Spatial monopoly with product differentiation.
Peng, Shin-kun
1. Introduction
In the literature on spatial monopoly, it is common to assume that
the firm produced (or sold) only one good. This assumption, however,
departs from the real world. It is restrictive and simplifies the
consumer preference and demand characteristics (Greenhut and Ohta 1972;
Holahan 1975; Beckmann 1976; Hsu 1983; Claycombe 1991, 1996; Hwang and
Mai 1990; Peng 1992; Chu and Lu 1998). In reality, a trip to the
supermarket or the grocery store shows that many similar products are
sold to the various tastes and requirements of different consumers, as
with a restaurant offering a variety of meals. Therefore, a firm may be
regarded as producing (or selling) multiple products or similar types of
products with a differentiated variety. Moreover, a consumer may consume
many products or prefer to consume one good with a differentiated
variety (Dixit and Stiglitz 1977; Ottaviano, Tabuchi, and Thisse 2002).
In this paper, I develop a model to incorporate both demand- and
supply-side considerations of product variety in a spatial monopoly.
From the viewpoint of consumer preferences, it is well recognized
that a consumer exhibits a preference for variety in consumption. Hanly
and Cheung (1998) point out that demand complementarity is one source of
the advantages that accrue to a multiple-product firm. In practice, even
consumers tend to purchase only one, or at most a few, of the varieties
offered. A representative consumer approach can be used to generate a
utility function to incorporate the aggregate preference for a
differentiated product. The representative consumer is a simplifying
construct that is frequently used in the theoretical analysis of
differentiated product markets. (1) In addition, in numerous fields,
including industrial organization (Dixit 1979; Vives 1990),
international trade (Anderson, Schmitt, and Thisse 1995), and demand
analysis (Philips 1983), the utility function is specified in order take
into account the consumption of differentiated products. However, they
all assume that a firm produces only one product. Thus, the results are
based on a framework of monopolistic competition. Here, I consider a
model with a quadratic utility function and highlight the economic
effect with the choice of product differentiation and the consumption of
product variety.
Classical (nonspatial) economics describes various interesting
issues related to a multiple-product monopoly (Klinger-Monteiro and Page
1998; Armstrong 1999). Thisse and Vives (1988) analyze the simultaneous
choice of policy and price in a product differentiation context, and
their examination is closely related to a firm's variety offer. In
a product differentiation context, it is also interesting to examine the
economic effect of the choice of variety and pricing in the spatial
monopoly. It may establish some interesting results that differ from
some conventional results in the literature that are based on the
assumption of a single-product firm.
This paper analyzes the optimal decision of the firm when consumers
have preferences for product variety in a spatial monopoly. In
particular, I employ a quadratic utility function and assume that the
consumer consumes all the goods produced by the firm. Thus, the demand
function for each variety is linear. After comparing the results with
those in the literature where demand is linear, it is also important to
examine the economic effect with these spatial pricing policies based on
a multiproduct monopoly and make comparisons with existing literature on
single-product firms.
Based on a survey of firms in the United States, West Germany, and
Japan, Greenhut (1981) finds that firms in the United States tend to
practice price discrimination. Of 174 sampled firms, less than one-third
adopted mill pricing (f.o.b.), and only one-fifth used uniform pricing.
The remaining 46% resorted to discriminatory pricing. The tendency for
price discrimination was even greater in West Germany and Japan, where
the percentages of firms engaged in price discrimination were
approximately 47% and 55%, respectively. This evidence clearly shows
that discriminatory pricing is not only possible in countries where the
practice is illegal, such as the United States, but is the most common
pricing method.
The main findings of this paper are as follows. First, despite
fixed or variable market size, the quantity produced of each product
variety is not identical under the three spatial pricing policies, and
the spatial monopoly produces more product varieties under
discriminatory pricing than under both mill and uniform pricing. The
discriminatory pricing also yields a larger total output for all product
varieties than do mill and uniform pricing. These findings stand in
sharp contrast to conventional analysis in a single-product monopoly
with the same assumption of a linear demand function. Second, the
comparison of consumer surpluses among the three alternative spatial
pricing policies under the given market size is dependent on the
characteristics of both the demand and the supply side (i.e., market
size, consumer preferences, and the fixed costs associated with each
variety), and the outcome of this comparison differs from that in the
case of a single good. More interestingly, the results of my welfare
comparison also differ with those in the literature as shown in Beckmann
(1976), Hsu (1983), and Peng (1992), which also specially depend on
consumer preferences for variety. Finally, with the assumption of
variable market size, I find that spatial price discrimination provides
more varieties and a great level of consumers' surplus than mill
pricing. This result confirms de Palma and Liu (1993) by the framework
of a random utility model, but it contrasts Holahan's (1975)
result, where mill pricing is always preferred by customers and depends
on the single-product monopoly. Therefore, this may explain why a
government could allow discriminatory pricing adopted by a spatial
monopoly. Particularly, it is based on the scheme of a multiproduct
This paper proceeds as follows. In section 2, I develop a simple
model with a quadratic utility function to consider the consumption of
differentiated products. In section 3, I examine the alternative spatial
monopolist's decisions by considering fixed and variable market
size, respectively. In section 4, I compare the economic effects and
discuss the economic implications of the three spatial pricing policies
based on a fixed and variable market size. In section 5, I provide
concluding remarks and suggest avenues for future research.
