Three phases of multifactor modelling of construction processes.
Kaplinski, Oleg ; Janusz, Leszek
Abstract. A multifactor modelling the construction processes is a
subject of the paper. Three phases and several steps of the proposed
extended procedure are presented. Tools for these phases from
chronometric testing to verifying the assumed model are indicated. The
following elements of the procedure as multi- and partial regression,
correlation analysis, sensitivity analysis and proposed model are
presented. Besides the classic verification activities the method of
artificial neural networks has been applied. The processes of assembly
of structural corrugated steel plate structures are a background of the
Keywords: construction management, multifactor modelling,
regression analysis, sensitivity analysis, assembly of CSPS.
1. Introduction
Modelling and designing are some of the basic engineering
activities. In case of a number of different factors influencing the
process of designing and implementing a project, a multifactor modelling
assistance of the process is necessary. Such modelling is part of
mathematical statistics, and is primarily based on multidimensional
analysis of regression and on multiple and partial correlation.
A correctly implemented procedure of such a modelling, taking into
consideration additional elements (methods) may bring interesting
results. There are three phases of the proposed extended procedure. The
first phase involves: chronometric tests, application of induction and
isomorphism methods, testing statistical hypotheses, identification of
groups of factors, for example, primary and secondary. The second phase
consists in finding relationships between factors using the regression
and correlation, then a model of the tested process or project is built,
and the degree of influence of changeability of factors on primary
parameters, such as labour consumption, efficiency, or costs is
identified. Therefore, we propose to introduce the so-called sensitivity
analysis. The third phase consists of verification of the operation
correctness of the assumed mathematical model. Besides the classic
verification activities, such as checking, comparing mistakes, comparing
the values of determination factors, the method of artificial neural
networks can be successfully applied.
The paper presents the usage of the above-listed tools to model the
processes of assembly of structural corrugated steel plate structures.
These structures are very often called flexible structures. They come in
useful for construction of small bridges, culverts as well as pedestrian
and vehicle underpasses. Research work and analyses were focused on
defining the degree of labour consumption of the assembly. The research
was conducted in a number of European countries, mainly in Poland (on
building sites). The paper describes designing the proposed model of
identifying the degree of labour consumption. The results, presented in
a graphic form, consist of a comparison of data (norms) originated from
different countries. Finally, the paper signals the way in which the
proposed procedure, on the basis of results derived from the model, can
enrich optimisation of the process of assembly using the methodology of
multi-criterion optimisation. Figs 1, 2 and 3 illustrate a practical
approach to multifactor modelling. The use of the mentioned three phases
are described in next sections.
This paper is a synthesis of research and presentations at several
conferences, including Port Elizabeth [1], Washington DC [2], Seoul [3]
and in Leipzig during the 10th Germany--Lithuania--Poland Colloquium,
May 2005.
2. Background of the considerations and applications
Construction processes are dependant upon many factors. In order to
follow the basic engineering activity as modelling, one should
incorporate the influence of those factors on the model result. Only
then we may consider a model to be appropriate. However, a complexity of
factors can sometime create a substantial difficulty in expressing them
within a model. A demand for compromise between accuracy of a model and
its applicability is of paramount importance (c f [4]). As construction
business is very much based on empirical approach, thus any new model
that is created should be well supported by reliable data. An ideal
situation occurs when prior to construction of a model one can obtain
data through extensive research addressing important features of
modelled construction process. Assembly process of corrugated steel
plate structures (CSPS) is influenced by many factors, thus can be
described as multifactor process.
There are different models for the estimation of labour consumption
and costs of assembly used throughout the world today. In general, they
can be found in documents published by suppliers of CSPS--c f [5-10].
