Which exchange rates matter for FDI? Evidence for Japan.
Dennis, Benjamin N. ; Laincz, Christopher A. ; Zhu, Lei 等
1. Introduction
Although the scope of its benefits is the subject of recent debate,
foreign direct investment (FDI) has long been recognized as an important
means for economic growth. Not only does FDI aid in capital
accumulation, it also allows developing countries to raise total factor
productivity through the introduction of new ideas, skills, and
technology (De Mello 1997). The role of FDI as a source of growth in
developing countries is increasing, with FDI to these countries rising
by 50% from $156 billion in 2002 to $233 billion in 2004 (UNCTAD 2005);
this occurred despite a 9% decline in total global FDI flows.
Since exchange rate movements affect expected profits, they
influence the attractiveness of FDI. The connection between FDI and
exchange rates has been extensively studied from a theoretical
perspective, including the impact on FDI of both the level of the
exchange rate which influences the local cost of production--and its
volatility--which determines the riskiness of the investment. Yet the
diversity of ways to measure an appropriate real exchange rate has long
served as an embarrassment of riches. Chinn (2006), for example, reviews
the literature and determines that the selection of effective exchange
rate measures depends on the economic issue being analyzed.
This paper provides evidence that the choice of exchange rate
measure is central to understanding FDI. We demonstrate that the most
appropriate exchange rate measure depends on the type of FDI being
considered, and that use of industry-level data on FDI is essential for
this purpose. For example, if FDI is intended to break into domestic
markets (which we term "domestic-oriented" FDI), profits will
depend in part on the price of imports to the extent that imported
inputs are required for production. Thus, an import-weighted exchange
rate measure would appear to be the best exchange rate choice for this
type of FDI. On the other hand, FDI intended to create export platforms
to produce for sale in a third-country market (termed
"export-oriented" FDI) may be more closely tied to other
measures. Many studies that presume an export role for FDI concentrate
on trade-weighted exchange rate measures. However, because countries
compete to attract FDI, an exchange rate measure that accounts for the
exchange rates of rival nations, even if they are not large trade
partners, may be more appropriate. This may be particularly true for
developing nations where South-South trade is relatively small.
Studies that focus on aggregate FDI flows, for which data are more
readily available, cannot distinguish between these variants of FDI, and
this represents a clear shortcoming if each type of FDI is most
influenced by a different exchange rate measure. In this paper, we focus
on industry-level data that allow us to test this theory. By using
disaggregated Japanese FDI data on flows between 1989 and 2003, we can
differentiate between export- and domestic-oriented FDI. We then
empirically investigate the relationship between different exchange rate
indices and these two types of FDI. We construct a set of
industry-specific trade-weighted real effective exchange rates. In
addition, we create a measure of exchange rate competitiveness that uses
the global export shares of competitors as weights.
Our results shed new light on key competing theories of FDI,
providing some support for those that suggest exchange rate volatility
encourages export-oriented FDI, but not for those that suggest exchange
rate volatility (as a trade barrier) should increase domestic-oriented
FDI. Using disaggregated FDI data, we find that both the level and
volatility of the exchange rate significantly affect the share of
Japanese FDI received by the host country. Both depreciation of the
local currency and lower exchange rate volatility encourage FDI,
consistent with most theoretical predictions. However, we also find that
this is more the case with industries oriented toward the domestic
market as opposed to industries oriented toward exports. The difference
is significant, with export-oriented FDI sometimes responding positively
to certain kinds of exchange rate volatility. In addition, we find that
the bilateral exchange rate between host and source matters, but that
broader exchange rate measures contain additional information. In
particular, volatility in exchange rates with competitors for FDI better
explains how FDI is allocated than trade-based measures.
After a brief literature review in section 2, section 3 presents
the data and the empirical model. The main results are provided in
section 4. Section 5 concludes.
2. Literature Review
In general, the theoretical impact of exchange rate levels and
volatility on FDI is ambiguous and depends significantly on the motives
behind the investment (Cushman 1985). Lower exchange rate
levels--implying that the host country's currency is relatively
depreciated--mean lower costs of production and hence a more attractive
investment location for export-oriented FDI. However, a lower exchange
rate level may also imply lower dollar profits for domestic-oriented FDI
once local revenues are converted into the source country's
The effect of exchange rate volatility also depends on the
orientation of FDI, but with more exceptions. Since domestic-oriented
FDI is a substitute for trade, high exchange rate volatility may foster
increased FDI flows given that producing goods locally would reduce
mismatches between local prices, costs, and revenues caused by exchange
rate shocks. Alternatively, if the production from FDI is reexported
back to the source country or to a third market, the variability of the
exchange rate introduces additional risk in multinational cashflows
leading to reduced FDI. However, the uncertainty created by this
volatility gives rise to an options value of enhancing production
flexibility by investing in several countries simultaneously and
rotating production to whichever country provides the cheapest
production platform (Aizenmann 1992, 2003; Sung and Lapan 2000). Yet
uncertainty also creates an options value to wait and see (how
uncertainty might be resolved) before committing to an investment, a
prospect that leads to a negative relationship between volatility and
FDI (Dixit 1989; Campa 1993).
In light of the ambiguity found in the literature, it is not
surprising that empirical studies using aggregate data display mixed
results. For example, using country level FDI flows, Cushman (1985) and
Goldberg and Kolstad (1995) find a positive relationship between
exchange rate volatility and FDI. In seeming contradiction,
Benassy-Quere, Fontagne, and Lahreche-Revil (2001), using data on FDI
flows from OECD countries to developing countries, provide empirical
evidence of a negative relationship between exchange rate volatility and
FDI. With respect to Asia, where the empirical focus of this paper lies,
Bayoumi and Lipworth (1997) and Goldberg and Klein (1998) examine the
effect of exchange rate movements on Japan's outward FDI and the
linkages between trade flows and FDI. They show that the exchange rate
depreciation of the host country encourages FDI from Japan and Japanese
FDI increases both the export and import linkages of Southeast Asia.
However, the volatility of exchange rate is not considered in their
Baek and Okawa (2001) also use industry-level data (in combination
with aggregate data) in their investigation of Japanese manufacturing
FDI in Asia. They explore the impact of the behavior of various
bilateral exchange rates and find that appreciation of the yen against
the Asian currencies or against the dollar increases Japanese FDI to
Asian countries significantly. Although a depreciation of the Asian
currencies against the dollar had no significant impact on the FDI in
aggregate manufacturing, it did increase FDI into the export-oriented
electrical machinery sector. Industry-level differences matter.
In our view, however, the common use of the bilateral real exchange
rate between the source and host countries is flawed. Countries now
engage with more international trade and investment partners than in
previous decades. Because bilateral exchange rates may prove misleading,
the U.S. Federal Reserve (Leahy 1998) and the IMF construct aggregate
"effective" exchange rates from weighted averages of bilateral
exchange rates. While these indices focus on economy-wide prices,
Goldberg (2004) argues that the use of industry-specific indices is more
effective. She shows that use of aggregate indices misses the empirical
importance of the exchange rate on producer profits in specific
We therefore construct industry-specific trade-weighted exchange
rates for five Asian countries for use in our empirical estimation,
including one that focuses on competitors for third-country market share
and not, as is traditional, on trade partners. We then test how well
these various exchange rate measures explain FDI behavior at the
industry level.
3. Data and Empirical Approach
Our investigation uses Japanese FDI data by country disaggregated
at the industry level. The panel data include FDI flows to China,
Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Thailand in 18 industries from
1989 to 2003. (1) Outside of the major industrialized countries, these
were the prime recipients of Japanese FDI, with China alone receiving
25% of manufacturing investment over this period and another 42% going
to the Southeast Asian countries. The industries examined in this study,
data, and definitions are described in the data appendix and include
nine manufacturing and nine nonmanufacturing categories. (2)
There are significant advantages in focusing on Japanese FDI to
this region. FDI is conceivably motivated by a variety of factors,
including global shocks and events in the FDI source countries. By
focusing on a single source country--Japan--during a period of
significant FDI outflows and restricting our hosts to countries known to
be competitors in the same markets, we have designed our study to filter
out as many alternative factors as possible, including differences in
membership in trade arrangements such as the common market area of the
European Union or regional trade agreements such as the North American
Free Trade Agreement, large differences in level of development, and
regional differences of location. (3) In purely pragmatic terms,
industry-level data on FDI flows is very difficult to find and yet
exists for Japanese FDI in each of these countries. Even restricting our
attention to these five hosts, they account for nearly 70% of FDI flows
from Japan to non-OECD countries.
