Tariff jumping and joint ventures.
Beladi, Hamid ; Marjit, Sugata ; Chakrabarti, Avik 等
1. Introduction
A major incentive for foreign direct investment (FDI) in countries
that restrict trade is to jump tariff and non-tariff barriers. Local
production helps in reducing costs due to protection, and therefore
"tariff jumping" stands out as a strong motivation behind FDI.
Apart from locational advantages arising out of technology, marketing,
or distributional factors, trade policy itself may be a reason that
multinational firms would be lured by protected markets. When market
size is large it makes sense to put additional investment in place so
that basic advantages enjoyed by local firms can also be shared by the
foreign competitors. In recent years a large number of foreign investors
have entered the Indian automobile market, which still enjoys a
significant degree of protection. Most of such investments are in the
form of joint ventures, in which well-known foreign firms tie up with
major Indian companies to grab a share of the large domestic market.
Recently India has increased the ceiling on foreign equity holdings and
liberalized foreign investment regulations to attract more foreign
investment for the success of the ongoing reform program. It is logical
to argue that the higher the existing tariff rate, the greater must be
the incentive to jump tariff. This in turn implies a greater possibility
of FDI if high tariffs push profits from exports to a low level. The
purpose of this paper is to show that this is not necessarily true. In
fact, we argue that very high tariffs may actually discourage FDI in the
presence of a strong local competitor. There might be situations in
which the only feasible form of investment is through a joint venture
between the foreign firm and the local competitor. In the presence of a
high tariff the success of such a joint venture is impossible to
Generally speaking, the issue of FDI in transition economies is
quite appealing. Countries are often forced to reduce trade barriers
gradually while trying hard to woo foreign investors in the meantime.
This may naturally lead to a situation in which tariffs are still in
place but the barriers to FDI have been lifted. Analysis of investment
strategy of the foreign firms in that situation is of interest to us
and, we believe, to a number of people interested in policy issues. The
industrial economics of ownership in developing countries has been the
subject of much debate, but the economic literature on this issue is
relatively sparse. Saggi and Pack (2006), in their critical survey of
the analytical literature on industrial policy, shed light on this
debate. The tariff discrimination hypothesis, dating back to Mundell
(1957), holds that to avoid . obstacles in trade, resulting from the
imposition of a tariff, foreign investment is undertaken in the country
to which it is difficult to export because of the tariff obstacle; trade
liberalization allows goods to move freely and, hence, is expected to
reduce the amount of international investment. (1) The literature on
joint ventures is growing, (2) though analytical models dealing with
trade policy and joint ventures, to the best of our knowledge, are rare.
(3) This paper is intended to be a contribution in this area.
A few early papers by Smith (1987) and Motta (1992) set the grounds
by highlighting the effect of trade policy on joint ventures. In
particular, they show that though high tariffs may deter foreign equity
participation, there exist a large number of possibilities depending on
the parameters of the models. Smith (1987) showed that, depending on the
nature of the oligopolistic equilibrium, tariffs may or may not induce
FDI, they may or may not change the market structure, and they may have
pro- or anti-competitive effects. Motta (1992) demonstrated that no
simple relationship emerges between the trade costs and the choice
between direct investment and export: The existence of a tariff may
cause a shift away from foreign investment or else may induce
tariff-jumping investment. Among more recent contributions, Marjit,
Beladi, and Kabiraj (2007) have shown how a tariff on a reputed brand
product affects the conditions for joint venture. Beladi and Chakrabarti
(2008) demonstrate how an interaction between ownership rules and trade
policy provides a rationale for a host government to impose restrictions
on a foreign multinational.
Our paper is distinct from these contributions on various counts.
First, we analyze joint ventures between a local firm and a foreign firm
and demonstrate that high levels of tariffs do deter joint ventures
under very general conditions. Second, most of the existing
contributions focus on "incumbent-entrant"--type models and
the effects of foreign investment and tariffs on the entry of the local
firms. Our primary concern in this paper is with a tough local
competitor who may be weakened by the removal of a tariff, but who is in
the market. In the earlier papers, higher anticipated tariffs may have
induced local firms to enter and hence may have deterred FDI. But if the
local firm exists independently of the tariffs, a higher tariff
increases the incentive for FDI. (4) We rule out the possibility of
"go-alone" foreign investment to focus on joint ventures. High
tariffs, as we shall show, would always deter joint ventures. This
result does not depend on parametric configurations. Third, in the
standard cases, if tariffs deter FDI, there is no rationale as to why
the firms cannot tie up in a joint venture. Our paper argues and
demonstrates that such contracts, even if enforceable, may not work out
with high tariffs, but they do materialize for a certain range of
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 describes
our basic model and propositions, section 3 introduces asymmetries in
cost between the foreign firm and the local firm, and section 4
concludes the paper.