The dissertation [11] presents an attempt of the synthesis of these
models. A comparison of results of labour consumption predictions with
use of those models has been recently performed in Poland [11-13]. This
comparison showed that those models can be described as
"closed", as they will not simulate sensitivity of results
based on change of specific group of factors. During 1996 to 2002
(supplemented by additional tests in the first half of 2004) field
chronometric study covering 162 various cases of installation of
flexible structures has been conducted [11]. This extensive research has
been carried out mainly in Poland and referred mostly to 148 CSPS with
corrugation of 150*50 mm. Results of this research were compared with
predictions obtained from identified 13 models for estimation of labour
consumption from four continents (Europe, North America, Australia,
Africa). It showed substantial differences in output (labour
consumption). It led to the conclusion that there is a need to develop a
new model for labour consumption predictions. Complete considerations of
the new model and description of assembly process have been presented in
[11]. This paper briefly described also the protocol of creating a
multifactor model called LITCAC (Labour consumption, Time and Cost of
Assembly of flexible Culverts) including application of regression
models, sensitivity analysis, artificial neural networks (ANN, [14, 15]
Practical needs in construction industry show that the
considerations in the range of cost and labour consumption are
necessary. Also, the publications of Lichtarnikov [16, 17] can be an
example supporting the reason of undertaking of the topic. However,
works [16, 17] have other character--alternative designing, and other
subject of research--steel structures of different nature and
applications. Besides, the considerations based on multifactor modelling
can offer an universal approach.
3. Phase 1: Chronometric test and identification of factors
The research time framework spans 1996 to 2002. The investigated
jobsites were mainly in Poland but some data origin from Sweden, Ukraine
and Czech Republic. The research (test) set consisted of randomly chosen
installation cases satisfying statistical rules of representation for
general population. Used research method was chronometric measurement of
duration of identified assembly processes, i e collection of time spent
on separate processes during assembly performed on job site. It was
conducted under all weather conditions that occur in Central Europe. The
extracted test set analyzed during development of the modelling
procedure consisted of 148 cases of assembled CSPS with various shapes
(5), geometry and weight. All structures that were considered during the
modelling protocol had a corrugation 150 mm*50 mm. The test set is
considered as statistically significant according to Gliwienko rule--c f
Major elements investigated during the research consisted of:
1. labour consumption of identified assembly processes, time of
2. number of people in assembly crews,
3. tools and equipment used,
4. assembly techniques applied,
5. assembly conditions (level of difficulty, temperature, weather
6. parameters and shapes of assembled CSPS,
7. experience of assembly crews,
8. other (destination of the structure-culvert, bridge, underpasss;
information about location, supervision).
To support the data acquisition process many photographs were taken
during assembly process in various installations and two cases have been
documented also through recording on video camera. The way of reasoning
was based on induction method procedure, which means that general
conclusions were drawn based on a detailed analysis. This procedure is
described in [4]. Results of the research were recorded on assembly
cards and grouped into an aggregated data spreadsheet. Based on
statistical analysis of the results, a number of key process factors and
values (e g average output in identified processes, change of efficiency
due to mechanization, number of tools applied etc) were obtained. Those
were used later on for construction of a new model. The test set, which
was called "principal", was divided into sub-sets, with the
use of isomorphic rules. It allows obtaining sets with elements of
identical features related to dividing criterion (similarity of shapes,
similarity of assembly techniques etc). Dividing of
"principal" set resulted in creation of 18 various sets of
homogeneous elements. This concept is a clue for multifactor model. It
creates an interface between particular factors influence on a specific
case within an identified group of installation cases, and other groups
of cases. This interface was possible only due to number of collected
data through a detailed research and application of isomorphic rule. A
schematic presentation of the division is presented in [1] and [4].
4. Phase 2: Analysis of the research data and model
It is possible to indicate several steps in the second phase.
Step 1: A comparison analysis
In order to evaluate the research results a comparison analysis
with results obtained from identified 13 methods (models) was made.
Labour consumption was compared. In order to obtain a common platform
for comparison, the existing models were used as an input data recorded
during collection of information performed in the research. A graph
showing a comparison of the results (selected) is presented in Fig 4.
Step 2: A division of factors
Investigation of assembly process allowed describing the
sub-processes that occur during installation in a symbolic way.
Recognised sub-processes are called primary processes and consist of:
1. internal transport of plates on the job site,
2. mounting of plates to shape the steel barrel,
3. bolting the plates together by means of bolts,
4. torque the bolts to required torque moment.
