A guide to graduate study in economics: ranking economics departments by fields of expertise.
Grijalva, Therese C. ; Nowell, Clifford
Table 1. The JEL Classification System for Journal Articles Codes Beginning with the Letter Description A General economics and teaching B Methodology and history of economic thought C Mathematical and quantitative methods D Microeconomics E Macroeconomics and monetary policy F International economics G Financial economics H Public economics I Health, education, and welfare J Labor and demographic economics K Law and economics L Industrial organization N Economic history O Economic development, technological change, and growth P Economic systems Q Agricultural and natural resource economics R Urban, rural, and regional economics Table 2. Overall Rankings for Ph.D.-Granting Institutions in Economics Overall Productivity Z-Score Per Faculty School Rank (SSCI) (SSCI) Rank (SSCI) Harvard U 1 5.08 1 UC Berkeley 2 4.09 4 Princeton U 3 3.79 3 MIT 4 3.29 2 Yale U 5 2.18 11 U Michigan 6 1.92 18 New York U 7 1.92 8 UCLA 8 1.76 16 Stanford U 9 1.75 13 U Chicago 10 1.50 5 Columbia U 11 1.48 9 Northwestern U 12 1.43 12 UC San Diego 13 1.35 6 U Wisconsin, Madison 14 1.08 10 Boston U 15 0.93 22 U Pennsylvania 16 0.91 15 Ohio State U 17 0.84 28 Michigan State U 18 0.83 49 Cornell U 19 0.64 23 U Virginia 20 0.52 17 U Maryland, College Park 21 0.49 27 U Illinois, Urbana 22 0.46 38 Carnegie Mellon U 23 0.45 41 Duke U 24 0.44 31 UC Davis 25 0.44 25 U Southern California 26 0.43 19 U Texas, Austin 27 0.38 24 Brown U 28 0.38 29 U Minnesota 29 0.37 20 North Carolina State U 30 0.37 58 Iowa State U 31 0.35 59 Vanderbilt U 32 0.35 35 Johns Hopkins U 33 0.24 14 Syracuse U 34 0.24 53 Pennsylvania State U 35 0.24 43 Georgetown U 36 0.22 40 Boston College 37 0.15 26 California Inst Tech 38 0.09 7 U of Rochester 39 0.09 21 UNC, Chapel Hill 40 0.08 48 George Mason U 41 0.08 55 U Colorado, Boulder 42 0.05 56 UC Santa Cruz 43 0.01 30 City University of New York (CUNY) 44 0.00 98 U Washington 45 -0.04 50 U Illinois, Chicago 46 -0.04 34 Arizona State U 47 -0.07 57 Rice U 48 -0.08 36 Texas A&M U 49 -0.09 60 Georgia State U 50 -0.12 69 UC Santa Barbara 51 -0.12 63 Florida State U 52 -0.14 61 Indiana U 53 -0.19 46 George Washington U 54 -0.22 75 Rutgers U 55 -0.22 70 UC Riverside 56 -0.23 44 U Oregon 57 -0.25 54 U Houston 58 -0.26 72 U Pittsburgh 59 -0.26 68 U Iowa 60 -0.28 52 U Wyoming 61 -0.30 32 U Arizona 62 -0.32 51 U Kentucky 63 -0.34 45 U Florida 64 -0.35 64 Southern Methodist U 65 -0.36 62 Clemson U 66 -0.37 73 Purdue U 67 -0.39 76 U Connecticut 68 -0.41 89 Washington U, St. Louis 69 -0.41 67 U Massachusetts, Amherst 70 -0.43 85 Emory U 71 -0.43 66 UC Irvine 72 -0.44 81 U South Carolina 73 -0.44 39 U Georgia 74 -0.46 65 Virginia Tech 75 -0.47 74 U Albany 76 -0.47 71 SUNY Binghamton 77 -0.48 77 Wayne State U 78 -0.49 47 U Wisconsin, Milwaukee 79 -0.49 95 U Delaware 80 -0.50 101 American U 81 -0.52 102 U Missouri, Columbia 82 -0.53 78 U Kansas 83 -0.54 93 RPI 84 -0.54 33 SUNY Buffalo 85 -0.54 83 U Nebraska, Lincoln 86 -0.55 84 Florida International U 87 -0.57 92 U Notre Dame 88 -0.57 42 U Alabama 89 -0.59 96 U Oklahoma 90 -0.60 97 Brandeis U 91 -0.61 37 Louisiana State U 92 -0.62 80 SUNY Stony Brook 93 -0.62 91 Oregon State U 94 -0.63 86 Lehigh U 95 -0.64 99 U Miami 96 -0.64 79 Auburn U 97 -0.64 90 New School U 98 -0.64 87 Washington State U 99 -0.65 88 Tulane U (e) 100 -0.65 104 Oklahoma State U 101 -0.66 105 Southern Illinois U, Carbondale 102 -0.67 94 Northern Illinois U 103 -0.67 100 West Virginia U 104 -0.68 112 U New Orleans 105 -0.68 114 Colorado State U 106 -0.68 117 U Tennessee, Knoxville 107 -0.69 107 U Hawaii, Manoa 108 -0.69 116 U Utah 109 -0.69 124 U Arkansas 110 -0.70 108 Western Michigan U 111 -0.70 120 Temple U 112 -0.71 125 U New Mexico 113 -0.71 113 U Mississippi 114 -0.71 111 Kansas State U 115 -0.71 115 Fordham U 116 -0.72 109 U Rhode Island 117 -0.72 103 U New Hampshire 118 -0.73 122 Utah State U 119 -0.73 128 Northeastern U 120 -0.74 118 Claremont Graduate U 121 -0.74 82 U Missouri, Kansas City 122 -0.74 106 Clark U 123 -0.75 110 Portland State U 124 -0.76 121 Middle Tennessee State 125 -0.76 126 Colorado School of Mines 126 -0.76 123 Texas Tech U 127 -0.80 119 Suffolk U 128 -0.81 127 Howard U 129 -0.81 129 Overall