A time of turmoil: music therapy interventions for adolescents in a paediatric oncology ward.
Abad, Vicky
A diagnosis of cancer during adolescence can potentially complicate an already challenging phase of development. Music therapy techniques,
including song parody and performance, music relaxation and imagery, and
instrument learning, can provide age-appropriate and innovative ways to
help meet the unique needs of adolescents undergoing hospital cancer
treatment. Case studies are provided to illustrate their effectiveness
with this population.
Adolescence is a unique and challenging period of growth, change,
and possible turmoil as a child progresses toward adulthood (Carr-Greg
& Shale, 2002; Matlin, 1995). The adolescent's ability to cope
with such transitions can be compounded when diagnosed with and treated
for a life threatening cancer or experiencing a relapse of a childhood
cancer (Kennelly, 2001; Palmer et al., 2000; Roberts, Turney, &
Knowles, 1998). The adolescent patients described in this article were
receiving treatment in a children's hospital where the paediatric cancer literature usually informs treatment procedures. Adolescents are
often treated in child or adult hospital wards, depending on bed
availability and the adolescent's size and age, rather than
psychosocial needs (Taylor & Milller, 1995). While there is
literature about the use of music therapy to support and treat children
experiencing cancer (Daveson, 2001 a; Dileo, 1999; Hadley, 1996;
Standley & Hanser, 1995), adolescents have received less attention
(Kennelly, 1999; Ledger, 2001). Literature reviews of paediatric
oncology, the adolescent life stage, and music therapy with young cancer
patients, will provide the foundation for describing how varied music
therapy techniques may help adolescents through cancer treatment in a
children's hospital.
Continuing advances in research and treatment of childhood cancers
have occurred over the past decade. This has resulted in the
prolongation of life for many children diagnosed with the illness into
adolescence (Raft et al., 1992). Acute Lymphoblastic (or lymphocytic)
Leukaemia (ALL) is the most common form of childhood cancer. Presently,
95% of all children with ALL achieve complete remission, with 70%
remaining in remission for 5 years or longer (Rostad & Moore, 1997).
Increased survival rates do not necessarily mitigate the challenges
faced by the patients and their families (Raft et al., 1992). Bauld,
Anderson, and Arnold (1998) stated that "with progress in medical
treatments, the imminence of death is replaced by uncertain
survival" (p. 120). The illness status of patients may change from
life-threatening to chronic, with chronic illness often occurring as a
result of aggressive treatment regimes such as chemotherapy, radiation,
surgery, and bone marrow transplants (Raft et al., 1992).
Cancer treatment and associated side effects can cause more
distress and pain than the disease itself. Several childhood cancer
survivors rated the treatment side effects as the worst thing about
having had the disease (Redd, 1994; Roberts et al., 1998; Zelter, 1993).
Side effects range from acute nausea and vomiting, hair loss, and
lethargy, to chronic complaints such as infertility, organ damage,
cognitive and growth deficits, and secondary cancers (Bauld et al.,
1998; Boldt, 1996; Rait et al., 1992).
Psychological effects include changes to independence and daily
activities, increased risk of reduced self-esteem and heightened family
stress (Kazak, 1993; Palmer et al., 2000; Ragg, 1994; Roberts et al.,
1998; Susman et al., 1981). Due to their prolonged periods of isolation,
patients receiving bone marrow transplants (BMT) are at particular risk
of increased dependence, reduced levels of activity, flattened affect,
loneliness, and depression (Sanger, Copeland, & Davidson, 1991).
A diagnosis of cancer at any age is stressful. For adolescents,
however, diagnosis comes when they are already experiencing
physiological and psychological changes and uncertainty.
Cancer in Adolescence
Adolescents experience unique changes in cognitive, emotional,
social, and physical functioning. Young people are establishing their
independence and identity and creating new roles and boundaries
regarding responsibility and autonomy (Pendley, Dahlquist, & Dreyer,
1997; Robb, 1996). Peer acceptance, sexuality, and body image are issues
of paramount importance (Kennelly, 1999; Palmer et al., 2000; Pendley et
al., 1997; Roberts et al., 1998).
