A dynamic analysis of the global timber market under global warming: an integrated modeling approach.
Lyon, Kenneth S.
1. Introduction
Scientists and policymakers alike are concerned about global
warming caused by the accumulation of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
A significant number of studies have built comprehensive assessment
models of carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere over long time
periods; however, most of these are deficient in the sense that they do
not develop integrated assessment models that capture economic effects
associated with global warming. In this vein, our research, as shown
here, contributes to a growing body of literature that attempts to
develop dynamic integrated models of ecosystem and economic system
interactions that arise from predictions of global warming. We focus on
the global timber market as a particular inquiry of global warming.
As global warming forces ecosystems to migrate toward the poles,
the distribution of ecosystem types and the productivity of ecosystems
will be altered. The transformation and adjustment of ecosystems
resulting from climate change also change the environmental conditions
under which natural resources, including forest products, are extracted
and regenerated. It has been discussed and predicted that changes of
forest types occur along two dynamic paths: dieback and regeneration
(Shugart et al. 1986; Solomon 1986; King and Neilson 1992). As climate
change causes forest types to change along these dynamic paths, the
global timber market will adjust as timber availability is altered.
In this context, we have developed an integrated modeling approach
that identifies the effect of global warming on the global timber
market. Most literature that studied this objective have only
investigated the effect of global warming on timber markets in limited
regions. Binkley (1988) studied the impact of global warming on boreal
forests. Joyce et al. (1995), Burton et al. (1998), and Sohngen and
Mendelsohn (1998) focused only on the United States. Perez-Garcia et al.
(1997) and Sohngen et al. (1997) extended the effect of global warming
on the global timber market. Except for Sohngen and Mendelsohn (1998)
and Sohngen et al. (1997), these studies use comparative static analysis
and compare steady-state equilibria. They consider neither dynamic
ecological change nor dynamic economic behavior of the timber market.
For our integrated modeling approach, we use the Timber Supply
Model (TSM) developed by Sedjo and Lyon (1990) and extend it to include
additional global timber market components. BIOME 3 (Haxeltine and
Prentice 1996), an equilibrium terrestrial biosphere model based on
ecophysiological constraints, resource availability, and competition
among plant functional types, is adopted as our steady-state ecological
model and Hamburg (Claussen 1996) as our general circulation model (GCM)
to investigate the change of climate variables when carbon dioxide is
doubled in the atmosphere. Because there are no dynamic ecological
models that span the globe, we impose linearity assumptions about
ecosystem adjustment to climate change. We do this to derive a predicted
time path of relevant ecological changes such as forest dieback hectares
and regeneration hectares and to predict the dynamic productivity
change. We modify the extended TSM (which is referred to as TSM 2000) to
reflect these dynamic ecological changes. Then we simulate a non-climate
change base scenario and a climate change scenario using TSM 2000 to
predict the effect of global warming on the global timber market. We
perform these procedures for three different timber demand scenarios to
observe the sensitivity of the conclusions to the level of timber
demand. These include normal timber demand growth, high timber demand
growth, and very high timber demand growth. First, we specify and
formulate TSM 2000. Second, we develop our procedures for estimating the
relevant dynamic ecological changes caused by global warming. These
include dynamic forestland area changes and productivity changes. Third,
the simulation results are reported and discussed for each scenario.
This includes a discussion of the sensitivity results and welfare
2. Dynamic Timber Supply Model
Alternative dynamic economic models of timber market behavior
include (Berck 1979; Brazee and Mendelsohn 1990; Adams et al. 1996;
Sohngen and Mendelsohn 1998; Sohngen, Mendelsohn, and Sedjo 1999) and
the TSM (Sedjo and Lyon 1990, 1996). We use TSM because it has the
relevant characteristics, we understand it, and we can modify it to fit
the problem at hand. In general, the volume harvested in the TSM is
affected by seven types of adjustments. These are (i) rotation length of
age; (ii) the rate of drawdown of old growth inventories; (iii) the
number of forested land classes that are utilized in the harvest; (iv)
the level of regeneration input applied to the various land classes; (v)
the rate at which new industrial plantations are added to the
world's timber-producing regions; (vi) the rate of technical
change-wood-extending, wood-growing, and wood-saving; and (vii) changes
in production from nonresponsive regions of the world (Lyon and Sedjo
1992). (1) The TSM provides economically efficient solutions in the
sense that it maximizes total benefit to the society as a whole, not the
net income stream of an individual landowner.
Description of TSM 2000
To develop TSM 2000, we modify TSM in the following ways. First,
the TSM 2000 considers the former Soviet Union to be a part of the
responsive region. We postulate that the former Soviet Union will
participate in the global timber market and that it will play a critical
role in supplying stumpage to the global timber market since it contains
approximately 25% of worldwide forest growing stock (Backman and
Waggener 1991). For this research, we subdivide the former Soviet Union
into three subregions: European USSR, West Siberia, and East Siberia.
Also, we subdivide these three regions according to ecosystem type and
the degree of accessibility for harvesting; hence, these three
subregions consist of 16 land classes: eight land classes for European
USSR and four land classes for West Siberia and East Siberia,
respectively. These are identified more concretely later.
Second, we include more plantation forests in the emerging region
in the TSM 2000. (2) Plantation forests in India, Asia-Pacific region,
and subregions in Africa except South Africa are not included in the TSM
as the emerging region. According to Sedjo (1994), both tropical and
subtropical regions have experienced an increase in plantation forest.
Land areas in these regions, which are exploited for agricultural
production or were being conserved for the future use, are now being
turned into plantation forest. About six million hectares had been
planted in the emerging region by 1980 (Sedjo and Lyon 1990); however,
it is estimated that plantation forest acreage included in these areas
were about 38 million hectares in 1990 (UNFAO 1993a, 1993b, 1995).
