A decision-making model for adoption of enterprise resource planning tools by small-to-medium size construction organizations/Sprendimu priemimo modelis, taikomas imones istekliu planavimo priemonems parinkti mazose ir vidutinese statybos organizacijose.
Negahban, Sam S. ; Baecher, Gregory B. ; Skibniewski, Miroslaw J. 等
1. Introduction
Although Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) has been fully
implemented by most major industrial sectors, its utilization in the
construction industry has been limited to a few large organizations
(Tatari et al. 2007). The largest groups that have either failed in
their efforts to adopt this technology, or are not familiar with it, are
Small-to-Mid-Size Construction Organizations (SMSCOs). Why members of
SMSCO are not willing or able to adopt ERP, despite all its potential
benefits, is the question that is addressed in this research. In
addition since no study has been conducted that deals with creation of a
decision-making model for adoption of ERP system by SMSCO, this research
will develop and test a decision making model to be utilized by members
Studies that have identified several prohibitive factors, are
limited in both their nature and their findings (Skibniewski, Ghosh
2009; Chung et al. 2008). Findings have been limited to case studies and
survey-based evidence established using statistical analysis. Presently,
there is no large-scale empirical study that addresses the issue of why
the use of ERP is not as widespread as it should be in SMSCOs. After
identification of the problem to be resolved by this research and an
extensive literature review was completed, a questionnaire was designed
and utilized as the primary instrument to survey the SMSCO sector in
order to identify the Prohibitive Criteria, their interrelationships,
and their hierarchical ranking. The participants in the survey were
chosen from the members of SMSCO in United States of America, Mid
Atlantic region. These surveys were conducted in fall and winter of
2. Literature review
Many organizations are in the process of implementing ERP systems;
however, the success rate for these systems remains historically low. A
study by Zabjek et al. (2009) indicates that approximately 90% of the
projects are regarded as failures. Taking into account critical success
factors and risks associated with the implementation, Chakraborty and
Sharma (2007) also argued that 90% of all ERP implementations are
considered as failures in terms of project management. A number of
studies have investigated the poor performance of ERP projects (Paulk
2004; Roeding et al. 1999). Some of the user-related factors that have
contributed to this failure are rejection, under-utilization, and lack
of technological capabilities, let alone the complex nature of the
projects themselves (Luo, Strong 2004). Kwak et al. (2011) indicate that
even if the system is installed on time and within budget, it cannot be
successful if users perceive that the system is useless for
organizational processes or feel there are difficulties in utilizing it.
In the current literature, writers have identified the following
major common obstacles: time, cost, and evaluation (Frisk, Planten
According to Frisk and Planten (2004), the time it takes to realize
the benefits of ERP implementation is one of the four major problems in
IT benefit management. Webb (1998), believes that organizations cannot
afford to spend years implementing technology solutions. He indicated
that in some industries, lengthy implementation can provide competitors
with enough time to threaten or even overtake the market position of the
implementing organization.
Chen (2001) reported that the total ERP cost including software,
hardware, consulting, and internal personnel can easily run as high as
2-3% of a company's revenues. The cost to implement a new ERP can
range anywhere from $2 million to $4 million for a small firm, to over
$1 billion for a large company. Cotteller et al. (1998), reported a
breakdown of the implementation costs for ERP system integration as
follows: software, 16%; hardware, 32%; system integration, 38%; and
headcount, 14%.
Current literature has concentrated on evaluating the system and
its immediate impact, rather than focusing on its strategic potential
and its match with an organization's overall goal and strategy.
Kefi (2002) emphasized the importance of identifying the strategic
context before implementing a system or starting an IT project in order
to achieve the right business focus.
Frisk and Planten (2004) showed that an analysis of the objectives
and influence of the various stakeholders is a common part of many of
the evaluation studies. External and internal stakeholders of the
project (Huang 2003) are mentioned. Although stakeholders appear to be
an essential part of the evaluation, there is a lack of explanation of
how they should be identified and included in the evaluation (Frisk,
Planten 2004; Choenni et al. 2003; Van Grembergen, Van Bruggen 1998;
Griffith, Remenyi 2003).
By far the most significant criteria that need to be carefully
analyzed when it comes to evaluation of ERP are the financial aspects.
Most organizations are very conscious of this factor and the impact that
it might have on their operation. When dealing with financial criteria,
we must be concerned with the metrics used to measure them; after all,
one cannot adequately evaluate something that has not been correctly
quantified. Relying only on subjective measurements will not produce
reliable results.
Organizations must approach the investment in ERP as capital asset
expenditure, an asset that needs time to mature in order to pay
dividends. Taking a short-term view in evaluating ERP will not truly
reflect the potential benefits and costs. Experience has shown the ERP
implementation process can take anywhere from two to five years to be
completed (Gunson, Blasis 2001). Cost benefit analysis has been
mentioned as the method organizations use most frequently to evaluate
and justify their investment in ERP. Because this method of analysis has
such an important influence on the evaluation process, it needs to be
examined in greater detail.
