Strengthening families: a role for music therapy in contributing to family centred care.
Abad, Vicky ; Edwards, Jane
Sing & Grow is a music therapy programme funded by the
Australian Commonwealth Government and presented in partnership with
Playgroup Queensland and The University of Queensland, initially for a
two-year period, but now with funding assured to 2007. The programme is
a family based intervention for families with children aged birth to
three years that uses music to strengthen parent-child relationships
through increasing interactions and assisting parents to bond with their
children, and to extend the repertory of parenting skills in relating to children through interactive play. This benefited the participants by
engaging young children in developmentally stimulating activities while
reinforcing to parents the importance of their active participation in
assisting a child to meet developmental milestones. This paper reports
the theoretical basis for this project, its implementation in the
community sector, and issues in identifying the outcomes to date,
including the use of attendance figures to support the value of the
programme. The processes in this music therapy programme are indicated
through the case vignettes presented.
Key Words: music and parenting; music therapy; music and early
childhood; music and attachment
Sing & Grow is music therapy programme presented within a
family centred model, funded by the Australian Commonwealth Government
and presented in partnership with Playgroup Queensland and The
University of Queensland. The bid to offer the two-year, fully funded
programme was proposed by the School of Music staff at The University of
Queensland, who initiated and wrote the bid in response to a call from
the Federal Government for new initiatives to promote family well being
(1). The project provides Queensland families with children aged from
birth to three years the opportunity to participate in a series of ten
weekly music therapy sessions. This opportunity serves as an early
intervention strategy to families in communities identified as at risk
of marginalisation as a result of their socio-economic circumstances,
including low income, single parenthood, young parenthood, drug and
alcohol addiction, living with a disability, and being a member of a
cultural minority.
Literature review
Families at Risk
Research has indicated that families identified as at-risk of
marginalisation may experience circumstances that impact on their
ability to bond and interact with their children (Kelly, Buehlman, &
Caldwell, 2000; Morton & Brown, 1998). This in turn potentially
impacts on future development, as the child's early life
experiences and social environment have been linked to their later
development (Field et al., 2000; Kelly, Buehlman, & Caldwell, 2000).
These early experiences of interaction may also affect how the child
interacts with others as an adult, including their own children,
potentially contributing to a cycle of deprivation (Bradley, Cupples,
& Irvine, 2002; Morton & Brown, 1998; Ramey et al., 2000). It is
therefore important to ensure that a child's early life experiences
include provision for a loving, safe, and supportive environment, as
well as an environment in which the capacity for attachment and close
bonding between parent and child is available and realised (Carr, 200 1;
Stern, 1985).
The quality of family relationships, and the personal, social, and
economic resources of the family, impact and entwine for individual
physical, social, emotional, cognitive, and language development
(Sanders, 1999). Negative, inconsistent parental behaviour and high
levels of family adversity are associated with the emergence of problems
in early childhood, and persistence of these problems to school age
(Campbell, 1995; Shaw, Vondra, Dowdell-Hommerding, Keenan, & Dunn,
1994). In addition, while child maltreatment knows no economic and
social boundaries, parental poverty is reported to be a risk factor for
physical abuse. It is reported, however, not to be a risk factor for any
greater incidence of emotional abuse than occurs in the general
population (Jones & McCurdy, 1992).
As research has shown, infant development can be hampered by a
number of parental factors including the presence of maternal
depression, (O'Connor, Heron, Golding, Beveridge, & Glover,
2002), parental age at the birth of the child, and a family history of
psychiatric disorder (Sidebotham, Golding, & The ALSPAC Study team,
2001). "Family intervention" is a process that targets family
interaction patterns assumed to contribute to the development and
maintenance of disturbances in the child's functioning (Sanders
& Markie-Dadds, 1996). By addressing these issues at the level of
"family" rather than the individual child, as may occur in
Early Intervention, it is proposed that long term benefits occur for the
children attending the programme with their parent(s), as well as any
subsequent children, born later into the strengthened family system
(Dale, 1996).
Music and Parent-Child Relationships
Music has long been associated with parent-child interactions and
bonding, as seen in the millennia old culturally shared tradition of
singing lullabies and rocking/moving to communicate with and soothe babies (Papousek, 1996). The act of singing is one of the earliest and
most common forms of musical interaction shared between a parent and
child (Oldfield, 1995; Papousek, 1996). Music is an inviting and fun
activity that most children and infants enjoy, and most parents can
relate to (Abad & Edwards, 2002), as it is "uniquely
engaging" (Shoemark, 1996, p. 12). It can therefore be used to
combine the parent and child in a programme that addresses the unique
needs of both within the one group setting (Abad & Edwards, 2002;
Shoemark, 1996).
