Customer behavior and decision making in the refurbishment industry-a data mining approach/Vartotoju elgsena ir sprendimo priemimas atnaujinimo srityje duomenu gavimo poziuriu.
Huang, Chung-Fah ; Hsueh, Sung-Lin
1. Introduction
About 84% of Taiwan citizens own houses, with the refurbishment
rate up to 26.2% according to the survey of population and housing
state; and the refurbished households accounted for 44.3% according to
the 2002 survey of family income and expenditure (Census Bureau 2002),
showing that the housing refurbishment market will play a bigger role in
the future.
As an emerging market, the building refurbishment is often
underrated by the customers, who often arrange for refurbishment with a
lack of relevant information about refurbishment firms. However, if
improper firms are selected, the customers may often be vexed about the
poor refurbishment quality and services. And, the customers without
professional know-how will find it difficult to make decisions on
building refurbishment. The refurbishment firms are often in a dilemma
since they are not well aware of customer requirements and
characteristics, and their new products or services are not recognized
by the customers. In the new economic times with fastgrowing information
transfer and emergence of new competitors, many enterprises set business
targets on "improving the quality of service and seeking customer
satisfaction". The relevant research indicates that, a customer who
is satisfied about one company's product or service may introduce
1~3 other customers, otherwise he/she may tell 11~13 relatives or
friends about the negative assessment (Johns 1995). Thus, an important
subject in the refurbishment market is how to create and transfer the
real value required by the customers, and promote SQ to win customer
satisfaction. For this reason, this paper intends to analyze the
customers' recognition factors, decision behavior, consumption
characteristics and satisfaction degree about refurbishment by employing
relevant consumer behavior theories and two Data Mining methods:
Decision Tree and Association Rules. While key factors recognized by
customers are analyzed, this research helps the refurbishment firms to
understand customer requirements and characteristics, thus providing a
reference for business management and improvement of asymmetrical
information problems between the customers and the refurbishment
2. Literature review
This part will review the previous research on the refurbishment
industry, consumer behavior, SQ, Data Mining, Decision Tree and
Association Rules.
2.1. Relative research on refurbishment and overview of
Taiwan's refurbishment market
Buildings refurbishment supports excellent opportunities to reduce
energy consumption in buildings as well as encourages other sustainable
refurbishment principles implementation--citizens' healthcare,
environment protection, rational resources use, information about
sustainable refurbishment dissemination and stakeholders groups'
awareness (Mickaityte et al. 2008). There are many definitions of
refurbishment by researchers, for example, Egbu et al. (1996) defined it
as alteration, replacement, modernization and repair of buildings to
meet diversified application characteristics, but not including routine
maintenance, regular painting and cleaning. In this paper, refurbishment
is defined as: "the refurbishment behavior taken for the customers
to extend the service life of buildings after completion of
construction. It covers the following aspects: (1) maintenance and
servicing of construction equipment, (2) breakdown maintenance, (3)
improvement of indoor housing quality and space modification (Aikivuori
1996; Johnstone 2001; Huang and Wang 2005) Kaklauskas et al. (2005)
pointed that a thorough building's refurbishment evaluation was
quite difficult to undertake, because a building and its environment
were complex systems. They also applied the method of multivariant
design and multiple criteria analysis of a building's refurbishment
and on that basis, developed a Decision Support System for building
Given the fact that existing households number over 7 million in
Taiwan, the annual turnover of the refurbishment market is estimated to
reach about NT$ 100 billion (1 USD = 30.415 NTD, the rate of exchange on
13 July 2008), not including such relevant industries as: removers,
furniture and cleaning companies. Investigation results from the
Executive Yuan indicate that, about 26% of households conducted
refurbishment every year in 1992-1995, and annual turnover of the
refurbishment market was predicted to reach NT$153.7 billion (Huang and
Wang 2005).
There are over 10,000 refurbishment firms in Taiwan, meanwhile
fierce competition and diversified business models make the industry
fragmented. Taiwan's refurbishment companies can be categorized
into the following four types of business models (Huang and Wang 2005):
(1) traditional companies, (2) companies with reinforced brands, (3)
regular chain system companies and (4) franchise chain system companies.