A survey conducted by van Everdingen et al. (2000) among mid-size
organizations in the European market found that the potential size of
the ERP market just in Europe among SMSCOs exceeds the staggering amount
of $50 billion per year. This study also found that SMSCO members are
interested the following functional areas: purchase and sales order
management, inventory and materials management, production and assembly,
transportation, service and maintenance, marketing and sales, warehouse
management, financial accounting, and human resource management.
In an article in the April 2000 issue of Communication of the ACM,
van Everdingen et al. (2000) presented the results of a survey which
identified the selection criteria utilized by SMSCOs, here listed in
order of importance: fit flexibility, cost, user-friendliness,
scalability, and support. In addition, this same study's data show
that European mid-size companies tend to focus on product
characteristics rather than on the vendor of the product. It was
concluded that it made little difference whether the vendor was a market
leader, an international oriented company, or a company with a superior
image. In order to obtain higher efficiencies from IT adoption, the
business process needs to expand to a wider transformation of the entire
process (Nitithamyong, Skibniewski 2004).
In addition, Anderson (2001) identified the following additional
obstacles to ERP adoption by SMSCOs: (1) conservatism of the ownership
group; (2) the high risk of litigation following the use of innovative
solutions that subsequently fail; (3) high rates of change in technology
and business solutions; (4) lack of user training investment; (5) the
overselling of benefits by IT solution providers; (6) the lack of
standardization leading to incompatibilities, conflict, and too many
Shi and Halpin (2003) indicate that another problem is a lack of
additional practical functionalities that would suit SMSCO members--such
as functionalities for handling earned value, percent complete, cost
forecasting for determining project progress, scheduling, budgeting,
project tracking, procurement process, and reporting. These authors also
caution that the size of the system or its scale needs to be adjusted to
fit the construction operations of SMSCOs.
The suitability and implementation status of ERP systems in
contractor firms has been studied and it has been noted that the
majority of contractor firms are aware of the ERP systems, but very few
organizations have implemented such systems (Ahmed et al. 2003). Ahmed
et al. (2003) concluded that the major reason for this lack of
implementation was the size of the investment in time and money
required. Shi and Halpin (2003) stated that the unique nature of the
construction industry acts as a barrier to implementation of ERP
Decision making is an important part of any construction project
manager's daily tasks. The research conducted by Dean and Sharfman
(1996) showed that strategic decisions are influenced by the process
used. More specifically, managers who used analytical techniques made
decisions that were more effective than those who did not, and managers
who engaged in the use of power or pushed hidden agendas were less
effective than those who did not.
The decision-making model mostly consists of a number of stages.
Researchers have commented on the confusing nature of many recorded
instances of ERP decision making (Saint-Leger, Savall 2001; Sammon, Adam
2000; Sammon, Lawlor 2001) and the presence of political decision making
(Shakir 2000; Sammon, Lawlor 2001).
Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) is among the most popular
technology adoption models. It was designed specifically to explain
computer usage (Davis et al. 1989) and the role of behavioral intention
to use the system. A key purpose of TAM is to provide a basis for
tracing the impact of external factors on internal beliefs, attitudes,
and intentions (Davis 1989). As indicated previously, TAM is focused on
users of IT applications and therefore was singled out for additional
investigation for possible adoption.
3. Why a new model
The decision-making process in an SMSCO is rather complicated,
driven by a number of construction specific variables. These variables
and their unique nature cannot be clearly defined by existing
technology-acceptance models. The existing models, mostly based on
TAM's deterministic approach to the process of decision making,
while very simple, do not offer adequate solutions to the problems
encountered. It became obvious that when dealing with technology
adoption models a more SMSCO oriented yet simple model was required.
Flexibility & Self Expression
Current models utilize a deterministic approach in their process,
and therefore are not able to provide much flexibility and consideration
for self regulation to the decision maker. The question became, in order
to overcome this can a model be created which provides a high degree of
flexibility and an opportunity for SMSCO to self express the particulars
of their own unique operations to decision making process?
Simple but Complete
Current models which are based on TAM rely on an oversimplified
process and thus neglect impact of prohibitive criteria and group's
cultural aspects of decision making process applicable to SMSCO.
Question to ask was, can a model be generated that would provide a level
of simplicity required to provide for consideration of the impact of
prohibitive criteria and group's cultural aspects on the decision
making process?
4. Conceptual ERP adoption model (EAM)
We adopted the model that incorporated the paradigm shift proposed
by Bagozzi (2006) with its theoretical roots in TAM to become the
starting point for our new model. The factors influencing our decision
to adopt this model were as follows: adaptability of proposed "new
core" to construction industry requirements, introduction and
existence of the self-regulation concept, theoretical underpinning,
linear relationship between various elements, and theoretical testimony.
Considering all these factors, we have proposed a new ERP Adoption Model
(EAM) as shown in Fig. 1.
EAM as shown in Fig. 1 consists of eight different elements: (1)
problem identification; (2) information search; (3) planning; (4)
selection/short list; (5) evaluation; (6) self-regulation; (7) choice;
(8) implementation. EAM begins with problem identification and ends with
implementation. EAM has a deterministic core, but some of the processes
are iterative and could be done concurrently. Each process results in
deliverables that are used by another process.