2. The Model
The Consumer
In a spatial context, a representative consumer is an agent whose
utility embodies aggregate preference for diversity in every given
location. I assume that there are two goods in the economy. The first
good is homogeneous and is chosen as the numeraire. The second good is a
horizontal-differentiated product following Salop (1979) and Wolinsky
(1984). Preferences are identical across consumers and described by the
following quasi-linear utility function, which is symmetric in all
varieties (2) (see Appendix A for more details). Since this is a
restrictive assumption, we can have natural asymmetry because of
graduated physical differences in varieties, with a pair close together
being better mutual substitutes than a pair farther apart.
The utility function is given as follows:
(1) u[[q.sub.0], q(i)] = [alpha] [[integral].sup.n.sub.0]q(i)di -
1/2 [beta] [[integral].sup.n.sub.0][[q(i)].sup.2]di - [gamma]
[[integral].sup.n.sub.0][[integral].sup.n.sub.0] q(i)q(j)di dj +
[q.sub.0] for j [not equal to] i [member of] [0, n],
where q(i) is the quantity of variety i [member of] [0, n], n is
the measure of variety, and [q.sub.0] is the quantity of the numeraire.
Assume that the parameters [alpha] > 0 and [beta] > 2[gamma] >
0 both hold on the whole context. In this utility function, [alpha] is a
measure of the consumer's maximum willingness to pay since it
expresses the intensity of preferences for the differentiated product,
and [beta] > 2[gamma] implies that the representative consumer has a
taste for variety, and a large value for [beta] means that the
representative consumer is biased toward a dispersed consumption of more
differentiated products. The parameter [gamma] > 0 indicates that all
differentiated goods are assumed to be substitutes for each other. For a
given value of [beta], a higher value of [gamma] implies that the
varieties of substitutes will be closer to each other. (3)
The representative consumer's budget constraint can then be
written as follows:
(2) [[integral].sup.n.sub.0] p(i)q(i)di + [q.sub.0] = Y,
where Y is the consumer's income, which is assumed to be
given; p(i) is the price of product variety i; and the price of the
homogeneous good is normalized to one since I treat it as a numeraire.
The consumer chooses [q.sub.0], q(i) to maximize utility subject to the
budget constraint, which yields
(3) p(i) = [alpha] - [beta]q(i) - [gamma][[integral].sup.n.sub.0]
q(j)dj, i [member of][0, n].
Therefore, the demand for variety i is given by
(4) q(i) = [alpha] - p(i)/[beta] + n[gamma] + [gamma]/[beta]([beta]
+ n[gamma]) [[integra].sup.n.sub.0][p(j) - p(i)]dj.
Hence, the demand function for variety i has the desirable
properties that the demand is decreasing in [beta], [gamma] and the
measure of product variety n and is increasing in both [alpha] and the
price of other varieties.
The Firm
The horizontal differentiated products are assumed to be a
continuum. In choosing n, the monopolist picks the range of variety
produced, [0, n], and each variety has a fixed cost f. All varieties are
produced in the same place, and the marginal cost of production of a
variety is set equal to zero. This simplifying assumption, which is
standard in many models of industrial organization, makes sense here,
unlike in Dixit and Stiglitz (1977), because our preferences imply that
firms use an absolute markup instead of a relative one when choosing
prices. This specification for the firm's structure (i.e., allowing
to produce multiple varieties) is completely different than that in the
case of a single good in the conventional monopolistic competition
model. (4) That is, the monopolist is regarded as a multiple-product
firm that produces the same type of good, but with different varieties,
or else produces many products. For simplicity, I also assume that the
consumer will consume every good or variety in a given period of time,
(5) but my model differs from conventional analysis in that the
monopolist decides not only the price it charges for each variety but
also the measure of product varieties it wishes to produce. Thus, its
profit objective function can be specified as
By considering Equation 4 and assuming symmetry among varieties
within the firm, we obtain
(6) [pi] = n[p([alpha] - p)/[beta] + n[gamma]] - nf.
The monopolist has a single plant that is assumed to be located at
the origin, and it produces and sells its product varieties to
consumers. The transportation cost is borne by the firm at a constant
transportation cost rate t per unit of distance per unit of product for
each variety, and consumers pay the full price for the delivered
differentiated product, with the full price determined by the pricing
policy adopted by the monopolist. Furthermore, consider the scenario
where the consumers are homogeneously distributed over the linear space.
Based on the assumption of symmetry in space, it suffices to examine the
spatial monopoly decision on the right half of the linear space where x
[greater than or equal to] 0.
3. Spatial Monopolist Decision
When the spatial monopolist transports the differentiated products
from the plant (or store) to consumers, the consumers have to pay the
cost of delivery. I define full price p(x) as the price the consumer
residing in location x should pay for each variety. I consider three
spatial pricing policies in this examination: (i) mill pricing; that is,
the firm charges the same price, [p.sup.M], at the firm's door for
each variety regardless of the destination of its products; (ii) uniform
pricing; that is, the firm selects the same delivered price, [p.sup.U],
for each variety regardless of the consumers' location; and (iii)
spatial discriminatory pricing; that is, the firm chooses different
delivered prices, [p.sup.D](x), for the consumer who resides in location
Fixed Market Size
Given the market size R, assume that the firm offers each of the
differentiated products to the consumers at every location x within this
fixed market boundary. I will relax this assumption later and examine
the monopolist's decisions among the three alternative pricing
strategies with variable market size.
