Utilization of palm oil fuel ash in concrete: a review/Palmiu aliejaus kuro pelenu naudojimas betone. Apzvalga.
Safiuddin, Md. ; Salam, Md. Abdus ; Jumaat, Mohd Zamin 等
1. Introduction
Palm oil fuel ash (POFA) is a by-product of palm oil industry. It
is generated from the combustion of palm oil plant residues. The Elaeis
Guineensis tree, commonly known as palm tree, was first introduced in
Malaysia as an ornamental plant in 1970. It is now a leading
agricultural cash crop in Malaysia and other tropical countries, such as
Indonesia and Thailand. The palm oil industry has expanded rapidly in
Malaysia since 1980 (Tay 1990). At present, there are more than three
million hectares of palm oil plantation in Malaysia (Lim 2000). In
total, about 90 million metric tons of trunks, shells, husks, palm press
fibers, and empty fruit bunches are produced every year. After the
extraction of the oil from the fresh palm fruit, both husk and shell are
burnt as boiler fuel in palm oil mill at a temperature of
800-1000[degrees]C to produce steam, which is used in turbine for
supplying electrical energy to the whole mill for milling operation and
domestic or estate use (Abdullah et al. 2006; Tangchirapat et al. 2009).
The burning process results in an ash, which is referred to as POFA.
After combustion in the steam boiler, about 5% POFA by weight of solid
wastes is produced (Sata et al. 2004). This POFA causes a nuisance to
the environment. Since the tropical countries are continuously
increasing the production of palm oil, the quantity of POFA is also
increasing and thus creating a large environmental load (Abdullah et al.
2006). In Malaysia, an investigation was carried out to examine the
potential of POFA to be used as a fertilizer for the agricultural
purpose so that the environmental load can be minimized (Yin et al.
2008). However, due to the absence of sufficient nutrients required for
a fertilizer, POFA is mostly dumped in open field near palm oil mills
without any profitable return, thus causing environmental pollution and
health hazard (Sumadi and Hussin 1995; Tonnayopas et al. 2006). In order
to resolve these problems, several studies were conducted to examine the
feasibility of using POFA in concrete. It has been found that the
properly processed POFA can be used successfully as a supplementary
cementing material for the production of concrete.
The use of POFA in Malaysia as a supplementary cementing material
for concrete first started in 1990 (Tay 1990). Tay (1990) used unground
POFA to partially replace ordinary portland cement (OPC) and showed that
it had a low pozzolanic property, and therefore recommended that POFA
should not be used with a content higher than 10% of cement by weight.
Later many researchers showed that ground POFA can be successfully used
as a supplementary cementing material in concrete due to its good
pozzolanic property (Chindaprasirt et al. 2007; Hussin and Awal 1997;
Sukantapree et al. 2002; Tangchirapat et al. 2003). Tonnayopas et al.
(2006) used 5-30% ground POFA by weight of OPC and found that the
incorporation of POFA in concrete decreased the strength at early ages
(3 to 21 days) but the strength achieved at and after 28 days for the
concretes with 5-15% POFA met the ASTM C618 requirement (ASTM C618-08a
2008). Chindaprasirt et al. (2007) used ground POFA in concrete and
found that POFA has a good potential for concrete production. They
observed that the partial replacement of OPC by ground POFA resulted in
a higher water demand for a given workability of concrete. Moreover,
they observed that the compressive strength of concrete with 20% ground
POFA was as high as OPC concrete. The strength decreased when the POFA
content became higher than 20%. A POFA content higher than 20% also
increased the permeability of concrete. Hence, the optimum POFA content
found by Chindaprasirt et al. (2007) was 20%. In addition, Hussin and
Ishida (1999) used 20-40% ground POFA by weight of OPC in concrete. They
determined the compressive strength, modulus of elasticity,
Poisson's ratio, shrinkage and creep of concrete, and found that,
up to 30% POFA content, the aforementioned properties of hardened
concrete are comparable to those of OPC concrete. Hussin and Awal (1996,
1997) also studied the strength properties of concrete containing ground
POFA at various cement replacement levels of 10-60% by weight. They have
shown that it is possible to use 40% POFA in concrete without affecting
the strength; however, the maximum strength gain occurs when the POFA
content is 30%. Not only good strength, the POFA concrete has also shown
satisfactory durability. Many laboratory investigations showed that POFA
can be used in producing strong and durable concrete due to its adequate
pozzolanic property (Awal and Hussin 1997a, 1999; Hussin and Awal 1996).
According to Sumadi and Hussin (1995), POFA can be used up to 20% cement
replacement level without any adverse effect on the strength
characteristics and with a durability factor at least comparable to that
of OPC concrete. POFA has also shown a good potential in suppressing the
expansion due to sulfate attack (Awal and Hussin 1997b; Jaturapitakkul
et al. 2007) and alkali-silica reaction (Awal and Hussin 1997a).