Third, there has been a trend to withdraw forestland from timber
harvesting and conserve it for wilderness, ecological reserves, parks,
scenic corridors, and other purposes in many major timber-producing
countries. Recent publications of the International Union Conservation
of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN 1990, 1994) included all the areas
designated to be protected by individual governments as well as the
international organizations. Yan (1996) calculated the conserved
hectares of forest for seven responsive regions being included in the
TSM since 1981 (1980 for Asia-Pacific region) based on publication of
IUCN (1994). He designated nine scenarios of the forest conservation by
combining these calculations with more information on conservation
actions for each responsive region. Current trends to promote
conservation of forest for environmental protection suggest that
conservation patterns modeled in TSM 2000 will be an important factor
affecting worldwide timber supply. In this respect, we model
conservation of forest for each land class in each region by adopting
Yan's (1996) scenario 5. Here we discuss the forest conservation
ratios that we use for the subregions of the former Soviet Union. (3)
Fourth, the TSM (1990, 1996) considered only 22 land classes in
seven responsive regions to project the optimal time profile of
important endogenous variables in the model. To meet our research
objective, we consider the change of distribution of ecosystem type
(vegetation pattern) and change of productivity of ecosystem type after
climate change. When we examine the change of distribution of ecosystem
types on the basis of BIOME 3 predictions using Hamburg as our GCM, we
observe that in some regions a large portion of an ecosystem type would
be transformed into other ecosystem types after climate change. This
reflects the fact that some species die out from the area where they are
currently standing and new species are regenerated naturally or planted
by human beings for economic benefit. In this respect, we subdivide land
classes in more detail in the TSM 2000 in order to include the
ecological detail acquired from the BIOME 3 predictions on ecosystem
change. Consequently, TSM 2000 includes 42 land classes in 10 responsive
Formulation of TSM 2000
We now describe the model. Net surplus in the year j is defined as
where [Q.sub.j] is the quantity or volume of timber for solid wood
harvested in year j, [D.sup.s.sub.j]([Q.sub.j]) is the inverse demand
function of industrial solid wood in year j, [[??].sub.j] is the volume
of timber for pulpwood harvested in year j,
[D.sup.p.sub.j]([[??].sub.j]) is the demand function of industrial
pulpwood in inverse form, and [C.sub.j] is the total cost in year j. The
total costs are the summation of harvest, access, transportation costs
(C[H.sub.j]), and regeneration cost (C[R.sub.j]). Harvesting and
transportation costs in year j depend on the total volumes harvested by
land class, and regeneration costs depend on hectares harvested
(regenerated) and the level of regeneration inputs used.
For the formulation, define [x.sub.hj] to be a vector of hectares
of trees in each age-group for land class h in year j with elements
[x.sub.hij]. The subscripts h, i, and j correspond to land class,
age-group, and the year, respectively. Let [z.sub.hj] be the vector of
state variables for the regeneration input with elements [z.sub.hij],
which is the level of regeneration input associated with age-group i in
year j for land class h. Next, [u.sub.hj] is the control vector of
portions of hectares harvested. The elements of [u.sub.hj] denote for
land class h the portion of the hectares of trees in age-group i
harvested in year j. Let [w.sub.hj] be the level of regeneration input
per hectare for those hectares regenerated in year j and [p.sub.wh] be
the price of regeneration input for land class h. The merchantable volume of timber per hectare for land class h in time period j for a
stand regenerated i time periods ago depends on i and on the magnitude
of the regeneration input used on this stand ([z.sub.hij]). We denote
this merchantable volume as follows:
(2.2) [q.sub.hij] = [f.sub.h] (i, [z.sub.hij]).
This volume is divided between solid wood and pulpwood using
variable proportions that vary by land class, with [[phi].sub.h] the
portion going to solid wood and (1 - [[phi.sub.h]) the portion going to
pulpwood. The proportion [[phi].sub.h] is a constant elasticity function
of the price of solid wood relative to the price of pulpwood
([p.sup.s.sub.j]/[p.sup.p.sub.j]). It is given by
[[phi].sub.hj] = [A.sub.h]
where [p.sup.s] and [p.sup.p] are solid-wood and pulpwood price,
respectively; [epsilon] is the elasticity of [phi] with respect to
relative price, which is the same for all land classes; and [A.sub.h] is
a scaling factor that varies by land class. For the base case and the
several scenarios to be considered, we use an elasticity, [epsilon], of
0.6, and select the scaling factors so that the reference percents solid
wood would exist at a relative price of 1.5.
With these definitions, the volume of commercial timber harvested
for solid wood and pulpwood from land class h in year j, [Q.sub.hj] and
[Q.sub.hj] is given by
(2.3a) [Q.sub.hj] = [[phi].sub.hj] [u'.sub.hj]
(2.3b) [[??].sub.hj] = (1 - [[phi].sub.hj][u'.sub.hj]
[Q.sub.j] = [summation over (h)] [Q.sub.hj], [[??].sub.j] =
[summation over (h)] [[??].sub.hj]
where [X.sub.hj] is a diagonal matrix using the elements of
[x.sub.hj] and the total volume harvested in the responsive regions is
the summation of these over all land classes. Costs including harvest,
access, and transportation cost for land class h is a function of the
volume harvested in that land class,
(2.4) C[H.sub.hj] = [C.sub.h]([Q.sub.hj] + [[??].sub.hj]),
and regeneration cost for land class h in time period j is given by
(2.5) C[R.sub.hj] = ([u'.sub.hj][x.sub.hj] +
where the inner product in parentheses gives the hectares harvested
in land class h, [v.sub.hj] is the exogenously determined number of
hectares of new forestland in land class h, and the product of the last
two terms gives expenditure per hectare. This yields total cost of
C[R.sub.hj] = [summation over (h)] (C[H.sub.hj] + C[R.sub.hj).