Productivity Top Field HHI School Rank (JEL) (SSCI) (SSCI) Harvard U 1 G 0.03 UC Berkeley 3 D 0.03 Princeton U 2 D 0.04 MIT 4 J 0.05 Yale U 5 C 0.07 U Michigan 7 J 0.03 New York U 9 D 0.04 UCLA 6 D 0.04 Stanford U 8 D 0.04 U Chicago 10 D 0.05 Columbia U 11 F 0.09 Northwestern U 12 C 0.06 UC San Diego 13 C 0.05 U Wisconsin, Madison 14 C 0.06 Boston U 15 J 0.05 U Pennsylvania 17 J 0.07 Ohio State U 16 D 0.05 Michigan State U 19 J 0.08 Cornell U 22 D 0.06 U Virginia 18 D 0.08 U Maryland, College Park 20 H 0.05 U Illinois, Urbana 24 C 0.05 Carnegie Mellon U 25 G 0.05 Duke U 23 C 0.06 UC Davis 29 F 0.06 U Southern California 32 D 0.11 U Texas, Austin 26 J 0.08 Brown U 27 0 0.06 U Minnesota 28 D 0.07 North Carolina State U 30 Q 0.06 Iowa State U 21 Q 0.04 Vanderbilt U 31 E 0.06 Johns Hopkins U 33 D 0.11 Syracuse U 37 J 0.05 Pennsylvania State U 39 D 0.05 Georgetown U 40 E 0.07 Boston College 34 D 0.10 California Inst Tech 38 D 0.13 U of Rochester 36 D 0.10 UNC, Chapel Hill 41 J 0.09 George Mason U 35 D 0.06 U Colorado, Boulder 43 F 0.06 UC Santa Cruz 44 F 0.10 City University of New York (CUNY) 47 J 0.04 U Washington 46 E 0.12 U Illinois, Chicago 50 J 0.10 Arizona State U 42 C 0.07 Rice U 51 C 0.10 Texas A&M U 45 C 0.06 Georgia State U 48 J 0.08 UC Santa Barbara 52 D 0.07 Florida State U 49 J 0.08 Indiana U 54 E 0.09 George Washington U 57 F 0.06 Rutgers U 55 F 0.07 UC Riverside 56 D 0.12 U Oregon 53 F 0.09 U Houston 59 J 0.07 U Pittsburgh 63 C 0.07 U Iowa 58 C 0.11 U Wyoming 68 Q 0.14 U Arizona 66 D 0.10 U Kentucky 61 H 0.16 U Florida 60 C 0.09 Southern Methodist U 65 D 0.09 Clemson U 64 J 0.09 Purdue U 62 D 0.10 U Connecticut 71 R 0.11 Washington U, St. Louis 69 D 0.15 U Massachusetts, Amherst 73 J 0.09 Emory U 67 D 0.14 UC Irvine 77 D 0.07 U South Carolina 74 J 0.24 U Georgia 72 E 0.11 Virginia Tech 78 D 0.09 U Albany 80 J 0.13 SUNY Binghamton 70 Q 0.16 Wayne State U 75 R 0.23 U Wisconsin, Milwaukee 79 J 0.15 U Delaware 76 E 0.09 American U 81 J 0.09 U Missouri, Columbia 83 J 0.10 U Kansas 85 C 0.14 RPI 94 O (c) 0.20 SUNY Buffalo 86 R 0.19 U Nebraska, Lincoln 82 A 0.13 Florida International U 93 F 0.15 U Notre Dame 84 G (c) 0.23 U Alabama 87 C (c) 0.14 U Oklahoma 88 D 0.13 Brandeis U 89 E 0.42 Louisiana State U 90 J 0.13 SUNY Stony Brook 96 D 0.14 Oregon State U 95 D (d) 0.19 Lehigh U 97 J 0.11 U Miami 91 J 0.27 Auburn U 92 L 0.14 New School U 104 E 0.22 Washington State U 105 L 0.20 Tulane U (e) 99 Q 0.12 Oklahoma State U 103 R 0.15 Southern Illinois U, Carbondale 100 C (c) 0.15 Northern Illinois U 102 J 0.17 West Virginia U 101 H 0.16 U New Orleans 109 G 0.13 Colorado State U 106 R 0.14 U Tennessee, Knoxville 110 H 0.10 U Hawaii, Manoa 114 Q 0.13 U Utah 107 J 0.11 U Arkansas 112 D 0.10 Western Michigan U 116 J 0.17 Temple U 108 J 0.15 U New Mexico 117 Q 0.08 U Mississippi 98 C 0.13 Kansas State U 119 L 0.17 Fordham U 118 C 0.15 U Rhode Island 115 Q 0.28 U New Hampshire 121 J (cd) 0.20 Utah State U 113 Q 0.17 Northeastern U 120 L 0.10 Claremont Graduate U 124 F 0.25 U Missouri, Kansas City 111 E 0.23 Clark U 123 F 0.30 Portland State U 122 J (cf) 0.25 Middle Tennessee State 125 J 0.18 Colorado School of Mines 127 Q 0.26 Texas Tech U 126 1 0.28 Suffolk U 129 L 0.55 Howard U 128 F 0.29 Average Ph.D. Field Graduates Strength (2002-2007) School Index (SSCI) (a) Harvard U 1 31 UC Berkeley 1 23 Princeton U 0.88 19 MIT 1 21 Yale U 1 18 U Michigan 0.74 9 New York U 0.72 10 UCLA 0.51 23 Stanford U 0.63 20 U Chicago 0.58 36 Columbia U 0.85 11 Northwestern U 0.54 22 UC San Diego 0.65 13 U Wisconsin, Madison 0.51 17 Boston U 0.45 13 U Pennsylvania 0.50 12 Ohio State U 0.39 15 Michigan State U 0.58 12 Cornell U 0.28 10 U Virginia 0.34 9 U Maryland, College Park 0.54 25 U Illinois, Urbana 0.23 12 Carnegie Mellon U 0.45 5 (b) Duke U 0.16 10 UC Davis 0.38 7 U Southern California 0.38 7 U Texas, Austin 0.41 10 Brown U 0.41 7 U Minnesota 0.34 13 North Carolina State U 0.95 9 Iowa State U 1 7 Vanderbilt U 0.18 6 Johns Hopkins U 0.37 8 Syracuse U 0.31 6 Pennsylvania State U 0.23 12 Georgetown U 0.20 7 Boston College 0.29 8 California Inst Tech 0.46 4 U of Rochester 0.30 12 UNC, Chapel Hill 0.31 12 George Mason U 0.28 15 U Colorado, Boulder 0.31 10 UC Santa Cruz 0.31 7 City University of New York (CUNY) 0.32 9 U Washington 0.20 14 U Illinois, Chicago 0.31 