Cancer treatment increases the adolescents' dependence on
parents and can separate them from their peers (Kennelly, 1999: Roberts
et al., 1998). Their ability to control their bodies and make decisions
about their lives is compromised. Adolescents' usual concerns with
body image, emerging sexuality and peer relationships are complicated by
the life-threatening nature of cancer and resultant treatments (Roberts
et al., 1998). Hospitalisation therefore introduces restrictions and
stressors that can impact on normal development (Robb, 1996). Compliance
with treatment remains a challenge for many. Lansky, List, Ritter-Smith,
& Hart (1993) view their refusal to comply with treatment as a
mediums to assert independence and demonstrate that they are in charge
of their own lives.
Most adolescents who survive cancer show no serious long term
emotional complications (Bauld et al., 1998; Madan-Swain et al., 1994;
Redd, 1994; Roberts et al., 1998). They may, however, experience subtle
but lasting psychosocial challenges in comparison to their healthy peers
(La Greca, 1990; Roberts et al., 1998), including (a) body image
disturbances (Madan-Swain et al., 1994; Pendley et al., 1997), (b)
adjustment difficulties post-treatment (Madan-Swain et al., 1994), (c) a
tendency to employ nonproductive avoidance strategies such as denial
(Bauld et al., 1998), (d) fewer problem-solving skills (Bauld et al.,
1998; Bull & Drotar, 1991), (e) anxiety and shyness (Noll, Bukowski,
Davies, Koontz, & Kulkami, 1993), and (fl reduced peer activity
participation and consequent social isolation (Noll et al., 1993;
Pendley et al., 1997; Redd, 1994).
Music Therapy in Cancer Care with Young People
Music Therapy for Cancer Treatment in a Paediatric Hospital
Music therapists in a hospital setting aim to facilitate
patients' and, where indicated, family members' adjustment and
effective coping (Edwards, 1999). Music therapy interventions have
assisted paediatric oncology patients to cope with pain, anxiety,
isolation, stimulus deprivation, increased dependency, and loss of
control (Boldt, 1996; Brodsky, 1989; Daveson, 2001 a; Edwards, 1999;
Hadley, 1996; Kennelly, 1999; Kennelly, 2001; Plaff, Smith, & Gowan,
1989; Robb, 1996; Standley & Hanser, 1995; Turry & Turry, 1999).
Daveson (2001 a) summarised methods used during hospital treatment as
creative, receptive / listening, recreative, improvisatory, and
Music Therapy Techniques for Hospitalised Adolescents Undergoing
Cancer Treatment
Music is a precious and motivating vehicle for adolescent people.
Fitzgerald, Joseph, Hayes, and O'Regan (1995) revealed that the
most preferred leisure interest for both male and female adolescent
participants was listening to music. Kamptner (1995) also demonstrated
that male adolescent participants' most treasured possession was
music, and it was female participants' third most treasured
possession (after jewellery and stuffed animals). These studies had
similar outcomes despite being conducted in different countries and with
subjects from different socioeconomic backgrounds. McFerran-Skewes
(2000) reported that she initially relied on the importance of music to
adolescents as the incentive for them to join a bereavement group. She
believed that the music would provide a nonverbal and safe medium
through which they could share themselves and their stories.
Kamptner (1995) suggested that treasured possessions "may
contribute, at least indirectly, toward the development of self-identity
during adolescence" (p. 313). Rather than being passive artefacts,
possessions may function as an "additional or indirect means"
(p. 314) through which the factors shaping identity operate and
developmental needs are met. This would include music treasures and
experiences. Given the potentially complex scenario faced by adolescents
diagnosed with cancer, music may offer creative and age-appropriate
opportunities to meet their developmental needs, as well as address
social and emotional needs arising from having a life-threatening
The author has found that three music therapy techniques are
particularly pertinent to the unique developmental, social, emotional,
and musical needs of adolescents being treated for cancer, including (a)
song parody or lyric substitution and performance, (b) music relaxation
and imagery, and (c) instrument learning. These techniques were also
regarded as useful by music therapists working in the fields of both
childhood and adolescent cancer (Aasgaard, 2000; Aasgaard, 2001;
Daveson, 2001 a; Hadley, 1996; Kennelly, 1999; Kennelly, 2001; Ledger,
2001; Plaff et al., 1989). Relevant literature and case studies
(permissions for inclusion received) are now provided to extend
understanding about how these techniques can significantly help
adolescents receiving treatment in paediatric oncology wards.
Song parody and performance
Music therapy techniques, including the use of songs, may provide
opportunities for young people to communicate their experiences of
hospitalisation. Hadley (1996) stated that "the use of songs is one
of the most common approaches in music therapy, whether it be singing,
song recall, song communication, or song writing" (p. 22).
