Measuring information dependency for construction engineering projects.
Liao, Pin-Chao ; Thomas, Stephen R. ; O'Brien, William J. 等
1. Introduction
Effective exchange of information is critical to successful
engineering for heavy industrial projects such as chemical
manufacturing, electrical generating, gas distribution, or oil refining,
etc. (CII 2008). Project engineering complexity has increased
dramatically with technology development. This complexity can be
attributed to process design, system integration, construction method
selection and even sustainability considerations. As a result,
coordination of the engineering process requires intensive collaboration
among various disciplines. Given the enormous uncertainty common in many
large complex projects, intensive information exchange among the
different engineering disciplines creates high project risks. For
sequential engineering activities, if a task fails to meet its
performance expectations, it will most likely have an impact on the
performance of the next tasks (Ortiz et al. 2009). Furthermore,
engineering errors for a task may produce a significant amount of
reworking for others. Thus, to effectively allocate project
contingencies and accurately predict project schedule and cost, project
managers should be aware of interdisciplinary information dependency
(Kim, Gibson Jr. 2003; Ortiz et al. 2009; Watermeyer 2002).
Knowledge of information dependency among different engineering
tasks serves an important purpose for sequence optimization or interface
management. In previous studies, organizations optimize work processes
(including overlapping tasks, activity sequence reordering, etc.) to
effectively compress project schedule (Austin et al. 1996; Hegazy et al.
2001; Oloufa et al. 2004; Sanvido, Norton 1994). For example, Data
Structure Matrix (DSM) is perhaps the most well-know method to optimize
engineering networks and deliver products with high quality and low cost
(Bashir et al. 2009), however, quantified and precise associations in an
engineering network are required to make the model reliable. As a
result, from a technical perspective, the application of DSM has been
considered premature in the construction industry because of its lack of
measures for information dependency based on empirical data.
1.1. Definitions of information dependency
Many studies have attempted to define and quantify information
dependency among engineering tasks. For instance, Pekericli et al.
(2003) identified characteristics for information dependencies: task
sensitivity, timing of created information, parties involved, frequency
of communication, type and format of information, and method and
bandwidth of information delivery. Based on these characteristics, the
study proposed a number of factors to model information dependencies.
Nonetheless, the study falls short by not using real data for
validation. Zhang et al. (2006) developed an approach to measure the
dependency strength of coupling tasks during new product development. In
this study, the author mathematically defined influence parameters on
task output, parameter change, feedback change and expected task change.
Additionally, the author developed an equation representing dependencies
with predefined influence parameters. In order to simulate the impact of
communication on project performance, Ortiz et al. (2009) set
probability for information exchange from the SimVision User Guide
considering the experience of the general contractors, project scope and
size. With this foundation, the authors developed an approach to
facilitate project managers that are designing project networks;
however, the probability value was selected according to a guide rather
than based on empirical data and therefore the results may not be
conclusive. Bashir et al. (2009) developed a metric to quantify the
level of project complexity which involves many interdependent tasks.
However, the metric did not perform satisfactorily and ultimately, the
authors recognized that their experiment should be performed based on
more diverse and actual project data.
1.2. Information dependency based on empirical data is imperative
In summary, most of the studies characterized task dependencies in
terms of communication frequency as well as the amount of shared
information. Engineering tasks which share a significant amount of
information indicate that they are highly dependent and intensive
collaboration is required; thus, the performance of an anterior task may
affect the performance of its successors. For instance, a common
engineering parameter of an oil refining plant is the nozzle
specification demonstrated on piping layout and equipment
configurations. Different types of equipment may have various nozzle
specifications for which piping layout will be designed accordingly.
Although these dependency characteristics have been explored in the
building industry (Bashir et al. 2009; Pekericli et al. 2003), limited
research has addressed engineering information dependencies for the
heavy industrial projects. According to Liao (2008), heavy industrial
projects include oil refining plants, chemical manufacturing facilities,
and power generation plants while building projects include office
building, Laboratory, etc. In addition, engineering processes for heavy
industrial projects are different from those of building projects and so
while valuable, the lessons learned from the building industry for
information modeling are limited in application within the industrial
1.3. Research objective and hypothesis
The objective of this research is to establish that engineering
discipline information is interdependent and that productivity
correlations among the disciplines can be used to establish these
dependencies. Thus, the hypothesis is that relationships between the
predecessor and successor engineering disciplines can be modeled through
correlation analysis of engineering productivity performance for the
2. Methodology
A rigorous literature review was conducted to capture knowledge
related to information exchanges and a summary of their patterns was
made. The authors then collected productivity data through the CII
ongoing program, Engineering Productivity Metric System (EPMS). By
performing regression analyses on productivity data, patterns of
information flow among engineering disciplines were discovered.
