The use of music therapy to assist children who have severe burns.
Edwards, Jane
Music therapy is a valuable tool in distracting children with
severe burns for the pain experienced in daily debridement baths. Music
therapy allows choice, facilitating the child's sense of being in
control, and provides an atmosphere of safety and comfort.
This paper reports on the role of music therapy in assisting
children aged from eighteen months to five years during daily
debridement procedures in the burns unit of a children's hospital.
Songs of the child's choice were sung by the therapist. accompanied
by guitar. The observations of the therapist indicate that music
therapy, presented in this way can offer relief from anxiety prior to
the bath and is helpful in comforting and distracting children during
the bath.
The pain which accompanies treatment procedures following a severe
burn is often viewed, by adults, as more stressful and painful than the
injury itself (Achterberg and Kenner. 1988). Pharmacologic intervention
offers some relief but it has been argued in the case of children that
their level of pain is often underestimated (Knudson-Cooper and Thomas,
1988 cited Adler, 1989). Attempts to alleviate pain can therefore be
inadequate to the needs of the child.
The research literature pertaining to the use of music therapy in
daily debridements is limited. So too is information on the provision of
assistance in psychological preparation and support during the
experience for people of all ages who undergo daily debridements. The
research literature available, however, indicates that techniques are
available which can assist in management of pain experienced in
Distraction techniques have been used successfully to focus
children's attention away from physical pain and onto an object or
activity (Kelley, 1984: Fowler-Kerry and Lander. 1987 and Rasco. 1992)
so reducing levels of pain experienced. Music is an effective
distraction medium. It is a structured and engaging medium which may
have positive associations with events and contexts outside the
hospital, such as family, home and school, facilitating an environment
of safety and support.
Fowler-Kerry and Lander (1987) assessed the value of music
distraction and suggestion on the experience of pain reported by
children receiving routine immunisation. 200 children aged from 4.5-6.5
years were involved in the study. Music distraction was found to
significantly reduce pain. Suggestion did not reduce pain and there was
no significant difference found between the group which received
suggestion with music distraction and the music distraction group.
Rudenberg and Royka (1989) report the benefits of music therapy in
addressing the needs of the child with severe burns. They support the
role of music therapy in promoting psychological preparation for painful
procedures. These techniques include teaching relaxation techniques for
use prior to treatments with discussion and songwriting used as a means
of exploring feelings relating to the experience of treatment. There is,
however, no mention in their report of the role of music during
Schneider (1983). in a study involving burned children who were
receiving dressing changes, suggests pain intensity is greater with
decreases in health and locus of control and increases in anxiety.
Therefore. the degree of pain experienced is person-specific and is
impacted by a group of factors. A reduction in anxiety can contribute to
pain reduction.
Ward (1987) used music and relaxation techniques to assist five
burned patients receiving daily debridements. The people in the study
were aged 13-96. They acted as their own controls receiving music with
progressive muscle relaxation. or no music with every second debridement
over 14 days. Heart rate was recorded before and after the debridement.
Without music, heart rates increased significantly after debridement.
Where music was used in the debridement, heart rates stayed the same as
before. This indicates that music may have assisted in reducing anxiety
associated with the experience.
A similar study by Achterberg and Kenner (1988) compared the effect
of relaxation, relaxation and mental imagery, and relaxation, imagery
and thermal biofeedback using psychological and physiological indicators
of pain and distress. Their study observed 149 adults undergoing daily
debridements. Each person received six sessions. The three experimental
groups received benefit with the relaxation group showing the least
positive effects. The group receiving relaxation, imagery and
biofeedback received the greatest benefits but the researchers recommend
that the extra equipment and personnel required to use biofeedback in
treatment is not warranted by the small increase in benefits in
comparison to positive effects received from relaxation and imagery. It
is therefore concluded that mental control during the debridement
assists in managing the pain associated with the experience.
A bath for debridement purposes can range in time from 10 minutes
to longer than 45 minutes depending on the size of the area of damaged
skin. Before the bath, the child has all dressings removed and following
the bath has dressings replaced. The entire procedure can take up to an
hour or longer and can be exhausting and distressing for the child as
each aspect of the procedure can be painful or at least cause
The music therapy programme at the burns unit offers support to the
child during treatment in the debridement bath. In spite of medication
administered prior to the bath, the child often experiences pain. The
child may also experience anxiety in anticipation of the bath
experience. This is often evidenced in such symptoms as the child crying
or whimpering when clothing is being removed or when swabs are taken.
Music has the effect of decreasing anxiety prior to the bath
experience. Music therapy can offer the child opportunities for mental
play and structuring of this potentially frightening experience. Music
can serve the child as a tool by which to retain a sense of mastery and
control over the seemingly powerful adult world (Rutter. 1975, p.75).
