Do markets care about social and environmental performance? Evidence from the Tokyo stock exchange.
Cortez, Michael Angelo A.
Japan, together with the U.K. and Germany, was highlighted by Kolk
(2003) as practicing advanced sustainability reporting through
government facilitation. As early as the turn of the century, the
private manufacturing sector, the academe and other stakeholders
coordinated with the Ministry of Environment (MOE) in drafting the
guidelines for environmental accounting and reporting.
A decade after, the MOE has observed increasing compliance
particularly from publicly listed companies, on reporting environmental
conservations costs which are classified either as maintenance costs or
Over the years, scholars have been searching for ways to
operationalize sustainability performance from its root construct of CSR
and CSP. Japanese companies are particularly interesting to examine
because of the availability of data which spans from 2000 to 2010, with
varying levels of adoption from automotives, electronics, and
diversified companies, heavy industries, pharmaceuticals, and chemicals
manufacturing and utilities companies.
My study explores if there is any positive relationship between
environmental innovations and market and firm financial performance,
following the resource-based view perspective. Environmental innovations
are measured in terms of environmental accounting costs shown in the
sustainability reports. Market performance is operationalized as to high
stock market price in a year and book value per share. Firm financial
performance in this study refers to measures of revenue, profitability,
firm size, leverage, and equity. I explore further if the relationship
between these constructs is bi-directional as earlier espoused by CSP
scholars. Advocates of the slack availability of resources suggest that
social and environmental performance is facilitated by the availability
of financial resources (Ullman 1985). These perspectives, however, are
not mutually exclusive and could be combined in what I call the
accumulated slack theory (Cortez 2010). The two-way direction of
relationships affects both the accumulated tangible and intangible
benefits over time realized by management, from social and environmental
Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, a leading global accounting firm,
published The Sustainable Auto Report in 2001 highlighting the strengths
and weaknesses of sustainability reporting practices. While there is
genuine environmental concerns in the corporate philosophy of automotive
manufacturers with detailed discussions on product life cycles,
innovation, technological options and eco-efficiency, there seems to
have been limited discussions on matters that have or could have a
bearing both on risks and opportunities, and on short- and long-term
financial performance. More than half the reports evaluated in the study
scored low (0 or 1) in the description of financial implications of
environmental or social issues.
Kokubu & Nashioka (2002) covered the years 1998 to 2000, in a
survey of environmental accounting practices of listed companies in
Japan. They view environmental accounting as more likely restricted to
the calculation of environmental conservation cost, but the range could
be expanded into environmental conservation as well as corporate
management (Kokubu & Nashioka, 2002). They criticize the current
practice and see the comparability of these costs amongst companies as
not so reliable yet, because companies conforming to the guidelines are
left with much discretion in recognizing and reporting environmental
costs. The problems in defining environmental costs could stem from the
lack of standard definition, distorted calculations, access to
information, hidden costs and cost internalization (Jasch, 2002).
The comparison of environmental costs and financial figures such as
sales is probably helpful in seeing trends in companies'
environmental conservation activities. The benefits of environmental
accounting includes: improvement of corporate image while enhancing
consciousness within the company; reduction of environmental burden;
reduction of environmental costs; development of environmentally
friendly products; and the improvement of environmental decision-making
(Kokubu & Nashioka, 2002). These are all consistent with
Orlitzky's (2008) theorization of the benefits of environmental
Kokubu & Nashioka (2002) correlate environmental costs with
sales, net income and assets but had to consider only the business area
costs, upstream and downstream costs, and management activity costs.
They saw the ambiguity of R&D costs, social activity costs and
environmental damage costs in making the total environmental costs
comparable. Using Spearman's correlation coefficient analysis, they
concluded that there is positive correlation with non-consolidated data
and strongly positive correlation for consolidated data. They suggested
further studies, considering that in 2002 standardization was in place,
and expected widespread compliance amongst Japanese companies.
Meanwhile, their study revealed certain differences in environmental
accounting practices according to company size and industrial sector.
