Financial performance of privatized state-owned enterprises (SOEs) in Vietnam.
Pham, Cuong Duc ; Carlin, Tyrone M.
Since the late 1970s a substantial body of literature calling into
question the performance of the government sector has developed. Though
this body of work has expanded to vast proportions, some common themes
visible include the complaint that the government sector suffers from
unclearly defined objectives, inefficient and ineffective policy
implementation processes and is excessive in size relative to its
economic setting. Further criticisms typically relate to the suggested
existence of costly and overly bureaucratic organizational structures,
low levels of responsiveness to citizens and a consequent failure to
provide either an appropriate quantity or (as the case may be) quality
of goods and services to taxpayers (Osborne and Gaebler 1992; Jones and
Donald 2003).
Reformist oriented public management literature often links service
and organizational sustainability deficiencies with macro level economic
difficulties including persistent government sector budget deficits
because of excessive costs and spending compared to poorly structured
and inappropriately spread taxation bases. (Osborne and Gaebler 1992;
Pollitt and Bouckaert 2004).
Many of the sentiments expressed in this body of literature were
echoed in the policy settings adopted by reformist governments, most
notably those in the United Kingdom, New Zealand and Australia (Carlin 2003; Carlin 2004). Consequently substantial changes in public sector
management have emerged since the 1980s with various techniques,
including contracting out, commercialization, corporatization,
privatization used as a basis for improving cost effectiveness and
efficiency in government.
Of these techniques, privatization has been perhaps most
consistently employed throughout the world, often under conditions of
considerable controversy. Privatization is the process through which
governments either wholly or partly sell their interests in state-owned
enterprises (SOEs) to private sector investors in the hope that the
inefficient performance of these firms can be improved by the
application of the discipline associated with private ownership
(Megginson, Nash et al. 1994; Brada 1996; Megginson 2000; Megginson and
Netter 2001).
Having initially been viewed as a radical, perhaps even desperate
policy initiative of the most closely associated with the Thatcher
government in Britain from 1979 onwards, privatization has come to be
accepted as a potential instrument of economic policy for governments of
many persuasions throughout the world. Indeed, the increasing tendency
towards the use of this technique shows no sign of slackening in the
21st century (D'souza and Megginson 1999; Megginson and Netter
Understandably, given the widespread application of privatization
as a tool of public policy and the high degree of materiality (in dollar
and GDP proportionate terms) of many programs of privatization, the
phenomenon has attracted considerable attention from researchers. Some
of the work which has resulted from this attention has been empirical in
its basis, with a particular focus on the performance implications of a
switch from public to private ownership modes.
Despite considerable growth in the volume of extant scholarly
literature focused on the question of the impact of management reform in
the public sector, comparatively little is known about the impact of
such initiatives in the developing world, particularly in instances
where sweeping public financial management reform programs are of
relatively recent origin.
Vietnam represents a case in point. Only in the post millennium
period has the embrace of market based solutions been a significant
phenomenon, made more interesting by the continued presence of a one
party political system still nominally socialist in its focus.
Consequently, this paper contributes to the literature by providing
insights into the financial performance and position of a group of
former state owned enterprises both before and after their transition to
private ownership and listed company status. In doing so, this paper
contributes to the development of a better understanding of the impact
of financial management reform techniques in settings foreign to those
where they originated and were originally implemented. The results may
therefore inform policy decisions in economies still in the process of
transitioning to greater openness and levels of competition.
The remainder of the paper is structured as follows. Section 2 sets
out a review of some relevant literature and how this paper relates to
previous work in this field. Section 3 sets out relevant details
pertaining to the dataset drawn upon for the purposes of the research
reported in this paper and the methodology employed. Section 4 sets out
key empirical results, while section 5 sets out some conclusions and
suggestions for further research.
A considerable body of literature dealing with the subject of
public sector management and financial management reform now exists.
Within that, there exists a body of literature focused on the particular
phenomenon of privatization. An often cited example of this type of work
is embodied in Megginson, Nash and Randenborgh (1994). These authors
compared the pre- and post-privatization financial and operating
performance on 61 companies in 18 countries spanning 32 industries which
had experienced full or partial privatization through public share
selling over the period between 1961 and 1990. Their results suggested
that after being privatized, former SOEs increased real sales, became
more profitable, increased levels of capital spending, improved
operating efficiency levels, had lower debt and increased dividend
payouts (Megginson, Nash et al. 1994).
