Measuring the New Economy.
Landefeld, J. Steven ; Fraumeni, Barbara M.
THE "new economy" and the favorable economic conditions
accompanying it have been the subject of considerable attention in the
media, on Wall Street, among economists, at central banks, and in
government agencies. Although some seem to take it on faith that there
is a permanent change in the economy powering the strong performance of
the U.S. economy over the last 5 years, many question this view and are
scouring economic statistics for evidence on the importance of this new
economy to economic performance and whether there really has been a
fundamental and lasting change in the structure of the economy. This
concern has been accentuated by the recent slowdown in the economy,
leading many to ask if the change was simply cyclical; while others have
speculated on the impact of just-in-time inventories and other aspects
of the new economy on the depth and length of a possible downturn.
This paper provides background information on the new economy and
how it relates to BEA's economic accounts. It is designed to answer
the following questions:
* What structural changes have occurred that define the new
* Why is it important that these changes in the economy be captured
in gross domestic product (GDP) and BEA's other economic accounts
* What do we know now about the size and impact of these changes on
the economy?
* Where does the new economy show up in the accounts?
* How well are the new aspects of the economy recorded in the
* What should be BEA's highest priority in improving the
capacity of the accounts to measure the new changes in the economy?
What is the new economy?
Many have hypothesized that we are in a new economy that is the
product of various structural changes occurring in the last two decades
and that has contributed to the recent improvement in economic
performance. The expansion that began in 1991 is characterized by
unprecedented length, strong growth in real GDP and real GDP per capita,
a pickup in productivity, higher profitability, higher rates of
investment, low inflation, low unemployment, and a somewhat more
equitable distribution of the gains in income (charts 1-6).
The forces behind these changes include the effect of globalization and increased international competition on labor and management
practices and the resulting reductions in costs and improvements in
efficiency associated with these changes. But most prominently, the new
economy is associated with the impact of technological innovation over
the last several decades that appears to have begun to bear fruit by the
mid-1990's. These include the impact of sharply lower prices and
increased efficiency in computers, cell phones, and the Internet; a host
of other new goods and services, innovation in financial markets, and
new methods of payment; and reductions in costs and improvements in
quality and efficiency associated with the use of these technologically
based changes in other goods and services.
The new economy has been described by the media in such exuberant terms as the Internet age, the information technology (IT) revolution,
and the digital economy. Estimates of the importance of the new economy
vary widely, and a cottage industry seems to have sprung up in
estimating the size of the high-tech economy and its impact on growth,
productivity, and other aspects of economic activity--including exports,
investment, and retail sales. The wide variations in such estimates stem
from the absence of common definitions for the new economy or its
subcomponents--including high-tech products, IT goods and services,
E-business, business-to-business E-commerce, and retail E-commerce.
Why is it important?
Among the central questions being asked about the new economy are:
Is it real, or is it an illusion of measurement?; Does it represent a
fundamental and lasting change in the structure of the economy, or is it
the result of a number of temporary phenomena?; Can we accurately
measure the new economy? The answers to these questions are important
because if it is real, structural, and likely to last, then there are
major implications for:
* Tax and spending projections;
* The funding and allocation of Federal and State and local
* Technology policy; regulations, laws, and tax rules affecting
saving; investment in physical and human capital, R&D, financial
markets, and the Internet;
* Understanding of long-term growth and productivity.
Conversely, if the new economy isn't real and isn't
likely to last, there are major implications for Federal budget
projections. According to the Office of Management and Budget, a
sustained 1-percent decrease in real GDP growth could lower the
projected surplus over the usual 5-year planning horizon (2001-05) by as
much as $518 billion, from $965 billion to $447 billion. Similarly, a
1-percent decrease in long-term real GDP growth could raise the
long-term Social Security deficit (in 2025) by two-thirds. As Chairman
Greenspan has pointed out, such large uncertainty about the ability to
sustain growth and about the likely long-term growth rate has--or should
have--a large impact on current debates and proposals regarding tax cuts
and spending. Undoubtedly, it also has an impact on the conduct of
monetary policy (see the next section on the uncertainty and problems in
capturing the impact of the new economy on GDP).
Changes in the economy can have a significant, variable, and
sometimes distorting impact on BEA's measures of economic activity
across different geographic areas and regions (see the next section). It
is critical that BEA's regional estimates be as accurate as
possible because they are used to allocate over $120 billion in funds
for programs ranging from Medicaid to Appalachian Development Assistance
to State and local governments. Seventeen large States that account for
almost half the U.S. population are required by statute or State
constitution to use BEA's regional income and product data in
establishing limits for tax receipts and expenditures. In addition to
the mandatory use of BEA data by these States, almost all the States use
BEA data in their tax projections, infrastructure planning, and
allocation of funds to counties.
Accurate and up-to-date measurement of the economy is essential to
providing an objective baseline for assessing the effects of a wide
range of policies, regulations, laws, and tax rules; for assessing the
relative contributions of various factors to economic growth; and for
assessing the means by which technology is transmitted and appropriated
by various industries. For example, one of the major issues highlighted
by recent studies is the impact on economic growth of innovations in the
computer, software, and telecommunications industries and in other
high-tech industries. In particular, do the benefits extend beyond the
computer, software, and telecommunications industries making the new
technology? Are there spillover effects to industries using the new
technologies beyond those associated with direct returns from increased
investment in these technologies?
Other issues relate to changes in the form of compensation and
profitability of new technologies. That is, how are tax policies and
changes in tax policies affecting, or likely to affect, the use of stock
options? How widespread is the use of stock options? Are stock options
moderating wage demands? What is the impact of changes in equity values
on household consumption and saving behavior?
What do we know now about the size and impact of the new economy?
Recent press attention has focused on the E-business aspects of the
new economy. Two estimates released in recent years illustrate the range
of estimates on the size of Internet business. One of the first
comprehensive estimates of the E-business sector was provided by a study
by the University of Texas at Austin that was funded by Cisco Systems,
the largest manufacturer of routers and other networking hardware and
software. Based on data collected from 2,830 firms, total sales by the
"Internet economy" were initially estimated at $331 billion in
1998, which was then adjusted down to $301 billion; this 9-percent
downward adjustment was for double-counted sales between the Internet
layers (column 1, table 1). For many purposes, such a sales-based
estimate may be appropriate. However, in order to compare the size of
this estimate, or its growth rate, with GDP (rather than total sales in
the economy), it must be adjusted to reflect intermediate sales to all
firms and not just the intercompany sales between these Internet economy
firms. Table 1 illustrates what the impact might be on the Texas
Internet economy estimates of counting just final sales. Although the
match between the firms reporting in the University of Texas study and
the 1996 input-output (I-O) categories is somewhat arbitrary, sorting
the types of companies in each of the Internet layers used in the study
into relevant 1996 I-O categories, shows (column 2, table 1) the high
proportion of intermediate sales relative to final sales for these firms
(or gross output, in I-O terminology). Weighting by gross output from
the Cisco study produces an overall contribution to GDP of $159 billion.
