Behavioral economics and institutional innovation.
Shiller, Robert J.
I. Introduction
I wish to talk today about how economic research leads to
fundamental innovation in our economic institutions, institutions such
as our social welfare system or our financial infrastructure. This topic
is really about how economic research contributes to human welfare since
so much of what helps humanity in the long term from economics comes
from a change in our institutions.
In this context the major theme I wish to address is the importance
of behavioral economics in bringing economic ideas to successful
results. Behavioral economics is really the application of methods from
other social sciences--particularly psychology--to economics. Behavioral
economics is central to institutional innovation because it rounds out
the details, the frictions or imperfections that might make some grand
idea for a new economic institution unworkable if not appropriately
dealt with.
A related theme that I wish to cover is to try to say something
useful about the centrality and the difficulties of the inventive
process that underlies institutional innovation and its essential
similarity to engineering invention. The invention of economic
institutions is not unlike engineering inventions: It must deal with a
multitude of problems and obstacles, including the problem that the
people who must use the invention are themselves imperfect. What
engineers call "human factors engineering" is especially
important in the invention of economic institutions. As with engineering
inventions, the breakthroughs, the discoveries of new economic
institutions, tend to be infrequent, sudden, and dramatic. Once an
invention of an economic institution is made, it tends to be copied all
over the world.
In the course of considering these themes, I will also make three
subsidiary points: that institutional innovation requires a motivated
and enthusiastic level of scholarly discussion of economic innovation,
that a sense of economic crisis may often propel such discussion, and
that advances in information technology are often behind major advances
in economic institutions.
Some of these themes were discussed in my 2003 book The New
Financial Order: Risk in the 21st Century, which also included a number
of proposals for new risk management institutions. But here I will focus
on developing the basic ideas about institutional innovation further in
the context of social insurance and with special attention to the role
of behavioral economics.
In this talk I will consider a little history of thought in both
fields, behavioral and institutional economics together, from the
perspective of their contribution to some of our most important social
welfare institutions, institutions that help people manage the risks of
living. I will trace the interaction of practical policy with economic
thought extending back to the beginnings of modern social welfare
institutions in 19th-century Germany up to the present. The example of
the invention of workers' compensation will be particularly
stressed, as it affords a perfect example of the interplay between
economic theory and behavioral economics in producing fundamental
economic innovation. I hope this will offer some insights into the way
that progress is made in economic policy through the interaction of
economic thought and the experimentation of social policymakers.
2. Behavioral Economics
We divide the social sciences according to subject matter but also
according to method. We might define the field of economics in terms of
subject matter as the study of prices, quantities, resource allocation,
and economic organization. But we might also define the field of
economics as it mostly exists today as a certain approach to social
science, an approach that is based models of rational optimization and,
in particular, of individuals' maximizing an expected utility
Unfortunately, the division of the social sciences by subject
matter does not neatly match with the division according to method. The
method of modeling rational optimization is not coterminous with
economics. Many other methods, including aspects of psychology, have
long been used by economists; I will cover some of this later. Moreover,
noneconomists often make use of the rational optimizing model. Political
science has been heavily influenced by, some would say over influenced
by, rational optimizing models. (1) The field of law has also had a
great reliance on the rational optimizing model ever since Ronald
Coase's work in the late 1950s and the founding then of the Journal
of Law and Economics. Some would say too that the field of law was
overinfluenced by the rational optimizing model. (2)
The study of prices, quantities, and economic organization does not
completely succeed if conducted only from the paradigm of rational
optimization. There is increasing recognition of this fact. A behavioral
economics revolution has been taking place, a revolution that has
accelerated over the past l0 or 20 years.
Herbert Simon, in his entry "Behavioral Economics" in The
New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics and Law (1998), pointed out that
the term "behavioral economics" is a sort of pleonasm, for
what else is economics about than a study of human behavior? How could
it possibly be that all the work done in departments of psychology,
sociology, and anthropology are irrelevant to economics? The discovery
of behavioral economics in the past decade or two is really a return to
reality from an untenable position that the rational optimizing model is
the only framework for economics.
Another revolution in economics has been taking place that is not
usually associated with the behavioral economics revolution, and that is
the institutional economics. It becomes related when on looks at the
defining characteristics of the two fields. One of the cardinal
principles of behavioral economics, as enunciated by its most important
exponents, Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky (2000), is framing, that
human actions are heavily influenced by frames of reference. The
institutional structure that we have is the basic framework for all our
economic decisions.
