Bicameral legislatures and fiscal policy.
Crain, W. Mark
John Charles Bradbury (*)
W. Mark Crain (+)
Early and modern scholars both presume that bicameral chambers
limit the exploitation of minorities by the ruling majority similar to
supermajority voting rules. We explain theoretically why bicameralism is
a unique and desirable institution for protecting minority interests.
The empirical analysis examines the structure of bicameralism in the
American States. Using detailed data to proxy voter preferences, we find
the degree of constituent homogeneity across chambers to be an important
determinant of government expenditures for several budget components.
Decreased constituent homogeneity tends to reduce redistributive
spending and increase spending on public goods.
1. Introduction
Of all the topics relating to the theory of representative
government, none has been the subject of more discussion, especially on
the Continent, than what is known as the question of the Two Chambers.
(Mill 1950, p. 436)
John Stuart Mill's observation in the mid-19th century is
clearly outdated; the two-chamber question receives scant attention in
modern political economy. The absence of continued debate might simply
reflect a general satisfaction with the dual-chambered structure as a
desirable democratic institution. Most developed democracies and all but
one of the American states have adopted a bicameral legislative
structure. In this paper we stress the many variations in bicameralism,
even among the American states, and the effects these variations have on
policy making and fiscal outcomes. Put simply, bicameralism is not an
all-or-none institution. Instead, bicameralism is a variable institution
that alters the identity of the median legislator within each chamber,
and determines the similarity of the dominant coalitions between the two
chambers. In this perspective, the impact of bicameralism on policy
comes principally from the different bases of representation across the
two chambers. Moreover, the analysis stresses that the degree of
bicameralism changes regularly as a consequence of the redistricting process.
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2
reviews the main conceptual arguments underlying the function of a
bicameral organization. Section 3 examines implications for fiscal
policy using data from the American states. We develop several measures
of "bicameralism" using detailed constituency data on economic
and demographic characteristics at the level of state legislative
districts. We then use these measures to examine the effect of
interdistrict constituent homogeneity on total state government spending as well as on the major components of state budgets. Section 4
summarizes the main findings and offers concluding observations.
2. Toward a Positive Theory of Bicameralism
Bicameralism has not always been the norm in the United States;
instead, it evolved from unicameral systems used in the
pre-Revolutionary War era. (1) Initially, most colonies had
singlechamber legislatures whose members represented different
coalitions of citizens. These coalitions ultimately grew and then
separated into distinct chambers for passing laws. By the time of the
founding of the United States in 1789, only Pennsylvania and Georgia
still operated under unicameral systems. At the national level, the
United States' first legislature under the Articles of
Confederation was unicameral, a contentious element with the Articles.
Drawing on this experience, the Framers feared that assigning legislative power only to states or to the population as a whole would
result in the tyranny of majority by small-population states or
large-population states. The eventual compromise over constituent
representation was deemed so important to the Constitutional Convention
that it was dubbed the "Great Compromise." The adoption of a
bicameral system under the new Constitution, with two legislative bodies
differently composed, was considered a progressive step to alleviate many of the problems with the former system.
Several modern scholars who have analyzed bicameralism using formal
techniques generally reach a common conclusion, one that reinforces the
Framers' intuitive logic. In Madison's terms "the
improbability of sinister combinations will be in proportion to the
dissimilarity of the two bodies" (Hamilton, Jay, and Madison 1993,
p. 247). (2) We exposit two channels through which bicameralism
predictably protects minority interests against policies that they would
not favor. These channels, labeled Constituent Homogeneity and
Legislative Stability, provide the basis for the implications regarding
state fiscal policy examined empirically in the next section.
Constituent Homogeneity
Seminal works in modern political economy posit that the major
effect of bicameralism stems from different bases of representation in
the two chambers. Tullock (1959) first noted that a second legislative
chamber dampens the inherent problem of tyranny of the majority much
like the adoption of inclusive voting rules (for example, a rule that
requires a two-thirds majority to approve legislation). The requirement
to satisfy legislative preferences in two differently composed chambers
decreases the likelihood that a minority's interests will be
ignored in the final agreement. (3)
If the composition of chambers leads to differing median policy
preferences, median differences should predictably affect legislative
outcomes. Chambers will find less room for agreement as their
demographic compositions become less similar. Consider the extreme case
in which the districts in the two chambers hold no constituents in
common. As Gilligan, Marshall, and Weingast (1989, P. 42) note, in that
case "when different interests dominate different houses, each
interest, in effect, holds a veto over legislation." However, as
the difference shrinks between the median district in the upper chamber
and lower chamber, it becomes increasingly easy for the two chambers to
reach consensus on policy. More similarity across the two chambers
facilitates intercameral trade, because as constituencies across
chambers become more similar, bicameral chambers will be more likely to
agree on which constituents to tax or to subsidize.