The music therapist uses an initial assessment prior to medication,
to determine musical preferences and interests of the child. It may be
apparent whether the child likes to sing or is more comfortable
listening to music. The child's creativity with regard to song
material may also be apparent. The child's tolerance for improvised music can be assessed including the degree to which the child
contributes to improvised musical play. The child is asked whether the
therapist may be present during their bath. When children are too young
to respond verbally, interest and attentiveness during the music
assessment are used as a guide to whether music therapy will be offered
during the bath.
An 18 month old boy who received 50% burns from an accident
involving a pot of boiling water, watched the therapist when she
sang the songs "Five Little Ducks" (Trad.) and "Humpty Dumpty"
(Trad.). When a nurse entered the room during these songs she
indicated that he usually whimpered or groaned most of the time and
for him to lie quietly was unusual. This indicated the music
contributed to the child being settled, therefore the use of music
therapy during the bath was validated.
The music therapist is present when the child enters the room in
which the bath is to take place. The first task is to remove the
bandages. Songs which the child knows can be sung or if any distress is
evident, songs about the procedure can be improvised at the time. This
may be the time when needs and musical requests of family members
present can be taken into consideration.
A five year old boy was admitted to the unit following burns to his
legs and stomach in an accident involving boiling water. During
music therapy assessment he said that he didn't want the therapist
to play any "kids songs". During the dressing removal, his father
was present and was visibly tense and anxious. The music therapist
played "La Bamba" (Trad. Arr. R. Valens 1958) and the father was
able to sing this song to his son fulfilling both the need of the
father to be able to contribute during a medical procedure and
respecting the wish of the child to have "grown up" songs.
When the child is placed in the bath. the therapist establishes
rapport with the child, encouraging the child to look at the guitar or
the therapist and singing songs which require involvement from the child
(e.g. choosing animals for inclusion in the song. "Old MacDonald
Had a Farm") (Trad.). It has been observed that often the child
will follow the therapist if she moves to the other side of the bath or
will become distressed when the therapist stops singing. With the very
young children. this may be the only indication available to determine
the involvement of the child in the music therapy interaction.
A three year old boy received a skin graft as part of treatment to
a burn on his leg. The graft was covered with mesh which was
stapled to the leg. Removal of the staples was required during the
bath. The music therapist sang songs and improvised music. The boy
responded by watching the therapist as she sang and played. When
each of the staples were removed, he would wince but then refocus
on the guitar and the singing. A potentially distressing and
painful experience was therefore managed with a minimum of anxiety
and distress.
Some children have not responded to the technique of focussing
attention on the guitar. They seem to prefer to watch what is taking
place during the procedure. When children prefer not to be distracted,
the therapist will either sing a song about the procedure or provide
improvised background music.
There is also a role for music therapy following the bath when a
child may be in a withdrawn state--a state of shock. Music can be used
to help the child in orientation to reality or to provide comforting,
familiar structure. Singing quiet songs or plucking chords on the guitar
can be used to provide a calming and quiet atmosphere.
Music therapy is a useful means of addressing the psychological
needs of the child undergoing the burns bath treatment. The refinement
of techniques used in assessment and evaluation will assist in
clarifying the techniques to maximise the effectiveness of the
intervention. Future research could investigate further the observations
made in this paper.
Achterberg, J. & Kenner, C. (1988). Severe burn injury: A
comparison of relaxation, imagery and biofeedback for pain management.
Journal of Mental Imagery, 12(1), 71-88.
Adler, R. (1989). Burns are different: The child psychiatrist on
the pediatric burns ward. Unpublished paper presented at the second
international meeting on Psychiatric, Psychological and Social Care of
the Burned Patient. Schiermonnikoog, The Netherlands.
Fowler-Kerry, S. & Lander, J. (1987). Management of injection
pain in children. Pain. 30, 169-175.
Kelley, M. (1984). Decreasing burned children's pain
behaviour: Impacting the trauma of hydrotherapy. Journal of Applied
Behaviour Analysis. 17(2). 147-158.
Rasco, C. (1992). Using music therapy as a distraction during
lumbar punctures. Journal of Pediatric Oncology Nursing. 9(1), 33-34.
Rudenberg, M. & Royka, A. (1989). Promoting psychosocial adjustment in pediatric burn patients through music therapy and child
life therapy. Music Therapy Perspectives. 7. 40-43.
Rutter, M. (1975). Helping troubled children. London: Penguin.
Schneider. F.A. (1983). Assessment and evaluation of
audio-analgesic effects on the pain experience of acutely burned
children during dressing changes. Dissertation Abstracts International.
43(8-B), 271b.
Ward, L.A. (1987). The use of music and relaxation techniques to
reduce pain of burn patients during daily debridement. In C.D. Maranto
and K. Bruscia (Eds.), Masters' theses in music therapy: Index and
abstracts. Philadelphia: Temple University, Esther Boyer College of
Jane Edwards. M.Mus., RMT
Lecturer in music therapy, the University of Queensland