A division of factors affecting assembly has been proposed as
1. group A: features of a structure: weight, number of plates,
number of bolts, area of steel shell,
2. group B: assembly crew (number of workers, experience,
motivation systems),
3. group C: used resources (electric wrenches, hand wrenches,
cranes, scaffolds etc),
4. group D: assembly techniques (plate by plate, subassembly, full
5. group E: external factors (weather, site conditions, other).
Factors included in groups B, C, D, E act on factors from group A,
which results in an assembled structure. Groups B, C, D contain factors
and can be changed by a contractor. Factors belonging to group A are
fixed for a specific case and factors belonging to group E are beyond
the power of contractor; they are entirely independent and can not be
controlled. Schematic presentation of action of factors is presented in
Fig 1.
Steps 3 and 4: regression, correlation and sensitivity of results
Obtained results were recorded on assembly cards and later on
grouped into aggregated data spreadsheet. Based on statistical analysis,
efficiency factors for identified primary processes have been specified.
These factors are additionally supplemented by indices, which represent
an increase of outputs due to mechanisation of works. An identical
procedure has been performed for other sub-sets mentioned earlier. In
order to evaluate interdependence of factors and sensitivity of results
another analyses have been performed:
1. multi- and partial regression and correlation analysis,
2. sensitivity analysis.
It was possible to state and evaluate dozens of independences of
factors for assembly process of CSPS for each sub-sets. One of these
cases is presented in Fig 5, which presents a model of non-linear
regression for principal set (composed of 148 elements),
y = -5E - 08[x.sup.2] + 0,0161x + 22,15 [R.sup.2] = 0,7928,
x - weight of structures [kg],
y - labour consumption [man-hours].
Aggregated results of partial regression and correlation analysis
for relation: labour consumption--weight of structure, for different
shapes of structures, are presented in Fig 6. Based on multiple analyses
of interdependence of labour and factors included in a group A, the
weight of a structure was found to be the most significant for
dependence of labour consumption. Full description of the results
obtained from the abovementioned analysis (including dependence of
labour consumption from other factors of group A) can be found in [11].
The analysis has been realised according to classical rules presented
among other in [22, 23] and also in the scope of construction management
[24]. A sensitivity analysis was performed on principal set, in order to
evaluate the sensitivity of results on the change of various factors.
The analysis was carried out for 7 different sets of factors with a help
of software Statistica v.5. Results of one of them showing the
sensitivity of labour consumption to change of use of mechanised wrenches (skr_zakr) and lifting equipment (sprzet) is presented in Fig
7. Conclusion from this analysis is that assembly process is sensitive
to change of many factors and thus a model predicting the labour
consumption must incorporate a mechanism taking this fact into account.
Step 4 (in the sphere of sensitivity analysis) is not obligatory in
traditional procedure of multifactor modelling.
Step 5: New model--proposal
Based on the above-presented considerations, a new model (called
LITCAC) for estimation of labour consumption has been proposed. This
model is an "open" type model, which means that it allows
changing of many of input parameters and permits to observe the results
of the change on labour consumption. Based on it, one can estimate cost
of assembly by introducing specific figures for cost items, i e labour
cost, cost of machinery, overall daily cost etc. As a subsection, the
model provides module for estimation of time of assembly counted in days
(or shifts).
Mathematical notation of the model is expressed by 4 equations:
* Labour consumption of assembly,
* Time of assembly,
* Direct cost of assembly,
* Total cost of assembly including overheads and general
construction daily costs.
These equations are developed and contains different coefficients
and corrective indices [1, 11]. Brief description of the proposed model
is presented in the Appendix.
5. Phase 3: Verification
Based on regression analysis, the model provides user with
information about confidentiality of prediction, i e gives estimated
range of error and evaluates probability of estimation accuracy.
