Labor market inefficiency and economic restructuring: evidence from cross-sectoral data.
Cotti, Chad D. ; Drewianka, Scott
1. Introduction
It has been widely noted that the U.S. labor market was relatively
weak during the recovery from the 2001 recession. Although the recession
itself was comparatively mild and short-lived (March-November 2001,
according to the National Bureau of Economic Research), and although
four million additional workers entered the labor force during the
recovery, even by the most generous measure employment did not return to
prerecession levels for over two and a half years. (1) One might imagine
that the "jobless recovery" reflected a weak macroeconomy, but
real gross domestic product growth averaged a healthy 3.2% in the three
years after the recession. Nevertheless, job creation was weak, and
unemployment rates recovered slowly even after employers began to post
vacant jobs.
Because there was also a considerable reallocation of jobs across
industries during this period, some economists have recently speculated
that the two trends might be related (Groshen and Potter 2003; Minehan
2004; Groshen, Potter, and Sela 2005). According to the "Sectoral
Shift Hypothesis" (generally attributed to Lilien [1982]),
extensive restructuring can create inefficiencies in the labor market,
either by causing a skills mismatch between employers and employees or
by forcing them to search in less familiar territory. If so, changes in
relative labor demand across industries would raise unemployment, even
if there were no change in aggregate labor demand. Consequently,
aggregate demand stimulus would likely not be effective in combating
unemployment, but there may be more useful roles for retraining programs
or industrial policy that attempted to balance growth (or even
contraction) more evenly across sectors of the economy.
That said, such restructuring is only one of the possible
explanations for the jobless recovery. For example, Minehan (2004) also
discusses potential roles for trends in international trade, labor
costs, and an increase in uncertainty caused by geopolitical events. If
such factors proved to be more important, policy discussions might focus
more fruitfully on topics like trade agreements, exchange rate policy,
the financing of health care and pensions, payroll taxes, diplomacy, the
treatment of investments in the tax code, or interest rates.
This paper contributes to that debate by presenting new evidence on
the relevance of the Sectoral Shift Hypothesis during this business
cycle. Previous empirical work on the hypothesis has produced mixed
results--many papers find support for the hypothesis, but many others
find evidence against it. As Schwerin (2003) has argued in his extensive
literature review, one explanation for this inconsistency could be that
the hypothesis has greater merit in some periods than others. For
example, the nature of structural change likely varies across business
cycles, and its effects might well depend on the similarity between the
skills demanded by expanding and contracting industries, the extent of
job-specific human capital or on-the-job training, or the geographical
composition of the structural change.
Accordingly, it would seem desirable to use an empirical
methodology that allows the effects of restructuring to vary over time.
Unfortunately, until recently, that has been difficult because the best
data available consisted of aggregate time series. That data permitted
researchers to address the Sectoral Shift Hypothesis by looking for a
relationship between the timing of changes in some measure of labor
market inefficiency (often just aggregate unemployment rates) and some
economy-wide index of structural change (e.g., a dissimilarity index of
industries' growth rates). However, given sample size limitations,
the only reasonable identification strategy rested on an implicit
assumption that a given degree of reallocation has similar effects on
unemployment across different business cycles. If that assumption were
violated, researchers could reject the Sectoral Shift Hypothesis as a
general proposition even if it had substantial explanatory power in some
subset of business cycles.
To avoid this concern, this paper takes a different approach, one
that is more nearly cross-sectional than intertemporal. Thanks to new
data, we are able to disaggregate across supersectors of the U.S.
economy. The additional sample size this provides allows us to examine a
single business cycle in isolation, and we can then test the hypothesis
by quantifying the changes in the inefficiency of sectoral labor markets
and comparing them to the extent of structural change in those sectors.
In essence, we ask whether reallocation and increased inefficiency
happen not only at the same time, but in the same sectors. We know of
only one previous paper that has attempted to address the Sectoral Shift
Hypothesis with disaggregated data; part of a paper by Abraham (1987)
analyzes unemployment and vacancy rates across U.S. states. We argue
that the approach in this paper provides a more direct test of the
Sectoral Shift Hypothesis.
The outcome of that test will cast doubt on the relevance of this
hypothesis in the business cycle that started with the 2001 recession.
The analysis will reveal that the sectors that experienced the largest
structural change did not have unusually large changes in inefficiency,
and that most of the sectors that suffered the largest increases in
labor market inefficiency had relatively mild structural change.
Admittedly, this conclusion emerges from a sample of just 12 sectors, so
it would be reasonable to regard it with some caution. That said,
previous studies based their conclusions on just one (aggregate) data
series, albeit over a few business cycles.
In addition to the main finding, this paper also makes two
ancillary contributions. First, it develops a new method to measure
changes in labor market inefficiency: a variation on principal
components analysis. This method allows us to identify the relationship
between unemployment and vacancies (what is often called the
"Beveridge curve" or "u-v curve") with relatively
sparse data and without strong identifying assumptions. Changes in
unemployment and vacancy rates can then be decomposed into two parts,
one reflecting changes in the position of the Beveridge curve relative
to the origin (which will serve as our measure of labor market
inefficiency) and the other reflecting movements along the Beveridge
curve (and thus "pure" business cycle effects, holding labor
market inefficiency constant). Because this is a nonstandard approach,
we also attempt to gauge the potential for bias and conclude that it is
unlikely to affect our results materially.
The other ancillary contribution is to present the first evidence
on sectoral Beveridge curves, something that is only possible because of
the new data set we examine. Although we will find that Beveridge curves
have similar slopes across sectors, we will document substantial
differences in the efficiency of sectoral labor markets and the extent
to which that efficiency fluctuated over this business cycle. At the
least, these findings should provide a useful point of comparison for
future studies of sectoral labor markets during business cycles yet to
The presentation proceeds as follows. Section 2 introduces the
underlying theory and outlines the paper's empirical strategy. The
data used in the empirical analysis are described in section 3, and
section 4 explains the method we use to quantify labor market
inefficiency and investigates the potential for bias. Section 5 presents
results of that methodology, with an emphasis on cross-sectoral
differences in the extent to which labor market inefficiency rose over
this business cycle. We then use those measured increases in sectoral
labor market inefficiency to test the Sectoral Shift Hypothesis in
section 6. Specifically, the first subsection of section 6 shows that
the cross-sectoral variation in those fluctuations cannot be explained
by an important alternative explanation, but a second subsection shows
that it also does not correlate well with the extent of sectoral
reallocation--which is why we conclude that there is little support for
the Sectoral Shift Hypothesis. The argument is summarized in section 7,
and the paper ends with a brief discussion of the implications and
issues for future research.
2. Background
The Sectoral Shift Hypothesis (Bowden 1980; Lilien 1982) posits
that labor markets clear more slowly in the presence of economic
restructuring. The idea is that there is an important difference between
workers who are unemployed because of purely temporary fluctuations and
those who are unemployed because of a structural change that reallocates
jobs between sectors (or for that matter, between industries within the
same sector). In contrast to the former group, structurally unemployed
workers cannot reasonably hope to be rehired when the economy rebounds,
so they are forced to cast a wider net. During the time needed to
realize that the shock is persistent, skills are mismatched and there is
a general lack of familiarity with the expanding employers, so such
workers are unlikely to find new jobs as quickly as other unemployed
The hypothesis thus proposes a specific reason for an increase in
what is often called "matching inefficiency." That term refers
to any factors that slow the rate at which new employment matches form
from given stocks of unemployed workers and vacant jobs. In other words,
the hypothesis proposes a reason why search frictions are more severe in
some situations than in others.
Matching inefficiency is difficult to observe directly, so we shall
infer it by observing the behavior of sectoral Beveridge curves and
ruling out some other major explanations for what we find. Once it is
established that the observed patterns could plausibly represent
matching inefficiency, we can test the Sectoral Shift Hypothesis by
asking whether the increases in matching inefficiency are larger in
sectors that have experienced more extensive restructuring.