Music used with families in an interactive way within a group
setting can support participants in developing skills that enhance
parent-child relationships (Abad, 2002; Oldfield, 1995, 1999; Oldfield
& Bunce, 2001; Shoemark, 1996; Vlismas & Bowes, 1999). Using
music to engage a parent and child to help enhance the skills and
behaviours required for close, supportive relationships could therefore
be seen as an extension of phenomena that are already present in regular
social interaction within family life (Oldfield & Bunce, 2001).
Music Therapy and Parent-Child Programmes
While there is some literature pertaining to parent-child
programmes in music therapy and related fields, the area is generally
under reported and researched. Oldfield and Bunce (2003) stated that
short-term music therapy work with mothers and young children is an
unusual area for music therapists to work in. One reason for this may be
that funding has traditionally been provided in music therapy for
treatment rather than prevention, however music therapy work with
parents and children to help prevent issues that may arise from social
disadvantage is an emerging clinical area (Abad & Edwards, 2002;
Oldfield & Bunce, 20D1).
Lyons (2000) described a family-centred social work group with
women and children aged from birth to three years who were identified as
marginalised. The group programme used music to help parents and
children team and grow in a safe, developmentally stimulating group
environment that fostered parent-child interaction and reduced
isolation. Music provided a way to meet the different needs of the
parents and children within the child-centred programme that was
offered, and was identified by group members as the highlight of each
Shoemark (1996) conducted a family-centred music therapy programme
within a playgroup setting with children diagnosed with conditions that
may lead to developmental delay. The purpose of this programme was to
nurture creative expression and enjoyment in family members and help
build mothers' confidence in creating any kind of music. Evaluation
indicated that music was able to support families in developing skills
to enhance their relationships. In formal and informal feedback, staff
acknowledged the engaging quality of a music programme provided by a
qualified music therapist.
Oldfield & Bunce (2001) reported on a mother and toddler group
that aimed to help families who were experiencing difficulties with
parenting. It was noted that many of the mothers involved had not
experienced good parenting themselves. This music programme provided
support for parents to interact with their children in positive and
spontaneous ways. The music interaction was able to create a warm,
simple interaction between a mother and her child and allow them to have
fun together through music making.
Oldfield & Bunce (2003) conducted an investigation to study the
impact of short-term music therapy programmes with mothers and young
children in two clinical settings and one control setting. The overall
aim of the music therapy groups was to help mothers who were
experiencing difficulties in the parenting of their young children by
engaging in playful musical interactions with their children, and
through reflecting on this process after the sessions to help mothers
gain new insights and more confidence in their parenting abilities.
Results showed that levels of engagement and interactions were high in
nearly all of the sessions conducted. These results indicated that music
therapy treatment was able to engage mothers and their children in
positive activities in play and music therapy sessions.
Music sessions offered to parents and children in a "family
centred" approach can provide opportunities for learning new
skills, strengthening interpersonal bonds, and developing creative
strengths in both parents and infants.
The first 6 months of Sing & Grow focused on developing
materials for use in the groups, including traditional and original song
material, establishing a referral system, and developing resources such
as the CD to be given to each participating family. The CD contained 20
children's songs used in the Sing & Grow program. These
consisted of well-known nursery songs, action and movement songs such as
Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, and a number of original songs written by
Australian music therapists. These songs were specifically composed to
address concept comprehension skills, listening skills, body part
awareness, movement activities and other developmental tasks. Quiet
lullaby songs were placed at the end of the CD, to encourage parents and
children to sit together and share a quiet time. These songs may also be
used to help children sleep or relax.
During this early development period, Sing & Grow was promoted
extensively within the community sector; mainly through conducting a
total of 30 in-services to approximately 200 people from community
organisations that support young parents, young women in crisis, women
who have experienced domestic violence, parents and children with
disabilities, and families who were indigenous or non-English speaking,
or with low incomes. Also, child-health clinics that support families
with new babies in the identified regions were targeted. It was
important that strong links were established in the community with
organisations that could make appropriate referrals to the programme and
then also provide ongoing support to the families who participated.
