Compacting of particles for biaxial compression test by the discrete element method.
Markauskas, Darius ; Kacianauskas, Rimantas
Abstract. Numerical simulation of the compacting of particles for
the biaxial compression test using the discrete element method is
presented. Compacting is considered as the first independent step
required for a proper simulation of the entire compression process. In
terms of the continuum approach, compacting is regarded as generation of
the initial conditions. Three different compacting scenarios with
differently manipulated loading history on the boundaries, namely,
compacting by using the moving rigid walls, by the static pressure using
flexible membranes as well as combining the above two methods are
considered. Discrete element methodology and basic relations, as well as
formulation of the compacting problem and computational aspects of
compacting are presented in detail. Each of the scenarios is illustrated
by the numerical results. It has been found that the combined compacting
scenario yields the required initial conditions exhibiting the best
physically adjustable state of particles.
Keywords: discrete element method, visco-elastic granular media,
biaxial test, compacting of particles.
1. Introduction
Compression test is probably the dominating experimental procedure
used for determining the strength and stress-strain properties of soils
and other granular materials. In the compression test, a specimen is
subjected to two independent external loadings--the controlled variable
axial compression and constant lateral pressure. Triaxial tests
generally comprise the deformation of a cylindrical specimen or
rectangular parallelepiped, while biaxial tests allow us to investigate
plane strain behaviour. On the other hand, biaxial test may be
considered as a simplified model of three-dimensional solid exhibiting
the nature of the investigated phenomenon in hand.
Basically, compression tests were conducted to determine the
macrospic characteristics of the granular media such as deformation
moduli or angle of internal friction. A large majority of works are
dealing with investigation of shearing characteristics and localisation of deformations of material related to occurring of shear band. For
details on the compression tests, the reader is referred to classical
textbooks, for example [1]. The work of Shinohara et al [2], describing
the effect of the particle shape on the angle of internal friction may
be considered as an example of experimental investigation using the
triaxial compression test. Experimental setup using a special biaxial
shear apparatus, allowing us to control general plane strain deformation
is presented by Lanier and Jean [3].
Recently, numerical simulation has become a powerful alternative to
investigating the behaviour of the granular media. It has some
advantages over laboratory tests. This is partially because the
experimentator cannot observe inter-particle processes. Another reason
is a possibility to reproduce the identical properties of specimens and
prescription of the required parameters.
Among currently used techniques, the discrete element method (DEM)
is extensively applied to simulation of discrete and continuous problems
of solid, fluid and molecular mechanics. The DEM, methodology initiated
by P. Cundall and O. Strack [4], allows for the simulation of particle
motion taking into account not only the obvious macroscopic domain
geometry and constitutive relations between the macroscopic state
variables, but also the interaction between the particles and their
interaction with a physical environment.
The method opens up new vistas for investigation of these highly
complicated entities, where the experimental measurements are extremely
difficult because the duration of the interaction between the particles
is very short and the displacements of individual particles are
relatively small. On the other hand, the increasing capacity of the
advanced computer technologies provides a basis for the development of
computer-aided methods. Comprehensive reviews of DEM methodology and
different computational aspects of the DEM are found in the papers of
Sadd et al [5], Dziugys and Peters [6] and Langston et al [7].
Fundamental issues of DEM simulations and a continuum model are
presented in the works of Luding et al [8] and Luding [9].
High computational expenses do not allow for a wide application of
the DEM with 3D particle models to solving real scale problems. However,
the use of the 2D particles may solve compression problems in a real
time scale exhibiting major physical effects. A model based on 2D
disk-shaped particles is most popular for simulation of compression,
especially the biaxial compression tests, see Lanier and Jean [3], Ting
at al [10], Sitharam [11], Liu et al [12], Jiang et al [13]. Uniaxial
and biaxial compression tests of the sandstone specimen were simulated
by Hunt et al [14]. Biaxial tests for granular material by applying a
modified DEM with an additional elastic spring, a dashpot and a slider resisting rotation were considered by Ivashita and Oda [15].
Two-dimensional polygon-shape particles were investigated by Mirghasemi
et al [16].