2. The Basic Model
Our model starts with two firms: "i" denotes the foreign
firm and "2" the local firm. Initially the foreign firm
exports the product to the local market, which is also served by the
local competitor. Firms are engaged in a duopolistic Cournot game. To
start with, let us assume that firm 1 faces a per-unit tariff, t, and
that the firms have the same constant marginal costs, c. The reduced
form profit functions (5) for the ith firm (i = 1, 2) is given by
[[pi].sub.i] = [[pi].sub.i](c + t,c), i= 1, 2, (1)
where Equation 1 has the following properties:
[partial derivative][[pi].sub.1]/[partial derivative]t < 0,
[partial derivative][[pi].sub.2]/[partial derivative]t > 0.
The process of FDI requires a sunk cost, I, to be incurred by firm
1. Local production will imply an increase in [[pi].sub.1] as t is
effectively reduced to zero. The [[pi].sub.10] denotes the profit of the
foreign firm before a reduction in t and [[pi].sub.1] denotes its profit
after a reduction in t. FDI is profitable if the following conditions
[[??].sub.1]- [[pi].sub.10] > I. (2)
From Equation 2 it is obvious that the higher the value of t, the
greater the incentive for FDI. Higher t reduces [[pi].sub.10] and
increases the profitability of FDI vis-a-vis direct exports. This is the
standard tariff-jumping argument. Let us now consider t = T, such that
[[pi].sub.10](c + [bar.t], c) = 0 (i.e., [bar.t] is the prohibitive
tariff). We now make the following assumption:
[[??].sub.1] < I < ([[pi].sub.m] - [[??].sub.1]), (3)
where [[pi].sub.m] is the monopoly profit of firm 1 in the local
market and [[??].sub.1] is the duopoly profit of firm 1 when t = 0.
Equation 3 indicates that regardless of the initial tariff rate the
foreign firm would never go for FDI, since the net duopoly payoff, even
with an initial prohibitive tariff, is not good enough to cover the sunk
cost of investment. However, the monopoly profit could recover the sunk
investment cost and the opportunity cost even with zero tariffs. This
assumption basically rules out "go-alone" FDI and makes the
standard tariff-jumping argument irrelevant. Even when ([[pi].sub.m]
-[[??].sub.1] > I), because the firms face the same costs,
[[pi].sub.m] cannot be an equilibrium outcome in the post-FDI game.
Also, for all tariff rates, FDI would be impossible, and, hence,
tariff-jumping does not give enough incentive for FDI.
Now consider an alternative arrangement in which the foreign firm
and the local firm can enter into a joint venture contract only at a
certain cost, which in this case, is incurred by the organization. For
illustration, after the formation of a joint venture, a manager in the
subsidiary may have lower incentives to come up with good ideas to
reduce production costs or to raise quality because this investment is
expropriated by the parent firm. Second, there may be a loss in
information about the performance in the subsidiary and therefore less
incentive to make improvements because a joint venture reduces or
eliminates the fluidity of the market for the stock of the subsidiary.
Third, there may be legal costs associated with the formation of the
joint venture. As in Hart et al. (1990), we represent these costs,
managerial and/or institutional, by a fixed amount (I).
The nature of the joint venture contract is described by the
following clauses: (i) Each firm would bear a portion of I and would
derive a share of profits; and (ii) Neither firm would compete with the
joint venture firm through independent production. It is obvious that if
collusion is enforceable in the court of law, the foreign firm does not
have to invest anything. We are assuming that such an arrangement is not
enforceable. Governments allow joint ventures provided that they bring
in some new investments. Also, we assume that the joint venture contract
is enforceable in the court of law such that both of the above clauses
are adhered to.