Consider the spatial monopoly and consumer's demand for each
product variety at location x. Profit [pi] for the monopolist is
specified as follows:
(7) [pi] = [[integral].sup.[bar]R.sub.0] n {[p(x) - tx][[alpha] -
p(x)]/[beta] + n[gamma]} dx - nf,
where p(x) is the full price at x for each variety, which is
[p.sup.M] + tx, [p.sup.U], and [p.sup.D](x) under mill pricing, uniform
pricing, and discriminatory pricing, respectively. Thus, the
monopolist's profit under mill pricing, uniform pricing, and
discriminatory pricing can be formulated, respectively, as follows:
(8.1) [[pi].sup.M] = [[integral].sup.[bar]R.sub.0] [n.sup.M]
{[p.sup.M]([alpha] - [p.sup.M] - tx)/[beta] + [gamma][n.sup.M]} dx -
(8.2) [[pi].sup.U] = [[integral].sup.[bar]R.sub.0] [n.sup.U]
{[p.sup.U] - tx)([alpha] - [p.sup.U])/[beta] + [gamma][n.sup.U]} dx -
(8.3) [[pi].sup.D] = [[integral].sup.[bar]R.sub.0] [n.sup.D]
{[p.sup.D](x) - tx)([alpha] - [p.sup.D](x))/[beta] + [gamma][n.sup.D]}
dx - [n.sup.D]f.
The profit function of a spatial monopoly here is very different
from what is used in conventional analysis with a one-product firm.
Within this framework, the firm can choose both price and the measure of
product varieties to maximize its profit. Accordingly, I set the
first-order derivatives of Equation 8 with respect to p and n,
respectively (see Appendix B for the sufficient condition).
We now derive both the optimal price and measure of product
varieties under the three alternative spatial pricing policies: (6)
(9.1) [p.sup.M] = 1/2 ([alpha] - 1/2 t[bar]R)
(9.2) [p.sup.U] = 1/2 ([alpha] + 1/2 t[bar]R)
(9.3) [p.sup.D](x) = 1/2 ([alpha] + tx)
(10.1) [n.sup.M] = [n.sup.U] = 1/2[gamma] [square root of
([beta][bar]R/f)]([alpha] - 1/2 t[bar]R) - [beta]/[gamma]
(10.2) [n.sup.D] = 1/2[gamma] [square root of
([beta][bar]R/f)][square root of ([[alpha].sup.2] - [alpha]t[bar]R + 1/3
[(t[bar]R).sup.2]])] - [beta]/[gamma].
From Equations 9 and 10, we find that the spatial price depends on
both the market size and the transportation cost and is independent of
consumer preference [beta] and the degree of substitutability [gamma].
(7) However, the optimal measure of varieties will be determined by
these demand and supply characteristics in addition to the market size
and transportation cost. Furthermore, from Equations 4, 9, and 10, the
spatial demand of each variety for a consumer at location x is given by
(11.1) [q.sub.M](x) = ([alpha] + 1/2 t[bar]R) - 2tx/([alpha] - 1/2
t[bar]R) [square root of (f/[beta][bar]R)]
(11.2) [q.sub.U](x) = [square root of (f/[beta][bar]R)]
(11.3) [q.sub.D](x) = [alpha] - tx/[square root of [[[alpha].sub.2]
- [alpha]t[bar]R + 1/3 [(t[bar]R).sup.2])] [square root of
If we denote Q = [[integral].sup.[bar]R.sub.0] q(x) dx and [OMEGA]
[equivalent to] nQ as the quantity being produced for each variety and
the total output for all differentiated varieties, respectively, then we
(12.1) [Q.sup.M] = [Q.sup.U] = [square root of (f[bar]R/[beta])]
(12.2) [Q.sup.D] = [alpha - 1/2 t[bar]R/[square root of
([[[alpha].sup.2] - [alpha]t[bar]R + 1/3 [(t[bar]R).sup.2)] [square root
of (f[bar]R/[beta])]
(13.1) [[OMEGA].sup.M] = [[OMEGA].sup.U] = 1/[gamma] [1/2[bar]R
([alpha] - 1/2 t[bar]R) - [square root of ([beta)f[bar]R])]
(13.2) [[OMEGA].sup.D] = 1/[gamma] [1/2 [bar]R ([alpha] -
1/2t[bar]R) - [alpha] - 1/2t[bar]R/[square root of ([[[alpha].sub.2] -
[alpha]t[bar]R + 1/3 [(t[bar]R).sup.2)]] [square root of
Thus, with the assumption of a fixed market size, I make
comparisons on the output of each variety, the measure of variety, and
the total output of the firm as shown in Table 1.
Table 1 shows that the results differ sharply from those obtained
in the conventional analysis based on the assumption of the single-good
firm. When both the market size and the firm's location are given,
and based on a linear demand function, Beckmann (1976) obtains the
result that total output is identical under all three spatial pricing
policies. Peng (1992) also demonstrates that, regardless of the shape of
consumer density, monopoly output is the same under all three spatial
price schemes. In addition, Hwang and Mai (1990) assume that the
firm's location is endogenously determined, and they treat linear
markets as two submarkets in which the two linear demand curves have the
same quantity intercept. They found that total output under
discriminatory pricing is definitely smaller than under mill pricing.