For readers who might not be familiar with the Beveridge curve, it
is the downward-sloping convex locus along which unemployment and
vacancy rates tend to move over the business cycle. Named after the
first economist to identify it as an empirical regularity (Beveridge 1945), it does not represent a causal relationship between unemployment
and vacancies, but rather that both are affected by the same underlying
forces, usually in opposite directions. According to theoretical models,
such factors include productivity shocks, possibly combined with wage
rigidities, and thus the curve's slope represents the relative
speeds at which employers and workers respond to those shocks (Solow
1998; Hall 2003; Shimer 2005). (2)
The relevance of the Beveridge curve for the Sectoral Shift
Hypothesis lies in the fact that the curve's position relative to
the origin is often considered a useful summary statistic describing the
level of inefficiency in the labor market (Solow 1998). Intuitively,
when unemployment and vacancies are both elevated, there are workers who
want a job and employers who want to hire workers, yet they do not pair
with one another, so the market is thus inefficient in the sense that
there are apparently unrealized gains from trade. Consequently, we shall
call the distance from sectoral Beveridge curves to the origin the
"labor market inefficiency," and we shall denote it n.
Labor market inefficiency is a broader concept than matching
inefficiency. Whereas matching inefficiency pertains only to the
severity of search frictions, an increase in labor market inefficiency
can also reflect increased exposure to search frictions. For example,
even if the length of the average unemployment spell did not change, an
increase in the job destruction rate (3) would raise the number of
workers who must pass through that period of unemployment, and thus the
measured unemployment rate would rise.
To see this formally, it is helpful to reference the "matching
function": the relationship between the rate at which new
employment matches occur and existing rates of unemployment and
vacancies. In practice, it is often specified with a Cobb-Douglas form,
h(U, V) = A [U.sup.[alpha]][V.sup.1-[alpha]], (1)
where h is the hiring rate (hires/labor force), U is the
unemployment rate, V is the vacancy rate, and A is a constant. (4)
Equation 1 suggests two reasons why the Beveridge curve could shift, at
least temporarily. First, steady-state levels of U and V would rise if A
decreased. Because this would mean that fewer new matches would result
from given levels of U and V, such a change would represent an increase
in matching inefficiency. Second, if U, V, or both temporarily changed
because of job creation or destruction shocks, they would return to
their initial levels only gradually (not immediately), except in the
unlikely case in which those increases are exactly offset by the new
hiring. This would represent an increase in labor market inefficiency,
but not an increase in matching inefficiency.
The dynamics of the second mechanism warrant a bit more attention
because they create cycles in labor market inefficiency, which appear as
counterclockwise "loops" around the central axis of the Beveridge curve. Such loops are depicted in Figure 1 and have been
frequently noted in empirical studies. Although a complete description
of the theory is quite complex and varies somewhat across models (Hansen 1970; Bowden 1980; Pissarides 1985, 2000; Blanchard and Diamond 1989;
Shimer 2005), the core of the story does not seem to be terribly
controversial. In short, the idea is that employment shocks cause an
initial increase in U, V, or both, and the hiring rate responds to this
change via the matching function, but generally not so much that U and V
return to their original levels immediately. In more concrete terms,
firms facing a recession often eliminate vacant positions before laying
off workers, so there is initially a larger decrease in vacancies and a
smaller increase in unemployment. Likewise, when the recovery begins,
employers must create vacant jobs before they can fill them, and in that
phase, vacancies rise before unemployment falls. Thus, over the course
of a typical business cycle, the level of labor market inefficiency
oscillates around its average level, first improving, then weakening,
and finally returning to its initial position. Although it is temporary,
this outward shift of the Beveridge curve typically persists for a few
years at a time, so it could represent a potentially important cost of
business cycles--as illustrated by the concern over the jobless
Although theory clearly indicates that employment shocks can create
such loops in the Beveridge curve, it is less clear how matching
inefficiency would affect the Beveridge curve. Most discussions suggest
that restructuring causes a permanent increase in inefficiency,
manifesting itself as a persistent outward shift of the Beveridge curve.
Previous research has shown that the Beveridge curve has indeed shifted
slowly over time, moving further from the origin in the 1970s and closer
in the 1980s and 1990s (Abraham 1987; Blanchard and Diamond 1989;
Bleakley and Fuhrer 1997). The existence of such trends does not
necessarily demonstrate a role for sectoral reallocation because the
trends could alternatively be due to permanently higher rates of job
creation and destruction or to the growth of the labor force (Bleakley
and Fuhrer 1997; Pissarides 2000; Hall 2003; Shimer 2005). However, such
trends could provide evidence for the Sectoral Shift Hypothesis if they
correlated with patterns of restructuring.
On the other hand, it is also possible that the effects of
restructuring might appear as temporary increases in labor market
inefficiency (i.e., as wider loops in the Beveridge curve than one might
otherwise expect). This could happen if restructuring affected matching
inefficiency more strongly during some phases of the business cycle than
others. For instance, it is plausible that unemployed workers might be
more adept at job searches in industries in which they have more
experience, so that they find jobs at a slower rate (conditional on the
unemployment/ vacancy ratio) if they are forced to search elsewhere.
That reasoning suggests that structural change, by encouraging workers
to search in new markets, pushes the entire Beveridge loop further from
the origin. However, if it took some time for those unemployed workers
to recognize that a shock was structural rather than cyclical, or if it
took some time to adapt their search, then the effect would grow with
the average duration of unemployment. Such a dynamic would presumably cause the upper portion of the Beveridge loop to shift further than the
lower portion, creating a wider loop.
At any rate, because we cannot be sure of the expected duration of
the response to reallocation, the empirical work herein will consider
both possibilities. The analysis will establish that, although many
features of the data are reassuringly consistent with the
"employment shocks" mechanism, we cannot rule out the
possibility that matching inefficiency increased during the last
recovery. We then ask (i) whether there are trends in sectoral labor
market inefficiency, conditional on employment flows, and (ii) whether
restructuring correlates with the thickness of sectoral Beveridge loops.
Because all of the relevant correlations are weak, we will conclude that
there is little evidence of an important role for restructuring.
3. Data
The main reason that no previous work has examined sectoral
differences in labor market inefficiency has been a lack of data.
Although the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) has for many years
computed monthly unemployment rates at several levels of aggregation
from the Consumer Population Survey (CPS), until recently, the best
available measure of vacancies has been the Conference Board's
help-wanted index, which can only be disaggregated geographically.
However, since December 2000, the BLS has conducted the Job Openings and
Labor Turnover Survey (JOLTS), which includes monthly counts of
vacancies that are disaggregated at the supersector level of the North
American Industrial Classification System. (5) This is the data we will
use to examine the sector-specific Beveridge curves.
In addition to its disaggregation, the JOLTS data on vacancies has
some other advantages over the help-wanted index. JOLTS' measure is
based on an actual count of job openings from a nationally
representative sample of employers, whereas the help-wanted index is an
indirect measure and not geographically representative. Moreover,
although an adjusted version of the help-wanted index has proved useful
in earlier work (Abraham 1987), some economists have begun to question
whether the relationship between the help-wanted index and the actual
number of vacancies could have changed in recent years because of, for
example, the growing role of the internet in the job matching process
(Bleakley and Fuhrer 1997; Shimer 2005).
Another useful aspect of the JOLTS data is that it contains data on
employment flows, including monthly hiring and separation rates by
sector, as well as a decomposition of separations into quits and
layoffs/discharges. The results section will use this information to
investigate whether increases in labor market inefficiency can be
attributed to those employment flows or, alternatively, whether matching
inefficiency might have increased.
The JOLTS also has some disadvantages. For one thing, it would have
been desirable to disaggregate the data by occupation and state as well,
but JOLTS only distinguishes between supersectors. Another disadvantage
is that the data is still relatively new. We have 65 monthly
observations on each sector, from December 2000 to April 2006. This
prevents us from investigating trends in labor market inefficiency
across several business cycles, as previous papers have endeavored. That
said, this paper is premised on the idea that different inefficiencies
can arise during different business cycles, and it has the more modest
goal of understanding only the cycle that began in 2001. The data series
is long enough to achieve that objective because it begins a few months
before the recession and continues for four and a half years of the
subsequent recovery and expansion. Also, as noted below, Figures 2 and 3
suggest that the cycle was nearing completion by the end of our sample
period, with the last unemployment and vacancy observations beginning to
resemble the first observations in most sectors.
