Adverse selection, seller effort, and selection bias.
Chezum, Brian
1. Introduction
Researchers use several approaches to identify adverse selection.
(1) Genesove (1993) tests the proposition that, in a lemons market,
prices inversely relate with observable seller characteristics that
correlate with seller incentives to select goods adversely. Genesove
examines the proposition in used automobile auctions. Chezum and Wimmer
(1997) examine the proposition in thoroughbred racehorse markets,
arguing that sellers with a high propensity to race horses should
receive, on average, lower prices. Both Genesove (1993) and Chezum and
Wimmer (1997) use data limited to market transactions. Wimmer and Chezum
(2003) model adverse selection as a case of Heckman's (1979) sample
selection bias and examine the correlation between errors in
participation and price equations to study how third party certification
could alleviate the effect of adverse selection in thoroughbred
auctions. (2)
In this paper, we extend the work of Genesove (1993) and Chezum and
Wimmer (1997) and Wimmer and Chezum (2003) by characterizing adverse
selection as a sample selection problem in a setting in which sellers
possess (1) an informational advantage over buyers and (2)
characteristics that correlate with both seller incentives to select
goods adversely and the quality of goods produced. In such a setting,
the relationship between prices and seller characteristics proves
ambiguous, and researchers cannot easily disentangle adverse selection
from quality effects. We show that Heckman's sample selection
framework disentangles the correlation between a seller's
characteristic and the effect of the selection decision on price from
the correlation between a seller's characteristic and the quality
of goods produced by a seller.
The notion that the decision to sell goods relates to the quality
of goods produced is not new. For example, Kim (1985) developed an
adverse selection model in which car owners' maintenance and upkeep
decisions affected the quality of used cars. Kim showed that allowing
owners to affect the quality of goods could, under certain conditions,
lead to an equilibrium in which the expected quality of used cars sold
exceeds the expected quality of cars not sold. Similarly, we develop a
theoretical model that extends a standard adverse selection
specification by allowing owners (potential sellers) to improve a
good's quality by expending unobserved effort. We show that owner
effort only affects the adverse selection equilibrium when owners choose
effort before they make the sell-retain decision.
Owners decide whether to sell or retain a good once they observe
their good's innate quality. Because buyers do not observe owner
effort, the owner's dominant strategy is to expend zero effort on
goods they will surely sell. Essentially, the model collapses to a
standard moral hazard model, such as a fixed wage contract, in which
employers cannot observe employee effort, and employees exert the
necessary minimum effort to avoid dismissal. Because equilibrium effort
equals zero, quality effects do not alter seller selection decisions
and, therefore, the adverse selection equilibrium.
Owners who must exert effort before they observe innate quality
know only the probability that they will sell their goods and that the
expected return to effort increases in the probability of retaining
those goods. Because the probability of retention increases in seller
incentives to select goods adversely, sellers who more likely select
goods adversely also exert more effort. In this version of the model, no
clear relationship exists between the expected quality of goods sold and
the seller characteristics that Genesove (1993), and Chezum and Wimmer
(1997) use to measure adverse selection. The model shows that
uncertainty about whether a good will be sold partially solves the
hidden action problem, in which owners underprovide effort and lessen the effect of adverse selection on markets.
The notion that both adverse selection and moral hazard are
important in markets affected by asymmetric information is well
understood. Stewart (1994) modeled competitive insurance markets
characterized by both adverse selection and moral hazard, showing that
the two problems could partially offset one another. Jullien, Salanie,
and Salanie (1999) and de Meza and Webb (2001) showed, theoretically,
that standard adverse selection results might not hold when risk
preferences affect both the policy selected and prevention activities.
In an empirical study, Bradley (2002) showed that both moral hazard and
adverse selection played important roles in health insurance markets. In
related work, Abbring, Chiappori, and Pinquet (2003) used dynamic panel
data to separate the effects of adverse selection from moral hazard,
whereas Edelberg (2004) examined similar issues using consumer loan
data. This paper extends this literature by examining the potential
effect hidden action concerns can impose on adverse selection
equilibrium in a goods market.
We test the theoretical model using data that include goods
retained and sold by their original owners. We estimate a price equation
using Heckman's standard correction for self-selection, separating
the adverse selection effect on price from the effect of potential
effort by including a proxy for each seller's preference for the
goods in both the selection and price equations. Evidence of adverse
selection exists when our proxy for the seller's preference for the
good reduces the probability that a good is sold, and the inverse Mills
ratio receives a negative coefficient. A positive coefficient on our
proxy for a seller's preference for the good in the price equation,
holding the selection effect constant, implies the presence of an effort
Empirically, we compare standard ordinary least squares (OLS)
regressions with the Heckman specification. Our OLS results contradict the findings of Chezum and Wimmer (1997), who used data from a single
thoroughbred sale, and found that sellers who participate more
intensively in the racing end of the business, on average, receive lower
prices. With the use of data from a random sample of sales, and a
similar specification, we find no significant relationship between price
and a seller's racing intensity in standard OLS regressions.
Correcting for sample selection, the data support the hypothesis that
adverse selection plays an important role in the market for thoroughbred
racehorse prospects. Our findings also support the prediction that
sellers who are more likely to retain goods exert more effort.
The remainder of the paper is outlined as follows. Section 2
constructs a theoretical model that accounts for both hidden actions and
adverse selection, showing that sellers for whom adverse selection is
more severe may produce higher quality goods. Section 3 illustrates how
Heckman's selection bias model can separate the effects of adverse
selection from hidden seller actions. Section 4 discusses the data.
Section 5 presents the results. We find that both adverse selection and
our measure of hidden effort produce statistically significant effects
on prices in the market for thoroughbred racehorse prospects. Section 6
offers concluding remarks.
2. Theoretical Framework
This section develops a three-period model that examines a goods
market with asymmetric information. The market considered consists of m
heterogeneous owners (potential sellers) and n identical buyers (n >
m). Owners and buyers are risk-neutral expected utility maximizers. In
period 1, owners are randomly allocated a single unit of a good with
innate quality q + g([??]), where [??] is a vector of observable mean
shifters, g'([??]) > 0 and q is stochastic. (3) The stochastic
component of innate quality, q, is drawn from the cumulative
distribution F(q) with support [[q.sub.L], [q.sub.H]], where 0 <
[q.sub.L] < [q.sub.H] < [infinity] has continuous density f(q),
and mean [mu]. (4) In period two, owners expend effort e, where e is
nonnegative, finite, and bounded from above. We assume the cost of
effort, given by c(e), is increasing and convex in effort--c'(e)
> 0, c"(e) > 0, with c(0) = c'(0) = 0--and is common
knowledge. The realized quality of goods at the end of period 2 equals
the sum of innate quality and owner effort (i.e., [q.sup.R] = q +
g[[??]] + e). (5) In period 3, owners observe realized quality, and the
market opens. (6) The market is a standard lemons market, in which
owners possess an informational advantage over buyers.
