Selection of the effective dwelling house walls by applying attributes values determined at intervals/Daugiabuciu namu isoriniu sienu efektyvumo vertinimas, kai efektyvumo rodikliu reiksmes aprasomos intervalais.
Zavadskas, Edmundas Kazimieras ; Kaklauskas, Arturas ; Turskis, Zenonas 等
Abstract. The higher life quality standards, the changes of habits
and new well-being requirements have led to an increase in the demand
for housing. Decision-making problems in construction management often
involve a complex decision-making process in which multiple requirements
and conditions have to be taken into consideration simultaneously.
However, not every attribute used in multidimensional scaling is equally
and precisely weighted in the real world. Thus quantitative and
qualitative assessments are often required to deal with uncertainty,
subjective and imprecise data. The accuracy of performance measures in
common multi-attribute methods is usually assumed to be accurate. Grey
theory is a new technique for performing prediction, relational analysis
and decision-making in many areas. This paper considers the application
of grey relations methodology for defining the utility of an alternative
and is proposed as a method of multiple criteria COmplex PRoportional
ASsessment of alternatives with Grey relations (COPRAS-G). In this model
parameters of the alternatives are determined by the grey relational
grade and are expressed in intervals. A case study of assessing external
walls of four alternatives was used to demonstrate the applicability and
the effectiveness of the proposed approach. The results show that this
method can be implemented as an effective decision aid in
multi-attribute selection.
Keywords: walls, alternatives, multi-attribute, selection, COPRAS,
COPRAS-G, grey number.
Straipsnio tikslas--pasiulyti alternatyvia daugelio rodikliu
vertinimo metodika. Sios metodikos isskirtinumas--rodikliu reiksmes,
aprasomos intervalais. Tai labiau atitinka realias aplinkos salygas ir
galimas reiksmes. Modelis su intervaluose pateiktomis efektyvumo
rodikliu reiksmemis pritaikytas E. K. Zavadsko ir A. Kaklausko sukurtam
metodui COPRAS (Complex Proportional Evaluation). Taip gautas naujas
metodas COPRAS-G. Sis metodas pritaikytas daugiabuciu namu isoriniu
sienu efektyvumo vertinimo uzdaviniui spresti. Sudaryta efektyvumo
rodikliu sistema, nustatyta efektyvumo rodikliu reiksme, rodikliu
rangas. Pagal sudaryta modeli pritaike COPRAS-G metoda, galime spresti
daugeli statybos, vadybos alternatyvu vertinimo uzdaviniu.
Reiksminiai zodziai: sienos, alternatyvos, daugiatikslis
parinkimas, vertinimas, COPRAS, COPRAS-G, pilkieji skaiciai.
1. Introduction
The number of residential houses in Lithuania is increasing every
year. For a non-insulated building, which could be situated in different
climate conditions, these particular heat-losses can vary between 10-20
% (through floors), 25-30 % (through outer walls), 25-30 % (through
attic slabs and roof plates) and 30-40 % (through windows) of the total
heat loss. In Lithuania nearly a half of all heating losses are caused
by low quality walls (Fig. 1). Therefore the thorough and professional
selection of an optimal building thermal insulation system represents
one of the most important technical and economical goals for both the
Designer and the Investor. The selection of an effective variant of
external building walls among a vast number of alternatives is an
important problem in project management.
Introduction of various thermal insulation systems in the
contemporary civil engineering practice is caused by the major expansion
of energy resource prices at the world market. As a result, there is a
growing need for significant heat-loss reduction during exploitation of
buildings, which as a rule could be realized using more or less
effective building systems to prevent heat loss through outer walls.
Building and exploitation expenses depend on how effective the external
wall solution has been chosen. It should be done by establishing the
requirements and aims till the expiry of a building. The benefit
obtained from effectively heating up the external walls could be defined
by indices as shown in Fig. 2. The selection of a building's
external walls (Fig. 3) is a decision characterized by multiple
attributes. Clients want to minimize the likely costs of the project,
but they also want to achieve highest acceptable quality standards as
well as to satisfy technological, architectural, and comfort
requirements. Other participants of construction process (e.g. designer,
contractor) are interested in maximizing profits; they are also
concerned with other attributes such as company growth, market share,
and the state institutions' interests.
