Long-Run Implications of Social Security Taxation for Growth and Fertility.
Zhang Jie
Jie Zhang [*]
This paper compares long-run implications for growth and fertility of four types of taxation for social security with positive bequests. A
tax rise under lump-sum taxation enhances growth but lowers fertility,
while other types of taxation do so under additional restrictions. A tax
rise under consumption taxation is less likely to stimulate growth and
to reduce fertility than under payroll taxation. A rise in an interest
income tax raises fertility, reduces both savings and human capital
investment, and hence is harmful for growth. The case with zero bequests
is also discussed.
1. Introduction
All developed countries and most developing countries have social
security programs for their retired population. These programs are
widely divergent in formulation in terms of how to collect social
security contributions and how to allocate social security benefits
(U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 1992). On the spending
side, social security programs are distinguished by whether they are
funded or unfunded and by whether benefits are linked to
individuals' own contributions. On the taxation side, social
security programs differ in the sources of their revenues. In some
countries (e.g., France and the United States), social security benefits
come (almost) exclusively from taxes on labor earnings. In some
countries (e.g., Australia), the benefits depend only on
governments' general revenue from levying direct or indirect taxes.
In many countries (e.g., Canada, Germany, Italy, and the United
Kingdom), the benefits come from both payroll and general tax revenues.
In the literature on social security, however, lump-sum
contributions are widely assumed (Barro 1974; Becker and Barro 1988;
Nishimura and Zhang 1992) even if they are rare in practice. The
emphases of the existing work have been laid on how to spend on social
security programs. In particular, the impact of a pay-as-you-go program
(i.e., an unfunded plan) on savings has been the focus of the debate.
(In practice, unfunded social security is much more popular than funded
social security.) Feldstein (1974), for example, argued that unfunded
social security depresses savings and hence has a negative impact on
growth. Barro (1974) showed that in a dynastic family model
incorporating operative intergenerational transfers, social security is
neutral. When fertility is endogenous, Becker and Barro (1988) found
that increasing social security benefits reduces fertility and raises
capital intensity because more transfers from the working generation to
the coexisting retired generation cause a rise in bequests per chi ld
and hence a rise in the cost of raising a child. Using an endogenous
growth model, Zhang (1995) found that unfunded social security benefits
promote growth by reducing fertility and increasing human capital
investment if parents value their children's welfare sufficiently.
This paper considers long-run implications for growth and fertility
of different types of taxation for social security: a lump-sum tax, a
consumption tax, a payroll tax, and an interest income tax. In doing so,
we assume operative bequests as in Barro (1974) and Becker and Barro
(1988). The main results are the following. A tax rise under lump-sum
taxation enhances growth but lowers fertility, while other types of
taxation do so under additional restrictions. A tax rise under
consumption taxation is less likely to stimulate growth and to reduce
fertility than under payroll taxation. A rise in an interest income tax
raises fertility, reduces both savings and human capital investment, and
hence is harmful for growth. I also discuss results with exogenously
fixed fertility or with zero bequests, which are substantially different
from those with endogenous fertility and positive bequests except for
the case with the interest income tax.
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. The next
section introduces the model. Section 3 examines and compares the
effects of using a lump-sum tax, a consumption tax, or a payroll tax to
finance social security by assuming positive bequests. Section 4
discusses the results first with interest income taxation for social
security and then with zero bequests. The last section provides some
concluding remarks.
2. The Model
This model has an infinite number of overlapping generations of
three-period-lived agents. Let subscript t denote a period in time and
superscript t the generation born in period t - 1. Let [L.sub.t] be the
number of middle-aged agents living in period t. Each parent has 1 +
[n.sub.t]] (identical) children at the beginning of middle age. Agents
learn when young, live in retirement in old age, and are each endowed in
middle age with one unit of time that can be supplied to the labor
market or spent on rearing children. Let v denote the units of time
needed to rear a child (0 [less than] v [less than] 1).
The utility of a middle-aged agent, [V.sub.t], depends separately
on own middle-age consumption, [[c.sup.t].sub.t]; own old-age
consumption, [[c.sup.t].sub.t+1]; the number of children, 1 + [n.sub.t];
and the utility of each child, [V.sub.t+1]:
[V.sub.t] = ln [[c.sup.t].sub.t] + [beta] ln [[c.sup.t].sub.t+1] +
p ln (l+[n.sub.t]) + [alpha][V.sub.t+1], 0 [less than] [alpha] [less
than] 1, 0 [less than] [beta] [less than] 1, 0[less than] [rho] [less
than] 1.
Here, [beta] is the discount factor on utility from old-age
consumption, [rho] the taste for the number of children, and [alpha] the
taste for the welfare of each child.
The production function for goods has the form
[Y.sub.t] = D[[K.sup.0].sub.t],[([L.sub.t][l.sub.t][h.sub.t]).sup.1-[theta]], D [greater than] 0, 0 [less than] [theta] [less than] 1,
where [K.sub.t] is (aggregate) physical capital, [l.sub.t], the
input of labor per middle-aged agent, and [h.sub.t] a middle-aged
agent's human capital.