Providing possibilities for the self-expression of feelings and thoughts
to their experiences can potentially assist adolescents to process and
adjust to the range of issues they are dealing with as part of normal
development, as well as those issues arising from their cancer
Song writing provides a flexible yet structured musical medium for
the expression and communication of thoughts and feelings (Bailey, 1984;
Dileo, 1999; Hadley, 1996; Kennelly, 1999; Kennelly, 2001; Robb, 1996;
Turry & Turry, 1999). Song parody, the setting of new lyrics to
familiar music, may especially appeal to adolescents. The familiar song
can provide structure and a sense of security, while also offering the
freedom and flexibility to express personal words and feelings. It may
also help make the song writing process seem less overwhelming and thus
ensure success (Robb, 1996), potentially leading to feelings of mastery
and increased self-esteem and self-worth.
The idea of parodying songs is highly appealing to adolescents,
perhaps because popular music is such a normal and valued part of
their lives. Through writing their own lyrics to a favourite song,
adolescents not only express themselves but also gain a unique
sense of accomplishment. (Ledger, 2001, p. 23)
Song parody exercises can facilitate the expression of feelings
related to hospitalisation and treatment (Edwards, 1998). Ledger (2001)
described how a 12-year-old girl's song parody assisted her
adjustment to her cancer, treatment and hospitalisation, and provided
opportunities for feelings of mastery and control. It seemed to allow
her time to process her illness and reflect personally on her condition,
as indicated by her self-reference in a song towards the end of a 10
week period. Kennelly (2001) reported that song-writing with a
sixteen-year-old male provided opportunities for him to express his
constantly changing feelings throughout treatment. The client's
music altered according to his treatment phase and he was able to
repeatedly relate his musical experiences to his own feelings.
Song performance allows adolescents to bring to life their
creations and to showcase their ownership of the material to their
carers and peers. Song performance brings a new dimension to the song
creation (Aasgaard, 2000) and the journey of the song from text to
performance can provide pleasurable moments for many people within the
hospital environment (Aasgaard, 2001).
Adolescents with cancer have performed song compositions in
hospital concerts (Hadley, 1996), and for families, and staff (Ledger,
2001), which is likely to increase feelings of self-esteem. Song
performance may increase feelings of empowerment and promote the
development of self-identity, particularly if one's song creation
and consequent performance becomes a treasured possession and embodies
important meanings (Kamptner, 1995).
"Amanda", a 17 year-old girl, was in hospital for an extended
stay due to continued respiratory difficulties, malnutrition, and
arthritic joints. Amanda had undergone a BMT one year earlier for
treatment of an ALL relapse but had returned to hospital on several
occasions for treatment of chronic side effects. During this
hospitalisation Amanda was reported to be withdrawn and sad. She
was referred to music therapy to provide alternate ways to express
her feelings, and staff felt it aright "cheer" her up. Music therapy
sessions aimed to provide Amanda with opportunities to participate
in normalising and positive experiences to help address self-esteem
issues, and to provide opportunities for self-expression. Amanda
had been an accomplished pianist and singer prior to her illness.
Music, therefore, was one of the few activities that Amanda could
still participate in despite her chronic conditions. In particular,
she enjoyed singing, which allowed her to express her feelings and
exercise her lungs.
Each session Amanda requested songs for the music therapist to
sing and accompany on her guitar. Amanda often joined in and
harmonised. Nurses visited regularly during sessions and told her
how beautifully she was singing. Amanda appeared excited and
flattered at the positive attention she was receiving.
In the tenth session, after two weeks, song writing was
discussed. Amanda appeared sad and the music therapist began to
improvise music and words to reflect her interpretation of Amanda's
feelings. The music therapist suggested they could write a song, or
change the words of a favourite song, so that Amanda could decide
how to express what she was feeling. Amanda chose a song parody
exercise and altered the words to "What's Up" (Perry, 1993,
track 3). She retitled it "Sixteen Years", adjusting it to
"Seventeen Years" on her birthday. Ideas for the lyrics were
discussed in the music therapy session and sung by the music
therapist, however, Amanda wrote the final words of the song when
alone one night. She included original lyrics that she identified
with, and changed the words she felt were not relevant to her
situation. With Amanda's permission, her lyrics were forwarded to
her psychiatrist, who had expressed an interest in reading them,
speculating whether they might offer a new avenue for them to
discuss her feelings.