Due to computational difficulties, direct simulation of triaxial
tests is rather limited. Compression of spherical and clumped particles
in a rectangular box was considered by Schmitt and Katzenbach [17].
Assessment of the influence of the particle size on the sharing
characteristics of granular material by numerical simulation of the
triaxial test using two- and three-dimensional discrete elements was
performed by Tsunekawa and Iwashita [18]. Uniaxial compression of the
cylindrical specimen of cohesive geomaterial using an axi-symmetric
model and 2D elements was studied numerically by Camborde et al [19].
In general, the applications of the DEM show a good agreement with
macroscopic observations. By examining the fundamentals as well as using
the numerical results obtained, a lot of problems should be solved to
clarify and reduce the influence of the artificial computational effects
occurring in DEM simulation. One of these is related to preparation of
test specimens or, in terms of continuum, to prescription of the initial
Generally, three basic techniques, such as free compacting under
gravity, particle expansion, and compacting by compression of boundaries
are considered throughout the references. Free compacting is the
simplest method used merely to generate the initial conditions in the
granular flow during transportation. Using the expansion method [17] the
radii of all particles are increased gradually to a desirable value. The
contact force developed between any two particles during the growth
process allows particles to move in order to turn specimen into a dense
specimen. The expansion of radii is convenient when it is known what
should be the porosity of the specimen.
Probably the most comprehensive review, focussing basically on
compression methods of the topics discussed was provided by Jiang et al
[13]. Originally [4], the compression methods were implemented by
controlled inward motion of two (axial compression) or all four
(isotropic compression) rigid walls resulting in compacting the
particles. Obviously, the entire specimen is subject to compression (a
single layer method), but the multi-layered method with the sequential
compacting of separate layers has also been recently used. This type of
compaction was applied by Schmidt [17], Lanier [3], Liu [12] to biaxial
The alternative way of implementing isotropic compression is to
apply the prescribed pressure directly to stress-controlled flexible
specimen boundaries. Tsunekawa and Iwashita [18] generated flexible
boundaries of the three-dimensional cylindrical specimen using extra
particles connected via Delaunay triangulation. This approach has
limited application because complicated implementation of flexible
boundaries leads to some additional expenses. Flexible boundaries
composed of a chain of spherical particles were used by Ting et al [10]
and Ivashita and Oda [15].
The compacting process with artificially generated initial
conditions may affect the final results of the compression test. This
effect was observed by Tsunekawa and Iwashita [18], but the causes of
this phenomenon were not explained. The influence of the initial state
and the sensitivity of equilibrium on the loading rate as well as the
occurrance of oscillations were observed by Mirghasemi et al [16]. The
importance of the initial conditions expressed in terms of the
relationships between the confining pressure and macroscopic stresses as
well as strains is most comprehensively illustrated by Sitharam [11].
Another drawback of the above compression method is associated with
the difficulty to control pressure values, while equilibrium of the
particles at pressure boundaries may be not attained when the specimen
reaches a desired density.
The paper addresses the problem of compacting the particles of the
specimen for the biaxial compression test. Compacting is considered as
the first independent step required for a proper simulation of the
entire compression process. In terms of the continuum approach, it is
regarded as generation of the initial conditions. Three different
compacting scenarios with differently manipulated loading histories on
the boundaries, namely, the geometric compacting by using moving rigid
walls, the static compacting using flexible membranes as well as a
combination of the above methods are considered. Discrete element
methodology and basic relations, formulation of the compacting problem
and computational aspects of compacting are presented in detail. Each of
the scenarios is illustrated by numerical results.
2. Discrete element model and basic relations
The two-dimensional DEM model is applied for simulation of the
biaxial compression test. The granular media under compression presents
an assembly of deformable particles in the form of discs. The DEM is a
numerical technique aimed to track the dynamic motion of individual
particles. Each of the particles is defined and considered separately,
with its own mass, moment of inertia, radius and physical properties.
The time-driven discrete element method [6] was used to simulate the
time-dependent behaviour of particles.