The FDI data exhibit a wide variety of patterns across industries,
illustrating how the determinants of FDI may be masked if aggregate FDI
data are used in an empirical analysis. Figure 1 displays the industry
breakdown of FDI flows in electrical, chemicals, metals, and service.
China is the top destination of FDI in the electrical sector. FDI in
chemical products is mainly concentrated in Indonesia, while Thailand is
on average the prime recipient of FDI in the metal industry. As shown in
the figure, China and Indonesia dominate FDI in the business service
sector, which is not surprising given that these are the two largest
countries by population and aggregate GDP.
We focus on FDI flowing to countries by industry (rather than
aggregate country-level data) to address industry-level heterogeneity in
understanding the connection between FDI flows and exchange rates. We
also focus on the period before the Asian crisis, 1989 to 1996. The
greater stability of this period provides a better sample period for
isolating the effects of exchange rates on FDI flows.
Although most studies focus on FDI levels, we work with the share
of FDI that countries receive out of the total amount of global FDI for
the following reasons. First, FDI levels may reflect global economic
conditions or source country circumstances (beyond control of the host
country) that cause global FDI levels to rise or fall. (4) Second, FDI
levels at the aggregate country level are typically nonstationary (Choi and Jeon 2007), while FDI shares are not. We verified that this was the
case with our data after conducting panel unit root tests on the
precrisis data. (5) Third, external common unobserved shocks may still
influence the levels of FDI flows and exchange rates simultaneously.
Goldberg and Kolstad (1995) stress the general equilibrium link between
exchange rate shocks and demand shocks (domestic and foreign), which has
implications for FDI flows. Shares of FDI, on the other hand, control
for outside macroeconomic shocks that are common across the potential
hosts and industries, and this allows us to maintain our focus on how
host countries' exchange rate behavior influences FDI. (6)
Given that our dependent variable, the share of FDI, is bounded
above and below, we need to account for censored observations, and hence
we use a Tobit specification for our estimation. At the industry level,
approximately 15% of the observations are left censored (implying zero
FDI that year in a given country and industry), but none are right
censored. The general form of the Tobit model is
[FDI.sup.i.sub.jt] = [[beta].sub.0] + [[beta].sub.1]
[EX.sub.i.sup.jt] + [[beta].sub.2] [VOL.sup.i.sub.jt] +
[[beta].sub.3][X.sub.jt] + [[beta].sub.4]FE + [[epsilon].sub.ijt],
where [[epsilon].sub.ijt] is an idiosyncratic error term
uncorrelated with the regressors defined below, assumed to be iid and
distributed N(O, [[sigma].sup.2]). The dependent variable,
[FDI.sup.i.sub.jt], refers to the FDI share constructed by dividing the
FDI flows from Japan to country j in industry i in a given year t by the
overall FDI flows from Japan to all non-OECD countries in industry i, or
[FDI.sup.i.sub.j]/[[summation].sub.k] [FDI.sup.i.sub.k], where k indexes
all non-OECD countries.
EX indicates an indexed exchange rate measure in natural logs. We
use the bilateral exchange rate as our benchmark, [rer.sub.j,Japan] =
[ER.sub.j,J][CPI.sub.j]/[CPI.sub.Japan], where [ER.sub.j,J] is the
nominal exchange rate between country j and Japan, and CPI is the
consumer price index. (7) We also construct three additional
industry-specific trade-weighted exchange rates following Goldberg
[EX.sup.i.sub.j,t] = [summation over
where [rer.sub.jk,t] is the bilateral real exchange rate between
country j and its trading partner k at time t. The weights
[w.sup.i.sub.jk,t] differ by trade measure and vary over time to reflect
changing trading patterns. The weights will be the share of country k in
country j's exports in industry i for the export-weighted measure,
the share of imports from country k for the import-weighted measure, and
a simple average of the export- and import-weighted measures for the
trade-weighted measure. Trade partners with less than 0.5% share in
exports or imports are excluded. (8) The selection of countries to
include is based on trade shares in 1997, the midpoint of our entire
sample. We used Standard International Trade Classification (SITC)
revision 3 trade data from the United Nations' Comtrade database to
map the FDI industry designations to the trade data. (9)
We also construct an index based on the exchange rates of
competitors (not trade partners) given that, when multinationals decide
to invest abroad, they compare the attractiveness of potential host
countries in terms of cost, openness, risk, and other factors. In this
case, the weights, [w.sup.i.sub.jk,t], are given by the global export
share of competitor k to host country j in each industry i.
At the country level, all exchange rate measures are positively
correlated with correlation coefficients ranging between 0.64 and 0.98.
At the industry level, however, correlation coefficients fall as low as
0.48, indicating significant variation. Of course, because Japan is a
major trade partner with these countries, the trade-based measures
(which are all highly correlated with one another) are much more
correlated with the bilateral host/yen exchange rate than are the
competitor-based measures. The competitor-weighted exchange rate shows
the lowest degree of correlation with the other measures, indicating
that although these hosts often compete in the same export markets, the
overlap is limited.
VOL likewise represents one of several measures of exchange rate
volatility. Our benchmark, used in literature, is calculated as the
natural log of the standard deviation of the monthly real exchange rate
over the previous three years, normalized by the mean level during that
period (Baek and Okawa 2001; Benassy-Quere, Fontagne, and Lahreche-Revil
2001). Industry-specific volatility measures, using the same
trade-weighting schemes described above, correspond to each different
exchange rate measure. In general, the weighted volatility measures
exhibit a higher degree of correlation than the level indices. The
correlation coefficients range from 0.71 to 0.97. However, the bilateral
volatility measure exhibits the least correlation with the other
X is a set of control variables other than the exchange rate that
theoretically affect FDI, including market size, per capita income,
labor costs, worker productivity, expected returns, and capital account
openness. For example, large market countries (proxied by the natural
log of real GDP) are more attractive for domestic-oriented FDI, implying
a positive relationship between GDP and the FDI share for
domestic-oriented industries. The standard of living is controlled for
by including the log of real per capita GDP.
The cost of production and the productivity of labor are key
influences on FDI but are difficult to disentangle given the data we
have. We start with disaggregated industry-level wage data for
manufacturing sectors in each country from the International Labor
Organization (ILO) Laborsta database. We construct a wage index for each
industry by dividing the host country industry-level wage (converted
into yen at current exchange rates) by the yen wage in Japan (see
Appendix). The effect of higher wages on FDI is ambiguous given that
higher wages do not necessarily imply higher unit costs of production if
they are matched by higher productivity. To the extent that productivity
lags behind wage gains, or that these jobs require few skills by nature,
we expect higher wages to have a negative impact on export-oriented FDI.
For domestic-oriented FDI, higher wages may reflect greater purchasing
power, which would have a positive effect on FDI. Including per capita
GDP may help to control for this at the cost of some degree of
An increase in the real interest rate differential between the host
country and Japan may indicate an increase in risk (which would tend to
lower FDI) or an increase in demand (which would tend to raise FDI).
Given that we already proxy for demand through GDP and GDP per capita,
we expect the differential to pick up risk not otherwise captured in
exchange rate volatility, and thus expect a negative coefficient. (10)
We use the Chinn-Ito (Chinn and Ito 2005) measure of financial
openness to control for host country restrictions on FDI. Both Montiel and Reinhart (1999) and Asiedu and Lien (2003) find empirical evidence
of negative effects of capital controls on FDI flows. The Chinn-Ito
index accounts for multiple exchange rates, restrictions on current and
capital account transactions, and any requirement to surrender proceeds
from exports. A larger index implies greater financial openness and an
expected positive effect on the FDI share.