Seventeen Years
To the tune, "What's Up" (Perry, 1993)
Seventeen years and my life is still
Trying to get up that great big hill of health
For a drug-free place
And I realised quickly when I knew I should
That doctors and nurses aren't really that good for me
In this world of needles
And so I cry sometimes
When I'm lying in bed
Just to get it all out
What's in my head
And I'm feeling a little bit dizzy
And I wake in the morning
And the drip is beeping
My back is sore and my peg is seeping
And I scream at the top of my lungs
I hate pills
(Chorus) And I said hey yeah yeah yeah, hey yeah yeah yeah,
I said hey, what's going on (repeal)
And the pain oh my God the pain
It strains my brain in this institution
And I pray, oh my God do I pray
I pray every single day
For some more morphine
And so I think sometimes
When I'm lying in bed
How to get out of here
How to stop feeling dead
And I say why not go through the sharps bin
Instead I wake in the morning
And the physio comes
And he breaks my legs and he makes me cough
And I scream at the top of my lungs
Physio stinks
Chorus (repeal)
Seventeen years and my life is still
Trying to get up that great big hill of health, for a destination.
After Amanda considered performing the song for the staff, the
music therapist encouraged her to present a concert and also
include other patients and their families. Amanda per formed known
songs and the parody in her room and 30 to 40 people attended.
Amanda's mother and aunt provided food and drinks, adding to the
party atmosphere. The concert was a great success. Amanda and the
music therapist sang a range of popular songs together either in
unison or in harmony and the music therapist accompanied each song
on the guitar. Amanda played percussion to some of the songs. Other
allied health staff members also participated in the concert.
Amanda continued performing other song parodies at subsequent
Music therapy provided Amanda with psychosocial support during her
long hospital treatments. Song parody enabled her to express thoughts
and feelings she had previously felt uncomfortable discussing with
medical staff. She was also able to experience mastery and have some
control over aspects of her life again. Positive feedback from staff and
peers boosted her feelings of self-esteem, evident through her increased
social interaction, laughing, smiling, and more relaxed state during and
after music therapy sessions. Staff reported that Amanda would hum all
afternoon and be more approachable and more willing to comply with
treatments after music therapy sessions. Amanda's story validates
Hirsch and Meckes' (2000) view that "treating patients with
respect and encouraging a positive focus can ultimately increase their
desire to cooperate throughout treatment" (p. 74).
Music relaxation and imagery
Relaxation. Music listening can help cancer patients perceive less
pain, discomfort (Bailey, 1986; Beck, 1991), and nausea (Boldt, 1996;
Frank, 1985; Standley, 1992). Combined with relaxation techniques, music
listening may also help to reduce their perceived anxiety (Daveson, 2001
a). Music and relaxation techniques have also been used to reduce
anxiety (Edwards, 1999; Edwards, 1995), pain (Plaff, Smith, & Gowan,
1989), and increase relaxation (Robb, Nichols, Rutan, Bishop, &
Parker, 1995) in hospitalised patients with other conditions.
When considering the type of music conducive to promoting
relaxation, the advice is mixed. Research indicates that choice of music
does not affect the degree of relaxation that listeners self-report
(Thaut & Davis, 1993), although others argue that personal
preference is vital (Stratton & Zalanowski, 1984). If the music is
being chosen by the music therapist, research generally supports the use
and preference of classical (Weber, Nuessler, & Wilmanns, 1997;
Wolfe, O'Connel, & Waldon, 2002) over New Age (Weber et al.,
1997) music. Brown, Chen, and Dworkin (1989) suggested that physical and
mental relaxation may be facilitated by music comprising slow tempi and
constant rhythmic patterns, and Han (1998) asserted that the addition of
rich harmonies may also enable a sense of security, being nurtured, and
Cognitive cues are also considered important in contributing to a
relaxed state. A randomised controlled research study comparing a verbal
progressive relaxation method with listening to Mozart piano sonata music, to promote relaxation in 67 normal male participants, revealed
that the cognitive cues elicited higher self-reported relaxation levels.
The music elicited lower heart rate levels and greater self-reports of
feeling distracted (Scheufele, 2000). Relaxation and progressive muscle
relaxation programs also increased self-reported relaxation and comfort
levels in six patients undergoing BMT, aged 14 to 53 years (Boldt,
1996). Interestingly, observed results and questionnaire feedback
revealed that pain levels decreased and comfort increased when a
progressive muscle relaxation protocol was accompanied by slow
instrumental background music.
