Monitoring cartel behavior and stability: evidence from NCAA football.
Humphreys, Brad R. ; Ruseski, Jane E.
1. Introduction and Motivation
Many economists view the intercollegiate athletic programs that
make up the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) as a cartel.
If the cartel model of industry behavior applies to NCAA members, then
this setting represents a unique opportunity to test economic theories
of cartel behavior because the NCAA has operated for over 100 years, and
a considerable amount of data about member organizations exist for much
of this period. Very few other examples of cartel behavior can be found
in such a visible setting. (1)
In this paper, we develop a model of the behavior of members of the
NCAA football cartel under incomplete information and reaction lags.
This paper extends the research of Fleisher et al. (1988) and Fleisher,
Goff, and Tollison (1992) on the enforcement of the NCAA football cartel
to explicitly include the dynamic aspect of monitoring behavior among
cartel members both in the model and in the empirical work. The model
permits analysis of the enforcement mechanism when signals about
rivals' behavior contain a random component and are observed with a
lag. This dynamic stochastic approach has not been applied to the NCAA
football cartel in previous research. Empirical estimation of this model
reveals that past on-field performance is significantly linked to
enforcement of the cartel agreement.
The incentive for individual members to cheat on a cartel agreement
represents the basic problem faced by any cartel. In the case of the
NCAA, reducing competition for inputs, in this case student-athletes, by
controlling input prices, constitutes a key component of the cartel
agreement. According to NCAA regulations, each prospective
student-athlete can be offered an identical compensation package from
each institution, the "full-ride" grant-in-aid package
consisting of tuition and fees, room and board, books, and a small
stipend, often called "laundry money." In addition, the number
of football scholarships that institutions can provide is currently
limited to 85; from 1977 to 1992 the limit was 95 scholarships.
Requiring each institution to offer recruits the same compensation
package and limiting the number of scholarships clearly restricts
competition in the input market. Absent this restriction, institutions
could offer highly regarded recruits other inducements to attend an
institution; in a competitive market, each student-athlete would be
offered up to the expected value of his value of marginal product by
Cartel implications in the output market in college football have
also been empirically investigated. Most of this research has focused on
the distribution of wins in college football, in the context of
competitive balance. Eckard (1998) found that NCAA enforcement of the
cartel agreement improved competitive balance in five out of seven
Division I football conferences. Depken and Wilson (2004) found that
institutional changes in the NCAA related to enforcement of the cartel
agreement offset a secular decrease in competitive balance in Division I
football. Depken and Wilson (2006), in a closely related paper,
investigated the effects of enforcement of the NCAA cartel agreement on
competitive balance in college football. Depken and Wilson (2006) find
that the greater the level of enforcement in a conference, the better
the competitive balance, but the more severe the punishment, the worse
the competitive balance. This research suggests that cartel enforcement
has an effect on output and underscores the importance of understanding
the monitoring process in the NCAA football cartel.
As in any cartel, the payoff to an individual school for cheating
on the agreement can be considerable. By attracting star-quality
athletes, institutions can improve their performance on the playing
field and draw more fans, make more appearances on television, increase
opportunities for merchandise licensing and corporate sponsorship, and
make lucrative postseason appearances, all of which increase revenues
directly and indirectly by increasing the prestige of the institution.
Brown (1993) estimates the marginal revenue product of a premium college
football player to be over $500,000 annually. NCAA regulations restrict
the effective player wage to an amount considerably below this marginal
revenue product estimate.
In the NCAA, the incentive to cheat on the cartel agreement also
extends to coaches. Relatively successful coaches earn more than
unsuccessful coaches in all NCAA-sponsored sports, even in
non-revenue-generating sports such as women's basketball (Humphreys
2000); this is in part because of the ability of coaches to extract
rents from teams. Higher winning percentages also signal higher quality
coaching ability and raise coaches' opportunity wage in the labor
Monitoring all institutions' actions in the input market would
be prohibitively expensive. Thousands of high school seniors are
recruited by NCAA member institutions each year. Each NCAA institution
has thousands of alumni, many of whom are interested in promoting the
athletic success of the institution and are organized into well-financed
athletic booster clubs. To avoid these high monitoring costs, cartels
typically turn to indirect and probabilistic methods to detect cheating
on the cartel agreement (Stigler 1964). Fleisher et al. (1988) and
Fleisher, Goff, and Tollison (1992) posit that NCAA member institutions
and the NCAA Committee on Infractions, the body charged with enforcing
the NCAA recruiting regulations, monitor outputs (on-field performance)
rather than inputs to determine if an institution has cheated on the
cartel agreement. Further, because the staff of the NCAA Committee on
Infractions is relatively small (in 1988 it consisted of 28 employees),
much of the monitoring must be done by individual institutions.
Monitoring of the cartel agreement creates a rich environment for
strategic interaction among the members of the NCAA cartel and provides
an interesting setting for the analysis of cartel behavior. Consider two
possible scenarios: A perennial .500 team begins to consistently attract
high-quality recruits and enjoys several years of winning records,
conference championships, etc. This team's rivals infer that the
school has been violating the cartel agreement by offering cash payments
to recruits in exchange for enrolling. The rivals request an
investigation by the NCAA Committee on Infractions into the
school's recruiting practices. As a second example, consider two
institutions that are both violating the cartel agreement by bidding for
the services of an athlete. The loser knows it was outbid by the other
school and can turn in its rival to the NCAA.
