Every breath you take: the effect of postpartum maternal smoking on childhood asthma.
Sabia, Joseph J.
1. Introduction
In June 2006, the U.S. Surgeon General's Office released a
report titled, "The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to
Tobacco Smoke," which summarizes evidence from the public health
and medical literatures on the adverse effects of exposure to secondhand
tobacco smoke. Upon presenting the report to the media, Surgeon General Richard Carmona offered the following comments:
The scientific evidence is now indisputable: secondhand tobacco
smoke is not a mere annoyance. It is a serious health hazard that
can lead to disease and premature death in children and non-smoking
adults ... Children exposed to secondhand smoke are at an increased
risk for Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), acute respiratory
infections, ear problems, and more severe asthma (Carmona 2006).
Carmona further emphasized that "there is no safe amount of
secondhand smoke" to which a child can be exposed. Many states have
adopted a variety of antismoking policies based on this evidence. (1)
The Surgeon General's report concludes that while there is some
medical evidence of a causal link between environmental tobacco smoke and asthma among school-age children, "the evidence is suggestive,
but not sufficient to infer a causal relationship between secondhand
smoke exposure from parental smoking and the onset of childhood
asthma" (Report of the Surgeon General 2006, p. 9). Examining the
appropriateness of inferring a causal relationship between parental
smoking and childhood asthma requires more careful empirical attention
than has been seen in the public health literature. This is the key
contribution of the current study.
Today, nearly 5 million children have asthma, with the most rapid
rate of increase occurring for those under the age of five (American
Academy of Pediatrics 2000). Asthma remains the leading cause of
pediatric emergency room use and hospital admission (National Institute
of Environmental Health Sciences 2007). Over the last decade, federal
agencies have turned their attention toward better surveillance of and
more research on asthma. The Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) issued a 1997 report titled "Action against Asthma,"
which set goals for reductions in asthma prevalence by 2010. In May
2000, the President's Task Force on Environmental Health Risks and
Safety Risks to Children--a joint venture of the DHHS and the
Environmental Protection Agency--issued a report titled "Asthma and
the Environment: A Strategy to Protect Children," which set forth
similar goals. The National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute's
Asthma Education and Prevention Program has also produced several
reports on this topic. Each of these agencies, along with the recent
report from the Surgeon General, has cited exposure to secondhand smoke
as a strong correlate of childhood asthma.
This study carefully examines the relationship between postpartum maternal smoking and childhood asthma among populations at highest risk
of asthma--racial minorities and children of less-educated parents. In
contrast to previous studies in the public health literature, this study
more carefully addresses unmeasured heterogeneity in attempting to
isolate the causal effect of secondhand smoke on childhood asthma. The
findings presented here suggest that postpartum maternal smoking may
have important adverse effects on children's health. Confirming
several previous studies in the literature, cross-section estimates
reflect consistent evidence of a positive association between maternal
smoking and childhood asthma. Postpartum maternal smoking is associated
with a 2 to 3 percentage point higher probability of asthma by age one
and a 4 to 5 percentage point higher probability of asthma by age three.
Importantly, these results are robust to the inclusion of individual
fixed effects. Difference-in-difference models that compare the change
in asthma rates for children whose mothers began smoking between their
child's first and third birthday with mothers who remained
nonsmokers find that maternal smoking is associated with a 4 to 7
percentage-point increase in asthma rates. This result is robust to
several falsification tests, suggesting that other time-varying
unmeasured maternal health input choices cannot explain this positive
2. Asthma-Smoking Literature
Asthma is a chronic inflammatory lung disease characterized by
repeated instances of breathlessness, wheezing, and coughing (Department
of Health and Human Services 1997). This disease has been discussed
quite extensively in the medical and public health literatures but has
largely been ignored in the economics literature. But as policymakers
consider policy alternatives to reduce asthma rates--such as raising
cigarette taxes--economists will be increasingly called upon for
cost-benefit analyses. As a primer for such future research, a 1998 DHHS
study estimated the annual cost of asthma, including medical costs and
productivity losses, to be over $11 billion per year. Death rates due to
asthma are on the rise, with an over 300% increase from 1977 to 1995.
Race differences also persist. In 1995, the death rate among African
Americans (11.5 per million) was over four times higher than that among
whites (Mannino, Homa, and Pertowski 1998).
The medical community has reached a consensus that asthma is a
disease of airway inflammation "resulting from a complex interplay between environmental exposures and genetic and other factors"
(Asthma Priority Area Workgroup 2000, p. 9). Secondhand tobacco smoke
from cigarettes, cigars, and pipes is composed of over 3800 unique
chemical compounds (National Research Council 1986). Concentrations of
suspended particulate matter are two to three times higher in homes with
smokers than homes without smoking, and this particulate matter is
believed to be negatively associated with respiratory health (Lefcoe and
Inculet 1971; Dockery et al. 1982; American Academy of Pediatrics 2000).
While there is minimal understanding of the environmental causes of
asthma, the environmental triggers of child asthma have become more well
known. Among the principal allergens that trigger asthma attacks among
young children are house dust mites, cockroaches, mold, and animal hair
(for examples, see Bierman 1996; Warner et al. 1996; National Asthma
Education and Prevention Program 1997; Platts-Mills and Carter 1997; and
Institute of Medicine 2000). Air pollutants, including ozone and upper
respiratory viruses, are also positively correlated with asthma attacks
(Koren 1995; Busse, Gern, and Dick 1997).
Several studies have examined the relationship between exposure to
secondhand tobacco smoke and the development of asthma in young
children. However, almost all are cross-sectional studies that do not
account for unobservable characteristics that may be correlated with
both maternal smoking and the child's development of asthma, thus
raising doubts as to the appropriateness of a causal interpretation of
Using the Third National Health and Nutritional Examination Survey,
Gergen et al. (1998) examine the impact of environmental tobacco smoke
on the respiratory health of a nationally representative sample of
children aged two months to five years. They found that among children
two months to two years of age, maternal smoking of greater than 20
cigarettes per day is associated with a significantly higher rate of
diagnosed asthma. Weizman et al. (1990) find similar results using the
National Health Interview Survey. (For a review of much of the medical
literature, see Strachan and Cook 1998.)
A series of smaller, localized studies have also found a positive
association between parental smoking and child asthma (for example,
Burchfield et al. 1986; Evans, Levison, and Feldman 1987; O'Connor et al. 1987; Murray and Morrison 1989; Krzyzanowski, Quackenboss, and
Lebowitz 1990). It is difficult to interpret these studies causally--and
to generalize the results of local studies--given the failure to
carefully address potential biases caused by unmeasured heterogeneity.
No large-scale studies in the economics literature have examined
the impact of secondhand tobacco smoke on child asthma rates. Most
studies have examined the impact of prepartum maternal smoking on infant
health outcomes, usually focusing on birth weight (see, for example,
Evans and Ringel 1999), and have explored how increases in cigarette
taxes could lead to improved health outcomes for children (Ringel and
Evans 2001; Colman, Grossman, and Joyce 2003). Other work has examined
the impact of air pollutants on child asthma (Neidel12004). Less
attention has been paid to the negative health effects associated with
exposure to household-level secondhand smoke.
This paper contributes to the existing empirical literature in
three key ways. First, while much of the health economics literature has
focused on the effect of smoking during pregnancy on child health
outcomes, this study examines whether there are important adverse child
health effects of postpartum maternal smoking. Second, in examining the
relationship between postpartum maternal smoking and childhood asthma,
this study improves upon the public health literature by more carefully
addressing potential biases that may result from unobserved
heterogeneity. Finally, this study examines the effect of parental
smoking on childhood asthma among populations at high risk of developing
asthma--racial minorities and children of less-educated mothers.
3. Methodology
Cross-Section Estimates
The existing public health literature on the relationship between
parental smoking and childhood asthma has generally presented
cross-section estimates of the child health production function. To
replicate the existing literature, probit and linear probability models of the following form are estimated (2):
[A.sup.*.sub.ijt] = [[beta].sub.0] + [[beta].sub.1] [S.sub.jt] +
[X'.sub.it][[beta].sub.3] + [[epsilon].sub.ijt], (1)
where [A.sup.*] is a latent propensity asthma for infant i with
mother j at time t. Then, [A.sub.ijt] = 1 if [A.sup.*] > 0 and
[A.sub.ijt] = 0 if [A.sup.*] [less than or equal to] 0. S is a measure
of parental smoking, [X.sub.i] is a vector of child characteristics,
[X.sub.j] is a vector of mother characteristics, and [epsilon] is the
error term.
The cross-section estimate of the effect of parental smoking on
child asthma ([[beta]sub.1]) will only be unbiased in the absence of
unmeasured characteristics associated with both parental smoking and
childhood asthma. If, for example, mothers who smoke make other
unobservable health decisions that increase the probability of child
asthma--such as expending low effort to keep the home environment free
of other indoor allergens--then the estimate of [[beta].sub.1] may be
biased toward adverse health effects. Alternatively, if mothers have
information on their children's health endowments--for example,
that their children are genetically prone to developing asthma--and this
information is unobserved to researchers, then the mothers who choose to
smoke may be those whose children have the healthiest endowments. This
type of selection will lead to downwardly biased estimates of the effect
of secondhand smoke on childhood asthma.
Difference-in-Difference Strategy
This study's key methodological contribution to the existing
secondhand smoke-asthma literature is to better control for unobserved
heterogeneity in the child health production function by including
individual fixed effects. Difference-in-difference estimates of the
child health production function will control for time-invariant
unmeasured heterogeneity. Given longitudinal data on adolescents in two
periods (at age one and age three), a difference-in- difference model of
the following form may be estimated:
[A.sub.it] + 2 - [A.sub.it] = ([[beta].sub.0t] + 2 -
[[beta].sub.0t] + [[beta].sub.1] ([S.sub.j] + 2 - [S.sub.jt]) +
([X.sub.it] + 2 - [X.sub.it])'[[beta].sub.2] + ([X.sub.jt] + 2 -
[X.sub.jt])'[[beta].sub.3] + ([[upsilon].sub.it] + 2 -
[[upsilon].sub.it]). (2)
In this model, child asthma is measured at age one (period t) and
age three (period t + 2), and the sample conditioned on non-smokers at
period t. The difference-in-difference estimate ([gamma]) will be an
unbiased estimate of the effect of postpartum maternal smoking on child
asthma if there are no time-varying unobservables correlated with
changes in smoking behavior and with asthma diagnoses,
E[([[upsilon].sub.it+2] - [[upsilon].sub.it]) | ([S.sub.it+2] -
[S.sub.it])=0]. The unobserved heterogeneity described to this
point--mother's knowledge of child's unobserved health
endowment and mother's unobserved propensity for engaging in other
asthma-inducing activities--have been fixed. But if, for example, a
family experiences an unobserved financial stressor between period t and
t + 2, then this might be correlated with both an increase in smoking
and an increase in asthma, with the latter not caused by smoking but by
reduced investments in household cleanliness.