The human capital of a child, [h.sub.t+1], depends positively on
the investment of goods per child, [q.sub.t], and the human capital of
his parent, [h.sub.t]:
[h.sub.t+1] = A[[q.sup.[delta]].sub.t][[h.sup.l-[delta]].sub.t], A
[greater than] 0, 0 [less than] [delta] [less than] 1.
In period t, each middle-aged agent spends v(1 + [n.sub.t]) units
of time rearing children, works for the remaining 1 - v(1 + [n.sub.t])
units of time, and earns [1 - v(1 + [n.sub.t])][W.sub.t]. This agent
receives a bequest, [b.sub.t], from his parent at the beginning of
period t and leaves a bequest, [b.sub.t+1], to each child at the
beginning of period t + 1, where bequests have no direct contribution to
physical capital accumulation. [1] The middle-aged agent spends the
earning and inheritance on own middle-age consumption,
[[c.sup.t].sub.t], life-cycle savings, [s.sub.t][1 - v(1 +
[n.sub.t])][w.sub.t]; bequests to children, [b.sub.t+1](1 + [n.sub.t]);
and investments in children, [q.sub.t](1 + [n.sub.t]). To finance social
security benefits, [B.sub.t+1] per retiree, there is a lump-sum tax at
the amount [T.sub.t] per worker, a payroll tax at rate [[tau].sub.1],
and a consumption tax at rate [[tau].sub.c]. (The case with an interest
income tax has no closed-form solution and will be discussed in section
4.) Then, an individual's budget constraints are
(1 + [[tau].sub.c])[[c.sup.t].sub.t] = [b.sub.t] + [1 - v(1 +
[n.sub.t])][w.sub.t](1 - [s.sub.t] - [[tau].sub.t]) - [T.sub.t] -
[q.sub.t](1 + [n.sub.t]), (1)
(1 + [[tau].sub.c])[[c.sup.t].sub.t+1] = (1 +
[r.sub.t+1])[s.sub.t][1 - v(1 + [n.sub.t])][w.sub.t] + [B.sub.t+1] -
[b.sub.t+1](1 + [n.sub.t]), (2)
where w and r denote the wage rate and interest rate, respectively.
The government budget constraint is given by
[B.sub.t] = (1 + [n.sub.t-1]){[T.sub.t] + [[tau].sub.1][w.sub.t][1
- v(1 + [n.sub.t])] + [[tau].sub.c][[c.sup.t].sub.t]} +
[[tau].sub.c][[c.sup.t-1].sub.t], (3)
where a bar over a variable refers to its average.
Firms maximize profits on perfectly competitive markets. Let
[e.sub.t] [equivalent] [K.sub.t]/([L.sub.t][l.sub.t][h.sub.t]) be the
physical capital-effective labor ratio where h is average human capital
and l the average labor demand per worker. For simplicity, I assume that
physical capital lasts for one period in the production of goods. The
first-order conditions of firms maximizing profits are
[w.sub.t] = (1 - [theta])D[[e.sup.[theta]].sub.t][h.sub.t], (4)
1 + [r.sub.t] = [theta]D[(l/[e.sub.t]).sup.1-[theta]]. (5)
Equation 4 implies that a middle-aged agent's wage rate
depends positively on his own human capital. Labor and capital markets
clear when
[l.sub.t] = 1 - v(1 + [n.sub.t]), (6)
[K.sub.t] = [L.sub.t-1][s.sub.t-1][1 - v(1 +
[n.sub.t-1])][w.sub.t-1]. (7)
Constant returns to scale and perfect competition imply a zero
profit. By Walras's law, the goods market clears as well. Since
agents within the same generation are identical, we have the following
symmetric conditions: c = c, h = h, l = l, n = n, and w = w.
3. Results
Given the initial state ([b.sub.t], [h.sub.t]), the tax/benefit
variables ([[tau].sub.c] [[tau].sub.l], [T.sub.t], [B.sub.t+1]), and the
sequence of the physical capital-effective labor ratio [e.sub.t], the
problem of a middle-aged agent maximizing utility corresponds to the
following concave programming:
V([h.sub.t], [b.sub.t]; [[tau].sub.c], [[tau].sub.l], [T.sub.t],
[B.sub.t+1], [e.sub.t]) =
[max.sub.[b.sub.t+1],[h.sub.t+1],[n.sub.t],[s.sub.t]] X {ln [b.sub.t] +
[ 1 - v(1 + [n.sub.t])](1 - [theta])D[[e.sup.[theta]].sub.t][h.sub.t](1
- [s.sub.t] - [[tau].sub.l]) - [T.sub.t] -
[([h.sub.t+1]/A).sup.1/[delta][[h.sub.t].-(1-[delta])/[delta]](1 +
[n.sub.t])/1 + [[tau].sub.c] + [beta]
ln[theta]D[(1/[e.sub.t+1]).sup.1-[theta][s.sub.t][1 - v(1 +
[n.sub.t])](1 - [theta])D[[e.sup.[theta]].sub.t][h.sub.t] + [B.sub.t+1]
- [b.sub.l+1](1 + [n.sub.t])/1 + [[tau].sub.c] + [rho] ln(1 + [n.sub.t])
+ [alpha]V([h.sub.t+1], [b.sub.t+1]; [[tau].sub.c], [[tau].sub.l,
[T.sub.t+1], [B.sub.t+2], [e.sub.t+1])}.
