A monument of historical heritage--Vilnius Archcathedral Belfry: the dynamic investigation/Vilniaus istorinio paveldo paminklo--arkikatedros varpines--dinaminiai tyrimai.
Kliukas, Romualdas ; Kacianauskas, Rimantas ; Jaras, Arunas 等
Abstract. The dynamic investigation of a monument of historical
heritage--Vilnius Archcathedral Belfry--is investigated. In 2002 six new
bells were installed in Vilnius Archcathedral Belfry according to a
modern location scheme and their ringing order was changed. Evidently,
they caused different dynamic loads which were not completely controlled
and their effect on historical buildings of the Old Town of Vilnius
could hardly be predictable. The paper presents the results of dynamic
investigation of the Archcathedral Belfry, subject to the influence of
the bell system operation. The dynamic impact was evaluated by measuring
the acceleration history under the conditions, when different
combinations of bells were used. A contribution of the dynamic effects
was assessed in terms of response spectra. The obtained results have
been thoroughly analysed and the appropriate findings and conclusions
Keywords: dynamic analysis, building structures, historical
heritage, dynamic load, response spectra, bells, experimental
Nagrinejamas Vilniaus arkikatedros varpines eksperimentinis tyrimas
nuo dinaminiu apkrovu, sukeltu veikiant varpams. Preliminaraus tyrimo
metu varpines sienu konstrukcijose buvo pastebeta irimo pozymiu,
daugybiniu plysiu. Tai sukele ilgalaikis statinio eksploatavimas. Taciau
2002 m. pagal nauja schema varpineje pakabinus 6 naujus varpus labai
pasikeite ju poveikis statinio konstrukcijoms. Skambant varpams
sukeliamos dinamines apkrovos varpines konstrukcijoms iki siol dar
nebuvo tyrinetos. Atliktas dinaminis eksperimentas, kurio metu istirti
varpines charakteringuju vietu masiu pagreiciai nuo ivairiais rezimais
skambanciu varpu: varpai skamba vienas paskui kita is eiles; skamba visi
varpai kartu; keturi mazieji varpai skamba kartu; skamba tik du didieji
varpai. Dinaminis poveikis statinio konstrukcijoms ivertinamas pagreiciu
atsako spektrais. Gauti rezultatai kruopsciai apdoroti ir pateiktos
Reiksminiai zodziai: eksperimentine analize, kulturinis paveldas,
dinamin_ apkrova, masiu pagreiciai, atsako spektras, varpai,
eksperimentiniai matavimai.
1. Introduction
When Lithuania regained independence in 1990, Vilnius again became
the capital of the independent state. In December 1994, a historical
centre of Vilnius--the Old Town--was included into the UNESCO World
Heritage List. Rapid revitalisation of the Old Town started in 1998.
In the period of revitalization and rehabilitation of the Old Town
as the historical nucleus of the city, an exceptional attention was
given to emphasize the role of the Old Town as an important
international cultural centre in order to bring the revitalization
process to the international level.
Along with routine reconstruction of various buildings, special
attention was devoted to rehabilitation of buildings, listed as
monuments of historical heritage of Vilnius. The Belfry of the Vilnius
Archcathedral Basilica belongs to the most valuable monuments of the
historical heritage of the Old Town.
In all countries valuable historical monuments are protected by
special laws, while their technical state is checked periodically, and
their reliability, strength and resistance to various environmental and
human inflicted effects are predicted (Witzany, Cejka 2007a, 2007b;
Calio et al. 2003; Sofronie 1999). The structural health monitoring is
traditionally considered as observation of the behaviour of the
structure over time. The technique is based on consolidated technologies
of dynamic characterization and identification of the structures.
Various theoretical and experimental investigations of the
influence of the dynamic loads caused by city traffic, operation of the
bells, earthquakes, etc. on the resistance and reliability of structures
of cultural heritage have shown the significance of the problems under
consideration. Here, different approaches and techniques of
strengthening the structures of cultural heritage are offered (Sofronie
et al. 1999; 2000, 2003), full--scale testing and FEM analysis are used
in 2004; main tools of dynamic investigation (Ciesielski, Stypula 2004;
Stypula 1984a, 1984b; Niederwanger et al. 1997; Gentile et al. 2002;
Podesta et al. 2007; Jaras et al. 2006) are applied.
Apart from natural and artificial damages of the structure
considered, a new source of trouble emerged in 2002, when a new bell
system was installed. The paper presents the results of dynamic
investigation of the Arch-cathedral Belfry, subjected to the influence
of the operation of the bell system. The dynamic impact was evaluated by
measuring the acceleration history under the conditions, when different
combinations of bells were used. A contribution of the dynamic effects
was evaluated in terms of response spectra. The most dangerous operating
conditions were also identified.
