Illicit Drug Use, Employment, and Labor Force Participation.
Alexandre, Pierre Kebreau
Michael T. French [*]
M. Christopher Roebuck [+]
Pierre Kebreau Alexandre [+]
Illicit drug use has declined among the U.S. adult population, but
national surveys show the majority of illicit drug users are employed.
Concern about workplace productivity, absenteeism, and safety has led
many employers to establish employee assistance and drug testing
programs. Given the sharp interest in workplace interventions, more
information is needed about the relationships between drug use and labor
market status. This study estimated the probability of employment and
labor force participation for different types of drug users using
nationally representative data from the 1997 National Household Survey
on Drug Abuse. Results strongly indicated that chronic drug use was
significantly related (negative) to employment for both genders and
labor force participation for males. Furthermore, nonchronic drug use
was not significantly related to employment or labor force
participation. These findings suggest that workplace policies for
illicit drug use should consider chronic or problem drug users apart fro
m light or casual users.
1. Introduction
Illicit drug abuse often leads to significant personal and social
consequences, including labor market problems (Harwood, Fountain, and
Livermore 1998). Casual drug use (vs. chronic drug use or drug abuse),
however, has uncertain effects on job performance, especially when
consumption occurs away from the workplace and a relatively lengthy
period of time has elapsed between consumption and work. A growing body
of literature has examined the relationships between drug use, drug
abuse, and labor market measures (for recent reviews, see French 1993;
Kaestner 1998). The majority of these studies have focused on wages and
earnings (e.g., Kaestner 1991, 1994a; Gill and Michaels 1992; Kandel,
Chen, and Gill 1995; French and Zarkin 1995; Heien 1996; Buchmueller and
Zuvekas 1998; French, Zarkin, and Dunlap 1998). Researchers have also
examined the relationships between substance use and labor supply
measures such as employment status, labor force participation, annual
weeks employed, or daily hours worked (e.g., Regis ter and Williams
1992; Kaestner 1994b; Mullahy and Sindelar 1996; Buch-mueller and
Zuvekas 1998; Zarkin et al. 1998; French et al. 2001). In general, the
labor supply results are inconsistent across studies.
Although the existing literature suggests that the relationships
between drug use and wages are complex and perhaps ambiguous (Normand,
Lempert, and O'Brien 1994; Kaestner 1998), the principal workplace
impact may involve employment status and labor supply rather than
earnings per se (Mullahy and Sindelar 1996; French et al. 2001). One of
the most ambitious studies of substance use and employment status was by
Mullahy and Sindelar (1996). These authors derived various estimates of
the effects of problem drinking on employment and unemployment. [1]
Specifically, they first estimated the relationships with ordinary least
squares (OLS, linear probability model) and then with an instrumental
variables (IV) approach. [2] Using the 1988 Alcohol Supplement of the
National Health Interview Survey, they found that problem drinking was
associated with lower employment and higher unemployment for males
(OLS). In contrast, female problem drinkers were more likely to be both
employed and unemployed (OLS). The IV results w ere consistent in sign
with the OLS results for males, but the IV estimates were not
statistically significant for any of the problem drinking definitions.
For females, the IV findings were different from the OLS findings
regarding employment, but the coefficient estimates were not
significant. [3]
The research by Mullahy and Sindelar (1996) was a significant
contribution to the literature because it was one of the first studies
that estimated the association between substance use and employment
status. The authors developed several measures of alcohol use and used
an IV technique to control for the endogeneity of problem drinking.
Despite these notable features, the study can be extended and modified
in several ways. For example, no recent studies have used national
surveys of the adult household population to examine the relationships
between illicit drug use and labor market status. Second, Mullahy and
Sindelar did not examine labor force participation or different measures
of alcohol use in the same specification. Moreover, none of the
coefficient estimates for problem drinking in the IV models used by
Mullahy and Sindelar was significant, which could indicate the need to
secure better instruments. As noted by the authors, "...
econometric evidence presented here must be weighed carefully in light o
f the reasonableness of the identifying restrictions invoked to estimate
such models" (p. 432). Mullahy and Sindelar then proceeded to
encourage additional research in this area with new data sets and
improved measures.
The present article is an extension of earlier studies
(particularly Mullahy and Sindelar 1996) and a contribution to the
growing literature on the economic effects of drug use. Specifically,
the analysis focused on employment and labor force participation. [4]
Second, chronic drug use was examined rather than problem drinking.
Third, data were obtained from a recent national survey, the 1997
National Household Survey on Drug Abuse, with excellent measures of drug
use and labor market status. Finally, nonchronic drug use was examined
along with chronic drug use to determine whether the labor supply
effects extended to any type of drug use.
The rest of the article is organized as follows. Section 2 presents
theoretical background for the study. Section 3 introduces the empirical
models. The sample and data are explained in section 4. The results are
presented in section 5, and the article concludes with a discussion
(section 6).
2. Theoretical Background
Several theoretical or conceptual issues require careful
consideration when investigating the relationships between illicit drug
use and labor market behavior. For example, the direction of causality is complicated and uncertain. Does drug use lead to employment problems
or does a lack of employment foster drug use? Empirically, however, the
data requirements (e.g., longitudinal data with good price information
and other instrumental variables) that are necessary to statistically
address this issue are often beyond the reach of most investigators.
A completely different but equally important conceptual issue
concerns the definition of drug use. Regarding a legal substance such as
alcohol, most investigators recognize that a binary measure of alcohol
use would be inappropriate because light or occasional use may actually
be beneficial rather than problematic (Shaper 1990; Marmot and Brunner 1991; Coate 1993; French and Zarkin 1995; Heien 1996; Kannel and Ellison 1996). Illicit drug use is generally viewed differently than alcohol,
and investigators often estimate relationships between any illicit drug
use and health or labor market consequences (Kaestner 1991; Gill and
Michaels 1992). Only recently have studies begun to measure the
quantity/frequency dimensions of use and distinguish between the use of
different types of illicit drugs (Buchmueller and Zuvekas 1998; French
et al. 2000; McGeary and French 2000). The present article follows the
increasing emphasis on problematic drug use by examining chronic drug
users relative to nonchronic drug users and nonusers.