The NCAA Committee on Infractions can impose severe penalties on
institutions found to be cheating on the cartel agreement. These
penalties include bans on television and postseason appearances,
reductions in the number of scholarships that could be offered, and even
the "death penalty," a complete shutdown of an athletic
program. The "death penalty" is not imposed frequently but it
was imposed on Southern Methodist University in the mid-1980s. All of
these penalties carry potentially large economic consequences, given the
average size of the payment for an appearance on television or in a bowl
game. (2)
Evidence exists suggesting that sanctions imposed for violations of
recruiting rules are used to enforce the NCAA cartel agreement. Fleisher
et al. (1988) and Fleisher, Goff, and Tollison (1992) studied 85
big-time football programs over the period 1953-1983 and found that the
probability of a school receiving sanctions to be positively correlated
with the variability of an institution's on-field performance in
football. However, these studies did not examine the dynamic interaction
among NCAA member institutions.
2. Model
We adapt the model developed by Spence (1978) to examine the
effects of imperfect information on tacit coordination in the NCAA
football cartel. The principal proposition of this model is that
randomness and imperfect monitoring interact to make collusion
difficult. We believe this setting offers an appropriate framework
within which to develop our model because it focuses on the detection of
cheating on the cartel agreement. We analyze monitoring of the
enforcement mechanism in a cartel, not the collusive and competitive
strategies played by member schools. Models in which noisy signals serve
as triggers for cartel members to play both monopolistic and Cournot
strategies at certain points in time--for example, Green and Porter
(1984)--focus on the equilibrium strategies. The model developed by
Spence (1978) focuses on monitoring the cartel agreement, detection of
cheating, and sustainability.
The NCAA cartel members play a game in which each school must
choose the level of commitment to athletic and nonathletic activity in
each period. School i's commitment to athletics is denoted by
[[theta].sub.i] and commitment to nonathletic activities is denoted by
[x.sub.i]. Although [[theta].sub.i] can be interpreted in several ways,
we find it natural to think of commitment to athletics as representing
the quality of athletic programs or the prestige generated by
high-quality athletic programs. Schools can increase [[theta].sub.i]
with investment in time, money, and cheating. Returns from successful
football programs could be revenue from ticket sales, television
contracts, postseason bowl game appearances, licensed merchandize sales,
increased donations from alumni, and for public institutions, increased
state appropriations. (3)
Cartels are difficult to sustain because there are incentives to
cheat on the cartel agreement. If members could directly observe their
competitors' behavior, then detecting cheating and enforcing the
cartel agreement would be relatively easy. However, schools have
imperfect information to the extent that they cannot directly or
immediately monitor each other's strategies. In addition, schools
cannot perfectly control all factors that affect the utility they derive
from their respective commitments to athletic and nonathletic activity.
When the imperfect monitoring capability is coupled with exogenous
randomness, the set of sustainable collusive outcomes is reduced.
To formalize the notion of imperfect information, schools choose
their levels of commitment to athletic activity based on signals,
denoted [s.sub.i], they receive from the environment. The signals depend
upon the cartel members' levels of athletic commitment and the
random variable, which is denoted [alpha]. An important aspect of the
signals is that the same signal can suggest good luck, good management,
or cheating on the cartel agreement. The inability to differentiate the
meaning of signals further weakens cartel stability and allows for the
possibility of a school being falsely accused of cheating.
Signals are determined by [S.sub.i] =
[M.sub.i]([[theta].sub.i],[[theta].sub.j], [alpha]). The specification
of [M.sub.i] determines the informational structure of the market. An
example of a signal for the NCAA football cartel is on-field
performance, which can be measured by winning percentage. Schools can
directly observe its competitors' winning percentages over time and
make inferences about adherence to the cartel agreement. A perennial
loser may suddenly have a higher winning percentage either because it
cheated on the cartel agreement by inappropriately compensating players
or because the team overachieved or was on the right side of the
scoreboard in some closely contested games. Rival school responses to
the observed winning percentage will depend on how the signal is
interpreted. It is possible that a signal may be misinterpreted as
cheating on the cartel agreement, resulting in an unwarranted
The set of possible equilibrium outcomes are defined by reaction
function equilibria. In general, a reaction function specifies an action
for a firm given its rivals' actions. In context of the NCAA
football cartel, the reaction function for school i specifies the level
of commitment to athletic activities given other member schools'
levels of commitment to athletic activities. In a game of imperfect
information, school i cannot observe its competitors' behavior
directly but must instead rely on signals it receives such as winning
percentage or success in recruiting athletes. The reaction functions in
this situation depend on the signals rather than competitors'
actions. The reaction function for school i is denoted by
Suppose that a set of reaction functions for the NCAA cartel given
by [R.sub.j]([S.sub.j]), j = 1, ..., n, and a vector of actions,
[[theta].sup.*.sub.j], constitute the status quo strategy adopted by the
cartel such that [R.sub.i]([S.bu.i]) = [[theta].sup.*.sub.i]. The status
quo strategy is to compensate each student-athlete with an identical
package and to adhere to particular rules regarding recruiting visits
and signing periods. Cartel members are better off by following the
status quo strategy than a noncooperative strategy because the cost to
the football program is reduced and revenues are increased, holding all
else equal. The extent to which the status quo strategy is sustainable
depends upon the expected payoff to following the cartel agreement, the
expected payoff to cheating, the penalties associated with cheating, and
the probability of detecting cheating.