All academic disciplines proceed by fits and starts, and a new
paradigm, once adopted, tends to be carried too far, until earlier
research assumptions are rediscovered. The exclusively reliance of many
in the economic profession on the rational optimizing model was an
example of carrying a model too far. Thus, we are seeing the emerging
fields of what are called behavioral economics and the "new
institutional economics," which are really returns to a more
balanced approach to all of economics.
One signpost of a revolution in economics is the founding of new
societies and journals. The Society for the Advancement of Behavioral
Economics was founded in 1982. The International Society for New
Institutional Economics was founded in 1997. Other evidence can be found
in the creation of new scholarly journals. The Journal of Economic
Behavior and Organization was created in 1980. The Journal of Economic
Psychology was created in 1981. The Journal of Behavioral Finance was
created in 1999 (under a slightly different title at first). The Journal
oflnstitutional and Theoretical Economics began in 1997 (as a
transformation of an earlier German journal), and in the same year the
Review of Economic Design appeared.
But the founding of societies and the establishment of journals
does not accurately represent progress in the fields, for creative
research is always directed by individual researchers, not
organizations. There appears to be something to be gained by people of
similar research methods coming together to talk with each other, but
there is also the risk that by defining themselves as a separate group,
they will lose their vitality and lose their ability to interact
constructively with the profession at large.
Behavioral economics and institutional economics represent two
distinct branches of economic theory that are often viewed as not
central to economic theory and have gone through periods of revival and
discard over the history of economic thought. Behavioral economics has
long been regarded as not very successful by many in the profession, for
it has not produced an elegant theoretical framework that is readily
applied to a wide variety of circumstances. Institutional economics has
been criticized as little more than simple storytelling about our
existing economic institutions and off-the-wall proposals for the
future. But, despite their frequent disparagement, these fields thrive
in their ability to make institutional innovation happen.
3. Economic Crisis as an Instigator of Institutional Innovation
Economic research is a fairly steady enterprise, but major
institutional innovation is not. Those who would like to see their
economic theories embodied in new institutions may have to wait many
years to see that happen. One reason that innovation seems so episodic is that it tends to be spurred by major economic crises and can take
place only in the rare times when the public perceives an urgent need
for change.
Sometimes economic crisis can be so pressing as to bring economic
innovation on even before the theorists have opined on it. An example is
the 1780 invention of inflation-indexed bonds in early America, when the
erosion of soldiers' pay by wartime inflation was so intense and so
resented that it actually created some mutinies among American soldiers.
But in such cases, the innovation, not fully worked out or justified in
theory, may be abandoned as soon as the crisis is over.
Inflation-indexed bonds were not issued again in the United States until
1997. (3)
The American Economic Association was founded by practical
economists who were motivated in some measure by the industrial
depression of the 1870s. A period of irrational exuberance and
overbuilding of railroads after the Civil War had led to a stock market
crash (the panic of 1873) and a period of massive unemployment, by far
the longest contraction (from 1873 to 1879) in the National Bureau of
Economic Research chronicle of business cycle dates.
The principal scholarly work of that time that dealt with the
policy toward this depression was written not by a professor but by a
journalist: Henry George. His 1879 book Progress and Poverty was long on
proposals for institutional change but a little short on a factual basis
in scholarship. Henry George had had only five months of secondary
schooling before joining the publishing industry at age 16, and he wrote
in a loose and impressionistic manner. He did have a keen appreciation
of the possibility of improving welfare by changing economic
institutions (in his case, to convert the tax system to a single tax on
land), and his beginning was an inspiration to many.
The intense public reaction to George's proposal to solve the
problem of poverty attendant on industrial depression both inspired and
created hostility from academic economists. The simplicity of
George's ideas repelled academic economists, but the sudden
appearance of a public apparently willing to make major changes in
economic institutions inspired them.
The American Economic Association was founded to provide a more
scientific and scholarly approach to the same questions that George
addressed. A New York Times article in 1886, the year after the founding
of the American Economic Association in Saratoga, New York, describes
the new association:
They do not mean to rest content with theoretical discussions of
political science, but hope to achieve practical results. They
believe that the industrial problem is the one which presses the
most urgently for solution, and that while it remains unanswered
there can be no security and no real progress. By careful and
candid consideration of it at this stage they hope to avert
catastrophes which they think must come if it is left
untouched. (4)
One might compare the mission of the Southern Economic Association,
founded much later, in 1927. The association was not founded at a time
of economic crisis, but the Southern Economic Journal was, in 1933, the
bottom of the greatest depression this country had ever faced. The lead
article by Tipton Snavely in the first issue of the Southern Economic
Journal describes the kind of scholarship that sets the example for this
association as the works of the southerners (as well as U.S. presidents
in their day): Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and James Monroe. (5)
These people responded to a crisis (the discord between the United
Kingdom and its American colonies that led to the Revolutionary War) by
becoming some of the most profound inventors of economic institutions in
world history: Jefferson was the author of the Declaration of
Independence, and Madison was one of the authors of the Federalist
Papers, which set forth a theory of democratic government that shapes
world institutions today, and he has been called the father of the U.S.