The measurement of employment is also important for a study of drug
use and labor market status. Most survey questionnaires record
employment status at the time the interview is administered. But,
defined in this manner, employment status may be misrepresented for
individuals who worked continuously for several months and then stopped
working at the time of the interview. Alternatively, some individuals
may secure a job shortly before the interview and be designated as
employed even though they worked little during the preceding months.
Similar issues may exist for measurement of labor force participation.
Consider an individual who continuously worked for several months,
became unemployed, and had not looked for work during the past 30 days
prior to the interview. This person would be classified as not in the
labor force. Although these measurement concerns probably only apply to
a small percentage of survey respondents, it is important to recognize
that changes in variable definitions and the timing of surv ey
administration could have an impact on the empirical findings.
The present analysis considers two measures of illicit drug use
(based on consumption over the prior 12 months) and two measures of
labor market status (pertaining to the time of survey administration).
To guide the empirical work that follows, the conceptual framework advanced by Mullahy and Sindelar (1996) is adapted. Specifically,
assuming that product and input markets are competitive and individuals
are price and wage takers, the implicit functions for drug use (D) and
labor market status (L) can be specified as
D = D(p, w, [X.sub.D], [[alpha].sub.D]) (1)
L = L(p, w, [X.sub.L], [[alpha].sub.L]), (2)
where p is a vector of all prices, w is a vector of all wages,
[X.sub.D] and [X.sub.L] are vectors of all observable factors (e.g.,
demographics, human capital, health status, geographic controls) that
influence D and L, and [[alpha].sub.D] and [[alpha].sub.L] are vectors
of unobservable characteristics that are related to D and L. In addition
to p and w, other common variables are likely present in the X's
and [alpha]'s across Equations 1 and 2.
Structural equations for D and L can be derived through a static
utility maximization model of drug use and leisure subject to a full
budget constraint. A flexible form of the utility function is assumed
whereby preferences for drug use and leisure are implicitly separable from other prices (Browning, Deaton, and Irish 1985; Blundell and Meghir
1986; Kaestner 1994a). Such a process could also lead to a set of
reduced-form equations similar to the following functions:
D = D(L, X, [alpha]) (3)
L = L(D, X, [alpha]), (4)
where X includes all variables in [X.sub.D] and [X.sub.L], and
[alpha] includes all factors in [[alpha].sub.D] and [[alpha].sub.L]. The
effect of D on L in Equation 4 is the relationship of interest for this
article. However, as suggested by Mullahy and Sindelar (1996),
estimation of Equation 4 with standard techniques such as OLS or probit would generate a biased result because D is correlated with [alpha].
Specifically, the effect of D on L can be written as
dL/dD = [L.sub.D] + [L.sub.[alpha]]d[alpha]/dD. (5)
An efficient or consistent estimate of dL/dD can be obtained by
addressing the endogeneity of D in the labor market equation through
variations of a two-stage IV technique (Register and Williams 1992;
Kaestner 1994b; Mullahy and Sindelar 1996; Greene 1997; Norton,
Lindrooth, and Ennett 1998; Evans, Farrelly, and Montgomery 1999;
Alexandre and French 2000). The following section outlines the empirical
3. Empirical Models
The empirical approach involved estimation of several
specifications of employed and labor force participation. Each
specification included a measure of chronic drug use or nonchronic drug
use during the past year. [5] All analyses were gender specific to
account for the differences in substance use and labor market behavior
between men and women (Mullahy and Sindelar 1991). The research was
designed to test the following two hypotheses:
H1: Chronic drug users are less likely to be employed or in the
labor force relative to nonchronic drug users and nondrug users.
H2: Nonchronic drug users have statistically similar employment and
labor force participation probabilities relative to nondrug users.
To test these hypotheses, the analysis began with a standard probit
specification that can be expressed as follows:
Pr([L.sub.i] = 1) = [phi]([X.sub.i][beta]), (6)
where [L.sub.i] is an indicator variable for either of the two
labor market variables (employment and labor force participation);
[X.sub.i] is a vector of variables that influence labor market status,
including demographic characteristics (e.g., age, race, education,
marital status), health status, geographic controls, and a dichotomous measure of illicit drug use; [beta] is a vector of parameters to
estimate; and [phi] is the cumulative normal distribution. Univariate probit models were estimated and marginal effects were calculated for
chronic drug use and nonchronic drug use.
As described in the previous section, using the univariate probit
technique to estimate Equation 4 could lead to biased results if drug
use is correlated with the unobservable characteristics that influence
[L.sub.i]. The Hausman--Wu test (Wu 1973; Hausman 1983) is often used to
test for the potential endogeneity of substance use, but because the
models are nonlinear, the analysis used the method suggested by Smith
and Blundell (1986). The null hypothesis that drug use was exogenous involved a [[chi].sub.2]-test of the explanatory power of the residuals
from the first-stage equation for drug use when added to Equation 6.