In two dimensions, each particle i (i = 1, N), has three
independent degrees of freedom (two translations and one rotation). The
motion of each particle i of the granular material in time t is
described by the second Newton law
[m.sub.i] [d.sup.2][x.sub.i]/[dt.sup.2] = [F.sub.xi], (1)
[m.sub.i] [d.sup.2][y.sub.i]/[dt.sup.2] = [F.sub.yi], (2)
[I.sub.i] [d.sup.2][[theta].sub.i]/[dt.sup.2] = [T.sub.i], (3)
where [x.sub.i], [y.sub.i] are components of the position vector [x.sub.i] = [{[x.sub.i], [y.sub.i]}.sup.T], [[theta].sub.i] is the
orientation angle of the gravity centre, [m.sub.i] is mass and [I.sub.i]
is the inertia moment of the particle.
Right-hand side parameters [F.sub.xi], [F.sub.yi], and [T.sub.i]
present the resultants of gravity and inter-particle contact forces and
torques, which act on the particle i, respectively:
Here [d.sub.cij] is the geometric vector pointing from particle
centre to contact point [C.sub.ij], while g is gravity acceleration. The
collision of particles is approximated by a representative overlap
volume of particles in the vicinity of the impact point.
Inter-particle as well as particle-wall contact comprises the
forces due to elastic deformation, viscous damping and friction. Some
details for contact geometry model may be found in [6, 15, 20].
The contact between two material particles is modelled by a spring
and dashpot in both the normal and tangential directions and using an
additional slider in tangential direction (Fig 1). The inter-particle
force vector [F.sub.ij] = [{[F.sub.xi], [F.sub.yi]}.sup.T] describing
the contact between the particles i and j acts on the contact point
[C.sub.ij] and may be also expressed as the sum of the normal and
tangential components:
[F.sub.ij] = [F.sub.n,ij] + [F.sub.t,ij]. (7)
The normal forces involve elastic and viscous components. The
elastic component of normal force elastic [F.sub.ij,elastic] corresponds
to the unilateral nature of the contact and is actually the repulsion force. It is related to the amount of overlap [h.sub.ij] by the average
secant normal contact stiffness of particles i and j:
[F.sub.ij,elastic] = [k.sub.n][h.sub.ij][n.sub.ij], (8)
where [n.sub.ij] is a unit vector pointing the direction of the
contact surface through the centre of the overlap area towards the
particle i; [k.sub.n] is the normal spring stiffness.
The calculation of the viscous force component is based on the
linear dependency of the force on the relative velocity [v.sub.n,ij] of
the particles at the contact point with a constant normal damping
coefficient [gamma]n
[F.sub.n,ij,viscous] = -[[gamma].sub.n][m.sub.ij][v.sub.n,ij], (9)
where [m.sub.ij] = [m.sub.i][m.sub.j]/[m.sub.i] + [m.sub.j] is the
reduced mass of the contacting particles i and j.
The tangential force [F.sub.t,ij] may be of the static or dynamic
character. The elastic shear force with account of viscous damping forms
the static shear friction. All subsequent relative shear displacements
[[delta].sub.t,ij] are resulting in an additional increment of elastic
shear force that is added to the current value
[F.sub.t,ij,elastic] = [k.sub.t][[delta].sub.t,ij][t.sub.ij], (10)
where [t.sub.ij] is the unit vector of the tangential contact
direction; [k.sub.t] is the shear spring stiffness; [d.sub.t,ij] is the
value of tangential displacement.
The viscous component in the tangential direction is modelled
adequately to that in the normal direction (9):
[F.sub.t,ij,viscous] = -[[gamma].sub.t] [m.sub.ij] [v.sub.t,ij],
where [[gamma].sub.t] is the tangential damping coefficient.
The nature of the dynamic force is related to the friction during
and after gross sliding. This force is defined by introducing a slider
in the model.
[F.sub.t,ij,dynamic] = -[micro] |[F.sub.n,ij]|[t.sub.ij]. (12)
The slip occurs when the shear force exceeds, in comparison to the
normal force, a certain level, which depends on the dimensionless
friction coefficient [micro].
When the contact forces are determined, the acceleration of each
particle is calculated by the second Newton's law. New velocity and
displacement are computed using a 5th-order Gear predictor-corrector
scheme [6, 20].