It is also interesting to find that the spatial monopolist will
offer more varieties but less quantity for each variety under
discriminatory pricing than those decisions for mill and uniform
pricing. In addition, both the output for each variety and the total
output for all varieties are decreasing in [beta]. Such a finding does
make sense because more profit can be extracted, and this means that
more marginal profit arises as a result of offering another product
Variable Market Size
I next examine the case of a variable market size where market size
R is endogenously determined. In other words, the fringe of the linear
market, R, that is served by the firm is either limited to the price
charged or, in the case of uniform pricing, by the monopolist who
restricts the service area. Thus, the following relationships can be
employed to determine the extent of the market fringe under alternative
spatial pricing policies, respectively (see Beckmann 1976; Hsu 1983;
Pang 1992):
(14) [q.sup.M] (R.sup.M) = 0
(15) [p.sup.U] - t[R.sub.U] = 0
(16) [q.sup.D] (R.sup.D) = 0
These relationships are based on the assumption that a consumer
will refuse to buy any quantity of each variety if the selling price is
more than the maximum he or she is willing to pay under both mill
pricing and discriminatory pricing. Alternatively, the consideration is
that the firm will refuse to sell beyond the market boundary at which
the amount it receives for each unit of variety equals the cost of
transporting the products. By substituting Equations 9 and 11 into
Equations 14-16, the optimal market size under different spatial pricing
policies is given as follows:
(17.1) [R.sup.M] = [R.sub.U] = 2/3 [alpha]/t
(17.2) [R.sub.D] = 1/t [alpha].
The result of equal market size under mill and uniform pricing
extends those results obtained in the existing literature involving
single-product firms such as Holahan (1975), Beckmann (1976), Hsu
(1983), and Peng (1992). Furthermore, by substituting Equation 17.1 into
Equations 8.1 and 8.2 and Equation 17.2 into Equation 8.3, respectively,
we can now derive both the measure of varieties and price of each
product variety based on the assumption of a variable market fringe for
the three spatial pricing policies, respectively, as follows: (8)
(18.1) [n.sup.M.sub.v] = [n.sup.U.sub.v] = 1/3 [alpha]/[gamma]
[square root of (2/3 [alpha][beta]/tf)] - [beta]/[gamma]]
(18.2) [n.sup.D.sub.v] = 1/2 [alpha]/[gamma] [square root of (1/3
[alpha][beta]/tf)] - [beta]/gamma]]
(19.1) [p.sup.M.sub.v] = 1/3 [alpha]
(19.2) [p.sup.U.sub.v] = 2/3 [alpha]
(19.3) [p.sup.D.sub.v] = [p.sup.D (x) = 1/2 ([alpha] + tx).
We in turn obtain the quantity for each variety and total output
for all differentiated varieties as follows:
(20.1) [Q.sup.M.sub.v] = [Q.sup.U.sub.v] = [square root of (2/3
(20.2) [Q.sup.D.sub.v] = [square root of (3/4 [alpha]f/t[beta])]
(21.1) [[OMEGA].sup.M.sub.v] = [[OMEGA].sup.U.sub.v] = 2/9
[[alpha].sub.2]/t[gamma] - [beta]/[gamma] [square root of (2/3 [alpha
(21.2) [[OMEGA].sup.D.sub.v] = 1/4 [[alpha.sub.2]/t[gamma] - [beta]
/[gamma] [square root of (3/4 [alpha]f/t[beta])].
Thus, if the spatial monopolist can determine the market size,
aside from both the measure of varieties and the price of each variety,
then we have the comparison results as revealed in Table 2.
As depicted by Table 2, under the assumption of a variable market
size, with respect to the comparison of the optimal measure of varieties
and total output, we obtain the same result as that on the assumption of
a fixed market size. However, with regard to the comparison of the
quantity produced of each variety, we show a different result from those
based on a fixed market size. The different result stems from the larger
market size chosen by the monopolist under discriminatory pricing
relative to that under mill and uniform pricing. By using the same
assumption of a variable market size in the literature relating to a
single-good spatial monopoly, Greenhut and Ohta (1972) claim that total
output is greater under discrimination than under simple f.o.b. mill
pricing regardless of the shape of the gross demand curve. Holahan
(1975) examines this issue with variable market size and finds that
spatial price discrimination results in a firm producing larger outputs
than under a mill pricing policy. Therefore, even when we consider the
situation where the multiple-product spatial monopolist can choose the
measure of varieties, the total output for all differentiated varieties
in our model supports that of Greenhut and Ohta (1972) and Holahan
(1975). With regard to the total output for each variety, our result is
still consistent with theirs.
4. Economic Effects of Spatial Pricing Policies
In this section, I examine the relative effects of alternative
spatial pricing policies on economic benefits in the case of a
multiple-product monopoly under a given market size and a variable
market size and make a comparison of these results with those in
conventional analysis that are based on the framework of a
single-product spatial monopoly. Because both the firm and the consumers
are involved in the model, a comparison is made of the effects of these
policies on consumer surplus, monopolist's profits, and social
Fixed Market Size
Under the assumption of a fixed market size, the spatial monopolist
serves all the consumers within the market size [bar]R. First, I examine
the consumer surplus with product differentiation under the three
spatial pricing policies. Since the demand function for each variety is
linear as shown in Equation 5, the consumer surplus can be specified as
(22) CS = 1/2 [[integral].sup.[bar]R.sub.0]
[[integral].sup.n.sub.0] [[alpha] - [p.sub.i] (x)] [q.sub.i](x)di dx.
