Free trade area or customs union? The case of the South American trade bloc Mercosur.
Maniam, Balasundram ; Leavell, Hadley ; Mehrens, Dorothy 等
The South American trade bloc, Mercosur, is made up of the four
countries of Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, and Paraguay, with associate
members, Chile and Bolivia. Mercosur has recently experienced a number
of setbacks that have called into question their stability and
effectiveness as a preferential trade bloc. Brazil's dominant
self-motivated leadership role and unilateral actions have weakened the
unstable union. Argentina's severe recession and the devaluation of
the Brazilian real have also contributed the downward spiral. The recent
decision of Chile to forgo full membership in Mercosur due to the high
common external tariffs for non-member countries, should serve as
blatant warning that Mercosur needs to change its ways. Although the
early 1990's proved to a successful period, the recent downward
trends require immediate action if Mercosur is to continue to be the
dominant trade area of South America.
This paper discusses the need for Mercosur to define itself
multilaterally, as well as its future ambitions as a full customs union.
Examination of an alternative trade bloc, a free trade area, as a
feasible option for increasing growth and stability in the member
countries is also discussed. Three critical steps are outlined that
Mercosur must take to overcome its current unrest and instability, so
that it can continue as the dominant trading power in South America.
The four South American countries of Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay,
and Paraguay formed the trade bloc Mercado Comun del Sur or Southern
Common Market--commonly known as Mercosur-in March of 1991. The primary
objective of Mercosur was to create an integrated regional market whose
members were committed to liberalizing trade with one another while
imposing a common external tariff (CET) on goods and services imported
from non-members (Connelly, 1999). In 1996,
Mercosur extended its boundaries to include Chile and Bolivia as
associate members. This type of regional trade bloc is known as a
customs union (CU).
The other type of regional trade bloc is known as a free trade area
(FTA). In an FTA arrangement, there is free trade among country members,
but each member sets its own tariffs with the rest of the world
(Bandyopadhyay & Wall, 1999). Typically, FTAs are wide in scope and
set up parameters for activity in fields as diverse as the free flow of
capital goods, monetary policy, treatment of intellectual property,
dispute resolution, anti-dumping, and rules of competition (Stinson,
1999). The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) between Mexico,
the United States, and Canada is one of the largest and most sweeping
economic agreements of this type.
Customs Union (CU)
The two most important characteristics of a customs union are the
total or partial elimination of monetary and non-monetary trade barriers
within the borders of the union, and the adoption of common tariffs and
trade policies on products originating outside of the union (Nakos,
2001). The membership of a nation within the customs union could
influence the trade of that nation in a variety of ways. Depending on
the state of the international economy, the country could increase their
trade with member countries because of the lower tariffs and yet receive
higher costing lower quality products. A country could also be forced to
reduce trade with a non-member partner due to the high tariffs mandated
by the union while creating shortages of essential products that member
countries do not have available for trade. On the other hand, the
customs union could be a favorable move by neighboring countries to
increase trade between them without jeopardizing trade with non-members.
Under either scenario, the customs union theory differentiates
between two sources of increased trade: trade creation and trade
diversion. Trade creation can occur when there is a restructuring of the
production facilities with the member countries of the customs union
such that a more efficient mode of operation is achieved (Nakos, 2001).
This may allow member countries to focus more narrowly on a specific
area of specialization. Trade diversion can occur when lower cost
products from non-member countries are forgone for higher priced
products from member countries. Although trade diversion may cause a
temporary surge in a country's economy due to meeting the demands
of its partners, it ultimately leads to a reduction in the
country's economic welfare (Nakos, 2001). These types of trade
disruptions to a country's economy may be or may not be easy to
Free Trade Areas (FTAs)
A free trade area consists of member countries that practice free
trade among themselves but set their own foreign tariffs with other
non-member trading partners. However, in a free trade area, there are
economic issues beyond trade and tariffs that must be addressed.
Typically, if a free trade area exists between economically asymmetrical
countries, the country with the less developed economy will feel the
benefits of free trade much more so than the more developed countries.