An alternate identification strategy to the fixed effects approach
is to model the unmeasured heterogeneity via instrumental variables.
Such an approach would require instruments that provide exogenous variation in parental smoking that are uncorrelated with unmeasured
determinants of child asthma. While this approach is explored, concern
about the lack of valid exclusion restrictions in the data results in my
relying more heavily on the fixed effects identification strategy. The
credibility of the identification assumption underlying the
difference-in-difference (DD) model is examined through a set of
falsification tests.
One way to examine the appropriateness of interpreting DD estimates
causally is through a series of falsification tests. This can be done by
estimating Equation 2 using child health outcomes that are not expected
to be causally influenced by exposure to secondhand smoke. The absence
of a statistically significant relationship between the onset of smoking
and, for example, child injuries, accidents, physical disabilities, and
overall health would help to validate a causal interpretation of DD
estimates of the asthma equation.
Similarly, estimating the relationship between the onset of other
"unhealthy" parental behaviors correlated with smoking, but
not expected to causally influence asthma, would provide an additional
validity test for a causal interpretation of DD estimates of the effect
of smoking on asthma. The consumption of alcohol and drugs, while
correlated with smoking, should not directly influence childhood asthma.
Thus, the absence of a significant relationship between alcohol or drug
consumption and asthma would suggest that time-varying unobserved
heterogeneity may not be an important source of bias. These
falsification tests, while not conclusive, will provide some suggestive
evidence of the credibility of the DD identification strategy.
4. Data
This study uses data from the Fragile Families and Child Wellbeing
Study, a national survey that follows a birth cohort of parents and
their children over a three-year period. The Fragile Families and Child
Wellbeing Study was developed by the Center for Research on Child
Wellbeing at Princeton University and the Social Indicators Survey
Center at Columbia University. At the child's birth, 4898 new
mothers were interviewed: 3712 were unwed and 1186 were married; 3830
interviews with fathers were completed. Initial interviews with brand
new mothers and fathers took place between February 1998 and September 2000. Parents were interviewed immediately after the birth of the child
(initial interview), 12 months later (one-year follow-up), and 36 months
later (three-year follow-up), with mothers and fathers interviewed
separately. (3) The Fragile Families study includes a stratified random
sample of all U.S. cities with populations of 200,000 or more. (4)
First, cities were sampled; then hospitals within cities were sampled;
and finally, births within hospitals were sampled. (5) The data are
representative of nonmarital births in U.S. cities with populations over
This data set is useful in examining the relationship between
parental smoking and childhood asthma for three reasons. First, the
survey is targeted at less-educated, low-income families composed of
racial minorities. Given the relatively high rates of asthma among
children in these subpopulations, these data will allow me to explore
the effect of secondhand smoke on asthma rates of the most at-risk populations. Second, the Fragile Families data have measures of child
and infant health as well as parental smoking behavior at multiple
points in time, permitting the estimation of DD models, which represents
an important improvement to estimation strategies in the current public
health literature. Third, multiple asthma measures are available, which
allows me to test the sensitivity of results to varying definitions of
the dependent variable.
The analysis for this paper focuses on the second and third waves
of data, which correspond to outcomes when the child is approximately 12
months old and 36 months old, respectively. For the remainder of this
paper, outcomes at the child's first birthday are referred to as
baseline outcomes. The means and standard deviations of baseline asthma
measures, maternal smoking, and other sociodemographic characteristics
used in this analysis are found in Table 1A for high-risk asthma
populations: newborn boys, blacks, Hispanics, and households with
mothers who have less than a high school education. (6) Table 1B shows
the correlation among a set of alternate asthma measures. Child asthma
rates at age three, along with means of key control variables, are found
in Table 1C.
Dependent Variables
There are three measures of child asthma available in the second
and third waves of the Fragile Families data. The first measure asks
whether a doctor or other health professional had ever told the mother
that her child had asthma. Nearly 14% of mothers in the sample reported
being told by a health professional that her one-year-old child had
asthma. Asthma diagnosis rates were higher for blacks (17.5%) and
Hispanics (13.9%) than for whites (5.7%). Boys were more likely to be
diagnosed with asthma (16.5%) than girls (10.3%). Children whose mothers
had less than a high school education had among the highest asthma rates
(18.4%). By age three, the percentage of all mothers in the sample who
had ever reported receiving an asthma diagnosis was 26%, with nearly a
third of single mothers with less than a high school education reporting
an asthma diagnosis.
It is important to note that mothers who received an asthma
diagnosis are, by definition, also those who had taken their child to a
doctor. This form of selection may be an important concern. Children who
do have asthma may be undiagnosed because they have not been to a
doctor. While there is no statistically significant difference in
reported asthma rates by insurance status (12% of uninsured mothers
report an asthma diagnosis by age one, compared to 14% of insured
mothers (7)), selection may bias estimates of the effect of parental
smoking on the probability of an asthma diagnosis if unobserved parental
characteristics associated with smoking are also associated with
frequency of doctor visits. For example, the estimated effect of
parental smoking on child asthma may be biased toward zero if parents
who smoke invest less in child health and do not take their children to
health professionals for regular physical examinations. Conversely,
estimates could be upwardly biased if smoking parents believe that
smoking may have adverse respiratory effects on their children and thus
choose to have them examined more frequently by medical professionals.
Estimates of asthma rates in the Fragile Families survey are, as
expected, much higher that those reported in the nationally
representative National Maternal and Infant Health Survey (NMIHS). The
NMIHS shows that 11% of mothers of two- to four-year-olds report
"they have been told by a doctor, nurse or health care provider
that the [child] has asthma." This compares to the 13% of children
with asthma by age one (and nearly a quarter of children by age three)
observed in the full Fragile Families study. This difference can be
explained by the Fragile Families study's focus on low-income,
unmarried, less-educated, welfare-prone racial minorities--all
populations with the highest asthma rates.
A second measure of asthma available in the Fragile Families data
is whether the child has ever had an asthma attack. According to the
data, 8.1% of mothers reported that their child had had an asthma attack
by age one, and 15.9% reported an asthma attack by age three, each lower
than the mean rate of asthma diagnoses. At age one, the rate was higher
for blacks (10.8%) and Hispanics (7.7%) than for whites (3.1%).
Moreover, boys had almost twice the rate of asthma attacks (10.4%) of
girls (5.6%). These race- and sex-specific differences persisted at age
three. Note that this measure of asthma does not specify whether a
doctor or the parent has determined that the child had an asthma attack.
Thus, this may introduce measurement error to the extent that mothers
misdiagnose asthma attacks.
A final measure of asthma is whether the mother has ever had to
take the child to an emergency room because of an asthma attack. In the
sample, 7.6% of mothers reported taking their child to get urgent
emergency care due to an asthma attack by age one. This percentage
increased to just over 13% by age three. Similar differences exist by
race and sex as described in the previous asthma measures. An
affirmative response to getting emergency care for one's
child's asthma attack requires the interaction of the
identification of a severe attack and the mother taking immediate action
to obtain emergency medical care for the child. Thus, this asthma
measure may suffer from similar selection issues to those described in
the professional asthma diagnosis measure described previously.
In summary, one important advantage of the Fragile Families data is
the presence of multiple measures of child asthma, which allows me to
test the sensitivity of findings to alternate definitions. (8) However,
in addition to the selection issue just discussed, there is another
important limitation to these data. The recent medical literature (see,
for example, Martinez et al. 1995) suggests there is difficulty in
accurately diagnosing asthma in young children. While wheezing during
the first six years of life often precipitates an asthma diagnosis,
Martinez et al. (1995) find that the majority of infants with wheezing
problems do not have increased risks of asthma later in life, but rather
simply have "transient conditions associated with diminished airway
function at birth" (p. 133). This finding suggests that asthma
rates of young children may be overreported.
While this paper focuses on asthma as a child health outcome that
may be affected by exposure to secondhand smoke, this respiratory
illness is not the only one that may be affected. An increase in
coughing, wheezing, and ear infections may also be observed because of
exposure to secondhand smoke. Importantly, if wheezing is associated
with greater exposure to secondhand smoke, then the impact of maternal
smoking on asthma may be upwardly biased. In the presence of this form
of measurement error, it may be that estimates of the effects of smoking
on asthma may be more appropriately interpreted as the effects of
smoking on wheezing and other respiratory illnesses. This measurement
problem is not unique to the Fragile Families data, (9) but it is
important to note this limitation prior to proceeding with the analysis.
Smoking Behavior
Across waves, mothers and fathers are asked questions about their
smoking behavior. (10) Responses showed that 19.6% of mothers smoked
during pregnancy and 27.4% smoked in the year after their child's
birth. This measure is generally consistent with that of other large
data sets. Colman, Grossman, and Joyce (2003) report that in the
Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System, approximately 22% of new
mothers smoke. By the child's third birthday, approximately 34% of
mothers had smoked since their child's birth.
Smoking rates differed significantly by race. During their
child's first year of life, 37% of white mothers smoked, while only
18.7% of Hispanics and 27.2% of blacks did so; 38.7% of mothers with
less than a high school education were postpartum smokers. Similar race
and education-specific patterns existed for smoking patterns by the
child's third birthday.
Most mothers were "light" smokers. Of mothers who smoked
after their child's birth but before their first birthday, more
than 75% smoked less than one-half a pack per day, 21% smoked one pack a
day, and 4% smoked more than one pack a day. There was not a significant
difference in maternal smoking by higher-order birth--28.6% of mothers
with two or more children smoked, as did 25.6% of mothers with only one
child. Similar patterns existed for smoking by the child's third
birthday. Of mothers who smoked between the child's first and third
birthdays, 78% reported smoking approximately less than one-half a pack
per day.
By the child's first birthday, approximately 41% of fathers in
the sample smoked, while 19.8% of households had a father residing there
who smoked. The proportion was higher for whites (27%) than blacks
(16.4%), and 38.1% of households had at least one parent who smoked. The
correlation between mothers' smoking and fathers' smoking was
One limitation of these data is that we do not have a report of the
quantity of secondhand smoke to which the child is exposed in multiple
waves. However, in wave 3, there are a few more precise measures of
smoking behavior that may be correlated with childhood asthma. Mothers
are asked how many smokers are in the household, whether the child is
exposed to time in the same room as a smoker, and whether the mother
smokes in the home. Means of these variables are available in Table 1C.
Other Demographic and Economic Variables
Other independent variables used to measure inputs in the child
health production function at baseline are listed in Table 1A. These
variables include economic and demographic characteristics: race, sex of
the child, birth weight of the child, whether the mother has other
biological children, marital status, household income, labor market participation, mother's age, whether the mother has health care
coverage, whether the mother has a physical limitation, welfare
participation, child's age, work stressors, and financial
stressors. Table 1C includes an additional independent variable measured
only at period t + 2: whether the mother takes medication for an asthma
condition. This is the sole measure available that captures the
child's genetic predisposition to asthma.