Constitution. All three of them were interested in economics and helped
guide the curricula of the southern universities that were in formation
Even before the founding of these associations, similar changes in
response to crisis were happening in Europe. The very first national
social insurance programs were instituted by the German government led
by Otto von Bismarck in the 1880s. The German government created health
insurance (Krankenversicherung) in 1883, followed by accident insurance
(Unfallversicherung) in 1884 and old-age insurance (Altersversicherung)
in 1889. These institutions were then copied around the world. Indeed,
the Social Security institutions that we have in the United States today
are very similar to those instituted in Germany in the 1880s.
The German social insurance is often described as recommended to
Bismarck by his economic advisers, including Johann Karl Rodbertus and
Hermann Wagener, as a response to the threat of the emerging socialist
and communist movements. The 1848 Revolution, which started in Sicily
and spread to France, Germany, Italy, and Austro-Hungary, had made a
strong impression of the potential dangers an angry proletariat posed to
the established order. The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx and
Friedrich Engels was written in that same year and helped launch an
international communist movement. These events undoubtedly led to a
motive for established governments to preempt these revolutionary
movements by improving the economic lot of the poorer element of
society. A social insurance system would impress on them the benevolence of their government and create public support for the state. To use
Bismarck's own words, workers will think that "if the state
comes to any harm, I'll lose my pension." (6)
Bismarck himself was hardly interested in social insurance and
embraced the social insurance programs suggested to him because of their
apparent political expedience. He did not even bother to mention the
birth of social insurance in his memoirs. It appears to be the academic
discussion of options for social welfare that laid the groundwork for
the innovations, and this public discussion had aspects of recognition
of modern principles of behavioral economics, that it designed social
welfare institutions around these principles.
It remains to be seen whether the crisis of globalization and the
pressures of the emerging economies on the United States will be
sufficient to generate this kind of response.
4. Importance of Economic Discourse Generated by Crisis
There is evidence that there were some more fundamental reasons
than simple political expedience for Germany's invention of social
insurance in the 1880s. One of these is an inventive spirit and public
discussion that led to the details of the social insurance plans.
In the 1870s and 1880s, there was widespread public and scholarly
discussion of the "social question" (soziale Frage), no doubt
at least partly in response to the communist threat. People wanted to
know a moderate response to the same issues that motivated the
communists. The German equivalent of the American Economic Association
(Verein fur Sozialpolitik) was founded in 1872.
In the second half of the 19th century in Germany, there were also
some of the finest university economics departments in the world, where
the social issues of the day were debated. At that time there was in
contrast relatively little academic economics in the United States. In a
review of U.S. economic literature, Charles F. Dunbar was struck by the
"general sterility of American thought on this subject, and the
failure of our scholars as well as statesmen to contribute their share
in the progress made by the world." (7) The economists the United
States did have near the end of the 19th century tended to be products
of German universities. Historian Daniel Rodgers notes,
Of initial 6 officers of the American Economic Association in 1885,
5 had studied in Germany, of its first 26 presidents, at least 20
had done so. In 1906, when Yale's Henry Farnum polled what he took
to be the 116 leading economists and social scientists in the US and
Canada, 59 had spent a student year or more in Germany. (8)
The American Economic Association in its early years was actually
often described as an exponent of German economics. The person most
responsible for founding the American Economic Association, Richard T.
Ely, felt that the parallel between the American Economic Association
had become so strong that it needed to be corrected:
Dr. Ely also maintained that the proposed association ought in no
sense to be regarded as a German movement, as some had intimated.
Nothing about it was more marked than its American character. It
had sprang up almost spontaneously to answer to felt needs.
Doubtless many present had studied in Germany and were grateful for
what they had learned in the German universities; but nothing was
more foreign to their purposes than to import Germany into
America. (9)
The German economics departments were much involved in advancing
social causes, and their relative advantage in understanding economic
theory was a critical factor making possible the creation of social
Germany in the late 19th century was also the country most on the
move in terms of scientific research. Germany invented then the modern
concept of a graduate school where doctoral students would work with
professors on fundamental research. Germany, in the 1870s, invented the
modern concept of an in-house research laboratory within a corporation,
an invention of a way of inventing that was later widely copied in other
countries. (10) While these in-house departments were probably not the
venue for most discussions of social insurance, the kind of intellectual
environment they represented apparently carried forward in many
directions in German society. In many ways the vitality of our economics
profession today has to do with copying educational institutions from
5. Information Technology
The other cause of the creation of national social insurance in the
1880s is a number of inventions in information technology, in the
information infrastructure, that made much more feasible the ambitious
social insurance plans. Some of the 19th-century innovations were the
invention of cheap paper, of preprinted forms in books with carbon paper
between them, of typewriters, and of vertical filing cabinets. We are
not talking about computers here but instead about the simple methods of
keeping track of people, maintaining their records, and following a
social insurance program methodically.
