Will competitive bidding decrease Medicare prices?
Katzman, Brett ; McGeary, Kerry Anne
1. Introduction
The Balanced Budget Act of 1997 granted the Centers for Medicare
and Medicaid Services (CMS) congressional approval to implement up to
three demonstration projects to investigate competitive bidding as a
means of choosing Medicare providers. Officially deemed Durable Medical
Equipment and Prosthetics, Orthotics, and Supplies (DMEPOS) Competitive
Bidding Demonstration Projects, three experiments have been completed.
Two projects were conducted in the Polk County, Florida, area (Polk
County Round I and Polk County Round II), and another was implemented in
the San Antonio, Texas, area (San Antonio).
Experimentation with DMEPOS, in which area Medicare expenditures
currently total over $6 billion, is based on CMS's expectation of
significant savings relative to the past procedure for setting
reimbursement prices. This expectation of savings is no more evident
than in the following excerpt from the Request for Bids sent to
potential Polk County suppliers in January of 1999. It stated,
"Medicare payments for DMEPOS are based on outdated fee schedules
required by law. Studies by the General Accounting Office (GAO) and the
Office of the Inspector General have found that payments allowed
currently by Medicare fee schedules often include unreasonably high
markups. These studies show that Medicare payments for certain DMEPOS
items are greater than payments made by other insurers and sometimes
greater than prices charged at retail outlets for customers who are not
Medicare beneficiaries."
The decision to use competitive bidding as an alternative to
outdated, inflated fee schedules was based on two appealing properties
of competitive bidding. First, competitive bidding is commonly lauded
for the competition it promotes, and CMS expected lower reimbursement
prices to result from increased competition. (1) Second, the competitive
bidding procedure gives CMS a hand in determining firm eligibility, thus
ensuring quality service for Medicare recipients and protecting against
collusion. The premise of our paper is that while utilizing competitive
bidding in the Medicare process is an excellent idea, the format with
which CMS experimented hinders both CMS and its beneficiaries from
achieving greater savings.
The CMS bidding process consists of three stages. A pre-screening
stage determines each firm's ability to supply quality service to
Medicare beneficiaries within different categories of goods (e.g.,
surgical supplies, oxygen equipment). In stage 2, eligible firms submit
bids on each and every individual good within the categories on which
they are bidding, and winners are determined. Finally, the price of an
individual good is determined using a weighted average of the
winners' bids on that good. (2)
While the pre-screening stage appropriately identifies quality
Medicare providers, the rules for determining winners and setting prices
are complex. Both processes involve an aggregation of bids on individual
goods within a given product category. The process for determining
winners requires the calculation of a "composite bid"
(weighted average) (3) for each firm based on its individual bids on the
different goods within a category. Those firms with the lowest composite
bids win the bidding process and are deemed official Medicare providers.
The price that official Medicare providers are allowed to charge for
individual units of a good is then a weighted average of the winning
bids on that good. (4)
In designing the competitive bidding experiment, CMS envisioned a
process in which the individual bids submitted by firms would represent
the lowest price at which they were willing to supply each good.
Unfortunately, our theoretical models show that equilibrium bidding is
conflated by the aggregation rules and that truthful bidding of costs is
not elicited by the CMS rules. This, in turn, implies that there are
circumstances in which the CMS mechanism will fail to select the lowest
cost providers.
The root of the problem is that a firm's composite bid, and
not its individual component bids, determines whether or not the firm is
given Medicare provider status. Thus, while the individual bids are used
to calculate Medicare prices, the composite bid determines whether or
not the firm becomes a Medicare provider. As the composite bid is a
linear function of individual bids, this avails the firm of a number of
ways of achieving a targeted composite bid regardless of the cost of
supplying individual goods. At best, this leads to vast uncertainty
regarding prices on individual goods. At worst, it opens the door for
"gaming" of the system.
Instances of gaming linear composite-type bidding systems have been
documented for auctions of U.S. timber (see Baldwin, Marshall, and
Richard 1997; Athey and Levin 2001) and California electricity (see
Bushnell and Oren 1994; Gribik 1995). The basic idea extends to the CMS
rules, and our models below show that "gaming" is in fact
optimal behavior for firms. Specifically, if a firm believes that CMS
has underestimated relative demand for a good, it can increase its bid
on that good while lowering its bid on a good for which it believes
relative demand forecasts are too high, all while simultaneously
maintaining its targeted composite bid. In doing so, it will be able to
increase the price of the good that it believes will have relatively
high demand by simply lowering its bid on the good for which it
forecasts relatively low demand. This is clearly a profitable strategy
that has adverse pricing repercussions.