The first-order conditions for an interior solution for this
problem are as follows:
[beta](1 + [n.sub.t])/[[c.sup.t].sub.t+1] =
[alpha]/[[c.sup.t+1].sub.t+1], (8)
1/[[c.sup.t].sub.t] = [beta](1 + [r.sub.t+1])/[[c.sup.t].sub.t+1],
[q.sub.t](1 + [n.sub.t])/[[c.sup.t].sub.t] = [alpha][delta][1 - v(1
+ [n.sub.t+1])][w.sub.t+1] (1 - [[tau].sub.t]) + [alpha](1 -
[delta])[q.sub.t+1](1 + [n.sub.t+1])/[[c.sup.t+1].sub.t+1], (10)
[w.sub.t]v(1 - [[tau].sub.l]) + [q.sub.t]/(1 +
[[tau].sub.c])[[c.sup.t].sub.t] + [beta][b.sub.t+1]/(1 -
[[tau].sub.c])[[c.sup.t].sub.t+1] = [rho]/1 + [n.sub.t]. (11)
Equation 8 means that the utility forgone by leaving one more unit
of bequests to children is equal to the utility obtained from improving
the welfare of each child by the bequest. Equation 9 says that the loss
in utility from saving one unit of goods now equals the gain in utility
from receiving [r.sub.t+1] units more in the next period. By Equation
10, the utility forgone from investing one more unit in each
child's human capital equals the utility gained from increasing the
welfare of each child by the investment. Equation 11 means that the
utility forgone from consuming less to have one more child (less
earnings, more investment in children's human capital, and more
bequests given to children) is equal to the utility obtained from
enjoying the child.
Steady-state balanced growth means that [Y.sub.t]/[L.sub.t],
[K.sub.t]/[L.sub.t], [h.sub.t], [[c.sup.t].sub.t], [[c.sup.t].sub.t+1],
[b.sub.t], [q.sub.t], and [w.sub.t], grow at the same rate denoted as 1
+ g. Then, bequests, investment in human capital, savings, and
consumption are all proportional to income of middle-aged agents (or
labor earnings) in such an equilibrium. Let
[[gamma].sub.b] = [b.sub.t+1](1 + [n.sub.t])/(1 + [r.sub.t+1])[1 -
v(1 + [n.sub.t])][w.sub.t],
[[gamma].sub.[c.sub.1]] = [[c.sup.t].sub.t]/[1 - v(1 +
[[gamma].sub.[c.sub.2]] = [[c.sup.t].sub.t+1]/(1 - [r.sub.t+1])[1 -
v(1 + [n.sub.t])[w.sub.t],
[[gamma].sub.q] = [q.sub.t]/[1 - v(1 + [n.sub.t])][w.sub.t] be the
ratios of bequests, middle-age consumption, old-age consumption, and
investment in human capital to income of middle-aged agents,
respectively, where [b.sub.t+1](1 + [n.sub.t])/(1 + [r.sub.t+1]) and
[[c.sup.t].sub.t+1]/(1 + [r.sub.t+1]) are the present values of next
period bequests and next period old-age consumption.
Note that since labor income is a constant fraction, 1 - [theta],
of total income, changes in these ratios and the saving rate also
represent changes in the ratios of bequests, consumption, human capital
investment, and savings to total income. Also, in a growing economy
taxes and transfers rise with income, and hence the government sets the
lump-sum tax as a fraction, [tau], of the average labor earning per
[T.sub.t] = [tau][1 - v(1 + [n.sub.t])][w.sub.t].
When bequests are positive, Equations 1 to 11 and the symmetric
conditions characterize the equilibrium. Solving these equations under
the steady-state balanced growth conditions gives the analytical solution for s, [[gamma].sub.b] n, [[gamma].sub.q] and g:
S = [alpha][theta]/(1 - [theta]), (12)
[[gamma].sub.b] = [[alpha].sup.2][theta](1 + [[tau].sub.c]) +
[[alpha].sup.2](1 - [theta])(1 + [[tau].sub.c])([tau] + [[tau].sub.l]) +
[alpha]([beta] - [alpha][[tau].sub.c])[[alpha][theta] - (1 - [theta])(1
- [tau] - [[tau].sub.l])]/(1 - [theta])([alpha] + [beta]) +
[[alpha].sup.2][delta]([beta] - [alpha][[tau].sub.c])(1 -
[[tau].sub.l])/([alpha] + [beta])[1 - [alpha](1 - [delta])]' (13)
1 + n = [1 - [alpha](1 - [delta])][[rho][[gamma].sub.c1](1 +
[[tau].sub.c]) - [[gamma].sub.b]] - [alpha][delta](1 -
[[tau].sub.t])/v{[1 - [alpha](1 - [delta])](1 - [[tau].sub.t]) + [1 -
[alpha](1 - [delta])][p[[gamma].sub.c1](1 + [[tau].sub.c]) -
[[gamma].sub.b]] - [alpha][delta](1 - [[tau].sub.l])}' (14)
where [[gamma].sub.c1](1 + [[tau].sub.c] = [[gamma].sub.b]/[alpha]
+ 1 - [tau] - [[tau].sub.l] - s - [alpha][delta](1 - [[tau].sub.t])/[1 -
[alpha](1 - [delta])],
[[gamma].sub.q] = [alpha][delta](1 - [[tau].sub.t])/(1 + n)[1 -
[alpha](1 - [delta])]' (15)
1 + g = [[[(A[{[[gamma].sub.q][1 - v(1 +
n)]}.sup.[delta]]).sup.1-[theta]][[D(1 - [theta])].sup.[delta]][(s/1 +
n).sup.[delta][theta]]].sup.1/[1 - [theta](1 - [delta])]. (16)
Some steps of the derivation of the steady-state balanced growth
solution are provide in the Appendix. We now examine and compare the
effects of the three types of taxation for social security.