Some readers might also consider it a disadvantage that JOLTS
attributes unemployed workers to their previous sector until they find a
new job. Thus, the sectoral Beveridge curves we measure capture
employment flows that are not entirely intrasectoral. (6) That said, we
do not view this as especially problematic. Although theoretical models
of unemployment dynamics frequently ignore the possibility that workers
can enter or exit a labor market, this has always been more of a
modeling convenience than a strong stance on actual behavior. After all,
even the aggregate labor market experiences inflows and outflows as
workers enter and exit the labor force, but this has not stopped
economists from studying aggregate Beveridge curves. Moreover, we argue
that this accounting attributes the labor market inefficiency to the
proper sector. For example, if manufacturing firms were looking for
employees, and unemployed workers who previously worked in manufacturing
were searching for jobs in another sector, it strikes us as much more
reasonable to consider those facts as evidence of inefficiency in
manufacturing's labor market.
Table 1 provides some summary statistics for each sector: average
seasonally adjusted unemployment and vacancy rates, average seasonally
adjusted employment, and employment growth over the sample period. (7)
There is considerable variability across sectors. Unemployment rates
average less than 3.4% in government, education and health, and finance,
but more than 8% in leisure and construction. Vacancy rates are
typically smaller in magnitude, but their range is proportionally similar, with the highest rate (3.5% in education and health) roughly
triple the lowest (1.3% in natural resources). Consistent with
substantial restructuring, rates of employment growth also vary markedly
across sectors. Although aggregate employment grew only 1.9% over our
sample period, employment grew by 15.3% in education and health, but it
fell by just over 17% in both information and manufacturing.
To provide a clearer sense of the data, Figure 2 plots the log
unemployment and vacancy rates for the manufacturing sector. Note that
the data follow a path similar to the stylized Beveridge curve
"loop" shown in Figure 1 and that the loop appears to be
nearing completion. This suggests that our data cover nearly a full
business cycle. As expected, the major axis of the loop is downward
sloping. That said, the width of the loop is also considerable,
suggesting that labor market inefficiency increased meaningfully over
this business cycle.
Figure 3 presents the same series for all 12 sectors. The curves
look qualitatively similar for all of the industries, although the
cycles for two sectors (financial services and information) appear to be
less complete than those of the other sectors. Most of these curves have
similar slopes, although the curve for natural resources appears
relatively flatter and the curve for the leisure sector is a bit
steeper. More significantly, some curves are much closer to the origin
than others, indicating large differences in labor market inefficiency.
In particular, the curves for the leisure and professional and business
service sectors are about twice as far from the origin as that for the
government sector. Finally, it appears that some sectors experienced
larger changes in labor market inefficiency over the business cycle than
others. For example, the loops for the trade, information, and financial
services sectors appear rather wide, whereas the data for the
government, leisure, and education and health services sectors nearly
lie along a straight line.
4. Methodology
With only five and a half years of data and a limited selection of
variables available at the sectoral level, it is not practical to use an
elaborate structural model such as that of Blanchard and Diamond (1989).
As an alternative, this section proposes a much simpler, reduced form method to identify the location and movement of the Beveridge curve.
Although it is surely subject to at least some of the criticisms Yellen (1989) has levied against previous reduced form methods, our approach
has several virtues. Besides its feasibility with limited data, it is
also easy to understand, and its results are readily interpreted.
The empirical strategy developed herein is motivated by the goal of
decomposing movements in unemployment and vacancy rates into two parts:
one associated with movements along the (central tendency of the)
Beveridge curve and one associated with shifts toward or away from the
origin. As explained below, we use a variation on principal components
analysis to identify those components. Although that technique is most
often used to reduce the number of regressors in the presence of
multicollinearity (see Theil [1971, pp. 46-55] for an introduction), we
use both of the principal components from our data. The Beveridge curve
is identified as the downward-sloping principal component, which is also
the dominant principal component for all sectors. Because the two
components are necessarily orthogonal, one can think of this approach as
finding the correct angle to rotate the axes so that the Beveridge curve
is parallel to one of the new axes and perpendicular to the other.
One might wonder why we do not simply identify the Beveridge curve
by regressing log vacancy rates on log unemployment rates. The main
reason is that a regression approach would require making an assumption
about the very topic this paper endeavors to test. That is, because the
underlying theory posits that the Beveridge curve shifts out and back in
over the course of the business cycle, the curve could only be properly
identified if some regressor were available to use as a
"shifter" variable. Although theory does suggest some factors
that could cause the curve to shift, the use of those variables would
effectively assume the hypothesis that this paper is trying to examine.
For the sake of comparison, our method estimates that the
elasticity of the aggregate Beveridge curve over this period is d(log
V)/d(log U) = -1.18 (0.04). Estimates in the previous literature,
although reported infrequently and often without great precision, have
generally implied an elasticity around -1.00 (Bleakley and Fuhrer 1997;
Shimer 2005). These estimates are fairly similar and, at any rate, it is
not surprising that there are some differences in that we use a
different measure of vacancies, our data covers a different period, and
Bleakley and Fuhrer report that the slope of the Beveridge curve varies
substantially over time (e.g., it fell by 50% between the 1960s and
early 1990s).
The Beveridge curve is often taken to be log-linear, which is
consistent with both a Cobb-Douglas matching function and the empirical
evidence (Petrongolo and Pissarides 2001). If we define u and v to be
(respectively) the log unemployment and log vacancy rates, a Beveridge
curve can thus be written as v = [v.sub.o] zu, and its elasticity is
d(log V)/d(log U) = -z < 0 (where U and V are the [nonlogged] rates).
A movement along the curve can then be represented as a multiple of some
downward-sloping unit vector (a, -b) in (u, v) space, with b/a = z. That
vector forms an orthonormal basis with (b, a), so any combination of log
unemployment and vacancy rates (u, v) can be written as
Here m indicates a position along the Beveridge curve (i.e., the
u/v ratio), and n represents the distance between the Beveridge curve
and the origin, which serves as our measure of labor market
inefficiency. See Figure 4 for a diagram.
Equation 2 implies that the covariance matrix is
Under the assumption that m and n are uncorrelated (not necessarily
independent), Equation 3 has the form of an eigenvector decomposition.
(8) It is thus reasonable to identify the Beveridge curve vector (a, -b)
and its perpendicular (b, a) as the eigenvectors of the covariance
matrix; that is, they can be interpreted as the principal components of
the data. The associated eigenvalues (call them [[lambda].sub.m] and
[[lambda].sub.n]) represent the variances of movements along and against
the Beveridge curve ([[sigma].sup.2.sub.m] and [[sigma].sup.2.sub.n]
respectively). Standard errors for all of these estimates can also be
computed under the assumption that the data is joint-normally
distributed. (9) Finally, once (a, -b) is estimated, m and n can be
computed by inverting Equation 2,
Note that this transformation just rotates the axes to align with
the Beveridge curve.
The validity of this technique depends on the assumption that m and
n are uncorrelated. Over a long period, this is not
controversial--movements along a properly defined Beveridge curve should
be uncorrelated with long-run shifts of that curve. However, our data
apparently cover a bit less than a full business cycle, and the
hypothesized dynamics in which (u, v) follows a counterclockwise loop
suggests that m and n might be correlated in the short run.
The Appendix attempts to place some bounds on the possible
correlation p between m and n, and it derives formulas for the biases
that would result from any given p. It concludes that [rho] is unlikely
to exceed 0.1 (and could be much smaller yet), and at correlations of
that magnitude, the estimates are quite accurate. Specifically, if [rho]
= 0.1, the angle between the true and estimated Beveridge curves would
be less than seven degrees for all sectors, and usually much smaller.
Every individual estimate of n, across all sectors and months, would be
within 2.6% of its true value, and over 80% of the individual values
would be accurate to within 1%. Most importantly, the widths of the
sectoral Beveridge curve loops (call them [DELTA]n) would be estimated
to within 5.5% of the actual width for all sectors and to within 3% for
all but two sectors. This precision is critical because [DELTA]n is our
measure of changes in labor market inefficiency over the business cycle.
Thus, although we cannot entirely rule out the presence of some
bias, whatever biases remain are likely small and unlikely to skew the
5. Inefficiency in Sectoral Labor Markets
This section presents the most immediate results from the procedure
developed above. The main reason for discussing these results in some
depth (especially the various measures of An reported in the second half
of this section) is that they will form the basis of the tests conducted
in section 6. Beyond that, because this is the first study to examine
Beveridge curves at the sectoral level, the discussion provides new
information about differences between sectors and could provide a
valuable baseline for future studies. These results also strike us as
fairly reasonable, so they could lend some credence to the method
developed above and to the idea of analyzing sectoral Beveridge curves
more generally.