5. Empirical Findings
Tables 2-8 present the major findings of this study. All estimates
in the tables are marginal effects, with t-statistics presented in
parentheses. The results in these tables are limited to estimates of the
relationship between smoking and asthma. Parameter estimates on control
variables for cross-section and DD models are available for a subset of
models in Appendixes A and B.
Cross-section Estimates
Table 2 presents probit estimates of the association between
parental smoking and asthma by age one using wave 2 data. Column 1
presents the simple correlation, and column 2 adds controls for
mother's age, age squared, race, sex, mother's marital status,
employment status, education, household income, whether there are other
children in the household, and whether the mother reports a physical
disability. Column 3 includes these socioeconomic characteristics plus
the child's birth weight, which serves as a control for unobserved
child health endowment.
The evidence from these models suggests that there is a positive
relationship between parental smoking and infant asthma. Moreover, the
association is driven by postpartum maternal smoking. This is the case
for two key reasons. First, the Fragile Families sample is focused on
unmarried mothers, many of whom live apart from the infant's
father. Second, mothers are more likely to serve as primary caregivers;
thus, their smoking may be more highly correlated with the infant's
exposure to secondhand smoke. Controlling for socioeconomic covariates
(column 2), mothers' postpartum smoking is associated with a 3.4
percentage point higher probability of an asthma diagnosis at age one.
When the infant's birth weight is added to the model to control for
the infant's unobserved health endowment, the magnitude and
significance of the parameter falls, though it is still marginally
significant (column 3). Because mothers' smoking behavior seems to
drive the association between parental smoking and infant asthma in this
sample, this smoking measure is used in the remainder of the analysis.
Table 3A presents probit estimates of the association between an
asthma diagnosis and quantities of cigarettes consumed by the mother.
Models for populations at high-risk of asthma--boys, African Americans,
Hispanics, and less educated mothers--are estimated separately. The
evidence suggests that relative to nonsmokers, mothers who smoked less
than half a pack per day were more likely to have infants diagnosed with
asthma. However, somewhat surprisingly, the probability of asthma did
not rise with increasing quantities of cigarette consumption, except for
Hispanics and less-educated mothers. This may be true because the
proportion of mothers who reported smoking more than one pack per day is
very small (1.0%). Hence, any maternal smoking is used as the key
explanatory variable of interest in most of the subsequent tables.
In Table 3B, the estimates of the association between postpartum
maternal smoking and three measures of infant asthma during the first
year of the child's life are presented. Across all definitions of
the dependent variable, there is consistent evidence of a positive
relationship between postpartum maternal smoking and childhood asthma,
with estimates around 3 percentage points.
Of particular note is the strong relationship between maternal
smoking and infant asthma for Hispanics. Maternal smoking after
pregnancy is associated with an 11.8 percentage point increase in the
probability of a professional asthma diagnosis, an 11.1 percentage point
increase in the probability of a parental asthma diagnosis, and an 8.7
percentage point increase in emergency asthma care. As noted in Table 1,
Hispanics have the lowest educational attainment levels, with 42.4% of
mothers having less than a high school education. Hence, in column 6,
models are estimated for those mothers with low education levels, and
there is evidence of a large significant effect.
These findings suggest strong evidence of a positive relationship
between postpartum maternal smoking and infant asthma, especially for
those populations at high risk for asthma. However, one criticism of the
estimates presented in Tables 2 and 3 is that asthma diagnoses tend to
materialize at later ages than age one. The American Lung Association suggests that asthma diagnoses by age two are more reliable and
appropriate. In Table 4A, linear probability model estimates of the
relationship between postpartum maternal smoking and child asthma by age
three are presented. The smoking measure is whether the mother reported
any smoking following the birth of the child. A key additional covariate included in the set of socioeconomic characteristics in these models is
a measure of whether the mother is currently taking medication for an
asthma condition. (12) This is the only available measure that allows us
to examine a specific genetic connection between maternal asthma and the
probability of child asthma. As expected, maternal consumption of asthma
medication is positively associated with the probability of a child
asthma diagnosis. (13)
As in Table 3B, Table 4A shows consistent evidence of a positive
relationship between postpartum maternal smoking and child asthma by age
three. Postpartum maternal smoking is associated with a 3 to 4
percentage-point higher probability of an asthma diagnosis and a 4
percentage-point higher probability of using emergency care services
following a severe asthma attack. Again, the relationships are
especially strong among traditionally high-risk populations across all
asthma definitions. (14)
In contrast to earlier waves, wave 3 of the Fragile Families data
does contain detailed information on the child's exposure to
smokers in the household. In column 6 of Table 4A, estimates of the
relationship between a household smoker spending positive hours in the
same room as the child and the probability of asthma are presented.
There is consistent evidence of a positive relationship between a
child's exposure to a smoker in the same room and childhood asthma.
Column 7 conditions the sample on all smokers and estimates whether the
presence of more than one smoker in the household is associated with a
higher probability of asthma. There is some evidence that exposure to
more smokers in the home is associated with a greater likelihood of
asthma. These results suggest evidence that increased exposure to
secondhand smoke may increase the likelihood of asthma. (15)
In summary, the findings in Tables 2-4A suggest consistent evidence
of a positive relationship between postpartum maternal smoking and child
asthma across various model specifications and definitions of the
dependent variable. These results are consistent with much of the public
health and medical literature (Burchfield et al. 1986; Evans, Levison,
and Feldman 1987; O'Connor et al. 1987; Murray and Morrison 1989;
Krzyzanowski, Quackenboss, and Lebowitz 1990; Weizman et al. 1990;
Gergen et al. 1998; Strachan and Cook 1998; Sabia and Lin 2006).
While there is strong evidence of a positive relationship between
postpartum maternal smoking and child asthma, there is little evidence
that smoking during pregnancy alone has an impact on child asthma, as
shown in Table 4B. The association between maternal smoking and
childhood asthma appears to occur after birth, when the infant may be
breathing in dangerous particles from secondhand smoke. (16) Given the
strong positive association between pre- and postpartum maternal
smoking, the lack of significant results for prepartum smoking suggests
that secondhand smoke--and not other unobserved health behaviors
associated with postpartum smoking--may be a cause of childhood asthma.
However, these results are merely suggestive; cross-section estimates of
the relationship between postpartum maternal smoking and child asthma
may still be upwardly biased in the presence of unmeasured
heterogeneity. Next, we turn to fixed effects estimates of the child
health production function.
Difference-in-Difference Estimates
Table 5 presents DD estimates of the relationship between the onset
of maternal smoking and whether the child has ever had asthma. (17) The
sample is restricted to mothers who reported that they were nonsmokers
through the second wave of data (age one of the child). (18) This
restriction is employed to identify the effects of contemporaneous exposure to secondhand smoke. These estimates may actually understate the true full effects of smoking if lagged maternal smoking affects
asthma diagnoses or if smoking effects are cumulative.
It is important to note that because this analysis is conducted on
a select sample, the results may not be generalizable to a broader group
of mothers. The selected sample consists of approximately 70% of the
full sample. In the selected sample, 66% of mothers reported not smoking
during the pregnancy or at the child's first or third birthday and
about 5% who did not report smoking prior to the child's first
birthday reported smoking between the child's first and third
birthdays. Thus, the 14% of mothers who smoked continuously (from the
pregnancy through the child's third birthday) are excluded from the
sample, as are the 6% who did not smoke during pregnancy but did smoke
prior to both the child's first and third birthdays, and the 8% who
reported quitting smoking sometime during the three years. Later, we
examine whether the results are robust to include quitters in the fixed
effects sample, as well as more precise measures of between wave changes
in quantities of cigarettes consumed.
The DD strategy in Table 5 compares the change in asthma rates of
children whose mothers began smoking by the child's third birthday
(wave 3) with the change in asthma rates of children whose mothers
remained nonsmokers. Parameter estimates on the full set of time-varying
controls are available in Appendix B. (19) The findings in Table 5
suggest consistent evidence that the onset of maternal smoking is
associated with a significant increase in child asthma, with a change in
asthma diagnoses of approximately 7 percentage points. Across two of
three definitions of asthma, maternal smoking is consistently associated
with a significant increase in ever reporting asthma. (20,21) As in the
ordinary least squares (OLS) models, the relationship between maternal
smoking and childhood asthma is especially strong for less-educated,
high-risk populations. Comparing DD models to OLS models suggests little
evidence of unobserved heterogeneity bias, with parameter estimates
statistically equivalent.
These findings suggest that the significant positive relationship
between postpartum maternal smoking and childhood asthma cannot be
explained by fixed unobserved heterogeneity. However, a few important
caveats are necessary before concluding the presence of a causal link
between postpartum maternal smoking and child asthma. First, the asthma
measures used in the analysis are imperfect inasmuch as they may also
measure the frequency with which mothers obtain medical care services
for their children. If mothers who begin smoking also avail themselves
of more medical services for their children than mothers who remain
nonsmokers, they are more likely to report an asthma diagnosis. However,
in results not presented but available upon request, there is little
evidence of a significant relationship between maternal smoking and the
number of times that the child had a routine checkup in the last 12
Second, because medical professionals may have some difficulty in
diagnosing childhood asthma, it may be the case that maternal smoking is
associated with other child respiratory illnesses that may not
necessarily lead to asthma at later ages. As Martinez et al. (1995)
suggest, wheezing is one such childhood illness that may, in fact, be
transient and not result in future asthma. In fact, evidence from the
National Maternal Infant Health Survey suggests that maternal smoking is
positively associated with a number of childhood respiratory illnesses,
including wheezing. Thus, to the extent that maternal smoking induces
greater wheezing in children that is misdiagnosed as asthma, the
findings here may reflect negative health effects that are more
transient than asthma.
Finally, while fixed effects models do control for fixed unobserved
heterogeneity, DD estimators could lead to upwardly biased estimates of
the effect of maternal smoking on child asthma in the presence of
time-varying unobservables that are correlated with both the onset of
smoking and childhood asthma, such as unobserved financial stressors,
which could directly affect child health production. (22)
One method of addressing this concern with time-varying
unobservables is to model unmeasured heterogeneity via instrumental
variables (IV). This approach was attempted, with state cigarette taxes,
state-level antismoking sentiment, individual-specific exogenous
stressors, and first-stage heteroskedasticity each considered as
potential exclusion restrictions. The results of IV models are generally
consistent with OLS and DD models, which may add to our confidence in
causally interpreting DD estimates. (23) However, there remain important
concerns about the validity of the exclusion restrictions available in
the data. Hence, the focus of the remaining analysis will focus on the
credibility of the fixed effects identification strategy. In Table 6, a
series of "antitests" are presented to examine whether
time-varying unmeasured heterogeneity is an important source of bias in
DD estimates.
