Motor vehicles, model year 1989.
Moran, Larry R.
Motor Vehicles, Model Year 1989
SALES of new motor vehicles in the United States decreased 1 1/2
percent to 15.4 million units in model year 1989, following a 1-percent
increase in 1988 (table 1).(1) The 1989 decrease was more than accounted
for by sales of imported cars and trucks. Sales of both domestic cars
and trucks increased slightly.(2)
Motor vehicle sales have been within a range of 15 million to 16
million units in each year since 1985. Prior to 1985, the highest level
of sales was 15.3 million in 1978, and only once were sales more than
14.5 million for 3 consecutive years--1977-79 (chart 2).
The continued high level of sales in the past 2 years reflected
strength in many of the general factors usually associated with consumer
expenditures for durable goods, as well as small increases in new car
prices. For the second consecutive model year, real disposable personal
income increased by more than 4 percent, and for the sixth consecutive
year, the unemployment rate declined. In 1989, consumer confidence (as
measured by the Index of Consumer Sentiment prepared by the University
of Michigan's Survey Research Center) registered its largest
increase in 5 years. The consumer price index for new cars increased
slightly in 1989 after increasing only 2 1/2 percent in 1988. One result
of the strength in consumer income was a 6 1/2-percent increase in the
average expenditure per new car to $15,189 in 1989 after a 6-percent
increase in 1988.(3) The increases in average expenditures, which were
well above the increases in the consumer price index for new cars,
indicated that consumers shifted purchases to bigger cars or to cars
with more optional equipment.
Other factors specific to the motor vehicle market have constrained the growth in unit sales in recent years. The stock of consumer-owned
vehicles reached a record high in 1989, the result of 5 years of strong
sales and an increase in the length of time owners are keeping vehicles.
The average age of cars on the road (estimated by R. L. Polk and
Company) climbed in 1985 to 7.6 years--the highest level since 1950--and
has changed little since then. Replacement purchases (purchases to
replace older vehicles), which had stimulated unit sales in 1983-86,
returned to more "normal" levels in 1987-89. The increase in
the number of vehicles per household, which had been steady in 1983--87,
slowed sharply in 1988--89.
Two factors related to the financing of new car purchases--longer
new car loans and higher interest rates--also constrained unit sales
growth. The average length of new car loans made by auto finance
companies, which had climbed steadily through most of the 1980's,
jumped sharply in 1987 and 1988 to a record 56 months. For two reasons,
longer loan periods may impede new car sales when the car that the loan
covers is to be used as a trade-in. First, the owner must use at least
part of the trade-in value received to pay off the loan rather than as a
down-payment on the new car. Second, if the owner waits until the loan
has been paid off, the owner would receive less value on the trade-in
because the car is older. (The average length of new car loans declined
slightly to 55 months in 1989; the decline reflected the effects of
sales-incentive programs that encouraged buyers--who otherwise would
have paid cash--to finance cars over 24 months. Similar declines in the
average length of loans occurred in earlier years when substantial
incentive programs were offered.) Interest rates on new car loans were
generally higher in 1989 than in 1988 (chart 3). After ranging from 10
to 11 percent in model year 1988, interest rates offered by commercial
banks increased from 11 percent in the fourth quarter of 1988 to 12 1/2
percent in the second quarter of 1989, before declining to 12 percent in
the third. Interest rates offered by auto finance companies, which were
12 percent for most of model year 1988, were 13 percent in the fourth
quarter of 1988 and the first quarter of 1989 and then declined to 12
percent in the second and third quarters.
New Cars
New car sales declined 1 1/2 percent to 10.3 million units in model
year 1989; the decline was more than accounted for by import car sales.
New car sales had declined 1/2 percent in 1988 and 5 1/2 percent in
Domestic and import car sales
Domestic car sales increased 1/2 percent to 7.4 million in model
year 1989 after declining for 3 consecutive years. Increases in luxury
and full-size cars (to 1.7 million) and compact cars (to 2.7 million)
more than offset declines in intermediate cars (to 2.0 million) and
subcompact cars (to 1.0 million).