In addition to the bilateral exchange rate between the source
(Japan) and the host country, we include the yen/dollar exchange rate
index and volatility given that previous studies find that an
appreciation of the yen against the dollar is associated with an
increase in FDI flowing to Southeast Asia (Goldberg and Klein 1998).
(11) Finally, FE denotes country and industry fixed effects, which turn
out to be highly significant in the majority of our Tobit regressions.
Including these fixed effects, particularly the industry dummies, alters
the empirical results, underscoring the importance of using
industry-level data. (12)
4. Results
Our key objective is to determine how the sensitivity of FDI to the
exchange rate changes across different industry types and exchange rate
indices. We consider two factors in particular: (i) whether pooling
industries by export orientation reveals heterogeneity in the response
of different types of FDI to the exchange rates; and (ii) how much
additional information alternative exchange rate levels and volatility
provide. It is helpful to discuss how we evaluate these issues in
We begin by analyzing the relationship between FDI and exchange
rates across all sectors in data to obtain the baseline results. We then
exploit our industry-level data by identifying, within the manufacturing
sectors, export-oriented versus domestic-oriented industries. The review
in section 2 suggests that domestic-oriented FDI will be more sensitive
to the level of the exchange rate because it implies changes in the
purchasing power of host country consumers (Cushman 1985). We do,
indeed, find strong evidence of this effect. As discussed earlier, the
predictions for the effect of exchange rate volatility on FDI are
ambiguous. On the one hand, higher volatility increases risk and thus
raises the value of deferring FDI until uncertainty is resolved, leading
to a negative effect on FDI. Alternatively, Aizenmann (1992, 2003) and
Sung and Lapan (2000) suggest that higher volatility should increase FDI
specifically in export-oriented industries because it encourages firms
to maintain greater production flexibility. Our results show that
volatility is negatively related to FDI for domestic-oriented industries
and statistically different for export-oriented industries. Moreover, we
find some evidence that the relationship could be positive, in a manner
consistent with Aizenmann and Sung and Lapan's theories, if one
focuses on the exchange rate of the host against the export markets.
We then test whether the alternative measures used throughout this
paper can answer the question posed in the title. By pairing measures,
we can test whether any measure outperforms the others. Not
surprisingly, we find that the level of the bilateral exchange rate
between source and host is always important. We also find that measures
based on trade weights add some, but not much, additional information.
By contrast, we find that volatility in the exchange rate against
alternative hosts (the competitor-weighted measure) matters more than
any other type of volatility.
Baseline Results
Our baseline results are reported in Table 1, which uses data on 18
sectors and five countries from 1989 to 1996 that we pool together into
a single panel. We use a Tobit analysis to account for censored
observations and report the corrected marginal effects. (13) Results are
organized by type of exchange rate measure, and for each measure we
report results based on which dummies are used: none, industry only, or
industry and country. The strong statistical significance of industry
dummies in our results indicates that industry-level heterogeneity
matters. In general, once both industry and country dummies are
included, the only variables that are consistently statistically
significant are the real exchange rate level and capital control
The coefficients on the level and volatility of the exchange rates
show the sensitivity of FDI share changes in percentage point terms. The
total level of FDI to non-OECD countries from Japan in 1996 was about
$1.6 billion. Thus, a one percentage point change in share is worth
approximately $16 million in FDI from Japan alone. For example, in
column 6 using the export-weighted measures, a 10% appreciation against
export partners implies an annual loss of over 2.3% of the FDI share or
$36 million. Similarly, a 10% increase in volatility against export
partners, in contrast, would lead to more than half a percentage point
share (or $9 million) increase--an interesting result that we discuss
further below.
To put these results into a broader context, compare the
implications of the coefficients on trade and competitor-weighted
measures. The trade-weighted coefficient (column 12 of Table 1) implies
that a 10% appreciation of a host currency against its major trading
partners would lead to a loss of 2.5 percentage points of FDI share. For
Indonesia in 1996, this would have implied an annual loss of $40.35
million out of $200 million of Japanese FDI in Indonesia. If the
appreciation occurs relative to competitor nations, the loss is nearly
3.6 percentage points in share on average or $58 million in FDI from
Japan. Consider, for example, recent arguments that the Chinese currency is seriously overvalued, requiring as much as a 20% revaluation. If the
exchange rates of China's competitors hold steady in the wake of
such a large change, China could stand to lose over $114 million dollars
annually in Japanese FDI.
Export Orientation
We test for differences in the coefficients for domestic- and
export-oriented industries as follows. We use data from the Japanese
Ministry of Industry and Trade to compute export-to-sales ratios for
Japanese firms operating in these countries by manufacturing industry
categories (with the exception of "manufacturing other"). (14)
Among the eight manufacturing industry categories in our data set,
industrial machinery, electrical, textiles, and metals have the highest
export-to-sales ratios. We therefore classify these four industries as
high export-to-sales ratio (HES) industries and the other manufacturing
sectors as low export-to-sales ratio (LES) industries. The LES
industries include food and tobacco, lumber and pulp, chemicals, and
transport (the Appendix contains more details). As an approximation, we
consider FDI in HES industries to be export-oriented, and FDI in LES
industries as domestic-oriented.
To see whether the level and volatility of the exchange rate
affects FDI in these two types of industries differently, we use a
dummy-interaction variable to separate the HES from the LES industries.
The dummy variable takes on a value of one if the industry is LES and
zero otherwise. We perform Chow tests to uncover significant differences
in coefficients across industry types. A statistically significant
coefficient on the interaction term indicates that the coefficient for
the LES industries is significantly different from that of the HES
industries. We also report the implied total value of the coefficient
for LES industries. The joint tests given below each interaction term
refer to an F-test on the nulls that RER + RER * LES = 0 and VOL + VOL *
LES = 0. A rejection of the null hypothesis indicates that the computed
coefficient for the LES industries is significantly different from zero.
All exchange rate levels are highly statistically significant and
negative for both HES and LES industries. The interaction term RER * LES
is never significant and hence we cannot reject that the exchange rate
coefficient is identical for both kinds of industries. Volatility, on
the other hand, is only significant for HES industries when using the
export- and trade-weighted measures (and only slightly so for the
latter). However, for LES industries, exchange rate volatility is
significant for the import- and competitor-weighted measures (as seen in
the joint tests), and in all cases the interaction term makes clear that
the volatility coefficient for LES industries is significantly different
from that for HES industries.
Does volatility discourage FDI or act instead as a barrier to trade
that encourages FDI as a means of evasion? The most striking aspect of
this difference between industries is that the coefficient on exchange
rate volatility is usually positive or indistinguishable from zero for
HES industries but is reliably negative for LES industries. This result
is consistent with the export-oriented production-flexibility arguments
of Aizenmann (1992, 2003) and Sung and Lapan (2000). We find that
volatility either has no impact on HES FDI and possibly even a positive
impact when one considers the volatility against the export markets. By
contrast, volatility clearly lowers FDI for the LES industries where
revenues are more directly linked to the host exchange rate. This
provides evidence against theories claiming volatility induces greater
FDI by acting as a trade barrier.
Also striking is that the volatility effects for HES and LES
industries tend to cancel each other out when we do not distinguish by
type as in Table 1 (see coefficients on VOL + VOL * LES in Table 2). The
positive volatility coefficient on the export-weighted specification in
Table 1 (the only measure for which volatility was previously
significant) is misleading in that it balances significant coefficients
on the HES and LES industries that pull in different directions. As a
result of differentiating, the magnitudes of the coefficients on the
exchange rate levels (for both LES and HES industries) are from 16% to
74% higher than the estimates in Table 1. As in Table 1, the magnitude
of the coefficients on the competitor-weighted and bilateral measures
are generally much larger than that of the other measures. In this case,
a 10% revaluation by China vis-a-vis its competitors would cost it over
6% of total Japanese manufacturing FDI (China has averaged 17% of this
FDI since 2002, which would thereby drop to 11%).