In Germany, notably, an efficient government bureaucracy stood out;
its system of management as well as professionalism among its employees
was already an example for the entire world by the 1880s. Germany was an
example of government professionalism for the entire world.
The 19th century also saw the development of the first modern and
efficient postal services. The cost of mailing a letter declined
sharply, and post offices proliferated into every town and village. The
German postal service was one of the most advanced, and it became a
financial conduit through postal savings. The postal service became the
information infrastructure for the age, the Internet of the 19th
century, so to speak.
The kind of economic innovation that was seen in Germany in the
1880s would probably not have been possible in earlier centuries: The
cost of accurate record keeping, record transmittal, and funds transfer
would have been prohibitive then.
6. The Origin of Social Insurance: Workers' Compensation as an
Workers' compensation is a good example of a radical invention
in social welfare since in most countries, including the United States,
it was historically the first major government social insurance scheme
to be put in place. In fact, according to Arthur Williams, who did an
extensive study of workers' compensation around the world,
workers' compensation was the first social insurance program for
106 of 136 countries. (11) It was the first because it, as an invention,
had a clear logic and functioning and thus stood to be copied.
Workers' compensation (workman's compensation) is the
U.S. version of the German accident insurance, a government-mandated
accident, disability, and life insurance program that applies only to
work-related events: work-related injuries, illnesses, and deaths. After
workers' compensation began in Germany in 1884, it was copied by
Poland in the same year, and by 1900 it had spread to 11 countries. (12)
By 1988, all but five of 141 countries had some form of workers'
compensation. Even the Soviet Union, with a very different ideology from
the countries where workers' compensation began, adopted a
workers' compensation that was not fundamentally different.
Workers' compensation is an institution that reduces risks to
livelihoods but deals only with a subset of risks, the risks that are
work related. One naturally wonders what is the essence of the idea that
has been so widely copied. One wonders why work-related injuries should
be given a separate program from a general welfare program and why the
programs stop short of dealing with the bigger issues of lifetime income
risk management.
In the United States, after the turn of the 20th century, the
workers' compensation cause was led by economists Richard T. Ely
and John R. Commons, both professors at the University of Wisconsin and
founders of the American Economics Association. At that time, the U.S.
federal government was not considered the proper authority for social
welfare institutions, and so the idea had to be sold individually to
each of the state governments. Wisconsin and New York led the way by
adopting workers' compensation in 1911. By 1920, all but six states
had adopted it, and by 1948 all states had. (13)
We must try to understand the essence of this institution in order
to appreciate the reasons for its near universality. It is a sort of
"invention" that has an internal logic and substance, so that
its spread is not unlike the spread of technology in other areas. It
allows a kind of risk management that had not been possible before. The
elements of the invention, in its original 1884 form in Germany as well
as many successor versions, are several. The 1884 law set up new mutual
associations for each industry in Germany and for large industries
several mutual associations. The law also set up a government-financed
imperial office (in Berlin) that regulated these associations. The law
specified that firms were required to pay an assessment to their
respective mutual association, from which compensation for workers'
claims would be made. A definition of events that are presumed to be
work related was drawn up to be the basis of claims. Claims would be
automatically paid if the event satisfied the definition, whether or not
there was fault on the part of the employer.
The workers' compensation system replaced an older model in
which employees' only recourse when they were injured at work was
to sue their employer. The old system seemed to work very poorly for a
number of reasons. In many injuries, it was difficult to prove fault on
the part of the employer. Lawyers might argue that the employer's
working conditions were such as to make such an injury more probable
than it should be, but such arguments are often too intangible a basis
on which to predicate a huge award. Sometimes affixing blame on an
employer requires testimony from other employees who might be reluctant
to testify against their employer. Lump-sum awards for permanent
disability would have to be very large to compensate for lifetime
disabilities, and firms may find it difficult to pay in some
circumstances. Firms cannot be guaranteed to continue making regular
payments indefinitely; firms do not last forever. Before workers'
compensation, the lawsuit often failed to produce a sizable settlement,
and the worker thus suffered a catastrophic decline in living standards,
leading even sometimes to a life of beggary.