This paper provided a methodological guide helpful for other
researchers interested in evaluating financial performance in different
nations and in various industries. However, the approach taken by
Megginson et al contained several obvious drawbacks, including sample
selection bias, simple comparisons based on accounting information
prepared according to a variety of incompatible standards frameworks and
the lack of controls for potentially significant macroeconomic variables, such as industry changes regulatory frameworks and
market-opening initiatives (Megginson and Netter 2001).
Furthermore, while providing a range of useful insights, the
Megginson et al study sample contained very few firms from developing
countries, leading to some concerns about the capacity to meaningfully
generalize their results. To overcome this, Boubakri and Cosset used the
same basic methodology as had been employed in the Megginson et al study
method to conduct two studies. The first examined financial and
operating performance of privatized firms in developing countries. Their
sample included 79 companies from 21 developing countries and 32
industries which also experienced full or partial privatization over the
period 1980 to 1992. Their results were consistent with those reported
by Megginson et al (Boubakri and Cosset 1998). A second study examined
the performance of 16 African firms which privatized during 1986 to
1996. This study reported significant increases in capital spending in
privatized firms but insignificant changes in profitability, efficiency,
output (sales) and leverage (Boubakri and Cosset 1999).
These works represented important contributions to the literature,
especially the insight that the privatization leads to performance
improvement which may result from changes in management teams and style
(Megginson and Netter 2001). Nonetheless, these left unexplored niches.
For example, none of the firms included in the samples drawn upon in the
Megginson et al study or the Boubakri and Cosset studies were from
socialist countries undergoing the transition to the embrace of market
based principles. Further, while the studies used aggregate financial
data to characterize the position of firms after the point of
privatization, the datasets drawn upon for the basis of this earlier
research were not sufficiently rich to allow detailed drilling into the
financial causes of the phenomena these authors observed.
Partly filling this gap in knowledge, some authors undertook
evaluations of privatization processes in the Czech Republic, Hungary,
the former German Democratic Republic, Poland and Russia, all Soviet
bloc nations in a process of transition in the post Soviet era. Among
these studies Harper (2000) examined privatization in the Czech Republic
and concluded that this process resulted in improved profitability,
higher efficiency and lower employment levels in divested firms in the
second wave of privatization but caused the opposite results in the
first divestment round (cited from Megginson and Netter, (2001, p.360)).
Other studies by authors, such as Claessens and Djankov (1999),
Frydman, Hessel et al (1999), Smith, Cin et al (1997) were not focused
on financial performance and contained various drawbacks, such as
significant selection bias, omitted variables, and suffered a range of
data validity problems resulting from the massive economy-wide changes
occurring concurrently with privatization processes (Megginson and
Netter 2001).
A recent study focused on the impact of privatization on financial
performance of Chinese firms divested by the State in privatization
processes. Wei, D'souza, and Hassan (2003) conducted a study on 208
privatized firms in China, a current socialist country, during the
period from 1990 to 1997 and also used the Megginson et al methodology.
The results of that study are consistent with those of the earlier
studies cited above, save for their conclusions in relation to post
privatization profitability. Wei et al documented that, after being
privatized, the firms in their sample did not exhibit significant change
in profitability (Wei 2003). Again, this research did not aim to
discover the reasons for changed/unchanged profitability, for
improvement in outputs, for sale efficiency and so forth, so it is not
possible to determine from the results any detailed explanation for the
observed phenomenon.
Another gap in the existing literature has been the failure of
existing studies to document the association between privatization and a
range of key business metrics such as working capital management
efficiency, capital intensity, cashflow profile and the level of free
cashflow generated by enterprises. Yet an understanding of factors such
as these is important in the context of developing detailed insights
into the journey of transition undertaken by firms as they are
reconfigured from public to private ownership.
Vietnam commenced a program of nationwide economic reform, known as
Doi Moi, in 1986. This program represented a wide ranging agenda aimed
at stimulating economic growth and improving the capacity for Vietnam to
achieve both self sufficiency and higher levels of prosperity than had
previously been generated. A substantial element of this agenda was a
move towards greater private participation in the economic system. At
the beginning of Doi Moi in 1986, Vietnam had around 12,300 SOEs many of
which were unprofitable and exhibited signs of substantial inefficiency.
A concerted effort to attack this problem commenced in 1989 with
the dissolution of many unprofitable SOEs and rearrangement of others.
As a result, by the beginning of the privatization process which
commenced in 1992, the number of SOEs in Vietnam had declined to around
6,500 enterprises (CIEM 2002; Vu 2005).
The process of privatization, or equitization as it is known in
Vietnam, has attracted some degree of attention from researchers. Early
studies chiefly focused on explaining privatization in Vietnam in its
particular political and institutional setting (CIEM 2002; Mekong
Economics 2002; Arkadie and Do 2004; Vu 2005; Sjoholm 2006). While
useful, this first wave of literature did not contribute to an
understanding of the effects of privatization on the financial
performance of privatized firms (Chu 2004; Sjoholm 2006).
