A study on the relationship between intellectual capital and business performance in the engineering consulting industry: a path analysis/Intelektinio kapitalo ir verslo vykdymo konsultacineje inzinerijos pramoneje santykis: daugiafaktorine regresine analize.
Huang, Chung-Fah ; Hsueh, Sung-Lin
Abstract. Engineering consulting firms, like other knowledge-based
enterprises, take intellectual capital as their most important asset
embedded in the organisation. This research aims to analyse the
correlation between intellectual capital and business performance. The
questionnaire was sent to all Taiwan's engineering consulting
firms, and 101 copies were collected. It was found that, among these
engineering consulting firms, the structural capital and relational
capital show better performance, while human capital has poorer
performance. This is especially true for staff education and training.
This indicates that there is still room for improving human resource
management by engineering consulting firms. It is observed by path
analysis that, among the three dimensions of engineering consulting
firms' intellectual capital, the human capital has a great
influence on structural capital and relational capital. However, only
relational capital has a direct influence on business performance. Human
capital has an influence upon the business performance via the
relational capital.
Keywords: engineering consulting, intellectual capital, business
performance, path analysis.
Inzinerines konsultacines imones, kaip ir kitos ziniomis gristos
organizacijos, intelektini kapitala laiko svarbiausiu turtu. Sio tyrimo
tikslas yra nustatyti intelektinio kapitalo ir verslo vykdymo
koreliacija. Anketa buvo issiusta visoms Taivano inzinerinems
konsultacinems imonems, atsake 101 respondentas. Buvo nustatyta, kad
strukturinis ir santykinis siu inzineriniu konsultaciniu imoniu
kapitalas parode geresniu rezultatu nei zmogiskasis kapitalas. Si tiesa
atsispindi ugdant darbuotojus ir juos mokant. Tai parodo, kad
inzinerinese konsultacinese imonese vis dar galima gerinti zmogiskuju
istekliu valdyma. Is atliktos daugiafaktorines regresines analizes buvo
matyti, kad tarp inzineriniu konsultaciniu imoniu intelektinis ir
zmogiskasis kapitalas turi didele itaka strukturiniam ir santykiniam
kapitalui. Taeiau tik santykinis kapitalas turi tiesiogini poveiki
verslui. Zmogiskasis kapitalas daro poveiki verslo vykdymui per
santykini kapitala.
Reiksminiai zodziai: inzinerine konsultacija, intelektinis
kapitalas, verslo vykdymas, daugiafaktorine regresine analize.
1. Introduction
Unlike other labour-intensive companies, engineering consulting
firms often provide professional knowledge and technologies, and the
engineering consultants are also knowledge-based professionals. Thus the
engineering consulting industry belongs to the knowledge-intensive
business, for which the most important asset is intellectual capital,
which is beyond the range of the balance sheet [1]. Knowledge is a close
concern of engineering consulting firms, and proper management of
intellectual capital might have an immediate effect on the business
operation and management.
With the advent of the knowledge economy, the focus of enterprises
has gradually shifted from tangible assets to intellectual capital [2].
Previous research has shown that business performance was established on
intangible resources and capabilities. Drucker (1965) stressed that the
most valuable asset of an enterprise was production equipment in the
20th century, rather than knowledge workers and their productivity as in
the 21st century. Since knowledge has become the most important
ingredient of modern production, how to manage properly the internal
affairs of an enterprise, especially the intellectual capital, is one of
the crucial subjects for business management [3].
Like other knowledge-intensive companies, the engineering
consulting firms also have many intangible assets not reflected on the
balance sheet. Even though it is difficult to analyse and manage
knowledge of engineering consulting firms, the knowledge management
activities, such as acquisition, innovation, storage, sharing and
reutilisation, are closely related to enterprises' competitiveness
and performance. Thus it is worthwhile to discuss if proper management
of intellectual capital can improve business operation and performance.
At present there is a lack of attention devoted to study of
intellectual capital in engineering consulting firms. So the
questionnaire investigation in Taiwan's engineering consulting
firms was conducted extensively for the purpose of: (1) understanding
the acquisition and development status of intellectual capital in the
engineering consulting industry; (2) exploring the influence of
intellectual capital on business performance.