Import car sales fell 7 percent to 2.9 million--the lowest level
since 1985--after declining 2 percent in 1988. The declines reflected,
in part, increases in sales of foreign models manufactured in the United
States, which are counted as sales of domestic cars; previously these
models had been imported. In addition, the shift in consumer purchases
to larger cars may have dampened sales of imported cars, which are
mostly compacts and sub-compacts. A number of foreign manufacturers have
responded to the shift by introducing full-size and luxury models. Sales
of imported cars from most countries declined in 1989: Sales of cars
imported from Japan--which account for roughly two-thirds of all import
car sales--declined 4 1/2 percent, and sales of cars from South Korea and West Germany declined 13 1/2 percent and 11 1/2 percent,
The shift in consumer purchases to larger cars has been in progress
for several years and can be seen in changes in size-class market shares
(percent of total domestic and import car sales) in the past 2 years
(chart 4). Domestic compact cars gained market share at the expense of
domestic subcompact cars; the market share of domestic compact cars
increased to 26 1/2 percent in 1989 from 22 1/2 percent in 1987, and the
market share of domestic subcompact cars declined to 9 percent from 11
1/2 percent. Further, domestic full-size and luxury cars gained market
share at the expense of domestic intermediate cars; the market share of
domestic full-size and luxury cars increased to 16 1/2 percent from 15
1/2 percent in 1987, and the market share of domestic intermediate cars
declined to 19 percent from 20 percent. The market share of imported
cars declined to 28 1/2 percent from 30 1/2 percent in 1987; the decline
was partly due to lower sales of imported subcompact cars.
Quarterly patterns
New car sales changed little at 10.5 million (seasonally adjusted annual rate) in the fourth quarter of 1988, fell sharply in the first
quarter of 1989, and then increased in both the second and the third
quarters (chart 5). The pickup in the second half of the model year
primarily reflected enhanced sales-incentive programs--featuring rebates
or below-market financing--offered by manufacturers.
Domestic cars.--In the fourth quarter of 1988, domestic car sales
increased slightly to 7.5 million from 7.4 million in the third.
Production increased to 7.6 million from 7.3 million. Inventories
increased slightly to 1.62 million units from 1.57 million. The
inventory-sales ratio edged up to 2.60 from 2.53, remaining above the
2.40 ratio traditionally targeted by the industry.(4)
Sales fell to 7.0 million in the first quarter. In an attempt to
reduce swelling inventories, manufacturers cut production to 7.1
million. Still, by quarter's end, inventories had risen to 1.69
million, and the inventory-sales ratio was 2.90.
As an additional measure to reduce inventories, manufacturers
introduced incentive programs late in the first quarter. Early in the
second quarter, these programs were enhanced. Sales picked up initially
but fell off late in the quarter; for the quarter, sales increased to
7.3 million. Production changed little at 7.1 million. Inventories edged
up to 1.73 million, and the inventory-sales ratio, reflecting the
increase in sales, edged down to 2.84.
With inventories still high, domestic manufacturers again enhanced
their incentive programs early in the third quarter. The new incentives
covered nearly all 1989 models and, in September, many 1990 models. Many
of these programs were the most attractive ever offered by
manufacturers. Interestingly, about four-fifths of new car buyers chose
cash rebates rather than below-market financing, even though the latter
generally provided a larger financial benefit. Buyers used the cash to
pay off existing loans on trade-in cars or as a downpayment. Sales
jumped to 7.9 million for the quarter, the highest level since the third
quarter of 1987. This jump, along with a cut in production to 6.8
million, led to a decline in inventories to 1.58 million and in the
inventory-sales ratio to 2.41.
Although the inventory-sales ratio has been at or above 2.40 in all
but two quarters since the fourth quarter of 1986, recent developments
suggest that a higher ratio has not become acceptable to the industry.
Even with the inventory-sales ratio at the end of the third quarter of
1989 at the lowest level in six quarters, retail dealers have resisted
pressures from manufacturers to increase inventories of 1990 models.
Consequently, manufacturers have cut production plans for the fourth
Imported cars.--Sales of imported cars, which had declined in each
quarter of model year 1988, declined further to 3.0 million in the
fourth quarter of 1988 and to 2.8 million in the first quarter of 1989.
Only a few foreign manufacturers offered incentive programs through the
first quarter, and those programs were, for the most part, modest. Most
foreign manufacturers, with import sales at a 4-year low and inventories
at record levels, joined domestic manufacturers in offering new or
enhanced incentives in the second quarter; import car sales increased to
3.0 million in the second quarter. However, even with enhanced
incentives in the third quarter, sales declined to 2.9 million.