The main prediction from our model is that while the CMS format
will achieve price reductions on some goods, this will most likely occur
at the expense of increased prices on other goods. Using data from
completed demonstration projects, we establish preliminary evidence that
this is the case, adding fuel to the growing literature on the
inefficient pricing structure within the Medicare program (see Dor,
Held, and Pauly 1992; Cutler 1995; Dot and Watson 1995; Dor 2004). We
find that price increases occur often and that the gains from
competitive bidding (in its current form) may not be as large as CMS had
hoped. The fact that when a firm bids high on one good it must
correspondingly bid low on another good in order to reach its targeted
composite bid introduces additional, less quantifiable ramifications as
well. Specifically, if the price of a good is bid too low, firms may
tacitly avoid supplying it, thereby increasing consumer search costs and
decreasing quality of service. (5)
Finally, it is our contention that the shortcomings of the CMS
design relate to a fundamental misunderstanding of auctions. A common
misconception is that the desirable properties of single-unit auctions
extend to multi-unit auctions (see Ausubel and Cramton 2002, p. 1, for a
discussion). However, recent theoretical breakthroughs show that there
are actually very few multi-unit auctions that possess the famous
efficiency and revenue-generating properties of single-unit auctions. In
fact, the majority of multi-unit auctions are inefficient and can
deliver vastly different expected outcomes (see Engelbrecht-Wiggans and
Kahn 1995; Noussair 1995; Katzman 1999; Ausubel and Cramton 2002). Even
the famed Vickrey (1961, 1962) auction, lauded for eliciting bids equal
to costs/values, is susceptible to collusion and third-party
manipulation (see Graham and Marshall 1987; Rothkopf, Teisberg, and Kahn
1990). Fortunately, recent developments in auction design by Ausubel
(2004), Reny and Perry (2005), Ausubel and Milgrom (2006), and Ausubel,
Cramton, and Milgrom (2006) have addressed the shortcomings of existing
auction formats and provide a wealth of realistic alternatives. In the
end, we encourage CMS to investigate the merits of these new bidding
2. The CMS Bidding Process
The competitive bidding projects were run in Polk County, Florida,
and San Antonio, Texas. The product categories targeted by CMS for the
Polk County Round I, San Antonio, and Polk County Round II projects
appear in the first column of Table 1. The choice of these categories
was based on the anticipation of significant savings on these types of
equipment. Any firm wishing to provide goods in the categories listed in
Table 1 to Medicare beneficiaries in Polk County or San Antonio during
the project was required to participate in the process. That is, firms
not submitting bids or firms who were unsuccessful at the auction could
not supply any good in the categories listed in Table 1 to Medicare
beneficiaries in the respective regions. (6)
At the inception of a project, a Request for Bids (RFB) was sent
out to potential suppliers. The RFB detailed the process that firms had
to follow to be eligible for consideration; it also explained the
overall process. In addition, past demand data were provided to aid
firms in estimating demand in subsequent years. Included in these data
were the turnover of beneficiary users for each good within each product
category, the total number of beneficiary users for all goods in each
product category, the number of new beneficiary users for each good in a
product category, and trends in beneficiary usage.
The initial stage of each project focused on eligibility.
CMS's goal was to choose firms that would provide reliable, quality
service to Medicare beneficiaries. At a minimum, firms had to comply
with all state and federal regulatory requirements, all Medicare and
Medicaid statutes and regulations, all billing guidelines pertaining to
Medicare, and all National Supplier Clearinghouse standards. If a firm
met all of these criteria, it was invited to submit bids. (7)
Bidding by eligible firms was done by category. Firms that
submitted bids in a given product category were directed to submit a bid
on every individual good in that category. That is, a firm that bid on
one good in a category had to bid on all goods in that category. Once
bids were received, they were reviewed, and a 10-day grace period was
given, during which the firms were allowed to amend or revise their
bids. After that, all bids were final. CMS indicated that bids should
represent the price below which the firm would not be able to supply
that good. (8)
Before going into the details of the bidding process, it will be
helpful to point out a few important traits of this design. First, the
process did not generate revenue; it allocated the right to be a
Medicare provider, and bids were only used to select Medicare providers
and to calculate the allowable reimbursement prices. Second, since
CMS's goal was to reduce Medicare prices, it was looking to
identify those producers that submitted the lowest bids. Finally, and
most importantly, this process was multi-unit in nature, thereby
limiting the applicability of a vast majority of the auction literature.
Upon receipt of all bids, a process was set in motion for
determining winners and for subsequently setting prices. First, a
firm's bids on individual goods in a category were used to form a
"composite bid" for the firm in that category. (9) Calculation
of the composite bid used CMS-specified weighting coefficients (that
represented the anticipated demand for individual goods relative to
demand in the category as a whole) and the firm's individual bids.
Consider a category with I distinct goods. Denote the weight
assigned to good i by [w.sub.i]. If [[??].sub.i] is the estimated volume
for good i and V is the estimated volume for the entire product
category, then [w.sub.i] is calculated as [w.sub.i] = [??]/[??], which
implies [[summation].sup.I.sub.i=1] [w.sub.i] = 1. Inherently, CMS used
estimated volume as a forecast of demand in the subsequent year. (10)
The resulting weights were given to the firms as part of the RFB and
were therefore known to the firms prior to bid submission.
CMS next calculated weighted bids ([[??].sub.in]), using each
firm's (n) individual bids ([b.sub.in]), as [[??].sub.in] =
[w.sub.i][b.sub.in]. Finally, the firm's composite bid, [B.sub.n],
was calculated as [B.sub.n] = [[summation].sup.I.sub.i] [[??].sub.in].
After they had been calculated, the composite bids were placed in
ascending order. Using demand information for each good, CMS determined
how many firms would be necessary to meet demand in each category.
Denote this number of firms by M. The Mth lowest composite bid was
deemed the cutoff composite bid, [bar.B], in that category, and the
firms submitting the M lowest bids became Medicare providers of goods in
that category. CMS refers to bids at or below the cutoff composite bid
as being in the "competitive range."
The final step in the process was determining the prices at which
providers would be reimbursed. First, a ratio representing the
competitiveness of each firm's composite bid was calculated.
Indexing firms by m = 1, ..., M, the ratio ([r.sub.m]) is [r.sub.m] =
[bar.B]/[B.sub.m] [less than or equal to] 1. Next, an adjusted bid price
([a.sub.im]) was calculated for each good (i) using the firm's
competitiveness ratio and its original bid for that good, such that
[a.sub.im] = [b.sub.im] X [r.sub.m]. The demonstration price that was
set on each good was the average of the winning firms' adjusted bid
prices, or [p.sub.i] = [[summation].sup.M.sub.m = l] [a.sub.im]/M.
Finally, the amount reimbursed by Medicare to the winning firms was
equal to 80% of the demonstration price, [p.sub.i], and the beneficiary
co-payment was 20%. The demonstration prices, Medicare reimbursement,
beneficiary's co-payment, and pre-experiment prices for each
project were listed on the CMS DMEPOS Projects website, available at
http://www.cms.hhs.gov/ DemoProjectsEvalRpts/MD/list.asp (CMS 2006).
These data are analyzed in section 5.