These benefits can include job creation and economic growth. Trade
agreements also serve as political instruments to effect the partnering
country's domestic policies (i.e. lock in free market reforms) and
to serve as a framework to mutually address other issues (Stinson,
The Mercosur Customs Union
Mercosur is composed of four member countries, Brazil, Argentina,
Paraguay, and Uruguay, with Chile and Bolivia as associate members. By
far, the largest member of the group is Brazil with more than 70% market
Mercosur is currently the fourth largest trade bloc in the world,
after the North American Free Trade Area (NAFTA), the European Union
(EU) and Japan (Connelly, 1999). During its short existence, Mercosur
has become the most important and successful economic association in
Latin America. Mercosur has a market of over 200 million inhabitants,
ranking it third after NAFTA and the EU and is the fourth largest
geo-economic region in the world, following NAFTA, the EU, and Japan
(ECI, 1999).
During the early 1990's, Mercosur experienced strong growth
primarily from direct investment flows and a higher share of trade
flows. The level of foreign direct investment (FDI) is rapidly growing
with the area being the largest recipient of FDI in developing countries
behind China. However, Mercosur's importance in the world market
has been limited with total trade participation of only 2.8% in 1999.
Differing Currency Regimes
One problem that Mercosur faces is the two largest members have
different currency regimes. Brazil's floating (or sinking) real has
lost over 40% of its value since its forced devaluation in 1999.
Argentina's peso is pegged to the U.S. dollar. Clearly, Brazil
stands to gain an unfair economic advantage over Argentina by letting
their currency continue to fall. Consideration has been given to
developing a single currency for the four countries of Mercosur but
there has been objection to this, primarily by Brazil. Argentina's
former economy minister, Roberto Alemann commented that you cannot
create a single currency out of four countries that do not have their
own money. It would be like turning four sick people into one healthy
person (Mandell-Campbell, 1998). Even so, the thought of creating a
common currency, much like the European Union has done with the euro, is
intriguing from an economic standpoint, but the reality is a distant
Closely tied with currency issues and monetary policy is the
exchange rate. The exchange rate is the most important price in any
developing economy because it defines the purchasing power of the
domestic economy, it effects the international competitiveness of local
producers, and governs the relative attractiveness of domestic and
international financial assets (Salazar-Xirinachs & de Araujo,
1999). In economies where the currency is overvalued, the country may
have an artificial increase in the standard of living but the rise is
not sustainable over time. If the currency is undervalued, a trade
surplus may be generated overtime with an undue transfer of resources to
the rest of the world. In the case of Brazil, exchange rate instability
has been a major factor in rising costs (Murphy, 1998) contributing to
the forced devaluation of the real in 1999.
Effect on Tariff Rates and Trade Volume
The removal of trade barriers, specifically tariffs, between
Mercosur member countries has drastically reduced the average tariff
rates. The most dramatic decline was seen in Brazil, whose tariffs fell
from a high of 69% (pre-Mercosur) to 13% by 1995 (Connelly, 1999).
However, in some cases, countries actually experienced an increase in
their average tariff rate due to the Mercosur mandated non-member
country tariffs. In spite of the positive effect of Mercosur on overall
tariff rates among member countries, Argentina and Uruguay are
soliciting for a lowering of these rates so that they can competitively
negotiate with non-member countries.
As anticipated, the lowering of the trade barriers between the
Mercosur member countries has led to an increase in trade in the region.
Intra-Mercosur trade rose from 12% in 1991 to a high of 19% in 1994
(Connelly, 1999). The increase in trade among Mercosur members came at
the expense of non-members, although absolute trade in the Mercosur
countries has increased with non-members also.
Brazil the dominant Mercosur player
Brazil accounts for 71% of the Mercosur membership and is the
leading voice for the trade bloc. Immediately following the devaluation
of the Brazilian real in January 1999, there was speculation that
Mercosur would collapse (Roett, 1999). Fortunately, this did not occur
primarily because of the reform of the central bank's fiscal and
monetary policies put into place by the Brazilian central bank
president, Arminio Fraga. However successful Fraga's policies had
been for reform in Brazil, there was significant short-term damage to
the Mercosur trading partners. The failure of the administration of
President Fernando Cardoso to consult with its Mercosur partners prior
to the devaluation created a temporary crisis of confidence. These
actions proved that Brazil would move forward unilaterally if its core
interests were at stake without consideration of the other Mercosur
The devaluation of the Brazilian real substantially affected its
Mercosur trading partners. Argentina has been running a surplus in its
$15 billion trade account with Brazil, however, with the devaluation of
the real, the surplus is likely to reverse, putting great pressure on
Argentina's weak export sector. The same type of trade inversion is
likely with Uruguay. The Paraguay economy could eventually have its
exports dry up if Brazil continues to turn inward for domestic goods
(Roett, 1999).
