Lithuanian case study of masonry buildings from the soviet period.
Brauers, Willem Karel M. ; Kracka, Modestas ; Zavadskas, Edmundas Kazimieras 等
1. Introduction
This paper discusses the traditional way of construction specific
to the Soviet period. Soviet period means the period before the
independence of Lithuania in 1990. The average lifetime of a building is
one hundred year (STR. 1.12.06:2002). Consequently the buildings of the
Soviet period have still some lifetime.
Over time, the quality requirements and characteristics pertaining
to building structures changed. We know the increasing importance of dry
construction and of stricter requirements for thermal insulation
appeared during the past decades.
In 2007, the European Council adopted ambitious energy and climate
change objectives for 2020--to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 20% if
the conditions are right, to increase the share of renewable energy to
20% and to make a 20% improvement in energy effectiveness. By 2020, the
EU aims to reach that all new constructions and renovations would be
passive (less than 15 kWh/[m.sup.2] per year). The European Parliament
has continuously supported these goals. The European Council has also
given a long term commitment to the decarbonisation path with a target
for the EU and other industrialised countries of 80 to 95% cuts in
emissions by 2050 (European Commission 2011).
Many countries have their own directives. For instance: BREEAM
(Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method) in
Great Britain; LEED (Leader Energy Environment Design) in the USA; HQE
(High Environmental Quality) in France; MINERGIE in Switzerland;
PASSIVHAUS in Germany; HB BEAM in Hong Kong; CASBEE (Comprehensive
Assessment System for Building Environmental Efficiency) in Japan and
TOTAL QUALITY in Austria. All directives attempt to reach the
sustainability in construction, however in different ways.
Cost of heating is one of the most important factors that influence
the real estate market (Huang, Hsueh 2010). Thermal renovation of a
building can significantly reduce heat losses and costs, thereby
increasing the market value of such building. Although renovation does
not necessarily increase energy effectiveness, it is a useful instrument
that helps upgrading thermal performance.
Reduction of building energy consumption can be carried out in
several stages namely: architectural optimisation of the building, and
optimisation of building engineering systems. For architectural
optimisation, properly selected building structures, orientation of
partitions in respect to compass points, size of windows and thermal
storage capabilities of devices are of the utmost importance (Motuziene,
Juodis 2010; Kaklauskas et al. 2008; Kalibatas et al. 2011;
Flores-Colen, de Brito 2010). Improvements under the form of optimized
heat inflows and of heat losses allow reduced consumption of power for
In order to select a rational alternative for renovation of
building, is it necessary to investigate and to assess the conditions of
the building, as well as to analyse investments.
The degree of deterioration of a building can be determined by the
following studies:
--Prior to the inspection stage--an opinion poll of residents
regarding the physical, economic and functional deterioration of the
--Investigation of the technical condition of elements of the
building (i.e. walls, windows, roof and floors);
--Study of energy supply and more effective fuel utilisation;
--Investigation of the condition of engineering equipment;
--During the investigation--an inventory of reasons for renovation,
expected activities and tools that can improve characteristics of the
Every building is different in its construction, architecture,
purpose, and needs of residents. Therefore, there cannot be one solution
that would fit all buildings. Limiting the research only to residential
buildings without considering commercial or public buildings forms a
first step is to diminish these differences.
Evaluation of renovation possibilities is a difficult task as a
building and its environment form complex systems (for instance in terms
of technical, technological, ecological, social, comfort and aesthetical
conditions). All subsystems influence the total effective performance
and the interdependence between sub- systems plays a significant role.
Successful choice of a renovation measures depends on the following
three stages:
--During the first stage, the elements of building envelope for
renovation are determined;
--During the second stage, top-ranked alternatives for building
envelope renovation are chosen;
--During the third stage, effective alternatives are selected by
multiple objectives analysis in order to obtain alternative priorities
and an alternative level of performance.
Building insulation is a safe choice that helps preventing damage
to a building and improves energy saving undertaken in different parts
of the building.
Insulation of the building will be studied as a function of the
different partitions of the building: walls, windows, roofs and
ceilings. Prior to renovation works, it is important to identify the
existing state of walls, roof, floors, windows, doors and other building
elements, as well as technical characteristics, i.e. materials,
thickness of structures and orientation in respect of compass points
(Tupenaite et al. 2010; Pasanisi, Ojalvo 2008). Such assessment of
existing structures and complex exploration of building characteristics
helps deciding on partitions that require further improvement and
identifying changes that would be effective.
Parts of building envelope are assessed with respect to their
degree of insulation and the impact of such insulation on reduction of
heating costs. Sometimes, calculations reveal that modification of
building structures is not effective due to a lengthy payback period
that considerably exceeds heat losses for the partition. A multiple
objective decision support system has been designed to properly select
and implement thermal effectiveness tools for a building.
2. The scope of the existing problem
Sixty years ago, masonry buildings were the most popular in the
Eastern Europe. Typically, the envelope of such buildings had no
insulation (Figs 1-3). The built-up area was 10 m width to 50 m length.
A five-storey building was selected for the analysis. From ceiling to
ceiling, the height of a storey was 2.85 m. The building had 90 windows
in total: 45 windows facing north and the remaining 45 facing south. The
building was ventilated in the natural way. Heating networks from a
central heating unit of the city supplied heating to the building. Now
obsolete heat network pipes are changed to new ones.
The thermal insulation performance of such a building is rather
poor and does not comply with the current hygienic requirements. The
main important areas of reduced masonry thicknesses are situated along
the wall and slab juncture as demonstrated in Fig. 1; along the edge of
the roof as shown in Fig. 2; and along the basement and slab (Fig. 3);
and windows (not represented in Figs.). The building was designed with a
large part of windows facing north. Because of thin masonry thickness in
the partition juncture, thermal bridges cause low surface temperature,
which could present a risk for mould growth. Condensation can cause
dampness together with favorable temperature, mostly cause mould grow
The main purpose of this study is to assess elements of the
building envelope using multiple objective models. Heating energy losses
and inflows were calculated using equations from the technical
construction regulation (STR.2.05.01:2005). A residential building has
been chosen for this reason, with partition characteristics listed in
Table 1.