Falsification Tests
Table 6 presents DD estimates of the relationship between the onset
of maternal smoking and other child health outcomes that are not
expected to be causally affected by exposure to secondhand tobacco smoke
but could be correlated with other unmeasured health input choices that
are also associated with smoking. These health outcomes include the
following: overnight stays in the hospital, doctor visits for accidents
or injuries, emergency room visits for accidents or injuries, physical
disabilities, and an overall assessment of health. If the onset of
smoking is significantly associated with these other health outcomes,
time-varying unmeasured heterogeneity may be an important source of bias
in the DD estimates presented in Table 5.
Row 1 presents estimates of the effect of the onset of maternal
smoking on asthma diagnoses. As before, there is a significant positive
relationship. However, rows 2-7 reflect that the estimated effect of
smoking on other health outcomes not believed to be causally affected by
smoking are not significant. This evidence lends credibility to a causal
interpretation of the results in Table 5 and suggests that time-varying
factors related to household health production are not important sources
of unmeasured heterogeneity bias. If these factors were important, one
would expect to find significant effects for other health-related
Table 7 presents another set of falsification tests. In Table 7,
the relationship between the onset of alcohol or drug consumption and
asthma is estimated. While alcohol consumption and drug use are each
expected to be correlated with smoking, one would not expect them to
causally affect asthma. The first five columns of Table 7 present
estimates of the effect of the onset of any alcohol consumption on the
probability of asthma. Across definitions of asthma, there is no
evidence of a significant effect of drinking on asthma. Columns 6-10
present estimates of the effect of the onset of binge drinking--defined
as consuming four or more drinks in a single sitting in the last
month--and asthma. Again, none of the estimated effects is significant.
The final five rows of Table 7 present estimates of the effect of
the onset of illegal drug use on the asthma rates. As shown previously,
while drug use is expected to be correlated with smoking, one would not
expect its use to causally affect asthma. Across specifications, there
is no evidence that the onset of alcohol or drug use is associated with
an increase in asthma rates. Taken together, the results in Tables 6 and
7 add credibility to the identification assumption underlying the DD
Intensity of Smoking
One concern with the smoking onset estimates in Table 5 is that
these models capture the relatively rare event of nonsmoking morns
beginning to smoke between their newborn child's first and third
birthdays. Thus, perhaps the results are not generalizable to a broader
population of single mothers. Moreover, the previous estimates do not
account for changes in the quantity of cigarettes consumed but rather
only whether the mother smokes. (24) In Table 8, both starters and
quitters are included in the sample, and the relationship between the
change in quantity of cigarettes smoked and an asthma diagnosis is
estimated. The results are consistent with those in Table 5; an increase
in cigarette consumption is associated with significantly higher asthma
rates. Moreover, in contrast to the OLS estimates in Table 3A, an
increase of cigarette consumption of greater than one-half pack per day
is associated with a significant increase in asthma diagnoses. (25)
An important limitation to the fixed effects results is they do not
explicitly control for reverse causality. One might imagine that an
asthma diagnosis could induce mothers to cut back on cigarettes consumed
or to quit smoking entirely. This potential source of bias is
exacerbated by the lack of precise information on the timing of the
asthma diagnoses and on quitting behavior. In results not presented
here, there is some evidence to suggest that smoking cessation may be
one response to a child asthma diagnoses. (26) This form of endogeneity bias would be expected to bias fixed effects estimates downward since
nonsmoking mothers might remain nonsmokers if their child develops
asthma. In this sense, the fixed effects estimates presented in Tables 5
and 8 may be considered lower bound estimates.
Taken together, the empirical findings of this study suggest that
the significant positive relationship between postpartum maternal
smoking and childhood asthma is robust to controls for fixed individual
unmeasured heterogeneity, especially for populations that are at high
risk for developing child respiratory disease.
6. Conclusions and Policy Implications
The public health literature as well as a recent Surgeon
General's report claims that secondhand tobacco smoke may be one of
the triggers of childhood asthma. The evidence presented here suggests
that postpartum maternal smoking is significantly positively associated
with childhood asthma among populations with a high risk of asthma. This
finding is robust to the inclusion of individual fixed effects,
reflecting that fixed unobserved heterogeneity cannot fully explain the
relationship. Difference-in-difference estimates suggest that the onset
of maternal smoking is associated with a 7 percentage-point increase in
asthma diagnoses by age three and a 4 to 5 percentage-point increase in
having to obtain emergency care for a severe asthma attack. The
magnitude of the relationship is largest for those households where the
mother has less than a high school education, suggesting that the least
educated smoking mothers may expose their children to the most
secondhand smoke.
While this study has endeavored to establish more credible evidence
of a causal link between parental smoking and childhood asthma, an
important caveat to these findings is that the results do not suggest
that secondhand smoke is the predominant cause of asthma. It is fairly
well established in the medical literature that there are other strong
predictors of childhood asthma: genetic predisposition, viral
infections, and exposure to other indoor and outdoor pollutants.
Clearly, exposure to secondhand smoke cannot explain racial differences
in asthma rates because postpartum smoking rates among racial minorities
is lower than among whites even though childhood asthma rates are
higher. Race-specific differences in baseline asthma rates may be due to
differences in genetic predisposition to asthma, greater viral
infections, or greater exposure to indoor or outdoor allergens.
Moreover, one should exercise care in interpreting these findings
as a rationale to support policies to reduce smoking, such as higher
cigarette taxes. While secondhand tobacco smoke is a classic negative
externality that could, in principle, justify an increase in cigarette
taxes on efficiency grounds, it is not clear that the external costs are
not already being internalized within the family. Altruistic mothers may
internalize the health costs to their children and choose to smoke
anyway because they receive a high level of utility from cigarette
consumption (Viscusi 1995). Hence, a policy recommendation to raise
cigarette taxes to combat child asthma requires evidence that (i) the
externality is not already being internalized, (ii) higher cigarette
taxes will reduce postpartum maternal smoking, (iii) a reduction in
maternal smoking will reduce child asthma rates, and (iv) the health
benefits to children from raising cigarette taxes outweigh the costs
imposed on other smokers who do not impose negative externalities on
others. This paper has presented evidence in support of the third
condition. Even under the assumption that conditions (i) and (iv) are
satisfied, it is not clear that higher cigarette taxes would have a
significant impact on postpartum maternal smoking. The empirical
evidence is quite mixed.
A few recent papers have examined the effect of cigarette taxes on
maternal smoking and on subsequent child outcomes. Colman, Grossman, and
Joyce (2003) estimated the impact of cigarette taxes on smoking before,
during, and after pregnancy. While the authors find that a 10% increase
in cigarette taxes increases the probability of pregnant women quitting
by 10%, they also find that half of all quitters resume smoking within
six months of delivery and 75% resume smoking within a year. This
finding may suggest that higher cigarette taxes may not have a large
impact on new mothers' decision to smoke. Furthermore, while Evans
and Ringel (1999) and Ringel and Evans (2001) find that cigarette taxes
are a useful policy tool for deterring smoking by pregnant women and
improving birth outcomes, (27) there is little evidence on whether
cigarette taxes reduce exposure of children to secondhand smoke and
improve their postbirth health outcomes. Thus, the evidence is
insufficient to conclude that an increase in cigarette taxes would
enhance efficiency. (28)
While this study has presented evidence of adverse consequences of
postpartum maternal smoking on childhood asthma among at-risk
populations, future work utilizing more precise measures of exposure to
secondhand smoke and additional child respiratory illnesses would
provide a more complete picture of the potential adverse health effects
of household smoking. Moreover, longitudinal data that follow children
through older ages would allow examination of whether there are long-run adverse health effects.
Appendix A
LPM Estimates of Relationship between Asthma Diagnosis at Age Three and
Postpartum Maternal Smoking (a)
All Boys
(1) (2)
Maternal smoking 0.031 * (1.63) 0.052 ** (1.93)
Birth weight (kg) -0.053 *** (3.69) -0.059 *** (3.00)
Mother on asthma meds 0.210 *** (4.12) 0.300 *** (4.17)
Child boy 0.075 *** (4.41) --
Mother's age -0.006 (0.94) -0.016 (1.50)
Mother's age squared 0.000 (1.13) 0.000 (1.59)
Child's age (months) 0.015 *** (3.64) 0.014 ** (2.25)
Black mother 0.067 *** (2.76) 0.079 ** (2.27)
Hispanic mother 0.103 *** (3.87) 0.119 *** (3.10)
Other race mother 0.064 (1.23) 0.109 (1.53)
Married -0.011 (0.39) -0.013 (0.33)
Father present in house -0.057 ** (2.42) -0.086 *** (2.57)
Mother high school -0.045 ** (2.04) -0.056 * (1.77)
Mother some college -0.045 * (1.81) -0.047 (1.32)
Mother college grad -0.045 (1.14) -0.056 (0.97)
Other children 0.065 *** (3.06) 0.089 *** (2.89)
Household income (000s) -0.0001 (0.43) 0.000 (0.29)
Mother health limitation 0.021 (0.69) -0.053 (1.20)
Mother no insurance -0.040 (1.14) -0.060 (1.16)
Mother employed -0.036 ** (1.94) -0.052 ** (1.93)
AFDC receipt 0.029 (1.27) 0.023 (0.70)
Employment-related stress 0.022 (1.27) 0.017 (0.69)
Borrow money 0.023 (1.15) 0.053 * (1.85)
N 2504 1318
Blacks Hispanics
(3) (4)
Maternal smoking 0.026 (0.92) 0.120 *** (2.68)
Birth weight (kg) -0.070 *** (3.35) -0.033 (1.00)
Mother on asthma meds 0.208 *** (3.03) 0.364 *** (3.08)
Child boy 0.086 *** (3.37) 0.070 * (1.86)
Mother's age -0.000 (0.01) -0.026 ** (2.20)
Mother's age squared 0.000 (0.12) 0.0005 ** (2.43)
Child's age (months) 0.011 * (1.82) 0.015 * (1.67)
Black mother -- --
Hispanic mother -- --
Other race mother -- --
Married -0.027 (0.57) -0.020 (0.40)
Father present in house -0.062 * (1.85) -0.049 (0.97)
Mother high school -0.053 * (1.64) -0.025 (0.53)
Mother some college -0.085 ** (2.24) -0.007 (0.13)
Mother college grad -0.069 (0.92) -0.017 (0.15)
Other children 0.058 * (1.72) 0.090 ** (1.98)
Household income (000s) -0.0002 (0.01) -0.001 (0.59)
Mother health limitation -0.006 (0.14) 0.128 * (1.76)
Mother no insurance -0.081 (1.36) 0.040 (0.60)
Mother employed -0.031 (1.02) -0.028 (0.67)
AFDC receipt -0.003 (0.09) 0.015 (0.27)
Employment-related stress 0.049 * (1.87) -0.020 (0.50)
Borrow money 0.030 (1.04) 0.084 * (1.86)
N 1258 570
Less Educated
Maternal smoking 0.079 ** (2.31)
Birth weight (kg) -0.044 (1.55)
Mother on asthma meds 0.212 ** (2.27)
Child boy 0.108 *** (3.25)
Mother's age -0.020 (1.27)
Mother's age squared 0.0004 (1.55)
Child's age (months) 0.015 ** (1.93)
Black mother 0.047 (0.92)
Hispanic mother 0.088 * (1.65)
Other race mother 0.067 (0.54)
Married 0.065 (1.20)
Father present in house -0.078 * (1.85)
Mother high school --
Mother some college --
Mother college grad --
Other children 0.075 * (1.63)
Household income (000s) -0.002 (1.54)
Mother health limitation 0.050 (0.97)
Mother no insurance -0.023 (0.39)
Mother employed -0.042 (1.16)
AFDC receipt 0.051 (1.32)
Employment-related stress 0.014 (0.35)
Borrow money -0.002 (0.06)
N 804
(a) All estimates presented are marginal effects with absolute values
of t-statistics in parentheses. All models also include dummy variables
for type of housing unit.