Dependencies of information flow were modeled with linear regression;
afterwards, a survey was conducted in CII trainings and workshops. A
comparison was conducted between results from regression models and a
survey was conducted for validation. Lastly, the conclusions were made
and recommendations for future research were also addressed.
2.1. The Engineering Productivity Metric System (EPMS)
In 2002, with the collaborative input of many industry experts, the
Construction Industry Institute (CII) commenced development of a
standardized Engineering Productivity Metric System (EPMS) for the
purpose of benchmarking engineering productivity. The EPMS defines
engineering productivity as a ratio of engineering direct work hours to
be issued for construction quantities (Kim 2007). Engineering direct
work hours refers to the work hours for activities such as deliverable
production, site investigations, meetings, planning, constructability,
engineering rework, and request for information (RFI). Indirect
engineering work hours, by CII's definition, include activities
such as document control and quality management and are excluded from
productivity calculations (Kim 2007).
The EPMS consists of a set of metrics for six major disciplines
which account for the majority of the engineering work for industrial
construction and which are often on the critical path. These disciplines
include concrete, steel, electrical, piping, instrumentation, and
equipment. As noted, all of the metrics are defined as engineering work
hours per issued for construction quantities and these quantities are
measured in various units. For instance, piping is measured in linear
foot and equipment is measured in piece. The EPMS uses a hierarchical
metric structure, where every discipline has their underlying metrics:
Level II (discipline), Level III (sub-category), and Level IV (element).
Level I is a project level summary and is not addressed in this paper.
The major advantage of a hierarchical EPMS is that engineering
productivity data can be collected flexibly at various levels of detail,
and can be aggregated to the discipline level (Kim 2007).
Two items are addressed for clarification of the data used in this
study. First, only the Level II metrics are utilized in this study
because of data availability. In the metric hierarchy, the lower the
level, the greater the data precision, however, at the lower levels, the
sample- sizes become limiting. To address the restriction on minimum
sample size for regression analysis, data precision was sub-optimized.
Second, although the EPMS tracks concrete and steel separately, most CII
companies track concrete and structural hours together as a single civil
discipline. Thus, concrete and steel engineering productivity were
normalized and combined into a single civil discipline, for this
research (Liao et al. 2009).
Several major engineering firms have submitted their data and
employed these metrics to benchmark their productivity against the EPMS
database. After six years of data collection from 2002, a significant
amount of engineering productivity data has been collected from various
engineering organizations using EPMS. This data provides a significant
opportunity to examine engineering information dependencies via
productivity relationship among various disciplines.
2.2. Software used in data preparation/analyses
Data preparation is the essential foundation for effective data
analysis. In this research, engineering productivity data were first
stored in a secured Microsoft SQL Server 2005[R]database. Next,
engineering productivity data tables were exported and saved as
Microsoft Access[R]files for ease of query. After further preparation,
tables were exported to Microsoft Excel[R]because of its high
compatibility with statistical packages. SPSS[R]was utilized to perform
data analyses. Given relatively small sample size compared to other
research fields, a p-value of 0.1 was determined as the acceptance level
for significance test in this study, balancing the chance of identifying
a false relationship with the chance of missing a significant
correlation (Bobko 2001).
2.3. The EPMS database
A total of 112 heavy industrial projects with engineering
productivity data were submitted to the EPMS database from 2002 to 2008.
The total installed cost of all projects is US$ 4.5 billion. Table 1
presents the distribution of these projects by respondent type, project
type (process or non-process), project nature (addition, grass roots, or
modernization), and also project size.
Contractors submitted the majority of data with a total of 92
projects whereas owners submitted only 20. Based on the observation of
the PM team, the data disparity by respondent is primarily because
contractors are better staffed to track engineering productivity and
more readily have access to the data. All projects submitted were heavy
industrial projects which are further classified into two major
categories: process and non-process. Process projects include projects
such as chemical manufacturing, oil refining, pulp & paper and
natural gas processing projects. Non-process projects include power and
environmental remediation projects. This taxonomy was developed based on
Watermeyer's definition, which defined non-process projects as
those that yield products that cannot economically be stored (Watermeyer
2002). Process projects comprise the majority of the productivity
dataset with a total of 77, and the remaining 35 are non-process
projects. An analysis of project nature reveals that 37 are additions,
53 are modernizations, and 22 are grass roots. In accordance with CII
convention, a project with a budget greater than five million dollars is
categorized as a large project. Accordingly, 68 projects were
categorized as large projects (greater than five million dollars) and
the remaining 44 projects were categorized as small ones (less than five
million dollars).