POFA has been used not only in normal concrete but also in special
concretes such as high strength, high performance, and aerated
concretes. Several researchers reported that the ground POFA can be used
to produce high strength and high performance concretes (Awal and Hussin
1999; Sata et al. 2004, 2007; Tangchirapat et al. 2009). Ground POFA
provides much higher compressive strength than unground POFA due to
significant differences in particle size and fineness. The ground POFA
with high fineness is a reactive pozzolanic material and therefore can
be used in making high strength and high performance concretes (Awal and
Hussin 1999; Sata et al. 2004). Sata et al. (2004) made high strength
concrete with POFA replacing 10-30% cement by weight and showed that the
concrete containing up to 30% ground POFA provides a higher compressive
strength than OPC concrete at 28 days. However, 20% POFA produced the
optimum strength in concrete. Awal and Hussin (1999) used POFA to
produce high performance concrete with reasonably a good durability. In
addition, Abdullah et al. (2006) used 10-50% ground POFA in aerated
concrete and found that the increased POFA content decreases the
compressive strength of aerated concrete. However, they observed that
the replacement of cement by 10-40% ground POFA exhibits a significant
improvement in the compressive strength of aerated concrete from 7 days
to 28 days. Hussin and Abdullah (2009) also used ground POFA in aerated
concrete. They observed that the aerated concrete can produce a similar
strength like OPC concrete at 30% POFA content, but provides the maximum
strength at the cement replacement level of 20%. Thus the published
literature shows that POFA has a good potential for the production of
different types of concrete. However, the use of POFA in
self-consolidating normal strength, high strength and high performance
concretes is very limited.
The present paper reviews the potential use of POFA as a
supplementary cementing material for concrete. It firstly discusses the
physical and chemical properties of POFA. However, this paper emphasizes
the effects of POFA on the fresh and hardened properties, and durability
of concrete. Above all, the existing gaps in the current state of
knowledge on POFA concrete were sought to identify the future research
2. Properties of POFA
2.1. Physical properties
The physical properties of POFA are greatly influenced by the
burning condition, particularly burning temperature (Abdullah et al.
2006). A number of physical properties of unground and ground POFA used
in various studies are shown in Table 1. These properties are briefly
discussed below.
2.1.1. Color
Generally, unground POFA is light grey in color. This is due to the
unburnt carbon content left at relatively low burning temperature. The
unburnt carbon content becomes very low when the burning temperature is
high. Unground POFA can be whitish in the absence of unburnt carbon
(Abdullah et al. 2006). The color becomes dark grey in case of ground
2.1.2. Specific gravity
The specific gravity of unground POFA generally varies in the range
of 1.78-1.97, which is about 40% lower than the specific gravity of OPC
(Tay 1990). After the grinding process, the specific gravity of POFA
increases and is found to be in the range of 2.22-2.78 (Sata et al.
2004; Tangchirapat et al. 2009). This is because the grinding process
decreases the porosity with reduced particle size.
2.1.3. Particle shape and size
The particle shape and size of ground and unground POFA are
different. From scanning electron microscopy, it was found that the
unground POFA particles are mostly large, spherical and porous, as shown
in Fig. 1(b). In contrast, the ground POFA generally consists of crushed
particles with irregular and angular shape similar to that of portland
cement (Chindaprasirt et al. 2007), as can be seen from Figs 1(a) and
The unground POFA has larger particles than OPC. However, the
ground POFA has smaller particles than OPC. The typical particle size
distributions of POFA and OPC are shown in Fig. 2. The median particle
size ([d.sub.50]) of unground POFA varies in the range of 54.3-183
[micro]m, which is larger than that of OPC (10-20 [micro]m). After
grinding, the median particle size of POFA can be reduced to 7.2-10.1
[micro]m (Sata et al. 2004; Chindaprasirt et al. 2008).
2.1.4. Fineness
Fineness is a vital property of cement and supplementary cementing
materials. The rate of hydration and pozzolanic reaction depends on the
fineness of particles. For the rapid development of strength, a high
fineness is necessary. The unground POFA is coarser than OPC but the
ground POFA becomes finer than OPC, as evident from Table 1 and Fig. 2.
The particle size of POFA can be reduced by the grinding process in ball
mills (Sata et al. 2007; Tangchirapat et al. 2007; Tangchirapat et al.
2009). POFA may also be ground in a Los Angeles abrasion machine using
mild steel bar (12 mm diameter and 800 mm long) instead of steel ball
(Abdullah et al. 2006; Awal and Hussin 1999; Hussin and Awal 1996). The
grinding process reduces not only the particle size but also the
porosity of POFA (Kiattikomol et al. 2001). After grinding, POFA can be
less porous with smaller particles (Paya et al. 1996).
The fineness of supplementary cementing material is generally
measured with respect to the specific surface area of particles. The
fineness of POFA can also be expressed with regard to the percent mass
passing through or retained on sieve No. 325 (45 um opening). The
specific surface area of ground POFA is higher than that of OPC, as can
be seen from Table 1. In addition, the percent mass passing sieve No.
325 can be in the range of 5.6-58.8% for unground POFA whereas it can be
9799% for ground POFA. Both specific surface area and percent mass
passing sieve No. 325 reveal that the surface area of POFA becomes
higher after grinding.
2.1.5. Strength activity index
The strength activity index expresses the reactivity of
supplementary cementing material for pozzolanic reaction. It can be
determined by testing the compressive strength of 50-mm mortar cubes
with and without supplementary cementing material (ASTM C311-07 2007).
POFA is generally used as a supplementary cementing material like fly
ash. According to ASTM C618-08a (2008), the specified minimum strength
activity index of fly ash is 75%. This requirement can also be applied
for POFA to be a pozzolanic supplementary cementing material. The
strength activity index of POFA greatly depends on its silica content,
particle size distribution, and surface area. It can be improved
significantly by increasing the fineness of POFA through grinding
process (Sukantapree et al. 2002). Therefore, ground POFA possesses a
good strength activity index, as can be seen from Table 1.