The expected payoff to following the cartel agreement is given by
[[??].sub.i] ([[theta].sup.*]). The members of the cartel must have an
incentive to maintain the outcome [[theta].sup.*]. The set of reaction
function equilibria includes a maximum penalty that each school can
impose on the others should a deviation from [[theta].sup.*] occur. If
an incentive to maintain [[theta].sup.*] cannot be created with the
maximum penalty, then it cannot be created with any set of reaction
functions. The maximum penalty is the minimum payoff school j can impose
on school i and is defined as
where [[THETA].sub.i] and [[THETA].sub.j] are the feasible sets of
actions for schools i and j, respectively.
In the NCAA cartel, the maximum penalty is the "death
penalty," which is a complete shutdown of an institution's
football program for a period of years. As indicated earlier this
penalty was imposed on Southern Methodist University in the mid-1980s.
Note that the maximum penalty is more severe than the penalty required
to sustain the cartel agreement. The NCAA football cartel has been
sustained for a number of years without frequent imposition of the
maximum penalty; thus, we interpret the imposition of less severe
penalties such as probation or public reprimand as sufficient penalties
to maintain the cartel agreement.
The expected payoff to school i to deviating from the status quo
strategy conditional on school j being unable to detect the deviation
from status quo is [D.sub.i]([[theta].sup.*],[[theta].sup.**]). In other
words, this is the expected payoff to school i from playing strategy
[[theta].sup.*], conditional on the signal to school j being the same as
it would have been if school i played strategy [[theta].sup.**]. The
conditional payoff to deviating, from the status quo strategy,
[[theta].sup.*], to [theta] can now be defined as [Q.sub.j]
([[theta].sub.i],[[theta].sup.*.sub.j], [[D.sub.j]([[theta].sub.i],
[[theta].sup.*.sub.j], [[theta].sup.*])] + (1 -
[Q.sub.j]([[theta].sub.i], [[theta].sup.*.sub.j], [[theta].sup.*]))
[m.sub.i]. The first term is the expected payoff to undetected cheating
on the cartel agreement, and the second term is the expected payoff to
getting caught. School i has no incentive to cheat if and only if for
all [[theta].sub.i], the conditional payoff to deviating from the status
quo strategy is less than or equal to the expected payoff of playing the
status quo strategy; that is,
[Q.sub.j]([[theta].sub.i], [[theta].sup.*.sub.j], [[theta].sup.*])
[less than or equal to] [[[??].sub.i] ([[theta].sup.*]) - [m.sub.i] /
[D.sub.i]([[theta].sub.i], [[theta].sup.*.sub.j], [[theta].sup.*]) -
[m.sub.i]]. (1)
If Equation 1 holds for all schools, then the status quo strategy
[[theta].sup.*] can be a reaction function equilibrium. For the NCAA
cartel, the status quo strategy includes compliance with agreed upon
rules governing compensation for athletes and recruiting practices. The
longevity of the NCAA football cartel suggests that members of the
cartel are playing the status quo strategy [[theta].sup.*] rather than
some noncooperative strategy.
Next consider the effect of reaction lags on the incentives not to
cheat. Reaction lags can occur if there is time between when a school
adopts a course of action and rival schools either observe or respond to
it. This case clearly applies to the NCAA football cartel where
monitoring takes place one or more years after the occurrence of a
potential deviation from the status quo strategy, since many of the
players contributing to a current winning season were recruited several
years before.
Divide time into periods where the number of periods between the
occurrence of cheating by school i and the response to cheating by rival
schools is k. The probability of detection is [phi]. The expected payoff
of deviating from the status quo strategy [[theta].sup.*] to
[[theta].sub.i] given a maximum penalty [m.sub.i] is
[[theta].sup.*.sub.j])(1-[[phi].sup.k])+[m.sub.i]([[phi].sup.k]). This
expected payoff is a weighted average; the first term weights the payoff
to deviation by the probability of not being detected, and the second
term weights the penalty by the probability of detection. As k
increases, and more time passes since the deviation, the weight on the
penalty declines and the weight on the payoff to deviation increases
because the probability of not being detected increases. The amount of
time that passes between an incident of cheating and detection is
unknown and can vary across institutions, so it is not possible to
specify the lag length, k, a priori.
Recall that the expected payoff of playing the status quo strategy
is [[bar.P].sub.i] ([[theta].sup.*]). Under this scenario, school i
finds it preferable not to deviate from the status quo strategy,
[[theta].sup.*.sub.i], if for all [[theta].sub.i]
1 - [[phi].sup.k] [less than or equal to]
[[P.sub.i]([[theta].sup.*]) -
[m.sub.i]/[P.sub.i]([[theta].sub.i]([[theta].sub.i], [[theta].sub.i],
[[theta].sup.*.sub.j]) - [m.sub.i]]. (2)
This equation shows the determinants of the probability ([phi]) of
an institution being detected deviating from the status quo strategy.
The model shows that this probability depends on the ratio of the
expected benefit to standing pat ([[bar.P].sub.i]([[theta].sup.*]))to
the expected benefit from switching away from the status quo strategy
([P.sub.i] [[theta].sub.i], [[theta].sup.*.sub.j]. In addition, this
relationship incorporates reaction lags because the probability of
detection declines with k, the number of periods since deviation. Note
that this equation also implicitly defines the probability of not being
detected [Q.sub.j] = 1- [[phi].sup.k].