In this study, the computer code called DEMMAT [21] is used for
3. Compression problem
The discrete element method is aimed to describe a system
consisting of a large number of particles of various size, shape and
material. The method actually presents the microscopic approach
describing the behaviour of individual particles and inter-particle
contacts. On the other hand, the particles in the system may demonstrate
different behaviour and properties of the continuum on a macroscopic
level. This system can be deformed as a solid body or it may expose
flowability similar to that of a liquid or compressibility like that of
gas. Soil is a representative medium, the behaviour of which, depending
on particular conditions, may be considered as the behaviour of a
mixture of particles or continuum in the form of a solid body or fluid.
In the above context, the discrete element method may be also
interpreted as one of numerical techniques applied to the solution of
continuum mechanics problems. It bridges the gap between macroscopic and
microscopic models. More precisely, using DEM improves the continuum
models by taking into account inter-particle contacts and internal
dissipation and instabilities. Application of DEM serves as the basis
for explaining the nature of multi-level mechanisms.
From the macroscopic point of view, the behaviour of a system of
particles in the biaxial compression test may be treated as macroscopic
behaviour of the two-dimensional continuum. In most general terms,
continuum formulation of the compression test presents the initial value
problem. The problem domain is two-dimensional rectangular domain (Fig
2), inside which the material and all mechanical properties, including
material density, are defined a priori.
As used in mechanics of solids, the differential equations of
dynamic (in a simplified case, static) equilibrium are formulated in
terms of the unknown time-dependent displacement vector field u(x, t):
Au(x, t) = F(x, t). (13)
The initial conditions for the continuous field variable are
defined as
In terms of the discrete approach, equilibrium equations (13) are
replaced by Eq (1-3) written for individual particles. The initial state
of the motion (14) should be defined by the initial conditions for an
individual particle imposed in time [t.sub.0] = 0.
Here, [v.sub.0I] stands for the initial velocity of the particle i.
The correct setting up of conditions (15) is a complicated task because
of particle positioning. In order to achieve the real physical state in
DEM, the initial conditions are implemented numerically by preliminary
simulation of the particle state using the same Eq (1-3). Finally,
instead of dealing with the conditions defined by Eq (6), the initial
conditions are defined in time [t.sub.1]
Here, [t.sub.1] is the time required for simulation of the initial
conditions, while the given values of [x.sub.1i] and [v.sub.1i] are
obtained in preliminary simulation.
Two types of boundary conditions are considered for a description
of the granular state during compression. The rigid wall boundary
conditions are used to define the interface of material with a rigid
surface. In terms of continuum, a rigid wall allows us to implement only
standard geometric boundary conditions of Dirichlet type restricting
particle motion [u.sub.n] in normal direction
[](t) = u(t). (17)
In terms of the discrete element, the concept of a rigid wall is
much more powerful. The discrete approach also allows us to impose
tangential friction, where by the evaluation of contact, the rigid walls
may be treated as particles of infinite radius and mass. Eq (16) is the
unilateral condition restricting the motion of the particle only outside
the granular domain. Furthermore, motion and rotation of the rigid walls
may be imposed in the same manner.
The static boundary conditions on the free surface may be
implemented by adding pressure p directly to the particle i:
[](t) = p(t)[A.sub.i], (18)
where [A.sub.i] presents the effective surface area of the particle
Different manipulations are used to form various compacting
4. Compacting algorithm and scenarios
Current investigation is restricted to the consideration of the
compression of the boundaries. The specimen was compacted according to three different scenarios. Each of the scenarios is implemented by
different time sequences of the prescription of the boundary conditions
(17) or (18) as illustrated in Fig 2. The first scenario is used to
prepare the specimen for the biaxial test with all four rigid walls. In
the second scenario, the side walls were replaced by flexible membranes
immediately after the generation of specimen. These membranes imitate
rubber membranes used in the experiment. The third scenario is a
combination of the first and the second scenarios.
According to the first scenario, the specimen is compacted by
applying displacements for all four rigid walls until the required
porosity is achieved. After generating the specimen a simulation of the
biaxial test could be performed. In such an analysis, constant pressure
on the side walls is kept, while the upper and the bottom walls are
moved inward.
