Justice and fairness in the dictator game.
Schurter, Karl ; Wilson, Bart J.
1. Introduction
The underlying motives supporting the simplest of decisions may not
be as transparent as they seem at first blush. One seemingly simple game
is the dictator game (DG), in which Player A is given an endowment that
he then allocates to himself and his counterpart, Player B. Player B has
no strategic decision to make; Player A's decision is final. The
power of a DG is that it isolates the subjects' opinions regarding
their just reward relative to their counterparts' without
explicitly invoking any strategic or reciprocal considerations for
Player B. Hence, whatever amount Player A offers Player B may be
considered a "gift." A typical distribution of offers with
initial endowment, e, is bimodal at the predicted offer (e, 0) and the
equitable offer (0.5e, 0.5e), where the first element indicates the
dictator's payoff and the second the receiver's (Camerer
2003). Forsythe et al. (1994) find that 70% of dictators give some
amount to Player B, with the gift size averaging roughly 25% of the
initial endowment.
Despite the DG's apparent simplicity vis-a-vis game theory,
there are ways to systematically shift the distribution of offers away
from or toward the predicted (e, 0) outcome. Changing the social
distance by varying the anonymity of the dictator and/or establishing
property rights are two such experimental procedures (Hoffman et al.
1994; Hoffman, McCabe, and Smith 1996; Cherry, Frykblom, and Shogren
2002; Koch and Normann 2008; Oxoby and Spraggon 2008). Hoffman et al.
(1994) establish property rights for Player A by administering the same
random trivia quiz to all of the subjects and then assigning the top
performers to the advantaged role of dictator. The subjects are aware of
this advantage and feel that they have earned their position. As a
result, the modal offer shifts from 0.3e to 0. The random trivia quiz,
however, confounds two potential factors of economic decision making.
Because the fair procedure is a part of establishing merit, it is
impossible to determine how the components affect the dictator's
decision: the fair quiz or the meritorious ranking. This experiment
attempts to unpack concerns of fairness (the equal opportunity to be
advantaged) from concerns of justice (the just reward of merit) in the
dictator game. (1) Appendix A provides a background discussion of
justice and fairness.
A practical example is the qualifying laps in a NASCAR race. In a
random order, one-by-one, each car goes two laps around the track, and
the faster of the two lap times is selected as the car's qualifying
lap time. The car with the fastest qualifying lap time "starts on
the pole" (is given the first position at the start of the actual
race); the second position goes to the second fastest, and so on. The
question is: "Do drivers and others involved accept these rankings
because every car has an equal opportunity to outperform the others or
because the higher-seeded cars merit their advantaged position?" As
with the random trivia quiz, the confusion makes it impossible to
determine whether it is equal opportunity (which we will refer to as
fairness) or greater merit (which we will refer to as justice) that
legitimizes giving one car an advantage over others.
Even though the concepts of justice and fairness are closely
linked, their meanings are not identical; that is, they are not
perfectly substitutable in everyday use. Wierzbicka (2006) reports that
the word "fair" carries a distinct connotation and moreover is
uniquely English in origin. Other languages, for example, German, borrow
the term from English even when they have equivalent words for the word
"just," implying that the conceptual difference between
justice and fairness is universal even though there is not always a
distinct word in non-English languages. This observed linguistic
difference and its ramifications in economics provide the motivating
question for this study.
There have been efforts to incorporate these concepts of fairness,
equity, and justice into noncooperative game theory (see, e.g., Rabin
1993; Fehr and Schmidt 1999; Morelli and Sacco 1997, respectively).
However, these approaches do not distinguish between justice and
fairness, nor do they provide empirical evidence. Frohlich, Oppenheimer,
and Eavey (1987) use a laboratory experiment to test the Rawlsian theory
that people will behave in order to maximize the minimum payoff for
everyone when making decisions behind a veil of ignorance, but to our
knowledge, there have not been any previous empirical studies that
address the question put forward in this article. For the sake of
clarity, the words "fair" and "fairness" in the
context of our DG connote equal opportunity via the rules of the game in
entitling half of the participants to be the advantaged dictators, and
"just" and "justice" connote the reward of a
meritorious ranking in the entitlement stage to be the dictator.
While much of the current research attempts to answer the question
why people choose equitable outcomes over the equilibrium, our question
asks what makes people feel justified in keeping the endowment. Put
another way, we hope to more precisely identify conditions of
entitlement under which the social norms vary from an equal split. List
elucidates the effect of social norms on dictator behavior when he
discusses the "power of changing the giver and recipient
expectations" (2007, p. 490), where expectations are defined by
social norms derived from the "relevant properties of
situations" (p. 491). (2) In this experiment the relevant property
is the entitlement stage, and we will vary the conditions under which
the property right is established to isolate the impacts of justice and
fairness on decisions in a DG. The article proceeds as follows: Section
2 outlines the experimental procedures and hypotheses, section 3 reports
our results, and section 4 includes a discussion of our results as they
pertain to justice and fairness in DGs.