With these definitions, the objective function of TSM 2000 will be
the sum of discounted present value of the net surplus as follows:
where [rho] is the discount factor, [e.sup.-r], with r the market
interest rate; J is the last time period of the modeled time horizon; u
is any admissible set of control vectors, [u.sub.0], [u.sub.1], ...,
[u.sub.J-1] (including all land classes); w is any set of admissible
control scalars, [w.sub.0], [w.sub.1], ..., [w.sub.J-1] (also covering
all land classes); and [S.sup.*.sub.J](*,*) is the optimal terminal
value function. Equation 2.6 is to be maximized over the control
variables subject to the laws of motions of the state variables and the
constraints. The portions of hectares harvested are constrained to be
nonnegative and less than or equal to 1, and the regeneration inputs are
constrained to be nonnegative:
(2.7a) 0 [less than or equal to] [u.sub.hij] [less than or equal
to] 1 for all h, i, j
(2.7b) 0 [less than or equal to] [w.sub.hj] for all h, j.
The laws of motion for the given system are given by
(2.8a) [x.sub.hj+1] = (A + B[U.sub.hj])[x.sub.hj] + [v.sub.hj]e for
all h, j
(2.8b) [z.sub.hj+1] = A[z.sub.hj] + [w.sub.hj]e for all h, j,
A, B, and U are M-square matrices, [U.sub.hj] is a diagonal matrix
using the elements of [u.sub.hj], and e is a M-vector where M is equal
to or greater than the index number of the oldest age-group in the
Solution Techniques
The problem of maximizing objective function (Eqn. 2.6), subject to
the constraint Equations 2.7a through 2.8b, is a discrete time, optimal
control problem that can be solved by the discrete time maximum
principle. The maximum principle is a theorem that states that the
constrained maximization of Equation 2.6 can be decomposed into a series
of subproblems. In each time period, the following Hamiltonian is
maximized with respect to [u.sub.hj] and [w.sub.hj] subject to the
constraints. The Hamiltonian for year j is
(2.10a) [[lambda].sub.hj] = [rho][d[S.sup.*] [sub.j]([x.sub.j],
[z.sub.j])/d[x.sub.hj]] (j = 1, ..., J) [[lambda].sub.hj] =
[rho][(d[s.sup.*.sub.j]/d[x.sub.hj] + (A +
B[U.sup.*.sub.hj])'[[lambda].sub.h, j+1]] (j = 1, ..., J - 1)
(2.10b) [[psi].sub.hj] = [rho][d[S.sup.*.sub.j]([x.sub.j],
[z.sub.j])/d[z.sub.jh]] (j = 1, ..., J) [[psi].sub.jh] =
[rho][d[s.sup.*.sub.j]/d[z.sub.hj]) + A'[[psi].sub.h, j+1] (j = 1,
..., J - 1).
The derivatives with respect to vectors are gradient vectors, and
[S.sup.*.sub.j+1] (.,.) is the solution function in j + 1. The solution
function in year j + 1 can be conceptualized as the result of an
application of Bellman's optimality principle and backward
recursion. The [[lambda].sub.hj] and [[psi].sub.hj] are costate (adjoint) vectors and identify the shadow values of the hectares of
forest and the regeneration input, respectively, in each age-group in
year j. The Lagrangian function and the Kuhn-Tucker necessary conditions
of this optimization problem are
(2.11) [L.sup.H.sub.j] = [H.sub.j] + [summation over (h)]
[[xi]'.sub.hj] (1 - [u.sub.hj])
(2.12a) [differential][L.sup.H.sub.j]/[differential][u.sub.hj] =
[[[phi].sub.hj][D.sup.s.sub.j]([Q.sub.j]) + (1 - [[phi].sub.hj])
[D.sup.P.sub.j]([[??].sub.j]) - [c'.sub.h] ([Q.sub.hj] +
[[??].sub.hj])][X.sub.hj][q.sub.hj] - [x.sub.hj][p.sub.wh][w.sub.hj]
+ [X'.sub.hj] B'[[lambda].sub.hj+1] = [[xi].sub.hj] [less
than or equal to] 0 for all h
(2.12b) ([differential][L.sup.H.sub.j]/[differential][u.sub.hij] =
0 for all h and i
(2.12c) [differential][L.sup.H.sub.j]/[differential][w.sub.hj] =
-[u'.sub.hj][x.sub.hj][p.sub.wh] + [[psi].sub.h, 1, j+1] [less than
or equal to] 0 for all h
(2.12d) ([differential][L.sup.H.sub.j]/[differential][w.sub.hj])
[w.sub.hj] = 0 for all h
(2.12e) [differential][L.sup.H.sub.j]/[differential][[xi].sub.hj] =
(1 - [u.sub.hj]) [greater than or equal to] 0 for all h
(2.12f) ([differential][L.sup.H.sub.j]/[differential][[xi].sub.hij])[[xi].sub.hij] = 0 for all h and i.
These Kuhn-Tucker conditions, the laws of motion for the state
variables (Eqns. 2.8a and 2.8b), and the laws of motion for costate
variables (Eqns. 2.10a and 2.10b) identify a two-point boundary value
problem that can be used to solve both theoretical and numerical
problems. These are the equations that we solve to find the optimal time
paths for the scenario analyses.
