Evaluation of indoor environment conditions in offices located in buildings with large glazed areas/Biuro pastatu, turinciu didelius istiklintus plotus, mikroklimato salygu vertinimas.
Seduikyte, Lina ; Paukstys, Valdas
Abstract. The field study was carried out during the heating season
in two Lithuanian office buildings with large glazed areas. The
methodology was prepared for evaluating indoor microclimate parameters
while using objective and subjective evaluation. The results show that
the average temperature in all tested offices was in the range of
optimal zones, but in some offices the average temperature was not in
compliance with the recommended temperature for offices. During the
subjective evaluation, respondents working in these offices identified
complains because of too high temperatures, stuffy air and irritation in
eyes. The average relative humidity measured in all tested offices was
not in compliance with the optimal requirements. Such SBS symptoms as
irritation in eyes, cough and dry skin of the hands were identified as
the most frequent symptoms in the second tested building. Main indoor
microclimate problems arising in buildings with large glazed areas were
related to overheating indoor spaces because of the direct sun and
improper ventilation.
Keywords: indoor microclimate, glazed areas, SBS symptoms.
Straipsnyje nagrinejamos patalpu mikroklimato salygos pastatuose
esanciuose biuruose, turineiuose didelius istiklintus plotus. Dideliu
skaidriu atitvaru plotu irengimas pastatuose ne tik didina energijos
sanaudas pastatams sildyti, vesinti ir orui kondicionuoti, bet ir
sukuria mikroklimato salygas, kuriose dirbantys zmones daznai patiria
silumini diskomforta, nors aplinkos parametrai atitinka normu
reikalavimus. Naturiniams patalpu mikroklimato tyrimams sukurta patalpu
mikroklimato tyrimo metodika, kuri sieja objektyvius ir subjektyvius
tyrimo metodus patalpu salygoms optimaliai ivertinti. Patalpu
mikroklimato salygos tiksliausiai ivertinamos pagal patalpu mikroklimato
parametru matavimo, papildyto subjektyvaus mikroklimato salygu
ivertinimu, apibendrintos analizes rezultatus.
Reiksminiai zodziai: biuro patalpu mikroklimatas, objektyvus ir
subjektyvus ivertinimas, stikliniai fasadai.
1. Introduction
In the last six years, there is a tendency in Lithuania to build
new office buildings with glass facades. Traditions have been formed how
to use the glass in buildings. However, the increase of glazed areas
aroused a new problems, which should be solved with regard to energy
savings and indoor microclimate requirements. Big glazed areas are
always related to higher energy losses during the heating season and
overheating of indoor spaces because of the direct sun (Carmody et al.
2004; Ramanauskas et al. 2005).
The explanation why higher heat losses are in the buildings with
large glazed areas is that for the new buildings the normative value of
the heat transmission coefficient (U-value) of large glazed areas is
[U.sub.N] = 1,3 W/([m.sup.2] x K). The U-value of walls of public
buildings is [U.sub.N] = 0,25 W/([m.sup.2] x K) (STR 2.05.01:2005), the
value is fivefold lower. The heat losses through such wall are
considerably lower compared with glazed areas.
There is overheating of the indoor spaces because glass is pervious to sun radiation waves of electromagnetic spectrum, which consists of
visible spectrum waves, ultraviolet rays and short wave (high frequency)
infrared rays. The sun emits light at all different wavelengths in
electromagnetic spectrum. The part of sun radiation transmitted through
the usual glass is presented in Fig. 1.
Sun radiation is heating buildings surfaces, therefore the indoor
temperature is rising up. All warm bodies are eradiating thermal rays.
Humans, at normal body temperature, radiate most strongly in the
infrared at a wavelength of about 10 microns.
However, they are in the long wave (low frequency) infrared rays
spectrum and for present waves glass is not pervious. Transmitted sun
radiation is accumulated indoors and there is a possibility for the
appearance of "greenhouse" effect (Active facades ... 2002).
The indoor spaces are overheated by the sun not only during the
summer time when it is hot outdoors and air conditioning system is on.
It may happen during cold weather too, when the heating system is on and
when because of the direct sun radiation some of the indoor spaces might
be overheated too. This problem is very important in buildings with a
centralised heating ventilating system where some parts of the buildings
should be heated and some cooled at the same time. The worst thermal
conditions are in these parts of the building which are under the
influence of the direct sun.