Environmental performance having a two-way positive impact on
financial performance on Japanese companies has been examined
statistically by Nakao, Amano, Matsumura, Genba and Nakano (2007). They
used the environmental performance score by the Nikkei Environmental
Management Survey as the variable controlled by the rate of increase in
revenues, R&D expenses to sales ratio, sales to total assets ratio,
and financial leverage. They suggest that the phenomenon of virtuous
cycles is fairly recent as other scholars caution that it may not hold
for a longitudinal basis.
Panel data regression analysis is performed on 20 out of 50 top
actively traded companies in the Tokyo Stock Exchange comprising
automotive, diversified, electronics, and heavy industries. It is
notable that half the 50 companies are in the manufacturing sector, and
the companies in my study compose the significant big players. Fixed
effects and firm specific factors are captured in the panel data
regression for the period 2004 to 2009. Environmental accounting cost
information is taken from their sustainability or CSR reports published
a year after their annual financial reports. The first direction of the
model shows environmental costs as the independent variable affecting
market performance and financial performance. This follows that the
resource-based view perspective that espouses investments in CSR has
tangible benefits. The reverse direction of the relationships uses
environmental accounting information as the dependent variable,
following the slack availability of resources view where good market and
financial performance facilitate investments in corporate social and
environmental performance.
Based on the concurrent bi-directionality of environmental
innovations costs and market performance, I therefore hypothesize:
H1a: Environmental innovations costs positively impact market
performance measured in high stock price and book value per share.
H1b: Market performance in previous periods positively impact
environmental innovations costs.
Kokubu and Nashioka (2002) have earlier established the
relationship between environmental innovations cost and financial
performance. I pick it up from their findings in 1998 to 2000 and pursue
further the relationships of these variables from 2004 to 2009 when
presumably more comparable and consistent data are now available. I
H2a: Environmental innovations costs positively impact financial
performance measured in firm size, revenues, profit, liquidity,
accounting risk, and intangible asset value.
H2b: Financial performance in previous periods positively impact
environmental innovations costs.
Environmental Innovations & Market Performance
High price for the year, the book value and owners' equity
appear to be significantly and positively influenced by environmental
innovations as shown by the 0.000 p-values. The high adjusted r-squared
which ranges from 0.88 to 0.97 also validate the findings (see Table 1.)
These suggest that the market appreciates the environmental innovative
practices of companies covered in my study. Increases in stock price
cause increases in the book value of common stock and eventually affects
the stockholders' equity. I therefore accept H1a that environmental
innovations costs positively impact market performance.
On the other hand, the reverse directions of constructs
relationships appear to be stronger with a higher R-squared and adjusted
R-squared. This supports the fact that companies, to start with,
invested in environmental innovations by committing resources. With the
felt benefits in market performance, these companies invested further
resources. Likewise, I accept H1b that market performance affects
investments in environmental innovations costs of TSE manufacturing
Environmental Innovations & Financial Performance
Firm size, revenue, liquidity and risk minimization appear to be
the predominant concern why TSE listed manufacturing companies engage in
environmental innovations. This holds true for both directions of
constructs relationships.
Environmental innovations involve investments in environmental
assets, clean technology and production facilities that reduce
C[O.sub.2] emissions. Environmental innovations costs appear to have a
positive relationship with firm size with p-values of 0.000 and high
r-squared 0.9823 and adjusted r-squared 0.9788 (see Table 1). This holds
true for the reversal direction of relationships with environmental
innovations as the dependent variable (see Table 2). However, this is
expected because the sample size captures the top actively traded TSE
companies which presumably are large corporations.
The p-value for sales (revenue) is 0.000 with an adjusted r-squared
value of 0.9800 suggesting goodness of fit. This suggests that revenues
of these Japanese manufacturing companies are positively controlled by
environmental innovations. The customers of these companies appreciate
the environmental performance and it translates to patronage or sales
for the companies. There appears to be concurrent bi-directionality as
the results in Table 2 somehow mirror the results in Table 1.