The business model of Type I is the most historical and has the most
companies using it. Different from Type I companies, companies of the
other three types have several innovations in their services and running
their brands, therefore, they are called "branded companies"
in this study. Companies of Types I and II adopt single-store operations
while those of Types III and IV use chainstore operation systems.
The traditional refurbishment-related businesses commonly found in
the market include masonry stores, plumber/electrician shops and small
contractors. Most of these firms adopt the business model of self-owned
single stores characterized by high working flexibility and mobility.
However, most of them are not active in or willing to build their brand
images. The customers are often puzzled by their different charging
standards, construction methods and SQ. Given the fact of asymmetrical
information, the customers have to spend a lot of time on searching,
bargaining and supervision, and also bear the risk of transaction and
extra transaction cost (Williamson 1975).
In view of aforementioned shortcomings of traditional business
models, many refurbishment companies have adjusted their operations.
Type II companies are different from Type I counterparts in their
awareness of brand building through marketing. Establishing themselves
as professional companies, they often market themselves by sending DMs
or posting ads on the Internet. Some of them even provide free housing
condition checkup services in order to promote their business concepts
and locate business opportunities among potential clients. The enhanced
brand credibility and information transparency can help lower
transaction costs for consumers. However, they are still using
single-store models and, therefore, they can not enjoy the benefit of
economies of scale in effectively reducing procurement costs. When
completely developed with sufficiently accumulated know-how, they might
possibly develop into chain business systems.
There is a growing trend to chain operation in Taiwan's
refurbishment industry. The chain system is also divided into regular
and franchise chain system. Induced by huge development opportunities,
large-scale suppliers of refurbishment materials, for DIY such as the
famous B&Q (like Homedepot in the U.S.), have started to get
involved in the refurbishment business by merging some technical crews.
In such a centralized chain system, the head office has absolute control
and management powers over the branches, including their procedures,
promotional activities and procurement. Also, such firms are
well-positioned for unified image and purchasing advantages.
Among these four models, the franchise chain system, now prevalent
in Taiwan, is the most innovative. Currently, a leading brand has nearly
200 franchise stores, and its head office is mainly liable for brand
operation, awarding of franchises and offering necessary education&
training as well as business know-how. As the requirements of customers
and entrepreneurs of franchised firms are met, such a franchised
business model is already widespread based on strong promotion of brands
in Taiwan.
2.2. Consumer behavior model
Numerous studies have been devoted to consumer behavior, e.g. from
the perspective of microeconomics or macroeconomics, or the social
psychology including learning or cognition. The representative EKB
model, initiated by Engel, Kollat and Blackwell, was taken as the
analysis framework for this research (Engel et al. 2001). Juan (2008)
stated that the refurbishment market had grown greatly in the last
decade. Relevant projects were becoming increasingly more demanding in
the construction industry due to the emphasis on sustainability. Since
most refurbishment works, involving a higher level of risk and
uncertainty, the characteristics are likely to cause asymmetric
information between contractors and tenants in a refurbishment process
and thus affect customers' satisfaction and project performance.
His study proposed a systematic decision support approach to solve
refurbishment asymmetric information problems by employing casebased
reasoning and data envelopment analysis (DEA). The PZB model of the
service quality and fuzzy sets were applied to support the DEA
operation. The proposed hybrid decision support approach was expected to
be useful for both tenants and contractors with high refurbishment needs
when they face similar problems.
EKB model is primarily divided into information input &
processing, decision variables (internal and external) and decision
process, of which the decision process is the focus of research, and the
others are influential factors in the decision process. The major
concerns of the model include (1) information input: it refers to the
marketing information of firms and relevant information received by the
customers from interpersonal interaction; it's also divided into
marketing and non-marketing sources; (2) information processing: this is
divided into five phases: exposure, attention, understanding, agreement
and retention; that's to say, the information is exposed to and
received by the customers, who may acquire a longlasting memory through
processing, explanation, acceptance and retention; (3) decision process:
the customers' decision process is a "troubleshooting"
process, including perception of problems, searching for information,
assessment of alternatives and purchase; (4) result of purchase: either
satisfaction or dissatisfaction following from purchase behavior may
also affect the consumers' purchase decisions; (5) decision process
variable: the influential factors on the customers' decision
process are categorized into personal and environmental factors (Engel
et al. 2001).