Similar to the Hausman--Wu test, the Smith--Blundell test is influenced
to a large degree by the reliability of the instruments (Nelson and
Startz 1990; Bollen, Guilkey, and Mroz 1995; Bound, Jaeger, and Baker
1995; Staiger and Stock 1997; Norton, Lindrooth, and Ennett 1998). Thus,
[[chi].sub.2]-tests for the significance of the instrument in explaining
drug use were used to test instrument reliabili ty (Bollen, Guilkey, and
Mroz 1995; Ettner 1996; Staiger and Stock 1997; Norton, Lindrooth, and
Ennett 1998). [6]
The initial step to implement the IV technique was to estimate a
first-stage probit for drug use ([D.sub.i]) with the observable
explanatory variables noted earlier ([Z.sub.i]) and a composite measure
of three additional variables ([A.sub.i]) as
Pr([D.sub.i] = 1) = [phi]([Z.sub.i][gamma] + [A.sub.i][delta]), (7)
where [gamma] and [delta]are vectors of parameters to estimate and
[A.sub.i] is a dichotomous variable equal to one if the respondent agreed or strongly agreed with each of the following statements:
"Religious beliefs are important to me," "Religious
beliefs influence my decisions," and "It is important that my
friends share my religious beliefs." This composite measure for
religiosity is intended to identify the strongly religious individuals
in the sample. The expectation is that religiosity is inversely related
to drug use because many organized religions advocate a wholesome lifestyle that is free of unhealthy substances (Cochran, Beeghley, and
Bock 1988; Fetzer Institute 1999). Illicit drug use is often discouraged because it is an illegal activity and it interferes with spiritual
pursuits. Moreover, Schwartz and Huismans (1995) found that religious
people place less value on self-indulgence and pleasure seeking, which
are often motivations for drug use. Religious belief measures were used
as instruments in pre vious studies, and results consistently showed a
negative and significant relationship with drug use (Register and
Williams 1992; Kaestner 1994a; Alexandre and French 2000).
The second-stage probit estimated the probability of being employed
and the probability of being in the labor force with the corresponding
explanatory variables ([Z.sub.i]) and the predicted values of drug use
(D) from the first-stage probit (Maddala 1983) as
Pr([L.sub.i] = 1) = [phi]([Z.sub.i][beta] +
[D.sub.i][[beta].sub.D]). (8)
All variables are the same as defined previously. The use of D in
Equation 8 introduced a potential measurement error in the estimated
standard errors (Maddala 1983; Murphy and Topel 1985). Since Monte Carlo evidence has not revealed any significant gain in estimating the more
complex adjusted standard errors (Bollen, Guilkey, and Mroz 1995), the
present analysis reports the unadjusted standard errors. [7] Finally,
marginal effects and corresponding standard errors were calculated for D
and D, and coefficient estimates were compared across the two
specifications (univariate probit and IV).
4. Sample and Data
The 1997 National Household Survey on Drug Abuse (NHSDA) was the
17th survey in a series that was begun in 1971. The sample design was a
nationally stratified multistage area probability sample of the
noninstitutionalized household population in the 50 United States who
were 12 years of age and older. Various segments of the population were
oversampled, including youth, minorities, and current smokers aged
18-34. A major change in questionnaire design was initiated in 1994,
which placed more emphasis on health status and health care, access to
care, and mental health (SAMHSA 1999a, b). Thus, some of the measures in
1997 are not comparable with the measures from 1994-A and earlier
Although the NHSDA was one of the largest surveys of drug use ever
undertaken in the United States, it had certain limitations that
affected the analyses (SAMHSA 1999a). Most importantly, the data were
self-reported, which raises questions regarding validity and
reliability. NHSDA procedures were designed to maximize honesty and
recall, but ultimately the value of the data depends on
respondents' truthfulness and memory. A few studies have examined
the validity of self-reported drug use information in this context and
have found the measures to be quite good (Rouse, Kozel, and Richards 1985; Turner, Lessler, and Devore 1992; Harrison and Hughes 1997;
Preston et al. 1997).
Another limitation of the NHSDA was the cross-sectional design. It
would be useful to analyze and report longitudinal changes in drug use
patterns and how these changes were related to labor market status for a
panel of individuals. However, the NHSDA cannot examine these issues
because a new cohort was sampled every year.
Furthermore, a small segment of the U.S. population (slightly less
than 2%) was excluded from the sampling frame because they were not part
of the target population. The excluded subpopulations were members of
the active duty military and persons in institutional group quarters
(e.g., hospitals, prisons, nursing homes, treatment centers). For
additional details on sample design, response rates, major findings, and
other technical details of the 1997 NHSDA, refer to SAMHSA (1999a).
For the present study, drug users were divided into two categories
based on criteria defined by the Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP 1996). Chronic drug users included all individuals who used one
or more illicit drugs weekly or more often during the past year.
Nonchronic drug users included individuals who used any illicit drug
during the past year but not in a chronic nature. French et al. (in
press) determined that the criteria for chronic drug use was
significantly correlated with clinically based criteria for problematic
drug use, and both measures produced similar results in health services demand models. As described earlier, information on labor market status
was consistent with Bureau of Labor Statistics definitions for employed
and labor force participation (BLS 2000).
Table 1 (males) and Table 2 (females) report sample means for all
of the variables that were used in the empirical models. The statistics
were segmented between drug-using status (chronic drug users, nonchronic
drug users, and nondrug users) and the full sample. Kruskall--Wallis
rank tests were performed to determine significant differences in mean
values across the drug-using categories. Individuals under the age of 25
or over the age of 59 were excluded from the analysis given their unique
employment choices (e.g., full-time students, new labor market
participants, occasional workers, and retirees). [8] The following
section reports the findings of the statistical analysis when employment
and labor force participation were estimated with univariate probit and
IV procedures.
5. Results
Results of the multivariate analyses are presented in Tables 3-6.
The first-stage probit results for chronic drug use are reported in
Table 3. The [[chi].sup.2]-statistics for the significance of the
composite religiosity instrument in the first-stage equations were
significant (p [less than] 0.05), indicating that the instrument was a
good predictor of chronic drug use for both males and females. [9]
The full estimation output (probit and IV) is reported for the
chronic drug use specification (Table 4 for males and Table 5 for
females), and selected results are reported in Table 6 for both genders.
Starting with the employment models, the univariate probit results are
followed by those from the IV estimation technique. The same format is
used for the labor force participation models. The important estimates
correspond to the chronic-drug-use variable, the marginal effects of
chronic drug use, and the [[chi].sup.2]-statistics for the test of
potential endogeneity of chronic drug use.