Current assets and current liabilities also show 0.000 p-values and
adjusted r-squared values of 0.9831 and 0.9714 suggesting goodness of
fit. It is not surprising that there is a positive impact on current
assets because revenue generation may immediately translate into
increases in receivables and eventual cash collections. However, it is
interesting to examine the impact on short-term liabilities. It may be
deduced that short-term liabilities increase alongside with
environmental innovations, to finance environmental maintenance costs
and other short-term expenses. The reversal direction of constructs
relationships, on the other hand, appears to be stronger (See Table 2).
The adjusted r-squared values are higher for current assets and current
liabilities. This suggests how the first direction is reinforced in this
cycle of mutually reinforcing variables.
Exploring the impact of liabilities also reveal positive and
significant impact with 0.000 p-values. This suggests that as
environmental innovations costs increase, long-term debt and total
liabilities increase. It can be deduced that long-term debt is used in
financing environmental innovations and other environmental assets. The
p-values are 0.000 and the adjusted r-squared are 0.9695 and 0.9734,
respectively. Contrary to the business rationale for sustainability, the
coefficient is not negative. Hence, risk is not minimized for these
Tokyo Stock Exchange-listed companies. However, it should be noted that
the Japanese business environment is inherently debt oriented in
contrast to western economies that source their financing from their
active capital markets.
Contrary to my earlier research (Cortez 2010) on environmental
innovations and financial performance of Japanese automotive and
electronics companies, profitability turned insignificantly related to
environmental innovations. Although from the same manufacturing sector,
the companies considered from other manufacturing industries perhaps
have varied responses to the recent global economic crisis and
appreciating Japanese yen. It is hereby recommended that industry
circumstances be investigated, to qualify conclusions on the
relationships of these constructs.
Therefore, I accept H1a and H1b that environmental innovations
impact market performance; and vice versa. However, I qualify the
acceptance of H2a and H2b to as far as firm size, revenues, liquidity
and risk minimization. The impact of environmental innovations on
profitability and intangible assets is not supported empirically for
these TSE listed companies.
This paper supports the earlier theorization on the resource-based
view perspective and the slack availability of resources. Panel data
evidence from the top actively traded manufacturing companies for a
six-year period (2004 to 2009) support the bi-directional relationship
of the constructs--with the first direction being that social and
environmental performance impacts market and financial performance, and
then vice versa.
The markets care about environmental performance measured in
environmental accounting costs. However, social costs are an immaterial,
and hence, insignificant factor to financial performance presumably
because this is a concern of the government while businesses have
overwhelming focus on the environment.
Concurrent bi-directionality is observed between environmental and
financial performance as far as firm size, revenue generation, liquidity
and risk management. The coefficient for accounting risk / long-term
debt did not turn negative as expected but rather show a positive sign.
This reflects the uniqueness of the Japanese business environment that
relies heavily on debt as the primary source of financing. Profitability
and intangible asset values do not appear to be significantly related to
social and environmental performance.
With coefficients of the first direction stronger than the reversal
direction, I deduce that there is accumulation of benefits from this
bi-directional relationship of constructs. It is hereby recommended that
longer time periods be covered in the succeeding studies to permit
causality tests of variables on these manufacturing companies. Likewise,
a longer time lag of cause and effect may be explored to alternatively
determine if markets do care about social and environmental performance
of these Japanese manufacturing companies.
Cortez, M. A. (2010). The Cost of Environmental Innovations and
Financial Performance. Comparative Case Study of Japanese Automotive and
Electronics Companies. Doctoral Dissertation. De La Salle University,
Manila, The Philippines, October 2010.
Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu (2001). The sustainable auto report.
Retreived from December 2009.