It's thus learnt from the EKB model that, consumption behavior
is a continuous process during which different personal attitudes and
values take shape under external stimulation, and various variables are
interrelated. This process will affect the decision procedure. The
purchase decision is affected by many environmental factors, including:
cultural criteria, social class, customers' motives, knowledge,
attitude, personality, value system and life style.
2.3. Evaluation model of SQ
"Service" means a complex, abstract and non-quantifiable
interpersonal behavior that features intangibility, heterogeneity,
transiency, inseparability and non-ownership, making it difficult to
measure SQ (Regan 1963). In the early stage, Parasuraman, Zeithaml and
Berry (1988) developed the SERVQUAL scale, which contained 22 items, and
was divided into tangibility, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and
empathy. This scale aims at evaluating the gap between customers'
expectations and their actual cognition about the service. Every item
has two options for measuring separately the "expectation" and
"actual cognition". Cronin and Taylor (Cronin and Taylor 1992)
argued that previous literature about SQ focused more on
performance-based measurement, they proposed SQ should be conceptual, an
attitude. Hsieh et al. (2008) explored customer's expectations of
service quality in hot spring hotels in Taiwan. Based on the five
dimensions of PZB service quality and found the service quality
evaluation framework and evaluation results can be used as a guide for
hot spring hotel proprietors to review, improve, and enhance service
planning and service qualities. Therefore, the SERVQUAL scale was shaped
into the "SERVPERF" scale, from the original semantic
difference evaluation to direct measurement of service results. The
"SERVPERF" scale was adopted in this research since it can
improve the efficacy of questionnaire investigation. In this paper,
Decision Tree Analysis and Association Rules in Data Mining, as well as
the EKB model and the SERVPERF scale, were used to discuss the
correlation of various items, and provide further insight into the
customers' perceptions of the industry.
2.4. Data mining
Data Mining refers to a technique used to extract latent or implied
trends, patterns and relationships from a big database (Thuraisingham
2000). It is also a process of discovering interesting knowledge, such
as patterns, associations, changes, anomalies and significant structures
from large amounts of data stored in a database, data warehouses, or
other information repositories (Hui and Jha 2000; Chua and Lan 2005).
Datamining is able to automatically analyze the information in a
database and attempts to interpret irrational knowledge so as to achieve
the goal of creating new knowledge (Lee et al. 2008). In consideration
of the shortcomings of traditional statistics, that a basic hypothesis
is first required and data analysis cannot be conducted through a
database management system (Kleissner 1998), this technology is used to
set up a complete data mining model by combining several artificial
intelligence technologies and statistical methods, such as: database,
machine learning, knowledge acquisition, pattern identification and
information indexing visualization.
Amongst many Data Mining methods, Decision Tree Analysis and
Association Rules are used as research methods in this study. Decision
Tree Analysis is to set up a classification principle using a series of
classifications or values, and infer the rules from historical data,
namely, set up the classifications and rules from the object sets of
known classification according to their attributes. The attributes
represent the influential classification or judgment characteristics
(represented by the branch points of tree), while the decisions
represent the classification or judgment (represented by the leaves of a
tree), so it's called a Decision Tree (Han and Kamber 2000). For
example: the "compactness strength of concrete" is divided
into high, medium and low strengths. The basis (objective attribute) of
classification shall be first selected, so it's also referred to as
a supervisory learning function. The purpose of Association Rule Mining
is to find out if there are associated combinations in the database,
e.g.: "80% of bread customers will also purchase milk",
according to the association analysis from the purchase records of a
supermarket. As mentioned above, if the enterprises can find similar
association rules from existing transaction records, they can formulate
marketing policies, and provide a reference for market planning, ads
strategy or directory planning to further improve turnover and profit
(Fayyad et al. 1996).