All decisions involve choosing one from several alternatives.
Multiple attribute optimization is a process of determining a feasible
solution for the decision maker according to the established attributes
(e.g. a set of the quantitative and qualitative attributes). Multiple
attribute methods are available for evaluation of external walls
alternatives. In this paper, the authors present a methodology that
allows decision maker to reach a decision by designing alternatives of a
building's external walls and to evaluate attributes both
qualitative and quantitative contained in the process.
2. Multi-layered external walls
Facade structures of residential and business buildings are facing
following demands:
* Ability to function as bearing or self-bearing walls;
* Possession of high thermal insulation properties;
* Sound insulation;
* Overall hygrothermal performance;
* Frost resistance;
* Air tightness;
* Vapour permeability;
* Sufficient light-weightiness;
* Ecological cleanliness;
* Satisfactory fireproofing;
* Durability.
There is usually not enough attention paid to the fact that
multi-layered facade structures are made as composite sections of
heterogeneous materials with different physical-mechanical properties,
such as:
* Expansion and shrinkage coefficients;
* Compressive and tensile strengths;
* Adhesion properties;
* Behaviour under different types of wind load;
* Behaviour under ultraviolet radiation exposure;
* Difference between strain values in adjacent walls with
significant temperature;
* Variation due to different sun exposure and colour of the final
facade coating;
* Difference in aging properties of each composite during
* Air and vapour permeability values.
Cost-effectiveness in application of multi-layer external walls in
Civil engineering--is the most interesting issue for the Investor.
Without getting into all the inferior physical, thermo-technical and
ecological properties (not to mention the poor durability) of the
usually applied facade structures (bricks or blocks insulated with
mineral wool or Styrofoam and coated with mineral polymer-cement plaster
over glass-fibre net or simply protected with facade bricks), let us
analyze the indisputable cost-effectiveness, even possible profit for
the Investor calculated per meter of a facade wall built using
multi-layer external walls.
For multilayer walls, three basic material configurations were
considered: insulation either inside or outside the massive layer, and
insulation located between two massive layers. The results of extensive
parametric analysis have shown explicitly that walls with the insulation
outside always performed better than those with the insulation inside:
* The system covers the entire building wall (except windows and
doors). Thus, multi-layered exterior wall systems provide an insulation
layer over potential thermal bridges such as wall studs and columns and
floor-wall junctions.
* Because the entire exterior wall is covered, building air
tightness is improved.
* Because insulation is placed on the building exterior, the
building structure is kept warm; this minimizes thermal expansion and
* Finally, if properly installed, the system avoids a build-up of
moisture in the building cladding.
Model of problem
The aim of this investigation is to create a technique for the
choice and selection of different and effective versions of the external
walls construction. The purpose is to be achieved by using various
indicators of effectiveness, which have different dimensions, different
significances as well as different directions of optimization (Kendall
1970; Zavadskas 1987; Zavadskas and Vilutiene 2006; Kaklauskas et al.
The main steps of multiple attributes decisionmaking are as
* Establishing system evaluation attributes that relate system
capabilities to goals;
* Developing alternative systems for attaining the goals
(generating alternatives);
* Evaluating alternatives in terms of attributes (the values of the
attribute functions);
* Applying a normative multiple attributes analysis method;
* Accepting one alternative as "optimal" (preferred);
* If the final solution is not accepted, gather new information and
go into the next iteration of multiple attributes optimization.
Alternatives of external wall construction are being formed by
using various materials with thermal insulation as well as different
kinds of decoration masonry and thin daub layer. A system of indicators
for wall construction effectiveness' evaluation has been
established (Fig. 3).
The solving of each multi-attribute problem begins with
constructing of decision-making matrix (Fig. 4).