5 Arizona State U 0.13 2 Rice U 0.21 5 Texas A&M U 0.20 9 Georgia State U 0.27 11 UC Santa Barbara 0.13 10 Florida State U 0.22 4 Indiana U 0.14 6 George Washington U 0.14 4 Rutgers U 0.14 3 UC Riverside 0.19 5 U Oregon 0.15 6 U Houston 0.20 6 (b) U Pittsburgh 0.15 7 U Iowa 0.16 4 U Wyoming 0.45 3 U Arizona 0.15 6 U Kentucky 0.42 5 U Florida 0.06 6 Southern Methodist U 0.12 3 Clemson U 0.13 7 Purdue U 0.10 8 U Connecticut 0.46 5 Washington U, St. Louis 0.18 8 U Massachusetts, Amherst 0.12 8 Emory U 0.07 4 UC Irvine 0.06 10 U South Carolina 0.33 7 U Georgia 0.07 3 Virginia Tech 0.10 4 U Albany 0.12 5 SUNY Binghamton 0.18 4 Wayne State U 0.55 4 U Wisconsin, Milwaukee 0.16 6 U Delaware 0.05 6 American U 0.07 7 U Missouri, Columbia 0.10 7 U Kansas 0.06 3 RPI 0.11 2 (b) SUNY Buffalo 0.41 2 U Nebraska, Lincoln 0.88 2 Florida International U 0.15 12 U Notre Dame 0.04 5 U Alabama 0.05 5 U Oklahoma 0.07 5 Brandeis U 0.11 2 Louisiana State U 0.06 13 SUNY Stony Brook 0.11 10 Oregon State U 0.07 5 Lehigh U 0.04 3 U Miami 0.09 2 Auburn U 0.11 2 New School U 0.08 12 Washington State U 0.10 10 Tulane U (e) 0.07 Suspended Oklahoma State U 0.36 5 Southern Illinois U, Carbondale 0.03 6 Northern Illinois U 0.13 2 West Virginia U 0.06 8 U New Orleans 0.06 3 Colorado State U 0.15 4 U Tennessee, Knoxville 0.12 5 U Hawaii, Manoa 0.06 6 U Utah 0.06 10 U Arkansas 0.02 1 Western Michigan U 0.06 4 Temple U 0.03 3 (b) U New Mexico 0.11 5 U Mississippi 0.03 4 Kansas State U 0.08 4 Fordham U 0.05 8 U Rhode Island 0.21 4 U New Hampshire 0.04 2 Utah State U 0.15 3 Northeastern U 0.16 New program Claremont Graduate U 0.04 10 U Missouri, Kansas City 0.05 18 Clark U 0.04 4 Portland State U 0.03 0 (f) Middle Tennessee State 0.04 3 Colorado School of Mines 0.10 3 Texas Tech U 0.05 6 Suffolk U 0.02 New program Howard U 0.01 1 (b) (a) This column of data represents the average number (rounded up) of doctorates granted by each university in the past five years and was acquired by calling each university. It should be noted that these data provide no information regarding retention rates. While multiple attempts were made to contact several universities, we were unable to acquire this information for some departments; as such, NA (not available) is used to represent these instances. (b) This information was obtained by counting and then averaging the number of doctoral dissertations listed in the December 2004, 2005, and 2006 issues of the Journal of Economic Literature. (c) The top field at this school is not an offered field. The top offered field for the following schools is RPI, Q; U Notre Dame, F; U Alabama, E; Southern Illinois U at Carbondale, F; U of New Hampshire, D; and Portland State U, O. U of Notre Dame offers a field in E, which may be closely related to G. At U of Alabama, the Ph.D. in economics is offered out of the Business School, where a Ph.D. in applied statistics is available. U of New Hampshire offers a field in 1, which may be closely related to J. (d) School may or may not offer a field in microeconomic theory (D) but does offer multiple fields in applied microeconomics. (e) At the time of this writing, Tulane U had suspended its Ph.D. program because of Hurricane Katrina. (f) Portland State U does not offer a Ph.D. in economics. The university offers doctoral degrees in urban studies and systems science, both of which offer an emphasis in economics. Table 3. Field Rankings (based on first-listed JEL code for publications) (a) THE JEL Classification System for Journal Articles School A B C D E F American U 49 32 70 105 78 56 Arizona State U 58 77 34 40 30 34 Auburn U 35 51 86 87 117 * Boston College 69 72 35 23 29 22 Boston U * 56 14 19 11 29 Brandeis U * * 110 120 34 116 Brown U 51 68 28 38 48 37 California Inst Tech 48 35 15 11 87 78 Carnegie Mellon U 2 17 38 33 26 66 City U of New York 76 24 90 72 47 52 Claremont Graduate U 90 76 * 110 112 67 Clark U * *. * * 121 62 Clemson U 25 67 103 66 84 71 Colorado School of Mines * * * 126 * * Colorado State U 82 18 122 108 96 85 Columbia U 18 6 37 20 6 3 Cornell U 17 58 17 24 37 41 Duke U 37 10 27 39 31 19 Emory U 21 82 62 63 44 46 Florida International U * 83 82 102 77 25 Florida State U 70 43 81 62 50 70 Fordham U * 87 64 125 86 68 George Mason U 9 3 40 25 79 99 George Washington U 42 73 67 70 58 30 