The paper is organized as follows: some historical facts and
revitalisation steps are presented in Section 2, the Belfry structure
and its bell system are described in Section 3, dynamic investigation
and measurement technique are presented in Section 4, investigation
results and discussion are given in Section 5, and conclusions are
provided in Section 6.
2. Historical development of the old town and revitalisation
Vilnius was first mentioned in European written sources in 1323 as
the capital of the Great Duchy of Lithuania. The development of the city
is related to several historical periods.
The historical nucleus of the Vilnius city--Old Town--was founded
and developed on the confluence of the rivers Vilnia and Neris. Vilnius
started exactly where the Vilnia flows into the Neris, while as early as
the 5-6th cc. this was the location of a large Baltic settlement.
In the 14th c. the growth of the city was constrained by the
attacks of the Order of Teutonic Knights. The 15th c. saw the
construction of numerous Gothic brick buildings, as well as setting up
and growth of monasteries and guilds, which significantly changed the
outline of the city (Lietuvos architekturos istorija 1987; Drema 1991).
After the Great Fire of 1471 new streets were built and, in
1503-1522, a five-gate defence wall was erected, enclosing the most
densely populated part of the city and protecting it from possible
Tartar invasions. Covering over 300 ha, the city nucleus was developed
in the valley to the south of the Vilnia and Neris confluence. After the
third and last division of the Lithuanian-Polish state in 1795, the
major part of Lithuania, including its capital Vilnius, passed to
Russia, and Vilnius became the centre of the Governor General's
Early in the 20th century, Vilnius lost its significance as an
administrative centre. This period saw only limited construction in the
Vilnius Old Town. The year of the World War II was a real disaster to
the Old Town. Nearly 40 % of buildings were destroyed. During the soviet
period after the war the Vilnius Old Town was partially renovated,
however, more than 25 % of buildings had never been rebuilt--they were
later replaced by open spaces and squares (Drema 1991). Only the
selected historical monuments were renovated.
Despite the significant losses, the Old Town remains an important
centre of Eastern Europe and attractive place for visitors. In 1994, the
world recognised the experience of Lithuanian specialists and the
progress in the Old Town management took place by including the historic
centre of Vilnius into the List of Sites of the World Heritage.
The Vilnius Old Town Revitalisation Strategy was developed in 1996.
It involves different measures for protection, maintenance and
conservation of individual buildings of historical and cultural value
and even of their architectural and structural elements (Kacianauskas et
al. 2004).
In co-operation with the state institutions, plans for both routine
and preventive measures and sources of the appropriate funds for
improving the protection of the heritage will be prepared within the
framework of the Old Town strategy.
The most important projects are the reconstruction of the Royal
Palace and the Archcathedral Square (Fig. 1).
3. Cathedral Belfry and its bell system
The most important and prominent building in the Old Town is the
Archcathedral Basilica with the Belfry beside (Fig. 2a). The lower part
of the Belfry is quite different from the rest of the building. In fact,
it is much older, and in its original incarnation was one of the
defensive towers of the Lower Castle (Lietuvos architekturos istorija
1987). The upper structure was built several ages later and, thus, a
defensive tower was transformed into the Belfry. After a few
reconstructions, it acquired the present form, which had not changed
until 1893.
The structure of the building is schematically shown in Fig. 2b. It
reflects two historically different parts having quite different
geometry and construction styles.
The lower part, having a slightly non-symmetric annular cross-section with the external diameter ranging from 12.6 to 12.1 m and
3.0 or 2.0 m thick walls (Fig. 2c), is made of stone masonry. It is 11.9
m high and has four floors. The top of this building part was later
covered by cast-in-place joist ceiling, which was constructed as a
stiffened reinforced concrete slab.
The upper part of the building (Fig. 2d) has an octahedral cross-section with the characteristic diameter ranging from 11.4 to 9.9
m and 1.5, and 1.3 m thick brick masonry walls. The wall of the upper
part is weakened by a number of window openings. The upper masonry
structure is 25.5 m high. The Belfry roof is a light timber dome
structure covered by a thin copper shell. The total height of the
building is about 56 m.
The first bells were hung in the Belfry as early as 17-th century,
while later (18th c.) the number of bells was increased. This set of
bells is still operating. However, in 2002 six new bells--"Jurgis
Matulaitis", "Anna", "Helena",
"Stanislaus", "Casimirus", "Joachim" (Fig.