Brazil has reaped the greatest benefits from being part of
Mercosur. Trade surged from $4 billion in 1999 to over $18.5 billion in
2000 between the four countries, with Brazil accounting for more than
three-quarters of all intra-regional trade (Wheatly, 2001). Brazil has
also lured in a large amount of foreign direct investment, primarily
under the premise of a unified South American market. However,
Brazil's gains have often come at the expense of the other Mercosur
Extension of Membership to Chile
Chile has the most competitive and open economy in South America,
with a single import-tariff rate of 9%, which is scheduled to fall by 1%
per year until 2003 (Ogier, 2000). Mercosur has a common external tariff
that typically ranges from 10% on capital goods to 15% for intermediate
goods to 20% for finished goods. In order for Chile to accept full
membership into Mercosur, the country would be expected to retreat from
its more liberal trade regime on non-member countries, while
participating in free trade with its neighbors. Faced with this dilemma,
Chile has continued to opt for associate membership such that it does
not have to change its import tariffs with the rest of the world
Chile maintained its position on liberal trade with non-member
countries by announcing to Brazil in early 2001 that they are in trade
negotiations with the U.S. and that Mercosur membership is currently not
a topic of discussion. This announcement was met with outrage by Brazil,
as they hoped to add Chile as a full member of Mercosur this year so
that South America's largest economies would have a unified voice
in talks for a Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA), a Western
hemisphere trading bloc comprised of 34 countries, slated to come into
force by 2005 (Wheatley, 2001). It is clear that Mercosur will have to
make sacrifices in order to entice Chile to full membership. Is Mercosur
a customs union?
Although trade has quadrupled among Mercosur's members since
the trade bloc was created ten years ago, it has fallen since 1998 and
only represents a fifth of the total trade in the member countries
(Economist, 2001). It is apparent that members of Mercosur are not
reaping the benefits of this arrangement and are actually striking out
on their own. Although trade between the Mercosur countries is
tariff-free for most items, there are a number of non-tariff barriers
that still exist. Furthermore, Mercosur has claimed to be a customs
union with a common external tariff. This has been challenged recently
by the crisis-ridden Argentina who would like to suspend the Mercosur
tariffs so it can abolish import duties on capital equipment and raise
those on consumer goods to pull its economy out of recession (Economist,
2001). Brazil has reluctantly agreed to temporarily suspend the tariffs
in the case of Argentina.
Talks with Argentina and Uruguay have hinted that these countries
would support a suspension of the customs union of Mercosur for a free
trade area. However, Brazil has maintained a hard core view on the
relatively high tariffs in an effort to protect its domestic producers
and manufacturers. This pattern of non-coordinance in trade talks has
become commonplace among Mercosur members. Furthermore, Argentina and
Brazil have recently talked separately with the Andean countries and
with Mexico.
With the proposed Free Trade Area of the Americas, it is imperative
that a unified Mercosur participate in these negotiations. Mercosur was
able to maintain a commonality in talks with the European Union but
since that time, Chile has broken from the trade bloc. It remains to be
seen if Mercosur will unite as one voice in the talks with the FTAA.
However, it is clear that Mercosur needs to internally examine its
policies and re-evaluate the benefits of continuing as a customs union.
European Union and Mercosur
In spite of Mercosur's ongoing internal problems, they are
continuing to forge an inter-regional agreement with the European Union
that will be completely unfolded into a free trade area by the year
2003. Since the early 1990's, Europe has been the main destination
for Mercosur product exports, more than 27% in 1994. This is compared
with 17% exported to the U.S. (Bajo, 1999). Furthermore, Mercosur
represented 53% of all Latin American exports to the EU during this
time, although trade has decreased in the last few years. Figure 5 shows
that Mercosur's percentage of trade with the EU is nearly three
times greater than with other trade blocs
The advantages of the trade relationship between the EU and
Mercosur are mutually beneficial. In 1994, EU exports to Mercosur were
94% industrial goods, while Mercosur exports to the EU were more than
50% agricultural products (Bajo, 1999). Thus, the relationship is
primarily need based. Apart from trade and investment, the EU provides a
common market model for Mercosur, as they are both customs unions.