Once we control for differences between LES and HES industries, the
cost variables (i.e., the wage and interest rate differentials) become
significant (the wage variables strongly so, the interest rate
differential intermittently). This stands in contrast to the lack of
significance of these variables in Table 1 (when both dummies are
present). While the negative sign on the interest rate differential
matches our expectations, the robust positive coefficient on the wage
strongly suggests that it serves as a proxy for productivity, rather
than as a reflection of costs. Under this interpretation, FDI inflows in
manufacturing are positively related to labor productivity. We interpret
the general lack of significance of the industry fixed effects in these
regressions as confirmation that a focus on export orientation captures
the key heterogeneity across industries that matters for FDI.
Which Exchange Rates Matter?
We now turn to the question posed in the title of the paper,
"Which exchange rates matter for FDI?" We want to know whether
any of the various weighting schemes add any explanatory power beyond
simply using the bilateral exchange rate. In order to shed light on
which exchange rate measures are most appropriate while still conserving statistical power, we adopt a pairwise technique in which we introduce
two exchange rate measures at a time and judge their relative
performance. We distinguish between LES and HES industries as above. Our
results are given in Table 3. In each column, we list two exchange
rates, the first of which is designated RER(1) and the second RER(2).
For example, in the first column, RER(1) is the bilateral measure and
RER(2) is the export-weighted measure. We collect all of the exchange
rate level terms in the first horizontal "box." The second box
contains all of the exchange rate volatility terms, while the third
contains statistical tests on whether the exchange rate measures are
significantly different. Each regression also employs all of the
explanatory variables used previously, but they are not reported to
conserve space.
We find that the bilateral exchange rate significantly affects FDI
share but does not tell the whole story, particularly with respect to
the influence of exchange rate volatility. Trade-weighted measures
occasionally contribute information but not consistently. However, the
competitor-weighted measures do help explain variation in the data. Our
results suggest that volatility against rival host nations (the
competitor-based measure) is more important than volatility with trade
partners. We find striking, yet unsurprising, confirmation that the
bilateral exchange rate is robust to the inclusion of broader exchange
rate measures. Moveover, the bilateral exchange rate appears equally
influential for both the LES and HES industries (all interaction terms
involving the LES dummy variable are insignificant).
The same is largely true for the volatility measures with the
important exception of the competitor-weighted measure. The pairing of
the competitor-weighted measure with the bilateral exchange rate is
particularly intriguing. The bilateral exchange rate volatility is
weakly significant and positive for HES industries, but the
competitor-weighted exchange rate volatility measure is significant and
negative for these same industries. This suggests that, for HES
industries, the volatility that increases FDI according to the
"production flexibility" arguments discussed above is between
source and host and not across competitors. Increased volatility
relative to alternative host locations decreases FDI share.
The final three columns compare the two relevant trade-weighted
measures with each other and with the competitor-weighted measure. (15)
In the first pairing, the exchange rate level is significant only for
the import-weighted measure. The export-weighted volatility coefficient
remains positive and robust for the HES industries, and tests reported
at the bottom of the table show that the two volatility measures are
significantly different for HES industries.
When pairing the export-weighted measure with the
competitor-weighted measure, we find that the level of the
competitor-weighted measure is negative and significant only for the HES
industries. This most likely reflects the need for cost competitiveness
in the export-oriented industries. In addition, the signs on the
volatility measures are significant and of opposite sign for the HES
industries (again). For the combination of the import- and
competitor-weighted exchange rate measures, we anticipated that the
competitor-weighted measure would be more important for the HES
industries, and the import-weighted measure would matter most for the
LES industries. Indeed, we do find this result, since the
competitor-weighted exchange rate is negative and significant for the
HES (but not LES) industries, and the opposite occurs for the
import-weighted measure. However, we cannot reject the null that the two
measures have the same effect. None of the volatility coefficients are
statistically significant under this pairing.
5. Conclusion
This paper contributes to the understanding of the effect of
exchange rates on FDI in several ways. First and foremost, we find
evidence that the impact of exchange rates on FDI reflects heterogeneity
across different types of FDI and that this, in turn, must be addressed
with industry-level data. We feel that verifying our results using
disaggregated data for other FDI source countries would be an important
extension given that our results are based only on evidence for Japan
and during a period when Japanese FDI was large and rising. Second, we
argue that using the share of FDI as the dependent variable, as opposed
to the level, produces more reliable results by controlling for common
shocks and avoiding potential problems with nonstationarity of the data
series that could generate spurious correlation.
Third, our results help shed light on the validity of competing
theories of FDI. For our most tightly focused regressions--those
delineating manufacturing industries by export orientation--we find that
for industries with a high degree of export orientation the FDI share
will depend on the level of the exchange rate measure and is most
sensitive to movements in the real exchange rate against rival hosts.
Our results support theories that argue that the effect of volatility on
FDI may in fact be positive when FDI is export-oriented. However, we
find no evidence in support of the theory that an increase in volatility
functions as a trade barrier, thereby increasing domestic-oriented FDI.
Rather, we find that greater volatility reduces domestic-oriented FDI.
Finally, the competitor-weighted exchange rate allows for a better
understanding of how other exchange rates influence FDI flows for two
reasons. First, it allows us to isolate a key outside influence on FDI,
the source country's own currency movements against other major
international currencies (the dollar). Trade-related measures, which
include the yen and dollar, are not able to separate the effect of the
host country's exchange rate and the yen/dollar exchange rate so
cleanly. Second, the competitor-weighted measure demonstrates that while
both exchange rate levels and volatility matter, the more important
comparison (in terms of magnitude) lies with rival hosts rather than
trading partners. Higher volatility originating in industrialized trade
partners may not be problematic. However, an increase in exchange rate
volatility in a specific potential host reduces FDI significantly
because less volatile alternative locations exist. Thus, policy makers
concerned with attracting FDI appear justified in their concerns about
how their exchange rate behaves relative to rivals.
Table A1 provides descriptive statistics of the variables used in
the Tobit analyses. The first five lines describe the real exchange rate
measures, and the next group shows the volatility measures employed. The
dependent variable we use is share, which represents the share of
Japanese FDI flows to non-OECD countries in a given year and industry to
a particular host nation. The remainder of the variables are the
regressors we use. Details on the source of the dependent variable and
the construction of some of the regressors can be found below.
Japanese FDI
Japanese outward FDI data are from Ministry of Finance, Japan. The
FDI data are divided into nine manufacturing industries (food, textiles,
lumber and pulp, chemicals, metals, machinery, electrical, transport,
and other) and 10 nonmanufacturing industries (farming and forestry,
fishery, mining, construction, trade, finance and insurance, service,
transportation, real estate, and other). In the empirical work the
nonmanufacturing category "other" is dropped from the data set
because it includes only five observations. The Japanese data report the
prior notified investment rather than the realized investment. Ex post
reporting adjustment is only required for investments that exceed 100
million yen (which is the vast majority). It includes acquisition of
securities or lending of money, disbursement of money related to the
establishment, and enlargement of branches, factories, and other offices
in foreign countries.
Construction of Wage Index
Industry-specific wage data that matched the categories in the
Japanese FDI data were available from the ILO's Laborsta database
for most of the years and most of the manufacturing industries. Wages
were reported as monthly figures for all countries except Indonesia,
which were reported weekly. Indonesia's weekly wages were converted
to monthly by multiplying by 4.348 (days in the year divided by seven
days per week times 12 months). These wages were then converted into yen
equivalents using annual period average exchange rates. The index given
is the ratio of the host wages in yen terms divided by Japan's
wages times 100. In some cases industry-specific wages were not
available from the ILO. In those cases, the Economist Intelligence
Unit's (EIU's) wage index for all manufacturing is used to
extrapolate the wages either forward or backward as necessary. Using the
EIU's wage index allowed us to construct wages for all years and
countries of interest, except for Thailand in 1989 where no wage index
was available. In other cases, the available wage data did not match the
industry categories designated in Japan's FDI data. For Malaysia
and the Philippines the categories of textiles, lumber and pulp,
chemicals, and metals had wages at a more disaggregated level. We
computed the overall sectoral wages by weighting each subsector's
wages by its employment share within the category. The employment shares
were also computed from employment data from the ILO Laborsta database.