The invention of workers' compensation allows a certain
spreading of risk that had not been possible before. By mandating the
program for all firms, the law eliminated the selection bias problem
(that only firms that had inside knowledge that working conditions were
relatively more dangerous would sign up for insurance against
workers' judgments against them). By defining an objective list of
work-related events for compensation, without regard to fault, the law
eliminated the problem that fault was difficult to prove. By creating
long-lived organizations, the mutual associations, or their equivalent,
the government made it possible for workers to be compensated in the
long term even though firms were irregular and transitory in their
ability to pay.
The essential element of this invention of workers'
compensation is a formal definition of "work-related" injuries
or illnesses that is the basis of claims. Arriving at this definition
would appear to be the most difficult step in implementing workers'
compensation, and the issues make the definition so ambiguous that one
wonders why relation to work should be an issue in a
government-sponsored insurance plan.
While it is clearly possible to identify an accident in which a
worker is crushed by a machine as work related, more often the source of
the injury or illness is hard to pin down. Repetitive work can bring on
arthritis, but most people who live long enough get arthritis eventually
anyway. Should arthritis be covered? Wouldn't that bring on a flood
of claims from people experiencing normal age-related arthritis? Back
problems are sometimes work related, but back problems are very common
among the general population. Isn't there a risk of a large number
of claims that work brought on a back problem?
What if a worker falls ill with an infectious disease following a
minor injury at work? Should we suppose that the injury made the worker
vulnerable to the disease? Should mental illnesses or stress-related
conditions be covered? Jobs may produce psychological stress that
arguably could be held responsible. Heart and lung disease may be
worsened by atmosphere, and many workplaces have some at least minor
problems with atmosphere.
By working out answers to these questions, Germany created a model
for an economic institution, something that could be copied with
relative ease in other countries. In this sense, there was a great deal
of research and development that led to workers' compensation; it
was a real invention.
One wonders why the government should make such a point of trying
to decide whether an injury or illness is work related. Part of the
reason must be the employee lawsuits against employers for work-related
injuries and illnesses, for which the same ambiguities have to be worked
out by courts in a context of faultfinding and case-specific arguments.
A sequence of judgments on individual cases is probably not the best way
to arrive at systematic judgments on definition of work-related injury
or illness. An invention does not have to be perfect to be adopted
widely; it has only to be the best available technology.
There are very good reasons for adopting something like
workers' compensation, and this must account for its spread. These
reasons for workers' compensation do not, however, explain why the
compensation is limited to work-related injuries and why it is usually
financed by employers' contributions. Some accounts of the reasons
to have workers' compensation separately from a general social
insurance scheme are unconvincing:
Two possible reasons for this special treatment [for work-related
injuries] are that (1) the nation believes that employers and
society have a greater obligation to workers injured or exposed to
disease because of their work, and (2) the WC benefit may be the
exclusive remedy of the employee against the employer for
job-related injuries or diseases. (14)
It is hard to see why workers are so different from nonworkers in
terms of society's obligations that we need to have a separate
program for them, and the workers' compensation benefit does not
need to be the exclusive remedy of the employee. The weakness of these
arguments leads one to wonder if the existence of workers'
compensation as a program separate from other government illness or
disability insurance is nothing more than a historical accident, caused
by the fact that pressing and widely observed problems with employee
lawsuits against employers caused workers' compensation to be the
first social insurance program to be created, and the institutions have
just lived on since.
There is, however, an important reason why workers'
compensation financed by employers' contributions is an important
invention that is different from other forms of social insurance: Such a
program, if the rates are related to the employer's or industry
experience with workplace illness and injury, creates proper incentives
for employers to reduce the riskiness of their work environment. It is
perhaps for this reason that workers' compensation is best thought
of as a separate invention, apart from other kinds of social insurance.
One might also argue that employer contributions that are somehow
related to experience with injuries or illnesses related to the employer
are an essential element of the invention of workers' compensation
without which it would not work well. If we institute workers'
compensation without relating contributions to loss experience, then we
would create incentives for even worse workplace conditions than were
there before it. Employers would become encouraged to allow workplace
safety to deteriorate even further since the cost of injury and illness
would be subsidized by the insurance program.
John R. Commons, a tireless campaigner for workers'
compensation in the United States, referred to this effect of
workers' compensation by the term "internalization principle," the principle that society should impose whenever
possible all costs that firms cause for society onto the firms
themselves, so that firms will have an incentive to contain these costs,
thereby "internalizing" costs that were formerly borne
externally to the firm. Commons noted that many turn-of-the-century
workplaces had dangerous conditions for the workers, that workers would
occasionally incur a disabling injury at work. With workers'
compensation, firms have an incentive to make the workplace really safer
and not just to create an appearance of safety enough that lawsuits
against them could not prove they caused the accident.