3. Complex renovation of building partitions
Often, thermal insulation layers were selected for each partition
individually, but the final result was often neither accurate nor
effective. Authors of the paper offer a methodology that helps selecting
complex heat insulation layers for the entire building. Complex thermal
insulation selection helps to estimate better payback time of the
insulation, lost heat amounts and durability.
The method for insulation of building envelope is selected
depending on the structure, building materials and the purpose of the
partition as well as other objectives. Exterior insulation (Figs 5, 6)
is the best way for elimination of thermal bridges in wall and ceiling
junctures. With the help of the exterior wall insulation, the existing
wall structure falls within the positive temperature range. In addition,
the wall gets protected from atmospheric and other external effects
(Fig. 4). Thermal renovation of the facade doesn't require a
temporary removal of residents and the work can be done quickly.
Renovated facade is more resistant to atmospheric impacts and has a
greater aesthetic value.
Wall insulation from inside can be used for various buildings,
especially for heritage buildings. Heritage building means a building
possessing historical, architectural or cultural values. A heritage
building is declared by Competent Authority in whose jurisdiction such
building is situated.
Internal wall insulation, in terms of thermal and humidity
effectiveness, is less effective. A wall supporting structure, which is
insulated from the inside, has significant temperature fluctuations.
This is due to external climate impact. Consequently operational
conditions deteriorate. To avoid the risk of condensation, it is not
recommended to install interior thermal insulation that would be wider
than 5 cm. Internal wall insulation reduces the living space, requires
recoating of walls and reinstallation of engineering equipment (Golic et
al. 2011).
Insulation improvements should ensure that thermal insulation
layers of different partitions connect and overlap. New insulation layer
placed onto the wall has to be connected or overlap the insulation layer
placed onto the roof.
With the help of multi-objective decision-making methods, the
research aims to create a technique for an effective selection of
insulation for building envelope.
4. Multi-objective optimisation on the basis of the ratio analysis
Multi-objective Decision Making MODM--a simplified and less
time-consuming method for mathematical investigation of comparative
performance was selected (Chakraborty 2011). Multiple Objective decision
methods MOORA and MULTIMOORA were selected for further calculation.
For the first time, multi-objective optimization on the basis of
the ratio analysis was introduced by Brauers and Zavadskas (2006). The
method starts with a matrix of responses of different alternatives to
different objectives:
where: [x.sub.ij]--the response of alternative j on objective i;
i = 1, 2, ..., n--the number of objectives;
j = 1, 2, ..., m--the number of alternatives.
The MOORA method consists of two components: (4.1) the ratio system
and (4.2) the reference point approach.
4.1. The ratio system as a part of MOORA
In the ratio system of MOORA, each response of an alternative to an
objective is compared to a denominator, which represents all
alternatives related to that objective. The square root of the sum of
squares of each alternative to the objective was used as denominator in
the MOORA formula (Van Delft, Nijkamp 1977):
with: [x.sub.ij]--response of alternative j to objective i;
j = 1, 2, ..., m; m--the number of alternatives;
i = 1, 2, ..., n; n--the number of objectives;
[bar.[x.sub.ij]]--a dimensionless number representing the response
of alternative j to objective i.
Brauers and Zavadskas (2006) proved that this formula is the best
choice between many other possible ones.
Dimensionless numbers have no specific unit of measurement. They
are obtained, for instance, by deduction, multiplication or division.
The normalised response of the alternatives to the objectives belongs to
the interval [0; 1]. However, sometimes the interval could be [-1; 1].
Indeed, in the case of the productivity growth, some sector, region or
country may show a decrease instead of an increase in productivity, i.e.
a negative dimensionless number.
For optimisation, in case of maximisation these responses are added
and in case of minimisation--subtracted:
where: i = 1, 2, ..., g--the objectives to be maximized;
i = g + 1, g + 2, ..., n--the objectives to be minimised.
[[bar.y].sub.j]--the normalised assessment of alternative j with
respect to all objectives.
An ordinal ranking of [[bar.y].sub.j] shows the final preference.
Nevertheless, it may turn out to be necessary to stress that some
objectives are more important than the others. In order to give more
importance to an objective, it could be multiplied by a significance
4.2. The reference point approach as a part of MOORA
The reference point theory is based on the ratios found in equation
(2), whereby a maximal objective reference point is also deduced. The
maximal objective reference point approach is called realistic and
non-subjective when the coordinates ([r.sub.i]) selected for the
reference point are realised in one of the candidate alternatives. For
example, we have three alternatives described as follows: A (10; 100), B
(100; 20) and C (50; 50). In this case, the maximal objective reference
point [R.sub.m] results in (100; 100). The maximal objective vector is
self-evident if the alternatives are well defined as for the projects in
the area of project analysis and planning.
Given the dimensionless number representing the response of
alternative j to objective i, i.e. [[bar.x].sub.ij] in equation (2), we
come to:
where: i = 1, 2, ..., n as the objective;
j = 1, 2, ..., m as the alternatives;
[r.sub.i]--the ith coordinate of the reference point;
[[bar.x].sub.i]--the ratio found in the ratio system (formula 2).
This matrix is subject to the Min-Max metric of Tchebycheff
(Karlin, Studden 1966):
The Min-Max metric is the best choice between all the possible
metrics of the reference point theory (Brauers 2004: 159-161).
4.3. The Full Multiplicative Form
From now, in order to distinguish it from the mixed forms, the
following form of n-power for multi-objectives is called a
full-multiplicative form:
with: j = 1, 2, ..., m; m the number of alternatives;
i = 1, 2, ..., n; n being the number of objectives;
[x.sub.ij] response of alternative j to objective i;
[U.sub.j] overall utility of alternative j.
The overall utilities ([U.sub.j]), obtained by multiplication of
different units of measurement, become dimensionless.
The objectives to be minimised are denominators in the formula:
[U.sub.j] = [[A.sub.j]/[B.sub.j]] (6')
i the number of objectives to be maximized,
n-i--the number of objectives to be minimized, with:
[U'.sub.j]--the utility of alternative j with objectives to be
maximised and objectives to be minimised.