For Indonesia, the categories of machinery, electrical, and transport
were aggregated together in the ILO data under machinery and thus we
were unable to create different series for Indonesia for these three
sectors. For the nonmanufacturing sector, we simply use the total
manufacturing series as a proxy.
Trade and Exchange Rate Data
Bilateral trade data are obtained from the United Nations Commodity
Trade Statistics Database. We use SITC revision 3 data, and the
correspondence between manufacturing sectors and trade codes used is
available upon request. For China for the years 1989, 1990, and 1991,
and for the Philippines for the years 1989 and 1990, SITC revision 3
data were not available. We used the corresponding SITC revision 2 data.
Because our categories are at no more than the two- digit level, the
discrepancy between the reporting codes is minor. Of the changes in
lines at the five-digit level, only 1.2% of those changes affected our
classification. The majority of those changes were exchanges between
specific categories and the broader catchall category of other
manufactured products. Upon examining the data between SITC revisions 2
and 3 that we collected, no noticeable changes in the trade patterns at
the industry levels were evident.
In classifying industries as high or low export-to-sales ratio, we
used Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) data available
online from their Quarterly Survey of Overseas Activity. The MITI data
begin in the fourth quarter of 1996 and run through 2003. The data
report the aggregate values for our four countries of interest,
Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Thailand, but do not break
these down by country. The categories reported are close but not perfect
matches for our FDI data. We classify those sectors with export-to-sales
ratios higher than the average at the end of our period, 2003, as export
oriented. In 2003, the end of our sample, those included precision
instruments, industrial machinery, electrical machinery, ceramics,
textiles, and metals. However, our FDI data do not distinguish either
precision instruments or ceramics from our category of
"other." Thus, we use only industrial machinery, electrical,
textiles, and metals. Food and tobacco, lumber and pulp, chemicals, and
transport make up the less export-intensive category. We do not include
our "other" measure in the estimates based on this
classification, since it is a catchall category.
Exchange rates and consumer price indices come from the
International Monetary Fund's International Financial Statistics.
GDP (constant 2000 U.S. dollar), GDP per capita (constant 2000 U.S.
dollar), and real interest rate are collected from World Bank's
World Development Indicators.
The exchange rate for Taiwan is from the Central Bank of China
(Taiwan) and CPI of Taiwan is from National Statistics of Taiwan. Since
Taiwan is not an official member of the United Nations, its name is not
shown as a reporting country. We use the partner "Asia Other, not
elsewhere specified" to collect the bilateral trade data for Taiwan
from the UN Commodity Trade Statistics Database. Comparison between
these figures and figures available on Taiwan's official websites
reveal a very high level of correlation of the trade volume at the
aggregate level with the UN's designation of "Asia Other, not
elsewhere specified." For countries that converted to the Euro in
1999, we use the official conversion rates as exchange rates in 1999 and
calculate the exchange rates for the following years based on the annual
change in the Euro against the dollar. The exchange rate of Czech
Republic 1990-1992 is from Penn World Table 6.1. CPI of Brunei,
Luxembourg, and United Arab Emirates are from the United Nations Common
Database. The CPI of Germany was obtained from the OECD Main Economic
Owing to data availability, some countries or years for partner
countries are excluded in the construction of the industry-specific
trade-weighted indices. Completely excluded (all years): Congo, Cuba,
Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Equatorial Guinea, Iraq,
Kiribati, Liberia, Ukraine, Uzbekistan. Some early years with missing
data: Benin (1989-1991), Cambodia (1989-1993), Czech Republic
(1989-1992), Mongolia (1989-1991), Russia (1989-1992), United Arab
Emirates (1989-1993 and 2003), Vietnam (1989-1994). Last years of data
not available: Brunei, Cameroon, Gabon (2001-2003), Sudan (2002-2003),
Syria, United Arab Emirates, Zimbabwe.
Table A1. Descriptive Statistics of Variables Employed
Variable Description Mean
Bilateral RER Bilateral real exchange rate 94.88
Export RER Export-weighted real 104.81
exchange rate
Import RER Import-weighted real 102.61
exchange rate
Trade RER Trade-weighted real exchange 103.78
Competitor Competitor-weighted real 98.53
RER exchange rate
Bilateral VOL Bilateral real exchange rate 0.08
Export VOL Export-weighted real 0.07
exchange rate volatility
Import VOL Import-weighted real 0.07
exchange rate volatility
Trade VOL Trade-weighted real exchange 0.07
rate volatility
Competitor Competitor-weighted real 0.08
VOL exchange rate volatility
Share Share of non-OECD FDI 0.10
flows from Japan
Wage Real wage index 6.40
[r.sub.j] - Real interest rate differential 2.51
[r.sub.Japan] between host country and
[GDP.sub.j] GDP in host country 1.81E+11
[GDP.sub.Japan] GDP in Japan 4.28E+12
GDP [pc.sub.j] GDP per capita in host 1346.88
Yen/$ EX Bilateral real exchange rate 110.12
between yen and $
Yen/$ VOL Bilateral real exchange rate 0.09
volatility between yen and $
KC Capital control in host 0.58
Country dummy China, Indonesia, Malaysia, the 0.20
Philippines, and Thailand
Industry dummy Food, textiles, lumber and 0.06
pulp, chemicals, metals,
machinery, electrical,
transport, other
manufacturing, farming and
forestry, fishery, mining,
construction, trade, finance
and insurance, service,
transportation, real estate
Variable Deviation Min Max
Bilateral RER 13.85 63.50 134.10
Export RER 14.85 74.97 176.68
Import RER 14.17 71.75 169.21
Trade RER 14.24 74.07 172.52
Competitor 11.78 69.68 136.00
Bilateral VOL 0.03 0.05 0.19
Export VOL 0.04 0.02 0.21
Import VOL 0.04 0.03 0.21
Trade VOL 0.04 0.03 0.21
Competitor 0.04 0.04 0.21
Share 0.14 0.00 0.79
Wage 4.70 0.77 26.46
[r.sub.j] - 4.47 -11.48 13.27
[GDP.sub.j] 2.05E+11 4.17E+10 7.97E+11
[GDP.sub.Japan] 1.91E+11 3.90E+12 4.58E+12
GDP [pc.sub.j] 951.23 355.45 3721.11
Yen/$ EX 12.20 90.96 128.45
Yen/$ VOL 0.02 0.06 0.13
KC 1.55 -1.75 2.62
Country dummy 0.40 0 1
Industry dummy 0.23 0 1
The authors would like to thank Talan B. Iscan, Paul Jensen, Bang
Jeon, John Pepper, Farley Staniec, and two anonymous referees for
helpful comments and suggestions, and Sandra Alfonzo for excellent
research assistance. The views expressed here do not necessarily
represent those of the Millennium Challenge Corporation or the United
States government. The usual disclaimers apply.
Received May 2006; accepted April 2007.
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(1) Note that our data, like most FDI data, do not distinguish
between new investment and mergers and acquisition. Blonigen (1997)
provides evidence on how this distinction can create differences in the
relationship between exchange rates and FDI.
(2) The nonmanufacturing sector titled "others" is
dropped because it includes only five observations.
(3) There is evidence that distance matters for FDI as it does for
trade (Di Giovanni 2005).
(4) It is even possible that the level of FDI a country receives
may rise even as the share of global FDI attracted by the country falls,
and vice versa.
(5) The tests are (i) Levin, Lin, and Chu; (ii) Im, Pesaran, and
Shin; and (iii) Augmented Dickey-Fuller-Fisher chi- square tests. The
same tests conducted over all the years, 1989 to 2003, produced nearly
identical results. At the aggregate level, we cannot reject the null
hypothesis of a unit root for FDI levels, but we do reject it for the
aggregate FDI share in one test (out of three). Upon disaggregating FDI
at the industry level or using shares, however, we can reject the null
at the 1% level in all tests.