Mercosur can follow the "road map" that the EU has developed
in becoming an economic union. Additionally, the relationship can serve
as a stronger bargaining unit for advancement of the competition for
world market share. This is probably a greater advantage for the EU, as
they are competing with NAFTA and others, but Mercosur stands to gain
also by the increasing power and recognition that it can gain by being a
member of the free trade area.
The Need for Mercosur to Define Itself
Although Mercosur provides a political framework that has helped to
advance the regionalization of trade in the Southern Cone area, an
assessment of Mercosur's effectiveness shows that the customs union
has considerable drawbacks. Several questions remain as to the future of
the trade bloc, primarily how Mercosur will define itself.
The four countries that make up the trade bloc continue to act
unilaterally in economic and trade decisions. Mercosur lacks agreements
that would allow the eventual freedom of trade in services and has not
dealt with issues such as intellectual property and government
procurement (Reid, 1996). Voting issues among members have also not been
addressed. The style has been one of informality and consensus with no
central secretariat to enforce decisions, as well as no true conflict
solving mechanism (Roett 1999). Additionally, there are no agreed upon customs codes or competition and investment policies (Economist, 2001).
Currently, most disputes are settled by presidential invention, as
opposed to a governing body that has set forth rules that the countries
agreed upon. Any deepening of cooperation among Mercosur will require a
loss of sovereignty, a price that Brazil may not be willing to pay.
In order to begin to solve Mercosur's problems, Brazil must
change its inward focus to a regional outlook. Brazil continually puts
its own interest ahead of those of Mercosur and this has badly
constrained relationships with other member countries. Brazil has
continued to stifle efforts by the other members to lower the average
tariffs on imports (Wheatley, 2001). This has resulted in member
countries striking out on their own to negotiate trade talks with
non-member countries.
In the case of Chile, an associate member of Mercosur, the message
should have been clear to Brazil that the average tariffs on imports
would have to be relaxed if the customs union is to expand. However,
instead of working to overcome the internal division between its
members, Brazil has not taken action and continues to stall on
negotiations. The primary reason for this may be that Brazil is waiting
to see how the FTAA will advance over the next few years. This is a very
dangerous position for Brazil to take because Mercosur will certainly
have more bargaining power in these talks if the members stand together
as a united trade area. Each of the individual member countries will
have less bargaining power if they continue to follow their own
unilateral interests.
Customs Union or Free Trade Area?
The other issue that has continued to plague Mercosur is its
inability to settle the dispute over whether it is a customs union or a
free trade area. For all practical purposes, Mercosur has defined itself
as a customs union but its actions are very different. Argentina and
Uruguay have continued to be opposed to the customs union and instead
opt for a free trade area. The fact that Mercosur is a customs union has
created obstacles for the expansion of trade with other areas including
NAFTA. Brazil's stance over devaluation, import quotas, and
allegations of dumping have continued to bog down negotiations among the
group and may be providing the fuel for other countries to continue to
act unilaterally (Becker, 2001). Furthermore, Argentina has been granted
a temporary waiver from Mercosur's common tariffs due to a severe
recession in the country. This action may prove to be a final blow in
Mercosur's efforts to become a full customs union.
Steps Needed to Rescue the Customs Union
In order for Mercosur to continue as a customs union, it must unify
and solve its internal problems before continuing to negotiate with
outsiders. Some efforts have been made, such as an agreement to
harmonize economic statistics and set common targets for inflation and
public debt, but only with modest progress. However, many issues remain.
The first step needed to get Mercosur back on track is the
establishment of a unified body that will settle disputes among
countries. This body should be granted the authority to make decisions
multilaterally that will benefit all the countries of Mercosur. Each
country should have weighted representation within the unified body.
This is not to say that Brazil should continue to dominate Mercosur, as
this strategy has not worked in the past. Perhaps a non-biased
consultant from the EU should assist Mercosur in fairly establishing its
ruling body.