Basically the level of accuracy ranks from: 0,79 to 0,96, depending on
test subset. It describes the average probability of estimation
accuracy. On top of that, for each estimate a range of error for
resulted labour consumption is generated. This distinguishes LITCAC
model from other existing models, which do not provide any information
about confidence level of estimations. Verification of the model has
been performed based on comparison with results of regression model and
simplified model, which is related to hourly output, as well as to
results of analysis with the use of artificial neural networks (ANN)
(based on BrainMaker Professional for Windows v.3 [25]). Additionally
the model has been tested on separate cases of assembly that were not
included in the test set. The verification of the model confirmed its
good applicability for predictions of labour consumption (c f [3]).
The comparison of average error of estimation of labour consumption
obtained from regression model, artificial neural networks and LITCAC
model for subset "pa" is presented in Fig 3. The artificial
neural networks have had two layers with two input parameters (weight
and number of bolts) and end results, i e labour consumption.
An average relative error for the analysed test subset
("pa") obtained from LITCAC model as well as its dispersion
was the lowest of compared models. The average relative error was
calculated based on equation (1):
[epsilon] = (1/N) [n.summation over (t=1) ([]
(x)-[P.sub.ib] (x)/[](x)] (1)
[epsilon] - an average relative error for applied model,
n - number of elements of the investigated set,
[] (x)--labour consumption of assembly for specific
structure based on applied model,
[P.sub.ib](x)--labour consumption of assembly for specific
structure based on research,
x--weight of a structure.
The average relative error of prediction (a) for LITCAC model was
[epsilon] = 0,44 % with [delta] = 22,40 % (standard deviation), whereas
ANN resulted in [epsilon] =15,42 % and [delta] = 71,57 % and regression
model resulted in [epsilon] =15,53 % and [delta] = 58,49 %. Comparison
of the results obtained from LITCAC model with research measurements and
other methods are satisfactory and show the advantage of our model.
Of course, it is possible to indicate many cases of applications
mentioned above three phases in practice. Fig 8 presents a simple
graphical output from the LITCAC model (installation case with 5 workers
equipped with different number of resources). One can notice the change
of results related to resources change. Besides, the choice of optimal
assembly crews for erection of corrugated steel plate structures [6] is
an interesting example of this consideration. The improvement of quality
of assembly works is presented in [8].
Additional step: Module of optimisation
Presented procedure of multifactor modelling can be finished at
this moment. But the proposed procedure and the use of the model can be
considerably enriched through the addition of the module (of the model)
of the optimization. Application of multi-criteria decision making
methods MCDM (for example, TOPSIS, ELECTRE or ENTROPHY, [26-29])
together with LITCAC can yield an interesting effect in optimization of
the process planning. Examples of that are presented in [1, 2].
6. Conclusions
The presented procedure of multifactor modelling in construction
management shows the importance of the induction method in the
development of an accurate model. Moreover, this approach allows a sound
verification of the model and helps users to understand the reasoning in
a detailed way. The presented model incorporates an interface between
technology and economy, which is well presented in reality. Utilising
results from LITCAC with use of MCDM models is very useful for
optimization of assembly process. The new model is constructed in its
way that it can be used worldwide after minor adjustments to specific
markets. There is a number of practical applications of discussed model
available today. One can find some of them in [1-3]. This model is
frequently used in Poland.
Aggregated equations of the LITCAC model: Labour consumption of
L = W([n.sub.1]+[n.sub.2])/ [[delta].sub.k] ([n.sub.1] + [n.sub.2]
[a.sub.i]) + W[n.sub.3]/[[delta].sub.r] ([n.sub.3] + [n.sub.4]
[[beta].sub.i]) [[xi].sub.i] [man-hours].
Time of assembly:
T = W/[[delta].sub.k] ([n.sub.1] + [n.sub.2] [a.sub.i]) +
W[[xi].sub.3]/[[delta].sub.r] ([n.sub.3] + [n.sub.4] [[beta].sub.i])
[[xi].sub.i] [hours].
Direct cost of assembly:
[] = W[c.sub.1] [[xi].sub.i] ([n.sub.1] + [n.sub.2] (1
+ [sigma])/[[delta].sub.k] ([n.sub.1] + [n.sub.2] [[alpha].sub.i]) +
[[xi].sub.3] [n.sub.3] + [n.sub.4][kappa]/ [[delta].sub.r] ([n.sub.3] +
[n.sub.4] [beta]i), USD].