3. Empirical Analysis
Consider an empirical model based on the equilibrium conditions
from the model developed in the previous section. Equation 2 forms the
basis for our empirical model. This equation shows the probability of a
deviation from the status quo strategy going undetected. It can be
rearranged to
[[phi].sup.k] [greater than or equal to] 1 -
[[bar].sub.i]([[theta].sup.*]) -
[[theta].sup.*.sub.j]) - [m.sub.i]], (3)
where [[phi].sup.k] is the probability of a deviation from the
status quo strategy being detected. As was the case above, the
right-hand side of Equation 3 depends on the ratio of the expected
payoff to following the status quo strategy to the expected payoff to
deviating from the status quo strategy.
From Equation 3, factors that raise the expected payoff to adhering
to the NCAA cartel agreement relative to the expected payoff to
deviating from the agreement reduce the probability of institutions
being detected. Factors that raise the expected payoff to deviating from
the cartel agreement relative to the expected payoff of standing pat
will increase the probability of institutions being detected. The payoff
for schools to adhering to the NCAA football cartel agreement stem from
the monoposony power they gain in input markets.
Also note that from Equation 3, as k, the length of the reaction
lags, increases [[phi].sup.k], the probability an institution is
detected cheating on the cartel agreement falls. This result highlights
the importance of dynamics in the model. Averaging explanatory variables
over long periods of time, a common practice in this literature, may
obscure the relationship between recruiting violations and the
observable factors schools use to monitor compliance with the NCAA
cartel agreement. Define
[] = [[beta].sub.1,i] + [[beta].sub.2] [WPCT.sub.i,t-k] +
[[beta].sub.3] [] + [[beta].sub.4] [] +
[[beta].sub.5] [] + [gamma] [] + [[eta]] (4)
as an estimable version of Equation 3. The variables in Equation 4
are defined in Table 1. The [beta]'s and [gamma]'s are unknown
parameters to be estimated, and [[beta].sub.1,i] is an
institution-specific intercept capturing factors common to institution i
that affect the probability of detection but do not vary over time.
These factors include relative age of the institutions, geographical
location of the institution, institution-specific monitoring costs, and
other factors. Here [[eta]] is an institution-specific random
error term that reflects the randomness inherent in the monitoring
process due to the inability of institutions to directly monitor the
behavior of other institutions.
The dependent variable, ENF, is a dummy variable that takes the
value 1 in years when an institution's football program was on
probation and banned from appearing on television and/ or appearing in a
bowl game for violating NCAA regulations governing recruiting of
football players and zero in other years. Football programs were on
probation in about 3% of the institution-years in our sample. Nineteen
different football programs, out of 104 programs in the sample, were on
probation at some point during the sample period.
WPCT, the winning percentage of institution i's football team,
is predicted to have a positive sign. From Equation 3, the winning
percentage of an institution's football team has no effect on the
benefit to complying with the cartel agreement because the benefit flows
from rents generated by paying players less than their value of marginal
product. Higher winning percentages increase the benefit to not
complying with the cartel agreement by increasing the prestige of the
athletic program and the revenues generated by higher quality football
programs. This increases the denominator of the fraction on the
right-hand side of Equation 3 and the probability of detection.
CEXP is the years of head coaching experience of the head football
coach at institution i in season t. We use this as a proxy for the
discount rate of the decision maker, which affects [[phi].sup.k]
directly. The sign on the parameter on this variable should be negative.
The longer a head coach remains at an institution, the more closely the
coach becomes associated with the institution and the more the coach
cares about the future of the institution. This lowers the discount rate
of the head coach and decreases the probability of detection breaking
the cartel agreement. The less time a head coach has been at an
institution, the less certain he or she is that he or she will remain at
the institution for a long period of time, and the higher the
coach's discount rate, other things equal.
TEGE is total educational and general expenditure per full time
equivalent (FTE) student at institution i in year t. Total educational
and general expenditure per student is a commonly used measure of the
quality of education at an institution. This variable excludes
expenditure on athletics, which are classified as part of expenditures
on auxiliary enterprises in the Integrated Post-secondary Educational
Data System (IPEDS), as well as its predecessor, the Higher Education
General Information Survey (HEGIS), which are the source of this
TEGE can be interpreted as a measure of an institution's
commitment to nonathletic activity. Commitment to nonathletic activity
also affects the payoff to cheating on the cartel agreement. The greater
the institution's commitment to nonathletic activity, the smaller
the payoff to cheating and the lower the probability of being detected
STA is the capacity of the football stadium at institution i in
year t in thousands. As Fleisher et al. (1988) point out, one common
problem in cartels is that individual members often face different
demand-cost configurations. In the NCAA cartel, institutions that have
higher and more inelastic demand for their football program have larger
benefits to cheating and will have a higher probability of being
detected breaking the cartel agreement. Stadium size is a reasonably
good proxy for demand when the size of the stadium adjusts to meet
changes in demand conditions. Many of the institutions in the sample
have increased stadium capacity at one or more points in the sample.
Z is a vector of observable institution-specific factors that
affect the probability of detection. This vector includes conference
dummy variables, a dummy variable indicating institutions that have been
placed on probation for recruiting violations in men's basketball,
dummy variables for football teams ranked in the previous season's
final top 20 or 25 poll, and a dummy variable indicating schools that
changed their head football coach. A number of the explanatory variables
in Equation 4 were mentioned by Fort and Quirk (2001) when speculating
about factors that might be related to cheating on recruiting
regulations in NCAA football.