The consumer surpluses under mill pricing, uniform pricing, and
discriminatory pricing are, respectively, given by
(23.1) C[S.sup.M] = [square root of ([bar]R)] / 4[gamma]
[[alpha].sup.2] - [alpha]t[bar]R + 7/12 [(t[bar]R).sup.2] /([alpha] -
1/2 t[bar]R)[[square root of ([bar]R)] / 2] ([alpha] - 1/2t[bar]R) -
[square root of (f[beta])]]
(23.2) C[S.sup.U] = [square root of ([bar]R)] / 4[gamma] ([alpha] -
1/2 t[bar]R) [[square root of ([bar]R/2)] ([alpha] - 1/2 t[bar]R) -
[square root of (f[beta])]]
(23.3) C[S.sup.D] = [square root of ([bar]R)] / 4[gamma] [square
root of ([[alpha].sup.2]) - [alpha]t[bar]R + 1/3 [(t[bar]R).sup.2])]
[[square root of [([bar]R)]/2][[square root of ([[alpha].sub.2] -
[alpha]t[bar]R + 1/3 [(t[bar]R).sup.2] - [square root of (f[beta])]].
In turn, we have
(a) [CS.sup.D] > [CS.sup.M] > [CS.sup.U] if [square root of
(f[beta])] > G ([alpha], t, [bar]R)
(b) [CS.sup.M] > [CS.sup.D] > [CS.sup.U] if [square root of
(f[beta])] = G ([alpha], t, [bar]R)
(c) [CS.sup.M] > [CS.sup.D] > [CS.sup.U] if [square root of
(f[beta])] < G ([alpha], t, [bar]R)
G ([alpha], t, [bar]R) [equivalent to] [t.sup.2]
[([bar]R).sup.5/2]/8 [[[alpha].sub.2] - [alpha]t[bar]R + 7/12
[(t[bar]R).sup.2]/([alpha] - 1/2 t[bar]R) - [square root of
([[[alpha].sup.2] - [alpha]t[bar]R + 1/3 [(t[bar]R).sup.2]].sup.-1]]]
As shown in Proposition 1, we know that the consumer surplus under
uniform pricing is the smallest among these alternative spatial pricing
policies independent of consumer preferences, production
characteristics, and transportation cost. However, the comparison of the
consumer surpluses under mill pricing and discriminatory pricing
highlights that the ranking of consumer surpluses depends on the
parameters a, [alpha], [beta], f, t, and [bar]R. (9) If all these
parameters except [beta] are given, then it implies that when the
representative consumer prefers to consume more variety, the consumer
surplus under discriminatory pricing will be greater than that under
mill pricing. It reveals that higher utility can be obtained as more
varieties are consumed, while the quantity of each differentiated
variety diminishes. This finding is similar to the work of de Palma and
Liu (1993), who show, based on a binary logit utility model, that
spatial price discrimination could provide the highest consumer surplus
when consumers tastes are heterogeneous enough. This outcome differs
sharply from that obtained in the linear demand model for the
single-product case, for example, Beckmann (1976), Hsu (1983), Hwang and
Mai (1990), and Peng (1992), who derive only result (c) of Proposition
I next make a comparison of the firm's profit among these
spatial pricing policies. Consider the profit function as shown in
Equation 8. By substituting Equations 9 and 10 into Equation 8, the
monopolist's profit under mill pricing, uniform pricing, and
discriminatory pricing are, respectively, given by
(24.1) [[pi].sup.M] = [[pi].sup.U] = 1/[gamma] [[square root of
([bar]R)]/2 ([alpha] - 1/2 t[bar]R) - [square root of ([beta]f)].sup.2]
(24.2) [[pi].sup.D] = 1/[gamma] [[square root of ([bar]R)]/2
[square root of ([[alpha].sup.2] [alpha]t[bar]R + 1/3 [(t[bar]R).sup.2]
- [square root of ([beta]f)].sup.2]]]
Therefore, we have the result that the firm's profit under
discriminatory pricing is consistently the largest among the three
alternative spatial pricing policies even when the monopolist can choose
the measure of varieties, while the firm's profit under mill
pricing and uniform pricing are identical as shown in Table 1. This
result confirms what has been derived in the existing literature based
on the single-product monopoly. When the firm can determine both the
price of a good and the measure of product varieties, the
multiple-product monopoly prefers discriminatory pricing to the other
two spatial pricing policies since it has more decision variables and
thus can obtain a greater profit than under mill pricing and uniform
By considering the comparison of consumer's surplus and
firm's profit, we derive the interesting result that both consumers
and the firm will prefer discriminatory pricing if the consumers prefer
to consume more differentiated varieties. In other words, it claims that
the spatial multiproduct firm will provide more product varieties with
less quantity of each variety under discriminatory pricing than it does
under both mill and uniform pricing. Therefore, when the consumer favors
the consumption of more varieties, both the firm and the consumers
benefit more from the discriminatory pricing than the other pricing
policies. Interestingly, this finding contradicts the result obtained in
conventional analysis that discriminatory pricing always only benefits
the firm but harms the consumer under the framework of a single-product
monopoly and a linear demand function.
