Biological Characteristics and Fishery Assessment of Alaska Plaice, Pleuronectes quadrituberculatus, in the Eastern Bering Sea.
The Alaska plaice, Pleuronectes quadrituberculatus (Fig. 1), is a
right-eyed flounder, family Pleuronectidae, and one of four
shallow-water flatfishes, along with the yellowfin sole, Pleuronectes
asper; rock sole, Pleuronectes bilineatus; and flathead sole,
Hippoglossoides elassodon, commonly found in the eastern Bering Sea.
They inhabit continental shelf waters of the North Pacific Ocean ranging
from the Gulf of Alaska to the Bering and Chukchi Seas and in Asian
waters as far south as the Sea of Japan (Fig. 2) (Pertseva-Ostroumova,
1961; Quast and Hall, 1972).
The Alaska plaice is a relatively large flounder, with an average
length taken in commercial catches of 32 cm (12.6 inches) while the
average weight caught is 390 g (0.86 lb.). This corresponds to an age of
7 or 8 years. Moiseev (1953) reported a maximum length of 60 cm (23.6
inches), and ages in excess of 30 years have been determined for fish
collected from NMFS Alaska Fisheries Science Center (AFSC) surveys (data
on file, AFSC).
In this paper, we examine available information on Alaska plaice to
provide 1) a detailed description of the life history characteristics of
eastern Bering Sea Alaska plaice, including growth and mortality, age at
maturation and spawning, and feeding habits and ecological interactions;
2) the history of its exploitation and trends in estimated abundance; 3)
the current condition of the resource and 4) projections of future
biomass under various harvest levels.
Materials and Methods
Information Sources
Information for this paper came from both a review of the available
literature on the biology of Alaska plaice and from analyses of research
and fishing data. Information from the literature was primarily used to
describe the distribution and such life history parameters as age and
growth, age at maturation and spawning, fecundity, feeding habits, and
ecological interactions with other species. Data from AFSC trawl surveys
and the fishery were analyzed to describe size composition, size and age
at maturity, fecundity at length relationships, abundance and biomass by
year and age, and annual recruitment.
Assessment Methods
Resource Assessment Surveys
Since 1971, the AFSC has conducted summer bottom-trawl surveys in
the eastern Bering Sea to estimate abundance and study the biology of
important fish and invertebrate species. In 1975, and annually since
1979, these surveys have covered the major portion of the continental
shelf to lat. 61 [degrees] N (465,000 [km.sup.2]). The depth range
covered by the standard survey extends from about 10 m near the mainland
to about 200 m at the shelf break (subareas 1-6 in Fig. 3). Although the
survey's primary role is to provide fishery-independent abundance
estimates for management purposes, they also provide a wealth of
biological information on the multispecies complex of fishes that
inhabits the eastern Bering Sea.
The standard survey area on the shelf is divided into a grid with
37 x 37 km blocks (20 x 20 n.mi.) containing a sampling location at the
center of each grid block. In areas of special interest, the corners of
the blocks have also been sampled. The sampling gear is a standard AFSC
eastern otter trawl with a 25.3 m headrope and 34.1 m footrope. Otter
doors are 1.8 x 2.7 m and weigh about 800 kg each. At each sampling site
the trawl is towed for 0.5 h at a speed of 5.6 km/h. The operating width
between the wings varied from about 10 to 18 m as a function of the
amount of trawl warp payed out and therefore indirectly as a function of
depth. The operating trawl height varied from 2 to 3 m as determined
from net mensuration. Due to the relatively flat, unobstructed bottom on
the shelf, the trawl is operated without roller gear. To improve the
catches of invertebrates, the trawl was rigged to dig slightly into the
Estimates of biomass and population are made using the "area
swept" method described by Wakabayashi et al. (1985). The mean
catch per unit of effort (CPUE) of a group of tows of known area swept
is expanded to estimate the biomass within the total area of a stratum (Armistead and Nichol, 1993). The area swept is considered to be the
product of the operating net width between the wings and the distance
fished. The potential herding effect of the doors and dandylines is
unknown for Alaska plaice, as is escapement under the footrope.
Age-structured Analyses
Biomass-based cohort analysis, after Zhang and Sullivan (1988),
were applied to Alaska plaice catch at age data from 1971 to 1995 by
Wilderbuer and Zhang (In press). This method assumes knife-edge
recruitment with equal availability for all recruited ages and constant
natural mortality over all ages and years. The input terminal fishing
mortality values were estimated using the following formula:
[F.sub.95] = [C.sub.95]/[B.sub.95],
where [B.sub.95] is the 1995 trawl survey biomass estimate, and
[C.sub.95] is the 1995 catch in weight. The second run of the analysis
was conducted using the tuned terminal fishing mortality values, which
were tuned to different ratios of mean fishing mortalities by age and by
Wilderbuer and Zhang (In press) also incorporated age composition
information from a variety of sources into a stock synthesis model
(Methot, 1990) for Alaska plaice. Stock synthesis functions by
simulating the dynamics of the population and the process by which the
population is observed. The simulation incorporates bias and imprecision in the observations and is used to predict expected values for the
observations. The expected values are compared to the actual
observations (data) from the surveys and fisheries.