Thus, an adjustment for intermediate product results in a total that is
roughly 1.8 percent of GDP, rather than the 3.8 percent implied by the
$331 billion Internet economy sales figure.
Table 1.--Estimates of the Internet Economy
[Adjusted to GDP concepts]
Estimates for 1998
Internet GDP Contribution
revenues(1) share to GDP(3)
Layer Description (billions) (2) (billions)
One Internet infrastructure 115.0 0.37 43.1
Two Internet applications 56.3 .60 34.0
Three Internet intermediary 58.2 .18 10.3
Four Internet commerce 101.9 .70 71.4
Total 331.4 ..... 158.8
(1.) Values are from text and table in Whinston (1999).
(2.) GDP shares are calculated by BEA from the 1996 annual
input-output accounts. For each layer, commodities were
selected from the 1996 input-output accounts and an average
share of the final expenditure of the commodities to GDP
was calculated.
(3.) The share of the Internet revenues in GDP is calculated
by BEA as Internet revenues times the GDP share.
The second recent set of estimates of the size of the Internet
economy is the estimate of retail Internet sales by the Bureau of the
Census. This estimate was based on a supplemental question on the Census
Bureau's retail survey, which measures sales of goods from
businesses directly to consumers, whether through brick and mortar outlets or by mail order, phone, or Internet. It does not include sales
of services to consumers. According to this estimate, 1.01 percent of
retail sales are E-commerce sales.(1)
The estimates, particularly the Census Bureau's estimates,
provide important insight into various aspects of the new economy, but a
comprehensive examination of the major issues requires further
information on the overall volume of E-business, as well as its impact
on GDP, across products, industries, and regions, and on incomes and
prices. In a budget proposal now before the U.S. Congress, BEA is
proposing a comprehensive measure of E-business and high-tech that would
measure the new economy in a comprehensive and consistent fashion
through the lens of BEA'S national, industry, international, and
regional accounts.
However, absent such E-business measures, researchers have
attempted to measure the impact of the new economy using existing BEA
estimates--mainly information from BEA's national income and
product account (NIPA) estimates, its wealth accounts, its international
transactions accounts, and its I-O and GDP-by-industry
accounts--supplemented with other information and estimates from the
Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the Census Bureau, and other sources.
The simplest estimates of the impact of changes in the economy are
those that compute the contribution of high-tech goods and services to
real GDP growth and to inflation as measured by the chain-price index
for gross domestic purchases. The difficulties with this approach
include the computational complexities of estimating contributions to
growth in Fisher chain indexes, the lack of detailed product categories
for high-tech goods and services, and the absence of measures of the
impact of the IT revolution on the non-high-tech goods and services that
are included in the final demand measure of GDP. As a result of these
limitations, product-side measures focus on the direct contribution of
broad groupings of high-tech goods and services included in GDP--such as
computers, peripherals, and software--but do not capture the indirect
contribution. These include the impact of computers and software used in
designing, ordering, and manufacturing on the price (and output) of
clothing, furniture, and other goods and services. Nor does it capture
the relatively low-tech goods not included in broader high-tech
categories or the high-tech goods included in low-tech categories. On
the whole, such estimates of the impact of high-tech goods would seem to
represent a lower bound estimate of the impact of the new economy. Based
on BEA data, the direct contributions of high-tech products--such as
computers, software, and telecommunications--to real GDP growth in
1995-2000 averaged 29 percent or 1.20 percentage point of the
4.1-percent growth in real GDP (table 2).
Table 2.--Final Sales of Computers, Software, and Telecommunications
Contributions to
real gross domestic
product growth
1995 1996 1997
Percent change at annual rate:
Gross domestic product 2.7 3.6 4.4
Contributions in percentage points:
Computers and software(1) .62 .74 .90
Telecommunications services(2) .10 .14 .11
Communication equipment(3) .19 .15 .17
Total .91 1.03 1.18
Contributions to gross
domestic purchases
prices growth
Percent change at annual rate:
Gross domestic purchases prices 2.2 1.8 1.6
Contributions in percentage points:
Computers and software(1) -.24 -.44 -.45
Telecommunications services(2) .00 .02 .03
Communication equipment(4) -.05 -.05 -.03
Total -.29 -.47 -.45
Contributions to real gross
domestic product growth
1998 1999 2000 1995-00
Percent change at annual rate:
Gross domestic product 4.4 4.2 5.0 4.1
Contributions in percentage points:
Computers and software(1) .94 1.04 1.10 .89
Telecommunications services(2) .13 .14 .13 .13
Communication equipment(3) .10 .24 .25 .18
Total 1.17 1.42 1.48 1.20
Contribution to gross
domestic purchases
prices growth
Percent change at annual rate:
Gross domestic purchases prices 0.8 1.6 2.4 1.7
Contributions in percentage points:
Computers and software(1) -.53 -.44 -.18 -.38
Telecommunications services(2) .01 -.02 -.03 .00
Communication equipment(4) -.05 -.07 -.08 -.06
Total -.57 -.53 -.29 -.43
(1) Includes computers, sofware, and audio and video products.
(2) Includes cable TV and local and long distance telephone.
(3) Includes PCE, GPDI, net exports, and govemment.
(4) Includes PCE, GPDI, and government.
Because of the limited nature of this "product-side"
approach, other researchers interested in the impact of technical
change--including Corrado and Slifman (1999), Gullickson and Harper
(2000), Jorgenson and Stiroh (2000), and Department of Commerce
(1999)--have used GDP-by-industry and gross output-by-industry data to
analyze technical change. Corrado and Slifman and Gullickson and Harper
used this industry data to focus on the implausibly low and negative
rates of output and productivity growth in IT-using service industries
and the potential impact of measurement problems on real GDP and
productivity growth. Corrado and Slifman used real GDP-by-industry data,
which are value-added, income-side estimates of industries'
contributions to real GDP and labor productivity. They show that if all
industries with negative productivity growth instead had zero
productivity growth, productivity growth would be raised by 0.3
percentage point per year over the 1977 to 1997 period. Gullickson and
Harper and Jorgenson and Stiroh used Domar weights to calculate the
contributions of industry gross output (final and intermediate output)
on real GDP and on labor and multi-factor productivity. Gullickson and
Harper estimate that if all industries with negative productivity growth
had zero productivity growth, annual productivity growth would be raised
0.38 percentage point over the 1977 to 1997 period; Jorgenson and
Stiroh, using similar gross output data and weights but somewhat
different adjustments, find a somewhat smaller increase in multi-factor
productivity growth of 0.22 percentage point. All of these estimates
found that those broad groupings of industries that were most closely
associated with high-tech--with the exception of high-tech using
industries--had above-average productivity growth. It should also be
noted that all but the Gullickson and Harper estimates were made using
at least some pre-1999 benchmark data and thus would be larger using
post-benchmark data.
The Department of Commerce industry estimates used Census Bureau
sales and BEA GDP-by-industry data to produce more detailed industry
breakdowns to better assess the impact of high-tech industries on real
GDP and productivity growth. Based on these breakdowns, they estimated
that high-tech industries accounted for more than one-third of real GDP
growth in 1995-98.