3), with their masses, ranging from 475 kg to 2600 kg, were installed,
according to a modern location scheme (Fig. 4). Their operating order
was changed respectively.
The explicit technical data on the bells are given in Table 1.
4. Dynamic investigation and measurement technique
There are two most critical factors reducing the ability of
building structures to retain their original properties and
serviceability. Natural long-term degradation of the materials under the
exposure to the environment, which nowadays is often aggressive, is
referred to the first category. Short-time dynamic actions, such as
vibrations or impact loads, may be considered the second even most
dangerous factor.
Dynamic investigation of the structures based on the advanced
measurement technique and computer-aided technologies seems to be one of
the most powerful research tools to be applied to evaluating the dynamic
effects. On the other hand, dynamic methods have been extensively
applied to assessing damage, including long-term damage of structures
and structural members (Ciesielski, Stypula 2004; Stypula 1984a, 1984b;
Niederwanger et al. 1997; Gentile et al. 2002; Podesta et al. 2007;
Clough 1993).
Dynamic investigation is mainly aimed at determining the influence
of the dynamic loads imposed by bells and ways of reducing harmful
This paper focuses on the operation of the bell system installed
during the last reconstruction in 2002. The new bronze bell system,
including 6 massive bells, was placed at the sixth floor level of the
Belfry, 26 m above the ground level. The new bells were provided with 3
supporting frames, located at an angle of approximately 60[degrees] to
each other (Fig. 4). Each frame carries two bells. The balance of the
bells is upset by electric motors and they begin to swing about a
horizontal carrying axle until hitting against a vertical bar and
starting to ring (Fig. 3).
This new bell system caused an intense local vibration on the 6th
floor and the whole tower building, leading to cracking of a masonry
The performed dynamic investigation aimed to capture both global
and local behaviour of the Belfry building, affected by dynamic loading
caused by the operation of the bells (Kliukas et al. 2004). The region
of the global behaviour was limited, however, by the brick masonry
structure to the altitudes of 11.90 m and 32.90 m, while the region of
local behaviour was limited to the altitudes of 21.7 m and 32.90 m. This
region is highly affected by the bells operation. In addition, it is
suffering from the accumulated environmental degradation of a long-term
nature. Since the bells on wooden portals are hung in pairs 1-2, 3-4,
5-6 (Fig. 4), the above arrangement of the bells may significantly
increase the dynamic effect on the Belfry structures, when a particular
pair of bells is operating.
During the dynamic experiment, a mobile set of oscillation measuring devices was used to register vertical and horizontal
oscillations caused by the bell operation. The equipment consisted of:
--portable multifunctional analysis system "PULSE--3560C"
(12 canals), with software 7700&7705. Producer "Bruel &
Kjaer" (Denmark);
--12 one-directional sensors (accelerometers) of the type 7752.
Producer "Endevco" (USA);
--standard portable personal computer "Hewllet Packard".
The directional vibrosensors were rigidly fixed to the structural
elements of the Belfry, according to purposeful layout schemes (Fig. 5).
The dynamic experiment, using the analytical system
"Pulse-3560C", includes the layout of sensors in typical
measurement directions at the floor levels as well as distribution of
sensors along the vertical axis of the belfry.
Basic data on sensors layout are given in Table 2. Here: 1)
accelerometers 4, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 are placed at the floor level; 2)
altitudes [m] are measured at the 2nd floor level; 3) V--vertical,
5. Measuring results and discussion
The dynamic experiment comprises four Belfry mass acceleration
measurements according to the following modes of operation:
1) the bells operate separately, ringing one after another in a
consecutive order;
2) the bells operate all together;
3) four smaller bells operate together;
4) two biggest bells operate together.
The signal registering step of each measurement is 7.8125 x
[10.sup.-3] s, while the measurement time-span ranges from 3.839922 x
[10.sup.2] to 6.399922 x [10.sup.2] s. The explicit data on measurements
are in Table 3.
With the aim to eliminate the influence of random disturbances
(noise, etc.), the recorded signals of vibro sensors were filtered up to
0.3 Hz and over 60 Hz (the band width was 0.3-60 Hz).
The acceleration time history diagrams were drawn, and the obtained
results were carefully analysed, using a commercial program package
DynaTool. This program provides a collection of tools, which are used by
engineers and scientists involved in seismic analysis.