The biomass-based approach to the production model (Zhang, 1987;
Zhang et al., 1991) was also utilized to analyze biomass and fishing
mortality and to provide estimates of the important management
parameters MSY, [B.sub.MSY] and [F.sub.MSY]. The model was used to
project the future biomass of the Alaska plaice stock and catch under
various F levels, including the current F level.
Optimal Fishing Mortality and Age at First Capture
Yield per recruit analysis was performed using the Beverton and
Holt (1957) model to estimate the optimal fishing mortality and age at
first capture. Age at first capture ([t.sub.c]) was varied from 1.0 to
10.0 and the annual instantaneous rate of fishing mortality was varied
from 0.01 to 0.30.
History of Exploitation
Groundfish species in the eastern Bering Sea were first exploited
commercially by Japan, initially by exploratory vessels in 1930 and then
by a mothership-catcher boat operation in Bristol Bay in 1933-37 and
1940-41 (Forrester et al., 1978). From 1933 to 1937, walleye pollock,
Theragara chalcogramma, and various flounders (family Pleuronectidae)
were reduced to fish meal, and annual Japanese catches peaked at 43,000
metric tons (t). During 1940-41, the fishery targeted on yellowfin sole,
Pleuronectes asper, for human consumption, and catches ranged from 9,600
to 12,000 t (Forrester et al., 1978).
After World War II, Japanese distant-water fleets resumed
operations in the eastern Bering Sea, with motherships and independent
trawlers targeting yellow fin sole in 1954. In 1958 the U.S.S.R. also
entered the fishery, followed by other nations in later years.
Catch statistics for Alaska plaice cannot be precise for the
earlier years because the species was often included in the "other
flatfish" category. Catch composition data improved in later years,
particularly after implementation of the Magnuson Fishery Conservation
and Management Act of 1976 (MFCMA) which established the foreign fishery
observer program. The Alaska plaice catch (Table 1) was low until the
resumption of the U.S.S.R. fishery in 1978 and onset of the harvests by
the Republic of Korea and other nations in 1980.
Table 1.--Annual catches of Alaska pleice in metric tons (t) by
fishing nation in the eastern Bering Sea, 1963-97.
Catch (t)
Year Japan U.S.S.R. ROK Other
1963 233 746 0 0
1964 808 1,085 0 0
1965 484 516 0 0
1966 2,054 2,579 0 0
1967 1,339 2,513 0 0
1968 1,233 1,396 0 0
1969 3,127 3,815 0 0
1970 1,356 2,125 0 0
1971 533 490 0 0
1972 191 139 0 0
1973 1,136 40 0 0
1974 2,168 220 0 0
1975 2,408 84 0 0
1976 3,518 102 0 0
1977 2,589 0 0 0
1978 5,204 5,216 0 0
1979 3,767 9,896 9 0
1980 3,810 0 2,978 120
1981 7,298 0 1,315 40
1982 5,451 0 1,144 216
1983 5,790 0 3,126 1,850
1984 10,405 1,573 4,012 2,992
1985 5,702 285 4,833 14,088
1986(1) 46,519 46,519 46,519 46,519
1987(1) 18,567 18,567 18,567 18,567
1988 0 0 0 0
1989 0 0 0 0
1990 0 0 0 0
1991 0 0 0 0
1992 0 0 0 0
1993 0 0 0 0
1994 0 0 0 0
1995 0 0 0 0
1996 0 0 0 0
1997 0 0 0 0
Year Joint Venture Domestic U.S. Total
1963 0 0 979
1964 0 0 1,893
1965 0 0 1,000
1966 0 0 4,633
1967 0 0 3,852
1968 0 0 2,629
1969 0 0 6,942
1970 0 0 3,481
1971 0 0 1,023
1972 0 0 330
1973 0 0 1,176
1974 0 0 2,388
1975 0 0 2,492
1976 0 0 3,620
1977 0 0 2,589
1978 0 0 10,420
1979 0 0 13,672
1980 0 0 6,908
1981 0 0 8,853
1982 0 0 6,811
1983 0 0 10,766
1984 0 0 18,982
1985 0 0 24,888
1986(1) 0 0 46,519
1987(1) 0 0 18,567
1988 61,638 0 61,638
1989 13,883 0 13,883
1990 6,080 0 6,080
1991 0 18,029 18,029
1992 0 18,895 18,895
1993 0 14,536 14,536
1994 0 9,277 9,277
1995 0 13,343 13,343
1996 0 16,106 16,106
1997 0 19,829 19,829
(1) Catch of Alaska plaice by nation is presently unavailable.
