The hot area evacuation model application in large scale gymnasiums/ Evakuacijos is karstosios zonos modelio taikymas didelems gimnazijoms.
Tserng, Hui Ping ; You, Jia Yi ; Chang, Chih Yuan 等
1. Introduction
The time taken to evacuate space inside a building (required time
for evacuation) must be shorter than the time for the environment in
that space to become life threatening. The time after which environment
conditions of the building become critical is a fire-safety benchmark
(Konecki and Polka 2009; Chow and Chow 2009). Hence, whether a
building's evacuation facilities are well designed has a great
impact on public safety. Historically, a great deal of disasters
occurred during emergency evacuation of crowds, such as 120 died in the
2001 stampede incident in the Soccer Stadium in Ghana Africa; 21
children died and 47 people were injured in a power failure at a school
in China in 2002; 21 died in a nightclub incident in Chicago, Illinois
in 2003; 602 people were trampled to death in Chicago's Iroquois
Theater fire in 1903; at the 1981 Hillsborough English FA Cup Stampede,
95 people died and 400 were injured (Pan et al. 2006). As these
incidents often occurred in the buildings located in densely populated
cities, the issues of fire safety are particularly important. As a
result, the design and inspection of large scale building are of crucial
im portance. Unforeseeable calamities may happen if governments fail to
screen out the poorly-designed evacuation facilities. This study
originated from the author's observation over the public fire
department's inspection of the performance of the evacuation design
of Taipei Arena (with a capacity of 15 000 people). It is found that
although the project design team evaluate the evacuation function with
the commonly-used software, comparison between analyses conducted by
different software is made difficult by financial constraints. Moreover,
few similar cases can be found to compare and evaluate the analysis
reliability of the software's analysis result. In a search of
international journals, no similar research models were found for
comparison, hence this case study can be seen as a reference point for
inspecting this type of buildings during their design or
construction-completed stages.
Although it is possible to observe realistic evacuation behavior
with an unannounced evacuation exercise, due to the safety concern and
the general public's disapproval of "human
demonstrations," the public sector would not easily use unannounced
evacuation exercises as a way to perform research or evaluations. In
order to overcome this research restraint, this study uses government
resources to study large gymnasiums, and bring up the concept of
"replacing full-scale exercises with Hot Area exercises" for
simulation. Based on the results found through focus groups composed by
fire experts and the ranking method analysis, Hot Areas are selected and
evaluated. The "Hot Area criteria" are composed by three key
factors: "largest travel distance", "capacity of
exit", "density of occupants". Besides using Exodus
software to simulate the Hot Area evacuation in Taipei Arena, the real
life exiting of 2089 people in the Hot Area of Taipei Arena is recorded
and analyzed based on the argument, brought up by Arthur and Passini
(1992), that real life evacuation results are similar to exiting. Then,
the observation result of real life exiting is compared with the
software simulation result. Finally, suggestions are made to provide a
set of reference criteria for inspecting the same type of buildings when
their construction works are completed.
2. Problem Statement
When architects are designing a building, they must consider the
issue that how to guarantee that users can be evacuated in a safe and
efficient fashion to safe areas during a fire emergency. Traditionally,
two techniques have been used to meet these needs: 1) full-scale
evacuation demonstration, and 2) the adherence to prescriptive building
codes (Gwynne et al. 1999). However, issues of morality and financial
constraints make full-scale evacuation demonstrations difficult to carry
out. On the other hand, designs which only meet the requirements of
prescriptive building codes may not fully guarantee the safe evacuation.
A better compromise for solving the problems of morality issues and
financial constraints is to adopt performance-based designs and follow
the software-simulated solutions as the standards for designing
evacuation facilities (Still 1993). Even though the large scale building
nowadays generally follows the model of performance-based design, the
complexity and funding constraints involved with full-scale evacuation
exercises, the morality issues of human demonstration, and the
insufficient attention on software analyses are still the major problems
encountered when designing a safe evacuation plan for fire emergencies.
2.1. Studies on Performance-Based Designs of Large Scale Building
At present, most studies adopt the concept of performance-based
designs, particularly on the part of large scale building. In view of
the execution difficulty lying in fullscale evacuation exercises, these
studies chose simulation analyses as an alternative to them. The
software used for simulation can be divided into self-developed and
commercial one. For example, Jing and Yang (2005) used evacuation models
they created to test the effect of exit locations in Olympic game
gymnasiums and the movement flow of workers on evacuation, and to create
an improved plan if an exit causes an evacuation bottleneck. Liu et al.