* Significant at 10%.
** Significant at 5%.
*** Significant at 1%.
Appendix B
DD Estimates of Effect of Postpartum Maternal Smoking on Asthma
Diagnosis (a)
All Boys
(1) (2)
Maternal smoking 0.074 ** (2.35) 0.054 (1.25)
Child's age (months) 0.003 (1.44) 0.003 (0.94)
Married -0.027 (1.31) -0.050 * (1.70)
Father present in house -0.022 (1.25) -0.023 (0.99)
Other children -0.012 (0.58) -0.021 (0.75)
Household income (000s) 0.000 (0.12) 0.000 (0.27)
Mother health limitation -0.003 (0.12) 0.014 (0.42)
Mother no insurance 0.007 (0.32) 0.027 (0.95)
Mother employed -0.015 (1.14) -0.030 * (1.66)
AFDC receipt -0.027 * (1.62) -0.028 (1.26)
Mother's age -0.012 ** (2.01) -0.013 (1.49)
Mother's age squared 0.0002 * (1.66) 0.000 (1.26)
Employment-related stress -0.004 (0.06) 0.011 (0.13)
Borrow money -0.011 (0.77) 0.000 (0.02)
N 1550 816
Blacks Hispanics
(3) (4)
Maternal smoking 0.096 ** (2.17) 0.118 * (1.81)
Child's age (months) -0.001 (0.17) 0.010 ** (2.03)
Married -0.025 (0.76) -0.046 (1.33)
Father present in house -0.026 (1.11) -0.036 (0.84)
Other children 0.031 (0.97) 0.001 (0.01)
Household income (000s) 0.000 (0.65) -0.001 (1.19)
Mother health limitation 0.007 (0.22) -0.008 (0.15)
Mother no insurance 0.007 (0.21) 0.021 (0.59)
Mother employed -0.005 (0.26) -0.038 (1.41)
AFDC receipt -0.033 (1.55) -0.039 (0.95)
Mother's age -0.009 (0.78) -0.013 (1.45)
Mother's age squared 0.000 (0.74) 0.000 (1.30)
Employment-related stress -0.015 (0.08) 0.013 (0.13)
Borrow money -0.018 (0.92) 0.013 (0.42)
N 773 394
Less Educated
Maternal smoking 0.142 *** (2.75)
Child's age (months) 0.001 (0.32)
Married 0.070 (1.43)
Father present in house -0.077 ** (2.11)
Other children 0.022 (0.50)
Household income (000s) 0.000 (0.03)
Mother health limitation 0.002 (0.04)
Mother no insurance 0.025 (0.61)
Mother employed -0.015 (0.54)
AFDC receipt 0.004 (0.14)
Mother's age -0.008 (0.61)
Mother's age squared 0.000 (0.36)
Employment-related stress -0.068 (0.61)
Borrow money -0.037 (1.21)
N 402
(a) All estimates presented are marginal effects with absolute values
of t-statistics in parentheses.
* Significant at 10%
** Significant at 5%
*** Significant at 1%
Appendix C1
OLS and Fixed Effects Estimates of Association between Asthma at Age
Three and Onset of Postpartum Maternal Smoking (a)
(1) (2)
Asthma diagnosis 0.090 (1.38) 0.090 * (1.91)
Asthma attack 0.077 (1.46) 0.044 (1.23)
Emergency care 0.071 (1.48) 0.058 * (1.86)
N 734 734
(3) (4)
Asthma diagnosis 0.064 (0.66) -0.006 (0.08)
Asthma attack 0.145 * (1.89) 0.053 (0.97)
Emergency care 0.179 *** (3.21) 0.073 ** (2.23)
N 328 328
[greater than or equal
to] HD educ
(5) (6)
Asthma diagnosis 0.019 0.012
Asthma attack -0.044 -0.057
Emergency care -0.044 -0.020
N 1148 1148
(a) Coefficient estimates presented; absolute values of t-statistics
in parentheses.
* Significant at 10%.
** Significant at 5%.
*** Significant at 1%.
Appendix C2
Changes in Onset of Smoking and Asthma Variables across Waves (a)
Wave 1 Wave 2
Postpartum smoking 0.053 (0.224)
Ever asthma diagnosis 0.127 (0.333) 0.209 (0.407)
Ever asthma attack 0.080 (0.272) 0.133 (0.339)
Ever emergency care 0.071 (0.257) 0.110 (0.313)
N 1500 1500
Less Educated
Wave 1 Wave 2
Postpartum smoking 0.000 0.096 (0.295)
Ever asthma diagnosis 0.167 (0.374) 0.265 (0.442)
Ever asthma attack 0.103 (0.305) 0.167 (0.374)
Ever emergency care 0.096 (0.295) 0.144 (0.352)
N 402 402
(a) Standard deviations appear in parentheses.
Appendix D
IV Estimates of Association between Asthma at Age Three and Postpartum
Maternal Smoking (a,b,c)
(1) (2) (3)
Asthma diagnosis 0.037 ** 0.275 * 0.065
(1.95) (1.77) (1.12)
Joint F-test F = 13.7 F = 14.3
SarganOveridtest p = 0.45 p = 0.68
BSHeterotest -- p = 0.00
Asthma attack 0.024 0.236 * -0.020
(1.45) (1.74) (0.42)
Joint F-test F = 12.7 F = 14.4
SarganOveridtest p = 0.38 p = 0.82
BSHeterotest -- p = 0.00
Emergency care 0.046 *** 0.259 * 0.048
(3.02) (1.89) (1.04)
Joint F-test F = 10.8 F = 13.7
SarganOveridtest p = 0.53 p = 0.75
BSHeteroTest -- p = 0.00
N (b) 2504 2504 2504
(4) (5) (6)
Asthma diagnosis 0.062 ** 0.567 ** 0.095
(2.30) (2.37) (1.09)
Joint F-test F = 7.0 F = 6.8
SarganOveridtest p = 0.23 p = 0.24
BSHeterotest -- p = 0.00
Asthma attack 0.035 0.341 * 0.031
(1.46) (1.70) (0.41)
Joint F-test F = 6.9 F = 6.8
SarganOveridtest p = 0.55 p = 0.39
BSHeterotest -- p = 0.00
Emergency care 0.073 *** 0.404 ** 0.177 **
(3.22) (1.95) (2.35)
Joint F-test F = 5.8 F = 6.3
SarganOveridtest p = 0.57 p = 0.66
BSHeteroTest -- p = 0.00
N (b) 1318 1318 1318
(7) (8) (9)
Asthma diagnosis 0.033 0.459 0.096
(1.16) (1.58) (1.08)
Joint F-test F = 4.6 F = 7.4
SarganOveridtest p = 0.44 p = 0.74
BSHeterotest -- p = 0.00
Asthma attack 0.001 0.297 -0.059
(0.05) (1.19) (0.77)
Joint F-test F = 4.3 F = 7.3
SarganOveridtest p = 0.69 p = 0.91
BSHeterotest -- p = 0.00
Emergency care 0.030 0.322 0.052
(1.27) (1.19) (0.70)
Joint F-test F = 3.5 F = 7.3
SarganOveridtest p = 0.50 p = 0.91
BSHeteroTest -- p = 0.00
N (b) 1258 1258 1258
(10) (11) (12)
Asthma diagnosis 0.132 *** 0.280 0.188 ***
(3.02) (1.22) (2.89)
Joint F-test F = 6.8 F = 24.5
SarganOveridtest p = 0.49 p = 0.211
BSHeterotest -- p = 0.00
Asthma attack 0.116 *** 0.179 0.142 ***
(3.l2) (0.90) (2.56)
Joint F-test F = 6.5 F = 24.1
SarganOveridtest p = 0.12 p = 0.02
BSHeterotest -- p = 0.00
Emergency care 0.116 *** 0.215 0.157 ***
(3.40) (1.20) (3.04)
Joint F-test F = 6.6 F = 22.6
SarganOveridtest p = 0.10 p = 0.04
BSHeteroTest -- p = 0.00
N (b) 570 570 570
Less Educated
(13) (14) (15)
Asthma diagnosis 0.085 ** 0.331 0.050
(2.53) (1.36) (0.24)
Joint F-test F = 5.4 F = 1.2
SarganOveridtest p = 0.95 p = 0.67
BSHeterotest -- p = 0.91
Asthma attack 0.051 * 0.266 0.056
(1.77) (1.22) (0.32)
Joint F-test F = 4.9 F = 1.2
SarganOveridtest p = 0.35 p = 0.59
BSHeterotest -- p = 0.91
Emergency care 0.085 *** 0.323 -0.004
(3.05) (1.48) (0.02)
Joint F-test F = 4.5 F = 1.3
SarganOveridtest p = 0.56 P = 0.19
BSHeteroTest -- p = 0.91
N (b) 804 804 804
(a) All estimates presented are marginal effects with absolute values
of t-statistics in parentheses.
(b) Sample sizes reported are for asthma diagnosis outcome. Sample
sizes for other asthma outcomes are approximately 2% smaller because
of missing observations. All models include full set of observables
described in appendix.
(c) While state-specific variations in cigarette taxes and antismoking
sentiment provide one set of plausible instruments, IV models using
these measures as exclusion restrictions did not successfully meet
standard relevance and exogeneity requirements. The psychology and
public health literatures suggest another set of instruments that may
provide exogenous variation in F smoking-individual measures of stress
(see Conway et al. 1981, Rose et al. 1983, House et al. 1986,
Pomerleau and Pomerleau 1987, Green and Johnson 1990, Perkins and
Grobe 1992, Frone et al. 1994, Todd et al. 1996, Schachter 1997, and
Todd, 2004 for a discussion of the psychological and physiological
link between stressors and smoking). F-tests of the joint
F-significance of the instruments suggest that the instruments are
jointly significant at the I% level in each of the models; however,
F-statistics are generally small. Given the possibility of weak
instruments, this suggests some caution in interpreting findings
(Stock and Staiger 1997). Sargan tests of overidentifying restrictions
fail to reject the hypothesis that the exclusion restrictions are
uncorrelated with the error of the asthma equation. The results of the
standard IV models suggest a significant positive relationship between
postpartum maternal smoking and childhood asthma at age three,
findings consistent with the sign on the OLS estimates. However, the
magnitudes of the IV estimates are much larger than OLS estimates.