MULTIMOORA is the combination of the MOORA method and of the Full
Multiplicative Form of Multiple Objectives. For the first time,
MULTIMOORA was introduced by Brauers and Zavadskas in the beginning of
2010 (Brauers, Zavadskas 2010a). MULTIMOORA became the most robust
system of multiple optimisations under condition of support from the
Ameliorated Nominal Group Technique and Delphi method (Brauers,
Zavadskas 2010b, 2011a; Brauers, Ginevicius 2010).
Diagram Fig. 7 represents the combination of the three different
methods of MULTIMOORA (Brauers, Zavadskas 2011b). Nominal Group
Technique: 1) the Ratio System; 2) the Reference Point Approach; 3) the
Full Multiplicative Form. The Nominal Group Technique and the Delphi
method can also be used to reduce the remaining subjectivity. Numbers
and arrows in the picture are referring by formulas rank and the
priority in the multi-objective method.
6. Effective selection of building envelope insulation alternatives
using multi-objective decision-making methods
In order to find an optimal alternative the multi-objective
optimization method MOORA (Multi-Objective Optimisation by Ratio
analysis) and MULTIMOORA (MOORA plus Full Multiplicative Form) were
When using multi-objective optimisation methods, all objectives
must be measurable. Multi-objective techniques seem to be an appropriate
tool for ranking or selecting one or more alternatives from a set of
available options based on the multiple, sometimes conflicting
objectives. A large number of methods have been developed for solving
multi-objective problems (Balezentis et al. 2011; Zavadskas et al. 2010;
Medineckiene et al. 2011). Multi-objective optimisation frameworks vary
from simple approaches, requiring very little information, to methods
based on mathematical programming techniques, requiring extensive
information on each objective and on the preferences of the
Various objectives of effectiveness are proposed with different
dimensions, different significances as well as different directions of
The main steps of multiple attribute decisionmaking are as follow
(Kaklauskas et al. 2008; Natividade-Jesus et al. 2007):
--the system of evaluation attributes that relates system
capabilities to goals;
--the alternative systems for attaining the goals (generating
--the initial data;
--application of a multiple-objectives analysis method;
--calculation of results and selection of the "optimal"
(preferred) alternative.
A case study considers 20 possible alternatives of external walls,
roofs, ceilings and windows. Some alternatives given in Table 2 (wall 1,
roof 1, roof 2, ceiling 1, windows 1) don't comply the requirements
of Lithuanian standards for thermal insulation.
In alternatives windows 2 and windows 4 it was decided to change
windows only on the northern side, in total around 258.30 [m.sup.2].
Each alternative provided in Table 2, is described by seven
[x.sub.1]--Thermal resistance [W/K x [m.sup.2]];
[x.sub.2]--Partition price per square meter [[euro]/[m.sup.2]];
[x.sub.3]--Total partition price [EUR]; EUR 1 = LTL 3.458;
[x.sub.4]--Counted partition heat losses [kWh/[m.sup.2] per year];
[x.sub.5]--Savings in the amount of heat loss [kWh/ [m.sup.2] x
[x.sub.6]--Total amount saved per year [EUR/year];
[x.sub.7]--Simple payback period [year].
The main purpose of a residential building is to create good living
conditions with appropriate air ventilation, level of humidity and
heating (Sobotka, Rolak 2009; Thomas 2010). The basic design of a
building must comply with certain requirements. External walls, roof,
ground storey, doors and windows have a particular role in the
construction of a building. These elements can influence the choice of
heating and cooling systems used depending on the season. Only
comprehensive assessment of elements that are responsible for heat
losses can greatly reduce related costs, especially in renovated
buildings (Juodis et al. 2009; Ginevicius et al. 2008).
The effective selection of walls with the help of calculations
applied in the multiple objective methods are described in Tables 3 and
4. Calculations pertaining to other partitions are provided in annexes
A, B and C.
Objectives that define heat losses, payback period and partition
renovation prices are minimised; whereas heat resistance and heat
savings subsequent to renovation of the building are maximized.
7. Calculation results
MULTIMOORA optimisation techniques with discrete dimensionless
measures were used for ranking alternatives in this study. Three results
were obtained. Indeed MOORA consists of two components: the ratio system
and the reference point, whereas MULTIMOORA adds the Full Multiplicative
Form: Table 5 represents the final outcomes.
MULTIMOORA optimised the best thermal insulation variant for
renovation of a building structure: wall number 5, roof number 5,
ceiling number 5 and window number 4.
Instead of the insulation problem for buildings from the Soviet
period in Lithuania, a much heavier problem of Multi-Objective Decision
Making will arrive when the economic depreciation of the Soviet time
buildings will come to its end. At that moment, with an exception for
the historical buildings, the following alternative choice will arrive.
On the one hand, the keeping in operation of the Soviet time buildings
with huge maintenance costs or on the other hand new constructions with
lower maintenance costs, better and cheaper material, such as the
replacement of wet construction by dry construction, lower labour costs
and more modern comfort but with a new starting economic depreciation.
8. Conclusions
One of the most difficult tasks, during the building audit is
ensuring a proper design of thermal insulation for building envelope.
The method presented in this article, called MULTIMOORA, optimises
building envelope improvements concerning insulation. This method can
facilitate and accelerate selection of insulation for building envelope
on the basis of local technical specifications.
Inside MULTIMOORA three methods are assumed to have the same
importance. These three methods represent all existing methods with
dimensionless measures in multi-objective optimisation. With the help of
these Multi-Objective Optimisation methods, the case study focuses on an
effective selection between 20 alternatives of building partitions. Five
renovation scenarios based on small (alternatives 1), medium
(alternative 2 to alternatives 3) and basic (alternative 4 to
alternatives 5) investment packages were proposed for residential
multi-apartment buildings in Lithuania and the priority order for their
application was determined.