2. Experimental Design and Procedures
As the NASCAR example demonstrates, justice and fairness are not
mutually exclusive concepts: A meritorious ranking does not preclude a
fair procedure, and vice versa. It is also worth noting that the rules
that evoke these concepts do not lead to contradictory outcomes. Based
upon the rules, participants may deem an allocation to be fair, just,
both fair and just, or neither. (3) In the following section, we
describe four entitling mechanisms that are the result of conceptually
crossing the presence and absence of an explicitly fair procedure (equal
opportunity to be advantaged) with the presence and absence of a
merit-based hierarchy.
To isolate the effect of fairness, we begin by establishing
property rights on the basis of a fair procedure without establishing
one person as more deserving than the other. The game "rock, paper,
scissors" or flipping a coin is one way to achieve this in common
practice. However, a coin flip must be agreed upon by the two players,
as opposed to exogenously imposed by the experimenter. This arises from
the fact that an unfair procedure is one in which a player may
legitimately protest the result, as may be the case when they have not
explicitly agreed to play by the rules. Therefore, informed consent is
an integral part of guaranteeing that the entitlement stage of the
treatments with fair procedures are indeed fair; players who are fully
informed of the procedure and have agreed to participate have no grounds
for protest. (4) We implement the explicit consent to the rules of the
entitlement stage at the end of the instructions when the subjects must
either click an "I Agree" button or a "Leave Now"
button. Only players who accept the rules of the game participate in the
experiment, while those who do not consent are free to leave. For the
purpose of cross-treatment comparisons, we implement this experimental
procedure in all treatments.
In recent studies by Lazear, Malmendier, and Weber (2006) and Dana,
Cain, and Dawes (2006), dictators are allowed to opt out of
participating in the DG after the entitlement stage, but receivers are
not allowed to choose. The opportunity cost of leaving or staying is
affected by the different timings of the decision to leave, and
consequently, the significance of that decision changes. The opportunity
cost of leaving in Lazear, Malmendier, and Weber (2006) is behaving
altruistically, and the cost of staying is any discomfort experienced in
making a decision as the first mover. Dana, Cain, and Dawes (2006)
implement the same nonmaterial costs of leaving and staying, but there
is an additional $1 pecuniary opportunity cost incurred by leaving. In
our experiment the opportunity cost of leaving is variable between zero
and the total endowment, inclusive, and there is no opportunity cost of
staying. We are not interested that some people may choose to leave our
experiment; rather, the purpose of the "I Agree" button is to
be explicit that the participants voluntarily agree to the rules of the
game. The option to leave is merely the necessary counterpart to the
option to stay.
In this attempt to isolate justice, we seek a set of experimental
procedures that establish one person as the one with greater merit
without the use of a fair procedure. Social indicators of status usually
serve this purpose. Often there is no indication of how fairly or
unfairly someone arrives at his or her current circumstances, yet two
people are regarded differently based on how members of the social group
judge one's merit relative to that of the other. The challenge in
the laboratory is to recreate this phenomenon. The criteria for sorting
participants into a meaningful ranking must be customary to the
situation and acceptable to those involved. For the purposes of this
experiment, we rank the participants by their number of credit hours
completed or in progress. This sorting technique solves the problem of
recreating the type of meritorious social hierarchies commonly observed
in ordinary college life, as upperclassmen typically receive special
privileges in campus housing, course selection, and parking. The
advantaged role of a dictator is a reasonable extension of this custom.
As the subjects entered the room, they were given their show-up
payment of $7 and were seated at visually isolated computer terminals.
They then privately read a set of on-screen instructions, which are
provided in Appendix B. At the end of the instructions, they were asked
to enter their full name and decide to leave or stay for the entire
experiment by clicking on one of two buttons labeled "I Agree"
and "Leave Now."
Our four treatments described below vary in the entitlement stage:
Unannounced (baseline), Quiz, Die Roll, and Seniority. After the
entitlement stage, dictators allocated their $16 endowments via a
computer interface. Screenshots from the experiment are provided in
Appendix C. In the Unannounced treatment, Player A is randomly decided
by the computer. This treatment replicates the most common baseline in
DG experiments, with two exceptions. Many DGs are implemented without
computers, making the role-assignment process more transparent to the
subject. Hence, regardless of whether an announcement is made regarding
how the roles of dictator and receiver are assigned, the subjects may
correctly infer that the assignments are completely random. To limit the
subjects' ability to make these inferences, the instructions simply
say that they "will know if [they] are an A or a B once everyone
finishes reading the instructions."