Georgetown U * * 48 46 20 18 Georgia State U 14 16 68 65 104 97 Harvard U 15 7 5 3 1 2 Howard U * * 118 127 118 103 Indiana U 5 * 53 53 28 43 Iowa State U 30 * 44 31 62 51 Johns Hopkins U 24 9 39 15 13 79 Kansas State U * 79 114 109 67 115 Lehigh U 33 46 93 88 102 77 Louisiana State U 79 * 87 95 71 89 MIT 6 5 3 5 4 38 Michigan State U 32 26 23 44 72 21 Middle Tennessee State * 47 117 124 119 83 New School U * 41 111 113 41 84 New York U 16 4 9 4 7 14 North Carolina State U 39 * 32 52 36 63 Northeastern U 50 42 * 128 108 113 Northern Illinois U * * 119 97 110 110 Northwestern U 34 37 4 10 5 36 Ohio State U 47 57 13 13 17 23 Oklahoma State U 81 38 104 115 115 92 Oregon State U 74 59 79 67 125 114 Pennsylvania State U 67 11 21 28 40 32 Portland State U 78 49 116 116 89 118 Princeton U 12 1 7 2 2 1 Purdue U 13 * 69 49 65 45 RPI 55 71 88 106 114 117 Rice U * * 19 35 60 109 Rutgers U 89 * 61 57 46 28 S. Illinois U, Carbondale * 45 75 81 92 60 Southern Methodist U * 75 41 47 68 47 Stanford U 26 21 18 6 14 9 Suffolk U * * 95 123 * 120 SUNY Binghamton * 63 63 77 98 * SUNY Buffalo * 53 83 78 105 111 SUNY Stony Brook * * 91 50 109 * Syracuse U 27 44 49 42 66 42 Temple U * 55 109 91 111 102 Texas A&M U 29 * 20 37 73 76 Texas Tech U 91 80 121 119 103 * Tulane U * * 99 104 * 75 U Alabama 45 48 58 76 55 69 U Albany * 60 57 68 75 48 U Arizona 85 74 45 41 122 * U Arkansas * * 89 89 106 100 UC Berkeley 4 2 8 1 3 4 UC Davis 41 19 43 32 15 8 UC Irvine * 23 66 69 59 82 UC Los Angeles 28 84 10 9 8 6 UC Riverside * 81 33 34 64 73 UC San Diego 40 70 2 26 12 13 UC Santa Barbara 56 * 47 45 49 90 UC Santa Cruz 73 29 65 55 24 11 U Chicago 10 14 56 7 25 26 U Colorado, Boulder 86 52 77 59 82 12 U Connecticut 92 65 84 73 85 94 U Delaware 54 * 98 86 53 105 U Florida 38 * 50 74 69 40 U Georgia 71 64 76 75 42 81 U Hawaii, Manoa * * 96 100 99 64 U Houston 62 39 59 61 83 24 U Illinois, Chicago 23 15 85 71 57 88 U Illinois, Urbana 63 27 16 29 32 39 U Iowa * * 29 84 27 55 U Kansas 36 34 54 82 61 96 U Kentucky 61 78 92 83 63 61 U Maryland, College Park 88 86 36 30 35 10 U Mass, Amherst 64 33 101 85 70 50 U Miami * * 80 111 123 59 U Michigan 19 61 25 17 9 7 U Minnesota * 12 55 16 16 31 U Mississippi 68 * 78 90 81 121 U Missouri, Columbia 84 * 60 101 45 91 U Missouri, Kansas City * 13 123 122 54 * U Nebraska, Lincoln 3 20 97 103 74 95 U New Hampshire * 22 112 96 120 101 U New Mexico 65 * 120 112 101 93 U New Orleans * * 100 92 107 87 UNC, Chapel Hill 20 66 24 58 56 54 U Notre Dame * * 74 79 52 49 U Oklahoma 66 * 107 64 80 80 U Oregon 7 * 52 54 43 27 U Pennsylvania 52 36 11 12 23 15 U Pittsburgh * * 30 48 38 65 U Rhode Island 44 * 105 114 * * U Rochester 22 25 31 21 19 33 U South Carolina 60 * 94 118 91 58 U Southern California 72 30 12 14 51 57 U Tennessee, Knoxville * * 106 117 97 72 U Texas, Austin 11 85 26 27 39 44 U Utah * 40 113 121 100 107 U Virginia 1 * 22 18 33 16 U Washington 59 * 51 56 21 17 U Wisconsin, Madison 43 69 6 22 18 5 U Wisconsin, Milwaukee 75 * 102 93 93 53 U Wyoming 53 * 73 60 90 108 Utah State U 46 * 115 107 124 112 Vanderbilt U 8 28 42 43 22 20 Virginia Tech 31 31 46 51 88 104 Washington State U 77 * * 80 113 106 Washington U, St. Louis 83 50 71 36 76 119 Wayne State U * 62 72 94 94 74 West Virginia U 80 * 108 98 95 86 Western Michigan U 87 54 * 99 116 98 Yale U 57 8 1 8 10 35 THE JEL Classification System for Journal Articles School G H I J K L American U 88 77 60 64 63 73 Arizona State U 32 94 35 37 53 99 Auburn U 78 71 65 95 57 38 Boston College 53 38 41 67 * 59 Boston U 24 12 15 10 12 10 Brandeis U 54 121 106 110 59 77 Brown U 50 28 32 15 75 103 California Inst Tech 21 32 * 92 28 41 Carnegie Mellon U 3 18 24 98 * 30 City U of New York 19 43 5 18 41 55 Claremont Graduate U 95 78 * 120 * 126 Clark U 116 * * 113 * 82 Clemson U 52 55 33 41 15 48 Colorado School of Mines * * * 127 * 63 Colorado State U 84 84 90 111 80 93 Columbia U 12 9 22 49 18 11 Cornell U 16 13 6 24 48 54 Duke U 15 23 17 60 27 12 Emory U 57 65 100 115 13 85 Florida International U 114 110 73 118 * 100 Florida State U 55 34 54 25 9 51 Fordham U 79 * 95 121 * 123 George Mason U 39 25 92 55 11 57 George Washington U 33 31 37 58 39 33 Georgetown U 26 33 78 57 * 17 Georgia State U 82 11 47 23 60 96 Harvard U 1 3 1 2 2 6 Howard U * 105 * 119 * * Indiana U 70 41 30 82 79 121 Iowa State U 43 52 