A trial programme was conducted at a community centre that had an
established playgroup with the support of Playgroup Queensland staff. On
completion, the session plan, goals, and objectives were modified, and
documentation and evaluation protocols were established. Sing & Grow
was then introduced into the community sector in collaboration with
various organisations that had shown an interest during the in-service
phase. The sessions were conducted by the Director, or another
Registered Music Therapist, who was contracted to Sing & Grow as a
session leader.
Session Plan
Sing & Grow aimed to strengthen parent-child relationships
through increasing interactions and assisting parents to bond with their
children, within a structured and therapeutic environment that was fun,
non threatening, and responsive to the needs of both the parent and
child. Specifically, face-to-face interactions, hand-over-hand
facilitation, and coactive use of instruments were used to increase
interactions and play during sessions. A range of interactive,
nurturing, stimulating, and developmental music activities provided the
framework for parents to interact and play with their children. Such
activities further benefited the participants by engaging young children
in developmentally stimulating activities while reinforcing to parents
the importance of their active participation in assisting a child to
meet developmental milestones. The programme was structured to promote
modelling, peer learning, and facilitated learning for the parents
involved through encouragement of their skills and strengths.
In order for this potential to be met, parents were actively
encouraged to sit on the floor in circle formation with their child
sitting in their lap or close by, and participate in each section of the
session. Sessions generally followed a structured format that included a
hello song, action and nursery songs, movement songs and games,
instrumental play, quiet music, and then a goodbye song.
Information on the demographics of participating families and their
use of music in the family home was collected by the music therapy
session leader at the beginning of each new programme as the funding
body required this information. Musical interests and preferences were
incorporated into each programme to ensure personal tastes and needs
were being addressed and was used to later compare if use of music in
the home had changed over the ten-weeks. Parents were asked to complete
a questionnaire in weeks five and ten to ascertain their perception on
the benefits of participation in the programme. Parents were asked (a)
if they found the programme tin and useful, (b) if they had learnt new
ways to use music with their child at home since participating in the
programme, (c) if the way they used music at home had changed, (d) if
they felt more comfortable singing and using music since participating
in the programme, (e) if they would participate in another Sing &
Grow, and (f) how they would improve sessions.
The session leaders kept weekly notes based on their observations
of parent and child participation in relation to the goal areas of the
programme. These notes, and the questionaries and verbal feedback from
parents and the collaborating organisations, were used to complete a
descriptive evaluation of each ten-week programme.
Attendance figures show that a total of 467 families were referred
to Sing & Grow in the first two years. During the planning phase of
Sing & Grow based on similar projects (2) it was estimated that 50%
of families referred would follow through and attend at least one
session, and that 33% of these families would attend a programme
consistently. Attendance records showed that 92% (n=426) of the families
referred attended at least one session, and 53% of the 426 families
attended at least half the sessions they were offered in the ten-week
programme. After two years, 557 infants and toddlers have participated
in the programme.
Thirty-four groups were conducted with people identified as having
social needs and/or parenting issues. These included young parents,
young women in crisis accommodation, women who had experienced domestic
violence and/or abuse, families and parents who had been identified as
having difficulty bonding and/or interacting with their child, and
families with low incomes. Eight programmes were conducted with families
with a disability, including parents who were deaf who had hearing
children, and women who had been diagnosed with learning difficulties.
One programme directly offered to an indigenous community was conducted,
but indigenous participants were also involved in other programmes.
Observed Changes
Weekly documentation collated and compared to the descriptive data
collected at week one indicated that goal areas were met with
participants. Parent-child interactions were observed to increase over
the course of each ten-week programme. This was observed in face-to-face
interactions, hand-over-hand facilitation in instrumental play and
action songs, and facilitation in movement and dance activities. Parents
reported that they were more aware of how music could be used to
increase parent-child interactions and encourage child development.
Children were observed to generally participate more frequently and
actively in activities that encouraged cognitive, physical, and social
growth and development. Supporting age appropriate language development
was also a focus of many of the programs.
Parent Questionnaire
Parental responses to a questionnaire indicated that all families
who completed the form rated participating in the group as
"fun" or "very fun". This suggests the participants
found the program enjoyable and useful. Ninety-three per cent of
participants reported that they learned new ways to use music at home.
Ninety per cent of respondents indicated that the way they used music at
home had changed since participation in Sing & Grow. Some indicated
they were now playing more live music in the home. In addition, some
reported increasing their repertoire of children's songs. It was
also reported that parents were singing songs from the group with their
children. They reported using music to help with household tasks.