To date, two detailed studies have been conducted concerning the
financial implications of privatizations in Vietnam. The most
substantial of these was conducted by the Central Institute for Economic
Management (CIEM 2002).
This study was based on a survey of approximately 422 privatized
firms located in 15 cities and provinces of Vietnam. The results of this
study, based on data pertaining to sales, value-added, number of
workers, wages, total assets, export, and profit on sales ratio led the
authors to conclude that privatization could generate positive results.
However, the study was not without weaknesses, the most substantial
relating to data validity. The data drawn upon for the purposes of the
study was largely sourced via questionnaires and interviews with
privatized firms' managers. There is some degree of concern that
the managers of these organizations were cautious to avoid reporting
conspicuous over or under performance, both of which could, in all the
circumstances, have given rise to embarrassment (CIEM 2002).
Another considerable study was conducted by Webster & Amin
(1998), employing a survey of 14 privatized firms in 1998 with a focus
on sales, profits, employment and changes in ownership. The authors of
this study also concluded that in general privatization had proved a
successful policy. One noteworthy point was the discovery of
difficulties in working capital and absence of investment capital
financing in the sample of privatized firms. However, the causes of full
implications of these factors were not developed in the analysis of the
study's results.
This study is based on a detailed dataset compiled from the
financial statements of 21 companies listed in Ho Chi Minh security
center both before and after their listing. As distinct from previous
studies, we report in considerable detail on observed changes in factors
such as profitability, liquidity, working capital management, investment
policy and cashflow, not only at the point of privatization, but over a
period of three years post privatization. Consequently, this study
offers insights into the changing face of post privatized SOEs in a
socialist transitional economy not previously much available. Further
details of the dataset drawn upon and the research method employed for
the purposes of the study are set out in section 3, below.
Since the objective of this study is to provide detailed evidence
pertaining to the impact of the transition from state owned enterprise
to private venture, the sample of organizations examined were all
originally configured as SOEs but were subsequently reconfigured as
private sector enterprises.
Unlike other studies where the data relied upon for the purposes of
analysis has been drawn from surveys, interviews and other similar
sources, this study, focusing as it does on the financial dimension of
the public to private transition, requires a richer and more consistent
dataset. For that reason, the study is based on disclosures contained in
annual audited (and published) financial statements. In Vietnam, under
present regulations, these are only readily available from enterprises
listed on one of the two official stock exchanges. One of these operates
in Hanoi. At the conclusion of 2006, there were 87 firms listed on the
Hanoi exchange. The other operates in Ho Chi Minh City, where 104 firms
were listed by the same point.
However, the Hanoi exchange is a more recent phenomenon than the Ho
Chi Minh City exchange, with the result that most listings on the former
took place in 2005 or later. Therefore, given that a key objective of
this study is to track the changing fortunes of post privatized SOEs
over a medium term time frame, it was not possible to gather a
meaningful research sample based on Hanoi listed entities. This
therefore led to a focus, for the purposes of this paper, on
organizations listed on the Ho Chi Minh City Securities Exchange.
For inclusion in the research sample, it was necessary that firms
had been state owned enterprises prior to privatization (as opposed to
private businesses which had taken advantage of an initial public
offering process), and that audited financial statements were available
for the organization for the year immediately prior to listing and for a
period of three years thereafter. These requirements yielded a total
research sample of 21 firms. Of these, 5 were listed in 2000, 4 in 2001,
10 in 2002 and 2 in 2003. Approximately two thirds of the organizations
in the sample were from the manufacturing and materials sectors, while
the remainders were service enterprises. Details of the set of firms
included in the research sample are set out in appendix 1.
Because each listing year also yields a research sample too small
for meaningful analysis, this study employs a data pooling technique
whereby irrespective of the actual calendar year of listing, all data
pertaining to each firm's year prior to listing, year of listing
and each successive year post listing is pooled for the purposes of
aggregate analysis.
This resulted in a dataset comprising 21 observations for the year
prior to listing (t-1), the year of listing (t=0), one year post listing
(t=1), two years post listing (t=2) and three years post listing (t=3).
The aggregated t-1 data set comprised 5 firm year observations drawn
from 1999 (relating to the five firms which listed for the first time in
2000), 4 from 2001, 10 from 2002 and 2 from 2003, respectively. Each of
the other pooled datasets was constructed in the same manner. For each
year each firm is included in the research sample, a variety of data
pertaining to five key dimensions was gathered. These were:
1) Profitability;
2) Liquidity,
3) Working capital efficiency;
4) Financing; and
5) Cash flow.