2.1.6. Soundness
There is limited literature on the soundness of POFA. The soundness
of POFA can be determined according to the procedure mentioned in ASTM
C311-07 (2007). It can also be examined based on the Le Chatelier
accelerated test as mentioned in BS 12 (1991). Tay (1990) as well as Tay
and Show (1995) used the Le Chatelier apparatus to examine the soundness
of POFA. They observed that the expansion of POFA blended cement paste
increases with the increase in ash content, as evident from Fig. 3.
However, the expansion results of the soundness test for various
percentages of unground POFA blended with cement were much below the
maximum limit (10 mm) specified in BS 12 (1991), thus indicating that
the POFA concrete will be free from undue expansion (Tay 1990; Tay and
Show 1995). According to Awal and Hussin (1999), and Hussin and Awal
(1996), the ground POFA has been found equally sound as OPC.
2.2. Chemical composition
The chemical composition of POFA reported in various studies is
summarized in Table 2.
The major chemical component of POFA is Si[O.sub.2], which varies
in the range of 44-66%. The other pozzolanic components are
[Al.sub.2][O.sub.3] and [Fe.sub.2][O.sub.3]. The loss on ignition (LOI)
and S[O.sub.3] are in the range of 0.1-21.5% and 0.2-3%, respectively.
In most cases, the LOI was much higher than the specified limit. In all
cases, the amount of S[O.sub.3] was well below, but in some
investigations, the amount of [Na.sub.2]O was higher than the maximum
limit. Sata et al. (2004; 2007) and Tangchirapat et al. (2009) stated
that the chemical composition of POFA satisfies the requirement for
Class N pozzolanic materials stated in ASTM C618-08a (2008), since the
sum of Si[O.sub.2], [Al.sub.2][O.sub.3] and [Fe.sub.2][O.sub.3] was
close to 70%, S[O.sub.3] was not higher than 4%, and LOI was close to
10% in their studies. In contrast, Tangchirapat et al. (2007) found that
the total amount of Si[O.sub.2], [Al.sub.2][O.sub.3] and
[Fe.sub.2][O.sub.3] of POFA can be lower than the minimum requirement
for natural pozzolan as specified in ASTM C618-08a (2008). Therefore,
they enforced that POFA cannot be classified as a natural pozzolan.
According to Abdullah et al. (2006), POFA satisfies the requirement for
a pozzolanic supplementary cementing material and therefore may be
classified under Class F. The justification was made based on the
percentage of CaO content of POFA, which they found as 4.12%. Nagataki
(1994) mentioned that fly ash under Class F should have a CaO content
less than 5%. Moreover, the total amount of Si[O.sub.2],
[Al.sub.2][O.sub.3] and [Fe.sub.2][O.sub.3] in POFA was near to 70%,
which is the minimum requirement for pozzolanic Class F ash. In
addition, Hussin and Awal (1996), and Ahmed et al. (2008) reported that
POFA satisfies the requirement to be a supplementary cementing material
and may be classified under Class C according to the standard
specification stated in ASTM C618-08a (2008). Thus, there are many
arguments in justifying the classification of POFA based on its chemical
composition. This is possibly due to the variability in the nature of
product, and also because of various burning conditions. Hence, more
study is needed to avoid this contradiction by establishing a proper
3. Effects of POFA on the Properties of Concrete
3.1. Fresh properties
3.1.1. Workability
In various experimental studies, it was found that POFA does not
cause any severe adverse effect on the workability of concrete. However,
the workability decreased with the increase in POFA content (Eldagal
2008; Sata et al. 2007; Tay 1990; Tay and Show 1995), as can be seen
from Table 3.
The higher content of POFA exhibits a lower slump and a lower
degree of compaction (Eldagal 2008). POFA concrete needs more water than
OPC concrete for lubrication to maintain the same workability
(Chindaprasirt et al. 2007). This is due to high porosity of POFA
particles, which absorb some water and thus reduce the free water
content needed for workability. In addition, the water demand of ground
POFA becomes greater than that of unground POFA due to increased
specific surface area. The angularity and irregularity of ground POFA
with some porous particles also contribute to increase the water demand
of concrete for a given workability.
3.1.2. Setting time
Several studies showed that the use of POFA delays the setting of
concrete, and therefore the initial and final setting times increase
with the increased POFA content (Tay 1990; Tay and Show 1995;
Tangchirapat et al. 2007), as can be seen from Table 4.
Tay (1990) and Tay and Show (1995) reported that the setting times
of POFA concrete, though increased, still fulfilled the ASTM requirement
(ASTM C150/ C150M-09 2009). In contrast, the other studies showed that
the setting times of POFA concrete with various ash contents did not
conform to the ASTM requirement (ASTM C150/C150M-09 2009). Nevertheless,
the long setting times of POFA concrete are due to the pozzolanic
reaction (reaction between POFA and calcium hydroxide evolved from
cement hydration), which is usually slower than the hydration reaction
of cement (Tangchirapat et al. 2007). In addition, porous POFA particles
absorb some water, which cannot readily participate in hydration
reaction, thus increasing the setting time of concrete. The setting time
of POFA concrete varies with the degree of ash fineness and replacement
level of cement. The ground POFA decreases the setting time of concrete
as compared with the unground POFA (Tangchirapat et al. 2007), since it
enhances the pozzolanic reaction due to increased surface area. Also,
the higher replacement level of cement with POFA reduces the amount of
tricalcium silicate ([C.sub.3] S), and thus increases the setting time
of concrete (Tangchirapat et al. 2007).