In the present investigation, histograms of peak accelerations of
each measurement were attached to each point considered. They provide
the information about the dynamic effect produced by bells operating in
various modes and its distribution and localization in the Belfry's
The average values of only one measurement parameter
(acceleration), allowing us to determine the harmful effect of
particular modes of the bell operation on the Belfry structure is
presented in the article. The comparative analysis of the effects
produced by the bells operating in various modes was performed in the
present investigation, based on the indication of the 8th sensor, whose
data reflect a dangerous effect (Fig. 6).
In Fig. 7, acceleration time history of the most characteristic
(8th) sensor is presented on the same scale. It reflects the situations
when the bells are ringing one after another, all at the same time, 4
smaller bells, or 2 biggest bells at the same time. Fig. 7a presents the
histogram of the effect (acceleration) on the building structures
produced by each of 6 bells ringing one after another sequentially. It
shows that the effect of the bells on the acceleration value is
different (because their mass differs by about 3 times), ranging from
0,0084 m/[s.sup.2] to 0,0248 m/[s.sup.2].
While the bells operate all together (Fig. 7b), the peak
acceleration value (in modulus) at the same level is 0,0278 m/[s.sup.2].
It is smaller than the value characterizing the operation of the 2
bigger and 4 smaller bells.
As shown in Fig. 7 c-d, when 4 smaller bells are operating at the
same time, the maximum acceleration is 0,04086 m/[s.sup.2], while for
two larger bells operating together it reaches 0,04532 m/[s.sup.2]. This
can be accounted for the fact that, when all the bells are operating at
the same time, they suppress the acceleration effect of building
oscillations and, thereby, the amplitudes, produced by each of them.
The presented results and simple comparison show that the operating
mode of two biggest bells is the most dangerous.
The graph in Fig. 8 illustrates accelerations at various altitudes
of the building, when all the bells are ringing at the same time.
At the top level, the acceleration values reach 0,031 m/[s.sup.2],
while farther from the operating bells (when the stiffness of the
building structures is higher), the acceleration values decrease.
Based on the investigation results, two Belfry zones, where the
bells operation and other factors present danger to the the building,
were identified: a local zone found between the 5th and 7th floors
(height 25-32 m) and a global zone located between the 4th and the top
floor (height 10-37 m). In the local zone, gradual destruction of the
walls can be observed, with disintegration of the supporting elements of
a wooden portal, where the bells hang. In the global zone, the number of
damages caused by the bell operation, traffic and harmful environmental
effects is continually growing. Therefore, long-term monitoring of the
Belfry structures and fixing the defects and changes can be recommended.
The processed investigation data describe the harmful effects of
the operating bells in absolute values. They allow us to assess the
performance of the particular parts of the building as well as
determining the damages. Moreover, based on the analysis of graphically
presented results, it is possible to detect new damages in the building
In order to determine the dynamic effects, the measured
acceleration time histories were transformed to frequency domain (Clough
1993). The acceleration response spectra were calculated by using a
commercial software package DynaTool (Fig. 9). The tools provided are
based on those used for structural analysis; however, they are based on
standard techniques and will be used to other branches of time and
frequency analysis.
The first resonance occurring at 1,25 Hz is attributed to natural
frequencies of the building structures. Two further resonance
frequencies 13,7 Hz and 22,8 Hz are attributed to the influence of the
bell system produced by the operation of 4 smaller and 2 bigger bells,
6. Conclusions
The experimental analysis of the Vilnius Archcathedral Belfry
allows us to draw the following conclusions:
1. The dynamic behaviour was investigated on the basis of the
measured time history of acceleration. It was found that the largest
acceleration occurs in the wall section oriented along the movement of
the two largest bells (8th sensor).
2. The most dangerous dynamic effects of high acceleration
magnitude are produced by the two largest bells "Joachim" and
"Casimirus". The investigation has shown that accelerations in
the areas where the bells supports are fixed, exceed the ultimate value
of 0.1 m/s2, reaching 0.8...1.0 m/[s.sup.2]. The operation of the bells
causes the destruction of the Belfry wall.
3. Details of dynamic effects were described in terms of the
response spectra of accelerations. Three resonance frequencies were
identified. The first resonance occurring at 1,25 Hz can be attributed
to natural frequencies of the building structures. Two further resonance
frequencies 13,7 Hz and 22,8 Hz are attributed to the influence of the
bell system, i. e. the operation of 4 smaller and 2 bigger bells,
4. Long-term monitoring of the structures of Vilnius Archcathedral
Belfry and their defects and changes have not been performed. To ensure
the effective maintenance of the Belfry structures, a system of
monitoring of the structures and their defects allowing us to detect the
changes in building performance should be developed.