2. Literature review
2.1. Engineering consulting industry
As a knowledge-intensive business, the engineering consulting
industry has developed into a multidisciplinary industry featuring
professional and collective activities, in tune with increasingly
growing complexity and demands of engineering technology. The
characteristics of this industry include:
(1) High contract risk
The principle of "trading first and then production" is
observed by the contract between engineering consulting firms and
clients. However, the standard of performance and the acceptance check
may be affected owing to different interpretations of clauses. The
long-term business operations are vulnerable to a lot of external
variables, such as economic fluctuations and government policies etc.
(2) Knowledge-intensive industry
Engineering work is knowledge-intensive since the engineering
design depends much upon knowledge. To solve the problems and
difficulties encountered in the project, multidisciplinary know-how must
be integrated to meet client requirements by achieving diversified and
multifunctional projects.
(3) A variety of professionals
Engineering consulting services require support from a variety of
professionals in many fields, such as civil engineers,
electromechanical, computer engineers as well as accountants and
lawyers. The engineering consulting staff must master abundant know-how
and information technology in order to ensure project quality and
safety. Meanwhile, the engineering consulting industry must keep abreast with S&T development trends and provide value-added technical
services using a fresh knowledge.
In the future, the engineering consulting industry will face
fiercer competition due to lack of qualified engineers and changes in
the industrial environment. Consequently, the top management must
realise that a proper human resource strategy could help them meet new
situations [4, 5]. Ng and Chow [6] made separate investigations from
both perspectives of clients and of engineering consulting firms, and
strove to explore their different requirements with regard to
consultant's performance. The results of the survey revealed that
"achievement of objectives and targets", "quality of bid
documents," compliance to client's requirements,"
"compliance to legislative requirements", and
"identification of client's requirements and project
objectives" were considered by both the client and consultant
groups as the key consultant's performance evaluation criteria. The
criteria of the design stage were generally considered more important
than those of other stages. In addition, the clients and engineering
consulting firms have different attitudes towards certain important
factors in engineering projects. Engineering consulting firms often
underestimate clients' requirements for construction period, cost,
quality and security. Therefore it is crucial to maintain smooth
coordination with clients in order to realise clients' engineering
2.2. Intellectual capital
Knowledge-intensive enterprises now attach great importance to
intellectual capital, since the market value of such enterprises is far
more than the value of physical assets. The so-called intellectual
capital refers to the summation of all knowledge and capabilities of
every employee that brings about performance and creates wealth for the
enterprises. Bontis believed that know-how, knowledge and learning
capability of an enterprise cannot be defined by money, and the
intellectual capital accounts for the difference between an
enterprise's market value and its existing asset [7].
Roos et al [8] combined the evaluation standards of intellectual
capital, described various intellectual capital frameworks and
application processes by many case studies, and finally proposed a
four-phase process mode and an indexing method for intellectual capital.
There are different definitions and classifications of intellectual
capital due to different research backgrounds. In this paper,
intellectual capital is divided into human capital, structural capital
and relational capital, according to the definitions of Bontis, Hubert,
Edvinsson et al [7, 9, 10].
2.3. Human capital
According to the viewpoint of most research, human capital is an
integral and most important part of intellectual capital [3, 9, 11,
12-14], including knowledge, skill, expertise of employees and managers,
proactive response and entrepreneurship [8, 13].
In order to take full advantage of human capital, the top
management should be well aware of the staff considerations, and provide
proper training to highlight the effective utilisation of collective
wisdom [15].
Grantham & Nichols underlined the importance of 4 aspects [16]:
analytical thinking, experiment, system integration and cooperation.
Enterprises must not only teach the employees how to foster their
professional skill through analytical thinking, but also tell them why
this is important. Despite the fact that employees are the most
important asset of an enterprise, the enterprises themselves are not the
owner of human capital if they are not aware of the principle of
resource sharing. To this end, the enterprise can strengthen and utilise
properly the knowledge, skill and learning capability of employees, and
also make investment in them to increase personal value and create
intellectual capital for the enterprise [3, 16].