The question, then, is whether such a joint venture contract would
be agreed upon. Note that a successful joint venture would bring in
foreign investment that was not available through tariff jumping and
Let [lambda] [member of] (0, 1) be the share of I to be borne by
the local firm. For a successful joint venture contract, the following
incentive constraints must be satisfied:
[lambda]([[pi].sub.m] - I) [greater than or equal to]
[[pi].sub.20](c + t,c) (4)
(l - [lambda])([[pi].sub.m] - I) [greater than or equal to]
[[pi].sub.10](c + t,c). (5)
By rearranging Equations 4 and 5 we obtain
1 > [lambda] [greater than or equal to]
[[[pi].sub.20]/[[pi].sub.m] - I], (6)
0 < [lambda] [less than or equal to] [1 -
[[pi].sub.10]/[[pi].sub.m] - I]. (7)
Equations 6 and 7 indicate that the necessary and sufficient
condition for such a [lambda] to exist is given by
[1 - [[pi].sub.10]/[[pi].sub.m] - I] >
[[[pi].sub.20]/[[pi].sub.m] - I],
which can be written as
[[pi].sub.m] - ([[pi].sub.10] + [[pi].sub.20]) > I. (8)
Let us now define
[[pi].sub.m] - ([[pi].sub.10] +[[pi].sub.20]) [equivalent to]
[OMEGA](t), (9)
where [[pi].sub.10] and [[pi].sub.20] both depend on t; whereas,
[[pi].sub.m] is independent of the tariff rate. The next question is how
[OMEGA](t) behaves with respect to changes in the tariff rate. An
increase in t reduces [[pi].sub.10] but increases [[pi].sub.20]. There
is no prior presumption as to how the sum of Cournot profits would move
along with t. Demand is based on quasi-linear preferences generating a
linear demand function,
P = a - ([q.sub.1] + [q.sub.2]), (10)
and the cost function,
c = [cq.sub.i], i = 1, 2, (11)
so that we have
([[pi].sub.10] + [[pi].sub.20]) = [[a- 2(c + t) + c].sup.2]/9 +
[[a- 2c + c + t].sup.2]/9 (12)
It is evident from Equation 12 that
[partial derivative]([[pi].sub.10] + [[pi].sub.20]/[partial
derivative]t] [greater than or equal to] [less than or equal to] 0 iff t
[greater than or equal to] [less than or equal to] [a - c/5]. (13)
[OMEGA]*(t) [greater than or equal to] [less than or equal to] 0
iff t [less than or equal to] [greater than or equal to] [a - c/5] =
[??]. (14)
[OMEGA]/(t) has been depicted in Figure 1. Note that for t = 0,
[OMEGA](t) represents the difference between the monopoly and symmetric
duopoly payoff. At [bar.t], the local firm is a monopolist and the
difference vanishes. The intuition behind the non-monotonic response of
([[pi].sub.10] + [[pi].sub.20]) with respect to changes in t is as
follows. (6)
Changes in t affect the effective marginal cost of the foreign
firm. At t = 0, we have a symmetric duopoly situation. A rise in t
increases the cost of one of the duopolists and hurts the total
industrial profits because, to start with, [q.sub.1] is quite
significant. An increase in [[pi].sub.2], as a result of the strategic
effects, fails to compensate for the fall in [[pi].sub.1]. If it is near
[bar.t], [[pi].sub.1] falls and, hence, [q.sub.1] is already quite
small. Therefore, further rise in t increases [[pi].sub.2] more than a
decline in [[pi].sub.1]. The proof with a general demand function is
provided in the Appendix.
For the general demand function of the form
P = f([q.sub.1] + [q.sub.2]), (15)
with f* < 0 and f** < 0, we obtain
[OMEGA]*(t) [greater than or equal to] [less than or equal to] 0
iff [f*[q.sub.2] + ([q.sub.2] - [q.sub.1])(f* + f**[q.sub.2])/3f* + f**
([q.sub.1] + [q.sub.2]] [less than or equal to] [greater than or equal
to] [q.sub.1]. (16)
It is easy to check that with a linear demand function Equation 16
is reduced to Equation 14. At t = 0, [q.sub.1] = [q.sub.2], and it is
obvious that [OMEGA]'(t) > 0. For t [greater than or equal to]
[bar.t], [q.sub.i] = 0 and [OMEGA]* (t) < 0. At this stage it can be
said that for very low tariff rates [OMEGA](t) rises as t increases, and
for very high tariff rates it falls with t. While in the linear case we
could guarantee unique inflection of the [OMEGA](t) function, in the
general case it may not be true. But as we shall see, our proposed
result would follow even if we cannot characterize the entire [OMEGA](t)
function. We shall first prove our result with single inflection of
[OMEGA](t). (7)
PROPOSITION 1. Suppose ([[pi].sub.m] - I) < ([[pi].sub.10] +
[[pi].sub.20]) at t = 0, then either (i)joint ventures would not be
feasible under very low or very high tariffs, or (ii) joint ventures
would not be feasible under any tariff. (8)
PROOF. We know that [OMEGA](t) reaches a maximum at t = [??]