3. Ecological Change Impacted by Global Warming
Because a dynamic ecological model that covers the globe has not
yet been developed, we use a steady-state ecological model to predict
the steady-state ecological equilibrium before and after climate change
and then linearize the variables between the end points. The
Intergovernmental Panel of Climate Change (IPCC) predicts a linear
increase of temperature from 1990 to 2060, when the carbon dioxide
concentration in the atmosphere is predicted to be doubled; hence, we
use 1990 and 2060 as our end points. We first use a general circulation
model (GCM) to estimate the effects of a doubling of atmospheric carbon
on global climate. Then, using these climate results as inputs, the
steady-state ecological model is simulated. The output of this is the
distribution of ecosystems by type and the productivity of ecosystems
across the globe. In general, steady-state ecological models are
classified into two categories. Biogeographical distribution models
(Prentice et al. 1992; Neilson and Marks 1994; Woodward, Smith, and
Emanuel 1995) predict the distribution of ecosystem types, and
biogeochemical cycle models (Patton, Stewart, and Cole 1988; Running and
Coughland 1988; Running and Gower 1991; Melillo et al. 1993) predict the
productivity of the ecosystems. In our research, we adopt BIOME 3 to
observe steady-state ecological change using Hamburg as our GCM. BIOME 3
includes both a biogeographical distribution model and a biogeochemical
cycle model within a single global framework. The output of BIOME 3
consists of a quantitative vegetation state description in terms of the
dominant plant function types, the total leaf index, and the net primary
productivity. (4) This output is then used to generate our predictions
for 2060. We generate data for the 1990 end point in the same way,
except that we use the current climate situation. To simulate the
dynamic effects, we linearize the change between these end points. This
linearization is consistent with the IPCC (1990) prediction of linear
temperature change and with Sohngen et al. (1997). Sohngen et al. assume
that climate variables are linearly increasing from 1990 to 2060 (5) and
that, after 2060, climate variables stabilize, with ecosystems doing the
same. Within our model, this yields dynamic ecological changes that
decompose into dynamic land area change, hectares of forest by land
class, and dynamic productivity change of ecosystem types, productivity
of these forests. The implementation of the linearity assumptions is
detailed later.
Dynamic Land Area Change
Biospheric scientists (Shugart et al. 1986; Solomon 1986; King and
Neilson 1992) suggest that there are two processes of dynamic ecosystem
type change as climate changes over time. One is dieback, and the other
is regeneration. Dieback occurs when environmental conditions of the
forest significantly deviate from those to which the current growing
trees are accustomed. Changing climate conditions continuously harass growing trees and cause standing trees to stop growing. Eventually, the
standing trees die out. The regeneration process occurs slowly through
the gradual competitive displacement of forest types or through
plantation management. As existing forests are harvested or die out
naturally, however, old species are not regenerated. Instead, new
species naturally migrate into the sites with a time lag or are planted
by human beings for economic benefit. In this context, we first identify
the change in potential forest for each of 41 geographic land areas
(land classes) around the globe. We identify changes in both land area
and dominant species. The BIOME 3 simulation results provide us with
predictions of plant functional types and total leaf index for all land
areas on the globe. We eliminate nonforestland areas from the BIOME 3
results and collate the results with our 41 geographic land classes.
Nonforest areas include farmland and settlement, city complexes, paddy,
cropland and pasture, coastal, and water and islands. (6) Using these
hectares of potential forest for before and after climate change, we
calculated the dieback ratio and the regeneration ratio for each
ecosystem type. We did this for the land area in each of our 41
geographic land classes. (7) We consider two factors in choosing
ecosystem types in each responsive region. These factors include
dominant forest types for commercial use as well as the degree of
ecological transformation after climate change. Each land class in the
TSM 2000 is classified according to its biological and geographical
characteristics, such as ecosystem type, as well as the degree of
harvesting accessibility. Using our linearity assumptions, we estimate
dynamic land area change for each of our 41 geographic land classes.
This includes forest dieback hectares per year and regeneration hectares
per year by land class.
Dynamic Productivity Change
As part of our dynamic ecological specification, we assume that net
primary productivity (NPP) adjustment occurs proportionally to climate
change. The NPP is a steady-state concept in the sense that the
biogeochemical cycle model predicts the equilibrium NPP at a given time;
hence, the dynamic path of NPP is assumed to be linear over the period
of climate change. NPP is the net amount of carbon garnered for plant
growth; hence, we assume that tree growth per unit time is proportional
to NPP. Letting t = 0 for 1990 and t = 70 for 2060, we linearize the
effects of climate change using
[[kappa].sub.h](t) = 1 + [kappa] * t,
where [kappa] = ((NP[P.sub.70]/NP[P.sub.0]) - 1)/70. The
non-climate change yield function per hectare was defined as [q.sub.hij]
= [f.sub.h](i, [z.sub.hij]) for land class h in time period j and the
standing trees regenerated i years ago. To capture the effects of NPP
change, we modify the yield function for trees for the time period
during which climate change occurs. These modifications are developed in
Appendix A.
4. Simulation Results of the Global Timber Market
To examine the impact of global warming on the global timber
market, we simulate intertemporal values of the endogenous variables for
both the non-climate change base scenario and the climate change
scenario under normal timber demand growth over a time horizon of 90
years, starting in 1995. (8) For the simulation of climate change
scenarios, we modify the TSM 2000 to reflect the dynamic ecological
changes discussed previously. The estimations obtained for the base
scenario and the climate change scenario allow us to predict the effect
of global warming on the global timber market. In addition, to assess
the sensitivity of the results to different assumptions of timber demand
growth, we also simulate the model under both high timber demand growth
and very high timber demand growth scenarios.
An Analysis of the Base Scenario
In our modeling framework, the base scenario results are considered
to be our best predictions of what will occur if there is no climate
change and will be used as the baseline to compare with and to contrast
the other scenarios against. The assumptions used for model simulation
of the base scenario under normal demand scenario are as follows:
(i) World demand schedule for industrial wood (combined pulpwood
and solid-wood products) will increase at an annual growth rate of 1.0%
in the first year and decrease in a linear fashion each successive year
until growth rate is zero in the 90th year.
(ii) World demand schedule for pulpwood initially increases at an
annual growth rate of 2.27% in the first year and decreases in a linear
fashion each successive year until the growth rate is zero in the 90th
(iii) New forest plantations are established in the emerging region
at an annual rate level of 2.80 million hectares for 10 years.