Aggregate estimates by Gordon (1999), Whelan (2000), Macroeconomic Advisors (1999), Oliner and Sichel (2000), Jorgenson and Stiroh (2000),
and others use variants of growth-accounting models to measure the
direct contributions of high-tech to real GDP growth and the indirect
contributions of high-tech to growth. The indirect contributions are
measured by the capital services/ rental value of investments in
high-tech equipment. All of the authors find that the increase in trend
growth in real GDP and productivity is largely due to IT. Table 3
summarizes the computer hardware findings of all but Gordon, whose
analysis emphasizes departures from the trend growth rate. In all cases,
the 1996-98 or 1996-99 contribution of computer hardware is at least
twice the contribution of the earlier period. Gordon's results
suggest that the impact is mainly through the direct impact of high-tech
products on GDP, rather than through an indirect effect. Jorgenson and
Stiroh also do not find any empirical evidence of a significant indirect
effect, but note that measurement difficulties may cloud the picture.
Table 3.--Contribution of Computer Hardware to Annual
Real Output or GDP Growth
Previous period
Years Annual real
Study covered contribution
Jorgenson and Stiroh (2000) 1991-95 .19
Macroeconomic Advisers (1999) 1994-95 .2-.3
Oliner and Sichel (2000) 1991-95 .25
Whelan (2000) 1990-95 .33
Current period
Years Annual real
Study covered contribution
Jorgenson and Stiroh (2000) 1996-99 .49
1996-98 .46
Macroeconomic Advisers (1999) 1996-99 .5-.7
1996-98 .5-.6
Oliner and Sichel (2000) 1996-99 .63
1996-98 .59
Whelan (2000) 1996-98 .82
Sources: Jorgenson and Stiroh, table 2, page 143; estimates
reflect the use of a broader definition of output than that
used by the other researchers.
Macroeconomic Advisers, table 4, page 85; annual numbers
based on conditional projections of growth in potential GDP.
Oliner and Sichel, table 3, page 31 for Oliner and Sichel
and also for Whelan.
The most recent results are consistent with those of the previously
cited studies. Nordhaus (2001c) and Baily and Lawrence (2001) find
significant acceleration in productivity growth in both new economy and
other sectors; Gordon (2001) finds less acceleration outside new economy
sectors and continues to emphasize the cyclical effect. Nordhaus, in a
series of papers, utilized BEA income-side GDP-by-industry data to
examine productivity for 1996-98 for three aggregates: Total output,
business sector output, and well-measured output. Regardless of the
aggregate considered, the increase in labor productivity growth in the
most recent period over the period 1978-95 was significant in both new
economy and other sectors. Labor productivity growth in 1996-98 ranges
from 1.2 percentage point to 2.1 percentage point. Use of income-side
data during the second half of the 1990's raises output and
productivity estimates; for example, Nordhaus' estimate of labor
productivity growth in the business sector in 1996-98 is 0.65 percentage
point higher than the comparable BLS product-side estimate. Baily and
Lawrence and Gordon recently debated whether there is a new economy,
both using the recently released BEA GDP-by-industry data through 1999.
The Baily and Lawrence estimate of the post-1995 labor productivity
revival at 1.43 percentage point is one-third higher than the Gordon
estimate of 1.08 percentage point. Gordon attributes the differences to
methodology, for example, use of income-side estimates instead of
product-side estimates and employees in the denominator instead of
hours, and the comparison for a shorter historical time period, but he
agrees that there are remaining differences in their findings regarding
the extent of the cyclical effect and the contribution of
non-IT-producing sectors.(2)
Where does the new economy show up in the accounts and how well is
it recorded?
Gross Domestic Product:
Consumer spending.--The main impact of the new economy on consumer
spending probably shows up in spending on computers and equipment,
telecommunications services, software, and other high-tech goods. The
accounts capture nominal spending on computers, peripherals, and
software (NIPA table 2.6) fairly well. These products are deflated using
hedonic indexes that adjust for the rapid technical change in those
Nominal spending on telecommunications equipment and
services--including Internet services--appears to be adequately covered,
and BEA uses an index developed by Hausman (1999) to deflate cellular
services, but there are other areas where the price indexes used for
deflation do not fully capture the advances in quality, speed,
convenience and the reductions in cost per minute associated with a
number of communications products. Similarly, nominal spending on video
and audio goods is relatively well represented, but the price indexes
used are not hedonic indexes. However, recent research by Liegey and
Shepler (1999) at BLS suggests that the use of a hedonic index for
VCR's may have little impact.
The largest difficulties in measuring the impact of changes in the
economy are probably in consumer spending for services. For both goods
and services, the problem with the digital economy, including
E-business, is that it is mainly business-to-business, or intermediate
transactions, with only a small share of it, such as household payments
to Internet service providers, showing up as final demand. As a result,
if you want to know E-businesses of high-tech's net effect--not
just substitution of sales from brick and mortar retailers to E-business
firms (and much of E-business is accounted for by brick and mortar
firms)--you need to measure its impact on real final product and
productivity. Are the prices of the consumer goods and services using
E-business and high-tech falling, and are we seeing greater
efficiencies, for example, increases in real output per unit of input in
production? For goods, many of the efficiencies of the new economy are
likely to be captured in the estimates. However, for services, the
absence of adequate price data makes it difficult, if not impossible,
for measures to reflect higher measured output and productivity arising
from new technologies.
This is a significant problem because owing to the absence of price
indexes 23 percent of GDP is measured using either physical inputs as
extrapolators (mainly labor hours) or as input-cost indexes, which
produce zero or low growth in labor productivity and often negative
growth in multifactor productivity because of the rapid rate of growth
in investment and capital stocks. Input-type deflation of personal
consumption expenditures (PCE)--mainly of spending on services such as
insurance, education, and medical care--alone represent 7 percent of
GDP. Many of these services are major users of IT products and services.
These include financial services such as insurance, as well as nonprofit hospitals, private education, and other services that are, or would be
expected to be, beneficiaries of IT advances (tables 4-7). In addition
to these categories of PCE and other components of GDP estimated using
input or cost-based indexes, there are other components, such as
brokerage services, where real output is estimated using partial output
measures that probably do not capture improvements in service quality
associated with IT innovations. As Jorgenson and Stiroh observed:
Many of the goods and services produced using high-tech capital may not
be adequately measured, as suggested in the already classic paper of
Griliches (1994). This may help to explain the surprisingly low
productivity growth in many of the high-tech intensive, service industries.
If the official data are understating both real investment in high-tech
assets and the real consumption of commodities produced from these assets,
the under-estimation of U.S. economic performance may be far more serious
than we have suggested. Only as the statistical agencies continue their
slow progress towards improved data and implementation of state-of-the-art
methodology will this murky picture become more transparent. (Jorgenson and
Stiroh 2000, 186-187)
Table 4.--Use of Input Cost Deflators and Quantity
Extrapolation and Percent Share of GDP in 1999
of Percent
dollars share
Gross domestic product 9,299.2 .....