The increase of glazed areas in facades enlarge the energy
consumption for heating, ventilating and cooling the building as well as
create indoor microclimate conditions, causing thermal discomfort for
people, although the indoor parameters might meet the requirements.
Different methods are used for the evaluation of the indoor microclimate
parameters (thermal environment and indoor air quality). Human response
to the thermal environment can be expressed in terms of the predicted
mean vote (PMV) and predicted percentage of dissatisfied (PPD) indices
which predict the percentage of the occupants' feeling too warm or
too cool. Normalisation of temperatures depends on different clothing
habits, national traditions, the differences of subjective sensations
and acclimatisation (ISO 7730:1994, CR 1752:1998, ASHRAE 55-1992 ).
Subjective evaluation of the indoor environment is used in many
surveys. The World Health Organization (WHO) introduced the name of Sick
Building Syndrome (SBS) symptoms, which characterise the health
problems, related to the exposure to a particular building environment.
Indoor temperature is one of the main factors influencing work
performance. It can have direct (when thermal comfort is not obtained)
as well as indirect (when SBS symptoms are arising) influence (Fang et
al. 2004; Dear 2004).
The research on people productivity, while performing usual office
tasks, is one of the recent methods for evaluating indoor microclimate
conditions. Niemmela et al. (2002) made a research in Finland on
people's performance while working under different thermal
conditions in the telecommunication centre. The results showed that
people performance decreased by 2.2% by every 1[degrees]C over
25[degrees]C. Federspiel et al. (2002) made research in USA in a
telecommunication centre. The results showed any difference while
performing tasks in the comfort zone, but the performance of people
decreased by 15% when the temperature increased from 24.8[degrees]C to
26[degrees]C. The direct influence of thermal environment on mental
performance was confirmed by the experiments by Wyon (1993, 1996, 2004).
Seduikyte and Bliudzius (2005) presented the research in an experimental
office. The results showed that people performance decreased and
intensity of SBS symptoms increased while performing tasks in an
experimental office where comfort parameters were not met.
There is a new philosophy: improvement of indoor microclimatic
conditions is associated with a positive effect on work performance. The
benefit of improved indoor microclimate conditions at working places are
as follow: decrease of medical costs, increase of working days because
of the decrease of days off, higher performance of people, lower costs
for training new employees and keeping qualification.
After literature review it was determined that for the evaluation
of indoor microclimate quality two methods can be used: measurements of
indoor parameters and evaluation of people performance and well-being.
There are doubts, whether measurements of indoor microclimate parameters
are giving enough information about the indoor microclimatic conditions
and their suitability to productive work of people.
The aim of the field study carried out in Lithuanian office
buildings with large glazed areas was to test the prepared methodology
in practice, to determine indoor microclimatic conditions by using
objective and subjective evaluation of people, working in those spaces.
2. Methods
Two methods for evaluating the indoor microclimate were used in
this survey: objective (measurements of indoor microclimate parameters)
and subjective (questionnaire survey). It is important to determine
indoor microclimatic quality and arising problems while using these two
The prepared methodology for the evaluation of indoor microclimate
parameters which was used in the field study is presented in Fig. 2.
Three stages of the research are given. Primary evaluation of the
indoor microclimate is made at the first stage, where objective and
subjective evaluation, determination of the air quality and "sick
leave" days is made. During the objective evaluation the technical
investigation of the building, measurements of the indoor microclimate
parameters (temperature, relative humidity (RH) and air velocity) and
primary evaluation of the pollution sources is made. A questionnaire was
prepared for the subjective evaluation. The aim of the questionnaire
survey is to evaluate the quality of indoor microclimate while using
subjective evaluation presented by people working in the tested offices.
The second stage is identification of existing problems. At the
third stage conclusions of the investigation are presented and
suggestions of possible solutions for the dilution of the existing
problems are given. After implementing changes in tested office
building, it is suggested to make additional investigation, to evaluate
the effectiveness of the implemented operations. While comparing the
employees' productivity, evaluation of microclimate parameters,
intensity of SBS symptoms and the number of absent days because of the
illness, the estimation of the economical benefit gained because of the
improved indoor microclimate conditions can be made.