In this matrix (Fig. 4) values of the attributes [a.sub.ij] may be:
* Real numbers;
* Intervals;
* Probability distributions;
* Possibility distributions;
* Qualitative labels.
The problem may be:
** Choice-Select the most appropriate (best) alternative;
** Ranking-Draw a complete order of the alternatives from the best
to the worst ones;
** Sorting-Select the best k alternatives from the list of n>k.
When we consider a discrete set of alternatives described by some
attributes, there are three different types of analyses that can be
performed in order to provide a significant support to decision-makers:
* Ensure that the decision-maker follows a "rational"
behaviour (Normative option)--Value functions, Utility theory, distance
to the Ideal;
* Give some advice based on reasonable (but not indisputable)
rules--The French School.
* Find the preferred solution from the partial decision
hypothesis--Interactive methods.
Multiple attributes decision aid provides several powerful and
effective tools (Hwang and Yoon 1981; Figueira et al. 2005) for
confronting sorting problems. There can be used very simplified
techniques for the evaluation of a decision support methods base
including methods such as the Simple Additive Weighting--SAW;
TOPSIS--Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution
(Hwang and Yoon 1981; Zavadskas 1987; Antuchevicien_ 2005; Chang et al.
2005) and methods of the ELECTRE (Elimination and Choice Translating
Reality) family, such as ELECTRE and UTA (UTilites Additives, cf.). A
variant of the UTA method is the UTADIS method (Utilites Additives
DIS-criminantes). The Preference Ranking Organisation MeTHod for
Enrichment Evaluations (PROMETHEE) can be applied to the solution too.
For a more detail survey of Multi criteria decisionmaking methods
see for applications in the construction context Zavadskas (1987),
Zavadskas et al. (2004), Zavadskas et al. (2005), Kaklauskas et al.
(2005), Peldschus and Zavadskas (2005), Antuchevicien_ et al. (2006), Su
et al. (2006), Saparauskas and Turskis (2006), Turskis et al. (2006),
Zagorskas and Turskis (2006), Zavadskas et al. (2006), Kalibatas et al.
(2007), Ustinovichius et al. (2007), Zavadskas and Antuchevicien_
(2007), Zavadskas et al. (2007b) and Banaitiene et al. (2008).
The task of the selection of different versions of the effective
external walls construction is solved by applying COPRAS method. COPRAS
(technique for order preference by similarity to an ideal solution)
method is presented by Zavadskas and Kaklauskas (Zavadskas et al. 1994;
Zavadskas and Kaklauskas 1996). The COPRAS method determines a solution
with the ratio to the ideal solution and the ratio with the ideal-worst
3. Ranking of the alternatives applying COPRAS method
3.1. Determination of the attributes weights
In order to select the best alternative, it is necessary, to have
formed the decision matrix, to perform the project' s multiple
attributes analysis. MCDM refers to making preference decisions on the
alternatives in terms of multiple attributes. Typically, each
alternative is evaluated on the established set/system of attributes.
To determine the weights of the attributes, the expert' s
judgment method is applied (Kendall 1970) which has been successfully
used in research by the authors since 1987 (Zavadskas 1987; Zavadskas
and Kaklauskas 1996; Kaklauskas et al. 2006; Zavadskas and Vilutiene
2006; Bardauskiene 2007). In order to establish the importance
indicators, a survey has been carried out and 39 experts have been
questioned. These experts, basing their answers on their knowledge,
experience and intuition, had to rate indicators of effectiveness
starting with the most important ones. The rating was done on a scale
from 1 to 5, where 5 meant "very important" and 1 "not
important at all". The importance of indicators was established
according to the rating methods (Zavadskas 1987) of these experts and
also demonstrated the priorities of the user (owner).
The significance of the attributes obtained by this method are
presented in Table 1.
3.2. A method of multiple criteria complex proportional
In order to evaluate the overall efficiency of a project it is
necessary to identify selection attributes, to assess information,
relating to these attributes, and to develop methods for evaluating the
attributes to meet the participant's needs. Decision analysis is
concerned with the situation in which a decision-maker has to choose
among several alternatives by considering a common set of attributes.