Let us finally turn to the comparison of welfare effects
(consumers' surplus plus the firm's profit) under the three
spatial pricing policies. Apparently, it is important to examine whether
the result of conventional analysis can be supported in the case of a
multiple-product monopoly. Using the results of Equations 23 and 24, we
can derive the welfare under each spatial pricing policy as follows:
(25.1) W[S.sup.M] = 1/[gamma] {3/8[bar]R [[[alpha].sup.2] -
[alpha]t[bar]R + 13/36[(t[bar]R).sup.2]] - [square root of ([bar]R/4)]
5[[alpha].sup.2] - 5[alpha]t[bar]R + 19/12 [(t[bar]R).sup.2]] / [alpha]
- 1/2t[bar]R [square root of (f[beta])] + f[beta]}
(25.2) W[S.sup.U] = 1/[gamma] {3/8[bar]R [([alpha] -
1/2t[bar]R).sup.2] - 5/4 [square root of ([bar]R)] ([alpha] -
1/2t[bar]R) [square root of (f[beta])] + f[beta]}
(25.3) W[S.sup.D] = 1/[gamma] {3/8[bar]R [[[alpha].sup.2] -
[alpha]t[bar]R + 1/3[(t[bar]R).sup.2]] - 5/4 [square root of ([bar]R)]
[square root of ([[[alpha].sup.2] - [alpha]t[bar]R +
1/3[(t[bar]R).sup.2]]) [square root of (f[beta])] + f[beta]}.
These findings then lead to the following proposition:
(a) W[S.sup.D] > W[S.sup.M] > W[S.sup.U] if [square root of
(f[beta])] > G' ([alpha], t, [bar]R)
(b) W[S.sup.D] = W[S.sup.M] > W[S.sup.U] if [square root of
(f[beta])] > G' ([alpha], t, [bar]R)
(c) W[S.sup.M] > W[S.sup.D] > W[S.sup.U] if [square root of
(f[beta])] > G' ([alpha], t, [bar]R)
G' ([alpha], t, [bar]R) = 1/24 [t.sup.2] [([bar]R).sup.5/2]
[5[[alpha].sup.2] - 5[alpha]t[bar]R + 19/12 [(t[bar]R).sup.2]/ [alpha] -
1/2t[bar]R - 5 [square root of ([[alpha].sup.2]) - [alpha]t[bar]R +
The comparison of welfare is different from that in existing
literature with a single-product firm and linear demand function. For
example, Beckmann (1976), Hsu (1983), and Peng (1992) claim that mill
pricing is always preferred from the viewpoint of the welfare effect.
However, based on Proposition 2, when we consider that the monopolist is
a multiple-product firm and that the consumer consumes all product
varieties, we show that this standard result is satisfied only in (c).
In other words, the comparison of welfare between mill pricing and
discriminatory pricing depends on the parameter of maximum willingness
to pay [alpha] and the parameter of consumption preference for
differentiated products [beta] as well as the transportation cost t.
From Proposition 2, we establish that the welfare under
discriminatory pricing is the greatest among the alternative spatial
pricing policies when [square root of (f[beta])] [greater than or equal
to] G'([alpha], t, [bar]R). This implies that if the consumer
favors the consumption of more varieties (i.e., 13 is large enough)
and/or the monopolist has a higher fixed production cost for each
variety, then the spatial monopolist will offer more varieties and the
consumer will prefer to enjoy more varieties under the discriminatory
pricing policy than under alternative pricing policies. In turn, the
welfare arising from discriminatory pricing will be the largest under
such a scenario. However, the parameter of substitutability between
varieties [gamma] is irrelevant on the ranking of welfare but has a
negative effect on the welfare for all spatial pricing policies. In a
binary logit model, de Palma and Liu (1993) also show that
discriminatory pricing could yield the highest welfare when the
consumers' tastes are heterogeneous enough. The welfare under mill
pricing may be larger than that under discriminatory pricing if [square
root of (f[beta])] < G'([alpha], t, [bar]R). Furthermore,
W[S.sup.M] is always larger than W[S.sup.U], as is the case in the
existing literature.
Variable Market Size
When substituting Equations 17-19 and demand function (Eqn. 4) into
Equation 22, we achieve the consumer's surplus for the variable
market size under mill pricing, uniform pricing, and discriminatory
pricing, respectively, as
(26.1) C[S.sup.M.sub.v] = 1/3 [alpha]/[gamma] [4/27
[[alpha].sup.2]/t - 2/3 [square root of (2[alpha][beta]f/3t])]
(26.2) C[S.sup.U.sub.v] = 1/3 [alpha]/[gamma] [1/9
[[alpha].sup.2]/t - 1/2 [square root of (2[alpha][beta]f/3t])]
(26.3) C[S.sup.D.sub.v] = 1/3 [alpha]/[gamma] [1/8
[[alpha].sup.2]/t - 3/4 [square root of (2)] [square root of
Comparing Equations 26.1-26.3, we obtain
(a) C[S.sup.U.sub.v] [greater than or equal to] C[S.sup.D.sub.v]
> C[S.sup.M.sub.v] if [square root of (f[beta])] [greater than or
equal] [C.sub.3]
(b) C[S.sup.D.sub.v] > C[S.sup.U.sub.v] [greater than or equal
to] C[S.sup.M.sub.v] if [C.sub.2] [Less than or equal to] [square root
of (f[beta])] [C.sub.3]
(c) C[S.sup.D.sub.v] [greater than or equal to] C[S.sup.M.sub.v]
> C[S.sup.U.sub.v] if [C.sub.1] [Less than or equal to] [square root
of (f[beta])] [C.sub.2]
(d) C[S.sup.M.sub.v] > C[S.sup.D.sub.v] > C[S.sup.U.sub.v] if
[square root of (f[beta])] [C.sub.1],
[C.sub.1] [equivalent to] 5/48 [square root of (6)] - 54 [square
root of (3)] [alpha] [square root of ([alpha]/t])], [C.sub.2]
[equivalent to] 1/3 [square root of (2/3)] [alpha] [square root of
([alpha]/t)], and [C.sub.3] [equivalent to] 1/18 [square root of (3)] -
12 [square root of (6)] [alpha] [square root of ([alpha]/t)].