To measure these categories, after considering data availability,
the ratios set out in Table 1, below, were gathered.
Table 1: Ratios used for analyzing financial performance of
privatized firms
Categories Indicators
Profitability Return on Assets = OPBT/Average
Total Assets
Asset Turnover = Net Sales/Average
Total Assets
Profit Margin = OPBT/Net Sales
Gross Profit Margin = Gross Profit/
Net Sales
Selling and Admin. on Sales = Selling &
Admin Expenses/Net sales
Cost of Doing Business on Sale = CODB/
Net Sales
Cost of Doing Business = Selling Exp. +
Admin. Exp. + Other Expenses
Liquidity Current Ratio = Current Assets/
Current Liabilities
Quick Ratio = Cash, Cash Equivalents &
Receivables/Current Liabilities
Working Capital on Sales = (Current
Assets- C. Liabilities)/Net Sales
Working Capital Efficiency Account Receivable Days = 365*Average
AR/Net Sales
Account Payable Days = 365*Average A.
Purchase = COGS + (Ending Inv. -
Beginning Inv.)
Inventory Days = 365*Average Inventory
/Cost of Goods Sold
Cash Conversion Cycle = AR Days +
Inventory Days - AP Days
Financing Debt to Equity = Total Debts/Total Equity
Financial Leverage = Total Asset/Average
Owner Equity
ROE = ROA*Financial Leverage
Free Cash Flow (FCFF) FCFF = EBITDA - Changes in Net Working
Capital - CAPEX- Income Tax
Time series data pertaining to each of the five dimensions was
pooled and analyzed, with the results being set out in section 4, below.
Effects on Profitability:
To measure profitability, the study uses six ratios: return on
assets (ROA); asset turnover; profit margin; gross profit margin;
selling and administration on sales; and cost of doing business on
sales. The key findings were that profit margins earned by the firms in
our sample over the three years post listing declined, on average. The
main driver for this decline in profitability seems to have come on the
pricing side of the equation, with downwards pressure on prices not
being offset by less material declines in cost structures post listing.
These results are set out in more detail in Table 2.
Effects on Liquidity
To examine the liquidity or solvency of former SOEs, the study
employed three ratios: the current ratio, quick ratio, and net working
capital on sales. The analysis is also carried out in three dimensions:
1) whole sample with 21 firms; 2) four groups by listing year:
2000-listing, 2001-listing, 2002-listing, and 2003-listing; and 3) two
sub-groups by industry: manufacturing-company group; and trade and
services one. The results of calculation are represented in mean and
weighted mean.
Overall, the results suggest that post listing, the firms included
within the sample improved their working capital management practices.
Thus, the mean observed values for the current and quick ratios fell,
while the level of net working capital required to sustain a unit of
sales activity fell. While the absolute level of liquidity exhibited by
the sample firms fell in the three years immediately post listing, there
was no evidence to suggest that the level achieved by that stage had
declined to levels which would suggest, per se, that the continued
financial viability of the sample enterprises ought be treated as
doubtful. Overall results are summarized in Table 3, below.
Table 3: Summary of effects on liquidity of privatized firms after
Ratios Meaning for Whole sample Group by listing
examination year
Edwards et al.
Current Ability of firm High rate before Moderate value,
Ratio to meet short- listing; Strong but 2000-listing
term debt ability to pay firms in
obligations; short debts; pre-listing;
High ratio means Decrease from Strong ability to
strong ability to 3.0 to lower meet short debts;
pay short rate at Decrease from
obligations; Too around 2.0 various rate to
high ratio means around 2.0
firm invest more
capital in low
Rule of thumb
for safety is 2.0
Quick Similarity as High rate before Moderate value,
Ratio current ratio, listing; Strong but 2000,
but no inventory ability to pay 2001-listing
used for short debts; firms in
calculation Decrease from pre-listing; Strong
because of its 2.0 to lower ability to meet
transferability rate at short debts;
to cash; Rule of around 1.0 Decrease from
thumb for safe is various rate to
1.0 around 1.0
Net Amount of Improvement in Firms listed in
Working working capital using net 2000 and 2003
Capital used to generate working capital have significant
on one VND of net improvement
Sales sale; The lower
ratio the higher
efficiency of
using working
Ratios Manufacturing Trade & services Generally
company companies verified sources
of change
Current High rate in Moderate value There is an
Ratio pre-listing; pre-listing; improvement in
Strong ability to Ability to pay structure of
pay short debts; short debts; current assets
Big adjustment Ratio varies and current
from around 4.0 around rate of liability toward
to around 2.0 2.0 lower current
assets and higher
Quick High rate in Moderate value There is an
Ratio pre-listing year; pre-listing; improvement in
Strong ability to Ability to pay structure of
pay short debts; short debts; current assets
Big adjustment Ratio varies and current
from around 2.5 around rate of liability toward
to around 1.0 1.0 lower current
assets and higher
Inventory takes
high portion in
current assets
Net Significant Insignificant There is a trend
Working improvement improvement of lower current
Capital assets and higher
on Sales current
increase in sales
Effects on Working Capital Efficiency
Consistent with the commentary pertaining to liquidity, there was
strong evidence that the sample firms actively improved their working
capital management practices over the three years immediately post
Our data suggests that the main driver of this overall improvement
lay in better receivables management, with average days receivable
across the sample as a whole falling from approximately 100 days at the
commencement of our measurement interval to around 60 days by the third
year post listing.