3. Full Information
The model presented in this section is intended to convey our basic
results to a general audience. The model is one of full information with
respect to bidder costs. That is, every firm knows every other
firm's marginal cost structure. (11) We do allow for differences
between firm estimates of volume and CMS estimates. Despite the
difference in firm and CMS estimates, one can still think of this as a
game with full information by assuming that the CMS weights were
credibly fixed in the RFB before additional information allowed firms to
obtain better estimates. Consider a case in which N firms compete to be
suppliers of two different goods (goods 1 and 2) within the same product
category. CMS has determined that two of the N firms will be chosen to
supply the two goods. Each firm (n) is assumed to have the ability to
supply half of the total volume of good i ([v.sub.i]/2) at a constant
marginal cost of [c.sub.in]. (12) CMS has demand estimates of
[[??].sub.1,CMS] and [[??].sub.2,CMS] that give a total volume estimate
of [[??].sub.CMS] = [[??].sub.1,CMS] + [[??].sub.2,CMS] and weights
[w.sub.1] = [[??].sub.1,CMS]/[[??].sub.CMS] and WE =
[[??].sub.2,CMS]/[[??].sub.CMS]. Firms have their own demand estimates,
[[??].sub.l, firm] and [[??].sub.2,firm], that result in a total volume
estimate of [[??].sub.firm] + [[??].sub.1,firm] + [[??].sub.2,firm] and
weights [[gamma].sub.l] = [[??].sub.1,firm]/[[??].sub.firm] and
[[gamma].sub.2] = [[??].sub.2,firm]/[[??].sub.firm]. In order to limit
complexity, we assume that each firm has the same estimates of relative
demand, [gamma].sub.1] and [[gamma].sub.2].
Strategies for firm n (=1, ..., N) are bids bin and [b.sub.2n].
These bids are aggregated using the weights win and [w.sub.2n] to form
firm n's composite bid, [B.sub.n] = [w.sub.1][b.sub.ln] +
[w.sub.2][b.sub.2n]. From this it is easily seen that equilibrium
bidding is governed by two factors. First, whether a firm wins or loses
is solely determined by its composite bid, and, hence, we must identify
the equilibrium composite bid ([B.sup.*.sub.n]) for each firm. Second,
the individual components ([b.sup.*.sub.1n] and [b.sup.*.sub.2n]) of the
equilibrium composite bids that maximize the payoff of each firm must be
Generally, Nash equilibrium in an auction requires that no firm
wishes to change its bids, given the bids placed by the other firms.
Here, this reduces to specifying that winning firms do not wish to raise
their bids and that losing firms could not lower their bids in order to
become a profitable winner. (13) The firms submitting the two lowest
composite bids "win" the process, and the individual bids
placed by the winning firms are then used to calculate the prices in
each market. We make the simplifying assumption that the price of a good
is simply the average of the winning bids on that good. (14)
In deriving equilibrium bids, it will be useful to rank firms based
on their costs of providing a "composite" good that consists
of the individual goods supplied by winning firms. Specifically, the
cost of providing this composite good is
([[??].sub.1,firm])/2)[c.sub.ln] + ([[??].sub.2,firm]/2)[c.sub.2n] =
([[gamma].sub.1][c.sub.1n] +
[[gamma].sub.2][c.sub.2n]([??].sub.firm]/2). Denote (parenthetically)
the firm with the lowest cost of providing the composite good as firm
(1), the firm with the second lowest costs of providing the composite
good as firm (2), and so on. More generally, let [MC.sub.(n)] represent
firm n's cost of providing the composite good, let [b.sub.i(n)]
represent firm (n)'s individual bid on good i, and let [B.sub.(n)]
represent firm (n)'s composite bid.
In order to isolate the equilibrium composite bids, we first point
out that a winning firm expects to earn [[[gamma].sub.1]([p.sub.1] -
[c.sub.1n]) + [[gamma].sub.2]([p.sub.2] -
[c.sub.2n])]([[??].sub.firm]/2), where [p.sub.i] is the average of the
winning bids on good i. It will be instructive to write these profits as
[([[gamma].sub.1][p.sub.1] + [[gamma].sub.2][p.sub.2]) -
([[gamma].sub.1][.sub.1n] +
[[gamma].sub.2][c.sub.2n])](([??].sub.firm]/2) =
[([[gamma].sub.1][p.sub.l] + [[gamma].sub.2][p.sub.2]) - [ MC.sub.n]]
([[??].sub.firm]/2). Clearly, a firm will not submit individual bids
that result in equilibrium prices that give lower revenue than the
firm's costs, MC. From this point of view, the CMS process is
similar to a Bertrand pricing game in which firms' marginal costs
are given by [MC.sub.(1)], [MC.sub.(2)], ..., [MC.sub.(n)]. Not
surprisingly, equilibrium here requires a condition similar to that in
the Bertrand game in that equilibrium bids must gravitate to a level at
which revenues for the two most competitive firms would let the third
most competitive firm break even, which is equivalent to the following
[[??].sub.firm]/2 [[[gamma].sub.1] [b.sub.1(1)] + [b.sub.2(2)/2 +
[[[gamma].sub.2] [b.sub.2(1)] + [b.sub.2(2)/2] = [MC.sub.(3)]. (1)
At the same time, all other firms must bid aggressively above their
MC using a mixing distribution, such that the marginal payoff of firms
(1) and (2) from increasing one of their individual bids is outweighed
by the chance that firm (3) would displace them as a winner. (15)
Like the Bertrand game, Equation 1 combined with other firms mixing
aggressively above their MC is necessary for Nash equilibrium. However,
unlike the Bertrand game, Equation 1 is not sufficient for Nash
equilibrium here. The lack of sufficiency occurs because there are many
combinations of individual bids by firms (1) and (2) that satisfy
Equation 1, indicating that it is also necessary that firms choose their
individual bids ([b.sub.1n], and [b.sub.2n]) optimally. The relation
between Equation 1 and the optimality of the individual bids is best
expressed by the following linear programming problem:
The Nash equilibrium caveat is that firms (1) and (2) must solve
this problem simultaneously while the other firms mix aggressively above
their MC.
The fact that the equilibrium conditions can be expressed as a
linear programming problem with one constraint indicates that there are
three possible outcomes. First, if the firm's estimate of relative
demand for good 1, [[gamma].sub.1], is less optimistic than the CMS
estimate [w.sub.1] (inferring that the firm's relative demand
estimate for good 2, [[gamma].sub.2], is more optimistic than the CMS
estimate [w.sub.2]), then there is a comer solution in which
[b.sub.1(n)] = 0 and [b.sub.2(n)] is chosen so as to satisfy Equation 1.