Music therapists can both facilitate relaxation and coach clients
in relaxation techniques (Gfeller, 1992). This can provide opportunities
for empowerment and control (Ellis, 1991), as adolescents may manage
some of their own pain, playing a greater role in their cancer
Imagery. Music and elicited or directed imagery may also be useful
tools to assist an adolescent's symptom management and relaxation.
Music-elicited imagery involves listening to music in a relaxed state to
elicit a client's spontaneous imagery to address therapeutic goals,
including relaxation (Maranto, 1993). In music and directed imagery,
specific suggestions for imagery, relevant to therapeutic goals, are
provided (Maranto, 1993). Music to accompany either kind of imagery
processes can be decided by the client and/or therapist. Music length is
limited and images are discussed afterwards. No interaction is usually
carried out between the client and therapist when the music is playing
(Maranto, 1993). Before the music is played though, the therapist gives
a relaxation induction. For example, clients may be verbally directed to
close their eyes, become aware of their breathing and relax muscles,
either mentally or through direct muscle contraction-relaxation
"Jonathon", a 13 year old boy, was referred to music therapy for
anxiety and pain management after an ALL relapse. He was being
treated with chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery in preparation
for a BMT. During initial music therapy sessions Jonathon
identified that pain and anxiety related to treatment were his main
concerns and that he wanted to control them better.
The program goals were to provide opportunities for Jonathon to
experience success and mastery, to reduce feelings of anxiety
associated with hospitalisation, and to provide strategies for pain
management. The music therapist explained to Jonathon techniques
that could be used to help address pain management and assist in
reducing anxiety. Jonathon chose music relaxation and imagery and
asked if he could learn the induction so that he could practice the
relaxation exercises with his tape on his own.
Each session began with an induction followed by the music
relaxation activity. Colour inductions were used rather than
physical muscle tension /relaxation techniques due to pain that
Jonathon was experiencing. Jonathon chose a colour and the
therapist guided the specific relaxation of muscle groups by
instructing him to imagine the colour moving through his body.
Jonathon then elected to experience either.' (a) music-elicited
imagery; or (b) music and directed imagery, verbally describing the
image himself.
At the end of the induction the music therapist said, "I am going
to play the music now. Allow the music to accompany you on your
journey". Music from the "Music for Dreaming" (Ross, 1995) CD was
played each session for approximately seven minutes. No interaction
was encouraged during the music. At the end, Jonathon usually
reported feeling sleepy and relaxed, and discussed what he called
"the trip".
Jonathon travelled to many places in his mind, including the
beach, mountains, and Antarctica. He reported imagery of animals
and beautiful landscapes that were "canning and gentle". He used
imagery and relaxation during his music therapy sessions and also
at other times when the music therapist was not present, including
one day when he experienced a high fever. It was reported that
Jonathon asked his mother to put on his music so that he could "go
on a trip". After the exercise his temperature had dropped
noticeably. His mother asked, "Where did you go because, wherever
it was, it worked in bringing down your temperature?" Jonathon
replied, "I've been to Antarctica".
Jonathon had struggled with his illness since childhood but now, as
an adolescent, lie seemed to have a clear understanding of his future
treatment protocol and appeared anxious about the unknown outcomes of a
BMT. He was at an age when he wanted to participate in decision making
about his body but had limited opportunities. This case study
illustrated how a client can be taught to self-administer one's own
relaxation and imagery technique, and thereby have some control over the
treatment and one's body. Using music and imagery Jonathon was able
to influence his perception of pain and discomfort when he needed to.
This is important as "the need for control is linked with the need
for survival, security, and a sense of dignity and self-confidence"
(Hirsch & Meckes, 2000, p. 70).
Jonathon seemed particularly aided by the specific music used. The
CD was chosen because it was produced with the specific goal of creating
a relaxed and nurtured environment, and was classically orchestrated. It
incorporated major keys and repetitive triple rhythms, designed to
imitate the resting heartbeat. Instruments included the flute, harp, and
strings (Ross, 1995). The use of music comparable with lullabies seemed
appropriate as adolescence can be identified as a transitional time
between childhood and adulthood. During illness people can revert to
previous developmental stages (Rowland, 1990), hence the adolescent may
feel more vulnerable and child-like when ill and may find lullaby music
Instrument learning
Mastery is an experience of empowerment and increased sense of
control over one's environment achieved through the successful
completion of a set task. Daveson (2001 b) summarised empowerment as a
process or mechanism that results in people, organisations, and
communities gaining control over their own lives or situations.