We note one more difference in our procedures, namely, that our
subjects must agree to participate after reading the instructions. There
is, however, nothing in this agreement that specifies what entitles
someone to be the dictator. Because it is simply unstated and hence
unknown what determines whether someone is or is not a dictator, there
are no explicitly fair procedures in the Unknown treatment, nor is there
a meritorious ranking present in this treatment.
We simultaneously implement a fair procedure and a meritorious
ranking by having the subjects in the Quiz treatment take a trivia quiz
containing general questions about George Mason University and its
history. The instructions inform the subjects that "The positions
of the A and B will be determined by ranking [their] scores on a quiz on
Mason trivia." Their ranks are based on their scores on the quiz,
with ties being decided by giving the higher rank to the person who
finished the quiz first. Player A's are the top-ranking half of the
group and are paired with the lower-ranking half, such that the
highest-ranking Player A is matched with the lowest-ranking Player B. At
no point do we inform the subjects of their actual rank. In sum, the
Quiz treatment contains a fair procedure because the subjects have equal
opportunity to do well on the quiz, and, at the same time, it contains a
meritorious ranking because they are sorted by achievement, a
merit-based desert.
As a contrast to the Unannounced treatment, the purpose of the Die
Roll treatment is to explicitly implement a fair procedure in entitling
the dictators. (5) As the treatment name indicates, the positions of
Player A and B in the Die Roll treatment are determined by a game of
chance. Immediately after all the players have read the instructions and
are ready to begin, two buttons labeled "Even" and
"Odd" appear on their screens. Only one person from each pair
is allowed to select an option. If a person selects "Even,"
then his counterpart's buttons disappear, and she is informed that
she is "Odd" by default. After one person from each pair has
made a selection, the monitor rolls a six-sided die in the front of one
subject, announces the result (even or odd) aloud, and asks the subject
to confirm the result. The person in each pair who correctly guesses the
outcome is Player A. In Die Roll, there is no meritorious ranking
because achievement or skill does not play a role in the allocation.
However, it does contain a fair procedure for entitling the dictator, as
the instructions explicitly state, "There is an equal chance of the
roll being odd or even."
In contrast to Quiz, the Seniority treatment provides a purely
meritorious hierarchy based only on past achievement; there is no
element of equal opportunity, and hence there is no fair procedure. The
players are ranked by seniority as determined by the number of credit
hours they have completed or are currently taking. We ask them to
volunteer this information on the subject consent form before they know
for what purpose it will be used. Player As are the topranking half of
the group and are paired with the lower-ranking half such that the
highestranking Player A is matched with the lowest-ranking Player B. As
in Quiz, at no point do we inform the subjects of their actual rank.
Again, the entitlement stage is not fair simply because subjects agree
to participate in the experiment. A legitimate ex post protest in the
Seniority treatment could be that a subject's number of credit
hours is not an appropriate measure of just reward. (6)
In sum, these four treatments are distinguishable along two
dimensions: the presence or absence of a fair procedure within the
entitlement stage and the presence or absence of a meritorious ranking
in the entitlement stage. Table 1 summarizes the four combinations of
our treatments.
One hundred seventy-one undergraduates and one graduate student
were recruited from George Mason University at large for an experiment
in economic decision making. (7) There were 40, 44, 44, and 44 subjects
in Unannounced, Quiz, Die Roll, and Seniority, respectively. No subject
had prior experience in an extensive-form game prior to this experiment;
although, some may have participated in another economic experiment.
Subjects were paid $7 when seated at the computer terminal for showing
up on time, and those who participated were also paid privately
according to the dictators' decisions. Subjects participated in
groups of 22 (except for one Unannounced session for which only 18
showed up).
We posit five hypotheses. Let [??] denote the median offer from
Player A to Player B. Based upon prior research discussed above, we
hypothesize that the offers in Quiz are less than the offers in
Unannounced; that is, for hypothesis [H.sup.1] we test the null
hypothesis that [[??].sub.Quiz] = [[??].sub.Unannounced] against the
alternative that [[??].sub.Quiz < [[??].sub.Unannounced]
As discussed above, a quiz confounds the concepts of a fair
procedure and meritorious desert. Hence, it is unclear how the offers in
Quiz will compare with the offers in Seniority. (8) If we observe that
offers in Seniority are greater than offers in Quiz, this would suggest
that merit alone does not legitimize the dictator's property right.
If we observe that offers in Seniority are less than offers in Quiz,
this would suggest that the "fair" procedure is not perceived
as fair and is detracting from the merit established by the trivia quiz.
The observed relationship between the three noncontrol treatments
is central in our attempt to unpack justice and fairness in the dictator
game. Because a fair procedure in combination with merit would
legitimize a property right to at least the same degree as a fair
procedure alone would, we hypothesize that the median offer in Quiz will
be smaller than the median offer in Die Roll; that is, the null
hypothesis in [H.sup.2] is [[??].sub.Quiz] = [[??]sub.DieRoll] and the
alternative hypothesis is [[??].sub.Quiz] < [[??].sub.DieRoll]. This
hypothesis is motivated by Hoffman and Spitzer (1985), who find that an
entitlement stage consisting of a game of skill produces more unequal
divisions than a simple coin flip.