(iv) The dollar exchange rate is assumed to remain at an
intermediate level throughout the period of analysis. (9)
In the formulation of TSM 2000, the former Soviet Union as well as
plantation forests in India, African countries, and Asia-Pacific are
included as a part of responsive regions. As a result, we need to
estimate the new demand function for the responsive regions. The initial
solid-wood and pulpwood demand functions are also estimated as follows:
[P.sup.s] = 162 - 0.001215 * [Q.sup.s]
[P.sup.p] = 118 - 0.001215 * [Q.sup.P].
By extending land classes from 22 land classes contained in TSM to
42 land classes in TSM 2000, we need to include not only the cost
functions but also the yield functions for new land classes. Components
of cost function for new land classes such as harvest, access, and
domestic and international transportation costs are estimated from the
previous works of Sedjo and Lyon (1990) and Sohngen et al. (1996). Yield
functions for the new land classes were selected to have the same basic
equations as those in Sedjo and Lyon (1990). The coefficients of yield
functions of new land classes are selected to reflect characteristics of
the region, such as climate and topography, in which each land class is
located. The variable proportions of production in solid wood,
[[phi].sub.h], for new land classes were constructed from those given in
Sedjo and Lyon (1996) by considering land classes with similar
geographical characteristics, ecosystem type, climate, NPP, and so on.
In general, the annual market discount rate would fluctuate over the
simulation period, but in this research we used an interest rate of 4%
for the entire simulation time period. Given the initial commercial
timber stock inventory for each land class, we simulate the base TSM
2000 scenario and identify the optimal time profile of harvesting
volumes and prices of solid wood and pulpwood, respectively.
Simulation Results of the Base Scenario
Simulation results of the base scenario are shown in Figures 1-4
and summarized in Table 1. These data indicate that total industrial
wood production increases 31%, pulpwood production increases 55%, and
solid-wood production increases only 4.6%. Increased pulpwood production
accounts for 93% and solid wood for 7% of the increase in total
industrial wood production over the 90-year period. Figure 4 shows
estimated price changes for solid wood and pulpwood over the simulation
period, with the price of pulpwood increasing 44% and the price of solid
wood increasing 21%. The more rapid growth for pulpwood volume and price
is due primarily to the more rapid growth of pulpwood demand. To
accommodate this rapid growth of pulpwood demand, the price of pulpwood
rises relative to that of solid wood, which signals producers to switch
production away from solid wood to pulpwood.
Simulation of timber production by regions, which is presented as
Table B.1 in Appendix B, suggests that the dominant production regions
currently and in 2085 are in the emerging region, the U.S. South, and
East Siberia. Over 90 years, the emerging region increases production by
a factor of three, while the U.S. South and the East Siberia regions
roughly double their timber production. Most timber production of these
regions contributes to the increase of pulpwood production. Eastern
Canada and European USSR also increase timber production, mostly in
supplying pulpwood. Nordic Europe maintains fairly substantial timber
production over the first 70 years, and after that timber production
declines slightly. The U.S. Pacific Northwest, Western Canada, West
Siberia, and Asia-Pacific are only modest producers of timber and
experience a minimal change over the 90-year period. Prior to the
initial simulation year, both the U.S. Pacific Northwest and Western
Canada experienced increasing government oversight directed at the
withdrawal of public forestlands from commercial forests. These
conservation efforts allow these regions to show only modest timber
production over the entire simulation period.
An Analysis of the Climate Change Scenario
In order to simulate the climate change scenario, we modify the
laws of motion of TSM 2000 to incorporate the effects of dieback and
regeneration. In addition, we modify the yield functions to incorporate
the effects of changes in NPP. To track the effects of dieback on the
hectors of trees by land class and age-group, we assume that the
age-groups are affected proportionally within each land class.
Previously we discussed the calculation of dieback hectares by land
class, which is then linearized to yield dieback hectares per year. To
distribute this proportionally across the age-groups, we use the portion
of the commercial land area of the land class that is not affected by
[d.sub.j] = 1 - dieback per [year.sub.h]/[SIGMA] [x.sub.h,i,j].
For the land area where standing trees are expected to die out, we
modify Equation 2.8a, which denotes the law of motion of the hectares of
trees by age, to be
[x.sub.h,j+1] = (C + D[U.sub.hj])[x.sub.hj] for all h, j,
This equation can also be expressed as
[x.sub.h,1,j+1] = [d.sub.j][u'.sub.hj][x.sub.hj]
[x.sub.h,2,j+1] = [x.sub.h,1,j] for all h, j
[x.sub.h,i+1,j+1] = [d.sub.j]([x.sub.h,i,j -
for all h, j
(i = 2, 3, ..., M - 1).
For the land areas where standing trees are not expected to die
out, Equation 2.8a is changed to
[x.sub.h,j+1] = (A + B[U.sub.hj])[x.sub.hj] + ([v.sub.hj] +
[R[R.sub.h])e for all h, j,
where R[R.sub.h] denotes the regeneration hectares per year for
land class h and A, B, [U.sub.hj], [v.sub.hj], and e are the same as
defined in the Equations 2.8a and 2.8b. This equation can be expressed
[x.sub.h,1,j+1] = [u'.sub.hj][x.sub.hj] + [v.sub.hj] +
R[R.sub.h] for all, h, j
[x.sub.h,i+1j+1] = [x.sub.h,i,j] - [u.sub.h,i,j][x.sub.h,i,j] (i =
1, 2, ..., M - 1)
Next, the volume of commercial timber harvested for the total
industrial wood after climate change is modified by identifying three
harvesting categories. The first category is where commercial harvesting
occurs in the land areas where standing trees are expected to die out
after climate change. The second category accounts for the possibility
that some portion of dieback trees is salvaged from dieback areas. The
third category considers commercial harvesting in the land areas in
which standing trees are not expected to die out after climate change.