Looking first at Table 4 for males for both the employment and the
labor force participation specifications, the analysis failed to reject
the null hypothesis that chronic drug use was exogenous. These
specification tests suggested that the univariate probit specifications
were appropriate for the male group. The probit findings indicated that
chronic drug use was associated with a 0.089 (p [less than] 0.01)
decrease in the probability of being employed and a 0.037 (p [less than]
0.05) decrease in the probability of participating in the labor force.
Numerous other coefficients were significant in the employment and
labor force participation equations. Age was nonlinear in both
employment and labor force participation, with optimum values at 34.0
years for employment and 36.2 years for labor force participation. White
men were more likely to be employed and to participate in the labor
force. Marriage was positively related to employment and labor force
participation, and education was positively related to employment. The
number of people living in the household was significantly related to
labor force participation but not to employment. Finally, men who were
in fair health or better were more likely to be employed and to be in
the labor force.
The results for women are reported in Table 5, and with few
exceptions, they were qualitatively similar to the results for men.
Since the exogeneity test failed to reject the null hypothesis that
chronic drug use was an exogenous variable in both the employment and
labor force participation models, the analysis focused on the estimates
from the univariate probit. These results suggested that chronic drug
use was negatively related to employment (p [less than] 0.05) but not
significantly related to labor force participation. [11] Specifically,
being a female chronic drug user was associated with a 0.091 (p [less
than] 0.05) decrease in the probability of employment.
Several other coefficient estimates were significant for the female
sample. Age was nonlinear for both employment and labor force
participation, with optimum values at 41.1 years for employment and 40.3
years for labor force participation. As expected, married women were
less likely to be employed and in the labor force, and education was
positively associated with both labor market variables. The number of
moves in the past year was negatively related to employment, and the
number of people in the household was negatively associated with both
employment and labor force participation. As with men, health status was
strongly associated with employment and labor force participation.
To determine whether light or casual drug use had similar adverse
effects in the labor market relative to chronic drug use, the univariate
probit specifications described earlier were reestimated with chronic
drug use and nonchronic drug use in the same equations. Table 6 provides
regression results for employment and labor force participation (men and
women). The primary results can be summarized as follows. [12] First,
the significant results for chronic drug use in the employment (men and
women) and labor force participation (men) specifications continued to
prevail when nonchronic drug use was included in the model. [13] In
addition, the estimated marginal effects of chronic drug use were almost
identical to the previous estimates.
Second, the coefficient estimates for nonchronic drug use were
small and insignificant in each of the four specifications. This
suggests that the adverse labor supply effects of illicit drug use can
be mainly attributed to chronic drug users rather than all illicit drug
Third, illicit drug use (chronic and nonchronic) was unrelated to
labor force participation for females. Although this result was counter
to the labor force participation findings for males, it suggests that
females have less stable and continuous labor force patterns than males,
and illicit drug use is not a strong mediator in this process. This
result is not unique, however, as other substance use and labor market
studies have found opposite results for men and women (Mullahy and
Sindelar 1991; Kaestner 1994a).
Finally, in addition to univariate probit and IV specifications,
the analysis also estimated bivariate probit models of chronic drug use
and employment status to account for the joint decision to use drugs and
work. The estimated correlation (p) among equations ranged from 0.4920
to -0.4557 but was statistically significant (p [less than] 0.05) in
only one of the four specifications-chronic drug use and employed for
males. Thus, the bivariate probit results largely confirmed the Smith
and Blundell (1986) tests for exogeneity of chronic drug use, suggesting
that the univariate probit results were unbiased, consistent, and
preferable (smaller mean squared error) to the IV results (Davidson and
MacKinnon 1993; Norton, Lindrooth, and Ennett 1998). Nevertheless, the
IV results are presented in Tables 4 and 5 for comparison purposes. All
of the results discussed above are available upon request from the
corresponding author.
6. Discussion
The primary objective of this study was to estimate the
relationship between illicit drug use and labor market status while
addressing the possibility of drug use as an endogenous variable.
Nationally representative data were used to analyze the association
between two measures of drug use and two measures of labor supply. The
reliability of the religiosity instrument was assessed through a
significance test in the first-stage probit for the drug use variables.
Exogeneity tests were executed for chronic drug use, and results were
presented for both a univariate probit specification and an IV
estimation technique. The overall analysis was similar to the approach
in Mullahy and Sindelar (1996) to establish comparability between their
results for problem drinking and the present findings for problem drug
The key findings can be summarized as follows. First, the
exogeneity of chronic drug use was not rejected in any specification.
Second, chronic drug use was significantly related to employment
(negative) for both genders and to labor force participation (negative)
for males. Third, nonchronic drug use was not statistically related to
either of the labor supply measures, indicating that light or casual
drug use did not lead to negative effects on labor supply. Finally,
quantitative differences were present across genders, but the
qualitative findings were similar, except for the chronic drug use
measure in the labor force participation model.
The present research with chronic drug users was consistent with
the problem drinking research by Mullahy and Sindelar (1996) in the
sense that both studies found that problematic substance use had the
predicted negative effect on employment. However, unlike the results for
chronic drug use, Mullahy and Sindelar found that problem drinking was
endogenous and stronger gender differences were present with problematic
alcohol consumption than for chronic drug use. Furthermore, the marginal
effects for chronic drug use were generally larger than the marginal
effects for problem drinking. Since Mullahy and Sindelar did not examine
the effects of illicit drug use on labor force participation, a direct
comparison of these results was not possible.