Following Genesove (1993), heterogeneous owners differ in the
utility they receive from retained goods. At the time of sale, buyers
cannot observe the realized quality of goods, but observe owner
characteristics, and the distribution of innate quality. Owners choose
the level of effort and whether to retain the good. Buyers choose
whether to bid for a unit of the good and the amount they will bid.
If the good is retained, owners endowed with quality q + g([??])
exerting effort e receive utility [U.sub.0] = v + s[q + g([??]) + e] -
c(e), (7) where s is an owner's marginal rate of substitution of
quality for other goods, and v is a numeraire good. (8) The utility that
owners receive from retaining goods increases in the value of s. If the
good is sold, the owner receives utility [U.sub.0] = v + P - c(e), where
P is the market price. Owners maximize utility by choosing effort and
whether to sell goods.
Buyers, who purchase a unit of the good at price P receive expected
utility: [U.sub.B] = v + bE[q + g([??]) + e] - P, where the expectation
of quality forms over the distribution of quality, whereas, as shown
below, the expectation of e is conditional on seller type. Buyers
receive [U.sub.B] = v if they do not buy a good. The parameter b is a
buyer's marginal rate of substitution of quality for other goods.
To ensure that all trades are mutually beneficial, we assume that b >
s > 0 for all potential values of s. (9,10) Buyers maximize utility
by submitting price bids to owners. Price bids reflect buyer
expectations on the realized quality of goods sold, and depend on the
distribution of innate quality and the owner's valuation s, which
is common knowledge.
An owner's decision to sell a good depends on the realization
of the stochastic component of innate quality. Owners sell when P
[greater than or equal to] s[q + g([??]) + e], where P equals the
highest price offered. Given P, g([??]), and e, owners are indifferent between selling and retaining a good when P= S[qm + g([??]) + e] or
[q.sub.m] = P/s - g([??]) - e, where [q.sub.m] (marginal quality) equals
the highest value of q an owner willingly sells. Expected innate quality
of goods sold is given by
Buyers purchase a good when P [less than or equal to] bE[q +
g([??]) + e]. Because buyers outnumber owners, sellers receive the
entire surplus from trade and P = bE[q + g([??]) + e]. Equilibrium
requires that buyer expectations be realized in equilibrium:
Because we are interested in the effect effort has on equilibrium
in a lemons market, we assume that b > s > b{[[mu] +
g([??])]/[[q.sub.H] + g(X)]} and s -
b[d[q.sub.Ave]([q.sub.m])/d[q.sub.m]] > 0. (11) The first assumption
guarantees that owners retain highest quality goods, q = [q.sub.H],
whereas the second requires that owners value a one-unit increase in
[q.sub.m] by more than buyers value the effect an increase in [q.sub.m]
has on the expected value of goods sold. Because owners observe q, their
marginal value of a one-unit increase in marginal quality equals s,
whereas the buyer's marginal value is based on the effect an
increase in marginal quality has on expected quality. As in standard
models of adverse selection, we assume that an owner's marginal
value of an increase in [q.sub.m] exceeds the buyer's expected
marginal value.
Because buyers cannot observe owner choices, the sequential nature
of owner decisions does not affect buyer expectations, and unobserved
owner effort does not affect price bids, [differential]P/[differential]e
= 0. As in standard hidden-action models, owners ignore the buyer's
value for effort and effort is underprovided. Owner's effort choice
does depend on whether owners observe innate quality at the time they
choose effort.
First, consider the case in which owners observe the stochastic
component of a good's innate quality (q) before they exert any
effort. In this case, because the owner's effort does not affect
price bids, an owner's dominant strategy is to provide zero effort
for goods the owner sells. (12) Buyers, therefore, expect that all goods
sold contain zero effort, (13) and equilibrium effort equals zero for
goods sold. Owners who retain their goods exert the privately optimal
level of effort [e.sub.p], s = c'([e.sub.p]). When owners observe
innate quality before they choose effort, the equilibrium marginal
quality, price, and effort for goods sold emerge from the following
system of equations:
P - b[[q.sub.Ave]([q.sub.m]) + g(X)] = 0, [MATHEMATICAL EXPRESSION
These equations give the standard adverse selection result that
market prices are inversely related to the value owners receive from
retaining goods; [differential][q.sup.**.sub.m]/[differential]s < 0
and [differential][P.sup.**]/[differential]s < 0, (14) where
[q.sup.**.sub.m] and [P.sup.**] are equilibrium marginal quality and
price, respectively, when owners observe q before making effort
decisions. Because sellers exert zero effort, equilibrium is consistent
with a standard lemons model that assumes owners cannot provide effort.
Now, consider the case where owners must choose effort before
observing the stochastic component of innate quality, q. Because owners
do not observe q, they must choose effort before they decide whether
they will retain their goods, and effort decisions depend on the
probability that a good is retained. At the time of sale, owners retain
goods when q > [q.sub.m], where [q.sub.m] = P/s - g([??]) - e, and
the probability that the good is retained is
Owners choose effort by maximizing expected utility,
is the expected quality of retained goods. The term in braces captures the contribution to expected utility of a good with quality q +
g([??]), which averages the payoff to retention, s[[??] + g([??]) + e],
and the payoff to a sale, P, weighted by their respective probabilities.
When choosing effort, owners must account for the effect effort has on
the probability that a good is retained, 1 - F([q.sub.m]) = 1 - F[P/s -
g([??]) - e]. A one-unit increase in effort, holding price constant,
reduces marginal quality by one unit,
[differential][q.sub.m]/[differntial]e = -1, and increases the
probability the good is retained, [differential][1 -
F([q.sub.m])]/[differential]e = f([q.sub.m]). The owner's
first-order condition is
Substituting [differential][??]/ [differential][q.sub.m] =
{f([q.sub.m])/[1 - F([q.sub.m])]}([??] - [q.sub.m]) and using the
definition of marginal quality P = S[[q.sub.m] + g([??]) + e], the
owner's first-order condition for effort reduces to [1 -
F([q.sub.m])]S = c'(e).