A distribution of direct engineering work hours by discipline was
also produced and is presented in Fig. 1.
The piping discipline accounts for the majority of work hours with
45%, a substantially higher percentage of the total hours than other
disciplines. This distribution may not be typical of most projects but
is reasonable since these are industrial construction projects.
3. Patterns of information flows
According to Watermeyer (2002), for heavy industrial projects,
equipment is either engineered or selected from the catalogue provided
by vendors. Once equipment information, such as installed locations or
configurations becomes available, plant layout drawings are developed.
At this point, civil engineering, instrumentation (control) engineering,
piping engineering and electrical engineering are involved for equipment
support, process and layout engineering (Skinner 1968; Watermeyer 2002).
As shown in Fig. 2, the flow of engineering information for equipment is
generally upstream and a long-lead item, whereas piping, civil,
instrumentation and electrical follow. However, the information flow
among the down-stream disciplines is project-sensitive. In other words,
it is difficult to generalize the sequence among various disciplines
regarding their information exchange.
4. Discovery of information dependency
Providing patterns of information flow from equipment to other
disciplines, embedded information dependency was then discovered with
productivity relationships of various disciplines via regression,
instead of simple correlations. Three major steps were conducted: 1) the
authors worked closely with the Productivity Metrics team (PM team), an
ad-hoc committee of the CII BM&M committee, to select project
characteristics as controlled variables incorporated in regression
analyses, enhancing its credibility of comparisons among models; 2)
engineering productivity metrics were transformed as well as aggregated
prior to regression analysis; and lastly 3) the regression models were
developed between the equipment (upstream) discipline and other
downstream disciplines. The relationships among downstream disciplines
were not included in this study because theoretical evidence for their
information flow is insufficient.
4.1. Selection and coding of project characteristics
The authors worked with the PM team to select control variables for
regression analyses. Project type and project size were selected because
they are the key surrogates of engineering complexity, which
significantly affect productivity (Liao 2008). Namely, four regression
models were developed between four downstream disciplines and the
upstream discipline (i.e. equipment discipline), project type and
project size. A general form is listed as Eq. (1) ("Downstream
E[P.sub.i]" indicates engineering productivity of the ith
downstream discipline):
Downstream E[P.sub.i] =
[[beta].sub.0] + [[beta].sub.1] x Upstream EP + [[beta].sub.2] x
Type + [[beta].sub.3] x Size. (1)
4.2. Transformation and aggregation of engineering productivity
The EPMS consists of engineering productivity metrics with various
units. For example piping productivity uses (design hours per linear
foot), equipment productivity (design hours per equipment piece), and
instrumentation productivity (design hours per tagged device) producing
discipline level metrics. Electrical and civil disciplines, however,
require aggregation from their underlying metrics. Because the
distributions of the underlying metrics are positively skewed, a z-score
method developed by Liao et al. (2009) was used to normalize data with
natural log transformation producing a standard normal distribution and
then aggregate them to the discipline level. Quantile-quantile
probability plots (Q-Q plot) were next utilized to examine metric
normality. Through this process, five engineering productivity metrics
(equipment, piping, civil, instrumentation, electrical) were prepared
for further analysis.
4.3. Regression analyses
Project type and size characteristics were incorporated in the
models with the transformed and normalized productivity data and
regression analyses were performed. Multicollinearity concerns were
checked using the Variance Inflation Factor (VIF) to prevent potential
instability of the regression coefficients. As a result, all VIFs are
less than two, smaller than the rule of thumb four, indicating no
excessive correlations between independent variables for all models. As
shown in Table 2, the equipment-piping model is significant,
illustrating that 50% of the variability of piping productivity can be
explained by equipment productivity controlling project type and size
while the other 50% may be explained by other factors not captured in
the model, for instance, drawing review ([R.sup.2] = 0.5, [beta] = 0.5,
p <0.1). The result also indicates that when equipment engineering
productivity improves 1 standard deviation (i.e. saves 2.72 engineering
hours per piece of equipment), piping engineering productivity improves
with 0.5 standard deviations (i.e. saves 1.65 engineering hours per
linear feet of pipe) and the a, however. For many projects, when
Table 2. Regression models of information dependencies equipment is
under development and changes take place to accommodate requirements of
the project, the piping engineering team may experience significant
amount of modifications on piping layout, joint, or material
Although project type and size may have partial impact on civil and
electrical engineering productivity, no statistical evidence was found
to support the impact of equipment engineering productivity on the other
downstream disciplines. These results demonstrate relatively slack
relationships among these disciplines.