Suppose [OMEGA]([??])[greater than or equal to] I. We also know that
[OMEGA](t) < I at t = 0. Hence, [there exists][t.sub.1] such that
[OMEGA]([t.sub.1]) = I as [OMEGA](t) is increasing for t [member of] [0,
[??]]. Hence, [for all]t < [t.sub.1], in which case joint ventures
would not be feasible. Similarly, one can define [t.sub.2], where
[t.sub.2] > [??] such that [OMEGA]([t.sub.2]) = I and [for all]t >
[t.sub.2], [OMEGA](t) < I. This proves (i). Suppose now that
[OMEGA]([??]) < I; then there does not exist any tariff rate for
which joint venture is feasible. This proves (ii). QED.
This result is shown in Figure 1. For I = [I.sub.1] the feasibility
region is between [t.sub.1] and [t.sub.2], whereas for [I.sub.2] no such
region exists. It is straightforward to argue that a region such as
[Ot.sub.1] would vanish provided that I is fairly low and less than OA.
But a region such as [t.sub.2][bar.t] would always exist, no matter how
low I is, provided it is not zero. The condition stipulated in the
proposition guarantees that OA < [I.sub.1]. This indicates that for
very high tariff rates joint ventures will not be feasible. This
qualifies the standard tariff-jumping argument. (9)
In our setup, "go-alone" FDI is not possible, but firms
are allowed to form a joint venture. In the case of "go-alone"
FDI, a higher tariff provided a greater incentive for FDI. But in a
joint venture, the local partner's reservation payoff depends on
the initial tariff rate. If t is very high, the local partner is already
close to being a monopolist. If one looks at the incentive constraint
(ii), it is revealed that for a [[pi].sub.20] close to [[pi].sub.m], a
feasible [lambda] would not exist. The local firm would be in a stronger
postion to bargain and the joint venture will not mature. In a sense,
pre-existing high tariffs imply a strong bargaining position for the
local partner. It is quite possible that lower tariff rates would induce
investment through the formation of joint ventures. This would be true
if [I.sub.1] < OA.
PROPOSITION 2. Even for a [OMEGA](t) function with multiple
inflections, very high tariffs will discourage joint ventures.
PROOF. Note that even with multiple inflections, a stretch such as
[t.sub.2][bar.t] (in Figure 1) would always exist as [[pi.sub.2](c +
[bar.t] c) = [[pi.sub.m](c). Now, for any positive L however small, the
following condition must be true:
[OMEGA]([bar.t]) = 0 < I.
Then one can easily choose [t.sub.2] < [bar.t], such that
[OMEGA]([t.sub.2]) = I. Hence, so long as I is positive, a prohibitive
tariff will always deter joint ventures. Another way of proving it for
the general case is to manipulate Equation 6. Note that the minimum
[lambda] needed to induce the local firm is given by
[[lambda].sub.min] = [[[pi].sub.20](t)/[[pi].sub.m] - I]. QED. (17)
Let [[pi].sub.20]([??]) = ([[pi]sub.m] - I); this is always
possible, as [[pi].sup.'.sub.20]([??]) > 0, [[pi].sub.20]([??] =
0) = [[??].sub.1] < ([[pi].sub.m] - I), and [[pi]sub.20](t = [bar.t])
= [[pi]sub.m] > ([[pi]sub.m] - I)- Hence, [for all]t [member of]
([??], [bar.t]), [[lambda].sub.min] > 1. This makes joint ventures
Our propositions complement (10) the following contributions that
have demonstrated a negative relationship between trade cost and FDI.
For illustration, Smith (1987) argued that a tariff may play a role in
strengthening the position of a local firm facing foreign competition,
inducing the local firm to enter the market. Once entry has occurred,
the behavior of the multinational may change. In the absence of the
tariff, the multinational would have chosen to invest and produce in the
country and would have secured a monopoly position. Given the entry of a
local rival, the multinational may then prefer to produce elsewhere and
to export. Motta (1992) extended this line of argument by showing that
the existence of a tariff may cause a shift away from foreign investment
in a setup in which potential entry by domestic producers is allowed.