(6) Nevertheless, our results using FDI levels instead of shares,
available upon request, tell largely the same story.
(7) Exchange rate and price-level data are from the International
Financial Statistics. We use the consumer price index (CPI) instead of
the producer price index (PPI) to adjust nominal variables because a
large number of countries in our dataset do not report PPI figures.
Therefore we choose to treat the data consistently by using the CPI,
which is generally available.
(8) The simple average for the trade-weighted measure follows both
Goldberg (2004) and the Federal Reserve. The 0.5% cutoff is the same
criterion used by the Federal Reserve. Some countries were excluded
because of a lack of available exchange rate or CPI data even though
they met the 0.5% criterion, but they were all relatively small trading
partners. The Appendix provides more details.
(9) For the nonmanufacturing industries, we used the weights for
the manufacturing "others" designation as a reasonable proxy
for the diversity among the nonmanufacturing categories.
(10) The real interest rates of the five Asian countries and Japan
are obtained from the World Bank's World Development Indicator
(11) We also controlled for the world business cycle and the
aggregate level of Japanese FDI in each year, but these variables were
never significant and did not affect the results.
(12) We employed time fixed effects, but they were generally not
significant, individually or jointly (except in one case), and had no
impact on the coefficients of interest and so were dropped.
(13) The Tobit coefficients reported show the marginal impact of a
change in the explanatory variables accounting for the censored
observations. Actual estimated coefficients, which show the marginal
impact on the latent variable, are available upon request. We only
report results using data from 1989 to 1996 because of the Asian
financial crisis that began in 1997. Estimated coefficients with respect
to the control variables (GDP and GDP per capita in particular) were
highly sensitive to the period used, implying that they were accounting
for country-specific outcomes of the Asian crisis. For example,
Indonesia experienced a political crisis that compounded the economic
distress and strongly discouraged FDI inflows, while Malaysia
implemented capital controls that stabilized the economy fairly swiftly,
thereby restoring FDI flows more quickly. We performed additional
regressions splitting the sample period, using time dummies, and
dropping the years immediately surrounding the crisis, with no
significant changes. These results, available upon request, led us to
conclude that the precrisis years better represent the general case.
(14) We also used a method similar to the one described to
differentiate between manufacturing and nonmanufacturing industries
under the premise that nonmanufacturing is domestic-oriented and
manufacturing is export-oriented. The results were broadly similar.
However, because we could not construct industry-specific exchange rate
measures for nonmanufacturing industries as explained in section 3, we
put less weight on these estimates and do not report them here.
(15) We exclude the trade-weighted measure, which is merely a
simple average of the import- and export-weighted measures.
Benjamin N. Dennis, * Christopher A. Laincz, ([dagger]) and Lei Zhu
([double dagger])
* Millennium Challenge Corporation, 875 Fifteenth Street NW,
Washington, DC 20005, USA; E-mail
[email protected]. Present address:
University of the Pacific, Department of Economics, 3601 Pacific Avenue,
Stockton, CA 95211, USA.
([dagger]) Drexel University, LeBow College of Business, Department
of Economics, 32nd and Market Streets, Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA;
[email protected]; corresponding author.
([double dagger]) West Chester University of Pennsylvania,
Department of Economics and Finance, 700 South Church Street, West
Chester, PA 19383, USA; E-mail
[email protected].
Table 1. Impact of Exchange Rates on FDI Shares at Industry Level
No Industry Both
Regressors (1) (2) (3)
RER -0.2713 *** -0.2837 *** -0.3586 ***
(-5.42) (-5.93) (-4.62)
VOL -0.0585 ** -0.0433 * 0.0051
(-2.53) (-1.95) (0.17)
[wage.sub.t-1] 0.0035 ** -0.0026 0.0009
(2.11) (-1.29) (0.39)
[r.sub.j] - 0.0025 * 0.0014 -0.0019
[r.sub.Japan] (1.69) (0.95) (-0.83)
[GDP.sup.j. 0.1133 *** 0.0992 *** 0.902
sub.t-1] (9.07) (8.00) (1.63)
[GDP.sup.Japan. -0.3506 ** -0.3195 * -1.0260 **
GDP [pc.sup.j. (-2.04) (-1.94) (-2.32)
sub.t-1] 0.0128 0.0348 *** -0.7168
(1.05) (2.78) (-1.45)
Yen/$ EX 0.3402 *** 0.3519 *** 0.4389 ***
(3.70) (4.01) (3.29)
Yen/$ VOL 0.0583 0.0437 -0.0549
(1.18) (0.93) (-0.88)
[KC.sub.t-1] 0.0206 *** 0.0234 *** 0.0461 ***
(5.36) (6.33) (3.98)
Industry 5.10 *** 4.52 ***
Country 4.49 ***
No. obs. 616 616 616
Left-censored 50 50 50
Log-likelihood 301.99 342.82 351.66
No Industry Both
Regressors (4) (5) (6)
RER -0.2600 *** -0.2461 *** -0.2267 ***
(-5.32) (-5.31) (-3.04)
VOL -0.0366 * -0.0189 0.0537 *
(-1.82) (-0.97) (1.79)
[wage.sub.t-1] 0.0047 ** -0.0023 0.0025
(2.24) (-0.91) (0.86)
[r.sub.j] - 0.0011 -0.0001 -0.0061 **
[r.sub.Japan] (0.60) (-0.04) (-2.20)
[GDP.sup.j. 0.1406 *** 0.1195 *** 1.2672 *
sub.t-1] (9.07) (7.78) (1.73)
[GDP.sup.Japan. -0.4413 * -0.3990 * -1.6346 ***
GDP [pc.sup.j. (-1.96) (-1.88) (-2.65)
sub.t-1] 0.0126 0.0360 ** -0.8647
(0.82) (2.32) (-1.35)
Yen/$ EX 0.1800 * 0.1735 * 0.2930 *
(1.71) (1.75) (1.69)
Yen/$ VOL 0.0332 0.0263 -0.0975
(0.53) (0.44) (-1.32)
[KC.sub.t-1] 0.0290 *** 0.0302 *** 0.0573 ***
(6.18) (6.82) (3.93)
Industry 4.73 *** 4.31 ***
Country 4.21 ***
No. obs. 616 616 616
Left-censored 50 50 50
Log-likelihood 301.52 339.58 347.89
No Industry Both
Regressors (7) (8) (9)
RER -0.2827 *** -0.2801 *** -0.2499 ***
(-5.87) (-6.14) (-4.56)
VOL 0.0539 ** -0.0444 * -0.0054
(-2.20) (-1.88) (-0.21)
[wage.sub.t-1] 0.0041 * -0.0028 0.0012
(1.91) (-1.12) (0.54)
[r.sub.j] - 0.0011 -0.0004 -0.0031
[r.sub.Japan] (0.62) (-0.23) (-1.44)
[GDP.sup.j. 0.1362 *** 0.1177 *** 0.4576
sub.t-1] (9.19) (8.06) (0.83)
[GDP.sup.Japan. -0.4447 ** -0.3996 * (0.7487)