As indicated, activity among some of the processes is highly
iterative even though the EAM overall has a sequential progression that
takes the organization from problem identification to implementation.
The iterative sequence of activities is associated with the
self-regulation element of the model.
Problem Identification
Problem identification must be initiated by an
investigative/project team that can complete an organizational review
and verify or deny the existence of a problem. Individual team members
need to be selected in such a way that the team has a cross-functional
and multidisciplinary capability. Various methodologies can be utilized
to verify the nature and scope of the problem. In-house self-evaluation
or outside reviews could be viable alternatives. Existence of "No
Problem" answers must be considered and accepted if that be the
case. However, if a problem is identified by the team it must be clearly
defined and tabulated.
Information Search
The information search should be an iterative process since
information will always be feeding the planning process. It could
consist of two principal elements: information screening and information
sources. Some of the key factors that must be considered are as follows:
(1) the type and nature of the information that is to be gathered; (2)
the credibility of the sources, whether internal or external; (3) the
credibility of the information that was obtained; (4) reliability of the
sources whether internal or external; (5) reliability of the information
obtained; (6) outside references; (7) client referrals from the vendors;
(8) the possibility of information overload and confusion.
Organizations must commit to and spend a significant amount of time
in the planning process. Each organization must develop an acquisition
strategy that reduces uncertainty associated with the process. The
planning team must define the organization's requirements for the
ERP solution. Each team must establish its individual criteria for
selection, evaluation, and choice stages prior to contacting any vendors
or looking at an ERP solution.
These criteria must be based on information that is gathered from
end users and other sources. The defined criteria then need to be
utilized to complete various processes within each stage, such as market
analysis, grid/ matrices for selection, and choice processes. The
organization's planning team must consider as many applicable
issues as possible. In this stage, the initial participation of
representatives for various end-user groups is a critical element.
During market analysis, the acquisition team should determine who the
major players are in the marketplace for the ERP system that they are
seeking. There must be a fixed number of deliverables that are to be
produced at the end of the process.
Selection/Short List
The selection/short list is the intermediary stage between the
planning/filtering processes and the evaluation stage. Within this
process the following two principal actions must be considered:
"evaluate RFI/RFP/RFQ responses, and create a short list of
Completion of proper evaluation of RFI/RFP/RFQ must be the main
concern of the project team at this stage. Some recursive activities
between this process and the planning process will probably occur. The
deliverable of this stage is a short list of vendors that need to be
thoroughly evaluated.
Evaluation is a very critical and complicated process that the
project team must conduct. Critical factors the team must consider
include the following: strategic match, stakeholders' influence,
system specific, organizational impact, life-cycle approach, and
financial criteria. Within this process, vendors, the functionalities
provided by ERP system, and technical issues must be evaluated. The
criteria and strategies that are established during the planning process
should be utilized to complete the evaluation. The deliverables of this
stage must consist of a vendor and functionalities/modules.
Within our research, we have paid particular attention to the
nature of self-regulation, with its variables and constraints.
Self-regulation was introduced into EAM in order to account for the
possible impact of the "human agency" into the decision-making
process. When properly conducted, self-regulation will allow for a
reality check that is critical to the success of the technology
adoption. Existence of Self-Regulation element allows decision makers in
an SMSCO or any other organization, to incorporate factors that are
unique to their organizations into the decision making process.
Addressing the issues raised as a result of implementation of
Self-Regulation element will prevent future problems that could be
detrimental to the entire process.
This stage is the natural culmination of the evaluation process.
Once the deliverable of the evaluation process has become clear it must
be recommended to the entire ownership group. In the case of SMSCOs, it
is of the utmost importance to obtain the approval of the majority, if
not all, of the ownership group. This stage was singled out so that the
ownership group has an opportunity to independently review the finding
and make a full commitment to implementation.
The last stage of the EAM consists of the final series of
activities required for SMSCOs to successfully select and implement an
ERP system. The negotiation part of this stage should consist of the
business and legal segment, culminating in signing the final contract.
5. Prohibitive criteria confirmation questionnaire
One of the initial objectives of this research was to identify the
reasons for SMSCO's failure to utilize and or implement ERP
systems. A review of literature identified a number of criteria that
hereafter are referred to as Prohibitive Criteria. Prohibitive criteria
are defined as those criteria that cause an SMSCO to terminate the
implementation of ERP. In order to reaffirm these criteria with
real-life experiences of members of an SMSCO, it was decided to conduct
a paper-based questionnaire. Before the questionnaire was sent out, it
was reviewed by three SMSCO executives and two academics. Several
detailed meetings were held to ensure that the questionnaire was
comprehensive and understandable. Finally, we contacted two hundred
participants that included SMSCO construction industry executives,
construction management personnel, A/E construction managers, and
resident engineers, with detailed working knowledge of operations for a
small-to medium-size construction company.