An owner values an additional unit of effort at s, but only retains
the good with probability [1 - F([q.sub.m])]. Because buyers do not
observe effort, owners ignore the value buyers place on increases in
realized quality. Sellers balance the private expected marginal benefit
of increasing effort with its marginal cost. The uncertainty created by
unobserved innate quality partially solves the moral hazard problem when
0 < [1 - F([q.sub.m])] < 1. As in the first case, effort equals
zero for owners who know, with certainty, they will sell their goods and
equals the privately optimal level for owners who know they will, with
certainty, retain their goods, 1 - F([q.sub.m]) = 1.
The solution to the model for the second case is defined by the
following three equations:
The simultaneous solution of these three equations defines the
owner's equilibrium choices of effort and marginal innate quality.
In equilibrium, the market price depends on equilibrium marginal quality
and equilibrium effort, [P.sup.*](s) = b{[q.sub.Ave][[q.sup.*.sub.m](s)]
+ g([??]) + [e.sup.*](s)}, where [P.sup.*](s), [[q.sup.*](s)], and
[e.sup.*](s) are the equilibrium values of price, marginal quality, and
effort, respectively.
We want to determine how a change in s affects equilibrium price through its effects on effort and marginal quality. The effect on the
price is shown in Equation 3.
[differential][P.sup.*]/[differential]s =
b([differential][e.sup.*]/[differential]s + d[q.sub.Ave]/d[q.sub.m]
[differential][q.sup.*.sub.m]/[differential]s) (3)
Differentiating the equations contained in Equation 2 with respect
to s and applying Cramer's rule gives the comparative static
results for effort and marginal quality (Eqns. 3, 4). (16)
Equation 4 shows that equilibrium effort unambiguously increases in
s when s - b d[q.sub.Ave]/d[q.sub.m] > 0. Equation 5 shows that
owner-provided effort reduces problems of adverse selection, leading to
an ambiguous relationship between [q.sup.*.sub.m] and s. The first term
in Equation 5's numerator is negative, capturing the standard
adverse selection result. The second term, which is positive, equals the
gains to trade from effort, weighted by the probability that the good is
retained, and is positive. Because buyers do not observe effort, goods
sold contain less than the efficient level of effort, and effort only
partially affects the adverse selection equilibrium. The ambiguous
relationship between [q.sup.*.sub.m] and s exists because owner effort
is increasing in s. (17)
Equation 3 shows that a change in s has two effects on equilibrium
price. The first term shows that owner effort increases in s, (18) which
raises the realized quality of goods sold. We refer to this as the
"Effort Effect." The second term, which we label the
"Selection Effect," shows that an increase in s potentially
leads owners to retain a larger proportion of their goods; the expected
innate quality of goods sold can decrease in s. This second effect
captures the degree to which the expected quality of goods sold truncate endogenously in a lemons market. These competing effects indicate that
no clear relationship exists between price and seller characteristics
when seller effort affects the quality of goods sold.
Below, we apply the theoretical results using data that include
both goods sold and retained by their original owners. Because
Heckman's (1979) standard correction for self-selection isolates
the effect endogenous truncation has on the expected value of goods
sold; both the Effort and Selection effects can be estimated by
including a proxy for a seller's preference for the good in both
the selection and price equations.
3. Empirical Specification
To measure the effects of adverse selection and hidden actions on
price, we must isolate the Selection Effect from the Effort Effect.
Setting b = 1 (to simplify notation) and assuming innate quality is
drawn from a normal distribution with population mean Ix (as defined
above) and variance [[sigma].sup.2], the price from Equation 2 is
where [q.sup.*.sub.m] = [q.sup.*.sub.m](S) is the marginal quality
sellers willingly take to market, [lambda]([q.sub.m]) =
[phi]([q.sub.m])/[PHI]([q.sub.m]) is the inverse Mills ratio, [PHI]
denotes the standard normal distribution function, and [PHI] denotes the
corresponding density function. (19) In this setting,
[sigma][lambda][[q.sup.*.sub.m](s)] measures the effect endogenous
truncation has on the expected value of goods sold. Equation 6 shows
that s affects price by shifting the mean of realized quality (Effort
Effect) and by altering the degree of endogenous truncation (Selection
Effect). (20)
Equation 6 implies an estimating equation of the form
where we assume the deterministic component of quality is linear
g([X.sub.i]) = [??]'[[??].sub.i], [alpha][s.sub.i] estimates the
Effort Effect, and [[epsilon].sub.i] is a vector of unobservable
factors. The term [[delta].sup.*][lambda][[q.sub.m]([s.sub.i])]
estimates the effect of adverse selection on observed prices.
Estimating Equation 7 requires a measure of an owner's,
generally unobservable, marginal quality choice. When we have data that
include both goods sold and retained, we can observe whether an owner
sells a particular good. An owner sells a good when the price exceeds
the value received from retaining it. Let [Z.sub.i] be the owner of the
ith good's net benefit from selling the good. That is,
where [W.sub.i] is a vector of observable characteristics (21) and
[u.sub.i] is the random disturbance term. The good goes to market if
[Z.sub.i] [greater than or equal to] 0 and does not go otherwise. Define
[Z.sup.*.sub.i] to equal one for goods sold and zero otherwise;
[Z.sub.i.sup.*] = 1 when [u.sub.i] [greater than or equal to]
-[??]'[[??].sub.i] - [psi]'[s.sub.i], and the probability a
good is offered for sale is Pr([u.sub.i] [greater than or equal to]
-[??]'[[??].sub.i] - [psi]'[s.sub.i]). Assuming a normal
distribution for [u.sub.i] gives the standard Probit model:
Equation 8 suitably estimates the participation Equation 2. In the
model, [psi] < 0 implies that adverse selection dominates the effect
of effort on marginal quality. Assuming that ([u.sub.i],
[[epsilon].sub.i]) is distributed as bivariate normal (0, 0, 1,
[[sigma].sub.[epsilon]], [rho]), Heckman (1979) shows that consistent
estimates of the relationship between price and seller characteristics
are obtained by estimating
where [[??].sub.i] has a zero mean and constant variance. The
information contained in the Mills ratio provides evidence about the
presence of adverse selection. Differentiating Equation 9 with respect
to s shows how a change in s affects the equilibrium price.
[differential]E[[P.sub.i]|[X.sub.i], [Z.sub.i] = 1]/[differential]s
= [alpha] + [delta][[differential][lambda](*)/[differential]s]. (10)
The first term in Equation 10, [alpha], provides an estimate of the
Effort Effect, showing how a change in s affects the unconditional expected quality of goods. The second term provides an estimate of the
Selection Effect, showing how a change in s affects price through its
effect on owner decisions to sell goods.