The COPRAS method (Zavadskas et al. 1994; Zavadskas and Kaklauskas 1996)
presented here uses a stepwise ranking and evaluating procedure of the
alternatives in terms of significance and utility degree. This method
was applied to solution of various problems in construction, property
management, economics etc. (Zavadskas et al. 1994; Zavadskas and
Kaklauskas 1996; Andruskevicius 2005; Malinauskas and Kalibatas 2005;
Ziogas and Juociunas 2005; Kaklauskas et al. 2006; Viteikien_ 2006;
Zavadskas and Antucheviciene 2006; Zavadskas et al. 2007a; Viteikiene
and Zavadskas 2007; Kaklauskas et al. 2007).
The procedure of the COPRAS method consists of the steps as shown
in Fig. 5.
3.3. A method of multiple criteria complex proportional assessment
with values determined in intervals--COPRAS-G
In many decisions the consequences of the alternative courses of
action cannot be predicted with a certainty. A company considering the
launch of a new product will be uncertain about how successful the
product will be, while an investor on the stock market will generally be
unsure about the returns which will be generated, if a particular
investment is chosen.
We will first outline a method which assumes that the decision
maker is unable, or unwilling, to estimate probabilities for the
outcomes of the decision and which, in consequence, makes extremely
pessimistic assumptions about these outcomes.
Finally, we will broaden the discussion to consider problems
involving both uncertainty and more than one attribute. As we saw in
problems involving multiple attributes are often too large for a
decision-maker to comprehend in their entirety.
The idea to COPRAS-G method comes from real conditions of
decision-making and from applications of the Grey systems theory. This
theory was originated by Deng (1982) study of the relation degree among
various attributes in an MCDM problem. In 1988 Deng (1988a) presented
grey decision-making systems. Grey relational analysis possesses
advantages of Deng (1988b): it involves simple calculations; it requires
smaller samples; a typical distribution of samples is not needed; the
quantified outcomes from the grey relational grade do not result in
contradictory conclusions about the qualitative analysis; and the grey
relational grade model is a transfer functional model that is effective
in dealing with discrete data.
It is useful mathematically when dealing with a system with a
limited information. According to this theory, a system whose internal
information is completely known is called a white system. On the
contrary, a system is defined as a black system if one cannot obtain any
information and characteristics about the system. Grey space is thus
defined as a system defined between the white and black systems. The
grey system has been applied in many fields, such as economics,
agriculture, geography, weather, earthquakes, science etc. For example,
Wending et al. (2002), Wu and Chang (2003), Du and Sheen (2005) applied
the grey model to solution of problems. Haq and Kannan (2007) developed
a hybrid normalised multi-criteria decision-making model for evaluating
and selecting the vendor using Analytical Hierarchy Process and Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process and an integrated approach of Grey
Relational Analysis to a Supply Chain model. Linet et al. (2008)
presents an illustrative example of subcontractor selection by applying
grey TOPSIS method.
The procedure of the COPRAS method with attributes values expressed
in interval COPRAS-G includes the following steps:
1. Selection of the available set of the most important attributes,
which describes alternatives;
2. Preparing the decision-making matrix X:
where [w.sub.ij]--the least value--lower limit, [b.sub.ij]--the
biggest value--upper limit.
3. Determining weights of the attributes [q.sub.j].
4. Normalization of the decision-making matrix [bar.X]. The
normalized values of this matrix (Hwang and Yoon 1981; Zavadskas 1987;
Migilinskas and Ustinovicius 2007) are calculated as:
In formula (2) [w.sub.ij] is the lower value of the j-th attribute
in the i-th alternative of a solution; [b.sub.ij]--the upper value
of the j attribute in the i alternative of a solution; m--the number of
attributes; n--the number of the alternatives compared.