The common denominator among all participants was their knowledge
of the day- to-day operation of an SMSCO. In addition, their familiarity
with general Web technology applications was targeted. Since we
anticipated that this group had not had much experience using ERP, their
detailed knowledge of it was not selected as a critical targeting
The majority of respondents were contractors, in one form or
another. A combination of general contractors and subcontractors
constituted 41% of respondents, indicating a high degree of familiarity
with the day-today operation of an SMSCO. The next largest group was
owners or owners' representatives. For the purpose of this
research, and utilizing the federal guidelines defining small-to
medium-size business, an upper limit of $20 million of gross billing was
chosen to be the defining limit for an SMSCO.
Based on this definition, 79% of respondents were identified to be
members of SMSCOs. This was a clear indication of the sampling validity
of this questionnaire. Clearly this group was very familiar with issues
facing SMSCOs, either as contractors or as members of other professional
categories such as A/E, suppliers, or owners. We checked the
respondent's familiarity with Web/IT, and found that a majority of
respondents, 76%, were very familiar with Web technology.
Since initial interviews showed that respondents had a minimal
familiarity with ERP terminology, it was decided to measure their
understanding of the subject by first measuring their familiarity with
Web technology. SMSCO executives told us that this would be a good
starting point to define the profile of respondents.
A majority of participants had access to the Web. They were not
familiar with various ERP/project management tools; however, they were
also willing to adjust their business procedures in order to utilize
IT-oriented project management tools. Among these participants, a
majority did not enjoy the broad and full support of their senior
management. Those who were familiar with project management tools had
utilized only rudimentary and basic in-house software packages that they
had developed.
The majority of participants were familiar with some IT project
management tools, with e-mail being the most prominent. Participants
also said that cost and time were the areas that could improve most
positively as a result of implementing the tool. In addition, they
agreed that the tool could improve communication substantially and that
it could also benefit standardization. Finally, the majority, when
asked, stated that they had neither used these tools nor would
anticipate any increase in their profits; however, of the group that had
utilized these tools, the majority said their profits had improved.
The significant majority of participants confirmed cost as a
primary prohibitive factor. This was followed by training and
infrastructures. Within cost, the subcategory of initial cost was
selected as a primary concern among all cost subgroups. Respondents also
expressed their significant concern about security, reliability, and
level of complications associated with different functionalities.
Finally, they identified time as a common denominator among all criteria
as another significant prohibitive factor.
Results of the field questionnaire confirmed the findings that were
identified by the literature review. Based on the findings of the
questionnaire, initial interviews, literature review, and practical
applicability, the following prohibitive criteria were selected and set
as critical determinants: cost, time, functionalities, and security.
Respondents to the field questionnaire identified the following
cost categories as important: initial cost, maintenance cost, and
training cost. This finding was supported by the literature review. In
order to further isolate the relationship and the impact that the
initial cost item might have, it was decided to divide cost into two
separate groupings--implementation cost and initial cost.
The literature review identified the time scale as a major
prohibitive factor. Time was also a common thread among a number of
concerns that were identified by the field questionnaire. Cost,
security, and complication of functionalities all are impacted by time,
which is the most common denominator.
Having confirmed and selected time as another prohibitive
criterion, it was decided that time needed to be subdivided into the
following subcategories: production time, implementation time, training
time, and technical durability time.
Since one of the objectives of this study was to generate a
practical framework for SMSCOs to implement ERP systems, it was decided
to analyze the impact of various functionalities that are offered by
these systems. The literature we reviewed identified complexities of
various functionalities offered by major ERP systems as another
prohibitive criterion (Ahmed et al. 2003).
The field questionnaire verified the level of concern that SMSCOs
have for various functionalities such as project administration, project
controls, project collaboration, and project contract management.
Respondents expressed their concern about standardization, complications
and communication issues. Based on the literature reviewed and results
obtained from the questionnaire, we decided to identify the following as
subcategories of functionality: project collaboration,
modularity/flexibility, project controls, project administration, and
project contract management.
The literature review also revealed that system security, data
reliability, and legal issues are major prohibitive criteria.
Respondents to the field questionnaire confirmed that security and legal
issues are major prohibitive criteria. On two different occasions they
expressed significant concern for these issues. Based on the literature
review and answers obtained from the field questionnaire, we decided to
select the following subcategories for further analysis: data access,
data control, data reliability, and legal issues.
6. Prohibitive/self-regulation criteria questionnaire
This research called for the application of the
prohibitive/self-regulation criteria to the self-regulating process of
EAM. The proposed research model recommended that SMSCOs utilize these
criteria in order to self-regulate their requirements and perspectives
for a potential new ERP system. Therefore, following the confirmation of
prohibitive criteria, a more in-depth investigation of each of these
criteria was warranted. This investigation was necessary to measure the
relative strength, hierarchical ranking, and impact of the criteria.
In order to examine the impact of these criteria on the level of
acceptance and adoptability of existing ERP systems for an SMSCO
environment, we decided to design a questionnaire to distribute among a
select group of construction industry professionals who are familiar
with ERP systems and their applications. A self-administrated Web-based
field questionnaire was selected because it offered the most cost
effective, yet efficient, method to reach the respondents, who were
located all across the world.