Alaska plaice share similar habitats and distributions with
yellowfin sole and are taken as bycatch with that species. Yellowfin
sole were intensely harvested by distant-water fleets from Japan and the
U.S.S.R. in the early 1960's with a peak catch of 554,000 t in
1961. High exploitation during the 4-year period from 1959 to 1962
caused the population to decline which was reflected in the reduced
harvest over the following two decades (Wilderbuer et al., 1992). From
1963 to 1971, however, yellowfin sole annual catches still averaged
117,800 t. Given the similarity of the distributions, the yellowfin sole
fishery probably removed a significant portion of the Alaska plaice
population through bycatch. Catches for the period 1963-71 in Table 1,
therefore, are likely underestimated.
After the cessation of foreign fishing in 1987, the Alaska plaice
harvest peaked at over 61,000 t during U.S. joint-venture fisheries in
1988. Catches thereafter have been made by the U.S. domestic fishery,
with an annual average of 14,800 t. Based on results of cohort analysis
and stock synthesis analysis, the stock has been lightly harvested, with
an average exploitation rate of less than 5% since 1971 (Wilderbuer and
Zhang, In press).
Biological Characteristics
Distribution and Migration
The summer distribution of Alaska plaice in the eastern Bering Sea
is almost entirely restricted to depths of less than 110 m, with major
concentrations between 40 and 100 m on the central and northern Bering
Sea shelf (Fig. 3). Fish [is greater than] 25 cm predominate in the
sampled population between 20 and 110 m. Larger fish generally prefer
such deeper waters (Bakkala et al., 1985), while juveniles ([is less
than] 20 cm) occupy shallower coastal waters (Wakabayashi, 1972). This
difference in depth preference provides a buffer between the juvenile
and adult populations. Annual AFSC trawl surveys also indicate a
summertime sexual segregation: female catch rates are greatest at depths
[is greater than] 60 m, while the highest catch rates for males occur at
45-55 m depths.
Fadeev (1965) suggests that Alaska plaice live year round on the
shelf and move seasonally within its limits. Water temperatures may
influence the seasonal movements and subsequent distribution on the
shelf. Alaska plaice maintain a more westerly wintertime distribution
(Fig. 4), possibly to avoid the cold bottom water temperatures that
exist over the eastern Bering Sea shelf during winter. However, the
extent of ice coverage may be limiting the distribution of fishing
effort which is used to discern the wintertime distribution; restricting
our knowledge of their seasonal distribution.
Alaska plaice are rarely encountered on the slope during the
winter. They may reach the outer shelf in winter together with yellowfin
sole, as was observed during spring 1976, but they generally prefer
shallow water. Although this species distribution overlaps with rock
sole, Pleuronectes bilineata, and yellowfin sole, the center of
abundance of Alaska plaice is located to the north of the other species.
Early Life History
The eggs and larvae of Alaska plaice are pelagic and transparent,
with egg diameter ranging from 1.9 to 2.05 mm (Musienko, 1963; Waldron,
1981; Matarese et al., 1989). Pertseva-Ostroumova (1961) described the
embryonic and larval development of Alaska plaice from the west coast of
Kamchatka and reported that artificially fertilized eggs, incubated at
an average temperature of 6 [degrees] C, hatched in 15.5-18 days. Eggs
developing under natural conditions (-1.5 [degrees]-6.7 [degrees] C) may
have a longer incubation period.
Little is known about the distribution of Alaska plaice eggs. The
available data suggests the eggs are widely distributed over the
continental shelf of the Bering Sea and have been found in varying
densities and spatial concentrations among the years sampled (Table 2).
Spawning is believed to occur during March-April, and eggs are found
from April to early summer.
Table 2.--Summary of Alaska plaice egg distribution information
from results of ichthyoplankton surveys conducted in the eastern Bering
Authority Time period Method
Waldron and Favorite (1977) April-May 1976 Bongo and neuston
Waldron and Vinter(1)(1978) May 1977 Bongo and neuston
Waldron (1981) 1955-79 Bongo and neuston
Authority Findings
Waldron and Favorite (1977) Eggs widely distributed with centers
of abundance near the outer Alaska
Peninsula, east of the Pribilof
Islands, outer Bristol Bay and
northwest of the Pribilof Islands
Waldron and Vinter(1)(1978) Eggs comprised 28% of bongo samples
and 72% of the neuston net samples
at 64 locations. Eggs had a wide
distribution over the Bering Sea
Waldron (1981) Eggs were widely distributed from
lat. 55 [degrees] N off Unimak
Island to lat. 59.5 [degrees] N near
Nunivak Island and from
long. 159 [degrees] W in Bristol
Bay to long. 175 [degrees] W near
the shelf edge.