The original German Unfallversicherung was in fact a model for
creating such an incentive. Since the 1884 law specified a separate
mutual association to insure the risks of each industry, higher
insurance premiums would be assessed on firms in industries that pose
high risks to their workers. Ultimately, these higher insurance premiums
would be passed on to consumers of their products through higher prices.
It is efficient that consumers pay the full costs (including costs of
injury to workers) and decide whether the product is attractive to them
at that price; if it is not, the industry does not justify the risk to
Commons's internalization principle was an effective argument;
it appealed to state legislators who would respond by adopting mandatory
workers' compensation programs. Commons was not successful in his
proposal for health insurance, which did not have the internalization
principle behind it.
In the U.S. workers' compensation systems today, employers may
be class rated, experience rated, or retrospectively rated. Class-rated
employers are assigned to one of over 600 industrial classes and then
see their premiums depend on the injuries and illness experience of
others in their class. Class rating is used for small employers who are
too small for it to be possible to estimate their injury and illness
rates accurately. The experience-rated or retrospectively rated
employers see their premiums depend on their own actual loss experience.
Some states also allow schedule rating, which adjusts the
employer's premium with regard to safety programs and other factors
believed to affect future losses. In 45 states, employers may also
choose to purchase insurance privately. The alternatives incorporated
into this system are designed to have a very effective link between
premiums paid by a firm and its actual loss experience, thus
internalizing the losses firms create very effectively.
In Japan, the Workmen's Accident Compensation Program divides
employers into 54 categories, and employer contribution rates differ
dramatically across categories, from 14.5% for firms constructing
hydroelectric power plants to 0.1% for firms in banking and insurance.
Not all countries have an effective link between losses and
premiums. A notable example is the United Kingdom, where their
industrial injuries scheme does not make contributions vary according to
either employers' industry or individual firm experience. However,
the United Kingdom is a country where workers are allowed to sue
employers for damages even though they are compensated by workers'
compensation, and so this defect of their system is not as serious as it
would otherwise be. (15)
7. Behavioral Economics and the Invention of Mandatory Social
When national social insurance was invented in the 1880s, German
social thinkers, such as Adolph Wagner and G. Behm, were arguing that
national social insurance should be made mandatory to deal with the
problem that few people would actually buy the insurance, a problem that
is ultimately behavioral.
There are many complex reasons grounded in human behavior why
social insurance needs to be mandatory. The "risk as feelings"
hypothesis is the product of research in clinical and physiological
psychology. It asserts that emotional reactions to situations involving
uncertainty or futurity often differ sharply from cognitive assessments
of those situations and that when such differences occur, it is often
the emotional reactions that determine behavior. (16) Rational
optimizing economic theory assumes that people calculate their rational
advantage and then act consistently with that. In fact, it is a common
human shortcoming that steps to put into action one's rational
decisions are often postponed or neglected.
The hyperbolic discounting theory developed by David Laibson (1997)
helps us quantify an important human tendency: a tendency to postpone
consideration of important problems indefinitely. People violate the
precepts of rational optimizing theory by displaying time inconsistency,
repeatedly violating their own plans for the future.
The theory of mental compartments developed by Richard Thaler helps
us understand why people may be very cautious to protect themselves
against some small, even inconsequential, risks and to ignore some of
the biggest lifetime risks of all.
The research on "wishful thinking bias" has demonstrated
that people really do tend sometimes to believe what they want to
believe. They may then disregard some important risks, not deal with
them. For example, soccer enthusiasts overestimate the probability that
their team will win, (17) and supporters of political candidates
overestimate the probability that their candidate will win. (18)
While these are modern research results, the ideas were anticipated
in the discussions that led to the establishment of 19th-century social
welfare institutions. That the social insurance should be made
compulsory emerged as a central theme. In many countries, there were
already voluntary benevolent societies and insurance companies. By
making the government plans compulsory, the government solved the
selection bias problem that plagued private insurance plans, and they
solved the problem that some individuals, of lesser intelligence,
discipline, or foresight, will omit to buy insurance and then, after a
bad outcome, throw themselves at the mercy of others. The social
insurance replaced or supplemented the poor laws, which had until then
offered some support for the most unlucky, but not on the basis of
insurance, that is, out of sympathy and without regard for prior
contributions or contractual coverage.