We next hypothesize that the offers in Seniority will be less than
in Unannounced because the merit-based desert established during the
entitlement stage will justify keeping more of the endowment; that is,
in [H.sup.3] we test the null hypothesis that [[??].sub.Seniority] =
[[??].sub.Unannounced] against the alternative that [[??].sub.Seniority]
< [[??].Unannounced]
Also, because of mixing of the justice and fairness motives in the
Quiz treatment, we cannot predict the magnitude or direction of the
distribution shift between Seniority and Die Roll. Hence in [H.sup.4] we
test the null hypothesis that [[??].sub.Seniority = [[??].sub.DieRoll]
against the alternative that [[??].sub.Seniority] [not equal to]
[[??].sub.DieRoll]. If we find that [[??].sub.Seniority] <
[[??].sub.DieRoll], we would conclude that justice is the predominant
factor in legitimizing the dictator's property right. In other
words, that subjects took the same quiz under the same conditions is not
as important as the resultant meritorious ranking in legitimizing
property rights. If instead we find that that [[??].sub.Seniority] >
[[??].sub.DieRoll], we would conclude that subjects respond more to the
fair procedure than to the meritorious rank. If the difference in offers
in Die Roll and Seniority is statistically insignificant, it does not
necessarily mean that subjects view justice and fairness as equivalent
concepts in the DG. It may be that subjects recognize the difference
between justice and fairness but treat them as equally legitimate
reasons for keeping more of the endowment. In this case the median
offers in Quiz and Seniority are expected to be the same, and we would
have to conduct further investigation to determine the subjects'
views on the conceptual distinctions between justice and fairness.
For the remaining pairwise comparison, we hypothesize that the
offers in Die Roll will be less than the offers in Unannounced because
the explicit fair procedure in Die Roll contrasts with the implicit
procedure in Unannounced. By making the procedure explicit, and then by
having subjects agree to the rules, we expect Player As to offer less of
the endowment to Player [B.sub.s] because there is no ambiguity as to
how the roles are assigned; that is, the null hypothesis in [H.sup.5] is
[[??].sub.DieRoll] = [[??].sub.Unannounced], and the alternative
hypothesis is [[??].sub.DieRoll] < [[??].sub.Unannounced].
The hypotheses are enumerated in Table 2.
3. Results
First we report that every subject in each treatment agreed to
participate in the experiment by clicking on the "I Agree"
button. Table 3 reports that the average offer in Unannounced was $5.70
(or 35%) of the initial endowment of $16. In Die Roll the average was
$5.45 (34%); in Quiz the average was $3.77 (24%); and in Seniority the
average was $2.95 (18%). Figures 1-4 depict the offer distributions. (9)
In Unannounced, only two people kept the entire $16 endowment, and
eight people chose to split it evenly--that is, 90% of our dictators
give a nonzero amount to Player B as compared to the 70% who give a
nonzero amount in Forsythe et al. (1994). To explain this variation,
recall that our baseline procedures differ from Forsythe et al. in that
our subjects explicitly agree to the rules. This emphasis on consent may
account for the differences between our baseline offer distribution and
the distribution typically observed. Another difference is that our
Player As and Bs sit at visually isolated computer terminals in the same
room, as opposed to Forsythe et al., in which the Player As and Player
Bs are in separate rooms. (10) Forsythe et al. does not report whether
or not the participants are visually isolated.
Using the Kruskal-Wallis statistic for one-way analysis of
variance, we first find that at least one of the four treatments is
statistically different from the others (uncorrected for ties in rank, p
= .026; corrected for ties,p = .022). For pairwise comparisons, we use
the Wilcoxon rank sum statistic to test the null hypothesis that the
median offers in each pair are equal against the alternatives discussed
in the previous section. Table 4 summarizes the p-values obtained from
these tests.
From Table 4, we draw the following conclusions:
(i) We reject the null hypothesis in [H.sup.1] in favor of the
alternative that offers in Quiz are less than offers in Unannounced
(ii) We reject the null hypothesis in [H.sup.2] in favor of the
alternative that offers in Quiz are less than offers in Die Roll
(iii) We reject the null hypothesis in [H.sup.3] in favor of the
alternative that offers in Seniority are less than offers in Unannounced
(iv) We reject the null hypothesis [H.sup.4] in favor of the
two-sided alternative that offers in Seniority are less than offers in
Die Roll
(v) We fail to reject the null hypothesis in [H.sup.5] that the
offers in Die Roll are the same the as offers in Unannounced and
(vi) We fail to reject the null hypothesis that offers in Quiz are
equal to the offers in Seniority. 11
In addition, we test the overall offer distribution from each
treatment against the offer distribution from the other three using the
Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. (12) Table 5 reports the test statistics,
followed by the critical values given in parentheses. The only two
differences in offer distributions are between Die Roll and Seniority,
and between Unannounced and Seniority.