Motta and Norman (1996) showed that improved market accessibility leads
to export-platform FDI. Neary (2002) highlighted two influences,
distinct from the tariff-jumping argument, of internal trade
liberalization by a group of countries on the level and pattern of
inward FDI. First, the export platform motive favors FDI with only a
single union plant relative to exporting and may induce a firm that has
never exported to invest. Second, reduced internal tariffs increase
competition from domestic firms, which dilutes the other motives and may
induce multinationals to leave even though external tariffs are
Some natural qualifications apply to the propositions we have
derived in this section. For illustration, if a distinction is made
between joint ventures and a monopoly, suppose one of the main
characteristics of a joint venture is that it has control problems that
a monopoly firm does not face. One can formalize this by assuming that
joint ventures face a moral hazard problem in the provision of inputs,
so that the joint venture payoffs would be lower compared to those under
a monopoly that does not face such issues. (11) This implies that the
range of parameter values (for which Propositions 1 and 2 hold) shrinks
as [OMEGA](t) is negative. Alternatively, suppose that there are two
foreign firms, and the domestic government only allows for entry by one
such firm. In that case, Equation 2 is no longer independent of t:
Instead, the profit from FDI will then be increasing in t, since an
increase in t now hurts one of the competitors (the foreign firm
excluded from entry). For high t, it is then the case that Equation 4 is
likely to be violated so that FDI becomes feasible. Similar issues can
be envisioned if more than one domestic firm is allowed for.
3. Asymmetric Costs
In this section we introduce asymmetric costs between firms 1 and
2. Since our goal is to develop an analytical structure to highlight
situations in which the local market is protected, it will not be
unreasonable to assume that [c.sub.2] > c = [c.sub.1]. There is now
an interesting caveat to the existing problem. One has to know how
[[[pi]sub.10]([c.sub.2] + t, c) + [[pi]sub.20] ([c.sub.2] + t, c)]
behaves for a given t as one changes [c.sub.1]. This would determine the
position of the new [OMEGA](t) function relative to the old one.
Following the example developed in the earlier section one can
This leads us to the following proposition.
PROPOSITION 3. Starting from the case of symmetric costs, the range
of tariffs that implements joint ventures under asymmetric costs expands
[c.sub.2] < [a + 4(c + t)/5]
and contracts if
[c.sub.2] > [a + 4(c + t)/5].
PROOF. Following Figure 2, the new [OMEGA](t) function lies above
the old one; whereas, [??] is raised, and T also has to be increased
now, as [c.sub.2] > c. This increases the feasible range of tariffs.
The fact that [c.sub.2] needs to be small or reasonably close to c
for [[pi]sub.10]([c.sub.2] + t, c) + [[pi].sub.20]([c.sub.2] + t, c)] to
be a decreasing function of [c.sub.2] can be proven under general demand
conditions. The proof and the intuition are very similar to the tariff
case. If [c.sub.2] is pretty close to c, a rise in [c.sub.2] hurts
[[pi].sub.20] more than it helps [[pi]sub.10]. Hence, total profit goes
down and [c.sub.2] < [(a + 4c)/5], implying that the new [OMEGA](t)
function would be uniformly higher. But still, very high tariffs would
discourage joint ventures. If
[c.sub.2][member of](a + 4c/5, a + 4(c + [bar.t])/5).
then there will be a stretch of the new [OMEGA](t) function, which
may lie below the old one for some tariff levels. Note that (c +
[bar.t]) = ((a + [c.sub.2])/2), and given this, one can show that
[c.sub.2] cannot exceed
(a + 4(c + [bar.t]/5 = (3a + [2c.sub.2]/5),
([c.sub.2] - 3a + [2c.sub.2]/5) = (3([c.sub.2] - a)/5) < 0. (19)
Therefore, there will always be a stretch of the new [OMEGA](t)
function that lies above the original [OMEGA](t) function with [c.sub.2]
= c. If [c.sub.2] is very high, the exporting firm already enjoys a good
share of profits and therefore may not be induced to write a joint
venture contract. This is likely to happen when tariffs are low, thus
shrinking the feasibility region by [t.sub.1][t.sup.".sub.1] in
Figure 2. (12)
Investment costs in a joint venture have been assumed to be the
same as in FDI. However, it may seem appropriate to change investment
costs, since the joint venture can use local production facilities of
the local firm. But there are reasons why a change in investment costs
may not be possible. The foreign technology, even if yielding the same
c, may entail automated plants, and then one needs new investments.