2.4. Structural capital
Structural capital is intended to share knowledge effectively,
increase collective knowledge, shorten learning and preparation time and
improve the productivity of human capital. It is necessary to share
knowledge and experience continuously, and with the help of tools such
as S&T, manufacturing descriptions, operating manuals and Internet,
utilise them repetitively and innovatively in an organised manner [3].
The structural capital contains 4 elements: system, structure,
strategy and culture [9]. As these 4 elements are closely interrelated,
they must be properly fitted to bring structural capital into full play,
and improve the productivity of human capital through rapid
knowledge-sharing, retention and well-organised procedures.
2.5. Relational capital
The relational capital refers to the relationship between
enterprises, customers, suppliers and partners [17], which is a key to
long-lasting profit-making and successful business operation. The major
considerations include customer's satisfaction, procurement frequency and time, characteristics of customers, quantity of
transaction, interactions, product quality and services etc.
In this era of the information explosion, customers find it easier
to find suppliers, thus enabling customers to change the balance between
buyers and sellers, and improve the customers' bargaining power.
Under such an environment with a fierce competition, the key to create
profit and improve performance is to win the loyalty and trust of
customers, and build long-term friendly relationships with them.
In an attempt to meet the challenge of competitors, engineering
consulting firms must store and manage properly their intellectual
capital. Since there is little relevant research for intellectual
capital in engineering consulting industry, this paper has made
extensive investigations on engineering consulting firms, thus providing
a reference for business operation and management of intellectual
3. Research design
3.1. Theoretical model
This paper intends to verify if human capital, structural capital
and relational capital can improve business performance which is
composed of both financial and operating performance indexes. This study
also explores the correlation between 3 kinds of intellectual capital:
human capital, structural capital and relational capital.
Since these capitals are complementary to each other, the
intellectual capital can create value only by combining these 3 capitals
[3]. The final business performance of an organisation is influenced by
the interactions of the 3 dimensions of the intellectual capital.
Dzinkowski, Edvinsson et al stressed that human capital was a
cornerstone and influential factor in the intellectual capital [11, 13].
According to the literature review, human capital is believed to be
the most crucial factor for intellectual capital in constructing
structural capital and relational capital, which in turn, contribute to
the development of human capital. Based on the aforementioned theories
and with reference to the framework by Bontis [18] and Chen [19], this
study established a theoretical model (Fig 1).
3.2. Questionnaire design and sampling method
As Table 1 shows, the measurement scales are divided into human
capital, structural capital, relational capital, business performance,
which are then subdivided into several sub-dimensions [19]. The items of
these dimensions are referenced from those of past research [7, 10,
13-14, 18, 20, 21]. After questionnaire design, five managers of
engineering consulting firms with over 10-year working experience were
asked to check the measurement scale, then some specific items relevant
to the Taiwan's engineering consulting market were added to the
scale, for example, "my company cultivates a good friendship with
clients" and "my company maintains good relationships with
local lawmakers". The response options were ranged by a 7-point
Likert-type scale, from 1 (strongly disagree) to 7 (strongly agree), was
employed to measure the response of every respondent company. For
example, in relation to "my company cultivates a good friendship
with clients", if "strongly disagree" is selected, a
"1" score is obtained, if "strongly agree" is
selected, a "7" score is obtained.
In this study, 738 copies of the questionnaire were sent to all
Taiwan's engineering consulting firms, of which 107 copies were
returned, and 101 were valid. Amongst the respondents in this
investigation, 70 % of them were senior managers or above.
3.3. Analytical methods
The reliability and validity of scale were confirmed through
reliability analysis. With Pearson correlation analysis, various
dimensions and sub-dimensions of intellectual capital were analysed with
respect to their correlation with the business performance. Then, path
analysis was used to verify the theoretical model, and identify the
cause-effect relationship between 3 dimensions of intellectual capital
and business performance.