Equation 4 is estimated using a panel data probit technique on a
panel of data drawn from NCAA member institutions that play football in
Division IA, the top classification of football playing schools. The
panel probit estimator used is a "random effects" estimator
that models the intercept term in Equation 4 as a random variable
[[beta].sub.1,i] = [[bar.[beta].sub.1] + [[mu].sub.i], (5)
where E[[mu].sub.i]] = 0 and var([[mu].sub.i]) =
[[sigma].sup.2.sub.[mu]]. The intercept term for each institution should
be modeled as a random variable because it captures the effect of the
institution-specific signal function on cartel behavior. This function
captures the notion that incomplete information and high monitoring
costs make it difficult for cartel members to detect cheating on the
cartel agreement as well as the fact that schools cannot perfectly
control all factors that affect the utility they derive from their
respective commitments to athletic and nonathletic activity. An
important aspect of signals is that the same signal can suggest good
luck or cheating on the cartel agreement.
4. Data
Our sample consists of all 104 institutions that played Division IA
football in each year from 1978 to 1990. This sample was selected
because of the relative stability of conference membership over the
period. Most of the major college football conferences (Atlantic Coast
Conference, Southeastern Conference, Southwest Conference, Big 8
Conference, Big 10 Conference, and Pacific 10 Conference) had relatively
stable membership over this period. The Atlantic Coast Conference added
one member (Georgia Tech), one school moved from the Southwest
Conference to the Southeastern Conference (the University of Arkansas),
and the membership of the other conferences was static during this
period. The Big East football conference began play in the last year of
the sample. The early 1990s brought widespread changes to football
conferences that affected every major conference except the Pacific 10
Conference. The Southwest Conference disappeared entirely and its
members were absorbed by the Big 8 and Big West Conferences. The
Southeastern Conference added schools and began divisional play, as did
the Big 12 (formerly the Big 8) Conference.
Because conference membership may have a strong effect on the
signal function of institutions--conference members play each other
annually and are located in the same regions of the country--we restrict
our sample to a period of conference stability in order to control for
any impact of changes in conference membership on the behavior of cartel
members. For this reason, we ended our sample in 1990.
A second reason for restricting the sample to exclude data beyond
the early 1990s is provided by Zimbalist (1999). In 1994 the NCAA
eliminated mandatory penalties for recruiting violations. Since this
time, institutions have been allowed to "investigate
themselves" when accused of committing a recruiting violation. The
effects of this change in operating procedure on the model presented
here are unclear. On the surface, it would seem to lead to a reduction
in the maximum penalty imposed on members, which affects both the
numerator and denominator of Equation 3 and thus has an ambiguous impact
on the probability of being detected. However, this change could signal
some fundamental change in the operation of the cartel, which could
reduce the set of possible equilibrium outcomes. In any case, the NCAA
appears to have been operating by a different set of rules, in terms of
the monitoring and enforcement of recruiting violations, since the early
Data on winning percentage, stadium capacity, and coaching
experience come from various issues of NCAA Football, an annual
publication of the National Collegiate Athletic Association (1977-1991).
Data on recruiting violations were provided to the authors by the NCAA,
based on the Committee on Infractions Summary Cases.
5. Results and Discussion
Empirical estimates of Equation 4 using a random effects panel data
probit estimator are shown in Table 2. Details on the estimator can be
found in Butler and Moffitt (1982) or Greene (2000). This table shows
both the parameter estimates and the P-values on a two-tailed test of
the significance of these parameter estimates. The hypothesis tests that
the reported P-values represented have null hypotheses of the form
[H.sub.o]: [[beta].sub.i] = 0, for i = 2, 3, 4. The parameter estimates
for the vector of institution-specific control variables, Z, are not
Model 1, shown in the first two columns of Table 2, includes the
winning percentage variable lagged one year. The results from this
empirical specification support the predictions of the model. The
winning percentage variable is positive and significant, suggesting that
higher winning percentages in the previous year are associated with a
higher probability of being detected cheating in the current year, other
things held constant. The sign and significance of this variable support
the idea that institutions use the observed winning percentage of
football teams to monitor compliance with the cartel agreement.
The other parameters have the expected signs and are statistically
significant at conventional levels. The parameter on the years of
experience of the head football coach is negative and significant,
suggesting that coaches with higher discount rates are less likely to be
detected cheating. This is consistent with the predictions of the model.
Real educational and general expenditure per FTE is negative and
significant (at slightly over the 5% level), suggesting that
institutions with greater commitment to nonathletic activities are less
likely to be detected cheating. The stadium capacity variable is
positive but not statistically significant. Here 9 is the proportion of
total variance contributed by the panel-level (in this case
institution-level) variance component. For Model 1, about 27% of the
total variance is contributed by variation across schools in the sample.
The pseudo-[R.sup.2], calculated from the log-likelihood of Model 1 and
a model with only a constant term, suggests that about 17% of the
observed variation of the dependent variable is explained by the
regressors in Model 1.
Reaction lags are an important feature of the model. The longer the
time between the adoption of a particular course of action, like
cheating on the cartel agreement, and its observation by rival
institutions, the smaller the probability of an institution being
detected cheating. We perform a simple test of the effect of reaction
lags on the probability of detection by adding additional lags of the
winning percentage variable to Equation 4. A second lag of WPCT was
statistically significant, but a third lag of this variable was not.
Adding these additional lags of WPCT had little effect on the sign and
significance of the other variables in the model. (4) The differences in
the significance of WPCT across these three specifications suggests that
although a team's winning percentage in the previous two seasons
help to explain which schools were on probation in a given year, that
team's winning percentage three seasons before being put on
probation does not.