For the salvage of dieback trees, the salvage rate of dieback trees is
assumed to be 60% of normal merchantable volume on average for both
accessible and inaccessible land areas and 70% of merchantability ratio
for all salvage operations. (10) The merchantability ratio is defined as
the minimum age of salvage trees divided by the optimal harvest age.
At year j, the three cases of commercial harvesting volume are
specified as follows: Commercial harvesting volume in the land area
where standing trees are expected to die out after climate change is
[u'.sub.hj][d.sub.j][X.sub.hj][q.sub.hj] for all h, j,
where [X.sub.hj] is a diagonal matrix using the elements of
[x.sub.hj], the vector of hectares of trees in this land area, and
[q.sub.hj] is the vector of non-climate change yield function. Salvage
volume of dieback trees is
where s is the salvage rate and age k is the margin for the salvage
of dead trees. Commercial harvesting volume in the land area where
standing trees are not expected to die out after climate are
[u'.sub.hj][X.sub.hj][[??].sub.hj] for all h, j [member of]
[1995, 2060]
[u'.sub.hj][X.sub.hj][[??].sub.hj] for all h, j [member of]
[2061, [infinity],
where both [[??].sub.hj] and [[??].sub.hj] are vectors of modified
yield functions of trees when climate change occurs (see Eqns. A.1 and
A.2 in Appendix A). The total volume harvested of industrial wood after
climate change is the sum of harvesting volume of these three cases.
Harvesting volume for solid wood and for pulpwood are calculated by
multiplying the total harvested volume of industrial wood by
[[PHI].sub.h], and (1 - [[phi].sub.h]), respectively.
Simulation Results of the Climate Change Scenario
Output projections of the climate change scenario are shown in
Figures 5-7 and summarized in Table 1. The increase in total industrial
wood is 65% over the entire simulation period. Relative to the base
scenario, production is larger by 625 million cubic meters in 2085, and
it reflects 30% larger production than in the base scenario. Estimated
gains in timber production due to climate change are the result of two
important factors: First, BIOME 3 predicts an increase in net primary
productivity for all land classes; second, BIOME 3 predicts that there
will be an increase in hectares of faster-growing tree species. As a
result, the climate change scenario shows that global timber supply
grows faster than global timber demand, resulting in declining timber
The increase in pulpwood production is 82% over the simulation
period. Pulpwood production in 2085 is 20%, or 261 million cubic meters,
larger than in the base scenario. In addition, solid-wood production
increases 46% over the 90-year period. Estimates for the climate change
scenario indicate that solid-wood production in 2085 is 45%, or 364
million cubic meters, larger than in the base scenario. Figure 8 shows
that the supply response induces a substantial price decrease for both
solid wood and pulpwood. Solid-wood price is estimated to decrease about
34% from $73 per cubic meter in 1995 to $48 in 2085. Pulpwood price will
decrease about 25% from $40 in 1995 to $30 in 2085. This simulation
suggests that global warming will have a positive effect on the global
timber market through increasing timber production and decreasing the
prices of solid wood and pulpwood.
Regional variations in timber production, which are presented in
Table B.2 in Appendix B, suggest that the dominant production region
over 90 years is East Siberia, followed by the U.S. South and the
emerging region. In East Siberia, the total volume of industrial wood
increases 107% over the simulation period, and unlike the base scenario,
this region has an increase in the production for both pulpwood and
solid wood. The volume of pulpwood and solid wood increase 107% and
106%, respectively. In the U.S. South, the total volume of industrial
wood increases 126%, and the volume of pulpwood and solid wood increases
208% and 82%, respectively. In the emerging region, the total volume of
industrial wood increases 29% over the 90-year period. The volume of
pulpwood and solid wood increase 34% and 20% over the simulation period,
respectively. The increase of timber production in the emerging region
after climate change is relatively less than in the other dominant
regions. Also, most of the production increase in total industrial wood
is in pulpwood. Unlike other dominant regions, the increase in
production of solid wood in the emerging region is very modest, mainly
because the trees have short rotation periods and fast-growing trees
(Sedjo 1995).
Regional production estimates indicate that East Siberia and the
U.S. South are greatly impacted by global warming, mostly through the
increase in hectares of faster-growing species and the increase in NPP.
In these regions, global warming increases timber production for both
pulpwood and solid wood. Other regions also show increased pulpwood and
solid-wood production over the simulation period. Both Eastern Canada
and European USSR show substantial timber production over 90 years,
while Nordic Europe shows fairly substantial timber production over the
earlier portion of the simulation time period. The remaining regions
show modest increases of timber production as discussed in the base
A Sensitivity Analysis of Timber Demand Growth Scenarios
We analyze model results under two different timber demand
scenarios: high timber demand growth scenario and very high timber
demand growth scenario. The high timber demand growth scenario is based
on recent FAO forecasts. FAO forecasts the demand of total industrial
wood to increase by 1.8% annually and pulpwood to increase at a rate of
2.5% annually to the year 2010. For this research, we extended the
growth period to 2085, with the timber demand growth declining linearly
to zero in 2085. For the very high timber demand growth scenario, we
double these growth rates to 3.6% and 5%, respectively. Tables 2 and 3
present the results of the sensitivity analyses for these two scenarios.
These sensitivity analyses provide significant information on the
direction, magnitude, and natures of various adjustment mechanisms in
the global timber market. In summary, the economic system responds to
increasing growth of timber demand through changes in timber production
and prices. Differences in timber production and prices are highly
related to differences in the growth rate of timber demand and in the
potential capacity to produce and expand available supply. Also, if
growth of pulpwood demand increases at a significantly higher rate than
solid-wood demand, the production of solid wood increases at a very
modest rate or decreases in the later part of the simulation period.