58 39 65 35 Johns Hopkins U 61 37 11 30 * 52 Kansas State U 118 106 99 78 * 53 Lehigh U 121 85 51 86 * 104 Louisiana State U 83 73 42 69 * 106 MIT 5 2 4 1 8 2 Michigan State U 25 10 12 6 66 23 Middle Tennessee State 99 * 83 79 * 124 New School U 74 120 * 96 * 107 New York U 8 27 27 17 69 16 North Carolina State U 40 51 44 29 56 25 Northeastern U 109 * * 126 73 27 Northern Illinois U 87 81 82 42 81 114 Northwestern U 58 30 20 13 * 7 Ohio State U 10 59 13 22 31 24 Oklahoma State U 93 92 85 109 74 92 Oregon State U 106 96 69 114 * 40 Pennsylvania State U 66 70 70 47 37 36 Portland State U * 119 87 101 * 105 Princeton U 2 14 2 4 6 20 Purdue U 56 95 88 84 * 34 RPI * 90 64 77 * 56 Rice U 44 6 77 72 * 71 Rutgers U 37 53 94 80 40 50 S. Illinois U, Carbondale 117 112 103 124 49 112 Southern Methodist U 80 39 55 93 * 66 Stanford U 9 15 8 14 33 5 Suffolk U 103 115 101 122 * 95 SUNY Binghamton 81 107 107 54 54 74 SUNY Buffalo 98 93 56 105 14 78 SUNY Stony Brook 105 117 102 56 42 97 Syracuse U 30 7 25 20 68 102 Temple U 101 80 80 90 35 98 Texas A&M U 63 26 57 46 29 44 Texas Tech U 111 104 * 75 * 117 Tulane U 89 83 * 107 * 64 U Alabama 97 79 * 108 19 94 U Albany 75 61 61 43 * * U Arizona 119 91 * 33 62 28 U Arkansas 85 116 * 100 32 87 UC Berkeley 7 4 16 3 1 1 UC Davis 45 29 98 52 * 14 UC Irvine 60 75 75 62 * 91 UC Los Angeles 18 45 * 7 30 3 UC Riverside 123 42 50 97 71 70 UC San Diego 6 16 * 26 5 21 UC Santa Barbara 17 21 45 81 38 29 UC Santa Cruz 27 58 * 34 24 49 U Chicago 4 19 14 8 7 4 U Colorado, Boulder 104 24 46 36 77 31 U Connecticut 71 87 59 66 4 75 U Delaware 67 86 36 74 * 45 U Florida 77 36 23 70 50 43 U Georgia 41 44 66 85 43 60 U Hawaii, Manoa * 109 * 112 * 84 U Houston 65 82 40 28 51 62 U Illinois, Chicago 102 60 7 19 55 113 U Illinois, Urbana 11 22 39 38 44 15 U Iowa 34 74 62 76 * 61 U Kansas 62 * 104 87 22 89 U Kentucky 92 8 26 73 82 101 U Maryland, College Park 42 5 10 50 23 26 U Mass, Amherst 59 100 48 45 * 90 U Miami 94 101 43 59 * * U Michigan 14 1 3 5 10 8 U Minnesota 28 48 21 48 61 46 U Mississippi 91 88 86 117 72 79 U Missouri, Columbia 73 * 72 53 * 67 U Missouri, Kansas City 122 118 * 106 * 116 U Nebraska, Lincoln 113 76 89 99 76 72 U New Hampshire * 97 79 83 * 120 U New Mexico 115 102 63 102 * 81 U New Orleans 31 103 * 125 * 108 UNC, Chapel Hill 22 35 31 21 36 58 U Notre Dame 38 108 76 * 34 110 U Oklahoma 86 89 109 61 * 76 U Oregon 49 64 52 65 * 65 U Pennsylvania 47 56 9 9 58 37 U Pittsburgh 64 72 93 104 26 83 U Rhode Island 112 113 97 * * 119 U Rochester 46 67 91 51 70 122 U South Carolina 96 62 49 16 * 115 U Southern California 51 47 34 31 52 13 U Tennessee, Knoxville 100 49 108 103 67 109 U Texas, Austin 36 20 38 11 64 39 U Utah 110 * 67 71 * 88 U Virginia 29 50 29 32 21 9 U Washington 23 69 110 40 25 68 U Wisconsin, Madison 20 17 19 27 17 19 U Wisconsin, Milwaukee 90 114 81 35 78 47 U Wyoming 35 68 * 123 46 22 Utah State U 120 111 96 116 * 125 Vanderbilt U 48 40 28 44 3 32 Virginia Tech 69 63 84 94 47 80 Washington State U 72 99 53 91 * 42 Washington U, St. Louis 76 57 74 63 * 111 Wayne State U 107 46 68 88 20 69 West Virginia U 68 66 105 89 45 86 Western Michigan U 108 98 71 68 * 118 Yale U 13 54 18 12 16 18 THE JEL Classification System for Journal Articles School N O P Q R American U 56 46 41 74 * Arizona State U 83 25 6 99 94 Auburn U 79 120 * 107 52 Boston College 84 50 * 91 5 Boston U 33 26 52 33 71 Brandeis U 40 87 17 44 * Brown U 57 7 11 18 29 California Inst Tech 41 103 * 52 * Carnegie Mellon U 54 53 48 56 55 City U of New York 23 56 14 102 87 Claremont Graduate U 63 71 57 113 * Clark U 34 97 * 68 96 Clemson U 42 57 76 87 59 Colorado School of Mines * 123 * 29 * Colorado State U 73 116 25 83 38 Columbia U 13 8 3 26 26 Cornell U 75 10 24 46 35 Duke U 37 13 82 64 76 Emory U * 49 * 50 97 Florida International U 26 38 55 79 * Florida State U 50 60 72 35 7 Fordham U * 94 * * * George Mason U 52 66 43 47 79 George Washington U 69 28 42 27 77 Georgetown U * 27 * 9 69 Georgia State U 64 84 46 20 8 Harvard U 2 1 2 4 2 Howard U * * * 112 * Indiana U 77 30 27 38 68 Iowa State U * 22 40 1 33 Johns Hopkins U * 64 * 40 60 Kansas State U * 118 * 114 88 Lehigh U 25 82 31 72 82 Louisiana State U 86 89 * 106 50 MIT 4 5 13 7 4 Michigan State U 71 18 26 61 67 Middle Tennessee State * 98 * 98 * New School U * 40 47 * 101 New York U 20 