Some qualifications of the findings should be noted that offer
opportunities for future analyses. Most of the research shortcomings pertain to data limitations. For example, it would have been interesting
to analyze panel data in addition to cross-sectional data to control for
personal and environmental fixed effects. Panel data would have also
allowed the investigation of longer term effects from heavy and
prolonged drug use. Second, many illicit drug users were also heavy
alcohol users. However, it was difficult to determine the relative
contribution of these substances (and others such as prescription drugs and tobacco) to labor market problems due to multicollinearity and other
concerns (see footnote 5). Third, precision of the exogeneity tests and
the IV estimates could have been improved if other instruments were
available in addition to the religiosity variable that was used in the
first-stage probit (Eqn. 7). Illicit drug prices and drug policies are
conceptually appealing instruments, but these measu res were not
available on the NHSDA and obtaining authorization to merge the data
proved unsuccessful. Recent studies, however, suggest that currently
available data on illicit drug prices may be unreliable (e.g., Chaloupka
et al. 1999; Farrelly et al. 1999).
In conclusion, this study found that chronic drug use was
significantly related to employment status for men and women. On the
other hand, male chronic drug users were less likely to participate in
the labor force, but no significant relationship existed between chronic
drug use and labor force participation for females. [14] Perhaps the
most important finding of this study, however, was the lack of any
significant relationships between nonchronic drug use, employment, and
labor force participation. An implication of this finding is that
employers and policy makers should focus on problematic drug users in
the same way that they focus on problematic alcohol users. Additional
research is encouraged to determine whether this important finding
endures with other data sets and different labor market variables.
(*.) University of Miami (D93), Department of Epidemiology and
Public Health, 1801 NW 9th Avenue, Third Floor, Miami, FL 33136, USA;
[email protected]; corresponding author.
(+.) Health Services Research Center and Department of Epidemiology
and Public Health (D93), University of Miami, 1801 NW 9th Avenue, Third
Floor, Miami, FL 33136.
Financial assistance for this study was provided by the Robert Wood
Johnson Foundation (grant 035152). This research was completed while
Michael French was a visiting professor at the Research Center for
Health and Economies, Department of Economics, Pompeu Fabra University,
Barcelona, Spain. Jay Bhatttacharya, Chee-Ruey Hsieh, Kathryn
McCollister, Kerry Anne MeGeary, Helena Salome, Silvana Zavala, two
anonymous referees, and participants at the 1999 Western Economic
Association Conference, the 2000 Pacific Rim Allied Economics
Association Conference, and the labor seminar series at Pompeu Fabra
University provided helpful suggestions on earlier versions of the
article. Carmen Martinez offered excellent administrative support.
Received March 2000; accepted January 2001.
(1.) The Bureau of Labor Statistics (2000) established the
following standardized definitions for employed, unemployed, and not in
the labor force. Employed comprises (a) all persons, who, during the
reference week, did any work for pay or profit (minimum of an
hour's work) or worked 15 hours or more as unpaid workers in a
family enterprise and (b) all persons who were not working but who had
jobs or businesses from which they were temporarily absent for
noneconomic reasons whether they were paid for the time off or were
seeking other jobs. Unemployed comprises those persons who had no
employment during the reference week, who made specific efforts to find
a job within the previous 4 weeks, and who were available for work
during that week except for temporary illness. Persons on layoff from a
job and expecting recall also are classified as unemployed. All other
persons 16 years old and over who do not fit into one of the categories
above are considered not in the labor force.
(2.) If unmeasured or unobserved factors are correlated with both
substance use and labor supply (or wages), then the error term in the
labor supply equation will be jointly distributed. Consequently, the
coefficient estimate for substance use in a labor supply equation will
be biased if the estimator does not correct for the endogeneity of
substance use. Instrumental variables (IV) techniques are the most
commonly exercised endogeneity correction methods, and several studies
have employed these techniques in substance use research (Kaestner 1991;
Register and Williams 1992; Mullahy and Sindelar 1996; Norton,
Lindrooth, and Ennett 1998; Alexandre and French 2000).
(3.) Although Mullahy and Sindelar (1996) did not explicitly
examine age effects of problem drinking, some of their earlier research
established that problem drinking and associated consequences varied
over the life cycle (Mullahy and Sindelar 1993).
(4.) It is hypothesized that ding use will be differentially
related to employment and labor force participation. Namely, employment
represents an agreement between an employer and employee. Thus, an
individual cannot independently decide to become employed unless he or
she is self-employed. Alternatively, labor force participation is
largely a personal choice. An individual who is unable to find an
agreeable employment contract can still be part of the labor force if he
or she chooses to actively seek work. For these reasons, it is advisable to examine employment and labor force participation as separate
conditions in the empirical models.
(5.) Information on alcohol consumption was also available from the
survey questionnaire. However, a measure for alcohol consumption was not
included in the final specifications because drug use and alcohol use
were highly correlated (p [less than] 0.0001) and including both
variables in the model led to concerns about multicollinearity. In
addition, alcohol use is also potentially endogenous, and controlling
for the endogeneity of both drug use and alcohol use would add
considerable complexity to the analysis. Finally, the present analysis
was intended to provide results that could be directly compared with
those from Mullahy and Sindelar (1996). These authors did not include
measures of both alcohol use and illicit drug use in their models.
Despite these qualifications, a measure of alcohol use (i.e., total
number of drinks during the previous 30 days) was added to the
univariate probit specifications for both males and females. The impact
on the ding use coefficients was very small compared with the presen t
results and statistical significance was never altered. These findings
are available on request.
(6.) Since the number of excluded instruments (religiosity) is
equal to the number of potentially endogenous variables (chronic drug
use) in the present study, the model is exactly identified. Thus, tests
for overidentifying restrictions of the instruments do not apply
(Davidson and MacKinnon 1993).
(7.) In similar studies, Evans, Farrelly, and Montgomery (1999),
Norton, Lindrooth, and Ennett (1998), Bollen, Guilkey, and Mroz (1995),
and Kaestner (1994a) followed the same approach as the present analysis
and did not adjust the estimated standard errors.
(8.) This age criterion is identical with the approach in Mullahy
and Sindelar (1996).
(9.) Analyses were also conducted with the three dichotomous
measures for religious beliefs that were described earlier instead of
the composite measure for strongly religious. Since the results were
very similar in both cases, we only report the estimates that apply to
the composite measure of religiosity. However, the additional analyses
are available from the corresponding author.