Seventy-nine per cent of parents reported feeling more comfortable
singing and using music with their children. Ninety-six per cent of
families stated that they would like to participate in another Sing
& Grow programme. Some of these parents now attend other types of
programmes. The most common "improvements" suggested by
participants were for smaller groups, or for longer programmes, however
generally there were not many suggestions made.
Case Vignettes (4)
The following case vignettes demonstrate how music therapy
techniques were used with parent-child dyads to address core issues. The
first two examples describe how music was used in this setting to
increase parent-child interactions to assist in strengthening
relationships. The remaining three vignettes describe how music was used
in this programme to encourage and facilitate increased parental
participation and engagement.
Example 1
In each session parents and children were provided with
opportunities to share quality time. Quiet music was used to encourage
parents to sit or stand with and rock or hold their children to
facilitate physical closeness and bonding. Bonding and intimacy was also
encouraged in each session through face-to-face play and gentle touch.
During a programme conducted at a crisis accommodation service for
young women it was observed that most of the mothers appeared hesitant to participate in gentle play and were more confident with rougher play
with their babies, such as swinging and tickling. Over the course of the
programme the music therapist modelled gentle play and nurturing
interactions, and the mothers were encouraged to use these interactions.
One mother in the group responded positively to this encouragement and
began to interact and play gently with her child and enjoy rocking her
baby. Often her child would become so relaxed he would fall asleep.
These sessions served as access visits for this mother during the first
half of the programme and she continued attending sessions after she had
regained full custody of her child.
Example 2
A programme was conducted with women who had issues related to
bonding and interacting with their children, often as a result of
personal abuse. At the mid-evaluation one parent wrote, "I feel
this program has helped me feel more relaxed with relating to my baby of
16 month". At the completion of the programme she wrote that Sing
& Grow was "very useful in that I learnt something to help me
bond with my [age] baby (to do something I had no idea to do)".
Another participant stated, "I did not have it in me to experience
with my baby the interaction I have learnt through [the] group and I am
so very thankful and grateful to have had this kind of encouragement and
Example 3
Opportunities were provided in each of the sessions for parents to
assist their children to participate in the activities, which were aimed
at promoting developmental growth in cognitive, physical, and social
skills. This provided opportunities for parents to expand their existing
repertory of skills in interacting and playing with their child through
music. For some parents these sessions provided an environment for new
learning in how to assist and facilitate participation in musical play
that is conducive to child development, and it was observed that some
parents, who did not usually have close contact with their children
during play, changed their behaviour to indicate learning of new skills
in this regard.
Two-year old Jonathon attended a young parent programme with his
mother each week. In early sessions he had difficulty sitting and
attending to the activities of the session. His mother used verbal
prompts to encourage him to sit in the circle and to participate with
the main group, however she sat at the back of the room during the first
sessions. During weeks three and four she came forward to sit on the
floor with the group. She encouraged Jonathon to sit on her lap and she
helped him with hand-over-hand facilitation to do actions to the songs.
This assisted him to both focus on the tasks of the group and to learn
the songs and accompanying actions. In the remaining sessions, Jonathon
often stood and danced when music was played, and participated in
singing and actions more independently. He also began vocalising during
Example 4
Elena was 5 months old when she began attending a Sing & Grow
conducted at a youth agency that supported young parents. During the
first session Elena was encouraged to participate in gross motor
movement activities with facilitation from her mother. This included
balance work on the therapy balls aimed at increasing vestibular strength, upper body control, and spatial awareness. Elena did not enjoy
these activities. She could only sit on the ball for the accompanying
song briefly before she became upset. Her mother was then encouraged to
place her on her tummy on the ball to participate in rocking, balance,
and reaching for toys and instruments. Elena became immediately
distressed and started crying. During their second session Elena began
to smile and vocalise when she was placed on the ball for the
accompanying song and participated for its duration. At the end of the
song the music therapist commented on how much her tolerance to the
activity had improved since the previous session and her mother proudly
announced, "We have been singing the bounce song every day at home
and practicing". Elena continued to improve in her tolerance of
spending time on her stomach, and by week six she demonstrated her
enjoyment of this part of the session.
Example 5
Language development remains an area that requires extra attention
in all of the Sing & Grow programmes. For some parents, the concept
of modelling or imitating language sounds for their child's
development is novel and requires practice and the relinquishing of
self-consciousness. During sessions the music therapist modelled such
interactions for the parents and encouraged participation in these parts
of sessions.