In the questionnaire two separate alternatives for ERP systems were
identified and defined as follows:
--ERP--existing software packages that aim to integrate the main
business functions across all departments within an organization, from
vendors such as SAP, Oracle, and IFS;
--Web-based Project Management Systems (WPMS)--any electronic
project management system that is applied through an intranet using
internet protocols to transmit information.
These two systems were utilized as a measuring instrument for
determining the impact of various criteria on the operation of an
organization. A pair-wise comparison analysis of the criteria was
7. Prohibitive/self-regulation criteria data analysis
Utilizing the results obtained from the second questionnaire, a
descriptive statistical analysis was conducted to rank each prohibitive
criterion and its subcategories using a 9-point Likert scale. In case of
each prohibitive criterion and its sub-categories, descriptive
statistics for all of the corresponding responses were computed. In
addition, in order to assess whether either of the items had a
significantly higher or lower value than the other items, multiple
paired t tests were carried out. Based on this analysis prohibitive
criteria were ranked. Criteria that were not significantly different
were placed in the same ranking level.
In the case of Cost Criteria (ERP alternate), the following ranking
was established:
1--Implementation Cost;
2--Initial Cost;
3--Maintenance and Training Cost.
In the case of cost criteria for the WPMS alternate, no significant
differences were found among the four cost criteria. Results from the
analysis conducted for time criteria for the ERP alternate indicated the
following ranking:
1--Technical Durability Time;
2--Production & Training Time;
3--Implementation Time.
The only difference observed for the WPMS alternate was that
production as a prohibitive criterion dropped to the bottom level.
Functionality criteria ranking for ERP alternate was as follows:
1--Project Controls & Administration;
2--Contract Management;
3--Collaboration & Modularity.
The ranking of the same criteria for WPMS alternate was as follows:
1--Project Controls, Collaboration, and Contract Management;
2-Administration & Modularity.
Security criteria ranking for the ERP alternate was as follows:
2--Access, Control & Legality.
In the case of the WPMS alternate, no significant differences were
found among the four security criteria.
Overall criteria rankings for both alternates were discovered to be
the same. They were as follows:
1--Functionality & Security;
2--Cost & Time.
It was also observed that all four cost criteria are significantly
more important for the choice of an ERP alternate than for the choice of
WPMS alternate. Administration functionality was also significantly more
important for the choice of the ERP alternate than for the choice of the
WPMS alternate.
8. Case study
Since available empirical data, relevant to this topic is limited,
it was decided to use the case study method to apply and validate the
research model with an in-depth investigation of the application of EAM
within a particular SMSCO. Particular attention was given to the
self-regulation element. Company X, a regional general contractor, was
selected for the case study. A project team was assembled under the
direct supervision of an executive partner of the firm. The team
included three other members representing various affected departments
of the organization. Critical criteria that needed to be measured in
order to properly evaluate the necessity of change and the existence of
a problem were identified. The project team took previously defined
prohibitive criteria into account and considered the impact of these
criteria within the existing system. The objective of this task was to
identify any problem with the current systems and measure the level and
severity of the required changes to the same systems.
The following vendors were selected to be studied for the
prepackaged software category: Oracle, SAP. JD Edwards. The following
vendors were selected for the WPMS category; Net Suite, Plexus, Ace
Project. General information on each vendor was obtained and reviewed.
The team considered the following actions: visit vendors sites,
contact vendor references, have vendors provide onsite demonstrations,
request that vendors respond to the same RFP, make acquisition a
two-step process consisting of technical and price proposals.
In addition to defining the criteria listed in Self-regulation
element consisting of (1) the functional requirements; (2) the security
requirements; (3) the cost limitations; (4) the time allocation; the
team defined and considered the following: (1) their organization's
existing technological environment; the technical requirements; (2) the
organizational (business, procedural, and policy) requirements; (3)
existing processes in the areas that were to be affected by the new
software; (4) technical staff role definition; (5) project team training
requirements; (6) required maintenance program; (7) role of outside
The project team then established criteria for the self-regulation,
selection, evaluation and choice stages prior to contacting any vendors
or looking at ERP solutions. The issue of business process reengineering
(BPR) was also considered, and it was understood that ERP implementation
would require a new BPR that would result in standardization and
improvement in efficiency of operation. ERP implementation was used not
just to enhance the existing systems, but rather to change them for the
Another issue the team considered was the process of change
management. Difficulties in accepting significant required changes in
the existing operating process by the staff were anticipated and planned
for. Representatives of various end-user groups were sought for initial
participation to address this issue.
Deliverables for the planning stage consisted of formation of the
planning team, the compilation of RFP, creation of a list of criteria
for review of various stages, scoring methodology, schedule, and
formation of potential vendors list.
Particular attention was given to the progress of self-regulation.
The organization used this stage to introduce a dose of reality into the
entire process. During the planning stage it was decided to use the
process of self-regulation to account for and match the critical
requirements of the organizations with the capabilities offered by
various products. The project team adopted the previously identified
prohibitive criteria as individual factors that had to be considered in
this stage as a filtering element. In addition, the hierarchy
established by the findings of the previous questionnaire was adopted.