(1) Waldron, K. D., and B. M. Vinter. 1978. Ichthyoplankton of the
eastern Bering Sea. U,S. Dep. Commer., NOAA, Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv.,
Seattle, Wash,, NWFC Processed Rep., 88 p.
Upon hatching, Alaska plaice larvae are apparently more developed
than other flounders. The larvae are relatively large at hatching (5.85
mm) and have advanced body differentiation and eye pigmentation, which
may be an adaptation to development at high latitudes and low
temperatures (Pertseva-Ostroumova, 1961). Small larvae are mainly found
in the surface layer, although they occasionally are caught as deep as
120 m. The yolk sac, ranging from 0.68 to 1.5 mm long and 0.32 to 0.60
mm high, is absorbed when the larvae are about 6.0-7.5 mm in length.
Although the length at which metamorphosis occurs is unknown, young
larvae of Alaska plaice appear to become demersal at a length of about
13-17 mm (Pertseva-Ostroumova 1961).
Growth and Mortality
Alaska plaice is a slow-growing long-lived species, typical of
eastern Bering Sea shelf flatfish. Age and growth studies have been
conducted by Mosher (1954), Weber and Shippen (1975), Bakkala et al.
(1985), and Zhang (1987), based on an examination of otoliths. Male and
female fish have been aged up to 31 years, and ages greater than 25 are
not uncommon for fish in trawl survey catches. Length-at-age is similar
for males and females until about ages 8-10 (30-32 cm) when male growth
slows with the onset of sexual maturity (Fig. 5). It is not known
whether differential growth by geographic region occurs on the eastern
Bering Sea shelf. Parameters for the von Bertalanffy equation from age
structures collected in 1988 are as follows:
[L.sub.[infinity]] (mm) [t.sub.0] K
Males 379.2 1.83 0.204
Females 501.7 2.09 0.156
Values of K are low for both sexes, indicative of slow growth. It
is expected that the natural mortality rate (M) of such a slow-growing,
long-lived species would also be relatively low. Estimates of M range
from 0.195 to 0.22 for Alaska plaice (Wilderbuer and Zhang, In press).
Natural mortality is likely close to 0.2, which is the value used in
age-structured modeling of the eastern Bering Sea population (Wilderbuer
and Walters, 1997).
The length-weight relationships for males and females from the 1990
survey are shown in Figure 6. The parameters for the relationship,
weight in grams = a[(length in cm).sup.b] are:
a b
Males .05677 2.576
Females .006148 3.217
Although the length-weight relationships for males and females are
similar, Zhang (1987), using data collected during the 1975 AFSC survey,
reported that large females ([is greater than] 26 cm) were up to 7%
heavier than males of the same size.
Maturation and Spawning
During 1986-87, female Alaska plaice taken by the commercial
fishery were classified as to maturity state by U.S. observers using the
criteria presented in Table 3. Most of the females examined were in the
developing stage (Code 2) in March, in the spawning stage (Code 3) in
April, and in the post-spawning stage in May and June (Code 4). These
observations suggest that spawning occurs during April through June.
Table 3.--Criteria used to classify Alaska plaice
by maturity stage.
Code Stage Description of gonads
1 Immature Gonad small, situated close to vertebral column.
Difficult to determine sex. Ovaries orangish
to translucent, testes translucent. Apparently
has not spawned for the first time.
2 Developing Gonad small, to about 1/2 length of ventral
cavity. Transparent and/or opaque ova visible to
naked eye, testes more opaque and swelling.
3 Spawning Ova and sperm run under slight pressure, Most
eggs translucent with few opaque eggs
left in pale orange ovary.
4 Spent Ovaries and testes flaccid and empty. Ovaries
may contain remnants of disintegrating
ova, testes bloodshot.
5 Inactive Adults with gonads firm and shaped, but showing
no development of ova or sperm.
The length at maturity for female Alaska plaice was also determined
from a sample of fish examined during March and April by fitting a
logistic equation to the relationship between length and the proportion
of mature females (Fig. 7), as follows:
where L = length in centimeters, [P.sub.L] = proportion mature at
length L, [L.sub.0.50] = length where: [P.sub.L] = 0.50 = maturation
length and c is a constant. The above equation can be linearized to:
ln(l/[P.sub.L]-L) = [L.sub.0.50]/c - 1/c.
The equation is then of the form Y = a + bX, and a weighted linear
regression of ln(1/[P.sub.L] - L) on L can be applied. The weights used
for Y observations were 1/Var(Y) = [nP.sub.L](1-[P.sub.L) (Gunderson,
1977). Regression coefficients obtained were then used to estimate
[L.sub.0.50] = (-a/b) and c = (-l/b).