3.1.3. Segregation and bleeding
Limited studies investigated the effect of POFA on the segregation
and bleeding of concrete. Few investigations reported that there was no
segregation in the concretes with various POFA contents (Tay 1990; Tay
and Show 1995). It was observed in the research carried out at the
University of Technology, Malaysia that the use of POFA not only
improves the workability with no segregation but also reduces the
bleeding significantly (Hussin 2009). However, no studies were conducted
to examine the effect of POFA on the segregation and bleeding in case of
highly flowing or self-consolidating concrete.
3.1.4. Other fresh properties
Limited studies have been conducted to examine the effects of POFA
on the plastic shrinkage, slump loss, and air content of concrete. The
plastic shrinkage can cause early-age cracking in concrete, thus
aggravating many durability problems. The slump loss significantly
decreases the workability of concrete before it is properly placed. Both
plastic shrinkage and slump loss may cause difficulties for concreting
in hot countries. Also, the air content is an important factor for the
freeze-thaw durability of concrete in cold countries. Hence, more
studies are needed to investigate how these properties, particularly
plastic shrinkage and slump loss, are affected in the presence of POFA.
Furthermore, no studies have been carried out to examine the effect of
POFA on the fundamental rheological properties, yield stress and plastic
viscosity of concrete. These two properties should be investigated if
POFA is intended to be used in highly flowing or self-consolidating
3.2. Hardened properties
3.2.1. Heat of concrete
Limited literature is available on the heat of POFA concrete.
According to Sata et al. (2004), the increased content of ground POFA
can reduce the peak temperature in concrete. The use of 30% ground POFA
as a partial replacement of cement produces the lowest peak temperature
and gives 15% lower temperature than OPC concrete (Sata et al. 2004).
This is due to the reduction in cement content in the presence of POFA.
The partial replacement of cement by ground POFA decreases the total
heat released (Sata et al. 2004). According to Awal and Hussin (1999),
the partial replacement of OPC by POFA is advantageous in controlling
the temperature rise, particularly for the mass concrete where the
thermal cracking due to excessive heat release is of great concern.
3.2.2. Compressive strength
Many studies were carried out to examine the effect of POFA on the
compressive strength of concrete. Some studies (Tay 1990; Tay and Show
1995) revealed that the compressive strength of concrete decreases as
the POFA content is increased. In contrast, some other researchers found
that the concrete made with POFA exhibits a higher compressive strength
than OPC concrete. According to Tay (1990), and Tay and Show (1995), the
compressive strength of concrete decreased for the unground POFA content
in the range of 20-50%. But the compressive strength of POFA concrete
was similar to that of OPC concrete for 10% unground POFA as shown in
Fig. 4.
The decrease in the compressive strength of concretes containing a
greater amount of unground POFA was due to the large POFA particles with
high porosity. The porous POFA particles increase the actual
water/binder (w/b) ratio in concrete due to the absorption of water, and
thus results in a lower compressive strength (Jaturapitakkul et al.
2007; Tangchirapat et al. 2007).
Tonnayopas et al. (2006) also showed that there can be a decrease
in the concrete strength at the early age due to the slow pozzolanic
activity of ground POFA. However, the later strength of POFA concrete
was higher than that of OPC concrete. They also concluded that the
optimum ground POFA content was 20% to obtain satisfactory concrete
strength. Chindaprasirt et al. (2007) found that the compressive
strength of concrete with 20% ground POFA was higher than OPC concrete.
In contrast, they obtained that the compressive strength of concrete at
40% ground POFA was less than that of OPC concrete. Hussin and Awal
(1996, 1997) reported that it is possible to use 40% ground POFA in
concrete without any adverse effect on strength although the maximum
strength gain occurs at 30%. Sata et al. (2007) observed that the
compressive strength of concrete at the early ages ([less than or equal
to] 7 days) was higher for 10% ground POFA. But they found that the
compressive strength of concrete at later ages (> 28 days) was higher
for 20% POFA. According to Ahmed et al. (2008), the optimum content of
ground POFA was 15% to achieve the maximum gain in compressive strength.
The above-mentioned studies indicate that the effect of POFA on the
compressive strength of concrete largely depends on its fineness.
Tangchirapat et al. (2009) found that the concrete containing 10-30%
ground POFA exhibits a higher compressive strength than OPC concrete at
28 days, as evident from Fig. 5. Also, Sata et al. (2007) observed that
the concrete with 10-20% ground POFA provides a greater strength than
OPC concrete, as obvious from Fig. 6. This is because of satisfactory
micro-filling ability and pozzolanic activity of ground POFA.