Second, if the firm's estimate of relative demand for good 2,
[[gamma].sub.2], is less optimistic than the CMS estimate [w.sub.2]
(inferring that its relative demand estimate for good 1,
[[gamma].sub.1], is more optimistic than the CMS estimate [w.sub.1]),
then there is a comer solution in which [b.sub.2(n)] = 0 and
[b.sub.1(n)] is chosen so as to satisfy Equation 1. Finally, in the case
in which the firm's estimates agree with CMS estimates, the choices
of [b.sub.l(n)] and [b.sub.2(n)] are not unique, and any combination
that satisfies Equation 1 is optimal.
Several conclusions can be drawn from the equilibrium discussed
above. First, because of the corner solutions, prices will not represent
the actual costs of providing the goods, which was one of CMS's
goals. Further, the resulting prices will be skewed depending on which
goods had relative demand that was over/underestimated. Finally, it is
possible that equilibrium bids will result in low cost providers being
shut out of the market and relatively inefficient firms becoming
Medicare providers. The following numerical examples highlight each of
these problems with the current format and are aimed at providing a
better understanding of the relationship between the optimality of the
individual bids and Equation 1.
Example 1
Let there be four firms (n = A, B, C, D) competing for two
positions as Medicare suppliers. Assume that these firms have the
constant marginal costs presented in Table 2 and that both CMS and the
firms believe that [v.sub.1] = [v.sub.2] = 2, resulting in weights of
[w.sub.1] = [w.sub.2] = [[gamma].sub.1] = [[gamma].sub.2] = 1/2. Based
on Table 2, firm C is (3) and [MC.sub.(3)] = $3.50. Since the
firms' estimates match CMS estimates, it follows that composite
bids of $1.75 by firms A and D will result in revenues equal to $3.50,
which satisfies Equation 1 regardless of the specific individual bids
placed by those two firms. Without regard to how firms A and D choose
their individual bids, the outcome of the bidding process is
inefficient, since firm D is not one of the two most efficient providers
of either good, yet firm D wins. This inefficiency is most easily seen
by comparing the outcome to that which would result if the prices of
each good were determined under Bertrand competition. In that case, good
1 would be provided by firms A and B for a price of $1.50 and good 2
would be provided by firms A and C for a price of $1.50. Therefore,
simply opening the market to pricing competition would not only lead to
a situation in which the most efficient firms provide the goods, but it
would also result in an overall reduction in expenditures of $0.50
($3.00 vs. $3.50). (16)
Since the firms' estimates match CMS's estimates in this
example, any combinations of individual bids by firms (1) and (2) that
lead to composite bids of $1.75 are optimal. Thus, there is substantial
variability in the expectation of prices, and very few of the possible
outcomes will mirror prices being set according to the cost of providing
the goods. While the variability of prices is not of consequence to the
firms (since equilibrium requires that all combinations result in the
same cost of providing the composite good), price variability will lead
to transfers of consumer surplus such that one group of consumers
subsidizes another. The next example shows that this type of
subsidization is virtually guaranteed if CMS estimates do not match the
firms' estimates.
Example 2
Let the four firms from Example 1 have estimates of relative demand
([[gamma].sub.1] and [[gamma].sub.2]) that differ from CMS's
estimates. Rather than believing that there will be two units of each
good demanded, the firms correctly believe that there will be four units
of good 1 and two units of good 2 demanded, giving [[gamma].sub.1] = 2/3
and [[gamma].sub.2] = 1/3. Given its estimates (from Example 1) of
[w.sub.1] = [w.sub.2] = 1/2, CMS will still be selecting two firms to
supply the goods, and, for simplicity, we assume that each of the two
winning firms will supply two units of good 1 and one unit of good 2
(i.e., the CMS estimates are incorrect). All other information is known
to the firms, including the constant marginal costs given in Table 3.
The firms' marginal costs of supplying the "composite
good" (two units of good 1 and one unit of good 2) are therefore
$3.00, $5.00, $6.00, and $4.50, respectively.
Equation 1 requires that firms A and D choose individual bids that
result in prices such that if they win, the revenue from supplying the
composite good is $5.00 [= [MC.sub.(3)]]. In order to investigate the
importance of choosing the individual bids optimally, assume for the
moment that firms A and D ignore the corner solution and bid [b.sub.1A]
= [b.sub.1D] = $1.00 and [b.sub.2A] = [b.sub.2D] = $3.00 (which,
incidentally, are firm B's marginal costs). These bids result in
composite bids of $2.50, which, if they win, yield prices [p.sub.1] =
$1.00 and [p.sub.2] = $3.00 and a cost of supplying the composite good
of 2($1.00) + 1($3.00) = $5.00, thus satisfying Equation 1. However,
since these individual bids were not chosen optimally, they will not
result in firms A and D winning. To see this, consider the result if
firms B and C bid [b.sub.1B] = [b.sub.1c] = $4.00 and [b.sub.2B] =
[b.sub.2B] = $0.00. These bids would result in composite bids of
1/2($4.00) + 1/2($0.00) = $2.00, which would defeat the composite bids
of $2.50 made by firms A and D. At the same time, the resulting prices
[p.sub.l] = $4.00 and [p.sub.2] = $0.00 result in revenues from
supplying the composite good of $8.00, which is profitable for both
firms B and C, since their costs of supplying the composite good are
$5.00 and $6.00, respectively. In other words, despite the fact that
their bids satisfied Equation 1, by not choosing their individual bids
optimally, firms A and D opened the door for firms B and C to game the
system and win the process. To see that adhering to the corner solution
shuts firms B and C out of the market, consider the result when firms A
and D optimally bid [b.sub.1A] = [b.sub.1D] = $2.50 and [b.sub.2A] =
[b.sub.2D] = $0.00. By submitting these bids, firms A and B generate
composite bids of 1/2($2.50) + 1/2($0.00) = $1.25 and sets prices
[p.sub.1] = $2.50 and [p.sub.2] = $0.00. At these prices, firm B would
make zero profit even if it won, and firm C would lose money. Hence,
neither firm B nor firm C can profitably submit a lower composite bid
(as doing so would earn them negative profits), and the equilibrium
consists of highly skewed prices.