(10.) All estimates for marginal effects were calculated using the
mean values for the independent variables as outlined in Greene (1997).
The estimated marginal effects of the binary variable chronic drug use
(CDU) on labor market outcome (L) were approximated using the formula
[partial]E(L/[x.sub.*])/[partial]CDU = exp([beta]'x/[x.sub.*],
CDU = 1) - exp([beta]'x/[x.sub.*], CDU = 0)
= exp([beta]'[x.sub.*] + [[beta].sub.CDU]) -
where x is the vector of explanatory variables, [x.sup.*] is the
vector of mean values of x, excluding CDU, and [beta] is the vector of
coefficient estimates.
(11.) It may be interesting to note that these significance tests
produced the same qualitative result whether one used the probit or IV
(12.) The first-stage probit results arc not reported for
nonchronic drug use because the religiosity instrument was significant
in every specification (p [less than] 0.05) and the quantitative results
were similar to the estimates reported for chronic drug use in Table 3.
(13.) The earlier specification with chronic drug use were actually
more conservative tests for the significance of chronic drug use in the
labor supply equations because the analysis was relative to the combined
group of nonchronic drug users and nondrug users rather than nondrug
users only.
(14.) One possible explanation for this result for females could
involve the way in which labor force participation and employment
decisions are made. As noted earlier, whether or not to participate in
the labor force is a choice largely made by the individual. Conversely,
employment is a bilateral agreement between the individual and the
employer. Familial obligations and/or workplace policies (e.g., family
leave policies, workplace drug policies and testing programs) may be
effectively screening nut female drug users, thereby negatively
impacting their employment status. Future analyses are planned to
explore the validity of this hypothesis.
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Table 1.
Variable Means, by Drug Using Status: Males [a]
Variable (n = 222) (n = 382) (n = 3305)
Age [**] 33.194 32.948 37.256
White 0.680 0.764 0.754
Black 0.279 0.212 0.195
Hispanic [**] 0.185 0.191 0.291
Married [**] 0.329 0.361 0.630
Highest grade completed [*] 12.428 12.882 12.678
Number of moves past year [**] 0.553 0.542 0.294
Number of people in household [**] 3.279 2.942 3.394
Excellent health [**] 0.243 0.344 0.385
Very good health 0.365 0.354 0.310
Good health 0.279 0.236 0.216
Fair health 0.095 0.050 0.067
Poor health 0.018 0.016 0.023
New England Census Division 0.023 0.016 0.027
Middle Atlantic Census Division 0.090 0.113 0.110
East North Central Census Division 0.095 0.102 0.091
West North Central Census Division 0.059 0.055 0.040
South Atlantic Census Division 0.162 0.105 0.159
East South Central Census Division 0.050 0.071 0.053
West South Central Census Division 0.095 0.068 0.131
Mountain Census Division 0.194 0.196 0.162
Pacific Census Division 0.234 0.275 0.229
Strongly religious [**] 0.195 0.197 0.292
Employed [**] 0.748 0.853 0.880
Labor force participation 0.869 0.935 0.923
Variable (n = 3909)
Age [**] 36.604
White 0.751
Black 0.201
Hispanic [**] 0.275
Married [**] 0.586
Highest grade completed [*] 12.684
Number of moves past year [**] 0.333
Number of people in household [**] 3.343
Excellent health [**] 0.373
Very good health 0.317
Good health 0.221
Fair health 0.067
Poor health 0.022
New England Census Division 0.026
Middle Atlantic Census Division 0.109
East North Central Census Division 0.092
West North Central Census Division 0.042
South Atlantic Census Division 0.153
East South Central Census Division 0.054
West South Central Census Division 0.123
Mountain Census Division 0.167
Pacific Census Division 0.234
Strongly religious [**] 0.277
Employed [**] 0.870
Labor force participation 0.921
Kruskal-Wallis rank test for statistically significant differences in
variable mean across the drug-using categories:
(*)= p [less than or equal to] 0.05;
(**)= p [less than or equal to] 0.01.
(a)CDU = chronic drug user; NCDU = nonchronic drug user, NDU = nondrug
user. Strongly religious is a dichotomous variable equal to one if the
respondent agreed or strongly agreed with each of the following
statements: "Religious beliefs are important to me," "Religious belief
influence my decisions," and "It is important that my friends share my
religious beliefs."
Table 2.
Variable Means, by Drug Using Status: Females [a]
Variable (n = 157) (n = 350) (n = 5205)
Age [**] 34.427 33.480 36.442
White [*] 0.592 0.666 0.704
Black [*] 0.363 0.297 0.248
Hispanic [**] 0.140 0.117 0.243
Married [**] 0.318 0.386 0.577
Highest grade completed [**] 12.318 12.857 12.643
Number of moves past year [**] 0.813 0.418 0.282
Number of people in household [**] 3.389 3.320 3.595
Excellent health [**] 0.172 0.255 0.338
Very good health 0.312 0.347 0.317
Good health 0.331 0.284 0.240
Fair health 0.121 0.100 0.082
Poor health 0.064 0.014 0.023
New England Census Division 0.013 0.009 0.034
Middle Atlantic Census Division 0.096 0.083 0.115
East North Central Census Division [*] 0.159 0.186 0.107
West North Central Census Division 0.025 0.029 0.044
South Atlantic Census Division 0.217 0.191 0.168
East South Central Census Division 0.057 0.057 0.065
West South Central Census Division 0.115 0.083 0.131
Mountain Census Division 0.115 0.140 0.140
Pacific Census Division 0.204 0.223 0.198
Strongly religious [**] 0.129 0.239 0.324
Employed [*] 0.567 0.706 0.688
Labor force participation 0.745 0.763 0.725
Variable (n = 5712)
Age [**] 36.205
White [*] 0.699
Black [*] 0.255
Hispanic [**] 0.233
Married [**] 0.558
Highest grade completed [**] 12.648
Number of moves past year [**] 0.305
Number of people in household [**] 3.572
Excellent health [**] 0.329
Very good health 0.318
Good health 0.245
Fair health 0.084
Poor health 0.024
New England Census Division 0.032
Middle Atlantic Census Division 0.113
East North Central Census Division [*] 0.113
West North Central Census Division 0.042
South Atlantic Census Division 0.170
East South Central Census Division 0.064
West South Central Census Division 0.127
Mountain Census Division 0.139
Pacific Census Division 0.199
Strongly religious [**] 0.314
Employed [*] 0.686
Labor force participation 0.728
Kruskal--Wallis rank test for statistically significant differences in
variable means across the drug-using categories:
(*)= p [less than or equal to] 0.05;
(**)= P [less than or equal to] 0.01.