3. Research design
To further probe into consumer behavior in the refurbishment
industry, the EKB model was introduced in this study, and some basic
elements from three constructs were extracted to analyze and verify the
validity of the EKB model in the refurbishment industry, and also
explore the connotations of business strategies in the refurbishment
industry. In this paper, "decision process" was taken as a
major dependent variable, while "information input and
processing" and "decision process variable" were taken as
independent variables. In addition, the customer satisfaction on the
decisions was measured by the SERVPERF scale. This questionnaire
contains four parts:
The first part involves the decision process variable, which aims
at understanding the customers' attitude toward and perception of
the refurbishment, that's to say, exploring their values and
beliefs for enterprises or products. Here, price preference and brand
recognition are two important research targets, and applied in this
paper after slight modification by relevant scales (Moschis et al. 1978;
Gaski and Micheal 1986). The second part involves information input and
processing, which aims at learning how the customers gain an access to
the relevant information of refurbishment firms and which promotion or
marketing contents can attract customers. The third part discusses the
decision-making behavior of refurbishment customers on selection of
firms. Finally, the SERVPERF scale is introduced to ascertain customer
satisfaction for overall services of the refurbishment firms and analyze
the key elements to improve SQ. 800 questionnaire copies were
distributed to families in Kaohsiung City, the second largest city in
Taiwan, and 242 valid copies were collected.
4. Results
4.1. Selection modes of refurbishment customers and sources of
information influential to decisionmaking
To learn the preferred choices of the customers, one item in the
questionnaire is: "which is your first preference in the listed
four business models under similar conditions?" As listed in Table
1, 49% of respondents chose traditional refurbishment companies,
followed by 20% and 17% choosing companies with reinforced brands and
regularchain companies, and only 14% choosing branded franchise chain
refurbishment companies; the latter three "branded refurbishment
companies" win 51% customer support. According to the brand
preference, 57% (14% very necessary, 43% necessary) of respondents
consider it necessary to entrust the refurbishment works to the branded
firms, only 8% think it unnecessary, and 35% are neutral.
The investigation shows that, there is room for brand development
in the refurbishment industry. As the branded firms increase in number
gradually with improvement of SQ, the trend for brand selection will
possibly change structurally.
To explore which information source affects the customers'
decision, the sources of information are grouped into 7 types according
to the previous investigation (Huang and Wang 2005). Table 1 lists the
result as to whether the received information is attractive to the
customers, showing that 71% of customers were influenced by word of
mouth from friends and relatives. It shows that. Information from the
refurbishment industry is not sufficient and/or transparent, so
refurbishment firms should attend to word-of-mouth marketing.
In the fiercely competitive environment, the refurbishment firms
face an issue of how to select promotion policies. The investigation
results in this paper show that, 66.1% respondents agree that
"warranty service" is an effectively attractive marketing
tactic; among 9 commonly-used marketing tools, charging transparency,
free-ofcharge design consultancy and brand image take the 2nd~4th
places, and two price-related options take the 6th and 9th place.
4.2. Relationship between brand & price preference and
consumption decision
Prior to data analysis via Data Mining technologies, it's
necessary to find and eliminate abnormal data (outliers or noise)
through outlier analysis, namely, remove data with highly different
characteristics and trends, so as to identify the abnormal ones for
subsequent analysis of data sets and improve the accuracy and
reliability of data analysis (Kiselev 1995). In this paper, "brand
recognition", "price preference" and "SQ
satisfaction" are taken as objective variables for outlier
analysis, and 155, 158 and 147 valid data sets were found separately.
Decision Tree and Association Rules are used to analyze,
separately, the customers' brand recognition and price preferences,
with the major purpose of discussing their implied purchase inertia,
namely, creating a Decision Tree for classifying and predicting the
customers' attitude towards brands, to understand the
customers' perception of and cognition about of the brands.
4.2.1. Analysis of refurbishment customers' brand preference
There are 5 items (Q1~Q5) about "brand attitude" in the
consumer behavior scale in this study, and the customers are required to
fill in: highly disagree, disagree, neutral, agree or highly agree,
yielding 1~5 scores. For each respondent, the sum of the five item
scores represents his/her brand recognition.