Fleisher et al. (1988) estimated a model similar to Equation 4.
They found that the coefficient of variation of winning percentage, and
not the winning percentage, had significant explanatory power. Model 2,
shown in the last two columns in Table 2, replaces the lagged winning
percentage with [CV.sub.i,t-3], the coefficient of variation in program
i's winning percentage over the past three seasons. The coefficient
of variation is clearly not statistically significant in this empirical
specification, although the other explanatory variables have similar
signs and significance. Furthermore, when both [WP.sub.i,t-1] and
[CV.sub.i,t-3] are included in the model, the lagged winning percentage
variable is positive and statistically significant (P-value 0.021), and
the coefficient of variation is not statistically significant. (5)
A plausible explanation for the differences in the results is the
lack of dynamics in the Fleisher et al. (1988) model. In their model, a
similar set of variables for 85 institutions that played Division 1A
football over the period 1953-1983 were used and the variables were
averaged over the entire sample period. Averaging over the entire sample
period removes any randomness from the signal function because it
implicitly treats the entire time-path of each football team's
win-loss record as a part of the information set for each institution.
Removing randomness from the signal function effectively removes much of
the imperfect information from the monitoring function of the cartel.
6. Assessing the Results
We use within-sample forecasts based on the results reported for
Model 1 in Table 2 to investigate the performance of the model. In part,
the lack of good measures of goodness of fit in limited dependent
variable models motivates this assessment. However, we also recognize
that our dependent variable reflects only cases where cartel members
have violated recruiting rules, been caught, and been punished; whereas,
our empirical model reflects a reduced form outcome from a set of
underlying functions. In other words, we observe only rule breakers that
are caught and punished but do not observe the underlying rule-breaking
behavior. An unknown number of cartel members could have violated
recruiting rules and not been detected during the sample period. We also
analyze only punishment and do not directly observe other enforcement
activity by the NCAA. By examining the predicted probabilities, we hope
to shed some light on this unobserved behavior.
This approach uses the parameter estimates shown in Table 2 to
generate a predicted probability that a given institution's
football program was on probation for each year in the sample. These
predicted probabilities are based on the assumption that the institution
specific random effect was zero in each year. The mean predicted value
of a team being put on probation in the sample is 0.018 (standard
deviation 0.032). The unconditional mean probability of any team being
on probation in any year in the sample period is 0.029. (6) The mean
predicted value for teams that were actually on probation during the
sample period is 0.059, while the mean predicted value for teams not on
probation during the sample period is 0.016. The null that these two
means are equal is rejected at better than the 1% level of significance,
so the model does a reasonable job differentiating teams punished for
violating the cartel agreement from those who were not punished for
violating the cartel agreement.
Table 3 summarizes the institutions in the tails of the
distribution of predicted probabilities. The left three columns of this
table show most of the institutions that make up the smallest 10% of the
predicted values in the sample. The column "Years" contains
frequency counts for the left tail of the distribution of predicted
probabilities. It shows the number of institution-years in the smallest
10% of the predicted probabilities accounted for by each institution.
The data set contains 12 observations for each school. So, for example,
all 12 of the predicted probabilities that the United States Air Force
Academy would be on probation fall in the smallest 10% of all predicted
values. None of these schools were on probation during the sample
period, so we refer to these schools as "law-abiding citizens"
based on our model's predictions. The empirical model identifies
these institutions as the least likely to be caught and punished for
violating the recruiting regulations. The predicted probability of being
on probation in all of these institution-years is less than 0.001%.
This group of unlikely cheaters is primarily composed of three
types of schools: service academies (the United States Air Force
Academy, the United States Military Academy Army, and the United States
Naval Academy), private universities with elite academic reputations
(Northwestern University, Leland Stanford Junior University, Vanderbilt
University, Duke University, Wake Forest University) that play in
high-profile conferences, and perennially weak programs from low-profile
conferences (Utah State University, Colorado State University, New
Mexico State University, Eastern Michigan University, and Rutgers
University, cumulative within-sample winning percentage 0.357). The
service academies and the small, elite private universities are very
selective and may have difficulty recruiting football players at all.
The perennially weak teams may also have trouble attracting any players,
although for different reasons. Fort and Quirk (2001) speculated that
elite academic schools would be unlikely to cheat, and our model
confirms this. These results may indicate that the TEGE variable
included in the empirical model captures commitment to academics.
The right five columns of Table 3 contain a majority of the
institutions that make up the 10% of the institution-years with the
largest predicted probabilities in the sample. Our model identifies
these institutions as the "usual suspects" in terms of
enforcement actions. The column headed "Probation" contains a
Y if that institution was detected cheating on the cartel agreement and
punished with a ban on television appearances and/or postseason bowl
appearances during the sample period. Multiple Ys in this column
indicate multiple spells of probation in the sample period. Ys in the
"Probation" column identify institutions that cheated and were
detected and punished. For example, based on the estimates reported in
Table 2, the empirical model predicts that there was a 23% probability
that the University of Houston would be on probation in 1990 (among the
highest predicted probabilities in the sample). That predicted
probability, and the predicted probabilities for three other
institution-years for Houston, fall in the largest 10% of the predicted
values in the sample. Houston's football program was on probation
in 1989, so there is a Y in the "Probation" column.