Input-type deflation 2,134.7 23
Input-cost deflation 1,289.0 14
Input-based quantity extrapolation 845.7 9
Personal consumption expenditures 693.1 7
Input-ccot deflation 693.1 7
Input-based quantity extrapolation ..... .....
Gross private domestic investment 330.7 4
Input-cost deflation 330.7 4
Input-based quantity extrapolation ..... .....
Net exports of goods and services .0 0
Input-cost deflation ..... .....
Input-based quantity extrapolation ..... .....
Federal Government consumption
expenditures and gross investment 325.9 4
Input-cost deflation 105.5 1
Input-based quantity extrapolation 220.4 2
State and local govemmant consumption
expenditures and gross investment 785.0 8
Input-cost deflation 159.7 2
Input-based quantity extrapolation 625.3 7
Compensation of general government
employees 844.5 9
Table 5.--Personal Consumption Expenditures and Gross Private
Domestic Investment: Components Measured by Input Cost and Percent
Share of GDP in 1999
of Percent
dollars share
Gross domestic product 9,299.2 .....
Components of personal consumption
expenditures 693.1 7.45
Nonprofit hospitals 245.5 2.6
Expense of handling life insurance and
pension plans 98.0 1.05
Labor unions 9.6 .10
Professional association expenses 5.1 .06
Clubs and fraternal organizations 15.8 .17
Religious and welfare activities 170.2 1.83
Education and research 148.9 1.60
Gross domestic product 9,299.2 .....
Components of gross private domestic investment 330.7 3.56
Components of nonresidential structures 237.8 2.56
Telecommunication 15.1 .16
Electric light and power 14.2 .15
Nonresidential buildings, excluding farm 204.0 2.19
Farm buildings 4.5 .05
Residential improvements 93.0 1.00
Table 6.--Federal Government Consumption Expenditures and Gross
Investment: Components Measured by Input Cost or Quantity
Extrapolator and Percent Share of GDP in 1999
of Percent
dollars share
Gross domestic product 9,299.2 .....
Components of Federal Government 325.9 3.50
Input-cost deflation 105.5 1.13
Components of national defense
installation support services 20.1 .22
National defense weapons support
services 8.7 .09
National defense personnel support
services 24.1 .26
Components of national defense
"other services" 17.3 .19
National defense buildings,
residential and industrial 1.9 .02
Components of nondefense
"other services" 22.4 .24
Nondefense structures 11.0 .12
Input-based quantity extrapolation 220.4 2.37
National defense compensation of
general government employees
except own-account investment 133.2 1.43
Nondefense compensation of general
government employees except
own-account investment 87.2 .94
Table 7.--State and Local Government Consumption Expenditures and
Gross Investment: Components Measured by Input Cost or Quantity
Extrapolator and Percent Share of GDP in 1999
of Percent
dollars share
Gross domestic product 9,299.2 .....
Components of State and local 785.0 8.44
Input-cost deflation 159.7 1.72
Components of "other services" 2.2 .02
Residential buildings 4.3 .05
Educational buildings 38.3 .41
Hospital buildings 2.8 .03
Other buildings 24.4 .26
Highways and streets 53.6 .58
Conservation and development 2.3 .03
Sewer systems 10.3 .11
Water systems 7.4 .08
Other structures 10.5 .11
Net purchases of used structures 3.7 .04
Input-based quantity extrapolation 625.3 6.73
Compensation of general government
employees, except own-account
investment 624.1 6.71
Components of "other services" 1.2 .01
The last benchmark revision of the NIPA's made some progress
on these issues through the replacement of a labor-hours extrapolator
with a transactions-based measure of banking output and with the
treatment of purchases of computer software as investment, both of which
contributed to a 0.42-percentage-point upward revision in private
nonfarm business real GDP over the 1992-98 period. While it is not clear
that the introduction of hedonic or other output-based deflators would
produce similar increases in productivity growth in other poorly
measured goods and services, if one assumes an increase in output
similar to that in banking services for these industries, the growth
rate of real GDP for private business could be increased by as much as
0.3 percentage point for the 1990-99 period.(4)
Medical services is another product affected by technology, but the
effects are more complex. There have been significant improvements in
the producer and consumer price indexes used in deflating several
components of medical services, including public hospitals. These new
BLS indexes track the price of treatment and presumably reflect the
value of improvements in technology that reduce cost or the reduce the
length of treatment. However, as pointed out by Shapiro and Wilcox
(1997) in their study of cataract surgery, by Cutler, McClellan, and
Newhouse (1999) in their study of heart attacks, and by Berndt, Busch,
and Frank (1998) in their study of depression, there are significant
benefits in terms of quality of life and length of life that are not
reflected in these indexes.
The difficulty with measuring the economic value quality of life
aspects of medical interventions is that in addition to the problems in
objectively measuring the value of life, use of measures such as
quality-adjusted life years from medical interventions would require an
expansion of the production boundary for the accounts to include
time-use and other willingness-to-pay estimates. This would be a useful
exercise but one better suited to a set of satellite accounts. This
would not be the case if the value was associated with a hedonic index
that was based on market-clearing prices. However, the prevalence of
third-party payments, physician-directed demand, administered prices,
and other problems with medical markets suggest that the results of
hedonic work may not represent the market value that consumers place on
the various quality changes associated with advances in medical care.
Fixed investment.--The main impact of high-tech within investment
is on computers, peripherals equipment, and software. While computers
and peripheral equipment use hedonic indexes for all components, only
approximately one-half of computer software uses such indexes. As noted
above, prepackaged software is deflated with a hedonic index. However,
in-house software is deflated with an input-cost index, and custom
software is deflated with a price index that is a weighted average of
the prepackaged index and a cost-based price index. Although advances in
technology have undoubtedly affected a broad range of types of equipment
and structures in a manner that is unlikely to be picked up by
conventional price indexes, the largest probably relate to investments
in telecommunications and imbedded chips and other technology embodied in equipment and structures. Other than switching equipment, there are
no quality-adjusted indexes used for telecommunications. In addition to
the evidence on cell phones, advances in telecommunications equipment
that significantly expand the carrying capacity of fiber optic cables
suggest rapid declines in other areas of telecommunications. As
Jorgenson and Stiroh note, if the price deflators currently used for the
other components of telecommunications were replaced by indexes that
showed moderate-to-rapid price declines, real product and productivity
growth could be raised between 0.16 and 0.34 percentage points.
An interesting and related issue is the impact of the increasingly
short-lived high-tech equipment and software on real GDP growth verses
net domestic product (NDP) growth. NDP is often used as a measure of
sustainable growth, in the sense that it subtracts depreciation from GDP
to indicate the amount of current product/income that should be set
aside for the using up of capital stock in production during the current
period. Over the 1947-73 period, both real GDP and real NPD grew at an
annual rate of 4.0 percent. In contrast, with a pickup in investment and
shorter lived investment, including software, over the 1973-2000 period,
real GDP grew 3.1 percent, verses 2.8 percent for NDP, and over the
1995-2000 period, real GDP grew 4.3 percent, verses 4.0 percent for NDP.