The analytical results of the Decision Tree are judged based on
classification probability and classification effectiveness. The
classification probability indicates how much data can be correctly
classified by the Decision Tree; and classification effectiveness
indicates the classification efficiency and reliability of every leaf in
the Decision Tree, a higher value means higher validity and reliability
of Decision Tree. The overall classification probability is 95.48%,
indicating 95.48% (148 out of 155) data can be correctly classified. In
addition, the validity of every leaf on the Decision Tree is over 85%,
indicating the validity of classification results up to 85%. The results
show that the Decision Tree of this study presents high reliability and
The Decision Tree of the customers' brand preference is
illustrated in Fig. 1, wherein the classification node at the first
layer is expressed as "Q2 (a famous company will produce
top-quality products)", indicating that "Q2" is most
suited to classify "brand recognition" in many classification
attributes. At the second layer of the Decision Tree, "Q3 (I prefer
to purchase or use products of specific brands)" is a
classification baseline, indicating that "Q3" is optimally
suited to classify the objective variables in addition to
"Q2", followed by "Q1 (Products (or services) with ads
are superior to those without ads)", "Q5 (Products with ads
are more attractive to me)" and "Q4 (Products with ads have
better functions than those without ads)". However, the rules
contain different numbers of attributes, for example, the leftmost rule
in Fig. 1 is composed of a single attribute, indicating that: if the
respondents select "Q2 (a famous company will produce top-quality
products)" to the extent of "highly disagree",
"disagree" or "neutral", 97% of respondents have
"low brand recognition". Thus, if the customers tend to
disagree with "Q2 (a famous company will produce topquality
products)", the customers are judged as having low brand
recognition. So, the decision-makers may, if necessary, use different
rules to formulate business operations or marketing packages. For
example, if the refurbishment firms are targeting marketing activities
in a specific range, they may judge the customers' brand
recognition based on the Decision Tree, then decide the marketing
methods to realize efficiently the desired results. In addition, Table 3
lists 6 rules, each of which corresponds to a certain classified result.
Thus, the results can be converted into "If ~ then" rule to
provide a reference for clear and simple decision-making.
Basket Analysis is also used in this paper to discuss the
correlation among the questions. As it's primarily used for
correlation analysis of researched items, the results (1~5 scores)
selected by the respondents are converted via Boolean Algebra into 0 and
1 data type to represent the consumption decision. For example, if the
respondents select "highly agree", the data is represented by
"1" in the field of "highly agree", and the others
represented by "0". Two parameters are used to measure the
performance of the rule, of which Support indicates the probability of
events, and Confidence indicates the probability of an event in the
occurrence of another event, or the confidence level or reliability. The
Support and Confidence rely on the nature and features of decision
issues, but no optimum level has been confirmed (Han and Kamber 2000).
So, support of 15% and confidence of 60% are set as the thresholds to
analyze Association Rules in this study.
Only four meaningful rules are validated in this paper, with the
analytical results listed in Table 4, wherein Support indicates which
percentage of data forms this rule, e.g. the support of rule 1 is
25.62%, indicating this rule is established by 25.62% of data. In
addition, the confidence of 4 meaningful association rules is 100%,
indicating that 4 association rules have extremely high reliability. For
example, customers with high brand recognition are highly susceptible to
advertisement, that's to say, the customers of high brand
recognition will be motivated by professional brand image. Thus, branded
firms should enhance customers' cognition of brand images.
Furthermore, Decision Tree is used to analyze how the marketing
policies of firms affect customers' selection behavior. The
analytical results show that, 66.45% data (103 out of 155) could be
correctly classified by the Decision Tree. As shown in Fig. 2, nine
marketing tools commonly used by refurbishment firms listed in Table 2
are analyzed by Decision Tree. The Decision Tree has only one valid
node, there isn't a significant relationship between the attraction
of other the 8 marketing tools and selection behavior. This node
indicates that, selection of "attracted by professional brand
image" or not will affect the selection behavior. When selecting
"attracted by professional brand image", 75% of the respondent
customers will simultaneously show their prior decision to select
"branded refurbishment companies" to service them; and the
other respondents who do not pick up the option, 62% of them will select
unbranded firms, i.e. traditional firms.
In other words, the promotion or marketing models with brand image
will yield good effect for customers with brand awareness, rather than
those without brand awareness. Given the fact of similar marketing
models without segmentation of customers, a marketing mode with customer
segmentation is suggested for creating better efficiency.
4.2.2. Analysis of price preference of refurbishment customers
The "price preference" is taken as an objective variable
in this part. 158 data sets are selected after outlier is removed, then
"price preference" is measured by a five-item scale (Q6~Q10).
The summed scores of 5 questions are defined as "price
preference", and Decision Tree Analysis is used to establish the
price preference decision tree in order to identify key elements
influential to the customers' price preference. In this
questionnaire, five questions about price preference are inclined toward
low price, so a higher total score indicates a lower price preference.
The analytical results indicate the classification probability of
Decision Tree is 94.3%, showing that 94.3% of 158 data can be correctly
classified by the Decision Tree.