(2005) also used their own model to analyze evacuation efficiency of
Olympic game gymnasiums. Zhang et al. (2007) used self-designed SCM
(strandedcrowd model) model to study the number of crowds which can be
accommodated by exits of different width in a gymnasium to find the most
economically viable exit width. Xie et al. (2005) used STEP evacuation
software to evaluate travel time in stadiums and gymnasiums that can
accommodate 100 000 people. The same authors in 2006 used manual
calculation and STEP evacuation simulation software to analyze
evacuation safety in Beijing national stadium, Beijing national swimming
center and Tianjin Olympic aquatic center. Weiguo et al. (2005) applied
Simulex software to a large shopping mall to test their self-developed
CAFE evacuation model. Pelechano and Malkawi (2008) focused on
describing the main challenges and limitation of these commercial tools
(STEPS and EXODUS) for high rise building evacuation simulation, in
addition to explaining the importance of incorporating human
psychological and physiological factors into the models. They think that
these commercial tools still need to develop models that can closely
simulate human behavior (physical interactions between individuals,
physiological, psychological, communication between agents, etc.) As to
studies applying evacuation software to evacuation analysis on
gymnasiums, Graat et al. (1999) studied the effect of the slope of the
seated area in a sports stadium on an evacuation. Nicholson (1999) used
Exodus software to demonstrate the smoke ventilation and evacuation
design of the Millennium Dome that can accommodate 37 000 people.
Although studies of performance-based design may be able to avoid
morality issues involved with full-scale evacuation exercises, if
results simulated by these studies cannot be compared with observation
of real life evacuation or exiting, further researches are still
required to verify whether the simulation results can closely represent
the real evacuation scenarios in large scale building.
2.2. Limitations of Full-Scale Evacuation Exercise
The reliability of replacing full-scale evacuation exercises with
performance-based design studies still needs further investigation.
Therefore, some researchers also tried to compare the results of
simulation analyses with real-life simulations or even with unannounced
evacuation exercises. For example, Ashe and Shields (1999) carried out
unannounced evacuation exercises in two large retail stores with 616
people and 1848 people respectively, then compared the results to 11
different situations in Simulex. Although deviation was existed in some
situations, it was in an acceptable range. Weckman et al. (1999) studied
a theater which can hold 750 people and compared the results of an
unannounced exercise, manual calculation and four simulation software
(Simulex, Exodus, ASERI, and EVACNET). They found that: with different
numbers of people taken into account, ASERI and EVACNET simulated travel
times differed by 44 seconds, while simulated results of Simulex and
Exodus software are very similar, with only a 6 second difference.
Olsson and Regan (2001) conducted three real-life simulations in a
theater, a law building and a commerce building with 633 746, and 1216
participants each to compare the difference between Simulex and
real-life simulations. Their findings show that the travel time
calculated by Simulex and the travel time in real-life simulations are
very close. Wang (2001) held a real life simulated evacuation exercise
with 136 in a large commerce building, compared the result with software
simulation by FEgress, finding that the travel time simulated by FEgress
was longer than the real life exercise; this was because participants
were notified in advance and were familiar with the environment.
Furthermore, Papinigis et al. (2010) also estimated and compared the
time needed for occupants to evacuate from rooms or buildings with the
methods of simple calculation and FDS + Evac. As seen in the above
literature review, although the four papers conducted real-life
exercises in a large retail store, a law building, a commerce building
and a large shopping mall, there is no research looking into evacuation
exercises in large gymnasiums. Great variance also exists in the basic
features of each study, such as the types of building studied, the
software used for their analyses, whether the exercise is announced, the
number of participants, and the difference between software and
real-life simulations. Furthermore, no evacuation simulation of more
than 2000 participants in large scale building has been conducted. This
study observes the real-life exiting of 2089 people and compares the
result with the software analysis. For analyzing evacuation in large
gymnasiums, the research method designed by this study is quite unique.
As to the number of people can be accommodated by the large scale
building, particularly in the evacuation analysis of large gymnasiums,
the number of evacuees should be much more than other types of
buildings. Also, among all the types of large scale building, the
characteristics of large scale building are very different from other
commonly-seen large buildings or shopping malls. However, an evacuation
exercise without previous notice may cause morality and safety concerns,
which are more pronounced for the evacuation studies of large scale
building. Since the large scale building usually can hold more than tens
of thousands people, an unannounced exercise could result in casualties.