Sectoral Beveridge Curves
Table 2 presents the results of our eigenvector decompositions of
the sectoral unemployment and vacancy data. The first two columns list
the estimated elasticities of the sectoral Beveridge curves and their
standard errors. Although there is some variation, most are quite
similar. The largest estimated elasticities are -2.37 in the leisure
services sector and -1.66 in the financial services sector, and the
smallest are -0.82 in other services and -0.68 in natural resources. The
estimates for the other eight sectors lie within a fairly small range
from about -1.0 to -1.5. In all, the 95% confidence intervals for 10 of
the 12 estimates include points in that range, consistent with the
casual observation that most of the curves plotted in Figure 3 had
fairly similar slopes.
The third column of Table 2 reports average distance (call it
[bar.n]) between the sectoral Beveridge curves and the origin. This
distance varies considerably across sectors, with the differences
paralleling those depicted in Figure 3. Specifically, the results
indicate that the labor market is typically more than twice as efficient
(in this sense) in natural resources and government than in leisure and
professional and business services.
Finally, Table 2 presents the eigenvalues [[lambda].sub.m] and
[[lambda].sub.n]. As Equation 7 shows, for small [rho], these
eigenvalues are good estimates of the variation along
([[sigma].sup.2.sub.m]) and around ([[sigma].sup.2.sub.n]) the Beveridge
curve, so we call those values the "business cycle variation"
and the "efficiency variation," respectively. For all
industries, the motion along the Beveridge curve explains at least 90%
of the total variation in unemployment and vacancy rates. There is a
positive correlation (0.56) between [[lambda].sub.m] and
[[lambda].sub.n] across industries, and both sources of variation are
greater in some industries (natural resources, information) than others
(government, education and health services, wholesale and retail trade,
leisure). That said, the correlation is hardly perfect, in that some
other sectors exhibit relatively high business cycle variation alongside
relatively low efficiency variation (manufacturing, professional and
business services).
Sectoral Differences in Labor Market Inefficiency
The theory in question is not so much about intersectoral
differences in normal levels of labor market inefficiency ([bar.n]) as
it is about the changes in labor market inefficiency ([DELTA]n) that
arise as the market adjusts to new circumstances. According to the
theory discussed earlier, those changes in labor market inefficiency can
be measured by the size of the "loop" in the Beveridge curve.
Because there is not a standard definition of this concept, Table 3
presents several measures of the size of that loop. Our assessment of
the proposed hypotheses in section 6 will use all of those measures to
verify that the findings are robust.
The first measure reported in Table 3 is the width of the loop. For
some sectors (e.g., construction), the maximum n's preceded the
minimum, possibly reflecting some carryover from earlier business cycles
(which are not necessarily perfectly aligned across sectors). Thus, the
widths have been computed as the difference between the first local
minimum n and the maximum subsequent n. The second column normalizes
this width by [bar.n], expressing it relative to its baseline level. As
one might imagine, the loop widths are highly correlated (0.75) with the
"efficiency variation" [[lambda].sub.n] from Table 2.
One possible objection to these measures is that the lower portion
of the loop actually corresponds to an improvement in labor market
inefficiency. In essence, over that range, unemployment is growing
relatively slower than vacancies are contracting, so on the net, fewer
agents are looking to match. Including this portion of the curve thus
tends to overstate the true increase in inefficiency that occurs as the
business cycle resolves itself. Thus, it might be more useful to
consider an alternative measure that focuses attention on the top half
of the loop, where labor market inefficiency is worse than its usual
level. Thus, the third column of Table 3 presents this measure of
(half-)loop width (max n - [bar.n]), and the fourth column normalizes it
by [bar.n]. This half-loop width is highly correlated (0.84) with the
full loop width, and for 11 of the 12 sectors it is 33-71% of the full
loop width.
Regardless of which measure one prefers, the change in labor market
inefficiency is substantially larger in some sectors than others. For
example, the largest change was in the financial services and
information sectors, and inefficiency increased substantially more in
transportation and utilities and natural resources than it did in
construction or government.
Another way to assess the importance of increased labor market
inefficiency is to compare the change in unemployment predicted by the
"loop" motion to the actual range in unemployment observed
over the business cycle. The fifth column of Table 3 thus translates the
half-loop width reported in the third column into a predicted increase
in unemployment rates, (10) and the next two columns compare this to the
actual maximum amount by which the sectoral unemployment rates exceeded
their average level. For all but one sector, the increase in n explains
at least a 0.14 percentage point increase in unemployment rates above
the average level (often more than 0.30 percentage points). In many
sectors these increases account for more than a quarter of the actual
increase in unemployment, and they explain more than three-quarters of
the actual change in leisure and other services. At the other extreme,
increased labor market inefficiency explains less than 20% of the range
in unemployment rates in natural resources, construction, manufacturing,
and government.
Still another dimension of inefficiency is the length of time that
labor market inefficiency remains elevated. The penultimate column in
Table 3 reports the number of months that n remained above its average
level--in essence, the duration of the top half of the loop. Because
Figure 3 showed that some of these loops are not yet closed, these
numbers likely underestimate the true duration for some sectors.
Nevertheless, some clear differences emerge, with the inefficiency being
relatively short-lived in construction and leisure, but much longer in
financial services and information.
The final measure of inefficiency in Table 3 is the area of the top
half of the Beveridge loop, computed as [[summation].sub.n>[bar.n](n
- [bar.n]). This measure varies widely across sectors and corresponds
closely to what one might expect from the graphical evidence in Figure
3. It is also highly correlated (0.85) with the first measure of loop
width, confirming the concepts' similarity.
6. Evaluation of the Sectoral Shift Hypothesis
Having found that sectors experienced different fluctuations in
labor market inefficiency, we now investigate whether those fluctuations
could be due to reallocation. As discussed in section 2, labor market
inefficiency is a broader concept than matching inefficiency because it
also includes changes that can be attributed to changes in employment
flows. Thus, the first task is to determine whether the various measures
of [DELTA]n presented in Table 3 can be explained merely by changes in
employment flows. Although the results conform in many ways with the
view that such flow changes create the Beveridge curve dynamics, we will
find that employment flows do not explain the intersectoral variation in
[DELTA]n very well. Thus, we conclude that it is plausible that [DELTA]n
at least partially reflects matching inefficiency. The second half of
this section then asks the main question of this paper: Is the variation
in [DELTA]n due to restructuring?
Tests of Employment Flows
As noted in section 2, the theory of the Beveridge curve assigns an
important role to employment flows, which we will denote here by X.
Standard models indicate that such flows have an important effect on
labor market inefficiency (i.e., X is a major determinant of [bar.n])
and that fluctuations in those flows generate the loops in the Beveridge
curve. In light of these considerations, it is reasonable to imagine
that fluctuations in those flows (call them [DELTA]X) might be a strong
predictor of the Beveridge loop thickness ([DELTA]n) reported in Table
3. If that were true, it would seem more appropriate to describe those
changes in labor market inefficiency as the product of those
fluctuations in employment flows, rather than an increase in matching
inefficiency (as postulated by the Sectoral Shift Hypothesis).
We begin by reassuring the reader that our results are indeed
consistent with the standard predictions. First of all, sectoral average
level of labor market inefficiency [bar.n] is highly correlated with the
average level of every available measure of employment flows: hiring
rates (correlation = 0.76), separation rates (0.77), quit rates (0.80),
layoffs and discharges (0.60), gross worker reallocation rates (0.77),
and the excess worker reallocation rates (0.77). (11) Thus, it seems
clear that such flows have an important effect on the average position
of sectoral Beveridge curves relative to the origin. (12)
Likewise, our results do not contradict the standard theory that
job creation shocks create the loops in the Beveridge curve. As a simple
test, we have run sector-specific regressions of the monthly n's
against monthly net job creation rates (computed as the first difference
of log[employment + vacancies]), with an autoregressive moving average
(2, 2) error process to accommodate persistence dynamics flexibly. (13)
In all 12 sectors, the estimated coefficient had the expected positive
sign, and it was statistically significant in nine cases (and nearly so
in a tenth). In 11 of 12 sectors, a one standard deviation (within-sector) change in job creation is associated with at least a
0.14 standard deviation change in n, and a majority of the coefficients
lie between 0.31 and 0.56, suggesting reasonable predictive power.