4 22 34 32 North Carolina State U 27 80 39 2 44 Northeastern U 67 92 * * * Northern Illinois U * 99 * 117 80 Northwestern U 16 16 74 90 45 Ohio State U 18 42 29 85 31 Oklahoma State U 81 73 * 58 19 Oregon State U 87 90 * 57 86 Pennsylvania State U * 17 21 48 18 Portland State U * 91 59 62 102 Princeton U 7 6 12 21 10 Purdue U * 111 65 22 103 RPI 76 24 * 14 42 Rice U * 100 * 65 43 Rutgers U 8 48 67 17 73 S. Illinois U, Carbondale 70 65 64 59 * Southern Methodist U 78 61 * 24 70 Stanford U 6 12 10 11 21 Suffolk U 61 121 * 93 * SUNY Binghamton 19 95 * 10 56 SUNY Buffalo * 55 35 100 15 SUNY Stony Brook 65 96 * * 81 Syracuse U 74 45 79 39 3 Temple U * 114 54 104 61 Texas A&M U 46 54 28 84 74 Texas Tech U * * * 118 * Tulane U 38 85 * 36 48 U Alabama 89 101 81 82 98 U Albany * 81 * * * U Arizona 9 68 * 75 * U Arkansas * 77 50 60 83 UC Berkeley 1 2 1 30 6 UC Davis 5 41 8 70 64 UC Irvine 30 39 18 80 92 UC Los Angeles 10 3 30 92 72 UC Riverside 72 79 * 81 16 UC San Diego 90 35 32 16 11 UC Santa Barbara * 86 * 6 100 UC Santa Cruz 48 29 58 89 104 U Chicago * 11 9 67 46 U Colorado, Boulder 11 44 75 12 14 U Connecticut 44 70 78 15 12 U Delaware 15 107 63 110 36 U Florida 51 52 73 109 30 U Georgia 47 122 * 63 91 U Hawaii, Manoa 49 59 66 41 58 U Houston 55 83 56 116 23 U Illinois, Chicago 12 104 44 88 1 U Illinois, Urbana 32 19 20 37 13 U Iowa * 69 * 69 66 U Kansas 28 117 * 43 54 U Kentucky 45 78 51 86 17 U Maryland, College Park 29 20 4 28 57 U Mass, Amherst 43 31 33 31 62 U Miami * 58 * 73 * U Michigan 17 15 5 51 39 U Minnesota 66 14 49 66 24 U Mississippi 53 * * 94 * U Missouri, Columbia * 75 * 105 49 U Missouri, Kansas City * * 45 * * U Nebraska, Lincoln 80 105 62 49 53 U New Hampshire * 88 * 76 93 U New Mexico * * * 23 99 U New Orleans * 119 * * 25 UNC, Chapel Hill 35 74 23 77 * U Notre Dame 82 62 * 97 105 U Oklahoma 88 63 68 * 78 U Oregon 85 110 * 32 47 U Pennsylvania * 36 83 53 95 U Pittsburgh * 93 7 95 28 U Rhode Island * * * 8 * U Rochester 39 47 * 101 89 U South Carolina 60 76 * * 84 U Southern California 24 34 16 45 37 U Tennessee, Knoxville * 115 36 78 65 U Texas, Austin 36 37 * 25 34 U Utah 31 72 53 71 * U Virginia 22 32 38 54 22 U Washington 59 21 71 55 63 U Wisconsin, Madison * 23 61 19 40 U Wisconsin, Milwaukee * 51 80 96 51 U Wyoming * 43 * 3 * Utah State U * 113 60 13 75 Vanderbilt U 3 33 37 108 27 Virginia Tech 68 67 34 103 85 Washington State U * 109 69 4 2 Washington U, St. Louis 21 106 77 * 20 Wayne State U * 108 * * 9 West Virginia U 62 112 70 111 41 Western Michigan U 58 102 15 115 90 Yale U 14 9 19 5 * (a) * indicates a research productivity score of zero for a particular field. Table 4. Subject Field Rankings for Ph.D.-Granting Institutions in Economics Category Number of Ranking Publishing Importance School SSCI Faculty HHI Index JEL category A: General economics and teaching U Virginia 1 4 0.47 0.06 Carnegie Mellon U 2 8 0.18 0.06 U Nebraska, Lincoln 3 6 0.77 0.29 UC Berkeley 4 10 0.30 0.02 Indiana U 5 5 0.80 0.12 MIT 6 6 0.40 0.01 U Oregon 7 6 0.24 0.10 Vanderbilt U 8 5 0.98 0.04 George Mason U 9 12 0.26 0.06 U Chicago 10 2 0.53 0.02 U Texas, Austin 11 5 0.51 0.04 Princeton U 12 5 0.33 0.01 Purdue U 13 6 0.65 0.09 Georgia State U 14 4 0.66 0.05 Harvard U 15 9 0.24 0.01 New York U 16 2 0.73 0.01 Cornell U 17 3 1.00 0.02 Columbia U 18 3 0.85 0.01 U Michigan 19 4 0.80 0.01 UNC, Chapel Hill 20 6 0.40 0.03 JEL category B. Methodology and history of economic thought Princeton U 1 9 0.23 0.02 UC Berkeley 2 9 0.30 0.01 George Mason U 3 14 0.38 0.07 New York U 4 4 0.84 0.02 MIT 5 3 0.46 0.01 Columbia U 6 2 1.00 0.01 Harvard U 7 6 0.38 0.00 Yale U 8 3 0.92 0.01 Johns Hopkins U 9 2 1.00 0.02 Duke U 10 6 0.35 0.02 Pennsylvania State U 11 1 1.00 0.02 U Minnesota 12 4 0.43 0.02 U Missouri, Kansas City 13 4 0.37 0.24 U Chicago 14 5 0.33 0.01 U Illinois at Chicago 15 3 0.94 0.02 Georgia State U 16 1 1.00 0.03 Carnegie Mellon U 17 5 0.31 0.01 Colorado State U 18 4 0.53 0.11 UC Davis 19 3 0.52 0.01 U Nebraska, Lincoln 20 2 0.80 0.06 JEL category C: Mathematical and quantitative methods Yale U 1 20 0.34 0.35 UC San Diego 2 17 0.11 0.30 MIT 3 18 0.18 0.12 Northwestern U 4 18 0.18 0.25 Harvard U 5 19 0.16 0.08 U Wisconsin, Madison 6 16 0.18 0.26 Princeton U 7 24 0.09 0.09 UC Berkeley 8 22 0.13 0.09 New York U 9 21 0.10 0.16 UCLA 10 23 0.12 