This trend results from the fact that higher growth of pulpwood demand
relative to solid-wood demand switches industrial wood from solid wood
to pulpwood. Finally, if timber demand grows at a higher rate than that
in the normal demand scenario, the initial timber production is lower,
but timber production is ultimately larger than in the normal timber
demand scenario. This structure suggests that rational forward-looking
producers postpone the initial timber production with the anticipation
of higher price in the future.
A Welfare Change in the Global Timber Market
In order to examine the effect of global warming on the global
timber market in the economic welfare sense, we measure the welfare
change between the base scenario and the climate change scenario under
each of timber demand scenarios. As already stated, the welfare level in
TSM 2000 is the sum of discounted present value of net surplus over the
simulation period. Under the normal timber demand growth scenario, we
calculate the welfare levels for both the base scenario and the climate
change scenario. The welfare level for the base scenario is about $336
million, while that for the climate scenario is about $352 million. The
welfare level in the climate change scenario is $16 million (4.8%)
larger than in the base scenario. This amount of welfare increase
suggests that the society will experience an economic benefit through
the global timber market when climate change occurs. Also, in Tables 2
and 3, the welfare level for both the base scenario and the climate
change scenario are illustrated under the high timber demand growth and
the very high timber demand growth.
5. Conclusion
To capture the economic effects in the global timber market that
arise from the prediction of global warming, we develop an integrated
assessment model of the ecosystem and the economic system. TSM 2000,
BIOME 3, and Hamburg are used as suitable economic and ecological models
to perform this objective. The TSM 2000 is developed to model dynamic
economic behavior in the global timber market. BIOME 3 is utilized as
our steady-state ecological model and Hamburg as our general circulation
model. In particular, the TSM 2000 not only incorporates the important
additional components in the global timber market but also disaggregates
the total industrial wood production into pulpwood production and
solid-wood production by responsive region. We estimate dynamic
ecological change based on the simulation results of BIOME 3 using
Hamburg and the linearity assumption on climate change and ecosystem.
The projected dynamic ecological changes, dynamic land area changes, and
productivity changes are run through the TSM 2000 to identify the
economic effects of dynamic climate change on the global timber market.
We simulate a non-climate change base scenario and a climate change
scenario. With the simulation results for both scenarios, we identify
that the increase of total industrial wood production, pulpwood
production, and solid-wood production in the climate change scenario are
larger than in the base scenario by 30%, 20%, and 45%, respectively. In
particular, we note that these estimated gains in timber production due
to climate change are caused by an expansion of hectares of
faster-growing tree species and an increase in net primary productivity,
the rate at which carbon is garnered for plant growth. As a result, the
climate change scenario shows that for normal timber demand growth,
global timber supply grows faster than global timber demand, resulting
in declining timber prices. In this sense, we conclude that global
warming has a positive effect on the global timber market through an
increase of timber production causing stumpage prices to be lower than
they otherwise would have been. In addition, we calculate the sum of
discounted present value of net surplus for both scenarios over the
simulation period to estimate the welfare level. In comparing the
welfare level between the two scenarios, the welfare level in the
climate change scenario is larger than that in the base scenario by
4.8%; thus, global warming is economically beneficial to society through
the global timber market. Furthermore, there are many avenues for future
research to improve our research results. We feel that the most
promising would be the sensitivity of these results to the ecological
and general circulation models used.
Appendix A
Climate Change Yield Function
We use the yield function of merchantable volume per hectare
formulated in Sedjo and Lyon (1990, pp. 208-9) as our non-climate change
yield function and a modification of it for our climate change yield
function. Since changes in NPP cause changes in the rate at which the
trees grow we start with the non-climate change yield function and
modify its rate of tree growth to reflect the increase in NPP. This
gives us a differential equation whose solution is the climate change
yield function. The non-climate change yield function consists of
functional components such as age of trees and management of practices
(regeneration input). This yield function is as follows:
q = [q.sup.1] (z) * [q.sup.2] (age),
For the simplicity of deriving the climate change yield function,
this yield function can be written as
[q.sub.hij] = [alpha][e.sup[beta]/(i-[gamma])],
where [alpha] = [q.sup.1]([z.sub.hj]) * [c.sup.2] * exp([c.sup.3]),
[beta] = [c.sup.4], y = [c.sup.5]. This non-climate change yield
function implies that the growth due to aging of the trees is
dq/di = - [beta]/[(i - [gamma]).sup.2] * [alpha] * [e.sup.[beta]/(i
- [gamma])].
While climate change is occurring (j [member of] [1995, 2060]) the
growth due to aging at year j is given as
(A.1) d[??]/di = - [beta]/(i - [[gamma]).sup.2] * [alpha] *
[e.sup.[beta]/(i-[gamma])] * (1 + [kappa] (i - a)) = - [beta]/(i -
[[gamma]).sup.2] * [alpha] * [e.sup.[beta]/(i-[gamma]) - [beta]/[(i -
[gamma]).sup.2] * [alpha] * [kappa](i - a) * [e.sup.[beta]/(i-[gamma]),
where i = a + (j - [j.sup.*]) and a is the age of tree at year
[j.sup.*] at which time climate change begins to occur and 1 + [kappa]
(i - a) denotes the change of NPP during the time period of j -
[j.sup.*]. This makes the change in the growth of trees proportional to
the change in NPP. Thus, the yield function is the solution to the
differential Equation A.1. In addition, the yield function for j [member
of] [2061, [infinity]] would be the solution to
(A.2) d[??]/di = - [beta]/(i - [[gamma]).sup.2] * [alpha] *
[e.sup.[beta]/(i-[gamma]) * [bar][kappa],
where [kappa] = 1 + [kappa] * 70 = NP[P.sub.70]/NP[P.sub.0]. We use
these yield functions to reflect the growth of trees associated with the
increment of net primary productivity.