New Trucks
New truck sales declined slightly to 5.07 million units in model
year 1989 from a record high in 1988. The decline--the first since the
recession year of 1981--was more than accounted for by sales of imported
trucks. Sales of domestic trucks increased.
Light truck sales (up to 10,000 pounds gross vehicle weight), which
accounted for 90 percent of total unit truck sales in 1989, declined for
the first time in 8 years. These trucks include light conventional
pickups, compact pickups, sport utility vehicles, and passenger vans.
About two-thirds of light truck purchases are for personal used, and,
thus, many of the same developments that affected car sales affected
light truck sales. Light trucks were included in most of the
manufacturer's sales-incentive programs in the second and third
Throughout much of 1980's, the strength in light truck sales
reflected a substitution of truck purchases for car purchases,
particularly by families purchasing second or third vehicles. Light
trucks offer recreational and utility features, such as increased
passenger and load-carrying capacity; families purchasing a second or
third vehicle often purchase a truck for these features. In addition,
prices were lower for many light truck models than for most car models.
However, the substitution of truck purchases for car purchases slowed
significantly in 1989. Trucks accounted for 33 percent of motor vehicle
sales in 1989, only slightly more than in 1988.
Light domestic truck sales increased 2 percent to 4.21 million in
1989 after 12-percent increase in 1988. Import truck sales, mostly small
pickups, dropped 19 1/2 percent to 0.52 million in 1989 after plummeting
26 1/2 percent in 1988. The declines in import truck sales, as with
import car sales, partly reflected an increase in foreign truck models
manufactured in the United States; these models, which previously had
been imported, are counted as domestic trucks.
Sales of "other" domestic trucks (over 10,000 pounds
gross vehicle weight) changed little at 0.34 million. These trucks,
nearly all purchased by business, range from medium-duty general
delivery trucks to heavy-duty diesel tractor-trailers.
The quarterly pattern of truck sales in model year 1989 mirrored
that of cars. Truck sales declined to 5.09 million in the fourth quarter
of 1988 from 5.19 million in the third; sales of both domestic light
trucks and imported trucks declined, and sales of "other"
domestic trucks increased (chart 6). In the first quarter of 1989, truck
sales declined to 4.88 million; sales of all types of trucks contributed
to the decline. Truck sales increased to 4.96 million in the second
quarter; sales of both domestic light trucks and imported trucks
increased, partly reflecting new incentive programs, and sales of
"other" domestic trucks declined. Truck sales jumped to 5.41
million in the third quarter, the highest level in 3 years; a large
increase in light domestic truck sales, reflecting enhanced incentive
programs, more than accounted for the jump. Sales of both imported
trucks and "other" domestic trucks declined slightly. [Chart 2
to 6 Omitted] [Tabular Data Omitted]
(1)For this article, the model year is defined as beginning October 1
and ending on the following September 30. Thus, model year 1989 covers
the fourth (calendar) quarter of 1988 and the first, and third quarters
of 1989.
This article focuses on data for unit sales, inventories, and
production drawn mainly from Ward's Automotive Reports and the
Motor Vehicle Manufacturers Association and data for prices drawn mainly
from the Automobile Invoice Service and the Bureau of Labor Statistics,
U.S. Department of Labor. These data underlie BEA's estimates of
auto and truck output, which are part of the national income and product
accounts estimates. (2)Sales of domestic cars and trucks consist of
sales of vehicles manufactured in North America and sold in the United
States. Sales of imported cars and trucks consist of sales of vehicles
manufactured outside North America and sold in the United States. (3)BEA
derives the average expenditure per car by using the average retail
price of each model (adjusted for options, discounts or premiums, and
sales taxes) weighted by the market share of sales taxes) weighted by
the market share of sales. Movements in the BEA measure differ from
movements in the new cars component of the Consumer Price Index (CPI)
primarily because the CPI, unlike the BEA measure, is adjusted to remove
the influence of quality change on prices and because the BEA measure,
unlike the CPI, reflects changes in the sales mix and includes cars sold
to business. (4)Inventory developments may be tracked using data on
inventory-sales ratios or, as is frequently done by the industry,
day's supply (the number of days that would be required to
liquidate inventories at the current rate of sales). (Movements in these
series are very similar; the differences reflect the fact that
inventory-sales ratios are derived from seasonally adjusted data and
that days' supply estimates are derived from unadjusted data.) The
industry targets about 60 days' supply, which translates into an
inventory-sales ratio of about 2.40.