This is important because as Gordon has pointed out, continuation of the
current pickup in real GDP and productivity growth may require sustained
high rates of real investment.(5)
Inventory investment.--Although advances in technology have been
essential to "just-in-time" inventory-control methods, to
increased direct sale by manufacturers to the public, to the use of
courier services, and to other changes in the distribution system, most
of these will be captured by the existing data-collection system. One
area where changes are not well captured is the inventories of
"nonmerchant" wholesalers. These are essentially
non-brick-and-mortar wholesalers that do not take physical possession of
goods and essentially act as agents or intermediaries who put together
buyers and sellers and arrange for shipment, temporary storage,
financing, and billing. In some respects, the Internet may be reducing
use of these intermediaries, but in other respects, it may be increasing
them. Unfortunately, information on these intermediaries is collected
only once every 5 years in the quinquennial census.
Exports and imports.--The largest impacts of high-tech and
E-business are likely to be in low-value exports of computers,
peripherals, software, semi-conductors, and aircraft. Further
enhancements in price indexes for software and communications equipment
will probably raise the measured impact of high-tech on trade in goods,
as will replacement of cost-based deflators for services trade
The largest impact, however, may be omitted from the estimates.
According to the Census Bureau, total exports may be underestimated by
between 3 and 7 percent. A significant share of this understatement may
be in low-value exports, which are exempt from direct reporting and are
indirectly estimated using out-of-date information. The increase in
direct transactions between overseas customers and U.S. companies
associated with globalization and the IT revolution has presumably
contributed to the undercount of exports.
Government.--The largest impact of IT in government shows up in
purchases of computer equipment and software and of telecommunications
equipment, which are treated symmetrically with consumer spending and
private investment for these products. The overall impact of IT on
government, however, is limited by the long-standing national accounts
treatment of real output by government. Government output is measured by
costs, and real output for a significant share of government is
extrapolated by employee hours. Investment and other expenditures for
goods and services are deflated by output price indexes, but for
high-tech military and other noncomputer hardware, hedonic indexes are
not employed. The services of government capital are partial cost-based
estimates that use the value of depreciation to estimate the rental
value of the capital rather than depreciation plus an imputed return to
the asset (a treatment that BEA hopes to address in the future).
IT and other technological innovations, therefore, will show up in
measured government output and real GDP through a) government investment
in computers and other high-tech equipment; b) government purchases of
goods; c) government's use of banking and other services not
extrapolated by inputs or cost indexes; and d) the depreciation on
high-tech equipment that it owns. However, for the 12 percent of
government output measured by either output extrapolated using employee
hours or purchased real services estimated by input extrapolation of
cost deflation, there will be no increase in measured output from IT. In
addition, to the extent that the full service value of government IT
assets exceeds the depreciation on those assets, the capital services of
government IT assets will be understated (which, based on Jorgenson and
Stiroh and other estimates, is likely to be large).
Gross Domestic Income:
Compensation of employees.--A significant share of the compensation
paid by high-tech companies is in difficult to measure components of
national (and personal) income. BEA's estimates of wages and
salaries for the monthly and quarterly NIPA estimates of personal income
are mainly based on the BLS monthly payroll survey of employers.
Although the monthly survey collects employment data on all employees,
the information on wages and salaries is collected only for production
and nonsupervisory workers, thereby omitting nearly 50 percent of
employee compensation. BEA estimates the wages and salaries of
nonproduction and supervisory workers for its quarterly estimates, as
well as bonuses, stock options, and other irregular forms of
compensation. However, the volatility of some of these components makes
estimation difficult, and there are often significant revisions when
complete data on wages and salaries from the unemployment insurance
system become available and are incorporated in the annual and benchmark
revisions of the NIPA's.
In addition to the absence of current data on wages and salaries
for many of the professional and supervisory workers in the high-tech
industries, the reporting of bonuses, stock options, and other forms of
compensation appears to be quite uneven across and within States in the
unemployment insurance (UI) data. Although coverage in the UI reports is
quite comprehensive, one of the difficulties with the data is that they
are collected for purposes of administering the UI system. Thus, while
employers are usually instructed to report total wages (including gross
wages and salaries, bonuses, and stock options), employers only pay UI
taxes on the first $7,000 of employee wages in most States. As a result,
the accuracy of the data on total wages may not be as great as it would
be if the entire amount were taxable. Also, the requirements for
reporting stock options, 401k plans, and other income are based on State
law rather than on Federal law. However, it is likely--given the
incentives for employers to report total wages from all sources and the
UI reporting instructions--that most stock options and bonuses are
usually included.
There are two ways stock options can overstate BEA estimates of
income earned in the current period from production. First, if the stock
options are nonqualified options, which are the majority of employee
stock options, they are taxable under Federal law and should be included
in employees reported income; they are deductible expenses for employers
and hence will be deducted from profits for tax purposes, but they do
not have to be deducted from profits reported on financial reports to
stockholders. Although the exercise of stock options may overstate
income earned in the current period from production activities, there is
an offsetting reduction in profits as firms deduct the cost of these
options. A problem arises, however, because--as noted above--UI
estimates of total wages may contain most if not all of the exercised
stock options in the current period, but firms may have an incentive to
boost reported profits to stockholders by not deducting exercised stock
options from quarterly profit reports (although they most certainly
deduct them from IRS profits). As a result, there may be no offsetting
deduction in profits until BEA replaces the profits reported on
financial reports with IRS data, which normally occurs with a lag of 2
Second, if the stock options are qualified options, they are not
taxable as ordinary income (but are taxable as capital gains), should
not be included in employees' reported incomes, and cannot be
deducted from profits for tax purposes. The problem is that if all labor
income (including both qualified and nonqualified stock options) is
included in total wages, there will be no offsetting reduction in
profits, either in the current period or when IRS data become available.
This latter phenomenon may help explain the increasing gap in
recent years between adjusted gross income (AGI) for wage and salary
income as reported to the IRS and BEA estimates of wage and salary
income adjusted to the IRS definition (chart 7). The AGI gap as a share
of BEA wages and salaries, which had reached a postwar low of 1.0
percent in 1982, began rising along with the stock market in the late
1980's and reached a postwar high of 5.5 percent in 1998, the most
recent year for which IRS data are available.
Finally, there is the broader issue that companies and stockholders
may "accept" operating losses, or below-normal returns on
tax-reported profits if they are making large capital gains. As a
result, rates of return to capital and wages during a period of large
capital gains may be a misleading measure of "sustainable"
wages (wage pressure) and profits.
Profits.--Profits have always been one of the most difficult
components of national income to measure, and the high-tech, E-business
world of stock options, capital gains, mergers and acquisitions,
intellectual property, writeoffs, and changing tax laws just makes it
that much more difficult. BEA's goal is to measure operating
profits, or what we call profits from current production. BEA must
therefore adjust reported profits to exclude capital gains and losses,
restate profits to reflect economic depreciation rather than
accelerated-tax depreciation or historical-cost depreciation, capitalize
and depreciate various items that are expensed, and adjust for
misreporting to tax authorities. The upward spiral in high-tech and
other stocks and the associated pressure to report strong profits has,
along with financial innovation, made the interpretation and adjustment
of profits more difficult.