From the right panel of Table 3, the empirical model does a
relatively good job of predicting the most likely candidates for
probation. Of the 22 institutions that appear in the highest 10% of the
predicted probabilities for more than one year, only two were not on
probation or found to be in violation of NCAA recruiting rules and not
put on probation: the University of Alabama and the University of
Arkansas. The predicted probabilities for these two schools range from
5% to 13%. Seven institutions that were on probation during the sample
period did not have a predicted probability in the highest 10%, so they
do not appear in Table 3: Texas Christian University, the University of
Arizona, the University of Cincinnati, the University of Illinois, the
University of Kansas, Memphis State University, and the University of
The column headed "Violation" contains a Y if an
institution was found to be in violation of NCAA football recruiting
rules but was not placed on probation. The "Violation" column
contains information about NCAA enforcement activity that did not result
in sanctions. To identify these events, we examined the detailed records
of each recruiting violation the NCAA investigated during the period
1978-1990 in the NCAA Infractions Database. The NCAA refers to these
records as the "Committee on Infractions Summary Cases." These
instances represent a unique diagnostic tool for the performance of the
empirical model because we can compare the predictions from the model to
a set of "near misses"--cases where an institution was
detected violating the cartel agreement but was not punished for the
There were 38 instances where institutions were investigated for
violations but were not banned from appearing on television and/or a
postseason bowl game in the sample period. Fourteen of these involve the
"usual suspects" in the right-hand panel of Table 3. In these
cases, the NCAA's sanctions stopped short of actual probation but
included actions like public reprimands. For example, the predicted
probabilities that Louisiana State University (LSU) would be on
probation for the period 1980-1990 all fall in the top 10% of predicted
values in the sample, including a 26.4% probability in 1986, among the
largest predicted values in the sample. LSU was never banned from
television or postseason appearances during the sample period; although,
the football program was found to be in violation of NCAA football
recruiting rules in 1986. In this case, because the violations were not
deemed "serious in nature," the "punishment" meted
out by the NCAA included a public reprimand and the submission of a
written report to the NCAA that identified measures taken to ensure that
this would not happen again. The dependent variable [ENF.sub.i,t] is
equal to zero in 1986, and in all other years in the sample period, for
LSU. However, the predicted probability of LSU being on probation in
1986 is 15.1%. (7) In terms of the underlying, unobservable behavior,
the 1986 NCAA investigation suggests that something was going on in
Baton Rouge during this period. The relatively high predicted
probability from the empirical model supports this, but the NCAA was
able to document only a single instance of an assistant coach driving a
recruit to dinner and buying him a meal in their investigation, and no
punishment was levied.
7. Conclusions
In this paper, we develop and estimate a model of the enforcement
of the NCAA football cartel. Our model is dynamic in that reaction lags
are explicitly modeled. It also accounts for imperfect information in
monitoring compliance with the cartel agreement stemming from the
inability of schools to directly observe rivals' behavior. Instead,
schools must infer this behavior from observable factors.
Our empirical results confirm the key predictions of the model.
Lagged winning percentage, an observable indicator, is a significant
predictor of cartel enforcement, but the significance of this variable
declines over time. Decision makers' discount rates, as proxied by
years of head coaching experience and variables related to the demand
for football at institutions, also significantly affect cartel
This paper increases our understanding of cartel behavior. Cartels
are formed because the expected rewards to cooperative behavior are
greater than the rewards obtainable under noncooperative regimes.
However, cartels are difficult to sustain because the payoffs to
undetected deviation from the cartel agreement are even higher. Despite
these difficulties, the NCAA football cartel has successfully sustained
itself for over 100 years.
In a paper on the dynamics of a stable cartel, Grossman (1996)
suggests that two factors are key to creating stability: proficiency in
deterring entry and the ability to prevent defection among members. With
respect to entry, the NCAA requirements for participating in Division IA
football, which include a minimum stadium size and fielding a minimum
number of other athletic programs at the Division I level, are
sufficiently onerous to deter entry. In addition, the possibility of a
start-up professional minor league football league competing with
college football seems remote.
With respect to preventing defection, our results show that, even
under imperfect information, effective signals of deviation from the
status quo strategy exist, enhancing the ability of members to monitor
and maintain the cartel agreement. Furthermore, even in the presence of
large payoffs to cheating and relatively modest payoffs to complying,
effective deterrents can be employed to maintain cartel agreements.
The effect of enforcement of the cartel agreement on competitive
balance of the major football conferences was investigated in a recent
paper by Depken and Wilson (2006). Their empirical results suggest that
on average the net effect of enforcement of the cartel agreement is an
improvement in competitive balance. This result implies that the members
of the NCAA cartel are relatively accurate when interpreting the signal
emanating from on-field performance; cartel enforcement improves
competitive balance because cheaters are usually detected and punished.
Our empirical results reinforce those in Depken and Wilson (2006). Our
empirical model contains only variables that are observable, and
available to all cartel members, and does a reasonable job of predicting
instances where cartel violators are detected and punished. According to
our results, Stigler's (1964) model of monitoring in a cartel by
making probabilistic assessments based on observable outcomes explains
which members of the NCAA cartel are punished for violating the cartel
agreement. Depken and Wilson's (2006) result also rests on this
Certain industry characteristics also contribute to cartel
stability. For example, differences in cost structures among cartel
members can lead to instability because members with larger cost
structures have a greater incentive to cheat. This cartel has removed
much of the variation in cost structures by standardizing compensation
packages for student-athletes and the size of coaching staffs. The
variation in cost structures attributable to differences in athletic
staff salaries may not be sufficiently large to encourage cheating by
higher cost programs.