We estimate the standard Heckman model. This approach allows
estimation of both the Selection and Effort Effects. Because the
Selection Effect equals the product of the coefficient on the inverse
Mills ratio, [delta], and [differential][lambda]/[differential]s, which
is nonlinear, we use a standard bootstrap program to estimate the
standard error of the Selection Effect.
Estimates of [delta] also provide a test for the presence of
adverse selection. The coefficient on the inverse Mills ratio represents
the covariance between errors from the selection equation and the price
equation. Finding [??]] < 0 indicates that goods with unusually high
price offers, given their observable characteristics, prove even more
valuable to their owners, so owners do not sell, which suggests the
presence of adverse selection.
Theoretically, the model predicts that factors that increase the
probability of sale reduce effort, and all variables included in [??]
should appear in [??]. (23) This facet of the model precludes the use of
an exclusion restriction to identify the model, leaving only the
functional form of the inverse Mills ratio to identify the price
equation. As discussed by Vella (1998), the lack of an exclusion
restriction to identify the model might introduce significant
collinearity into the model, and researchers should view results with
caution. Leung and Yu (1996) run Monte Carlo experiments to evaluate the
conditions under which functional form effectively identifies Heckman
models. Leung and Yu find that sufficient variation in at least one
element of [??] is required to induce sufficient tail behavior in the
inverse Mills ratio for functional form, alone, to identify the model.
(24) Leung and Yu (1996) also find that relying on functional form to
identify the model becomes less problematic as the percentage of
censored observations decreases. To address the questions raised by the
lack of an exclusion restriction, we run the model using a variety of
specifications and a subsample of the data, in which censoring is less
severe, to evaluate the stability of our estimates.
4. Data
The data used in this study consist of a 10% random sample of all
thoroughbreds born in the United States in 1993. We obtained these data
from The Jockey Club's Foals of 1993 (1995; hereafter, Foal Book),
an annual supplement to the American Stud Book that includes information
on all thoroughbreds born and registered in the United States, Canada,
and Puerto Rico. (25) The sample consists of every U.S.-born horse
listed on every 10th page of the Foal Book, and includes 3374 horses.
The market for thoroughbreds provides an ideal setting for
examining the effect of asymmetric information on market outcomes
because owners likely possess an information advantage over potential
buyers and differ in their propensities to sell horses they breed. As
discussed by Chezum and Wimmer (1997), the primary informational
advantage relates to the horse's temperament and medical history.
James Schenk (1997), a former trainer and now president of Hyperion
Thoroughbred Consultants, notes that "most trainers (observe) that
their best horses seem to get sick less often, have fewer minor
injuries, and progress faster than their lesser horses. Better horses
also are smarter than average horses; I have never been around a dumb good horse." (p. 1661)
Consistent with the theoretical model, breeders who own the foal at
the time of its birth must make decisions regarding the care and
treatment of their thoroughbreds before they observe innate quality.
(27) These decisions include visits to the veterinarian and blacksmith,
choice of feed and supplements, and overall general care that affect the
quality of a racehorse but probably remain unobserved by potential
buyers. Finally, and in contrast to other empirical studies of adverse
selection, published data exist on both horses sold and those retained
by their breeders.
We obtained sales data for each observation by matching data from
the Foal Book to information contained in the Blood Horse's Auction
Guide (Anonymous 1998), which includes the results of every public
thoroughbred auction held in North America. These data allow the
identification of the horses offered for sale at public auction and the
price elicited. The empirical analysis follows Chezum and Wimmer (1997)
and concentrates on horses offered for sale as yearlings or younger.
(28) In the sample, 925 horses were offered for sale as yearlings or
The variable of interest, Racing Intensity, captures differences in
seller characteristics and proxies s, as discussed in the theoretical
section. In the thoroughbred industry, breeders differ in the
"intensity" of their racing operations. (29) Some breeders
sell all horses they raise, whereas others retain a portion for racing
purposes. Because some breeders also purchase horses for racing, Racing
Intensity is not equal to the probability breeders retain horses they
breed. We use Racing Intensity to proxy s because it is publicly
available and captures differences in the value breeders receive from
participating in the racing end of the business. We expect that the
probability a horse is retained increases in the breeder's Racing
For each racing season, the American Racing Manual (ARM) publishes
the earnings of thoroughbred owners whose horses earned at least $50,000
and whose horses they bred earned at least $30,000 in that year. To
measure Racing Intensity, we gathered data for each breeder on the
number of races started by horses they owned at the time of the race:
Racing Starts and the number of races that horses they bred started,
Breeder Starts. (30) Racing Intensity equals the ratio of Racing Starts
to (Total Starts + 1), where Total Starts is the sum of Racing and
Breeding Starts. (31) To avoid potential endogeneity problems, we
construct Racing Intensity using data from 1993, the year before the
sale of horses in our sample.
The lower limits for inclusion in the ARM exclude relatively small
breeding operations from the data. To account for relatively small
operations, we include the variable, Unlisted Breeder, which equals one
if both Racing Starts and Breeding Starts are zero and zero otherwise,
in the regressions.
We expect the primary variable of interest, Racing Intensity, to
affect prices through both owner effort (Effort Effect) and owner choice
to sell a horse (Selection Effect). Selection Effect captures the degree
to which racing-intensive breeders adversely select the horses they
sell, resulting in an inverse relationship between Price and Racing
Intensity ([[delta].sup.*][[differential][lambda]/[differential]RI] <
0, where [differential][lambda]/[differential]RI [congruent to]
[differential][lambda]/[differential]s). Because racing-intensive
breeders are more likely to retain horses they breed, the expected
return from effort increases in Racing Intensity, and the Effort Effect
predicts a positive relationship between Price and Racing Intensity
([alpha] > 0).
To isolate the effects seller characteristics impose on prices, we
must control for each horse's observable characteristics. We
obtained data on observable characteristics from the ARM and from the
Bloodstock Research Information Service (2000) American Produce Records
1940-1999. We expect prices to increase in the presence of favorable characteristics.
To account for the quality of an observation's pedigree, we
include variables on the quality of the sire (father) and dam (mother)
that measure their successes as breeding stock and as racehorses. For
dams, we include Stakes-Winning Siblings, which equals the number of a
dam's offspring that won a stakes race. For the sire, we include
Sire's Crop, which equals the number of foals produced by the sire
in 1993, and Sire's Age. Successful stallions probably experience
relatively long careers and the number of foals produced should increase
in the demand for a sire's services. To account for the success of
a horse's parents on the racetrack, we include the Dam Standard
Starts Index and the Sire's Standard Starts Index. The Standard
Starts Index provides a measure of a racehorse's success that
allows a comparison across horses and time. The Standard Starts Index
increases in the quality of a racehorse.