The homogeneity of constituencies raises potentially observable implications. First, two chambers with quite different constituencies
should experience less spending on redistributive projects than two
chambers with similar preferences. Second, spending on public goods
should increase as constituent diversity across chambers increases. As
redistribution becomes difficult, and therefore relatively less likely
to occur, constituents will be more willing to bear higher tax burdens
because revenues will be devoted to expenditures on public goods.
Legislative Stability
A bicameral structure may also reduce cyclical majority problems by
excluding many non-Condorcet-winning majorities from the legislative
choice Set. If the legislature enacts a law that can be defeated by the
formation of a new coalition, a change in legislative preferences, or
legislative turnover, policy outcomes will change frequently. This can
impose costs on the economy through the instability of laws and by
encouraging legislators to act strategically in response to cycles. (4)
A dual-chamber legislature induces legislative stability similar to a
supermajority rule, yet it has the advantage of allowing majority
agreement on single-dimension policy issues that do not cause policy
cycles. For instance, spending decisions regarding public goods, on
which there is likely to be stable majority agreement, will pass under a
simple majority rule. However, under a supermajority requirement these
projects might not pass even though they would not increase budget
Riker (1992) touts this second virtue of bicameralism: the use of
dual legislative chambers to reduce the feasible set of policy outcomes,
which in turn produces stability in legislative outcomes. If preferences
are multidimensional and unstable, fiscal policy may cycle with changes
in the majority coalition over time. The preferences of legislatures are
inherently unstable because of frequent elections that result in
continuous turnover. As a result, Riker argues that any majority
coalition will seek a higher level of government activities than it
would prefer if it were to continue in power. Riker's argument runs
as follows. Coalition members know that in future periods they may be
net losers in legislative transfers; thus coalitions will behave
strategically to exploit their temporary majorities. Riker postulates
that all current majorities will seek inefficiently high levels of
government activity to offset future losses. Though a supermajority
requirement in a unicameral chamber could achieve identical s uccess in
producing Condorcet winners on multidimensional issues, one-dimensional
issues that would be Pareto optimal under simple majority rule will
fail. Bicameralism uniquely reduces the passage of non-Condorcet winners
on multidimensional issues while allowing majority agreement on
single-dimensional issues. (5)
Dixit, Grossman, and Gul (2000) provide a related argument for why
a bicameral legislature is superior to a unicameral chamber operating
under a supermajority rule. In the model, two interests vie for the
power to make political decisions. The party in power may use its status
to exploit the minority or adopt general rules. Because this is a
repeated game, parties may decide to enter into agreements so that the
ruling party will not exploit the minority. The current party knows that
in the future the minority party may come to power and punish the
current party for wealth-reducing policies. Under a simple majority
rule, party dominance is more likely to change than under supermajority
rule where the defecting party cannot be punished until the exploited
party gains the necessary representation. A party changeover in power is
less likely under a supermajority rule, because the minority power must
obtain a larger vote share than it would under simple majority rule.
Thus, the ruling party will be more willing to renege than it would be
under a simple majority rule, because of the reduced chance of
retaliation or the retaliation is far in the future.
Thus, we postulate that bicameralism offers a second advantage in
protecting minority interests relative to a unicameral chamber with a
supermajority rule. Bicameral chambers composed of opposing interests
can continually enforce legislative agreements rather than relying on
the threat of retaliation to enforce legislative bargains over time,
which is the only enforcement option in unicameral legislatures. If
different interests control the chambers then the parties do not have to
enforce legislative agreements through retaliation over time. A veto
player limits the likelihood of minority exploitation in each period.
Bicameral differences decrease redistributive spending that results
from legislative instability. By raising the decision-making costs
through adding a veto player, redistributive spending will decline
similar to requiring a supermajority in a unicameral chamber. In the
context of measuring bicameralism as a continuous variable, as the
chamber preferences become more dissimilar, the check on redistribution
rises, resulting in a predictable decline in tyranny of majority
spending. However, a bicameral system uniquely avoids problems imposed
by a unicameral chamber with a supermajority rule. First, stable
Condorcet-winning policies that are favored by a majority in both
chambers will succeed, whereas they would fail in the alternate
institution framework. Second, if coalitions restrain redistributive
spending because of rotating majorities, a supermajority rule may remove
this constraint.
Bicameral differences restrict the ability of coalitions to
manipulate fiscal policy for redistributive purposes. This limitation
has a secondary effect on government spending on public goods. First,
tax revenues that may have been used for redistributive spending can now
be used for public goods. Second, citizens may be willing to accept
higher taxes because the revenue cannot be used for redistribution.
Thus, bicameral differences should reduce government expenditures on
redistributive programs, but increase government spending on
nonredistributive programs.
3. Empirical Model
Data and Specification Issues
The theoretical case that bicameralism acts as a check on majority
tyranny is quite solid, yet lacks empirical scrutiny. The two arguments
developed above imply that bicameralism should constrain fiscal
agreements that redistribute income from one constituent group to
another. In this section we use demographic measures of chamber
constituencies to examine this implication empirically.