The second step will require that Brazil relax its hard stance on
the common external tariff. This is absolutely critical if the customs
union is to survive. Brazil needs to weigh its options of keeping
Mercosur together as a unified voice in negotiations with the FTAA or
break away from the customs union to maintain and protect its internal
production. Ultimately, if the FTAA comes into being, the internal
production of Brazil will be affected. It is likely that Brazil will
come out ahead in the long run by making some concessions now to unify
Mercosur than to risk losing its strong voice in the negotiations with
the FTAA.
Finally, the third step in rescuing the customs union will require
an increased feeling of regionalism among members. This will foster a
sense of political understanding and initiate economic reform. This step
may also involve examining whether Mercosur should remain a customs
union or modify its agreement to become a free trade area. All of the
members, except perhaps Brazil, would benefit from allowing each country
to set their own external tariffs with non-members. Although
Brazil's fears of losing internal production and jobs due free
trade may be warranted, this has not happened on a grand scale as
predicted with NAFTA. If Mercosur does not take the initiative to define
itself and work out its internal problems, the customs union is likely
to drift into irrelevance as the new FTAA is unfolding.
This paper examines the underlying problems of the South American
trade bloc, Mercosur. The primary problem is that Mercosur has not
defined itself and its members continue to act unilaterally. This may
not be altogether surprising since Brazil, the dominant player in the
trade bloc, has continued to foster its own interests without regard for
regionalism among the Mercosur members. Furthermore, Brazil has taken a
hard stance against lowering the common external tariffs and creating a
governing body to settle disputes among members of the union. The lack
of regionalism and the ability to settle disputes has prompted members
to continue to negotiate in their own interests and act unilaterally. It
would appear that Brazil holds all the power in this relationship and is
not willing to relinquish it, even if it is in the best interest of its
trading partners. This type of behavior must change in order for
Mercosur to solve its internal problems and forge ahead with
negotiations and trade expansion with the rest of the world. First, the
members of the union must consent that they are a free trade area,
rather than a customs union. As the largest country, it is imperative
that Brazil coordinate its interests with the region's interests.
Brazil must agree to lower the common external tariffs and create a
governing body to settle disputes. The other three countries must remain
united to push Brazil into compliance for the overall good of the South
American free trade bloc. A combined approach is inherently necessary
for Mercosur to succeed.
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Balasundram Maniam, Sam Houston State University
Hadley Leavell, Sam Houston State University
Dorothy Mehrens, Sam Houston State University
Table 1: Summary Statistics of Tests of Equality in the Rates of
Returns by the Day-of-the-Week by Sub-Periods
[H.sub.o]: [R,sub.i] (Monday) = [R.sub.i] (Tuesday) = [R.sub.i]
(Thursday) = [R.sub.i] (Friday)
Number of Country 1980-1985 1986-1991 1992-1997 1998-
Indices where: 6/2002
[H.sub.o] of equal 13 (a) 14 (c) 7 (e) 2 (g)
returns is rejected:
[H.sub.o] of equal 6 (b) 8 (d) 16 (f) 21 (h)
returns is not rejected:
Total Number of Indices: 19 22 23 23
(NOTE: Due to space constraints, details of other sub-periods are not
(a) The following indices are included in this group: Australia,
Belgium, Canada, France, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, Singapore,
Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the World Index.
(b) The following indices are included in this group: Austria, Denmark,
Germany, Hong Kong, Norway, and the U.S.
(c) The following indices are included in this group: Belgium, Canada,
Finland, France, Hong Kong, Italy, the Netherlands, New Zealand,
Norway, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the World
(d) The following indices are included in this group: Australia,
Austria, Denmark, Germany, Ireland, Japan, Singapore, and the U.S.
(e) The following indices are included in this group: Germany,
Hong Kong, Japan, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Singapore, and the
(f) The following indices are included in this group: Australia,
Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Ireland, Italy,
Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and
the World Index.
(g) The following indices are included in this group: Finland and New
(h) The following indices are included in this group: Australia,
Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Hong Kong,
Ireland, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Singapore,
Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, the U.S. and the World
Figure 4
-Average Tariff, Main Sectors-
Sector Tariff (olo)
Mineral Products 2,4%
Products of the Chemical Industry 7,2%
Agricultural Products 7,5%
Plastic Manufactures 11,9%
Electric Machinery 12,6%
Industrializad Foods and Beverages 14,7%
Transport Material 14,9%
Textiles 17,1%
Source: CB