The ground POFA particles fill the micro-voids between cement
particles due to smaller particle size (Isaia et al. 2003). The
micro-filling ability mostly contributes to increase the compressive
strength of concrete at the early ages. In addition, the Si[O.sub.2] of
ground POFA reacts with the Ca (O[H).sub.2] liberated from cement
hydration in the presence of water (pozzolanic reaction), and forms
additional or secondary calcium silicate hydrate (C-S-H). The pozzolanic
reaction mainly contributes to increase the compressive strength of
concrete at the later ages by improving the interfacial bond between
paste and aggregate (Sata et al. 2007). However, both micro-filling
ability and pozzolanic activity of POFA may depend on the w/b ratio of
concrete. Alike other supplementary cementing materials, POFA can be
more effective in these two mechanisms when used in concrete with a
relatively low w/b ratio (Safiuddin 2008).
3.2.3. Flexural strength
Limited literature has been found on the flexural strength of
concrete containing POFA. Eldagal (2008) used 20% and 30% POFA passing
through 10-[micro]m and 45-[micro]m sieves for determining the flexural
strength of high strength concrete. Those POFA concretes exhibited a
lesser flexural strength than OPC concrete, but the reduction was lower
for higher POFA content, as shown in Fig. 7. More research is necessary
to examine the flexural capacity of concrete containing POFA.
3.2.4. Splitting tensile strength
Few studies focused on the splitting tensile strength of concrete
incorporating POFA. Sata et al. (2007) made high strength concretes
using 10-30% ground POFA and tested their splitting tensile strength.
They found that the splitting tensile strength of concretes with 20% and
30% POFA was slightly higher than that of OPC concrete as shown in Fig.
8. The highest value of splitting tensile strength occurred at 20% POFA
content. The increase in the tensile strength of concrete is possibly
due to the pore refinement resulting from the micro-filling ability and
pozzolanic activity of ground POFA. In contrast, Eldagal (2008) showed
that the POFA concrete provided a lower tensile strength than OPC
concrete. Hence, more investigation is necessary to examine how POFA
influences the tensile strength of concrete.
3.2.5. Modulus of elasticity
Some research works reported the effect of POFA on the modulus of
elasticity of concrete. According to Hussin and Ishida (1999), the
modulus of elasticity of concrete containing ground POFA was lower than
that of OPC concrete at the early age (7 days) due to the lower
compressive strength of POFA concrete. At later ages, the modulus values
were comparable to those of OPC. Moreover, 20% POFA produced a higher
elastic modulus than OPC at the age of 365 days as illustrated in Fig.
9. This is mainly due to the improvement of interfacial transition zone
between aggregate and cement paste caused by the pozzolanic activity of
ground POFA that increases the compressive strength of concrete (Hussin
and Ishida 1999). In general, POFA concrete shall provide a higher
modulus of elasticity if it gives a greater compressive strength than
OPC concrete. However, the effect of POFA on the modulus of elasticity
also depends on the aggregate content of concrete. According to Sata et
al. (2004), the ground POFA content in the range of 10-30% slightly
decreases the modulus of elasticity of concrete due to a reduction in
coarse aggregate content. They also mentioned that POFA has a little
effect on the modulus of elasticity of high strength concrete as
compared with OPC concrete.
3.2.6. Drying shrinkage
Drying shrinkage is caused by the evaporation of internal water
from hardened concrete. According to Tay (1990), the drying shrinkage of
concrete with unground POFA increases slightly after 28 days if the ash
content is increased. It was also found that the drying shrinkage of
concrete with 10% POFA is comparable to that of OPC concrete. Moreover,
Hussin and Ishida (1999) produced concretes with 10-40% ground POFA and
found that 40% POFA exhibits the highest shrinkage, while 20% and 30%
POFA provide a similar shrinkage developed in OPC concrete. In contrast,
Tangchirapat et al. (2009) observed that high strength concrete with
ground POFA produced lower drying shrinkage than OPC concrete for any
amount of POFA, as shown in Fig. 10. The lower value of drying shrinkage
in high strength POFA concrete is due to the densification of pore
structure. The incorporation of ground POFA decreases the pore sizes in
concrete due to pore refinement (Haque and Kayali 1998). The
transformation of large pores into fine pores decreases the evaporation
of water from concrete surface and thus reduces the drying shrinkage.
3.2.7. Creep
The creep of concrete refers to the deformation of hardened
concrete caused by a long-term sustained load. Limited studies have been
conducted on the creep of concrete containing POFA. According to Hussin
and Ishida (1999), the specific creeps of the concretes with and without
ground POFA were almost the same. After 180 days, the specific creep of
POFA concrete was only about 5% lower than that of OPC concrete. They
mentioned that a similar creep occurred for both OPC and POFA concretes
due to the equivalent improvement in strength under the same curing
condition. However, more research is needed to investigate the effect of
POFA on the creep of concrete.
3.2.8. Water absorption
Limited research has been conducted on the water absorption of POFA
concrete. Tay (1990), and Tay and Show (1995) found that the water
absorption of concrete increased with the increase in unground POFA
content, as shown in Fig. 11. They mentioned that the POFA concrete
exhibits a more porous nature with higher unground POFA content. It
indicates that the concrete with a higher unground POFA content tends to
absorb more water due to greater porosity (Tay and Show 1995). But the
water absorption of concrete can be reduced in case of ground POFA
because of its satisfactory micro-filling ability and pozzolanic
activity leading to a pore refinement. However, more research is
required to investigate the water absorption of concrete containing
ground POFA.