There may be sunk organizational costs of joint ventures. If c and
[c.sub.2] are different, the adoption cost due to technological
difference may be more compelling.
We have thus shown how the technological difference between the
local firm and the foreign firm enhances or curtails the scope for joint
ventures. It may be noted that our result--that relatively high tariff
rates tend to jeopardize the possibility of a joint venture--continues
to hold. If firms are different but close enough, the prospect of a
joint venture increases. If the local firm is significantly backward, it
does not work, and the feasibility is somewhat recovered through higher
tariffs. Again, for very high tariffs such a possibility disappears.
4. Concluding Remarks
In this paper, we propose a possible relationship between high
tariff rates and joint ventures when "go-alone" FDI is
impossible because of the existence of a strong local firm. High tariffs
imply a large reservation payoff to the local firms, which therefore
claim a significant share in a joint venture deal. We have shown that
very high tariffs will fail to generate a joint venture contract, thus
reducing the possibility of FDI. There do exist certain tariff rates for
which FDI may not be forthcoming; although, joint ventures would take
place. It is our hope that the model presented in this paper will
encourage researchers to look at the empirical relationship between
tariffs and foreign equity participation, particularly for countries
with significant experience with protected industrialization, such as
India. As the governments launch liberalization policies and tariffs
start coming down, contrary to the tariff-jumping argument, this may
help foreign investment through the formation of joint ventures. On the
other hand, China, one of the world's largest destinations of FDI,
maintains an average (trade-weighted) tariff rate of more than 26%.
Shortly after liberalizing its foreign investment regime in 1995,
allowing 100% foreign ownership, Nigeria began to modify its tariff
lines (most recently in 2001), resulting in an upward revision by 25% on
as many as 70 tariff lines. For these reasons, countries such as India,
China, and Nigeria offer natural experiments for the testable hypothesis
that emerges from our model: Are joint ventures more dominant in less
protected industries after controlling for foreign capital inflows and
firm heterogeneity?
Our analysis can be extended to an oligopolistic setting with many
foreign firms when a few of them are allowed to come in and form joint
ventures. Another interesting extension would be to consider the
differentiated product case when domestic and foreign brands differ in
terms of their quality. In this paper, we have not discussed the optimal
tariff policy of the government to induce foreign investment. However,
note that once the foreign firm jumps the tariff, further lowering of
the tariff does not alter the consumer surplus; however, the government
can increase the bargaining position of the local firm by keeping a high
initial tariff. If one follows Figure 1, it is obvious that [t.sub.2] is
the optimal tariff rate, because for t > [t.sub.2] investment does
not take place, and for t < [t.sub.2] consumer surplus does not
change, but by increasing the tariff up to [t.sub.2] the government can
maximize the home firm's profit in the joint venture.
Characterization of the [OMEGA](t) function with symmetric costs is
given by
[OMEGA](t) = [[pi].sub.m] - |[[pi].sub.1](t) + [[pi].sub.2](t)],
[[pi].sub.1] = [[q.sub.1]f([q.sub.1] + [q.sub.2]) - (c +
t)[q.sub.1]], (1A)
[[pi].sub.2] = [[q.sub.2]f([q.sub.1] + [q.sub.2]) - [cq.sub.2]].
From the usual first-order conditions we get
[[q.sub.1]f' + f - (c + t)] = 0 (3A)
[[q.sub.2]f' + f - c] = 0 (4A)
[(2f' + [q.sub.1]f"([dq.sub.1]/dt) + (f' +
[q.sub.1]f")([dq.sub.2]/dt)] = 1
[(f' + [q.sub.2]f"([dq.sub.1]/dt) + (2f' +
[q.sub.2]f")([dq.sub.2]/dt)] = 0.
([dq.sub.1]/dt) = (2f' + [q.sub.2]f")/[DELTA],
([dq.sub.2]/dt) = -(f' + [q.sub.1]f"/[DELTA],
[DELTA] = [(2f" + [q.sub.2]f")(2f' +
[q.sub.1]f") - (f' + [q.sub.1]f")(f' +
[q.sub.2]f")] > 0,
because f' < 0 and f" < 0.