For each observation, we include the Age in Months, the age of the
horse measured in months, on January 1, 1994 (the horses in the sample
were born in 1993), in the selection equation. For the price equation,
we include Age at Sale, also measured in months. We expect that older
horses experience a higher probability of sale and receive higher
prices. We include an indicator variable, Kentucky, which is equal to
one for horses born in Kentucky and zero otherwise. The largest and most
successful breeding operations and thoroughbred sales locate in
Kentucky. Kentucky breeders can access facilities, veterinarians, and
other professionals that breeders in other states cannot access. (32)
Last, we control for the horse's gender by including the variable,
Colt, which equals one for male horses and zero otherwise.
Table 1 reports summary statistics for the variables used in the
analysis. The first three columns contain the summary statistics for the
full sample, horses offered for sale, and horses retained, respectively.
The final two columns provide similar data broken down by whether the
breeder appears in the ARM. Overall, breeders offered 27% of the horses
in the sample for sale. Not surprisingly, listed breeders offer horses
for sale at twice the rate (42.6% compared with 19.3%) and receive an
average price more than double the price received by unlisted breeders
($36,728 compared with $15,660). Because Leung and Yu (1996) argue that
the use of functional form to identify the model proves less problematic
as the percentage of censored observations falls, we include a
specification that drops unlisted breeders from the regression.
The data show that Racing Intensity does not vary much between
horses sold and horses retained by their breeders. Mean Racing Intensity
is approximately 0.087 for both horses offered for sale and horses
retained by their breeders. The data also show that the mean observable
characteristics of horses offered for sale exceed those retained by
their breeders, indicating that quality commands higher prices.
Stakes-Winning Siblings, Sire's Crop, and both of the Standard
Start indexes exhibit appreciably higher values for horses offered for
sale compared with horses retained by their breeders. Finally, more than
42% of the horses offered for sale were bred in Kentucky.
5. Empirical Results
Table 2 reports the results of our empirical analysis. Columns 1,
2, and 4 through 6 give results for the price equations, where the
natural logarithm of Price equals the dependent variable. (33) Column 3
provides the selection equation's marginal effects, evaluated at
the mean.
Column 1 provides results from an OLS regression. In the OLS
regression, the coefficient on Racing Intensity proves insignificant,
suggesting that asymmetric information does not affect the market. (34)
Column 2 contains the results from the Heckman specification, which
allows separate estimation of the Effort and Selection Effects. After
correcting for sample selection bias, the positive and significant
coefficient on Racing Intensity is consistent with the presence of an
Effort Effect, indicating that the average quality of horses produced by
owners increases in Racing Intensity. The Heckman model also provides
strong support for the hypothesis that breeders adversely select the
horses they sell, as demonstrated by the negative and significant
estimated Selection Effect. (35) The negative and statistically
significant coefficient on the Mills Ratio indicates that unobservable
factors that increase the probability that a horse sells inversely
correlate with unobservable factors that increase price, consistent with
the presence of adverse selection.
Column 3 contains the marginal effects from the selection equation,
estimated jointly with the price equation from the full-sample Heckman
model. These results are generally consistent with our priors. The data
indicate that the probability a breeder sells a horse decreases in
Racing Intensity. Racing Intensity's marginal effect is negative
and significant. Overall, the coefficients in columns 2 and 3 have the
expected signs, with the majority significant at the 1% level. Somewhat
surprisingly, Unlisted Breeder receives a positive and insignificant
coefficient in the price equation, whereas the selection equation
indicates that unlisted breeders offer horses for sale 16.5% less often
than listed breeders. The marginal effect of Unlisted Breeder proves
statistically significant at the 1% level in the selection equation.
To determine whether functional form adequately identifies the
price equation, we report the characteristic number from the regression
and find that it exceeds twice the magnitude of the acceptable level
suggested by Besley, Kuh, and Welsch (1980), indicating that the results
should be viewed with caution. Several additional specifications test
the robustness of our findings.
Column 4 reports the results of a more parsimonious specification,
which we label "Limited Variables," for which we drop the
Standard Start Index variables and Sire's Age. As an alternative to
relying on functional form, column 6 gives results with the use of
Unlisted Breeder as the excluded exogenous variable to identify the
price equation. Although the underlying theory precludes the use of
exclusion restrictions, the finding that Unlisted Breeder is
insignificant in the price equation, but significant in the selection
equation, suggests that it meets the criteria for a suitable exclusion
restriction. The final column provides the results for which we limit
the sample to horses from listed breeders.
The results of the additional specifications produce estimates of
the Selection and Effort Effects consistent with the results found in
column 2. All estimates are of the expected signs and exhibit
statistical significance at standard levels. With the exception of the
limited variables regression, the magnitude of the estimated Selection
Effect falls within a range of -0.62 to -0.66. Similar results emerge
for the Effort Effect, although the estimate of the Effort Effect
increases by about 20% in the more parsimonious specification. For the
limited variables and listed breeder regressions, the characteristic
numbers continue to exceed suggested levels, whereas the specification
with an exclusion restriction falls to Besley, Kuh, and Welsch's
cutoff of 30. (36,37) The results presented prove robust to changes in
specification and data. The estimated coefficients are relatively
precise. Nearly every coefficient in the price equations receives the
predicted sign and is statistically significant at the 1% level.
In sum, our results show that the unconditional expected quality of
horses owned by racing-intensive breeders exceeds the quality of horses
produced by less racing intensive breeders, suggesting that breeders who
retain more horses exert greater effort than breeders who primarily sell
their horses. The results concerning breeder selection decisions clearly
show that breeders adversely select the horses they sell as shown by the
negative and significant Mills Ratio coefficient. Estimates of the
Selection Effect indicate adverse selection proves more severe for
racing-intensive breeders.
6. Conclusion
Standard models of adverse selection assume that each seller draws
goods from an identical quality distribution and that differences in
owner decisions to sell particular goods leads to differences in the
expected quality of goods sold. In this paper, we examine a setting in
which sellers affect quality by expending effort before offering goods
for sale. The analysis predicts that sellers who more likely adversely
select the goods they sell exert more effort, complicating researcher
efforts to uncover evidence of adverse selection.