MULTIMOORA optimised the best thermal insulation variant for
renovation of a building structure concerning walls, roof, ceiling and
With the help of MULTIMOORA, this study proved that the proposed
theoretical model was effective in real life and could be successfully
applied for a solution of similar utility problems in construction as
well as in other fields
doi: 10.3846/13923730.2012.700944
Annex A
Table 6. MOORA applied on 5 roof alternatives with 7 conditions
6a. Matrix of responses of alternatives on objectives: ([x.sub.ij])
[x.sub.1] [x.sub.2] [x.sub.3] [x.sub.4]
max min min min
roof 1 1.73 144.51 74 646.64 16.13
roof 2 3.08 150.29 77 632.30 9.18
roof 3 5.78 158.96 82 110.79 4.73
roof 4 6.25 170.52 88 082.11 4.45
roof 5 7.14 179.19 92 560.59 3.89
[x.sub.5] [x.sub.6] [x.sub.7]
max max min
roof 1 57.56 17 267.42 4.32
roof 2 64.51 19 352.35 4.01
roof 3 68.96 20 687.31 3.97
roof 4 69.24 20 771.31 4.24
roof 5 69.80 20 939.30 4.42
6b. Sum of squares and their square roots
[x.sub.1] [x.sub.2] [x.sub.3]
roof 1 2.98 20 883.14 5 572.12 x [10.sup.6]
roof 2 9.48 22 587.08 6 026.77 x [10.sup.6]
roof 3 33.41 25 268.28 6 742.18 x [10.sup.6]
roof 4 39.06 29 077.07 7 758.45 x [10.sup.6]
roof 5 51.02 32 109.06 8 567.46 x [10.sup.6]
Sum of squares. 135.95 129 924.63 34 666.99 x [10.sup.6]
Square roots 11.66 360.45 186190.755
[x.sub.4] [x.sub.6] [x.sub.7]
roof 1 260.18 3 313.15 298.16 x [10.sup.6]
roof 2 84.27 4 161.54 374.51 x [10.sup.6]
roof 3 22.37 4 755.48 427.96 x [10.sup.6]
roof 4 19.80 4 794.18 431.45 x [10.sup.6]
roof 5 15.13 4 872.04 438.45 x [10.sup.6]
Sum of squares. 401.76 21 896.39 1970.54 x [10.sup.6]
Square roots 20.044 147.974 44390.81
roof 1 18.69
roof 2 16.09
roof 3 15.75
roof 4 17.98
roof 5 19.54
Sum of squares. 88.06
Square roots 9.38
6c. Objectives divided by their square roots and MOORA
[x.sub.1] [x.sub.2] [x.sub.3] [x.sub.4] [x.sub.5]
roof 1 0.148 0.401 0.401 0.805 0.389
roof 2 0.264 0.417 0.417 0.458 0.436
roof 3 0.496 0.441 0.441 0.236 0.466
roof 4 0.536 0.473 0.473 0.222 0.468
roof 5 0.613 0.497 0.497 0.194 0.472
[x.sub.6] [x.sub.7] total rank
roof 1 0.389 0.461 -1.141 5
roof 2 0.436 0.427 -0.584 4
roof 3 0.466 0.423 -0.113 2
roof 4 0.468 0.452 -0.148 3
roof 5 0.472 0.471 -0.103 1
6d. Reference point theory with ratios: coordinates of the reference
point equal to the maximal objective values
[x.sub.1] [x.sub.2] [x.sub.3] [x.sub.4]
[r.sub.i] 0.613 0.401 0.401 0.194
[x.sub.5] [x.sub.6] [x.sub.7]
[r.sub.i] 0.472 0.472 0.423
6e. Reference point theory: deviations from the reference point
[x.sub.1] [x.sub.2] [x.sub.3] [x.sub.4] [x.sub.5]
roof 1 0.464 0.000 0.000 0.611 0.083
roof 2 0.349 0.016 0.016 0.264 0.036
roof 3 0.117 0.040 0.040 0.042 0.006
roof 4 0.077 0.072 0.072 0.028 0.004
roof 5 0.000 0.096 0.096 0.000 0.000
[x.sub.6] [x.sub.7] max Rank
roof 1 0.083 0.038 0.611 5
roof 2 0.036 0.005 0.349 4
roof 3 0.006 0.000 0.117 3
roof 4 0.004 0.029 0.0766 1
roof 5 0.000 0.048 0.096 2
Table 6'. The full Multiplicative Form
max min C=A:B min E=C:D
roof 1 1.73 144.51 0.012 74'646.64 1.6011 x [10.sup.-7]
roof 2 3.08 150.29 0.021 77'632.30 2.6372 x [10.sup.-7]
roof 3 5.78 158.96 0.036 82'110.79 4.4286 x [10.sup.-7]
roof 4 6.25 170.52 0.037 88'082.11 4.1612 x [10.sup.-7]
roof 5 7.14 179.19 0.040 92'560.59 4.3066 x [10.sup.-7]
min G=E:F max I=G x H
roof 1 16.13 9.926 x [10.sup.-9] 57.56 5.71 x [10.sup.-7]
roof 2 9.18 2.872 x [10.sup.-8] 64.51 1.85 x [10.sup.-6]
roof 3 4.73 9.362 x [10.sup.-8] 68.96 6.46 x [10.sup.-6]
roof 4 4.45 9.351 x [10.sup.-8] 69.24 6.47 x [10.sup.-6]
roof 5 3.89 1.107 x [10.sup.-7] 69.80 7.73 x [10.sup.-6]
max K=I x J min
roof 1 17 267.42 0.99 x [10.sup.-3] 4.32
roof 2 19 352.35 3.59 x [10.sup.-3] 4.01
roof 3 20 687.31 13.36 x [10.sup.-3] 3.97
roof 4 20 771.31 13.45 x [10.sup.-3] 4.24
roof 5 20 939.30 16.18 x [10.sup.-3] 4.42
M Result Project
roof 1 2.30 x [10.sup.-3] 5 roof 1
roof 2 8.90 x [10.sup.-3] 4 roof 2
roof 3 33.70 x [10.sup.-3] 2 roof 3
roof 4 31.70 x [10.sup.-3] 3 roof 4
roof 5 36.60 x [10.sup.-3] 1 roof 5
Annex B
Table 7. MOORA applied on 5 ceiling alternatives with 7 conditions
7a. Matrix of responses of alternatives on objectives: ([x.sub.i,j])
[x.sub.1] [x.sub.2] [x.sub.3] [x.sub.4]
max min min min
ceiling 1 1.95 57.80 29 856.59 8.13
ceiling 2 3.34 65.00 33 575.75 5.49
ceiling 3 4.00 75.00 38 741.25 4.73