The argument for making plans compulsory hinged partly on some
recognition of the limitations of human ability to tackle risk
management. G. Behm, in his 1874 paper for the Society for Social
Politics (Verein fur Sozialpolitik), noted that
From my experiences, I have to say it is very doubtful that any
substantial number of workers would on their own sign up for a
pension plan. (19)
Fritz Kalle, a businessman, in another paper collected in the same
1874 volume, offered his interpretation of the reasons workers gave for
not wanting insurance. The worker would say, Kalle quotes,
As long as I am alive I can earn my bread, from the little that I
can now save, I cannot also afford contributions for insurance,
and should I die young, which surely won't happen as I am strong and
healthy, the community would take care of my wife and children. (20)
Kalle says that such statements reveal a "deficiency of
foresight and a deficiency of concern for heirs." (21) Such
statements appear to reflect a number of judgment errors that
20th-century psychologists have studied closely: overconfidence,
underestimation of low probability risks, and myopia about the
not-so-near future.
Part of the reason that individuals would not buy insurance is that
they feel that they are already protected from extreme vicissitudes by
their family and friends, who would help them out then if anything went
seriously wrong. This feeling was surely also largely an illusion or
wishful thinking. Friends will not appreciate the dimensions of economic
hardship one may encounter. Making the insurance compulsory creates a
common knowledge among society in general that the government has taken
on the former role of the vaguely defined community, so that they are
freed from ill-defined obligations to take care of others. Compulsory
social insurance provides a clean break from the imperfect informal risk
The hopes, expressed in other many countries, that voluntary
associations would solve the risk problem people faced were simply
unrealistic. The benevolent societies and fraternal organizations that
were entrusted with the social welfare function before the German
invention of social insurance covered few people and even these
inadequately. Still, despite this evidence, it was hard for social
thinkers in the late 19th century to justify any mandatory plans since
they seemed to run counter to principles of individual freedom. But
after the German experiment with social insurance in the 1880s, which
revealed the benefits of such insurance, now virtually every advanced
country in the world has some form of social insurance. The advantages
of compulsory insurance have become so clear that the principle is
accepted even in the societies that value individual liberty the most.
Making social insurance mandatory deals with, as we would put it
now, the selection bias problem that hampers private insurance (e.g.,
only sick people would sign up for voluntary health insurance). The
mandatory nature of social insurance makes it possible to keep insurance
down from levels that would discourage most potential applicants from
buying insurance (much as the analogous invention of group policies,
such as corporate health insurance policies, for the same reason, but
with its own different problems). (22)
Mandatory social insurance was one of those difficult pills to
swallow that delayed the adoption of important social insurance
innovations. But when the arguments for it were made persuasively
enough, the innovations eventually did happen and are now accepted by
all shades of political leanings, from the most conservative to the most
8. Gentler Alternatives to Some Mandatory Programs
Today, modern behavioral economics is suggesting new ways of
encouraging better economic decision making without necessarily making
the plans mandatory. These new ways of handling the problems that
interfere with good decision making are grounded in behavioral research,
that is, in the barriers to individual success in economic decisions.
James Choi et al. (2003) have shown evidence that in order to
encourage better economic behavior, we may have only to institute
economic institutions that make the good behavior the "default
option." Most people let stand a default option that is suggested
to them, and so merely setting up an institutional environment that
requires people to make a tiny effort to deviate from the default option
can be enough to encourage better economic decision making. As simple as
this point seems to be, it has often eluded government policymakers. One
suspects that their failure to see this point is a consequence of
habitual overreliance on rational optimizing models of human behavior.
Shlomo Benartzi and Richard Thaler (2004) have shown through some
experiments that people can be encouraged to save more if employers
merely offer them a plan that specifies that a fraction of their future
pay increases will be automatically diverted into a savings program. By
specifying that only future increases will be diverted, they make it
easier for individuals to sign up for the program, overcoming a tendency
for people to procrastinate in their savings decisions. By requiring
that people make a little effort to cancel the program, they succeeded
in preventing most cancellations. Their programs resulted in a
quadrupling of the saving rate in 40 months, far more than any
government tax incentives toward saving have done, and with no mandatory
Richard Zeckhauser and Jeffrey Liebman (2004) have shown how
complicated schedules, such as schedules of tax rates relative to
income, are a source of endless confusion to the general public.
Complicated schedules can sometimes be used to victimize the public, as,
for example, by cell phone companies that advertise low rates on calls
made in accordance with a complex schedule and profit from
customers' failure to comprehend the schedule. But at the same
time, a benevolent designer of economic institutions can use schedules
to improve economic welfare by changing the psychological salience of
factors that might inhibit constructive economic behavior. An example is
the tax schedule involving the earned income tax credit, which
encourages unemployed people to find a job by offering a negative tax
rate on the salient first income. The earned income tax credit
encourages them to make the psychologically difficult transition from
unemployment to work. At the same time, the high marginal tax rates on
subsequent income are apparently not noticed by most people and do not
operate as a significant deterrent to further work.