The analysis treats bicameralism not as a discrete structure, but
rather as a continuous institutional arrangement based on the degree of
constituent homogeneity across chambers. This ranges from identically
composed chambers to totally different bases of representation across
the chambers. In this perspective, as the chambers' demographic
characteristics become more diverse the legislature becomes increasingly
"bicameral." The main implication we address relates to the
impact of varying degrees of bicameralism on state fiscal performance.
Specifically, increasing degrees of bicameralism should act as a break
on redistributive fiscal policies. This implication is consistent with
classic and modem theory: As the two chambers become increasingly
similar, or less bicameral in our framework, policy choices approach the
unicameral outcome. This follows both from the direct effect of
different constituencies drawing from a common tax base, and from the
indirect effect of reducing the probability of achieving non-Co ndorcet
To implement the empirical analysis we first construct four
alternative measures of bicameralism on the basis of proxies of the
median voter of each chamber. (6) Each measure uses a specific economic
or demographic constituent characteristic, including average household
income, the percentage of constituents with incomes greater than
$50,000, the percentage of constituents receiving Social Security
benefits, and the percentage of constituents employed in the
manufacturing sector. Symbolically, the bicameral measure is [absolute
value of (([X.sub.L] - [X.sub.U])/[X.sub.L]], where [X.sub.L] and
[X.sub.U] denote the demographic characteristic of the median legislator
in the lower chamber and upper chamber. (7) For example, consider the
bicameralism measure based on average household income. We find the
median legislative district in each chamber with respect to household
income. We then compute the percentage difference between these two
median incomes. Increases in this value thus reflect greater disparity between the two chamber s. We note that prior studies have used
constituent income to proxy of legislative preferences of the median
voter (e.g., Inman 1978 and Pommerehne 1978). The latter three measures
proxy constituencies that hold common interests in government transfers.
For example, the percentage of constituents with incomes greater than
$50,000 proxies the potential demand for transfers from high- to
low-income families. (8) The other two measures reflect the degree of
interchamber similarity with respect to age-related and job-related
policy preferences.
Equation 1 specifies the empirical model we use to test the
[] = [THETA][] + [PHI][] + [[tau].sub.t] +
[[eta].sub.i] + [[member of]] (1)
where the subscripts i and t denote an observation for an
individual state in a particular year. The dependent variable,
[] is total state government spending (denominated in real per
capita terms) from 1994 to 1997. (9) We estimate Equation 1 using
weighted least squares with cross-section weights to correct for
detected heteroscedasticity. Separate models examine three main
categories of state spending: public welfare, education, and highways.
We also include estimates for total state spending.
[], in Equation 1 represents a vector of variables that
proxy constituency difference across the two legislative chambers in the
American states. It includes the bicameral measures described above, the
demographic variables for each chamber from which we compute the
bicameralism variable, and a dummy variable equal to one where the
legislative districts for the two chambers are identical. We initially
focus on the interchamber income metric. Then we extend the analysis to
examine other demographic measures of constituencies in chambers that
are jointly influenced by transfers and rent-seeking. Chambers with
constituents of similar demographic median representation should have
higher levels of spending than chambers with more different constituent
preferences. We include the demographic characteristics of the separate
chambers to control for abnormally high differences that could influence
the bicameralism variable. (10) Five states select representatives for
both chambers from the same electoral distr icts, which means that the
bicameral variable (the percent difference of the chamber medians) in
these cases equals zero. (11) We handle the problem in several ways to
ensure robustness. First, in preliminary models we excluded the five
states from the sample altogether. These results did not differ
materially from those reported in the Tables 1-7 below in which they are
included. Second, we include a "Same Districts" dummy variable
equal to one for the five states that share legislative districts for
both chambers to check for a discrete effect. These results are listed
in Table 3. This method has the advantage of comparing these states that
should be the least bicameral with other states within the same
regression. Third, we examine specifications that include a squared
bicameral term to control for nonlinearity in the relation between
bicameralism and government expenditures. A Wald coefficient test
indicates that the inclusion of the squared term is necessary; thus, we
report only the results that include the squared bicameral term.
[] is a vector of six control variables: state median
household income, log of state population, population growth, the
percentage of the population between the ages of 17 and 64, the
unemployment rate, and a measure of state constituent ideology.
[[tau].sub.t] is a vector of fixed year effects,[[eta].sub.i] is a
vector of state-specific time trends that captures any time trends in
government spending specific to individual states, and [[member
of]], is the error term. State median household income proxies
the median voter of the state, and therefore the district configuration
variables capture the difference between statewide and district income.
We expect the demand for government spending to rise with income in
accordance with Wagner's Law; however, the support for a direct
relation between income and the demand for government spending is mixed.