The variance of [L.sub.0.50] was approximated by using the delta
Var([L.sub.0.50]) = 1/[b.sup.2]Var(a)+[(a/[b.sup.2]].sup.2] -
The parameter estimates for the proportion mature at length,
predicted length at 50% maturity L(0.50) and standard errors for
[L.sub.0.50] are presented in Table 4. The estimated [L.sub.0.50] was 32
cm from collections made in March and 28 cm from April. The combined
value was 31 cm, which corresponds to an age of 6 to 7 years.
Pertseva-Ostroumova (1961) reports that Alaska plaice from Asian waters
reach sexual maturity at 4-6 years corresponding to a length of 20-21
cm. This may indicate a smaller size at maturity in Asian waters than in
the eastern Bering Sea. However, it is difficult to suggest the
existence of differences in age at maturity by area, since there is a
large temporal difference in the collection times of the two samples.
Table 4.--Estimates of parameters for the logistic equation of the
relationship between length and the proportion of mature female Alaska
plaice in the eastern Bering Sea. Predicted length at maturity
([L.sub.0.50]) and the standard error for [L.sub.0.50] are also shown.
Sample Proportion [L.sub.0.50] S.E. [L.sub.0.50]
month mature (cm) (cm)
March 0.5379 31.9985 0.2827
April 0.4418 27.9005 7.3571
Combined 0.4300 30.8013 0.3012
Fecundity estimates (Fadeev, 1965) from the southeastern Bering Sea
indicate female fish produce an average of 56,000 eggs at lengths of
28-30 cm, and 313,000 eggs at lengths of 48-50 cm (Table 5).
Fertilization is external. Spawning of Alaska plaice is reported to
occur over a 2-3 month period during the spring on hard sandy substrates
of the shelf region, primarily around the 100 m isobath within a range
of 75-150 m (Pertseva-Ostroumova, 1961). The annual spawning period may
vary both temporally and spatially due to the variations in hydrological conditions. In the Bering Sea, Musienko (1970) reported that spawning
apparently starts in early spring immediately after the ice melts (early
May) and continues until mid-June. He also found that peak spawning in
this region occurs at water temperatures ranging from -1.53 [degrees] to
4.11 [degrees] C and salinities ranging from 29.8% to 34% on the
seafloor and 32% to 32.8% at the surface. Alaska Fisheries Science
Center observations on the duration and timing of spawning generally
agree with those of Pertseva-Ostroumova (1961) and Musienko (1970),
although the AFSC data suggest that peak spawning may occur in April.
Table 5.--Fecundity of Alaska plaice in the southeastern Bering Sea
from a sample of 47 fish (Fadeev, 1965).
Length (cm) Fecundity (x 1,000)
28.1-30.0 56.3
30.1-32.0 93.2
34.1-36.0 127.2
36.1-38.0 159.5
38.1-40.0 161.8
40.1-42.0 183.0
42.1-44.0 268.5
44.1-46.0 280.8
46.1-48.0 289.3
48.1-50.0 312.6
Observations from egg and larval surveys, however, indicate
spawning may occur as late as June (Waldron and Vinter(1)). This
variation in the time of spawning may result from variations in
hydrographic conditions as suggested by Pertseva-Ostroumova (1961).
Alaska plaice do not aggregate for spawning but spawn over a wide
area of the middle shelf. Northeasterly surface currents move the eggs
to shallower waters of Bristol Bay and other coastal areas of the Alaska
mainland where young plaice apparently live until they grow to about 20
cm in length. Eggs may also drift from the eastern Bering Sea to the
Chukchi Sea through the Bering Strait. A strong current runs northward from the Bering Sea through the Bering Strait and into the southeastern
Chukchi Sea (Pruter and Alverson, 1962). Current speeds of 0.25-0.50
m/sec have been reported from the surface to within a few meters of the
bottom in the eastern Chukchi Sea and along the Alaska coast during
summer (Fleming et al.(2)). Alaska plaice length frequency distributions
collected from the Chukchi Sea in 1977, were comprised mostly of
juveniles ranging from 10 to 20 cm in length although some were as large
as 40 cm (12 years) (Wolotira et al.(3)).
Feeding and Ecological Interactions
Food habits of Alaska plaice in the eastern Bering Sea have been
studied by Moiseev (1953), Skalkin (1963), Mineva (1964), Feder (1977,
1978), Zhang (1987, 1988), Lang (1992), Lang et al. (1995), and Allen
(1984(4,5)). Skalkin (1963), Zhang (1987, 1988), Lang (1992), Lang et
al. (1995), and Allen(4) also studied trophic interactions among Alaska
plaice, yellowfin sole, and rock sole which share a similar habitat and
have overlapping distributions.