One x explanation for this finding is that cross-section estimates
of the relationship between maternal smoking and childhood asthma are
biased downward. This may occur if the types of mothers that choose to
smoke have children with the lowest unobserved propensity for
developing asthma. Given that the standard IV estimates appear to be
implausibly large, it may be that family stress is, in fact,
correlated with unmeasured determinants of child asthma, and Sargan
tests of overidentifying restrictions are insufficiently strong to
detect this correlation. An alternative IV approach includes stress
measures in both the smoking and asthma equations. Identification is
achieved via heteroskedasticity in the smoking equation (Lewbel, 2006).
Across these models, IV estimates show a consistent, though
imprecisely estimated, relationship between maternal smoking and
childhood asthma. The magnitudes of these IV estimates appear
plausible, and Hausman tests reveal that they are statistically
equivalent to OLS estimates. Conservatively, maternal smoking is
associated with a 4 percentage point higher probability of asthma,
with the greatest estimated magnitude among racial minorities. Taken
together, the IV results are generally consistent with a causal
interpretation of the positive relationship between maternal smoking
and childhood asthma, but the possible lack of valid exclusion
restrictions and the reliance on technical identification suggests
that caution be taken in interpreting IV results.
* Significant at 10%.
** Significant at 5%.
*** Significant at 1%.
Thanks to Bisakha Sen, Jenny Williams, Don Kenkel, Julie Hotchkiss,
three anonymous referees, and participants at the Western Economic
Association International meetings in June 2006 for useful comments and
suggestions on earlier drafts of this paper. Thanks also to Nikki Williams for excellent editorial assistance.
Received April 2006; accepted January 2007.
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(1) The most common policies include workplace smoking bans,
restaurant smoking bans, and school smoking regulations. More recently,
several state court actions and legislative decisions have restricted
smoking rights of foster parents. Maine, Oklahoma, and Vermont have each
passed regulations forbidding foster parents from smoking around foster
children, and recent court decisions in Virginia and Maryland have
conditioned visitation rights among divorced parents on refraining from
smoking when in their children's presence.
(2) Assume that a parent maximizes utility, which is a function of
child health and private consumption, subject to income and time
constraints. Equation 1 may be considered the dimension of child health
(3) Sampling of mothers takes place at hospitals, where there is a
higher response rate than from using birth records. Work by Levine and
Bryant (1997) found that the 1988 National and Maternal Infant Health
Survey, which used birth record data, completed interviews with only 80%
of mothers. Because the Fragile Families study focused on nonmarital
births, birth record data would have likely led to an even smaller
completion rate. While most existing data on unwed fathers are flawed because of high rates of missing fathers and lack of information on the
selection process by which fathers participate in these surveys, the
Fragile Families Study is a population-based survey with a low rate of
missing fathers.
(4) The study's authors note that stratification was not
geographic, but based on policy environments and labor market
(5) The 20 U.S. cities included in the survey were Oakland, San
Jose, San Antonio, Austin, Corpus Christi, Milwaukee, Chicago,
Indianapolis, Nashville, Detroit, Toledo, Pittsburgh, Richmond,
Jacksonville, Newark, Boston, New York City, Philadelphia, Baltimore,
and Norfolk.
(6) Means and standard deviations of variables for newborn girls,
white non-Hispanics, and households with mothers who have at least a
high school education are available upon request. Race is measured by
reported race of the biological mother.
(7) For diagnoses by age three, 22% of uninsured mothers reported a
professional diagnosis compared with 26% of insured mothers.
(8) The exact questions are (i) "Has a doctor or health care
professional ever told you that your child has asthma?" (ii)
"Since your child was born, has he had an episode of asthma or an
asthma attack?" and (iii) "'Since the child was born, did
your child have to visit an emergency room or urgent care center because
of asthma?" The correlation coefficients between asthma measures
are presented in Table 1B. Of all mothers who reported an asthma
diagnosis, 62% reported that their child had an asthma attack. Of those
who said their child had had an asthma attack, 100% had received a
professional diagnosis. Similarly, of all mothers reporting that they
had taken their infant for urgent emergency care because of an asthma
attack, 100% had received a diagnosis; 79% of mothers who made a
diagnosis of an asthma attack had taken their child for urgent emergency
care. A similarly strong correlation exists for asthma rates at age
(9) For example, a similar measurement problem exists in the
National Maternal and Infant Health Survey.
(10) The cigarette consumption questions are slightly different in
each wave of data. In the first wave--which asks questions about smoking
behavior during the pregnancy--there are four categories of answers:
"'none," "'less than one pack a
day,'" "one or more but less than two packs," and
"two or more packs a day." In the second wave, the categories
include "none," "less than half a pack a day,"
"about a pack," "a pack and a half," "about two
packs," and "more than two packs." Postpartum maternal
smoking questions are asked about cigarette consumption in the last
(11) Alternate subsequent models using "any parent in the
household smoking" produce similar findings to those presented.
(12) This piece of data is only available in wave 3 of the data
(when the children are approximately three years old). This is why these
data are not included in the analysis of asthma by age one, using wave 2
(13) Parameter estimates on this and other coefficients are
available in Appendix A.
(14) The findings in Table 4A do not appear to be driven by smoking
mothers being more able to avail themselves of more medical care
services than nonsmokers, thus resulting in a higher probability of an
asthma diagnosis. In wave 3, mothers were asked whether they have ever
been prevented from taking their children to a doctor or to the hospital
because of financial constraints. When I restrict the sample to those
mothers who reported that they had not felt such financial constraint,
the results are similar to those presented here. However, this finding
does not rule out the possibility that there are other mother-specific
unobservable preferences that are positively correlated with smoking and
frequent doctor visits. It simply suggests that financial constraints
are not driving the results.
(15) A second way to examine exposure to secondhand smoke would be
to interact mother's employment outside the home and smoking. One
might expect that employed mothers who smoke are less likely to expose
their children to smoke than unemployed mothers who smoke. While the
sign on the interaction of these variables was negative, it was not
significant in any specification.
(16) This is not to suggest that maternal smoking during pregnancy
may not have adverse effects on newborns' health. As noted
previously, these data (and other research) show a strong negative
association between prepartum smoking and low birth weight.
(17) The coding of this variable assumes that if a mother reported
her child had ever had asthma at age one, the child was coded as having
asthma at age three.
(18) Mothers who smoked during pregnancy are excluded from the
fixed effects sample. However, results are robust to their inclusion.
(19) Included among these time-varying observables are insurance
coverage, employment, presence of other children, household income,
marital status, mother's physical limitation, AFDC participation,
work-related stress, borrowing money from friends, and feeling trapped
by one's family situation. Controls for age are also included.
(20) Alternative models that restrict the sample to only those who
were non-smokers during pregnancy, but include mothers who smoked
during the first year of the child's life, produce similar results
to those presented here, though the magnitude of the estimated
relationship between smoking and asthma are smaller, as expected. This
is because infants who develop asthma between age one and three are
assumed not to be affected by mothers who are smoking in both waves of
(21) Appendix CI presents OLS and fixed effects estimates for non
high-risk children: newborn girls, white non Hispanics, and children in
households with mothers who have at least a high school education.
Appendix C2 shows between wave changes in smoking and asthma measures in
the DD sample.
(22) Similarly, fixed effects estimates could be biased downward if
mothers acquire new information about their children's health
endowments between age one and age three and change their smoking
behavior accordingly. For example, mothers who discover that their
children are not particularly susceptible to respiratory illnesses may
start smoking, while those that find out that their children do have
more fragile health conditions may choose to remain nonsmokers.
(23) See Appendix D for IV estimates using individual-specific
stressers as instruments. Footnote c in this table explains these
results in more detail.
(24) As Appendix C2 notes, only 5.4% of the sample of all mothers
and 10% of less-educated mothers began smoking between waves; 16.9% of
mothers in the sample changed their quantity of cigarettes smoked
between waves. Approximately 7% reported a change in smoking one pack or
more of cigarettes per day.
(25) An explanation for the difference in findings is that there is
greater between-wave variation in quantities of cigarettes consumed in
the DD sample than in the OLS sample.
(26) These regression results are available upon request of the
(27) These authors find that a 10% increase in cigarette taxes
reduces the smoking participation of pregnant women by 5%. Further, they
find that a 1-cent increase in state cigarette taxes is associated with
a 0.21 gram increase in birth weight.
(28) Additionally, in a general equilibrium framework, higher
cigarette taxes may cause mothers to substitute away from cigarette
consumption and toward drug or alcohol consumption. While this may
improve asthma outcomes, it could lead to worse effects on child health
and functioning.
Joseph J. Sabia, American University, Department of Public
Administration & Policy, School of Public Affairs, Ward Circle
Building, Washington, DC 20016, USA; E-mail
[email protected].