(12) The unemployment rate proxies potential claims for unemployment
insurance and related welfare programs. Population and population growth
are incl uded to control for economies of scale in government
expenditures. As population rises, additional government spending per
capita should decline. The percentage of the population between the ages
of 17 and 64 proxies the share of the population that is neither old nor
young. That is, old and young constituents tend to be the largest
consumers of government programs, and we anticipate a negative
correlation between this variable and state spending. In addition, a
larger work force means there are fewer Social Security recipients in
the state population; therefore, a larger working age population should
be associated with lower government spending because of the lower demand
for redistributive transfers. We use the citizen ideology index of Berry et al. (1998) to proxy the constituent ideology of the state. Index
scores are positively correlated with the citizen taste for government
spending in the state. Table 1 lists the summary statistics for all of
the variables.
4. Results
Tables 2 and 3 list the results for the income measure of
bicameralism for the major budget components and for total expenditures.
(13) First we regress expenditures on a baseline model that excludes the
constituent homogeneity variables, year effects, and state-specific time
trends. The baseline model (not reported) explains close to 50% of the
variation in public welfare and highway spending; however, it only
explains 5% of the variation in education expenditures. In the total
expenditures model, the control variables explain almost 60% of the
For the public welfare component (Table 2), bicameralism is
negatively related to expenditures. At the average, a 1% increase in
bicameralism leads to a 0.027% decline ($0.19 per capita) in welfare
spending. Considering that the theoretical work on bicameralism
postulates a reduction in redistributive activity, this effect for the
public welfare component is not surprising. Public welfare spending
tends to reflect a pure redistribution, whereas the other spending
components may provide some efficiency-enhancing public goods.
In support of this interpretation, the results indicate that
bicameralism is positively related to education expenditures, highway
expenditures, and total expenditures. In addition, states with the same
legislative districts in both chambers (meaning they have the minimal
bicameral check) experience high levels of total government expenditures
and in these budget components. Using the mean level of government
spending, a 1% increase in bicameralism leads to a 0.03% increase ($1.02
per capita) in total government spending, a 0.018% increase in highway
spending ($0.05 per capita), and a 0.046% increase ($0.49 per capita) in
education spending. Table 3 reports the regression results with the Same
District dummy to isolate the effect of these states that have the same
median voter in each chamber. The results for bicameralism do not change
when we control for this factor. The states with the same electoral
districts for both chambers are associated with a rather large increase
in total expenditures of $160 per ca pita, a $14 increase in public
welfare spending per capita, a $134 increase in education spending per
capita, and a $49 increase in highway spending per capita.
Though general spending may be redistributive, we cannot easily
identify this type of redistribution. Where we observe a specific
redistributive program and can identify specific demographic interests
aligned with these programs, on average bicameralism should reduce this
type of political activity. That we do not observe similar behavior with
regard to other types of spending programs indicates that general
spending is more likely to be efficient than spending associated with
redistribution. Recall that the theory predicts that bicameralism should
make spending more efficient -- not simply limit the spending level --
by limiting agreement to the set of policies agreed upon by the median
constituents of both chambers. This suggests that increased bicameralism
may increase spending in some areas of the state budget but not others.
As legislators become less able to seek transfers, they may devote more
spending to efficient public goods where they agree. Matsusaka (1992)
finds that states in which citizens have the ability to check their
representatives (through voter initiative institutions), representatives
pay more attention to efficiency compared with states without
voter-initiative institutions. The results in Tables 2 through 5 suggest
that bicameralism exerts a similar effect.
To examine the redistributive hypothesis in further detail, we use
a second round of regression models that use measures to proxy specific
transfer-seeking coalitions. (14) We use three different measures of
bicameral differences driven by desire to allocate transfers to median
legislative constituencies. Tables 4 through 7 list the effect of
bicameral differences with respect to transfer-seeking coalitions. We do
not report the results for specifications that include the Same
Districts dummy because it is almost always insignificant. The results
provide strong support for the contention that bicameral constituency
differences limit redistributive spending. Bicameralism is negatively
and significantly related to total government expenditures, and in all
the spending components except for two specifications of highway
Consistent with the median income measure of bicameralism,
bicameralism as proxied by constituent groups has the strongest impact
on public welfare spending. At the average level of spending, a 1%
increase in bicameralism leads to between a 0.05 and 0.08%
(approximately $0.50 per capita) decrease in public welfare
expenditures. For education expenditures, which compose almost a third
of total government expenditures, for each bicameral proxy a 1% increase
in bicameralism leads to a 0.03% (approximately $0.33 per capita)
decline in spending. The results for highway spending are mixed, ranging
from a positive effect of 0.04% ($0.11 per capita) to a negative 0.06%
($0.16 per capita) change in expenditures. In total, a 1% increase in
bicameral difference leads to a decline of between 0.005% ($0.19 per
capita) and 0.03% ($1.04 per capita) in total spending.