ceiling 4 4.700 90.00 46 489.50 4.08
ceiling 5 6.061 104.05 53 747.03 3.39
[x.sub.5] [x.sub.6] [x.sub.7]
max max min
ceiling 1 6.71 2 012.93 14.83
ceiling 2 9.35 2 804.91 11.97
ceiling 3 10.11 3 032.90 12.77
ceiling 4 10.76 3 227.89 14.40
ceiling 5 11.45 3 434.89 15.65
7b. Sum of squares and their square roots
[x.sub.1] [x.sub.2] [x.sub.3]
ceiling 1 3.82 3 340.84 891.42 x [10.sup.6]
ceiling 2 11.19 4225.00 1 127.33 x [10.sup.6]
ceiling 3 16.00 5625.00 1 500.88 x [10.sup.6]
ceiling 4 22.04 8100.00 2 161.27 x [10.sup.6]
ceiling 5 36.73 10 826.40 2 888.74 x [10.sup.6]
Sum of squares. 89.77 32 117.243 8 569.65 x [10.sup.6]
Square roots 9.475 179.213 92 572.393
[x.sub.4] [x.sub.5] [x.sub.6] [x.sub.7]
ceiling 1 66.097 45.02 4 051898.86 220.00
ceiling 2 30.140 87.42 7 867500.47 143.29
ceiling 3 22.373 102.21 9 198475.74 163.17
ceiling 4 16.646 115.78 10 419289.35 207.43
ceiling 5 11.492 131.10 11 798438.40 244.84
Sum of squares. 146.748 481.54 43 335602.82 978.73
Square roots 12.114 21.94 6 582.98 31.29
7c. Objectives divided by their square roots and MOORA
[x.sub.1] [x.sub.2] [x.sub.3] [x.sub.4] [x.sub.5]
ceiling 1 0.206 0.323 0.323 0.671 0.306
ceiling 2 0.353 0.363 0.363 0.453 0.426
ceiling 3 0.422 0.418 0.418 0.390 0.461
ceiling 4 0.496 0.502 0.502 0.337 0.490
ceiling 5 0.640 0.581 0.581 0.280 0.522
[x.sub.6] [x.sub.7] total rank
ceiling 1 0.306 0.474 -0.973 5
ceiling 2 0.426 0.383 -0.356 4
ceiling 3 0.461 0.408 -0.292 3
ceiling 4 0.490 0.460 -0.325 2
ceiling 5 0.522 0.500 -0.258 1
7d. Reference point theory with ratios: coordinates of the reference
point equal to the maximal objective values
[x.sub.1] [x.sub.2] [x.sub.3] [x.sub.4]
[r.sib.i] 0.640 0.323 0.323 0.280
[x.sub.5] [x.sub.6] [x.sub.7]
[r.sib.i] 0.522 0.522 0.383
7e. Reference point theory: deviations from the reference point
[x.sub.1] [x.sub.2] [x.sub.3] [x.sub.4] [x.sub.5]
ceiling 1 0.434 0.000 0.000 0.391 0.216
ceiling 2 0.287 0.040 0.040 0.173 0.096
ceiling 3 0.217 0.096 0.096 0.111 0.061
ceiling 4 0.144 0.180 0.180 0.057 0.031
ceiling 5 0.000 0.258 0.258 0.000 0.000
[x.sub.6] [x.sub.7] max min
ceiling 1 0.216 0.091 0.434 5
ceiling 2 0.096 0.000 0.287 4
ceiling 3 0.061 0.026 0.218 2
ceiling 4 0.031 0.078 0.180 1
ceiling 5 0.000 0.118 0.258 3
Table 7'. The full Multiplicative Form
max min C=A:B min E=C:D
ceiling 1 1.95 57.80 0.034 29 856.59 1.132 x [10.sup.-6]
ceiling 2 3.34 65.00 0.052 33 575.75 1.533 x [10.sup.-6]
ceiling 3 4.00 75.00 0.053 38 741.25 1.377 x [10.sup.-6]
ceiling 4 4.70 90.00 0.052 46 489.50 1.122 x [10.sup.-6]
ceiling 5 6.06 104.05 0.058 53 747.03 1.084 x [10.sup.-6]
min G=E:F max I=G x H
ceiling 1 8.13 1.392 x [10.sup.-7] 6.71 9.34 x [10.sup.-7]
ceiling 2 5.49 2.791 x [10.sup.-7] 9.35 2.61 x [10.sup.-6]
ceiling 3 4.73 2.911 x [10.sup.-7] 10.11 2.94 x [10.sup.-6]
ceiling 4 4.08 2.750 x [10.sup.-7] 10.76 2.96 x [10.sup.-6]
ceiling 5 3.39 3.197 x [10.sup.-7] 11.45 3.66 x [10.sup.-6]
max K=I-J min
ceiling 1 2 012.93 0.19 x [10.sup.-2] 14.83
ceiling 2 2 804.91 0.73 x [10.sup.-2] 11.97
ceiling 3 3 032.90 0.89 x [10.sup.-2] 12.77
ceiling 4 3 227.89 0.96 x [10.sup.-2] 14.40
ceiling 5 3 434.89 0.13 x [10.sup.-2] 15.65
M=K:L Result Project
ceiling 1 0.127 x [10.sup.-3] 5 ceiling 1
ceiling 2 0.612 x [10.sup.-3] 4 ceiling 2
ceiling 3 0.699 x [10.sup.-3] 2 ceiling 3
ceiling 4 0.663 x [10.sup.-3] 3 ceiling 4
ceiling 5 0.804 x [10.sup.-3] 1 ceiling 5
Annex C
Table 8. MOORA applied on 5 windows alternatives with 7 conditions
8a. Matrix of responses of alternatives on objectives: ([x.sub.i,j])
[x.sub.1] [x.sub.2] [x.sub.3] [x.sub.4]
max min min min
windows 1 0.588 202.31 102 656.14 46.44
windows 2 0.625 216.76 55 989.11 55.77
windows 3 0.625 216.76 109 988.36 43.71
windows 4 0.833 245.66 63 453.98 50.21
windows 5 0.833 245.66 124 652.80 32.78
[x.sub.5] [x.sub.6] [x.sub.7]
max max min
windows 1 69.14 20 741.31 4.95
windows 2 59.81 17 942.40 3.12
windows 3 71.87 21 560.28 5.10
windows 4 65.37 19 610.35 3.24
windows 5 82.8 24 839.17 5.02
8b. Sum of squares and their square roots
[x.sub.1] [x.sub.2] [x.sub.3]
windows 1 0.35 40 929.34 10 538.28 x [10.sup.6]
windows 2 0.39 46 984.90 3 134.78 x [10.sup.6]
windows 3 0.39 46 984.90 12 097.44 x [10.sup.6]
windows 4 0.69 60 348.84 4 026.41 x [10.sup.6]
windows 5 0.69 60348.84 15 538.32 x [10.sup.6]