Total cost of assembly including overheads and general construction
daily costs:
[] = W[c.sub.1] [[xi].sub.i] ([n.sub.1] + [n.sub.2] (1 +
[sigma])/[[delta].sub.k] ([n.sub.1] + [n.sub.2] [[alpha].sub.i]) +
[[xi].sub.3] [n.sub.3] + [n.sub.4][kappa]/ [[delta].sub.r] ([n.sub.3] +
[n.sub.4] [beta]i)) +
+ [C.sub.0]/r (W/[[delta].sub.k] ([n.sub.1] + [n.sub.2]
[[alpha].sub.i]) + W[[xi].sub.3]/[[delta].sub.r] ([n.sub.3] + [n.sub.4]
[[alpha].sub.i]) [[xi].sub.i] [USD].
W--weight of structure,
[c.sub.1]--cost of labour,
[n.sub.1]--number of hand keys for torque of the bolts,
[n.sub.2]--number of mechanical keys for torque of the bolts,
[n.sub.3]--number of workers in an assembly crew,
[n.sub.4]--number of cranes or other lifting and transporting
mechanical equipment,
[[alpha].sub.i]--an increase index due to mechanisation of bolting
and torque,
[[beta].sub.i]--an increase index mechanisation of mounting steel
[[delta].sub.k]--efficiency of hand torque and bolting,
[[delta].sub.r]--efficiency of on-site transportation and mounting
of plates,
[kappa]--an index of relative cost of use of heavy equipment versus
use of manpower in mounting of plates ([kappa] = [k.sub.3]/ [c.sub.1]),
where [k.sub.3] - cost of using mechanised equipment for lifting and
transporting steel plates,
[sigma]--an index of relative cost of use of mechanical wrenches
versus use of hand-tools in torque of bolts
([sigma] = [k.sub.2]/[c.sub.1]), where [k.sub.2]--cost of using
mechanised wrenches,
[[xi].sub.i]--corrective indices accounting for parallel processes
[c.sub.0]--daily overhead costs for job side [USD/shift],
r--duration of a shift [ 8 hours].
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O. Kaplinski, L. Janusz
Straipsnyje nagrinejamas daugiafaktoris statybos procesu
modeliavimas. Pasiulyta isplestine modeliavimo procedura, susidedanti is
triju etapu, kuriu kiekvienas sudarytas is keliu veiksmu. Etapuose
naudojami ivairus metodai ir priemones--nuo chronometravimo iki sudaryto
modelio tikrinimo. Nagrinejamoje proceduroje taikomos daugybine ir
daline regresine, koreliacine, jautrumo analizes bei autoriu pasiulytas
modelis. Be klasikiniu metodu, pritaikyti ir dirbtiniai neuroniniai
tinklai. Siuloma metodika parengta pagal gofruotuju plieno lakstu
konstrukciju montavimo proceso pavyzdi.
Reiksminiai zodziai: statybos valdymas, daugiafaktoris
modeliavimas, gofruotuju plieno lakstu konstrukciju montavimas.
Oleg Kaplinski (1), Leszek Janusz (2)
(1) Poznan University of Technology, 60-965 Poznan, Poland. E-mail:
[email protected] (2) ViaCon Polska, 64-130 Rydzyna, Poland.
[email protected]
Oleg KAPLINSKI. Head of the Chair of Construction Engineering and
Management at Poznan University of Technology. Member of Ukrainian
Building Academy, member of Civil Engineering Committee of Polish
Academy of Science, Chairman of the Section of Construction Management
in this Committee. His research interests include the organisation and
modelling of construction processes.
Leszek JANUSZ. Chief Executive Officer of ViaCon-Polska Ltd. PhD
degree in Civil Engineering from Poznan University of Technology. His
research interests include bridges, structures, production and
construction of flexible corrugated steel structures (CSPS),
particularly the management.
Received 30 Sept 2005; accepted 28 Nov 2005