(a) For [[gamma].sub.b] [greater than] 0 and [[tau].sub.c] =
[[tau].sub.t] = 0, [partial]s/[partial][tau] = 0;
[partial]n/[partial][tau] [less than] 0; and [partial]g/[partial][tau]
[greater than] 0.
(b) For [[gamma].sub.b] [greater than] 0 and [tau] = [[tau].sub.l]
= 0, [partial]s/[partial][[tau].sub.c] = 0;
[partial]n/[partial][[tau].sub.c] [less than] 0 and
[partial]g/[partial][[tau].sub.c] [greater than] 0 if and only if [rho]
[less than] [alpha].
(c) For [[gamma].sub.b] [greater than] 0 and [tau] = [[tau].sub.c]
= 0, [partial]s/[partial][[tau].sub.l] = 0;
[partial]n/[partial][[tau].sub.l] [less than] 0 if [rho] [less than]
[alpha](1 + [theta][beta])/(1 - [alpha][theta]);
[partial]g/[partial][[tau].sub.l] [greater than] 0 if [rho] [less than
or equal to] [alpha]{[1 - [alpha](1 - [delta])][1 + [theta] +
[theta][beta](1 + [alpha]) + [alpha](1 - [theta])[[tau].sub.l] -
[beta](1 - [theta])(1 - [[tau].sub.l)] + (1 - [theta])(1 -
[[tau].sub.l])[[alpha](1 + [beta]) + [beta]}/[(1 - [alpha])(1 -
[alpha][theta])(1 + [alpha]) + [alpha][delta](1 - [alpha][theta])(1 +
[alpha]) - [[alpha].sup.2][delta](1 - [theta])].
PROOF. The results follow Equations 12 to 16. QED.
According to Proposition 1 or Equation 12, the saving rate is
independent of all the three types of taxation as long as bequests are
positive. The bequest ratio increases with [gamma], [[gamma].sub.c], and
[[gamma].sub.l] in Equation 13. As in Barro (1974), when bequests are
positive, agents respond to a rise in taxes for social security by
keeping saving rates constant and by leaving more bequests to children
to offset the public intergenerational transfer.
The responses of fertility to tax changes differ under different
types of taxation. On the one hand, increasing any one of the three
taxes has a negative effect on fertility because such a tax rise raises
the cost of rearing a child through increasing bequests as in Becker and
Barro (1988). On the other hand, a rise in either the consumption tax or
the payroll tax also reduces the cost of a child and hence may raise
fertility. A rise in the payroll tax rate reduces the after-tax wage
rate (the opportunity cost of spending time on a child), and a rise in
the consumption tax rate lowers the cost of a child relative to the cost
of consumption. [2] But such a positive effect of a tax rise on
fertility through reducing the cost of a child is absent under the
lump-sum tax. Therefore, a rise in the lump-sum tax reduces fertility,
whereas rises in other taxes introduce opposing forces on fertility, and
their net effects depend on tastes for the number versus the welfare of
children. Under the consumption tax, the ne t effect on fertility of a
tax rise is negative if and only if the taste for the welfare of
children is stronger than that for the number of children. Under the
payroll tax, the net effect on fertility of a tax rise is negative if
the taste for the welfare of children is not much weaker than that for
the number of children. Substantial declines in fertility in recent
decades in many countries may suggest strong tastes for children's
welfare relative to their numbers. [3]
Under the lump-sum tax with positive bequests, human capital
investment per child relative to per family income, [[gamma].sub.q],
increases with the ratio of the lump-sum tax to income, [tau], because
fertility decreases with [tau] because of the well-known trade-off
between the quality and the quantity of children. With positive
bequests, a rise in the consumption tax rate raises human capital
investment per child as a fraction of per family income if and only if
it reduces fertility since the consumption tax affects human capital
investment only indirectly through fertility as under the lump-sum tax.
Under the payroll tax with positive bequests, a tax rise has an indirect
effect via fertility as well as a directly negative effect through
reducing the after-tax wage rate; the net effect is more likely to be
positive if the tax rise reduces fertility more substantially.
Responses of the growth rate of per capita income to tax rises for
social security under each of the three types of taxation depend on how
fertility and human capital investment respond to the tax rises, given
that the saving rate is independent of the taxes when bequests are
positive. By Equation 16, the (steady-state) growth rate is higher if
the saving rate or human capital investment per child relative to per
family income is higher or if fertility is lower. Under the lump-sum tax
with positive bequests, a tax rise raises the growth rate because it
stimulates human capital investment but reduces fertility without
changing the saving rate. Similarly, a rise in the consumption tax
raises the growth rate when it raises the fraction of income spent on
children's education and lowers fertility under the condition that
the taste for the welfare of children is stronger than that for the
number of children. With positive bequest, a rise in the payroll tax can
lead to a higher growth rate through reducing fertili ty even though it
may reduce human capital investment.