As shown in Fig. 3, "Q7 (I'd prefer to select low price
rather than high quality)" is most suited to judge the
customers' price preference, followed by "Q8 (discount is
particularly attractive to me)", "Q10 (competition among firms
leads to more appropriate price)" and "Q6 (I think most
products on the market are excessively expensive)". In other words,
the customers' price preference could be acquired by Q7
effectively. However, "Q9 (the firms can also win profit by means
of price reduction)" isn't covered in the classification rule
of Decision Tree, since "Q9" and "Q6" are of
isomorphic pattern and only one rule is required by Decision Tree for
classification. Finally, the Decision Tree is composed of 9 rules,
following the same analytic logic the brand-attitude Decision Tree does.
The firms may judge the customers' sensitivity to price according
to the analytical results of the decision tree, while the customers are
grouped into high, middle and low price preferences in order to design
marketing tools for different customer groups.
4.3. Overall SQ satisfaction
The final part of this paper intends to discuss overall SQ of the
firms in the refurbishment industry, and analyze the comments of
customers on existing refurbishment industry firms for future business
operations. 22 items (S1~S22) in the SERVPERF scale are summed up and
defined as "overall SQ satisfaction", and then divided into
very bad, bad, good and very good. Moreover, "overall SQ
satisfaction" is taken as an objective variable for outlier
analysis based on 147 data. The analytical results show that, the
classification probability of the Decision Tree is 83%, indicating that
122 out of 147 sets of data can be correctly classified.
The node at the first layer of the Decision Tree is "S4 (the
refurbishment firms' equipments can match their services)",
showing that the customers consider "S4" as a key element to
affect SQ satisfaction. Next, "S11 (you can enjoy real-time, rapid
services from refurbishment personnel)" and "S20 (the
refurbishment personnel are not aware of your real requirements)"
are also important keys which show providing real-time services to meet
customer requirements efficiently is the key to satisfy consumers.
Moreover, "S6 (when you meet refurbishment issues, the
refurbishment firms will give their concern and relieve your
worry)" is another key decision node for decision makers in the
industry. The original SERVPERF scale contains five constructs: entity,
reliability, responsiveness, guarantee and care. Four classification
rules of the Decision Tree in this paper- "S4",
"S11", "S20" and "S6" separately belong to
entity, responsiveness, care and reliability, respectively, only
"gua rantee" isn't incorporated into the classification
rule. It's thus clear that, the results of the Decision Tree are
consistent with the spirit of SERVPERF questionnaire design, thus
providing a useful reference.
So, these four items in the service process should be strengthened
to improve SQ satisfaction. In other words, the firms should upgrade
their hardware facilities, and also learn the real customer requirements
and lay emphasis on the judgement of solution to improve the overall
service level.
In addition to Decision Tree Analysis, this part also applied
Basket Analysis to analyze "overall SQ satisfaction". To find
out more applicable Association Rules, "very bad" and
"bad" in "overall SQ satisfaction" are reduced to
"bad", and "good" and "very good" reduced
to "good", which are conducive to explore key elements
influential to satisfy with the customers' SQ. The analytical
results are listed in Table 5, wherein 6 association rules are
influential factors showing a tendency to dissatisfaction. For example,
rule 3 shows that, if the customers tend to disagree with item:
"refurbishment personnel wear clothes tidily", their overall
satisfaction with SQ will be "dissatisfaction". Similarly, the
other 5 association rules are key elements in the tendency to
dissatisfaction. Thus, these 6 influential elements should be
strengthened to improve SQ. It's found that the former three rules
belong to "entity", and can be reduced to "equipment
(rule 1 and 2)" and "working uniforms (rule 3)", showing
that customers attach great importance to equipment and working
uniforms. In addition, rule 4 and 5 belong to "reliability",
and it's worthwhile to note that, rule 5 indicates, if "the
refurbishment firms will keep accurate records" is disagreed with,
it will reduce SQ satisfaction, showing that the customers think it
necessary for the refurbishment firms to document and analyze the
consumption records and characteristics, and also enhance customer
relationship management (CRM) and customize marketing to provide more
value-added interactive models. Finally, rule 6 belongs to
"responsiveness", showing that the customers pay much
attention to professional, value-added and timely services in a
fast-changing and competitive era. In other words, the refurbishment
firms should not only strengthen their professional services, but also
meet the customers' requirements with fast services. Three branded
firms in this paper are making efforts to renovate their images, for
example, requiring their employees or even technicians, to wear working
uniforms, pay attention to telephoning etiquette and updating equipment.