For financial reports, the focus on growth in profits may cause an
upward bias in profits reported to stockholders, but there is clearly an
incentive for firms to minimize profits reported to the IRS and hence
taxes paid to the IRS. The key questions are whether this differential
has gotten larger and how well BEA has been able to keep up in adjusting
for this differential. One example of the changing dynamics is the
treatment of the substantial capital gains earned by firms in the
1990's. Large corporations can face a 3-percentage-point higher tax
rate on operating profits than on capital gains and thus have an
incentive to shift as many costs as possible to operations and to shift
operating profits to capital gains. On the other hand, changes in tax
laws and the resurgence in income from foreign subsidiaries of U.S.
corporations appear to have contributed to an overstatement of domestic
income in the NIPA estimates, though this. may have been addressed in
the recent NIPA benchmark. The net result of these forces is unclear.
Proprietors' income.--BEA estimates proprietors' income
using IRS data adjusted for misreporting adjustments. Estimates for the
current period are extrapolated using indicators of activity, such as
the value of new construction put in place and judgmental extrapolation.
Such income is consistently underreported to the IRS. In 1988, the date
of the last taxpayer compliance measurement program estimates (before
the program--popularly known as the "tax audits from
hell"--was eliminated by the Congress), proprietors' actual
income was estimated to be more than twice as large as that reported to
the IRS. Since then, it is difficult to know what has happened in terms
of compliance. Increased use of computers and recording of transactions
from the video store to the local restaurant suggests better compliance
in the retail sector, whereas higher tax rates, which result in a
somewhat higher return to noncompliance, suggest worse compliance.
Although little is known about changes in taxpayer compliance by
entrepreneurs over the last decade, the problem appears to have gotten
somewhat smaller, largely because of a slight decline in self-employed
persons during this expansion. This experience is contrary to the
experience in the 1970's and 1980's expansions when self
employment rose. This falling self-employment may be associated with the
increasing use of S-corporations. Form 1040 data show net income of
S-corporations increasing from $7.6 billion in 1987 to $100.7 billion in
Rental income, dividends, interest, and other property
income.--Aside from the licensing and leasing of computer software and
other intellectual property, which should be picked up in the source
data, there are no major or obvious new economy measurement issues
related to these types of income. To the extent the new economy is
raising productivity and increasing wealth and returns to wealth, these
types of income will be affected as follows: Higher productivity of
capital raises the returns to capital, but it also lowers inflation and
the nominal return to capital; and increased wealth and returns to
wealth raise these types of income, but the tax structure and the focus
on capital gains may act to lower dividends.
On net, the new economy is likely to exacerbate the tendency for
BEA, as Boskin pointed out in his recent paper on the NIPA's
(Boskin 2000), to underestimate the size and strength of growth both in
nominal GDP and gross domestic income (GDI) by a small but persistent
margin. This tendency probably relates to the fact that BEA concepts,
estimating methods, and source data tend to lag somewhat in adapting to
changes in the structure of the economy, including new suppliers,
changes in sources of demand, technical change, changes in business and
accounting practices, changes in the prices and characteristics of
products, and changes in tax laws affecting the source data. BEA has
worked hard to adapt to changes in the economy and is proud of its
record in updating the accounts, but the time and resources necessary to
develop new surveys, new methodologies, and new classification
systems--and the need to develop a consensus regarding these
changes--make it difficult to appreciably accelerate this process. The
increased rate of change and growth in the new economy just make the
task that much more difficult.
Wealth Stocks:
The IT revolution has raised the productivity, rate of return, and
value of capital investments; raised the rate of investment in the
economy; and dramatically increased the net worth of households. The
increase in the value of tangible wealth associated with the new economy
shows up in the form of increases in the overall size of the capital
stock. The declining prices of computers and other equipment and their
short service lives have meant that the largest impact on net stocks of
capital equipment is through the increased rate of investment and hence
an increased (albeit less dramatic) rate of growth in the capital stock
for nonresidential equipment and software from 3.9 percent in 1973-92 to
5.4 percent in 1992-99. The real rate of increase in investment is
probably somewhat understated because of the absence of quality-adjusted
price indexes for investment in certain types of telecommunications and
other high-tech equipment.
The rise in household wealth associated with the new economy is
unprecedented. Led by IT company stocks, household net worth has more
than doubled in the 1990's, increasing from $20.6 trillion in 1990
to $42.0 trillion in 1999. According to the Federal Reserve Board's
balance sheets, nominal holding gains, primarily related to changes in
stock prices, increased household net worth $1,099.2 billion in 1991, or
one-fourth of disposable personal income (DPI). These gains relative to
DPI particularly rose during the second half of the 1990's (chart
7). In 1999, these gains increased household net worth by $4,447.9
billion, an amount equal to two-thirds of DPI. If these gains are
compared with personal saving, the potential impact of the wealth effect
is even more dramatic. The ratio of nominal holding gains to NIPA
personal saving grew from a negative in 1991 to 28 1/2 in 1999, dwarfing the post-World War II high of 8 1/2 in 1947.(6) The ratio of nominal
holding gains to DPI in 1999 is the highest since this measure became
available in 1946.
These large gains along with steady growth in income and high
levels of consumer confidence have contributed to a decline in personal
savings that began in the 1980's and accelerated in the 1990's
(chart 8). The NIPA personal saving rate declined to -0.8 percent in the
fourth quarter of 2000, the lowest rate since 1933. This phenomenon has
put renewed attention on the wealth effect and the importance of looking
at both financial and tangible wealth in an integrated fashion. BEA has
begun work on developing an integrated set of income and wealth accounts
for the household and nonprofit sector that should address the need for
an integrated picture of household saving and wealth.
The new economy has also focused attention on the importance of
intangibles. In addition to the computer software that BEA capitalized
in the last benchmark revision, there is renewed interest in measures of
the stock of R&D capital, the returns to investment in R&D
capital, and the cross-industry effects of such investment. BEA
developed prototype estimates of R&D capital in 1994 but has not
been able to update or expand that earlier effort. The Office of
Management and Budget, however, as part of their efforts to encourage
construction of a national balance sheet, has updated and maintained a
set of estimates of real R&D capital that show growth at an annual
rate of 3.5 percent since 1990; in 1999, these estimates would add
roughly 8 percent to the stock of fixed assets in BEA's estimates
of tangible wealth.
Personal Income and Saving:
Many of the new economy issues raised with respect to the
NIPA's also carry through to the personal income, expenditures, and
saving estimates. These include the impact of the statistical
discrepancy on personal saving, which is the residual between personal
income and spending, the measurement and treatment of capital gains, and
the need to measure personal saving out of current income in the context
of an integrated set of income and wealth accounts. Finally, there are
issues specific to personal income and saving, including the treatment
of capital gains taxes as a transaction tax that is deducted in
computing DPI (rather than as a capital transfer tax, such as
inheritance taxes, that is not deducted from personal income).