According to Zhang (1987), the stomach fullness of Alaska plaice
was lowest after midnight (0300 to 0600 h), suggesting that feeding does
not occur at night. Stomach fullness was greatest in the afternoon (1500
to 1800 h) indicating that feeding seems to be active during daytime,
primarily on polychaetes and amphipods regardless of sex and size.
Table 6 shows prey items of Alaska plaice in the Bering Sea.
Skalkin (1963) found that the major food items of Alaska plaice in the
southeastern Bering Sea were benthic crustaceans, mollusks, and
polychaetes. All three major food types were not found to occur in
stomach contents at the same time. Rather, the diet often consisted of
polychaetes and mollusks or only one of the three groups.
Table 6.--Prey diets of Alaska plaice in the Bering Sea.
Authority Bering Sea area
Skalkin (1963) Southeastern
Mineva (1964) Eastern
Feder (1977, 1978) Eastern
Allen(1) (1984) Southeastern
Zhang (1987) Eastern
Lang (1992) Eastern
Authority Major food items
Skalkin (1963) Benthic crustaceans, mollusks, polychaetes
Mineva (1964) Bivalves, gastropods, polychaetes
Feder (1977, 1978) Polychaetes, bivalves, amphipods, nemerteans
Allen(1) (1984) Benthopelagic, epifaunal, sessil infaunal preys
Zhang (1987) Polychaetes, amphipods, Echiura, Sipuncula
Lang (1992) Polychaetes, amphipods, bivalves, decapods
(1) Text footnote 4.
Mineva (1964) examined 190 stomachs of Alaska plaice in the eastern
Bering Sea and found the following important prey items: bivalves such
as Yoldia hyperborea, Y. johanni, and Macoma calcarea; gastropods such
as Cylichna alba; polychaetes such as Sternaspia scutata, and
Scalibregma sp.; Nephtydae; Terebellidae; amphipods; and ophiuroids.
Other Bering Sea studies (Feder, 1977, 1978) also found polychaetes,
bivalves, amphipods, and nemerteans to be major food items for Alaska
plaice. Allen(4) examined the stomach contents of Alaska plaice on the
southeastern Bering Sea shelf in 1982, and found benthopelagic,
epifaunal, and sessil infaunal prey in the stomachs.
Lang (1992) intensively studied the food habits of Alaska plaice
from a sample of 513 stomachs, 64 of which were empty and 449 contained
food. He found that polychaeta prey was the most commonly occurring prey
group, however, gammarid amphipods were also quite common. The other
prey items were bivalves, marine worms, decapods and echinoderms (Table
Table 7.--Polled prey diet and Index of Relative Importance (IRI)
of Alaska plaice in the eastern Bering Sea (Lang 1992).
of occurrence Numbers Weight
Prey taxa (%) (%) (%) IRI
Polychaeta 90.4 25.6 60.9 78.2
Bivalvia 37.0 5.5 5.8 4.2
(Gammadda) 70.2 50.0 3.1 37.2
Decapoda 4.7 0.3 0.2 0.0
Marine worms 47.7 11.3 29.0 19.2
Echinodermata 12.7 1.0 0.2 0.2
Fish 1.1 0.1 1.0 0.002
Miscellaneous 25.4 6.3 0.7 1.8
Zhang (1987) found that the pattern of food consumption by size
group was very similar, with the most important prey being polychaetes
(75.2% for fish [is greater than] 30 cm and 63.3% for fish [is less
than] 30 cm). The next most important items were amphipods (6.7%) and
Echiura (5.7%) for the [is greater than] 30 cm group, and Sipuncula
(21.7%) and amphipods (11.6%) for the [is less than] 30 cm group. Fish
were only found in the stomachs of the [is greater than] 30 cm group,
usually in small amounts.
To examine diet overlap among Alaska plaice, yellowfin sole, and
rock sole, Zhang (1987) used Schoener's (1970) index of dietary
overlap to compare the similarity of their diets for two taxonomic levels of prey (the lowest taxonomic level and the phylum level, Table
8). The analysis indicated that diet overlap between the three species
was less than 0.3 for the lowest taxonomic level but as high as 0.8 at
the phylum level. The highest values were obtained in comparisons
between Alaska plaice and rock sole (C(x,y) = 0.299 at the lowest
possible taxonomic level but was relatively high (C(x,y) = 0.787) at the
phylum level). The most important common prey of the two species was
polychaetes but the prey species of secondary importance differed;
Echiura for Alaska plaice and amphipods, Echiura and Echinodermata for
rock sole. The diet of yellowfin sole was different from these two
species with amphipods and Echinodermata as the most important prey
item. Overall, there was less overlap in the diet between Alaska plaice
and yellowfin sole than between rock sole and yellowfin sole.