It was concluded that for the purpose of evaluation, weighting factors
reflecting the ranking of particular criteria be assigned and utilized.
By adopting this methodology the organization accepted the relative
impact of each criterion on the process.
The project team considered the functionalities that were essential
for their particular operation. Project controls and administrative
functions were ranked the highest among functionalities considered.
There was much discussion about the reliance on the particular
system for performing the functionality tasks. Over a period of time,
and as a result of providing internal studies that reflected the
problems with current systems and possibilities for improvement, the
team decided to accept the proposed functionalities as the
organization's requirement.
The project team reviewed the security-related issues for their
organization and established criteria and standards that would have to
be satisfied. Since company X conducted most of its business with
various government-related organizations, security was a prime concern.
The reliability of data and access to it was identified to be the most
prominent of sub-criteria considered. Information items that were
considered to be included in this data consisted of bidding, estimating,
budgeting, allocating resources, and scheduling values. The current
systems were evaluated and their shortcomings were identified. Among the
most prominent shortcomings were multiple entry of data, timely
availability of data, organization of data, and historical perseverance
of data. It was decided to list requirements to be addressed by a new
Cost was the next self-regulation group of criteria to be reviewed.
Implementation cost was identified to be the most prominent of the
group. Other cost categories considered were initial cost, training
cost, and maintenance cost. Budget numbers that were proposed and
accepted set the marker for the project team when it came to evaluation
of a particular system. It was understood that systems with costs over
the budgeted amount would not be considered.
Time was the last of the self-regulation criteria that the project
team considered. The majority of projects conducted by company X were of
short duration. Quick turnaround time of their jobs forced the project
team to establish realistic timetables for various time criteria. The
project team proposed an implementation schedule that spanned one year.
The most critical of the time sub-criteria considered was technical
durability. Technical durability was defined as the time that the
current software will be useful before requiring a major upgrade. The
ownership group had a substantial problem with this issue. Their major
concern was the technical viability of a system over a period of time.
Considering that the entire implementation process was anticipated to
take about one full year, major concern had to do with advances that
would be made in the field that would not be reflected in the particular
software package.
Selection/Short List
The project team utilized the findings of the self-regulation
element to create an RFP that could be sent to various vendors. Having
defined the critical criteria to be considered in the remaining parts of
EAM, the project team utilized the information that was gathered in the
information search stage and selected six vendors to be contacted. The
vendors were divided into two groups: prepackaged software, and WPMS. As
called for by the planning stage, three vendors in each category were
analyzed. Once it was decided that these vendors might be able to meet
the RFP requirements, initial contacts were made.
During the process of obtaining RFP from vendors, a number of
difficulties were faced. Among the most prominent was the nature of
vendor interest. Some major vendors did not show any interest in
participating in the RFP process. It was understood that they were not
interested in participating with a "small organization." Some
other significant vendors indicated that their systems were not totally
applicable to an SMSCO. As a result of this and in order to end up with
at least three major vendors in each category, the project team was
forced to repeat some of the past procedures that had led to the
selection of vendors. The recursive nature of this activity was observed
among information search, planning, and selection/short list elements.
Ultimately two vendors, one from each group, were selected for detailed
Critical factors that the team considered included the following:
strategic match, stakeholders' influence, system specifications,
organizational impact, life-cycle approach, and financial criteria.
Within this process, vendors, the functionalities provided by ERP
system, and technical issues were evaluated. The project team developed
a scoring methodology that was utilized to evaluate the short-listed
vendors. In addition to the overall score, two items--reference and
warranty period--were noted and compared.
It was anticipated that vendor evaluation would be carried out over
several of the stages within the EAM processes. The recursive nature of
the these activities also caused the team to contact vendors again with
requests to resubmit, in part or in full, their RFP responses according
to the team's refined criteria.
As for the functional and technical evaluations, they were carried
out, in part, during the selection process and then, more intensively,
during the complete evaluation. The criteria and strategies that were
established during planning were utilized to complete the evaluation.
When elements of selection and evaluation were processed, each vendor
was reviewed and evaluated based on a system that was developed by the
project team. Initially two vendors were selected from each category,
and then a vendor from the WPMS group was selected for Company X.
9. ERP adoption model (EAM) discussions
As indicated previously SMSCO represents a large segment of
construction industry. Their lack of utilization of ERP systems impacts
not only the efficiency and profitability of their operation, but the
efficiency and profitability of the entire construction industry.
Becoming aware of prohibitive criteria and having a decision making
model (EAM) will provide a clear road map to the executives of SMSCO who
will be dealing with ERP adoption issues. Currently no such decision
making model that clearly incorporates prohibitive criteria exists.