3.2.9. Water permeability
The water permeability of concrete containing POFA depends on the
content and fineness of POFA. Sumadi and Hussin (1995) investigated the
water permeability of concrete with ground POFA. They found that the
permeability of POFA concrete decreased with increased age due to the
formation of additional gel from the pozzolanic reaction of ash.
Chindaprasirt et al. (2007) made concrete incorporating 20-55% ground
POFA by weight of cement and found that the water permeabilities of POFA
concrete at both 28 and 90 days were lower than that of OPC concrete,
except the concrete made with 55% POFA. Their results also showed that
the concrete made with 20% and 40% ground POFA provided the lower
permeability than OPC concrete even though the w/b ratios of these two
concretes were higher than OPC concrete. In contrast, the permeability
of concrete made with 55% ground POFA rapidly increased and was higher
than that of OPC concrete. This is attributed to the low cement content
and high w/b ratio of the concrete made with 55% ground POFA. According
to Tangchirapat et al. (2009), the concrete containing 20% ground POFA
produced the lowest water permeability as compared with the other ash
contents, as shown in Fig. 12. In addition, all high strength concretes
containing ground POFA provided 50% lower water permeability than OPC
concrete (Tangchirapat et al. 2009). This is due to the reason that the
ground POFA increases the impermeability of concrete by pore refinement
and porosity reduction.
3.2.10. Chloride penetration
Several experimental investigations (Awal and Hussin 1999;
Chindaprasirt et al. 2008; Rukzon and Chindaprasirt 2009a) revealed that
the ground POFA can be used alone or with other supplementary cementing
materials to produce concrete possessing a better resistance to chloride
penetration than OPC concrete. The depth of penetration of chloride ions
into POFA concrete is much lower than that in OPC concrete as
illustrated in Fig. 13. The POFA particles increase the nucleation sites
for the production of hydration products, consume Ca[(OH).sub.2], and
produce pozzolanic products. The pozzolanic products fill in the pores
in bulk binder paste and transition zone. Consequently, POFA decreases
the permeability of concrete, and thus increases the resistance to
chloride penetration.
3.2.11. Porosity and density
Concrete with a greater unground POFA content may possess a higher
porosity because of the porous nature of POFA. Moreover, the density of
concrete can be decreased due to the absorption of water by porous POFA
particles. According to the investigations of Tay (1990), and Tay and
Show (1995), the oven-dry, saturated surface-dry and air-dry densities
of concrete made with unground POFA decreased with the increase in ash
content, as shown in Fig. 14. However, Tangchirapat et al. (2009)
reported that the ground POFA refines the pore size and reduces the
porosity in concrete, and thus results in a dense concrete.
Jaturapitakkul et al. (2007) also mentioned that the use of ground POFA
decreases the Ca[(OH).sub.2] content of hydrated cement and reduces the
voids between aggregates and hydration products, thus producing a denser
3.2.12. Other hardened properties
In published literature, there are limited reports on several
important hardened properties of POFA concrete such as shear, bond,
impact and fatigue strengths, oxygen permeability and diffusion,
autogenous shrinkage, and electrical resistivity. The POFA concrete
should be examined for its shear, bond, impact and fatigue strengths
before applying in structural member. The autogenous shrinkage and
electrical resistivity are also important for the durability of POFA
concrete. In addition, the oxygen permeability and diffusion of POFA
concrete should be assessed to ensure adequate corrosion resistance
leading to a good durability.
3.3. Durability
3.3.1. Resistance to sulfate attack
Several research works investigated the effect of unground and
ground POFA on concrete's resistance to sulfate attack (Hussin and
Awal 1998; Jaturapitakkul et al. 2007; Kiattikomol et al. 2001). The
sulfate attack was simulated using 10% MgSO4 solution. In general, the
expansion of concrete due to sulfate attack decreased with the increased
content of unground POFA (Jaturapitakkul et al. 2007), as shown in Fig.
15. However, high strength concrete containing ground POFA showed a
better resistance to sulfate attack (Tangchirapat et al. 2009),
indicating that the fineness influences the sulfate resistance of
concrete--the finer the POFA, the lower is the expansion of concrete due
to sulfate attack. However, more research is needed to investigate the
sulfate resistance of POFA concrete.
3.3.2. Resistance to acid attack
Limited research was carried out to evaluate the acid resistance of
POFA concrete. Awal and Hussin (1999), and Hussin and Awal (1996)
determined the weight loss of the concrete containing 30% ground POFA
along with non-POFA concrete continuously submerged in 5% hydrochloric
acid solution to measure the resistance to acid attack. They found that
the weight loss of POFA concrete after 1800 hours was less than that of
OPC concrete, as shown in the Fig. 16. It was also observed that POFA
concrete showed a better surface condition than OPC concrete after
exposure to acid solution. The high acid resistance of POFA concrete was
attributed to the pozzolanic property and low lime content of POFA. In
the presence of POFA, the amount of porous Ca[(OH).sub.2] was less due
to a low lime content. Moreover, secondary hydration product (additional
C-S-H gel from pozzolanic reaction) was produced at the expense of
Ca[(OH).sub.2]. As a result, the microstructure of concrete became dense
with a reduction in porosity. This led to a reduced penetration of acid
solution into the interior of concrete. Nevertheless, the above studies
neither differentiated the effects of unground and ground POFA nor
determined their optimum contents. Hence, more research is required for
various contents of unground and ground POFA.