0.13 U Pennsylvania 11 17 0.13 0.18 U Southern California 12 10 0.18 0.22 Ohio State U 13 16 0.29 0.15 Boston U 14 15 0.24 0.13 California Inst Tech 15 11 0.26 0.25 U Illinois, Urbana 16 18 0.14 0.17 Cornell U 17 13 0.17 0.16 Stanford U 18 19 0.09 0.09 Rice U 19 11 0.18 0.28 Texas A&M U 20 14 0.17 0.27 JEL category D: Microeconomics UC Berkeley 1 35 0.06 0.17 Princeton U 2 28 0.07 0.15 Harvard U 3 28 0.07 0.10 New York U 4 25 0.08 0.23 MIT 5 21 0.09 0.13 Stanford U 6 25 0.10 0.22 U Chicago 7 24 0.09 0.21 Yale U 8 28 0.07 0.17 UCLA 9 26 0.11 0.17 Northwestern U 10 22 0.11 0.18 California Inst Tech 11 11 0.19 0.42 U Pennsylvania 12 15 0.10 0.21 Ohio State U 13 18 0.14 0.21 U Southern California 14 16 0.18 0.26 Johns Hopkins U 15 9 0.27 0.29 U Minnesota 16 15 0.12 0.26 U Michigan 17 27 0.07 0.11 U Virginia 18 13 0.15 0.20 Boston U 19 17 0.11 0.15 Columbia U 20 19 0.19 0.11 JEL category E. Macroeconomics and monetary policy Harvard U 1 25 0.08 0.12 Princeton U 2 20 0.12 0.15 UC Berkeley 3 18 0.17 0.11 MIT 4 12 0.24 0.11 Northwestern U 5 10 0.21 0.16 Columbia U 6 15 0.19 0.15 New York U 7 16 0.12 0.13 UCLA 8 15 0.12 0.11 U Michigan 9 19 0.09 0.09 Yale U 10 16 0.18 0.09 Boston U 11 11 0.22 0.13 UC San Diego 12 13 0.25 0.10 Johns Hopkins U 13 7 0.42 0.19 Stanford U 14 11 0.17 0.08 UC Davis 15 13 0.13 0.16 U Minnesota 16 12 0.13 0.16 Ohio State U 17 10 0.30 0.11 U Wisconsin, Madison 18 11 0.18 0.09 U Rochester 19 6 0.26 0.19 Georgetown U 20 12 0.22 0.17 JEL category F: International economics Princeton U 1 13 0.17 0.12 Harvard U 2 19 0.16 0.09 Columbia U 3 16 0.12 0.22 UC Berkeley 4 16 0.39 0.08 U Wisconsin, Madison 5 9 0.24 0.16 UCLA 6 15 0.22 0.10 U Michigan 7 20 0.15 0.09 UC Davis 8 9 0.46 0.19 Stanford U 9 14 0.35 0.08 U Maryland, College Park 10 7 0.38 0.15 UC Santa Cruz 11 12 0.21 0.24 U Colorado, Boulder 12 13 0.27 0.23 UC San Diego 13 9 0.31 0.08 New York U 14 13 0.26 0.06 U Pennsylvania 15 7 0.40 0.10 U Virginia 16 6 0.35 0.11 U Washington 17 9 0.35 0.18 Georgetown U 18 13 0.13 0.16 Duke U 19 11 0.18 0.11 Vanderbilt U 20 12 0.24 0.12 JEL category G: Financial economics Harvard U 1 22 0.16 0.15 Princeton U 2 26 0.12 0.11 Carnegie Mellon U 3 19 0.12 0.33 U Chicago 4 14 0.16 0.15 MIT 5 16 0.18 0.07 UC San Diego 6 11 0.26 0.10 UC Berkeley 7 20 0.11 0.04 New York U 8 11 0.16 0.07 Stanford U 9 10 0.18 0.06 Ohio State U 10 11 0.22 0.09 U Illinois, Urbana 11 14 0.21 0.10 Columbia U 12 11 0.26 0.05 Yale U 13 15 0.22 0.04 U Michigan 14 16 0.11 0.04 Duke U 15 9 0.18 0.09 Cornell U 16 11 0.43 0.08 UC Santa Barbara 17 12 0.35 0.15 UCLA 18 17 0.11 0.04 City U of New York (CUNY) 19 15 0.23 0.12 U Wisconsin, Madison 20 7 0.28 0.05 JEL category H: Public economics U Michigan 1 19 0.24 0.14 MIT 2 14 0.21 0.08 Harvard U 3 17 0.16 0.05 UC Berkeley 4 20 0.19 0.06 U Maryland, College Park 5 11 0.16 0.15 Rice U 6 6 0.32 0.24 Syracuse U 7 18 0.10 0.16 U Kentucky 8 9 0.46 0.31 Columbia U 9 14 0.16 0.07 Michigan State U 10 10 0.45 0.10 Georgia State U 11 15 0.16 0.21 Boston U 12 9 0.28 0.08 Cornell U 13 13 0.13 0.08 Princeton U 14 16 0.13 0.02 Stanford U 15 15 0.14 0.05 UC San Diego 16 11 0.36 0.05 U Wisconsin, Madison 17 10 0.54 0.05 Carnegie Mellon U 18 13 0.18 0.08 U Chicago 19 6 0.29 0.04 U Texas, Austin 20 10 0.29 0.08 JEL category I: Health, education, and welfare Harvard U 1 15 0.20 0.07 Princeton U 2 11 0.20 0.06 U Michigan 3 18 0.26 0.10 MIT 4 14 0.20 0.05 City U of New York (CUNY) 5 11 0.22 0.17 Cornell U 6 7 0.29 0.09 U Illinois, Chicago 7 9 0.33 0.16 Stanford U 8 9 0.63 0.05 U Pennsylvania 9 7 0.30 0.07 U Maryland, College Park 10 9 0.17 0.08 Johns Hopkins U 11 8 0.32 0.10 Michigan State U 12 10 0.16 0.07 Ohio State U 13 9 0.30 0.06 U Chicago 14 8 0.27 0.04 Boston U 15 7 0.44 0.05 UC Berkeley 16 15 0.12 0.02 Duke U 17 7 0.50 0.07 Yale U 18 10 0.17 0.03 U Wisconsin, Madison 19 6 0.48 0.05 Northwestern U 20 6 0.23 0.04 JEL category J: Labor and demographic economics MIT 1 19 0.12 0.15 Harvard U 2 17 0.13 0.10 UC Berkeley 3 22 0.23 0.12 Princeton U 4 20 0.14 0.12 U Michigan 5 23 0.08 0.19 Michigan State U 6 13 0.45 0.27 UCLA 7 20 0.09 0.14 U Chicago 8 13 0.13 0.15 U Pennsylvania 9 15 0.16 0.22 Boston U 10 15 0.13 0.18 U Texas, Austin 11 6 0.45 0.23 Yale U 12 18 0.15 0.10 Northwestern U 13 13 0.32 0.11 Stanford U 14 15 0.13 0.10 Brown U 15 11 0.11 0.20 