4. Discussion
We find that the median offers in Seniority and Quiz are both
significantly less than those in Die Roll and Unannounced. The
comparative cumulative frequency distributions in Figure 5 distinctly
illustrate the two observed pairings among our four treatments:
Seniority with Quiz, and Die Roll with Unannounced. The median offers
are statistically different across the pairs, but there is no difference
within them. Recall that we designed these treatments to be
distinguished along two dimensions: the presence or absence of a fair
procedure and the presence or absence of a meritorious ranking. With
this in mind, we find that the meritorious ranking is the only dimension
that organizes these data, not the fair procedure. (13) From this, we
draw two conclusions: (i) Justice and fairness are distinct concepts in
a DG; and (ii) justice, not fairness, legitimizes the dictators'
property rights to the endowment.
We hypothesized that the Seniority and Die Roll treatments would be
different, indicating an operational distinction between just deserts
and fair procedures. However, by failing to reject the null hypothesis
that offers in Die Roll are equal to offers in Unannounced, we
unexpectedly find that an explicit fair procedure has no behavioral
impact on the generosity of dictators. This does not mean that a fair
procedure is irrelevant to a dictator's offer, but that an
explicitly defined procedure does not legitimize the property right any
more than the unstated assignment of the right does. Indeed, the
subjects appear to trust that the experimenter will meet their
expectations of fairness with an impartial experimental procedure. Yet
this insight still does not explain why a fair procedure (explicit or
implicit) does not do more to legitimize the dictator's property
right when, in reality, it is common to use a fair procedure, for
example, a coin flip, to determine everyday allocations. Our failure to
observe the impact of a fair procedure in Die Roll and Unannounced
perhaps reminds us of the peculiarity of the DG. How often do we
unilaterally allocate windfall endowments between ourselves and another
person in everyday life? Or perhaps subjects arrive at the laboratory
with normative notions of how the monitor will treat them and so regard
the Unannounced treatment as an inherently fair procedure for random
recruits. This restricts its use as a baseline and, in turn, limits our
understanding of the effects of a fair procedure. Despite this
uncertainty surrounding fairness in the DG, when deciding an allocation
in a laboratory, we find that meritorious rankings and not fair
procedures legitimize a dictator's property right.
Appendix A: Background
In this appendix we discuss justice and fairness as separate social
The meaning of justice has been a major topic in philosophy for
millennia. We will not engage in a metaphysical debate and will instead
discuss the less controversial aspects of this elusive concept. We begin
with the semantic component of justice that dictates that everyone
receives what he or she deserves. Though justice can be applied to court
cases (retributional justice) or to the allocation of scarce resources
(distributive justice), this article focuses on distributive justice
applied to allocations. Closely associated with justice is the concept
of desert, which we implement in our experiment as a claim of ownership;
that is, a property right that any reasonable person would agree is
legitimate. The way in which one substantiates a claim distinguishes one
type of just reward from another: A demonstration of greater ability or
achievement is the basis for merit-based desert, while a fair procedure
or demonstration of greater need may be the basis for non merit-based
desert. This distinction is important because the concept of justice
exclusively relates to merit-based desert, as merit is the only
criterion that can be externally evaluated and rewarded by an accepted
authority. When reward exactly corresponds to merit-based desert, we
will refer to it as just reward. In a courtroom this authority is a
judge upholding the law; in an experiment it is the monitor imposing
some measure of desert. In contrast, other bases for desert are best
enforced internally because they may vary according to the
participants' personal views and/or the context of the allocation.
In any form of justice, if one person does not receive his or her
just reward, then justice has not been done. Therefore, determining each
party's relative desert precedes any just reward. Such a task is
not easily accomplished, especially when allocations are among many
individuals. One solution to this problem is the veil of ignorance,
which serves as a method of impartially calculating just rewards (Rawls
1971). Behind the veil of ignorance, in what Rawls calls the original
position, no one is aware of his own incentives, and so has no tendency
toward selfish behavior. By analyzing all the relevant information in
the aggregate, without self-regard clouding one's judgment, logical
reasoning can deliver. the just outcome through objective comparison of
each party's desert.
Kaufmann (1973) challenges the very idea of justice, arguing that
it is purely vindictive by nature and serves no purpose other than to
make those who do wrong suffer in turn. His argument is based on the
idea that desert, and thus any just reward, is unknowable because there
is no way to objectively identify and evaluate all relevant criteria.