These concerns are the major constraints of conducting a real-life
evacuation experiment in large scale building. The theater evacuation
exercise conducted by Weckman et al. (1999) is an example. Working with
the fire department and insurance company, the unannounced evacuation
exercise of 612 participants was held at a theater in the City of
Tampere. The fire alarm was activated to make a fire alert before the
performance ended and a pre-recorded evacuation notice was played by the
PA system. All the actors and audience were evacuated to the exits
following the standard evacuation procedure. No smoke was released and
the whole process was recorded by two video cameras. During the
evacuation process, evacuees were given instructions by personnel based
on the standard evacuation procedure, and they were evacuated from the
theater calmly and smoothly. If the same evacuation exercise were
carried out in Taiwan, it would stir up great controversy among the
media and the public. If civil servants conduct an unannounced
evacuation exercise to inspect or study a building's evacuation
plan, it is highly likely they would be punished heavily because of
pressure from the public's opinions or people's
3. Design of Hot Area Research Method
This study focuses on Taipei Arena. The concept of "Hot
Area" simulation is formed by focus group interviews of fire
experts. Then, the Hot Area is selected and analyzed based on the
ranking method, and evacuation simulations are carried out in partial
scale with the method of Hot Area testing. In addition to simulating the
Hot Area evacuation in Taipei Arena with Exodus software, an observation
of a real life exiting of 2089 people is also conducted. The observation
result in turn is compared with the softwaresimulated result. Finally,
suggestions are made to provide a set of reference criteria for
inspecting the same type of buildings when their construction works are
3.1. Focus Groups for Hot Area
The reliability of replacing full-scale evacuation exercises with
performance-based design studies still needs further investigation.
However, moral and financial constraints arise with human demonstrations
in large scale building. If real-life evacuation simulations are indeed
closer to actual situations than software simulations, then how to avoid
the moral risk and decrease the financial cost of human demonstrations
is an issue which should be explored and investigated further. After
attending several discussion panels and review conferences, the authors
concluded that a practicable solution may be able to be found through
consulting and brainstorming with experts of related fields. Hence, this
study chose the research method of focus groups and invited 9 experts to
join a 2 hours' focus group interview. Of the 9 experts, 3 have
experience in designing fire evacuation plan of large scale building, 3
are reviewers, and 3 are experts or scholars in the field of emergency
evacuation. The second author of this paper was the moderator of the
focus group discussion. The research method of focus group is a
costefficient tool for exploration into a subject. It is not a
spontaneous dialogue between group members. The talk focuses on a
specified topic, following a well-defined agenda, and conducted in the
way of small group interview (or discussion). The small group is
composed by 8 to 12 people. A focus group interview lasts for around 2
hours. The group must be homogeneous, and members must have similar
experience to the same question in order to avoid a clash of opinions.
During the interview, the moderator leads the discussion and asks
questions to help the group members drop their guard so that they can
engage in the discussion and contribute their opinions. The guiding
techniques of brainstorming and synectics method are used to stimulate
the participants to come up with new ideas by embellishing, improving
and modifying other participants' ideas (Stewart and Shamdasani
Full-scale evacuation exercises measure the time it takes for a
number of people to escape to exits, however, ethical, practicality and
economic issues may limit their feasibility (Wong and Cheung 2006).
Almost all large scale gymnasium was designed with the aid of evacuation
simulation software instead of being tested by real life evacuation
exercises, since full scale evacuation exercises in large scale
gymnasium are especially difficult. Fortunately, after conducting the
said focus group interview, the experts and scholars suggested the
concept of "Hot Area" as an experiment method and assessment
criteria to replace a full-scale evacuation exercise in the hope that
the financial cost and moral risk of real-life evacuation exercises can
be reduced and the result can serve as a reference for governments to
inspect evacuation plans of large scale building.
3.2. Criteria of Hot Area
During the focus group interviews, the experts look at examples in
other countries and discuss the factors considered when assessing a
building's evacuation safety. It was found that the evacuation
safety evaluation centers on the value of "total evacuation
time". Besides taking a building's type of use into account,
and the value is calculated based on the following criteria: 1) Floor
area; 2) Floor height; 3) Largest travel distance; 4) Number of exits;
5) Layout of exits; 6) Exit width; 7) Capacity of exit; 8) Number of
occupants; 9) Density of occupants (person/[m.sup.2]); 10) Travel
speeds; 11) Flow rate. Hence, at the end of the interview, it was
concluded that general factors formed by Hot Area criteria in evacuation
analysis can be simplified into three key factors--"largest travel
distance", "capacity of exit", and "density of
occupants"--as the basis of assessment (Fig. 1). The concept of Hot
Area derives from eleven criteria related to total evacuation time, and
the eleven criteria can be divided into three categories:
"structure factor," "exit characteristics factor",
and "occupant characteristics factor". The reasons why
"3) Largest travel distance"; "7) Capacity of exit";
and "9) Density of occupants" were chosen from each category
are explained below.