The correlation analysis was used to check linear relationship
between variables, which constituted the basic assumptions of path
analysis. So the degree of correlation is firstly confirmed through
correlation analysis, and then the cause-effect relationship is
confirmed through path analysis [22].
4. Research findings
4.1. Sample profile
In this study, 45.1 % of the sample companies have a business
history of less than 20 years, with an average of about 13 years; 50 %
have a staff less than 10 persons; 45 % have a capital below NT$ 5
million (1 USD = 33.01 NTD, the rate of exchange on 22 Sept 2007).
Overall, the scale of Taiwan's engineering consulting firms is
relatively small compared to their competitors worldwide.
4.2. Scores of intellectual capital
The statistical data of various dimensions of intellectual capital
are listed in Table 2, wherein the mean score of human capital is 5.38,
which includes the highest mean score "staff capability"
(5.51), and the lowest mean "staff education and training
(4.84)". The average score of structural capital is 5.50, which
includes the highest mean "information system framework"
(5.70), and lowest mean "overall business process (5.35)". The
average score of relational capital is 5.49, which includes the highest
mean "cooperation with clients" (5.96), and the lowest mean
"cultivating a good friendship with clients (5.09)". Among the
three dimensions of intellectual capital, structural capital (5.50) and
relational capital (5.49) show a better performance than human capital
The average score of business performance is only 4.54, indicating
that the firms are not satisfactory in their performance.
"Operating performance (4.71)" has a higher score, and
"financial performance (4.36)" has a lower score.
4.3. Reliability analysis
Table 2 also shows a reliability analysis of various dimensions and
sub-dimensions, in which the reliability of major dimensions is higher
than 0.8, that of sub-dimensions is higher than 0.7, and the overall
reliability of the scale is over 0.9, showing a high consistency and
reliability of results. Overall, the scales developed in this study
proved themselves to be suitable measurement tools.
4.4. Correlation analysis
Table 3 lists the correlation analysis results for 3 dimensions of
intellectual capital and the business performance. There is a positive
correlation between 3 dimensions of intellectual capital and business
performance, of which a higher positive correlation exists in human
capital vs business performance and relational capital vs business
performance, ie 0.439 ** and 0.418 **.
There is also a positive correlation among the 3 dimensions of
intellectual capital; moreover, all coefficients exceed 0.5, especially
the coefficient of human capital and structural capital is 0.685 **,
showing a remarkable level of correlation.
Table 4 shows the results of correlation analysis between various
sub-dimensions of intellectual capital and 2 dimensions of business
performance: "financial performance" and "operating
performance" indexes. There are high positive correlations between
"financial performance" and "staff education and
training", "staff capability" under human capital and
"cooperation with clients" under relational capital, with the
coefficients separately up to 0.412 **, 0.322 ** and 0.346 **.
According to the correlation analysis of "operating
performance" and sub-dimensions of intellectual capital, there is a
high correlation between operating performance and "staff education
and training" under human capital, or "cooperation with
clients" and "cultivating a good friendship with clients"
under relational capital, with the coefficients separately up to 0.333
**, 0.386 ** and 0.342 **.
Both operating performance and financial performance are closely
related to overall business performance. The correlation analysis shows
that the most influential sub-dimensions for business performance
include "staff education and training" under human capital and
"cooperation with clients" under relational capital.
4.5. Path analysis
As correlation analysis cannot verify the cause-effect relationship
among variables, path analysis is applied for this purpose in the
theoretical model. Path analysis is a statistical method that presents
and analyses the relationship among variables in a model, and it is a
simplified type of structural equation modelling (SEM). The analysis
method for verifying the theoretical model composed of a series of
regression analysis, and all prediction variables can be proceeded in
the regression model simultaneously. Thus this method is also considered
to be composed of several regression equations.