In the experiments with a constant pressure application on the
sides of the specimen, a flexible rubber membrane is often used. In the
present numerical analysis, a membrane consisting of the chain of
particles is introduced. This membrane is similar to the membrane used
by Iwashita and Oda (2000) [15]. According to the second scenario,
flexible membranes on the sides of the specimen were introduced
immediately after the generation of the particles to obtain a compacted
specimen with flexible membranes. Pressure on each particle of the
membrane and on the top and bottom walls is gradually increased from
zero to the required value.
The third way of obtaining the compacted specimen was implemented
by combining the first two ways. At the very beginning of the
compaction, the rigid walls on both sides and on the top and bottom are
introduced. The specimen is compacted isotropically by moving the walls
inward at a prescribed speed. The compression is suspended before a
considerable force will start to act the boundaries. From that point,
the side walls are replaced by flexible membranes and pressure is
gradually increased to the required value. The compression test can be
performed on this compacted specimen by keeping constant pressure on
both sides and applying displacements to the top and bottom walls.
5. Numerical results and discussion
The current study is aimed to prepare the specimen for 2D biaxial
test simulation using grain size distribution presented in Fig 3. This
distribution was obtained by upscaling the grain size distribution of
Karlsruhe sand presented by Schmitt (2003) [17] by the factor four. 2658
particles were generated and placed in the rectangular area of the size
5 x 10 cm. The specimen of the unit thickness was used. The model
parameters are given in Table 1. The time step in simulations was
selected as [DELTA]t [less than or equal to] 1/10 [DELTA][t.sub.c],
where [DELTA][t.sub.c] equals 2[square root of m/k] [12].
The first scenario described in the previous section is considered.
The generated specimen (Fig 4) is compacted by moving all four walls
inward at constant speed until the wall displacement is equal to 3 mm.
Four compaction processes were simulated by applying different speeds to
the walls reaching 0,50 m/s, 0,20 m/s, 0,05 m/s and 0,01 m/s,
respectively. The resultant reaction forces acting on the bottom wall
are shown in Fig 5. During a fast compaction the reaction force has
already increased at the first stage. This reaction may be accounted for
the system's dynamics. In fast compaction the forces between the
particles near the boundary do not have time to be transmitted to the
interior particles. Therefore the layers near the boundary are compacted
more tightly than the interior ones. It is illustrated by the force
network in Fig 6. To eliminate the influence of the dynamics, the
compression should be performed at low speed. As shown in Fig 5, the
speed of the specimen walls equal to v = 0,01 m/s can be applied. The
compacted specimen is shown in Fig 7.
In compacting the specimen, the force acting on the wall does not
increase significantly until about u = 2,0 mm. The same change can be
seen when the translational kinetic energy of the specimen is changed
(Fig 8). This alteration could be explained by the alteration of the
internal structure of the specimen as follows. Until the displacement is
equal to about 1,8 mm, the particles of the specimen work separately
without building up a solid structure. Then, the particles start to work
as a continuous structure. Therefore, the translational energy of the
structure decreases and the reaction force on the wall starts to
increase almost linearly
Using the second scenario, the flexible membranes are introduced
immediately after the generation of the particles. The pressure on the
membranes and the walls is increased from 0 to 5 kN/m in the time of 0,4
s. The change of the force acting on the bottom wall during compaction
is shown in Fig 9. Comparing this force-displacement curve to the curve
obtained by the first scenario (Fig 5, v = 0,01 m/s), we can see that
the force acting on the wall increases slightly at the first stage of
compaction (F = 13,9 N when u = 1,5 mm) while in the first scenario it
actually remains equal to zero.
The forces acting between the particles (Fig 10) demonstrate that
no considerable network of forces is developed when u = 1 mm. The
compacted specimen shown in Fig 11 has considerably distorted side
boundaries. When using this specimen for the biaxial test, these
boundaries can influence the result of simulation, therefore the third
scenario for specimen compaction is suggested.