The criterion, "3) Largest travel distance", was selected
by the focus group experts because the three criteria under the category
of the structure factor (Fig. 1) are all highly positively correlated
with the evacuation time. When the floor area and floor height of one
building increases, the distance that its occupants walk from their
original location to a safe area during a fire emergency will increase
proportionally, which means floor area and floor height are also highly
positively correlated with the largest travel distance.
"7) Capacity of exit" was picked out to be the second Hot
Area criteria from exit characteristics factors. Because when "4)
Number of exits", "5) Layout of exits", "6) Exit
width" on the building floor plan are evaluated independently
without looking at the number of people, there would be insufficient
evidence to verify whether the number of people in the crowd is overload
and therefore dangerous. But if "7) Capacity of exit" is
considered as a Hot Area criterion, then it becomes possible to analyze
more directly the "largest number of people in the crowd" at
different exits. Furthermore, the capacity of exit is based on the
number of occupants, and usually if a great number of people are crowded
at an exit, this is because the capacity of exit has not been
effectively managed and controlled. Also, many disaster evaluations show
a lot of tragedies have been the result of too many people overcrowding
an exit. Therefore, the capacity of exit is a key factor in a successful
evacuation. "9) Density of occupants" was chosen as the third
Hot Area criterion for the fact that "occupant characteristics
factor" includes "8) Number of occupants"" "9)
Density of occupants", "10) Travel speeds" and "11)
Flow rate". Because different areas have different usages when a
building is planned, there is rarely a uniform density of occupants
(person/m), so just looking at the number of occupants as a Hot Area
criterion is insufficient to reflect the danger, and travel speed is
also affected in each area by the density of occupants--the higher the
density the lower the travel speed and flow rate, and the longer the
evacuation takes; in other words, the more danger is involved. Also, in
the evacuation process, "11) Flow rate" is often an important
item to be assessed for building evacuation evaluation and has a
negative correlation with "total evacuation time" and
"largest number of people in the crowd". The higher the flow
rate, the lower the "number of people in the crowd" and
"total evacuation time", which means the safer the occupants
are (they arrive at the safety area faster.)
3.3. The Evaluation Method for Hot Area Selection
The ranking method is commonly used for the decision process of
selection. A ranking method gives the highest ranking depending on the
importance of each evaluated factor (1 is the highest ranking, followed
by 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, etc.). When using the ranking method for the purpose
of selecting a Hot Area, the higher the ranking the harder the area is
to evacuate and the more dangerous it is. After ranking assessment by
experts, the lower the total score, the more dangerous an area is, so
the selection of the Hot Area is dependant on the lowest total score.
The selection of the Hot Area uses the most dangerous area to represent
the whole in a real life simulation exercise, to lower the moral and
labor cost risk of a full-scale real life exercise. For example, Taipei
Arena floors and seating areas are divided into three areas: B1F, 1F-2F
and 3F-5F with a capacity of 1 500 people, 8 000 people, and 5 500
people each. If this rough division were used and 1F~2F (with a capacity
of 8 000 people) and 3F~5F (with a capacity of 5 500 people) were
selected as the Hot Areas for conducting real life simulation exercises,
the execution of the exercises would be difficult due to the large
number of evacuees involved. Therefore, the focus group experts
suggested that the three large floor seating areas should be divided
further into eleven small seating areas for evaluation. The eleven small
areas are ranked according to the three Hot Area criteria--"largest
travel distance", "capacity of exit", and "density
of occupants". Table 1 below shows the ranking given by experts.
Results show that No. 9 area has the lowest total score (5) hence No. 9
is the Hot Area. No. 9~ 11 are both part of the floor seating area on
3F~5F, which can accommodate 5,500 people. No. 10 and No. 11 are booth
seats on 3F and 4F.