GDP [pc.sup.j. (-2.00) (-1.91) (-1.64)
sub.t-1] 0.0066 0.0298 * -0.3057
(0.42) (1.9) (-0.64)
Yen/$ EX 0.1872 * 0.1846 * 0.1307
(1.78) (1.87) (0.97)
Yen/$ VOL 0.0349 0.0236 -0.0349
(0.56) (0.40) (-0.61)
[KC.sub.t-1] 0.0258 *** 0.0275 *** 0.0376 ***
(5.39) (6.09) (3.24)
Industry 4.89 *** 4.30 ***
Country 3.07 **
No. obs. 616 616 616
Left-censored 50 50 50
Log-likelihood 304.48 343.75 349.83
No Industry Both
Regressors (10) (11) (12)
RER -0.2300 *** -0.2225 *** -0.2457 ***
(-5.90) (-5.95) (-4.03)
VOL -0.0420 ** -0.0302 * 0.0139
(-2.32) (-1.70) (0.50)
[wage.sub.t-1] 0.0034 ** -0.002 0.0018
(2.08) (-0.97) (0.75)
[r.sub.j] - 0.0007 -0.0004 -0.0039 *
[r.sub.Japan] (0.45) (-0.29) (-1.76)
[GDP.sup.j. 0.1103 *** 0.0962 *** 0.7124
sub.t-1] (9.33) (8.08) (1.25)
[GDP.sup.Japan. -0.3675 ** -0.3323 ** -0.9929 *
GDP [pc.sup.j. (-2.12) (-2.00) (-2.08)
sub.t-1] 0.0078 0.0260 ** -0.5126
(0.65) (2.12) (-1.04)
Yen/$ EX 0.1460 * 0.1438 * 0.1597
(1.79) (1.85) (1.17)
Yen/$ VOL 0.0244 0.0177 -0.0529
(0.51) (0.38) (-0.90)
[KC.sub.t-1] 0.0218 *** 0.0233 *** 0.0407 ***
(6.01) (6.69) (3.50)
Industry 4.75 *** 4.18 ***
Country 3.50 ***
No. obs. 616 616 616
Left-censored 50 50 50
Log-likelihood 304.62 342.79 349.72
No Industry Both
Regressors (13) (14) (15)
RER -0.2462 *** -0.2632 *** -0.3557 ***
(-5.50) (-6.11) (-5.13)
VOL -0.0693 *** -0.0645 *** -0.0312
(-3.68) (-3.51) (-1.09)
[wage.sub.t-1] 0.0038** -0.0017 0.0011
(2.30) (-0.84) (0.50)
[r.sub.j] - 0.0011 0.0000 -0.0018
[r.sub.Japan] (0.75) (0.01) (-0.82)
[GDP.sup.j. 0.1049 *** 0.0937 *** 0.3014
sub.t-1] (9.25) (8.30) (0.48)
[GDP.sup.Japan. -0.3223 * 0.3204 * -0.6942
GDP [pc.sup.j. (-1.79) (-1.86) (-1.26)
sub.t-1] 0.001 0.0207 -0.2352
(0.08) (1.61) (-0.43)
Yen/$ EX 0.0779 0.0739 -0.0541
(0.95) (0.94) (-0.36)
Yen/$ VOL 0.0276 0.0205 -0.0115
(0.57) (0.44) (-0.19)
[KC.sub.t-1] 0.0208 *** 0.0228 *** 0.0343 ***
(5.50) (6.29) (2.73)
Industry 5.07 *** 4.41 ***
Country 2.60 **
No. obs. 616 616 616
Left-censored 50 50 50
Log-likelihood 304.99 345.58 350.75
Dependent variable is the share of non-OECD Japanese FDI flows by
industry. All coefficients report the unconditional marginal effects
correcting for the nonlinearity in the Tobit model. Column headings
(bilateral, export, import, trade, and competitor weighted) indicate
the exchange rate measures used in RER and VOL in first column and
described in section 3. Subcolumn headings "No," "Industry," and
Both indicate, respectively, no country or industry dummies included,
industry dummies only included, and both country and industry
dummies included in the regression. Other regressors include lagged
real wage, the interest rate differential, lagged In GDP and In GDP
per capita in host country, lagged In GDP of Japan, and the yen/dollar
exchange rate levels and volatility, and the Chinn-Ito financial
openness measure. T-statistics are in parentheses. All tests are Tobit
* Significant at the 10% level.
** Significant at the 5% level.
*** Significant at the 1% level.
Table 2. High Export-Sales versus Low Export-Sales Manufacturing
Bilateral High Export-Weighted High
RER -0.6077 *** (-4.81) -0.2474 ** (-2.38)
VOL 0.0608 (1.16) 0.1204 *** (3.16)
RER * LES 0.0101 (0.12) -0.0176 (-0.17)
RER + RER * LES -0.5976 *** (22.06) -0.2650 ** (5.79)
(Joint test)
VOL * LES -0.1001 ** (-2.43) -0.0941 *** (-2.78)
VOL + VOL * LES -0.0393 (0.57) 0.0263 (0.44)
(Joint test)
[wage.sub.t-1] 0.0083 ** (2.52) 0.0072 ** (2.16)
[r.sub.j] - [r.sub.Japan] -0.0049 (-1.34) -0.0106 *** (-3.16)
[GDP.sup.j.sub.t-1] 0.6579 (0.76) 0.7042 (0.78)
[GDP.sup.Japan.sub.t-1] -0.9648 (-1.40) -1.3944 * (-1.88)
GDP[pc.sup.j.sub.t-1] -0.5425 (-0.71) -0.2633 (-0.34)
Yen/$ EX 0.5080 ** (2.40) 0.2169 (1.01)
Yen/$ VOL -0.0427 (-0.43) -0.0835 (-0.91)
[KC.sub.t-1] 0.0449 ** (2.43) 0.0502 *** (2.77)
Industry 1.03 1.33
Country 6.92 *** 7.26 ***
No. obs. 276 276
Left-censored 6 6
Log-likelihood 194.26 187.59
Import-Weighted High Trade-Weighted High
RER -0.4063 *** (-4.21) -0.3960 *** (-3.65)
VOL 0.0386 (0.94) 0.0786 * (1.76)
RER * LES 0.0160 (0.16) -0.0319 (-0.31)
RER + RER * LES -0.3903 *** (18.54) -0.4279 *** (14.87)
(Joint test)
VOL * LES -0.1123 *** (-3.15) -0.1203 *** (-3.31)
VOL + VOL * LES -0.0737 * (3.29) -0.0417 (0.76)
(Joint test)
[wage.sub.t-1] 0.0086 ** (2.61) 0.0081 ** (2.46)
[r.sub.j] - [r.sub.Japan] -0.0075 ** (-2.26) -0.0085 ** (-2.50)
[GDP.sup.j.sub.t-1] 0.1027 (0.12) 0.3721 (0.42)
[GDP.sup.Japan.sub.t-1] -0.5986 (-0.85) -0.9640 (-1.32)
GDP[pc.sup.j.sub.t-1] 0.0259 (0.03) -0.1578 (-0.21)
Yen/$ EX 0.0647 (0.31) 0.1024 (0.48)
Yen/$ VOL -0.0062 (-0.07) -0.0357 (-0.38)
[KC.sub.t-1] 0.0370 ** (2.01) 0.0432 ** (2.36)
Industry 1.57 1.31
Country 6.10 *** 6.57 ***
No. obs. 276 276
Left-censored 6 6
Log-likelihood 191.8 191.08
Competitor-Weighted High
RER -0.6175 *** (-5.17)
VOL -0.0045 (-0.09)
RER * LES 0.1305 (1.18)
RER + RER * LES -0.487 *** (17.12)
(Joint test)
VOL * LES 0.0762 * (-1.87)
VOL + VOL * LES -0.0807 * (2.96)
(Joint test)
[wage.sub.t-1] 0.0083 ** (2.52)
[r.sub.j] - [r.sub.Japan] -0.0052 (-1.47)
[GDP.sup.j.sub.t-1] -0.3213 (-0.33)
[GDP.sup.Japan.sub.t-1] -0.4073 (-0.48)
GDP[pc.sup.j.sub.t-1] 0.2850 (0.34)
Yen/$ EX -0.2659 (-1.14)
Yen/$ VOL 0.0275 (0.29)
[KC.sub.t-1] 0.0273 (1.37)
Industry 1.82 *
Country 4.85 ***
No. obs. 276
Left-censored 6
Log-likelihood 192.64
Dependent variable is the share of non-OECD Japanese FDI flows by
industry. All coefficients report the unconditional marginal effects
correcting for the nonlinearity in the Tobit model. Data were divided
into high export sales and low export sales according to the
designations in the Japan Ministry of Finance data. Column headings
(bilateral, export, import, and competitor) indicate the exchange rate
measures used and described in section 3. All Tobits employ both
country and industry dummies. T-statistics are in parentheses. Joint
coefficients, such as RER + RER * LES, refer to the sum of the base
variable RER and the interaction term that gives the total effect for
low export sales categories. The corresponding statistic is the
F-test for the null hypothesis that this sum is equal to zero. All
tests are Tobit specifications.