Empowerment may result in a change in the perception of one's
opportunities for choice and control (Daveson, 2001b) and may also
result in the acquisition of practical skills (Keiffer, 1984). In an
oncology setting, the lack of control that patients have over their
bodies, coupled with fear and isolation, may lead to their experience of
learned self-helplessness (Hirsch & Meckes, 2000). O'Callaghan
(1997) reported that choice is especially important for people when they
are experiencing decreased control over their lives and bodies. Flower
(1993) emphasised the importance of encouraging control and creativity
when working with adolescents who feel helplessness, enabling them to
experience the power of which they were previously robbed.
Learning an instrument provides a motivating and age-appropriate
way to engage a teenager in music therapy. The guitar interests many
teenage boys and the basics can be easily learnt in a relatively short
period of time. Guitar playing might also be regarded as
"cool" by teenage boys, white singing with the female music
therapist might be regarded as "not so cool". Romanowski
(2003) suggested that the guitar may represent an object of power, which
could positively affect the instrument's appeal to hospitalised
young men. Teenagers perceive music as an activity that they have under
their control (Becker, cited in McFerran-Skewes, 2000), therefore, they
may find participation in a music activity less threatening than a
non-music activity.
Standley (1996) described how a guitar was introduced to engage a
withdrawn 15-year-old boy with end stage cancer. He immediately became
interested at the prospect of learning the guitar and participated in
lessons over several months. His levels of motivation, cooperation, and
communication were reported to increase. Daveson (2001b) suggested that
music lessons may also be a useful method for meeting the psychosocial
needs of children in isolation for a BMT.
"Ryan", a 14-year-old boy with a long history of illness, was
referred to music therapy because he appeared to be socially
withdrawn. He was experiencing a relapse of ALL and treatment in
preparation for a BMT. Ryan appeared reluctant to engage with the
music therapist in initial sessions, minimising eye contact and
responding to questions with yes / no answers. After a week of
music therapy sessions pre-transplant, Ryan's mother suggested that
he could learn the guitar while in isolation to help alleviate the
"boredom". Ryan thought this was a good idea, particularly when
his dad added that he would be able to serenade girls when he got
"Lessons" began in music therapy with the program goals to: (a)
provide opportunities for mastery, empowerment, self-expression,
and control, (b) reduce isolation; and (c) increase feelings of
self-esteem. Sessions began with identifying songs that Ryan would
like to learn, followed by the learning and practicing of chords
and repertoire. Each session concluded with a performance by the
music therapist of songs that Ryan requested. Despite becoming too
ill to play for a while, Ryan continued to request music therapy
several times a week and ask the therapist to play for him. As he
recovered, he continued to play the guitar, with his repertoire
including traditional folk songs to assist with new chord learning
and pop songs of his own choice. Staff came to hear Ryan play and
complimented his skill. After treatment finished for transplant,
Ryan experienced chronic side effects that resulted in hint having
to stay in hospital for a lengthy period. A local charity donated
the money for Ryan's own guitar after his mother requested one, to
help cheer him tip and allow him to continue playing following
Learning an instrument provided opportunities for Ryan to
experience mastery despite his illness and physical weakness. It also
encouraged him to make decisions which allowed him to feel empowered at
a time when his independence was compromised.
A diagnosis of cancer during adolescence inevitably leads to many
stressful situations and potential barriers to effective coping. The
music therapy techniques of song parody and performance, music
relaxation and directed imagery, and instrument learning, provide
opportunities for adolescents hospitalised with cancer to participate in
tasks that address their developmental needs and vulnerable medical
status. Case studies in this article illustrate how music therapy can
help adolescents to establish their independence and identity, practice
new found control over themselves and their environment, feel empowered
and experience mastery, express their thoughts and feelings, improve in
self-esteem, and perceive less pain and anxiety.
Whilst all people can rejoice in the medical advances that prolong the lives of young people with cancer, approaches are still needed that
help them deal with ongoing challenges and upheavals during and
following treatment. Music therapy provides unique and innovative ways
to address socio-emotional and physical needs experienced by adolescents
in a paediatric oncology setting.
Author's Note
At the time of print Ms Abad is the Acting Course Director, MA in
Music Therapy, Irish World Music Centre, University of Limerick. The
clinical work in this article was conducted while the author was at the
Royal Children's Hospital, Brisbane.
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Vicky Abad PGDipMusThy BAMus RMT, Sing & Grow Project,
Playgroup, Queensland