Table 8.--Results of Schoener's index of diet overlap
(Schoener, 1970) between Alaska plaice, yellowfin sole, and rock sole of
the eastern Bering Sea. Values were calculated for the lowest possible
prey taxonomic level and at the phylum level.
Species Yellowfin sole Rock sole
Lowest taxonomic level
Alaska plaice 0.127 0.299
Yellowfin sole 0.154
Phylum level
Alaska plaice 0.313 0.787
Yellowfin sole 0.517
Skalkin (1963) stated that the degree of food similarity between
Alaska plaice and yellowfin sole caught in the same trawl was more than
50%. He also found an unusually high degree of food similarity between
Alaska plaice and rock sole due to the consumption of polychaetes.
Allen(5) hypothesized that, on the ecological segregation among species
of fish, competitive species have the same spatial distribution
(habitat) and foraging behavior (niche), while noncompetitive species
have either different feeding behavior or spatial distribution. Evidence
presented for the three flatfish species considered here would tend to
support the hypothesis that these species are not competitive.
Schoener's index of diet overlap was highest between Alaska plaice
and rock sole which have the most dissimilar distribution and lowest for
Alaska plaice and yellowfin sole which have similar distributions.
Lang et al. (1995) also examined food habits of the three
congeneric flatfishes in the eastern Bering Sea and determined that
Alaska plaice exhibited the narrowest diet selection, consisting
primarily of polychaetes and other worms. This supports Zhang's
hypothesis (Zhang, 1987) that the diets of Alaska plaice and rock sole
are similar due to their reliance upon polychaetes, while yellowfin sole
differed from the two species due to the variety of prey items, and
their areas of highest abundance are spatially separate (Fig. 8). Thus,
competition for similar prey items among species appeared low. In
conclusion, food competition seems to be negligible among the
shallow-water flatfish species inhabiting the eastern Bering Sea due to
differences in food spectra or spatial distribution. We hypothesize that
the abundance and distribution of Alaska plaice may be less than that of
yellowfin sole, because Alaska plaice are more specialized in terms of
their food habits.
Fluctuations in Abundance
Annual Changes in Population Biomass
The annual estimates of biomass from two age-structured models
(Fig. 9) indicate a continuous increase in abundance from 1971 through
the mid-1980's and a declining level of abundance thereafter
(Wilderbuer and Zhang, In press). The stock synthesis model estimates
indicate that the population biomass increased steadily from 1971,
peaking in 1984 at over 947,000 t. The population has been in decline
since, and the biomass is currently estimated to be only 50% of the peak
level. The biomass-based approach to cohort analysis similarly estimates
a prolonged period of increasing biomass since 1971 peaking in 1988 at
850,000 t and declining thereafter to 50% of the maximum level by 1995.
Compared to the biomass-based cohort analysis model, synthesis estimates
suggest a higher biomass from 1971 to 1987. The two models show close
agreement for 1987-93.
The annual bottom trawl survey estimates indicate an increase in
biomass from 1975 through 1984 and a stable trend during 1985-97 at
levels ranging from 515,000 t to 700,000 t (Table 9). Due to the large
amount of variability associated with the trawl survey point estimates,
the trawl surveys do not detect the declining trend in the population
biomass since the mid-1980's estimated by the two age-structured
Table 9.--Estimated biomass and 95% confidence intervals of Alaska
plaice from U.S. bottom trawl surveys in 1975 and 1979-97.
Year Biomass (t) 95% Confidence intervals
1975 103,500 82,989-124,105
1979 277,200 191,893-362,504
1980 354,000 288,224-423,706
1981 535,800 409,912-661,742
1982 715,400 587,034-843,783
1983 743,000 614,060-871,887
1984 789,200 560,625-1,017,735
1985 580,000 457,966-701,990
1986 553,900 383,587-724,212
1987 564,400 409,133-719,572
1988 699,400 309,641-1,089,139
1989 534,000 372,787-695,183
1990 522,800 386,807-658,775
1991 529,100 393,436-664,703
1992 530,400 378,004-682,871
1993 515,200 377,428-652,954
1994 623,100 479,130-767,028
1995 552,300 380,524-724,060
1996 529,300 344,200-714,400
1997 643,400 498,000-788,300
Recruitment Strengths
Estimates of age 6 recruitment from the two age-structured models
corroborate the observed population increase and subsequent decline
during a period of light exploitation (Fig. 10). Estimates since 1989
suggest a lack of good recruitment relative to the consistently strong
recruitment estimated from the 1970's and 1980's which
provided the population increase. Synthesis model recruitment estimates
from the 1971-77 period were higher than those from the biomass-based
model, resulting in the higher biomass estimates observed in the
1970's and early 1980's (Fig. 9). The population has declined
as the large year classes, which recruited at age 6 prior to 1988, are
now older than the age where they maximize their cohort biomass. The
lack of recruitment to the fishable biomass in subsequent years has
contributed to the population decline.