5. Conclusions and suggestions
This paper analyzed the customers' behavior with regard to the
refurbishment industry using representative marketing research scales
along with Data Mining technology. The research results show that, over
half of the customers tend to entrust refurbishment to branded firms.
So, there is plenty of room for establishment of brand images in the
refurbishment industry. Moreover, the empirical analysis indicates that,
the customers who are attracted to "professional brand image"
tend to select branded firms, indicating that a refurbishment firm may
segment the customers into some specific groups in lieu of blind
distribution of DMs and advertisement.
A key element in the refurbishment industry is how to learn
efficiently the customer requirements. The SQ analysis shows that, the
equipment, real-time services and reputations of refurbishment firms are
crucial influential factors in SQ. According to our survey, warranty
service, transparent in influencing consumer behavior charging standards
& contents and free-of-charge design consultancy take the 1st~3rd
In spite of current innovations by many firms in their business
models, there is still shortage of research on consumer behavior. This
paper explores the characteristics of consumer behavior with relevant
theories and methods, and provides an access to customers'
perceptions, thinking and requirements. By the information offered by
this article, the firms can adjust their marketing policies and models
to meet customers' expectations. It's suggested that
refurbishment firms should make indepth studies of consumer behavior,
attach importance to the details of services and seek innovative methods
and creating a Blue-ocean strategy in order to make better profits in
the competitive market.
By combining EKB models and relevant influential factors, the
questionnaire investigation proves that a small number of key questions
are helpful to measure customers' attitudes, reduce response time
and increase collection rate. As the EKB model covers a wide range of
influential factors, and these factors cannot be fully considered in the
research design, so other variables in the EKB model are suggested for
consideration to analyze consumer behavior and SQ with a more complete
research structure. Since most refurbishment firms are small-scaled and
the market is still fragmented, the firms in the industry emphasize more
on technology and maintaining business, but less on the concept of
"marketing" and how to satisfy the consumers. This study shows
that the consumers in the old industry are ever sophisticated and they
do need more considerate and delicate service which is ignored by the
traditional refurbishment firms. If the companies in the industry want
to have some breakthrough in their business, they can try to make much
endeavor discovering what the consumers really want by deep
Financial support (NSC 95-2622-E-151-007-CC3) from Taiwan's
National Science Council is gratefully acknowledged. We also thank the
anonymous reviewers for their valuable comments on a previous version of
this manuscript.
Received 23 Nov. 2008, accepted 30 Oct. 2009
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doi: 10.3846/jcem.2010.07
Chung-Fah Huang (1), Sung-Lin Hsueh (2)
(1) Department of Civil Engineering, National Kaohsiung University
of Applied Sciences, Taiwan
(2) Department of Arts and Crafts, Tung Fang Institute of
Technology, Taiwan, E-mail:
[email protected];
[email protected]
Chung-Fah HUANG. Associate Professor at Dept of Civil Engineering
of National Kaohsiung University of Applied Sciences, Taiwan. He majors
in construction management, his research interests include human
resource management in construction industry, engineering ethics and
business strategy.
Sung-Lin HSUEH. Learned his PhD degree at Dept of Architecture in
National Taiwan University of Science and Technology in 2006. Currently
he is an Assistant Professor at Dept of Arts and Crafts in Tung Fang
Institute of Technology. Concurrently he is the Managing Director of
SIN-YA International Engineering Consultants Inc (Taiwan) engaged in
developing real estate on the Chinese market.