Sum of squares. 2.52 255 596.80 45 335.23 x [10.sup.6]
Square roots 1.59 505.57 212 920.71
[x.sub.4] [x.sub.5] [x.sub.6]
windows 1 2 156.67 4 780.34 430.20 x [10.sup.6]
windows 2 3 110.29 3 577.24 321.93 x [10.sup.6]
windows 3 1 910.56 5 165.30 464.85 x [10.sup.6]
windows 4 2 521.04 4 273.24 384.57 x [10.sup.6]
windows 5 1 074.53 6 855.84 616.99 x [10.sup.6]
Sum of squares. 10 773.10 24 651.95 2 218.52 x [10.sup.6]
Square roots 103.79 157.01 47 101.25
windows 1 24.50
windows 2 9.74
windows 3 26.02
windows 4 10.47
windows 5 25.18
Sum of squares. 95.91
Square roots 9.79
8c. Objectives divided by their square roots and MOORA
[x.sub.1] [x.sub.2] [x.sub.3] [x.sub.4] [x.sub.5]
windows 1 0.371 0.400 0.482 0.447 0.440
windows 2 0.394 0.429 0.263 0.537 0.381
windows 3 0.394 0.429 0.517 0.421 0.458
windows 4 0.525 0.486 0.298 0.484 0.416
windows 5 0.525 0.486 0.585 0.316 0.527
[x.sub.6] [x.sub.7] total rank
windows 1 0.440 0.505 -0.584 5
windows 2 0.381 0.319 -0.392 3
windows 3 0.458 0.521 -0.578 4
windows 4 0.416 0.330 -0.240 1
windows 5 0.527 0.512 -0.320 2
8d. Reference point theory with ratios: coordinates of the reference
point equal to the maximal objective values
[x.sub.1] [x.sub.2] [x.sub.3] [x.sub.4]
[r.sub.i] 0.525 0.400 0.263 0.316
[x.sub.5] [x.sub.6] [x.sub.7]
[r.sub.i] 0.527 0.527 0.319
8e. Reference point theory: deviations from the reference point
[x.sub.1] [x.sub.2] [x.sub.3] [x.sub.4] [x.sub.5]
windows 1 0.155 0.000 0.219 0.132 0.087
windows 2 0.131 0.029 0.000 0.221 0.146
windows 3 0.131 0.029 0.254 0.105 0.070
windows 4 0.000 0.086 0.035 0.168 0.111
windows 5 0.000 0.086 0.322 0.000 0.000
[x.sub.6] [x.sub.7] max min
windows 1 0.087 0.187 0.219 2
windows 2 0.146 0.000 0.221 3
windows 3 0.070 0.202 0.254 4
windows 4 0.111 0.012 0.168 1
windows 5 0.000 0.194 0.322 5
Table 8'. The full Multiplicative Form
max min C=A:B min
windows 1 0.588 202.31 0.0029 102 656.14
windows 2 0.625 216.76 0.0029 55 989.11
windows 3 0.625 216.76 0.0029 109 988.36
windows 4 0.833 245.66 0.0034 63 453.98
windows 5 0.833 245.66 0.0034 124 652.80
E=C:D min G=E:F max
windows 1 2.83 x [10.sup.-8] 46.44 6.1 x [10.sup.-10] 69.14
windows 2 5.15 x [10.sup.-8] 55.77 9.23 x [10.sup.-10] 59.81
windows 3 2.62 x [10.sup.-8] 43.71 6 x [10.sup.-10] 71.87
windows 4 5.35 x [10.sup.-8] 50.21 1.06 x [10.sup.-10] 65.37
windows 5 2.72 x [10.sup.-8] 32.78 8.3 x [10.sup.-10] 82.80
I=G-H max K=I x J
windows 1 4.217 x [10.sup.-8] 20 741.31 0.09 x [10.sup.2]
windows 2 5.523 x [10.sup.-8] 17 942.40 0.10 x [10.sup.2]
windows 3 4.31 x [10.sup.-8] 21 560.28 0.09 x [10.sup.2]
windows 4 6.96 x [10.sup.-8] 19 610.35 0.14 x [10.sup.2]
windows 5 6.87 x [10.sup.-8] 24 839.17 0.17 x [10.sup.2]
L M Project
min M=K:L Result
windows 1 4.95 0.177 x [10.sup.-3] 5 windows 1
windows 2 3.12 0.318 x [10.sup.-3] 3 windows 2
windows 3 5.10 0.182 x [10.sup.-3] 4 windows 3
windows 4 3.24 0.422 x [10.sup.-3] 1 windows 4
windows 5 5.02 0.340 x [10.sup.-3] 2 windows 5
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Willem Karel M. Brauers (1), Modestas Kracka (2), Edmundas
Kazimieras Zavadskas (3)
(1) Faculty of Applied Economics, University of Antwerp,
Prinsstraat 13, B2000 Antwerpen, Belgium
(2,3) Department of Construction Technology and Management, Vilnius
Gediminas Technical University, Sauletekio al. 11, LT-10223 Vilnius,
E-mails: (1)
[email protected] (corresponding author); (2)
[email protected]; (3)
[email protected]
Received 27 Dec. 2011: accepted 27 Feb. 2012
Willem Karel M. BRAUERS was graduated as: PhD in economics (Un. of
Leuven), Master of Arts (in economics) of Columbia Un. (New York),
Master in Management and Financial Sciences, in Political and Diplomatic
Sciences and Bachelor in Philosophy (Un. of Leuven). He is professor at
the Faculty of Applied Economics and at the Institute for Development
Policy and Management of the University of Antwerp. Previously, he was
professor at the University of Leuven, the Military Staff College, the
School of Military Administrators, and the Antwerp Business School. He
was a research fellow in several American institutions like Rand
Corporation, the Pentagon, the Institute for the Future, the Futures
Group and extraordinary advisor to the Center for Economic Studies of
the University of Leuven. He was consultant in the public sector, such