Tia was 7-months-old when she began participating in a Sing &
Grow offered at a crisis care facility for young women. During the first
2 weeks neither Tia nor her mother vocalised or sang during sessions. In
week 3 Tia's mum was observed singing the songs and modelling
playful sounds and Tia responded by participating in vocal play. From
week 6 onwards her mother was observed to sing actively and interact
vocally with Tia who responded with increased vocalisations.
Sing & Grow accessed and employed the creative and welcoming
aspects of musical interaction to support and facilitate successful
interactions between parents and their young children. This programme
was well attended by the parents compared to similar programmes (Coren
& Barlow, 2004), and attendance far exceeded the estimates in the
original proposal. If parents did not find the programme inviting they
would not have attended. The use of the programme, therefore, by so many
of those referred, stands as a testament to the potential of the Sing
& Grow programme to offer new skills to many parents.
The case vignettes offer support for this programme's
successful use of musical interaction in a group context to assist
families to extend their repertory of skills in interactive play. While
children's access to appropriate stimulation in the form of
developmental play is delivered by the programme, the focus of the
programme has been on the ways in which parents can lead and support
their children's play as well as develop a wider range of
interactions such as "gentle play", "co-active
play," and vocal play skills, and this emphasis is proposed to
continue. The vignettes highlight the strengths of this approach in
being able to support parents (3) to refine and extend their skills of
interaction with their children.
The comments from participants highlighted above showed that it was
not only the music therapy group leader who was noting the observable
changes in parental interaction. Participants expressed how they had
learned new skills, and also indicated gratitude for the assistance they
received. The Australian government continues to give provision for the
care of children through a range of measures such as Sing & Grow.
The great achievement of this programme to date has been its ability to
reach such a large number of families, representing a range of community
groups who might otherwise experience difficulties in accessing support
for their needs. Given that low socio-economic status is one of the key
features of the cohort of 426 families, who were assessed to need this
service and consequently referred, it was important to note that Sing
& Grow addressed, in a creative way, family difficulties that can
arise through the complexities of poverty and its antecedents.
Sing & Grow is an ongoing intervention that is continuously
evolving to provide best practice and meet the needs of a diverse and
changing client population. While this is not a research project, the
authors feel it is important to report on the outcomes of work being
conducted on a day-to-day basis in Australia, particularly ground
breaking, creative, and positive programmes such as this. The recent
three-year government funding extension is testament of Sing &
Grow's success in meeting identified outcomes.
Music is a creative and interactive process that can be used in a
therapeutic setting to assist parents and their children to interact and
bond (Abad & Edwards, 2002; Oldfeld & Bunce, 2001, 2003).
Furthermore, music has been described in the music therapy literature as
a suitable means to help young children learn and develop cognitively,
physically, and socially (Oldfield & Bunce, 2001; Shoemark, 1996).
Through the Sing & Grow initiative parents are provided with
opportunities to participate in a familiar activity with their children
and share a quality experience. Sing & Grow provides music within a
therapeutic context and works towards strengthening the quality and
range of family interactions in early childhood.
The use of music therapy to assist parents to extend their
repertory of successful and nurturing parental behaviours in interaction
with their young children is relatively new. The Sing & Grow
initiative is unique because it has harnessed the resources of the
government to underpin the development of a wide ranging programme that
is proposed to be delivered throughout Australia, and already more
widely in the world, through the introduction of a pilot Sing & Grow
programme in Ireland in 200314. Music therapy has a role to support
families whose social circumstances have the potential to adversely
impact on the current and future functioning of their children by
providing opportunities to strengthen family relationships and
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(1) Jane Edwards and Brandy Walker wrote the initial bid while
working at the University of Queensland, School of Music in 2000, and
the grant was approved in that year. Vicky Abad took up the full-time
post as Director of Sing & Grow, Playgroup Queensland, in June 2001.
(2) In a review of studies of parent-training programmes it was
reported that the drop-out rate for participants in the treatment groups
ranged from 6% to 44% (Barlow & Coren, 2004). In addition, in a
study of group programmes for teenage parents, drop out was noted to
range from 8% to 33% (Corer & Barlow, 2004).
(3) While only mothers were present in the vignettes described,
fathers have also accessed the programme.
(4) With thanks to the Annual Journal for the New Zealand Society
for Music Therapy for permission to use here some of the vignette material published in Abad (2000).
Vicky Abad PGDipMusThy BAMus RMT
Director, Sing & Grow Project, Playgroup, Queensland.
Jane Edwards PhD RMT,
Senior Lecturer, Irish World Music Centre, University of Limerick,