The model proposed in this study is divided into 2 parts, the first
part focuses on the influence of intellectual capital on business
performance. The second part is about the interactions among human
capital, structural capital and relational capital. These two parts are
expressed by the following regression equations:
First part:
[Y.sub.1] = [b.sub.1] [X.sub.1] + [b.sub.2] [X.sub.2] + [b.sub.3]
[X.sub.3] + [[epsilon].sub.1]. (1)
Second part:
[Y.sub.2] = [b.sub.4] [X.sub.2] + [[epsilon].sub.2], (2)
[Y.sub.3] = [b.sub.5] [X.sub.2] + [[epsilon].sub.3], (3)
[Y.sub.1]--business performance,
[Y.sub.2]--structural capital,
[Y.sub.3]--relational capital,
[X.sub.1]--structural capital,
[X.sub.2]:--human capital,
[X.sub.3]--relational capital,
[[epsilon].sub.n] - n = 1 ~ 3, error term.
After path analysis of the theoretical model, the cause-effect
relationship and path coefficients are depicted in Fig 2. It is found in
the path analysis diagram that, among the 3 paths to business
performance--structural capital, human capital and relational capital,
only the path of relational capital to business performance is obvious,
namely, only relational capital has a direct and significant influence
on business performance, with a path coefficient of 0.312 **. This also
proves that relational capital has a direct cause-effect relationship
with business performance.
In the second part of the model, human capital is an independent
variable, while structural capital and relational capital are dependent
variables with path coefficients of 0.685 ** and 0.506 **. This also
proves that the human capital has immediate and considerable influence
on structural capital and relational capital.
Besides, the correlation analysis shows that there is a significant
positive correlation among human capital, structural capital and
relational capital, indicating that human capital can positively
interact with structural capital and relational capital, as illustrated
in previous literature highlighting the role of human capital in
intellectual capital [3, 16, 19].
In addition to the aforementioned cause-effect relationship between
the variables, human capital has indirect influence on business
performance via relational capital. The overall influence is represented
by the result of path coefficient analysis of human capital related to
relational capital multiplied by the path coefficient of relational
capital to business performance, ie 0.158 (0.506x0.312) for indirect
influence effect of human capital on business performance.
5. Conclusions
This survey explores the performance of intellectual capital in
engineering consulting firms, and finds out that structural capital and
relational capital have better performance, and human capital presents
the poorest performance, showing that Taiwan's engineering
consulting firms give little prominence to human resource management. It
is observed that there is a significant positive correlation among the 3
dimensions of intellectual capital (human, structural and relational)
and business performance, and also a positive correlation among these 3
Based on correlation analysis of 9 sub-dimensions of intellectual
capital and business performance, it is learnt that "staff
education and training" as well as "cooperation with
clients" have an obvious relationship with business performance.
But it is clearly seen from the average score of the items in the
sub-dimensions that "staff education and training" in the
human capital presents the poorest performance. As pointed out by
Hecker: establish training and education as top priority: transform your
firm into a "learning institution". Companies should encourage
lifelong learners [4].
The path analysis shows that, among human capital, structural
capital and relational capital of engineering consulting firms, only
relational capital has a direct and significant influence on business
performance, and the human capital has indirect influence on business
performance via relational capital. This indicates that improving
relational capital and human capital performance will directly
contribute to business performance. Moreover, the human capital has a
significant influence on structural capital and relational capital. The
theoretical model shows 4 significant paths, ie relational capital
[right arrow] business performance; human capital [right arrow]
structural capital; human capital [right arrow] relational capital;
human capital [right arrow] relational capital [right arrow] business
The empirical research shows that human capital has a significant
influence on structural capital and relational capital. For this reason,
the enterprises should make more investment in this area, for example,
to strengthen staff education and the training system, provide subsidies
for certifications and diversified incentive packages.
As for engineering consulting firms specialised in delivering
knowledge services, the most valuable asset is the knowledge and
experience of the staff. So, the first step is to promote the human
capital and then enable it to be utilised through structural capital,
eg: store systematically the business documents and records, make the
employees learn necessary knowledge within the shortest time, and
shorten the time for troubleshooting, encourage employees to provide
knowledge and share experience with others, thus creating a
knowledge-sharing enterprise culture.
Financial support from Taiwan's National Science Council is
gratefully acknowledged.
We also thank the anonymous reviewers for their valuable comments
on a previous version of this manuscript.