4. Result of Hot Area Exercise
4.1. Brief of Exercise Case
Taipei Arena is located in Taipei, Taiwan's capital city. It
was designed as a multifunctional gymnasium. In addition to sports
events, it is a venue where Taipei citizens visit frequently for large
performances, and it can also be used for election campaigns, concerts,
and large exhibitions. Its building foundation is 114 522 [m.sup.2];
building height is 44 m; and total floor area is 88 401 m (see Fig. 2).
Taipei Arena is a steel reinforced concrete (SRC) building which has two
basement floors, five stories above ground. The use of each floor is as
followings: B2F is a parking lot; B1F to 5F holds walkways, seating
areas and other facilities with a capacity of 15 000 people; and B1F~5F
is the seating areas of the main auditorium (see Fig. 3).
For evacuation, there are two staircases on both sides of the
entrance, four exits leading to the emergency shelter on B1F, 1-2F
seating areas have 20 exits that lead to the 2F walkways, 3-5 F seating
areas have 9 exits that lead to the 3F walkways, 2F and 3F walkways each
have access to 3 stairs that lead directly to safe areas. The interior
is constructed with fireproof material and building smoke control which
includes passive and active smoke control systems.
4.2. Hot Area Exercise Planning
P. Arthur and R. Passini argued that real life evacuation results
are the same as exiting results. Based on this argument, gymnasium
evacuation study of Graat et al. (1999) investigated the effect of 30
degrees and 38 degree slant on exit speed. Hence, upon the development
of the Hot Area concept, with the moral risk being taken into account,
this study attempts to test the argument that real life evacuation is
equal to exiting on a Taipei Arena evacuation exercise by recording and
analyzing a real life Hot Area evacuation in the Taipei Arena, then
comparing it to Exodus software results. Taipei Arena's Hot Area is
designated as the seating area on 3-5F, where the seats of the
"whole area" can accommodate 5500 people (including 48 booths
in the No. 10 area on 3F and in the No. 11 area on 4F), and since the
entire 3-5 F seating areas are symmetrical, in order to save on the
labor cost, the reallife exiting observation is performed on a
"half area" of 2170 seats (not including 48 booths). On the
day of the observation, 2089 people occupied the seats, and the total
attendance rate was 96%. Fourteen people were used in this study to
carry out the observation--1 director, 1 camera man in the grounds, 1 to
support communication and 11 camera men with handheld cameras. The 11
cameramen wearing red fireman uniforms were standing on chairs placed at
the height of 2.1 meter to record the evacuation process. During the
evacuation, video cameras record the process for calculation of people
and time after the experiment. The cameras were placed at locations
which did not affect the movement of the evacuating crowd (see Fig. 4
for the positions of the 11 cameramen).
No. 1 ~ 5 cameras, covering the exits of the 5 seating areas to the
3F walkway, were installed at the 3F walkway to record the
characteristics of exiting audience, their travel speed at each exit,
and the number of audience at each exit. No. 6 camera filmed 3F walkway
to re cord the travel speed of the audience on the horizontal surface.
Located on the 2F stairs landing, No. 7 camera filmed the crowds on the
stairs descending from 3F to 2F to record the speed of audience
descending the stairs. Installed on 1F, No. 8 and No. 9 cameras filmed
the crowd walking down from 2F to 1F stairs to record their speed of
descending the stairs. No. 10 camera, installed on the 1F lobby, filmed
the crowd walking through the lobby to the security check points at the
Arena's exit so that the travel speed of the crowd toward the exit
could be recorded. No. 11 camera, installed outdoors, filmed the crowd
walking from indoors to outdoors on 1F to record their travel speed
around the Arena's exit. Hence, No. 1~11 cameras were positioned to
record the evacuation process in the area from 3F seating area to the
outdoor. The recordings made by the eleven cameras provide data for
analyzing the exiting observation experiment. See Fig. 5 for the photos
taken by No. 11 camera.
4.3. Analysis of the Hot Area Exiting Observation Result
During the demonstration, actual exiting is observed on half of the
Hot Area. No. 1-5 camera were installed along the wall in the 3 F to
monitor 5 exits (Exit A~Exit E) in the 3F Hot Area and 3F walkway (see
Fig. 4 for the positions of the cameras.) There are 2170 seats in the
area of Exit A~Exit E. With 2089 seats being taken during the
observation, the area was 96% full, very close to a full house. After
analyzing the recordings, it is found the number of exiting audience use
Exit B and Exit E were more concentrated. There are 379 seats in the
area of Exit B while 511 people took this exit. The use rate of Exit B
was 135%. There are 475 seats in the area of Exit B while 520 people
used this exit. The use rate of Exit E was 109%. On the other hand, the
use ratio of Exit A, Exit C and Exit D were only 73%, 82% and 81% (see
Fig. 6).