After this step we have normalized decision-making matrix:
5. Calculation of the weighted normalized decision matrix [??]. The
weighted normalized values [[??].sub.ij] are calculated as
In formula (4), [q.sub.j] is significance (weight) of the j-th
After this step we have weighted normalized decisionmaking matrix:
6. Sums [P.sub.j] of attributes values which larger values are more
preferable (optimization direction is maximization) calculation for each
alternative (line of the decisionmaking matrix:
In formula (6), k is number of attributes which must be maximised
(it is assumed that in the decision-making matrix columns first of all
are placed attributes with optimization direction maximum and the ones
with optimization direction minimum are placed after).
7. Sums [R.sub.j] of attributes values which smaller values are
more preferable (optimization direction is minimization) calculation for
each alternative (line of the decision-making matrix:
In formula (7), (m-k) is number of attributes which must be
8. Determining the minimal value of [R.sub.j]:
9. Calculation of the relative weight of each alternative
[Q.sub.j] = [P.sub.j] + [R.sub.min][n.summation over (j=1)]
[R.sub.j]/[R.sub.j][n.summation over (j=1)] [R.sub.min]/[R.sub.j]. (9)
Formula (9) can to be written as follows:
[Q.sub.j] = [P.sub.j] + [n.summation over (j=1)]
[R.sub.j]/[R.sub.j][n.summation over (j=1)] x 1/[R.sub.j]. (9*)
10. Determination of the optimality criterion K:
11. Determination of the project priority. The greater significance
(relative weight of alternative) [Q.sub.j], the higher is the priority
(rank) of the project. The relative significance [Q.sub.j] of project j
indicates the satisfaction degree of the needs of the project
participants. In case of max [Q.sub.max], the satisfaction degree is the
highest. The relative significance of other projects is less.
12. Calculation of the utility degree of each alternative. The
degree of project utility is determined by comparing the analyzed
projects with the best one. The values of the utility degree are from 0
% to 100 % between the worst and the best alternatives. The utility
degree [N.sub.j] of each alternative j is calculated as
[N.sub.j] = [Q.sub.j]/[Q.sub.max] 100%, (11)
where [Q.sub.j] and [Q.sub.max] are the significance of projects
obtained from Eq. (9*).
The decision approach proposed in this section allows evaluating
the direct and proportional dependence of the significance and utility
degree of alternatives in a system of attributes, weights and values of
the attributes.
4. Selection of the effective dwelling house walls by applying
attributes values determined in intervals
The initial data of this problem are taken from Zavadskas et al.
(2005) research work. The 39 experts were asked to prioritize the 5
attributes listed in Table 1:
* Durability of walls (frost resistance) (cycles) [x.sub.1] -
[[w.sub.i1]; [b.sub.i1]];
* Thermal transmittance (W/m x K) [x.sub.2] - [[w.sub.i2];
* The estimated cost of [m.sup.2] walls [x.sub.3] - [[w.sub.i3];
* Weight of [m.sup.2] walls (kg) [x.sub.4] - [[w.sub.i4];
* Human work expenditures (hour/[m.sup.2]) [x.sub.5] - [[w.sub.i5];
Selected attributes do not cover the all important requirements of
buildings. The European Council Directive 89/106/EEC has set six
essential requirements:
* Mechanical resistance and stability;
* Safety in case of fire;
* Hygiene, health and environment;
* Safety in use;
* Protection against noise;
* Energy economy and heat retention.
The analysis of all of these requirements can be performed
according to the factors:
* Quality of components;
* Design level;
* Work execution level;
* Indoor environment;
* Outdoor environment;
* In-use conditions;
* Maintenance levels.
Optimization directions of selected attributes are as follows:
Respondents were from one of several kinds of organizations
(owners, designers, contractors, scientists). The determination of
quantitative attributes values is based on the use of analyzed projects,
price-lists, specifications, reference books and recommendations.
According to thermal transmittance data, alternative 3 was first in
the list of priorities. According to durability of walls data,
alternative 1 (is equal to 2 and 3) was first in the list of priorities,
while alternative 4 was the fourth. According to weight of [m.sup.2]
walls data, alternative 4 was first in the list of priorities, while
alternative 2 was the fourth. According to human expenditures data,
alternative 4 was first in the list of priorities, while Alternative 1
was the fourth.