We test the propositions using data that contain a random sample of
all horses born in the United States in 1993, including horses retained
by their breeders. Treating adverse selection as a case of selection
bias, we show that racing-intensive breeders, on average, produce higher
quality horses. The data also show that sellers adversely select the
horses they sell. The negative and statistically significant coefficient
on the inverse Mills Ratio indicates that unobservable factors that
increase the probability a horse sells negatively correlate with
unobservable factors that increase prices. We also estimate a Selection
Effect that shows adverse selection exhibits more severity for
racing-intensive breeders. Although the Heckman specification supports
the hypothesis that asymmetric information affects the market for
thoroughbred yearlings, a simple OLS regression provides no support for
that hypothesis. The empirical work shows that the assumption that
sellers draw goods from an identical quality distribution could prove
problematic in some settings.
In this study, buyers cannot observe the owner's
quality-enhancing efforts and owners are uncertain whether they will
sell a particular good. This study generates uncertainty surrounding the
sell-retain decision by requiring owners to exert effort before
observing innate quality. The analysis presented could apply to a
variety of settings. In labor markets, worker decisions to remain in the
labor force depend, in part, on random unobservable shocks at the time
workers invest in human capital. Workers more likely to exit the market,
invest in less human capital. (38) Additionally, firms that intend to go
public might invest less effort in projects that affect future earnings
if the market cannot observe such effort. Finally, recent work in
insurance and other markets shows that both moral hazard and adverse
selection affect market outcomes. Failure to account for potential moral
hazard problems in a variety of settings could lead researchers to
conclude that adverse selection does not affect outcomes when both
hidden actions and hidden information play important roles.
Appendix A
This appendix provides the details of the comparative static
analysis presented in the paper.
In the first case, in which owners observe innate quality before
choosing effort, market equilibrium effort equals zero. The simultaneous
solution of Equations l defines equilibrium price and marginal quality.
We want to know how changes in s affect equilibrium price and marginal
quality. Totally differentiating the Equations 1 and setting d[??] = 0
gives, in matrix notation,
where [P.sup.**] and [q.sup.**.sub.m] are the equilibrium values of
price and marginal quality for this specification. Applying
Cramer's rule, the comparative static results are
These signs occur because we assume that s -
b([differential][q.sub.Ave]/[differential][q.sub.m]) > 0. This
condition must hold for the equilibrium to reflect adverse selection.
In the second version of the model, owners invest in effort before
observing innate quality. The simultaneous solution of Equations 2
defines equilibrium price, marginal quality, and effort. To simplify the
comparative static analysis, we substitute price out of Equations 2 and
obtain Equations A.1.
The first equation is the difference between the value owners and
buyers place on the marginal good. The second equation is the
owner's first-order condition for effort. The total differential of
Equations A.1, setting d[??] = 0, is
where [q.sup.*.sub.m] and [e.sup.*] are the equilibrium values of
marginal quality and effort, respectively. The determinant of the
Jacobian is
Applying Cramer's role, the comparative static results are
Substituting the equilibrium values of marginal quality and effort
into the first of Equations 2, from the text, gives
Differentiating with respect to s gives
[differential][P.sup.*]/[differential]s =
b([[dq.sub.Ave]/[dq.sub.m]][[dq.sup.*.sub.m]/[differential]s] +
Totally differentiating Equations A.1, setting ds = 0, gives
The Jacobian is unchanged, and it follows that
Because b > s, any factor that increases the underlying mean of
innate quality increases the equilibrium probability a good is sold and
reduces equilibrium effort.
Appendix B: Existence of Unique Equilibrium
In this appendix, we show that the assumptions
guarantee the existence of a unique adverse selection equilibrium.
Equilibrium is defined by Equations B.1 and B.2.
We use the intermediate value theorem to show the conditions under
which a unique adverse selection equilibrium exists. The intermediate
value theorem is applied by collapsing the system of equations in
Equations B.1 and B.2 into a single equation.
We begin by showing that Equation B.2 can be used to express effort
as a well-defined function of [q.sub.m], provided [??]([q.sub.L],
[e.sub.0]) > 0, [??]([q.sub.H], [e.sub.0]) < 0, and
[??]'([q.sub.m], [e.sub.0]) < 0, for an arbitrary fixed level of
effort [e.sub.0]. In the model, effort ranges from 0 to [e.sub.P], where
[e.s is the owner's privately optimal effort (defined by s -
c'[[e.sub.P]] = 0). We examine Equation B.2 at fixed [e.sub.0],
such that [e.sub.0] E (0, [e.sub.P]).
At [q.sub.L],
[??]([q.sub.L],[e.sub.0]) = S[1 -- F([q.sub.L])] --
c'([e.sub.0]) = s - c'([e.sub.0]) > 0, (B.3)
because s - c'([e.sub.P]) = 0 for [e.sub.0] < ep, s -
c'([e.sub.0]) > 0.
Evaluating Equation B.2 at [q.sub.H],
[??]([q.sub.H], [e.sub.0]) =s[1 - F([q.sub.H])] -
c'([e.sub.0]) = c'([e.sub.0]) < 0. (B.4)
The results contained and Equations B.3 and B.4, coupled with the
observation that Equation B.2 strictly decreases in [q.sub.m], allow us
to write Equation B.2 to express e as a well-defined function of
e([q.sub.m]) = [(c'(e)).sup.-1] s[1 - F([q.sub.m])], (B.5)
where [(c'(e)).sup.-1] is the inverse function of marginal
Substituting Equation B.5 into Equation B.1,
allows us to use the intermediate value theorem to find the
conditions under which a unique adverse selection equilibrium exists.
Evaluating Equation B.6 at [q.sub.m] = [q.sub.L] gives
because b > s and [q.sub.Ave]([q.sub.L]) = [q.sub.L].
At [q.sub.m] = [q.sub.H], Equation B.5 shows e([q.sub.H]) = 0 and
where [mu] is the mean of population q. As required by the
intermediate value theorem, [PSI]([q.sub.H]) < 0 when s > b[[mu] +
g([??])]/[q.sub.H] + g([??])], or s must be large enough to ensure that
owners retain the highest quality goods allocated, which is necessary
for the existence of an adverse selection equilibrium with market
According to the intermediate value theorem, equilibrium exists
when [PSI]([q.sub.L]) > 0 and [PSI]([q.sub.H]) < 0. The
equilibrium is unique if [PSI]([q.sub.m]) monotonically decreases in
Differentiating Equation B.6 with respect to [q.sub.m] gives
where de([q.sub.m])/[dq.sub.m] = -sf([q.sub.m])]c".
[PSI]'([q.sub.m]) is unambiguously negative when [b
[dq.sub.Ave]([q.sub.m])/[dq.sub.m]] - s < 0. The result contained in
Equation B.7 shows that our assumption is stronger than necessary for
the existence of a unique equilibrium. If effort is removed from the
model, this assumption is necessary for a unique equilibrium.