Table 1A. Means and Standard Deviations of Variables at Baseline
All Boys
(1) (2)
Dependent variables
Asthma diagnosis 0.136 (0.343) 0.165 (0.372)
Asthma attack 0.081 (0.273) 0.104 (0.306)
Emergency care 0.076 (0.266) 0.096 (0.295)
Smoking variables (unconditional)
Any parent smokes 0.495 (0.500) 0.503 (0.500)
Any parent in household smokes 0.381 (0.486) 0.382 (0.486)
Father smokes 0.411 (0.492) 0.420 (0.494)
Father in household smokes 0.198 (0.398) 0.200 (0.400)
Prepartum maternal smoking 0.196 (0.397) 0.184 (0.387)
Postpartum maternal smoking 0.274 (0.446) 0.271 (0.445)
Mother smokes less than half 0.205 (0.404) 0.203 (0.403)
Mother smokes one pack/day 0.059 (0.235) 0.058 (0.233)
Mother smokes more than one 0.010 (0.100) 0.010 (0.102)
Smoking variables (conditional)
Mother smokes less than half 0.749 (0.434) 0.748 (0.435)
Mother smokes one pack/day 0.215 (0.411) 0.214 (0.411)
Mother smokes more than one 0.037 (0.189) 0.038 (0.192)
Socioeconomic variables
Mother's marital status 0.251 (0.434) 0.244 (0.430)
Mother working 0.558 (0.497) 0.561 (0.496)
Mother with less than high 0.305 (0.461) 0.302 (0.459)
school education
Mother high school education 0.313 (0.464) 0.319 (0.466)
Mother some college 0.267 (0.442) 0.263 (0.441)
Mother's age 26.44 (6.050) 26.35 (6.030)
Mother health limitation 0.069 (0.253) 0.069 (0.253)
Other biological kids 0.616 (0.486) 0.613 (0.487)
No health insurance 0.091 (0.288) 0.088 (0.283)
Household income (000s dollars) 32.24 (34.27) 31.81 (34.57)
Sex of child (boy= 1) 0.529 (0.499) --
Black, non-Hispanic 0.490 (0.500) 0.492 (0.500)
Hispanic 0.236 (0.424) 0.231 (0.421)
Other race 0.034 (0.180) 0.034 (0.182)
Birth weight (grams) 3233.8 (609.1) 3278.9 (619.3)
Child's age (months) 15.1 (3.580) 15.0 (3.490)
Father present in household 0.577 (0.494) 0.574 (0.495)
Employment related stress 0.385 (0.487) 0.381 (0.486)
Borrow money from relatives 0.237 (0.425) 0.230 (0.421)
N 3245 1717
Blacks Hispanics
(3) (4)
Dependent variables
Asthma diagnosis 0.175 (0.380) 0.139 (0.346)
Asthma attack 0.108 (0.311) 0.077 (0.267)
Emergency care 0.108 (0.311) 0.068 (0.252)
Smoking variables (unconditional)
Any parent smokes 0.537 (0.499) 0.403 (0.491)
Any parent in household smokes 0.374 (0.484) 0.313 (0.463)
Father smokes 0.450 (0.498) 0.343 (0.475)
Father in household smokes 0.164 (0.371) 0.186 (0.389)
Prepartum maternal smoking 0.204 (0.403) 0.096 (0.294)
Postpartum maternal smoking 0.272 (0.445) 0.187 (0.390)
Mother smokes less than half 0.210 (0.407) 0.161 (0.368)
Mother smokes one pack/day 0.052 (0.221) 0.022 (0.148)
Mother smokes more than one 0.010 (0.100) 0.003 (0.063)
Smoking variables (conditional)
Mother smokes less than half 0.770 (0.422) 0.859 (0.349)
Mother smokes one pack/day 0.194 (0.396) 0.121 (0.327)
Mother smokes more than one 0.037 (0.189) 0.020 (0.141)
Socioeconomic variables
Mother's marital status 0.133 (0.340) 0.224 (0.417)
Mother working 0.576 (0.494) 0.493 (0.500)
Mother with less than high 0.313 (0.464) 0.424 (0.495)
school education
Mother high school education 0.367 (0.482) 0.285 (0.452)
Mother some college 0.263 (0.440) 0.246 (0.431)
Mother's age 25.76 (5.790) 25.80 (5.620)
Mother health limitation 0.078 (0.268) 0.060 (0.238)
Other biological kids 0.661 (0.474) 0.601 (0.490)
No health insurance 0.075 (0.264) 0.135 (0.342)
Household income (000s dollars) 24.70 (25.34) 26.37 (26.07)
Sex of child (boy= 1) 0.531 (0.499) 0.518 (0.500)
Black, non-Hispanic -- --
Hispanic -- --
Other race -- --
Birth weight (grams) 3215.6 (626.1) 3321.8 (563.3)
Child's age (months) 16.1 (3.640) 14.1 (3.070)
Father present in household 0.440 (0.497) 0.657 (0.475)
Employment related stress 0.380 (0.485) 0.362 (0.481)
Borrow money from relatives 0.263 (0.441) 0.200 (0.401)
N 1590 764
<HS Ed
Dependent variables
Asthma diagnosis 0.184 (0.388)
Asthma attack 0.101 (0.302)
Emergency care 0.107 (0.309)
Smoking variables (unconditional)
Any parent smokes 0.645 (0.479)
Any parent in household smokes 0.492 (0.500)
Father smokes 0.534 (0.499)
Father in household smokes 0.226 (0.419)
Prepartum maternal smoking 0.294 (0.456)
Postpartum maternal smoking 0.387 (0.487)
Mother smokes less than half 0.276 (0.447)
Mother smokes one pack/day 0.090 (0.286)
Mother smokes more than one 0.021 (0.144)
Smoking variables (conditional)
Mother smokes less than half 0.710 (0.454)
Mother smokes one pack/day 0.235 (0.425)
Mother smokes more than one 0.055 (0.228)
Socioeconomic variables
Mother's marital status 0.095 (0.293)
Mother working 0.361 (0.480)
Mother with less than high --
school education
Mother high school education --
Mother some college --
Mother's age 23.84 (5.270)
Mother health limitation 0.107 (0.309)
Other biological kids 0.660 (0.474)
No health insurance 0.117 (0.322)
Household income (000s dollars) 16.75 (18.06)
Sex of child (boy= 1) 0.524 (0.500)
Black, non-Hispanic 0.502 (0.500)
Hispanic 0.327 (0.469)
Other race 0.020 (0.141)
Birth weight (grams) 3199.2 (581.8)
Child's age (months) 15.1 (3.550)
Father present in household 0.465 (0.499)
Employment related stress 0.369 (0.483)
Borrow money from relatives 0.266 (0.442)
N 990
Standard deviations in parentheses.
Table 1B. Correlation Coefficients between Asthma Measures at Baseline
Asthma Diagnosis Asthma Attack Emergency Care
Asthma diagnosis 1.000 -- --
Asthma attack 0.750 *** 1.000 --
Emergency care 0.725 *** 0.793 *** 1.000
N 3245 3245 3245
*** Significant at 1%.
Table 1C. Means and Standard Deviations of Key Variables at Age Three
All Boys
(1) (2)
Dependent variables
Asthma diagnosis (a) 0.256 (0.437) 0.291 (0.455)
Asthma attack (a) 0.159 (0.366) 0.190 (0.392)
Emergency care (a) 0.133 (0.339) 0.164 (0.370)
Smoking variables
Prepartum maternal smoking 0.208 (0.406) 0.192 (0.394)
Any postpartum maternal 0.337 (0.473) 0.336 (0.473)
Number of smokers in 1.49 (0.746) 1.48 (0.737)
household (b)
Mother smokes in home (b) 0.417 (0.493) 0.400 (0.419)
Smoker in room with child 0.225 (0.418) 0.232 (0.422)
Maternal asthma measure
Mother taking medication 0.030 (0.172) 0.032 (0.176)
for asthma
N 2504 1318
Blacks Hispanics
(3) (4)
Dependent variables
Asthma diagnosis (a) 0.297 (0.457) 0.284 (0.451)
Asthma attack (a) 0.189 (0.392) 0.176 (0.381)
Emergency care (a) 0.172 (0.378) 0.138 (0.345)
Smoking variables
Prepartum maternal smoking 0.219 (0.414) 0.100 (0.300)
Any postpartum maternal 0.346 (0.476) 0.261 (0.440)
Number of smokers in 1.41 (0.677) 1.47 (0.785)
household (b)
Mother smokes in home (b) 0.515 (0.500) 0.307 (0.463)
Smoker in room with child 0.282 (0.450) 0.111 (0.314)
Maternal asthma measure
Mother taking medication 0.038 (0.192) 0.026 (0.160)
for asthma 1258 570
<HS Ed
Dependent variables
Asthma diagnosis (a) 0.331 (0.471)
Asthma attack (a) 0.201 (0.401)
Emergency care (a) 0.178 (0.383)
Smoking variables
Prepartum maternal smoking 0.308 (0.462)
Any postpartum maternal 0.461 (0.499)
Number of smokers in 1.58 (0.825)
household (b)
Mother smokes in home (b) 0.456 (0.499)
Smoker in room with child 0.298 (0.458)
Maternal asthma measure
Mother taking medication 0.035 (0.183)
for asthma
N 804
Standard deviations in parentheses.
(a) Asthma variables capture whether there was any asthma detected at
age one or at age three. b Measures are conditional on it being
a smoking household.
Table 2. Probit Estimates of Association between Postpartum Parental
Smoking and Child Asthma Diagnosis at Age One (Dependent Variable = 1
if Asthma Diagnosis; 0 if not) (a,b)
No Covariates Covariates
(1) (2)
Smoking covariate
Either parent smokes 0.046 *** (3.36) 0.022 * (1.89)
Either parent in 0.037 ** (2.26) 0.032 ** (1.89)
household smokes
Father smokes 0.037 *** (3.20) 0.007 (0.60)
Father in household 0.001 (0.14) -0.008 (0.15)
Mother smokes 0.46 ** (2.42) 0.034 ** (1.93)
N 2344 2344
Covariates and
Birth Weight
Smoking covariate
Either parent smokes 0.011 (0.84)
Either parent in 0.025 * (1.70)
household smokes
Father smokes 0.003 (0.27)
Father in household 0.010 (0.57)
Mother smokes 0.028 * (1.63)
N 2344
(a) All estimates presented are marginal effects with absolute values
of t-statistics in parentheses. Each estimate presented in this
table comes from a separate regression model.
(b) Model (1) is a simple correlation; (2) includes controls for age,
age squared, race, sex, marital status, employment status, education,
household income, whether higher-order birth, and whether mother
reports a disability; (3) adds birth weight to the preceding
* Significant at 10%.
** Significant at 5%.
*** Significant at 1%.
Table 3A. Probit Estimates of Association between Child Asthma
Diagnosis at Age One and Quantity of Postpartum Cigarettes Consumed
(Dependent Variable = 1 if Asthma Diagnosis; 0 if not) (a)
Socioeconomic Covariates and
Covariates Birth Weight
(1) (2)
Independent variable
<Half pack/day (b) 0.037 ** (2.40) 0.029 * (1.88)
One pack/day (b) 0.240 (0.98) 0.011 (0.49)
>One pack/day (b) -0.001 (0.03) -0.010 (0.24)
N 3245 3245
Boys Blacks
(3) (4)
Independent variable
<Half pack/day (b) 0.043 * (1.87) 0.014 (0.62)
One pack/day (b) 0.150 (0.32) -0.028 (0.99)
>One pack/day (b) -0.009 (0.89) -0.072 (0.88)
N 1717 1590
Hispanics Less Educated
(5) (6)
Independent variable
<Half pack/day (b) 0.098 *** (3.92) 0.046 * (1.68)
One pack/day (b) 0.217 *** (2.93) 0.092 * (1.64)
>One pack/day (b) 0.410 ** (2.48) 0.075 (1.14)
N 764 990
(a) All estimates presented are marginal effects with absolute values
of t-statistics in parentheses.
(b) Omitted category is nonsmokers.
* Significant at 10%.