According to the third scenario the specimen is compacted by moving
all four walls at the specified speed (v = 0,01 m/s) until the wall
displacement u = 1,8 mm is reached. Up to this displacement value no
significant reaction force is developed (Fig 12). At this point, the
side walls are replaced by flexible membranes. The pressure on the
membranes and on the top and bottom walls is increased gradually until p
= 5 kN/m. The compacted specimen is shown in Fig 13. By comparing this
specimen and the specimen obtained using the second scenario, we can see
that the side boundaries are more straight. Using this scenario it is
easy to vary isotropic pressure on the specimen and to analyse the
influence of various factors by ensuring that boundary conditions are
the same.
6. Conclusions
Compacting of the particles for the biaxial compression test
regarded as a generation of the initial conditions is considered
numerically by applying the discrete element method. Simulation of the
compacting is performed according to three scenarios. On the basis of
the obtained results the following conclusions have been drawn.
1) The first scenario for generating the compacted specimen is
implemented by moving rigid walls. The application of this scenario
proves the ability to generate the required initial porosity conditions.
However, the specimen is sensitive to the loading rate. Therefore,
permanent evaluation of the particle state and some control procedures
are required.
2) The second scenario for generating the prescribed pressure on
the free boundaries is implemented directly by using the model of
flexible membranes. It is computationally simple, but it results in an
undesirable physical state of the particles.
3) The third scenario combining the compaction by the moving rigid
walls at the initial stage and direct compaction by the flexible
membrane at the final stage seems to be the most controllable scenario
leading to the required initial conditions with physically adjustable
state of the particles in the most effective way.
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D. Markauskas, R. Kaeianauskas
Siame straipsnyje pateiktas skaitinis daleliu tankinimo
modeliavimas diskretiniu elementu metodu dviasiam kompresijos bandymui
atlikti. Tankinimas nagrinejamas kaip pirmasis nepriklausomas veiksmas,
reikalingas, kad butu galima atlikti viso kompresijos bandymo
modeliavima. Kontinuumo teorijos poziuriu sutankinimas yra pradiniu
salygu generavimas. Nagrinejami trys skirtingi tankinimo pavyzdziai
keieiant apkrova. Diskretiniu elementu metodologija ir pagrindiniai
sarysiai, taip pat tankinimo problemos formulavimas ir skaieiavimo
aspektai eia detaliai isdestyti. Kiekviena pavyzdi iliustruoja
skaitiniai rezultatai. Tyrimo metu nustatyta, kad, naudojant misruji
tankinima, gaunamos reikiamos pradines salygos.
Reiksminiai zodziai: diskretiniu elementu metodas, klampiai tampri
granuliuotoji terpe, dviasis bandymas, daleliu tankinimas.
Darius Markauskas, Rimantas Kacianauskas
Laboratory of Numerical Modelling of Vilnius Gediminas Technical
University, Sauletekio al. 11,
LT-10223 Vilnius, Lithuania. E-mail:
[email protected],
[email protected]
Rimantas KACIANAUSKAS. Prof Dr Habil at the Dept of Strength of
Materials, Senior Researcher at the Laboratory of Numerical Modelling,
Vilnius Gediminas Technical University. Author of more than 100
scientific articles, a monograph and a text book. Member expert of
Lithuanian Academy of Sciences. Research interests: finite element method, discrete element method, structural engineering mechanics of
materials, fracture mechanics, coupled problems.
Darius MARKAUSKAS. Research Fellow at the Laboratory of Numerical
Modelling, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University. His research
interests include the simulation of materials by discrete element
method, the analysis of static and dynamic soil structure interaction by
the finite element method.
Received 28 June 2005; accepted 06 Oct 2005
Table 1. The parameters selected for the present simulation study
Quantity Value
Number of particles 2658
Radii of particles 0,5-3,5 mm
Time step ([DELTA]t) 1 x[10.sup.-7] s
Particle density 2600 kg/[m.sup.3]
Coefficient of friction between particles ([mu]) 0,5
Coefficient of friction between particle and 0,0
wall ([mu])
Coefficient of friction between particle and 0,0
membrane ([mu])
Normal spring constant ([k.sub.n]) 1,5 x [10.sup.6] N/m
Tangential spring constant ([k.sub.t]) 1,0 x [10.sup.6] N/m
Normal damping coefficient ([[gamma].sub.n]) 500 [s.sup.-1]
Shear damping coefficient ([[gamma].sub.t]) 500 [s.sup.-1]