It is not surprising that the data are consistent with these
standard predictions, but it does not necessarily follow that the
magnitude of sectoral variation in labor market inefficiency over the
business cycle ([DELTA]n) simply reflects the magnitude of their
fluctuations in employment flows ([DELTA]X). That possibility is
explored in Table 4. The upper panel of that table presents the
within-sector standard deviation of several different measures of
employment flows, and the lower panel displays the cross-sectoral
correlations between those standard deviations and several measures of
inefficiency fluctuations ([DELTA]n) from Table 3. Even a quick scan of
those correlations should convince the reader that employment flows
cannot explain more than a modest share of the cross-sectoral variation
in [DELTA]n. (14)
We are thus left to conclude that employment shocks could raise
labor market inefficiency by a larger magnitude in some sectors than
others. This conclusion is consistent with the considerable variation in
parameter estimates observed in the sector-specific regressions
discussed above, with the statistically significant coefficients ranging
from 3.9 to 17.5 (although the second largest was 8.8).
As noted in section 2, one possible source of that variation is
matching inefficiency arising from reallocation. That hypothesis is the
principal focus of this paper, and we test it in the following section.
However, it should be noted in advance that this is only one possible
explanation for the different rates at which sectors translate
employment shocks into labor market inefficiency. That difference could
also be the result of any number of sectoral characteristics (e.g.,
geographic dispersion, unionization, specialization of human and
physical capital, or any economic rents that discourage workers from
changing jobs), or it could simply mean that something is different in
the nature of the forces that are affecting the various sectors. Because
we lack data on those factors and because we can only use the variation
across 12 sectors anyway, consideration of these hypotheses must be left
to future research.
Restructuring and Labor Market Inefficiency
As explained in section 2, the effects of restructuring could be
manifest either as an ongoing trend in labor market inefficiency or as
wider Beveridge loops. We now present evidence on both of those
Trends in Labor Market Inefficiency
If reallocation were pushing Beveridge curves away from the origin,
we would expect to find stronger positive trends in n in sectors that
experienced greater reallocation. Because such a trend might be obscured
by the dynamic responses of u and v to employment shocks, we must
control for those dynamics when we measure trends in n. To do this, we
can again run sector-specific regressions of n's against monthly
net job creation rates (as discussed above), but now we add a linear
time trend to the specification.
None of those regressions support this version of the Sectoral
Shift Hypothesis. All of the estimated trends are small, only three are
statistically significant, and of those, only the trend for financial
services is positive. (The parameters from the original regressions are
largely unchanged as well.) Because there is little indication of
extensive structural change in financial services (see Table 5), we
suspect that the estimated trend actually reflects the fact that the
Beveridge loop for that sector appears less complete than the others
(see Figure 3). It should also be noted that one of the statistically
significant negative trends was for education and health, a sector that
did experience relatively large structural change.
Thus, although we hesitate to make a definitive pronouncement about
long-run trends from five years of data, we find little indication of
ongoing trends in labor market inefficiency and no indication whatsoever
of trends that are positively correlated with restructuring.
Fluctuations in Labor Market Inefficiency
The last remaining possibility is that structural change causes
larger fluctuations in labor market inefficiency over the business cycle
(i.e., wider loops in the Beveridge curve). If this variant of the
Sectoral Shift Hypothesis has merit, there should be a significant
relationship between the measures of [DELETA]n from Table 3 and some
measures of restructuring.
To investigate, the upper panel of Table 5 presents seven measures
of reallocation for each sector. The first statistic reported is the
absolute value of each sector's net percent change in employment
over the sample period. However, this metric does not capture
reallocation within sectors, and it measures only net changes in
employment, whereas gross flows would capture the full extent to which
workers enter or exit sectors (including, for better or worse, some
flows that are not related to differences in sectoral growth rates). To
provide some information on those aspects, the next two columns report
the percentage of workers who left the sector during a typical year and
the average flow of workers entering a new sector. (The difference is
the percentage of workers who left the labor force.) The fourth column
then reports the average annual percentage of workers who switched
industries within each supersector, a measure of intrasectoral
reallocation. (15)
A shortcoming of these measures is that they do not distinguish
between structural and cyclical changes, whereas earlier we noted that
structural change might reasonably be expected to cause larger
inefficiencies. The final three columns of Table 5 address this concern
with a simple measure of intersectoral structural change proposed by
Groshen and Potter (2003). In short, they deem an industry's
employment fluctuations to be primarily cyclical if the industry's
employment falls relative to other industries during the recession and
rises by a similar percentage during the recovery, but they call the
change primarily structural if the trend in relative employment is in
the same direction during both phases of the cycle. Specifically, define
[r.sub.i] to be industry i's percent change in employment during
the recession and [s.sub.i] to be the same statistic during the
recovery, and let [bar.r] and [bar.s] be the corresponding changes in
employment for the aggregate economy. Then if we define [[??].sub.i]
[equivalent to] [r.sub.i] - [bar.r] and [[??].sub.i] - [[bar.s], the
structural percent change in employment is computed as 0.5([[??].sub.i]
+ [[??].sub.i]) and the cyclical change is 0.5([[??].sub.i] -
[[??].sub.i]). The absolute value of the structural component is
reported in the fifth column of Table 4, and the remaining two columns
translate this into (i) an absolute change in the level of employment
because of structural change and (ii) the percentage of employment flows
that are structural. Like the measures discussed previously, these
statistics are imperfect, and they are not the only reasonable ways to
distinguish between structural and cyclical changes. (16) Even so, we
think there is some value in choosing a simple measure that has recent
precedent, especially considering that it comes from a paper that
encourages consideration of the Sectoral Shift Hypothesis.
Because each of the metrics in Table 5 is intended to represent a
different aspect of restructuring, it is not terribly surprising that
they are not always highly correlated. Nevertheless, taken together,
they seem to indicate a fairly consistent pattern of restructuring--in
particular, several measures indicate considerable structural growth in
the education and health sector and strong structural contraction in
manufacturing and information.
The lower panel of Table 5 presents the correlations between these
measures of reallocation and the measures of [DELTA]n from Table 3. Some
of these correlations are at least mildly supportive of the Sectoral
Shift Hypothesis, but most are not. The most favorable results are that
four of the five measures of [DELTA]n are moderately correlated
(0.25-0.50) with both the rate at which workers leave for other sectors
and the share of employment flows that are structural. On the other
hand, four of the five measures of An are negatively correlated with the
absolute number of jobs added or removed by structural change, and three
of those four negative correlations are reasonably large. Of the
remaining 15 correlations in Table 5, seven are negative--including the
only four that are larger than 0.2 in magnitude. Indeed, only six of the
35 reported correlations exceed 0.3, none exceed 0.5, and the average of
all the correlations in the table is just 0.08.
In light of these findings, it seems difficult to argue that
structural change is a major determinant of the increase in labor market
inefficiency over this business cycle. This is not to say that the
Sectoral Shift Hypothesis should be dismissed as a general proposition.
After all, at least a few of the correlations in Table 5 were moderately
large, and anyway, our methodology was predicated on the idea that the
hypothesis might have greater merit in some periods than in others.
Nevertheless, if structural change were an important cause of the
jobless recovery, we would certainly expect it to be more strongly
associated with measures of increased labor market inefficiency than it
appears to be.
7. Conclusion
To summarize, this paper has explored the hypothesis that labor
markets became considerably less efficient because of extensive economic
restructuring in the years immediately after the U.S. recession of 2001.
The evidence was not favorable--although this was apparently a period
with extensive structural change, we were unable to identify strong
ongoing trends in labor market inefficiency, and we found at most a mild
relationship between structural change and temporary increases in labor
market inefficiency. We thus conclude that such reallocation likely had
little to do with the jobless recovery that followed the 2001 recession.
Of course, this finding only begs the question of what did cause
the jobless recovery. As noted in the introduction, three other proposed
explanations center on international trade, employment costs, and
increased uncertainty arising from geopolitical events. It is not
possible to comment on any of those hypotheses here because the relevant
data do not line up well with our sectoral data, but that should not
preclude future research. Sectoral data was necessary in this analysis
because the hypothesis under investigation was fundamentally about
reallocation across sectors, but it does not seem essential for these
alternative hypotheses. For example, Cutler and Madrian (1998) have used
microdata to measure employers' responses to higher health care
costs, and it is easy to imagine that similar follow-up studies could
support or reject the hypothesis that rising employment costs are
discouraging hiring.