Finally, consider what happens when firms A and D follow the
strategy prescribed by CMS of bidding their costs. In this case, such a
strategy results in bids [b.sub.1A] = $1.00, [b.sub.1D] = $1.50,
[b.sub.2A] = $1.00, [b.sub.2D] = $1.50. The resulting composite bids are
[B.sub.A] = $1.00 and [B.sub.D] = $1.50, yielding prices [p.sub.1] =
$1.25 and [p.sub.2] = $1.25, which generate revenue of supplying the
composite good of $3.75. While this shuts firms B and C out of the
market and is profitable for firms A and D, it is clear from the above
explanation that this result is suboptimal, since the corner solution
bids, [b.sub.1A] = [b.sub.1D] = $2.50 and [b.sub.2A] = [b.sub.2D] =
$0.00, generated revenues of $5.00. The reason that bidding one's
costs is not an equilibrium strategy is that it does not satisfy
Equation 1 with equality and thus leaves money on the table.
The fact that demand in this model is perfectly inelastic implies
that skewed prices simply transfer consumer surplus and may not be
alarming from certain policy perspectives. However, since different
consumers may be buying the different goods, we anticipate that high
price increases on some goods will lead to protests by consumers of
those goods. All in all, the CMS bidding process clearly does not elicit the intended truthful bidding of costs and can lead to strategic skewing
of bids if firm estimates of demand are not aligned with the CMS
estimates. The next section extends these instructive examples and shows
that they are robust in a world of incomplete information.
4. Incomplete Information
We now show that the predictions from the previous section are
valid in an incomplete information environment. In this model, there are
N risk-neutral firms competing for the right to supply a product
category containing i (= 1, 2) distinct goods. Firm n (=1, ..., N) has
constant marginal cost [c.sub.in] of providing good i. CMS has
determined that M suppliers are necessary to provide the entire product
category. As in the previous section, we impose a simplified version of
the rule for calculating reimbursement prices on each good. Once again,
it is the average of the winning individual bids on that good.
Each firm submits bids [b.sub.1n] and [b.sub.2n], and their
composite bids ([B.sub.n] = [w.sub.1][b.sub.1n] + [w.sub.2][b.sub.2n])
are calculated using the CMS weights ([w.sub.1] and [w.sub.2]). In
formulating a firm's expected payoff function, we once again allow
for the possibility that firm n has its own (exogenous) forecasts of the
relative demands ([[gamma].sub.1n] and [[gamma].sub.2n]). Since firms
are assumed to be risk neutral, [[gamma].sub.in] will enter the profit
function linearly and can be viewed as either the true value of demand
or an expectation. It follows that firm n's objective function can
be written as
where the integral is taken over events in which firm n wins, where
f(x) is the (continuous) density function of the Mth lowest of the
firm's opponents' composite bids, (17) where [B.sub.U]: is the
highest composite bid that any firm will place, and where
[p.sub.i]([b.sub.in,x]) = [[summation].sup.M.sub.j=1] E([b.sub.ij]|x)/M.
The firm's trade-offs in this problem are twofold. First, the firm
must target a specific composite bid that weighs the fact that a lower
composite bid is more likely to win with the fact that placing a lower
composite bid requires lowering the individual bid on a good, thus
lowering the profit margin on that good if the firm wins. On the other
hand, while increasing an individual bid will increase profitability on
that good, it also increases the composite bid, making it less likely
that the firm will win.
Maximizing Equation 3 with respect to [b.sub.1n] and [b.sub.2n]
yields the following first-order conditions:
[[gamma].sub.1n]/M [1 - F([B.sub.n])] -
[w.sub.1][[[gamma].sub.1n]([p.sub.1][[b.sub.1n],[B.sub.n]] - [c.sub.ln])
+ [[gamma].sub.2n]([p.sub.2][[b.sub.2n],[B.sub.n]] -
[c.sub.2n])]f([B.sub.n]) = 0,
[[gamma].sub.1n]/M [1 - F([B.sub.n])] -
[w.sub.2][[[gamma].sub.1n]([p.sub.1][[b.sub.1n],[B.sub.n]] - [c.sub.ln])
+ [[gamma].sub.2n]([p.sub.2][[b.sub.2n],[B.sub.n]] -
[c.sub.2n])]f([B.sub.n]) = 0
where F(x) is the distribution function corresponding to f(x).
Taking the ratio of first-order equations gives the simple relation
[[gamma].sub.1n]/[[gamma].sub.2n] = [[w].sub.1]/[w.sub.2]. (4)
Equation 4 provides several enlightening characteristics of
equilibrium bidding. First, if a firm's demand estimates are in
agreement with the CMS estimates, any combination of individual bids
that leads to the firm's optimal composite bid is equally good, as
in Example 1. Alternatively, if a firm's estimates do not align with CMS's estimates, Equation 4 cannot hold, and there is no
interior solution. The theoretical result is that the bid on the good
for which CMS estimates of relative demand are too optimistic would be
zero, while the entirety of the composite bid would be placed on the
good for which CMS estimates are overly pessimistic, as in Example 2.
The intuition behind this last fact is simple. If [[gamma].sub.1n]
< [w.sub.1], then the firm expects lower relative demand on good 1
than the CMS estimates indicate. Thus, the importance of the individual
bid on good 1 is being overstated. Hence, by lowering its bid on good 1,
the firm can increase its bid on good 2, all the while maintaining the
optimal composite bid. While this means that it will be accepting a
lower price for good 1, it expects that the reduction in profits will be
more than offset by the increase in profits caused by the increase in
the price of good 2. Notice that a firm is even willing to take a loss
on good 1, as it expects to be more than compensated by the additional
profits generated on good 2. Practically, bids in the CMS process would
not be lowered to zero because of the CMS rule that bids can not be
below the wholesale price of the good. (8) Thus, the relevant corner
solution here calls for bids equal to wholesale prices on the goods for
which CMS overestimated relative demand.