Now we have
[OMEGA]'(t) = -([partial derivative][[pi].sub.1]/[partial
derivative]t + [partial derivative][[pi].sub.2]/[partial derivative]t)
= -[[q.sub.1]f'([partial derivative][q.sub.2]/[partial
derivative]t) + [q.sub.2]f'([partial derivative][q.sub.1]/[partial
derivative]t) - [q.sub.1]],
so that
Substituting for A and simplifying, we obtain
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(1) More recent works along this line include those of Dinopoulos
and Wong (1991), Grossman and Helpman (1994), Horstmann and Markusen
(1996), Harris and Schmitt (2001), Neary (2002), Chakrabarti (2003),
Damania (2003), Herander and Kamp (2003), Liu and Chiou (2003), and
Eicher and Kang (2005).
(2) While an extensive review of the literature on joint ventures
is beyond the scope of this paper, some notable contributions include
the work of Svejnar and Smith (1984), Gang and Gangopadhyay (1989,
1994), Marjit (1990), Purkayastha (1993), Marjit, Broil, and Mallick
(1995), Al-Saadon and Das (1996), Chao and Yu (1996), Jones (1999), Chao
and Yu (2000), Mukherjee and Sengupta (2001), Das and Katayama (2003),
Lin and Saggi (2004), Luo and Park (2004), Marjit and Chowdhury (2004),
Marjit et al. (2007), Hagedoorn, Cloodt, and Kranenburg (2005), and Luo
(3) See Marjit, Beladi, and Kabiraj (2007) and Das and Katayama
(2003) for an assessment of the state of the literature on the role of
host-country policies in international joint ventures.
(4) If one looks at the Indian joint ventures, they always indicate
tie-ups of a multinational with a local partner who already enjoys a
significant position in the market. The Indian big names, such as the
Tatas and Mahindras, are examples of this type of venture.
(5) For the general demand function P = f([q.sub.1] + [q.sub.2]),
f* < 0, and f* + [q.sub.1] f** < 0 ([for all]i = 1, 2) ensures the
existence and uniqueness of a pure strategy Cournot equilibrium.
(6) The joint Cournot-Nash industry profits usually move
non-monotonically with the cost differentials of the participating
firms. This has been used in the literature on international technology
transfer and horizontal mergers by Long and Vousden (1995).
(7) Proposition 1 holds for functions [OMEGA](t) that have a unique
maxima. The properties of linearity of demand and cost functions are
sufficient, though not necessary, for the proof of this proposition
because the result follows even when it is not possible to characterize
the entire [OMEGA]t).
(8) Proposition 1 indicates that there may be a non-monotonic
relationship between t and the formation of joint ventures. In a recent
paper, Pontes (2007) demonstrates a non-monotonic relationship between
green-field FDI and trade.
(9) A joint venture often brings synergic benefits that can be
captured by considering the cost of production of the joint venture firm
below c, in which case [OMEGA] > 0 at [bar.t].
(10) A comparison of our propositions may also be drawn with those
in the literature on cross-border mergers. For illustration, a model
(along the lines of the small but rapidly growing literature on
cross-border mergers in oligopolistic markets, exemplified by Long and
Vousden [1995], Falvey [1998], and Bertrand and Zitouna [2006]) of
mergers in oligopolistic markets can explain how trade liberalization
encourages rather than discourages FDI. See Neary (2003, 2007) for a
thorough analytical review of this strand of literature.
(11) See Chowdhury and Chowdhury (2001), who construct a dynamic
theory of a joint venture life cycle that relies on synergy,
organizational learning, and moral hazard.
(12) One can compare [t.sub.1], [t.sub.2] and
[[t.sup.".sub.1], [t.sup.".sub.2]] to see that the feasibility
region expands by [t.sub.2][t.sup.".sub.2] and shrinks by
Hamid Beladi, Department of Economics, College of Business,
University of Texas at San Antonio, One UTSA Circle, San Antonio, TX
78249-0633, USA; corresponding author.
Sugata Marjit, Centre for Studies in Social Sciences, Calcutta
700-094, West Bengal, India: E-mail
[email protected].
Avik Chakrabarti, Department of Economics, 816 Bolton Hall, College
of Leners and Science, University of Wisconsin Milwaukee, P.O. Box 413,
Milwaukee, W1 53201, USA; E-mail
[email protected].
Received February 2007; accepted February 2008.
We wish to thank anonymous referee(s) for insightful comments and
suggestions on an earlier version of this paper. The usual disclaimer