Table 1. Selection preferences of Refurbishment Customers and
Major Sources of Information
Item Analytical results
Preferred selection (1) Traditional refurbishment companies: 49%;
if there are (2) companies with reinforced brands: 20%;
similar prices (3) companies of regular chain systems: 17%;
(4) companies of franchise chain systems: 14%
Is it necessary (1) very necessary: 14%;
to entrust (2) necessary: 43%;
refurbishment (3) neutral: 35%;
to branded (4) unnecessary: 6%;
firms? (5) extremely unnecessary: 2%
Major source of (1) introduction of relatives and friends: 71%;
influential (2) leaflets& ads: 8%;
information (3) magazines (medium): 6%;
(4) signboards: 5%;
(5) TV ads: 4%;
(6) Internet: 3%;
(7) others: 3%
Table 2. Attraction of Marketing Tools to Refurbishment
No. Marketing (promotion) contents Percentage of
attraction response
1 Warranty service 66.1%
2 Charging standard and content 45%
3 Free-of-charge design or consultancy 40.1%
4 Professional brand image 39.7%
5 Free or cheap housing diagnosis 33.5%
6 Cheap in charge 32.6%
7 Diversified options of products 26%
8 Toll-free hotline 23.1%
9 Lower price than peers 10.7%
Table 3. Customer Brand Recognition Rules
No. If
1 The agreement degree with "a famous company will
produce top-quality products" "<3.5" (highly
disagree, disagree, neutral)
2 The agreement degree with "a famous company will
produce top-quality products" ">3.5" (agree,
highly agree)
"I prefer to purchase or use products of specific
brands" "<3.5" (highly disagree, disagree,
3 The agreement degree with "a famous company will
produce top-quality products" ">3.5" (agree,
highly agree)
I prefer to purchase or use products of specific
brands ">3.5" (highly disagree, disagree, neutral)
"Products (or services) with ads are superior to
those without ads" "<3.5" (highly disagree,
disagree, neutral)
4 The agreement degree with "a famous company will
produce top-quality products" ">3.5" (agree,
highly agree)
"I prefer to purchase or use products of specific
brands" ">3.5" (highly disagree, disagree,
Products (or services) with ads are superior to
those without ads and ">3.5" (agree, highly agree)
"Products with ads are more attractive to me"
"<3.5" (highly disagree, disagree, neutral)
5 The agreement degree with "a famous company will
produce top-quality products" ">3.5" (agree,
highly agree)
"I prefer to purchase or use products of specific
brands" ">3.5" (highly disagree, disagree,
"Products (or services) with ads are superior to
those without ads" ">3.5" (agree, highly agree)
"Products with ads are more attractive to me"
">3.5" (agree, highly agree)
"the refurbishment firms' equipments can match
their services" ">3.5" (agree, highly agree)
6 The agreement degree with "a famous company will
produce top-quality products" ">3.5" (agree,
highly agree)
"I prefer to purchase or use products of specific
brands" ">3.5" (highly disagree, disagree,
"Products (or services) with ads are superior to
those without ads" ">3.5" (agree, highly agree)
"Products with ads are more attractive to me"
">3.5" (agree, highly agree)
"the refurbishment firms' equipments can match
their services" "<3.5" (highly disagree, disagree,
No. Then Classification
Rule effectiveness (%)
1 Brand recognition 97%
belongs to "low" (60 out of 62 data are
correctly classified)
2 Brand recognition 85%
belongs to (22 out of 26 data are
"medium" correctly classified)
3 Brand recognition 91%
belongs to (19 out of 21 are
"medium" correctly classified)
4 Brand recognition 100%
belongs to (7 data are
"medium" correctly classified)
5 Brand recognition 100%
belongs to (35 data are
"medium" correctly classified)
6 Brand recognition 100%
belongs to (4 data are
"medium" correctly classified)
Table 4. Results of Association Rules for Brand Recognition
Association IF Then Support Confidence
Rule (%) (%)
1 You agree with "High brand 25.62% 100.00%
"Products (or recognition" (63/242)
services) with
ads are
superior to
those without
2 You disagree "Low brand
with "Products recognition"
with ads have
functions than
those without
3 You disagree
with "Products
(or services)
with ads are
superior to
those without
4 You disagree
with "a famous
company will
produce top-
Note: Support is 15%. Confidence is 60%
Table 5. Analytical Results of Association Rules for SQ
Association IF Then Support Confidence
Rule (%)
1 You disagree Overall 18.18% 100%
with "the SQ is (44/242)
refurbishment dis
firms have novel satisfac-
and perfect tory
2 You disagree
with "the
firms' equipments
are extremely
3 You disagree
personnel wear
clothes tidily
4 You disagree
with "the
firms are
5 You disagree
with "the
firms will keep
accurate records"
6 You disagree
with "you can
enjoy real-time,
rapid services
from refurbish-
ment personnel"