Considering the variable market size, Proposition 3 shows that
spatial discriminatory pricing provides a greater level of
consumers' surplus than that of mill pricing when the consumers
prefer to consume more varieties (i.e., [beta] is large enough). This
finding is completely different with Holahan (1975), who obtains that
the consumers' surplus for mill pricing is always higher than that
of discriminatory pricing when the spatial monopoly provides only a
single product and can determine its market area. Notice that the higher
surplus derived by distant customers and that from enjoying more
varieties for all consumers under spatial discriminatory pricing
compared to mill pricing outweigh the loss of nearby customers.
Substituting Equations 17-19 into Equation 8, the profits of
spatial monopoly under alternative pricing policies are next written,
respectively, as
(27.1) [[pi].sup.M.sub.v] = [[pi].sup.U.sub.v] = 1/3
[alpha]/[gamma] [2/9 [[alpha].sup.2]/t - 2 [square root of (2
[alpha][beta]f/3t])] + [beta]f/[gamma]
(27.2) [[pi].sup.D.sub.v] = 1/3 [alpha]/[gamma] [1/4
[[alpha].sup.2]/t - 3/[square root of (2)] [square root of (2
[alpha][beta]f/3t])] + [beta]f/[gamma].
Therefore, with the assumption of variable size, we also obtain the
result as collected in Table 1, whereby the profit under discriminatory
pricing is greater than mill and uniform pricing. This is the same with
the result of a fixed market fringe. It is also consistent with that of
Holahan (1975) by the assumption of a single-product spatial monopoly
and variable market size.
For the sum of a firm's profit and consumers' surplus, we
obtain the welfare measure for variable market size under mill, uniform,
and discriminatory pricing as
(28.1) W[S.sup.M.sub.v] = 1/3 [alpha]/[gamma] [10/27
[[alpha].sup.2]/t - 8/3 [square root of (2[alpha][beta]f/3t])] +
(28.2) W[S.sup.U.sub.v] = 1/3 [alpha]/[gamma] [1/3
[[alpha].sup.2]/t - 5/2 [square root of (2[alpha][beta]f/3t])] +
(28.3) W[S.sup.D.sub.v] = 1/3 [alpha]/[gamma] [3/8
[[alpha].sup.2]/t - 15/4 [square root of (2)] [square root of
(2[alpha][beta]f/3t])] + [beta]f/[gamma]
Thus, the welfare measure under the three spatial pricing policies
can be compared by
(a) W[S.sup.U.sub.v] > W[S.sup.D.sub.v] > W[S.sup.M.sub.v] if
[square root of (f[beta])] > [W.sub.2]
(b) W[S.sup.D.sub.v] [greater than or equal to] W[S.sup.U.sub.v]
[greater than or equal to] W[S.sup.M.sub.v] if [W.sup.1] [less than or
equal to][square root of (f[beta])] [less than or equal to] [W.sub.2]
(c) W[S.sup.D.sub.v] > W[S.sup.M.sub.v] > W[S.sup.U.sub.v] if
[square root of (f[beta])] < [W.sub.1],
[W.sub.1] [equivalent to] [square root of (6)]/9 [alpha] [square
root of ([alpha]/t)], [W.sub.2] [equivalent to] [square root of (3)]/90
- 60 [square root of (2)] [alpha] [square root of ([alpha]/t)].
We also find that the comparison among the three pricing policies
depends on the relative preference of consumers for variety with a given
[alpha], t, and f. It is shown that the result under the variable market
size is slightly different from that under a fixed market size. From
Proposition 2, considering the fixed market fringe, we know that the
welfare measure is smallest under uniform pricing regardless of the
parameters' values. However, with the assumption of the variable
market size, the welfare under uniform pricing can be the highest among
three pricing policies when [beta] is large enough. The higher net
benefit is derived by the larger consumers' surplus under the
variable market size compared to that of a fixed market size.
Proposition 4 also confirms Holahan (1975), where it appears that
spatial price discrimination provides a greater level of welfare measure
compared to mill pricing.
5. Concluding Remarks
I have examined the behavior of a spatial monopoly in the case of a
multiple-product firm and with an assumption of a quadratic utility
function with consumers assumed to be consuming all the product
varieties. This paper analyzes the economic effects of a
multiple-product monopolist's decision on the output of each
product variety, the measure of product varieties being produced, the
firm's total output, and consumers' surplus, profit, and
welfare. The results are compared with those where a firm is assumed to
produce a single good, which is commonly done in the existing
literature. My examination has also helped clarify some issues related
to the pricing policy of the spatial monopoly.