It is interesting to note the different restrictions for the three
types of taxation to have negative fertility effects and positive growth
effects in the long run. First of all, the lump-sum tax has the least
restriction. This is not surprising since the lump-sum tax has the least
distortions on the relative cost of children, human capital investment,
and consumption. It is less obvious but important in practice to know
which of the consumption tax and the payroll tax has less restriction.
The conventional view is in favor of a consumption tax over a payroll
tax in the literature on the implication of taxation for growth.
In Proposition 1, the condition for a negative net effect on
fertility of a tax rise under the consumption tax is more restrictive
than under the payroll tax because [rho] [less than] [alpha] [less
than][alpha](l + [theta][beta])/(1 -[alpha][theta]). Namely, all
possible parameter configurations that allow a negative effect on
fertility of a rise in the consumption tax rate will also allow a
negative effect on fertility of a rise in the payroll tax rate but not
vice versa.
The sufficient (nonnecessary) condition in Proposition 1 for a tax
rise under payroll taxation to enhance growth is also less restrictive
than the condition under consumption taxation, unless the payroll tax
rate exceeds some unlikely high level. This is obtained by noting that
[rho] [less than] [alpha][less than] [alpha] {[1 -[alpha](1 -
[delta])][1 + [theta] + [theta][beta](1 + [alpha]) + [alpha](1 -
[theta])[[tau].sub.l] -[beta](1 - [theta])(1 - [[tau].sub.l])] + (1 -
[theta])(1 - [[tau].sub.l])[[alpha](1 + [beta]) + [beta]]}/[(1 -
[alpha])(1 - [alpha][theta])(1 + [alpha]) + [alpha][theta](1 -
[alpha][theta])(l + [alpha]) - [[alpha].sup.2][delta](1 - [theta])]
under a sufficient but nonnecessary condition [theta][1 - [alpha](1 -
[delta])][1 + ([alpha] + [beta])(1 + [alpha])] + [alpha](1 - [delta]) -
[[tau].sub.t] + [beta](1 - [[tau].sub.t]) [greater than] 0. This
condition should be satisfied in practice since the payroll tax rate for
social security, [[tau].sub.t], is below or around 20% and the discount
factors ([beta] and [alpha]) sh ould be near or above 0.5.
The differences in restrictions for different taxes to raise the
growth rate are intuitive. The lump-sum tax has no direct effect on
human capital investment and lowers fertility as long as bequests are
positive, while the other two types of taxation need more restrictions
to lower fertility and may have directly negative effects on human
capital investment. Thus, the lump-sum tax does better for growth than
other taxes for social security. Compared to the consumption tax, a rise
in the payroll tax rate is more likely to lower fertility but has a
directly negative effect on human capital investment. The higher the
payroll tax rate, the stronger its directly negative effect on human
capital investment. As a result, when the payroll tax is extremely high,
its further rise may be less likely to raise the growth rate than a rise
in the consumption tax rate.
If bequests are positive but fertility were fixed at some exogenous level, then both the lump-sum tax and the consumption tax would have no
effect on human capital investment and growth since they impinge on the
economy only through fertility. In contrast, if bequests are positive
but fertility were exogenous, a rise in the payroll tax rate would be
harmful for growth through its directly negative effect on human capital
investment. These cases yield very different results by abstracting from
responses of fertility to changes in taxes for social security and from
the interactions between fertility and human capital investment.
4. Discussions: Interest Income Taxation and Zero Bequests
In this section, we first look at the impacts of an interest income
tax for social security. Then we will see what happens to the results if
bequests are zero.
Interest Income Taxation and Social Security
As mentioned earlier, some countries use general tax revenues,
which include the revenue from an interest income tax, to finance social
security. It is thus interesting to see how a tax on interest income to
finance social security affects the economy. In this case, unlike
previous ones with other taxes, there is no closed-form solution.
However, we could still draw conclusions by comparing the case with a
positive interest income tax for social security to that with a zero
Let [T.sub.r] be the rate of the interest income tax. The
government budget constraint is [B.sub.t] =
[T.sub.r][r.sub.t][s.sub.t-1][1 - v(1 + [n.sub.t-1])][w.sub.t-1], and
the agent's budget constraints are
[[c.sup.t].sub.t] = [b.sub.t] + [1 - v(1 + [n.sub.t])][w.sub.t](1 -
[s.sub.t]) - [q.sub.t](1 + [n.sub.t]),
[c.sup.[t.sub.t+1]] = [1 + [r.sub.t+1](1 - [T.sub.r])][s.sub.t][1 -
v(1 + [n.sub.t])][w.sub.t] + [B.sub.t+1] - [b.sub.t+1](1 + [n.sub.t]).
The first-order condition with respect to saving is given by
1/[[c.sup.t].sub.t] = [beta][1 + [r.sub.t+1](1 -
which differs from that in Equation 9. Note that a rise in the rate
of the interest income tax lowers the after-tax return to saving. The
other first-order conditions are the same as before.