On the other hand, if one wanted to reconsider the Sectoral Shift
Hypothesis during this period, it might be promising to investigate
restructuring along other dimensions that we have not been able to
consider, like occupational or spatial reallocation. Another potential
innovation is to expand the model to account for transitions into and
out of the labor force. As Bradbury (2005) has noted, reduced labor
force participation was an important aspect of this business cycle, and
it seems plausible that structural change could provide a stronger push
out of the labor force than cyclical changes do. If so, such forces
might have obscured a relationship between structural change and labor
market inefficiency.
At any rate, we hope that future research will identify the causes
of jobless recoveries. Although business cycles might be unavoidable, it
seems plausible that public policy could help to reduce the sluggishness
in the labor market once employers start to post vacant jobs. However,
until we know why the labor market recovers so slowly, it is difficult
to know which policies could be most effective. About all we can say at
this point--at least if we accept the conclusion that sectoral
reallocation has not had an important effect--is that it does not appear
promising to subsidize worker retraining or to promote economic growth
that is more balanced across sectors. The viability of the other policy
instruments in the introduction will depend on what future research
Finally, we are intrigued by our finding that net job creation
shocks apparently increase labor market inefficiency by a larger
magnitude in some sectors than others, especially because that
difference does not appear related to the factor we identified.
Presumably this means that some other characteristics allow some
sectoral labor markets to adjust to shocks more easily than others. If
those characteristics can be identified, they might suggest additional
ways to reduce the cost of those adjustments.
Appendix: Bias
As noted in the text, our estimators (e.g., Eqn. 4) might be biased
if the correlation p between m and n is not zero. This Appendix derives
formulas for the bias that would result if [rho] [not equal to] 0.
Although there is no way to measure [rho], we can gain insight into
its magnitude by considering the somewhat extreme case in which (m, n)
follows a stylized perfect ellipse: (re(t), n(t)] = ([k.sup.2.sub.1]
cost, [k.sup.2.sub.2] sin t). Even then, [rho] = 0 over any half-cycle.
After 3/4 of a cycle, [absolute value of [rho]] cannot exceed 0.33, and
it remains possible that [rho] = 0, although for most parameters,
[absolute value of [rho]] is closer to 0.1. (17) The bound shrinks
rapidly as the path grows longer: [absolute value of [rho]] cannot
exceed 0.11 after nine-tenths of a cycle (even as new cycles begin), and
it is typically closer to zero. Because our data seem to cover nearly a
complete cycle, it seems unlikely that the correlation between m and n
is very large. More to the point, although one might squint at the data
and detect a vaguely elliptical pattern, the progression is much less
orderly than the stylized model would suggest. In most sectors, there is
a significant period of "meandering," during which the two
rates bounce around almost randomly. (See Figure 2 for an example.)
In light of these factors, we would be quite surprised if P
exceeded 0.1 in our data, and we suspect that it is considerably
smaller. Even so, we should ask whether such a correlation would
seriously bias our estimates.
To investigate the potential bias in the empirical techniques
developed in section 4, let (x, - y) be our estimate of the true
Beveridge curve vector (a, - b). The estimate is found from an
eigenvector decomposition of the observed covariance matrix of (u, v)
Because the left-hand side of Equations 3 and AI are identical,
equating the right-hand sides leads to a formula for the bias q in our
slope estimator [??] [equivalent to] y/x,
[eta] [equivalent to] [??] - z = - [rho] + z (square root of
[k.sup.2]+[[rho].sup.2]] - k)/2[a.sup.2](k + z[rho]) + ([square root of
[k.sup.2]+[[rho].sup.2]] - k), (A2)
where k [equivalent to] ([[sigma].sup.2.sub.m], -
[[sigma].sup.2.sub.m])/2 [[sigma].sub.m][[sigma].sub.n]. For some
purposes, it might be more instructive to consider the angle [theta]
between the estimated and true Beveridge curves: [theta] =
[tan.sup.-1]([??]) - [tan.sup.-1]([??] + [eta]).
Furthermore, note that the eigenvalues are also a function of k:
This leads to a formula by which k can be measured for any
hypothesized correlation [rho]:
k = [square root of [([[lambda].sub.m] -
[[lambda].sub.n]).sup.2]/4[[lambda].sub.m][[lambda].sub.n] (1 -
[[rho].sup.2]) - [[rho].sup.2]]. (A4)
Thus, because [a.sup.2] [equivalent to] [[1 + [z.sup.2]].sup.-1]
and the method itself provides an estimate of z, Equation A2 shows how
we can estimate the bias q under any assumption about [rho].
Before computing this bias, it is worth noting that Equation A4
imposes an observable upper bound on the magnitude of [rho]: [[absolute
value of [rho]] [less than or equal to] ([[lambda].sub.m] -
[[lambda].sub.m])/([[lambda].sub.m] + [[lambda].sub.n]). For most
sectors examined in Table 2, the implied upper bound is much higher than
we would ever expect anyway, on the order of 0.3-0.7. However, the bound
implies that [absolute value of [rho]] [less than or equal to] 0.17 for
government, corroborating the suggestion above that [absolute value of
[rho]] is unlikely to exceed 0.1.
For the remaining sectors, Equations A2 through A4 imply the
estimated slopes are fairly accurate, even with a large correlation of p
= 0.25. Under that assumption, the largest angle between the true and
estimated slopes would still be less than 13[degrees] (for
construction), the smallest would be less than 4[degrees] (for the
leisure sector), and all of the true slopes would still lie within the
reported 95% confidence intervals. At a more reasonable value of p =
0.1, the largest angle between true and estimated slopes would be
6.7[degrees] (again, construction), and the gap would be less than
3.0[degrees] for half of the other industries. For smaller p yet, all of
these biases approach zero as p does.
The bias in n is [??] - n = (y - b)u + (x - a)v. Because a = [(1 +
[z.sup.2]).sup.-1/2] and b = z[(1 + [z.sup.2]).sup.- 1/2], Taylor approximations yield x - a [approximately equal to] - [??][(1 +
[[??].sup.2]).sup.-3/2] and y - b [approximately equal to] [(1 +
[[??].sup.2]).sup.3/2], so
[[??]] - [] [approximately equal to] [] -
[??][]/[(1 + [[??].sup.2]).sup.3/2]. (A5)
For [rho] = 0.1, Equation A5 implies that the average bias in n
across our sample would be 0.008, which is less than 0.5% of the average
estimate. Nearly 80% of the individual [[??]] would be within 1%
of their true values, and the largest percent bias for any individual
observation would be 2.6%. This bias is generally in the same direction
for all observations in a sector, so differences ([[??].sub.i,t+k] -
[[??]]) have smaller biases than individual observations. Thus,
with [rho] = 0. 1, the widths of the sectoral Beveridge curve loops
would be estimated to within 5.5% of the actual width for all sectors
and to within 3% for all but two sectors.
We are especially grateful to Hagen Schwerin for stimulating our
interest in the topic and for many thoughtful comments. We also thank
Swarnjit Arora, Keith Bender, John Berdell, Hoyt Bleakley, Robert Dixon,
Erica Groshen, Julie Hotchkiss (the editor), Matthew McGinty, Mike
Miller, John Rust, staff at the Bureau of Labor Statistics and the
Bureau of the Census, three anonymous referees, and seminar participants
at DePaul University and the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee for
helpful comments and information. Any remaining deficiencies are solely
our responsibility.
Received January 2006; accepted January 2007.
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(1) As many have noted, the household (Current Population Survey
[CPS]) and payroll (Current Employment Survey [CES]) data diverge over
part of this period, but both indicate that employment recovered slowly
after the recession. According to the CPS, it took 32 months (until
October 2003) for seasonally adjusted employment to permanently surpass
pre-recession levels; it took 47 months (until January 2005) in the CES
(2) Hall (2003) thus computes the slope of the Beveridge curve as
the relative responses of vacancies and unemployment to a productivity
shock z: dV/dU = [[partial derivative]V/[partial derivative](log
z)]/[[partial derivative]U/[partial derivative](log z)].
(3) Of course, job creation and destruction are endogenous, caused
by more fundamental factors that are not observed directly (e.g., demand
or productivity shocks affecting either individual firms or entire
(4) Petrongolo and Pissarides (2001) thoroughly review the
literature on the matching function. As they note, in principle, the
matching function could have either decreasing or increasing returns to
scale, although many (not all) of the studies they survey cannot reject
the hypothesis of constant returns to scale.