Other areas of an SMSCO's operation that can benefit as a result of
EAM's utilization consist of, increase efficiency &
profitability, change management, and business re-engineering. EAM was
tested and modified via completion of a case study within an SMSCO
environment. The adoptability that has been introduced into the model
via Self-Regulation element makes the model applicable to other
industrial sectors. It is anticipated that future research will attempt
to apply this model in other industrial sectors and document the
findings. When we incorporated the findings of the questionnaires and
the case study, the theoretical version of EAM was amended to reflect
the impact of the findings. The four prohibitive/self-regulation
criteria that were discovered to act as prohibitive factors in
utilization of ERP systems by SMSCOs were introduced into EAM as shown
in Fig. 2. It was observed that the prohibitive/self-regulation criteria
in the self-regulation element forced the organization to deal with
issues that became critical in their decision-making process.
Utilizing this concept, the organization had an opportunity to
conduct a self-evaluation of its current procedures and operations. This
self-evaluation allowed the compilation of a list of requirements that
were both realistic and reflective of the organization.
Reflectivity is a critical issue that must be considered by each
organization. Within the construction industry in general, and SMSCOs in
particular, it is a known and accepted fact that each
organization's operation is unique. Therefore, in order for the
organization to utilize any decision-making model, that model must be
able to address the organization's uniqueness, and the organization
must be able to reflect on who they are. EAM allows for this
reflectivity through utilization of prohibitive/self-regulation
criteria. As a result of having to deal with these criteria, the SMSCOs
will have to establish goals and objectives, review its current
procedures, identify its current shortcomings, develop realistic
requirements for the new system, and prepare and provide adequate
resources to implement the system.
Hierarchical Ranking of Criteria
Successful completion of the case study in general, and the
observed impact of the self-regulation element of EAM in particular,
provided strong evidence to support the validity of the hierarchical
rankings of prohibitive/self-regulation criteria. Having to deal with
prohibitive/self-regulation criteria, in the order that they were
proposed, forced the organization to set realistic goals and objectives
at a very early stage of the decision-making process.
In addition, while the ranking of the criteria had to be
maintained, their subcategories could be redefined in broader terms to
include organization-specific items. For example, while one company
defines payroll as a task to be included in the administrative section
of the functionality criterion, another company can place it within the
contract management section of functionality. This flexibility allows
each SMSCO to tailor the process closer to its actual operation.
Prohibitive/Self-Regulation Criteria
When dealing with functionalities, it became apparent that the
issue of modularity is very significant. It is critical for SMSCOs to be
able to adopt a limited version of an ERP system that could be
subsequently added on to. Systems that are able to provide capabilities
in a modular format will have a substantial advantage over their
counterparts that must be adopted as whole. SMSCOs can justify and
handle the adoption of new modular ERP systems a lot easier and quicker.
When dealing with security in the case study, access level by
employees and other collaboration members became an issue that had to be
dealt with. SMSCOs, more so than their larger counterparts, will have
difficulty accepting access to their sensitive data. In order to
overcome this problem, it is recommended that the project team utilize
educational resources that any vendor would be able to provide in order
to establish a comfort level for the ownership group.
As anticipated, cost, as a prohibitive/self-regulation criterion,
has a significant impact on the overall decision-making process. For
example, company X within the element of self-regulation of EAM had to
deal with the issue of cost. Company X conducted a cost-benefit analysis
and utilized its findings to compute a budget item that included
individual line items for different cost categories. Even though ranking
for the cost criterion placed it third among all criteria, its impact
must not be taken lightly. The allocation of cost and its assignment by
the organization must be considered. SMSCOs must consider the associated
cost items not only as a direct project expense, but rather as a capital
expenditure that needs to be treated as an asset. Company X was able to
justify the substantial expenditure required by treating it as an asset
that was to be depreciated over a period of time. When reviewing time as
prohibitive/self-regulation criterion it must be understood that
technical durability is rightly an issue that must be considered.
However, it is important for the organization to establish an
understanding of its requirements and not be concerned with every new
"gadget." As long as the system is capable of addressing the
needs of the organization, it must be considered as adequate.
Vendor Participation
As it was observed during the case study, vendor participation in
the processes of EAM must not be taken for granted. Some vendors are not
interested in participating even though they claim to have software that
would be suitable for SMSCOs since the potential account will be small.
In order to overcome this problem, SMSCOs must plan to play a proactive
role when it comes to solicitation. In order to find a vendor that is
willing to work with the organization, an ample amount of employee time
must be provided.
Process Reengineering
It should be anticipated that each SMSCO will have a unique set of
business processes that have been successful in the past. Customizing
the functionalities of a new system for an existing organization will
generate a number of dilemmas. It is expected that each organization
would like to minimize the changes in its business processes; however,
ERP systems cannot always be customized to fit existing operations
successfully. After all, ERP systems bring a whole new way of thinking
to an existing operation that has been deemed change-worthy. It is
recommended that SMSCOs consider changing their existing processes to
fit the ERP system rather than the other way around.
The timing of this change is also critical. If both ERP
implementation and business process changes were to be completed at the
same time, the organization would face number of difficult scenarios.
SMSCOs must complete reengineering their operation prior to implementing
the ERP system. In addition, for a period of time shortly after ERP
system implementation, a parallel set of operational procedures should
be carried out so that the organization becomes more confident in the
new system.