Define [[gamma].sub.c2] = [[c.sup.t].sub.t+1]/{[1 + r(1 -
[[tau].sub.r])][1 - v(1 + [n.sub.t])][w.sub.t]} and [[gamma].sub.b] =
[b.sub.t+1](1 + [n.sub.t])/{[1 + r(1 - [[tau].sub.r])][1 - v(1 +
[n.sub.t])][w.sub.t]}. We can then solve the system of equations as
functions of the interest rate r in the steady-state balanced growth
equilibrium in a way similar to that in previous cases, but now r is
only implicitly determined. The saving function is
s = [alpha][theta][1 + r(1 - T)]/(1 - [theta])(1 + r), (17)
implying that the saving rate is lower with a positive interest
income tax than that with a zero tax on interest income. The result is
intuitive: Taxing interest income for social security lowers the rate of
return to savings.
The bequest function is
[[gamma].sub.b] = [alpha]/[alpha] + [beta]{[alpha][beta][theta][1 +
r(1 - [[tau].sub.r])]/(1 - [theta])(1 + r) + [alpha][theta]/1 - [theta]
- [beta](1 - [alpha])/1 - [alpha](1 - [delta])}. (18)
Here, bequests as a fraction of income are lower with a positive
interest income tax than that with a zero interest income tax. This is
because of the following reasons: (i) Such a tax is not a public
intergenerational transfer from the young to the old generation, so
there is no need to raise bequests, as opposed to the previous three
types of taxation, and (ii) as the interest income tax reduces savings,
old-age disposable income relative to that in middle age falls, and a
reduction in bequests helps to smooth life-cycle consumption.
Investment in children's education as a fraction of a
family's income, [[gamma].sub.q](1 + n), is equal to
[alpha][delta]/[1 - [alpha](1 - [delta])], which is a constant. Then,
the fraction of a family's income used for middle-age consumption,
a function of the interest rate, is
[[gamma].sub.ct] = - [[[alpha].sup.2][theta]/(1 - [theta])([alpha]
+ [beta])] [1 + r(1 - [[tau].sub.r])/1 + r] + [alpha][theta]/(1 -
[theta])([alpha] + [beta]) + [alpha](1 - [alpha])/([alpha] + [beta])[1 -
[alpha](1 - [delta])]' (19)
which is higher with a positive tax on interest income than with a
zero tax.
The fertility function is
1 + n = [1 - [alpha](1 - [delta])([rho][[gamma].sub.c1] -
[[gamma].sub.b]) - [alpha][delta]/v{1 - [alpha](1 - (delta)](1 +
([rho][[gamma].sub.c1] - [[gamma].sub.b]) - [alpha][delta]}. (20)
From the previous line of argument, [rho][[gamma].sub.c1] -
[[gamma].sub.b], and thereby fertility, is higher with a positive tax on
interest income than with a zero tax on interest income. Obviously,
human capital investment per child as a fraction of a family's
income, [[gamma].sub.q] is lower with a positive tax on interest income
than with a zero tax. Consequently, the growth rate, given in Equation
16, is lower with a positive tax on interest income than with a zero
When fertility is exogenous, the interest income tax for social
security has no effect on investment in education per child but lowers
the saving rate. Thus, it is still harmful for growth.
Zero Bequests
When bequests are zero, what are the impacts of the four types of
taxation for social security? We first give the results regarding the
lump-sum tax and the payroll tax where we can find closed-form
solutions. Later, we investigate the results with consumption and
interest income taxes, respectively, when there is no closed-form
With lump-sum and payroll taxes and with zero bequests, the saving
rate is given by
S = [beta][theta]{(1 - [tau] - [[tau].sub.l])[1 - [alpha](1 -
[delta])] - [alpha][delta](1 - [[tau].sub.l])}/[1 - [alpha](1 -
[delta])][[theta](1 + [beta]) + (1 - [theta])([tau] + [[tau].sub.l])]
(See the derivation in the Appendix.) Evidently,
[partial]s/[partial][tau] [less than] 0 and
[partial]s/[partial][[tau].sub.l] [less than] 0; that is, the saving
rate falls as either the lump-sum tax or the payroll tax rises relative
to income. The intuition is that when bequests are zero (because of a
sufficiently weak taste for the welfare of children), agents reduce
savings in anticipation of a reduction in middle-age after-tax income
and a rise in social security benefits through a rise in lump-sum or
payroll taxes.
The solution for fertility, children's education, and the
growth rate are the same as in Equations 14 to 16, respectively, with
[[gamma].sub.b] = 0. Thus, a rise in the rate of the payroll tax raises
fertility but reduces education investment per child, in addition to its
negative effect on saving, and hence is harmful for growth. On the other
hand, a rise in the rate of the lump-sum tax has ambiguous effects on
fertility and education investment per child as opposed to its negative
effect on saving. As a result, a rise in the lump-sum tax rate has an
ambiguous (possibly negative) net effect on the growth rate.