Kaufmann puts forward the example of college admissions. He says that
there is no such thing as justice in allocating college acceptances
because there are too many variables to consider. Even if a core of
universally agreed upon criteria existed, every person involved would
then have to independently agree upon the correct weight each criterion
should be given in the formula for desert. Such a formula could not be
derived through reason as Rawlsian thinking would prescribe. Thus,
because we cannot know the infinite range of variables that might
pertain to a certain allocation problem, and neither can we know the
relative amount of attention each requires in a rational formula, the
veil of ignorance is not a practical concept.
Kaufman's critique aside, people still meaningfully and
effortlessly use "justice" in everyday conversation with the
implicit understanding that a just outcome is merely a close
approximation to what Kaufmann would call flawless justice with complete
knowledge. Our goal here is to choose a set of procedures for a specific
laboratory experiment to invoke just rewards, regardless of whether
one's own view of justice ranges from Rawls's to
While justice can be thought of as a hierarchical approach to an
allocation in which there exists a proper allocation pattern based on
each party's relative desert, fairness, in contrast, is
egalitarianism applied to the same problem (McCloskey 2006). The word
"fair" is often used to connote equity, but this glosses over
what exactly is equal--equal wealth, equal reward for equal effort,
equal opportunity, equal welfare, etc. (Hoffman and Spitzer 1985). As
Hoffman and Spitzer (1985) note, equal reward for equal work is
independent of actual achievement, which distinguishes it from justice
and merit. The concept is related to equity theory and Lockean theory,
which posit that desert is proportional to the amount of effort one
expends in pursuit of a goal.
Recent work by Wierzbicka (2006) indicates that the origins of the
word "fair" suggest that its use pertained to the rules of the
game. She observes that fairness, unlike justice, is done with others.
For example, a teacher is considered fair only when others view him as
such. He would not be fair if he gave all of his students failing grades
because others would say that he was too demanding. This is because the
cooperation between students and teachers in the learning process
entails a social consensus on appropriate behavior based on what they
and those around them perceive as right or moral. A judge, on the other
hand, is just when he upholds the law, regardless of what the convicted
criminals think of their punishments. The law serves as the social
consensus, providing an authoritative guide to acceptable behavior and
eliminating concern over what others might think is right. Hence,
justice is done to others, not with others.
The original antonym of "fair" was not
"unfair," but "foul" (think fair and foul balls in
baseball). Thus, the context of the situation dictates which meaning we
are referencing. It is important to note which meaning is being used,
for these different situations commonly elicit different expectations of
a "fair" outcome. For instance, equal opportunity can be the
basis for an inequitable allocation, while equal reward always assumes
equal desert and divides the resource equitably. Because of this
possible disparity between any two "fair" outcomes, it is
essential to clarify which type of fairness we mean when we discuss it
out of context.
One way to describe the relationship between the different uses of
"fair" is to think of each as an alternative to any other.
That is to say when there is not a reasonable way to determine desert
objectively, an equal sharing of the resource is an agreeable
alternative. Likewise, when social norms or institutions allow and/or
encourage a different method, it is acceptable to replace the default
assumption of equal desert with a fair procedure that assesses
everyone's desert on the basis of some criteria, such as need or
effort, that are built into the agreed upon rules. As an example, Bolton
and Ockenfels (2000) find that an entitlement stage that provides equal
opportunity is an "acceptable substitute" for an even split of
the endowment in the DG.
In recent economic research, a fair procedure is most often thought
of as a randomization process, but this addresses only the use of the
word "fair" that relates to equal opportunity. In reality,
randomization is not necessary in a fair procedure if everyone agrees to
abide by the rules put forth in, say, a social contract. Everyone
involved in the fair procedure must agree upon these rules, making any
resulting assessment of just reward valid. Knowing this, people will
design the fair procedure to reflect their expectations of which
criterion--need, effort expended, etc.--should be considered.
To clarify what we mean by a fair procedure, take, for example, two
students eyeing the last piece of pizza. Each method of allocating the
pizza is acceptable, but the context will determine which one is
preferred. A fair outcome might give each student half of the slice. A
fair procedure would involve
(i) Identifying some criteria for desert, such as need (as in
(ii) Measuring the desert and then
(iii) Dividing the pizza according to each person's just
reward, thereby delivering a suitable alternative to an equitable
(It is assumed that, at the beginning of the fair procedure,
neither person can know who is the more deserving and, therefore, cannot
capitalize on any initial advantages they may have because they are
unaware of them.)
Now, it is important to explicitly outline the requirements of a
fair procedure. A procedure is fair only if no one can legitimately
protest the process or the result. A legitimate protest is one that
proves that the rules of the procedure gave an unagreed upon or
unforeseen advantage to one party over another in a way that undermined
the integrity of the process. As an extension, it is the responsibility
of each party to contribute their personal information while the rules
are being discussed so that protests can be avoided. Anything less than
full disclosure that results in asymmetric information is unfair, but as
long as everyone shares the same communal knowledge, imperfect
information is not grounds for protest because it does not give an
advantage to one person over another.