Jasch, C. (2002). Environmental management accounting metrics:
procedures and principles. Environmental management accounting:
informational and institutional developments. (pp.37-50). Dordrecht,
Netherlands. Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Kokubu, K., & Nashioka, E. (2002). Environmental management
accounting practices of Japanese manufacturing sites. Eco-efficiency in
Industry and Science. Institute for Global Environmental Strategies
Kolk, A. (2003). Trends in sustainability reporting by the Fortune
Global 250. Business Strategy and the Environment, 12(5), 279-285.
Nakao, Y., Amano, A., Matsumura, K., Genba, K., & Nakano, M.
(2007). Relationship between environmental performance and financial
performance: an empirical analysis of Japanese corporation. Business
Strategy and the Environment, 16, 106-118. doi: 10.1002/bse.476
Orlitzky, M. (2008). Corporate social performance and financial
performance: a research synthesis. Chapter 5. The Oxford handbook of
corporate social responsibility (pp. 113-134). Oxford Press.
Ullmann, A. (1985). Data in search of a theory: a critical
examination of the relationships among social performance, social
disclosure, and economic performance. Academy of Management Review, 10,
* research assistance by Christopher James Cabuay of the De La
Salle University Manila, School of Economics.
Michael Angelo A. Cortez, Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University
Table 1. Impact of environmental costs on market and financial
Independent: environmental innovations
Dependent variables Coeff. P> [absolute value of t]
High price for 1 year 36.69432 0
Book value 0.0124926 0
Equity 20.67689 0
Asset turnover 0.0007961 0.151
Assets 54.75074 0
Return on assets -0.0212175 0.309
Sales 51.71664 0
Pretax income 0.2019439 0.927
Taxes 0.3992472 0.584
Income 0.0521775 0.974
Net profit margin -0.0285235 0.179
Current assets 19.14795 0
Current liabilities 20.05858 0
Long-term debt 8.480828 0
Total liabilities 34.07388 0
Intangible assets 0.7808023 0.192
Dependent variables R-squared Adj. R-squared
High price for 1 year 0.9045 0.8852
Book value 0.9761 0.9713
Equity 0.9753 0.9703
Asset turnover 0.9515 0.9417
Assets 0.9823 0.9788
Return on assets 0.6381 0.565
Sales 0.9834 0.98
Pretax income 0.6453 0.5737
Taxes 0.7155 0.6581
Income 0.6278 0.5527
Net profit margin 0.7395 0.687
Current assets 0.986 0.9831
Current liabilities 0.9762 0.9714
Long-term debt 0.9823 0.9787
Total liabilities 0.9821 0.9785
Intangible assets 0.846 0.815
* Level of significance 0.01; homoscedastic; no autocorrelation.
Table 2. Impact of market and financial performance on environmental
Dependent: environmental innovations
Independent variables Coeff. P> [absolute value of t]
High price for 1 year 0.0042452 0
Book value 21.10281 0
Equity 0.0154194 0
Asset turnover 22.6137 0.151
Assets 0.0067683 0
Return on assets -0.4282085 0.309
Sales 0.0081179 0
Pretax income 0.000371 0.927
Taxes 0.0066011 0.584
Income 0.0001734 0.974
Net profit margin -0.5537829 0.179
Current assets 0.018792 0
Current liabilities 0.0148892 0
Long-term debt 0.0273516 0
Total liabilities 0.0097257 0
Intangible assets 0.0190476 0.192
Independent variables R-squared Adj. R-squared
High price for 1 year 0.9721 0.9664
Book value 0.9756 0.9707
Equity 0.9775 0.9729
Asset turnover 0.9675 0.9609
Assets 0.9792 0.975
Return on assets 0.9672 0.9606
Sales 0.9808 0.9769
Pretax income 0.9669 0.9602
Taxes 0.967 0.9603
Income 0.9669 0.9602
Net profit margin 0.9674 0.9609
Current assets 0.9788 0.9745
Current liabilities 0.9768 0.9721
Long-term debt 0.9746 0.9695
Total liabilities 0.9779 0.9734
Intangible assets 0.9674 0.9608
* Level of significance 0.01; homoscedastic; no autocorrelation.