5. Concluding Comments
Classical political economists such as Montesquieu and Madison
considered bicameralism to be a critical legislative institution. With a
few exceptions, modern scholarship tends to ignore the potential
consequences of this institution. Tsebelis and Money (1997) point out
that studies of political outcomes that ignore bicameral interaction
neglect an important component and are therefore biased. In this paper
we attempt to fill this void in the study of political institutions by
examining the role of bicameralism in determining state fiscal policy.
We construct several measures of bicameralism from demographic
characteristics of American state legislatures, and on the basis of
these measures we find evidence to support the claim that bicameral
interaction has a predictable effect on fiscal policy. Different
representative constituencies in bicameral chambers limit the use of
fiscal policy for wealth transfers. Additionally, by reducing the
ability of representatives to pursue redistributive transfers, legislato
rs may direct spending to more efficient uses. The empirical results
indicate that, on average, increasing the bicameral difference in terms
of redistributive coalitions between chambers reduces government
In sum, bicameral chambers serve the intended purpose of the
Founding Fathers to limit government to the protection of the
"general welfare." This has particularly strong policy
implications for new and developing countries that seek to design
constitutions that restrict the government from engaging in harmful
redistributive activities.
(*.) Department of Economics, The University of the South, Sewanee,
TN 37383, USA; corresponding author.
(+.) Center for Study of Public Choice, George Mason University,
Fairfax, VA 22030, USA; E-mail mailto:
[email protected].
We thank Noel Campbell, Joe Johnson, Thomas Stratmann, Todd
Zywicki, and two anonymous referees for helpful comments. All remaining
errors are our responsibility. The Center for Study for Public Choice
provided financial support for this study.
Received October 2000; accepted May 2001.
(1.) Montesquieu (1997) first put forth the idea to use separate
legislative chambers to limit the ability of one group to use its
majority status to dominate the minority. Tsebelis and Rasch (1995) and
Tsebelis and Money (1997) provide extensive discussions of the history
and logic of bicameralism internationally and in the United States.
(2.) For examples, see Hammond and Miller (1987); Brennan and
Hamlin (1992); Levmore (1992); Riker (1992); Persson, Roland, and
Tabellini (1997); Tsebelis and Money (1997); and Diermeier and Myerson
(3.) For additional discussion on the effect of constituent
homogeneity on policy outcomes see Buchanan and Tullock (1962), Stigler
(1976), Crain (1979), Hayek (1979), McCormick and Tollison (1981),
Tsebelis and Money (1997), and Bradbury and Crain (in press).
(4.) Madison comments on this issue when discussing bicameralism,
stating, "[t]he internal effects of mutable policy ... poisons the
blessings of liberty." Additionally, he notes that mutable
legislation enhances the political influence of mischievous interest
groups: "Another effect of public instability is the unreasonable
advantage it gives to the sagacious, the enterprising and the moneyed
few, over the industrious and the uninformed mass of people"
(Hamilton, Jay, and Madison 1993, p. 249).
(5.) Also, see Besley and Coate (1998) for an alternative model of
political compromise in a dynamic setting.
(6.) This is based on the standard assumption that the preferences
of the median voter determine the equilibrium outcome in democracy. See
Bradbury and Crain (2001) for a discussion of the median legislator as
the median voter in representative democracy.
(7.) We obtain the data from Lilley, DeFranco, and Diefenderfer
(1998). The sample includes 48 states for a total of 192 observations
over the time period. We exclude Nebraska because of its unicameral
legislature. Also, we exclude Alaska because of its heavy reliance on
severance taxes.
(8.) See Meltzer and Richard (1981) and Krussel and Rios-Rull
(1999) for models of transfers driven by income differences in the
(9.) We use the post-1990s redistricting period for which state
district level data are available.
(10.) Including demographic variables for both chambers in the same
regression does cause multicollinearity problems. However, because the
object of analysis is the similarity between chambers, remedies such as
removing one or both of the variables may induce bias in the model. For
the majority of specifications the standard errors remain within the
realm of statistical significance, indicating that there is little bias
in the current specifications. Taking either variable out may cause more
problems than the remedy of separate specifications.
(11.) The five states are Arizona, Idaho, New Jersey, North Dakota,
and Washington. In these states, both chambers of the legislature are
composed from the same set of legislative districts, and therefore the
chamber medians are identical.
(12.) See Ram (1987) for a survey of empirical tests of
Wagner's Law.
(13.) We do not report the results from the reduced sample because
of the similarity of the results. Results for the reduced sample are
available from the authors upon request.
(14.) We purposely use the term "transfer-seeking"
instead of "rent-seeking." Even if no interest groups expend effort to influence representatives, reelection-maximizing
representatives will prefer to allocate transfers to their constituents.
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Tsebelis, George, and Bjornerik Rasch. 1995. Patterns of
bicameralism. In Parliaments and majority rule in Western Europe, edited
by Herbert Doering. New York: St. Martin's, pp. 365-90.