The study finds that the travel speed varied in different location,
which is shown as follows: the exits of each floor (0.84 m/s) > the
walkways (0.64 m/s) > descending the stairs (0.46 m/s). It can be
explained that the audience at the exits of the five floors must leave
through walkways, and the crowds from different floors tend to converge.
In addition, the width of each floor's exit is 8.25 m while the
width of each walkway is only 5 m. The staircase is even narrower with
the width of 4.8 m. Therefore, when the audience was exiting the Arena,
the narrowing width of the passages tended to cause "the bottle
neck" (BN) effect. For evacuation simulation of the gymnasium, the
travel speed of descending the stairs inputted into the simulation
software is 0.4 m/s-0.85 m/s, which is very close to the observation
experiment's finding, 0.46 m/s. After further analysis, the study
finds that when the ratio of the floor exit width to the stairs width
(the ratio of Bottle Neck Rate (BNR) = 8.25/4.8) is 1.7, the observed
speed of descending the stairs is close to the minimum limit of the
speed inputted in the simulation software. The result shows that the
travel speed during an actual evacuation is not the same as the input
value of the software simulation. The actual speed is apparently much
slower, which means that high risk still exists.
Architects designed the floor exits for two purposes: exiting and
evacuation. Each floor exit is planned to evacuating the occupants
evenly, but the exit observation shows that the use ratios of Exit B and
Exit E exceeded the number of seats they contains. At the Exit A, Exit
C, and Exit D, the exiting audience diverged or moved to other exits
(their use ratios were between 73~82%). However, diverging or moving to
other exits may increase the travel distance to safe area. The exiting
or evacuation behavior is based on rational and irrational judgment. The
rational judgment is affected by implicit and explicit reasons. Implicit
reasons refer to that evacuees choose a floor exit based on their
subjective decisions, which matches the characteristic of evacuation
behavior--"gravitation toward the closer route". Irrational
judgment leads the evacuees to run around aimlessly or follow someone
else, which matches the characteristic of evacuation
behavior--"follow-the-crowd". The two characteristics were
seen at Exit B and Exit E.
4.4. Analysis of Hot Area Simulation Result
This study conducts a simulation analysis with the evacuation
software and observes the exiting of 2089 people after a sold-out
musical performance. After taking the cost into account, Exodus (Version
4.0a) software, commonly used internationally as well as in Taiwan for
evacuation simulation, was used and compared in this article. Exodus was
developed by the Fire Safety Engineering Group of Greenwich University.
Written in C, it can run on a personal computer or workstation, and is
commonly used to simulate evacuation processes in large spaces and
spaces that accommodate large crowds.
As Exodus only has built-in settings for offices, stations,
marketplaces and schools, other venues must be set separately. The
simulated scenario designed in this study specifies 2089 people in the
half area of 3F~5F. Based on the recordings of the exiting, the
composition of the crowds was inputted into the Exodus software. The
occupant characteristics are set as Average 30%, Male 20%, Female 30%,
Child 20%. Another hypothesis is that everyone can rely on himself to be
evacuated and will not need the assistance of other people or equipment;
the movement speed of the occupants is relative to the density of
occupants, and when the distance between people becomes smaller than 0.3
m, the travel speed is zero, which means they are stranded. If the
distance between people is larger than 1.4 m, all occupants will move
forward at an unobstructed regular travel speed. Travel speeds differ
according to each occupant's characteristic--normal travel speed is
0-1.4 m/s, ascending stairs is 0.35 times that, and descending stairs is
0.5 times. The initial direction each occupant begins with is set
randomly, and the evacuation location is the safe or relatively safe
area in the building. Because the facilities of the researched large
scale gymnasium are complicated and varied, in this case escalators are
set as immobile and seen as stairs, with the width calculated
collectively with stairs. Whether each occupant's travel speed on
an escalator is unequal to the speed on stairs is another research
topic, and will be disregarded and assumed as equal in this study. This
study mainly quantifies travel time which does not include pre-movement
time between the beginning of the fire and the beginning of the
The study finds that Exodus software evacuation simulation time was
420 seconds, while real life exiting observed time was 610 seconds--a
190 second difference. The final time shows that real life exiting was
slower than software simulation by 45%. In comparison with the exiting
observation results of 500 people, 1000 people, 1500 people and 2000
people, the study finds that the real life exiting takes more time than
the simulation results of Exodus software. The evacuation time needed in
real life exiting is 55% more for 500 people; 60% more for 1,000 people;
72% more for 1,500 people; and 42% more for 2000 people (see Fig. 7). On
average, the real life exiting time is 57% more than the software
simulates. For the purpose of government's inspection, in order to
safeguard building users' lives and avoid possible risks, the
inspection must be carried out in the most cautious way. While the full
scale evacuation exercise at the stage of inspection and acceptance can
be replaced by the concept of Hot Area exercise, it is suggested the
inspectors should multiply the software-simulated evacuation time by
1.57 (safety ratio) at the stage of architecture plan review.