By way of contrast, average inventory days lengthened slightly,
though the overall result in this dimension was dominated by the impact
of substantial inventory days lengthening in the case of the subsample of firms listed in 2002. However, even allowing for the potential impact
of this phenomenon, there was far less clear evidence of systematic
improvement in inventory management than was the case in relation to
The data also suggests that firms in the sample on average took
longer intervals to pay their suppliers (in the order of approximately
20 days) at the three year post listing point than had been the case at
listing. However, there is no evidence that this resulted from financial
distress or a lack of liquidity on the part of these firms, which,
according to our data (see table 3 and related discussion, above) had
maintained liquidity at lower, albeit adequate levels at the 3 year post
listing point when compared to the position at listing.
Finally, consistent with the observations set out above, the
overall funding gap position for the firms in our sample improved,
suggesting an improved overall free cashflow position. The results are
set out in more detail in Table 4, below.
Table 4: Summary of effects on working capital efficiency
Ratios Meaning for Whole sample Group by
examination listing
(Hoggett, year
Edwards et al.
2003; Flanagan
Account Days one Significant Significant
Receivable company need to reduction of time reduction
Days collect their collection days in firms
receivables. The from around 100 listed in
gradually shorter days to around 2000, 2002;
period reveals 60 days Little
the improvement adjustment in
of credit sale firms listed in
management 2001, 2003
Inventory Number of days Insignificant Nine firms
Days which inventory lengthening listed in
remains in days for sale 2002 have
reservation of goods and significant
before sale; The services; increase time
short period Dominated by for inventory
reflects the high firms listed turn, other
speed of selling in 2002 groups have
goods and insignificant
services reduction of
Account Number of days Longer time to Longer period
Payable which a pay suppliers occurred in
Days company takes firms listed
to pay suppliers. in 2000, 01,
The long time noise in 02
indicates ability listing firms
to appropriate and shorter
suppliers' time in firms
capitals without listed in
interest 2003
Funding Number of days Significant Significant
Gap a firm takes to shortening in shortening in
complete its one funding gap funding gap
business cycle; from 130 days
The shorter gap to 83 days.
indicate the Dominated by
short time a manufacturing
firm has cash firms
Ratios Manufacturing Trade & Generally
company services verified
companies sources
of change
Account Significant Significant Effective
Receivable shortening time shortening time approaches for
Days for collection for collection credit sale
have been
applied: credit
Reduction of
selling price
and other
These led to
New methods of
selling have
Inventory Insignificant Significant Manufacturing
Days shortening time increase in firms have not
for turning days changed their
inventory for turning plan of
inventory. production,
Trade and
service firms
have purchased
and stored more
inventory than
the sale
Account An increase Decrease from An improvement
Payable from around 40 104 days to 90 in manufac-
Days days to around days for paying turing firms;
60 days for suppliers Trade and
paying suppliers service firms
are under
pressure or
being self-
motivated to
pay debts
Funding Significant Significant Improvement in
Gap shortening in lengthening in account
funding gap funding gap. receivable
from 152 to 82 Increase from dominates the
days 48 to 88 days shortening
funding gap of
firms; Funding
gap of trade
and service
firms is
dominated by
shortening of
payable days
and lengthening
inventory days
Effects on Financing
In order to assess capital structure and efficiency of capital
usage of divested firms we use four ratios: debt on equity ratio,
financial leverage, current liabilities on total debts, and return on
equity (ROE). Also, the calculations are carried out in three
dimensions: whole samples with 21 companies; four groups by listing
year; and two sub-groups by industry classification. The main
observations pertinent to the financing strategies adopted by firms in
the post listing period is that they did increase their reliance on debt
capital, relative to equity capital.