The final choice of external walls was made by COPRAS-G method. In
Table 2 the normalized weighted decision-making matrix is given. On the
basis of the efficiency priority of alternatives, a rank [R.sub.j] of
each alternative is established. According to the calculation results,
alternative 1 is the best one (Table 3). The first alternative is also
the best in terms of its utility degree that equals 100 %. The second
alternative with utility degree 96.9 % has rank 3. The third alternative
with utility degree 99.7 % has rank 2. The fourth alternative with the
utility degree 82.1 % is the worst and has rank 4. Vector of optimality
criterion values [N.sub.j] is:
[N.sub.j] = [100; 96.9; 99.7; 82.1].
According to the [N.sub.j] the alternatives rank as follows:
[A.sub.1] > [A.sub.3] > [A.sub.2] > [A.sub.4].
5. Conclusions
In real life multi-attribute modelling of multi-alternative
assessment problems some attribute values, which deals with the future,
must be expressed in intervals.
For this reason a new method of multiple criteria complex
proportional assessment with values determined in intervals--COPRAS-G is
By the analysis of the problem solution results it has been
established that silicate brick masonry walls with outer finishing layer
are more preferable than three another ones under investigation.
This model and solution results have practical and scientific
interests. They allow investors to make decision concerning multiple
attributes, when values of initial data are given in the intervals.
This COPRAS-G method can be applied to the solution of wide range
discrete multi-attribute assessment problems in construction.
Received 08 Jan 2008, accepted 10 Apr 2008
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ASCII] [Complex estimation and choice of resource saving decisions in
Edmundas Kazimieras Zavadskas (1), Arturas Kaklauskas (2), Zenonas
Turskis (3), Jolanta Tamosaitiene (4)
Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Civil Engineering Faculty,
(1,3,4) Dept of Construction Technology and Management, (2) Dept of
Construction Economics and Property Management, Sauletekio al. 11,
LT-10223 Vilnius, Lithuania E-mail: (1)
[email protected];
[email protected]; (3)
[email protected]; (4)
[email protected]
Edmundas Kazimieras ZAVADSKAS. Doctor Habil, Professor, Doctor
Honoris causa of Poznan, Sankt-Petersburg University and Kiev
University, Principal Vice-Rector of Vilnius Gediminas Technical
University, Member of Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, President of
Lithuanian Operational Research Society, President of Alliance of
Experts of Projects and Buildings of Lithuania. Editor-in-Chief of the
following journals: "Journal of Civil Engineering and
Management", "Technological and Economic Development of
Economy", Editor of the International Journal of Strategic,
Property Management. His research interests include building technology
and management, decision-making theory, automation in design, decision
support systems.
Arturas KAKLAUSKAS. Doctor Habil, Professor, the Head of the
Department of Construction Economics and Property Management of Vilnius
Gediminas Technical University. His domain of research and interests are
pollution, sustainable development, analysis, modelling and forecasting
of construction and real estate sector, facilities and real estate
management, total quality analysis, e-learning, knowledge and decision
support systems.
Zenonas TURSKIS. Doctor of Technical Sciences, senior research
fellow of Construction Technology and Management laboratory. Author of
25 scientific articles. Research interests: building technology and
management, decision-making theory, computer- aided automation in
design, expert systems.
Jolanta TAMOSAITIENE. PhD student at the Department of Construction
Technology and Management, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University,
Lithuania. BSc degree (building technology and management), Vilnius
Gediminas Technical University (2000). MSc degree (Building management
and economics), Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (2002). Research
visits to Leipzig University of Applied Sciences (Germany, 2002).
Research interests: construction technology and organisation,
management, economics, project administration and evaluation, the
multiple attributes of decision-making method.