3.3.3. Resistance to alkali-silica reaction
Limited research has been carried out to investigate the effect of
POFA on concrete's resistance to alkali-silica reaction. Awal and
Hussin (1997) used ground POFA in concrete as a supplementary cementing
material and showed that a reduction in expansion occurred with an
increased ash content. After 12 days of exposure, about 25% reduction in
expansion was obtained for the concrete containing 10% POFA. In
addition, they reported a substantial reduction in expansion for 50%
POFA. Furthermore, the total alkali content (as equivalent [Na.sub.2]O)
in their study was much higher than that specified in ASTM C150/C150M-09
(2009). Despite the higher alkali content, ground POFA was very
effective in reducing the expansion due to alkali-silica reaction. The
reason is that the pozzolanic POFA particles react rapidly with the
alkalis present in cement because of their reactive nature, thus leaving
very little unreacted alkalis for the later reaction with reactive
aggregate. However, more research is needed to confirm the beneficial
effect of POFA in reducing alkali-silica reactivity.
3.3.4. Resistance to carbonation
Several studies were conducted to investigate the effect of POFA on
the carbonation of cement paste (Chindaprasirt and Rukzon 2009) and
mortar (Rukzon and Chindaprasirt 2009b). Chindaprasirt and Rukzon (2009)
showed that the carbonated POFA paste possesses a lower total porosity
than non-carbonated POFA paste due to the deposition of CaC[O.sub.3],
which forms from the reaction of C[O.sub.2] with Ca[(OH).sub.2]. In
their study, the reduction in total porosity was very marginal in case
of carbonated OPC paste although it had a full supply of Ca[(OH).sub.2].
As a reason, they pointed out that the advanced stage of carbonation may
produce an increased total porosity due to the formation of silica gel
from C[O.sub.2] attack on C-S-H. This effect can be minimized in POFA
concrete due to the reduced amount of Ca[(OH).sub.2]. Also, Rukzon and
Chindaprasirt (2009b) used coarse, medium and fine POFA in mortars and
investigated their resistance to carbonation. They found that the
presence of POFA decreased the carbonation depth in mortar and the
lowest carbonation depth occurred in case of fine POFA. Similar effects
are expected in case of POFA concrete. However, very few studies focused
the effect of POFA on the carbonation resistance of concrete. Awal and
Hussin (1999) investigated concrete's resistance to carbonation
with and without ground POFA. They found that there is a little
difference between the carbonation values of OPC and POFA concretes.
They also mentioned that the results are not truly conclusive because
POFA concrete appears to be more sensitive to the exposure
condition--the dryer the concrete, the deeper the carbonation.
Nevertheless, further research is needed to investigate the carbonation
resistance of POFA concrete.
3.3.5. Other durability properties
In published literature, there is no information about the effects
of POFA on the freezing and thawing resistance, de-icing salt scaling
resistance, and corrosion resistance of concrete. In addition, no study
was conducted to examine the abrasion resistance of POFA concrete. The
performance of POFA regarding these durability properties needs to be
investigated before use in concrete.
4. Research Needs
POFA can be used as a supplementary cementing material up to a
certain replacement level of cement without causing any adverse effect
on the strength and durability of concrete. However, more research is
needed to confirm the beneficial effects of POFA on several properties
and durability of concrete. In this context, the following research
needs have been identified for further investigation to encourage the
use of POFA in concrete:
--Proper classification of POFA as a supplementary cementing
material for concrete;
--Investigation of the effects of POFA on the plastic shrinkage,
slump loss, and air content of concrete;
--Investigation of the effects of POFA on the segregation and
bleeding characteristics of highly flowing or self-consolidating
--Investigation of the effects of POFA on the rheological
properties, yield stress and plastic viscosity of concrete;
--Examination of the effects of POFA on the tensile, flexural,
shear, impact, fatigue, and bond strengths of concrete;
--Investigation of the effects of POFA on the creep, autogenous
shrinkage, water absorption, electrical resistivity, and oxygen
permeability and diffusion of concrete;
--Further investigation of the effects of POFA on concrete's
resistance to sulfate attack, acid attack, alkali-silica reaction, and
--Assessment of the effects of POFA on the durability performance
of concrete with respect to freeze-thaw, de-icing salt scaling,
corrosion, and abrasion resistances;
--Investigation on the potential use of POFA to produce
self-consolidating normal strength, high strength and high performance
5. Conclusions
The following salient conclusions can be drawn based on the
findings from the review on the utilization of POFA in concrete:
--The use of POFA as a supplementary cementing material in concrete
can solve the environmental and health problems caused by the ash
generated in palm oil industry;
--The physical and chemical properties of POFA are favorable for
concrete production. Properly processed POFA can be used to replace a
significant amount of portland cement without affecting the properties
and durability of concrete;
--POFA can be used as a supplementary cementing material with a
content up to 40% by weight of cement. However, the optimum POFA content
is 20-30%. A POFA content higher than 40% may adversely affect the
properties and durability of concrete;
--The fineness of POFA plays an important role in concrete. The
high fineness of POFA improves its micro-filing ability and pozzolanic
activity, and thus contributes to improve the hardened properties and
durability of concrete;
--POFA concrete shows a comparable and sometimes a better
performance than OPC concrete in resisting acid attack, sulfate attack,
and alkalisilica reaction;
--Further research should be carried out to confirm the beneficial
effects of POFA on several concrete properties and durability issues,
and thus to encourage the use of POFA in concrete;
--Additional research should be conducted to extend the use of POFA
in self-consolidating normal strength, high strength and high
performance concretes.
doi: 10.3846/13923730.2011.574450
The authors appreciatively acknowledge the financial support from
the University of Malaya, Kula Lumpur, Malaysia to conduct the research.