As the balance sheets of our sample firms expanded in the post
listing period, they exhibited a preference for debt financing over
equity financing, with the result that classic measures of capital
structure including the debt / equity ratio and the leverage ratio all
increased (on average) by a substantial margin.
Interestingly, much of the additional debt taken on by the firms in
our sample appears to have been short term in its maturity profile. It
is difficult to know the precise reason for this, but it is possible
that explanations include the relative ease of obtaining short term
financing products versus longer term financing products in the
Vietnamese marketplace, and the relative cost and complexity of longer
term financing arrangements versus shorter term arrangements.
Assuming the capacity to roll over debt facilities with maturities
shorter than those of the assets to which they relate, this may
represent a viable financing strategy, but does suggest an increased
degree of structural financial risk embedded in the capital structures
of our sample firms by the third year post listing.
Over the same period, due principally to the decline in
profitability we reported above, the overall levels of returns on equity
declined, suggesting a worsened risk / return tradeoff position, at
least in the short run.
The results are summarized in Table 5, below.
Table 5: Summary of effects on financing
Ratios Meaning for Whole sample Group by listing
examination year
Edwards et al.
2003; Flanagan
2005; Nguyen
Debt to Proportion of Significant Increase in all
Equity debt and equity increase and groups except for
Ratio that a firm peak value at one which listed
finance its year two in 2001
assets; post-listing
High ratio
indicates high
portion of debt
in assets. It
also reflects
higher profita-
bility but
high risk of
Financial Portion of Gradual Gradual increase
Leverage equity one firm increase in groups except
used to finance after for one listed in
its assets; listing; 2001
High financial Highest value
leverage leads at year
to high two post
return on listing
equity (ROE)
Current Measure the Current Current
liabilities solvency level; liabilities liabilities
on Total High ratio account for account for high
Debts reveals high around 90% of portion in total
risk but high total debts debts
This ratio might
reflect the
firm's difficul-
ties in
approaching the
long-term loans.
Return on Firm's Significant Significant
Equity efficiency decrease decrease in
(ROE) at generating groups except for
profits from one listed in
every dollar of 2001
net assets; The
bigger ROE, the
Ratios Manufacturing Trade & Generally
company services verified sources
companies of change
Debt to Significant Insignificant Management
Equity increase and increase but awareness of
Ratio peak value at highest value using more debts
year two at year other than using
post-listing two post equity; High
listing demand of
capital for
especially at
year two
Financial Significant Nearly It seems that
Leverage increase from unchanged, firms get to the
1.8 to 2.2; swing around marginal point at
Highest value 2.5; Highest 2.5; Higher
at year two value at year demand of
post listing two post capital for
listing operation;
Highest debt in
year two
post-listing lead
to highest
Current Current Current Possible reasons:
liabilities liabilities liabilities high interest
on Total account for account for rate of long-term
Debts around 90% of around 90% of debts; complex
total debts total debts procedures and
condition for
long term loans;
decisions; High
portion of
current assets to
maintain the safe
liquidity level
Return on Insignificant Significant Dominated by
Equity decrease; Swing decrease. ROA and
(ROE) around 20% Maintain Financial
at 30% Leverage; The
increase of
leverage could
not cover the
decrease of ROA
Effects on Free Cash Flow for the Firms
Our final element of financial analysis was to estimate the free
cashflow to the firm (FCFF) generated by our sample of enterprises over
the period under review. We estimated free cashflow to the firm by
adjusting EBITDA for net changes in working capital (consistent with our
discussion above), capital expenditure and taxation costs.
Overall sample FCFF and its components in pre- and post-listing
periods are depicted in Chart 1, below.
Scrutiny of the results suggests that overall FCFF varied
insignificantly at the three year post listing point from the position
which had been exhibited in the year prior to listing. However, a
decomposition of the aggregate result yields interesting insights. While
improvements to working capital management had a positive impact on the
free cashflow position of the sample as a whole, this was offset by
increased capital expenditure profiles, particularly in the first and
second year post listing.
A variety of explanations could potentially be offered for this
pattern, though one which may explain the increased call on capital
expenditures in the post listing period relates to the possibility that
on average, the capital stock under the control of the entities within
the sample was at or close to the point of obsolescence by the time of
listing. The increased managerial freedom and access to capital
associated with the listing event may have provided managers with the
capacity to rejuvenate their enterprises by injecting capital which in a
previous organizational guise had either been unavailable or at least,
relatively more scarce.
If this explanation holds true, then our results suggest that after
an initial spike, capital demands should return to lower levels, in turn
suggesting the possibility of materially improved FCFF levels in future
periods--though these are not captured in our dataset.