Two new office buildings with large glazed areas, similar finishing
building materials and ventilation systems were chosen for this survey.
The field survey in office buildings was performed in the heating
season. The measurements of indoor microclimate parameters (temperature,
RH, air velocity) were made according to the requirements of LHN HN
42:2004 Indoor microclimate of dwellings and public houses. The duration
of the measurement period was two weeks in each tested building.
Measurements were made in sequence. All measurement equipment was set to
record 3-minute average values during the measurement time. For the
analyses data of the workday, when employees were at offices, was taken.
For the evaluation of thermal parameters PMV and PPD indexes were used.
PMV index can be determined when the activity (metabolic rate) and the
clothing are estimated and such environment parameters as air
temperature mean radiant temperature, relative humidity and air velocity
are measured. UC Berkeley Thermal Comfort program was used for
calculating PMV and PPD indices.
Office buildings were coded, while giving a number to each. They
were investigated and 7 representative single room offices in each
tested building were chosen. All buildings were mechanically ventilated.
3. Results and discussion
Primary evaluation of the tested office buildings was made
according to the first and second items of the prepared methodology.
Technical investigation allowed identifying problems which would not be
identified during the measurements of indoor parameters. Employees of
the first tested office building were not able to control temperature in
their office during the heating season--they could not lower it, as the
owner of the building switched off the regulation system in order to
save energy.
In an office of the second tested building the air supply devices
were not "turned on", so the fresh air could not come. It
should be mentioned that there was no possibility to open windows in
neither of the tested office buildings.
Dark sooty spots were identified around the air supply devices in
the offices of the second tested building (Fig. 3). During the
investigation, technical personnel was instructed to check the quality
of the used filters, the time of replacement and technical conditions of
the pipes, where the air was delivered to the offices.
Technical investigation allowed identifying that in some offices of
the second tested building the number of working places was bigger than
planned in the project. When this number differs, employees could have
complains because of stuffy air, too high temperatures or lack of space.
It is always recommended to set up separate rooms for an additional
office equipment such as copy machines and printers because of the
contaminants which are spread during their work, as they are hazardous
for people health. In the first tested building, the equipment was in
the same office where people were working; in the second building--a
separate room for the equipment. However, the door of this room was
always opened so the contaminants were getting to the working zone.
Results of measurements--average temperature and RH values--in the
tested offices are presented in Fig. 4 and 5. The results of temperature
measurements show, that the average temperature in all tested offices
was within the optimal zone. However, in the 1st office building the
average temperature in 71% of tested offices was not in compliance with
the recommended temperature. This requirement was not met in 14% of
tested offices of the 2nd office building.
Relative humidity in non-residential buildings is often lower
during the heating season. However, this parameter should be not lower
than the minimum point, i.e. 30%. The results show (Fig. 5), that the
average relative humidity measured in all tested offices was not in
compliance with the optimal requirements; it can be named as one of the
critical parameters.
Predicted number of thermally dissatisfied people (PPD) in tested
offices (calculated according to COMFORT program) is presented in Fig.
According to Lithuanian norms and standards, a predicted percentage
of the dissatisfied with thermal environment should not exceed 20%. It
can be stated that the calculated PPD value for the tested offices did
not exceed 20%.
43 occupants working in the tested office buildings took part in
the subjective evaluation--a questionnaire survey. SBS symptoms,
evaluation of thermal conditions and other complains related to working
indoor environment was identified by the questionnaires results. The
intensity of symptoms was evaluated by the frequency of their appearance
(no symptom, few times a week, every day).
The identified complaints which were related to working environment
are in Fig. 7.
Discomfort caused by too high temperatures was identified by 86%
and a problem because of stuffy air was identified by 72% of the
respondents of the first tested building. Average temperature in this
building was in compliance with the optimal requirements, but it did not
meet the recommended temperature for offices. Only in one office the
average temperature was not higher than 22[degrees]C. There were no
curtains or other sun protection in these tested offices, so occupants
had no possibility to avoid direct sunshine in the first building with a
glass facade. Direct sunshine and reflection in the monitors were
disturbing occupants. About 50% of employees working in this building
identified that they were suffering from changing, low temperatures, dry
air and unpleasant smells.