Finally, all of the proposed changes ultimately deal with people.
Therefore, the process of change management must be people friendly. The
people in the organization should be encouraged to buy into the process.
The following strategies may help with this: introduce the change
incrementally, educate the staff on the benefits of the proposed
changes, show strong senior management commitment to changes, and
provide adequate training time for the staff. An issue that was not
considered as strongly as it should have been in the case study was the
impact of suppliers and subcontractors' potential utilization of
the ERP system. Members of SMSCOs usually collaborate with suppliers and
subcontractors that are either the same size or most often smaller than
they are. Therefore in order for the ERP system to be a successful
collaborative tool, the role to be played by these second-tier users
must be reviewed.
Sub-contractor's Participation
The sub-contractors and supplier to SMSCO whom are considered to be
second-tier users' technical capabilities must be studied and
correctly documented. Their familiarity with and use of computer
technology applications in their operation must be realistically
Without adequate infrastructure, second-tier users will not be able
to either provide data in necessary formats or access the information
available. Attempts must be made to either encourage the existing
second-tier users to adopt proper infrastructure and technical know-how
or to find new suppliers and subcontractors that can properly
participate in a collaborative environment.
Iterative Nature of EAM's Elements
The self-regulation element of EAM is designed to have an iterative
influence on the entire process. The thinking behind this fact was to
allow the iterative nature of this element to address the issues that
arise from the self-evaluation conducted by the organization. The nature
of the iterative processes indicates activities/feedback/
adjustment/input. It is anticipated that as a result of completing the
self-regulation element, the project team might have to revisit the
process starting with the selection/short list element. However, it
should be pointed out that the iterative nature of self-regulation can
impact both ends of the main decision core.
10. Conclusions and recommendations
This research set out not only to formulate the reason(s) why
SMSCOs fail to utilize ERP systems, but also to propose a
decision-making model which could be utilized when these companies
decide to adopt an ERP system. This research has delivered valid
conclusions as the result of a case study and analysis that was
completed utilizing the data obtained through two separate field
questionnaires. Contributions of this research consisted of the
following major items:
1. Obtaining data as a result of two field questionnaires. These
data were utilized to confirm the existence of prohibitive criteria and
their hierarchical ranking.
2. Identification and confirmation of prohibitive criteria. As a
result of the surveys, the prohibitive criteria were identified and
their existence was verified.
3. The impact of the prohibitive criteria on decision making was
analyzed, and a hierarchical ranking of them was established.
4. ERP Adoption Model (EAM). The proposed model EAM can be utilized
by SMSCOs as a decision-making tool when dealing with ERP adoption
5. EAM utilization case study. The completion of the case study
revealed the applicability of EAM in a real-world situation.
The answer to both questions rose previously about creation of a
model that could address flexibility, self expression capability; impact
of prohibitive criteria, and group's cultural aspects was
affirmative. EAM's structure and its iterative nature offers the
decision maker maximum flexibility. Self regulation element can be
utilized by the decision maker to incorporate the particulars of
SMSCO's operation including cultural aspects into the decision
making process. In addition this element incorporates the impact of
prohibitive criteria in the decision making process.
Even though this research delivered valid findings; it had
shortcomings as a result of certain limitations. The SMSCO
community's lack of familiarity with the concept of ERP impacted
the information that was obtained for this research. The time required
studying IT-related technology in general, and ERP in particular,
presented an issue since science advances rapidly in this area. Due to
the limited time available for this research and the temporary nature of
the construction industry, it was not possible to accommodate some
market changes.
In the future, case studies and empirical research should
investigate the relationship among the various elements of the model. In
addition, the relationship among various elements and the external
factors that have an impact on them must be studied. Establishing
SMSCO-wide ERP implementation standards would be another topic of
interest. The addition of such standards would increase the ability of
the ERP community to better address the needs and requirements of SMSCO
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Sam S. Negahban (1), Gregory B. Baecher (2), Miroslaw J.
Skibniewski (3)
(1) Brawner Builders, Inc., 504 McCormick Drive Suite T, Glen
Burnie, MD 21060
(2,3) Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, 1182
G.L. Martin Hall, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742-3021
E-mail: 1
[email protected] (corresponding author)
Received 07 Apr. 2011; accepted 25 Aug. 2011
Sam S. NEGAHBAN. Partner in Brawner Builders, Inc. a regional
General Contractor in Mid Atlantic Region. His professional interests
involve issues relating to implementation and integration of IT systems,
and project governance and sustainability in Small to Medium Size
Construction Organizations.
Gregory B. BAECHER. GL Martin Institute Professor of Engineering at
the University of Maryland, College Park. His professional interests
involve project risk management, particularly in relation to water
resource infrastructure.
Miroslaw J. SKIBNIEWSKI. A. James Clark Endowed Char Professor of
Civil Engineering and Project Management at the University of Maryland,
College Park, USA. He is a holder of an honorary doctorate from Vilnius
Gediminas Technical University and a foreign member of the Russian
Academy of Engineering. His research interests cover a wide range of
information technology- and automation-based solutions for the
construction industry.