Current Management and Estimation of Yield
Maximum Sustainable Yield
Estimates of MSY are 54,300 t based on the biomass-based production
model. The stock biomass that would provide this long-term yield
([B.sub.MSY]) is estimated at 280,000 t, well below the current biomass
estimate of over 400,000 t. The instantaneous rate of fishing mortality
for MSY ([F.sub.MSY]) was estimated at 0.194, much higher than the
average F of less than 0.05 since 1971.
ABC for 1998
Alaska plaice of the eastern Bering Sea are managed under the
jurisdiction of the North Pacific Fishery Management Council (NPFMC).
Each year the NPFMC determines the total allowable catch (catch quota)
for each management species derived from the Acceptable Biological Catch
(ABC). The ABC currently used is based on Amendment 44 to the fisheries
management plans for the Bering Sea/Aleutian Islands region and the Gulf
of Alaska. These regulations set ABC commensurate upon the amount of
reliable information available for the current biomass, the management
parameters [B.sub.MSY], [F.sub.MSY], [F.sub.0.30], and F0.40 and the
relationship between the current biomass and [B.sub.MSY] (Clark, 1991).
The ABC for the 1998 fishing Season, according to present
management guidelines, can be calculated with the following
considerations. Since reliable estimates of initial 1998 biomass,
[B.sub.MSY], [F.sub.MSY], [F.sub.0.35], and [F.sub.0.40] exist and the
stock size at the beginning of 1998 is projected to be about 430,000 t
(which is above [B.sub.MSY]) using F levels for 1996 and 1997 of 0.05,
ABC can be calculated as follows:
ABC= [F.sub.MSY][B.sub.98] 1/Z(1- [e.sup.-z]),
where [B.sub.98] is the initial 1998 biomass estimated by the
projection of the biomass-based approach to the production model,
[F.sub.MSY] = 0.194, and natural mortality = 0.2. This results in an ABC
= 68,900 t which is higher than MSY (54,300 t) since the stock condition
is presently above [B.sub.MSY].
Biomass Projections
Alaska plaice biomass through the year 2025 was projected using the
biomass-based approach to the production model for six different F
regimes ranging from 0.05-0.30 (Fig. 11). Under the optimum F level
([F.sub.MSY] = 0.194) the biomass was projected to remain stable at
280,000 t ([B.sub.MSY]). Biomass levels as low as 200,000 t could be
reached within 7 years at a fishing mortality of 0.30 in the projection.
If future harvest levels remain at current levels, the stock biomass
should vary with recruitment success, as in past years.
(1) Waldron, K. D., and B. M. Vinter. 1978. Ichthyoplankton of the
eastern Bering Sea. U.S. Dep. Commer., NOAA, Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv.,
Seattle, Wash., NWAFC Processed Rep. (unnumbered: Final Rep. (RU 380)),
88 p.
(2) Fleming, R. H. 1959. Oceanographic survey of the Chukchi Sea 1
August to 2 September 1959. Preliminary report of Brown Bear cruise No.
268. Univ. Wash., Dep. Oceanogr., Seattle, Mimeogr. Rep. 59-30:1-14.
(3) Wolotira, R. J., Jr., T. M. Sample, and M. Morin, Jr. 1977.
Demersal fish and shellfish resources of Norton Sound, the southeastern
Chukchi Sea, and adjacent waters in the baseline year 1976. U.S. Dep.
Commer., NOAA, Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv., NWAFC Processed Rep.
(unnumbered), 292 p.
(4) Allen, M. J. 1984. Functional organization of demersal fish
communities of the eastern Bering Sea. Unpubl. manuscr. on file at U.S.
Dep. Commer., NOAA, Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv., Northwest Alaska Fish.
Cent., 7600 Sand Point Way, N.E. Seattle, WA 98115.
(5) Allen, M. J. 1984. Niche segregation of nearshore soft-bottom
fishes in a subarctic, warm-temperature, and tropical environment.
Unpubl. manuscr. On file at U.S. Dep. Commer., NOAA, Natl. Mar. Fish.
Serv., Northwest Alaska Fish. Cent., 7600 Sand Point Way, N.E. Seattle,
WA 98115.
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Chang Zhang is wih the Pukyong National University, Daeyeon-dong,
Nam-gu, Pusan 608-737, Korea. Email:
[email protected]. Thomas
Wilderbuer and Gary Walters are with the Alaska Fisheries Science
Center, National Marine Fisheries Service, NOAA, 7600 Sand Point Way NE,
BIN C 15700, Seattle, WA 98115-0070.