as the Belgian Department of National Defense, the Department of
Industry in Thailand, the project for the construction of a new port in
Algeria (the port of Arzew) and in the private sector such as the
international seaport of Antwerp and in electrical works. He was
Chairman of the Board of Directors of SORCA Ltd. Brussels, Management
Consultants for Developing Countries, linked to the world-wide group of
ARCADIS and Chairman of the Board of Directors of MARESCO Ltd. Antwerp,
Marketing Consultants. At the moment he is General Manager of
CONSULTING, Systems Engineering Consultants. Brauers is member of many
international scientific organizations. His specialization covers:
Optimizing Techniques with Several Objectives, Forecasting Techniques
and Public Sector Economics such as for National Defense and for
Regional Sub-optimization and Input-Output Techniques. His scientific
publications consist of seventeen books and hundreds of articles and
Modestas KRACKA. PhD student (civil engineering). Dept of
Construction Technology and Management, Gediminas Technical University
(VGTU), Vilnius Lithuania. Master of Science (Civil engineering), VGTU,
2007. Bachelor of Science (Urban engineering), VGTU, 2005. Research
interests: Construction process, usage and maintenance of buildings,
Building Construction Technology, Building Renovation. Access to local
technical regulations for building renovation, particularly heritage
Edmundas Kazimieras ZAVADSKAS is head of the Research Institute of
Internet and Intelligent Technologies and head of the Department of
Construction Technology and Management at Vilnius Gediminas Technical
University, Vilnius, Lithuania. He has a PhD in building structures
(1973) and DrSc (1987) in building technology and management. He is a
member of the Lithuanian and several foreign Academies of Sciences. He
is Doctore Honoris Causa at Poznan, Saint Petersburg, and Kiev
universities. He is a member of international organizations and has been
a member of steering and programme committees at many international
conferences. E. K. Zavadskas is a member of editorial boards of several
research journals. He is author and co-author of more than 400 papers
and a number of monographs. Research interests are: building technology
and management, decision-making theory, automation in design and
decision support systems.
Table 1. Heat losses through existing partitions
No. Heat losses Calculated values
per year)
1 Heat losses through the walls 90.21
2 Heat losses through the roof 73.69
3 Heat losses through the insulated cellar 14.84
4 Heat losses through the windows 68.29
5 Heat losses through the external doors 0.36
6 Heat losses through the bearer thermal 32.40
7 Heat losses through opening external doors 1.23
8 Energy consumption for natural ventilation 24.04
of the building
9 Heat losses through the external air 75.64
10 Heat inflows in the building -28.76
11 Internal heat divergence in the building -6.34
12 Total energy consumption in the building 345.6
(without the assessment of the efficiency
of the heating system)
Table 2. Heating energy consumptions, costs and payback periods of the
main partitions
[x.sub.1] [x.sub.2] [x.sub.3] [x.sub.4]
max min min min
1 wall 1 2.10 145.00 182 700.00 32.56
wall 2 3.45 150.00 189 000.00 19.67
wall 3 4.76 160.00 201 600.00 14.24
wall 4 5.00 180.00 226 800.00 13.57
wall 5 5.99 190.00 239 400.00 11.53
2 roof 1 1.73 144.51 74 646.64 16.13
roof 2 3.08 150.29 77 632.30 9.18
roof 3 5.78 158.96 82 110.79 4.73
roof 4 6.25 170.52 88 082.11 4.45
roof 5 7.14 179.19 92 560.59 3.89
3 ceiling 1 1.95 57.80 29 856.59 8.13
ceiling 2 3.34 66.47 34 335.08 5.49
ceiling 3 4.00 72.25 37 320.74 4.73
ceiling 4 4.70 89.6 46 282.88 4.08
ceiling 5 6.06 104.05 53 747.03 3.39
4 windows 1 0.59 202.31 102 656.14 46.44
windows 2 0.63 216.76 55 989.11 55.77
windows 3 0.63 216.76 109 988.36 43.71
windows 4 0.83 245.66 63 453.98 50.21
windows 5 0.83 245.66 124 652.80 32.78
[x.sub.5] [x.sub.6] [x.sub.7]
max max min
1 wall 1 57.65 17 294.42 10.56
wall 2 70.54 21 161.29 8.93
wall 3 75.97 22 790.24 8.85
wall 4 76.64 22 991.23 9.86
wall 5 78.68 23 603.21 10.14
2 roof 1 57.56 17 267.42 4.32
roof 2 64.51 19 352.35 4.01
roof 3 68.96 20 687.31 3.97
roof 4 69.24 20 771.31 4.24
roof 5 69.80 20 939.30 4.42
3 ceiling 1 6.710 2 012.93 14.83
ceiling 2 9.35 2 804.91 12.24