(5) The JOLTS vacancy data is disaggregated a bit more finely than
the CPS unemployment data, but the supersector level is the finest level
at which the two series can be matched. JOLTS separates wholesale and
retail trade, but we have recombined them to match the unemployment
data. Also, JOLTS' natural resources sector includes both mining
and logging, whereas the CPS reports data on mining alone, but we have
matched those series because logging accounts for only 1/10 of the
natural resource sector. JOLTS also disaggregates geographically, but
only into four large regions.
(6) This is another way that reallocation can influence the
measured efficiency of sectoral labor markets, albeit one having more to
do with accounting than behavior.
(7) The BLS publishes seasonally adjusted vacancy data for only a
few sectors, so we have seasonally adjusted all data by computing
12-month moving averages of unadjusted data. Where a comparison is
possible, there is very little difference between the published data and
our seasonally adjusted series.
(8) The eigenvectors must be orthogonal, justifying (b, a) as the
second basis vector.
(9) The relevant command in Stata 9.0 is "'pca,
(10) Denote the relevant loop width by W, the average rate of
unemployment by [bar.U], and the estimated Beveridge curve elasticity by
z. Because the curve shifts along an axis with slope (-1/z), the
predicted increase in log U is [DELTA]u = W cos[arctan(-1/z)]. Thus, the
predicted increase in unemployment rates because of the decrease in
labor market efficiency is calculated as [bar.U][exp([DELTA]u) - 1].
(11) The last two measures are defined by Davis, Haltiwanger, and
Schuh (1996) as, respectively, the sum of hiring and separation rates
and the gross worker reallocation rate minus the absolute value of net
employment growth. Those authors emphasize reallocation of jobs rather
than workers, so their excess reallocation measure captures variation in
manufacturing plants' employment growth around the industry trend.
In principle, such a measure might be taken to reflect the sort of
reallocation considered in the next subsection. However, our data permit
analysis of only excess worker reallocation, which is more appropriately
considered here because it measures employment flows divorced from
intersectoral reallocation of jobs.
(12) Although this evidence suggests that turnover raises labor
market inefficiency, as we have defined the term, it should be noted
that turnover (especially job-to-job quits) could also raise the quality
of matches between workers and jobs, which is a different and possibly
more important type of efficiency.
(13) Ideally, one would like to check this by comparing
within-sector changes in n against gross rates of both job creation and
job destruction. However, net rates are easier to obtain, and they
suffice for our simple purpose of verifying the consistency between the
theory and the data.
(14) It is perhaps also worth noting that, for example, net job
creation is actually much more strongly correlated with the
"business cycle variation" [[lambda].sub.m] (0.73) than with
the "efficiency variation" [[lambda].sub.n] (0.23), suggesting
that the correlations in Table 4 are probably not seriously attenuated by some measurement error.
(15) The data in the second through fourth columns of Table 5 were
computed from the CPS (through the Integrated Public Use Microdata
Series [King et al. 2004]) by comparing agents' responses about
their current industry and their industry one year earlier. Industries
were reclassified in 2003, so the figures use only data from the
2003-2005 surveys (covering transitions from 2002-2005). However, the
rates are fairly constant across years, and where a direct comparison
was possible the data for 2001-2002 were quite comparable. Intrasectoral
reallocation is not well defined for the construction sector because it
consists of only one industry.
(16) Groshen, Potter, and Sela (2005) discuss alternative measures
of structural change. Following their method, the structural share of
employment flows is computed as [([[??].sub.i] +
[[??.sub.i]).sup.2]/[]([[??].sub.i] + [[??].sub.i]).sup.2] +
([[??].sub.i] - [[??.].sub.i]).sup.2]].
(17) Note that 9 depends on both the length of the cycle and the
angle to between the starting point and the m-axis. Thus, after 3/4 of a
cycle (3[pi]/2 radians), [[sigma]] is proportional to
([sin.sup.2] to [cos.sup.2] to). [rho] = 0 if [t.sub.0] is an
odd-integer multiple of [pi]/4.
Chad D. Cotti, University of South Carolina, Moore School of
Business, 1705 College Street, Columbia, SC 29201, USA; E- mail
[email protected].
Scott Drewianka, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Department of
Economics, Bolton Hall 860, 3210 N. Maryland Avenue. Milwaukee, WI
53211, USA; E-mail
[email protected]; corresponding author.
Table 1. Summary Statistics
Unemployment Average
Industrial Sector Rate Vacancy Rate
Construction 8.23 1.64
Education and health services 3.30 3.52
Financial services 3.23 2.42
Government 2.52 1.85
Information 5.72 2.32
Leisure 8.11 3.30
Manufacturing 5.69 1.59
Natural resources 4.74 1.34
Other services 4.94 2.45
Professional and business services 6.97 3.42
Transportation and utilities 4.59 1.86
Wholesale and retail trade 5.56 2.11
Aggregate economy 5.35 2.47
Average % Change in
Employment Employment over
Industrial Sector (thousands) Sample Period
Construction 6931 10.6
Education and health services 16,592 15.3
Financial services 7977 7.3
Government 21,539 5.3
Information 3272 -17.2
Leisure 12,331 8.5
Manufacturing 14,951 -17.1
Natural resources 600 13.0
Other services 5369 3.9
Professional and business services 16,410 2.3
Transportation and utilities 4870 -2.4
Wholesale and retail trade 20,795 -0.8
Aggregate economy 133,470 0.0
Source CES CES
The data are seasonally adjusted and cover the period December
2000-April 2006.
Table 2. Beveridge Curves by Sector
Estimated Distance from
Elasticity, Origin
Industrial Sector d(ln V)/d(ln U) SE (mean n)
Construction -1.45 0.10 2.01
Education and health
services -1.25 0.07 1.71
Financial services -1.66 0.17 1.45
Government -1.53 0.08 1.10
Information -1.22 0.07 1.85
Leisure -2.37 0.09 2.39
Manufacturing -1.18 0.04 1.61
Natural resources -0.68 0.03 1.07
Other services -0.82 0.08 1.63
Professional and
business services -1.02 0.05 2.24
Transportation and
utilities -1.49 0.11 1.60
Wholesale and retail
trade -1.53 0.13 1.84
Business Variation
Cycle ([[lambda].