The main conclusions are as follows. First, the quantity of each
variety produced is dependent on the consumer's preference for
variety, and it is not identical under the three spatial pricing
Next, the spatial monopolist produces more product varieties under
discriminatory pricing than under mill pricing and uniform pricing
despite a fixed or variable market size. Discriminatory pricing also
yields a larger total output with all varieties than do mill and uniform
pricing under both assumptions of a fixed and variable market size. This
result differs with the result obtained in a single-product case under
the same assumption of a linear demand function and homogeneous consumer
distribution. Furthermore, with a given market size, the comparison of
consumers' surplus among the three alternative spatial pricing
policies is dependent upon the characteristic of the consumer's
preferences in regard to product differentiation. This outcome is also
inconsistent with that of a single-good case. In addition, the more
interesting finding shows that the welfare comparison also departs from
those commonly shown in the literature. Finally, with respect to the
variable market size, the surplus comparison between pricing policies is
highlighted, exhibiting that spatial discriminatory pricing yields a
greater level of consumers' surplus than that of a mill pricing
policy when the consumers prefer consumption of more varieties. This
finding is also sharply different with the result in the existing
literature for the single-product spatial monopolist, and it may support
a government policy to adopt spatial discriminatory pricing policies.
Along these lines of thought, there are some possible avenues for
future research. First, one could apply this framework to a few
submarkets in a spatial economy (i.e., relax the assumption of
continuous distribution on consumers). Second, one can explore the issue
along a theoretical front, examining the monopolist's decision
based on the assumption that one variety is being produced by one plant
and how the spatial monopoly determines the location of each plant
rather than measuring the product varieties. Third, one may study
whether an endogenous-determined consumer distribution changes the
firm's optimal decision. Fourth, it is possible to extend this
consideration to an oligopolistic competition model. Finally, it would
also be interesting to extend this examination to heterogeneous
consumers with different consumption preferences.
Appendix A
The symmetric quadratic utility is given by
When [gamma] [left arrow] 1/2 [beta], it expresses perfect
substitution between varieties, and then this utility function reduces
to a standard quadratic utility for a homogenous good. If we set [delta]
[equivalent to] 2 [gamma] and [beta] > [delta] > 0, then the model
would be equivalent to the specification by Ottaviano, Tabuchi, and
Thisse (2002).
In the case of two varieties, the symmetric quadratic utility
function is obviously reduced by
U([q.sub.0], [q.sub.1], [q.sub.2]) = [alpha] ([q.sub.1] +
[q.sub.2]) - 1/2 [beta] ([q.sup.2.sub.1] + [q.sup.2.sub.2] -
2[gamma][q.sub.1][q.sub.2] + [q.sub.0].
Appendix B
The sufficient condition (e.g., in mill pricing) is given by
Table 1. The Comparison of the Decision with the Fixed Market Size
Comparisons among Alternative
Spatial Pricing Policies
1. Output of each variety [Q.sup.D] < [Q.sup.U] = [Q.sup.M]
2. Measure of variety [n.sup.D] > [n.sup.U] = [n.sup.M]
3. Total output [[OMEGA].sup.D] > [[OMEGA].sup.U] =
4. Firm's profit [[pi].sup.D] > [[pi].sup.U] = [[pi].sup.M]
Table 2. The Comparison of the Decision with the Variable Market Size
Comparisons among Alternative
Spatial Pricing Policies
1. Output of each variety [Q.sup.D.sub.v] < [Q.sup.U.sub.v.] =
2. Measure of variety [n.sup.D.sub.v.] > [n.sup.U.sub.v.] =
3. Total output [[OMEGA].sup.D.sub.v.] > [[OMEGA]
.sup.U.sub.v.] = [[OMEGA].sup.M.sub.v.]
4. Firm's profit [[pi].sup.D.sub.v.] > [[pi].sup.U.sub.v.]
= [[pi].sup.M.sub.v.]
5. Market fringe [R.sup.D] > [R.sup.U] = [R.sup.M]
I would like to thank two anonymous referees for their valuable
comments as well as the insightful comments and helpful suggestions from
Simon P. Anderson, Jonathan Hamilton, Chao-cheng Mai, and J.-F. Thisse
and participants at the International Conference on Industrial Economics
in Taipei, Taiwan. The author is grateful to financial support from the
National Science Council (NSC 90-2451-H-001-008) on this research.
(1) The other two major approaches to product differentiation that
have been developed in the literature are the random utility models and
address models. For a detailed comparison of these three approaches, see
Anderson, de Palma. and Thisse (1992).
(2) Ottaviano, Tabuchi, and Thisse (2002) employed the same kind of
quasi-linear utility function, u([q.sub.0], q(i)) =
[alpha][[integral].sup.n.sub.0]q(i)di - ([beta] - [gamma])/2)
[[integral].sup.n.sub.0][[q(i)].sup.2]di -
([gamma]/2)[[[[integral].sup.n.sub.0]q(i)di].sup.2] + [q.sub.0], to
examine monopolistic competition and the agglomeration of firms. Dixit
and Stiglitz (1977) proposed the other prime example using the CES
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substitutability between varieties. Ottaviano, Tabuchi, and Thisse
(2002) identify a simple condition in relation to the representative
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Received April 2002; accepted April 2003.
Shin-kun Peng, Institute of Economics, Academia Sinica, and
Graduate Institute of Building and Planning, National Taiwan University,
Nankang, Taipei, Taiwan; E mail
[email protected]. Present
address: 128 Yen-Chiu Road, Sec. 2, Taipei 115, Taiwan.