In the example of the last slice of pizza, it is initially
impossible to say which one deserves the last piece. Let us say that in
order to solve this problem, the two agree to use hunger as the only
criterion. Without any other means of measuring hunger, the fair
procedure hinges on their honesty in representing their personal hunger
levels. After their hunger levels are revealed, they use that
information to create a social balance that serves as a pattern for the
allocation. Their only grounds for protest are (i) that the allocation
pattern was not met because someone took too much, (ii) that the other
was not honest in revealing his hunger, or (iii) that there was some
component of the procedure that was not explicitly agreed upon.
Appendix B: Experiment Instructions
This is an experiment in economic decision making. Each of you will
be paired with another person in this room. One of you will be person A,
and the other will be person B. You will not be told who your
counterpart is either during or after the experiment, and he or she will
not be told who you are either during or after the experiment. The
experiment monitor has allocated $16 to each pair. An A will decide how
to divide the $16 between A and his or her counterpart B.
Notice that being an A is a definite advantage in this experiment.
[Unannounced: You will know if you are an A or a B once everyone
finishes reading the instructions.]
[Die Roll: The positions of A and B will be determined by a roll of
a die. Everyone must click on one of the two buttons that are labeled
Even and Odd. The buttons will appear at the bottom right corner of your
screen as soon as the experiment begins. You will not be able to click
on a button if your counterpart has already clicked it.
The monitor will roll a six-sided die at the front of the room and
will announce the result aloud. A roll of 1, 3, or 5 is Odd, and a roll
of 2, 4, or 6 is Even. There is an equal chance of the roll being odd or
even. The person in each pair who called the actual roll of the die will
be an A, and the other will be a B.]
[Quiz: The positions of the A and B will be determined by ranking
your scores on a quiz on Mason trivia. Each of you will be asked the
same set of 10 questions. The experiment monitor will rank the quiz
scores with ties decided by giving a higher ranking to the person who
finishes the quiz in the shortest amount of time.
The lower-ranking half will be the Bs, and the higher-ranking half
the As. The highest-ranked A will be matched with the lowest-ranked B,
the second highest-ranked A with the second lowest-ranked B, etc.]
[Seniority: The positions of A and B will be determined by
seniority. The experiment monitor will determine seniority by ranking
the total number of credit hours completed and in progress for each
participant. Ties will be broken randomly.
The lower-ranking half will be the Bs, and the higher-ranking half
the As. The highest-ranked A will be matched with the lowest-ranked B,
the second highest-ranked A with the second lowest-ranked B, etc.]
Each A will fill out a form on the computer that consists of the
amount that A will receive and the amount that B will receive. If you
are an A, you will type an amount in the box labeled "Your
Earnings." The amount that B receives will immediately be shown in
the box labeled "B's Earnings." Once an A is satisfied
with the decision, he or she must click the Submit button and confirm
the decision.
When all of the As have confirmed their decisions, the results will
be displayed to their counterparts. Payment will take place after the
experiment, and it will be private.
If you are ready to begin and agree to continue under these rules,
please enter your name and click the button that says "I
Agree." If you do not wish to continue, you may choose to leave now
with your $7 for showing up on time. You may not leave after the
experiment has begun.
If an odd number of people decide to leave, one more person will be
randomly selected to receive $16 and will be allowed to leave at this
time, as well.
Appendix C: Experiment Screenshots
Received December 2007; accepted October 2008.
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(1) Note that because the dictators are stakeholders in the final
allocation, they have an incentive to deviate from the ideals of justice
and fairness (Konow 2003). Thus, the dictator is not the source of
justice and fairness in this experiment. Rather, the dictator is the
intermediary through whom we measure the effects of the property rights
endowed by the impartial experiment monitor.
(2) The term "relevant properties" includes a large range
of variables from the framing of the situation (Branas-Garza 2007) to
whether the recipient is a human or a charitable organization (Eckel and
Grossman 1996).
(3) Also, the absence of a fair procedure does not automatically
make an allocation "unfair." An allocation is unfair only if
it violates implicit or explicit rules. If there simply are no such
rules, then an allocation can be neither fair nor unfair.
(4) Note that a "Subject Consent Form" that all subjects
sign before entering the laboratory is not sufficient for establishing
an explicit fair procedure because they do not yet know the experimental
procedures. Participants click the "I Agree" button as a
signal to other subjects that they understand the procedure and want to
proceed, whereas the consent form is a contract between the experiment
monitor and an individual. Though informed consent helps guarantee the
procedure will be deemed as fair, as long as no one protests the result,
a procedure can be fair without requiring this consent.
(5) No information is provided to the subjects about how the roles
are determined. They may give the experimenter the benefit of the doubt
that all participants receive equal opportunity, but there is nothing in
the procedures that makes it explicit. As a spoiler, the results in the
next section indicate that that could indeed be the case.