Tullock, Gordon. 1959. Problems of majority voting. Journal of
Political Economy 67:571-9.
Table 1
Summary Statistics
Mean St. Dev Max. Min.
Spending components
Total expenditures $3,363 $636 $5,374 $2,368
Public welfare $701 $200 $1,521 $390
Education $1,047 $207 $1,515 $511
Highway $271 $85 $632 $142
Median household income $35,737 $5,145 $48,736 $25,614
In (Population) 8.14 0.99 10.38 6.16
Population growth 0.01 0.01 0.053 -0.007
Unemployment rate 5.17 1.14 8.9 2.5
Population (ages 18-64) 61.11 1.57 64.5 56.4
Berry ideology 45.64 13.97 84.04 7.67
Upper chamber medians
Income $38,142 $6,914 $56,761 $27,495
Income > 50 K (%) 20.13 7.66 41.00 11.00
Social security (%) 27.02 3.10 35.00 21.00
Manufacturing employment (%) 23.96 5.66 36.00 11.00
Lower chamber medians
Income $37,693 $6,786 $55,003 $27,321
Income > 50 K (%) 19.77 7.61 40.00 10.00
Social Security (%) 27.00 3.28 35.00 19.00
Manufacturing employment (%) 24.02 5.68 36.00 11.00
Bicameralism measures
Bicameralism (income) 0.018 0.019 0.085 0.000
Bicameralism (income > 50 K) 0.043 0.052 0.250 0.000
Bicameralism (Social Secrity) 0.017 0.026 0.105 0.000
Bicameralism (manufacturing) 0.023 0.029 0.125 0.000
Table 2
Effect of Bicameralism on Expenditures
Welfare Education
2 2
Median house- 4.09E-03 -6.67E-03
hold income (1.64) (*) (2.31) (**)
In(Population) 38.18 -94.28
(5.20) (***) (7.96) (***)
Population -6397.62 287.44
growth (11.84) (***) (0.27)
Unemployment 47.97 1.56
rate (11.69) (***) (0.21)
Population -4.50 -1.78
(ages 18-64) (1.04) (0.34)
Berry citizen 6.08 -2.99
ideology (10.25) (***) (3.77) (***)
Upper median 0.02 -0.08
district income (1.19) (5.05) (***)
Lower median -0.02 0.08
district income (1.22) (5.37) (***)
Bicameralism -3730.03 4140.76
(income) (3.37) (***) (2.81) (***)
Bicameralism 73011.73 -40831.80
(income) squared (3.99) (***) (1.33)
Constant 76.60 1979.21
(0.33) (6.59) (***)
State specific time trend Yes Yes
Fixed-year effects Yes Yes
Adjusted R-squared 0.75 0.59
F-Statistic 1340.6 499.2
Observations 192 192
Highway Total Exp.
3 4
Median house- -1.52E-03 1.15E-03
hold income (1.75) (*) (0.17)
In(Population) -57.35 -238.55
(14.82) (***) (10.12) (***)
Population 84.89 -11635.70
growth (0.27) (8.03) (***)
Unemployment -0.01 134.66
rate (4.64E-03) (8.77)
Population -5.56 -61.17
(ages 18-64) (2.81) (***) (5.00) (***)
Berry citizen 0.45 15.48
ideology (1.55) (8.48) (***)
Upper median 8.87E-03 -0.08
district income (2.22) (**) (2.30) (**)
Lower median -8.24E-03 0.12
district income (2.00) (**) (3.48) (***)
Bicameralism 1084.90 5976.21
(income) (2.79) (***) (1.97) (**)
Bicameralism -22030.54 -12515.48
(income) squared (3.58) (***) (0.29)
Constant 1073.83 5822.37
(9.83) (***) (8.67) (***)
State specific time trend Yes Yes
Fixed-year effects Yes Yes
Adjusted R-squared 0.69 0.79
F-Statistic 283.7 2023.2
Observations 192 192
Absolute t-statistics in parentheses.
(***)Significant at the 1% level.
(**)Significant at the 5% level.
(*)Significant at the 10% level.
Table 3
Effect of Bicameralism on Expenditures: Robustness Table
Welfare Education
2 2
Median house- 3.92E-03 -5.85E-03
hold income (1.60) (2.24) (**)
In(Population) 39.35 -89.54
(5.33) (***) (7.49) (***)
Population -6447.98 -823.88
growth (11.77) (***) (0.77)
Unemployment 47.90 3.47
rate (11.94) (***) (0.50)
Population -3.82 1.33
(ages 18-64) (0.88) (0.22)
Berry citizen 6.15 -3.54
ideology (10.59) (***) (4.45) (***)
Upper median 0.02 -0.08
district income (1.21) (5.40) (***)
Lower median -0.02 0.09
district income (1.25) (5.50) (***)
Bicameralism -3492.31 7303.58
(income) (3.01) (***) (5.20) (***)
Bicameralism 69927.11 -73582.24
(income) squared (3.67) (***) (2.63) (***)
Same districts 13.70 134.72
dummy (0.64) (4.50) (***)
Constant 32.91 1805.47
(0.14) (5.16) (***)
State specific time trend Yes Yes
Fixed-year effects Yes Yes
Adjusted R-squared 0.74 0.60
F-Statistic 1893.7 1278.3
Observations 192 192
Highway Total Exp.