Table 1. Initial decision-making matrix
with values expressed in intervals
Alternative No. Durability of transmittance
walls (cycles) (W/m x K)
Optimization direction max min
Attribute weight q 0.21 0.33
[x.sub.1] [x.sub.2]
[w.sub.1] [b.sub.1] [w.sub.2] [b.sub.2]
Silicate brick masonry
with masonry outer
finishing layer 75 100 0.22 0.25
Ceramic brick masonry
with masonry outer
finishing layer 75 100 0.22 0.25
Ceramic fenestrate
brick masonry with
masonry outer
finishing layer 75 100 0.21 0.25
Silicate bricks
masonry with outer
plaster finishing
layer 25 25 0.24 0.27
The estimated Weight of
Alternative No. cost of [m.sup.2] [m.sup.2]
walls, (LTL) walls, (kg)
Optimization direction min min
Attribute weight q 0.26 0.09
[x.sub.3] [x.sub.4]
[w.sub.3] [b.sub.3] [w.sub.4] [b.sub.4]
Silicate brick masonry
with masonry outer
finishing layer 72.08 94.71 590 652
Ceramic brick masonry
with masonry outer
finishing layer 89.01 100.93 596 625
Ceramic fenestrate
brick masonry with
masonry outer
finishing layer 80.32 96.42 581 604
Silicate bricks
masonry with outer
plaster finishing
layer 67.76 98.10 455 479
Alternative No. Human expenditures,
Optimization direction min
Attribute weight q 0.11
[w.sub.5] [b.sub.5]
Silicate brick masonry
with masonry outer
finishing layer 4.60 4.60
Ceramic brick masonry
with masonry outer
finishing layer 4.60 4.60
Ceramic fenestrate
brick masonry with
masonry outer
finishing layer 4.60 4.60
Silicate bricks
masonry with outer
plaster finishing
layer 4.55 5.01
Table 2. Weighted normalized decision-making
matrix according to a COPRAS-G method
Weighted normalized values of the attributes
describing the compared alternatives--matrix [??]
No. [[??].sub.1] [[??].sub.1] [[??].sub.2] [[??].sub.2]
1 0.055 0.073 0.076 0.086
2 0.055 0.073 0.076 0.086
3 0.055 0.073 0.073 0.086
4 0.018 0.018 0.083 0.093
Weighted normalized values of the attributes
describing the compared alternatives--matrix [??]
No. [[??].sub.3] [[??].sub.3] [[??].sub.4]
1 0.054 0.070 0.023
2 0.066 0.075 0.023
3 0.060 0.072 0.023
4 0.050 0.073 0.018
Weighted normalized values of the attributes
describing the compared alternatives--matrix [??]
No. [[??].sub.4] [[??].sub.5] [[??].sub.5]
1 0.026 0.027 0.027
2 0.025 0. 027 0.027
3 0.024 0.027 0.027
4 0.019 0.027 0.030
Table 3. Decision results according to a COPRAS-G method ([R.sub.j]--
ascending rank of alternatives. The smallest is the best)
Total sum of maximizing Total sum of minimizing
Alternative normalized indices normalized indices
No [R.sub.j] [P.sub.j]
1 0.390 0.128
2 0.406 0.128
3 0.391 0.128
4 0.393 0.037
Alternative's Alternative's
Alternative significance degree of Rank
No [Q.sub.j] efficiency [N.sub.j] [R.sub.j]
1 0.528 100 1
2 0.512 96.9 3
3 0.526 99.7 2
4 0.434 82.1 4
Figure 1. Average annual losses of heat in residential
buildings of Lithuania
Ground level floors 48%
External walls 13%
Windows 21%
Overloadings 18%
Note: Table made from pie chart.
Fig. 4. Decision-making matrix for multi-attribute
decision-making problems
Alternatives Attributes
[C.sub.1] [C.sub.2] ... [C.sub.m]
[A.sub.1] [a.sub.11] [a.sub.12] ... [a.sub.1m]
[A.sub.2] [a.sub.21] [a.sub.22] ... [a.sub.2m]
... ... ... ...
[A.sub.n] [a.sub.n1] [a.sub.n2] ... [a.sub.nm]