5. Conclusions and Suggestions
After making the above empirical analysis and discussion, the
authors reach the following conclusion and raise a few suggestions.
5.1. Conclusions
1. This study uses focus groups to come up with the "Hot
Area" simulation concept, and Hot Area criteria comprises three key
factors: "largest travel distance," "capacity of
exit," "density of occupants." A ranking method is
adopted to determine the most dangerous "Hot Area" in the
building. Then, real life exiting observation and Hot Area simulation
are conducted to replace fullscale simulations in a large scale building
in order to avoid the high moral risk and labor and economic cost
involved with a full-scale real life simulation. While an unannounced
evacuation can allow observation of true evacuation behavior,
considering democratic rights, moral risk, and safety and labor cost
issues, there is great difficulty in carrying out this kind of study,
studies of large scale building in particular.
2. This study uses low cost concept of Hot Area simulation and use
14 firemen and 11 cameras to observe a real-life exiting of 2089 people.
After empirical analysis of the observation result and comparison
between the simulation result made by the Exodus software, the study
finds that the actual exiting time and evacuation time of a large crowd
(2089 people) are indeed different from the result of software
simulation. The comparison shows that real life exiting was slower than
software simulation by 45%. While the full scale evacuation exercise
carried out at the stage of inspection and acceptance can be replaced by
the concept of Hot Area exercise, it is suggested the inspectors should
multiply the software-simulated evacuation time by 1.57 (safety ratio)
at the stage of architecture plan review.
3. Furthermore, from the observation of the exiting in the Hot
Area, the study finds that while the use ratios of both Exit B and Exit
E exceeded the planned number of seats (the use ratios of the two exits
reached 109~135%,) the audience belonging to the areas of Exit A, Exit
C, or Exit D diverged or moved to other exits (the use ratios of these
exits were only 73~82%.) The problems of "gravitation toward the
closer route" and "follow-the-crowd" were also shown
during the process of exiting. To solve these problems, the study
suggests architects to take the Hot Area concept into consideration and
avoid the two problems of the evacuation behavior as much as possible
when designing the exits and walkways in this most dangerous area.
4. The three hot area criteria are important factors affecting
evacution process. While drawing up a building plan, large building
designers should try to minimize the "largest travel distance to
safer area" (Criterion 1) and maximize the width of exits
(Criterion 2). Furthermore, as indicated by the Criterion
3--"Density of occupants" the designers must keep in mind that
evacuation safety will be compromised if there is no limit to the number
of occupants in a building.
5.2. Suggestions
1. Information Communication and Technology (ICT) advances quickly.
As the future studies will focus on the results of unannounced real-life
evacuation exercises, Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) installed in
large scale building can be used for constant longdistance monitoring
and recording to gather analysis data. Hence, this study suggests that
government units use their administration authority to install CCTVs
along the evacuation paths in large scale gymnasium as well as
longdistance monitoring and backup systems. These will aid security on a
regular basis, and serve as a record for real evacuation behavior during
a disaster, which will aid in evaluating the difference between software
simulation and real life evacuation in large scale gymnasium, making it
possible to find a more close-to-reality safety ratio for software
simulation results.
2. As there is a difference of 57% between the evacuation time
calculated by Actual 2089 and Exodus 2089, the authors suggest setting
the safety ratio at 1.57. The cause of the difference can be explained
by the audience' s exit behavior. Although most audience walked to
the exits right after the end of performance, some audience remained in
their seats because the exits were crowded with people and they
preferred to wait until the crowd dispersed. This may be one reason that
the real life exiting took longer time than the scenario simulated by
Exodus. Therefore, the argument that exiting time equals evacuation
time, proposed by the past studies, is proved inapplicable to
large-scale performance venues like Taipei Arena. More studies should be
done to test this argument in the future. It is suggested more similar
comparative researches (including sensitivity tests and real life
exercises) should be conducted to evaluate what affects the evacuation
time (such as building use types, occupancy capacity, performance forms
or composition of the crowd) and verify whether the exiting time
"does not" equal to the evacuation time as shown by this
3. Also, the study recommends that after considering the different
scenario of each case, the value which correlates with the danger during
emergency evacuation, the BNR (BottleNeck effect Ratio), should be
researched and analyzed further to help the design of evacuation plan
more practical. The BNR model discussed in the paper is not fully
matured yet and further research work for improvement is still being
carried out.