Regional Income:
Although the regional accounts must face many of the same issues
confronting the NIPA's, the major new economy issue for the
regional accounts is the further weakening of the physical links between
consumers and the location of production, workers and the location of
production, and pensions and the location of production. Much of the
source data used in the regional accounts, such as sales and earnings
(including pensions), are based on the physical location of business
firms. To the extent that the Internet age increases the volume and
lowers the cost of on-line shopping, banking, investment trading, and
E-mail communications, it increases the mobility of the population and
makes BEA's task of allocating pension and other earnings across
the Nation more difficult. Also, to the extent that the increase in
household net worth is a result of the new economy, the new economy
hastens retirement and therefore will accelerate and exacerbate the
measurement problems associated with the retirement of baby-boomers.
Input-Output Accounts:
In terms of completeness of information, the I-O accounts are the
place one should look to examine changes in the structure of the
economy. With data on nearly 500 industries at the I-O six-digit level,
the I-O accounts provide a much more detailed look at high-tech goods
and services than the relatively broad final demand categories in GDP or
the two- and three-digit industry categories in BEA's
GDP-by-industry or gross output-by-industry estimates. The industries in
the GDP and gross output estimates are so broad that many contain a mix
of high-tech and low-tech industries that may make interpretation
The I-O accounts can provide useful information on the new economy
in that they provide a means of measuring the impact of shifts in final
demand associated with technology, the effect of changes in technology
on intermediate purchases as well as on final demand, and the effect of
technology on incomes. When paired with BEA's regional accounts,
they can also provide information on the effect of technology across
States and regions of the country.
The drawback in using the benchmark and the annual I-O accounts is
the lag in availability of current data. The benchmark U.S. I-O accounts
are based on the quinquennial economic censuses and are produced within
5 years after the reference year (BEA's 1992 I-O accounts were
released in 1997). The lag in production has been reduced from 9 years
to 5 years through estimation of still-to-be-released source data. The
reestablished annual I-O tables (BEA's 1997 I-O accounts were
released in late 2000) can answer a number of questions about the new
economy. They can tell us about changes in input use, but only to the
extent that they involve shifts in final demand for goods and services
with a different mix of input requirements. (At the detailed level, the
technical coefficients still reflect 1992 I-O relationships.)
For example, to the extent that changes in the new economy are
reflected in components of final demand, such as the impact of direct
sales to consumers on wholesale inventories and the associated increase
in deliveries to consumers by couriers, the impact on other industries
and commodities can be assessed using the 1997 I-O tables. What will not
be captured are changes such as the reduction in the use of wiring
harnesses and other gauges in automobile production as a result of the
use of microchips.
In this context, the I-O tables can also be quite helpful in trying
to trace through the impact of shifts in final demand associated with
technological innovations or to estimate the likely impact, or
pass-through, of technologically based cost savings in an industry on
the users of its products. Another use suggested by Scherer (1984) is to
use an augmented set of I-O accounts to estimate the upstream returns to
R&D in an industry.
GDP and Gross Output by Industry:
Because much of E-business and other IT innovations affect
business-to-business transactions, or intermediate product, BEA's
gross output measures of industry production are quite important in
assessing the cross-industry impact of the new economy. This is because
gross output reflects the effects of both intermediate inputs and
value-added--gross product--inputs on industry production. The largest
impact of the new economy on industry output and productivity, as
measured using either the published BEA gross output data or its close
relative the BLS sectoral output data, is in durable-goods
manufacturing, mainly in computers with contributions from other
manufacturing industries that appear to be either producers of other
high-tech equipment or users of computers and other high-tech equipment.
Another industry that is affected substantially is trade, mainly
wholesale trade, which may be a beneficiary--directly or indirectly--of
computer and other innovations in purchasing, inventory control, and
distribution systems.(7) However, as a number of researchers have
pointed out, the construction and service industries show
low-to-negative contributions to multi-factor productivity growth. As
noted above, this is in great part due to the use of either input
extrapolators or input-cost deflators in measuring output. Indeed, many
of these industries--if measured using output price deflators--would be
expected to show a significant contribution to multi-factor productivity
growth. Construction is the beneficiary of innovations in energy
efficiency, new design techniques, and new materials, and
services-producing industries, such as banking and insurance, are the
beneficiary of ATM's, electronic funds transfers, on-line banking,
and automated clearance, billing, and customer service systems.
The extension of double-deflation to the remaining 12 industries in
the recent GDP-by-industry comprehensive revision addressed at least
some of the likely underestimation of services output and productivity
and helped in the assessment of the contribution of new technology to
economic growth. However, further progress will require the development
of additional output-based price indexes.
International and Balance of Payments Accounts:
The IT revolution and the globalization that has accompanied it
have had a large impact on both the current and capital accounts and on
the direct investment accounts. In the current account, the IT
revolution and globalization have contributed to a significant increase
in trade in goods and services--especially in computers, semiconductors,
and other high-tech products and in financial and other services that
are major users of the new technology. The quantitative impact on real
exports and imports is largest in computers and peripheral equipment,
semiconductors, digital telecommunications switching equipment, and
software, where BEA uses quality-adjusted or partial quality-adjusted
price indexes.(8) As suggested in the NIPA section above, more extensive
use of quality-adjusted or output-based price indexes for services and
other high-tech equipment would likely raise the measured contribution
of IT to real GDP and productivity growth.
The impact of IT may also be understated to the extent that the
portion of the understatement in exports associated with an increase in
low-value shipments is driven by direct transactions related to
"just-in-time" inventories, IT, and globalization. The
resulting understatement in nominal exports will probably raise nominal
and real GDP growth (and productivity) in IT and non-IT industries.
In the financial accounts, there has been a large increase in the
volume of U.S. investment abroad and foreign investment in the United
States. Electronic banking, new intermediaries, and the increasing
globalization of financial markets has been accompanied by enormous
growth, much of it in direct securities transactions--that is,
transactions that are not channeled through U.S. brokers, banks, and
other financial intermediaries--and in new financial instruments, such
as derivatives. BEA has worked with the U.S. Treasury and the Federal
Reserve Board to address the measurement gaps associated with this
globalization through data exchanges with foreign central banks,
internationally coordinated benchmark surveys of portfolio investment,
improved coverage of pension and other funds, expanded surveys of
short-term instruments, and methodological innovations; however, the
large and persistent errors and omissions in the balance of payments
estimates suggest that further work is needed.
Toward improved measures of the new economy
Although BEA received initial funding to begin work on a number of
initiatives to update its GDP and related statistics and to update its
IT systems, additional funding will be required to carry on the work
outlined below:
Measuring E-Business and High-Tech in the GDP Accounts:
In order to address the need for better data, BEA--working with BLS
and the Census Bureau--is seeking additional financial resources to
develop the following new and revised measures of E-business-related and
high-tech economic activity:
Index of investment in E-business/high-tech.
* This would be a new index of quarterly investment in
E-business-related and high-tech equipment and associated measures of
its contribution to real GDP growth and inflation.
These data would include:
* E-business-related/high-tech investment index;
* Current-dollar and chain-dollar estimates of
E-business-related/high-tech investment;
* Contribution to growth and inflation of E-business-related/
high-tech investment.