Rearranging Equation B.7, the condition for a unique equilibrium
shows that the Jacobian presented in Appendix A is positive:
J = c"(s -b[[dq.sub.Ave]/[dq.sub.m]) + sf([q.sub.m])(b - s)
> 0.
We thank Stephen M. Miller, Paul Thistle, Dan Gagliardi, Dan Black,
Scott Savage, Alan Schlottmann, John Garen, David Richardson, and two
anonymous referees for helpful comments. We also thank Dotti Britt and
Tian Han for competent research assistance. All mistakes, of course, are
ours alone.
Received May 2004; accepted October 2005.
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(1) Several authors attempt to identify the presence of adverse
selection in a variety of markets. Examples include, but are not limited
to, credit markets (e.g., Ausubel 1999), insurance markets (e.g., Puelz
and Snow 1994; Chiappori and Salanie 2000), automobile markets (e.g.,
Bond 1982; Genesove 1993), and the market for initial public offerings
(e.g., Booth and Smith 1986; Gompers and Lerner 1999).
(2) Chiappori and Salanie (2000), who examined the relationship
between unobserved factors from participation and performance equations
in automobile insurance markets, used a similar approach.
(3) We assume g([??]) is nonnegative, finite, and bounded from
(4) In the empirical specification, we assume that q has a normal
(5) This specification is not without loss of generality. A more
general production function introduces ambiguities because the level of
innate quality affects the marginal product of effort. The conclusion
that seller effort clouds the relationship between seller
characteristics and adverse selection holds with a general production
(6) Below, we examine the case in which owners exert effort after
observing innate quality.
(7) Our specification is in the spirit of Wilson (1980), except we
introduce a first stage in which owners can expend effort.
(8) We assume that the innate quality of a good allocated to an
owner is independent of the owner's type, s.
(9) In Appendix B, we show that a unique internal equilibrium
(i.e., [q.sub.m] [member of] [[q.sub.L], [q.sub.H]]) exists for s
[member of] b[[mu] + g([??])]/[[q.sub.H] + g([??]), b], where [mu] is
q's population mean.
(10) As discussed by Genesove (1993), reasons other than owners
exploiting their informational advantage over buyers must be present for
trade to take place in a lemons market. Any individual owner with s >
b will not participate in the market.
(11) Assuming that an innate quality's distribution is
log-concave ensures that
[differential][q.sub.Ave]/[differential][q.sub.m] < 1 (Bagnoli and
Bergstrom 2005). Without further restrictions on s/b, log-concavity does
not guarantee the existence of a unique adverse selection equilibrium.
Appendix B provides details of why the assumptions lead to a unique
adverse selection equilibrium.
(12) This result is akin to the moral hazard that occurs in labor
contracts when employers cannot verify employee effort. In a fixed-wage
contract, employees provide the minimum effort necessary to avoid
(13) Consider the alternative, in which buyers expect positive
effort and bid accordingly. The owner's dominant strategy still
provides zero effort, but the increase in buyer bids increases the
marginal quality of goods sold. Because
[differential][q.sub.Ave]/[differential][q.sub.m] < s/b < 1 and
[differential][q.sup.R]/[differential]e = 1, the effect an increase in
marginal quality has on expected realized quality is less than the
effect an increase in effort has on expected realized quality, and
buyers do better by expecting zero effort.
(14) These results are derived in Appendix A.
(15) This version of the model leads to the result that a
seller's propensity to select goods adversely increases in s,
which, as in Genesove (1993), results in an inverse relationship between
observed prices and s.
(16) Appendix A contains the formal derivation of these results.
(17) The result shows that as the marginal cost curve becomes
steeper, the adverse selection effect becomes more dominant. When the
marginal cost of effort increases quickly, effort becomes less
responsive to changes in s.
(18) Thus, we also note that the probability of retention provides
a credible signal about owner effort.
(19) Greene (1997, p. 951) reports that a truncated normal
distribution with mean [mu], standard deviation [sigma], and truncation
point [alpha] has an expected value of [mu] + [sigma][lambda]([alpha]),
where [lambda] is the inverse Mills ratio as defined above.
(20) Although the theoretical model proposes that owner effort
shifts the distribution of quality, the empirical model captures the
effect that any factor that correlates with the unconditional expected
quality of goods and seller characteristics imposes on prices.
(21) We discuss the relationship between [[??].sub.i] and
[[??].sub.i] below.
(22) Other distributional assumptions could be equally valid. Our
results show that the data fit the probit model relatively well.
(23) In Appendix A, we show that [q.sub.m] increases in [??], or
goods with relatively high observable quality are more likely to be
(24) Citing Besley, Kuh, and Welsch (1980), Leung and Yu (1996)
recommend using the characteristic number to test for sufficient
variation in elements of X, finding that results with characteristic
numbers over 20 might prove problematic. Besley, Kuh, and Welsch (1980)
use 30 as the cutoff. We report the characteristic number for each
regression presented.
(25) The Jockey Club reports that 36,455 registered horses were
born in 1993, of which 33,174 were born in the United States.
(26) The Foal Book lists horses in alphabetic order by the name of
their dam (mother).
(27) Decisions regarding the care of the foal's dam (mother)
affect the quality of the young horse as well.
(28) In the thoroughbred industry, thoroughbreds become yearlings
on January first of the year following their birth. This classification
continues for all ages. The analysis includes a small number of horses
sold in November of their first year and are, therefore, not yet
(29) In the thoroughbred industry, breeders can differ in their
propensity to sell horses they raise for a variety of reasons. Chezum
and Wimmer (1997) follow Genesove (1993) and argue that some breeders
might experience a capacity constraint and must sell a portion of the
horses they raise.
(30) For horses bred, the breeder may or may not own the horse at
the time the horse races.
(31) Adding one to the denominator avoids division by zero.
(32) In regressions not reported, we included indicator variables
for other states with large concentrations of horse farms. The character
of the results does not differ from the results reported below.
(33) Specifically, we use the "hammer price," the last
bid received.
(34) These results differ from Chezum and Wimmer (1997), who found
that Racing Intensity significantly negatively affects prices. Chezum
and Wimmer used data from a single sale with fewer observations. Because
a single sale draws a smaller pool of sellers, differences in seller
effort might not vary as much in a single sale as they vary in a random
sample of sales. In any event, these results call into question the
robustness of an approach that does not account for seller selection
decisions to measure the effect adverse selection imposes on market
(35) Following Chezum and Wimmer (1997), we test for the presence
of scale effects in the data and find that scale does not affect these
(36) In addition to these regressions, we used the variable Racer,
which equals one if the breeder had experienced at least one racing
start and zero otherwise, as the variable of interest. The results from
this regression prove consistent with those reported. We also estimate
the model with a variety of randomly selected subsamples, and the
results remain consistent.