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Md. Safiuddin (1), Md. Abdus Salam (2), Mohd Zamin Jumaat (3)
(1) Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of
Engineering, University of Waterloo, 200 University Avenue West,
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
(2,3) Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering,
University of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
E-mails: (1)
[email protected] (corresponding author);
[email protected];
[email protected]
Received 3 Mar. 2010; accepted 3 Sept. 2010
Md. SAFIUDDIN. Post-doctoral fellow in the Department of Civil and
Environmental Engineering, University of Waterloo, Canada. He is a
member of American Concrete Institute, American Society of Civil
Engineers, Bangladesh Environmental Network, and Institution of
Engineers, Bangladesh. His research interests include concrete
materials, high strength and high performance concretes,
self-consolidating concrete, green concrete, and repair and
rehabilitation of concrete structures.
Md. Abdus SALAM. PhD. candidate and graduate research assistant in
the Department of Civil Engineering, University of Malaya, Malaysia. He
is a member of Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh. His research
interests include concrete materials, self-consolidating concrete, and
green concrete.
Mohd Zamin JUMAAT. Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering
at the University of Malaya, Malaysia. He is a council member of
Institution of Engineers, Malaysia and a member of the Drafting Code
Committee for reinforced concrete structures. His research interests
include behaviour of reinforced concrete structural elements, concrete
materials, self-consolidating concrete, lightweight concrete, and green
Table 1. Physical properties of OPC and POFA
Properties OPC Unground POFA Ground POFA
Color Grey Light grey/whitish Dark grey
Specific gravity 3.14-3.28 1.78-1.97 2.22-2.78
Median particle size, 10-20 54.3-183 7.2-10.1
[d.sub.50] ([micro]m)
% Passing through -- 5.6-58.8 97-99
45-[micro]m sieve
(% mass)
Specific surface 314-358 796 882-1244
area, Blaine
Strength activity -- -- 78.6-115
index (%)
Soundness, Le 0.45-1 0.5-2.6 1
Chatelier expansion
Table 2. Chemical composition of OPC and POFA
Chemical component (% mass) (% mass)
Si[O.sub.2] 20-23.5 44-66
[Al.sub.2][O.sub.3] 3-6 1.5-11.5
[Fe.sub.2][O.sub.3] 2.5-3.5 1.5-5.5
Si[O.sub.2] + -- 55-70
[Al.sub.2][O.sub.3] +
CaO 62-66 4-8.5
MgO 1-3 2-6.5
[K.sub.2]O 0.3-1 2-8.5
[Na.sub.2]O 0.1-0.3 0.10-3.50
S[O.sub.3] 1.5-3.0 0.2-3.0
Loss on ignition (LOI) 1-3 0.1-21.5
ASTM C618-08a (2008) requirement
N ([double
Chemical component F * C ([dagger]) dagger])
Si[O.sub.2] -- -- --
[Al.sub.2][O.sub.3] -- -- --
[Fe.sub.2][O.sub.3] -- -- --
Si[O.sub.2] + 70 (min) 50 (min) 70 (min)
[Al.sub.2][O.sub.3] +
CaO -- -- --
MgO -- -- --
[K.sub.2]O -- -- --
[Na.sub.2]O 1.5 (max) 1.5 (max) 1.5 (max)
S[O.sub.3] 5 (max) 5 (max) 4 (max)
Loss on ignition (LOI) 6 (max) 6 (max) 10 (max)
* Class F fly ash, ([dagger]) Class C fly ash, ([double dagger]) Raw
or calcined natural pozzolan
Table 3. Effect of POFA on the workability of concrete (Eldagal 2008;
Sata et al. 2007; Tay 1990)
Unground POFA
Cement replacement
by POFA (wt.%) Slump (mm) Compacting factor (%)
0 150 0.975
10 150 0.970
20 140 0.960
30 130 0.955
40 130 0.950
50 120 0.950
Ground POFA
Cement replacement
by POFA (wt.%) Slump (mm) Compacting factor (%)
0 200 0.970
10 200 --
20 185 0.950
30 185 0.930
40 -- --
50 -- --
Table 4. Setting times of POFA concrete (Chindaprasirt et al. 2008;
Tay 1990)
Final setting
Cement Initial setting time * time ([dagger])
(wt.%) Unground POFA Ground POFA Unground POFA Ground POFA
0 2 hr 5 min 4 hr 10 min 3 hr 15 min 6 hr 30 min
10 2 hr 10 min 4 hr 25 min 3 hr 45 min 6 hr 35 min
20 2 hr 10 min 4 hr 35 min 4 hr 0 min 7 hr 00 min
30 2 hr 20 min 4 hr 50 min 4 hr 10 min 7 hr 25 min
40 2 hr 30 min 5 hr 10 min 4 hr 30 min 7 hr 40 min
50 2 hr 40 min -- 4 hr 40 min --
* ASTM C150/C150M-09 (2009) requirement: not < 45 min;
([dagger]) ASTM C150/C150M-09 (2009) requirement: not > 6 hr 15 min