This research was supported by Vilnius City Municipality. The
dynamic experiment was performed in collaboration with the Centre for
Urban Construction and Rehabilitation (CURE) of Gdansk University of
Technology. Their support is acknowledged.
Received 22 Jan 2008, accepted 31 March 2008
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Romualdas Kliukas (1), Rimantas Kacianauskas (2), Arunas Jaras (3)
Dept of Strength of Materials, Vilnius Gediminas Technical
Saul_tekio al. 11, LT-10223 Vilnius, Lithuania
E-mail: (1)
[email protected]; (2)
[email protected]; (3)
[email protected]
Romualdas KLIUKAS. Doctor, Assoc Prof, Dept of Strength of
Materials, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Sauletekio al. 11,
LT-10223 Vilnius, Lithuania. PhD (building structures, 1989). Researcher
at the Dept of Reinforced Concrete Structures of Vilnius Institute of
Civil Engineering. Research visit to Building Scientific-Technical
Research Centre (France), 1990-91. Author of over 40 articles. Research
interests: durability and renovation of concrete structures, design
features of hyper static and spun concrete structures.
Rimantas KACIANAUSKAS. Dr Habil, Professor, Head of Dept of
Strength of Materials, Senior Researcher at the Laboratory of Numerical
Modelling, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Sauletekio al. 11,
LT-10223 Vilnius, Lithuania. Author of more than 150 scientific
publications, 1 monograph, 1 text book. Member expert of Lithuanian
Academy of Sciences. Research interest: finite element method, discrete
element method, structural engineering mechanics of materials, fracture
mechanics, coupled problems. Research visits: Institute for Computer
Applications, University of Stuttgart (1986, 1992, 2006); London,
Imperial College (1997); National laboratory of Civil Engineering,
Lisbon (1998); University of Bremen (2000).
Arunas JARAS. Doctor Dept of Strength of Materials, Vilnius
Gediminas Technical University, Sauletekio al. 11, LT-10223 Vilnius,
Lithuania. PhD (building structures, 2003). Author of 5 articles.
Research interests: mechanics of deformable solids, bisteel structures.
Table 1. Technical data on the bells
Name of
No the bells Sound tone Diameter Mass
1 Joachim [h.sup.o] 1580 mm 2600 kg
2 Casimirus d' 1380 mm 1600 kg
3 Stanislaus e' 1230 mm 1150 kg
4 Helena fis' 1100 mm 800 kg
5 Anna g' 1030 mm 675 kg
6 J. Matulaitis a' 920 mm 475 kg
Total: 7300 kg
Table 2. The layout of accelerometers
Number of Direction of Altitude
accelerometers measurement [m] Location of accelerometers
II-1 V -2.82 In Sventaragis str.
II-2 H -2.82 In Sventaragis str.
II-3 H 32.86 In the clock niche
(7th fl)
II-4 H 21.71 In the window niche
(6th fl)
II-5 H 14.50 On the 5th floor niche, 40
cm up
II-6 H 32.86 In the clock niche
(7th fl)
II-7 H 14.40 On the 5th floor niche, 40
cm up
II-8 H 21.71 In the window niche
(6th fl)
II-9 V 7.80 In the window niche
(4th fl)
II-10 H 7.80 In the window niche
(4th fl)
II-11 V 7.80 In the window niche
(4th fl)
II-12 H 7.80 In the window niche
(4th fl)
Table 3. The basic data on dynamic measurements
Measurement Period of Registration Points
No measurement [s] step [s] number
I (running
bells) 0/6.399 x [10.sup.2] 7.8125 x [10.sup.-3] 81919
(all together) 0/5.039 x [10.sup.2] 7.8125 x [10.sup.-3] 64511
(4 bells) 0/5.119 x [10.sup.2] 7.8125 x [10.sup.-3] 65535
(2 bells) 0/3.839 x [10.sup.2] 7.8125 x [10.sup.-3] 49151
Fig. 6. The peak values of accelerations obtained by different
accelerations [m/[s.sup.2]]
1 0.04
2 0.0355
3 0.0353
4 0.0324
5 0.0336
6 0.0248
7 0.0456
8 0.0487
9 0.0408
10 0.0344
11 0.0401
Note: Table made from bar graph.
Fig. 8. The distribution histogram of accelerations along
the vertical axis of the Belfry, while the bells operate all
Altitudes [m] Accelerations [m/[s.sup.2]
32.91 m 0.031
21,71 m 0,03758
7,8 m 0,01636
Note: Table made from bar graph.