Received 13 July 2007; accepted 08 Oct 2007
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Chung-Fah Huang (1), Sung-Lin Hsueh (2)
(1) Dept of Civil Engineering, National Kaohsiung University of
Applied Sciences, No 415, Chien-Kung Rd., Kaohsiung City, Taiwan.
[email protected]
(2) Dept of Arts and Crafts, Tung Fang Institute of Technology, No
110, Tung-Fang Rd., Kaohsiung County, Taiwan. E-mail:
[email protected]
Chung-Fah HUANG. Assistant Professor at Dept of Civil Engineering
of National Kaohsiung University of Applied Sciences, Taiwan. He majors
in construction management, his research interests include human
resource management in construction industry, engineering ethics and
outsourcing management.
Sung-Lin HSUEH earned his PhD degree at Dept of Architecture in
National Taiwan University of Science and Technology in 2006. Currently
he is an Assistant Professor at Dept of Arts and Crafts in Tung Fang
Institute of Technology. Concurrently he is the Managing Director of
SIN-YA International Engineering Consultants Inc (Taiwan) engaged in
developing real estate on the Chinese market.
Table 1. Dimension, sub-dimensions
and items of the measurement scale
Items in the
Dimension Sub-dimension sub-dimension
Human capital Staff capability 6
Knowledge exchange among staff 6
Staff education and training 2
Structural capital Overall business process 5
Organisational design 2
Information system framework 4
Relational capital Cooperation with clients 5
Relationship with cooperative 3
Cultivating a good friendship 3
with clients
Business performance Financial performance index 4
Operating performance index 4
Table 2. Reliability and average score
of various sub-dimensions in the scale
Dimension/sub-dimension [alpha] Mean S.D.
Human capital 0.906 5.38 0.29
Staff capability 0.787 5.51 0.75
Knowledge exchange among staff 0.862 5.42 0.87
Staff education and training 0.753 4.84 1.04
Structural capital 0.900 5.50 0.32
Overall business process 0.806 5.35 0.78
Organisational design 0.728 5.48 0.91
Information system framework 0.713 5.70 0.74
Relational capital 0.842 5.49 0.53
Cooperation with clients 0.803 5.96 0.61
Relationship with cooperative partners 0.785 5.35 0.87
Cultivating a good friendship with 0.746 5.09 0.93
Business performance 0.904 4.54 0.33
Financial performance index 0.936 4.36 0.99
Operating performance index 0.747 4.71 0.93
Table 3. Correlation matrix of measured dimensions
Human Structural Relational
capital capital capital
Human capital 1.000
Structural capital .685 ** 1.000
Relational capital .506 ** .503 ** 1.000
Business performance .439 ** .286 * .418 **
* p < 0.05; ** p < 0.0
Table 4. Correlation matrix of measured sub-dimensions
1 2 3 4 5
1. Staff capability
2. Staff knowledge
exchange .761 **
3. Staff education &
training .643 ** .491**
4. Overall business
process .574 ** .708 ** .532 **
5. Organisational
design .517 ** .666 ** .354 ** .691 **
6. Information system
framework .490 ** .462 ** .363 ** .728 ** .626 **
7. Cooperation with
clients .412 ** .479 ** .456 ** .672 ** .508 **
8. Relationship with
peers .297 ** .308 ** .252 * .336 ** .340 **
9. Cultivating a good
friendship with
clients .171 .155 .283 ** .200 .142
10. Financial
performance index .322 ** .203 .412 ** .250 * .039
11. Operating
performance index .143 .095 .333 ** .174 .062
6 7 8 9 10
1. Staff capability
2. Staff knowledge
3. Staff education &
4. Overall business
5. Organisational
6. Information system
7. Cooperation with
clients .582 **
8. Relationship with
peers .398 ** .548 **
9. Cultivating a good
friendship with
clients .147 .364 ** .313 **
10. Financial
performance index .146 .346 ** .227 * .259 *
11. Operating
performance index .254 * .386 ** .209 .342 ** .748 **
* p < 0.05; ** p < 0.01