Our results depict the challenges faced by a sample of firms moving
from the public to the private domain in an economy itself undergoing
rapid transformation. In contrast to earlier literature which tended to
paint pictures at relatively aggregate levels, our results have focused
on the key individual financial levers which go to building up a profile
of enterprise value generation potential.
We show, in contrast to the results published in earlier
literature, that improved profitability is by no means a guaranteed
outcome of the decision to transition from public to private ownership,
particularly if that transition also occurs against the backdrop of a
general recourse to greater competition in product and service markets.
The data we gathered in relation to our sample of firms suggests
that they faced very substantial challenges in their first years of
private operation. They found margin maintenance difficult, and were in
general unable to reduce their cost structures by an amount sufficiently
great to fully compensate, with the result that profitability fell, even
in the face of expanded sales volumes.
They faced the need to replace obsolete equipment in order to
better face more competitive open markets being created as other
elements of the government's Doi Moi process, and this in turn
required them to increase their reliance on external capital,
principally debt. The manner in which the capital structure of our
sample of firms evolved over time, with substantial reliance on short
term debt, suggests difficulties faced in the absence of deep and liquid
debt capital markets, and the need for managers within newly privatized
organizations to better understand the inherent risks associated with
financing strategies characterized by material maturity mismatches.
On the other hand, the enterprises included in our sample did
succeed in making improvements on the working capital management side of
the business--particularly in relation to receivables and payables,
while performance on inventory management lagged. This may be due to the
inherently greater level of complexity associated with the management of
inventory, when compared against the decisions typically faced in the
management of receivables and payables.
Although the overall level of free cashflow generation by our
sample of firms had not materially increased by the conclusion of the
third year post listing compared to the position at the year prior to
listing, it is not accurate to depict the firms as not having undergone
substantial change during that period. Overall, we found evidence to
suggest that the firms in our sample were managed more leanly (e.g.
lower cost structures, lower buffer liquidity holdings), with a greater
tolerance and or appetite for risk (material capital expenditures funded
chiefly through debt) and with a greater capacity to expand at a rate
commensurate with demand, given easier access to
capital--notwithstanding the concerns we expressed above in relation to
the manner in which that capital was typically structured.
From a policy perspective, the results shed light on the
implications of the privatization policy, and its capacity to operate
successfully and consistently as an element of a broader portfolio of
policies aimed at stimulating economic growth and health. Our results
suggest that irrespective of any of the concerns which might typically
be raised in relation to privatization programs such as that adopted in
Vietnam (e.g. narrow wealth transfer effects, etc), the enterprises were
generally more financially and operationally robust after a three year
journey into the realm of the private domain than they had been at the
point of privatization--and in that sense, more able to contribute to
growth and employment on a sustainable basis than may otherwise have
been the case.
Appendix 1: Sample of privatized and listed companies in Vietnam
Stock Company Industry Priv. date
An Giang
& Export JS
1 AGF Com. M 28/06/01
Bien Hoa
2 BBC Corporation M 01/12/98
Bim Son
3 BPC Company M 08/01/99
Chau Thoi
4 BT6 No. 620 M 28/03/00
Binh Trieu
and Engineering
5 BTC JS Com. M 10/12/98
Halong Canned
6 CAN Corporation M 31/12/98
DA Nang
Plastic JS M 04/08/00
7 DPC Company
Binh Thanh
Production &
Trade JS Com.