5. Data
The preceding models have not only shown that the current rules of
the CMS bidding process are suboptimal, they also provide us with
predictions about bidding behavior and the resulting prices under these
rules. It is these testable predictions that are the focus of this
section. Before turning to the data, we offer a few comments concerning
the limitations placed on empirical testing by the aggregation rules.
In our opinion, the most appropriate test of our theoretical
predictions would involve the structural estimation of the stochastic properties of a firm's costs and how they relate to bids. However,
we have seen that in equilibrium, the individual components of the
composite bid may not matter, and even if they do, they depend on both
the firm's costs and its forecasts of demand. It follows that there
is no way to retrieve the individual marginal costs from individual
bids. To compound this problem, CMS has not made the composite or
individual bid information available. Hence, using structural
econometrics to estimate the underlying distribution of costs is not
possible. Yet there is a wealth of information available on the CMS
Website that can be utilized. (18) While the site is intended to provide
suppliers and beneficiaries who are involved in the projects with
information, it also provides us with a minimum amount of data that can
be used to test our theoretical predictions. Specifically, the Website
includes data from all three of the completed DMEPOS Competitive Bidding
Demonstration Projects, including detailed demand information on each
location for one year prior to the bidding stage of the project, a list
of winning suppliers, and the old and new fee schedules.
The Polk County Round I data tell us that CMS received 73 composite
bids from 30 different firms for the five product categories included in
the project. These categories are as follows: enteral nutrition equipment (enterals), urological supplies (urologicals), surgical
dressings, hospital beds and accessories (hospital beds), and oxygen
supplies (oxygen). The top portion of Table 4A shows that 15 of the 30
bidding firms won the right to supply and how they were distributed
across the categories. Anywhere from four to 13 firms were chosen as
providers for product categories. Surgical dressings and urologicals
have the smallest number of suppliers, four and five, respectively,
while hospital beds and oxygen have the greatest number of suppliers
with 10 and 13, respectively.
The lower portion of Table 4A describes the supplier situation for
Polk County Round II. (19) This project had 17 independent firms win the
bidding process. Of these 17 firms, eight were suppliers of hospital
beds, 10 supplied oxygen, only four supplied surgical dressings, and six
supplied urologicals. Only one of the 17 suppliers had responsibility
for all categories, eight were suppliers of two categories, and another
seven supplied only one category. Additionally, any firm responsible for
surgical dressings supplied at least one other category.
The winning firms and the categories that they supply for the San
Antonio project are listed in Table 4B. The San Antonio project received
179 composite bids from 70 different firms for the five product
categories included in the project. These categories are as follows:
hospital beds and accessories (hospital beds), nebulizer inhalant drugs
(nebulizer drugs), noncustomized orthotics (orthotics), oxygen supplies
(oxygen), and manual wheelchairs (wheelchairs). Of the 70 firms, 51 won
the right to be Medicare DMEPOS suppliers in San Antonio. Anywhere from
10 to 29 firms were chosen as Medicare providers for the various product
categories. Orthotics and nebulizer drugs have the smallest number of
suppliers, 10 and 11, respectively, while hospital beds and oxygen have
the greatest number of suppliers, with 24 and 29 suppliers,
In order to investigate the impact of the bidding process on prices
in each project, we begin by comparing the prices that resulted from the
bidding process to the prices specified by the fee schedule prior to the
project. Tables 5-8 show the results of our analysis. In Polk County
Round I the average price decrease for all goods across all categories
is remarkably small, 4.46%, compared to the expectation of significant
savings. (20) Table 6 shows that the San Antonio project experienced a
much higher average price decrease of 15.37%, while Polk County Round II
showed improvement compared to Polk County Round I, with an average
price decrease of 8.57%. Finally, over all of the projects the average
price change, as illustrated by Table 8, was a decline of only 9.22%,
which most likely did not meet CMS's expectations of significant
price reductions, since all of these calculations are relative to the
outdated, inflated fee schedule.
Another result of interest is that the variation in the percentage
change in price is quite large, with maximum price decreases of 70.07%
for Polk County Round I, 34.69% for San Antonio, and 38.45% for Polk
County Round II, compared to minimum price decreases (in other words,
maximum price increases) of -458.65% for Polk County Round I, -100.00%
for San Antonio, and -162.17% for Polk County Round II. Of the 162 goods
involved in the Polk County Round I project, 50 actually experienced
price increases, while 11 of the 162 goods in the San Antonio project
experienced no change in price or a price increase, and 13 of the 76
goods in Polk County Round II experienced price increases, much like our
theoretical models predicted. (21)
To take our analysis further, we tested our prediction that goods
with relative demands that are perceived by the firms to be
underestimated by CMS (weights that are too low) would experience price
increases. This price increase would result from the fact that a firm
would increase (decrease) its bid on goods for which CMS underestimated
(overestimated) relative demand. Hence, this would inflate (deflate) the
resulting prices on goods for which firms had relative demand estimates
that exceeded (fell short of) those of CMS. We were able to do this by
comparing the weights given to the 130 individual goods that appeared in
both Polk County Rounds I and II. Recall that the weights given to the
goods in Polk County Round I were based on the estimated relative demand
for the goods during the experiment. Conveniently, the estimated demand
weights given to the goods in Polk County Round II were based on the
demand realizations during Polk County Round I. Hence, if the weights
from Polk County Round I exceeded (fell short of) the weights from Polk
County Round II, this was a sign of overestimation (underestimation).
Therefore, we created an indicator variable to determine if the relative
demand for a good was underestimated. (22) Underestimation occurred for
20% of the goods (25 goods) that appeared in both Rounds I and II in
Polk County. Using this indicator variable, we then checked for a
correlation between price increases and relative demand underestimation.
We found that if a good's relative demand was underestimated by CMS
in Round I, this significantly increased the probability that the good
would experience a price increase as a result of the bidding process. In
fact, we found that underestimation increases the probability that a
good experienced a price increase by 25 percentage points. Specifically,
goods with underestimated relative demand experienced an average
increase of $3.95 per unit.