(a)CDU = chronic drug user; NCDU = nonchronic drug user; NDU = nondrug
user. Strongly religious is a dichotomous variable equal to one if the
respondent agreed or strongly agreed with each of the following
statements; "Religious beliefs are importment to me," "Religious beliefs
influence my decisions," and "It is important that my friends share my
religious beliefs."
Table 3.
First-Stage Probit Results for Chronic Drug Use (CDU) [a]
Variable Males Females
Age 0.002 0.083 [*]
(0.036) (0.039)
Age squared 0.0002 -0.001 [*]
(0.0004) (0.001)
White 0.053 0.040
(0.174) (0.190)
Black 0.234 0.094
(0.188) (0.204)
Hispanic -0.318 [**] -0.379 [**]
(0.101) (0.119)
Married -0.455 [**] -0.340 [**]
(0.079) (0.084)
Highest grade completed -0.029 [*] -0.039 [*]
(0.014) (0.016)
Number of moves past year 0.125 [**] 0.250 [**]
(0.044) (0.039)
Number of people in household 0.040 -0.010
(0.022) (0.026)
Excellent health -0.250 -0.686 [**]
(0.257) (0.205)
Very good health 0.047 -0.462 [*]
(0.255) (0.198)
Good health 0.113 -0.338
(0.256) (0.196)
Fair health 0.193 -0.302
(0.271) (0.215)
Strongly religious -0.191 [*] -0.584 [**]
(0.088) (0.107)
Constant -0.821 -2.092 [**]
(0.742) (0.797)
(a)Standard errors reported in parentheses. Coefficient estimates for
eight geographical controls (see Table 1 and 2) not reported. Strongly
religious is a dichotomous variable equal to one if the respondent
agreed or strongly agreed with each of the following statements:
"Religious beliefs are important to me," "Religious beliefs influence my
decisions," and "It is important that my friends share my religious
(*)Statistically significant, p [less than or equal to] 0.05;
(**)statistically significant, p [less than or equal to] 0.01.
Table 4
Estimation Results for Employed and Labour Force Participation: Males
Variable Probit IV Estimator
Chronic drug use (CDU) -0.413 [**] -2.833 [*]
(0.105) (1.377)
Marginal effect of CDU -0.089 [**] 0.495 [*]
(0.027) (0.241)
Smith-Blundell test ([x.sup.2],
d.f. = 1) [H.sub.0]: CDU exogenous -- 2.08
Age 0.102 [**] 0.096 [**]
0.026) (0.027)
Age squared -0.002 [**] -0.001 [**]
(0.0003) (0.0003)
White 0.312 [*] 0.340 [**]
(0.125) (0.126)
Black 0.037 0.109
(0.139) (0.145)
Hispanic 0.062 -0.033
(0.080) (0.095)
Married 0.516 [**] 0.390 [**]
(0.065) (0.097)
Highest grade completed 0.035 [**] 0.027 [*]
(0.010) (0.011)
Number of moves past year -0.018 0.029
(0.041) (0.050)
Number of people in household 0.005 0.014
(0.018) (0.020)
Excellent health 1.733 [**] 1.667 [**]
(0.166) (0.168)
Very good health 1.740 [**] 1.746 [**]
(0.166) (0.167)
Good health 1.388 [**] 1.426 [**]
(0.165) (0.166)
Fair health 0.786 [**] 0.842 [**]
(0.176) (0.179)
Constant -2.784 [**] -2.320 [**]
(0.562) (0.627)
Labor Force Participation
Variable Probit
Chronic drug use (CDU) -0.304 [*]
Marginal effect of CDU 0.037 [*]
Smith-Blundell test ([x.sup.2],
d.f. = 1) [H.sub.0]: CDU exogenous --
Age 0.186 [**]
Age squared -0.003 [**]
White 0.368 [*]
Black 0.183
Hispanic 0.050
Married 0.309 [**]
Highest grade completed 0.013
Number of moves past year 0.001
Number of people in household 0.084 [**]
Excellent health 2.171 [**]
Very good health 2.166 [**]
Good health 1.803 [**]
Fair health 1.114 [**]
Constant -4.257 [**]
Labor Force
Variable IV Estimator
Chronic drug use (CDU) -0.184
Marginal effect of CDU -0.018
Smith-Blundell test ([x.sup.2],
d.f. = 1) [H.sub.0]: CDU exogenous 0.46
Age 0.187 [**]
Age squared -0.003 [**]
White 0.362 [*]
Black 0.184
Hispanic 0.056
Married 0.317 [**]
Highest grade completed 0.013
Number of moves past year -0.004
Number of people in household 0.082 [**]
Excellent health 2.168 [**]
Very good health 2.153 [**]
Good health 1.792 [**]
Fair health 1.108 [**]
Constant -4.289 [**]
Standard errors reported in parentheses. All estimates for marginal
effects were calculated using the mean values for the independent
variables. Coefficient estimates for eight geographical controls not
(*)Statistically significant, p [less than or equal to] 0.05;
(**)statistically significant, p [less than or equal to] 0.01.