8 GIL General M 24/11/00
Forwarding &
9 GMD Agency T&S 24/07/93
10 HAP HAPACO JS M 28/10/99
Hanoi P&T
Construction &
11 HAS JS Com. T&S 13/10/00
Khanh Hoi
Import Export
12 KHA Company T&S 07/03/01
Long An Food
Export JS
13 LAF Company M 01/07/95
14 PMS Stock Company M 31/05/99
15 REE Corporation M 13/11/93
Cables And
Joint- Stock
16 SAM Com. M 30/03/98
& Economic
17 SAV JS Com. T&S 10/04/01
Sai Gon Hotel
18 SGH JS Company T&S 15/01/97
Forwarding And
19 TMS Corporation T&S 03/12/99
Sea Food Joint-
Stock Company
20 TS4 No. 4 M 11/01/01
ions JS
21 VTC Company T&S 08/09/99
Stock Listing Total Assets
Code date
One year At end One year
pre-listing listing year post listing
AGF 02/05/02 127,138,000 167,499,000 209,828,000
BBC 19/12/01 107,175,000 162,869,000 177,199,000
BPC 11/04/02 51,867,000 54,148,000 59,997,000
BT6 18/04/02 176,123,000 216,744,000 255,556,000
BTC 21/01/02 43,933,000 40,840,000 33,250,000
CAN 22/10/01 59,143,000 66,360,000 80,522,000
DPC 28/11/01 37,200,000 28,176,000 26,955,000
GIL 02/01/02 59,626,000 93,336,000 116,737,000
GMD 22/04/02 429,650,000 448,143,000 514,659,000
HAP 04/08/00 19,566,000 29,718,000 39,722,000
HAS 19/12/02 85,850,000 97,497,000 101,872,000
KHA 19/08/02 60,226,000 76,721,000 1,102,730,03
LAF 15/12/00 67,034,000 60,118,000 97,471,000
PMS 04/11/03 55,436,000 52,759,000 78,001,000
REE 28/07/00 212,427,000 271,467,000 343,177,000
SAM 28/07/00 155,038,000 164,698,000 183,132,000
SAV 09/05/02 114,076,000 174,377,000 254,084,000
SGH 16/07/01 24,971,000 22,815,000 24,142,000
TMS 04/08/00 65,153,000 80,981,000 66,411,000
TS4 08/08/02 25,304,000 39,338,000 45,854,000
VTC 12/02/03 35,875,000 48,957,000 62,925,000
Shares Charter Share holding at listing (%)
Volume capital
Stock standing at at listing
Code listing date date
State Others
AGF 4,179,130 41,791,300 100 0
BBC 5,600,000 56,000,000 100 0
BPC 3,800,000 38,000,000 100 0
BT6 5,882,690 58,826,900 100 0
BTC 1,261,345 12,613,500 100 0
CAN 3,500,000 35,000,000 100 0
DPC 1,587,280 15,872,800 100 0
GIL 1,700,000 17,000,000 100 0
GMD 17,718,454 171,784,550 100 0
HAP 1,008,000 10,080,000 100 0
HAS 1,200,000 12,000,000 100 0
KHA 1,900,000 19,000,000 100 0
LAF 1,930,820 19,308,200 100 0
PMS 3,200,000 32,000,000 100 0
REE 15,000,000 150,000,000 100 0
SAM 12,000,000 120,000,000 100 0
SAV 4,500,000 45,000,000 100 0
SGH 1,766,300 17,663,000 100 0
TMS 2,200,000 22,000,000 100 0
TS4 1,500,000 15,000,000 100 0
VTC 1,797,740 17,977,400 100 0
Share holding at listing (%)
State Others
AGF 20 80
BBC 3.5 96.5
BPC 65.3 34.7
BT6 50 50
BTC 19 81
CAN 30.7 69.4
DPC 31.5 68.5
GIL 9.8 90.2
GMD 15.8 84.3
HAP 1.3 98.7
HAS 30 70
KHA 29 71
LAF 30 70
PMS 35 65
REE 25.1 74.9
SAM 48.9 51.1
SAV 20 80
SGH 38.9 61.3
TMS 10 90
TS4 25 75
VTC 45 55
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Table 2: Summary of effects on profitability of privatized firms after
Ratios Meaning for Whole sample Group by listing
examination year
Edwards et al.
ROA Amount of Gradual decrease Gradual decrease
generated by one
VND of assets
Asset Amount of sales Up-down, Increase
Turnover generated by one increasing trend
VND of assets
Profit Amount of Significant Significant
Margin OPBT generated decrease decrease
by one dollar of
net sales
Gross Amount of gross Significant Decrease, except
Profit margin generated decrease firms listed in
Margin by one dollar of 2001
Selling Ability to Insignificant Decrease, except
and minimize decrease for firms listed
Admin. expenditures for in 2000, 01
on Sale selling and
Cost of Ability to Insignificant Decrease, except
Doing minimize decrease for firms listed
Business expenditure for in 2000, 2001
on Sale selling,
Ratios Manufacturing Trade & services Generally
company companies verified sources
of change
ROA Gradual decrease Gradual decrease OPBT increased
at lower rate
than average
total assets
Asset Increase with Insignificant Net sales
Turnover oscillation increase increase at
higher rate than
total assets do
Profit Significant Significant Reduction in
Margin decrease decrease selling price,
increases in
cost of goods
sold and other
Gross Insignificant Significant Reduction in
Profit decrease decrease selling price,
Margin and
Selling Insignificant Significant Management
and decrease decrease team tried to
Admin. minimize the
on Sale expenses, but
not much
Cost of Insignificant Significant Management
Doing decrease decrease team tried to
Business minimize the
on Sale expenses, but
with little
(*) OPBT used to eliminate the effect of tax regulation of the State