Other implications of our model include the possibility of
diminished quality of service. First, the fact that a firm wishing to
supply a good was "forced" to supply every other good in that
category may result in the firm trying to avoid those goods in the
category that are not cost effective. Second, as firms game the system,
some goods will be under-priced and, hence, winning firms will be
hesitant to supply those goods if the price ends up being too low.
Currently, there is no information pertaining to service quality
levels. However, there is anecdotal evidence of diminished quality that
comes from CMS itself. For instance, in an effort to minimize the
negative impact of declines in service quality, quality check site
visits of all winning firms have been instituted. In addition, an
independent contractor has been assigned to conduct quality assurance
surveys of the beneficiaries involved in the competitive bidding
experiment. Both efforts on CMS's behalf seem to indicate that CMS
believes that the possibility of a decline in quality is great enough to
warrant costly checks on both the firm and beneficiary sides of the
market. Further problems with the process are evidenced by the fact that
some winning firms have attempted to withdraw from the program.
6. Conclusion
The theoretical results found in this paper show that the CMS
format will likely result in an inefficient supply of medical equipment,
increased prices on a number of goods, and potential problems for
beneficiaries in obtaining equipment. Using preliminary results from
actual CMS Demonstration Projects, empirical evidence is provided that
supports these predictions. While we applaud CMS's attempts to
reduce medical expenditures and its initiative of implementing
competitive bidding as a means to this end, we strongly urge a
restructuring of the bidding process.
The problem with the CMS process is that the bid scoring and price
formulation procedures are inconsistent with the bidding behavior that
CMS wishes to induce. That is, overly complex rules for choosing winners
and setting prices distort the incentives that bidders face and may
actually result in increased prices for some consumers. We believe that
the misalignment of the rules with the desired bidding behavior stems
from a faulty application of single-unit auction results to a multi-unit
setting: a misconception that has even been propagated by Nobel
Laureates (see Ausubel and Cramton 2002, pp. 1, 27, for a discussion).
In conclusion, it appears that the initial formulation of the
competitive bidding process fails to achieve CMS's goals. However,
by initiating competitive bidding in an experimental manner, CMS has
allowed for in-depth analysis of its bidding process before whole-scale
changes are set in motion. We end by noting that the emerging literature
on multi-unit' auctions provides a host of alternative bidding
formats that do not suffer from the problems identified in this paper
(see Cramton, Shoham, and Steinberg 2006). Our suggestion is that CMS
develop a descending variant of Ausubel, Cramton, and Milgrom's
(2006) clock-proxy auction. In that auction, a first stage of open
bidding allows for simple transparent price discovery, while a second
round of proxy bidding ensures efficiency. This format is particularly
promising, as it eliminates the exposure problem, eliminates the
incentives for demand reduction, and mitigates collusion, all without
distorting bidder incentives, thus increasing the expectation of reduced
Medicare prices. (23)
The authors would like to acknowledge the comments and suggestions
made by participants in presentations at the University of Miami; the
International Atlantic Economic Conference in Charleston, South
Carolina; the American Economic Association Meetings in New Orleans,
Louisiana; Rutgers University at Newark, New Jersey; the Western
Economic Association Meetings in San Francisco, California; the Southern
Economic Association in New Orleans, Louisiana; and Drexel University.
In addition, we acknowledge the helpful comments and suggestions made by
two anonymous referees, Drs. Thomas Hoerger, Roger McCain, Roger
Tutterow, and Avi Dor. Finally, we would like to thank Jimit Pandya for
excellent research assistance.
Received June 2006; accepted January 2007.
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(1) Of course, lower prices do not guarantee lower expenditures if
demand is elastic. However, it is commonly noted that demand for medical
supplies tends to be inelastic.
(2) Unlike many auctions, the CMS DMEPOS auction does not generate
revenue. The bidding process is intended to determine which firms can
supply the goods at the lowest cost and set the prices of the goods
(3) Weights on individual bids are determined by CMS prior to
bidding and represent anticipated demand for the good relative to the
anticipated demand for the product category as a whole.
(4) We are careful to maintain the term good to designate tangibly
different products, while the term unit is used to keep track of
quantities of a specific good.
(5) Outright denial of service would certainly have negative future
impacts on a firm dealing with CMS. However, other methods, such as
keeping the customer on hold indefinitely, may be as effective and less
easily identified. In addition, poor service to a customer on the first
transaction (perhaps in terms of late delivery) may encourage the
customer to seek out other, less convenient suppliers. While it may take
years to analyze the impact of the auctions on service quality, in a
baseline study, Hoerger, Finkelstein, and Bernard (2001) found that
prior to the inception of the demonstration project, Medicare
beneficiaries were highly satisfied with their Medicare providers, thus
providing a benchmark to which post-auction surveys can be compared.
This topic is discussed in greater detail in section 5.
(6) The numerical entries in Table 1 denote the number of unique
goods that were included in each category. The reader may be interested
in noting that each category included both complement goods (e.g.,
hospital beds, hospital bed rails) as well as substitute goods (e.g.,
composite dressing without adhesive, composite dressing with adhesive).
(7) In fairness to smaller suppliers, those deemed eligible were
allowed to form networks. To avoid anti-competitive behavior, a
network's total market share could not exceed 25% of the Medicare
market for any product category. Members of networks were not allowed to
submit individual bids in addition to the network's bids.
(8) A seemingly minor but related rule turns out to be very
important in our empirical analysis. As bids were expected to represent
the cost of supplying the good, bids below wholesale prices were not
allowed. Unfortunately for our empirical analysis, CMS gave no specifics
as to what these wholesale prices were, and internet searches of
wholesale prices at the time produced a wide variety of possibilities.
(9) CMS refers to the composite bid as a composite bid price.
However, we will refer to it as the composite bid so that we may reserve
the word price for that amount paid for one unit of a good by the
(10) This is consistent with how CMS calculated the weights for the
San Antonio and Polk County Round II projects. In the Polk County Round
I project, the weights were the estimated claims for an item divided by
the total estimated claims for the total category.
(11) The reader is referred to Hirshleifer and Riley (1992, chapter
10) for background on auction games with full information.
(12) While this assumption is simplistic, our results indicate that
the pitfalls in the CMS design would only be exacerbated in a more
complex environment.