(37) As part of our analysis, we follow Pagan and Vella (1989) and
test the assumption that normality provides the appropriate functional
form for the selection correction term and cannot reject the null of
(38) Mincer and Ofek (1982) argue that job market interruptions are
endogenous, in which human capital investment decreases in the
probability of a career interruption. In this setting, workers with high
nonmarket opportunity costs invest less in human capital and experience
more career interruptions.
Bradley S. Wimmer * and Brian Chezum ([dagger])
* Department of Economics, University of Nevada Las Vegas, Las
Vegas, NV 89154-6005, USA; E-mail
[email protected]; corresponding
([dagger]) Department of Economics, St. Lawrence University,
Canton, NY 13617, USA; E-mail
[email protected].
Table 1. Summary Statistics (a)
Offered Breeder
Variable Full Sample for Sale Retained
Price -- 27,048 --
ln(Price) -- 9.197 --
Offered for sale 0.274 1 0
Racing intensity 0.0870 0.0866 0.0872
(0.226) (0.214) (0.231)
Stakes-winning 0.167 0.280 0.125
siblings (0.485) (0.594) (0.429)
Sire's crop size 23.286 36.406 18.330
(20.217) (21.236) (17.417)
Sire's age 13.242 13.056 13.312
(4.425) (4.580) (4.364)
Sire standard 17.262 28.496 13.020
start index (28.052) (34.892) (23.644)
Dam standard 1.556 2.292 1.278
start index (6.816) (5.293) (7.290)
Age (months) 8.449 8.608 8.389
(1.228) (1.211) (1.230)
Age at sale -- 14.974 --
Kentucky 0.206 0.427 0.122
(0.404) (0.495) (0.327)
Colt 0.504 0.522 0.497
(0.500) (0.500) (0.500)
Unlisted breeder 0.652 0.459 0.725
(0.476) (0.499) (0.447)
Observations 3374 925 2449
Listed Unlisted
Variable Breeders Breeders
Price 36,728 (b) 15,660 (c)
(70,513) (24,276)
ln(Price) 9.533 (b) 8.803 (c)
(1.397) (1.317)
Offered for sale 0.426 0.193
(0.495) (0.395)
Racing intensity 0.250 0
Stakes-winning 0.321 0.085
siblings (0.666) (0.324)
Sire's crop size 33.430 17.880
(20.128) (18.076)
Sire's age 13.150 13.291
(4.465) (4.403)
Sire standard 27.024 12.060
start index (37.128) (19.856)
Dam standard 2.648 0.974
start index (10.851) (2.744)
Age (months) 8.600 8.368
(1.237 (1.216)
Age at sale 15.298 (b) 14.593 (c)
(4.104) (4.493)
Kentucky 0.356 0.125
(0.479) (0.331)
Colt 0.517 0.497
(0.500) (0.500)
Unlisted breeder 0 1
Observations 1173 2201
(a) Standard deviations in parentheses.
(b) Summary statistics for 500 horses offered for sale.
(c) Summary statistics for 425 horses offered for sale.
Table 2. Price and Selection Regressions (a)
Heckman Selection
OLS Specification Equation (b)
Racing intensity 0.061 0.641 ** -0.294 **
(effort effect) (0.370) (3.15) (6.49)
Selection effect -- -0.660 ** --
([[beta].sub.[lambda]] (5.34)
Stakes-winning 0.55 ** 0.531 ** 0.008
siblings (10.14) (8.91) (0.51)
Sire's crop size 0.023 ** 0.013 ** 0.006 **
(12.44) (5.30) (11.84)
Sire's age 0.035 ** 0.032 ** 0.001
(4.56) (3.79) (0.60)
Sire's standard 0.006 ** 0.004 ** 0.001 **
start index (4.98) (3.25) (2.87)
Dam standard 0.037 ** 0.041 ** 0.000
start index (3.03) (2.85) (0.44)
Age at sale (months) 0.036 ** 0.035 ** 0.021 **
(4.66) (4.70) (3.53)
Kentucky 0.667 ** 0.392 ** 0.150 **
(8.75) (4.35) (6.31)
Colt 0.134 ** 0.105 0.025
(2.03) (1.47) (1.61)
Unlisted breeder -0.250 ** 0.076 -0.165 **
(3.43) (0.83) (7.76)
Inverse mills -- -0.917 ** --
ratio ([lambda]) (8.90)
[rho] -- -0.74 ** --
Constant 6.739 ** 8.034 ** --
(35.94) (34.41)
[R.sup.2] (log likelihood) 0.504 -1453 -1453
number -- 69 --
Observations 925 3374 3374
Limited Exclusion Listed
Variables Restriction Breeders
Racing intensity 0.763 ** 0.766 ** 0.735 **
(effort effect) (3.47) (3.35) (3.76)
Selection effect -0.635 ** -0.620 ** -0.550 *
([[beta].sub.[lambda] (4.96) (5.65) (2.02)
Stakes-winning 0.573 ** 0.632 ** 0.571 **
siblings (9.29) (8.35) (9.31)
Sire's crop size 0.014 ** 0.016 ** 0.014 **
(6.16) (4.92) (6.14)
Sire's age -- -- --
Sire's standard -- -- --
start index
Dam standard -- -- --
start index
Age at sale (months) 0.039 ** 0.051 ** 0.038 **
(4.99) (4.42) (4.98)
Kentucky 0.514 ** 0.648 ** 0.517 **
(5.82) (5.67) (5.86)
Colt 0.103 0.083 0.103
(1.40) (0.79) (1.40)
Unlisted breeder 0.026 -- --
Inverse mills -0.893 ** -0.877 ** -0.855 **
ratio ([lambda]) (8.87) (17.53) (5.03)
[rho] -0.709 ** -0.70 ** -0.682 **
(13.69) (14.01) (7.24)
Constant 8.495 ** 8.131 ** 8.491 **
(43.99) (30.81) (42.96)
[R.sup.2] (log likelihood) -2958 -2958 -1454
number 57 30 109
Observations 3374 3374 1173
(a) Absolute value of White-corrected t or z statistics in parentheses.
(b) Marginal Effects, and appropriate z statistics, evaluated at means
from Full Information Maximum Likelihood (FIML) Full-Sample Heckman
model selection equation.
* Significant at 0.05 level.
** Significant at 0.01 level.