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Hui Ping Tserng (1), Jia Yi You (2), Chih Yuan Chang (3), Kuang Hua
Hsiung (4)
(1) Division of Construction Engineering and Management, Department
of Civil Engineering, National Taiwan University, No. 1, Sec. 4,
Roosevelt Road, Taipei, 10617 Taiwan
(2) Disaster Management Division of Taipei City Fire Department,
Taipei, Taiwan; Department of Urban Planning and Disaster Management,
Ming Chuan University, (5) De Ming Road, Gui Shan District, Taoyuan
County 333, Taiwan (3) Department of Civil Engineering, Feng Chia
University, 100 Wenhwa Road, Seatwen, Taichung, 40724 Taiwan
(4) Taipei City Fire Department, Taipei, Taiwan; The Graduate
School of Fire Science & Technology, Central Police University, No.
56, Shujen Road, Takang Village, Kueishan Hsiang, Taoyuan County, Taiwan
E-mail: (1)
[email protected] (corresponding author)
Received 10 Mar. 2010; accepted 2 Sept. 2010
Hui Ping TSERNG. A full professor at the Department of Civil
Engineering of National Taiwan University. He also is corresponding
member of Russian Academy of Engineering. He has a PhD in Construction
Engineering and Management and he is official reviewer or editorial
board member of several international journals. His research interests
include advanced techniques for knowledge management, management
information system, GPS/Wireless Sensor Network, and automation in
Jia Yi YOU. A chief at the Disaster Management Division of Taipei
City Fire Department. He also is an assistant professor at the
Department of Urban Planning and Disaster Management, Ming Chuan
University. He has a PhD in construction engineering and management. His
research interests include construction management, risk and crisis
management, construction safety evaluation, fire science, and disaster
Chih Yuan CHANG. An assistant professor at the Department of Civil
Engineering of Feng Chia University. Between 1994 and 2007, he worked
for a construction company and a property management company, and served
several posts, such as construction site engineer, director, auditor and
special assistant to the general manager. His research interests include
building maintenance, construction management, property management and
project management.
Kuang Hua HSIUNG. The present commissioner of the Taipei City Fire
Department. He also is an Associate Professor of the Graduate School of
Fire Science and Technology, Central Police University in Taiwan, R.O.C.
He received his PhD. degree from the School of Building Construction,
University of Florida in U.S.A. at 1992. He is a member of Society of
Fire Protection Engineers in U.S.A. His research interests include
Building Fire Safety Engineering, Fire Tests of Building Materials, and
Disaster Management and Emergency Response.
General evaluated factors in evacuation analysis
Structure factors
1. Floor area
2. Floor height
3. Largest travel distance (m)
Exit characteristics factors
4. Number of exits
5. Layout of exits
6. Width of exit
7. Capacity of exit (person/s)
Occupant characteristics factors
8. Number of occupants
9. Density of occupants (person/m2)
10. Travel speeds (m/s)
11. Flow rate (person/s)
Table 1. The priority analysis of Hot Area in Taipei Arena
1. Largest travel
Floor seating Seating distance to safe area 2. Capacity of exit
area areas (m) (person/s)
3F-5F No. 11 1 4
(5500 people) No. 10 2 4
No. 9 3 1
1F-2F No. 8 5 2
(8000 people) No. 7 6 2
No. 6 5 2
No. 5 6 2
B1F No. 4 4 3
(1500 people) No. 3 4 3
No. 2 4 3
No. 1 4 3
3. Density of determination ([]
Floor seating Seating occupants the chosen lowest
area areas (person/[m.sup.2]) score item)
3F-5F No. 11 4 9
(5500 people) No. 10 4 10
No. 9 1 5 ([])
1F-2F No. 8 2 9
(8000 people) No. 7 2 10
No. 6 2 9
No. 5 2 10
B1F No. 4 3 10
(1500 people) No. 3 3 10
No. 2 3 10
No. 1 3 10