5. Validation of the measurement of Information
A survey was conducted to collect feedbacks from industry for
validation of the results. A Likert scale ranging from 1 (very weak) to
5 (very strong) was used to assess the strength of information
dependency characterized by the communication frequency and the amount
of shared parameters between paired disciplines. The survey was
distributed to industry practitioners at CII training sessions and
workshops in 2008. A total of 60 respondents completed the survey. The
major functions performed by the respondents' organizations
include: engineering--50 percent, engineering-procurement-construction
(EPC)--40 percent, and other 10 percent. Functions of the other
respondents include construction management and vendor (or supplier).
All the respondents have more than five year experience in construction
engineering, indicating credible feedback for this study.
Average dependency scores for paired disciplines for information
dependency as determined through the survey are presented as Fig. 3. The
results indicate that equipment-piping has the highest mean information
dependency with a score of 4.15 whereas equipment-instrumentation,
equipment-electrical, and equipment-civil had lower dependency ratings
of 3.71, 3.65, and 3.81, respectively. After conducting one-way Analysis
of Variance (ANOVA) test to compare the means across different groups,
as demonstrated in Table 3, a significant difference was discovered (F =
4.75, df= 3, p < 0.1). The heterogeneity difference in group means
(Table 4) shows is established and thus the post hoc test with the Tukey
method was applied. Pair-wise comparisons in Table 5 demonstrate that
the average response of equipment-piping is significantly higher than
all other responses, indicating that the experts considered that a
significantly larger amount of parameters is shared between equipment
and piping disciplines and thus more intensive
communication/collaboration is required in this relationship than for
the other paired relationships.
By comparing results of productivity analyses and the survey, an
interesting finding was discovered. Productivity relationships indicate
that information of piping engineering is significantly dependent on
that of equipment; however, no statistical evidence was discovered for
the relationships between equipment and civil, instrumental, and
electrical disciplines. The survey data demonstrate that information
dependency between piping and equipment disciplines is statistically
higher than the others. Because the productivity data and survey data
are consistent, productivity relationships can be referred as a
legitimate surrogate for measuring information dependency.
6. Discussion
Both regression models and survey results demonstrate a, suggesting
that information released from the equipment discipline significantly
affects piping engineering. For instance, if a change occurs on
equipment engineering, piping parameters such as layout or material
selections may change significantly. A prudent project manager should
prioritize the equipment-piping engineering interface when allocating
limited management resource. Practices such as early freezing of
equipment information and precise transformation of equipment
information are highly recommended to avoid unnecessary risks in heavy
industrial projects.
However, productivity relationships between equipment and other
downstream disciplines (civil, electrical, instrumentation) do not show
significant results. This does not mean that information between them is
irrelevant. Equipment information may still affect these other
disciplines; however, other discipline engineering may not be as
"sensitive" as piping discipline when equipment changes occur.
Nonetheless, productivity relationships among the downstream disciplines
should be further explored at various detailed levels when sufficient
data are available.
7. Conclusions and Recommendations
Information dependency is critical to engineering management
wherein task sequencing methodology or prioritizing interface management
may apply. In this study, the authors conducted data analyses on
productivity relationships as well as a survey and the results were
consistent. These results support the argument that productivity
relationship can be a legitimate measure of information dependency, at
least between equipment and piping disciplines, and thus indicate an
important milestone of design research. Project managers can verify
important management interface and allocate resource accordingly,
thereby improving engineering performance. Future studies can use this
approach to: 1) discover information dependencies on element level when
more data becomes available; and 2) develop design structure matrix to
optimize engineering sequence on various levels with results derived
from this research.
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Pin-Chao Liao (1), Stephen R. Thomas (2), William J. O'Brien
(1) Department of Construction Management, Tsinghua University,
100084 Beijing, P.R. China
(2) Construction Industry Institute, TX 78759-5316 Austin, USA
(3) Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental
Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin, TX, 78712-0276 Austin,
E-mails: (1)
[email protected] (corresponding author);
[email protected]; (3)
[email protected]
Received 03 May 2011; accepted 11 Jul. 2011
Pin-Chao LIAO. An Associate Professor at Department of Construction
Management, School of Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing.