Variation sub.n])
Industrial Sector ([[lambda].sub.m]) SE (x100)
Construction 0.034 0.006 0.186
Education and health
services 0.020 0.004 0.080
Financial services 0.037 0.006 0.375
Government 0.023 0.004 0.075
Information 0.082 0.014 0.368
Leisure 0.025 0.004 0.031
Manufacturing 0.045 0.008 0.080
Natural resources 0.144 0.025 0.323
Other services 0.022 0.004 0.244
Professional and
business services 0.034 0.006 0.123
Transportation and
utilities 0.028 0.005 0.198
Wholesale and retail
trade 0.021 0.004 0.184
SE Education
Industrial Sector (x100) (years)
Construction 0.032 12.4
Education and health
services 0.014 14.9
Financial services 0.065 14.3
Government 0.013 14.6
Information 0.064 14.3
Leisure 0.005 12.4
Manufacturing 0.014 13.1
Natural resources 0.056 12.3
Other services 0.042 13.1
Professional and
business services 0.021 14.4
Transportation and
utilities 0.034 13.2
Wholesale and retail
trade 0.032 13.1
Table 3. Measures of the Change in Labor Market Efficiency over the
Business Cycle
Ratio of Loop
Loop Width
Loop Width to above
Industrial Sector Width Average n Average
Construction 0.04 0.02 0.02
Education and health services 0.13 0.08 0.05
Financial services 0.26 0.18 0.08
Government 0.10 0.09 0.02
Information 0.23 0.13 0.08
Leisure 0.10 0.04 0.07
Manufacturing 0.10 0.06 0.04
Natural resources 0.18 0.17 0.07
Other services 0.10 0.06 0.04
Professional and business
services 0.13 0.06 0.05
Transportation and utilities 0.18 0.11 0.08
Wholesale and retail trade 0.14 0.08 0.07
Change in Range in
Ratio Unemployment Unemployment
of Loop Rate Rates above
Width above Predicted by Average,
Average to Half-Loop Max U
Industrial Sector Average n Width minus Avg U
Construction 0.01 0.14 1.3
Education and health services 0.03 0.14 0.4
Financial services 0.06 0.24 0.5
Government 0.02 0.04 0.3
Information 0.04 0.36 1.3
Leisure 0.03 0.54 0.7
Manufacturing 0.03 0.18 1.0
Natural resources 0.07 0.20 2.6
Other services 0.03 0.14 0.2
Professional and business
services 0.02 0.28 1.4
Transportation and utilities 0.05 0.30 0.7
Wholesale and retail trade 0.04 0.33 0.6
Percent of
Actual Number of
Change Postminimum Integral of
Explained Months with Postminimum
by Changes n above n's above
Industrial Sector in n Average Average
Construction 10.2 10 0.13
Education and health services 35.4 34 0.72
Financial services 53.8 45 1.46
Government 15.4 23 0.20
Information 27.3 40 1.60
Leisure 77.7 7 0.15
Manufacturing 18.1 36 0.79
Natural resources 7.7 23 0.59
Other services 81.5 23 0.45
Professional and business
services 20.3 36 0.95
Transportation and utilities 44.9 32 1.18
Wholesale and retail trade 53.0 29 1.15
Table 4. Variability of Employment Flows and Labor Market Efficiency
Across Sectors
Net Job Excess
Creation Gross Worker Worker
Rate Reallocation Reallocation
Industrial Sector (x 10) Rate Rate
A. Standard deviation of monthly employment flows
Construction 2.23 0.34 0.38
Education and health services 0.53 0.28 0.24
Financial services 0.75 0.21 0.21
Government 0.60 0.15 0.13
Information 2.62 0.27 0.35
Leisure 1.53 0.73 0.75
Manufacturing 2.76 0.17 0.21
Natural resources 3.55 0.28 0.37
Other services 0.89 0.45 0.47
Professional and business
services 2.66 0.85 0.85
Transportation and utilities 2.08 0.63 0.67
Wholesale and retail trade 1.22 0.31 0.29
B. Cross-industry correlation of standard deviations
with measures of labor market efficiency
Efficiency variation
([[lambda].sub.n]) 0.23 -0.29 -0.19
Loop width 0.07 -0.15 -0.11
Loop width above average 0.16 0.21 0.25
Number of postminimum months
with n above average -0.01 -0.25 -0.25
Integral of postminimum n's
above average 0.11 -0.09 -0.06
Hiring Separation
Industrial Sector Rate Rate Quit Rate
A. Standard deviation of monthly employment flows
Construction 0.24 0.18 0.16
Education and health services 0.15 0.14 0.12
Financial services 0.12 0.11 0.10
Government 0.10 0.06 0.04
Information 0.20 0.16 0.18
Leisure 0.48 0.31 0.32
Manufacturing 0.14 0.24 0.09
Natural resources 0.27 0.21 0.14
Other services 0.25 0.22 0.20
Professional and business
services 0.47 0.39 0.20
Transportation and utilities 0.47 0.18 0.15
Wholesale and retail trade 0.19 0.15 0.17
B. Cross-industry correlation of standard deviations
with measures of labor market efficiency
Efficiency variation
([[lambda].sub.n]) -0.21 -0.27 -0.13
Loop width -0.10 -0.25 -0.16
Loop width above average 0.29 0.10 0.29
Number of postminimum months
with n above average -0.32 -0.18 -0.49
Integral of postminimum n's
above average -0.10 -0.13 -0.16
Layoff/ Change in
Discharge Employment
Industrial Sector Rate (x 10)
A. Standard deviation of monthly employment flows
Construction 0.29 0.64
Education and health services 0.04 0.55
Financial services 0.07 0.35
Government 0.04 0.51
Information 0.16 1.73
Leisure 0.12 0.30
Manufacturing 0.22 2.40
Natural resources 0.24 1.45
Other services 0.10 0.56
Professional and business
services 0.27 0.62
Transportation and utilities 0.16 0.84
Wholesale and retail trade 0.06 0.37
B. Cross-industry correlation of standard deviations
with measures of labor market efficiency
Efficiency variation
([[lambda].sub.n]) 0.10 0.16
Loop width -0.22 0.11
Loop width above average -0.16 0.01
Number of postminimum months
with n above average -0.16 0.31
Integral of postminimum n's
above average -0.11 0.24
The net job creation rate is the monthly difference in log(employment
+ vacancies). The separation rate is the rate at which
employer-employee matches end, including both quits and layoffs/
discharges. The gross worker reallocation rate is the sum of the
separation and hiring rates (as in Davis, Haltiwanger, and Schuh
[1996]), and the excess worker reallocation rate is the gross worker
reallocation rate minus the absolute value of the change in employment
rates (i.e., the flow of worker reallocation that is not directly
caused by changes in employment levels).
Table 5. Sectoral Reallocation and Labor Market Efficiency
Average Annual
Absolute Value % of Workers
of % Net Change who Left Sector
in Employment, for Any Reason
Industrial Sector 12/2000-4/2006 (CPS)
A. Measures of reallocation
Construction 10.6 12.8
Education and health
services 15.3 11.3
Financial services 7.3 14.1
Government 5.3 23.1
Information 17.2 19.4
Leisure 8.5 23.7
Manufacturing 17.1 12.7
Natural resources 13.0 21.3
Other services 3.9 17.3
Professional and business
services 2.3 18.6
Transportation and utilities 2.4 14.4
Wholesale and retail trade 0.8 18.5
B. Cross-industry correlation with measures of labor market efficiency
Efficiency variation
([[lambda].sub.n]) 0.10 -0.05
Loop width 0.08 0.00
Loop width above average -0.02 0.10
Number of postminimum
months with n above
average 0.12 -0.38
Integral of postminimum n's
above average 0.03 -0.25
Average Annual
% of Workers
Average Annual % Who Changed
of Workers who Subsectors
Changed Sectors within Sectors
Industrial Sector (CPS) (CPS)
A. Measures of reallocation
Construction 7.8 n.a.
Education and health
services 6.0 4.4
Financial services 10.5 2.4
Government 9.8 1.1
Information 14.8 1.2
Leisure 12.6 2.3
Manufacturing 9.1 5.2
Natural resources 14.3 1.3
Other services 12.9 1.3
Professional and business
services 12.6 2.1
Transportation and utilities 10.5 1.8
Wholesale and retail trade 11.6 6.1
B. Cross-industry correlation with measures of labor market efficiency
Efficiency variation
([[lambda].sub.n]) 0.48 -0.37
Loop width 0.41 -0.23
Loop width above average 0.50 -0.04
Number of postminimum
months with n above
average 0.02 0.17
Integral of postminimum n's
above average 0.27 0.14
Absolute % Absolute
Change in Structural
Employment Due Change
to Structural in Employment
Industrial Sector Change (thousands)
A. Measures of reallocation
Construction 3.8 258
Education and health
services 6.0 913
Financial services 2.3 179
Government 1.3 270
Information 10.0 372
Leisure 3.2 380
Manufacturing 9.2 1588
Natural resources 4.2 25
Other services 0.9 48
Professional and business
services 0.5 86
Transportation and utilities 1.8 92
Wholesale and retail trade 1.1 238
B. Cross-industry correlation with measures of labor market efficiency
Efficiency variation
([[lambda].sub.n]) 0.12 -0.45
Loop width 0.16 -0.25
Loop width above average 0.08 -0.24
Number of postminimum
months with n above
average 0.27 0.21
Integral of postminimum n's
above average 0.25 -0.03
Share of Total
Change that was
Industrial Sector Structural
A. Measures of reallocation
Construction 51
Education and health
services 88
Financial services 96
Government 36
Information 72
Leisure 70
Manufacturing 85
Natural resources 47
Other services 12
Professional and business
services 2
Transportation and utilities 83
Wholesale and retail trade 60
B. Cross-industry correlation with measures of labor market efficiency
Efficiency variation
([[lambda].sub.n]) 0.10
Loop width 0.41
Loop width above average 0.43
Number of postminimum
months with n above
average 0.30
Integral of postminimum n's
above average 0.39
Data are seasonally adjusted and cover the period December 2000-April
2006. See text for definitions of measures of structural change. The
CPS definitions of sectors and subsectors changed in 2003, so those
columns use only data from the 2003-2005 surveys (reflecting
employment transitions in 2002-2005). The data are relatively constant
across those years and are quite similar for 2001-2002 for sectors in
which a clear comparison was possible. n.a., not applicable.