When consumption taxes are positive and bequests are zero, the
saving rate is implicitly given by
s = [beta](1 - [alpha])/(1 + [beta])[1 - [alpha](1 - [delta])] -
[[[tau].sub.s]/(1 + [beta])(1 - [[tau].sub.c])(1 + [[tau].sub.c])][(1 -
[alpha])(1 - [theta])/[theta][1 - [alpha](1 - [delta])] + 1 +
[[tau].sub.c - s(1 - [theta])/[theta]]. (22)
Here, the last factor in the second term on the right-hand side of
Equation 22, (1 - [alpha])(l - [theta]){[theta][1 - [alpha](1 -
[delta])]} + [[tau].sub.c - s(1 - [theta])/[theta], is positive at
least for s [less than or equal to] [theta]/(1 - [theta]). If [theta] =
1/3 as widely used, then s [less than or equal to] 1/2, which is surely
satisfied in reality, is sufficient for s [less than or equal to]
[theta](1 - [theta]). Thus, the saving rate is lower with a positive
consumption tax than with a zero consumption tax. [4] This is due to the
fact that such a tax collects part of middle-age consumption
expenditures of the working generation and transfers it as social
security benefits to the generation in retirement. When bequests are
zero, agents naturally save less to counteract the reduction in
middle-age consumption relative to old-age consumption under the
consumption tax-financed social security.
Again, the solution for fertility, education investment, and the
growth rate has the same form as that in Equation 14 to 16 with
[[gamma].sub.b] = 0. Observe that the sign of the impact of a rise in
the consumption tax rate on (1 + [[tau].sub.c])[[gamma].sub.c1] is the
opposite of that on s. Thus, fertility is higher with a positive
consumption tax than with a zero consumption tax. It is then obvious
that education investment per child and the growth rate are lower with a
positive consumption tax than with a zero tax.
When the interest income is taxed for social security with zero
bequests, the saving function is
S = [beta](1 - [alpha])/[1 - [alpha](1 - [delta])]{[beta] + (1 +
r)/[1 + r(1 - [[tau].sub.r])]}. (23)
Obviously, the saving rate is lower with a positive interest income
tax than with a zero tax. Paralleling the argument used earlier,
fertility is higher but education investment and the growth rate are
lower with a positive tax on interest income than with a zero tax.
5. Concluding Remarks
This paper has shown that various types of taxation for social
security have different implications for steady-state balanced growth
and fertility. In terms of enhancing growth and reducing fertility, we
rank the taxes for social security by the following order: the lump-sum
tax first, the payroll tax second, the consumption tax third, and the
interest income tax last. While the main results are based on the
assumption of operative bequests, we have considered the case with zero
bequests. The case with operative bequests may be quite relevant, as
found in Kotlikoff and Summers (1981), that bequests are an important
element in accounting for capital accumulation in the United States.
These results may have some useful policy implications. If lump-sum
taxation for social security is not an option in practice, then
governments that are mainly concerned about long-run growth should use
payroll taxes rather than consumption/interest income taxes to finance
social security as we observe in many countries.
Our results are similar to those in the literature on social
security in one important aspect: "at least one of the determinants
of the economy's growth path--fertility, savings, or human capital
accumulation, hence growth, must be adversely affected," as stated
in Ehrlich and Lui 1997; see also Ehrlich and Lui 1998). However, our
study differs from the previous work by showing the different
implications of various ways of collecting tax revenues for social
security. In so doing, it echoes some established results in the
literature on taxation and growth, such as the advantage of a lump-sum
tax over other taxes, but it differs from the work on taxation by
yielding two interesting results when social security is concerned: (i)
The lump-sum taxation is distortionary as long as fertility is
endogenous, and (ii) labor income taxation is likely to be more
conducive to economic growth than consumption taxation. We achieve the
results by relating various types of taxation to the financing of social
security, wherea s many studies on taxation assume that tax revenues are
given back to individuals as lump-sum transfers.
(*.) School of Economics and Finance, Victoria University of
Wellington, P.O. Box 600, Wellington, New Zealand; E-mail
[email protected].
I would like to thank an editor and two anonymous referees for very
helpful comments and suggestions. Responsibility for any remaining
omissions or errors is my own.
Received April 1999; accepted March 2000.
(1.) This is only a simplifying assumption; there is no change in
results if alternatively we assume that physical capital comes from both
bequests and savings.
(2.) Define the cost or price of a child as [P.sub.n], and the
price of current consumption as [P.sub.c1], which equals unity. Also
define the current period utility as U([[c.sup.t].sub.t],
[[c.sup.t].sub.t+1], [n.sub.t]) [equivalent] ln [c.sup.t].sub.t] +
[beta] ln [[c.sup.t].sub.t+1] + [rho] ln(1 + [n.sub.t]). Then, we can
rewrite Equation II as [P.sub.n]/[P.sub.ct] = [[w.sub.t]v(1 -
[[tau].sub.1]) + [q.sub.t] + [b.sub.t+1]/(1 + [r.sub.t+1])]/(1 +
[[tau].sub.c]) = [rho][[c.sup.t].sub.t]/(1 + [n.sub.t] =
[U.sub.n]/[U.sub.ct] since 1/[[c.sup.t].sub.t] = [beta](1 +
[r.sub.t+1])/[[c.sup.t].sub.t+1], where [U.sub.n] and [U.sub.c1] are
partial derivatives of U(*, *, *) with respect to [n.sub.t] and
[[c.sup.t].sub.t], respectively. The left-hand side of this equation is
the cost of a child relative to the cost of consumption, while the
right-hand side is the marginal rate of substitution between the number
of children and consumption. A rise in either [[tau].sub.1] or
[[tau].sub.c] has a direct negative effect in addition to an indirect
positive effect through [b.sub.t+1], on [P.sub.n]/[P.sub.c1].