(13) Clearly, a winning firm would not want to lower their bid as
it would ONLY lower its profits since it was already winning.
(14) By eliminating the adjusted bid price from our model we are
simplifying the trade-off faced by firms in choosing their optimal
composite bid. It should be noted that by lowering their composite bid,
firms in a CMS auction can increase their competitiveness ratio, thereby
affecting prices in the entire category. However, this incentive still
leads to bids that are skewed and not based on costs, and we use the
simplified rule for ease of exposition.
(15) As the purpose of this section is to provide a heuristic view
of equilibrium and not a formal proof, we do not derive these mixing
distributions here. However, we do note that they exist and lead to the
equilibrium bids by winning bidders mentioned in this section. The
interested reader is referred to Hirshleifer and Riley (1992, chapter
10) for a discussion of mixing strategies in full information auctions.
(16) One could argue that the inefficiencies and price increases
might be beneficial if the government could reduce transaction costs by
limiting the number of suppliers and bundling the contracts. However,
our communications with CMS indicated that price reductions were the
primary objective and that significant savings in transactions costs were not expected.
(17) We focus on the Mth lowest of the opponents' composite
bids because if the optimizer submits a lower composite bid, it will be
a winner.
(18) As of December 2006, the Website is
(19) Recall that Polk County Round II did not include the enterals
(20) Hoerger, Finkelstein, and Bernard (2001) report a much better
result (a 17% average price decline) for the Polk County Round I
project. Unfortunately, this level of savings is misleading in that it
only uses goods on which the prices actually fell in the calculation,
thereby avoiding the basic tenant of our paper: that the price decreases
on some goods were only made possible by increases in the prices of
other goods.
(21) In addition, we calculated a pairwise t-test and found that we
could reject the hypothesis that the old fee schedule and the
demonstration prices were equal.
(22) Demand realizations were not available for Polk County Round
II or San Antonio. Hence, a similar variable could not be constructed
for those rounds.
(23) For more details, the interested reader is referred to Chapter
5 of Cramton, Shoham, and Steinberg (2006).
Brett Katzman * and Kerry Anne McGeary ([dagger])
* Michael J. Coles College of Business, Kennesaw State University,
1000 Chastain Road, Kennesaw, GA 30144, USA; E-mail
[email protected].
([dagger]) LeBow College of Business, Drexel University, Matheson
Hall 503, 3141 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA; E-mail
[email protected], corresponding author.
Table 1. Product Categories by Project (Values Indicate No. of Items)
Polk County Polk County
Category Round I San Antonio Round II
Hospital beds and 31 18 13
Oxygen equipment and 15 10 8
Enterals 25
Urologicals 40 22
Surgical dressing and 52 28
Manual wheelchairs and 60
Non-customized orthotic 46
Nebulizer inhalation drugs 27
Table 2. Marginal Cost Structure for Example 1
[C.sub.1n] $1.00 $1.00 $2.50 $1.50
[C.sub.2n] $1.00 $3.00 $1.00 $1.50
M[C.sub.n] = 2[(1/2)[c.sub.1n] + $2.00 $4.00 $3.50 $3.00
Table 3. Marginal Cost Structure for Example 2
[C.sub.1n] $1.00 $1.00 $2.50 $1.50
[C.sub.2n] $1.00 $3.00 $1.00 $1.50
M[C.sub.n] = 3[(2/3)[c.sub.1n] + $3.00 $5.00 $6.00 $4.50
Table 4A. Demonstration Suppliers by Product Category,
Polk County Round I (PCI) and Round II (PCII)
Polk County Round I
Surgical Hospital Oxygen
Company Enterals Urologicals Dressing Beds Supplies
Total = 15 7 5 4 10 13
Polk County Round II
Surgical Hospital Oxygen
Company Enterals Urologicals Dressing Beds Supplies
Total = 17 64 8 10
Table 4B. Demonstration Suppliers for San Antonio (SA)
San Antonio
Hospital Inhalation Manual
Company Beds Drugs Orthotics Oxygen Wheelchairs
SA-1 X X X
Total = 51 24 10 11 29 22
Table 5. Average Price Decreases, Polk County Round I
Decrease Minimum Maximum
Category (%) (%) (%)
Enterals 16.89 -81.99 70.07
Hospital beds and accessories 25.58 -4.26 40.36
Oxygen supplies 16.86 6.79 32.39
Surgical dressings and supplies -20.33 -73.88 27.00
Urologicals 8.20 -458.65 31.01
Overall 4.46 -458.65 70.07
Table 6. Average Price Decreases, San Antonio Area
Decrease Minimum Maximum
Category (%) (%) (%)
Hospital beds and accessories 22.62 14.22 29.61
Nebulizer inhalants -10.66 -100.00 34.69
Non-customized orthotics 20.75 3.00 28.76
Oxygen supplies 17.33 6.29 29.75
Manual wheelchairs 20.38 3.78 28.57
Overall 15.37 -100.00 34.69
Table 7. Average Price Decreases, Polk County Round 11
Decrease Minimum Maximum
Category (%) (%) (%)
Enterals N/A N/A N/A
Hospital beds and accessories 31.29 21.66 38.45
Oxygen supplies 17.54 12.11 23.43
Surgical dressings and supplies 2.43 -80.00 17.84
Urologicals -2.97 -162.17 33.79
Overall 8.57 -162.17 38.45
N/A indicates not applicable.
Table 8. Average Price Decreases, All Sites, All Rounds
Decrease Minimum Maximum
Category (%) (%) (%)
All Sites, All Rounds
Hospital beds and accessories 26.56 -4.26 40.36
Oxygen supplies 17.51 6.29 32.39
Round I Polk County & Round II Polk County
Surgical dressings and -12.63 -80.00 27.00
supplies Urologicals 4.01 -458.65 33.79
Only San Antonio
Nebulizer drugs -10.66 -100.00 34.69
Orthotics 20.75 3.00 28.76
Manual wheelchairs 20.38 3.78 28.57
Only Round I Polk County
Enterals 16.89 -81.99 70.07
Overall 9.22 -458.65 70.07