These, then, are concrete examples of behavioral economics offering
us some real institutional solutions to problems afflicting individual
decision makers, alternatives to mandatory programs, and alternatives
that have the potential to increase economic welfare.
9. Conclusion
Proposing major innovations in economic institutions is the most
important way that economists make lasting contributions to society. The
major general economic societies in history, such as the Verein fur
Sozialpolitik and the American Economic Association, have over the years
supported a broad spectrum of views on economic research and have
encouraged fundamental economic innovation. The recent shift in
interests of economists toward behavioral economics and institutional
economics offers further hope that the economics profession can achieve
more such institutional change in the future.
But we have also seen that major changes in economic institutions
often need to await an economic crisis, some major exogenous event that
makes the public ready to listen to ideas for fundamental change and to
accept such changes. Today, the public may not be in the mood to make
big changes. Certainly, in the United States today, it is not in the
mood to see any changes that might require an increase in taxes.
The biggest crisis that we are in today may be the war against
terrorism, along with the smoldering wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Those
events, whose impact goes far beyond the United States, serve more to
distract attention away from economic reform than to bring attention to
There is also a possible worldwide economic crisis spurred by the
rapid development of emerging countries, most notably China and India,
whose demand for the limited supplies of energy and raw materials is
suddenly soaring. The recent spike in oil prices to well over $50 a
barrel was bordering on creating a world economic crisis, but it did not
reach the proportions of the crisis generated by the second oil crisis,
in 1980, when real shortages of oil and long lines at gasoline stations
made a huge impression on the public. A public mood for fundamental
institutional change may yet come, but it has not happened yet.
Thus, despite some hopeful signs, we today may not be embarking in
the immediate future on a major new era of innovation in our economic
institutions. But the kind of work that can lead to real institutional
innovation is something that economists ought to be doing continually.
Advancing our understanding of institutional innovation is an ongoing
process that takes years and years. We as economists should not be
deterred by the fact that we might have to wait years to see some major
innovations happen. We should be, over the coming years, setting the
groundwork for major new innovations, in our own countries and around
the world, biding our time until these have a real chance to be
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(1) See Green and Shapiro (1994) for a critique of the application
of rational optimizing models to political science.
(2) See Sunstein (2000).
(3) See Shiller (2005).
(4) "Practical Political Science," New York Times, 28
February 1886, p. 5.
(5) Snavely (1933, p. 7).
(6) Otto von Bismarck, speech of 18 June 1889, in Sten. Berichte
des Reichstags, VII, IV, vol. 3, 1831-26, 1834, quoted in Ritter (1983,
p. 35).
(7) Dunbar (1876, p. 146).
(8) Rodgers (1998, p. 86).
(9) "Discussion of the Platform at Saratoga" (1886, p.
(10) See Mowery and Nathan Rosenberg (1998).
(11) Williams (1991, p. 1).
(12) Willams (1991, p. 1).
(13) Williams (1991) points out that the administration of
workers' compensation by local governments is an anomaly by world
standards: only the United States, Canada, and Australia have a local
administration of workers' compensation.
(14) Williams (1991, p. 7).
(15) See Williams (1991) for a comparison of workers'
compensation plans across countries.
(16) See Loewenstein et al. (2001).
(17) Bahad (1987).
(18) Uhlaner and Grofman (1986).
(19) Behm (1874, p. 141).
(20) Kalle (1874, p. 4).
(21) Kalle (1874) also buttressed his case by noting that most
workers have little interest in fire insurance. He asked workers at a
factory if they had fire insurance; of 40 breadwinners, only three bad
fire insurance (p. 5). Today, of course, fire insurance is
institutionalized; one cannot obtain a mortgage without obtaining the
(22) Behm (1874).
Robert J. Shiller, Cowles Foundation and International Center for
Finance, Yale University, 30 Hillhouse Avenue, New Haven, CT 06511, USA.
Distinguished Guest Lecture, Southern Economic Association
Meetings, New Orleans, November 21, 2004.
Robert J. Shiller is the Stanley B. Resor Professor of Economics in
the Department of Economics and Cowles Foundation for Research in
Economics at Yale University and fellow at the International Center for
Finance at the Yale School of Management. He received his B.A. from the
University of Michigan and his Ph.D. in economics from the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology. He has been research associate with the
National Bureau of Economic Research since 1980 and is serving as vice
president of the American Economic Association and president of the
Eastern Economic Association.