Dry air was the most frequently mentioned problem in the second
tested building. Even 73% of respondents identified this problem. Stuffy
air was identified by 51% of respondents every day causing discomfort in
their working environment.
SBS symptoms identified during the field survey in tested office
buildings with large glazed areas are presented in Fig. 8.
Respondents working in the first tested building identified
irritation in eyes as the most frequent SBS symptom. 57% of the
respondents suffer these symptoms every day. One of the reasons why this
symptom appeared in this building, was relative humidity, which was not
in compliance with the optimal requirements, the second--indoor air
temperature which sometimes reached 28,7-29,5[degrees]C. A synthetic
carpet used for finishing floor in all tested offices can be named as
the third reason for appearance of the mentioned symptoms.
Such SBS symptoms as irritation in eyes, cough and dry skin of the
hands were identified as the most frequent symptoms in the second tested
building. Cough which was identified by 62% respondents in the tested
building could be caused by dry and polluted air. Dry air was identified
by measuring RH and technical investigation of the building allowed to
find dark sooty spots in the tested offices.
When summarising, it can be stated that SBS symptoms, complains
with unpleasant odours, other complains related to the working indoor
environment were identified by a questionnaire survey. This information
would be not identified while measuring indoor microclimate parameters.
The analyses of the obtained results show that ventilation systems
cannot warrant good microclimate conditions in the office buildings with
large glazed areas. There are cases, when people have complains because
of working environment even when optimal indoor microclimate conditions
are obtained. This can be explained by the combination of several
different parameters. Arising problems could be not solved only by an
increase of volume of the supplied air.
4. Conclusions
1. The results of measurements show that the average temperature in
all tested offices was within the optimal zone. 43% of tested offices
were not in compliance with the recommended temperature for offices. The
predicted percentage of the dissatisfied people with thermal environment
working in tested offices was not higher than 20%. The most critical
parameter in all tested offices was relative humidity, as in all tested
offices it was lower than 30%.
2. An inappropriate thermal control system and direct sun coming to
the offices of the first tested building with large glazed areas during
the heating season caused complains related to working environment: too
high temperatures, stuffy and dry air. In the second tested building
respondents had discomfort because of dry and stuffy air.
3. SBS symptoms identified during the survey may have been caused
by a relative humidity, which was not in compliance with optimal
requirements, indoor air temperature which in some offices did not pass
the recommended temperature for offices. A synthetic carpet used for
finishing floor in all tested offices of the first building can be named
as the third reason for appearance of SBS symptoms in this building. Old
or dirty filters, which were used in ventilation systems of the second
tested building, could cause the appearance of SBS symptoms.
4. In order to minimise the negative effect of the direct sun,
because of the overheating of indoor spaces, it is reasonable to use
glass which reflects sun or to mount ventilated facades, where it is
easier to ensure good indoor microclimate conditions.
5. The most accurate evaluation of indoor microclimate conditions
is conducted through combined results of analyses of measurements of
indoor microclimatic parameters along with a subjective evaluation of
microclimate conditions. The methodology established to examine indoor
microclimate combines both objective and subjective methods for an
optimal evaluation of indoor microclimatic conditions.
Received 14 Sept. 2007; accepted 19 Jan. 2008
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Lina Seduikyte (1), Valdas Paukstys (2)
Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Kaunas University of
Technology, Studentu g. 48, LT-51367 Kaunas, Lithuania. E-mail: (1)
[email protected]; (2)
[email protected]
Lina SEDUIKYTE. Dr, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture,
KTU. Field of research: indoor microclimate conditions, thermal-comfort
parameters, effect of indoor air quality on health, SBS symptoms and
people performance. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture,
Kaunas University of Technology, Studentu g. 48, LT-51367 Kaunas,
Lithuania. Mob. tel.: +370 6 20 33467, Fax.: +370 37 300454,
Valdas PAUKSTYS. Dr, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture,
KTU. Field of research: physical-technical processes in building
envelopes, physical properties of building materials. Faculty of Civil
Engineering and Architecture, Kaunas University of Technology, Studentu
g. 48, LT-51367 Kaunas, Lithuania. Mob. tel.: +370 6 8626812, Fax.: +370
37 300454.