** Significant at 5%.
*** Significant at 1%.
Table 3B. Robustness of Estimated Effect of Any Postpartum Smoking at
Age One to Definitions of Child Asthma a(Dependent Variable = 1 if
Asthma; 0 if Not)
Socioeconomic Include Birth
Covariates Weight
(1) (2)
Dependent variable
Asthma diagnosis 0.034 *** (2.52) 0.025 * (1.87)
Asthma attack 0.017 * (1.61) 0.013
Emergency care 0.023 ** (2.38) 0.017 * (1.80)
N 3245 3245
Boys Blacks
(3) (4)
Dependent variable
Asthma diagnosis 0.037 * (1.85) 0.003 (0.16)
Asthma attack 0.026 * (1.60) -0.022 (1.27)
Emergency care 0.029 ** (1.95) -0.004 (0.17)
N 1717 1590
Hispanics Educated
(5) (6)
Dependent variable
Asthma diagnosis 0.118 *** (3.59) 0.054 ** (2.03)
Asthma attack 0.111 *** (4.43) 0.014 (0.70)
Emergency care 0.087 *** (3.87) 0.019 (0.96)
N 764 990
(a) All estimates presented are marginal effects with absolute values
of t-statistics in parentheses.
* Significant at 10%.
** Significant at 5%.
*** Significant at 1%.
Table 4A. LPM Estimates of Association between Postpartum Maternal
Smoking and Asthma at Age Three (a,b) (Dependent Variable = 1 if
Asthma; 0 if Not)
Any Postpartum Smoking
All Boys
(1) (2)
Dependent variable
Asthma diagnosis 0.031 * (1.63) 0.052 * (1.91)
Asthma attack 0.019 (1.15) 0.028 (1.17)
Emergency care 0.043 *** (2.83) 0.069 *** (2.98)
[N.sup.b] 2504 1318
Any Postpartum Smoking
Blacks Hispanics
(3) (4)
Dependent variable
Asthma diagnosis 0.026 (0.92) 0.120 *** (2.68)
Asthma attack -0.006 (0.24) 0.098 ** (2.31)
Emergency care 0.026 (1.09) 0.107 *** (3.01)
[N.sup.b] 1258 570
Smoker in Room
Any Postpartum w/ Child for
Smoking Positive Hours
Less Educated All
(5) (6)
Dependent variable
Asthma diagnosis 0.079 ** (2.31) 0.083 *** (3.91)
Asthma attack 0.043 (1.46) 0.056 *** (3.03)
Emergency care 0.079 *** (2.75) 0.090 *** (5.15)
[N.sup.b] 804 2551
2-4 Smokers
in House vs.
1 Smoker
Dependent variable
Asthma diagnosis 0.048 * (1.63)
Asthma attack 0.020 (0.79)
Emergency care 0.009 (0.38)
[N.sup.b] 948
(a) All estimates presented are marginal effects with absolute values
of t-statistics in parentheses.
(b) Sample sizes reported are for asthma diagnosis outcome. Sample
sizes for other asthma outcomes are approximately 2% smaller because
of missing observations.
* Significant at 10%.
** Significant at 5%.
*** Significant at 1%.
Table 4B. Probit Estimates of Association between Prepartum Maternal
Smoking and Asthma at Age Three. a (Dependent Variable = 1 if
Asthma; = 0 if Not)
All Boys
(1) (2)
Dependent variable
Asthma diagnosis -0.008 (0.33) 0.013 (0.39)
Asthma attack -0.021 (0.20) -0.001 (0.02)
Emergency care 0.01 (0.52) 0.048 * (1.66)
[N.sup.b] 2539 1302
Blacks Hispanics
(3) (4)
Dependent variable
Asthma diagnosis 0.005 (0.14) 0.006 (0.08)
Asthma attack -0.038 (1.29) 0.013 (0.58)
Emergency care -0.005 (0.19) 0.055 (1.02)
[N.sup.b] 1274 585
Less Educated
Dependent variable
Asthma diagnosis 0.019 (0.49)
Asthma attack -0.005 (0.14)
Emergency care 0.014 (0.42)
[N.sup.b] 818
(a) All estimates presented are marginal effects with absolute values
of t-statistics in parentheses.
(b) Sample sizes reported are for asthma diagnosis outcome. Sample
sizes for other asthma outcomes are approximately 2% smaller because
of missing observations.
* Significant at 10%.
** Significant at 5%.
*** Significant at 1%.
Table 5. DD Estimates of Association between Onset of Postpartum
Maternal Smoking and Childhood Asthma' (Dependent Variable = 1 if
Asthma; 0 if Not)
(1) (2)
Dependent variable
Asthma diagnosis 0.063 (1.38) 0.074 ** (2.35)
Asthma attack 0.024 (0.61) 0.011 (0.54)
Emergency care 0.054 (1.52) 0.042 * (1.88)
[N.sup.b] 1550 1550
(3) (4)
Dependent variable
Asthma diagnosis 0.040 (0.61) 0.054 (1.25)
Asthma attack -0.012 (0.21) -0.021 (0.56)
Emergency care 0.042 (0.78) 0.018 (0.57)
[N.sup.b] 816 816
(5) (6)
Dependent variable
Asthma diagnosis 0.066 (0.97) 0.096 ** (2.17)
Asthma attack -0.004 (0.08) 0.000 (0.00)
Emergency care 0.009 (0.17) 0.012 (0.34)
[N.sup.b] 773 773
(7) (8)
Dependent variable
Asthma diagnosis 0.058 (0.62) 0.118 * (1.81)
Asthma attack -0.023 (0.31) 0.048 (0.89)
Emergency care 0.070 (1.01) 0.117 *** (2.60)
[N.sup.b] 394 394
Less Educated
(9) (10)
Dependent variable
Asthma diagnosis 0.173 ** (2.24) 0.142 *** (2.75)
Asthma attack 0.144 ** (2.19) 0.091 ** (2.11)
Emergency care 0.209 *** (3.40) 0.115 *** (3.06)
[N.sup.b] 402 402
Table 6. Antitest DD Estimates of Association between Onset of
Postpartum Maternal Smoking and Several Health Outcomesa
All Boys
(1) (2)
Dependent variable
Asthma diagnosis 0.053 ** (1.95) 0.042 (1.08)
Overnight stay in hospital 0.023 (0.57) -0.098 * (1.67)
General health assessment -0.101 (1.10) -0.189 (1.41)
(= 1 excellent; = 5 poor)
Whether visited doctor 0.032 (0.78) 0.050 (0.82)
for accident or injury
Number of doctor visits 0.091 (1.01) 0.144 (1.13)
for accident/injury
Whether visited emergency 0.046 (1.20) 0.060 (1.05)
room for accident/injury
Whether child has -0.009 (0.46) -0.030 (1.08)
physical disability
N 1640 842
Blacks Hispanics
(3) (4)
Dependent variable
Asthma diagnosis 0.074 ** (1.96) 0.083 (1.36)
Overnight stay in hospital 0.043 (0.84) 0.021 (0.23)
General health assessment -0.223 * (1.82) -0.051 (0.24)
(= 1 excellent; = 5 poor)
Whether visited doctor 0.038 (0.69) -0.041 (0.52)
for accident or injury
Number of doctor visits 0.088 (0.71) 0.006 (0.04)
for accident/injury
Whether visited emergency 0.003 (0.05) 0.158 ** (1.96)
room for accident/injury
Whether child has 0.008 (0.29) -0.039 (1.29)
physical disability
N 819 403
Less Educated
Dependent variable
Asthma diagnosis 0.137 *** (2.87)
Overnight stay in hospital -0.129 * (1.90)
General health assessment -0.192 (1.10)
(= 1 excellent; = 5 poor)
Whether visited doctor 0.023 (0.39)
for accident or injury
Number of doctor visits 0.175 (0.90)
for accident/injury
Whether visited emergency 0.018 (0.30)
room for accident/injury
Whether child has -0.046 (1.41)
physical disability
N 425
Table 7. Antitest DD Estimates of Association between Onset of Alcohol
Consumption and Childhood Asthma (Dependent Variable = 1 if Asthma; 0
if not) (a)
Onset of Any Alcohol
All Boys Blacks Hisp. <HS
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Asthma 0.003 0.013 0.006 0.008 0.006
diagnosis (0.17) (0.65) (0.27) (0.24) (0.22)
Asthma -0.009 0.002 -0.001 -0.012 -0.015
attack (0.90) (0.12) (0.59) (0.48) (0.64)
Emergency -0.003 0.018 -0.004 -0.008 0.000
care (0.31) (1.09) (0.27) (0.34) (0.01)
[N.sup.6] 1504 794 781 380 514
Onset of Binge Drinking
All Boys Blacks Hisp. <HS
(6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
Asthma -0.030 -0.036 0.005 -0.087 -0.049
diagnosis (0.98) (0.86) (0.01) (1.58) (0.90)
Asthma -0.023 -0.009 -0.005 -0.027 -0.016
attack (0.90) (0.26) (0.32) (0.62) (0.35)
Emergency -0.007 0.002 0.011 -0.025 -0.036
care (0.32) (0.07) (0.27) (0.65) (0.88)
[N.sup.6] 1504 794 781 380 514
Onset of Drug Use
All Boys Blacks Hisp. <HS
(11) (12) (13) (14) (15)
Asthma -0.029 -0.045 -0.024 -0.030 -0.026
diagnosis (1.21) (1.32) (0.65) (0.49) (0.57)
Asthma -0.021 -0.091 ** -0.032 -0.021 -0.018
attack (1.07) (2.24) (1.00) (0.42) (0.47)
Emergency -0.033 * 0.018 -0.023 -0.050 -0.029
care (1.84) (1.09) (0.79) (1.13) (0.83)
[N.sup.6] 1504 794 781 380 514
(a) Coefficient estimates presented; absolute values of t-statistics
in parentheses.
(b) Sample sizes reported are for asthma diagnosis outcome. Sample
sizes for other asthma outcomes are approximately 2% smaller because
of missing observations.
* Significant at 10%.
** Significant at 5%.
*** Significant at 1%.
Table 8. Individual Fixed Effects Estimates of Effect of between Wave
Changes in Quantity of Cigarette Consumption on Diagnosis of Asthma
(Dependent Variable = 1 if Asthma Diagnosis; 0 if Not) (a)
All Boys
(1) (2)
<Half pack/day (b) 0.012 (0.69) -0.019 (0.78)
One pack/day (b) 0.062 ** (2.30) 0.055 (1.43)
>One pack/day (b) 0.130 ** (2.20) 0.140 ** (1.98)
N 2293 1183
Blacks Hispanics
(3) (4)
<Half pack/day (b) 0.032 (1.24) -0.014 (0.36)
One pack/day (b) 0.071 * (1.85) 0.153 ** (2.03)
>One pack/day (b) 0.120 (1.54) 0.059 (0.20)
N 1137 510
Less Educated
<Half pack/day (b) 0.050 * (1.74)
One pack/day (b) 0.111 *** (2.63)
>One pack/day (b) 0.112 (1.29)
N 691
(a) Coefficient estimates presented; absolute values of t-statistics
in parentheses.
(b) Omitted category is nonsmokers.
* Significant at 10%.
** Significant at 5%.
*** Significant at 1%.