* Significant at the 10% level.
** Significant at the 5% level.
*** Significant at the 1% level.
Table 3. Direct Comparison of ER Measures
Bilateral (1) Bilateral (1)
Export- Import-
Weighted (2) Weighted (2)
RER(1) -0.8801 *** (-4.16) -0.4987 ** (-2.50)
RER(2) 0.2915 * (1.66) -0.1324 (-0.86)
RER(1) * LES 0.1100 (0.72) 0.0661 (0.48)
RER(1) + RER(1)LES -0.7701 *** (15.71) -0.4326 ** (6.22)
RER(1) +
RER(1) LES = 0)
RER(2) * LES -0.0837 (-0.48) -0.0579 (-0.39)
RER(2) + RER(2)LES 0.2078 (1.44) -0.1903 (2.40)
RER(2) +
RER(2) LES = 0)
VOL(1) -0.0526 (-0.67) 0.0644 (2.40)
VOL(2) 0.1157* (1.94) -0.0225 (-0.40)
VOL(1) * LES 0.0280 (0.32) -0.0415 (-0.49)
VOL(1) + VOL(1)LES -0.0246 (0.14) 0.0229 (0.11)
VOL(1) +
VOL(1) LES = 0)
VOL(2) * LES -0.0929 (-1.36) -0.0689 (-0.96)
VOL(2) + VOL(2)LES 0.0228 (0.23) -0.0914 (2.72)
VOL(2) +
VOL(2) LES = 0)
RER(1) = RER(2) 10.19 *** 1.22
RER(1)LES = 8.10 *** 0.81
VOL(1) = VOL(2) 1.72 0.60
VOL(1)LES = 0.22 1.00
Industry 0.82 1.17
Country 6.92 *** 7.52 ***
No. obs. 276 276
Left-censored 6 6
Log-likelihood 197.08 196.75
Bilateral (1) Bilateral (1)
Trade- Competitor-
Weighted (2) Weighted (2)
RER(1) -0.6352 *** (-2.69) -0.6466 ** (-2.48)
RER(2) 0.0304 (0.15) 0.0214 (0.08)
RER(1) * LES 0.1255 (0.80) -0.0688 (-0.59)
RER(1) + RER(1)LES -0.5097 ** (5.95) -0.7154 *** (7.75)
RER(1) +
RER(1) LES = 0)
RER(2) * LES -0.1303 (-0.74) 0.1760 (1.26)
RER(2) + RER(2)LES -0.0999 (0.31) 0.1974 (0.60)
RER(2) +
RER(2) LES = 0)
VOL(1) 0.0056 (0.07) 0.1350 * (1.76)
VOL(2) 0.0498 (0.74) -0.1262 * (-1.67)
VOL(1) * LES 0.0087 (0.09) -0.0771 (-0.94)
VOL(1) + VOL(1)LES 0.0143 (0.04) 0.0579 (0.69)
VOL(1) +
VOL(1) LES = 0)
VOL(2) * LES -0.1082 (-1.30) -0.0096 (-0.12)
VOL(2) + VOL(2)LES -0.0584 (0.77) -0.1358 ** (4.60)
VOL(2) +
VOL(2) LES = 0)
RER(1) = RER(2) 2.58 1.76
RER(1)LES = 1.24 3.41 *
VOL(1) = VOL(2) 0.11 3.41 *
VOL(1)LES = 0.31 2.55
Industry 1.02 1.36
Country 6.94 *** 4.80 ***
No. obs. 276 276
Left-censored 6 6
Log-likelihood 194.41 197.83
Export Weighted (1) Export Weighted (1)
Import- Competitor-
Weighted (2) Weighted (2)
RER(1) 0.0075 (0.04) 0.2784 (1.59)
RER(2) -0.3908 ** (-2.25) -0.7853 *** (-3.74)
RER(1) * LES -0.0392 (-0.18) -0.3752 * (-1.83)
RER(1) + RER(1)LES -0.0317 (0.04) -0.0968 (0.28)
RER(1) +
RER(1) LES = 0)
RER(2) * LES 0.0211 (0.10) 0.4624 ** (2.06)
RER(2) + RER(2)LES -0.3697 *** (8.79) -0.3229 (2.52)
RER(2) +
RER(2) LES = 0)
VOL(1) 0.1465 ** (2.50) 0.1767 *** (2.81)
VOL(2) -0.0727 (-1.16) -0.1751 ** (-2.21)
VOL(1) * LES -0.1053 (-1.63) -0.1135 (-1.61)
VOL(1) + VOL(1)LES 0.0412 (0.90) 0.0632 (1.87)
VOL(1) +
VOL(1) LES = 0)
VOL(2) * LES -0.0001 (-0.00) 0.0751 (0.87)
VOL(2) + VOL(2)LES -0.0728 (2.29) -0.100 * (3.00)
VOL(2) +
VOL(2) LES = 0)
RER(1) = RER(2) 1.38 8.41 ***
RER(1)LES = 1.80 0.38
VOL(1) = VOL(2) 3.80 * 6.96 ***
VOL(1)LES = 2.18 3.22 *
Industry 0.90 1.40
Country 7.04 *** 4.61 ***
No. obs. 276 276
Left-censored 6 6
Log-likelihood 195.10 197.87
Import Weighted (2)
Weighted (2)
RER(1) -0.0307 (-0.18)
RER(2) -0.5707 *** (-2.60)
RER(1) * LES -0.3749 * (-1.94)
RER(1) + RER(1)LES -0.4056 *** (8.80)
RER(1) +
RER(1) LES = 0)
RER(2) * LES 0.4771 ** (2.18)
RER(2) + RER(2)LES -0.0936 (0.26)
RER(2) +
RER(2) LES = 0)
VOL(1) 0.0237 (0.38)
VOL(2) -0.0393 (-0.53)
VOL(1) * LES -0.0248 (-0.33)
VOL(1) + VOL(1)LES -0.0011 (0.00)
VOL(1) +
VOL(1) LES = 0)
VOL(2) * LES -0.0576 (-0.67)
VOL(2) + VOL(2)LES -0.0969 (1.78)
VOL(2) +
VOL(2) LES = 0)
RER(1) = RER(2) 2.14
RER(1)LES = 1.09
VOL(1) = VOL(2) 0.25
VOL(1)LES = 0.56
Industry 1.86 *
Country 5.01 ***
No. obs. 276
Left-censored 6
Log-likelihood 197.3
Dependent variable is the share of Japanese FDI flows by industry and
country to all non-OECD countries. Data were divided into high export
sales and low export sales according to the designations in the Japan
Ministry of Finance data. Column headings (bilateral, export, import,
and competitor) indicate the pair of exchange rate measures used in
RER and VOL in first column and described in section 3. (1) and (2)
refer in order to the listings at the top. All Tobits employ both
country and industry dummies. Other regressors include lagged wage,
the interest rate differential, lagged In GDP and In GDP per capita in
host country, lagged In GDP of Japan, the yen/dollar exchange rate
levels and volatility, and the financial openness measure though
not all are reported in the table. T-statistics are in parentheses.
Joint coefficients, such as RER(1) + RER(1)LES, refer to the sum of
the base variable RER and the interaction term that gives the total
effect for low export sales categories. The corresponding statistic is
the F-test for the null hypothesis that this sum is equal to zero. The
corresponding tests report the test that the coefficients on the level
and volatility of the exchange rate measures are equivalent across
the types of industries. All tests are Tobit specifications.
* Significant at the 10% level.
** Significant at the 5% level.
*** Significant at the 1% level.