A particularly striking characteristic of this cartel is the large
number of participants, which suggests that market power would not be
easily obtained or persistent. A key to the cartel's success in
monitoring members' behavior may lie in the absoluteness of the
observable output. Unlike other industries that do not have perfect
information about production, on-field performance is accurately and
publicly reported in this cartel. The strength contained in that signal
appears to outweigh the inherent weakness in a cartel with many members.
We thank Brian Goff, Bill Shughart, Lawrence White, and Andy
Zimbalist for their valuable comments on previous drafts of this paper.
Received July 2006; accepted January 2008.
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Brad R. Humphreys * and Jane E. Ruseski [[dagger]]
* Department of Economics, 8-14 HM Tory, Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2H4,
Canada; E-mail brad.humphreys@; corresponding author.
[[dagger]] Department of Economics, 8-14 HM Tory, Edmonton, Alberta
T6G 2H4, Canada; E-mail
[email protected].
(1) Another example is the practice of sports leagues collectively
selling broadcasting rights. See Forrest, Simmons, and Szymanski (2004)
and Siegfried and Burba (2004) for recent examinations of this type of
cartel behavior.
(2) In 2007, the average payout to teams playing in bowl games was
$3.9 million, and the 10 teams that appeared in Bowl Championship Series
games each received $17 million.
(3) See Humphreys (2006) for evidence regarding Division IA
football and state appropriations and Humphreys and Mondello (2007) for
evidence regarding football success and donations.
(4) The estimated parameter on the second lag of winning percentage
is 1.36 with a P-value of 0.01.
(5) Including the squared coefficient of variation had no impact on
the results; both terms were not statistically different from zero. Note
that we calculate CV over three years; whereas, Fleisher et al. (1988)
calculate their CV over 30 years.
(6) Note that the predicted probability may be lower than the
actual probability in the sample because of omitted variables bias. The
most likely candidate for this omitted variable is the interaction
between short-run demand for tickets and long-run supply of seats in
stadiums. We thank an anonymous referee for pointing this out.
(7) The predicted probabilities for 1985 and 1987 are 13.5% and
18.7%, respectively.
Table 1. Variables in Equation 4
Variable Definition
[ENF.sub.i,t] Dummy variable, = 1 if institution i detected
cheating on the NCAA football cartel agreement
and punished in period t
[WPCT.sub.i,t-k] Winning percentage of football team at institution
i in year t - k
[] Years of head coaching experience of head football
coach at institution i in year t
[] Total educational and general expenditures per FTE,
in real 1982 dollars, by institution i in year t
[] Capacity of football stadium in 1000s at
institution i in year t
Table 2. Estimation Results
Model 1
Variable Mean Std Dev. Coeff. P-Value
[WPCT.sub.i,t-1] 0.509 0.232 1.146 0.019
[CEXP.sub.i,t] 7.80 6.50 -0.065 0.002
[TEGE.sub.i,t] 117 80 -0.008 0.023
[STA.sub.i,t] 50.70 20.80 0.009 0.275
[CV.sub.i,t-3] 0.275 0.198 - -
[[bar.[beta]].sub.i] -2.955 0.000
[rho] 0.273
N 1243
pseudo-[R.sup.2] 0.17
Model 2
Variable Coeff. P-Value
[WPCT.sub.i,t-1] - -
[CEXP.sub.i,t] -0.07 0.007
[TEGE.sub.i,t] -0.009 0.042
[STA.sub.i,t] 0.005 0.519
[CV.sub.i,t-3] -0.079 0.899
[[bar.[beta]].sub.i] -2.351 0.000
[rho] 0.469
N 925
pseudo-[R.sup.2] 0.51
Table 3. Predicted Probability of Violation
"Law-Abiding Citizens"
Smallest 10% of Predicted Values
Institution Years
Air Force 12
Navy 11
Army 10
Northwestern 9
Stanford 7
Iowa 5
Utah State 5
Vanderbilt 4
Wake Forest 4
Colorado State 4
New Mexico State 4
Eastern Michigan 3
Michigan 3
Alabama 2
Boston College 2
Duke 2
Michigan State 2
Notre Dame 2
Rutgers 2
"The Usual Suspects"
Largest 10% of Predicted Values
Institution Years Probation Violation [[??].sub.Max]
Texas 12 YY 19.30%
Louisiana State 10 Y 18.70%
Arizona State 9 Y 19.90%
Texas Tech 9 Y 19.70%
Oklahoma State 7 Y 9.40%
Alabama 7 13.70%
Arkansas 6 11.70%
Nebraska 6 YY 9.30%
Oklahoma 6 Y 16.50%
Southern California 6 YY 12.70%
Auburn 4 Y 10.80%
Clemson 4 Y 8.80%
Southern Methodist 4 Y 12.40%
Texas A&M 4 Y 12.10%
Houston 4 Y 23.10%
Oregon 4 Y 13.80%
California 3 YY 8.10%
Southern Mississippi 3 YY 9.60%
Florida 2 Y 7.40%
UCLA 2 Y 6.00%
Georgia 2 YY 8.00%
Missouri 2 Y 7.30%
[[??].sub.Max] is the largest predicted probability generated for each
institution among those institution-years in the largest 10% of the
predicted values. "Y" indicates a single incidence of probation or
repeated violation during the sample period. "YY" indicates multiple
spells of probation or repeated violations during the sample period.