(3.) The substantial declines in fertility might also have resulted
from relative price changes rather than changes in tastes. In
particular, the rise in females' wage rates relative to males'
may lead to declines in fertility.
(4.) Note that the saving rate can now have two solutions when the
consumption tax is positive. Thus, the impact of a rise in the rate of
the consumption tax on savings (and hence on other variables) may not be
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Derivation of the Steady-State Balanced Growth Solution with
Positive Bequests
Updating Equations 4 to 7 by one period, we have [w.sub.t+1]/(1 +
r) = [(1 - [theata])/[theta]][K.sub.t+1]/{[L.sub.t+1][1 - v(1 +
n)[h.sub.t+1]]} and [K.sub.t+1] = [L.sub.t]S][1 - v(1 + n)][w.sub.t].
Thus, [w.sub.t+1]/(1 + [r.sub.t+1]) = (1 - [theta])[SW.sub.t]/[[theta](1
+ n)] or
(1 + g)(1 + n)/(1 + r) = (1 - [theta])s/[theta]. (A1)
With positive bequests, Equations S and 9 imply
(1 + g)(1 + n)I(1 + r) = [alpha]. (A2)
According to Equations A1 and A2, s = [alpha][theta]/(1 - [theta])
as in Equation 12, which is independent of the rates of the lump-sum
tax, the consumption tax, and the payroll tax.
The solution for [[gamma].sub.q] in Equation 15 follows Equation 10
by noting that [q.sub.t]/[[c.sup.t].sub.1] =
[q.sub.t+1]/[[c.sup.t+1].sub.r+1] = [[gamma].sub.q]/[[gamma].sub.c1] and
[[gamma].sub.c1] cancels out from both sides of Equation 10. By Equation
9, [[gamma].sub.c2] = [beta][[gamma].sub.c1], which, together with
Equations 1, 2, 12, and 15, provides the solution for [[gamma].sub.b] in
Equation 13 by observing that [b.sub.t] = [b.sub.t+1](1 + n)(1 + r)/[(1
+ g)(1 + n)(1 + r)] = [[gamma].sub.b][1 - v(1 + n)][w.sub.t](1 + r)/[(1
+ g)(1 + n)] = ([[gamma].sub.b]/[alpha])[1 - v(1 + n)[[w.sub.t]. The
solution for 1 + n in Equation 14 then follows Equations 9 and 11.
The rate of human capital accumulation is determined by the
education technology, Equation 4, and Equation 15:
1 + g = [h.sub.t+1]/[h.sub.t] = A[{[[gamma].sub.q][1 - v(1 + n)](1
- [theta])D[e.sup.[theta]]}.sup.[delta]]. (A3)
Similarly, Equations 4 and 7 determine the rate of physical capital
accumulation per worker:
1 + g = [K.sub.t+1]/[L.sub.t+1]/[K.sub.t]/[L.sub.t] = [s(1 -
[theta])D/(1+n)][e.sup.[theta]-1]. (A4)
Equations A3 and A4 produce the steady-state physical
capital/effective labor ratio:
e = [{s[[D(1 - [theta])].sup.1-[delta]]/A(1 +
n)[[[gamma].sup.[delta]].sub.q][[1 - v(1 +
n)].sup.[delta]]}.sup.1/[1-[theta](1-[delta])]]. (A5)
Substituting Equation A5 into either Equation A3 or Equation A4
yields the solution for the steady-state balanced growth rate in
Equation 16.
Derivation of the Steady-State Balanced Growth Solution with Zero
When bequests are zero, the first-order condition with respect to
bequests cannot hold in strict equality, and thus we use the other
equations for the equilibrium. In particular, the solution for
[[gamma].sub.q](1 + n) is the same as that in Equation 15.
As in the first part of the Appendix, we have [w.sub.t+1]/(1 +
[r.sub.t+1]) = (1 - [theta])[sw.sub.t]/[[theta](1 + n)] and Equation A1.
We use them to rewrite [B.sub.t+1]/{(1 + r)[1 + r)[1 - v(1 - v(1 +
n)][w.sub.t]} [equiv] [[gamma].sub.B] = (1 + g)(1 + n)([tau] +
[[tau].sub.1])/(1 + r) as (1 - [theta]([tau] + [[tau].sub.1])s/[theta].
Aslo Equations 1 to 3 with b = 0, [[gamma].sub.c2] =
[beta][[gamma].sub.c1], and Equation 15 mean s + [[gamma].sub.B] =
[beta](1 - [tau] - [[tau].sub.l] - s) - [alpha][beta][delta](1 -
[[tau].sub.1])/[1 - [alpha](1 - [delta])]. The solution for s follows.
The solution for 1 + n is the same as in Equation 14 with
[[gamma].sub.b] = 0 and the growth rate the same as in Equation 16.