[delta]K = - [V.sub.KL]/[V.sub.LL] and for
[delta][K.sup.*]/[delta]w from Equation A11, and substituting for
[delta][K.sup.*]/[delta]L = - [V.sub.KL]/[V.sub.KK] and
[delta][K.sup.*]/[delta]w = - [V.sub.Kw]/[V.sub.KK] and rearranging
terms, while recalling the second-order sufficient conditions, the
desired inequality becomes
[delta][L.sup.*]/[delta]w [greater than] - [V.sub.Kw]/[V.sub.KL].
Substituting for [delta][L.sup.*]/[delta]w from Equation A4 yields
[V.sub.Lw] [greater than] [V.sub.Kw] [V.sub.LL]/[V.sub.KL]
after rearranging terms. Now substituting for [V.sub.Lw] from
Equation A7, using
[V.sub.LL] -- ([F.sub.L]/[F.sub.K])[V.sub.KL] = [[F.sub.LL] -
([F.sub.L]/[F.sub.K])[F.sub.KL] [integral of] U'p dH,
which is obtained in the same manner as the expression in Equation
A9, and using
[integral of] U' dH = ([F.sub.L]/w) [integral of] U'p dH,
which is obtained from the first-order condition in Equation A1,
-[F.sub.L]/w [greater than] [[F.sub.LL -
It will be shown in the example that [V.sub.KL] is negative. Thus,
substituting for [V.sub.Kw] from Equation A6 and for [V.sub.KL] from
Equation 8 yields
[integral of] U"(P - M)[[F.sub.L](p - M) + w[eta]] dH +
(F.sub.KL]/[F.sub.K])[[integral of] U'p dH + wL [integral of]
U"(p - M) dH][greater than] 0, (A12)
where M = r/[F.sub.K] denotes long-run marginal cost and [eta] =
-[LF.sub.LL]/[F.sub.L] is (minus) the elasticity of the marginal product of labor with respect to labor usage.
With DARA, the second integral within brackets at A12 is positive.
Thus, when capital and labor are complements in production ([F.sub.KL]
[greater than] 0), the second term in the sum at Equation A12 is
positive with DARA. Hence, the desired inequality holds if the first
integral is also positive.
In the example, an expected utility maximum is assumed to occur on
the unit isoquant with wage and interest rates both equal to one. The
production function has the symmetric, generalized Cobb-Douglas form
F(K, L) [(KL).sup.[alpha]] with decreasing returns to scale, so that
[alpha] is less than one half. Tressler and Menezes (1983) show that
production with constant returns so scale is inconsistent with free
entry by risk-averse entrepreneurs. Under these assumptions [F.sub.L] =
[alpha] and z = p -- A, where A denotes average cost. The utility
function U(z)= In (z) has constant relative risk aversion equal to one,
and so exhibits DARA with U" = -1/[Z.sup.2]. Under these
assumptions, the first integral in Equation A12 is positive if the
[integral of] [(p - M)/(p - A)][[alpha](p - M) + [eta]]/ (p - A) dH
is negative. The first-order condition in Equation Al implies that
[integral of] [(p - M)/(p - A)] dH = 0,
so the expression in Equation A13 has the same sign as the
covariance between [(p - M)]/(p - A) and [[alpha](p - M) + [eta]]/(p -
A). Because the former is increasing with p, the covariance is negative,
and Equation A13 has the desired negative sign, if the latter is
decreasing with p, which requires [alpha](M -A) [greater than][eta]. It
is easy to check that this inequality holds, since the assumed
conditions on production imply M = 1/[alpha], A = 2 and [eta] = 1 -
[alpha]. Finally, to verify that [V.sub.KL] is negative, note that
[F.sub.KL]/[F.sub.k] = [alpha] under the assumed conditions, and
Equation 8 can be written as
[V.sub.KL]/[F.sub.K] = [integral of] [(p - M)/(p - A)] ([-(p -
M)/(p - A)] + [alpha]p/(p - M)] dH,
which is negative, since the covariance between the two terms in
braces is negative as the first is increasing with P, whereas the second
is decreasing.