Table 5
Estimation Results for Employed and Labor Force Participation: Females
Variable Probit IV Estimator
Chronic drug use (CDU) -0.248 [*] -0.249
(0.109) (0.821)
Marginal effect of CDU -0.091 [*] -0.087
(0.042) (0.286)
Smith-Blundell test ([[chi].sup.2],
d.f. = 1)
[H.sub.0]: CDU exogenous -- 1.32
Age 0.101 [**] 0.101 [**]
(0.018) (0.018)
Age squared -0.001 [**] -0.001 [**]
(0.0002) (0.0002)
White 0.067 0.070
(0.086) (0.087)
Black 0.057 0.064
(0.095) (0.095)
Hispanic 0.050 0.057
(0.052) (0.055)
Married -0.153 [**] -0.157 [**]
(0.040) (0.044)
Highest grade completed 0.076 [**] 0.077 [**]
(0.007) (0.007)
Number of moves past year -0.054 [*] -0.054
(0.027) (0.037)
Number of people in household -0.102 [*] -0.102 [**]
(0.012) (0.013)
Excellent health 1.404 [**] 1.392 [**]
(0.133) (0.140)
Very good health 1.372 [**] 1.356 [**]
(0.133) (0.137)
Good health 1.219 [**] l.205 [**]
(0.133) (0.136)
Fair health 0.857 [**] 0.836 [**]
(0.140) (0.143)
Constant -3.305 [**] -3.289 [**]
(0.383) (0.384)
Labor Force
Variable Probit
Chronic drug use (CDU) 0.109
Marginal effect of CDU 0.034
Smith-Blundell test ([[chi].sup.2],
d.f. = 1)
[H.sub.0]: CDU exogenous --
Age 0.091 [**]
Age squared -0.001 [**]
White 0.060
Black 0.153
Hispanic 0.005
Married -0.283 [**]
Highest grade completed 0.070 [**]
Number of moves past year -0.030
Number of people in household -0.105 [**]
Excellent health 1.545 [**]
Very good health 1.521 [**]
Good health 1.387 [**]
Fair health 0.961 [**]
Constant -2.913 [**]
Labor Force
Variable IV Estimator
Chronic drug use (CDU) 1.378
Marginal effect of CDU 0.441
Smith-Blundell test ([[chi].sup.2],
d.f. = 1)
[H.sub.0]: CDU exogenous 3.32
Age 0.085 [**]
Age squared -0.001 [**]
White 0.055
Black 0.148
Hispanic 0.033
Married -0.265 [**]
Highest grade completed 0.073 [**]
Number of moves past year -0.066
Number of people in household 0.104 [**]
Excellent health 1.600 [**]
Very good health 1.557 [**]
Good health 1.416 [**]
Fair health 0.985 [**]
Constant -2.923 [**]
Standard errors reported in parentheses. All estimates for marginal
effects were calculated using the mean values for the independent
variables. Coefficient estimates for eight geographical controls not
(*)Statistically significant, p [less than or equal to] 0.05;
(**)statistically significant, p [less than or equal] to 0.01.
Table 6
Probit Estimation Results for Employed and Labor Force Participation:
Males and Females
Males Females
Labor Force
Variable Employed Participation Employed
Chronic drug use (CDU) -0.437 [***] -0.306 [*] -0.247 [*]
(0.106) (0.130) (0.109)
Marginal effect of CDU -0.095 [**] -0.037 [*] -0.091 [*]
(0.028) (0.019) (0.042)
Nonchronic drug use (NCDU) -0.138 -0.010 0.015
(0.094) (0.119) (0.078)
Marginal effect of NCDU -0.026 -0.001 0.005
(0.019) (0.012) (0.027)
Age 0.102 [**] 0.186 [**] 0.101 [**]
(0.026) (0.032) (0.018)
Age squared -0.002 [**] -0.003 [**] -0.001 [**]
(0.0003) (0.0004) (0.0002)
White 0.323 [**] 0.368 [*] 0.066
(0.125) (0.147) (0.086)
Black 0.047 0.183 0.057
(0.139) (0.164) (0.095)
Hispanic 0.051 0.049 0.051
(0.080) (0.098) (0.052)
Married 0.508 [**] 0.308 [**] -0.152 [**]
(0.065) (0.080) (0.040)
Highest grade completed 0.035 [**] 0.013 0.076 [**]
(0.010) (0.013) (0.007)
Number of moves past year -0.014 0.001 -0.054 [*]
(0.041) (0.052) (0.027)
Number of people in household 0.005 0.084 [**] -0.102 [**]
(0.018) (0.024) (0.012)
Excellent health 1.730 [**] 2.171 [**] 1.404 [**]
(0.165) (0.174) (0.133)
Very good health 1.741 [**] 2.167 [**] 1.372 [**]
(0.166) (0.175) (0.133)
Good health 1.390 [**] 1.804 [**] 1.219 [**]
(0.165) (0.171) (0.133)
Fair health 0.785 [**] 1.114 [**] 0.856 [**]
(0.176) (0.180) (0.140)
Constant -2.748 [**] -4.255 [**] -3.307 [**]
(0.563) (0.676) (0.383)
Labor Force
Variable Participation
Chronic drug use (CDU) 0.114
Marginal effect of CDU 0.035
Nonchronic drug use (NCDU) 0.049
Marginal effect of NCDU 0.016
Age 0.091 [**]
Age squared -0.001 [**]
White 0.058
Black 0.153
Hispanic 0.008
Married -0.281 [**]
Highest grade completed 0.071 [**]
Number of moves past year -0.031
Number of people in household -0.105 [**]
Excellent health 1.545 [**]
Very good health 1.521 [**]
Good health 1.386 [**]
Fair health 0.959 [**]
Constant -2.917 [**]
Standard errors reported in parentheses. All estimates for marginal
effects were calculated using the mean values for the independent
variables. Coefficient estimates for eitht geographical controls not
(*)Statistically significant, p [less than or equal] 0.05;
(**)Statistically significant, p [less than or equal] 0.01.