Appendix B
This Appendix presents the simulation results by responsive region
for both the base scenario and the climate change scenario under normal
timber demand growth. These are summarized in Tables B.1 and B.2.
Table B.1. Simulation Results by Regions: The Base Scenario
Total Volume Solid-Wood Pulpwood Volume
1995 2085 1995 2085 1995 2085
Emerging region 262.93 668.09 97 227.64 165.93 440.45
U.S. Pacific 57.21 67.34 39.15 34.92 18.06 32.42
Western Canada 123.81 87.25 77.89 45.42 45.92 41.83
Nordic Europe 222.32 102.37 86.69 37.06 135.63 65.31
U.S. South 281.85 449.67 169.07 205.22 112.78 244.45
Eastern Canada 116.7 109.96 62.74 40.01 53.96 69.95
European USSR 133.99 110.82 55.78 38.72 78.21 72.1
West Siberia 81.97 62.37 33.81 22.94 48.16 39.43
East Siberia 260.91 378.01 104.8 124.41 156.11 253.6
Asia Pacific 44.56 40.92 37.77 24.02 6.79 16.9
All regions 1586.25 2076.8 764.7 800.36 821.55 1276.44
Unit is million cubic meters.
Table B.2. Simulation Results by Regions: The Climate Change Scenario
Total Volume Solid-Wood Pulpwood
Volume Volume
1995 2085 1995 2085 1995 2085
Emerging region 435.5 562.05 167.79 201.99 267.71 360.06
U.S. Pacific 61.08 86.47 41.81 49.87 19.27 36.6
Western Canada 64.78 31.79 43.59 18.07 21.19 13.72
Nordic Europe 96.35 128.28 45.02 48.39 51.33 79.89
U.S. South 267.63 605.55 173.65 316.24 93.98 289.31
Eastern Canada 95.34 92.66 47.84 35.9 47.5 56.76
European USSR 73.98 144.38 32.63 58.76 41.35 85.62
West Siberia 76.98 104.62 32.3 39.81 44.68 64.81
East Siberia 412.82 854.07 163.11 336.65 249.71 517.42
Asia Pacific 53.91 91.55 44.87 58.35 9.04 33.2
All regions 1638.37 2701.42 792.61 1164.03 845.76 1537.39
Table 1. Simulation Results of Normal Timber Demand Growth Scenario
Base Climate
Scenario Change Scenario
1995 2085 1995 2085
Total volume 1589 2076 1638 2701
Solid-wood volume 765 800 793 1164
Pulpwood volume 821 1276 846 1537
Solid-wood price 76 92 73 48
Pulpwood price 43 62 40 30
Welfare level 336 352
Unit of harvested volume is million cubic meters: unit of price
is dollars and welfare level is million dollars.
Table 2. Simulation Results of High Timber Demand Growth Scenario
Base Climate
Scenario Change Scenario
1995 2085 1995 2095
Total volume 1150 2180 1390 3470
Solid-wood volume 484 759 645 1473
Pulpwood volume 665 1420 750 2015
Solid-wood price 126 166 107 81
Pulpwood price 76 125 64 53
Welfare level 385 450
Unit of harvested volume is million cubic meters; unit of price
is dollars and welfare level is million dollars.
Table 3. Simulation Results of Very High Timber Demand Growth Scenario
Base Climate
Scenario Change
1995 2085 1995 2085
Total volume 1740 2710 2880 4190
Solid-wood volume 761 741 529 1420
Pulpwood volume 943 1970 780 2780
Solid-wood price 137 430 166 368
Pulpwood price 81 409 101 292
Welfare level 750 878
Unit of harvested volume is million cubic meters: unit of price
is dollars and welfare level is million dollars.
We are indebted to two referees for helpful comments on earlier
drafts of this paper. This research was supported by the Department of
Economics and the Utah Agricultural Experiment Station, Utah State
University, Logan, Utah.
(1) In the TSM, responsive regions include U.S. South, U.S. Pacific
Northwest, Eastern Canada, Western Canada, Nordic Europe. Asia-Pacific,
and the emerging region.
(2) Emerging region in the TSM includes Brazil, Chile, Venezuela,
New Zealand, Australia, South Africa, Spain, and Portugal.
(3) For more details about Yan's scenario 5, see chapter 4 of
Yan's (1996) dissertation. For the former Soviet Union, the
conservation ratio of forest for European USSR, West Siberia, and East
Siberia are 29%, 16%, and 14%, respectively.
(4) For more detail about the plant functional types, see Haxeltine
and Prentice (1996). In BIOME 3, nine legends denote the forests.
(5) These references at least partially justify our linearity
assumption. We expect that the biological effects will occur with a lag;
hence, we include a five-year lag for the effects on forests. This is
detailed here. The logistic curve (learning curve) is an alternative to
a linear adjustment and would push the growth further into the future.
The optimization would take this later growth into account and would
shift harvests toward the present. We therefore feel that linearization
is a good first approximation, and we leave it to further research to
refine the results.
(6) We chose nonforest areas from the world map created by Olson
(1989-1991), which displays 74 ecosystem categories across the globe
within [0.5.sup.9] x [0.5.sup.0] and 10 min x 10 min grid cells.
(7) We use 42 land classes, but one of them, the emerging region,
is not bound to a single geographic area.
(8) We assume a fire-year time lag; hence. 1990 for climate becomes
1995 for forests.
(9) These four conditions were also used in the analysis of the
climate change scenario.
(10) In reality, both salvage rate and the merchantability ratio
are not fixed as we assume here, but they change as timber prices
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Dug Man Lee * and Kenneth S. Lyon ([dagger])
* Department of Economics, Sungkyunkwan University, 53 3-ka,
Myungryun-dong, Chongro-ku, Seoul, South Korea 110-745; E-mail
[email protected].
([dagger]) Department of Economics, Utah State University, Logan,
UT 84321. USA; E-mail
[email protected]; corresponding author.