ceiling 3 10.11 3 032.90 12.31
ceiling 4 10.76 3 227.89 14.34
ceiling 5 11.45 3 434.89 15.65
4 windows 1 69.14 20 741.31 4.95
windows 2 59.81 17 942.40 3.12
windows 3 71.87 21 560.28 5.10
windows 4 65.37 19 610.35 3.24
windows 5 82.80 24 839.17 5.02
Table 3. MOORA applied on 5 wall alternatives with 7 conditions
3a. Matrix of responses of alternatives on objectives: ([x.sub.ij])
[x.sub.1] [x.sub.2] [x.sub.3] [x.sub.4]
max min min min
wall 1 2.10 145 182 700.00 32.56
wall 2 3.45 150 189 000.00 19.67
wall 3 4.76 160 201 600.00 14.24
wall 4 5.00 180 226 800.00 13.57
wall 5 5.99 190 239 400.00 11.53
[x.sub.5] [x.sub.6] [x.sub.7]
max max min
wall 1 57.65 17 294.42 10.56
wall 2 70.54 21 161.29 8.93
wall 3 75.97 22 790.24 8.85
wall 4 76.64 22 991.23 9.86
wall 5 78.68 23 603.21 10.14
3b. Sum of squares and their square roots
[x.sub.1] [x.sub.2] [x.sub.3]
wall 1 4.41 21025 33 379.29 x [10.sup.6]
wall 2 11.89 22500 35 721 x [10.sup.6]
wall 3 22.68 25600 40 642.56 x [10.sup.6]
wall 4 25.00 32400 51 438.24 x [10.sup.6]
wall 5 35.86 36100 57 312.36 x [10.sup.6]
Sum of squares. 99.84 137 625.00 218 493450 x [10.sup.6]
Square roots 9.99 370.98 467 432.82
[x.sub.4] [x.sub.5]
wall 1 1 060.15 3 323.52
wall 2 386.91 4 975.89
wall 3 202.78 5 771.44
wall 4 184.15 5 873.69
wall 5 132.94 6 190.54
Sum of squares. 1 966.93 26 135.09
Square roots 44.35 161.66
[x.sub.6] [x.sub.7]
wall 1 2 990.97 x [10.sup.5] 111.60
wall 2 4 478.00 x [10.sup.5] 79.77
wall 3 5 193.950 x [10.sup.5] 78.25
wall 4 5 285.96 x [10.sup.5] 97.31
wall 5 5 571.11 x [10.sup.5] 102.87
Sum of squares. 23 520.01 x [10.sup.5] 469.81
Square roots 48 497.43 21.68
3 c. Objectives divided by their square roots and MOORA
[x.sub.1] [x.sub.2] [x.sub.3] [x.sub.4] [x.sub.5]
wall 1 0.210 0.391 0.391 0.734 0.357
wall 2 0.345 0.404 0.404 0.444 0.436
wall 3 0.477 0.431 0.431 0.321 0.470
wall 4 0.500 0.485 0.485 0.306 0.474
wall 5 0.599 0.512 0.512 0.260 0.487
[x.sub.6] [x.sub.7] total Rank
wall 1 0.357 0.487 -1.080 5
wall 2 0.436 0.412 -0.446 4
wall 3 0.470 0.408 -0.175 1
wall 4 0.474 0.455 -0.283 3
wall 5 0.487 0.468 -0.180 2
3d. Reference point theory with ratios: coordinates of the reference
point equal to the maximal objective values
[x.sub.1] [x.sub.2] [x.sub.3] [x.sub.4]
[r.sub.i] 0.599 0.391 0.391 0.260
[x.sub.5] [x.sub.6] [x.sub.7]
[r.sub.i] 0.487 0.487 0.408
3e. Reference point theory: deviations from the reference point
[x.sub.1] [x.sub.2] [x.sub.3] [x.sub.4] [x.sub.5]
wall 1 0.389 0.000 0.000 0.474 0.130
wall 2 0.254 0.013 0.013 0.184 0.050
wall 3 0.123 0.040 0.040 0.061 0.017
wall 4 0.099 0.094 0.094 0.046 0.013
wall 5 0.000 0.121 0.121 0.000 0.000
[x.sub.6] [x.sub.7] max Rank
wall 1 0.130 0.079 0.474 5
wall 2 0.050 0.004 0.254 4
wall 3 0.017 0.000 0.123 3
wall 4 0.013 0.047 0.099 1
wall 5 0.000 0.060 0.121 2
Table 4. The Full Multiplicative Form
max min C=A:B min E=C:D
wall 1 2.10 145 0.01 182 700.00 7.93 x [10.sup.-8]
wall 2 3.45 150 0.02 189 000.00 1.21 x [10.sup.-7]
wall 3 4.76 160 0.03 201 600.00 1.47 x [10.sup.-7]
wall 4 5.00 180 0.03 226 800.00 1.22 x [10.sup.-7]
wall 5 5.99 190 0.03 239 400.00 1.31 x [10.sup.-7]
min G=E:F max I=G x H
wall 1 32.56 2.44 x [10.sup.-9] 57.65 1.4 x [10.sup.-7]
wall 2 19.67 6.18 x [10.sup.-9] 70.54 4.36 x [10.sup.-7]
wall 3 14.24 1.04 x [10.sup.-8] 75.97 7.88 x [10.sup.-7]
wall 4 13.57 9.02 x [10.sup.-9] 76.64 6.92 x [10.sup.-7]
wall 5 11.53 1.14 x [10.sup.-9] 78.68 8.98 x [10.sup.-7]
max K=I x J min
wall 1 17 294.42 0.24 x [10.sup.-2] 10.56
wall 2 21 161.29 0.92 x [10.sup.-2] 8.93
wall 3 22 790.24 1.79 x [10.sup.-2] 8.85
wall 4 22 991.23 1.59 x [10.sup.-2] 9.86
wall 5 23 603.21 2.12 x [10.sup.-2] 10.14
M Result Project
wall 1 0.23 x [10.sup.-3] 5 wall 1
wall 2 1.03 x [10.sup.-3] 4 wall 2
wall 3 2.03 x [10.sup.-3] 2 wall 3
wall 4 1.61 x [10.sup.-3] 3 wall 4
wall 5 2.09 x [10.sup.-3] 1 wall 5
Table 5. MULTIMOORA as a consequence of the MOORA method and of the
Full Multiplicative Form
Ratio Reference Form
system point Rank
1 wall 1 5 5 5 5
wall 2 4 4 4 4
wall 3 1 3 2 2
wall 4 3 1 3 3
wall 5 2 2 1 1
2 roof 1 5 5 5 5
roof 2 4 4 4 4
roof 3 2 3 2 2
roof 4 3 1 3 3
roof 5 1 2 1 1
3 ceiling 1 5 5 5 5
ceiling 2 4 4 4 4
ceiling 3 2 2 2 2
ceiling 4 3 1 3 3
ceiling 5 1 3 1 1
4 windows 1 5 2 5 5
windows 2 3 3 3 3
windows 3 4 4 4 4
windows 4 1 1 1 1
windows 5 2 5 2 2