(6) An accidental case in point illustrates. Despite our attempts
to recruit only undergraduate participants, one graduate student managed
to participate in the Seniority treatment. This student reported his
total number of graduate credit hours and clicked on the "I
Agree" button, and yet this student complained to the authors when
an undergraduate dictator offered him $0. (An undergraduate can easily
complete over 100 credits, but graduate students could never complete
that many graduate credits.) Hence, the Seniority treatment involves
merit but not fair procedures, as this student made clear to us.
(7) See note 6.
(8) We note that the theory of preferences in Cox, Friedman, and
Sadiraj (2008), even with a "status" axiom, makes no
prediction regarding these two property right treatments. This is not
surprising, for as Wilson (2008) argues, internal rules of fairness and
justice are part of the unobservable institution of a microeconomic
system and not the environment, as modeling them axiomatically via
preferences assumes.
(9) We break down the data by gender and note here that there is no
significant difference across gender of the offers made in any of the
four treatments using a two-sided Wilcoxon rank sum test (all p-values
> 0.10).
(10) Because the Player A and B roles are not assigned until after
the subjects have read the on-screen instructions, we cannot seat them
in separate rooms.
(11) We note that the sense of merit established in Quiz is
slightly different than that in Seniority because the subjects in
Seniority have a clearer sense of their rank. The students know the
exact number of credit hours that they have personally accumulated, so
they can estimate their position in the ranking more precisely than
those in Quiz can. However, there is no evidence from Spearman's
rank correlation coefficient to suggest that this added information
affects the offers in Seniority ([r.sub.s], = -0.086, p > 0.25).
Spearman's rank correlation coefficient relating offers in Quiz to
subjects' quiz scores is [r.sub.s] = 0.308 (p > 0.15).
(12) Both sample sizes should be greater than 25 to be considered
large for the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test.
(13) In note 9 we report that there is no gender difference in the
offers made in any single treatment. If we combine the data from the two
treatments with merit, Seniority and Quiz, we find that the men do offer
significantly less to theircounterparts using a two-sided Wilcoxon
rank-sum test (p-value = 0.0236). However, we find no gender effect when
we similarly combine and test the data from the two fair procedure
treatments, Unannounced and Die Roll (p-value = 0.6480).
Karl Schurter, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 22904,
USA; E-mail
[email protected].
Bart J. Wilson, Economic Science Institute, Chapman University, One
University Drive, Orange, CA 92866, USA; E-mail
[email protected];
corresponding author.
We thank the editor, two anonymous referees, and participants at
the 2007 regional meetings of the Economic Science Association in Tucson
for comments that have improved our exposition.
Table 1. Experimental Design
Meritorious No Meritorious
Ranking Ranking
Fair procedure Quiz Die Roll
No fair procedure Seniority Unannounced
Table 2. Hypotheses
Null Hypothesis
[H.sub.1] [[??].sub.Quiz]=[[??].sub.Unannounced]
[H.sub.2] [[??].sub.Quiz]=[[??].sub.DieRoll]
[H.sub.3] [[??].sub.Seniority]=[[??].sub.Unannounced]
[H.sub.4] [[??].sub.Seniority] [[??].sub.DieRoll]
[H.sub.5] [[??].sub.DieRoll]=[[??].sub.Unannounced]
Alternative Hypothesis
[H.sub.1] [[??].sub.Quiz] < [[??].sub.Unannaunced]
[H.sub.2] [[??].sub.Quiz] < [[??].sub.DieRall]
[H.sub.3] [[??].sub.Seniority] < [[??].sub.Unannounced]
[H.sub.4] [[??].sub.Seniority] [not equal to] [[??].sub.DieRoll]
[H.sub.5] [[??].sub.DieRoll] < [[??].sub.Unannounced]
Table 3. Summary Statistics
Average Offer
of Endowment) Median
Unannounced $5.70 (35%) $6.00
Die Roll $5.45 (34%) $6.50
Quiz $3.77 (24%) $3.50
Seniority $2.95 (18%) $2.00
Table 4. Pairwise Wilcoxon Rank Sum Tests
Unannounced Die Roll Quiz Seniority
Unannounced 0.412 (a) 0.037 (a) 0.005 (a)
Die Roll 0.047 (a) 0.008 (b)
Quiz 0.277 (b)
(a) One-tailed.
(b) Two-tailed.
Table 5. Pairwise Kolmogorov-Smirnov Tests
Unannounced Die Roll
Unannounced 50 (176) (a)
Die Roll
Quiz Seniority
Unannounced 132 (176) (a) 212 (176) (a)
Die Roll 132 (176) (a) 198 (198) (a)
Quiz 88 (198) (a)
The test is significant if the test statistic is greater
than or equal to the critical value.
(a) One-tailed.
(b) Two-tailed.