3 4
Median house- -l.23E-03 -3.11E-03
hold income (1.38) (0.47)
In(Population) -53.59 -225.15
(13.31) (***) (9.67) (***)
Population 27.97 -10634.70
growth (0.09) (7.75) (***)
Unemployment -3.25 131.91
rate (1.02) (8.50) (***)
Population -2.54 -66.17
(ages 18-64) (1.21) (5.79) (***)
Berry citizen 0.72 15.61
ideology (2.32) (**) (8.21) (***)
Upper median 8.58E-03 -0.07
district income (2.09) (**) (2.13) (**)
Lower median -8.85E-03 0.12
district income (2.08) (**) (3.34) (***)
Bicameralism 1551.91 9896.41
(income) (3.99) (***) (3.13) (***)
Bicameralism -27388.98 -57614.88
(income) squared (4.72) (***) (1.35)
Same districts 48.62 160.08
dummy (3.93) (***) (2.13) (**)
Constant 877.87 6043.11
(7.50) (***) (9.64) (***)
State specific time trend Yes Yes
Fixed-year effects Yes Yes
Adjusted R-squared 0.70 0.79
F-Statistic 264.6 2515.6
Observations 192 192
Absolute t-statistics in parenthese.
(***)Significant at the 1% level.
(**)Significant at the 5% level.
Table 4
Effect of Different Demographic Measures of Bicameralism on Public
Welfare Expenditures
YHH > 50 K1 %S.S.
1 2
Median household income 7.93E-04 4.54E-03
(0.33) (2.43) (**)
In(Population) 40.69 35.97
(6.82) (***) (4.45) (***)
Population growth -5716.55 -5666.88
(9.56) (***) (8.32) (***)
Unemployment rate 37.18 46.41
(8.09) (***) (8.16) (***)
Population (ages 18-64) 4.26 8.41
(0.95) (1.62)
Berry citizen ideology 6.15 6.27
(12.04) (***) (8.26) (***)
Upper median district 39.08 -6.32
(4.47) (***) (0.72)
Lower median district -38.15 3.44
(4.18) (***) (0.42)
Bicameralism -1124.51 -4405.95
(4.00) (***) (6.61) (***)
Bicameralism squared 4138.10 30697.75
(1.58) (3.77) (***)
Constant -349.37 -631.68
(1.27) (1.86) (*)
State specific time trend Yes Yes
Fixed-year effects Yes Yes
Adjusted R-squared 0.57 0.77
F-statistic 1337 136.9
Observations 192 192
Median household income 4.28E-03
(3.05) (***)
In(Population) 50.97
(6.72) (***)
Population growth -5680.78
(1l.87) (***)
Unemployment rate 16.35
(2.88) (***)
Population (ages 18-64) 12.11
(2.86) (***)
Berry citizen ideology 4.72
(8.82) (***)
Upper median district 34.98
(4.83) (***)
Lower median district -31.97
(4.62) (***)
Bicameralism -4912.91
(9.82) (***)
Bicameralism squared 52131.51
(9.44) (***)
Constant -885.32
(3.83) (***)
State specific time trend Yes
Fixed-year effects Yes
Adjusted R-squared 0.74
F-statistic 435.5
Observations 192
Absolute t-statistics in parentheses.
(***)Significant at the 1% level.
(**)Significant at the 5% level.
(*)Significant at the 10% level.
Table 5
Effect of Different Demographic Measures of Bicameralism on Education
YHH > 50 K %S. S.
1 2
Median household income 5.21E-03 (3.39) (***)
(2.57) (***) -68.03
In(Population) -62.38 (7.22) (***)
(6.87) (***) -1381.52
Population growth -2351.52
(2.82) (***) (1.41)
Unemployment rate -2.72 4.08
(0.44) (0.52)
Population (ages 18-64) 4.29 -15.85
(0.96) (3.19) (***)
Berry citizen ideology -0.58 1.46
(0.97) (1.99) (**)
Upper median district -52.73 -35.14
(6.91) (***) (3.66) (***)
Lower median district 47.43 10.03
(6.25) (***) (1.09)
Bicameralism -2004.98 -2202.83
(6.11) (***) (3.48) (***)
Bicameralism squared 14495.01 17748.83
(4.37) (***) (2.31) (**)
Constant 1284.70 3396.54
(5.18) (***) (9.64) (***)
State specific time trend Yes Yes
Fixed-year effects Yes Yes
Adjusted R-squared 0.56 0.57
F-statistic 2810.5 517.9
Observations 192 192
% Mnfg.