His research interests are construction management, benchmarking,
engineering productivity, and sustainable management.
Stephen R. THOMAS. An associate director in the Construction
Industry Institute. Member of American Society of Civil Engineers
(ASCE). His research interests are Benchmarking performance and practice
use for the engineering and construction industry and qualitative
methods for project management.
William J. O'BRIEN. A member of research faculty at
Construction Engineering Project Management program, Dept. of Civil,
Architectural and Environmental Engineering, the University of Texas at
Austin. His research interests are production systems and project
controls and computer integrated construction.
Table 1. The EPMS database
Project Characteristics Sample Size (N = 112)
Respondent Type
Owner 20
Contractor 92
Project Type
Process 77
Non-Process 35
Project Nature
Addition 37
Grass Roots 22
Modernization 53
Project Size
Large (> $ 5MM) 68
Small (< = $ 5MM) 44
Table 2. Regression models of information dependencies
Model Constant
DownstreamE[P.sub.i] [R.sup.2] n ([[beta].sub.0])
(F-value) (p-value)
Piping 0.5 ** (11.77) 47 0.1 (0.67)
Civil 0.2 ** (3.03) 35 0.4 ** (0.07)
Instrumentation 0.1 (1.23) 30 0.36 ** (0.04)
Electrical 0.6 ** (11.04) 23 0.55 ** (0.01)
UpstreamEP Beta * Project Type Beta
DownstreamE[P.sub.i] ([[beta].sub.1]) ([[beta].sub.2])
(p-value) (p-value)
Piping 0.5 ** (0.00) -0.3 ** (0.01)
Civil 0.2 (0.32) -0.3 ** (0.07)
Instrumentation 0.1 (0.76) 0 (0.87)
Electrical 0.2 (0.11) -0.7 ** (0.00)
Project Size Beta
DownstreamE[P.sub.i] ([[beta].sub.3])
Piping -0.2 ** (0.08)
Civil -0.4 ** (0.02)
Instrumentation 0.3 (0.11)
Electrical -0.1 (0.37)
Note: Every Dependency Model Includes Equipment EPM, Project
Size (Cost), and Project Type;
* Standardized Regression Coefficient;
** Significant at 0.1 alpha level.
Table 3. ANOVA test for group means
S.S. * df Mean Square F Sig.
Bet. Groups 9.150 3 3.050 4.751 .003
Within Groups 151.500 236 .642
Total 160.650 239
* Sum of Squares
Table 4. Test for homogeneity of sample variability
Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig.
1.971 3 236 .119
Table 5. Post-hoc comparisons with Tukey method
(I) Num group (J) Num group Mean Std. Sig.
Differences Error
Tukey HSD Equip.-Inst. Equip.-Civil -.100 .146 .903
Equip.-Piping -.45 * .146 .012
Equip.-Elect. 0.050 .146 .986
Equip.-Civil Equip.-Inst. 0.100 .146 .903
Equip.-Piping -.35 * .146 .081
Equip.-Elect. .150 .146 .735
Equip.-Piping Equip.-Inst. 0.45 * .146 .012
Equip.-Civil 0.35 * .146 .081
Equip.-Elect. 0.5 * .146 .004
Equip.-Elect. Equip.-Inst. -0.05 .146 .986
Equip.-Civil -.150 .146 .735
Equip.-Piping -0.5 * .146 .004
90% Confidence Interval
(I) Num group Lower Bound Upper Bound
Tukey HSD Equip.-Inst. -.44 .24
-.79 -.11
-.29 .39
Equip.-Civil -.24 .44
-.69 -.01
-.19 .49
Equip.-Piping .11 .79
.01 .69
.16 .84
Equip.-Elect. -.39 .29
-.49 .19
-.84 -.16
* Significant at 0.1 alpha level
Fig. 1. Work-hour distributions in the EPMS
Disciplines Discipline Hour Percentage
Piping 45%
Civil 20%
Instrumentation 14%
Electrical 11%
Equipment 10%
Note: Table made from bar graph.
Fig. 3. Information dependencies assessed by industrial
Information Dependency
Equipment-Piping 4.15
Equipment-Instr. 3.71
Equipment-Electrical 3.65
Equipment-Civil 3.81
Note: Table made from bar graph.