Revised and new output and price indexes for E-business-intensive/
high-tech industries.
* BEA would attempt to develop revised quarterly price and real GDP
indexes for the following major E-business/high-tech-using
* Insurance;
* Banking and other financial services;
* Computer and related business services;
* Engineering, design, management consulting, and related services.
* BEA would work to develop revised estimates of employee
compensation, personal income, wealth, and saving that better reflect
the impact of stock options and capital gains of workers in
E-business-related and other high-tech industries.
* BEA would revise and expand its surveys of international trade in
services and of direct investment to fill gaps in the coverage of
E-business/ high-tech-related transactions and to identify
E-business-related direct investment in the United States and abroad.
* BEA would work to develop new aggregations using earnings by
place of work for E-business/ high-tech-related industries.
* BEA would attempt to develop updated and revised
"input-output" and GDP-by-industry estimates to help
disentangle the effects of E-business and high-tech on final demand
versus on intermediate product.
Updating the GDP Accounts to Keep Up with the Changing Economy:
Reduction in persistent measurement error in GDP and GDI.--There
are two major focuses in the attempt to reduce persistent measurement
error: Updated measures of services and other product-side components,
and updated measures of compensation and other key income-side
* BEA will conduct research on expanding the use of supplemental
measures that use more up-to-date public and private source data to
update BEA's estimates for the inaccuracies that result from the
lags between when economic activity occurs and when the data on that
activity is provided to BEA.
* BEA will attempt to develop new estimating methods that use more
up-to-date public and private source data to correct the GDI estimates
for lags in the availability of BLS, IRS, and other source data on the
incomes earned by individuals and businesses. New supplemental income
estimates will be developed for:
* Wages and salaries for nonproduction and supervisory workers;
* Bonuses and stock options for all employees;
* Employer-provided fringe benefits;
* Profits, proprietors' income, interest, and rent.
Development of improved measures of the 20 percent of GDP that is
deflated using physical-input extrapolators and cost-based
deflators.--Telecommunications equipment installation (fiber optic cable and infrastructure), as well as other goods and services identified by
the Advisory Commission to Study the CPI ("Boskin
Commission"), present special problems for the quality-adjustment
necessary for GDP estimation.
* BEA will work with BLS on the development and incorporation of
quality-adjusted price indexes and real GDP indexes for the following
components of GDP that have significant measurement problems:
* Telecommunication services;
* Insurance and other financial services;
* Selected medical services;
* Private education services;
* Selected personal business services;
* Telecommunication equipment;
* Nonresidential construction.
Development of new measures of saving, wealth, and international
trade and finance.
* BEA will work to develop and incorporate the following measures
to better understand the interaction between the large changes in wealth
and productive stocks on the one hand, and investment, saving,
consumption, capital flows, trade, and productivity on the other:
* Comprehensive income and wealth accounts for the U.S. economy
that integrate the Federal Reserve Board's "Financial
Accounts" with BEA's tangible wealth, international investment
position, GDP, national income, national investment, and balance of
payments accounts; and
* New output-based price indexes for components of investment in
computer software. At present, those indexes are estimated using
inferior cost-based indexes that impair measurement of productivity in
the U.S. economy, one of the most-often-cited weaknesses in the present
GDP accounts.
* BEA would develop and incorporate the following to update and
improve BEA's estimates of new and rapidly growing services,
financial instruments, and direct transactions across U.S. borders:
* An expanded quarterly survey of international trade in services
to cover computer services, legal services, data base services, and
financial services; and
* A new set of quarterly and annual estimates of U.S. international
assets and liabilities in financial derivatives and other short-term
instruments, and selected data on transactions in those instruments.
Other Work:
* Satellite Accounts. Although BEA currently has no budget
initiatives related to satellite accounts, the Bureau has on occasion
received resources from other government agencies for such accounts. If
there were other interested agencies, BEA would be able to develop a set
of R&D satellite accounts that would build upon BEA's
preliminary work on these accounts.
* Contribution to Growth Software. BEA's chain indexes provide
more accurate estimates of real GDP growth, but they are computationally more difficult to manipulate. BEA hopes to be able to develop an on-line
piece of software that would allow users interested in the new economy
and contributions to growth to specify aggregates of their own choosing
from detailed NIPA data and to compute growth rates over periods
specified by the user.
* Implementation of the North American Industry Classification
System (NAICS). NAICS is an updated industrial classification system
that is replacing the old Standard Industrial Classification system.
This new system gives an updated view of new and emerging industries,
service industries, and industries engaged in the production of advanced
technologies. Incorporating this new classification system will be a
major effort for the Bureau but will provide a significantly updated
view of economic activity.
(1.) Table 1 of a recent paper by Fraumeni (2001) provides a range
of estimates and forecasts for business-to-business and
business-to-consumer E-commerce.
(2.) Elsewhere, such as in the 2001 Economic Report of the
President, the Council of Economic Advisors used an average of the
income-side and product-side estimates of labor productivity.
(3.) The consumption component of software is prepackaged software,
which is deflated using a combination of hedonic and matched-model
indexes through 1997 and the consumer price index for "computer
software and accessories" thereafter.
(4.) For a review of the impact of hedonic indexes currently used
in measuring real GDP, see J. Steven Landefeld and Bruce T. Grimm,
"A Note on the Impact of Hedonics on Real GDP," SURVEY OF
CURRENT BUSINESS 80 (December 2000): 17-22.
(5.) High rates of real investment will be required if, as Gordon
suggests, most of the pickup is attributable to the increased rate of
real investment in IT. However, if--as suggested above--the contribution
to real GDP growth by IT-using industries is understated because of
measurement problems, then higher real GDP growth--appropriately
measured--might be possible with a lower rate of investment.
Alternatively, if there is a lagged increase in productivity from the IT
investment, higher real GDP growth may be possible, at least in the
intermediate term, even if the rate of investment slows.
(6.) The increases in the value of asset holdings may not result in
increases in consumer spending in the same period that the value
increases, because the increases may not be realized in that period and
because the gains may not be spent in the same period they are realized.
Comprehensive data on "realizations" of asset gains are not
available, but it is likely that the gains realized in 1997 reflected
value increases in earlier periods as well as in 1997.
(7.) Wholesale and retail trade are margin industries and are
measured by the margin between sales/receipts and the cost of goods sold plus any commissions received. These industries may therefore benefit
from changes in input costs associated with cost-saving innovations by
suppliers that the wholesale and retail firms may not fully pass on to
their customers.
(8.) BEA's hedonic indexes for semiconductors and switching
equipment are used only for 1996 and earlier years; estimates beginning
with 1997 use BLS price indexes that have a flatter price profile. As
noted earlier, BEA's hedonic index for computer software is used
only for prepackaged software; custom and in-house software are deflated
using cost-based indexes.
NOTE.--This article updates a paper that the authors presented at
the inaugural meeting of the BEA Advisory Committee on May 5, 2000. The
authors wish to thank Jennifer Argueta, Joanne Buenzli, and John Sporing
for their research assistance and the members of the BEA Advisory
Committee for their comments on the earlier version of this paper.
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