Median household income -3.20E-03
(2.36) (**)
In(Population) -44.63
(5.51) (***)
Population growth -540.11
Unemployment rate -4.02
Population (ages 18-64) 12.25
(2.77) (***)
Berry citizen ideology -0.89
(1.82) (*)
Upper median district 10.94
(2.41) (**)
Lower median district -21.00
(4.33) (***)
Bicameralism -3313.34
(6.62) (***)
Bicameralism squared 31438.23
(5.13) (***)
Constant 1082.43
(4.85) (***)
State specific time trend Yes
Fixed-year effects Yes
Adjusted R-squared 0.57
F-statistic 3217.4
Observations 192
Absolute t-statistics in parentheses.
(***)Significant at the 1% level.
(**)Significant at the 5% level.
(*)Significant at the 10% level.
Table 6
Effect of Different Demographic Measures of Bicameralism on Highway
YHH > 50 K %S.S.
1 2
Median household income -1.28E-03 -8.64E-04
(1.48) (1.16)
In(Population) -52.20 -52.56
(15.71) (***) (14.81) (***)
Population growth 48.04 -197.69
(0.20) (0.69)
Unemployment rate -2.53 -1.01
(0.88) (0.38)
Population (ages 18-64) -6.57 -3.93
(3.21) (***) (1.92) (*)
Berry citizen ideology 0.59 0.44
(.17) (**) (1.46)
Upper median district -7.38 9.16
(3.26) (2.60) (***)
Lower median district 8.17 -8.60
(3.53) (***) (2.68) (***)
Bicameralism 80.82 546.29
(0.59) (2.19) (**)
Bicameralism squared 2054.00 -6579.03
(1.80) (*) (2.56) (***)
Constant 1098.09 932.50
(8.71) (***) (6.27) (***)
State specific time trend Yes Yes
Fixed-year effects Yes Yes
Adjusted R-squared 0.68 0.67
F-statistic 286 233.7
Observations 192 192
Median household income -9.99E-04
(1.67) (*)
In(Population) -47.21
(15.31) (***)
Population growth -344.27
Unemployment rate -5.32
(2.57) (***)
Population (ages 18-64) 8.70
(4.81) (***)
Berry citizen ideology -5.00E-03
Upper median district -20.35
(5.47) (***)
Lower median district 14.55
(4.02) (***)
Bicameralism -1335.98
(7.15) (***)
Bicameralism squared 12364.08
(5.46) (***)
Constant 341.59
(3.87) (***)
State specific time trend Yes
Fixed-year effects Yes
Adjusted R-squared 0.78
F-statistic 325.5
Observations 192
Absolute t-statistics in parentheses.
(***)Significant at the 1% level.
(**)Significant at the 5% level.
(*)Significant at the 10% level.
Table 7
Effect of Different Demographic Measures of Bicameralism on Total
YHH > 50 K %S.S.
1 2
Median household income 8.63E-03 0.04
(1.68) (*) (8.06) (***)
ln(Population) -209.69 -234.92
(10.07) (***) (11.03) (***)
Population growth -10944.51 -15318.17
(7.06) (***) (7.90) (***)
Unemployment rate 111.66 162.25
(7.87) (***) (9.59) (***)
Population (ages 18-64) -56.75 -8.67
(5.71) (***) (0.79)
Berry citizen ideology 16.60 19.72
(10.29) (***) (11.07) (***)
Upper median district 29.97 -133.05
(1.32) (4.80) (***)
Lower median district 4.11 86.98
(0.18) (3.36) (***)
Bicameralism -1705.19 -6608.93
(2.38) (**) (4.34) (***)
Bicameralism squared 14422.68 13764.11
(2.70) (***) (0.73)
Constant 6200.85 4077.53
(10.84) (***) (5.20) (***)
State specific time trend Yes Yes
Fixed-year effects Yes Yes
Adjusted R-squared 0.79 0.80
F-statistic 5311.3 2586.4
Observations 192 192
Median household income 0.04
(9.39) (***)
ln(Population) -221.98
(7.44) (***)
Population growth -16194.71
(8.28) (***)
Unemployment rate 192.60
(10.80) (***)
Population (ages 18-64) 24.87
Berry citizen ideology 14.17
(6.62) (***)
Upper median district -38.49
Lower median district 17.13
Bicameralism -3777.24
(2.34) (**)
Bicameralism squared -2166.26
Constant 1028.08
State specific time trend Yes
Fixed-year effects Yes
Adjusted R-squared 0.79
F-statistic 544.4
Observations 192
Absolute t-statistics in parentheses.
(***)Significant at the 1% level.
(**)Significant at the 5% level.
(*)Significant at the 10% level.