U South Carolina 16 6 0.46 0.60 New York U 17 17 0.11 0.08 City U of New York (CUNY) 18 15 0.13 0.27 U Illinois, Chicago 19 11 0.25 0.27 Syracuse U 20 16 0.12 0.21 JEL category K: Law and economics UC Berkeley 1 9 0.25 0.02 Harvard U 2 4 0.35 0.01 Vanderbilt U 3 2 0.57 0.07 U Connecticut 4 4 0.45 0.14 UC San Diego 5 2 0.93 0.03 Princeton U 6 8 0.17 0.01 U Chicago 7 4 0.47 0.02 MIT 8 5 0.34 0.01 Florida State U 9 7 0.28 0.06 U Michigan 10 4 0.72 0.01 George Mason U 11 9 0.30 0.04 Boston U 12 4 0.40 0.02 Emory U 13 4 0.42 0.08 SUNY Buffalo 14 2 0.75 0.12 Clemson U 15 3 0.77 0.06 Yale U 16 6 0.29 0.01 U Wisconsin, Madison 17 2 0.65 0.01 Columbia U 18 5 0.24 0.01 U Alabama 19 4 0.32 0.09 Wayne State U 20 2 0.53 0.07 JEL category L: Industrial organization UC Berkeley 1 26 0.07 0.09 MIT 2 16 0.16 0.09 UCLA 3 20 0.16 0.13 U Chicago 4 17 0.10 0.11 Stanford U 5 20 0.11 0.11 Harvard U 6 19 0.14 0.04 Northwestern U 7 9 0.22 0.09 U Michigan 8 13 0.16 0.05 U Virginia 9 6 0.23 0.10 Boston U 10 15 0.14 0.08 Columbia U 11 7 0.23 0.06 Duke U 12 11 0.21 0.11 U Southern California 13 11 0.55 0.11 UC Davis 14 13 0.14 0.10 U Illinois, Urbana 15 16 0.28 0.09 New York U 16 14 0.14 0.04 Georgetown U 17 12 0.18 0.11 Yale U 18 15 0.15 0.04 U Wisconsin, Madison 19 9 0.18 0.05 Princeton U 20 9 0.16 0.02 JEL category N: Economic history UC Berkeley 1 8 0.25 0.03 Harvard U 2 10 0.34 0.02 Vanderbilt U 3 7 0.32 0.09 MIT 4 3 0.43 0.02 UC Davis 5 6 0.30 0.08 Stanford U 6 5 0.39 0.03 Princeton U 7 6 0.46 0.01 Rutgers U 8 4 0.35 0.10 U Arizona 9 4 0.33 0.12 UCLA 10 10 0.20 0.02 U Colorado, Boulder 11 4 0.48 0.05 U Illinois, Chicago 12 6 0.56 0.05 Columbia U 13 7 0.28 0.02 Yale U 14 5 0.39 0.01 U Delaware 15 2 0.81 0.13 Northwestern U 16 5 0.32 0.02 U Michigan 17 5 0.47 0.01 Ohio State U 18 6 0.31 0.02 SUNY Binghamton 19 3 0.63 0.11 New York U 20 2 0.52 0.01 JEL category O: Economic development, technological change, and growth Harvard U 1 22 0.08 0.09 UC Berkeley 2 23 0.12 0.08 UCLA 3 20 0.14 0.11 New York U 4 15 0.17 0.10 MIT 5 13 0.33 0.06 Princeton U 6 16 0.11 0.05 Brown U 7 12 0.20 0.20 Columbia U 8 17 0.19 0.09 Yale U 9 15 0.13 0.06 Cornell U 10 13 0.11 0.11 U Chicago 11 4 0.61 0.06 Stanford U 12 15 0.13 0.05 Duke U 13 11 0.18 0.10 U Minnesota 14 8 0.21 0.11 U Michigan 15 16 0.21 0.04 Northwestern U 16 8 0.28 0.05 Pennsylvania State U 17 11 0.32 0.11 Michigan State U 18 10 0.45 0.07 U Illinois, Urbana 19 14 0.19 0.06 U Maryland, College Park 20 9 0.24 0.06 JEL category P: Economic systems UC Berkeley 1 5 0.40 0.03 Harvard U 2 7 0.26 0.02 Columbia U 3 9 0.37 0.04 U Maryland, College Park 4 2 0.87 0.06 U Michigan 5 6 0.65 0.03 Arizona State U 6 2 0.92 0.07 U Pittsburgh 7 4 0.34 0.10 UC Davis 8 2 0.66 0.04 U Chicago 9 3 0.63 0.02 Stanford U 10 3 0.44 0.02 Brown U 11 3 0.86 0.04 Princeton U 12 5 0.24 0.01 MIT 13 4 0.65 0.01 City U of New York (CUNY) 14 3 0.38 0.04 Western Michigan U 15 1 1.00 0.20 U Southern California 16 5 0.79 0.02 Brandeis U 17 1 1.00 0.12 UC Irvine 18 6 0.87 0.06 Yale U 19 5 0.28 0.01 U Illinois, Urbana 20 2 0.96 0.02 JEL category Q: Agricultural and natural resource economics Iowa State U 1 29 0.07 0.36 North Carolina State U 2 24 0.12 0.34 U Wyoming 3 9 0.27 0.35 Harvard U 4 6 0.39 0.02 Yale U 5 6 0.39 0.04 UC Santa Barbara 6 7 0.32 0.14 MIT 7 7 0.21 0.02 U Rhode Island 8 8 0.24 0.76 Georgetown U 9 3 0.95 0.08 SUNY Binghamton 10 4 0.34 0.22 Stanford U 11 9 0.30 0.03 U Colorado, Boulder 12 7 0.22 0.08 Utah State U 13 14 0.15 0.56 RPI 14 3 0.54 0.21 U Connecticut 15 3 0.65 0.14 UC San Diego 16 6 0.30 0.03 Rutgers U 17 1 1.00 0.09 Brown U 18 6 0.22 0.04 U Wisconsin, Madison 19 6 0.31 0.03 Geargia State U 20 5 0.29 0.07 JEL category R: Urban, rural, and regional economics U Illinois, Chicago 1 5 0.42 0.21 Harvard U 2 11 0.27 0.02 Syracuse U 3 7 0.29 0.14 MIT 4 7 0.21 0.03 Boston College 5 6 0.54 0.13 UC Berkeley 6 6 0.50 0.02 Florida State U 7 11 0.43 0.15 Georgia State U 8 8 0.52 0.13 Wayne State U 9 2 0.60 0.29 Princeton U 10 7 0.38 0.02 UC San Diego 11 8 0.23 0.04 U Connecticut 12 5 0.39 0.18 U Illinois, Urbana 13 5 0.33 0.05 U Colorado, Boulder 14 8 0.18 0.09 SUNY Buffalo 15 2 0.94 0.25 UC Riverside 16 5 0.48 0.12 U Kentucky 17 5 0.29 0.13 Pennsylvania State U 18 2 0.80 0.06 Oklahoma State U 19 3 0.45 0.35 Washington U, St. Louis 20 3 0.51 0.13